AIDA-DART Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment Double Asteroid Redirection Test

Page created by Clarence Carr
AIDA-DART Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment Double Asteroid Redirection Test
          Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment
              Double Asteroid Redirection Test



    Andy Cheng [JHU/APL]
    Cheryl Reed [JHU/APL]
    Ian Carnelli [ESA, HQs.]
    Patrick Michel [Obs. Cote D’Azur, Nice, France]
    Stephan Ulamec [DLR]
                                   Goddard Space Flight Center
                   NASA Team:      Johnson Space Center
                                   Langley Research Center

AIDA-DART Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment Double Asteroid Redirection Test
Planetary Defense: Mitigation of Asteroid
     Hazards, a Global Concern

    Small asteroids that hit the Earth, 1994-2013

     Chelyabinsk-sized impacts (500 kilotons TNT) every few decades
     Tunguska-sized impacts (5 megatons TNT) every few centuries
AIDA-DART Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment Double Asteroid Redirection Test
What can be done, if a dangerous asteroid
    is discovered that can hit the Earth?
     Multiple studies of impact threat deflection have cited three techniques:
     Kinetic Impactor, Gravity Tractor, Nuclear Device
     All techniques require some level of demonstration and validation before
     considered viable for implementation in impact emergency response
     Kinetic Impactor technology has been assessed as most mature and
     most capable of effecting adequate deflection except in cases of short
     term warning before impact - highest ranked as ready for flight
     International participation in any asteroid mitigation / deflection
     campaign is highly desirable if not essential to overall acceptability

    The AIDA/DART mission is an international collaboration
     to demonstrate asteroid deflection by kinetic impact

AIDA-DART Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment Double Asteroid Redirection Test
AIDA supports important goals of the
    Planetary Defense community
     Consistent with finding from SBAG 12, January 2015:
         “SBAG strongly supports the creation of a NASA Planetary Defense Coordination Office, a
          top recommendation of the 2010 NAC Task Force report. Furthermore, SBAG
          recommends that this new office (1) pursue goals specified in congressional direction,
          such as NEO population survey completion, (2) work towards development of NEO
          mitigation technologies through additional funded programs, including flight validation of
          the most promising mitigation system concepts, and (3) utilize cross-agency and
          international collaborations as warranted in accomplishing those goals.”
     Consistent with recommendations from 2011 and 2013 Planetary Defense
         “Missions should be planned to demonstrate and validate the most promising deflection
          or disruption options” (2011)
         “Missions are being proposed that would use kinetic impactors to move an asteroid, and
          the impact and motion away from the original path would be verified by observer
          spacecraft. Designing these missions and developing the necessary tools and payloads
          for these types of actions would verify model predictions and build confidence in our
          abilities to deal with an actual threat.” (2013)

AIDA-DART Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment Double Asteroid Redirection Test
•   AIDA international cooperation
•   DART kinetic impactor (NASA)
•   AIM rendezvous (ESA)




                                     Didymos Binary

      AIDA = AIM + DART
AIDA-DART Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment Double Asteroid Redirection Test
AIDA: First Full Scale Test of
                Asteroid Deflection
•   First mission to demonstrate asteroid
    deflection by a kinetic impactor
     •   Measure outcomes of a known impact on
         an asteroid at full scale
     •   AIDA combines US and European space
         experience and expertise to address an
                                                      Cheng AF et al. (2015). Acta
         international concern, the asteroid impact   Astronautica, 115: 262-269
•   First mission to study a binary asteroid and
    its origins
     •   Impact on to secondary allows Earth-
         based observations of changes to binary
•   First mission (AIM) to demonstrate
    interplanetary optical communication and
    deep-space inter-satellite links with             Radar image of Didymos
    CubeSats and a lander in deep-space               L. Benner, Arecibo, Nov. 2003
AIDA-DART Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment Double Asteroid Redirection Test
AIDA is relevant for many disciplines
Planetary Defense                                                            Science
Deflection demonstration and
                                                                           Orbital state
                                                                          Rotation state
Orbital state                     AIM‐DART                          Size, shape, gravity
Rotation state
                                  Deflection                Geology, surface properties
Size, shape, gravity
                                    demonstration and        Density, internal structure
Geology, surface properties
                                    characterization            Sub‐surface properties
Density, internal structure
                                  Orbital state                 Composition (including
Sub‐surface properties
                                  Rotation state                                isotopic)
Composition (mineral, chemical)
                                  Size, shape, gravity
                                  Geology, surface
Human Exploration                   properties
Orbital state                     Density, internal
Rotation state                      structure             Resource Utilization
Size, shape, gravity              Sub‐surface               Geology, surface properties
Geology, surface properties         properties               Density, internal structure
Density, internal structure                                      Sub‐surface properties
Composition (mineral, chemical)                          Composition (mineral, chemical)
Radiation environment
Dust environment
                                      PDC 2015
AIDA-DART Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment Double Asteroid Redirection Test
AIDA Investigation Summary
                                                      AIDA = DART + AIM

     Planetary Defense
    Demonstrate kinetic impact mitigation technique, measure asteroid deflection
    Develop and validate models for momentum transfer in asteroid impacts

     Science and Exploration
    Understand asteroid collisions
    Infer physical properties of asteroid surface and subsurface, interior structure
    Data on impact cratering
    Test models of binary formation
    Demonstrate technologies: optical communication, cubesats, proximity operations

AIDA-DART Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment Double Asteroid Redirection Test
AIDA Joint Working Groups – Welcome
                              AIM      DART
AIM Advisory Team led by P. Michel    DART Investigation Team co-led by A.
                                        Cheng, A. Rivkin
     Working Group 1 [Modeling and Simulation of Impact Outcomes]
        • Angela Stickle, Paul Miller, Steven Schwartz
     Working Group 2 [Remote Sensing Observations]
        • Andy Rivkin, Peter Pravec
     Working Group 3 [Dynamical Properties of Didymos]
        • Derek Richardson, Kleomenis Tsiganis
     Working Group 4 [Science Proximity Operations]
        • Stephan Ulamec, Olivier Barnouin

AIDA-DART Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment Double Asteroid Redirection Test
JHU/APL Proprietary

     DART: Double Asteroid Redirection Test
                                          Target: Didymos binary in 2022

NASA’s DART, a kinetic impactor mission
with supporting Earth-based observing
– Full-scale demonstration of asteroid deflection by
  kinetic impact, to learn how to mitigate an asteroid
– Understand impact effects, to infer asteroid
  physical properties and study long term dynamics
  of impact ejecta
– Ground-based observations to measure the binary
  period change from kinetic impact to within 10%
– Return high resolution images of target prior to
  impact to determine impact site and geologic

                                      JHU/APL Proprietary
Didymos: Spectral Type and Composition
     Observations by Binzel et al. (2004)
     and de León et al. (2010)
       • Pretty clearly S type
       • Not exotic, new type
       • Context for Eros/Itokawa
       • Most common NEO type
     Dunn et al. (2013): L/LL chondrite                                           de León et al. (2010)
     best analog, very common                                   1.6

     meteorite type                                             1.5

     Originally from Flora family?                              1.4

                                       Normalized Reflectance

       • LL chondrite parent family?                            1.2

       • Chelyabinsk link?                                      1.1


       • Gaspra link?                                           0.9
                                                                                                       Didymos (de Leon et al.)
                                                                                                       433 Eros (Binzel et al.)
                                                                                                       25143 Itokawa (Binzel et al)

                                                                      0.6   0.8    1   1.2    1.4      1.6     1.8       2      2.2   2.4
                                                                                             Wavelength (m)

JHU/APL Proprietary

     DART: Double Asteroid Redirection Test
                    Target: Didymos binary in September, 2022

     Launch Date                   Dec 18, 2020
     Launch C3                     6.0 km2/s2
     Arrival Relative Speed        7.03 km/s
     Time of Flight                640 days
     Maximum Earth Distance        0.21 AU
     Solar Distance                0.95 AU – 1.06 AU
     Earth Distance at Impact      0.087 AU
     Solar Phase Angle             44°
     Impact Angle to Orbit Plane   27.5°

     DART payload is a single instrument, a high resolution imager
     derived from New Horizons LORRI
      Support optical navigation and autonomous targeting
      Determine impact site and geologic context
                                     JHU/APL Proprietary
DART: 2022 Didymos Intercept

  DART trajectory remains near 1 AU from Sun,
   Earth distance < 0.2 AU.
  DART launch energy 6 km2/s2
  Impact velocity 7 km/s
  Impact event in Sept. 20, 2022 occurs under
   excellent Earth-based optical viewing
   conditions, with radar study of aftermath
   shortly thereafter
       SEP architecture may allow impact during
        radar observability window
                                                   DART launches in Dec 2020 and intercepts
  NEA flyby 10 months before Didymos              Didymos on Sept 20, 2022
DART Spacecraft

                                                                  Launch Configuration
        Orbit Configuration



                                    DRACO imager

                                                   Three-axis stabilized, thruster control only
                                                   Monoprop propulsion
                     Star Tracker                  Single payload instrument: DRACO imager

AIDA: DART+ AIM Objectives
      AIM mission objectives together with DART:
      • Determine       the    momentum      transfer
        resulting from DART’s impact by
        measuring the dynamical state of Didymos
        after the impact and imaging the resulting
      • Study the shallow subsurface and deep-
        interior structure of the secondary after the
        impact to characterize any change
      • Study the impact response of the target
        asteroid and measure distributions of
        impact ejecta providing valuable data to
        validate impact models
Momentum Transfer Efficiency
                           Full-scale measurement at an asteroid

       is defined as momentum transferred divided by
     momentum input
     – If no ejecta, then  = 1
     – Ejecta enhances momentum transfer,  > 1
                           M is target mass, ∆ is velocity change

       Incident momentum                             momentum

Impact-Induced Binary Orbit Change
              The orbit changes depend on orbit phase of the impact –
              DART targets close to maximal period change

                      1% variation in period
                      change over 34
                      minute window.

Modeling and understanding the
     outcome of the DART kinetic impact
     Scaling law calculations, 300 kg at 7.0 km/s
     on Didymos secondary, accounting for
     ballistic trajectories of ejecta
                                                                         Porous target cases predict of ~1.1 to ~1.3
                 Basalt     Weakly             Perlite     Sand /         consistent with simulations, Jutzi & Michel
                            Cemented           /Sand       Fly Ash        (2014)
                                                                         Basalt case not expected to apply because
         β        3.32             1.1          1.23          1.3         of binary formation scenario
       R [m]      4.89            3.06          8.47          5.7        Deflection result of kinetic impact is not
                                                                          appreciably affected by gravity of binary
        β*        3.32             1.1          1.22          1.3         companion

      Orbiting                                                           AIM measurement of crater radius is
Post-Impact Observing Prospects
     Observation and Modeling of DART ejecta

 Didymos primary and secondary are separated by up to
  0.02 arcsec when 0.08 AU from Earth
      Marginally resolvable with ALMA (sub-mm), Magellan adaptive optics
 Post-impact brightening and ejecta stream as extended
  object (“coma”) may be observable from Earth

                      Non-     Low porosity,   Very high         High
                     porous,     moderate      porosity,       porosity,
                     strong      strength        weak           weak

          [mag]      -0.08        -0.02         -0.38           -0.12
      integrated V    17.3        18.8          15.5             16.8

                                                           Itokawa gravel size distribution; Miyamoto et al. 2007

Didymos Observations during 2015
     Establishing preferred pole for system
      Apparition in spring. Reached V
       ~ 20.5
      Several observers, using
       telescopes with 2-4 m apertures
      Bad weather limited useful
      Observations by Moskovitz and
       Thirouin with DCT show mutual
       event.                                  2015 Observations
        – This rules out one of two possible
          poles, favor low-obliquity,
          retrograde “YORPy” option
        – Confirming is major goal of 2017

Preparations for 2017 Didymos apparition

      Focusing on Jan-May 2017. Reaches V~20.3
      Four goals for 2017 observing:
        1. Confirming the preferred retrograde pole position
        2. Gathering data to allow BYORP-driven changes in the mutual orbit to
           potentially be determined by later observations
        3. Establishing whether or not the secondary is in synchronous rotation with
           the primary
        4. Constraining the inclination of the satellite orbit
      Some of these goals met with a few nights of 4-m time, others
       require up to 6-m time
      Investigating whether HST proposal is warranted

Outline of 2022 Impact Observing
      DART impact during excellent apparition:
       Didymos at V ~ 14-15, very well placed for
       Chile, observable from other observatories
      Planetary Radar participation hugely useful
      Didymos primary and secondary are
       separated by up to 0.02 arcsec when 0.08
       AU from Earth
      –   Marginally resolvable with ALMA (sub-mm),
          Magellan adaptive optics
      Post-impact brightening and ejecta stream
       as extended object (“coma”) may be
       observable from Earth
      White paper about observing campaign
       possibilities in preparation
                                                      P/2013 P5 ~250 m,
      Debris cloud analogous to YORP-driven          observed at 1.1 AU
                                                      distance from Earth

Didymos, 2022-2023

Points 5 days apart

                                               Period of impact

                                           Motion with time
Modeling and Simulation of Impact
      Working Group Goals
        – (1) Determine the expected outcome of the DART impact and its
          sensitivity to initial impact conditions.
        – (2) Assess the effect of the DART impact on the moon of Didymos,
          focusing on implications for asteroid deflection and properties.
      Preliminary Modeling Predicts:
        –   crater diameter of 5-10 m
        –   β values range from 1–5 using estimated target properties
        –   The DART impact will change the secondary’s period by ~ 10 minutes

      Current Activities
        – Benchmarking of hydrocodes and comparison to experimental data
          and analytical models
        – Investigating sensitivity of momentum transfer to: target properties,
          impact conditions, shape effects (target and spacecraft)
        – Investigating ejecta dynamics and evolution in the Didymos system
          following DART impact
Modeling and Simulation of Impact
      Working Group Goals
        – (1) Determine the expected outcome of the DART impact and its
          sensitivity to initial impact conditions.
        – (2) Assess the effect of the DART impact on the moon of Didymos,
          focusing on implications for asteroid deflection and properties.
      Impact simulations and scaling rules predict β~1-5 for
       reasonable target strength and porosity conditions
      Analytical models and preliminary simulations predict crater
       diameters of 5-17 m
      Orbit evolution studies predict 8-10 minute period change
        – For a two-body problem, it is most efficient to impact in direction parallel
          to orbit velocity
        – For aggregate bodies (e.g., rubble pile), the disturbance of most orbit
          parameters (a and i) nearly identical to 2-body case.

Potential Future Opportunities for the

      Participating Scientist Program
      Modeling of Event (pre- and post-DART impact)
      Observing Campaign (pre-encounter, near-impact, and post-
      Instruments on AIM

      DART successfully completed NASA’s Pre-Phase A study milestone
       in May 2015, Mission Concept Review (MCR)
      DART is now officially in Phase A! This study phase continues
       through September 2016.
        – Primary NASA milestone is System Requirements Review (SRR) and
          Mission Design Review (MDR), scheduled for August 2016
      DART is in tandem with AIM’s Phase A/B1 study phase, and
       supports their programmatic milestones
      DART will continue to support joint both AIM interfaces and
       reviews, and joint AIDA sessions
        – The 2nd International AIDA Community Workshop will be held in June
          1-3, 2016 in Nice, France. You are all welcomed to attend!!
      Consideration underway for maximizing and optimizing
       community involvement in getting full success!
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