ADVANCED TAXATION - MALAYSIA (ATX-MYS) - Read the mind of a marker (Part 1) - ACCA Global

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ADVANCED TAXATION - MALAYSIA (ATX-MYS) - Read the mind of a marker (Part 1) - ACCA Global
Read the mind
of a marker (Part 1)
ADVANCED TAXATION - MALAYSIA (ATX-MYS) - Read the mind of a marker (Part 1) - ACCA Global

                 INTRODUCTION                               3

                 SECTION A Q1                               4

                    n   Question 1                          4

                    n   Observations on the requirements    5

                 Q1 CANDIDATE 1                            6

                    n   Marks awarded and comments          6

                 Q1 CANDIDATE 2                            9

                    n   Marks awarded and comments          9

                 CONCLUSION                                12

READ THE MIND OF AN ATX-MYS MARKER – PART 1                     2

This article provides candidates and tutors with insights into how a marker awards
marks when marking candidate scripts for Question 1 of the ATX-MYS exam.

We use Question 1 from the December 2020 exam to             You may find it useful to compare the length and style
demonstrate how marks are awarded and to show what is        of the published answers with the candidate answers
required to achieve a pass mark in questions of this type.   shown in this article. It is important to remember that a
                                                             candidate is able to achieve a pass mark without referring
Insight into a marker’s thinking, and an appreciation        to all of the points included in the published answer.
of how marks are awarded, will help candidates gain
more marks.                                                  The tax rates and allowances used in this article are
                                                             those which applied to the December 2020 exam. These
For tutors, greater knowledge of the marking process will    will continue to apply until the September 2021 exam.
enable student mock exam scripts to be marked more           The marking insights communicated in this article will
accurately and will improve the quality of feedback that     remain valid regardless of subsequent changes to tax
tutors provide to students.                                  rates and allowances.

The December 2020 exam questions and published               For insight into the marking of a question from Section B
answers are available from this webpage.                     of the ATX-MYS exam, please refer to Read the mind of
                                                             an Advanced Taxation – Malaysia marker (Part 2).


READ THE MIND OF AN ATX-MYS MARKER – PART 1                                                                           3
Section A Q1

Summary of testing points, how the requirements are set, and how candidates can
achieve the allocated marks

QUESTION 1                                                 Part (c) tests the tax deductibility of expenditure
This is a 35-mark question in which candidates are         (capital versus revenue and deemed business of a
required to draft a report giving advice on a mix of       listed investment holding company):
tax issues for a given corporate structure comprising
a listed investment holding company (BHB), an export
                                                             (c) Deductibility of expenditure for BHB
company (BP) and a company carrying our research and
development activity (BR&D).                                 	Explain the tax deductibility of the following
                                                               expenditure to BHB:
Part (a)(i) examines the two incentive measures of              (i) IPO expenditure of RM1·8 million; (1 mark)
allowance for significant increased exports (ASIE) and          (ii)	Annual operating expenses of RM750,000 in
reinvestment allowance (RA), and part (a)(ii) examines                maintaining the corporate headquarters for
the relative timing of the relevant claims to avoid                   the Burong Group of companies. (3 marks)
their mutual exclusion:

                                                           Part (d) examines the interplay of the research and
  (a) Tax incentives available to BP
                                                           development (R&D) incentives of investment tax
     (i)	Explain why BP is eligible for the following     allowance and double deduction:
          incentives and how each incentive measure
  		 – ASIE of 30%; and                                      (d) Preferred company to claim for R&D incentive
  		– RA.                                                       (i)	Explain why BR&D is potentially eligible
  		Remember to highlight the ownership                             for the status of R&D company, and
     requirement for ASIE. (8 marks)                                 compute the tax savings for BP and BR&D
                                                                     if BR&D obtains approval for investment
     (ii)	As the two incentives are mutually exclusive,             tax allowance (ITA) under the Promotion of
           explain the importance to BP of timing claims             Investments Act. (4 marks)
           for each incentive measure. (3 marks)
                                                                (ii) A
                                                                      ssuming BR&D qualifies as an R&D company,
                                                                     assess BP’s eligibility for the double Deduction
Part (b) tests the tax principles relating to plant                  incentive in respect of the R&D fees it incurs
(functional test versus the business setting):                       over the three years of assessment and
                                                                     compute the tax savings. (4 marks)
                                                                (iii)	Based on the computation of tax savings,
  (b) Birds’ hotels                                                    recommend which company should claim the
  	Given that the production and harvesting of the                    R&D incentive. Attach your computations as
    birds’ nests constitute ‘manufacturing’, present                   an appendix to the report. (3 marks)
    your arguments for the birds’ hotels qualifying as
    industrial buildings (IBs) and as plant.
                                                           Professional marks will be awarded in question 1 for
  	Explain the difference in capital allowances
                                                           adopting a logical approach, the appropriateness of
    available for IBs and plant, and recommend the
                                                           the format and presentation of the report, and the
    appropriate treatment for BP. (5 marks)
                                                           effectiveness with which the information is communicated.
                                                           (4 marks)
                                                                                                        35 MARKS

READ THE MIND OF AN ATX-MYS MARKER – PART 1                                                                             4
a. The requirement calls for candidates to explain how         b. The requirement stipulates that the birds’ hotel
   the conditions for each incentive measure are satisfied.       qualifies as an IB and as plant and invites candidates
   This means that candidates should apply knowledge              to present arguments to substantiate the duality
   to the facts given in the scenario; merely stating the         situation. The argument of the functional test
   eligibility requirements will only earn half the marks.        versus the business setting test is therefore central
                                                                  to the substantiation.
  The tax partner’s instructions contain a clue:
  “Remember to highlight the ownership requirement”              The requirement further calls for candidates to
  which refers to the requirement that at least 60% of           explain the differences in a capital allowance (CA)
  the company must be owned directly by Malaysian                claim for IB and plant, and candidates are expected
  citizens. Against the impending takeover of the export         to recommend that the CA claim as plant is preferable
  company (BP) by a listed vehicle (BHB) after the initial       because of the evidently shorter write-off period.
  public offering (IPO), candidates should then conclude
  that BP will no longer qualify for the ASIE after the IPO.   c. The requirement calls for candidates to explain
                                                                  the tax deductibility of the expenditure of the
  Candidates should also apply their knowledge to
                                                                  listed investment holding company (BHB). The IPO
  recognise backward integration as expansion and
                                                                  expenditure is perhaps the less challenging aspect.
  therefore a qualifying project for RA.
                                                                  Not as simple is the tax treatment of the annual
                                                                  operating expenses which candidates must link
                                                                  to the prescribed treatment of common expenses
       CANDIDATES SHOULD                                          against the deemed business sources of BHB as a
       APPLY KNOWLEDGE                                            listed investment holding company.
                                                               d. The requirement calls for candidates to explain using
       THE SCENARIO; MERELY                                       supporting computations, the trade-off between
       STATING THE ELIGIBILITY                                    the claim for double deduction for R&D fees by
       REQUIREMENTS WILL ONLY                                     the R&D user (BP)and the claim for ITA by the R&D
       EARN HALF THE MARKS                                        company (BR&D). The calculation of tax savings under
                                                                  each choice should steer candidates to making an
                                                                  appropriate recommendation.

READ THE MIND OF AN ATX-MYS MARKER – PART 1                                                                                5
Q1 Candidate 1
TOTAL MARKS: 21.5/35
 Candidate 1 Answer                                                                  awarded               Comments

 Professional marks awarded for: adopting a logical approach,
 the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the report,                    2/4
 and the effectiveness with which the information is communicated.

 1(a)(i) Tax incentives available to BP
 BP is eligible to claim allowance for significant increase in exports (ASIE)                  Marks are given for identifying the
 because it qualifies all the following conditions:                                            crucial eligibility conditions and how
                                                                                               each is satisfied.
 - A Malaysian resident company                                                        0.5
 - Incorporated in Malaysia                                                            0.5
 -	Owned by Malaysian by at least 60%. BP is wholly owned by Lee family who           0.5
    are citizens of Malaysia, so it is considered wholly owned by Malaysian.           0.5
 -	Achieve significant increase in exports by at least 50%.                           0.5
    BP expects increases of 60% to 80% in exports.                                     0.5
 - Manufacturing company                                                               0.5
 Therefore, BP is eligible to claim ASIE of 30% on value of increased exports.         0.5
 The amount will be exempted to be deducted against 70% of SI. Any amount
 unabsorbed will be carried forward to be deducted against 70% of SI. The amount       0.5     Mark for incentive mechanism.
 exempted is credited into exempt account (EIA) to pay tax exempt dividend.
    YA        Value increased exports              30% allowance
    2021      RM50 m                               RM15 m
    2022      RM50 m                               RM15 m
    2023      RM50 m                               RM15 m
 Since BP expects increase of RM50 m for exports, BP is eligible for RM15 m            0.5     As above.
 (RM50 m x 30%) each year from 2021 to 2023 to be deducted against 70% of SI.
 Any amount unabsorbed will be c/f.

 Reinvestment allowance
 BP is eligible to claim RA because it satisfies all the following conditions:
 - Resident company in Msia involves in manufacturing.
 - Incorporated in Msia.                                                               0.5     Only 1 mark allocated for eligibility
                                                                                               conditions, i.e. the crucial one
 -	Involves in qualifying project. BP plans to build birds’ hotels to produce its     0.5
                                                                                               relating to the qualifying project.
    own birds’ nests. This can be considered as a backward integration, which is
    considered an expansion. Expansion qualifies for qualifying project.
 -	Incur qualifying capital expenditure (QCE) on qualifying project.
    BP will incur RM18 m on the qualifying project.
 However, BP will only be eligible to claim RA if it operates for at least
 36 months.
 RA is a tax relief given on top of capital allowance (CA) given on the same QCE.      0.5
 60% of QCE incurred will be deducted against 70% of SI. The tax relief period         0.5     Marks for amount and mechanism.
 (TRP) for claiming RA is 15 years starting when it first claim RA. The absorbed       0.5
 amount will be credited into EIA to pay exempt dividend. Any unabsorbed
 amount will be c/f until seven years after TRP.

READ THE MIND OF AN ATX-MYS MARKER – PART 1                                                                                             6
 Candidate 1 Answer                                                                    awarded              Comments

 (a)(ii) Timing of each incentive
 BP expects to register annual increase in exports                                       0.5     Did not achieve full 3 marks
 for YA 2021 until YA 2023. Therefore, BP should claim ASIE from YA 2021                 0.5     because did not accurately state
 until YA 2023.                                                                                  why RA may be claimed in YA 2024.
 Thereafter, since BP has already been in operation for at least 36 months,               0
 BP can claim RA from YA 2024 onwards. This way, BP will fully utilize                   0.5
 all incentives available.                                                               0.5

 (b) Birds’ hotels
 Birds’ nests constitute manufacturing. It can therefore qualify as IB and as plant.
 The birds’ nests can qualify as IB because it is a building that is used for            0.5     The answer relating to plant is
 manufacturing. It has been stated that the production and harvesting of birds’          0.5     somewhat short as it did not refer
 nests constitute manufacturing activity. Therefore, it eligible to claim industrial             to the functional aspects of the
 building allowance (IBA) at rate of initial allowance (10%) and annual allowance                building.
 (3%). In the first year, BP is eligible to claim total allowance of RM2,340,000         0.5     Note that one mark is awarded for
 (RM18m x 13%).                                                                          0.5     having a conclusion.
 On the other hand, it can be said that the birds’ hotels constitute a plant.             0
 This is because the birds’ hotels is actively used in the business. It is a capital
 asset to generate income source. The birds’ hotel is built so that it will not have
 to depend from external suppliers. It can be said that the birds’ hotel is to ease       0
 and smoothen the business structure. Therefore, it is eligible to claim CA at rate
 of initial allowance (20%) and annual allowance (14%. In the first year, BP id          0.5
 eligible to claim total allowance of RM6,120,000.                                       0.5
 In conclusion, it can be said that the birds’ hotel is an IB because the birds’
 nests are periodically harvested and processed. Besides, the tax authorities
 have confirmed that the production and harvesting of birds’ nests constitutes a         0.5
 manufacturing activity. Therefore, BP eligible to claim IBA.                            0.5
 (c) Deductibility of expenditure for BHB
 (i) IPO expenditure
 The IPO expenditure of RM1.8 m is capital in nature, thus not eligible for              0.5     Only a half mark is awarded
 deduction. It is capital in nature because it is a one-off payment.                    0.5/1    because the reason for the capital
                                                                                                 nature is incorrect.

 (ii) Annual operating expenses
 The annual operating expense of RM750,000 in maintain the corporate                     0.5     The answer is worth a half mark as
 headquarters is eligible for tax deduction as it is revenue in nature. The payment              it is all in relation to the revenue
 is revenue in nature as it is a recurring expenses and is incurred wholly and                   nature, completely omitting the
 exclusively in the production of gross income. Therefore, the RM750,000 will be                 prescribed treatment for a listed
 deductible in arriving BHB’s adjusted income.                                                   investment holding company.

READ THE MIND OF AN ATX-MYS MARKER – PART 1                                                                                             7
 Candidate 1 Answer                                                                  awarded              Comments

 (d) R&D incentive
 (i)	BR&D is potentially eligible for the status of R&D company because it
      will provide R&D service/project to its related companies. Besides, BR&D         0.5
      is incorporated and also resident in Malaysia, therefore it is considered an
      R&D company.
      100% of QCE RM…                                                                  0.5
 (ii)If BR&D is an R&D company, BP as the user is                                     0.5
      eligible to claim double deduction on R&D fee                                    0.5
                                                                                               Succinct and cogent: full marks.
 		        R&D fee		             RM5,000,000
 		        Double deduction      RM5,000,000                                           0.5
 				RM10,000,000                                                                      0.5
 		        Tax saving @ 24%      2,400,000
 	However, BP is eligible to claim double deduction provided that BR&D                0.5
   does not claim ITA.                                                                 0.5
 	The tax saving BP will have if it claims double deduction is RM2,400,000            0.5
 (iii) Recommendation                                                                 0/3

READ THE MIND OF AN ATX-MYS MARKER – PART 1                                                                                       8
Q1 Candidate 2
 Candidate 2 Answer                                                                       awarded                Comments

 Professional marks awarded for: adopting a logical approach, the
 appropriateness of the format and presentation of the report, and the                     1.5/4
 effectiveness with which the information is communicated.

 1(a)(i) Tax incentives available to BP
 BP is eligible to claim allowance for significant increase in exports of 30%              0.5, 0.5
 because it is incorporated and thus, resident in Malaysia. The company is in the            0.5      Full marks are not awarded as
 business of manufacturing and it exports its products manufactured. There is an             0.5      not all the conditions are discussed,
 increase achieved in exports of 60% to 80%, thus qualifying for a 30% allowance             0.5      and there was no mention of the
 as the increase exceeds the threshold of 50%, qualifying for a significant increase                  impact of the listed status on
 in exports.                                                                                          citizen- ownership.

 The company gets to claim a 30% deduction of the value of increase exports. This            0.5
 is restricted to 70% of its statutory income. Any excess will be carried forward            0.5
 and set off against future income. BP will qualify for this incentive as long as it
 meets the requisites required.
 BP is also eligible for reinvestment allowance as it is a company resident in
 Malaysia and it has been in operation for at least 36 months. It will be engaged in         0.5
 a qualifying project which relates to expansion.
 This is evidenced by the fact that the company is currently involved in processing
 raw birds’ nest into ready-to-consume bottled birds’ nest. It will be expanding to          0.5
 start building birds’ hotels to produce its own birds’ nest. This expansion will incur
 substantial capital expenditure of RM18 million.
 In reinvestment allowance, BP is eligible for an additional 60% relief on                   0.5
 qualifying capital expenditure over and under capital allowances. This is set off
 against 70% of BP’s statutory income. This incentive is granted for a period of 15
 years.                                                                                    5.5/8

 (a)(ii) Timing of each incentive                                                            0.5      Full marks: discussion of the timing
 As the two incentives are mutually exclusive, it is highly important that                            is direct, to the point and complete.
 BP plans ahead to be able to enjoy the maximum relief.
 As the expansion plans will only take place in October 2023, BP may                         0.5
 start to claim the incentive for reinvestment allowance in YA 2024.                         0.5
 This will not collide with the increase in exports incentive available for                  0.5
 YA 2021 to YA 2023.

 Thus, BP will be able to claim both tax incentives accordingly.                            3/3

READ THE MIND OF AN ATX-MYS MARKER – PART 1                                                                                                   9
 Candidate 2 Answer                                                                     awarded              Comments

 (b) Birds’ hotels
 Birds’ nests can be argued to constitute a plant to BP because it is used as an          0.5     Well argued, hence the full marks,
 apparatus, not a setting. Further, it is a permanent employment in the business          0.5     even though the conclusion does
 and will present BP with enduring advantage. It also has an active function in the               not coincide with the model answer,
 business.                                                                                0.5     because it is reasonable.
 If it qualifies, BP will be able to claim capital allowance on the hotels consisting     0.5
 of annual allowance 14% and initial allowance 20% in the
 first year.                                                                              0.5
 The hotels can also be argued to be industrial buildings as the main production          0.5
 and collection of birds’ nest happen there. It is not excluded from being an IB as
 it is not an office, showroom, dwelling house nor
 retail shop.
 If it qualifies, BP will claim IBA on the hotels consisting of annual allowance of       0.5
 3% and initial allowance 10% in the first year.                                          0.5
 BP is recommended to treat the hotel as an IB as the main activities                     0.5
 of production and harvesting are subsumed within the hotel.                              0.5

 (c) Deductibility of expenditure for BHB
 (i) The IPO expenditure of RM1.8 million is incurred in order to get BHB listed.
 It is in no way related to the production of income but merely relating to the           0.5
 financing of the company.                                                                0.5
 Thus, the amount should not be allowed as a deduction.
 (ii) Annual operating expenses
 The cost of RM750,000 to maintain the corporate headquarters would not
 be allowed because BHB would be an investment holding company and only                   0.5     Mentioning investment holding
 expense relating wholly and exclusively to its income of interest and dividend                   company (IHC) rather than listed
 would be deductible, provided the income would be taxable.                               0.5     IHC, and similarly the re-charging
                                                                                                  argument, do not earn any marks.
 However, it would be deductible for the related companies of BHB decides to re-
 charge them their share of the amount as they are not investment holdings and
 the costs incurred relates to their operations.                                         1/3

READ THE MIND OF AN ATX-MYS MARKER – PART 1                                                                                            10
 Candidate 2 Answer                                                                      awarded              Comments

 (d) R&D incentive
 (i)	BR&D is potentially eligible for the status of a R&D company as it will be           0.5     The 4 half marks are awarded for
      providing R&D service to BP initially and may, in the future provide R&D             0.5     mentioning the highlighted terms.
      services to third parties. It will also incur capital expenditure in relation to
 	BP, who uses this service will qualify for a single deduction of the amount              0
   incurred as services provided by BR&D is to a related company through
   common holding.
 	The tax savings to BP would be RM5 million x 24% = RM1.2 million x 3                     0
   years = RM3.6 million.
 	If BR&D obtains approval for ITA, it will be qualified for a 100% additional            0.5
   relief on qualifying capital expenditure incurred for a period of 10 consecutive
   years. In which case BR&D will be granted a relief of 100% x RM6 million =
   RM6 million restricted to 70% of its statutory income.                                  0.5
 (ii) B
       P will only qualify for the double deduction incentive if it conducts              0.5     The 2 half marks are awarded
      in house R&D. In which case, it will be eligible as it carries out R&D in                    for mentioning the highlighted
      Malaysia and has incurred capital expenditure.                                               terms even though the associated
                                                                                           0.5     discussion is incorrect.
 	It will then be able to claim a double deduction, provided it did not apply
   for ITA of 50% for 10 years. The total tax savings to this would be…                   1/4

 (iii) Recommendation
 	Therefore, it is recommended for to claim the R&D incentive as it yields a               1      1 mark is awarded for stating
      higher tax savings of…                                                                       a recommendation.

READ THE MIND OF AN ATX-MYS MARKER – PART 1                                                                                            11

Accountants require a comprehensive working                  The examining team will continue to encourage a
appreciation of tax issues. The ATX-MYS exam requires        comprehensive understanding of tax issues in the
candidates to identify and explain the principles used in    business environment.
their calculations and provide a cogent answer.

It examines a wide range of inter-connected issues                 A SKILFUL APPLICATION
commonly encountered in business operations. A skilful             OF TAX PRINCIPLES
application of tax principles learned is key to doing well         LEARNED IS KEY TO DOING
in this exam.
                                                                   WELL IN THIS EXAM.

READ THE MIND OF AN ATX-MYS MARKER – PART 1                                                                     12
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