Anesthetic Management of a Patient With Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: A Case Study - AANA

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Anesthetic Management of a Patient With Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: A Case Study - AANA
Anesthetic Management of a Patient With Mast
Cell Activation Syndrome: A Case Study

Sarah E. Giron, PhD, CRNA
Crystal D. Trinooson, MS, CRNA
Rana Movahedi, MD

 Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is a relatively          its clinical presentation in the perioperative setting,
 new diagnosis for a constellation of symptoms with            and anesthetic considerations specific to MCAS, the
 sometimes devastating results for patients. A 40-year         Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist will be better
 old woman with MCAS underwent arthroscopic repair             equipped to effectively manage the complex require-
 of her right shoulder, with successful anesthetic man-        ments of this patient population.
 agement. This case report discusses the basic immu-
 nologic physiology surrounding this syndrome, myr-
 iad medications often used by this patient population,        Keywords: Anesthesiology, cell stabilization, immune
 and the anesthetic management of this patient. With           hypersensitivity, mast cell activation syndrome, trigger
 additional knowledge of this disorder, exposure to            avoidance.

                  ast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is       tinnitus, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) stiffness and
                  a rare disorder involving the idiopathic     pain, spontaneous pneumothoraces, and anxiety disorder.
                  activation of morphologically normal mast    Known allergies included ranitidine, hydromorphone,
                  cells leading to recurrent episodic symp-    acetaminophen/hydrocodone, penicillins, lamotrigine,
                  toms of immunologic activation or ana-       trifluridine, risperidone, topiramate, latex, soy, eggplant,
phylaxis.1,2 This syndrome is characterized by a nonspecific   gluten, and milk. Preoperative medical clearance had
clinical presentation involving some combination of integu-    been provided by the patient’s primary medical specialist
mentary, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, pulmonary, endo-    with a detailed note of recommendations presented by
crine, hematologic, and/or neuropsychiatric symptoms that      her allergist (Table 1).
often impedes early diagnosis and treatment.3                      The patient’s surgical history included a septoplasty,
    Patients with MCAS presenting for surgery and anes-        turbinectomy, and multiple orthopedic procedures; she
thesia are at high risk of hypersensitivity reactions trig-    had also received numerous sympathetic nerve blocks
gered by anesthetic agents, analgesics, neuromuscular          and epidural injections for management of chronic pain.
blocking agents, anti-infective agents, environmental          The patient reported no adverse effects following general
factors, surgical trauma, and psychological stress. The        anesthesia aside from mild nausea and inadequate pain
primary goal of anesthetic management in such patients         control, and there was no known history of familial
is to prevent mast cell degranulation.4                        anesthesia-related complications.
    This case report presents the successful perioperative         The patient’s current home medication regimen in-
management of a patient with known MCAS presenting             cluded oxycodone (15 mg every 4 hours), hydrocortisone
for orthopedic surgery. The physiology and diagnostic cri-     (20 mg daily), tizanidine, erythromycin, lorazepam, lina-
teria for MCAS are briefly reviewed; the clinical summary      clotide, naloxegol oxalate, ondansetron, rifaximin, and
is evaluated, and a review of available recommendations        cromolyn; inhaled fluticasone and budesonide; topical
for treatment and anesthetic management is presented.          2.5% lidocaine-2.5% prilocaine cream, tretinoin cream,
                                                               and triamcinolone cream. Sumatriptan, ibuprofen, and
Case Summary                                                   albuterol were taken as needed. In accordance with her
A 40-year old woman (82 kg, 180 cm) with right shoul-          allergist’s recommendations, the patient took 20 mg of
der instability presented to the preoperative holding area     cetirizine, 10 mg of famotidine, 200 mg of cromolyn, 50
for a right shoulder arthroscopy with repair. Her medical      mg of diphenhydramine, and 20 mg of prednisone on
history included MCAS, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS),           the morning of surgery. Despite known hypersensitiv-
postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), gas-         ity to ranitidine, famotidine was recommended by the
troparesis, esophagitis, migraine, osteopenia, cervical        patient’s allergist because it had been safely adminis-
spine disk herniation (C5-6, C6-7), lumbar spine disk          tered to the patient during outpatient treatment and on
herniation (L4-5), exercise- and stress-induced asthma,        past admissions. (This type of combined antimediator                                  AANA Journal       August 2021      Vol. 89, No. 4   307
Anesthetic Management of a Patient With Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: A Case Study - AANA
approach using H1- and H2-histamine receptor antago-          Timing                                Intervention
nism and mast cell stabilization is a mainstay of MCAS        Day before surgery      •C  etirizine, 20 mg in morning and 20 mg
management and will be examined in greater detail in                                    at night
the Discussion.1,2) Preoperative laboratory results were                              • Famotidine, 10 mg in morning and 10
                                                                                        mg at night
within normal limits, and a careful review of diagnostic                              • Cromolyn, 200 mg 4 times a day
radiologic tests, electrocardiogram, and echocardiogram                               • Prednisone, 20 mg in morning and 20
revealed no abnormal findings.                                                          mg at night
    On physical examination, the patient was found to be      Day of surgery          Two hours before surgery:
agitated but alert and fully oriented; her vital signs were                           • Cetirizine, 20 mg
within normal limits. Palpation of peripheral pulses dem-                             • Famotidine, 20 mg
onstrated a regular heart rate; auscultation found all lung                           • Prednisone, 20 mg
fields clear with no adventitious breath sounds. Results of                           • One hour before: Diphenhydramine, 50
                                                                                        mg IV (or orally unless contraindicated)
the airway examination revealed a small mouth opening
                                                              Intraoperative (after   As needed:
of 2 finger breadths, limited atlanto-occipital range of      oropharyngeal           • Epinephrine IV, subcutaneous
motion, Mallampati score of 3, and ability to protrude the    intubation)             • Albuterol, ipratropium nebulized
mandible despite a history of TMJ symptoms. Dentition                                 • Vasoactive agents: dopamine,
was grossly intact with no loose teeth or removable dental                               norepinephrine, vasopressin
appliances reported. According to the patient, she had had                            • Diphenhydramine, 50 mg IV
nothing to eat or drink for more than 8 hours.                                        • Methylprednisolone, 125 mg IV/IM
    Following a careful review of allergist recommenda-                                  every 6 h as needed
                                                                                      • Muscle relaxants, NSAIDs, morphine,
tions and a thorough discussion of anesthetic risks,                                    and codeine should be used with caution
benefits, and options with the patient, informed consent                              • Avoid vancomycin
was obtained for an interscalene block with continuous        Postoperative           • Cetirizine, 20 mg twice daily
infusion catheter and a general anesthetic. A 20-gauge                                • Famotidine, 10 mg orally twice daily
peripheral intravenous (IV) line was inserted in the                                  • Prednisone, 20 mg orally twice
                                                                                         daily (can discontinue after day 1 if
left antecubital vein, oxygen (O2) therapy was initiated                                 hemodynamically stable)
through a nasal cannula, and standard noninvasive moni-                               • Cromolyn, 200 mg 4 times daily
tors were applied to the patient. Before the interscalene                             • Diphenhydramine, 50 mg orally every 6
                                                                                         h as needed
block and continuous infusion catheter placement, the
procedure site was confirmed to be the right side and         Table 1. Sample of Patient Instructions From Allergist
procedural sedation was administered; total doses were        Managing MCAS
                                                              Abbreviations: IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; MCAS, mast cell
4 mg IV of midazolam and 50 μg IV of fentanyl. (The
                                                              activation syndrome; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
administration of benzodiazepines as a premedication
before general anesthesia may confer some protection
against anxiety-mediated mast cell degranulation. This        ated using 8 L of O2 via face mask. A smooth IV induction
benefit must be evaluated against the risk of heavy           was accomplished using 2% lidocaine, 100 mg IV; propo-
sedation, particularly in those patients receiving early-     fol, 200 mg IV; and rocuronium, 70 mg IV per surgeon
generation antihistamines.5)                                  request. (Recent studies have indicated that amides gener-
    Sterile preparation of the operative side was achieved    ally have a low incidence of adverse reactions in patients
with chlorhexidine topical solution, which was well           with mast cell disorders. Lidocaine, in particular, is well-
tolerated. A SonoLong Echo E-Cath (Pajunk) 18-gauge           tolerated and may even modulate immune responses.5)
catheter was inserted with continuous ultrasound guid-        Following loss of lash reflex, the eyes were secured with
ance for nerve localization. Then 0.5% ropivacaine, 20        paper tape, and manual mask ventilation was easily
mL, was injected, with intermittent aspiration during         achieved with low peak airway pressures.
administration. Ropivacaine was selected for its onset,          With use of in-line cervical spine stabilization, a video-
analgesic duration, and provision of differential sensory-    assisted laryngoscope (C-Mac, Karl Storz) was utilized.
motor blockade. (Like other amide local anesthetics,          A 7.0-mm oral endotracheal tube was placed, with a
ropivacaine is generally well tolerated and less likely       Cormack-Lehane grade 1 view; bilateral breath sounds
to contribute to mast cell activation than ester local        were auscultated, end-tidal carbon dioxide was noted,
anesthetics.5,6) No blood was aspirated, and no pain or       and the tube was secured at 21 cm at the teeth. General
paresthesias were reported on injection. There were no        anesthesia was maintained with 60% fraction of inspired
symptoms of intraneural or IV injection and the patient       oxygen (Fio2) and 1.9% to 2.2% sevoflurane, using volume
tolerated the procedure well.                                 control ventilation. Clindamycin, 900 mg IV, was initiated
    The patient was taken to the operating room and stan-     as a preincision antibiotic. A 20-gauge left radial arterial
dard monitors were applied. The patient was preoxygen-        line (Arrow, Teleflex) was placed with sterile technique in

308    AANA Journal       August 2021      Vol. 89, No. 4                   
one attempt, and a transparent dressing was applied.           ranging from 16 to 18 cm H2O throughout the case, and
    The patient was then positioned in the left lateral        a grossly normal expiratory plateau of the end-tidal cap-
decubitus position with an axillary roll and vacuum-           nography waveform.
packed bean bag for immobilization. Head and neck                 On surgical closure, ondansetron (4 mg IV) was ad-
stabilization and neutrality were maintained throughout.       ministered and 3/4 train-of-four (TOF) twitches were
(Immobilization of the cervical spine during endotrache-       measured with a left ulnar peripheral nerve stimulator.
al intubation and patient positioning is a critical tenet of   Sugammadex, 180 mg (2.2 mg/kg) IV, was administered
anesthesia management for patients with known cervical         to reverse neuromuscular blockade. Before tracheal
spine defects and for those whose comorbid connective          extubation, 4/4 TOF twitches and sustained 5-second
tissue disease places them at high risk of atlantoaxial and    tetanus at 50 Hz were exhibited, spontaneous adequate
craniocervical instabilities.7 Recent studies have found a     tidal volumes and respiratory rate were present, the
possible association between connective tissue diseases,       oropharynx was suctioned, and the patient was able to
particularly joint hypermobility variants, and mast cell       follow commands. After extubation criteria were met, the
disorders.8 Furthermore, if cervical manipulation con-         patient was extubated easily and was transported to the
tributes to the local activation of afferent neurons, the      postanesthesia care unit (PACU) in stable condition with
release of inflammatory neuropeptides such as substance        6 L of O2 via face mask. Total operative time was 2 hours,
P, calcitonin gene-related peptide, vasoactive intestinal      9 minutes to complete a right shoulder hemiarthroplasty
polypeptide, and pituitary adenylate cyclase activating        with arthroscopic débridement. The total estimated
polypeptide can stimulate activation and degranulation         blood loss for the case was 50 mL; total IV fluid adminis-
of adjacent mast cells.9)                                      tered was 1,000 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride.
    A stress dose of methylprednisolone, 125 mg IV,               On arrival to the PACU, the patient was noted to
was administered; a surgical pause was completed; and          be awake and conversing clearly; bilateral lungs were
surgery commenced without issue. (The prophylactic             auscultated to be clear, vital signs remained stable, and
administration of corticosteroids can help modulate            the patient denied pain or nausea. Following surgical
immune responses to perioperative mast cell activation         assessment of the operative arm for motor and sensory
triggers by decreasing mediator release, producing pulmo-      function, a continuous infusion of 0.2% ropivacaine was
nary vasoconstriction, reducing bronchial hyperreactivity,     initiated through the right interscalene catheter for post-
inhibiting inflammatory cell recruitment, and mitigating       operative pain control at a rate of 4 mL/h. Early recovery
bronchial smooth muscle contraction.10 Furthermore, the        was uneventful, and the patient was later discharged
administration of stress doses of corticosteroids is known     home without clinical evidence of mast cell activation
to mitigate the risk of adrenal insufficiency associated       during her perioperative course. However, due to subop-
with long-term corticosteroid use.5,10)                        timal pain control later in the hospital course, the patient
    Approximately 30 minutes after incision, the patient       had a longer than anticipated length of stay.
was repositioned to the supine position for surgical expo-
sure and prophylaxis against pressure-mediated mast cell       Discussion
activation. Again, cervical spine stability was maintained     Mast cells are a critical component of the immune
and adhesive goggles were applied over the paper tape for      response, playing a major role in immunoglobulin E
additional ocular protection. (Despite the protection it       (IgE)–mediated acute hypersensitivity and anaphylactic
confers against pressure-mediated injury and immune ac-        reactions.8 They also help promote the expression of
tivation, intraoperative position alteration can be a criti-   immunoregulatory proteins and serve a complex role in
cal event because of the risk it poses for friction-mediated   delayed hypersensitivity.8,14 Mast cells originate in the
mast cell degranulation as well as orthostatic intolerance,    bone marrow from the same stem cells that give rise to
particularly in patients such as this with a comorbid di-      basophils; they then travel through the systemic blood
agnosis of POTS.11,12 A series of studies have examined        and lymphatic circulation in a precursor form before
the role of mast cell activation in cutaneous flushing         settling in the peripheral tissues and differentiating. The
during POTS episodes and have even posited a triad             proliferation and maturation of mast cells are thought
relationship between POTS, EDS, and MCAS.13 Further            to be influenced by a number of cytokines (small pro-
research is needed to clarify this potential relationship      teins used by the immune system in cellular signaling),
and the clinical impact on diagnosis and treatment of          particularly stem cell factor (SCF), which binds the
each syndrome.) The patient tolerated positioning well         CD117 tyrosine kinase transmembrane receptor (c-KIT)
with no clinical evidence of tachycardia or autonomic          to promote “homing” of immature mast cells from bone
dysfunction; electrocardiography showed normal sinus           marrow and peripheral blood to specific tissues.8,15 The
rhythm throughout the case, vital signs were stable, and       local environments of specific tissues interact with the
lung compliance was maintained as evidenced by ade-            immature mast cells to promote unique phenotypical
quate measured tidal volumes, peak inspiratory pressures       traits in the mature mast cells that will support various                                  AANA Journal       August 2021      Vol. 89, No. 4   309
Figure 1. Mast Cell Activation
Abbreviations: c-KIT, CD117 tyrosine kinase transmembrane receptor; FcεRI, Fc ε-receptor; IgE, immunoglobulin E; ITAM,
immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif; SCF, stem cell factor; SYK, spleen tyrosine kinase; TLR, toll-like receptor; TNF-α, tumor
necrosis factor-α.

functions, including immune mediation, angiogenesis,                   vation16,18,19 (Figure 1). This sequence, immunoreceptor
tissue healing, blood-brain barrier support, and phagocy-              tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM), provides signal-
tosis.8,16,17 The influence of certain tissues on the traits           ing capability for the FcεRI.19 Furthermore, the β subunit
of homed mast cells is a current topic of interest in the              of FcεRI plays an important role in stabilizing the antigen-
potential relationship between EDS and MCAS.8                          IgE complex to enhance the positive feedback immune
    The surface of mature mast cells is heavily coated                 response.20 The activation of the ITAM on the β subunit
with Fc ε-receptors (FcεRI) that preferentially bind the               stimulates spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK) to augment mast
crystallizable fragment regions of antibodies and have a               cell degranulation, a process by which mast cells release
high affinity for IgE at their α subunit.18 When IgE binds             histamine. Increased SYK then stimulates cytokine pro-
with an antigen at the α subunit of FcεRI, the β and γ                 duction and (via downstream second messengers) re-
subunits activate a special sequence contained in their                cruits T-cell immunity19,20 (Figure 2). This leads to an
cytoplasm to trigger an immune-mediated mast cell acti-                unchecked cascade of immune-mediated hypersensitivity

310     AANA Journal         August 2021       Vol. 89, No. 4                        
Figure 2. Mast Cell Degranulation
Abbreviations: c-KIT, CD117 tyrosine kinase transmembrane receptor; FcεRI, Fc ε-receptor; IgE, immunoglobulin E; ITAM,
immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif; SCF, stem cell factor; SYK, spleen tyrosine kinase; TLR, toll-like receptor; TNF-α, tumor
necrosis factor-α.

responses ranging from local tissue edema, headache,                   attenuate the response of mature mast cells.15 Although
diarrhea, urticaria, and cutaneous flushing to vascular                mast cells play an integral role in immune-mediated pro-
permeability, widespread vasodilation, bronchoconstric-                cesses, they may also degranulate in direct response to
tion, and cardiovascular collapse.11,14                                toxins, venoms, hormones, and physical stimuli such as
   Toll-like receptors (TLRs) on the mast cell surface                 thermal or friction tissue injury1,22 (see Figure 2).
may cause a direct immune response if bound to bacteria                   Mast cell activation triggers the exocytotic release of
or viruses. Further investigative work on the unique role              presynthesized inflammatory mediators from the cyto-
of TLRs has demonstrated that they use cell signaling                  plasm of the cell, including proteases, heparin, cytokines,
to either augment or inhibit mast cell degranulation in                tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), histamine, and sero-
various types of peripheral mast cells.21 The binding of               tonin.16,17,23 Mast cell activation also triggers synthesis
SCF to c-KIT also stimulates a series of signal transduc-              of platelet activating factor, prostaglandins, leukotrienes,
tion pathways that activate mast cell degranulation and                thromboxanes, and other vasoactive substances.16,17,24                                          AANA Journal         August 2021       Vol. 89, No. 4      311
The release of TNF-α, in particular, triggers a powerful      cell activation of unknown etiology despite a full diag-
positive inflammatory cascade because of its stimulation      nostic evaluation; these include idiopathic anaphylaxis,
of T-cell immunity and its direct potentiation of addi-       idiopathic angioedema, and MCAS.2,3 As with secondary
tional mast cell degranulation14,16 (see Figure 1). The       disorders, idiopathic syndromes are generally character-
classic example of this cascade is the anaphylactic reac-     ized by normal proliferation and histologic appearance
tion, whereby FcεRI-IgE binding of an allergen potenti-       of mast cells.2 However, idiopathic causes are associated
ates massive mast cell degranulation with subsequent          with markedly heightened mast cell activity; mast cells
lymphocyte, neutrophil, and basophil recruitment.16 The       may degranulate in response to even a mild stimulus.6,11,25
resultant release of histamines, prostaglandins, and other    MCAS is a disorder of chronic mast cell degranulation that
vasoactive mediators contributes to an acute array of car-    has been described diagnostically only within the past
diovascular, respiratory, integumentary, neuromuscular,       decade.2 Diagnostic characteristics of MCAS include all of
and gastrointestinal symptoms.11                              the following:
   Mast cell disorders are often characterized as primary,       • Recurrent symptoms of mast cell activation in at
secondary, or idiopathic in accordance with their patho-      least 2 distinct organ systems (integumentary involve-
physiology. Primary disorders are associated with a defect    ment is common).1,8,25
in mast cell morphology, proliferation, or signaling.            • Measurably elevated immune mediator activity
They generally involve c-KIT mutations (with or without       within 4 hours of mast cell degranulation symptoms in at
concomitant genetic mast cell alteration) and abnormal        least 2 episodes,25 with elevation of serum tryptase values
mast cell proliferation and activation; these conditions      20% above baseline the marker most specific for mast cell
include mastocytosis, primary monoclonal MCAS, mast           activation.
cell sarcoma, and chronic eosinophilic leukemia. Because         • Measurable reduction in symptoms in response to
of the unique role of c-KIT in cellular propagation and       mass cell membrane stabilizers or other immune me-
migration, it is considered a proto-oncogene; any altera-     diator blockade (cromolyn, antihistamines, leukotriene
tion in its function may contribute to the development        inhibitors).8,25
of malignancy.3,11,15,25,26 Additionally, SYK may play a         Laboratory analysis of elevated immune mediator
substantial role in the development of lymphomas.20           activity has been historically difficult because mast
   Clonal mast cell disorders may respond to cytoreduc-       cells may be involved in the activation of a multitude
tive therapies such as interferon-α (IFN-α), cladribine,      of nonspecific mediators (eg, histamine and its urinary
hydroxyurea, or tyrosine kinase inhibitors; hematopoietic     metabolites are also indicative of basophil involvement).9
stem cell transplant is an additional treatment option for    Furthermore, many of the serum and urine mediators
patients with mast cell malignancy.25,26 Because primary      that may serve as specific indexes of mast cell activa-
disorders are characterized by the proliferation of clonal    tion are unstable ex vivo.1,24 Unlike mastocytosis, MCAS
mast cells, they may be more readily diagnosed using lab-     typically does not present with chronically heightened
oratory analysis. Differential diagnosis is often confirmed   baseline tryptase levels.6,25 Elevated 24-hour urinary
with bone marrow aspiration or biopsy of cutaneous            metabolites of mast cell mediators (histamine, prosta-
lesions.9 Patients with primary disorders often present       glandins, leukotrienes) are less specific indicators of mast
with periodic symptomatic mast cell degranulation; trig-      cell activation; they may also be measurably elevated in
gering agents are typically unknown and symptoms may          the setting of basophil activation, inflammatory bowel
include cutaneous flushing, gastrointestinal symptoms,        disease, and histamine intolerance due to exogenous his-
profound hypotension, and cardiovascular collapse.3,25        tamine toxicity or reduced diamine oxidase function.11,28
Mast cell stabilization agents, leukotriene inhibitors, and      Because of the nonspecific nature of presenting symp-
antimediator agents (epinephrine and antihistamines) are      toms and the comparatively recent introduction of diag-
a mainstay of symptom management for all classifications      nostic criteria, the actual incidence of MCAS is not widely
of mast cell disease.27                                       known. A recent combined retrospective and prospective
   Secondary disorders are associated with extrinsic          cohort study evaluated the population characteristics of
activation of healthy mast cells; they often involve un-      patients with MCAS. The findings indicated that MCAS is
checked adaptive inflammatory responses (IgE- and             most prevalent in white females whose presenting symp-
non-IgE–mediated reactions, inflammation, and infec-          toms commonly included fatigue, diffuse pain, presynco-
tion) and include immediate hypersensitivity reactions        pal or syncopal episodes, and headache. Unfortunately,
and chronic autoimmune urticaria.3,25 Isolated secondary      the median time from self-reported onset of symptoms to
mast cell disorders generally respond to avoidance of         diagnosis was 30 years.29 Diagnosis may be complicated
known triggers and management of underlying infection.        by the complex and nonspecific nature of the symptoms,
However, secondary causes may be concomitant with             the episodic nature of clinical presentation, and the lack
primary or idiopathic causes.2,25                             of reliable serologic indicators outside the immediate
   Idiopathic disorders are associated with increased mast    flare.30,31 Patients may be markedly disabled during

312    AANA Journal       August 2021      Vol. 89, No. 4                
MCAS symptom                               Treatment                                         considerations
Cardiovascular               Emergent: Epinephrine                    Fluid replacement may be indicated in the setting of massive
 Hypotension                 Prophylactic:                            vasodilatation and acute refractory hypotension to help
                                                                      preserve circulating volume. Make emergency medications
 Syncope                     H1-antihistamines
                                                                      readily available for any anesthetic involving a patient with
 Tachycardia                 Antileukotrienes                         MCAS.
 Lightheadedness             Omalizumab
 Angina pectoris             Nitrates
                             Calcium channel blockers
                             Venom immunotherapy if appropriate
Cutaneous                    H1- and H2-antihistamines                Emergent intubation may be indicated to protect the airway
 Flushing                    Ketotifen                                in patients with angioedema.
 Pruritus                    Aspirin or NSAIDsa                       Have fiberoptic bronchoscopy and/or video laryngoscopy
                                                                      readily available to avoid airway trauma or further edema.
Gastrointestinal             Local thermal treatment                  Localized abdominal application of heat has been shown
 Cramping                    H2-antihistamines                        to activate heat receptors that competitively interfere with
                                                                      nociceptive pain.35 However, avoid systemic hyperthermia,
 Diarrhea                    Cromolyn
                                                                      which can trigger mast cell degranulation.
 Nausea/vomiting             Proton pump inhibitors
 GERD                        Glucocorticoids
 Colicky gastric pain        Scopolamine
 Biliary colic               Polyethylene glycol
Respiratory                  Antileukotrienes                         When possible, use MAC anesthesia to avoid airway
 Throat swelling             Inhaled corticosteroids for asthma       manipulation. Have advanced airway equipment and
                                                                      breathing treatments readily available.
 Shortness of breath
Musculoskeletal              Calcium/vitamin D supplementation        Avoid tourniquets when appropriate and possible. Treat
 Bone pain                   Bisphosphonates                          pain with previously used modalities or per specialist
 Arthralgia                  Aspirin or NSAIDsa
 Osteoporosis                Opioidsa
 Muscle pain                 H1-antihistamines
 Neuropathic pain            Avoid massage
Neurologic                   Acetaminophen or NSAIDs                  Administer adequate perioperative fluids. Start home
 Migraine                    Triptans                                 medications as soon as possible.
 Trigeminal neuralgia        Potassium supplementation
Genitourinary                Scopolamine                              Avoid meperidine.
 Renal colic
Oropharyngeal                H1-antihistamines                        Carefully and gently manipulate oropharynx during intubation.
 Sore throat                                                          Use MAC when appropriate.

Table 2. Medications Used for Treatment of MCAS
Abbreviations: GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease; MAC, monitored anesthesia care; MCAS, mast cell activation syndrome;
NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
aAssess for tolerability before administering.

episodes, leading to a delay in seeking treatment; by the         which must be continued perioperatively and incorpo-
time they present for care, their baseline tryptase values        rated into the anesthetic plan (Table 2). With a dearth of
are often within normal limits. Furthermore, emergency            randomized controlled studies on which to base clinical
medical treatment during acute anaphylaxis may focus              decisions, the anesthetist is forced to rely on case reports
on symptom management and identification of triggering            and observational studies in the MCAS population. To
agents without focus on a global diagnosis.4,32                   date, no therapeutic trials exist and no guidelines are
   The anesthetic management of the patient with MCAS             available on the anesthetic management of patients with
spans a vast range of clinical symptoms and incorporates          MCAS.26,27,32,33
the basic therapeutic considerations of this disease: (1)            The avoidance of known mast cell activation triggers
highly individualized care to avoid known triggers and            is one of the primary considerations in the perioperative
(2) prevention of mast cell mediator proliferation.9,33           care of the patient with MCAS. A detailed history is para-
Patients typically are receiving a plethora of medications,       mount to safe anesthetic management, as well as close                                      AANA Journal         August 2021      Vol. 89, No. 4      313
Drugs with                                   patient in the past, with no unfavorable sequelae.
Drug class              high risk               Alternativesa           Pain is also a known trigger of mast cell activation.
Anesthetics         Methohexital          Propofol                  Therefore, an adequate analgesic plan must be discussed
                    Phenobarbital         Ketamine                  with the patient and surgical service preoperatively and
                    Thiopental            Etomidate                 implemented during planned procedures. Remifentanil,
                                                                    alfentanil, fentanyl, oxycodone and ketamine are rec-
                                                                    ommended analgesics; morphine and codeine should
Muscle relaxants Atracurium               Cisatracurium
                                                                    be avoided if possible due to their impact on me-
                 Mivacurium               Vecuronium
                                                                    diator release.9,26,32,34 The anesthetist should be aware
                 Rocuroniumb              Pancuronium
                                                                    that opioids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Antibiotics         Cefuroxime            Agents administered
                                          in previous therapies     (NSAIDs) can also trigger MCAS events, so a thorough
                    Vancomycin            with no reaction          preoperative assessment and plan for pain control are
Anticonvulsants     Carbamazepine         Clonazepam
                                                                    essential.9,26 In this case report, the patient underwent a
                    Topiramate                                      regional nerve block with catheter placement for periop-
Opioids             Meperidine            Remifentanil              erative pain control to limit the administration of narcotic
                    Morphine              Alfentanil                analgesics. The intraoperative and immediate postop-
                                          Fentanyl                  erative periods were successfully managed with a mul-
                                                                    timodal analgesic plan and continuous infusion through
Other analgesics  Acidic NSAIDs (eg,      Acetaminophenb
                  acetaminophen and                                 the regional block catheter. However, due to suboptimal
                  ibuprofen)b                                       pain control later in the hospital course, the patient had
Local anesthetics Articaine               Amides such as            a longer than anticipated length of stay.
                  Tetracaine              bupivacaine5                  Highly attentive hemodynamic management is foun-
                  Procaine                                          dational to anesthetic management of all patients. There
Plasma            Hydroxyethyl starch     Albumin                   are currently no consensus data for specific perioperative
substitutes                               0.9% Normal saline
                                          Lactated Ringer’s         monitoring in patients with MCAS, but the use of arterial
                                          solution                  blood pressure monitoring or noninvasive continuous he-
Cardiovascular      ACE inhibitors        Angiotensin II blockers   modynamic devices may provide early awareness of hypo-
drugs               β-Blockers            Calcium channel           tension due to mast cell degranulation or other intraopera-
                                          Ivabradine                tive factors. Hemodynamic instability should be managed
                                                                    aggressively with vasoactive support; epinephrine is the
Table 3. Drugs Associated With High Risk of Release
of Mediators From Mast Cells and Their Alternatives                 agent of choice if mast cell involvement is suspected.11
Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; NSAIDs,          Because of the risk of mast cell degranulation with ex-
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; TIVA, total intravenous       tremes of temperature, normothermia should be carefully
anesthetic.                                                         maintained.1 Core temperature monitoring at the distal
a Any injectables containing ethanol should be avoided.4
b Assess for tolerability before administering.                     esophagus, nasopharynx (at appropriate depth) or pulmo-
(Adapted from: Molderings et al.33)
                                                                    nary artery (if pulmonary artery access is warranted) may
                                                                    provide the most reliable data to assist in maintaining nor-
                                                                    mothermia.36,37 If nasopharyngeal monitoring is employed,
collaboration with any allergist or immunology specialist           it should be used with great care to mitigate the risk of local
involved in the patient’s care. Continuation of baseline            trauma and potential mast cell activation. Alternatively, a
therapy of antimediators, mast cell stabilizing agents,             core approximate site such as the bladder may be used.36
and leukotriene inhibitors is critical for safe anesthetic          Skin temperature monitoring should be used with caution
management.1 Premedication with histamine antagonists               because of the potential for unreliable data.
and corticosteroids may be warranted; close consultation                The nature of symptoms of mast cell activation episodes
with the patient’s immunologist will help provide clini-            often precludes early identification in the perioperative
cal guidance for preoperative optimization and manage-              setting. Headache, loss of concentration, peripheral vasodi-
ment.1,5 Unless there is a known history of hypersensitiv-          lation and cutaneous flushing, urticaria, and gastrointesti-
ity reaction during a prior anesthetic, prescreening with           nal symptoms are often present in mild mast cell degranu-
a skin test is not recommended, but obtaining a baseline            lation events.1,2 These events may be difficult to identify
tryptase level may be helpful.32 The patient in this case           when the patient is under general anesthesia. However,
reported a constellation of food allergies, which were              ongoing cutaneous assessment may help promote early
easily avoided; latex and penicillin use was avoided peri-          identification of urticaria, flushing, and rashes if surgical
operatively, and 900 mg of clindamycin was administered             positioning and draping allows. Attentive monitoring of
before the incision. Of note, patient records indicated             peak airway pressure and lung compliance measures is also
that clindamycin had been safely administered to the                essential for early identification and treatment of airway

314     AANA Journal         August 2021      Vol. 89, No. 4                    
involvement, as is chest auscultation, if feasible.2           in treatment if the event is triggered before IV access
    Many aspects of surgery induce mast cell medi-             has been established.11 Placement of a secure airway is
ator release, as do common anesthetic medications.             paramount if not already in place at the time of the ana-
Anesthesia, extreme temperatures, psychological stress         phylactoid reaction; inhaled β2-agonists may confer some
or anxiety, pain, mechanical trauma (including applica-        benefit as a secondary approach.5,11,33 Fluid administra-
tion of tourniquets), friction injury (often associated        tion is also a critical aspect of anaphylaxis management.
with positioning or adhesive placement and removal),           When hemodynamic stability has been achieved, mea-
ischemia-reperfusion injury, and excessive skin pressure       surement of serum tryptase level is of diagnostic benefit if
can all activate mast cell mediators.9,27,32 A summary of      collected within 30 to 120 minutes after the event.5
common anesthetic drugs that activate mast cell media-            This case exemplifies the careful history taking, com-
tors are listed in Table 3. Because many of the agents as-     prehensive physical evaluation, interdisciplinary commu-
sociated with anesthetic management can induce mast            nication, and multimodal anesthetic management needed
cell activation, current literature recommends premedi-        to avoid mast cell activation in a patient with MCAS.
cating with an antihistamine and a corticosteroid.9,26,32      Further study is indicated to identify additional serologic
Both a forced warm air blanket and fluid warmer were           markers of mast cell activation, as the limited diagnostic
utilized to maintain a stable normothermic state and to        window and nonspecific nature of tryptase and urine me-
prevent rapid patient cooling intraoperatively. In this        diators impede their diagnostic value. The development
case report, coordination with the surgical team allowed       of additional treatment options is also paramount for pro-
for the intraoperative repositioning of the patient to avoid   viding ongoing mast cell stabilization, reduction in the
excessive skin pressure and to maximize surgical site ex-      scope of mast cell degranulation, and interference with
posure. Positioning changes should always be conducted         the physiological activity of released mediators. Global
with careful ongoing attention to hemodynamic status           awareness of this disorder and its diagnostic criteria may
due to the risk for friction-mediated mast cell activation     aid in earlier diagnosis and treatment.25 Of particular in-
or profound hypotension (possibly immune-mediated in           terest to the anesthetist is the development of published
these patients, but orthostatic intolerance may also be        guidelines for the anesthetic management of MCAS and
present in those with certain comorbid conditions).13,28       other mast cell disorders.
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27.   Gülen T, Akin C. Pharmacotherapy of mast cell disorders. Curr
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28.   Akin C. Mast cell activation syndromes. J Allergy Clin Immunol.         Disclosures: None.
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29.   Afrin LB, Self S, Menk J, Lazarchick J. Characterization of mast        Contribution: This author made significant contributions to the concep-
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30.   Rechenauer T, Raithel M, Götze T, et al. Idiopathic mast cell activa-   Disclosures: None.
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      2018;6:73. doi:10.3389/fped.2018.00073                                  ments are available for viewing upon request.

316       AANA Journal           August 2021        Vol. 89, No. 4                             
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