Page created by Gerald Hansen
Tr a i n i n g


 The first Training Academy
 exclusively focused on AIM
 The GroupEAD team consists of experts from all key areas of air
 traffic business including AIS/AIM Officers, Air Traffic Control,
 Airports and Airlines. Our unique background of multinational and
 multilingual staff members allows us to provide our experience to
 our clients in an engaged and flexible way. Refreshing the know-
 how is a key to continuous improvement.


 and Customers GroupEAD’s AIM Training Academy is pleased to provide Handling, management and operation of data are our
 varied trainings to support different types of learners core competences. Transferring these competences
 participated at GroupEAD and subject areas in our full service portfolio. We provide through training is the way GroupEAD supports the AIM
 Training Academy standard and customized training solutions to enrich your Community to move forward.
 experts to benefit your aeronautical data organization.
 Our learning strategy promotes long retention levels by
 mixing methods including lecture, reading, audio-visual,
 demonstration practice and real environment simulation,
 discussion and scenario based trainings. Our AIM Train-
 ing Academy capabilities for your success:

 • Training courses are designed specifically Certificate
 for AIM staff
 • Trainers experienced and operational experts GroupEAD has developed a sophisticated
 • Flexibility to address needs through Modules Quality Management System (QMS), and is

 7 Languages
 and Training Locations
 Content is customisable to fit to your requirements
 ISO 9001:2015 certified with continuously
 successful re-certifications over the past years.

 You will enjoy our training through active participation → read more:
 and involvement.

Table of Content

 AIM Basic
 11 Aeronautical Information Service
 12 AIS Basics for Aerodromes
 13 Air Navigation for AIS
 14 Dynamic Data

 AIM Advanced
 16 AICM/AIXM 5.1 Basic
 17 AICM/AIXM 5.1 Advanced
 18 AICM/AIXM 4.5 Basic
 19 AICM/AIXM 4.5 Advanced
 20 Evolution from AIS to AIM towards SWIM
 21 ICAO AIM Documents:
 PANS-AIM, Digital Data Sets and Data Catalogue
 22 Data Quality Assurance
 23 Quality Management for AIM
 24 New SNOWTAM Format
 25 eTOD Procedure Design
 26 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) 30 General Criteria and Conventional Practice
 27 ADQ Executive Awareness 30 Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Procedures
 28 ADQ Requirements & Implementation 31 RNP Navigation (Doc 9905) & BARO-VNAV
 31 Helicopters (Point in Space) Procedures
 Table of Content 32 PANS OPS Recurrent Course
 32 Obstacle Assessment and Management

 34 AIXM 5.1 for Managers & Decision-Makers
 35 European Regulatory Context for AIM

 In General
 3 Forword
 5 General Information
 35 Schedule and price list
 37 Enrolment form
 38 Location and Direction: Madrid
 40 Location and Direction: Frankfurt am Main

4 5
General Information

 Course Enrolment

 1. Enrolment on our website – please join us at and click on “AIM Training Academy”
 button in the top row. This link will take you to our training
 portal where you can explore and sign up for courses
 with your own login.

 2. Electronically – you can download our enrolment form
 in pdf from our website or request in an email to Just print, fill it in and email
 it back to us and we will enroll you in the classes of your

 3. If you cannot get to a computer, we can still receive
 your enrolment form by regular mail to the address at material will be provided by the Trainer on your first day.
 the top of the enrolment form on page 37 of this brochure. After completion of the course(s), you will receive an
 individual Certificate of Attendance for each course you
 Please plan your enrolments that it reaches us at mini- attended.
 mum 35 days in advance to the course start date. Once
 we receive it, you will receive a confirmation email. If you Both of our training locations have a break area where
 do not receive a confirmation from us, send us an email you can refresh yourself with a drink and a cookie before
 or contact us via phone to get confirmation. the class and during breaks. There are close-by eating
 facilities where lunch can be purchased or alternatively,

General Information
 If you would like to book within 35 days of the course you can pack your lunch and eat in our comfortable
 start date, contact us to see if we still have seats avail- lounge areas.
 able. If we do, we would be happy to include you in the
On GroupEAD Training Programm training.
 Virtual Training

 Training Fees GroupEAD is also offering all courses as virtual training
 via a video platform. The scope and content will be the
 Frankfurt, Madrid or at your Place! Prices in this brochure cover the costs of the training same as classroom training. If you are interested, please
 including all documentation and are quoted in contact us. We will gladly provide you an offer.
 We are pleased to offer training in either of our 2 classroom locations or to travel to Euro (excluding VAT) based on a per person price.
 your location. In addition, we are newly offering our AIM Training virtually. Within the
 programme, you will see our pre-planned trainings occur in either our Madrid, Spain
 or Frankfurt, Germany training and operations centres. In addition to our pre-planned Course Start, Details and Classroom
 training listed in this catalogue, we can also provide on request trainings at our place
 or happy to travel to yours. We only need a classroom set-up (with or without computers, Once your enrolment is processed, the online training
 depending on the courses) to travel to you! portal will show your course status as “Scheduled”.
 This will let you know that you have a seat in the course
 The standard language of training is English, but based on our talented training staff, reserved. About 35 days in advance of the course, once

 we are pleased to offer some of our training courses in a variety of languages such as: the course has been confirmed, the status will change to
 “Confirmed” and you will receive an official invitation via

 email with all details needed to join the class. In general,
 on the first day all courses will start at 0900 hrs local
 time. Please plan to arrive 15 min before the start time
 Our training material is provided in English, but contact us if you are interested in the so that the class can also begin on time. Your training
 possibilities above.

6 7
General Information

 The Terms and Conditions for AIM training are
 available upon request or by download from our website
 “AIM Training Academy” at

Choosing your Courses Substitution, Postponement, Cancellation Policy

We have developed a Training Programme addressed to Booked participants may be substituted up until the
those people who want to become AIM Staff including training course will commence if the replacement trainee
simulation experience in a real AIM environment. fulfills the necessary conditions for the training course in
Whether you have aviation background or not, our question. Substitution of trainees is for free. No refunds
Training Programme will allow you to understand and will be made for non-attendance of trainees.
participate in present and future AIM developments.
 If the postponement is requested before 35 days in
AIM Basic Training advance of the training, all out of pocket costs to
If you do not have aviation background, these Training GroupEAD will be covered by Customer.
courses will allow you to acquire the necessary know-
how to join Organizations managing aeronautical data. If the postponement is requested 35 days or less in
 advance of the training, in addition to all out of pocket
AIM Advanced Training costs, a 500 EUR fee will be issued to cover the addi-
If you have aviation background and you want to improve tional management and scheduling costs associated to
your skills in AIM, these Training Courses will provide you postponement.
with the necessary knowledge to be part of daily AIM
operations. Up to 35 days prior to the training, a cancellation will
 not be charged. Upon cancellation within 15 to 35 days
Procedure Design prior to the training, 50 % of the contract value will be
In depth training courses by module to acquire the charged. Cancellation less than 15 days prior to the train-
knowledge needed to design procedures based on ICAO ing will be charged in full. In case cancellation cost for
standard. travel arrangements for trainer occur, those cancellation
 cost plus a 10 % handling fee will apply in addition.
We have developed this seminar product to bring a wide
amount of knowledge to larger audiences in a shorter For further information please contact us:
period of time The objective of the Seminar is to provide
customised content to introduce, consolidate or refresh Hannes Thiesz
knowledge of AIM staff. VP AIM Business

 AIM Basic Training
Availability of Trainer +49 69 78072 804
GroupEAD shall assure the availability of instructors
during the agreed dates. From the date the firm signed Oscar Centeno Basic know-how
order or any other mutually signed agreement is Deputy Officer Training
received by GroupEAD, a minimum lead time of 35 cal-
endar days shall apply to provide the training service. +34 6726 10347

 Judith Kouronfli
Material and Ownership Training Assistant
All copyrights and other intellectual property rights of +49 69 78072 894
the course material, including all documentation, data,
technical information and know-how provided as part of
the training, remains in possession of GroupEAD, GroupEAD Europe S.L. is committed to protecting and res-
unless otherwise specified in the material. All such infor- pecting your privacy and we are in compliance with the EU
mation shall be held in confidence and may not be General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Further details
disclosed to third parties without the express permission can be found on our website under Privacy Note.
of GroupEAD.

8 9

Aeronautical Information Services

 Course Details: Duration: 10 days, classroom or virtual training
 Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers with no or limited aviation knowledge
 Min. number: 4

 Course Objective: This course addresses the main concepts of AIS and the evolution to AIM. It also explains the
 AIM Products and their ICAO reference documents. Participants will be familiar with AIS Data
 Process and they will have a good overview of the Digital Data Sets and Aeronautical Data
 Catalogue. The course explains as well the importance of the Data Quality in the context of AIM.

 Course Content: • Principles of AIS. Main concepts in AIM. Evolution from AIS to AIM
 • Documentation in AIS. ICAO Annexes and Documents
 • Responsibilities and functions of AIS
 • AIM Products Overview. Static and Dynamic Data
 • AIP structure and parts
 • Aeronautical Information Updates: AIP Amdts and SUP
 • Other AIM Products: AIC, NOTAM, Aeronautical Charts
 • Digital Data Sets
 • Integrated Briefing
 • Equipment and software used in AIS and AIM
 • Encode / decode Aeronautical Information. AICM and AIXM
 • Process raw data. Aeronautical Data Process. Static Data Process
 • Coordination with originators, ATS units, customers etc.
 • Compiling and storing static data
 • Data exchange standards and GIS
 • Aeronautical Data Catalogue
 • Quality Management Systems in AIM
 • Quality Assurance in AIM
 • Aeronautical Data Quality
 • AIM strategy

Basic Basic

 AIS Basics for Aerodromes Air Navigation for AIS

 Course Details: Duration: 5 days, classroom or virtual training Course Details: Duration: 3 days, classroom or virtual training
 Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers working in aerodrome environment Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers
 Min. number: 4 Min. number: 4

 Course Objective: This course explains the main concepts of AIS in the contest of Aerodromes and explains the Course Objective: This course will provide the participant with the background knowledge related to
 AIM Products and their ICAO reference documents. Participants will be familiar with AIS Data Air Navigation including the earth, types of projections, Navigation Aids and conventional
 Process and the role of the Aerodromes as Data Originators. flight procedures.

 Course Content: • Principles of AIS. Aerodromes and AIS. ARO and Facilitation Course Content: • The Earth, including reference points, lines, direction, distance, position, geodetic concepts,
 • AIS and AIM Concepts and definitions the magnetic field and compass and vertical, horizontal and temporal reference systems
 • ICAO Documentation in AIS (Annex 15, PANS-AIM, AIM Manual) • Projections including the basis for type of projections and their uses in aviation charting
 • ICAO Documentation in Aerodromes (Annex 14) • Applied navigation including distance between two points, speed and course
 • Responsibilities and functions of AIS. Responsibilities and • Navigation Aids with coverage of on-board systems and instruments and ground based/
 functions of Aerodromes as Data Originators satellite systems (NDB, VOR, TACAN, ILS etc.)
 • AIM Products (formerly Integrated Aeronautical Information Package) • Conventional flight procedures such as holding, IAP, SID, STAR etc.
 • Static and Dynamic Data
 • NOTAM proposals and NOTAM creation.
 • SNOWTAM in Aerodromes.
 • Aeronautical Data Chain and AIS Data Process. The Aerodrome roles and tasks
 • Coordination with surveyors, other data originators, AIS units, customers etc.
 • Formal arrangements
 • Compiling and delivering static data to the next intended user
 • Process of raw data
 • Aeronautical Data Quality in the contest of an Aerodrome.
 • Integrated Briefing
 • Equipment and software used in AIS
 • Aeronautical Information Conceptual and Exchange Models (AICM and AICM)
 • AIM strategy

 12 13

 Dynamic Data

 Course Details: Duration: 2 days, classroom or virtual training
 Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers
 Min. number: 5

 Course Objective: With this course, the participant will be able to describe the main concepts of Dynamic Data,
 list the different types of TAM messages, recognize the codes used in the Q Line to process
 the information contained in a NOTAM

 Course Content: The student will be able to read and understand the information contained in a NOTAM.
 As well, the participant will be able to create new NOTAM and a complete and coherent data-
 base. He/she will handle the other type of TAMs, like SNOWTAM, state the concept of the
 Pre-Flight Information Bulletin (PIB), describe the scope, content, types and structure of PIB.
 At the end of the course, the participant will be able to describe the evolution of today’s
 dynamic data to a new format as the Digital NOTAM.

 AIM Advanced Training
 Prerequisite basic know-how

 14 15
Advanced Advanced

 AIXM-5.1B AIXM-5.1A
 AICM/AIXM 5.1 Basic AICM/AIXM 5.1 Advanced

 Course Details: Duration: 5 days, classroom or virtual training Course Details: Duration: 5 days, classroom or virtual training
 Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers
 Min. number: 4 Min. number: 4
 Prerequisite: AICM/AIXM 5.1 Basic Course
 Course Objective: With the completion of this course, participants will be familiar with today’s data models for
 Aeronautical Information storage and exchange as well as created their own model. Course Objective: Participants will study AIXM 5.1 Temporality Model. Additionally, the course will provide par-
 Also, participants will be introduced to the basics of UML, forcing on Class Diagrams, as well as ticipants with introduction to AIXM 5.1 Feature Identification and references, AIXM 5.1 Metada-
 to AIXM 5.1 and analyse its requirements. They will study the AIXM 5.1 UML Model and create ta profile, GML recommendations for aviation data as well as AIXM 5.1 Business Rules and the
 their own xml code based on their own model to the basics of GML. Additionally, participants basics of data edition and processing using Excel. Participants will be able to map raw data to
 will receive an introduction to the basics of XML and GML and will create their own GML code AIXM 5.1 using Altova MapForce, and edit and validate AIXM 5.1 using Altova XML Spy.
 based on their own model. The AIXM 5.1 XML Model/Schema will also be studied.

 Course Content: Temporality model AIXM 5.1 Business Rules
 Course Content: Data models for aeronautical information storage and exchange • Building the temporality model • Semantic of business vocabulary and
 • AICM and AIXM Overview • Properties with schedule business rules (SBVR)
 • Airport Mapping Exchange Model (AMXM) • Application aspects • Schematron
 • Weather Information Exchange Model (WXXM) • Usage examples • XML Schema vs. Schematron
 • Airport Network Information Exchange Model (ANXM) • AIXM business rules
 • Flight Information Exchange Model (FIXM) AIXM 5.1 Feature Identification and
 • Terrain Information Exchange Specification (TIXS) Reference Data Edition and Processing
 • System Wide Information Management (SWIM) • UUID definition • Compilation of the data received
 • ATM Information Reference Model (AIRM) • Namespace • Edition of Raw Aeronautical Data
 • The Future of the data exchange models • Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
 • AIXM 5.1 Feature Identification using UUID Mapping data to XML using
 Introduction to AIXM XML Basic Concepts • Feature Reference Altova MapForce
 • Current and future AIM information flows • Getting to know XML • Overview
 • Version update to AIXM 5.1.1 • Well-formed XML File Use of GML for aviation data • Common mappings for aeronautical data
 • Future AIXM versions • Valid XML file • Geographical data in Aeronautical Informa- • Saving results AIXM/XML file
 AIXM 5.1 Requirements and approach Geography Markup Language • WGS-84 Edition and validation of AIXM/XML files
 • Approach • Geometries in GML • Positions using Altova XMLSpy
 • Architecture • GML Core and application schemas • Lines and Surfaces • Overview
 • Requirements Analysis and Design • Dictionaries • Airspace aggregation • Edition of AIXM/XML message files
 • AIXM 5.1 and GML • XML and GML • Point references and annotations • Schema view
 • Geographical border references • Check well-formedness of AIXM files
 UML Basic Concepts AIXM 5.1 XML Model/Schema • AIXM GML Profile • Validate AIXM messages
 • The class model • AIXM – core XSD
 • Database modelling • Mapping inheritance AIXM 5.1 Metadata Profile
 • Mapping Name of Classes • Aviation Profi le of ISO 19115
 AIXM 5.1 UML Model • Mapping Features • Metadata requirements
 • UML Modelling conventions • Mapping Objects
 • Other aspects of the model • Mapping Choices
 • Mapping relationship to Objects
 • Mapping relationship to Features
 • Mapping Data Types

 16 17
Advanced Advanced

 AIXM-4.5B AIXM-4.5A
 AICM/AIXM 4.5 Basic AICM/AIXM 4.5 Advanced

 Course Details: Duration: 5 days, classroom or virtual training Course Details: Duration: 5 days, classroom or virtual training
 Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers
 Min. number: 4 Min. number: 4
 Prerequisite: AICM/AIXM 4.5 Basic Course
 Course Objective: By attending this course, the participant will be familiar with the current computer models intended
 for aeronautical data storage and exchange. Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model (AICM) Course Objective: The participant will:
 main concepts (Entity-Relation diagram notation, Technical and business rules, Geometrical 1. Create, edit and export to CSV a basic dabase using Excel
 aspects, Time schedules, Main entities) will be studied in the AIXM 4.5 Basic course. 2. Map data from CSV fi les, Databases and Snapshot to XML (AIXM-Update) using MapForce
 3. Edit, validate and correct AIXM-Update files using Altova Spy
 4. Check, explain and repair level A errors from SDO Upload Status Report
 Course Content: Data models for aeronautical information storage and exchange
 • AICM and AIXM Overview
 • Airport Mapping Exchange Model (AMXM) Course Content: Editing raw data
 • Weather Information Exchange Model (WXXM) • SDO Reports as a source of data
 • Airport Network Information Exchange Model (ANXM) • Microsoft Excel - most common formulas and functions
 • Flight Information Exchange Model (FIXM) for aeronautical information purposes
 • Terrain Information Exchange Specification (TIXS)
 • System Wide Information Management (SWIM) Related entities in a database
 • ATM Information Reference Model (AIRM) • Database principles
 • The Future of the data exchange models • Databases with Microsoft Access
 • Relation among tables
 Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model (AICM) • Uploading valid AIXM fi les to Static database
 • Geometrical Aspects of AICM
 • Time Schedules AIXM Message (Altova MapForce)
 • Main entities (Aerodrome and Runway, Airspace, Significant Points, • Altova Mapforce: Basics
 Navaids, Routes, and SID/STAR/IAP) • Mapping
 • Libraries, filters and conditions
 XML Basic Concepts • Saving resulting XML file
 • Getting to know XML
 • Well-formed XML File Editing AIXM messages (Altova Spy)
 • Valid XML file • Altova Spy: Basics
 • Edition of AIXM messages
 Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) • Check and validation against the AIXM 4.5 schema
 • AIXM and AICM
 • Basic concepts
 • AIXM Schema fi les
 • AIXM Message Types
 • Data integrity

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Advanced Advanced

 Evolution from AIS to AIM ICAO AIM Documents:
 towards SWIM PANS-AIM, Digital Data Sets and
 Data Catalogue
 Course Details: Duration: 3 days, classroom or virtual training Course Details: Duration: 2 days, classroom or virtual training
 Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers Participants: Current and future AIS /AIM Officers
 Min. number: 4 Min. number: 4

 Course Objective: The course will bring the participant a global overview of the evolution from AIS to AIM, and Course Objective: The participant will be able to explain the content of Annex 15, ICAO Document 10066 PANS-
 provide with the main concepts and considerations needed for the transition to AIM and SWIM. AIM Document and AIM Manual ICAO doc 8126. As well, the participant will describe the
 content of the Digital Data Sets and Data Catalogue.

 Course Content: • Need for AIS development. Requirements and challenges
 • The global ATM Operational concept, ICAO GANP Course Content: • Aeronautical Data and Aeronautical Information. Other important concepts and definitions
 • Quality Management Systems • Content of Annex 15 focusing on the restructuration of Amdt 40
 • ISO 9000 Series and QMS within EAD • Annex 15 chapters
 • Focus on Quality (Phase 1, step 17) • Changes in Annex 15 with the implementation of Amdt 40 and subsequents
 • ADQ – Aeronautical Data Quality Implementation • ICAO Quality requirements for aeronautical data: accuracy, integrity, resolution, completeness,
 • Data Quality Monitoring timeliness, traceability and format
 • Data Integrity Monitoring • ICAO Document 10066, PANS-AIM. Content of chapters and Appendices
 • Use of automation – Data standardization and digital data exchange • AIM Products
 • Concept of electronic AIP, electronic terrain and obstacle data • Aeronautical Information Updates
 • Reference to AIS Data Process (ADP) and Static Data Process (SDP) • Digital Data Sets:
 • AICM and AIXM. Overview and concept • AIP
 • Digital NOTAM concept • Terrain Data
 • Phases for transitioning to AIM • Obstacle Data
 • Consolidation • Instrument Flight Procedures
 • Going Digital • Airport Mapping Database
 • Information Management • PANS-AIM Appendix 1: Aeronautical Data Catalogue
 • Steps for transitioning to AIM. Overview and analysis of the 21 steps • PANS-AIM other Appendices
 • AIS to AIM Roadmap Timeline • ICAO Doc 8126. AIM Manual – Volumes and Content
 • AICM (Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model)
 • AIXM (Aeronautical Information Exchange Model)
 • Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data
 • Airport Mapping Database. Applications
 • Integrated Briefing
 • Digital NOTAM
 • SWIM – System Wide Information Management
 • SWIM Objectives, principles and benefits

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Advanced Advanced

 Data Quality Assurance Quality Management for AIM

 Course Details: Duration: 2 days, classroom or virtual training Course Details: Duration: 2 days, classroom or virtual training
 Participants: AIM Managers, AIM officers Participants: AIM Managers, AIM officers
 Min. number: 4 Min. number: 4

 Course Objective: The participant will be able to differentiate, explain and apply Data Quality Assurance Principles Course Objective: The participant will be able to explain the specifics of the implementation of a
 and Procedures related to Aeronautical Data. The participant will be able to establish a Quality Management System, list the requirements of ISO 9000 and 9001. Establish a
 complete Data Quality Assurance system, create and schedule data reviews, implement the Quality Policy, determine Quality Objectives and create a Quality Manual.
 necessary actions in order to assure the quality of the Data.

 Course Content: • QMS principles
 Course Content: • Concept and development of Data Quality Assurance (QA) • Basis and overall guidelines to establish a QMS
 • Data QA Regulation • Main elements of a Quality Management System
 • Quality Assurance Methodology • Procedure to define the Quality Assurance Process and
 • Scope of Quality Assurance Procedures to ensure Data Quality and Integrity Monitoring
 • Objective of Quality Assurance Procedures • The AIM Process, Aeronautical Data Chain
 • Guidelines for Implementing Quality Assurance Procedures • The role of the Data Originators
 • Definition of a Sampling Plan • The Role of the AIM Unit
 • Definition, creation and establishment of the Data Quality Reviews • Agreements with Data Originators
 • Quality Assurance: Review and Recording • ISO 9000 and 9001 Series
 • Quality Assurance: Verification and Reporting • ISO 9001:2015. Content and analysis of the clauses
 • Quality Assurance: Actions • Internal Audits
 • Error reporting, error classification, error correction • Role of the AIM Management in the implementation of the QMS
 • Basis and overall guidelines to establish a QMS • Overview of the QMS implemented in the EAD Service
 • Main elements of a Quality Management System

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Advanced Advanced

 New SNOWTAM Format eTOD

 Course Details: Duration: 1 day, classroom or virtual training Course Details: Duration: 1 day, classroom or virtual training
 Participants: Current and future AIS /AIM Officers Participants: ATM personnel, general ANSP staff, data houses’ experts, authorities
 Min. number: 4 involved in eTOD and any other professional involved in the aeronautical
 data and information chain.
 Course Objective: The participant will be able to explain the differences between the current SNOWTAM format Min. number: 5
 and the new one, List the changes and apply the new rules and recommendations.
 Course Objective: At the end of the course participants will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in their
 professional activities, in areas such AIS, flight procedures design, airport operations or flight
 Course Content: • SNOWTAM concept and changes charting. Also, they will understand the basic underlying principles that are supported by eTOD.
 • Current SNOWTAM Format. Reporting format for assessing and reporting runway surface
 • Global Reporting Format (GRF) Course Content: The course is divided in several modules where the following topics will be discussed:
 • Runway Condition Report (RCR). Runway Surface Condition Assessment and reporting
 • Methods of assessing Runway Surface Conditions • The eTOD’s justification, need and regulatory and institutional framework
 • New SNOWTAM Format • Digital terrain models, obstacles, data modelling, digital terrain models,
 • Instructions for the completion of the new SNOWTAM format metadata, reference systems, spatial data quality, data product specification (DPS),
 • Aeroplane Performance calculation section geographic information systems data and provision using Web services
 • Situational awareness section • The main stakeholders and their eTOD needs in the AIM data chain
 • Examples of completed SNOWTAM with the new format • The applications in which the obstacle and terrain data sets can be used
 as these in accordance with the data quality requirements,
 providing a high-level review of those applications
 • The main requirements specified by the relevant institutions,
 as ICAO and supporting material from other sources as Eurocontrol and EASA
 • The generic approach to planning and implementing eTOD
 in the national scope of a European State

 All the theory will be reinforced with a practical demonstration exercise, in which the trainers
 will show eTOD calculation cases making use of specific CAD/GIS tools.

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Advanced Advanced

 Global Navigation Satellite System ADQ Executive Awareness

 Course Details: Duration: 2 days, classroom or virtual training Course Details: Duration: 1 day, classroom or virtual training
 Participants: Technical, operational and management staff with a need to acquire Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers, Management or Administrators
 advanced knowledge on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). wanting an overview of the regulation
 Min. number: 5 Min. number: 4
 Prerequisite: AIS knowledge
 Course Objective: At the end of the course, participants will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in their
 professional activities, in areas such as systems design or performances assessment and Course Objective: This course will provide the participant with an introduction to the
 monitoring. Additionally, they will be conversant about GNSS systems (names and types) its Aeronautical Data Quality regulation.
 principles (signals, errors and mitigations) and its evolutions.

 Course Content: The course will provide the participant with a global overview of the ADQ Regulation
 Course Content: The course is divided in several modules where the following topics will be discussed: (EC 73/2010), the different actors and affected organizations. As well, it will make aware
 the participant of the need of the implementation of the regulation and take further
 • Historical and technical aspects of GNSS: basic theory and understanding actions related to this goal.
 of the fundamentals of how these systems work
 • Overview of the different GNSS systems deployed worldwide and currently in operation
 • Close look into the US GPS system and the augmentation systems used in aviation
 • First approach to EGNOS: its components, architecture and services
 • Practical exercise on how to interact with COTS SW tools and compute GNSS positions
 • Foreseen evolution on how all these systems will evolve in the coming years
 • Comprehensive study on the user level: requirements, equipment types and
 applications of GNSS

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 ADQ Requirements &

 Course Details: Duration: 5 days, classroom or virtual training
 Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers
 Min. number: 4
 Prerequisite: AIS Knowledge

 Course Objective: This course will provide the participant with a deep knowledge related to the Aeronautical Data
 Quality regulation, the different processes to comply with it. The course will support surveyors
 of data, airports, and AIM officers to apply the requirements of the Aeronautical Data Chain, the
 quality assurance of the data management to grant the required levels of accuracy, resolution
 and integrity.

 Course Content: With a complete study of the ADQ Regulation (EC 73/2010), the participant will have a guidance
 on the planning of the implementation and different strategies followed by different actors.
 The deep analysis of the regulation, the list of citations and recitals, how to establish an audit
 and check the compliance level. List the Means of Compliance and Specifications from
 EUROCONTROL, Analyse the Data Assurance Levels, Data Quality Levels, Aeronautical
 Information Conceptual Model (AICM), state the most important aspects for Data Originators,
 including the SLA and SLS related to ADQ.

 Procedure Design
 ICAO recognized PBN & conventional procedures

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Procedure Procedure
Design Design

 Module 1: Module 3
 General Criteria & RNP Navigation (Doc 9905) &
 Conventional Procedures BARO-VNAV

 Course Details: Duration: 4 weeks, classroom Course Details: Duration: 1 week, classroom
 Min. number: 4 Min. number: 8
 Prerequisites: Geodesy for procedure designers; if you are not sure we have a free Prerequisites: Knowledge of General Criteria, Conventional Procedures and
 self-assessment test. Performance Based Navigation.

 Course Objective: The course is based on PANS-OPS ICAO Doc 8168 Volume II Construction of Visual and Course Objective: This course covers approaches with vertical guidance (APV) including the RNP-AR and
 Instrument Flight Procedures; it describes the essential areas and obstacle clearance a revisit of the Baro-VNAV procedure design criteria.
 requirements for the achievement of safe, regular instrument flight operations. Required Navigation Performance Authorisation Required (RNP-AR) APCH operations are
 classified as approach procedures with vertical guidance (APVs). This type of operation requires
 Course Content: • Introduction & General Design Criteria • Minimum Sector Altitude a positive vertical navigation (VNAV) guidance system for the Final Approach Segment (FAS).
 • ICAO Overview • Instrument Approach Charts
 • Ground Based Navaids • PA Introduction and ILS Principles Course Content: • RNP AR General Criteria • RNP AR — Missed Approach
 • Approach Classifications • PA Basic ILS and Obstacle Assessment • RNP AR — Arrivals • RNP refers to both advanced and and
 • Turn Area Construction & Fixes Surfaces (OAS) & PA Exercise • RNP AR — RNP Final Segment authorisation required procedures
 • NPA Introduction, Final Segment, • Collision Risk Model • RNP AR — Intermediate and Initial Segment • Practical application
 Intermediate & Initial Segments • Visual Segment Surface
 • NPA Reversal & Racetrack Procedures • Departures & Omnidirectional Departures
 • Missed Approach Segment • Straight and Turning Departures
 • Conventional Holding Procedures • En-route Procedures &
 • Circling Approach Standard Arrival Procedures

 Module 2:
 Module 4
 Performance Based Navigation
 Helicopters (Point in Space)
 (PBN) Procedures & BARO-VNAV
 Course Details: Duration: 3 weeks, classroom
 Min. number: 8
 Prerequisites: Knowledge of General Criteria and Conventional Procedures Course Details: Duration: 1 week, classroom
 Min. number: 8
 Course Objective: This course explains the components required for the construction of RNAV instrument flight procedures Prerequisites: Knowledge of General Criteria, Conventional Procedures and
 based on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and BARO-VNAV procedure design criteria. Performance Based Navigation.
 Baro-VNAV approach procedures are classified as APV procedures — they utilise a DA/H and not an
 MDA/H, and neither a FAF nor a missed approach point (MAPt) is identified. They use obstacle as- Course Objective: A specialised course that covers the general criteria and area navigation (RNAV) approach
 sessment surfaces similar to those for ILS, but based on the specific lateral guidance system. procedure applicable to helicopters only.
 It also covers the Point in Space approach and departure procedures consisting of an
 Course Content: • PBN Introduction and RNAV Principles • RNAV Departure within transition & Holding instrument segment followed by a visual segment or vice versa.
 • RNAV — Arrivals, Final Segment, Intermedi- Pattern
 ate and Initial Segments, Missed Approach • Proposed changes to PANS-OPS criteria Course Content: • Helicopter Criteria and Procedures • HAS Diagram
 • Terminal Arrival Altitude • APV (BARO-VNAV) • Point in Space Approaches • Practical application
 • Practical application • Point in Space Departures

 30 31

 Module 5
 Recurrent Course
 AIM Seminar
 Introduce, consolidate or refresh your knowledge
 Course Details: Duration: 1 week, classroom
 Min. number: 8
 Prerequisites: Procedure design experience

 Course Objective: This course will cover new amendments to PANS-OPS and future developments, and assess
 the impacts and associated risks on existing flight procedures or the implementation of new ones.

 Course Content: • PANS-OPS changes in the last 24 months • PANS-OPS proposed changes GroupEAD’s AIM Training Academy is pleased to provide a variety of educa-
 • Future developments • Forum discussion tional events in our full-service portfolio to support different types of learners
 • Customer-specific requirements and subject areas. We provide standard and customized training solutions to
 enrich your expert’s knowledge and skills. With this new GroupEAD Seminar
 learning service we have developed a product which is intended to bring a
 wide amount of knowledge to larger audiences in a shorter period of time.

 The objective of the Seminar is to provide customised content to
 introduce, consolidate or refresh knowledge of staff.

 Our Seminar learning method is a group technique usually used in higher
 Module 6 education and gives a guided facilitation on specific topics. This principle will

 Obstacle Assessment &
 facilitate the learning ability of attendants and will develop the self-reliance
 and self-confidence.

 Management The concept of our seminar allows clients to choose from a wide spectrum
 of topics. The highly skilled and experienced GroupEAD team will establish a
 Seminar sequence for up to 5 days.

 Typical Topics:
 Course Details: Duration: 1 week, classroom • AIM Basic like Air Navigation for AIS, dynamic Data,
 Min. number: 8 update to new ICAO regulation
 Prerequisites: Background in Annex 14 / PANS-OPS • AIM Advanced intro to AIXM 4.5 or 5.1, AIS to AIM,
 ICAO documents, eTOD, ADQ, EU regulations, etc.
 Course Objective: This course provides airport operators or obstacle control personnel the necessary skills to
 evaluate aerodrome obstacles from a practical perspective. Basic Definition:
 It describes different methods to efficiently evaluate obstacles within the vicinity of the airport, • Objective: Introduction, Consolidation, Refresher
 including the straight segments of published flight procedures. • Participants: min. 10 and max. 50
 • Seminar will only be conducted virtually via digital platform (WebEx or
 Course Content: • Fundamentals • Understanding PANS-OPS Procedures similar platform)
 • Frame of Reference • Communication, Navigation and Surveillance • Seminar certification can be provided on request
 • Phases of Flight (CNS) facilities for 20 EUR per participant
 • Aircraft Performance • Application of Shielding Principles • The concept will have limited Q&A sessions and exercises, seminar material,
 • Aerodrome Infrastructure • Protection of Visual Slope Indicator Systems seminar follow up or evaluation can be offered on request
 • ICAO Annex 14 OLS for Aerodromes • Marking and Lighting of Obstacles
 • Obstacle Restriction and Removal • Aeronautical Studies Overview Seminar Fee:
 • Obstacle Free Zone The prices in Euro (excluding VAT) based on a per person price
 • State-Modified OLS is 240 EUR per day.

 32 33
Seminar Seminar

 AIXM 5.1 for Managers & European Regulatory Context
 Decision-Makers for AIM

 Seminar Details Duration: 1 day, virtual Seminar Details: Duration: 1 day, virtual
 Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers, maintenance engineers, Participants: Current and future AIS/AIM Officers, AIM quality responsible staff,
 technical staff, managers and decision makers managers and decision makers
 Min. number: 10 Min. number: 10

 Seminar Objectives & In this seminar the participants will be presented with: Seminar Objectives & In this seminar the participants will be presented with:
 Content: Content:
 • The principles of AIXM as a data model • An introduction to the EU Regulatory context
 • The current status of development of the latest and future versions of AIXM • Status of the different EU regulations applicable for the AIM service including EU Regulation
 • The level of integration and adoption of AIXM by the states in the AIM automated systems 73/2010, EU Regulation 2017/373 and their applicable amendments
 • Hints and recommendations on how to successfully implement and manage an • Hints and recommendations for the proper adoption and implementation of the applicable
 AIM automated system in an AIS unit. requirements for an AIM unit

 34 35
Course Lenght Date Location* Price/Person
 AIM Basic
 Feb 01-12 Madrid
 Aeronautical Information Service 10 days 3.600 EUR
Trainings 2021
 Jul 05-16 Frankfurt
 AIS Basics for Aerodromes 5 days Jan 25-29 Madrid 1.950 EUR
Schedule and price list Air Navigation for AIS 3 days
 Feb 24-26 Frankfurt
 1.100 EUR
 Sep 15-17 Frankfurt
 Feb 15-16 Frankfurt
 Dynamic Data 2 days 1.100 EUR
 Apr 26-27 Frankfurt
 AIM Advanced
 May 17-21 Madrid
 Jun 28-Jul 02 Madrid
 AICM/AIXM 5.1 Basic 5 days 1.950 EUR
 Sep 27-Oct 01 Madrid
 Nov 22-26 Madrid
 May 24-28 Madrid
 AICM/AIXM 5.1 Advanced 5 days Oct 04-08 Madrid 1.950 EUR
 Nov 29-Dec 03 Madrid
 AICM/AIXM 4.5 Basic 5 days on request on request 1.950 EUR
 AICM/AIXM 4.5 Advanced 5 days on request on request 1.950 EUR
 Mar 15-17 Madrid
 Evolution from AIS to AIM towards SWIM 3 days May 03-05 Madrid 1.400 EUR
 Nov 01-03 Frankfurt
 ICAO AIM Documents: PANS-AIM, Jan 18-19 Madrid
 2 days 1.100 EUR
 Digital Data Sets and Data Catalogue Jun 17-18 Madrid
 Data Quality Assurance 2 days Mar 25-26 Madrid 1.100 EUR
 Quality Management for AIM 2 days Mar 22-23 Madrid 1.100 EUR
 Jan 11-12 Madrid
 New SNOWTAM Format 1 day 700 EUR
 Jun 07-08 Frankfurt
 May 11 Madrid
 eTOD 1 day 880 EUR
 Nov 10 Madrid
 Jan 14-15 Madrid
 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) 2 days 1.100 EUR
 Jun 14-15 Madrid
 ADQ Executive Awareness 1 day Mar 01 Madrid 700 EUR
 ADQ Requirements & Implementation 5 days Apr 05-09 Madrid 1.950 EUR
 Procedure Design
 General Criteria and Conventional Practice 4 weeks on request on request on request
 Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Procedures 3 weeks on request on request on request
 NP Navigation (Doc 9905) & BARO-VNAV 1 week on request on request on request
 Helicopters (Point in Space) Procedures 1 week on request on request on request
 PANS OPS Recurrent Course 1 week on request on request on request
 Obstacle Assessment and Management 1 week on request on request on request
 Apr 21
 AIXM 5.1 for Managers & Decision-Makers 1 day virtual 240 EUR
 Sep 22
 May 12
 European Regulatory Context for AIM 1 day virtual 240 EUR
 Oct 22

36 * or virtual 37

 Please send:
 Postal address:
 GroupEAD Europe S.L. Stützeläckerweg 12-14 E-Mail:
 60489 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Enrolment for AIM Course Applicant (Please print all information clearly):
Your course registration
 Surname: Position:

 First name: Phone:

 Company: e-mail

 Applicant (Please print all information clearly): Applicant (Please print all information clearly):

 Surname: First name:

 Superior e-mail:

 Enrollment in the following course(s):

 No: Course: Date Request: Alternative Date Request:

 Enrollment in the following course(s):

 Invoice address for Company:

 VAT number of the Company:


 Date: Applicant: Superior:

 GroupEAD Europe S.L. is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and we are in compliance with the
38 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Further details can be found on our website under Privacy Note. 39
Directions to GroupEAD Europe S.L.


 GroupEAD Europe S.L.
 Business Premises Madrid
 Parque Empresarial San Fernando

 Avenida de Castilla 2,
 Edificio Francia, Escalera A - Piso 2
 Arriving by car 28830 San Fernando de Henares, Madrid

 From Avenida de Amèrica Arriving by train and bus
Head east on A-2. Take exit 17A for M-115 towards
M-50/ M45/R-2/Ajalvir, and at the fork keep right From Atocha Railway station

towards Parque Empresarial Zona Industrial. Then slight Take line C7 (red) direction Alcalá de
right onto Av. de Castilla and the Business Park is on Henares or line C2 (green) direction Guadalajara. There Hotel recommendation
your right-hand side. is a free shuttle service, which connects Torrejón de Ar-
 doz Railway Train Station (Renfe) with our premises in Hotel Axor Fería
From Adolfo Suarez Madrid Barajas Airport – San Fernando Business Park. In Torrejón de Ardoz, the Calle Campezo, 4,
Terminal 1 (via Vía de Servicio) shuttle stop is located in Alicante Street, 2. 28022 Madrid
From Terminal 1, head North to take M-14, Exit 1, Vía de Telephone +34 913 12 23 79
Servicio and E-90/A-2 to Av. de Castilla. At the rounda-

bout, take the 1st exit. Keep left at the fork; follow signs
for M-14/Madrid Centro ciudad/Avda. América/A-2/ Hotel Axor Barajas
M-40/A-3/A-4/A-5 and merge onto M-14. Use the right From Madrid (Avenida de América) Calle Campezo, 4,
2 lanes to take exit 1 for E-90/A-2 to Zaragoza Via de Take the bus 1 Pol. Industrial (in the direc- 28022 Madrid
Servicio. Continue onto Coslada / San Fernando - Via De tions to C.C. San Fernando) Telephone +34 913 12 19 60
Servicio and stay in Via De Servicio. Use the left lane to From Avenida de Amèrica
merge onto E-90/A-2 via the ramp to Zaragoza/Barcelona. Head east on A-2. Take exit 17A for M-115 towards M-50/ 211 (in the directions to Guadalajara)
Take exit 17A for M-115 towards M-50/M45/R-2/Ajalvir, M45/R-2/Ajalvir, and at the fork keep right towards 223 (in the direction to Alcalá de Henares)
and at the fork keep right towards Parque Empresarial Parque Empresarial Zona Industrial. Then slight right 224 (in the directions to Torrejón de Ardoz)
Zona Industrial. Slight right onto Av. de Castilla and the onto Av. de Castilla and the Business Park is on your 224 A (in the directions to Torrejón de Ardoz,
San Fernando Business Park is on your right hand side. right-hand side. La Mancha Amarilla)

40 41
Directions to GroupEAD Europe S.L.


 GroupEAD Europe S.L.
 Business Premises Germany
 Stuetzelaeckerweg 12 - 14
 60489 Frankfurt am Main

  Arriving by train and bus

 From Frankfurt Airport

 Take the commuter train S8 or S9 to

 Frankfurt central station.
 Arriving by car Travel time: appr. 15 min
 Hotel recommendation
 From the east, west or south
 Take motorway A5 at „Frankfurter Kreuz“ Hotel Rödelheimer Hof am Wasserturm

to the north up to exit „Nordwestkreuz Frankfurt“. From the north From Frankfurt central station Eschborner Landstraße 146
After exiting stay in the right lane until you reach the Take motorway A5 to the south until you reach „West- Take 60489 Frankfurt am Main
traffic light where you pick the left lane. Turn left at the kreuz Frankfurt“, from there follow Wiesbadener Straße S3 (in the direction of Bad Soden) Telephone +49 69 153947100
traffic lights, following the road under the bridge where (A648) in the direction of Eschborn to the exit S4 (in the direction of Kronberg) or
you should get into the left lane in order to turn to the left „Frankfurt-Rödelheim“. This exit leads you right into S5 (in the direction of Friedrichsdorf)
at the next traffic lights. The road follows a long left curve Westerbachstraße. After crossing motorway A5, turn left Exit at Frankfurt-Rödelheim station. Travel Best Western Plus iO Hotel
in the upward direction to the next traffic lights. Turn left into Gaugrafenstaße and then into Am Seedamm road time: appr. 10 min. From Rödelheim station (exit West), Graf-Zeppelin-Straße 2
again and then turn right at the first intersection into (after appr. 50 metres). When you reach the first intersec- take bus no. 55 or no. 60 (in the direction of Heddernheim). 65824 Schwalbach am Taunus
Eschborner Landstraße. The first access road to the right tion with traffi c lights, turn into Eschborner Landstraße. Leave the bus at the second stop „Wolf-Heidenheim-Straße“. Telephone: +49 6196 999590
is Stützeläckerweg (right behind the „Hotel Rödelheimer The first access road to the right is Stützeläckerweg Walk appr. 10 min straight ahead from there to reach
Hof - Am Wasserturm“) (right behind the „Hotel Rödelheimer Hof - Am Wasserturm“) Stützeläckerweg. bach/BEST-WESTERNPLUS-iO-Hotel

42 43

 7 Languages
 a Training at GroupEAD Training Academy


 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

 24 37 97

 37 77 123
 34 74
 Organizations 2018 99

 and Customers 99
 63 59 Training participated at GroupEAD
 Courses Training Academy
 29 84 2017
 conducted 99

 33 71

 23 79
 Countries 99

 17 73 participated at 97
 24 49 Training Academy 98 2015

 20 67 98

 EAD Clients 99
 2013 99

 384 283 445 414 293 419 371 292 426 200
 Satisfaction 98 2012
 Number average 98
 2010 2 0 11 2012 2 0 13 2 0 14 2 0 15 2 0 16 201 7 2 0 18 2 0 19 Satisfaction EAD
 of Students in %
 2010 98

 92 200 84 139 279 175 477 144 239 163 98
 Printed: March 2020; Statistics 2003-2019

44 45
Tr a i n i n g

GroupEAD Europe S.L.
Business Premises Germany
Stuetzelaeckerweg 12-14
60489 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 78072 893
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