SWIFT systems and the SWIFT Customer Security Program
An F-Secure Consulting guide
Author: Oliver Simmonet


The financial sector is and has always               much higher gain, requiring less overall effort than         customers to implement a number of controls
been a prime target for crime. In modern             continuously targeting individual customers. As              defined by SWIFT’s Customer Security Controls
times, there is not only the risk of physical        such, these attacks have increased over the years,           Framework (CSCF), to which customers had to first
attacks, but also cyber attacks. Heist,              not only in number, but also in sophistication;              self-attest compliance before January 1, 2018. The
espionage, and sabotage campaigns—once               attackers are becoming increasingly persistent               framework has evolved and now outlines a growing
a threat which could be mitigated with the           and adaptive when it comes to bypassing security             collection of security controls to ensure that a
implementation of strong physical security           controls and compromising critical financial                 minimal baseline for security is in place across all
controls and procedures—can now all be               systems to achieve their end goals.                          customers’ local SWIFT deployments.
conducted by a wide range of threat actors,
anywhere in the world.                               Although a number of these attacks appear to be              This report reviews a collection of major SWIFT-
                                                     criminal in nature (e.g. the Carbanak gang), some            related breaches that have occurred over the
Over the years, there has been a steady              attacks have shown strong links to nation states             years and analyzes the common factors shared
increase in cyber attacks on banks and the           such as the Lazarus group (reportedly linked to              between them. This is followed by an analysis of
financial services sector as a whole, specifically   North Korea). This may be an indication that large-          the scope and reliability of SWIFT CSP, identifying
with regards to the development and execution        scale financial heists are one of the few remaining          its strengths as well as its limitations. Finally, we
of advanced targeted attacks against financial       methods of obtaining international currency within           provide recommendations on how to further
messaging services, such as SWIFT. This comes        heavily sanctioned states.                                   secure these types of critical payment systems
as no surprise. Attackers have realized that                                                                      against future attacks.
focusing their resources on performing a low         As a countermeasure to the current cyber threat
profile, calculated, and sophisticated attack on     landscape, SWIFT implemented the Customer
a financial institution has the potential for a      Security Programme (CSP). This requires all SWIFT

F-SECURE CONSULTING © 2021                                                                 ANALYSIS: ATTACKING AND DEFENDING SWIFT SYSTEMS                                1

SWIFT (the Society for Worldwide Interbank         SWIFT does not, however, hold responsibility
Financial Telecommunications) is a secure          for the security of its customers’ local SWIFT
messaging service used to transmit financial       infrastructure, although it does provide assistance
messages between member institutions around        to ensure customers can manage cyber attacks.
the world. SWIFT functions as a member-only        An example of this is the Customer Security
cooperative service that is used and trusted by    Programme (CSP), which was originally introduced
more than 11,000 financial institutions in more    in late 2016.
than 200 countries and territories around the

At its core, SWIFT provides access to the
SWIFT messaging network (SWIFTNet) and its
4 messaging services (FIN, InterAct, FileAct
and Browse). It also provides the standard for
financial messaging and a range of solutions for
the security, creation, management, processing,
and validation of these messages.

                                                                                                                                           Fig. 1. SWIFT logo

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There have been a significant number of high-                   Note: This section will focus on the 2013-2018
profile attacks on SWIFT systems since 2013,                    timeframe, when the most prominent attacks
with the majority of activity being observed                    were disclosed. The number of successful
between 2016 and 2018. Almost all these attacks                 attacks decreased significantly after 2018,
resulted in significant financial loss.                         likely due to the global success of the CSP

                                                                                                                            October, 2017                    February, 2018                                                  October, 2018
                                                                                                                       NIC Asia Bank, Nepal                  Unknown Russian bank, Russia                                    FireEye Issues Reports:
                             January, 2015                 December, 2015                                                $4.4 Million stolen                 $6 Million stole                             August, 2018       North Korea used SWIFT
               Banco del Austroz, Ecuador         Tien Phong Bank, Vietnam                                                                                                                            Cosmos Bank, India     network to try and steal
                         $12 Million stolen   Attempted theft of $1.13 Million             Unknown, 2016                                                                      May, 2018               $13.5 Million Stolen   $1.1B from at least 16
                                                                                           Unnamed Ukrainian Bank, Ukraine                                           Banco de Chile, Chil                                    institutions since 2014
                                                                                           $10 Million stolen                                                          $10 Million Stolen

                                                                                    February, 2016                                                                   March, 2018
                                                                                    The Bank of Bangladesh, Bangladesh                                               Malaysia’s central bank, Malaysia
                  Unknown, 2013                       October, 2015                 $81 Million successfully stolen                                                  $0 Stolen - Hesist prevented!
                  Sonali Bank, Bangladesh                   Philippines
                  $250,000 stolen             Further attacks reported
                                                                                                                            October, 2017                    February, 2018                               August, 2018
                                                                                                     The Far Eastern International, Taiwan                   City Union Bank, India                 SWIFT Issue Warning!
                                                                                                                        $60 Million stolen                   $2 Million stole               Multiple catalogued attempts
                                                                                                                                                                                             to break into banks to issues
                                                                                                                                                                                              fraudulent SWIFT messages

                                                                                                      Fig. 2. Timeline: High-profile SWIFT-related attacks

F-SECURE CONSULTING © 2021                                                                              ANALYSIS: ATTACKING AND DEFENDING SWIFT SYSTEMS                                                                                                 3
Together, these high-profile attacks alone                                                                                                                       In the wake of the Bangladesh heist, there
resulted in the collective theft of around                                                                                                                       was a shift in attention regarding attacks on
$200,280,000, with the cyber attack on the                                                                                                                       SWIFT systems. Since then, a number of links
Bank of Bangladesh in 2016 being one of the                                                                                                                      between the tools and techniques used in these
largest bank heists in history. During this                                                                                                                      attacks and advanced persistent threat actors
attack, an attempt to steal $951,000,000 was                                                                                                                     (APTs), such as the Lazarus group, have been
carried out, with $81,000,000 being successfully                                                                                                                 speculated on and identified.
exfiltrated to banks in the Philippines, then                                                                        Nepal
laundered via casinos to fully extract the stolen                                                                                     Bangladesh                 The number of successful attacks against these
money from the banking system.                                                                                       India                                       systems shows that SWIFT customers must
                                                                                                                                                                 do more to protect their local infrastructure.
                                                                                                                                Vietnam            Philippines
Analysis shows that attacks on SWIFT systems                                                                                                                     However, to effectively defend any system
are frequently targeted at institutions with           Ecuador                                                                              Malaysia             from an attack, there is a prerequisite to first
weaker policies and procedures. However,                                                                                                                         understand how attackers are targeting these
there have been reports of both attempted and                    Chile                                                                                           systems.
successful attacks against institutions of all sizes
and levels of security maturity around the world.                                                                                                                The following pages include a breakdown of
                                                                                                                                                                 some of the most high-profile attacks on SWIFT
A map outlining the geographical locations of                                                                                                                    systems:
attacks reviewed in this report can be seen on                           Fig. 3. Map: High profile SWIFT-related attacks

the right.

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$81,000,000 (OF $951,000,000)
Although chronologically it is not the first, we                           In January/February of 2015, a number of                                bank (RBCB) using multiple fraudulent                                      attackers monitored employee behaviour, stole
will begin with the case study of the Central                              phishing emails were sent to BCB employees,                             identities. These accounts were credited with                              user credentials, and deployed bespoke malware
Bank of Bangladesh (BCB).                                                  containing a resume and cover letter within a                           an initial deposit of $500.                                                to initiate the final phase of their attacks. This
                                                                           .zip file. This was part of a targeted phishing                                                                                                    malware was designed specifically to target the
The cyber attack on the Bank of Bangladesh                                 campaign that resulted in attackers gaining                             Once attackers had gained access to the bank’s                             SWIFT Alliance Access application, bypassed its
(February 2016) was one of the largest heists,                             an initial foothold on 3 systems within the                             internal systems they utilized trusted Windows                             security controls, and removed evidence from
and most calculated and sophisticated attacks                              Bangladesh bank in March 2015.                                          software to monitor employee activity. Using                               printed SWIFT messages. (See diagram below,
against SWIFT systems to date. Investigations                                                                                                      this initial foothold, attackers were ultimately                           left.)
found that the attack had been patiently                                   Following this, in May 2015 multiple bank                               able to move laterally across the bank’s internal
executed over almost a full year.                                          accounts were opened within the Jupiter branch                          network in search of SWIFT-connected systems.                              In order to grant the ability to execute database
                                                                           of the Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation                             With access to SWIFT systems obtained, the                                 transactions, the malware targeted a specific
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              module that was responsible for managing some
                                                                                       Confirmation messages from the SWIFT network                                                                                           of the core functions of the database. (See
                                                                                       are now monitored by the malware. Functionality                                                                                        diagram below, right.)
                                                                                       continues in loop until 06:00, Feb 6, 2016

                                                                                                  SWIFT messages sent to the printer are                                                                 liboradb.dll is responsible for:
                                                                                                  tampered with in real-time.                                                                            • Starting the databases
  SWIFT Alliance             CONFIG FILE                                                                                                                                                                 • Backup and restore functions
                                                                                                  PRC and FAL files are scanned for                            SWIFT Alliance                            • Reading database paths from
 Software Server              gpca.dat
                                                                                                  attacker-defined terms. On match will                       Software Server                              registry
                                                                                                  extract transfer reference and sender
                                                                                                  addresses to form an SQL DELETE
                                                                                                  statement to delete a transaction.                                                                                          .dll                85 C0 75 04
                                                                                                  Messages that contain attacker-defined                                                                                                          85 C0 90 90
                                                                                                  terms will be used to form SQL
                                                                                                  statements to query Convertible
Attackers gain access    Malware decrypts         Malware identifies and                          Currency availability and then update
and install malware.     config file containing   exploits host’s SWIFT                           transfer amounts.                                                                                        Malware checks to
                                                                                                                                                             Malware infects        Malware lists all                                       If found, overwrites 2   Overwritten bytes         The malware can now
                         search terms to scan     application to bypass
                                                                                                  Attacker checks the ‘Login/Logout’                         server running SWIFT   running processess     see if any processes             bytes at a specific      force the application     execute database
                         with SWIFT messages.     validity check within
                                                  Oracle DLL                                      status of the Journal table every hour                     Alliance software.     on server.             have the ‘liboradb.dll’          offset with “do          to always pass validity   transactions.
                                                                                                  and sends result to attacker domain over                                                                 module loaded.                   nothing” (0x90 NOP)      checks.
                                                                                                  HTTP.                                                                                                                                     instructions.`

                                                  Fig. 4. Overview of the Bangladesh attack                                                                                                                 Fig. 5. How the malware exploited liboradb.dll

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A total of 35 SWIFT transactions worth         This mistake was identified as suspicious
$951,000,000 were made. However, only          by Pan Asia Banking Corp, which contacted                                                                                                                                $29M
$81,000,000 of this was successfully           the intermediary bank for the transaction                                                                                                                                  Bloombery Resorts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Corp Solaire (Casino)
exfiltrated to bank accounts in the            (Deutsche Bank) for verification. This
Philippines via the PhilRem remittance         subsequently prompted Deutsche Bank to                                    4 Messages ($81M)
                                                                                                                             Succeed!                             $6M
service. This was due to multiple errors and   seek further clarification from Bangladesh,                                                                                                                   PhilRem
                                                                                                                                                                     Michel Cruz Acc.                      remittance
on the attackers’ behalf:                      resulting in the transaction failing.                     30 Messages ($870M)                                                                                 Service
                                                                                                           Blocked - Jupiter                  RCBC Bank
                                                                                                                                             (Philippines)        $30M
30 of the 25 messages (valuing $850M)          The 4 messages remaining were worth a total                                                                               Christopher
were rejected because they were being          of $81M and were successfully processed by                                                                                Lagrosa Acc.
sent to the Jupiter Street branch of RCBC.     RCBC. These funds were transferred from              Bangladesh CB           US Fed                                                         William So Go                      $31M
The key word “Jupiter” caused a sanctions      the initial 4 fraudulent accounts to a single            $951M                                                     $20M                          Acc.
                                                                                                    (35 messages)                                                        Alfred Vergara
hit in the US Federal Reserve due to US        account, then converted to cash via the                                                                                        Acc.
                                                                                                              1 Message ($20M) Deutche
sanctions against an Oil tanker company        PhilRem remittance service.                                      Blocked - Typo     Bank      Pan Asia Bank
named “Jupiter Seaways Shipping”, which                                                                                                       (Sri Lanka)         $25M
was linked to Iranian efforts to evade         PhilRem was used to credit junket operator                                                                            Enrico Vazquez                                     $21M
                                                                                                                                                                          Acc.                                              Eastern Hawaii
shipping sanctions.                            accounts in multiple casinos and transfer                                                                                                                                   Leisure (Casino)
                                               $31 in cash to another junket operator
This left only 5 transactions remaining,       directly. The stolen money was laundered
                                                                                                                                                             Shalika Foundation Acc.
which valued $101M. However, one of these      through multiple private baccarat junkets
messages, intended to credit the Shalika       and ultimately extracted and transported to                                                                         Fig. 6. BCB funds journey
Foundation, contained a typographical          Macao where its trail was lost.
error within the recipient account’s name.
The attackers had misspelled “Foundation”      This flow has been diagrammed on the right.
ad “Fandation”.

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SONALI BANK                                                                                                                          BANCO DEL AUSTROZ
$250,000                                                                                                                             $12,000,000
Not much was known regarding the Sonali                            credentials. These credentials were then used to                  During the attack on Banco del Austroz (January
Bank heist (2013), and until 2016 it was treated                   move laterally through the bank’s network and gain                2015), attackers stole the credentials of an
as a ‘cold case’. However, investigators re-                       access to the bank’s internal SWIFT systems, where                unnamed bank employee and used them to
opened the case after the attack on the Bank of                    $250,000 worth of SWIFT transactions were made.                   access the employee’s Outlook email account.
Bangladesh in 2016.                                                                                                                  Using this access, the attackers located
                                                                                                                                     cancelled and rejected SWIFT transfer requests,
It was reported that attackers were able to                                                                                          altered their details, and reissued them,
infect the bank’s internal systems with key-                                                                                         resulting in $12,000,000 worth of legitimate
logger software that was used to harvest user                                                                                        transfer requests being sent.

       Attackers deploy a keylogger to steal    Using stolen credentials, the attackers   The attackers then issue an                 Attacker steals employee   Attacker accesses employee       Attacker alters transfer         Attacker re-issues transfer
       employee credentials.                    move laterally across the network to      unspecified number of SWIFT                 credentials.               outbox in search of rejected     request details (e.g., amount,   request messages.
                                                find SWIFT-connected systems.             transactions.                                                          and cancelled transfer           destination).

                                               Fig. 7. Attack Path: Sonali Bank heist                                                                                        Fig. 8. Attack Path: Banco del Austroz

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$UNKNOWN                                          $1,130,000 (ATTEMPTED)
In 2016, reports emerged that a bank in the       During the attack on the Tien Phong Bank                                                                                                                    If modification is
Philippines had been the victim of an attack in   (December 2015), attackers used malware that                                                                                                                successful, it converts the
October 2015. Although this attack occurred 2     specifically targeted the Foxit PDF reader, which                                                                                                           file back to PDF, replacing the
months prior to the failed attack on the Tien     was known to be used by the bank employees                                                                                                 PDF              original file. It then executes
                                                  when viewing SWIFT statements. Attackers were                                                                                                               the legitimate Foxit reader to
Phone Bank in Vietnam (December 2015) and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              display the modified PDF file.
the attack on the Bank of Bangladesh (February    able to install a malicious version of the Foxit PDF
2016), malware samples recovered from all         reader on employee workstations, which altered                             PDF                                     XML
3 incidents were linked. Furthermore, these       statements (when opened) in order to hide                                                         PDF
malware samples were found to share similar       evidence of any malicious activity.                                                                                                                                Deletes the original SWIFT
code with malware used by the APT group                                                                                                                                                                              messages from logs.
                                                                                                                   Malware poses as fake Foxit     Malware reads the XML file
Lazarus.                                          This malware was found to be installed on                                                                                                                          Executes SQL commands
                                                                                                                   reader. When users see this     and searches for specific
                                                  infrastructure provided by a third-party vendor,                 as the default PDF reader and   strings, which it then                                            to delete database logs.
                                                  specifically used to provide the bank’s connection               open SWIFT messages, it         modifies based on its
                                                  into the SWIFT messaging network. Through                        converts the message to XML     configuration file.               If modification fails, the
                                                  a carefully planned and sophisticated attack,                    and saves it to a temporary                                       malware deletes traces of its
                                                                                                                   file.                                                             activities.
                                                  employees at the Tien Phong Bank identified
                                                  suspicious SWIFT messages and rapidly contacted
                                                                                                                                                          Fig. 9. Execution of malware used in Vietnam hack
                                                  all parties involved. This prevented the transfer
                                                  requests from being completed and the attempt to
                                                  steal $1,130,000 was halted.

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$10,000,000                                         $160,000 (OF $60,100,000)
Details regarding the compromise of an              In October 2017, an attack was carried out against
unnamed Ukrainian bank (2016) are limited,          the Far Eastern International Bank. During the
though it was reported that $10,000,000 was         heist, attackers used malware similar to that used
stolen and that the attack was similar to that of   by the APT group Lazarus, which, as reported,
the Bank of Bangladesh. It was further reported     has been linked to multiple attacks on financial
that this attack was only one of many that the      institutions around the world.
Ukraine and Russia had experienced, resulting in
the loss of “hundreds of millions of dollars”.      This malware was used to gain access to and move
                                                    through the bank’s internal network in order
                                                    to infiltrate SWIFT systems. The attackers then
                                                    compromised employee credentials and used this
                                                    information to authenticate to the SWIFT Alliance                                                                                                                       SSW
                                                    Messaging Hub and issue a total of $60,100,000                                                                                                                        PA
                                                    worth of fraudulent transactions. Although it was
                                                                                                                      Attackers deploy malware to access         Laterally moves across the network                   Attackers compromise SWIFT
                                                    initially understood that all but $500,000 was
                                                                                                                      the bank internal network.                 in search of SWIFT-connected                         operator credentials and use SWIFT
                                                    lost, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC)                                                             systems.                                             software to issue fraudulent
                                                    reported that the final amount lost by Far Eastern                                                                                                                transactions.
                                                    Bank was $160,000.                                                                                     Fig. 10. Attack Path: The Far Eastern International Bank

                                                    Following an investigation, it was found that the
                                                    bank’s security posture was not in line with the
                                                    requirements outlined by Taiwan’s banking law. As
                                                    a result, Taiwan’s financial regulator fined the Far
                                                    Eastern International Bank $266,524, raising the
                                                    total financial loss of the incident to $426,524.

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THE NIC ASIA BANK                                  CITY UNION BANK                                             REPORTS FROM RUSSIA
$580,000 (OF $4,400,000)                           $1,000,000 (OF $1,872,150)                                  $6,000,000
In October 2017, there was another attack          An attack targeting SWIFT systems was reported              Also in February 2018, reports emerged from
on the NIC Asia Bank. Attackers specifically       in February 2018, with nearly $2,000,000 stolen             Russia’s central bank stating that attackers had
targeted the bank during the Hindu festival        from the City Union Bank in India. The attack               stolen $6,000,000 via SWIFT. This was stated to
Tihar, one of Nepal’s largest holidays.            had similar patterns to that of the Bang of                 have been achieved by the attacker obtaining
                                                   Bangladesh in 2016, in that it first disabled the           access to a computer within an unnamed Russian
According to reports, $4,400,000 of fraudulent     Bank’s printer, preventing the bank from receiving          bank and using this access to transfer the money
SWIFT transactions were issued during the          acknowledgement messages. While the printer was             into their own account.
attack. However, NIC identified the suspicious     disabled, the attackers issued 3 payment messages:
activity and informed Nepal Rastra Bank (Nepal’s
central bank), resulting in the recovery of all    1. $500,000 to Dubai bank, via a New York                   MALAYSIA CENTRAL BANK
but $580,000 of the $4,400,000.                       Standard Chartered Bank. This, however, was              $UNKNOWN (ATTEMPTED)
                                                      blocked immediately.
At the time of writing, investigations into this   2. A second message for $372,150 to Turkey, via a           During March 2018, Malaysia’s Central Bank
attack are still ongoing. KPMG India’s forensic       Standard Chartered account in Frankfurt. The             disclosed that it had been the victim of a cyber
team, who were commissioned by NIC Asia               Turkish lender involved blocked the transfer             attack, in which threat actors attempted to steal
Bank to perform a digital investigation, had          from being finalized.                                    funds via fraudulent SWIFT payment messages.
requested two additional weeks to complete         3. A third payment for $1,000,000 was transferred           Although little information was released regarding
their investigations.                                 via a Bank of America account (in New York) to a         this attack, Malaysia Central bank did state that:
                                                      bank in China.                                           “All unauthorised transactions were stopped
                                                                                                               through prompt action in strong collaboration
                                                                                                               with SWIFT, other central banks and financial

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During an attack on Banco de Chile in May                                                                                                                                     The affected systems were disconnected,
2018, attackers disrupted a large number of                                                                                                                                   affecting operations necessary to prevent the
bank systems. Initially, the attack did not seem                                                                                                                              malware from spreading. However, during this
related to any attempted heist and it was                                                                                                                                     period, a number of anomalous transactions
assumed that this initial wave of activity was                                                                                                                                were identified within their SWIFT systems.
simply destructive.                                                                                                                                                           At this point, the bank realized that the vast
                                                                                                                                                                              destruction to their systems was not the attack,
On May 24, hundreds of workstations                                                                                                                                           but simply a distraction from the attacker’s end
and servers within Banco de Chile ceased                                                                                                                                      goal of issuing fraudulent transactions. Some
functioning. During the response to the                                                                                                                                       were prevented, but not all. Through utilizing
incident, it was found that MBR Killer had been                                                                                                                               fraudulent SWIFT transactions, the attack cost
deployed widely across their estate. This was                                                                                                                                 the bank $10,000,000.
a piece of malware that disrupted the Master           Uses API CreateFile A to      Overwrite the disk’s MBR        Carry out the same wiping     Force the system to shut
Boot Record (MBR) of a computer’s hard drive.          retrieve hard disk’s handle                                   routine to other hard disks   down
Disruption to this section of a hard drive is
catastrophic, as it is the first sector of the drive
which is called before loading the operating                                                     Fig. 11. MBR Killer wiping routin
system. Once disrupted, the computer is unable
to boot.

Trend Micro, who analyzed the malware,
outlined that it carried out the following 4 steps
during its MRB-wiping routing (see diagram).

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COSMOS BANK                                         FURTHER REPORTS AND
$13,500,000                                         NOTIFICATIONS
In August 2018, reports emerged that Cosmos         In August 2018, SWIFT issued a warning to its
Bank in India had fallen victim to a large scale,   customers, stating:
coordinated attack in which $13,500,000 was
stolen via a combination of ATM withdrawals         “Swift is aware of a number of recent cyber
and fraudulent SWIFT payment instructions.          incidents in which malicious insiders or
                                                    external attackers have managed to submit
The malware deployed by the attacker targeted       Swift messages from financial institutions’ back
the bank’s automated teller machine (ATM)           offices, PCs or workstations connected to their
server, resulting in 850 million rupees being       local interface to the Swift network”.
extracted from ATMs across 28 countries. This
was composed of 14,049 transactions. During         Following this, in October, FireEye released a
the attack, an additional 129 million rupees were   detailed report on APT38. Among other things,
transferred to a company’s account in Hong          this outlined that North Korea had been using
Kong via 3 fraudulent SWIFT payment messages.       the SWIFT network in various attempts to steal
                                                    around $1.1B from at least 16 institutions since

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In review of these high-profile attacks, the         user error. This comes as no surprise, however.                components such as message queues to introduce
first common factor is that almost all of            A widely accepted statistic highlights that that               new payments, or even front-end application-level
them involve the deployment of some type             95% of all incidents recognize “human error” as                vulnerabilities such as cross-site request forgery.
of malware onto a bank’s internal systems.           a contributing factor. This is due to the fact that,
Furthermore, we see that attackers frequently        regardless of how strong the security of a system              The defense against these types of threat
pair this with the compromise of user                is, many security controls can be bypassed by                  actors must begin with a strong security model
credentials. A list of the key tactics used are as   human error. As an example, a password used to                 that is deployed and maintained across an
follows:                                             access a secure system or resource, no matter how              organization’s entire estate.
• Phishing                                           complex, will only remain secure if kept secret.
• Malware deployment                                 If the password is inadvertently or deliberately
• Keylogging                                         disclosed, this will undermine any authorization
• Custom developed tooling                           and authentication controls implemented to
• Study of the environment and security              restrict access to that system or resource.
• Credential compromise                              It should be noted however, that although the
• lateral movement                                   above high-profile case studies all follow this
• Email access                                       particular pattern of well organized and involved
• Possible insider threat                            attacks, these are only the few prominent and
• Abuse of business processes                        successful attacks which reach the media. There
                                                     are many-many other attacks which happen each
Overall, none of the attacks directly                year targeting financial institutions. The risk, in
compromised the SWIFT network itself, and            regard to SWIFT systems, highlights that the focus
were instead the result of flaws within the          should not always be the protection of payment
security controls deployed across the targeted       operators who can issue payment messages, but
bank’s IT environments. Furthermore, attacks         also users from the broader environment. Attacks
were frequently paired with some type of             can be just as impactful by abusing lower-level

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As a countermeasure within the current              The CSCF initially outlined 27 control in 2017,                places an emphasis on the security of all systems     • A1. Formerly known as a “Full Stack”
cyber threat landscape, SWIFT introduced the        17 of which were mandatory. As the years have                  within it. The controls used to establish the zone      architecture. Both the messaging interface
Customer Security Programme (CSP) to support        progressed, so has the framework. Version                      are grouped across 8 specific principles:               and communication interface are within the
SWIFT customers in securing their local SWIFT       CSCFv2022 outlines 32 security controls (23 of                                                                         customer’s local environment.
infrastructure. It requires that they implement a   which are mandatory), with each mitigating one of              1. Restrict internal access and segregate critical
set of mandatory and advisory security controls     the specific risks that SWIFT customers face:                     systems from the general IT environment            • A2. Formerly known as a “Partial Stack”
outlined within SWIFT’s Customer Security                                                                          2. Reduce the attack surface and vulnerabilities        architecture. The messaging interface is within
Controls Framework (CSCF). These controls           1. The unauthorized sending or modification of                 3. Physically secure your environment                   the customer’s local environmen, but a service
have been identified by SWIFT based on cyber           financial transactions                                      4. Prevent compromise of credentials                    provider manages the communication interface.
threat intelligence and in collaboration with       2. The processing of altered or unauthorized SWIFT             5. Manage identities and segregate privileges
industry experts, and are articulated around           inbound transactions                                        6. Detect anomalous activity to systems or            • A3. SWIFT Connector Architecture. Only a SWIFT
three main objectives:                              3. Business conducted with an unauthorized                        transaction records                                  software component (e.g. Alliance Lite2) is
                                                       counterpart                                                 7. Plan for incident response and information           present within the local infrastructure, which is
1. Secure Your Environment                          4. Breaches in confidentiality (business data,                    sharing                                              used to connect to a SWIFT service provider.
2. Know and limit access                               computer systems, or operator details)
3. Detect and respond                               5. Breaches in integrity (business data, computer              The application of these security controls varies     • A4. Customer Connector Architecture. This
                                                       systems, or operator details)                               based on the SWIFT infrastructure located locally       defines a “Connector” architecture that utilizes a
                                                                                                                   within an institution’s environment. In recognition     non-SWIFT provided connector solution, such as
                                                    Collectively, these 32 controls create a “Secure               of this, SWIFT has grouped architectures into 4         IBM MQ.
                                                    Zone” in which, at a minimum, all local SWIFT                  main models, with some variation:
                                                    infrastructure resides. This isolates all local SWIFT                                                                • B1. No Local User Footprint Architecture. No
                                                    systems from the wider enterprise network and                                                                          SWIFT-specific infrastructure components are
                                                                                                                                                                           hosted within the customer’s local environment.

F-SECURE CONSULTING © 2021                                                                  ANALYSIS: ATTACKING AND DEFENDING SWIFT SYSTEMS                                                                                  14
The various components in scope of the CSCF are          Network Devices: firewalls, routers, etc., within or        The components which are not in scope of the                                 If implemented to its fullest extent, the CSCF
broken down as follows:                                  surrounding the SWIFT Infrastructure.                       CSCF are:                                                                    should effectively isolate all local SWIFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                  infrastructure from the wider enterprise
Secure Zone: a segmented portion of the network          Graphical user interface (GUI): software that               Back Office Systems: the systems responsible for                             environment, leaving only the communication
isolating SWIFT systems from the rest of the             produces the graphical interface for a user (e.g.,          business logic, transaction generation, and other                            channel from the upstream systems and the
enterprise environment.                                  Alliance Web Platform).
                                                                                                                     activities that occur before transmission of data                            middleware as an entry point.
                                                                                                                     into the local SWIFT infrastructure.
Messaging interface: a software product (e.g.,           The Relationship Management Application
Alliance Access) supporting the use of SWIFT’s           (RMA): a SWIFT-mandated filter that enables
messaging services. This is typically connected          customers to define which counterparties are                General Enterprise IT Environment: the general
directly to the Communication Interface.                 permitted to send FIN messages to the institution.          IT infrastructure used to support the broad
                                                                                                                     organisation (e.g. Mail server, directory services,
Communication interface: a software product              Operators: individual end users and administrators          employee PCs, etc.)
(e.g., Alliance Gateway) that provides a link            who directly interact with the local SWIFT
between the SWIFT network (SWIFTNet) and the             infrastructure.
messaging interface software.                                                                                                                                          Enterprise IT Environment
                                                         Operator PCs: the end users’ or administrators’             Internet                                                                    SWIFT Secure Zone (CSCF Scope)
                                                                                                                                                  Back Office
Connector: a local software product (e.g., Alliance      computer devices, used to operate or maintain the                                         Systems
Lite2 AutoClient) that facilitates communication         local SWIFT infrastructure.                                                                                                                                  Middleware Server
with a messaging and/or communication interface.                                                                                            Back Office Systems
                                                                                                                                             using Middleware
                                                         Data Exchange Layer: the flow of data between
                                                                                                                                                                                                        GUI                Messaging Interface
SWIFTNet Link (SNL): a mandatory software                the upstream systems/middleware and the local

                                                                                                                                                                                   Jump Server
product for accessing messaging services over a          SWIFT infrastructure.                                                                    IT Services

secure IP network (within fig. 12., the SNL is part of                                                                                                              Operator                                  Communication Interface + SNL
                                                                                                                                                    General        Workstation
the communication interface).                            Middleware Server: local middleware system                                             Enterprise Users
                                                         implementations, used for data exchange between                                                           Admin/User
                                                                                                                                                                                                    SWIFT Infrastructure           HSM and PKI
HSM & PIK: the SWIFT Hardware Security Module            the SWIFT-related components (in the local SWIFT
and Public Key Infrastructure.                           infrastructure or at a service provider) and the user
                                                         back office.                                                                                                     Fig. 12. A1 SWIFT Infrastructure

F-SECURE CONSULTING © 2021                                                                    ANALYSIS: ATTACKING AND DEFENDING SWIFT SYSTEMS                                                                                                      15

Implementing all mandatory (and advisory)           SWIFT systems are, and will remain, high profile                            by advanced and persistent threat actors. This
controls specified by the CSCF has                  targets for all threat actors operating with financial                      is simply a consequence of the very complex
demonstrated that it can will greatly improve       motivations. Regardless of the implementation of                            nature of infrastructure deployed within financial
the security of local SWIFT infrastructure          standard or advanced security controls, there is                            institutions.
deployments and also ensure that all SWIFT          still a significant risk that these systems will have
customers have a baseline standard for their        flaws that can be identified, targeted, and exploited
security. However, it should not be seen as a
perfect solution to preventing all attacks.
Within the CSP document itself, it is stated                                                          Internal threats use existing access.                               Attackers move laterally across

                                                                                  Network Perimeter
that CSP should not be considered an                                                                                                                                      internal systems
exhaustive approach to security and it does
not replace a well-structured security and
risk framework. By design, its purpose is to
provide a baseline standard for the security of
all local SWIFT systems, only. As such, general
attack methodologies can still be applied to
the most secure of critical systems. A “baseline”                                                                                                                                                                     END
applies universally as a fundamental basic
standard and it can’t cater for the specifics of
every individual environment. In the case of
CSP, this baseline only covers SWIFT systems                                    External threats breach                           Attackers escalate their current         Attackers perform                Attackers execute actions on
and can’t provide overall protection across an                                  network perimeter and gain                        user privileges.                         reconnaissance activities to     objectives.
entity’s estate.                                                                access to internal systems.                                                                identify targets.

                                                                                                                                            Fig. 13. General attack methodology

F-SECURE CONSULTING © 2021                                                                               ANALYSIS: ATTACKING AND DEFENDING SWIFT SYSTEMS                                                                                   16
Enterprise IT Environment
The main focus of the CSP is to isolate all SWIFT
systems into the Secure Zone. Without this          Internet            Back Office
type of security model, attackers could have                             Systems
the opportunity to access SWIFT systems from                                                                                                    Middleware Server
                                                                    Back Office Systems
any number of locations within the general                           using Middleware
enterprise network. The attack surface of this
                                                                                                                                  GUI                 Messaging Interface
type of environment is represented in fig. 14.

                                                                                                                 Jump Server
                                                                        IT Services

With the implementation of all controls                                                          Operator                               Communication Interface + SNL
                                                                          General               Workstation
within CSCF, the attack surface of the SWIFT                          Enterprise Users
infrastructure is considerably reduced, removing                                                Admin/User
                                                                                                                               SWIFT Infrastructure           HSM and PKI
a number of attack paths that could previously
be exploited to access key systems. However,
these controls do not render SWIFT systems                                                          Fig. 14. Attack Vector: No Secure Zone
impenetrable; a connection from the local
SWIFT infrastructure (Secure Zone) to the
financial institutions back-office systems must                                                     Enterprise IT Environment
still remain. This is the weakest link in the
                                                    Internet                                                                     SWIFT Secure Zone
security of all local SWIFT deployments.                                Back Office
                                                                                                                                                Middleware Server
                                                                    Back Office Systems
                                                                     using Middleware

                                                                                                                                  GUI                 Messaging Interface

                                                                                                                 Jump Server
                                                                        IT Services

                                                                                                 Operator                               Communication Interface + SNL
                                                                          General               Workstation
                                                                      Enterprise Users
                                                                                                                               SWIFT Infrastructure           HSM and PKI

                                                                                                       Fig. 15. Attack Vector: SWIFT CSP

F-SECURE CONSULTING © 2021                                     ANALYSIS: ATTACKING AND DEFENDING SWIFT SYSTEMS                                                              17
The potential attack described on the previous                                                                                                  Analysis of this attack shows that the methodology     The process is then repeated to further
page is broken down and generalized in the                                                                                                      still applies even with all CSP security controls in   compromise the isolated SWIFT systems:
following diagram:                                                                                                                              place. A mapping of the attack to the methodology
                                                                                                                                                is as follows:                                         1. The attackers breach the SWIFT network
                                                                                                                                                                                                          perimeter and establish a foothold within the
                                                                                                                                                1. Compromise the network perimeter and                   network, then:
                                                                                                                                                   establish a foothold within the local network       2. Escalate privileges in order to gain access to
                                                                                                                                                2. Escalate current privileges (e.g. via system           SWIFT system functionality
                                                                                                                                                   exploits or by obtaining user credentials)          3. Perform reconnaissance to understand how
                                                                                                                                                3. Perform reconnaissance activities to identify the      transactions can be performed and authorized;
                                                                                                                                                   next target system                                  4. Execute their end goal (submission of fraudulent
                                                                                                                                                4. Repeat to move laterally across the network in         transactions).
  Attackers compromise bank            Attackers move laterally across    Attackers exploit upstream        Attackers then exploit SWIFT
                                                                                                                                                   search of the end goal (SWIFT upstream systems)
  network via vulnerabilities within   network in search of upstream      systems to breach the perimeter   users and/or applications to
  external facing systems or via       SWIFT systems.                     of the SWIFT Secure Zone,         issue fraudulent transactions.
  existing access.                                                        gaining access to the bank’s
                                                                          local SWIFT infrastructure.

                                  Fig. 16. Hypothetical attack path of a SWIFT infrastructure compromise

F-SECURE CONSULTING © 2021                                                                                               ANALYSIS: ATTACKING AND DEFENDING SWIFT SYSTEMS                                                                                 18
Although a high-level overview of such an
attack, this methodology of gaining direct
access to SWIFT systems is not the only viable
route for attacks. In 2020, F-Secure published
research demonstrating the viability of creating
fraudulent SWIFT messages without directly                        SYS_PAY_IN_Q
accessing any systems within the Secure Zone.
This was achieved by abusing the underlying                                                              MT             ATP
Message Queue (MQ) technologies used to
transport messages to the Secure Zone. In the
event an attacker gains the privileges of a single
MQ administrator within the wider corporate                                                  MT
network, they may have enough access to write
forged SWIFT MT messages directly onto the                                                                                          MT
                                                                        QM1                                            MID
queues. A diagram outlining the attack can be
seen on the right in fig. 17.                                                                              MT
The research emphasized the importance
of ensuring that the overall standard of an
                                                            MT                                                                MT
organization’s security is high enough to                  .LAU                                                               •   Checksum
protect your highest privileged users from                                                                              SAG   •   MAC Code
                                                     SAA                                                                      •   System Block (S)
being compromised, even if they operate
                                                                                                                              •   Session / Sequence
outside of the Secure Zone.                                             QM2
                                                                                                     • Tracking Ref (UETR)
                                                                                            MT       • Trailer (Block S)

                                                                   Fig. 17. Fraudulent SWIFT MT message injection

F-SECURE CONSULTING © 2021                                         ANALYSIS: ATTACKING AND DEFENDING SWIFT SYSTEMS                                     19
In the years following CSP’s initial release,     Direct access to services within the secure                  if virtualized—exactly when required, mitigating                           environment. This would facilitate the freedom to
F-Secure supported multiple clients with          zone. Such direct access could be achieved                   any risk associated with its presence within the                           perform comprehensive testing without any risk of
securing their SWIFT Secure Zone environments.    through the introduction of short-lived firewall             environment day-to-day.                                                    the assessment disrupting live traffic or exposing
During this time, we observed a new challenge     rules, allowing approved “tester” devices either                                                                                        the production environment to unnecessary risk.
emerging: Secure Zones were becoming highly       restricted or unrestricted access to select systems          Access needn’t be granted to the production
restrictive, making it difficult to perform       within the Secure Zone environment, such as web              instance of the Secure Zone. It could instead                              The diagram below illustrates how these high-level
effective security assessments within them.       application interfaces and servers for the duration          (and ideally so) be to a pre-production instance                           solutions fit into an existing SWIFT Secure Zone
                                                  of an assessment. These firewall rules could then            that accurately represents the live production                             architecture:
In response, we published an article describing   subsequently be removed once the assessment
the challenge of testing SWIFT systems in this    was concluded, in order to mitigate the risk                                      Enterprise IT Environment
new, highly secured world. The conclusion         introduced during the assessment timeframe.
was that SWIFT users should be conscious                                                                                                                        F-Secure Consultant                                           Admin End User

that although they must restrict and harden       Access to a dedicated “testing” system                          Internet                                                              Server Enviroment
their Secure Zone deployment, they must           connected to the Secure Zone. This could                                                                                              SWIFT Secure Zone
also implement processes and controls to          be achieved by creating a dedicated security                                              Workstation
allow effective security testing within those     assessment workstation with relevant tools                                                                                           Testing                            Jump Server
environments. This could take multiple forms,     installed that the tester accessed via Privileged                                            General
                                                                                                                                             IT Services
such as:                                          Access Management (PAM) solutions. The
                                                                                                                                                                                          Messaging Interface                        GUI
                                                  workstation could exist within the Secure Zone or                                          Back Office
                                                  within the organization’s server environment with                                           Systems

                                                  ad-hoc whitelisted acces. As a security precaution,                                                                                               Communication Interface
                                                  this system could be “powered on”—or created,
                                                                                                                                          Middleware Server
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HSM and PKI


                                                                                                                                                                 Fig. 18. SWIFT secure zone architecture

F-SECURE CONSULTING © 2021                                                              ANALYSIS: ATTACKING AND DEFENDING SWIFT SYSTEMS                                                                                                        20

F-Secure has observed multiple attacks in the     Lastly, whilst creating a highly restrictive
wild and identified additional theoretical and    environment is effective and demonstrates a
practical attack paths that could be exploited    strong capability to protect critical assets, it is
by an advanced persistent threat actor to         important to also ensure that there are systems
compromise an institution’s local SWIFT           and processes in place to review and assess
infrastructure. A significant number of these     these deployments.
attack paths were notably restricted following
the implementation of the security controls
outlined by CSP’s CSCF.

SWIFT CSP and the CSCF significantly improve
the security posture of an organization’s local
SWIFT deployment. Yet, they are often seen as
a point-in-time compliance challenge focusing
on only key systems, and therefore should not
be relied upon alone to prevent attacks against
SWIFT deployments.

F-SECURE CONSULTING © 2021                                                               ANALYSIS: ATTACKING AND DEFENDING SWIFT SYSTEMS   21
SWIFT CSCF compliance and a complete CSP        PREDICT                                                   PREVENT
attestation will ensure and demonstrate that
your local SWIFT systems are hardened and       It is key that financial institutions begin by            Once attack paths have been identified, an          A strong focus should also be placed on
isolated within a Secure Zone. However, there   understanding and mapping out the possible                analysis of the steps an attacker would take        establishing controls that prevent malware
will remain a number of additional systems      attack paths that an attacker could take when             to reach actions on objectives should be            execution. Furthermore, these controls should be
within your wider environment that can be       attempting to compromise their enterprise                 ascertained. The controls surrounding each of       redundant in the event that one fails or is bypassed
exploited to invoke payment instructions        network and local SWIFT infrastructure. This              these steps should be assessed to confidently       e.g.:
through SWIFT. The key aspect to recognize      process begins at the SWIFT systems and works             determine whether or not they would prevent
here is that these additional systems are not   backwards towards the enterprise network                  such actions. This process should include           • Mail gateway: highly restrictive controls, file
                                                perimeter in order to identify which systems              security assessments of all controls along the        types limited to only those necessary, signature
within scope of SWIFT CSP and do not reside
                                                communicate with the SWIFT infrastructure                 path, as well as establishing an understanding of     detection of malware, and sandbox malware
withing the Secure Zone. As such, financial
                                                and the administration procedures surrounding             the legitimate use cases for all components.          detonation.
institutions must:                              these systems. Furthermore, all systems and                                                                   • Endpoint devices: anti virtus technologies
                                                applications deployed within the organization             Financial institutions should also establish          should be deployed in combination with software
                                                must be subject to frequent security                      a strong understanding of which systems               whitelisting to prevent the execution of arbitrary
                                                assessments and penetration tests. A number of            and actions privileged users have access to,          binaries, scripts, and document macros.
                                                attempted (and successful) attacks on financial           and how an attacker could subvert or abuse          • Account control: removing privileges wherever
                                                systems are never publicly reported. As such,             these privileges. If these legitimate actions         possible and adopting a “just in time/minimal
                                                organizations are advised to build trusted                are necessary and cannot be prevented,                effective access” approach to authentication,
                                                relationships with other local and international          strict monitoring and detection of malicious          supported with multi-factor authentication.
                                                financial organizations to share information on           behaviors should be implemented.                      Privileged Access Management (PAM) platforms,
                                                tactics and tooling.                                                                                            can be used to centralize the management of
                                                                                                                                                                critical system access

F-SECURE CONSULTING © 2021                                                           ANALYSIS: ATTACKING AND DEFENDING SWIFT SYSTEMS                                                                                 22
DETECT                                              RESPOND
Recovery from the type of cyber heists              When prevention fails, it is these detection             Attack case studies such as the heist of the
referenced through this paper is highly             and response capabilities that will ultimately           Bank of Bangladesh and other major incidents
dependent on a timely response, facilitated         determine the overall financial and operational          should be mapped to the organization’s
by an efficient attack detection strategy.          impact of an organization’s local SWIFT                  systems. The response can then work through
Discovering that a compromise has occurred          infrastructure being compromised. Therefore,             these to establish if an investigation could be
when reading an end-of-day report is of little      it is important that resources be given to               rapidly conducted on their systems in the event
use; it is crucial that financial institutions      establishing a suitable detection and response           of a similar attack.
implement robust logging of all key servers         strategy surrounding your SWIFT deployment
within the environment and maintain visibility of   and its upstream systems. The main goal of this
servers and endpoint devices through endpoint       is to efficiently contain and recover from an
detection and response (EDR) technologies.          attack.

F-Secure further recommends that organizations      Regular incident response exercises should be
adopt a threat hunting approach to detection        conducted by financial institutions to ensure
and ensure that threat hunters are familiar with    that the policies and procedures in place
payment systems, as well as all known attacks       facilitate rapid response to an incident. This
against SWIFT systems. This should include          should include tabletop exercises to test these
prioritization of the endpoints (including jump     procedures, as well as full incident response
hosts) that are used by privileged users, because   run-throughs based on SWIFT systems.
these are the endpoints most likely to be
targeted by advanced threat actors during an

F-SECURE CONSULTING © 2021                                                               ANALYSIS: ATTACKING AND DEFENDING SWIFT SYSTEMS                       23

In the present day cyber threat landscape,           However, it’s important to remember SWIFT’s                    SWIFT’s CSP recommends a number of effective         A “point in time” approach to security will never
attacks on financial and SWIFT systems are still     CSP is largely a compliance challenge, which                   hygiene measures and security controls, but the      succeed against an adaptive and persistent threat.
a key focus of advanced persisted threat actors.     by nature becomes somewhat of a rigid, linear                  specific focus on the SWIFT payment systems will     The cyber threat landscape is always shifting, and
As Willie Sutton reportedly stated in 1952, when     process. Compliance does not ensure or imply                   ultimately push attackers to target other parts of   so, only by turning the proposed methodology
asked why he robbed banks, “that’s where the         security, as security itself is a fluid, cyclical              the organization.                                    into a recurring practice can financial institutions
money is”. Huge quantities of money are for          process, always adapting and changing. CSP                                                                          and other organizations hope to secure themselves
the taking. And attackers have, and continue         might be consistely updated to adapt to this, but              As with most compromises, the root cause             against future threats.
to become, considerably more sophisticated,          it will still only ever focus on the security of SWIFT         will frequently remain human error, whether
persistent, and resourceful.                         infrastructure alone.                                          made by administrators in a configuration file,
                                                                                                                    developers in their application code, or employees
In some of the most high-profile attacks             F-Secure has observed that attackers will shift their          being deceived into opening a malicious
against financial institutions, threat actors have   resources into targeting upstream systems and/or               email attachment. For this reason, F-Secure
frequently deployed bespoke malware and              the users who operate with/in them. Furthermore,               recommends an approach that builds on top of
used advanced tactics to achieve their goal of       we’ve documented opportunities in the wild                     SWIFT CSP compliance to further strengthen
performing fraudulent financial transactions.        and researched new ways for suitably positioned                the security posture of an institution as a
In response, SWIFT introduced the Customer           attackers to successfully leverage such systems to             whole. This methodology is rooted in establishing
Security Programme (CSP) and had consistently        perform a successful attack.                                   a strong understanding of how modern threat
revised and updated the Customer Security                                                                           actors target financial institutions, mapping this
Controls Framework (CSCF) to help protect its                                                                       understanding to the organization, and selecting
global SWIFT community from this aver adaptive                                                                      appropriate prevention, detection, and response
threat.                                                                                                             measures.

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