Advanced Nutrition Booklet - A product of SpeedFit

Page created by Lloyd Jacobs
Advanced Nutrition Booklet - A product of SpeedFit

                                    A product
                                   of SpeedFit
Advanced Nutrition Booklet - A product of SpeedFit
                                                                         O U R T R A N S F O R M AT ION
                                                                              STARTS HERE


   The information provided in this manual does not constitute
    medical advice. We advise you to consult your healthcare
professional before undertaking any new diet or exercise program.
If you decide not to get the consent of a health care professional
throughout the program, you agree to accept full responsibility for
your actions. This nutrition program is not suitable for individuals
  with diabetes. If you have any known allergies or intolerances,
                                                                                    Written by
 please consult your healthcare professional or nutritionist before                  Kayla Braithwaite
                    commencing this program.                                   Clinical Nutritionist (BScNutr)

                                                                                                                  A product
                                                                                                                 of SpeedFit
Advanced Nutrition Booklet - A product of SpeedFit
      on taking the
   first step towards
    taking control of
       your health.
 We are super-excited to have you on board, and cannot wait to see you           We’ve created this booklet to help you achieve maximum body
                    start achieving the results you want.                        fat loss while increasing lean muscle mass and definition . This
                                                                                 program is based on calories which are specific to an individu-
 We will be working with you towards shifting your body composition by
                                                                                 al’s requirements. You need to be working in a calorie deficit to
reducing body fat and increasing lean muscle mass. The science of losing
                                                                                 lose weight, so finding the right calorie goal for you is impera-
 weight is quite simple, but it’s not always easy to achieve. If it were easy,
  excess weight wouldn’t be an issue, and you wouldn’t be reading this!
These days, it can be hard to cipher through the abundance of information        To help accurately track your progress we use the Evolt body
available to us regarding good nutrition. We can easily become confused,         scanner, which is the most accurate tool to determine your
 overwhelmed and deflated. However, the truth is that eating to improve          body composition and to measure body fat. Your goal should
                       your health is not that difficult!                        be to lose body fat while maintaining muscle mass and good
                                                                                 energy levels.
All you need to do is implement some changes, and commit to the time re-
quired to reach your goals. Remember, a quick fix is never a long-term fix!

 In this manual, we’ll provide you with insider tips, recipes and guidelines
to help you lose weight, stimulate muscle growth and improve your energy
 levels. We’ve built a program that, when followed correctly, will not only
  make you look better than ever but will change the way you feel about
                             yourself every day.

Have fun and learn to love food and the abundance of energy it brings to
                                   your life.

   Remember, a positive mentality is the key to success!
Advanced Nutrition Booklet - A product of SpeedFit
Staying                                                   Alcohol
    On Track                                                  There are two major concerns when it comes
                                                              to consuming alcohol:
    You are about to undergo a change, and a significant      1) H ow rich in calories the alcohol is
    one at that! As creatures of habit, change can be hard,   2) H ow it affects our detoxification & metabolic pathways
    and often our mind will do its best to sabotage our ef-   Alcohol is rich in quick releasing sugars and high in calories. Quick releasing sugars have
    forts. Breaking old (bad) habits and creating new ones    a significant impact on your blood sugar levels. We know that when blood sugar levels are
    will take a wilful dedication, along with passion and     spiked dramatically, it drives the want for more sugar rich food and drink to help maintain
    enthusiasm to reach your goal.                            this sugar spike. This can lead to unintentionally overeating on calorie dense foods and
                                                              undoing all your hard work.
    Knowledge is power ! Having a better understanding
    behind what and why you should eat certain foods          Another thing to remember is we do not drink alcohol in isolation, we tend to accompa-
    makes it easier to stay on track and reach your goals.    ny alcohol with calorie dense food choices the day after and in combination with drink-
    When you are feeling satisfied and energised after        ing. It is easy to drink your daily calorie intake in just a few drinks. Not only is alcohol an
    each meal, it makes it much easier to continue.           easy way to over consume calories but it’s inflammatory to the body and puts additional
                                                              pressure on your detoxification pathways. Normally your body burns your fat reserves to
    We recommend reading the following tips to help you
                                                              provide your body with the energy it needs, which is exactly what you want when you’re
    keep you on track and stay consistent with food taking
                                                              trying to lose weight. The problem with drinking alcohol while you’re following a weight
    over your life.
                                                              loss plan, is that alcohol provides a quicker, more accessible form of energy for your body
                                                              than fat does. Making alcohol much easier for your body to turn into fuel compared to fat.

                                                              Trying to then burn off alcohol with exercise seems like a good approach yet it takes a lot
                                                              of physical effort and time to burn a very small amount of alcohol off. Below shows an

             It only takes
                                                              estimate of how many minutes of brisk walking it takes to burn alcoholic beverages off.

            21 days to form
             a new habit!                                         Glass of Wine                   30 ml Shot                     Champagne flute

             And to break
                                                                   132 Cals                        60 Cals                        111 Cals
                                                                   35 mins                         16 mins                        29 mins

              an old one.                                         Espresso Martini                Premixed can                   Gin & Tonic

                                                                   285 Cals                        283 Cals                       143 Cals
                                                                   76 mins                         75 mins                        38 mins
Advanced Nutrition Booklet - A product of SpeedFit
How a healthy
liver can
weight loss
                                                           environment, pesticides from our food or the daily skin, hair and face
The body possesses its own self regulating mecha-
                                                           products we use or are exposed on a daily basis. Along with these con-
nisms of detoxifying unwanted toxic substances from
                                                           suming alcoholic beverages, highly processed foods and not including
the body. Several organs make up these detoxification
                                                           liver loving wholesome foods the liver can become overwhelmed and
pathways which work together to break down and
                                                           “ sluggish” and deplete internal antioxidants contributing to the poor
excrete unwanted substances. But did you know you
                                                           clearance of toxins.
can help optimise your detoxification pathways and
by doing so this can support weight loss and weight        The liver is involved in metabolising fat along with manufacturing bile
management?                                                which is needed to break down and eliminate excess fat out of the body
                                                           via the bowels. Another important job the liver is responsible for is taking
The liver is in charge of performing vital tasks such as
                                                           the carbohydrates we consume and turning them into glucose, a form of
producing cholesterol, bile, hormones and proteins
                                                           energy, to be stored for later use.
and metabolizing toxins such as alcohol, medications,-
supplements and chemicals from the environment and         If your body is not detoxifying efficiently then this can contribute to the
natural by-products of metabolism.                         body’s ability to be able to break down and metabolise stubborn fat, or
                                                           use energy effectively which leads to more energy storage . Many toxins
We are forever being exposed to toxic substances
                                                           are fat soluble and are stored in the fat cells in the body. Which means if
and chemicals on a daily basis whether that from the
                                                           liver clearance is poor then toxins and excess hormones are more likely
                                                           to build up and sit in your fat cells making it even harder to shift fat.

                                                           Remember, less is best. Learn to taste your food, and savour the fla-
                                                           vours contained within your meals. See the recipes page for a few ideas
                                                           on healthy salad dressings and meat marinades.
Advanced Nutrition Booklet - A product of SpeedFit
Liver Loving FOODS
     • Citrus fruits- lemons, oranges and grapefruit
     • Cruciferous vegetables - cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel
     • Berries - especially blueberries & cranberries
     • Bitter foods - Bitter melon, dandelion root, citrus, cranberries,
       cacao, arugula, green tea
     • Nuts - especially walnut, brazil nuts & almonds
     • Wild fatty fish - eg salmon, mackerel, herring
     • Avocado
     • Extra virgin olive oil
     • Green tea
     • Eggs
     • Ginger & garlic

     FOODS the liver does not love
     • Refined sugars
     • Alcohol
     • Processed foods
     • Trans fatty acids - found in most processed foods which activate
       inflammatory pathways in the body.
     • Farm-raised fish and GMO foods such as GMO soy products
     • Food chemicals - herbicides & pesticides (washing your fruit & veg-
       etable in water and vinegar or buy organic where possible)
     • Lifestyle tips to support your liver
     • Sweat: Get your lymphatic system & blood moving! This will help to
       speed up the release of toxins. Whether it’s a brisk walk or work out
       aim for 20-30 minutes each day where you are breaking a sweat
     • Water: Drink at least 2-3 litres of (filtered water if possible) a day. If
       you do not enjoy the taste of water then this can be done through
       herbal tea or add some fresh cucumber or lemon to your water.
     • SLEEP & REST - Make getting 8 hours of sleep a prioritise. Sleep
       allows your body time to regenerate new healthy cells which is vital
       to ensure proper can properly detoxification & cleansing
     • Warming herbs & spices - Try using herbs and spices as much as
       possible, not only are they packed with nutrients to support your
       liver function but they are also low in calories & add flavour to
       meals. Turmeric, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger
       are liver supporting spices.

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Advanced Nutrition Booklet - A product of SpeedFit
Tracking Calories
                                                                                                   rice or pasta pre cooked and eat that portion not realising it expands, being unaware of
                                                                                                   how many calories and how big of a serve you are actually consuming

                                                                                                   It is not just one extra item alone that is a big deal but the addition of all the extra top-
     To track your calorie intake or not to?                                                       pings together can add up to a lot of calories. Start to look at your serving sizes and
                                                                                                   portions of high calorie food items and be more mindful of what you are actually eating
     Unfortunately it’s often that we think we know how much we are consuming but in               over a day.
     actual fact we are further off than we realise. Tracking your food intake accurately
     can be a real big eye opener to what you are ACTUALLY eating compared to what                 When eating out and not personally preparing your food remember it’s likely the calories
     you THINK you are eating.                                                                     are much higher than you making that item at home. Always take this into consideration

     There is a fine line between tracking your food intake, being aware of what you are putting   when eating out and tracking your calories.

     in your mouth and being obsessive. Many of us are not eating as little as we think with       Remember this should be a short term educational tool and should not take over your
     studies showing that people under report their caloric intake by 30-50%. If weight loss       meal times and life. Once you start to learn how calorie dense certains foods are, it’s easi-
     is your goal and you are not making any headway with what you are currently doing then        er to understand suitable portion sizes and what changes need to take place.
     paying more attention to portion sizes & how much your food weighs can be important.
     By tracking what you eat for a short period of time can help you get the gist of portion
     sizes & see what you need to change.

     1. Healthy fats - They are high in calories and can easily add up without evening noticing
     ie the addition of a dash of cooking oil, free pouring salad dressing & toppings

     2. Drink intake - Not including your drink intake. The only drink you should not track the
     calories for is water. It can be surprising the hidden calories in some of your “ healthy”

     3. Sugars/ sweeteners - The addition of sweeteners to your coffee, tea and food can
     increase your calories , even if you are only adding natural sweeteners

     4. Snacks - Even if you are only having a bite here and there for a snack these can add
     up by the end of the day to a whole meal. Grabbing a “ handful “ of nuts can easily be 200
     calories you did not account for

     5. Serving size - Measuring a tablespoon out but it being a big heaped tablespoon can
     increase your calories. Not being aware of what a “ tablespoon” is in calories. Ie mea-
     sured standard teaspoon of peanut is 57 cals unlike a dollop teaspoon of peanut butter
     can be 120 cals

     6. Measuring cooked & uncooked - It is easy to make the mistake of measuring your

12                                                                                                                                                                                                 13
Advanced Nutrition Booklet - A product of SpeedFit
1. Goal Setting

                                                           If you have not got a specific goal or something to work towards it is easy to lose focus
                                                           and not be committed. I find by writing this goal down and surrounding yourself with
                                                           reminders can help maintain focus and is a constant reminder of what you are working

                                                           Your goals should be written somewhere you can see them on a daily basis i.e. on a sticky
                                                           note on your mirror or on your desk or in your diary or on your computer.

                                                           Make sure you set small, SMART goals, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and
                                                           Time bound.

                                                           2. Remember how you feel after completing goals (big and small).

     Top 3 Mindset
                                                           It is hard to stay motivated and stay focused consistently especially when surrounded
                                                           with temptation. We all know what food is good for us but it’s hard to choose that over
                                                           the less healthier food option at the time. Instead of thinking about how good it is for you

     Tips                                                  think about how good it makes you feel after consuming it. The benefits and feeling you
                                                           get after taking action (e.g. completing a SpeedFit session, drinking 2L of water or taking
                                                           a walk) can be what motivates and help you stay on track.
     How a small change in mindset can go a long way
     towards achieving your goals. A shift in mindset      3. What are your non negotiables
     can help you to stay focused, motivated and com-      When your days are busy, overwhelming and stressful it can be easy to lose sight of your
     mitted. Yes, changing your mindset can be a task in
     itself but the key is to not overwhelm yourself and   goals and easy to let all your hard work go out the door by giving into temptation. To help
     focus on 1 or 2 small tasks at a time.                keep your happiness up and help to stabilize your moods even on a bad day think about
                                                           the non negotiable you need every day to help do this.

                                                           • Participating in daily movement
                                                           • 15 minute morning journaling
                                                           • Daily meditation
                                                           • Focusing on 7-8 hours quality sleep each night
                                                           • Drinking 2-3 litres of water daily
                                                           • Seeing friends and family each week
                                                           • 15 -20 minutes of sunshine each day

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Advanced Nutrition Booklet - A product of SpeedFit
How does your
                                                                                                            ing any dramatic rise and fall which is what leads to overeating and cravings. Choosing
                                                                                                            the right fats is important to not sabotage your goals. The inclusion of unsaturated fats
                                                                                                            such as avocado, extra virgin olive oil, seeds and nuts help to slow down the release of

     plate look?
                                                                                                            energy at each meal, leaving you feeling satisfied and full.

                                                                                                            Non-starchy vegetables should make up at least ½ of your plate. Not only are non starchy
                                                                                                            vegetables low in calories but are high in nutrients. Aim to fill your plate with a variety
     Find it hard to reduce your calorie intake, feel full and still feel energised at the same time?       of colours and textures of vegetables to boost your nutrient intake. Some non starchy
     Are you focusing just on calories in and calories out and not what your plate is made up               vegetables are more water based (such as lettuce and tomato) while others are more
     of? Balancing out your plate with the right amount of macronutrients is what will help you             dense and fibre rich (such as broccoli & cabbage). Having a combination of both types of
     from feeling starving come lunch time. A calorie controlled diet lacking in nutrients will             non starchy vegetables means you are getting a range of nutrients while also hitting your
     leave you with an imbalance in blood sugar levels, feeling hungry, lacking in energy and               soluble fibre intake, which is the key to appetite regulation.
     driving intense food cravings in the later part of the day. Macronutrient balancing is key to
     reducing overeating and therefore can support calorie control without feeling constantly
     hungry and thinking about food.

     Dietary fibre is the key to feeling full & balancing out your blood sugar levels. Specifically
     soluble fibre as it draws water to your colon creating a feeling of fullness. Simply con-                 1/3 healthy fats - avocado,
     suming abundance of non-starchy fruits and vegetables with the skins (where possible),                    olive oil, nuts, seeds.                                 1/2 fibre rich vegetables -
     seeds, nuts & legumes                                                                                                                                             brocoli, cabbage, rocket /
                                                                                                                                                                       spinach, capsicum, onion
     Complex carbohydrates should be the addition to meals and not make up the largest
     quantity on the plate. It is important refined / processed carbohydrates are replaced with
                                                                                                        1/3 complex carbo-
     unprocessed complex carbohydrates such as wholegrains, pumpkin, carrot, sweet potato
                                                                                                        hydrates - quinoa,
                                                                                                        sweet potatoes,
     and oats. These are more energy dense than non starchy vegetables and can provide
     additional energy when needed.                                                                     pumpkin, brown-
     A third of your plate should be lean protein, as protein provides a feeling of satiety which
                                                                                                        rice & legumes.
     makes it essential to be included at every main meal and snack. Choosing the right pro-
     tein source is also important to help keep you full and not drive your hunger. Lean sourc-
     es, minimally processed sources of protein such as turkey breast, chicken breast, non
     GMO tempeh, kidney beans, fatty fish and white fish provide quality protein without the
     added sodium, sugar & fat.

     Do not be scared to include healthy fats in each main meal. Yes healthy fats are calorie
     dense compared to protein & carbohydrates but this means they take longer to break
     down and keep you nice and full. Fats provide stability for your blood sugar levels reduc-
                                                                                                                  1/3 lean protein -
                                                                                                                  chicken, tofu, fish,
                                                                                                                  eggs & turkey.

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Advanced Nutrition Booklet - A product of SpeedFit
Meal Plan

                                                                                            1.   Zucchini slice

                                                                                            2.   One mug breakfast pudding

                                                                                            3.   Paleo overnight Jar

                                                                                            4.   Blueberry buckwheat pancakes

                                                                                            5.   Spinach & feta omelette
                 PRE-BREAKFAST      BREAKFAST         LUNCH               DINNER

                                                                                            6.   Teriyaki ginger salmon nourish bowl
                                                      Seeded mustard
                                                                          Tamari maple
     Monday      Peppermint tea     Zucchini slice    chicken & roast
                                                                                            7.   Crispy salmon & crunchy lemon
                                    Paleo overnight   Spinach
                                                                          Prawn                  greens
     Tuesday     Ginger tea                                               & cauliflower
                                    jar               & feta omelette
                                                                                            8.   Tamari maple chicken
                                                                          fried rice

                 Warm lemon         One mug break-
                                                      & cauliflower
                                                                          Crispy salmon
                                                                          & crunchy lemon
                                                                                            9.   Seeded mustard chicken & roast
                 water              fast pudding
                                                      fried rice          greens                 vegetable

                 Lemon carrot                                             Creamy            10. Vietnamise chicken salad
                                                      Easy chicken
     Thursday    spinach & orange   Zucchini Slice                        cauliflower
                                                      super salad
                 juice                                                    shepherd’s pie
                                                                                            11. Prawn & cauliflower fried rice

                                    One mug break-    Vietnamise chick-
                                                                          Teriyaki ginger   12. Creamy cauliflower shepherd’s pie
     Friday      Ginger tea                                               salmon nourish
                                    fast pudding      en salad
                                                                                            13. Spicy cajun chicken & roast
                                                                          Spicy cajun           vegetables
                 Peppermint         Spinach
     Saturday                                         San choy bow        chicken & roast
                                                                                            14. Warm spinach pesto chicken
                 & fennel tea       & feta omelette

                 Warm lemon         Blueberry buck-   Bunless turkey      Warm spinach      15. Easy chicken super salad
                 water              wheat pancakes    burgers             pesto chicken

                                                                                            16. Bunless turkey burgers

                                                                                            17. San choy bow

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            Zucchini Slice

            Ingredients                           Instructions

            • Zucchini, 2 medium approx 400g      1.   Preheat oven to 180 degrees
                                                  2.   Line a large rectangular baking container with baking
            • Carrot, 1 carrot                         paper.
            • Baking soda ½ teaspoon              3.   Roughly chop bacon into 1 cm cubes and place in a non
                                                       stick pan on medium heat to brown.
            • Brown rice flour, ¼ cup             4.   Crack eggs into a large mixing bowl. Start whisking
                                                       while gradually adding baking powder, brown rice flour,
            • Egg, 10 egg                              salt & pepper until well combined.
            • Spring onions, 4 stalks             5.   Grate zucchini (squeeze excess moisture out in a hes-
                                                       sian bag or in a sift), carrot and finely dice spring onion
            • Black pepper, 1 teaspoon                 and add to egg mixture. Stir through cooked bacon.
                                                  6.   Pour egg mixture into lined baking container and crum-
            • Salt 1/4 teaspoon                        ble feta over the top evenly.
            • Bacon, 2 slice trimmed              7.   Place in the oven at 170 degrees for 35 minutes.
                                                  8.   Cover with lid or foil to wards to end if slice top-is
            • Feta cheese, ¼ cup, crumbled
                                                       browning too quickly
                                                  Tip : Serve add slice of avocado & season with salt & pepper
                                                  **Brown rice flour - Simply blend brown rice in a high speed
                        Serves 4                  blender to create the flour needed.

             Calories    296       Carbs   15 g
             Protein     18,5 g    Fibre   3g
             Fats        17,5 g
One minute breakfast pudding

                                                                                                                       Ingredients                                   Instructions

                                                                                                                       • SpeedFit Vanilla Protein Powder naturally   1.   Spray or rub a large mug or small bowl with melted
                                                                                                                                                                          coconut oil. Add protein powder, egg white, almond
                                                                                                                         sweetened , 30g or 1 scoop
                                                                                                                                                                          flour, stevia, cinnamon, baking soda and a pinch of salt
                                                                                                                       • Almond flour, 2 tablespoons                      to mug or bowl.
                                                                                                                                                                     2.   Whisk all ingredients together, gradually adding almond
                                                                                                                       • Almond milk unsweetened , 1/4 cup                milk until a pancake like batter is formed.

     Paleo overnight jar                                                                                               • Egg white, 1                                3.   Place in the microwave for 1 minute. Check, if it’s still
                                                                                                                                                                          soft in the center, return to the microwave for a further
                                                                                                                       • Gluten free baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon            20 seconds or until it’s risen in the center.
     Ingredients                                     Instructions                                                                                                    4.   Place berries of choice in a separate small bowl and
                                                                                                                       • Stevia, 1 tsp (optional)                         place in the microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
     • Apple, decored, ½ medium                      1.Grate unpeeled apple into a bowl
                                                                                                                       • Cinnamon, 1/4 tsp                           5.   Transfer the pudding onto a plate or leave it in the bowl,
                                                     2. Mix the remainder of ingredients together with the apple                                                          pour over the heated berries, and top with 2 tablespoons
     • Chia seeds, 1 tablespoon                                                                                        • Frozen berries of choice, ⅓ cup                  of coconut yogurt
                                                     (Spoon into a airtight jar and leave in fridge for 1-2 hours or
     • Walnuts, 1 tablespoon                         overnight)                                                        • Coconut, 2 tablespoons
     • Almonds, 1 tablespoon                         3. Serve with coconut yoghurt and extra dash of coconut milk
                                                                                                                       • Coconut oil spray
     • Sunflower seeds, 1 tablespoon
     • Cinnamon, 1 pinch
                                                                                                                                   Serves 1
     • Vanilla protein powder, 1 tablespoon                      Serves 1

     • Coconut milk long life (unsweetened), 125ml                                                                      Calories    385               12 g
                                                      Calories                 Carbs        26 g
     • Coconut yoghurt, 1 tablespoon                                                                                    Protein     33 g              5,5 g
                                                                  15,5 g
                                                      Protein                  Fibre        10 g
                                                                                                                        Fats        23 g
                                                      Fats        27,5 g

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Blueberry buckwheat pancakes

     Ingredients                                     Instructions
                                                                                                                     Spinach & feta omelette
     • Blueberries, ¼ cup                            1.     Lightly beat an egg in a mixing bowl, add coconut milk
                                                            and vanilla extract.
     • Vanilla protein powder naturally sweetened,   2.     Add baking powder, buckwheat flour, stevia and protein   Ingredients                       Instructions
       30 g                                                 powder and whisk until well combined into a pancake
                                                            like batter.                                             • Egg, 3                          1.      Heat a non stick pan with drizzle of olive oil
     • Stevia, ½ tablespoon                          3.     Fold through blueberries.                                                                  2.      Lightly whisk eggs, salt and pepper in a bowl.
                                                                                                                     • Cherry tomato, 4
     • Egg, 1 egg                                    4.     Place a non-stick pan on medium heat, heat half of co-                                     3.      Diced up vegetables and place in egg mix (aside from
                                                            conut oil and pour mixture into small round pancakes.    • Spinach, 1 cup                          avocado)
     • Coconut Oil melted or spray, 1 tablespoon     5.     Cook for 3 minutes and flip until cooked. Remove from                                      4.      Place egg mix in the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes,
                                                            heat and add the second batch.                           • Onion, ¼ small                          fold in half and allow to cook all the way through before
     • Vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon
                                                     6.     Remove from heat and add toppings (Coconut yoghurt)                                                serving.
                                                                                                                     • Salt, to season
     • Buckwheat flour, 2 tablespoons                                                                                                                  5.      Crumble feta over the top with sliced avocado.
                                                                                                                     • Capsicum, ¼ cup
     • Baking soda, ½ teaspoon
                                                                                                                     • Olive Oil, 1 teaspoon                           Serves 1
     • Coconut milk long life unsweetened, 120ml
                                                                  Serves 1
                                                                                                                     • Avocado, 50g
                                                                                                                     • Reduce fat feta, 1 tablespoon        Calories    388         Carbs       12 g
                                                      Calories     361          Carbs      25 g
                                                                                                                     • Pepper, pinch                        Protein     24 g        Fibre       5,5 g
                                                      Protein      8,5 g        Fibre      10 g
                                                                                                                                                            Fats        28 g
                                                      Fat          27 g
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                         25
Dinner / Lunch
                 Crispy salmon & crunchy lemon greens

                 Ingredients                               Instructions

                 • Salmon, Fresh, 125g                     1.   Prepare salmon by descaling, patting dry and marinating
                                                                with salt, pepper & 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
                 • Olive oil, 1 tablespoon                 2.   Prepare vegetables by slicing zucchini up into thin disks,
                                                                chopping ends off beans and cutting broccolini & beans
                 • Lemon juice, 1 - 2 tablespoons               in half.
                 • Lemon rind, ½ whole lemon               3.   Warm a non stick pan to medium heat, ensure salmon is
                                                                marinated with olive oil before placing salmon skin side
                 • Zucchini, ½ medium                           down to cook.
                                                           4.   Cook skin side down for 2-3 minutes, ensuring skin is
                 • Green beans, 15 beans                        not burning and sticking to the pan. Turn over salmon for
                 • Garlic, 1 garlic clove                       another 2-3 minutes to cook through to desired texture
                                                                and remove.
                 • Salt, ¼ teaspoon                        5.   Add crushed garlic to a warm pan with 1 teaspoon of
                                                                olive oil. Once garlic has sauteed add zucchini disks
                 • Broccolini, 4 stalks                         and turn occasionally. Add beans & broccolini to warm
                                                                through & soften. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
                 • Pepper, pinch                                & grate lemon rind to season and allow to heat through
                                                                for a few minutes.

                             Serves 1
                                                           6.   Remove lemon greens from pan and serve with crispy
                                                           7.   Drizzle with leftover lemon juice & lemon rind (optional)
                  Calories    379       Carbs     13,5 g
                  Protein     30 g      Dietary
                                                  5,5 g
                  Fats        23,5 g
Creamy cauliflower shepherd’s pie                                                                                       Crunchy vietnamise salad

     Ingredients                                           Instructions                                                      Ingredients                                             Instructions

     • Cauliflower, 1 head large approx 800 g              1.   Preheat the oven to 180C. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in     • Cucumber, ½ Persian                                   1.      Preheat the oven to 180 degrees & line a baking tray
                                                                a large frying pan or saucepan over medium-high heat.                                                                        with non stick paper
     • Carrot, 1                                                Add diced celery, carrot, onion, crushed garlic and cum-     • Red cabbage, ½ head approx 215g                       2.      Place the whole chicken breast in a bowl and marinate in
                                                                in, stir occasionally until vegetables soften and begin to                                                                   1 tablespoon of tamari & ½ tablespoon of garlic infused
     • Brown onion, 1 whole                                     brown.                                                       • Spring onions, 4 stalks                                       olive oil (alternatively use ½ tablespoon olive oil & 1
                                                           2.   Add beef, stir occasionally until browned for 8-12 min-                                                                      garlic clove crushed).
     • Parsley, ⅓ cup                                                                                                        • Garlic infused olive oil, 1 ½ tablespoon
                                                                utes.                                                                                                                3.      Marinate for 10 - 30 minutes and then place on the oven
     • Celery, 1 stalk, 65g                                3.   Add tomato paste and thyme and cook until paste dark-        • Ginger root, grated1 tablespoon                               tray at 170 degrees uncovered for approximately 15- 20
                                                                ens , then add stock and wine to simmer on medium                                                                            minutes max until cooked through and remove from the
     • Tomato paste, 2 ½ tablespoon                             to low heat.Stir occasionally, for about 10 minutes until    • Tamari, 2 tablespoons                                         oven.
                                                                slightly thickened.                                                                                                  4.      In the meantime prepare salad ingredients by cutting
     • Beef stock, 1 ½ cup                                                                                                   • White wine vinegar, 1 ½ tablespoon
                                                           4.   Meanwhile, cook cauliflower in a saucepan of boiling                                                                         cucumber and carrot into thin battens, shred cabbage
     • Beef mince,
Teriyaki ginger salmon nourish bowl

                                                                                                                Ingredients                           Instructions
     Tamari maple chicken
                                                                                                                • Sesame seeds, 1 tablespoon          1.      Prepare salmon by descaling,patting dry and adding
                                                                                                                                                              to a mixing bowl. Add 1 tablespoon tamari and ginger
     Ingredients                              Instructions                                                      • Olive Oil, 1 teaspoon                       grated with 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil.
                                                                                                                                                      2.      Allow to marinate for 15-30 minutes for the best flavour.
     • Broccoli, 6 stalks                     1.   Prepare chicken by cutting breast into thick cubes           • Black Pepper 1/4 teaspoon
                                                   and add to a mixing bowl. Marinate chicken with ½                                                  3.      While salmon is marinating, prepare salad ingredients by
     • Green Beans, Fresh, 20 beans                tablespoon of tamari, crushed garlic and ½ tablespoon        • Salmon, 125g                                finely shredding cabbage, spring onion & grating carrot.
                                                   extra virgin olive oil for 15 minutes.                                                             4.      Half broccolini & add to a warm non stick pan to brown
     • Zucchini, 1 medium                     2.   Warm a non stick pan and add marinated chicken to the
                                                                                                                • Broccolini, 4 stalk                         & soften (Use spray olive oil if need be). Remove and
                                                   pan to cook.                                                                                               add the serving bowl.
     • Chicken Breast,300g                                                                                      • Red Cabbage, 11/2 cups shredded
                                              3.   Prepare vegetables by slicing zucchini up into thin disks,                                         5.      Place salmon skin side down on a warm non-stick pan
     • Tamari, 1 ½ tablespoon                      chopping ends off beans and cutting broccolini & beans       • Soy Sauce, 1 tablespoon                     for 2-3 minutes, ensuring skin is not burning and sticking
                                                   in half.                                                                                                   to the pan. Turn over salmon for another 2-3 minutes to
     • Pure Maple Syrup, 1 ½ tablespoon       4.   After removing cooked chicken add the remainder of
                                                                                                                • Carrot medium, ½                            cook through to desired texture.
                                                   olive oil to heat through before adding zucchini disks.                                            6.      Construct nourish bowl with shredded cabbage, brocco-
     • Almonds, 1 tablespoon                                                                                    • Spring Onions , 1 stalk
                                                   Toss zucchini disks until coated for 2-3 minutes, before                                                   lini, carrot, edamame beans and salmon.
     • Sesame seeds, 1 tablespoon                  adding beans & broccolini to warm through & soften.          • Edamame beans, ½ cup                7.      Season bowl with drizzle of tamari, salt, pepper & ses-
                                                   Add the remainder of tamari & maple to the pan to the                                                      ame seeds.
     • Extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon        vegetables.                                                  • Tamari , 1 tablespoon
                                              5.   Reduce heat to a low-medium heat and allow sauce to
     • Garlic, 1 clove                                                                                          • Ginger grated, 1 tablespoon
                                                   thicken.                                                                                                           Serves 1
                                              6.   In the meantime roughly chop almonds, add to a baking
                                                   tray and turn on the oven grill to brown for 2-3 minutes.
      Calories   417        Carbs   26,5 g    7.   Serve chicken with greens, top with almonds & sesame                                                    Calories    425        Carbs       25 g
                 42 g                                                                                                                                                  40 g
      Protein               Fibre   6g                                                                                                                     Protein                Fibre       10,5 g
      Fats       17 g                                                                                                                                      Fats        20 g

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                         31
Spicy cajun chicken & roast vegetables

     Ingredients                              Instructions

     • Cauliflower, 1/2 head                  1.   Preheat the oven to 180°C & line a baking tray with
                                                   baking paper.
     • Chicken breast , 2 x 170g              2.   Add all spice ingredients to a small bowl and combine
     • Zucchini, 1 medium
                                              3.   Chop cauliflower into florets, slice spanish onion into
     • Spanish onion, 1 whole                      rings and place on the baking tray, leaving room in the
                                                   centre for the chicken breast.
     • Extra virgin olive oil, 2 tablespoon                                                                   Bunless turkey burgers
                                              4.   Drizzle with 2 tablespoon olive oil and sprinkle 2 tea-
                                                   spoon of the spice mix over the top and place the tray
     • No fat greek yoghurt, 2 tablespoon          into the oven to bake for approx 20 -30 minutes.           Ingredients                                             Instructions
     • Spinach, 2 cups                        5.   While vegetables are cooking marinate chicken in a bowl
                                                   with 1 tbsp olive oil & remainder of the spice mix and     • Carrot, 1 carrot                                      1.      Place turkey mince in a mixing bowl with finely diced
     • Lemon, ½ whole                              toss to coat evenly.                                                                                                       spring onion, grated carrot, 1 tablespoon mustard, salt
                                                                                                              • Spring onion, 1 whole stalk                                   & pepper.
     Spice mix ingredients                    6.   Remove the baking tray from the oven and add the
                                                   chicken and zucchini to the tray. Place the tray back in                                                           2.      Roll into (6 large or 12 small patties) and place on a non-
     • 2 tbsp sweet paprika                        the oven for 20 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked    • Black Pepper, 1 teaspoon                                      stick pan with warm olive oil.
     • 2 tsp cayenne powder                                                                                   • Romaine Lettuce, 12 leaf outer                        3.      Cook one side of the patties and flip. Allow the second
                                              7.   Serve with greek yoghurt, spinach & squeeze of fresh                                                                       side to brown then place the lid on to cook the rest of
     • 2 tsp ground cumin                          lemon.                                                     • Tomato, 1 whole                                               the way through.
                                                                                                                                                                      4.      Finely slice tomato , olives, jalapeños, lettuce (use 2-3
     • 1 tsp ground coriander seeds                                                                           • Jalapeno Pepper, 1 tablespoon (optional)                      leaves) and avocado.

     • 1 tsp ground coriander seeds                                                                           • Olives, 12 small                                      5.      Place 1 or 2 patties in each lettuce cup and top with
                                                          Serves 2                                                                                                            salad & mustard.
     • 1 tsp dried oregano                                                                                    • Dijon mustard, 2 tablespoons
                                                                                                              • Olive Oil, 1 tablespoon
     • 1 tsp sea salt                          Calories    429         Carbs       18 g                                                                    Serves 3        Calories   416          Carbs       15 g
                                                                                                              • Turkey mince, 500 g
     • 1 tsp ground black pepper               Protein     45 g        Fibre       6g                                                                                      Protein    39 g         Fibre       8,5 g
                                                                                                              • Avocado, 150g
                                               Fats        20 g                                                                                                            Fats       23 g

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          33
Warm spinach pesto chicken

San choy bow                                                                                                Ingredients                             Instructions

                                                                                                            • Spinach, 3 cups                       1.   Lightly brown pine nuts in a warm pan or place in oven
Ingredients                                  Instructions                                                                                                on 180 degrees until lightly browned (keep a close eye
                                                                                                            • Salt, ½ teaspoon                           on them as they change colour quickly)
• Red Cabbage, 2 cups shredded               1.   Finely slice spring onion, coriander, cabbage & grate                                             2.   Place pine nuts, lemon juice, spinach, basil, salt, & oil in
                                                                                                            • Lemon Juice, 1 whole lemon                 a food processor or blender until combined.
• Carrot, 1 carrot                           2.   Pan fry turkey mince with garlic infused olive oil.       • Fresh Basil, 1 ½ cup                  3.   Add dash of water to thin out pesto consistency

• Spring Onions, 2 stalks                    3.   Add carrot and cabbage, heat through.                                                             4.   Trim fat from chicken breast, dice up
                                                                                                            • Pine nuts, ½ cup
                                             4.   Add a crack of pepper, 1 tablespoon of tamari and stir                                            5.   Coat chicken with 1/3 of pesto and place in non-stick
• Garlic, 1 garlic clove                          through for 2 – 3 minutes.                                • Garlic infused olive oil,¼ cup             pan on medium heat.
                                             5.   Add coriander , spring onion along with fish sauce,                                               6.   Cook chicken all the way through
• Lime, 1 whole                                                                                             • Cherry tomato, 1 ½ cup
                                                  1 tablespoon lime juice, remainder of tamari and sesame                                           7.   Half cherry tomatoes and olives add to pan.
• Sesame seeds, 1 tablespoon                      seeds
                                                                                                            • Water, ¼ cup                          8.   Use a spiralizer or peeler to make spaghetti out of each
                                             6.   Prepare lettuce cups , dice cucumber and assemble san                                                  zucchini.
• Tamari, 1 ½ tablespoons                         choy bow cups, serve with greek yoghurt & dress with      • Kalamata olives, 10 small             9.   Toss cherry tomatoes, kalamata’s with leftover pesto
                                                  a squeeze of lime
• Turkey mince, 500 g                                                                                       • Chicken Breast, 600g                       & chicken in a warm pan until heated through.
                                                                                                                                                    10. Warm zoodles in pan or serve cold with pesto on top of
• Greek yoghurt, chobani no fat , 3 heaped                                                                  • Zucchini, 4 medium                        zucchini noodles (1 zucchini per person)
  tablespoon                                                                                                                                        11. Season with pinch of pepper & grated parmesan (option-
• Cos lettuce, 12 leafs                                  Serves 3                                                                                       al)
                                                                                                                        Serves 4
• Fish sauce, 1 tablespoon
                                              Calories    438          Carbs       20,5 g
• Black Pepper, ½ teaspoon
                                              Protein     36 g         Fibre       8g                        Calories    453       Carbs   10,5 g
• Cucumber, 1 cup sliced
                                              Fats        26 g                                               Protein     40 g      Fibre   4,5 g
• Olive Oil, ½ tablespoon
                                                                                                             Fats        30 g
• Coriander, 1 sprig
Seeded mustard chicken & roast vegetables

                                                                                                                   Ingredients                                 Instructions

                                                                                                                   • Chicken Breast, 150g                      1.      Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, and line a baking tray.
                                                                                                                                                               2.      Dice carrot & zucchini, into 1 cm cubes and place on
     Easy chicken super salad                                                                                      • Carrot, 1 carrot                                  baking tray, season with 1 tsp olive oil, pepper, salt and
                                                                                                                                                                       place in the oven for 15 minutes.
                                                                                                                   • Zucchini, ½ medium
     Ingredients                                       Instructions                                                                                            3.      Dice chicken breast season with pepper , 1/2 table-
                                                                                                                   • Broccolini, 3 spear                               spoon of wholegrain mustard and cook in warm non
                                                                                                                                                                       stick pan with 1 tsp olive oil.
     • Cooked chicken breast, 150g                     1.   Place a bed of spinach, coleslaw mix and add sliced
                                                                                                                   • Olive Oil, 1 ½ teaspoon
                                                            cucumber, diced avocado & halved cherry tomatoes.                                                  4.      Steam broccolini and beans then place in oven for last 5
     • Coleslaw mix - carrot, beetroot & broccoli, ¼   2.   Break up cooked chicken and add to salad               • Salt, pinch                                       minutes of cooking (optional) or pan fry in a warm pan.
       bag                                                                                                                                                             Assembly bowl with chicken broccolini, beans , carrot
                                                       3.   Top with pumpkin seeds, olive oil & balsamic vinegar
                                                                                                                   • Water, 1 tablespoon                               and zucchini .
     • Spinach, 1 cup                                                                                                                                          5.      Mix whole grain mustard and water together and drizzle
                                                                                                                   • Wholegrain mustard , 1 tablespoon                 over the top.
     • Balsamic Vinegar, 1 tablespoon
                                                                                                                   • Green Beans,10 beans
     • Garlic infused olive oil, 1 teaspoon
                                                                                                                   • Garlic, 1 clove
     • Cucumber, ½ cup slice                                                                                                                                                   Serves 1
                                                                   Serves 1
     • Cherry tomatoes, ½ cup sliced
     • Pumpkin seeds, 1 teaspoon                        Calories    405 g      Carbs       15,5 g                                                                   Calories    378         Carbs       26,5 g
     • Avocado, diced 40g                               Protein     40,5 g     Fibre       7g                                                                       Protein     45,5 g      Fibre       6,5 g
                                                        Fats        20 g                                                                                            Fats        18,5 g
36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  37

     Prawn & cauliflower fried rice

     Ingredients                                 Instructions

     • Cauliflower, ¾ head                       1.   Cut cauliflower into small florets, add to food processor.
                                                 2.   Pulse until cauliflower becomes rice-like in texture.
     • Coconut Oil, 2 tablespoon
                                                 3.   Roughly chop spring onion, 1 clove of garlic and add to
     • Spring Onions , 2 stalks                       food processor, pulse lightly
                                                 4.   Heat 1 tbsp coconut oil in a non-stick pan over medium
     • Garlic, 2 clove                                heat.

     • Mushrooms,½ cup sliced                    5.   Add peeled & cleaned prawns & 1 clove crushed garlic
                                                      to a pan for a few minutes. Allow to brown and put to
     • Soy Sauce, 2 1/2 tablespoons                   the side
                                                 6.   Add cauliflower rice to a warm pan and sauté until lightly
     • Sesame seeds, 2 tablespoons                    brown (5-7 minutes).
     • Chili flakes, 1 tablespoon                7.   Finely dice capsicum and mushrooms, add to pan along
                                                      with corn and 1 tbsp of coconut oil if needed.
     • Green Beans, Fresh, 1 cup                 8.   Add tamari sauce and continue to sauté for a few more
     • Tiger prawns, 200g
                                                 9.   Chop cooked prawns into quarters and mix through cau-
     • Corn, ¼ cup                                    liflower fried rice and turn of the heat.
                                                 10. Serve topped with sesame seeds & chopped spring
     • Capsicum, ½ whole                             onion.

                                      Serves 2    Calories    387         Carbs        27,5 g
                                                  Protein     33,5 g      Fibre        9,5 g
                                                  Fats        19,5 g
38                                                                                                                         39
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                   STARTS HERE

                    Written by
                     Kayla Braithwaite
               Clinical Nutritionist (BScNutr)
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