Air Purifiers Streamer Technology - Australian Climate Systems

Page created by Kelly Walker
Air Purifiers Streamer Technology - Australian Climate Systems
Air Purifiers
Streamer Technology


Air Purifiers Streamer Technology - Australian Climate Systems
Contents                                                                                      Why Daikin? 1   Market Leader
                                                                                                              Daikin is the global No. 1 in air
                                                                                                              conditioning. We have been delivering
                                                                                                              effective and innovative climate control
                                                                                                              for Australian homes for over 50 years.
Indoor Air Quality and Health        5

Market-Leading Streamer Technology

The Daikin Air Purifier range

                                                                                                         2    Quality Products
                                                                                                              Based on a tradition of technological and
                                                                                                              design excellence, our air purifiers reduce
                                                                                                              the presence of pollutants, allergens and
                                                                                                              mould to provide clean air and healthier
Product features                     8                                                                        indoor environments.

Leading technology and innovation
in every component


                                                                                                         3    Extensive Service Support
                                                                                                              As part of our commitment to ongoing
                                                                                                              service and quality, Daikin provides
                                                                                                              nationwide pre-sales and after-sales
                                                                                                              support and advice.

                                          The Sensitive
                                          Choice For
                                          Your Home
                                          Daikin Air Purifiers are approved by the        ®

                                          National Asthma Council Australia’s Sensitive
                                          Choice® program as a better choice for
                                          people who suffer from asthma and allergies.

2 | Air Purifiers                                                                                                                                           Air Purifiers | 3
Air Purifiers Streamer Technology - Australian Climate Systems
Indoor Air                                         Common household pollutants
                                                   Daikin air purifiers capture, suppress and break down a number of
                                                                                                                           Market-Leading                                                                                                        Compared to standard
Quality                                            pollutants found in the home.
                                                                                                                           Streamer                                                                                                              plasma discharge, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 speed of oxidative
and Health                                                                                                                 Technology
                                                        Substances that can be controlled/broken down
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 decomposition is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 over 1000 times
Did you know that Australians spend around                                                                                 The secret to high performance air purification is Daikin’s Streamer
90% of their time indoors? While we’re all very                                                                            Technology. This innovative technology features a high-power                                                          greater with the same
aware of what affects outdoor air quality, we                                                                              plasma discharge that generates high-speed electrons to decompose
don’t often consider what our indoor air quality
                                                           Mould                   Pollen             Allergens such as
                                                                                                     dust mite droppings   harmful substances. This powerful oxidative decomposition process
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 electrical power!
                                                                                                         and remains
is like and how it could impact the health of                                                                              continuously removes odours, bacteria and indoor air pollutants such as
our family.                                                                                                                formaldehyde for superior air purification.

The air inside any home contains a range of
pollutants and allergens that can contribute to
                                                                                                                                                                                      Excited                  OH
poor indoor air quality, leading to potentially                                                                                                                                       nitrogen               radical
serious health problems for occupants.
                                                          Odours               Formaldehyde           Diesel particulate                                                                         Excited               Oxygen
                                                                                                           matter                                                                                oxygen                radical
At Daikin, we’re dedicated to delivering
products and technologies that not only create
a comfortable living environment, but also a                                                                               Streamer emits high-speed electrons.                   The electrons collide and combine with nitrogen        These elements break down unwanted substances.
healthy environment. Our innovative range of                                                                                                                                      and oxygen in the air to form four kinds of
                                                                                                                                                                                  elements with powerful oxidative decomposition
air purifiers is designed to greatly reduce the                                                                                                                                   capabilities.
presence of contaminants in the home so you
can rest easy knowing your indoor air quality is
at an optimum level.                                        NOx                    Dust                 Yellow sand

                                                                               Substances that can be trapped
                                                                                                                           How effective is                                           Eliminates                              Eliminates                              Eliminates
                                                                                                                           Daikin Streamer                                              Pollen                                  Mould                                 Allergens
                                                                                                                                                                                  More than 99.6%1                          More than 99.9%²                      More than 99.61%1
                                                                                                                                                                                     in 2 hours                               in 24 hours                           in 24 hours

                                                                                                                           Streamer Technology - the three C’s

                                                                                                                                                         CLASH                                                                                                 CYCLE
                                                                                                                                                  Decomposes harmful                                                                                 Maintains the deodorising
                                                                                                                                                 substances trapped by                                                                                  filter’s deodorising
                                                                                                                                                   the High Efficiency                                                                                   capacity by assisting
                                                                                                                                                    Particulate Filter.                                                                               odour decomposition.


                                                                                                                                                                                                  Removes bacteria from all
                                                                                                                                                                                                  filters allowing them to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                     maintenance free and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  increasing filter longevity.

                                                                                                                             Verified at Wakayama Medical University with the following test condition: Irradiated allergens with Streamer & checked decomposition of allergen proteins by either the ELISA
                                                                                                                           method, electrophoresis or electron microscopy.
                                                                                                                             Verified at Japan Food Research Laboratories using antibacterial test/mould elimination test (test number: 204041635-001).

4 | Air Purifiers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Air Purifiers | 5
Air Purifiers Streamer Technology - Australian Climate Systems
The Daikin Air Purifier range                                                                                                                                       Product features
 Turn your home into
                                           Feature-packed for cleaner, fresher, healthier air
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MCK55YPVM                  MC55YPVM                            MC40YPVM
    the great indoors.                                                                                                                                               FEATURES
  Daikin’s Air Purifiers                                                                                                                                            Humidification                                                   P                              –                                   –
     keep your indoor                       4 Layers of filtration                                                 Anti-pollen mode                                 Streamer Technology                                              P                             P                                    P
      space fresh and                       Features Prefilter, Deodorising Filter, High                           By creating gentle air turbulence from fan       High Efficiency Particulate Filter (Dust Collection Filter)      P                             P                                    P
healthy all year round.                     Efficiency Particulate filter and Daikin’s                             speed modulation, pollen is trapped by the       Deodorising filter                                               P                             P                                    P
                                            signature Streamer Technology.                                         air filters before it settles.                   Prefilter                                                        P                             P                                    P
                                                                                                                                                                    Active Plasma Ion Technology                                     P                             P                                    –
                                            Triple detection sensor                                                Turbo mode                                       Room Humidity Monitor                                            P                             –                                    –
                                            Dust, PM2.5 particles and odour levels are                             High power operation for quick removal           Streamer Operation Indicator (Regular/Low)                       P                             P                                    P
                                            displayed on the top of unit for easy live                             of pollutants. Ideal for use when there is a     Triple Detection Sensor & Indicator (Dust/PM2.5/Odour)           P                             P                                    P
                                            monitoring.                                                            sudden increase of occupants in the room.        Fan Speed Setting & Indicator (Quiet/Low/Standard/Turbo)         P                             P                                    P
                                                                                                                                                                    Operation Mode Indicator                                         P                             P                                    P
                                            Ultra quiet operation                                                  Auto fan mode                                    Moist Mode                                                       P                             –                                    –
                                            Whisper quiet operation with sound levels of                           Airflow is optimised to suit contamination       Auto Fan Mode                                                    P                             P                                    P
                                            as low as 19dBA (in Quiet Mode).                                       levels detected from the sensors for efficient   Econo Mode                                                       P                             P                                    P
                                                                                                                   energy usage.                                    Pollen Mode                                                      P                             P                                    P
                                            Wireless controller                                                                                                     Wireless Remote Controller                                       P                             P                                    –
                                            A wireless remote controller is included with                          Econo mode                                       Easy-Install Caster                                              P                             –                                    –
                                            MC(K)55YPVM models for simple, convenient                              Automatically switches between ‘Quiet’ &         LED Brightness (Bright/Dim/Off)                                  P                             P                                    P
                                            operation at your fingertips.                                          ‘Low’ operation mode to suit contamination       Sensor Sensitivity Adjustment                                    P                             P                                    P
                                                                                                                   levels. Ideal for sleeping hours.                Child Proof Lock                                                 P                             P                                    –
                                                                                                                                                                    Auto-Restart After Power Failure                                 P                             P                                    P

                                                                                                                                                                    Why humidify?                                                                             The water tank (2.7L) can be
                    Streamer Air Purifier                             Streamer Air Purifier                                 Streamer Air Purifier                                                                                                             conveniently removed and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the compact depth of 190mm
                    Humidifying                                       MC55YPVM                                              MC40YPVM                                                                                                                          makes refilling a breeze.
                                                                                                                                                                    Humidity plays a big role in a home’s indoor air
                    MCK55YPVM                                                                                                                                       quality. Low humidity can lead to very dry air,
                                                                                                                                                                    increasing the chance of the spread of airborne
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Humified Air
                                                                                                                                                                    viruses and causing the exacerbation of skin
                                                                                                                                                                    irritations such as eczema. In contrast, high
                                                                                                                                                                    humidity can create an ideal breeding ground
                                                                                                                                                                    for asthma and allergy triggers such as dust
                                                                                                                                                                    mites and mould.

                                                                                                                                                                    Now, with Daikin MCK55YPVM, you can purify
                                                                                                                                                                    and humidify your home simultaneously.
                                                                                                                                                                    Thanks to its built-in humidifier with live
                                                                                                                                                                    humidity monitoring, Daikin MCK55YPVM
                                                                                                                                                                    provides a live read on the room’s humidity
                                                                                                                                                                    level and allows you to set your desired
                                                                                                                                                                    humidity from three target settings.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Water is fed into
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the humidifying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 tray where the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 humidification wheel’s
                    › Rooms up to 82m2                                › Rooms up to 82m2                                    › Rooms up to 62m2                                                                                                                                                   filters soak up the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 water as it rotates.
                                                                                                                                                                    Low Standard High
                    › Airflow Rate: 330m3/h                           › Airflow Rate: 330m3/h                               › Airflow Rate: 240m3/h                 40%   50%    60%

                    › Humidification: 500mL/h                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 As the airstream passes, water is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Room Air         evaporated off the wheel and dispersed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              into your room, increasing the humidity.
              • Room Size is calculated according to NRCC-54013 standard using cigarette smoke CADR tested according to JEM1467.
              • Humidification is measured at condition: 20°C in temperature at 30% humidity according to JEM1426.

6 | Air Purifiers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Air Purifiers | 7
Air Purifiers Streamer Technology - Australian Climate Systems
Leading technology and                                                                                                                                 Specifications
innovation in every component                                                                                                                          MODEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             MC55YPVM                  MC40YPVM

                                                                                                                                                       Mode                                                      Air Purification           Humidification                              Air Purification
                                                                                                                                                       Applicable Room Size* (m2)                                      82                        14-23                          82                               62
For over 90 years, Daikin has invested heavily in Research                                                                                             Power Supply                                                                                   1 Phase, 220-240V, 50Hz
and Development to deliver market-leading technology and                                                                                               Power Cord Length (m)                                                                                     1.8
products that are efficient, powerful, reliable and easy to use.                                                 HUMIDIFICATION WHEEL                  Fan Mode                                           TURBO STD LOW QUIET TURBO STD LOW QUIET TURBO STD LOW QUIET TURBO                                STD        LOW QUIET

                                                                                                                 (MCK55YPVM Only)                                     m3/h                                 330 192 120          54    330 192 144 102 330 192 120                          66      240     168        108   66
                                                                                                                                                       Airflow Rate
                                                                                                                 Absorbs water and through                            L/s                                   92   53     33      15     92     53      40     28      92     53      33      18      67      47        30    18

                                                                                                                 controlled evaporation humidifies     Power Consumption (W)                                56   17     10       7     58     19      14     11      37     15      10      8       23      13         9    7

                                                                                                                 your room with 3 settings available   Sound Pressure Level (dBA)                           53   39     29      19     53     39      33     25      53     39      29      19      49      36        27    19

TRIPLE DETECTION SENSOR                                                                                          (40, 50 & 60% humidity targets).      Humidification^ (mL/h)                               –    –       –       –    500 300 240 200                 –      –      –       –       –       –          –    –

Highly sensitive triple detection                                                                                                                      Dimensions (HxWxD) (mm)                                      700 (718 with caster) x 270 x 270                                   500 x 270 x 270
sensors measure the indoor air                                                                                             DEODORISING FILTER          Weight (kg)                                                         9.5 (without water)                                                 6.8
quality levels of the room.                                                                                                Odours are absorbed by                     Dust (0.3μm)                                                   High Efficiency Particulate Filter (Dust Collection Filter)
                                                                                                                           the deodorising catalyst                   Odour                                                             Deodorising Filter + Daikin Streamer Technology
DC FAN MOTOR                                                                                                               and further decomposed                     Formaldehyde, Bacteria &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Daikin Streamer Technology
Efficiently controls fan                                                                                                   by the Streamer,            Humidifying Method                                                 Evaporation Type Element                                             –
rotational speed for                                                                                                       therefore retaining the     Tank Capacity (L)                                                             2.7                                                       –
greater power savings                                                                                                      deodorising capacity of                          Dust Collection Filter                                                              KAFP080B4E
and quiet operations                                                                                                       the filter.                 Filters              Humidifying Filters                                  KNME080A4E                                                    –
as low as 19dBA.                                                                                                                                       *Room Size is calculated according to NRCC-54013 standard using cigarette smoke CADR tested according to JEM1467.
                                                                                                                                                       ^Humidification is measured at condition: 20°C in temperature at 30% humidity according to JEM1426.
PET net filter captures
larger particulates to
ensure unimpeded
operation of other
system elements.

                                                                                                                 HIGH EFFICIENCY
                                                                                                                 PARTICULATE FILTER
                                                                                                                 (Dust Collection Filter)
                                                                                                                 Removes 99.97% of fine particles1.
                                                                                                                 Particulates are attracted to the

                                                                                                                                                           Smart Installation
                                                                                                                 electrostatic fibres and trapped,
                                                                                                                 freeing up airflow for increased
                                                                                                                 filter longevity.
Light weight sirocco fan. These fans                                                                             STREAMER TECHNOLOGY                       The most ideal placement for your Daikin Air Purifier is opposite
feature an aerodynamic fan blade                                                                                 Releases high speed electrons that        a Daikin Split System air conditioning unit to optimise the circular
design which reduces turbulence                                                                                  collide with oxygen and nitrogen          airflow effect.
for a more efficient and quieter air                                                                             molecules, this activates them and
flow delivery.                                                                                                   enables oxidative decomposition.          The unit controls unevenness in the room temperature while
                                                                                                                                                           cleaning the air during heating or cooling operation.

    Verified by the test method of The Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association Standard JEM1467. It is the                                             To maximise dust collection, it is most effective to place your
initial removal performance of the filter. It is different from the removal performance for the entire room.                                               Daikin Air Purifier on the floor, or as low as possible.

8 | Air Purifiers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Air Purifiers | 9
Air Purifiers Streamer Technology - Australian Climate Systems

10 | Air Purifiers
Air Purifiers Streamer Technology - Australian Climate Systems
© Copyright in the contents of this brochure is                 ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATIONS
owned by Daikin Australia Pty Limited and no part
                                                                Daikin Industries Limited has received ISO 14001 Environmental
of the document may be reproduced in any form
                                                                Certification for the Daikin production facilities listed below. ISO
without the express written permission of Daikin
                                                                14001 is an international standard specifying requirement for an
Australia Pty Limited.
                                                                environmental management system, enabling an organisation to
ASSUMPTIONS                                                     formulate policy and objectives, taking into account legislative
                                                                requirements and information about significant environmental
All representations made in Daikin marketing and                impacts. It applies to those environmental aspects within the
promotional material are based on the assumptions               organisation’s control and over which it can be expected to have an
that the correct equipment has been selected,                   influence.
appropriately sized and installed in accordance
with Daikin’s installation instructions and standard            The certification relates only to the environmental management
industry practices.                                             system and does not constitute any endorsement of the products
                                                                shipped from the facility by the International Organisation for
QUALITY CERTIFICATIONS                                          Standardisation.
Daikin Industries Limited was the first air conditioning         Head Office / Tokyo Office                Certificate number: EC02J0355
equipment manufacturer in Japan to receive ISO                  Shiga Plant (Japan)                       Certificate number: EC99J2044
9001 certification. All Daikin manufacturing facilities          Sakai Plant (Japan)                       Certificate number: JQA-E-80009
have been certified to ISO 9001 Quality Management               Daikin Industries Ltd (Thailand)          Certificate number: JQA-E-90108
System requirements. ISO 9001 is a certificate for               Yodogawa Plant (Japan)                    Certificate number: EC99J2057
quality assurance concerning ‘design, development,              Daikin Australia Pty. Ltd.                Certificate number: CEM20437
manufacturing, installation and related service’ of
products manufactured at that factory.

                                                                Daikin Australia                 Daikin Australia               Daikin Australia
Residential Air Conditioning                                    Pty Limited                      Pty Limited                    Pty Limited
Manufacturing Div (ISO 9001)                                    (ISO 9001)                       (ISO 45001)                    (ISO 14001)
JQA-0486 May 2, 1994                                            QEC 23256           Quality      OHS 20939 17       OHS
                                                                                                                                CEM 20437           Environment

(Shiga Plant)                                                   May 12, 2006        ISO 9001
                                                                                                 February 2021      ISO 45001   October 27, 2006 ISO 14001
                                                                Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide,      Sydney                         Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide,
                                                                Melbourne, Newcastle,                                           Melbourne, Perth
Commercial Air Conditioning
                                                                Townsville, Perth
and Refrigeration
Manufacturing Div (ISO 9001)
JMI0107 December 28, 1992
                                                                Industrial System and Chiller        Daikin Europe N.V (ISO 9001)
(Kanaoka Factory and Rinkai
                                                                Products Manufacturing Div           Lloyd 928589.1 June 2, 1993
Factory at Sakai Plant)                                         (ISO 9001)
                                                                JQA-0495 May 16, 1994                Daikin Industries (Thailand) Ltd
                                                                (Yodogawa Plant and Kanaoka          JQA-1452 September 13, 2002
                                                                Factory and Kishiwada Factory)       (ISO 9001)


Daikin Australia Pty Limited ABN 62 000 172 967
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Air Purifiers Streamer Technology - Australian Climate Systems Air Purifiers Streamer Technology - Australian Climate Systems
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