AFTER: everything you need to know or do once you're here! - This short guide consists of two parts: one for BEFORE your arrival (1) and another ...

Page created by Esther Tran
AFTER: everything you need to know or do once you're here! - This short guide consists of two parts: one for BEFORE your arrival (1) and another ...
Part 2
AFTER: everything you need to know or do
           once you're here!

                                           Réseau RÉAGIR
                                           Faculté de médecine
 This short guide consists of two parts:   Université Laval
  one for BEFORE your arrival (1) and
         another for AFTER (2)!

AFTER: everything you need to know or do once you're here! - This short guide consists of two parts: one for BEFORE your arrival (1) and another ...
Foreword                                       Table of Contents
This document is intended for new              Foreword ....................................................... 1
graduate students in the Faculté de            Participants and Authors: .............................. 1
                                               Table of Contents .......................................... 1
médecine at Université Laval. It was           Procedures Upon Your Arrival ....................... 2
designed by graduate students, like you.           Getting around Quebec ............................. 2
We have tried to gather all the information        The bureau du registraire .......................... 3
that we found useful/essential for your            Studies management service (Gestion des
arrival, to the best of our knowledge.             Études) of the Faculté de médecine: ......... 4
                                                   Get your SIN (Social Insurance Number): .. 4
This guide is available in printed format in       How to get to the RAMQ (Régie de
the various research centers as well as in         l’Assurance Maladie du Québec): .............. 4
PDF format on the RÉAGIR website.                  Go to your research center and formally
If you want to participate in the                  meet your team ......................................... 5
                                                   Pay your University registration on site or
improvement of this guide, send us your
                                                   online......................................................... 5
suggestions to the following address:
                                               Paperwork ..................................................... 6                             Banks ........................................................ 6
                                                   Insurance (health, dental, home, etc.)........ 8
                                                   Taxes ........................................................ 9
                                               Other Important Aspects.............................. 10
Participants and Authors:                          Obtain a residential internet and telephone
                                                   subscription: ............................................ 10
Josy Baldaheani Naud                               Working while studying ............................ 10
Jérémy Bernard                                     Medical consultations .............................. 11
Imène Boudaoud                                 Integration ................................................... 13
                                                   Student associations ............................... 13
Kaoutar Ennour-Idrissi
                                                   Food ........................................................ 13
Estelle Gouriou
                                                   Furnish yourself (at a lower cost) ............. 15
Camille Illiano                                    Equip yourself for the cold (at a lower cost):
Aurélie Lacouture                                   ................................................................ 16
Camille Lafront                                Succeed in Your Studies and Research Project
Marine Lambert                                 .................................................................... 17
Delphine Masi                                      Register for research credits (Activités de
Victoria Massamba                                  recherche) ............................................... 17
                                                   Collaboration plan (formerly known as
Melina Papalampropoulou-Tsiridou
                                                   “training plan”) ......................................... 17
Windsor Ting
                                                   Scholarships ............................................ 17
Emilie Wong Chong                                  Campus services ..................................... 19
                                                   Tips for graduate studies ......................... 20
                                                   Writing of the master’s and Ph.D.’s thesis
                                                   (FÉSP) .................................................... 20
                                               Little Extra Tourism ..................................... 21
Find RÉAGIR on social media:                   Annex 1: Contacts for Several Student
                                               Associations of Interest to Graduate Students
                                               in the Faculty of medicine ............................ 25
                                                   By Study Program: .................................. 25
                                                   By Research Axis (CRCHU): ................... 25
                                                   By research Center:................................. 26

Version 1 – Year 2021-2022
AFTER: everything you need to know or do once you're here! - This short guide consists of two parts: one for BEFORE your arrival (1) and another ...
in the University fees for full-time students
Procedures Upon Your                             who live in an area served by the local
Arrival                                          transit network (> $120 directly on your
                                                 tuition bill for the fall and winter sessions).
   Welcome to the club of Université             During the summer, you will need to buy
    Laval students in Quebec City!               RTC or STLévis tickets as mentioned
                                                 previously, but keep your LPU card since it
You’ve just arrived, you don’t know where        allows you to benefit from significant
to begin? No worries… We are here!               student discounts on monthly passes, for
                                                 example. LPU applications must be made
Getting around Quebec                            at the beginning of each academic year.
                                                 Are you starting your graduate studies in
By bus: Laissez-passer universitaire             the winter term? Don't worry, you can also
(LPU)                                            apply at the start of this session. There are
                                                 certain types of students who can request
To travel around Quebec, the easiest ways        a refund of the automatic fee, but the
are by walking or bicycling. However, for        conditions are very strict. For more
longer distances or during the winter, the       information, please check the Université
bus remains the ideal option. The drivers        Laval LPU's web page.
do not have cash, so make sure you always
have the exact amount of money to take           By car: International driver’s licence to
the bus ($3.50 for a one-way trip with a         rent a car
possible bus connection within the hour).
When paying, if you're not using an              You may be wondering if it’s possible to
OPUS/magnetic        card,    claim     your     drive in Quebec with your foreign driver’s
connection ticket from the driver to be able     license. On the one hand, the driver's
to make a bus connection. You can also           license for students is valid throughout their
buy tickets in advance at many pharmacies        studies (same validity period as the study
or convenience stores. Several bus passes        permit/Visa); you just have to ensure that
are available and might be useful while you      your country has a reciprocity agreement
wait to get your LPU. You can check which        with Quebec. However, if your driver's
buses to take by creating a route on Google      license authorizes you to drive a specific
Maps or with the Transit app. Also, more         type of vehicle (trailer truck, etc.) in the
specific to the Réseau de Transport de la        country where it was issued, you must
Capitale (RTC), the Nomad application            make sure that this is also the case in
allows you to buy electronic tickets and to      Quebec. You can ask the car rental agency
know in real time the location of your bus       that will process your request (by the way,
when used with an internet connection.           Communauto is a very affordable rental
Regarding the LPU, this service allows
unlimited use of the RTC networks and the        On the other hand, for accompanying
routes of the Société de Transport de Lévis      persons who are in Quebec for another
(STLévis), including the Quebec/Lévis            reason than studies, the permit is valid only
ferry, from September 1st to April 30th of the   for the first 6 months. After that, you have
current academic year. You can request           to “exchange” your driver’s license. If
your LPU through monPortail (tab                 necessary, visit the website of the Société
“Services” on the left menu). Since 2019,        d'Assurance Automobile du Québec
the LPU is included on a mandatory basis         (SAAQ) for more information on this
AFTER: everything you need to know or do once you're here! - This short guide consists of two parts: one for BEFORE your arrival (1) and another ...
Uber                                              The bureau du registraire
That’s right, Quebec is also served by the        When you arrive on campus, you will have
Uber service! Even if this is not the most        to complete your registration by going to
economical option, it can be advantageous         the    registrar's office      (Bureau      du
for trips that cannot be done by bus (night       registraire), especially to drop off a copy of
schedules, traveling with a bulky object,         your CAQ and your student permit. They
etc.). To get a price estimate, you can do        will then provide you with a brief
so directly via the Uber app, or via their        information sheet containing the other
website. For example, a 7 km UberX run            steps to take care of, including getting your
can cost you $14 during the day, and a little     health insurance coverage and your social
more in the evening.                              insurance number (SIN), which is
                                                  necessary        to     receive       financial
Uber is also a good option if you are a
                                                  compensation from your research director
group of people coming home from a party,
                                                  during your studies.
a concert or someplace else; it is indeed
possible to share the costs of the ride                  Location : Second floor of the Jean-
directly if your friends also have the            Charles Bonenfant pavilion, at 2345,
application on their smartphones. Just go         Allée des Bibliothèques, Local 2440. There
to “Share the price of the ride” next to the      is a bus stop relatively close to the pavilion
amount displayed. However, this function          which is served by several RTC lines
does not work with Uberpool.                      (800/801, 804, 13, 16, etc.).
                                                  Do not forget to bring any missing
                                                  documents for your University record,
Like any city of a certain size, taxis are also   including all of your old transcripts and
a possible option for getting around              original diplomas.
Quebec. The most well-known companies              Our advice: In order not to get bogged
here are Taxi Coop and Taxi Laurier, both         down in the administrative appointment
of which have apps to make it easy to book        phase, you can put together a mini-file that
a lift without having to call. It is also         will follow you everywhere. Put all the
possible to evaluate the cost of your route       necessary documents in it. Don't forget that
before booking. Important point, if you pay       you will often have to provide the
in cash, be aware that the drivers do not         originals!
have change! But don't panic, most taxis
have modernized themselves over time               You don't have a computer, internet,
and now offer the possibility of paying by        or phone to check the schedules,
card.                                             websites or your emails? There are
                                                           computers available in the main
Bike                                                       library of Université Laval (Jean-
                                                           Charles Bonenfant pavilion, 2345
This interactive map gives you information
                                                  Allée des Bibliothèques, Québec, QC G1V
on all the bicycle paths in the city. If you
                                                  0A6) or in the scientific library of the
don't have a bike, you can rent one at a
                                                  Alexandre Vachon pavilion (Basement of
cost of $1/hr with Coop Roue Libre if you
                                                  the pavilion (level 0), Avenue Médecine -
show your student ID.
                                                  Avenue des Sciences Humaines, Québec,
                                                  QC G1V 0A6)

AFTER: everything you need to know or do once you're here! - This short guide consists of two parts: one for BEFORE your arrival (1) and another ...
At Université Laval, you have unlimited               -   An     identity  document        (e.g.,
access to the Wi-Fi Internet network called               passport);
eduroam which covers the entire campus;                - A document proving your legal
you can access it using your IDUL (in this                status in Canada (study permit);
format: and student                    - An address in Quebec. This can be
password (PIN).                                           a temporary address, but you will
                                                          need it to receive confirmation of
                                                          your SIN;
Studies management service
                                                       - Your parents' full names and
(Gestion des Études) of the                               surnames.
Faculté de médecine:                               Documents that are neither in French nor
                                                   in English must be accompanied with:
If you want more details about your course
                                                       - Their French or English translation;
choices, credits, or any class equivalences
                                                       - A certificate or affidavit written and
that you could validate, you can contact the
                                                          signed by the person who prepared
study management department of your
                                                          the translation.
master/doctoral program, or make an
appointment with them by email (consult at         ** Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
the end of this page to find out which email       requests are also made online. For more
address to write to according to your              information, you can refer to the
program and your needs). They will be able         Government of Canada's website on this
to confirm your acceptance within the              subject.
Faculty and inform you about the things
you need to do: in which courses to register
and ideally in which session, how to pay           How to get to the RAMQ (Régie
your tuition fees (we talk precisely about         de l’Assurance Maladie du
this subject in section 1.7 of this guide), etc.   Québec):
        Location:          Ferdinand-Vandry              Location:    787,      Boulevard
pavilion, 1600 Avenue des Sciences-de-             Lebourgneuf, Québec (Quebec), G2J 0B5.
la-Vie, 4th floor, Office 4645.
                                                   To get there, you can take the 382/582 bus
                                                   in front of the Centre hospitalier de
Get your SIN (Social Insurance                     l'Université Laval (CHUL) or choose
Number):                                           another route. Plan to go when it opens in
                                                   the morning to avoid excessive waiting in
The application for a SIN is made at a
                                                   the queue.
Service Canada Center. You can get
there by taking the 800/801 bus route.             Once here, you will take all the necessary
                                                   steps to obtain your famous "carte soleil”
     Location: 2 addresses: 3229,
                                                   (sun card). We invite you to consult and
Chemin des Quatre-Bourgeois, 3rd floor.
                                                   complete the information on this RAMQ
2500 Boulevard Montmorency #101,
                                                   link; it will then take you to the page that
Quebec, QC G1J 5C7
                                                   summarizes all the documents you need to
The creation of the SIN is done very quickly       provide according to your situation (e.g.,
(less than 10 minutes depending on                 form se-401-q102 for French people [as
whether it’s crowded or not). To do so, you        detailed in guide 1]).
will need, among other things:

AFTER: everything you need to know or do once you're here! - This short guide consists of two parts: one for BEFORE your arrival (1) and another ...
** Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, RAMQ             national transfer or cash, but foreign
registrations are done online by using this       means of payment will not be accepted.
link.                                             For more information, we invite you to visit
                                                  this page.
It is also possible to reach a help desk for
                                                  If you prefer to pay online, it is possible to
any questions during this process.
                                                  do so from your bank account by selecting
                                                  Université Laval as the beneficiary and
Go to your research center and                    entering your customer number (written
formally meet your team                           directly on your invoice).

It's best to go to your new lab and talk to
your director(s) as soon as possible. They
will put you in contact with the human
resources department of your research
center for the formalities concerning your
access (magnetic card and internet code),
as well as your financial compensation. It
may therefore be useful to already have a
SIN and deposit information for your               Service Le Point of the Alphonse-Desjardins
Quebec bank account when you sign your                    and Maurice-Pollack pavilions
“contract”. You will then need a void check
that contains your bank account
information to receive your compensation
directly in your account (see section 2.1 for
opening a bank account in Quebec). If you
do not have this information yet, it’s alright,
it's always good to get to know your new
team first.

Pay your University registration
on site or online
If you wish to pay your University
registration directly on site, you can do so
by going to Le Point, located at the
entrance to the Alphonse-Desjardins and
Maurice-Pollack pavilions.

     Location: 2325, Rue de l'Université,
Québec (Québec), G1V 0B4.

Make sure you have your RAMQ
certificate with you, otherwise you risk
having to pay $900 more than you

 Note: it is possible to pay by check,
Quebec debit card, international or

AFTER: everything you need to know or do once you're here! - This short guide consists of two parts: one for BEFORE your arrival (1) and another ...

Open a bank or cashier account (at
Caisse Desjardins for example)

Most of the banks listed below have a
branch near the University, on Boulevard
Laurier (either at Laurier Quebec, Place de
la Cité or Place Sainte-Foy). The Caisse
Desjardins also has a counter at Université
Laval directly in the Alphonse-Desjardins
pavilion. You will need to make an
appointment to open an account; it should
take about 45 minutes. Don't forget to
request a void check (otherwise, it can
usually be created via your online bank

Here is a brief description of the advantages and disadvantages of each banking institution present in Quebec City:

   Banks                                     Advantages                                                          Disadvantages

                  -   Numerous branches in Quebec, including one directly located on
                      the Université Laval campus (Alphonse-Desjardins pavilion)
                                                                                             -   Does not provide credit cards to foreign students
                  -   Université Laval branch is used to welcome foreign students
                                                                                                 (unless we are able to provide them with proof of
  Desjardins      -   Good rates for students
                                                                                                 upcoming payment of a scholarship or financial
                  -   Possibility of opening an account from certain foreign countries
                      (e.g., France)
                                                                                             -   Difficult to have an English-speaking interlocutor
                  -   Offers prepaid VISA cards (instead of credit cards)
                  -   Access to certain scholarships if you are a Desjardins member

                  -   With the Scène card, each time the card is used, it is possible to
 ScotiaBank           accumulate points to go to the movies
                                                                                             -   Only 2 branches in Quebec
                  -   Part of Global Alliance: no fees when making withdrawals with the
                      debit card at international partner banks
    RBC           -   Offers a credit card even to foreign students                          -   Not very flexible about increasing the credit limit
                  -                                                                          -   Expensive international transfer fees
Online banking                                                                               -   Requires to already have an account in Canada
  institutions    -   Low fees (among the cheapest)                                          -   If you have a temporary SIN, it is necessary to provide
(Tangerine/ING    -   Offers a credit card even to foreign students                              them with proof
    direct)                                                                                  -   No physical branch
                                                                                             -   To have a credit card, you must leave them an amount
    HSBC          -   If you have an account with this bank both in your home country            as a guarantee that they will give back only after a year
                      and in Canada, the fees for international transfers are low                if there is no payment incident until then (e.g., $1,000
                                                                                                 blocked to have $500 credit)
                  -   Unlimited plan at no cost for students
 Banque TD        -   Possibility of having a credit guarantee (you’ll have to pay only if   -   Very few branches and counters
                      you use it)                                                            -   Not all counselors speak English
                  -   No withdrawal fees at other banks

                  -   Possibility of having a credit card without proof of income
   Banque         -   3 years of fixed monthly services at no cost
  Nationale       -   Offers a telephone support service for newcomers                       -   Few counters/bank branches
                  -   1st order of checks free
                  -   1st year of rental of a safety deposit box free

for the entire duration of their stay in
Differences between a credit card and a
                                                Canada. As a result, all foreign students
debit card:
                                                at Université Laval are automatically
    - The debit card allows you to pay
                                                registered to the health and hospital
       directly with your bank account
                                                insurance group plan of the Desjardins
       funds. As such, it is necessary to
                                                Insurance company. The approximate
       have funds in your account to be
                                                annual cost of this private insurance is
       able to use it. It can be used in
                                                $1,000; these fees will appear on your
       restaurants, stores and other
                                                tuition bill for each new session. If you are
       physical businesses, but not online.
                                                a newly admitted student, you are covered
       You can make cash withdrawals
                                                as soon as you arrive on Canadian soil,
       with this card at the ATM without any
                                                that is, from August 15th for the fall session,
                                                from December 15th for the winter session,
    - The credit card, on the other hand,
                                                and April 15th for the summer session.
       can be used anywhere (for an
       electricity bill, online shopping...),   It is important to note that this insurance
       but withdrawing money from an            only covers Université Laval students.
       ATM often involves a fee since it’s a    However, it is also possible to add your
       cash advance. Depending on the           accompanying family members to this
       banks and the conditions, it is          insurance; to do so, you must contact
       possible     to     have   a   credit    Desjardins directly by phone at +1 855 440-
       authorization of $500 or more.           9884.
Please note that there are withdrawal fees      Finally, be aware that the Desjardins
if the debit card is used in a different        insurance card does not generally allow
banking institution than the one where your     you to have access to consultations,
bank account comes from.                        treatments or medication without having to
                                                advance the costs (see the general
There is no immediate debit credit card
                                                conditions of insurance for more
(except the prepaid VISA card); therefore,
                                                information). These can be very high (e.g.,
you need to make sure you pay back your
                                                $275 for a consultation at the CLSC
credit card regularly to avoid overdue
                                                [Centre         Local     de       Services
charges on the date of your monthly
                                                Communautaires]), but you can request a
account statement.
                                                refund later. Moreover, know that
                                                consultations at the Clinique médicale de
Insurance (health, dental,                      l'Université Laval (Université Laval medical
home, etc.)                                     clinic) are free!

   -   Health insurance        for   foreign     Important: Some students can be
       students:                                exempted from this compulsory insurance
                                                plan and instead be registered with the
The Université Laval’s website has all the      RAMQ (see guide 1 for more details). In
necessary information about health              addition, if you would like to have a list of
insurance, but we have listed the important     all the insurance companies that offer a
points here.                                    “health insurance for Canada’s visitors”, we
                                                recommend that you consult the Bureau de
Quebec and Canadian immigration laws            la Vie Étudiante (BVE) website.
require non-Canadian students to have
valid health and hospitalization insurance
-   Dental care insurance:                    website    that   compares      insurance
                                                 according to the characteristics of your
        It should also be noted that all         accommodation. We strongly recommend
graduate students are automatically              that you register for such insurance,
enrolled in a dental care group plan. This       because misfortune happens so quickly...
service is offered by AELIÉS (Association        In general, the subscription fees are not
des Étudiantes et Étudiants de Laval             very expensive, depending on the total of
Inscrits aux Études Supérieures), and            the goods you own.
ASEQ (Alliance pour la Santé Étudiante du
Québec) in collaboration with Desjardins
Insurance, in order to supplement the
coverage offered by the RAMQ. Fees are
                                                 With the snow melting and the arrival of
automatically applied to your tuition bill for
                                                 spring, Quebec's tax season also begins!
the fall and winter semesters (you must pay
                                                 As a foreign student who now lives in
1/3 in the fall and 2/3 in the winter). The
                                                 Canada, you automatically develop a
total annual cost is around $450, including
                                                 residence bond, which implies that you will
$200 for the dental insurance alone. If you
                                                 have to file a tax return. Indeed, your tuition
keep this insurance, you are covered all
                                                 fees are non-refundable tax credits that
year-round (including summer - the costs
                                                 allow you to reduce your income tax. You
for the winter session are a little higher
                                                 will have until April 30th to file your tax
precisely to cover this session).
                                                 return, or you will receive a penalty if you
It is possible to unsubscribe from this          exceed this deadline.
insurance when paying the tuition fees, but
                                                 Université Laval will provide you with two
be careful, you usually have a period of
                                                 documents that will list the tuition fees that
one month to unsubscribe after the start
                                                 you have already paid: one for provincial
of the session! If you wish, you can also
                                                 tax (Quebec) and one for federal tax
subscribe to a health care service which
                                                 (Canada). Your first declaration will be
follows the same principle. To make your
                                                 automatically made in paper format and
claims to the insurer following a medical
                                                 specific to each member of your household
intervention, a mobile application is
                                                 (e.g., Do you live together? You must
available, and the process is quite user-
                                                 complete a declaration each). You will find
friendly. You will find all the details of the
                                                 more information on your situation on the
offer available on the ASEQ and AELIÉS
                                                 Government of Canada’s website. If you're
                                                 a little lost, Université Laval regularly offers
Finally, you can also register for additional    information meetings on the subject during
insurance in case of special personal            this period. You can also contact the
needs.                                           Clinique de l'impôt, use a software (e.g.,
                                                 TurboImpôt), or pay private companies or
   -   Home Insurance:                           accountants who will do your taxes for you
                                                 (e.g., H&R Block, monCPAenligne, etc.). If
Several banks offer a home/tenant                you don't have to pay taxes, you can carry
insurance service (such as the Caisse            over and use some or all the fees and
Desjardins for example) to insure the            amounts in a future year. Also, remember
goods in your apartment. Do not hesitate to      to make the transition with your home
ask your bank for more information when          country's taxes too!
opening your account. In order to make an
informed choice in this area, there is a
offer. The companies previously mentioned
Other Important Aspects                         also have mobile plans, but there are also
                                                the following providers: Fido, Rogers,
Obtain a residential internet                   Virgin Mobile, Telus or Koodo Mobile.
and telephone subscription:                     Please note: salespeople will explain
                                                this further to you, but in the
   -   Internet:                                subscriptions, certain services may be
                                                optional, in particular unlimited calls,
For residential internet, if you stay on
                                                voicemail, unlimited texting, data, etc. In
campus, rooms are already connected to
                                                addition, international calls are rarely
the University's free Wi-Fi internet network,
                                                included in plans (even those with
but you can also subscribe to a cable
                                                unlimited calling) and are billed by the
service. Please note that internet
                                                minute, which can quickly become
subscriptions can represent a certain
budget here (between $40 and $120/month
depending on whether you want to have an        If the prices offered by these different
unlimited data subscription or not, cable       companies seem too high for you, there are
TV, a landline, etc.). The market leaders       still lower-cost applications such as Fongo.
are Videotron and Bell Canada, but there        The latter allows you to have a Canadian
are also new providers that operate on the      VoIP number which requires an internet
networks of these two companies while           connection to work. However, when doing
offering a subscription at a lower cost,        online transactions that require two-factor
notably Fizz, Teksavvy and Oxio. However,       authentication with a code sent by text
it may not be possible to directly call         message, the Fongo number is not always
customer service in the event of a problem,     accepted, and sometimes you can miss
but only to be able to contact them by chat;    calls too. Alternatively, you can also use
fortunately, this does not seem to prevent      WhatsApp or Telegram, two free apps that
great customer service.                         give you access to a messaging system
                                                that requires the internet to work.
If you are sharing or renting a room, a
subscription could be already set up in the      Note: Telephone and internet
apartment. It's up to you to talk to your new   frequencies used in North America differ
roommates before moving in to find out          from those used in other regions of the
whether this service is included in your rent   world; you must therefore check
or not.                                         beforehand that your phone is compatible.
                                                Moreover,    these    frequencies   also
Finally, to determine the amount of data
                                                sometimes differ from one operator to
and the appropriate internet speed for your
household, there is this very useful site
(click on “Trouvez votre forfait” [“Find your
plan”]). It also allows you to                  Working while studying
compare the prices of different
suppliers!                                                  First of all, if you want to work
                                                            during your studies, you
   -   Telephony:                                           should know that you will be
It is strongly recommended                                  able to do so only after you
that you compare phone                                      officially        start      your
operators before choosing a                                 University program. Indeed,
monthly plan or a prepaid card                              it is not possible to arrive in

Canada in advance and start working while         employer must make sure that the job you
waiting for the beginning of your University      hold meets the criteria of your study permit.
session, as this requires a work permit.

In addition, to be able to work as a foreign      Medical consultations
student, your study permit must bear the
                                                  ** COVID-19 pandemic special note: If
mention: "Can accept a job on the campus
                                                  you have symptoms similar to those of
or off the campus of the institution where
                                                  COVID-19 (fever, loss of smell and/or
they are registered if they meet the
                                                  taste, unexplained runny nose, sore throat,
eligibility criteria provided for in R186F), V)
                                                  cough, chest pain, prolonged fatigue), call
or W)...” (check out this link which lists the
                                                  418 644-4545 or +1 877 644-4545. Do not
regulations in points R186F), V) and W)).
                                                  go to a clinic without a doctor calling you,
Thus,       your      study     permit    type
                                                  or to the emergency room, unless you have
determines whether you can work while
                                                  breathing problems.
studying or not. Note that the study permit
allows you to work a maximum of 20                Whatever       the      reason    for     the
hours/week. Also, in addition to having a         consultation, do not forget to always
valid study permit, you will also need a SIN      carry your health insurance card
(see section 1.4 of this guide for how to         (issued by the RAMQ or by your private
obtain it) to receive your pay.                   insurer) with you, as well as a piece of
                                                  identification. Also, don't hesitate to ask
There are several avenues to find a job.
                                                  for a detailed bill after the consultation - it
Firstly, we recommend that you visit the
                                                  will come in handy for refunds.
Service du Développement professionnel
website (formely known as the Service de          Public vs. private
Placement de l’Université Laval or SPLA) it
publishes job postings on and off campus,         On the one hand, if your major criterion is
but also internships, doctoral and master's       the time and duration of the consultation, it
project offers... in short, it is really an       is possible that a private clinic is more
essential tool! You can also do your own          suitable for your needs. It allows you to get
research on external sites, such as               an appointment within 24-48 hours at a
jobillico,, etc.                       fixed time, which also allows you to avoid
                                                  having to take a day or a half-day off to go
If you wish to work on campus, you must           to your consultation. However, unlike the
be registered full-time in a designated           public service covered by the RAMQ, the
educational institution (e.g., at Université      payment of a consultation in the private
Laval). To work off campus, the same              sector is the responsibility of the patient.
condition applies, unless you are near the        However, it is still possible that the RAMQ
end of your study program and are a part-         or your private insurance will reimburse
time student. For more information on this        certain medical acts (see “How to get a
subject, please consult the Government of         refund?”, later in this section).
Canada website.
                                                  On the other hand, in public systems, or
 Important: Remember to agree on your            in private non-profit establishments,
working hours with your employer, and             consultations are free but often without the
ideally with your research direction too, so      possibility to schedule an appointment
that your job does not interfere with your        beforehand (these being reserved for
studies and your research. Also, if you           patients affiliated with a family doctor in the
decide to work off campus, you and your           system or of the institution in question). In
the case of a consultation without an            always call 811; a nurse will give you sound
appointment, we advise you to arrive as          advice and help you decide what to do
soon as possible (when the center or             next. Finally, if you need an ambulance,
clinic opens) in order to wait less time...      you can call 911, but it should be noted that
Also, you should know that in many public        the ambulance service is not free and can
medical clinics and hospitals, family            cost you $600 or more... Depending on
physicians usually do not take on new            your insurance coverage, these costs can
patients as waiting lists are already very       be reimbursed a posteriori, don’t forget to
long. Furthermore, several clinics now ask       inform yourself based on your enrolled
you to go through this website first to          insurance policy.
schedule an appointment for the same day.
Please note, the available schedules are         Do we have to advance the costs? How
updated at the start of the day and are          to get a refund?
booked very quickly!
                                                 As explained in section 2.2, your health
You can also consult the BVE page which          insurance plan entitles you to the
lists some medical clinics offering both         reimbursement      of   certain    medical
consultations      with  or   without     an     expenses. The RAMQ gathers all the
appointment. In particular, there is the         services covered by their health insurance
Université Laval medical clinic, which           on their website. Here is also an internet
offers free consultations without having to      link providing information on the costs
pay in advance (it is possible to fill out a     covered by the Desjardins group
form on site so that the costs are billed        insurance.
directly to your insurance).
                                                 In the private sector, health professionals
Consultation without an appointment              practicing outside the framework of the
                                                 public    plan   determine      their    fees
During these consultations, it is not            themselves and may not accept a health
uncommon that a nurse will be the first          insurance card. You can request
person to review your symptoms before            information on the status of the practitioner
assessing whether to refer you to a doctor       you want to consult when making an
or not.                                          appointment, and whether they accept the
                                                 RAMQ card or your private insurance card.
Be careful, doctors usually only treat one
medical problem at a time and                    Drug purchases in pharmacies
consultations go very quickly. Make sure
you have all your questions ready                Medications purchased with a prescription
before your appointment by writing a             from the doctor are generally 80% covered
short list!                                      by the Desjardins group insurance.

What about emergencies?                          For people with a RAMQ card, the drug
                                                 reimbursement plan is a little different:
If you find yourself in a situation where your   when you buy drugs covered by the public
life is in danger, you can go to the nearest     plan, you pay a portion of their cost, which
emergency room. This site lists the              corresponds to a monthly deductible and a
emergency services in Quebec City as well        co-insurance fee. For more information on
as their occupancy rate.                         the amount needed to spend on drugs, you
                                                 can consult this page of the RAMQ.
If you are not sure if your situation requires
                                                 Otherwise, regarding the refund conditions
an urgent consultation or not, you can

of drugs offered by the RAMQ, you can                   Supérieures, or Association of
refer to this link.                                     Students of Laval Enrolled in Higher
Finally, this information only applies to
                                                    -   ACCEM          (Association      des
prescribed drugs from a doctor. Without
                                                        Chercheuses        et    Chercheurs
that, you will not be able to be reimbursed
                                                        Étudiant à la Faculté de Médecine,
and will have to cover the costs yourself.
                                                        or Association of Researchers
                                                        studying in the Faculty of Medicine)
Integration                                         -   RÉAGIR Network (Réseau d’aide
                                                        des      Étudiant.e.s     Gradué.e.s
                                                        Inscrit.e.s en Recherche, or the
Student associations                                    Support Network for Graduate
                                                        Students Registered in Research...
You'll see, Université Laval has many
                                                        and author of this guide!)
student associations (over 200!). You will
surely hear about them during your studies,      You can also find out about the
but to help you a little, we have                associations within your program, your
summarized the highlights for you here.          research axis according to the research
                                                 center you are affiliated with, etc. (we have
The list of all the University associations is
                                                 gathered several of them in Annex I) The
on the website of the Direction des
                                                 important information of these groups is
Services       aux     Étudiant.e.s     (DSE,
                                                 disseminated on their various social
Department        of   Student      Services).
                                                 networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Associations are classified according to the
                                                 and others), and some of these
study cycle, type (faculty, departmental,
                                                 associations like ACCEM offer many
program or extracurricular) and the
                                                 scholarships, organize several events and
objective of the association (culture,
                                                 are here to support you just like the
support, integration, advice, etc.).
                                                 REAGIR Network, so stay tuned!
For example, if you are already a parent or
want to become one during your studies,
there is the APÉtUL (Association des
Parents-Étudiants de l'Université Laval, or
Université     Laval’s       Parent-Student
Association) that will guide you throughout
this process.

Here are some of the essential Facebook
pages to follow:
   - Université Laval
   - Faculté de médecine
   - AELIÉS          (Association    des
      Étudiantes et des Étudiants de
      Laval      Inscrits  aux    Études

Food                                              GoodFood Market, Hello Fresh, Cook It,
                                                  etc. Also, for the days when you don't
It is generally more economical to cook at        want/can't cook, you can have meals
home and bring a lunch (takeout) to the           delivered to your home via many
University or the lab rather than to go to a      applications such as       Uber    Eats,
restaurant. The restaurants of the                SkiptheDishes, Resto Loco or Doordash.
University or of the affiliated research
centers (cafeterias, cafes, etc.) offer daily a   Quebec Cuisine
few meal choices at lower prices compared
                                                  Traditional Quebec recipes are adapted to
to ordinary restaurants. In these venues,
                                                  the harsh winter climate. They mostly
when you have table service and unlike
                                                  incorporate root vegetables (such as
some customs in other countries, you
                                                  potatoes, carrots, beets, etc.), fish and
should leave a tip of at least 15% of the
                                                  seafood. We also enjoy good desserts
bill, an amount that you have to calculate
                                                  made with maple, berries or apples that are
before taxes.
                                                  found in abundance throughout the
In order to reduce your expenses as much          province.
as possible, Jean François Vinet, author of
                                                  Poutine is one of Quebec’s best-known
the book “Étudier à Montréal sans se
                                                  dishes. It is made with fries and cheese
ruiner” (Studying in Montreal without
                                                  curds (fresh cheddar cheese, also called
breaking the bank) (ULYSSE, 2010),
                                                  "fromage skouik skouik" because of the
advises to plan your diet according to the
                                                  sound it makes when you chew it), covered
promotions     present    at   the    local
                                                  with a brown sauce (made from beef or
supermarkets (by the way, the Flipp
                                                  veal broth). Its precise origin is not known
application is useful to know the weekly
                                                  and many variations exist.
discounts). Moreover, it should be noted
that from a certain amount spent, some
grocery stores offer to deliver your
groceries to your home free of charge
(Metro, Provigo, etc.).

If you are looking for cooking inspiration,
you will find some recipe ideas on websites
such as Ricardo, Cuisine futée, parents           Another wonder of the Quebec diet is
pressés or Recettes du Québec. Note that          maple syrup. It is a naturally sweet
measurements and doses are generally              solution, produced from maple water (a
not provided in milliliters or grams, but in      common tree found in the forests of
ounces (oz), pounds (lb) or cups (cup).           northeastern North America) collected in
Also, the temperature adjustments (of the         early     spring     and     subsequently
oven for example) are noted in degrees            concentrated by boiling. 75% of its world
Fahrenheit and not in Celsius, so you will        production comes directly from Quebec,
have to get used to work with a converter!        that’s something to be proud of! A common
                                                  use of maple syrup is to pour it over
Know that instead of having to do the
                                                  pancakes, waffles or French toast, but it
grocery shopping yourself, there are also
                                                  can also be used in many typical recipes
meal boxes directly delivered to your home
                                                  such as pouding chômeur. After boiling the
that contain all the ingredients needed to
                                                  maple syrup, it can also be poured directly
make one or more recipes of your choice:
                                                  onto crushed snow, then rolled once cold
with a wooden pallet to eat it in the form of      On the same principle, you will find many
a soft candy: this is the famous and very          advertisements on or on
popular maple taffy!                               Marketplace (Facebook).

                                                      -   The Emmaüs Counter:

                                                           Located in basse ville (“lower city”)
                                                   in Old Quebec (915, Rue Saint-Vallier Est,
                                                   Quebec, QC, G1K 3P9), the Emmaüs
                                                   Counter is a must-see destination for
                                                   students looking for used furniture. This is
                                                   a large store spanning 4 floors. You will find
Finally, the best way to learn about Quebec        furniture there, but also books, dishware,
cuisine is to discuss it directly with             household appliances which are checked
Quebecers! They will share with you their          and repaired on site if necessary (you can
best spot for a good poutine and will              have a three-month warranty on these
introduce you to the pleasures of maple            devices), clothing, winter sports articles
syrup and sugar shacks during the spring!          (ski, rackets), etc. Prices are affordable but
                                                   can be negotiated, especially when you
                                                   place a large order. It is also possible to
Furnish yourself (at a lower                       have it delivered to your home for an
cost)                                              additional cost of $25. If you are looking for
                                                   something in particular, we recommend
Buying new furniture can quickly increase          that you visit their website regularly as their
your settling costs in Quebec. Here are            inventory changes often, especially around
some good places to furnish yourself               July 1st.
                                                      -   IKEA:
   -   Kijiji :
                                                           Finally, if you are an IKEA fan, there
Kijiji is a website for individuals to             is a store located in the Cap-Rouge district
exchange goods and sometimes services.             (3400, Avenue Blaise Pascal, Québec, QC,
Many people advertise their used furniture         G1X 0E4). However, to spend hours
through this site. The announcements are           strolling through the endless alleys, you will
more numerous around July 1st when the             need to be patient, because if you do not
inhabitants of Quebec typically move. It is        have a car, the area is still poorly served by
important to be responsive in your research        bus. Nevertheless, be aware that you can
and to quickly contact the person that             still have any order placed online delivered
posted the ad if you are interested! We also       to you considering additional delivery
advise you to come and look at the product         costs. Moreover, don't hesitate to take a
in question before buying it. Do not hesitate      look on Facebook, you might find someone
to negotiate the price indicated on the            with a car planning the same trip as you; a
advertisement and to ask for the said              great opportunity to also meet new people!
product to be delivered to you if it’s difficult
for you to collect it; many people are willing
to do this for an additional charge (around
$10 usually) if it fits in a car!

-   If you would rather invest in new

                                                        A Decathlon is located just in front of
                                                IKEA (3390, Avenue Blaise Pascal,
                                                Québec, QC, G1X 0E4). This is the
                                                opportunity to equip yourself for the winter
                                                with new equipment but at an affordable
Equip yourself for the cold (at a               price. More traditionally, you will also find
lower cost):                                    good coats in stores like La Baie, Simons
                                                or Sports Expert. Don't hesitate to look out
   - Village des Valeurs:                       for sales so you can get great discounts
For big winter jackets, snow boots, pairs of    early in the winter.
gloves (which we often lose) and the
famous toques (winter hats), the Village
des Valeurs is the right address to find what
we are looking for at a smaller cost.
      There are 3 stores in Quebec, and
one of them is a 25-minute bus trip from
Université Laval (3355, Rue de la Pérade,
Quebec, QC, G1X 3V3). You can also find
information about this store on its website
or Facebook page.

   -   On      various           Facebook

You can find lots of good deals on the
following    Facebook     groups  (non-
exhaustive list):
    - « Ma garde-robe vêtements pour
       femme Lévis/Québec »;
    - « Vêtements femme Québec - vente
       / échange / don »;
    - « Vêtements de marque à vendre
       (pas cher) Québec »;
    - « Vide garde-robe à Québec »;
    - «          les puces de facebook
       (Québec)         »;
   -   « Les petites annonces de Québec
       et les alentours »;
   -   « Petites annonces des Français de
       la ville de Québec »;
   -   And of course, the Facebook
       Marketplace section is always a
       good option to consider!

-   TRE-8801:     Poursuite    de    la
Succeed in Your Studies                                                            th   th   th
                                                            recherche - thèse 2: 11 , 12 , 13 ,
and Research Project                                        14th and 15th sessions MAX for
                                                            Ph.D. programs
Obviously, we do not lose sight of the
primary reason for your coming to
Université Laval and Quebec City: to                 Collaboration plan (formerly
complete your research project and obtain            known as “training plan”)
your degree! Here is additional information
                                                     The collaboration plan allows you to come
to ensure the success of your graduate
                                                     to an agreement with your research
                                                     director(s) on the type of supervision you
                                                     want to have for the duration of your
Register for research credits                        program. This is a mandatory form that
(Activités de recherche)                             allows you to find common ground directly
                                                     at the start of your research project. It is
It is essential to remain full-time                  imperative to complete it by the end of
throughout your studies during each                  your first session, and it must be
University session (fall, winter and                 renewed every new year (after 3
summer). As such, even if you do not                 consecutive University sessions). For
enroll in one-session courses, you must at           Ph.D. programs, it must also be
least register for research credits (also            completed in order to have access to
called “Activités de recherche”) in order to         your first progression grant on Capsule
be considered full-time. This is important           (see further).
so you can keep your access to the LPU
and also to be able to submit your master            It must be done on the Intranet of the
or Ph.D. thesis. The research activities for         Faculté de médecine (IDUL and password
which you will have to register are defined          identical to those for monPortail) → Profil
in the description of your respective                → Mes plans de collaboration (My
program or on monPortail → Études →                  collaboration plans). Please note: your
Inscriptions aux cours.                              research director(s) must first activate
                                                     the collaboration plan on their own
If you do not complete your master's                 intranet session before you can accept
degree in 4 sessions or your Ph.D. in 8              it (Accès rapide → Plan de collaboration
sessions, there are credits that you can             aux cycles supérieurs (Quick access →
take "as an extra" to stay full-time while you       Collaboration plan for graduate studies)).
finalize your experiments and/or your                This is a good opportunity to make an
writing. Depending on the session you are            appointment with your direction to discuss
in your syllabus, the credits to take are:           and finalize it together, but, if you ever want
    - TRE-6800:        Poursuite          de    la   to get an idea of the format in advance, the
        recherche - mémoire 1: 5 session             Faculté de médecine has gathered the
        for master programs                          points discussed in the plan here. This site
    - TRE-6801:        Poursuite          de    la   is also a great resource if you have any
        recherche - mémoire 1: 6 , 7 , 8th
                                       th    th
                                                     further questions on this subject!
        and 9th sessions MAX for master
    - TRE-8800:        Poursuite          de    la   Scholarships
        recherche - thèse 1: 9 and 10th
                                                     First, you must distinguish a non-
        sessions for Ph.D. programs                  nominative grant from a nominative grant.

On the one hand, a non-nominative grant           can apply to any of them it will save you
is a grant awarded by your research               some money!
direction, from their own research funds.         On the other hand, a nominative
This scholarship will serve as a financial        scholarship is a scholarship obtained in
compensation for the duration of your             the context of a competition. This can be a
graduate studies. The Faculté de                  research or a study grant (which can be
médecine recommends a minimum of                  used       to   increase    your    financial
$15,000/year for master studies and               compensation) or an outreach or “travel”
$18,000/year for Ph.D. studies, but this is       grant (used to finance your participation in
not mandatory (for more information, refer        national/international conferences or in
to the graduate supervision policy of the         training seminars). Your research direction
Faculté de médecine). This is one of the          will likely encourage you to apply: being a
points on which you can come to an                recipient of these kinds of scholarships will
agreement with your research director             improve your academic CV, and the more
through the collaboration plan.                   you will receive, the greater are your
At the same time, there are the Bourses de        chances of getting others! It is therefore
réussite (“Success Scholarships”) of the          very advantageous to browse the
FÉSP (Faculté des études supérieures et           scholarships available on the BBAF
postdoctorales, or Faculty of Graduate and        (Bureau des bourses et de l'aide financière,
Postdoctoral Studies), which are bonuses          or Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid)
given to graduate students to motivate            and to submit an application to one or more
them to pursue their studies. The                 of them if you meet the selection criteria.
exhaustive list of scholarships available
according to the cycle, and the conditions        The best-known scholarships are those
to fulfill in order to obtain each of them, can   from the FRQ, CIHR, NSERC, Mitacs
be found on the FÉSP website. If not              scholarships, scholarships from the
specified otherwise, applications must be         Faculté de médecine, scholarships from
completed directly on the Capsule portal →        the Research Axis to which you are
Renseignement sur les études et droits de         affiliated (including those from the
scolarité → Activités de formation à la           Fondation du CHU de Québec) and
recherche → Soumettre une demande de              doctoral/master's recruitment scholarships
bourse (→ Information on studies and              if you are starting a program at the Faculté
tuition fees → Research training activities       de médecine. However, it is always
→ Submit a grant application). Watch out          important to check whether applications
for the submission deadlines, specifically        are open to foreign students because it is
the one in the winter session which is at the     not always the case; the Étudiants
end of March due to the end of the financial      étrangers (Foreign students) section on the
year! At the Ph.D. level, concerning the          BBAF       website      normally     gathers
progression grants available at each              scholarships where all students can apply,
new session, it is imperative to                  regardless of their nationality.
complete the collaboration plan for the
                                                  Most applications will require a Common
first time beforehand in order to be able
                                                  Canadian CV, which you can complete
to apply for these grants!
                                                  directly on this website by creating an
There are also tuition waiver scholarships        account (we advise you to work on it in
for some foreign students according to            advance if this is the first time you are doing
agreements between Quebec and various             so, as it may take some time to fully
countries; don’t forget to take a look, if you    complete it!).
Finally, if you need more information on             Faculté de médecine, we also have
how to apply for a scholarship, the FÉSP             the Department of Student Affairs
has a very complete and practical guide on           (Direction des Affaires Étudiantes -
this subject (on this page, go to the section        DAE) which manages issues
Guides utiles aux cycles supérieurs (Useful          specific to the students of the
guides for graduates studies), click the             Faculty. Also, know that all the
“Guide pratique pour une demande de                  members of the RÉAGIR Network
bourse d’études supérieures ou une                   are there to listen to you and guide
bourse postdoctorale” (Practical guide for a         you to the right resources if
graduate scholarship application or a                necessary!
postdoctoral fellowship). We therefore           -    The CoopZone is the perfect place
invite you to consult it if necessary, and do        to buy your course textbooks,
not forget that your research direction and          stationery, and books at lower cost
your future colleagues are also there to             by becoming a member. In addition,
support you throughout this process!                 they offer great student prices for
                                                     electronics and software that you
                                                     might find helpful. There are 2
Campus services
                                                     stores: one on campus in the
Université Laval offers a multitude of               Alphonse-Desjardins pavilion and
services for its students, the majority of                    the other in the city center
which are listed here. Here is also a small                   (305, Boulevard Charest E,
summary of the most popular ones:                    Québec, QC G1K 3H3).
   - On campus we have two libraries,            -   The University also has a daycare
       namely a main one (the one located            center (CPE Centre-Jour) which
       in the Jean-Charles Bonenfant                 prioritizes     welcoming        young
       pavilion) and a "scientific" one              children of parents who are teachers
       (inside    the    Alexandre-Vachon            or students.
       pavilion). You can borrow books at        -   The PEPS, or the Physical
       no cost and work there in silence             Education and Sports Pavilion, is
       (which is useful while writing!). Also,       where the swimming pool, gyms and
       it is through the library portal that         sports fields are all gathered so you
       you will be able to access scientific         can practice various sports such as
       journal articles free of charge:              badminton,         tennis,      soccer,
       simply go to the “Explore by                  basketball, hockey, ice skating, etc.
       discipline” tab → Medicine →                  As a student, you can pay less (or
       Pubmed, then enter your IDUL and              even not at all!) to train indoors, rent
       your PIN, and that's it!                      courts with friends to play together,
   - There is the Student Assistance                 etc. You can also sign up for lessons
       Center      (Centre      d’Aide    aux        with a trainer to get back in shape,
       Étudiants - CAE) which can help you           or simply to perfect your technique
       with any problems concerning your             (e.g., dance lessons).
       studies or your personal life. They       -   The Alphonse-Desjardins pavilion
       offer lectures or workshops on                also hosts a restaurant-bar and a
       various topics, and if necessary, you         coffee-pub, namely the Pub
       can contact their psychology                  Universitaire (University Pub) (or
       department to seek help and                   Pub U) and the Café Fou AELIÉS.
       support from a professional. At the           Several events are organized there,
                                                     and they are also ideal places for
happy hour after a day spent at the       practicing your favorite hobbies are all
       lab!                                      great ways to take a bit of a breather from
                                                 your research project. Your mind will thank
                                                 you for this well-deserved break!
Tips for graduate studies
                                                    -   Have good communication with
We're not going to hide it, this is a grand
                                                        your research supervisor(s):
adventure that begins for you! Whether this
is your first experience in graduate studies     One of the most important aspects to
or you are already a little familiar with the    ensure the smooth running of your project
subject, here is some advice that we deem        is to communicate with your supervisor(s)
relevant so that everything goes smoothly        throughout your graduate studies. Whether
in this new chapter of your life.                it is to be guided, to solve a problem or
                                                 simply to learn more about a subject, their
   -   Manage your time well:
                                                 role is to act as mentors: they must help
It seems obvious (and it is a bit), but the      you to ensure your success. Obviously, this
fact remains that having good organization       point also implies good communication
skills is essential to carry out your research   with the rest of your team, whether with
project and all the “extras” (courses,           research professionals or with other
meetings,        presentations,        student   graduate students, to have support in the
associations/volunteering, etc.). Keeping        laboratory and maintain a good group
an up-to-date agenda and laboratory              cohesion. If you ever have any concerns
notebook will be very useful tools so you        with your research direction, don't hesitate
can stay on track.                               to talk to the DAE or to one of the RÉAGIR
                                                 Network members, we are here to help
   -   Maintain an acceptable pace of            you!
                                                 In the same vein, the FÉSP has written a
While your research topic is surely exciting,    practical guide on how to get the most out
it's important to not overwhelm yourself.        of your graduate studies (on this page, go
Yes, there will be rush periods (e.g.,           to the section Guides utiles aux cycles
producing a lot of results just before a grant   supérieurs (Useful guides for graduates
application, or finishing the revisions of a     studies), click on “Guide de cheminement
paper before the imposed deadline), but          aux cycles supérieurs” (A Guide to
you must not maintain a hectic pace of           Graduate Studies). Be sure to check it out
work forever; otherwise you will end up          for more helpful tips on the subject!
very tired and be less and less motivated to
pursue your research. Don't be ashamed to
                                                 Writing of the master’s and
listen to yourself and slow down, we are
human, not machines!                             Ph.D.’s thesis (FÉSP)

   -   Do something other than the lab           Congratulations, you’re almost reaching
       or classes:                               the finish line! Writing your thesis is a
                                                 laborious but mandatory step to complete
To follow up on the point above, a good          your research project. The FÉSP is the
way not to get too stuck in your studies is      essential resource for this matter: it acts as
to plan other activities that are unrelated to   a bridge between the students and the
the lab or classes. Keeping up a good            judges during the evaluation process, and
social life, playing sports, and even            it gives all the guidelines for the format
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