An Energy Product Terminal is Near You - Critical safety information to help you protect yourself and others.
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In an emergency, first dial 911 then contact Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC at 877-267-2290. An Energy Product Terminal is Near You Critical safety information to help you protect yourself and others.
You received this brochure because you live or work near a terminal owned or operated by Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC. A terminal, often recognizable by its grouping of large storage tanks, temporarily houses energy products before they are carried away by pipelines or large trucks. Terminals are an important link in the energy supply chain. Please retain this critical safety information. Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC operates more than 50 storage terminals in the United States. Each day we safely transport energy products to our terminal locations through a network of more than 15,000 pipelines. Operating under many government regulations and industry standards, terminals are essential in helping to meet our nation’s growing eco- nomic and energy needs. 1 Find Be mindful of terminal facilities near you. Visit the National Pipeline Map- ping System at to find aboveground facilities in your area. 2 Act If you suspect a problem at our terminal, or if you witness suspicious or unsafe activity near one of our facilities, dial 911. Then, if you can do it safely, call our free emergency number at 1-877-267-2290. 3Protect Share with family and others the importance of safe practices near aboveground terminal facilities. Help to protect the pipelines that bring product into and out of terminals. Before digging on your property, dial 811 to contact a local One-Call service and have buried utilities marked for free. Use your mobile device to instantly access and save Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC emergency information to your contact list by scanning the icon at left. Download the free scan app at
A Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC terminal is near you. Review and retain this brochure for important safety information in case of an unlikely terminal emergency. What is a Terminal? A terminal, often recognizable by its grouping of large storage tanks, houses energy products before they are carried away by pipelines or large trucks. Some Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC terminals store raw, crude oil before it is taken to refineries to make refined energy products. Other storage tanks may contain a variety of petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, liquefied propane, liquefied butane, kerosene or heating oil. Storage Tanks Storage tanks are built of steel and come in many sizes. The average storage tank is able to hold 60,000 barrels of product -- that is 2.5 million gallons or enough product to fill 125,000 gas tanks. Some larger tanks hold up to 150,000 barrels, or 6.3 million gallons.
Operating with Integrity Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC is dedicated to operating safe and reliable facilities. Our safety practices include: • Extensively training each employee on safety, environmental, health, opera- tional and maintenance-related activities. This includes fire safety, first aid, vehicle safety, emergency drills and hazard communications. • All storage tanks are designed, constructed and maintained to rigorous stan- dards and meet or exceed appropriate federal and state laws. Systems are in place to alert if there is a possible leak and ensure tanks are not over-filled. Storage tanks are surrounded with earthen or concrete walls, called dikes, which are designed to keep fuels on terminal property in the unlikely event of a spill. • Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC has a written emergency plan for every terminal, and it is reviewed and practiced annually. We work closely with local emergency officials and participate in regular practice drills, ensuring responders are familiar with our facilities, energy products and response protocols. • We only fill trucks that pass rigid safety and government-related inspections. Only trained truck drivers are able to load at Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC facilities. Truck-loading facilities are equipped with vapor control systems, which cap- ture and handle any vapor that escapes during the loading process. Overfill protection systems are used when loading equipment. • We regularly inspect equipment to ensure it is in good operating condition. Pipelines bring product into and through our facilities are protected by cor- rosion control, overpressure protection and mechanical damage prevention programs. Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC takes extra steps to protect waterways at marine terminal locations. Es objetivo de Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC • Hay un plan de emergencia escrito para operar terminales seguras y fiables. cada terminal, que se evalúa y prueba anualmente. Trabajamos en colaboración Operar con Integridad con las autoridades locales de respuesta a Nuestras medidas de seguridad abarcan: emergencias. • Capacitación completa de empleados • Sólo se permite que conductores de sobre seguridad, medio ambiente, sani- camiones altamente capacitados carguen dad, operaciones y mantenimiento. en las terminales de Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC. Los camiones de carga pasan estric- • Diseñar, fabricar y mantener tanques de tas inspecciones de seguridad impuestas almacenamiento según normas rigurosas por reglamentos gubernamentales. que cumplen o superan los requisitos de las leyes federales y estatales. Se instalan • Los equipos se inspeccionan regular- sistemas de alerta de rebalse y pérdidas. mente para verificar que estén en buenas Los tanques están rodeados de diques de condiciones de servicio. Hay programas tierra o concreto para contener el com- preventivos de control de corrosión, bustible dentro del predio en el improbable protección contra sobrepresión y averías caso de un derrame. mecánicas para la protección de las líneas de transporte que entran y
Transportation to the Terminal Underground pipelines are a component of a facility’s complex transportation system, bringing product into the terminal. They comprise an unseen and unheard network spanning our yards, communities and country. When products are moved out of storage tanks, they are either car- ried away via another pipeline or are loaded into trucks at a truck rack. The familiar-looking trucks, called fuel carriers, are divided into compartments that hold different types and grades of fuel. Once the truck tanks are filled, the fuel is delivered to local consumer gas stations. Call Before You Dig Improper or unauthorized digging near a pipeline is the most common cause of serious pipeline problems. Avoid accidentally damaging a line on your property, and incurring a fine. Before digging on your property, obey the law and dial 811 to contact a local One-Call service at least three days before you plan to begin your project. One-Call is a free national service that alerts underground utility operators, like Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC, to mark the location of underground utilities at a proposed dig site. Respect any One-Call ground markings and dig cautiously. If you nick, scrape or damage a pipeline in any way, call the Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC at 1-877-267-2290 immediately. The line must be inspected and any damage that could lead to a future problem repaired. atraviesan nuestras plantas. Llame Antes de Hacer una Excavación Transporte Hasta la Terminal La excavación incorrecta o no autor- Las líneas subterráneas son parte del izada cerca de una línea de transporte complejo sistema de transporte para es la causa más común de accidentes. llevar productos hasta la terminal. Éstas Evite dañar accidentalmente una línea forman una red invisible que se extiende en su propiedad y que le apliquen una bajo nuestros jardines, vecindarios y el multa. Antes de iniciar una excavación, país entero. cumpla con la ley y llame al 811, para comunicarse con el servicio One-Call, al El transporte de hidrocarburos desde los menos tres días antes de comenzar el tanques se realiza por medio de líneas trabajo. One-Call es un servicio nacional de salida o con camiones tanque que se gratuito para cargan en el mismo lugar. El tanque de solicitar a los estos conocidos camiones cisterna está operadores dividido en compartimientos donde se de líneas sub- cargan distintos tipos de combustible. terráneas, tal Después de llenar los tanques, los camio- como Phillips nes cisterna transportan el combustible a 66 Pipeline las gasolineras locales. LLC, que
In an Emergency Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC terminals have many safeguards to prevent the unlikely terminal incident from affecting neighboring areas. However, if an event were to occur, local emergency response personnel will be put on immediate notice. Responders will contact you and explain what you shall do. If you suspect a problem at a Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC terminal, or if you witness suspicious or unsafe activity near one of our terminal facilities, immediately notify 911. Then, if able to do so safely, contact Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC using the toll- free emergency hotline at 1-877-267-2290. Additional Resources Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC Corporate Headquarters: 3010 Briarpark Dr. Houston, Texas 77042 Emergency: 1-877-267-2290 Non-Emergency: 1-800-231-2566 811/One-Call American Petroleum Institute Association of Oil Pipe Lines Interstate Natural Gas Association of America Office of Pipeline Safety Pipeline 101 Pipeline Safety Trust Safe at Home marquen la ubicación de líneas subter- dades locales competentes, quienes le ráneas en el lugar de la excavación. indicarán cómo proceder. Respete las marcas de One-Call y Si sospechara que existe un problema en excave con precaución. Si marca, raspa una terminal de Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC o daña una línea de transporte, sírvase o fuera testigo de actividades sospecho- llamar inmediatamente a Phillips 66 sas o inseguras, llame inmediatamente Pipeline LLC al 877-267-2290. La línea al 911 y luego, si puede hacerlo sin será inspeccionada y se reparará todo peligro, llame a Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC daño que pueda ser causa de un futuro al número sin cargo de emergencias problema. 877-267-2290. En Caso de Emergencia Sede Corporativa Las terminales de Phillips 66 Pipeline Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC LLC poseen muchas medidas de seguri- 3010 Briarpark Dr. dad para protección de los alrededores Houston, Texas 77042 en el improbable caso de que ocurra un accidente. En caso de emergencia se notificará inmediatamente a las autori-
Le enviamos este folleto porque usted vive o trabaja cerca de una terminal de Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC u operada por la misma compañía. Una terminal, que generalmente se reconoce por un grupo de grandes tanques, es el lugar donde se almacena temporalmente hidrocarbu- ros antes de transportarlos por líneas o con grandes camiones. Las terminales son un eslabón importante en la cadena de abastecimiento de combustible. Conserve esta importante información de seguridad. Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC opera más de 50 terminales de almacenamiento en Estados Unidos. Todos los días transportamos con seguridad com- bustibles a nuestras terminales por medio de una red de más de 15.000 millas de líneas. Las terminales se operan bajo diversas reglamentacio- nes gubernamentales y normas de la industria. Son fundamentales para contribuir al desarrollo económico y responder a la creciente demanda energética del país. 1 Entérese Entérese de las terminales que estén cerca de usted. Consulte el Siste- ma Nacional de Mapas de Tuberías en el sitio para ver la ubicación de las terminales en superficie en su zona. 2 Actúe Si sospechara que hay un problema en una de nuestras terminales o viera actividades sospechosas o inseguras cerca de una terminal, llame al 911. Luego, si puede hacerlo sin peligro, llame a nuestro número de emergencias sin cargo al 877-267-2290. 3 Protéjase Hable con su familia y con otros sobre la importancia de la seguridad cer- ca de las terminales en superficie. Ayude a proteger las líneas de entrada y salida de productos de las terminales. Antes de realizar una excavación en su propiedad, llame al 811 para comunicarse con el servicio One-Call y hacer marcar gratuitamente las líneas subterráneas. Escanee el ícono a la izquierda para conectarse inmediatamente y guardar los datos de emergencia de Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC en la lista de contactos de su teléfono móvil. Descargue la aplicación gratis para escanear en http://gettag. mobi.
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