An Action Plan for 2011-2021 - California's State Plan for Alzheimer's Disease: California Department of Aging

Page created by Armando Romero
An Action Plan for 2011-2021 - California's State Plan for Alzheimer's Disease: California Department of Aging
California’s State Plan
for Alzheimer’s Disease:
An Action Plan for 2011–2021
An Action Plan for 2011-2021 - California's State Plan for Alzheimer's Disease: California Department of Aging

The guiding principles emphasized throughout California’s State Plan for
     he guiding principles emphasized throughout
Alzheimer’s Disease stress the urgent and ongoing need to:

     California’s State Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease
stress the urgent and ongoing need to:

   • Promote person-centered care that is responsive to
     individual need.

   • Address the broad cultural, ethnic, racial, socio-economic
     and demographic diversity of California’s population.

   • Integrate the social and medical needs of this and other
     aging populations living with multiple chronic diseases
     and disabling conditions.

“The truth is we simply must put Alzheimer’s on the
 front burner because if we don’t, Alzheimer’s will
 not just devour our memories. It will also break our
 women, cripple our families, devastate our healthcare
 system and decimate the legacy of our generation.”
  —Maria Shriver, author of The Shriver Report: A Woman’s
   Nation Takes on Alzheimer’s
 2 Summary of Goals and Recommendations
 4 Why Develop a State Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease?
 6 Action Plan 2011–2021
22 Financing the State Plan:
   Recommendations, Challenges and Opportunities
28 Measures of Success
29 References
30 Appendices
   30 Overview of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias
   32 Resources for Families in California
   34 Historical Context and Recent Efforts
   36 Guideline for Alzheimer’s Disease Management
   38 Glossary of Terms

40 Acknowledgements

                                                            California State Plan: 2011–2021   1
California’s State Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease:
                                                An Action Plan for 2011–2021

                                              Summary           ofRecommendations
                                                      of Goals and  goals
                                                and recommendations

                                       Goal 1 Eliminate Stigma

                                                1A: Heighten public awareness through culturally
                                                    appropriate public education campaigns.
                                                1B: Ensure established clearinghouses
                                                    have reliable information.
                                                1C: Promote consumer access to established

                                       Goal 2 Ensure Access to High Quality,
                                              Coordinated Care in the Setting of Choice

                                                2A: Develop a comprehensive, accessible network of
                                                    medical care and long-term services and support
                                                    from diagnosis through end-of-life.
                                                2B: Advocate for accessible transportation systems.
                                                2C: Address the affordability of services across
                                                    the long-term care continuum.

                                       Goal 3 Establish a Comprehensive Approach
                                              to Support Family Caregivers

                                                3A: Acknowledge and invest in the informal, unpaid
                                                   caregiver as a vital participant in care.
                                                3B: Sustain and expand California’s statewide
                                                    caregiver support network.

2   California State Plan: 2011–2021
2   California State Plan: 2011–2021
Goal 4 Develop an Alzheimer’s Proficient,
       Culturally Competent Workforce

         4A: Build and expand workforce capacity and
             competency throughout the continuum of care.
         4B: Improve dementia care capacity and competency
             of primary care providers.

Goal 5 Advance Research

         5A: Sustain and expand existing research efforts.
         5B: Increase participation in research.

Goal 6 Create a Coordinated State Infrastructure
       that Enhances the Delivery of Care

         6A: Implement a statewide strategy to coordinate,
             integrate, deliver and monitor the continuum of
             care and services.
         6B: Incorporate public health approaches to prepare
             for significant growth in Alzheimer’s disease.
         6C: Collect and use data to drive service
             development and delivery.

                                                             California State Plan: 2011–2021   3
                                                             California State Plan: 2011–2021   3
                                                       FOR ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE?

                                                       Within the next twenty years, the number of Californians living
                                                                ithin the next twenty years, the number of Californians liv-
                                                       with Alzheimer’s disease will nearly double, growing to over 1.1
                                                                ing with Alzheimer’s disease will nearly double, growing to over
                                                       million. Due to a rapidly aging population, the increase will be
                                                       1.1 million. Due to a rapidly aging population, the increase will be even
                                                       even more dramatic among California’s Asians and Latinos, who
                                                       more dramatic among California’s Asians and Latinos, who will see a tri-
                                                       will see a tripling in those affected by 2030.
                                                       pling in those affected by 2030.
                                                              With the enormous growth in the
                                                       With the enormous growth in the number of Californians living                    The care and support of people
                                                       with Alzheimer’s disease there will be a substantial increase in
                                                        number of Californians living with                                          living with Alzheimer’s and related
                                                       family caregiving demands, both emotionally and financially.
                                                        Alzheimer’s disease there will be a sub-
                                                       The economic value of unpaid care is expected to rise from
                                                                                                                                    disorders also impacts state and federal
                                                       $37.2   billion toincrease         in family
                                                                           $72.7 billion. Costs                caregiving
                                                                                                  of formal services,  including    governments. The cost to Medicare of
                                                        demands, both emotionally and tofinan-
                                                       traditional   medical  and  social  supports,   are expected       jump      patients with dementia is estimated
                                                       from $16 billion to $31.3 billion by 2030. Demographic data
                                                        cially. The economic value of unpaid                                        to be three times the cost of enrollees
                                                       indicates that more older Californians are now living
                                                        care is expected to rise from $37.2 bil-
                                                       alone–without the support of a spouse, adult child or other
                                                                                                                                    without dementia.1,2 The cost to Medi-
                                                        lion to $72.7
                                                       relative–placing              billion.
                                                                            new demands      on more Costs       of formal
                                                                                                        costly, formal              Cal is 2.5 times higher for these patients
                                                       services.     The including
                                                                           care and supporttraditional
                                                                                               of people living withmedical         than for age-matched enrollees with
                                                       Alzheimer’s and related disorders also impacts state and
                                                        and       social       supports,            are    expected
                                                       federal governments. The cost to Medicare of patients with
                                                                                                                              to    much of the cost driven by nursing
                                                        jump isfrom
                                                       dementia        estimated$16       billion
                                                                                  to be three   times thetocost$31.3        bil-
                                                                                                                  of enrollees      home expenditures. Unless the State
                                                        lion dementia.1,2The
                                                       without   by 2030. Demographic  cost to Medi-Cal is 2.5data       indi-
                                                                                                                  times higher      takes steps to provide better support in
                                                       for          that more
                                                           these patients                older Californians
                                                                             than for age-matched       enrollees with much areof   the home and community for those who
                                                       the cost driven by nursing home expenditures. Unless the
                                                        now       living      alone–without                  the
                                                       State takes steps to provide better support in the home and
                                                                                                                    support         are affected by this condition, volume
                                                        of a spouse,
                                                       community                 adult
                                                                      for those who          childbyor
                                                                                       are affected           other rela-
                                                                                                         this condition,  volume    alone will cripple public resources.
                                                       alone   will cripple publicnew        demands on more

                                                        costly, formal services.

                                                                                                                                      MEDI-CAL COSTS PER BENEFICIARY 60+
                                                                                                                                     WITH ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND OTHER
                                                                                                                                        DEMENTIAS COMPARED TO OTHER
                                                                                                                                     MEDI-CAL BENEFICIARIES: 2007 DOLLARS




                                       “We need their help up in Sacramento.                                                        $10,000
                                        There’s no way we can handle this on our own.”                                               $5,000
                                        —63-year-old man, Inglewood

                                                                                                                                                  AD and other Group Without
                                                                                                                                                   Dementias     Dementia
                                                                                                                                        nursing      inpatient   other medi-Cal
                                                                                                                                        Home         Hospital    Services
                                                                                                                                     *Note: The figures have been updated from
                                                                                                                                      the source using 2007 dollars3

4   California State Plan: 2011–2021
What is the Status Quo in California?
Today, more    more
            than 10% than
                     of the 10%   of the
                            5.3 mil-lion  5.3 mil-
                                         Americans                         Arguably, these costs could be reduced
affected               affected
           Alzheimer’s disease liveby  Alzheimer’s
                                    in California. An                      by an investment in home and commu-
estimated 1.1 live  inCalifornia
              million  California.
                                 familyAn  estimated
                                       caregivers                          nity-based care.
provide million
           million California  family
                   hours of unpaid      caregivers
                                   care per year, with
                                                                               Families and government are not
an annual     952 value
          economic million     hours
                        of slightly moreofthan
                                                                           alone in shouldering the rising cost
     careThe disease
           per  year,iswith
                       now the
                            ansixth lead-ing
                               annual        cause of
                                          economic                         of Alzheimer’s care. California’s busi-
death in California,
   value             having increased
            of slightly      more thanby 58.3%
                                                 bil-                      ness community faces as much as $1.4
2000 to 2004
   lion.  The(the most recent
                disease       period
                         is now      for sixth
                                   the   which data
                                               lead-is                     billion in lost productivity per year,
available) at a rate
   ing cause      ofmuch higher
                     death      than other leading
                            in California,   having
causes of
                    cost of caring
                                                                           as many employed caregivers must
   increased                fromfor  someone
                                   2000      with
                                        to 2004                            miss work, reduce their work hours,
Alzheimer’s is staggering. Families provide almost
    (the most recent period for which data                                 or change jobs. This, in turn, puts the
three-quarters of care for Californians living with the
    is available) at a rate much higher than                               caregiver at risk of losing health insur-
disease, estimated to be worth $72.7 billion annually.
    other leading causes of death.                                         ance and vital financial resources for
Yet, the State also incurs huge costs in managing the
       The ofcost
complexities      of caring
              dementia. Most for  someone
                             of these         with
                                      costs are                            his or her own future.
driven               is staggering.
       by skilled nursing           Families
                          home expenditures.    pro-
these costsalmost
            could bethree-quarters     of carein
                     reduced by an investment             for
    Californians        living     with
home and community-based care. Families and the    disease,
government          toalone
              are not    be inworth     $72.7
                                 shouldering        billion
                                               the rising
costannually.     Yet,care.
     of Alzheimer’s    the California’s
                              State alsobusiness
                                             incurs huge
    costs in faces  as much asthe
                managing          $1.4complexities
                                       billion in lost     of
productivity  per year,  as many   employed
    dementia. Most of these costs are driven   caregivers
mustbymiss work, reduce
         skilled   nursing  theirhome
                                  work hours,   or change
jobs. This, in turn, puts the caregiver at risk of losing
health insurance and vital financial resources for his or
her own future.

    Planning for California’s Future
           The impact of Alzheimer’s disease is
  The impact of Alzheimer’s disease is already being felt across           in Alzheimer’s care and support and
     already being felt across all sectors of
  all sectors of society but the sheer number of aging baby                the largest, private nonprofit funder of
  boomers means the worst is yet to come. Nationally, there is a
     society but the sheer number of aging                                 Alzheimer’s research–to reduce the risk
  concerted effort to plan and prepare for the imminent public
  health       boomers
          threat  of Alzheimer’smeans
                                  disease. the    worst
                                            The U.S.         is yet
                                                      Congress,   the to   of dementia through the promotion of
  National        Nationally,
             Institutes of Health, Thethere
                                         Centers is   a concerted
                                                 for Disease   Control     brain health and to improve care and
  andeffort     to plan onand
       the Administration            prepare
                                 Aging,            for are
                                         among others,  theworking
                                                                immi-      support for all who are affected. The
  with the Alzheimer’s Association–the leading voluntary health
     nent      public      health      threat    of   Alzheimer’s
  organization in Alzheimer’s care and support and the largest,
                                                                           national effort is bolstered by careful
  private  nonprofitThe    U.S.
                      funder       Congress,
                              of Alzheimer’s         the reduce
                                             research–to   Nationalthe     planning at the state level. California
  risk                   of Health,
       of dementia through     the promotionThe
                                              of brainCenters
                                                       health and tofor    joins 25 other states in developing its
     Diseasecare and    support forand
                    Control         all who are Administration
                                          the   affected. The national     own Alzheimer’s Disease State Plan
  effort is bolstered by careful planning at the state level.
     on Aging, among others, are working
  California joins 25 other states in developing its own Alzheimer’s
                                                                           designed to be an action plan for the
  Disease       the PlanAlzheimer’s           Association–the
                          designed to be an action   plan for the next     next decade, 2011–2021.
  decade,            voluntary health organization

                                                                                                                   California State Plan: 2011–2021   5
Action plan

                                       Whether you call it the
                                                hether     you“Silver
                                                               call itTsunami” or theTsunami”
                                                                       the “Silver    “Gray Wave,” California
                                                                                               or the         is
                                                                                                      “Gray Wave,”
                                       home to more people over age 65 than any other state, and that number will
                                                          California is home to more people over age 65 than any other state,
                                       increase exponentially as the population ages.
                                          and that number will increase exponentially as the population ages.

                                                Among the approximately 3.3
                                       Among the approximately 3.3 million seniors in California are more          Latinos the numbers will triple. No
                                       than 588,000 people living with Alzheimer’s disease and related
                                          million seniors in California are                                        matter what the ethnicity, one in six
                                       California also is home dementias. to 1.1 million family members
                                       whomore         than
                                             provide daily care for588,000            people progressive,
                                                                     people with Alzheimer’s–a         living      California baby boomers (those born
                                       fatal        Alzheimer’s
                                             brain disease  for which theredisease
                                                                              is no cure. Asand       related
                                                                                                staggering as      between 1946 and 1964) will have
                                       these                     California
                                              statistics are, they pale in comparisonalso
                                                                                        to the is      home
                                                                                                  explosive        Alzheimer’s disease.
                                       growth of Alzheimer’s that will occur over the next 20 years as life
                                          to 1.1 million family members who
                                       expectancy increases and as people live longer with chronic, once              This impending public health crisis
                                       fatal conditions. Bydaily
                                                             the yearcare
                                                                       2030 thefornumberpeople           with
                                                                                            of Californians with   presents challenges that compel policy
                                       Alzheimer’s                   progressive,
                                                     disease will double                       fatal
                                                                           to nearly 1.2 million.       brain
                                                                                                                   leaders and key stakeholders to act.
                                          disease forandwhich   Latinos the  numbers
                                                                           there     iswillnotriple. No matter
                                       what the ethnicity, one in six California baby boomers (those born
                                                                                                                   Many people with Alzheimer’s suffer
                                               As staggering as these statistics are,
                                       between 1946 and 1964) will have Alzheimer’s disease. This                  from multiple chronic conditions, and
                                          they pale in comparison to the explo-
                                       impending public health crisis presents challenges that compel              the need for support is great. However,
                                       policy leaders and key stakeholders to act. Many people with
                                          sive growth of Alzheimer’s that will                                     in recent years, many State programs
                                       Alzheimer’s suffer from multiple chronic conditions, and the need
                                           support is over     the next
                                                      great. However,   in recent20
                                                                                  years,years    as life
                                                                                         many State                and services for this population
                                       programs   and services increases          and
                                                                for this population        as reduced,
                                                                                    have been   people             have been reduced, eroded or elimi-
                                          liveor longer
                                       eroded     eliminated duewith
                                                                   to statechronic,
                                                                            budget actions.once      fatal
                                                                                            As California          nated due to state budget actions. As
                                       prepares for the “silver tsunami” and a doubling in the number of
                                          conditions.         By    the    year    2030     the   num-
                                       people living with Alzheimer’s dis-ease, there is a significant,
                                                                                                                   California prepares for the “silver tsu-
                                       urgent    offorCalifornians             withplan.Alzheimer’s
                                                        a comprehensive strategic                                  nami” and a doubling in the number
                                          disease will double to nearly 1.2 mil-                                   of people living with Alzheimer’s dis-
                                          lion. Among Asian-Americans and                                          ease, there is a significant, urgent need
                                                                                                                   for a comprehensive strategic plan.

                                            ESTIMATED NUMBER OF PEOPLE 55+ WITH
                                            ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE; 2008, 2015, 2030






                                                                   2008            2015          2030

6   California State Plan: 2011–2021
                               BY RACE/ETHNICITY; 2008, 2015, 2030
     500,000                                                                                         2008
      450,000                                                                                        2015

                       Caucasian           Latino/Hispanic           Asian/Pacific   African-       Native
                                                                       Islander      American      American

In 2008, the Legislature began to address this crisis when it enacted
            In 2008, the Legislature began to
Senate Bill 491 (Alquist), calling for California to develop an
                                                                                  The task force made special efforts
     address this crisis when it enacted
Alzheimer’s Disease State Plan. Under the leadership of the State             to address the unique needs of
Alzheimer’s        Billand491
              Disease       Related(Alquist),
                                      Disorders Advisorycalling
                                                            Committee, fora   California’s culturally diverse popu-
broad-based task force was appointed. Working with the Alzheimer’s
     California to develop an Alzheimer’s                                     lation, in particular those who are at
Association and the California Health     and Human Services Agency,
     Disease State Plan.4 Under the leader-
the task force engaged more than 2,500 individuals in plan
                                                                              greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s
     ship of
development,          thepeople
                including    State     Alzheimer’s
                                  living with the disease, Disease            disease. Moreover, the task force sought
     and Related
under-represented     communities, Disorders               Advisory
                                     providers, family caregivers,            out new ways to assist people liv-
researchers and educators. The task force made special efforts to
     Committee, a broad-based task force                                      ing with dementia and their families
address the unique needs of California’s culturally diverse
     was appointed. Working with the
population, in particular those who are at greater risk of developing
                                                                              through technological advances. This
Alzheimer’s                    Association
              disease. Moreover,    the task force sought and          the
                                                             out new ways     year-long effort to tackle the explo-
     California Health and Human Services
to assist  people living with dementia   and  their families  through         sive growth of this disease and the
technological advances. This year-long effort to tackle the explosive
     Agency, the task force engaged more                                      enormous challenges it presents to
growth of this disease and the enormous challenges it presents to
     than 2,500 individuals in plan devel-
families, businesses, government, and health and social service
                                                                              families, businesses, government, and
providers              including
            was launched                 peopleDay,living
                           on World Alzheimer’s           September with21,   health and social service providers was
       It has disease,        under-represented com-
              yielded a 10-year  action  plan  with  guiding  principles,     launched on World Alzheimer’s Day,
goals and recommendations to address the escalation of Alzheimer’s
     munities, providers, family caregivers,                                  September 21, 2009. It has yielded a
among California’s population.
     researchers and educators.                                               10-year action plan with guiding prin-
                                                                              ciples, goals and recommendations to
                                                                              address the escalation of Alzheimer’s
                                                                              among California’s population.

                                                                                                                    California State Plan: 2011–2021   7
                                       Eliminate Stigma

                                       Examples abound of fatal diseases that were previously
                                             xamples abound of fatal diseases that were previously considered
                                       considered taboo to discuss in public but are now in the
                                              taboo to discuss in public but are now in the mainstream, including
                                       mainstream, including HIV/AIDS, breast and prostate cancer.
                                        HIV/AIDS, breast and prostate cancer. Through the courage of individuals
                                       Through the courage of individuals suffering with these diseases
                                        suffering with these diseases who were willing to speak publicly, there is
                                       who were willing to speak publicly, there is now increased
                                        now increased awareness, education, and support. Because the public has
                                       awareness, education, and support. Because the public has
                                        gained a better understanding, many who once would have struggled in
                                       gained a better understanding, many who once would have
                                        silence are now accepted and supported.
                                       struggled in silence are now accepted and supported.
                                       Unfortunately, Alzheimer’s
                                          Unfortunately, Alzheimer’sdisease
                                                                      disease has
                                                                               has not
                                                                                        achieved this
                                       understanding   andacceptance–negative
                                        understanding and  acceptance–negative     stereotypes
                                                                              stereotypes persist. persist.
                                                                                                    It is nowIt the
                                        mostthe  mostdisease
                                              feared   fearedindisease
                                                                           America.  This is compounded
                                                                               is compounded               by
                                                                                              by discrimination
                                       discrimination   against
                                        against older adults, biasolder adults,
                                                                   against peoplebias
                                                                                  withagainst people
                                                                                       cognitive      with and
                                       cognitive impairments,
                                        lack of awareness whichand
                                                                has lack  of continued
                                                                     fueled  awareness    which has fueled
                                                                                       stigmatization of people
                                        living withstigmatization of people
                                                    Alzheimer’s disease      livingfamilies.
                                                                        and their   with Alzheimer’s
                                                                                             Sadly, this disease
                                                                                                         stigma is
                                       and  their not
                                        prevalent families. Sadly,thethis
                                                      only among          stigma
                                                                       public      is prevalent
                                                                              but among          not and
                                                                                          physicians onlythe
                                       the  public
                                        of those    but among physicians and the families of those

                                            “It didn’t take long before my regular lunch group stopped calling.
                                             Soon, the phone stopped ringing altogether and it was just my
                                             husband and me all alone.”
                                             —58-year-old Los Angeles woman with early onset Alzheimer’s disease

8   California State Plan: 2011–2021
ReCommenDAtion 1A:
Recommendation 1A:

Heighten public awareness through culturally appropriate
public education campaigns.

1. Pursue public, private, corporate    3. Promote positive images of people
   and philanthropic funding              living with Alzheimer’s disease
   sources for broad-based, statewide     and their caregivers to combat
   educational campaigns.                 stigma and improve societal
                                          acceptance and integration.
2. Develop content for public aware-
   ness campaigns to address a wide     4. Partner with the Department of
   range of issues and audiences,         Education to advance elementary
   including, but not limited to:         and secondary level curriculum
                                          in schools to educate young
   • Identify early warning signs         Californians on the facts of
     and effective strategies             aging with an emphasis on
     for obtaining diagnosis,             sensitivity to functional, physical
     treatment and support.               and cognitive limitations.
   • Educate on the cost of long-
     term care, limits of Medicare/
     Medi-Cal coverage, personal
     responsibility, the importance
     of financial planning and the
     availability of the Community
     Living Assistance Services and
     Support Act (CLASS ACT), part
     of the national public education
     campaign Advance CLASS.

   • Collaborate with the Coalition
     for Compassionate Care and
     other organizational efforts
     to inform Californians of
     end-of-life care options and
     encourage appropriate use of
     advance health care directives
     and Physician Orders for Life
     Sustaining Treatment (POLST)5.

                                                                                California State Plan: 2011–2021   9
ReCommenDAtion 1b:
                                        Recommendation 1B:

                                        Ensure established clearinghouses have reliable information.
                                        1. Support public education campaign         4. Fully develop CalCare Net to
                                          messages with an array of                    cover all 58 California counties to
                                          accessible websites that contain             augment and strengthen existing
                                          standardized Alzheimer’s content.            statewide consumer resources
                                                                                       such as: 2-1-1 information line,
                                        2. Develop electronic links within             Aging and Disability Resource
                                          existing state-supported websites            Centers, Area Agencies on Aging,
                                          to ensure that evidence-based                Caregiver Resource Centers
                                          and reliable Alzheimer’s related             and the California Alzheimer’s
                                          educational information is available         Disease Centers as community
                                          via the California Health and Human          resources affiliated with statewide
                                          Services Agency and its departments:         entities. Disseminate these phone
                                          Aging, Health Care Services, Mental          numbers, physical addresses
                                          Health, Office of Statewide Health           and websites to the public.
                                          Planning and Development, Public
                                          Health and Social Services, as             5. Provide state-approved forms
                                          well as the Department of Motor              such as Durable Power of Attorney
                                          Vehicles. Encourage date stamping            for Healthcare, Physician Orders
                                          for all web pages to promote                 for Life Sustaining Treatment
                                          current and relevant information.            (POLST) and other documents
                                                                                       with helpful instructions and
                                        3. Promote internet-based links to             Frequently Asked Questions at
                                          private websites and contact centers         no cost to the consumer via
                                          available on-demand 24/7, such               public libraries, resource centers
                                          as the Alzheimer’s Association               and easily accessible websites.
                                          at 1-800-272-3900 and www.
                                , for access after-hours
                                          and from remote locations.

                                        ReCommenDAtion 1C:
                                        Recommendation 1C:

                                        Promote consumer access to established clearinghouses.
                                          Consider adopting a template for information and educational materials
                                          to ensure they are available at appropriate literacy, language and legibility
                                          (font size) for a diverse population.

10   California State Plan: 2011–2021
Ensure Access to High Quality,
Coordinated Care in the Setting of Choice

The public’s perception, as well as that of many medical and
      he public’s perception, as well as that of many medical and health
health professionals, is that Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis
      professionals, is that Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis inevitably results in
inevitably results in nursing home placement, which is outdated
 nursing home placement, which is outdated and wrong. Today less than 6%
and wrong. Today less than 6% of those with Alzheimer’s live in
 of those with Alzheimer’s live in nursing homes. This is due in large part
nursing homes. This is due in large part to the evolution of an
 to the evolution of an array of home and community-based services in the
array of home and community-based services in the 1980s and
 1980s and 1990s. At the same time, assisted living has emerged as a desir-
1990s. At the same time, assisted living has emerged as a
 able residential alternative to nursing homes, often with a specialty focus
desirable residential alternative to nursing homes, often with a
 on dementia care. Understanding care options, access to appropriate ser-
specialty focus on dementia care. Understanding care options,
 vices and affordability of services are key to adequate caregiver support and
access to appropriate services and affordability of services are
 enabling individuals with Alzheimer’s disease to remain in their own homes.
key to adequate caregiver support and enabling individuals with
Alzheimer’s        disease to remain in their own homes.
Recommendation 2A:         2A:
Develop a comprehensive, accessible network of medical
care and long-term services and support from diagnosis
through end-of-life.
1. Advocate for adoption of the
  concept and characteristics of the
  “medical home” and “health care
  home” which provide coordinated,
  interdisciplinary team-based,
  person-centered Alzheimer’s care,
  which includes comprehensive
  assessments, clear goals of care       3. Maximize the availability of medical,
  and regular re-evaluation to             preventive and home-based support
  adapt to changing individual             services by promoting use of
  needs as the disease progresses.         telemedicine and other technology
                                           that brings Alzheimer’s expertise
2. Invest in and promote care              to sites that lack specialized
  management and care coordination         skills or advanced training.
  to ease care transitions.

                                                                                California State Plan: 2011–2021   11
ReCommenDAtion 2C:
                                                                                        Recommendation 2C:
       “Without the Adult Day Health Care program for my mother,
                                                                                        Address the affordability
        I would have to quit my job and move in with her full-time or go
                                                                                        of services across the
        against everything I was raised to believe and move her to a facility.”
                                                                                        long-term care continuum.
        —55-year-old male from El Centro
ReCommenDAtion 2b:
Recommendation 2B:                                                                      1. Preserve, restore and increase
Advocate for accessible transportation systems.                                           established home and community-
                                                                                          based programs that effectively
Strategies:                                                                               serve people with dementia
                                                                                          and support their caregivers,
1. Offer specialized dementia training       3. Mandate that the Department
                                                                                          including Alzheimer’s Day Care
     to mobility managers in each              of Motor Vehicles refers affected
                                                                                          Resource Centers, Adult Day
     Area Agency on Aging to promote           persons to transportation resources
                                                                                          Health Care, In Home Supportive
     development and ensure awareness          upon involuntary surrender,
                                                                                          Services and the Program for All-
     of the transportation needs of people     expiration or loss of driving
                                                                                          Inclusive Care for the Elderly.
     living with Alzheimer’s disease.          privileges (e.g., license revocation)
                                               to address the unique transportation     2. Improve licensed facilities that serve
2. Ensure input to the state                   needs of persons in the early              people with Alzheimer’s disease
     interagency group and the Project         stages of Alzheimer’s disease.             and related dementias, such as
     Advisory Committee working
                                                                                          Residential Care Facilities for the
     to improve human services               4. Offer voluntary dementia training
                                                                                          Elderly and Nursing Facilities.
     transportation coordination, and          and certification of bus drivers,
     implement the Mobility Action             cab drivers and others who work          3. Promote best practices (such
     Plan in order to reflect the needs of     in public transportation. Include          as Dementia Care Networks) to
     people with Alzheimer’s.                  large print signs and clear audio          meet existing needs and foster
                                               messages as criteria of certification.     replication and innovation
                                                                                          to meet emerging needs.

                                                                                        4. Enhance legal protections for
                                                                                          people living with the disease and
                                                                                          caregivers to protect against abuse
                                                                                          and neglect.

12   California State Plan: 2011–2021
Establish a Comprehensive Approach
to Support Family Caregivers

The strain of caregiving takes an emotional and physical toll on
      he strain of caregiving takes an emotional and physical toll on
women and men of all ages. It is well documented that often the
      women and men of all ages. It is well documented that often the person
person with Alzheimer’s disease lives longer than their caregiver
 with Alzheimer’s disease lives longer than their caregiver as the caregiver’s
as the caregiver’s own physical and mental health needs take a
 own physical and mental health needs take a back seat to the daily demands
back seat to the daily demands and challenges of caregiving for a
 and challenges of caregiving for a loved one. In the case of adult children
loved one. In the case of adult children who are working,
 who are working, caregiving negatively impacts the individual’s ability to
caregiving negatively impacts the individual’s ability to work
 work outside the home. Adequate support can preserve the health status
outside the home. Adequate support can preserve the health
 of the caregiver, improve care for their loved one and postpone or avoid
status of the caregiver, improve care for their loved one and
 residential placement.
postpone or avoid residential placement.

ReCommenDAtion 3A:
Recommendation 3A:
Acknowledge and invest in the informal, unpaid caregiver
as a vital participant in care.
1. Support, fund and expand the           3. Increase participation in educational
  availability of professional guidance     programs among diverse caregivers
  to help family caregivers navigate        through culturally and linguistically
  and manage myriad safety and              appropriate offerings.
  behavioral issues through an
  array of services such as caregiver     4. Encourage businesses and other
  assessment, care consultation,            workplace sites to offer family
  counseling, care management,              caregiver support services, e.g.
  respite care, support groups,             flexible work hours, referrals and
  assistive technologies and other          counseling through Employee
  effective interventions.                  Assistance Programs and other
                                            employee initiatives.
2. Empower family caregivers to
  register for, participate in and        5. Secure foundation, corporate
  complete training in established          and nonprofit funding for
  educational programs offered by           effective statewide family
  reliable public and not-for-profit        caregiver training programs.
  organizations with specialized
  expertise in Alzheimer’s disease.

                                                                                     California State Plan: 2011–2021   13
“I feel overwhelmed by caregiving responsibilities. I am plagued by
                                              grief, anger and depression. The disease has not only ruined my
                                              husband’s life, but mine too.”
                                               —78-year-old woman, Santa Cruz

                                        ReCommenDAtion 3b:
                                        Recommendation 3B:
                                        Sustain and expand California’s statewide
                                        caregiver support network.
                                        1. Expand upon care coordination           4. Educate and enlist the faith
                                          infrastructures that assist families       community as community
                                          in understanding the diagnosis,            resources that can help reach out
                                          how to access services, future             to and support family caregivers.
                                          challenges and other issues.
                                                                                   5. Promote the critical importance of
                                        2. Invest in the future of the Caregiver     establishing meaningful activities
                                          Resource Centers, Alzheimer’s Day          across the care continuum that are
                                          Care Resource Centers, California          specifically adapted for the person
                                          Alzheimer’s Disease Centers, and           with Alzheimer’s disease. This may
                                          other programs tailored to the             include vocational, rehabilitative,
                                          unique needs of family caregivers.         social and recreational activities.

                                        3. Increase the availability of and
                                          referral to face-to-face and web-
                                          based support groups for family
                                          caregivers and persons in the early
                                          stage of the disease. Encourage
                                          referral by physicians, health
                                          professionals and community-
                                          based organizations.

14   California State Plan: 2011–2021
Develop an Alzheimer’s Proficient,
Culturally Competent Workforce

Over the 3 to 20 year course of Alzheimer’s disease, the
        ver the 3 to 20 year course of Alzheimer’s disease, the
individual affected will encounter the full spectrum of care
        individual affected will encounter the full spectrum of care pro-
providers from the least skilled and untrained to the most
 viders from the least skilled and untrained to the most specialized in the
specialized in the medical field. Despite the reliance on paid staff
 medical field. Despite the reliance on paid staff and health professionals
and health professionals at every stage of the disease, there is a
 at every stage of the disease, there is a startling lack of training and basic
startling lack of training and basic information on detection,
 information on detection, diagnosis, care, treatment and support services
diagnosis, care, treatment and support services for Alzheimer’s
 for Alzheimer’s that cuts across every level of licensure. The dementia-
that cuts across every level of licensure. The dementia-
 knowledge gap leaves patients and families to their own devices to educate
knowledge gap leaves patients and families to their own devices
 themselves and navigate a complex system of services and supports at a
to educate themselves and navigate a complex system of
 time when they most need professional guidance and advice.
services and supports at a time when they most need
professional       guidance and advice.
Recommendation 4A:        4A:
Build and expand workforce capacity and competency
throughout the continuum of care.
1. Support certification, licensure and   4. Establish public-private educational
  degree programs that encourage            training partnerships that
  working with older adults                 support health care workers with
  and persons with Alzheimer’s              career ladders while offering
  disease and their caregivers.             employers a professional pipeline
                                            to aid in job recruitment and
2. Integrate a basic level of dementia      employee retention efforts.
  sensitivity and disease education for
  all trainees in health related fields   5. Protect and promote the 10
  at the student and residency level.       California Alzheimer’s Disease
                                            Centers as a training resource
3. Partner with licensing boards to         for community providers and
  mandate continuing education              licensed health professionals.
  on Alzheimer’s and related
  dementias as a condition of license     6. Mandate competency-based
  renewal for doctors, nurses and           training for employees in specific
  other health professionals.               settings (e.g., hospitals, nursing
                                            homes, home care workers, first
                                            responders), recognizing there are
                                            different strategies for different
                                            settings, levels of skill and licensure.

                                                                                       California State Plan: 2011–2021   15
“My wife was seen by five different doctors before we finally
                                                      got a diagnosis after nearly two years of pushing for answers.”
                                                      —52-year-old man, Chico

Recommendation 4A, cont’d.                ReCommenDAtion 4b
                                          Recommendation 4B

7. Provide guidance on the new
                                          Improve dementia care capacity and competency
     Medicare benefit that reimburses     of primary care providers.
     for an annual cognitive exam.
8. Create financial incentives            1. Explore, endorse and disseminate        4. Engage community physicians in
     (through tuition assistance, loan      dementia-specific curriculum               research to encourage referral to
     forgiveness, housing subsidies and     and training programs tailored to          and participation in clinical trials.
     stipends) to increase the number       primary care physicians, internists,
     of health care professionals who       general practitioners, physician         5. Protect and promote the California
     pursue education and training          assistants and nurse practitioners.        Alzheimer’s Disease Centers
     to specialize in gerontology and                                                  as a tertiary referral resource
     geriatrics, particularly those who   2. Regularly update and disseminate          for community physicians
     make a commitment to work              California’s evidence-based Guidelines     to support diagnosis and
     in underserved communities.            for Alzheimer’s Disease Management to      management of complex cases.
                                            continually improve assessment,
9. Promote the use of Medicare              treatment, care coordination and         6. Educate clinicians on the criteria
     coding to reimburse physicians         follow-up support of the patient.          needed to refer and qualify a patient
     and allied health professionals                                                   for hospice care to ensure that
     for family conferences and care      3. Strengthen primary care practices         patients receive full benefit of the
     planning meetings that educate         by dedicating staff support (or by         medical, health services and social
     and support family caregivers,         providing access to a Dementia             supports offered at end-of-life.
     promote future planning, and           Care Manager) to coordinate care,
     enhance the quality of medical         manage individual cases, and             7. Incorporate Alzheimer’s educational
     care and support services.             develop formal mechanisms for              materials for patients and family
                                            referral to health care homes and          caregivers into digital libraries
                                            community-based agencies that              to enable physicians to store
                                            offer specialized expertise, social        and forward information on
                                            supports and mental health services.       electronic medical records.

16   California State Plan: 2011–2021
 Advance Research
Research that discovers a way to delay the debilitating symptoms

R     esearch that discovers a way to delay the debilitating symptoms
of Alzheimer’s by just five years could cut prevalence rates in half.
      of Alzheimer’s by just five years could cut prevalence rates in half.
Research is also the only means by which we will be able to cure
 Research is also the only means by which we will be able to cure and ulti-
and ultimately prevent this tragic disease. California has been a
 mately prevent this tragic disease. California has been a national leader in
national leader in Alzheimer’s disease research, and since 1985
 Alzheimer’s disease research, and since 1985 the state has invested more
the state has invested more than $90.7 million in a network of ten
 than $90.7 million in a network of ten California Alzheimer’s Disease
California Alzheimer’s Disease Centers that have leveraged the
 Centers that have leveraged the funds to raise more than $544.5 million
funds to raise more than $544.5 million in federal and private
 in federal and private research money. The voluntary income tax check-
research money. The voluntary income tax check- off has
 off has generated more than $10 million in contributions for Alzheimer’s
generated more than $10 million in contributions for Alzheimer’s
 research. But in 2009 the California Alzheimer’s Disease Centers suffered
research. But in 2009 the California Alzheimer’s Disease Centers
 deep cuts in state funding and all state-funded research and data collec-
suffered deep cuts in state funding and all state-funded research
 tion were eliminated. Our prominence has diminished and California now
and data collection were eliminated. Our prominence has
 stands to lose critical federal research funding because the state Alzheimer’s
diminished and California now stands to lose critical federal
 infrastructure is disintegrating.
research funding because the state Alzheimer’s infrastructure is
                                        “Our central valley research center
                                         is at risk of losing its federal
                                         Alzheimer’s distinction because
                                         our charge to conduct research
                                         and collect data was eliminated.”
                                         —psychologist, Fresno Alzheimer’s
                                          Disease Center

                                                                              California State Plan: 2011–2021   17
ReCommenDAtion 5A:
                                        Recommendation 5A:

                                        Sustain and expand existing research efforts.
                                        1. Preserve, restore and expand                 • Exploring opportunities for
                                           state funding of the ten                       California’s special funds for
                                           California Alzheimer’s Disease                 research to support competitive
                                           Centers, including the mandate                 funding for Alzheimer’s
                                           to conduct research.                           disease, e.g., funds awarded
                                                                                          by the California Institute for
                                        2. Promote increased taxpayer                     Regenerative Medicine.
                                           contributions to the tax check-off
                                           for Alzheimer’s disease research.            • Promoting research focused on
                                                                                          the development of assistive
                                        3. Renew California’s commitment                  technology, including both high
                                           to lead the nation in research,                and low tech assistive devices that
                                           attracting world-class talent,                 adapt everyday environments for
                                           federal research dollars and                   people with Alzheimer’s.
                                           economic multipliers that create
                                           jobs and drive innovation by:

                                           • Collaborating with industry and
                                             the life and biosciences sector.

                                        ReCommenDAtion 5b:
                                        Recommendation 5B:

                                        Increase participation in research.
                                        1. Educate
                                        1. Educate the
                                                    the public
                                                        public on
                                                                      availability,   3. Partner with the Coalition for
                                        purpose  andand value
                                                     value      of research,
                                                            of research,  andand        Compassionate Care of California
                                          encourage   participation   in clinical
                                        encourage participation in clinical trials      to include and promote sample
                                          trials and other studies. Promote the
                                        and other studies. Promote the
                                                                                        language regarding research
                                          Alzheimer’s Association’s TrialMatchTM        participation in standard advance
                                        Alzheimer’s Association’s TrialMatchTM
                                          as a resource for increasing participa-       health care directive forms.
                                        as a resource for increasing participation
                                          tion in Alzheimer’s clinical trials.
                                        in Alzheimer’s clinical trials.
                                        2. Collaborate with private,
                                           state and federal partners to
                                           increase participation of diverse
                                           populations in research studies.

18   California State Plan: 2011–2021
  Create a Coordinated State
  Infrastructure that Enhances
  the Delivery of Care

 T     hefor
          need     for plan
                         a strategic    plan
 The need    a strategic     is more urgent in 2011 than ever
                                                is more       before
                                                         urgent   in as the first
                                                                     2011    thanbaby
 boomers turn age 65. Furthermore, Healthy People 2020, which represents the nation’s
        before as the first baby boomers turn age 65. Furthermore, Healthy
 highest priorities for health promotion and disease prevention over the next decade, has
 now      2020,
     included     which disease
              Alzheimer’s represents   thefirstnation’s
                                 for the        time. Thehighest priorities
                                                          framework          formeasurable
                                                                    establishes  health
 national publicand
  promotion      health goals and
                     disease      has underscored
                              prevention  over thethenext
                                                                   the growing public
                                                                       now included
 health threat Alzheimer’s and dementia pose to the nation. It also recognizes the health
  Alzheimer’s disease for the first time. The framework establishes measurable
 risks associated with the burden of family care- giving and compels California to develop
  national public health goals and has underscored the recognition of the
 more reliable measures of both Alzheimers's and family caregiving.
  growing public health threat Alzheimer’s and dementia pose to the nation.
  It also recognizes the health risks associated with the burden of family care-
  giving and compels California to develop more reliable measures of both
  Alzheimer’s and family caregiving.
California        funds state
           funds multiple multiple state departments
                              departments              withinHealth
                                          within the California the California
                                                                     and Human Health
Agency that oversee
  and Human         programs
                Services     that serve
                          Agency   that similar
                                        oversee and sometimesthat
                                                  programs    identical
                                                                  serveclients, withand
                                                                          similar    little or
no coordination to ensure efficiency, improve outcomes, or gain economies of scale. Over
  sometimes identical clients, with little or no coordination to ensure effi-
several decades there have been numerous attempts to “realign,” “reform,” or “redesign” the
broadly   improve
        defined      outcomes,
                long-term        or gain in
                          care continuum economies     of scale.
                                            state government.    Overis several
                                                              There             decades
                                                                        a need for better
  there have beencollaboration
                               data collection and service
                                        to “realign,”      oversight.or
                                                        “reform,”            “redesign”
  the broadly defined long-term care continuum in state government. There
  is a need for better cross-departmental collaboration on data collection and
  service oversight.

                                               “My nonprofit agency
                                                reports to at least a
                                                dozen state and local
                                                departments and we have
                                                surveyors and evaluators
                                                from multiple jurisdictions
                                                in our center several times
                                                a year. It’s maddening!”
                                                —Licensed care provider,
                                                 Huntington Beach

                                                                                            California State Plan: 2011–2021   19
ReCommenDAtion 6A:
                                      Recommendation 6A:

                                      Implement a statewide strategy to coordinate, integrate,
                                      deliver and monitor the continuum of care and services.
                                      1. Establish mechanisms that will           3. Recognize and address the
                                         result in better coordination              financial burden of caregiving
                                         between state and local agencies,          and work to protect spouses from
                                         government departments and                 impoverishment at all levels of care.
                                         voluntary health organizations to
                                         enable California to better serve its    4. Provide regular training to
                                         aging and disabled population. For         regulators on best practices
                                         example, promote cross-training            in dementia care to improve
                                         and joint visits by state regulators.      consistency and continuity
                                                                                    between settings.
                                      2. Create an integrated state long-
                                         term care financing budget that          5. Increase funding for medical
                                         provides incentives for people             care and long-term services
                                         to receive care in home and                and support through alternative
                                         community-based settings and               financing mechanisms such as
                                         enables California to retain and           expansion of the use of Medicaid
                                         reinvest cost savings back into the        waivers or “provider fees.”
                                         state’s long-term care infrastructure.

20 California State Plan: 2011–2021
ReCommenDAtion 6C:
                                                                                          Recommendation 6C:

                                                                                          Collect and use data to
                                                                                          drive service development
                                                                                          and delivery.
                                                                                          1. Increase surveillance of incidence of
                                                                                            Alzheimer’s disease and the impact
                                                                                            of caregiving through the Behavioral
ReCommenDAtion 6b:
Recommendation 6B:                                                                          Risk Factor Surveillance System
Incorporate public health approaches to prepare for                                         (BRFSS), California Health Interview
                                                                                            Survey (CHIS), the Healthcare
significant growth in Alzheimer’s disease.                                                  Effectiveness Data and Information
Strategies:                                                                                 Set (HEDIS) and other surveys.

1. Recognize caregiving as a health      4.Collaborate
                                         4. Collaboratewith
                                                        withnonprofit hospitals
                                                              nonprofit                   2. Promote common data elements
   risk factor that warrants public         hospitals
                                         to assist      to assisttheir
                                                   in meeting       in meeting
                                                                       legislativetheir     and uniform data collection to
   health attention to incentivize          legislative
                                         mandate         mandate
                                                    to conduct        to conduct
                                                                  a community               accurately capture the population
   health professionals to acknowledge      a community       needs
                                         needs assessment and disperse
                                                                       assessment           with cognitive impairments
   and address the issue.                   and disperse community benefit                  eligible for or served by
                                         community benefit funds to local
                                            funds to local agencies working                 California’s publicly funded
2. Coordinate with organizations         agencies working to improve health
                                            to improve health status of                     aging and disability programs.
   that are actively working to reduce   status of people
                                            people   livingliving
                                                              withwith   Alzheimer’s
   risk factors such as diabetes and     disease
                                            diseaseand  their
                                                      and     caregivers.
                                                           their   caregivers.6           3. Reinstate data collection activities
   heart disease to promote disease                                                         that have been eliminated as a result
   prevention and brain health.                                                             of budget cuts, e.g., California
                                                                                            Alzheimer’s Disease Centers and
3. Promote brain health initiatives to                                                      the Family Caregiver Alliance.
   reduce risk factors, especially in
   ethnically diverse communities.                                                        4. Use available data to assist in
                                                                                            program refinement, grant
                                                                                            submissions and implementation
                                                                                            of California’s Alzheimer’s
                                                                                            Disease State Plan.

                                                                                                           California State Plan: 2011–2021   21
                                        FINANCING THEthe
                                                      STATE PLAN: PLAN:
                                        AND OPPORTUNITIES

                                        Given California’s ongoing budget crisis, the Alzheimer’s Disease
                                                iven California’s ongoing budget crisis, the Alzheimer’s
                                        State Plan addresses financing as a stand-alone topic. Funding is
                                                Disease State Plan addresses financing as a stand-alone topic. Funding
                                        the underlying issue that generally drives policy decisions,
                                         is the underlying issue that generally drives policy decisions, impacts access
                                        impacts access to and quality of care, determines care options,
                                         to and quality of care, determines care options, and dictates choices regard-
                                        and dictates choices regard- ing care setting. Recognizing the
                                         ing care setting. Recognizing the importance of this single subject, sixteen
                                        importance of this single subject, sixteen state and national
                                         state and national experts were invited to contribute their insights and ideas.
                                        experts were invited to contribute their insights and ideas.
                                           In a series of phone interviews, experts shared their frustrations with “siloed”
                                        government funding streams, categorical programs, discriminatory eligibility
                                        requirements, under-funding of home and community-based programs and ser-
                                        vices, and the need for more personal responsibility to share in the cost of long-
                                        term care in the future. The interviewees identified three common themes:

                                              1. In terms of cost-containment, avoiding or forestalling acute
                                                and long-term institutionalization is the highest priority.

                                              2. Accessing disparate community-based services
                                                is problematic and time-consuming; improving
                                                communication and financial integration among the
                                                services would benefit caregivers immeasurably.
        “In public policy, we know
         that things get done when            3. Providing sufficient training and support of family caregivers
         powerful constituencies are            is vital. The ability of family members and friends to care
         behind them; we need to                for their loved one and adequately handle the challenges
         help drive that demand.”
                                                involved is the single most important element for avoidance
          —financing expert
                                                of premature or inappropriate institutional placement.

22   California State Plan: 2011–2021
Areas of Exploration
   In addition, the group identified five areas for further
   exploration by California policy makers:

   1. Utilize public funding more efficiently
Many of thoseofinterviewed
                 those interviewed  propose
                           propose that a                   Yeteven
                                                           Yet  evenPACE–with
                                                                      PACE–with    its highly
                                                                              its highly       regu-
   that adesigned,
carefully     carefullyfinancially
                            designed,      financially
                                      integrated,           lated structure–does
                                                           structure–does not allownot
                                                                                    theallow  the or
                                                                                        flexibility flex-
   integrated,      coordinated      care
coordinated care program would improve       program the    ibility or ofeconomies
                                                           economies                  of needed
                                                                           scale that are scale that
                                                                                                  to     are
   would improve the services provided                       needed to expand services and increase
services provided to patients and their                    expand services and increase utilization.
   to patients and their caregivers, with                    utilization. The concept of PACE’s inte-
caregivers, with the important goal of                     The concept of PACE’s integrated services
   the important goal of reducing unwar-                     grated services and funding are sound.
reducing unwarranted and expensive acute                   and funding are sound. But this needs to
   ranted and expensive acute care. Several                  But this needs to move a step further
care. Several
   states   havestates    have Medicaid
                    Medicaid                 waiver
                                 waiver programs           move
                                                             where a step further where
                                                                       a bundled          a bundled
                                                                                      payment       can be
   allowing  allowing
                  themthemto to   combineall
                               combine        all their
                                                   their   payment
                                                             applied can   be services
                                                                       to all applied tothat
                                                                                          all services  that
                                                                                               are specific
   long-term care dollars,   tighten tighten
                    care dollars,      standardsstan-
                                                    for    are
                                                             to specific to the unique
                                                                 the unique      needs needs     of
                                                                                          of Alzheimer’s
nursing     for nursing
                                     expand         and      families. families.
                                                           Alzheimer’s    Programs      serving
                                                                                   Programs          people
   expand     community-based          services
community-based services starting with the        start-     with    developmental       disabilities
                                                           people with developmental disabilities are    are
most    with     the mostsub-groups.
             population      frail population      sub-
                                          A strongly         lauded   for  their  ability  to  individual-
                                                           lauded for their ability to individualize the
   groups. A strongly held sentiment is the                  ize the funding/support needs of each
held sentiment is the need to implement                    funding/support needs of each person,
   need to implement programs that build                     person, eliminating the cookie-cutter
programs that build and wrap services                      eliminating the cookie-cutter approach to
   and wrap services around the client as                    approach to service delivery.
around   the client
   opposed            as opposed
                to programs     that to  programs
                                      simply   reduce      service delivery.
                                                                All interviewees concur that the
     simply reduce      payments    to  institutional
                  to institutional providers.               best service models keep people with
 Inefficiency  in publicinsector
        Inefficiency             pro-sector
                            public    grams is
                                            pro-            Alzheimer’s disease out of nursing
    limitedisto not limited
                Medicare.    to Medicare.
                          In California, thereIn            homes and avoid hospitalizations by
is California,   there
   little connection    is little
                     between    connection
                              the                           providing affordable, high quality in-
county-designated services, resulting in ser-
  between     the  county-designated                        home supportive services and care-
  vices, resulting in much duplication of
much duplication of databases and
                                                            giver training. There are a variety of
  databases and expensive administrative                    randomized trials being conducted
expensive administrative functions. To
  functions. To improve services and effi-                  in different states, augmenting care
improve services and efficiency, strong
  ciency, strong state leadership is needed.                coordination and studying the impact
state leadership is needed. Many                            on patients, caregivers and acute and
       Many interviewees applaud PACE
interviewees applaud PACE (Program of                       skilled nursing facility use; several have
  (Program of All-Inclusive Care for
All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) as an                   proven to be cost neutral or demon-
  the Elderly) as an excellent model for
excellent   model forservices
  coordinating         coordinating
                                      efficient             strated a cost benefit.
with  efficient use of Medicare
  use of Medicare and Medicaid   and Medicaid

                                                                                                               California State Plan: 2011–2021 23
2. Take advantage of national emphasis on innovation
                                           Passage of the federal health care       • Use bundled payments based in
                                        reform in 2010 opened many doors              the physician’s office that include
                                        for funding innovation. The new health        diagnosis and four months of
                                        care law offers funding opportunities         assistance for the person and
                                        for developing and evaluating models          family to help connect them to
                                        of service delivery, financing and staff-     community services.
                                        ing. There is particular emphasis on
                                        developing effective and efficient ways     • Take advantage of the resurgence
                                        of managing chronic illnesses such as         of managed care (and intro-
        “Passage of the CLASS
                                        Alzheimer’s disease, for which a major        duction of Accountable Care
         Act was a key milestone
                                        portion of healthcare dollars are spent;      Organizations) to reinforce a
         and important recognition                                                    coordinated approach to meeting
                                        the Centers for Innovation under the
         of the need for personal                                                     medical and social service needs.
                                        Centers for Medicaid and Medicare
         financial planning for long-   Services (CMS) will sponsor a variety       • Combine Medicare Advantage
         term care.”                    of projects. Among the suggestions:           plans with a private pay compo-
          —financing expert
                                          • Add Alzheimer’s disease to                nent to boost the services available
                                            chronic disease self-management           in an integrated service model.
                                            programs now being studied
                                            through initiatives under national      • Develop a national model similar
                                            Comparative Effectiveness                 to hospice, where multiple
                                            Research grants.                          service components–medical,
                                                                                      psychosocial, nursing, attendant
                                          • Test fee bundling arrangements            care–are included in one package.
                                            with Alzheimer’s disease patients
                                            when they are hospitalized for          • Push for a greater role for advance
                                            other medical problems, thus              practice nurses. Alzheimer’s
                                            expanding coordination of the             disease continues to be under-
                                            necessary follow-up care.                 diagnosed and there are insuffi-
                                                                                      cient numbers of geriatricians and
                                                                                      primary care providers.

24   California State Plan: 2011–2021
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