ADEPT: An Adjective-Dependent Plausibility Task - Microsoft

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ADEPT: An Adjective-Dependent Plausibility Task
                         Ali Emami1 , Ian Porada1 , Alexandra Olteanu2 ,
                 Kaheer Suleman2 , Adam Trischler2 , and Jackie Chi Kit Cheung1
                                        Mila, McGill University
                                     Microsoft Research Montréal
                               {ali.emami, ian.porada}
                     {alexandra.olteanu, adam.trischler, kasulema}

                        Abstract                             This observation has important ramifications for
                                                          many NLP applications like information extrac-
    A false contract is more likely to be re-
    jected than a contract is, yet a false key is         tion (IE) and recognizing textual entailment (RTE),
    less likely than a key to open doors. While           where solutions have often relied on normative
    correctly interpreting and assessing the ef-          rules that group the effects of adjectives according
    fects of such adjective-noun pairs (e.g., false       to either the adjective or its taxonomic class (Mc-
    key) on the plausibility of given events (e.g.,       Nally and Boleda, 2004; Amoia and Gardent, 2007;
    opening doors) underpins many natural lan-            McCrae et al., 2014). These taxonomies distinguish
    guage understanding tasks, doing so often re-
                                                          adjectives like false, dead, alleged (non-subsective)
    quires a significant degree of world knowl-
    edge and common-sense reasoning. We intro-            from others like red, large, or valid (subsective).
    duce A DEPT – a large-scale semantic plausi-             Specifically, while the 1a example may influ-
    bility task consisting of over 16 thousand sen-       ence systems to adopt the rule that adding a non-
    tences that are paired with slightly modified         subsective adjective like dead to a noun leads to a
    versions obtained by adding an adjective to a         decrease in plausibility, the other examples suggest
    noun. Overall, we find that while the task ap-        a conflicting rule. Distinguishing the effects of dif-
    pears easier for human judges (85% accuracy),         ferent adjectives (beyond just their denotation) may
    it proves more difficult for transformer-based
                                                          thus require common-sense and world knowledge.
    models like RoBERTa (71% accuracy). Our
    experiments also show that neither the adjec-            Powerful, massively pre-trained language mod-
    tive itself nor its taxonomic class suffice in de-    els (LMs) have pushed the performance on vari-
    termining the correct plausibility judgement,         ous natural language understanding benchmarks
    emphasizing the importance of endowing auto-          to impressive figures; transformer architectures in-
    matic natural language understanding systems          cluding BERT and RoBERTa are believed to per-
    with more context sensitivity and common-             form at near human-level performance on a num-
    sense reasoning.
                                                          ber of Natural Language Inference (NLI) tasks (Liu
1    Introduction                                         et al., 2019), while the recently proposed DeBERTa,
                                                          which builds upon the former two architectures,
Discerning the varying effects of adjectival mod-         performs at state-of-the-art on MNLI, RTE, QNLI
ifiers on the reading of a sentence is critical in a      and WNLI (He et al., 2020). It is however un-
variety of tasks involving natural language under-        clear whether the complex effects of the classes
standing. Consider the following examples:                of modifiers exampled above are captured by the
    (1)   a. A [dead] monkey turns on a light switch.     competing models given their sparsity in both the
          b. A [dead] leg has one foot.                   corpora and existing NLI benchmarks.
          c. A [dead] leaf falls from a tree in autumn.
                                                             To examine the ability of LMs to capture and
   The reading of these sentences with and without        distinguish the effects of adjectives on events plau-
the modifier dead is notably different. The plausi-       sibility, we present a challenge task formulated as
bility judgement of the event where a monkey turns        a plausibility classification problem consisting of
on a light switch decreases when the adjectival           sentence pairs with and without inserting possible
modifier dead is added, while in the 1b or 1c exam-       adjectives. We do so to understand the strengths
ples, adding the same modifier leads to no change         and weaknesses of LMs that have led to state-of-
or an increase in event plausibility, respectively.       the-art performance in downstream NLI-tasks. Ta-
A DEPT instance                                   Inserted Modifier        Plausibility Change
                                                                           (Taxonomic Class)
(1a): A [false] key opens doors.                                               False (NS)               Less Likely
(1b): A [false] statement is a lie.                                            False (NS)             Necessarily True
(1c): A [false] alarm causes danger.                                           False (NS)              More Likely
(2a) An [outstanding] year is made up of 365 days.                          Outstanding (S)            Equally Likely
(2b) An [outstanding] coach pushes his players.                             Outstanding (S)             More Likely
(2c) An [outstanding] professor waits for tenure.                           Outstanding (S)             Less Likely
(3a) A [dead] monkey turns on a light switch.                                  Dead (NS)                Impossible
(3b) A [dead] leg has one foot.                                                Dead (NS)               Equally Likely
(3c) A [dead] leaf falls from a tree in autumn.                                Dead (NS)                More Likely
(4a) An [old] graveyard is for settings for horror movies.                      Old (S)                 More Likely
(4b) An [old] parrot lays and egg.                                              Old (S)                 Less Likely
(4c) An [old] nun prays.                                                        Old (S)                Equally Likely

Table 1: Examples of A DEPT instances, revealing the diverse effects on plausibility change due to different adjec-
tival modifiers. The plausibility change depends more on the context of the sentence, and less on the modifier or
its taxonomic class.

ble 1 illustrates the task with several examples. Our              tigate possible effects across all types of adjectives,
contributions are three-fold:                                      beyond just the taxonomical categories. The scope
                                                                   of our analysis also goes beyond entailment effects,
We introduce a novel plausibility task: Using
                                                                   examining the effects on plausibility, which can be
automated mechanisms to extract, filter and con-
                                                                   seen as both complimentary and even an extension
struct natural sentences, we create A DEPT—a large
                                                                   to entailment tasks.
human-labeled semantic plausibility task consist-
ing of 16 thousand pairs of sentences that differ                  2   Background and Related Work
only by one adjective added to a noun, and designed
to resist the statistical correlations that might un-              Taxonomy of adjectives: The taxonomic clas-
derpin modern distributional lexical semantics.1                   sification of adjectives into subsective and non-
                                                                   subsective categories originates from the works of
We show that transformer-based models are                          Parsons (1970), Montague (1970), Clark (1970) &
not yet adept at A DEPT: Our findings suggest                      Kamp and Keenan (1975). Canonically, subsective
performance gaps between humans and large lan-                     adjectives modify a noun such that the extension
guage representation models on A DEPT, which ap-                   of the adjective-noun pair is a subset of the exten-
pears to be in large part due to the models’ insen-                sion of the noun alone (e.g., a blue fish is still a
sitivity to context, indicating an important area for              fish and a loose tooth is still a tooth). In contrast,
their improvement.                                                 non-subsective adjectives modify a noun such that
We show that the effect of adjectival modifiers                    the extension of the adjective-noun pair is not a
on event plausibility is context dependent: We                     subset of the noun’s extension (e.g., a former presi-
quantify the degree to which plausibility judge-                   dent is not a president or an alleged criminal is not
ments vary for the same adjective and taxonomic                    necessarily a criminal). Kamp and Partee (1995)
class, finding that rules based only on the adjective              further divided non-subsective adjectives in two
or its denotation are insufficient when assessing the              categories: privative and plain. While when com-
plausibility readings of events. For example, in our               bined with nouns privative adjectives produce a
task, the non-subsective adjective like dead led to                disjoint set of entities from the original noun (e.g.,
a decrease in events plausibility as frequently as it              former president does not fall under the class of
led to no change at all.                                           presidents, making former a privative adjective),
   Building on prior work showing that norma-                      plain non-subsective adjectives do not guarantee
tive rules are often broken for subsective adjec-                  this mutual exclusiveness (e.g., an alleged criminal
tives (Pavlick and Callison-Burch, 2016), we inves-                may or may not be a criminal).
                                                                      This classification scheme has been adopted
     The corpus and the code to               reproduce      all
of our experimental results are                available      at   for many NLP applications including IE and                                  RTE (Amoia and Gardent, 2006, 2007; McCrae
et al., 2014). For RTE, inference rules were de-        determining relative change in semantic plausibility
veloped according to whether the adjective was          on an ordinal 5-level Likert scale (from impossible
non-subsective or not. For IE, non-subsective ad-       to very likely) (Zhang et al., 2017). Other seman-
jectives were treated as special cases for extracting   tic plausibility datasets have collected judgments
open IE relations (Angeli et al., 2015). We show        for the plausibility of single events (Wang et al.,
that there is also a relation between an adjective      2018b) and the plausibility of adjectives modify-
and the plausibility of the rest of the clause, even    ing a meronym (Mullenbach et al., 2019). Such
for subsective adjectives. This has direct implica-     plausibility tasks have often been solved using ei-
tions for the extraction of generalizable abstract      ther data-driven methods (Huang and Luo, 2017;
knowledge that can be extracted from a corpus.          Sasaki et al., 2017) or pre-trained LMs (Radford
   Aspects of this classification scheme have since     et al., 2019).
been challenged, resulting in efforts to either ex-        Prior work has also collected human assessments
pand on its definitions or abandon the taxonomy         of the plausibility of adjective-noun pairs (Lapata
altogether. Del Pinal (2015) suggests that the mean-    et al., 1999; Keller and Lapata, 2003; Zhang et al.,
ing of certain nouns are only partially modified by     2019); however, this line of work specifically fo-
non-subsective adjectives (e.g., only the functional    cuses on the plausibility of bi-grams without con-
features are modified), while Nayak et al. (2014)       text, known as selectional preference.
tackle the categorization problem with a statistical
approach focused on the proportion of properties        3   The Task: A DEPT
shared by the noun and the adjective noun pair.         We develop A DEPT, a semantic plausibility task
Even more recently, inference rules relying on the      that features over 16 thousand instances consisting
original taxonomy were observed not to be with-         of two sentences, where the second sentence differs
out exceptions; Pavlick and Callison-Burch (2016)       from the first only by the inclusion of an adjectival
used human annotators to highlight cases where the      modifier. Examples of these instances are in Table
deletion of non-subsective adjectives from a sen-       1, where the inserted modifier is bracketed.
tence does not necessarily result in non-entailment.       Formally, given the original sentence s and the
   These on-going examinations and revisions un-        modified sentence s0 , s0 is identical to s except for
derpin a profound linguistic phenomenon of mutual       the addition of an adjective a before the root noun
dependence: while adjectives play a crucial role        of the original sentence. The task is to assess the
in the correct interpretation of a sentence context,    plausibility difference in the reading of s0 versus
the context words are just as instrumental in de-       that of s. The possible plausibility ratings are:
termining the effect of an adjective; resulting in a      1. Impossible — s0 is improbable or illogical.
number of exceptions to taxonomically-based rules.        2. Less likely — s0 is less likely than s.
Inspired by this, our work explores the broader           3. Equally likely — s0 is as plausible as s is.
question of how dependent the effect of any ad-           4. More likely — s0 is more likely than s.
jective (beyond their taxonomical class) is on the        5. Necessarily true — s0 is true by necessity,
interpretation of a sentence. For this, we frame our          including repetitive use of phrases or words
exploration in terms of changes in the plausibility           that have similar meanings.
of events, which we believe it can be seen as an
extension to entailment.                                4   Dataset
Recognizing Textual Entailment & Semantic               To construct A DEPT, we scrape text samples from
Plausibility: The RTE Challenges were yearly            English Wikipedia and Common Crawl, extracting
sources of textual inference examples (Dagan et al.,    adjectival modifier-noun pairs that occur with high
2006) consisting of a three-way classification task     frequency. We then curated these pairs through a
with the inputs as sentence pairs {T , H} with          multi-stage pipeline to filter out extraction errors,
labels for entailment, contradiction or unknown         typos, and inappropriate words, as well as over-
(meaning T neither contradicts nor entails H). Vari-    sample non-subsective adjectives which tend to be
ations of this task are also described in SNLI (Bow-    in the long-tail of a given corpora. We then use
man et al., 2015) and MNLI (Williams et al., 2018).     existing knowledge bases to find relevant predi-
   The Johns Hopkins Ordinal Commonsense Infer-         cates for the noun in the adjective-noun pair and
ence (JOCI) task generalizes RTE to the problem of      compose natural sentences based on them. To an-
Predicate                 Sentence Construction:               Label
                                                         Extraction + Filtering:            After applying more           Generation +
     Noun-amod                Noun Filtering:
                                                         Using ConceptNet, we          filtering on the surface texts   Quality Control:
     Extraction:       Create entries corresponding
                                                      extract predicates for nouns       and predicates (to remove      Human annotators
  Clean up raw text,       to unique nouns and
                                                       under predefined relations,       explicit or ungrammatical        label the data,
  and use syntactic        adjectival modifiers,
                                                       creating {noun, adjective-         predicates), we generate       using annotator-
  parsing to extract     keeping only items that
                                                       list, predicate-list} triples    natural sentences and four        quality control
   noun-adjectival       correspond to valid and
                                                       as entries and filtering out        corresponding variants       tests as exclusion
    modifier pairs.     appropriate English words.
                                                         entries with explicit or        by injecting the extracted         criteria for
                                                       ungrammatical predicates.            adjectival modifiers.       dataset instances.
  >170 million pairs         >50k entries
                                                              >7k entries                    >20k entries                >15k labelled

                            Figure 1: The overview of the data collection process for A DEPT.

notate the data, we provide human annotators with                       glish words. This yielded slightly over 50 thousand
labelling instructions, while implementing qual-                        noun-adjective dictionary items.
ity control measures as exclusion criteria for final
                                                                       Predicate extraction: For the noun in each dic-
dataset instances.
                                                                       tionary item, we use ConceptNet 5 (Liu and Singh,
4.1    Data Collection                                                 2004) to find predicates under the relationships of
We now detail the steps of our data collection pro-                    IsCapableOf, HasProperty, ReceivesAction, HasA,
cess (see Figure 1 for an overview). Tables 2 and 3                    and UsedFor. We restricted the predicates to these
provide examples of how each step contributes to                       as they best characterize the functional features
the creation of an A DEPT instance.                                    of a noun, which earlier studies found to be most
                                                                       sensitive to change according to the attaching mod-
Noun-amod extraction: In order to extract ad-                          ifier (Del Pinal, 2015). We also store the surface
jectival modifier and noun pairs, we use two                           text—the sentence the ConceptNet annotator wrote
dependency-parsed corpora: English Wikipedia,                          to examplify a use of the predicate with the noun
which we parse using the Stanza pipeline (Qi et al.,                   (e.g., for the noun “book,” under the ConceptNet
2020), and a subset of DepCC (Panchenko et al.,                        relation IsCapableOf, the predicate include a table
2018), an automatic parse of the Common Crawl                          of contents is found with the surface text: A book
corpus. After a preliminary examination of the                         can include a table of contents).
modifier-noun pairs’ quality, we kept only those
pairs that occur at least 10 times in their respective                 Predicate Filtering + Scaling: After applying
corpus. This filtered out many pairs that appeared                     additional filtering to the surface texts and predi-
anomalous or atypical (e.g., unwieldy potato). We                      cates (to remove explicit or ungrammatical pred-
extracted 10 million pairs from English Wikipedia                      icates), we create triples containing a noun, a set
and 70 million pairs from Common Crawl.                                of adjectival modifiers, and the predicates. This
                                                                       yielded over 7,000 triples. Given that an entry may
Noun filtering: Using these pairs, we cre-                             contain more than one retrieved predicate for its
ated dictionary items consisting of nouns—that                         noun, we scaled the dictionary to allow for dupli-
co-occur with at least four different adjectival                       cate nouns with different predicates (up to three
modifiers—along with their adjectival modifiers.                       predicates).3 This yielded over 20,000 entries.
This threshhold (as opposed to a higher one) allows
us to both still find rare non-subsective adjectives                   Sentence construction: For each of these
to oversample at later steps, and avoid excessively                    adjective-noun-predicate entries, we generate natu-
reducing the number of extracted pairs.2 We then                       ral sentences and four corresponding variants. The
filter out adjectives and nouns that e.g., are explicit,               original sentence (s in Section 3) is composed only
have offensive connotations using preset lists and                     from the noun and the predicate, while the four
automatic moderation tools (e.g., profanity-filter                     variants (s0 in Section 3) are modified versions of
(Roman Inflianskas, 2020)). Finally, we ensured                        the original sentence created by adding the adjec-
that both the nouns and adjectives are valid En-                       tive before the root noun in the original sentence
   2                                                                         Threshold selected to correspond to the average number
     Preliminary analyses showed that non-subsective adjec-
                                                                        of different predicates extracted for each noun, and avoid scale
tives represent less than 5% of our entries.
                                                                        the dictionary excessively at the cost of dataset diversity.
Noun-amod Extraction:        Amod: victorious          Amod: third          Amod: qualified           Amod: false
                             Noun: candidate            Noun: candidate      Noun: candidate          Noun: candidate
                             Count: 181                 Count: 222           Count: 250               Count: 130
Predicate Extraction:        Noun: candidate
                             Predicate: win an election (Relation: IsCapableOf)
                             Surface Text: [[A candidate]] can [[win an election]]
Sentence Construction:       Original Sentence: A candidate wins an election.
                             Variant 1: A [victorious] candidate wins an election.
                             Variant 2: A [third] candidate wins an election.
                             Variant 3: A [qualified] candidate wins an election.
                             Variant 4: A [false] candidate wins an election.

Label Generation:            Original Sentence: A candidate wins an election.
                             Modified Sentence: A [victorious] candidate wins an election.       Label: Necessarily true

                       Table 2: Examples of how A DEPT instances are created through the pipeline.

Prompt:                      Compared with the original statement (”A clock is working correctly.”) please assess the
                             plausibility of the following modified version: ”A broken clock is working correctly.”

Plausibility change:         3 Impossible      7 Less Likely      7 Equally Likely    7 More Likely      7 Necessarily True
Prompt:                      Compared with the original statement (”A candidate wins the election.”) please assess the
                             plausibility of the following modified version: ”A third candidate wins the election.”

Plausibility change:         7 Impossible      7 Less Likely     3 Equally Likely     7 More Likely      7 Necessarily True
Prompt:                      Compared with the original statement (”A mistake angers a person.”) please assess the
                             plausibility of the following modified version: ”A fatal mistake angers a person.”

Plausibility change:         7 Impossible      7 Less Likely     7 Equally Likely     3 More Likely      7 Necessarily True

              Table 3: Examples of how A DEPT instances are labelled in the crowdsourcing interface.

(see Table 2 for examples). To create the natural                 randomly selected sentence variant (from the four
sentences themselves, we modify the surface text                  variants) against its original sentence, with labels
by replacing modal verbs (like can or may) with                   indicating the change in plausibility due to adding
the declarative is, as modal verbs may complicate                 the selected adjective (Table 3). For quality control,
the evaluation of what the plausibility of described              we also add roughly 2,000 quality-check entries—
events might be.                                                  including gold label instances for which there was
                                                                  unanimous agreement among four annotators in
Adjective Sampling: To identify non-subsective
                                                                  earlier pilots and “attention-check” instances that
adjectives in the dataset entries, we use a set of 60
                                                                  explicitly ask annotators to select a specific label.
non-subsective adjectives identified by Nayak et al.
                                                                  We filter out all instances annotated by annotators
(2014). Then, to select four adjectives we first 1)
                                                                  who failed the attention checks or whose labels dif-
randomly select up to two non-subsective modi-
                                                                  fered by at least two degrees from the gold labels
fiers if they co-occured with the noun, and then 2)
                                                                  (e.g., selected equally likely when the gold label
we randomly select the remaining adjectives from
                                                                  was impossible) on more than 10% of their anno-
the list of subsective modifiers. We over-sample
                                                                  tations. We also limit the maximum number of
non-subsective modifiers as they occur sparsely in
                                                                  labelling tasks per annotator to 100 (corresponding
the corpora and we want to evaluate their effects
                                                                  to less than 0.5% of the data) to ensure that no one
against other modifiers. This random sampling
                                                                  judge significantly affects the quality of the data.
strategy results in an about 1:4 non-subsective to
                                                                  Finally, we only keep those instances for which
subsective adjective ratio (as some entries have no
                                                                  we observe a majority agreement (i.e., at least two
non-subsective adjectives), allowing us to analyze
                                                                  annotators agree about the final label). After this
the effect of non-subsective modifiers while main-
                                                                  final quality-control filtering steps, the final dataset
taining an element of randomness.
                                                                  includes 16,115 instances.
Label Generation + Quality Control: For each
entry, annotators (from Mechanical Turk) label one
Agreement                  Impossible        Less Likely           Eq. Likely        More Likely         Nec. True
Unanimous (5267)              0.21               0.16                0.40               0.15               0.09
Majority (10848)              0.79               0.84                0.60               0.85               0.91
No Agreement (3209)            –                  –                   –                  –                  –
Label Distribution            0.14               0.12                0.67               0.07               0.01
Dataset Split (16115)                      Train Set: 12892      Val Set: 1611      Test Set: 1612

Table 4: Dataset statistics in terms of agreement, label, and size distributions. The stats for Unanimous & Majority
represent their prevalence among the pairs for which we observed a majority agreement (and sum up to 1).

4.2   Dataset Quality Assessment                              was already necessarily true). In other cases, the
Table 4 overviews the dataset figures, highlighting           added modifier changes the semantic interpretation
the labels’ distribution and agreement. By inspect-           of the event (e.g., the modifier algebraic makes
ing how often judges agree across our plausibility            the event “an [algebraic] operator pages a doctor”
labels, we observe higher assessment variability              impossible because it alters the sense of the term
for instances with labels further from equally likely         operator), or it introduces grammatical or logical
(also the most commonly applied label). This is               errors (e.g., “[former] sleeping is for maintaining
particularly true for instances with labels at the            sanity” was likely marked as impossible for being
extremes of our plausibility scale (i.e., the impos-          illogical). There are also clear cases of false posi-
sible and necessarily true labels). While 40% of              tives, where the resulting events are not impossible
the dataset instances marked as equally likely have           or necessarily true (e.g., “[romantic] Jasmine buys
unanimous annotator agreement, this is the case for           her dress at the store” is not impossible).
only 21% of the instances marked as impossible.                  These issues were particularly prevalent among
We found no agreement across the 5 plausibility la-           instances annotated as impossible, where about half
bels (§3) for about 15% of the annotated instances,           of the instances appear to be false positives, un-
which we do not include in the final dataset.                 grammatical, or nonsensical sentences. We there-
   While how much judges agree on labels varies               fore also experiment with a 4-Class formulation
across plausibility levels, the directionality of the         that does not include the impossible label (§5.3).
assigned labels is more stable—i.e., many disagree-           Task Reliability Given the subjective and am-
ments are due to judges making different but con-             biguous nature of our task, we also sought to char-
sistent assessments like more likely and necessarily          acterize to what extent the overall reliability of
true, rather than conflicting assessments like less           our labels might be affected by it. For this, two
and more likely. Because of this, we also exper-              authors independently labelled 100 randomly sam-
iment with alternative 3-Class and 4-Class task               pled instances from A DEPT, using the same anno-
formulations (§5.3), where the impossible and nec-            tation specifications provided to the crowdsourc-
essarily true labels are either combined with other           ing judges. We then measured the inter-assessor
labels or are discarded.                                      agreement between the two authors Cohen’s Kappa
Task Ambiguity Closely inspecting instances                   κ = 0.82, which indicates substantial agreement.
marked as impossible and necessarily true to un-                 We then take the instances where both authors
derstand possible sources of disagreement among               agreed (87%) and compare their labels with those
judges, we find that only about a quarter (for im-            provided by the crowd-workers, obtaining a κ =
possible) to a third (for necessarily true) of these          0.74 that while lower is still substantial. Finally, the
instances appear to be clear cases where both 1)              individual agreement of each of the authors’ labels
adding the adjective led to a change in plausibility          with crowdsourcing judges (which includes cases
and 2) the change in plausibility made the event              where authors disagree) corresponded to κ = 0.77
impossible or necessarily true.                               and κ = 0.64, further demonstrating the overall
   Sometimes the described events are already im-             reliability of the labels we collected.
possible or necessarily true (e.g., average in “an
[average] week is made up of seven days” does
not change the plausibility of this statement, which
Model                     3-Class Dev.   5-Class Dev.   tion 2, where the general expectation is that the in-
                           Accuracy       Accuracy      sertion of a non-subsective adjective would reduce
Majority Prediction          66.4           66.4        the plausibility of the modified sentence. Thus,
Normative Rule               70.1           63.6
                                                        when the inserted adjective in s0 is among the list
Human                        90.04          85.04
Human (no context)           75.04          71.04       of non-subsective modifiers, this baseline predicts
BERT (no context)            72.0           69.4        less likely, otherwise it predicts the majority label,
RoBERTa (no context)         72.4           69.1        which is equally likely.
DeBERTa (no context)         72.1           68.6
BERT                         72.3           69.8
                                                        No Context Baseline We run a word associa-
RoBERTa                      73.1           70.8        tion baseline to evaluate to what extent context
DeBERTa                      73.9           69.7        is needed to solve the dataset. In this baseline, the
                                                        transformer model is provided only the noun from
Table 5: Performance of various models on the A DEPT
                                                        s0 as the representation for the original sentence,
development set.
                                                        and the modifier a as the representation for the the
                                                        modified sentence s separated by [SEP] (e.g., for
                                                        sentence 1a in the introduction, this corresponds to
5     Methods
                                                        the input: monkey [SEP] dead). This is analogous
5.1     Neural Models                                   to the hypothesis-only baseline in NLI (Belinkov
We evaluate several transformer-based models on         et al., 2019), where the task does not require the
A DEPT. For fine-tuning, we adopt the standard          full context to achieve high performance.
practice for sentence-pair tasks described by Devlin    Human Evaluation To estimate human perfor-
et al. (2015). We concatenate the first and second      mance on our task, a new annotator (not an author)
sentence with [SEP], prepend the sequence with          independently assessed a random sample of 100
[CLS], and feed the input to the transformer model.     validation instances from A DEPT. The annotator
The representation for [CLS] is fed into a softmax      then evaluated each sentence using the same in-
layer for a five-way classification.                    structions provided to the crowdsourcing judges,
BERT (Devlin et al., 2015) is one of the first          whose majority agreement determined the final la-
transformer-based architectures, featuring a pre-       bel. The human performance thus corresponds to
trained neural language model with bidirectional        the percentage of instances for which the new anno-
paths and sentence representations in consecutive       tator’s labels agree with the A DEPT labels. We also
hidden layers.                                          estimate human performance under a no context
                                                        setting, where we presented this same annotator
RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) is an improved vari-         (who was now well-acquainted with the task) with
ant of BERT that adds more training data with           a new random sample with only the noun and the
larger batch sizes and longer training, as well as      modifier. The annotator then made their best guess
other refinements like dynamic masking. RoBERTa         as to what the plausibility difference was without
performs consistently better than BERT across           knowing the context. We ensured the new instances
many benchmarks (Wang et al., 2018a).                   were distinct from those in the first random sample.
DeBERTa builds on RoBERTa with disentan-                5.3   Experiments
gled attention and enhanced mask decoder training
with half the data used in RoBERTa; currently the       We primarily test the baselines and transformer
best-performing transformer-based model on sev-         models using two metrics. The first metric corre-
eral NLI-related tasks (He et al., 2020).               sponds to the prediction accuracy on the full five-
                                                        label classification task (5-Class Accuracy). As
5.2     Baseline Models                                 an alternative metric—drawing from our observa-
Majority Prediction This heuristic always pre-          tions in Section 4.2—we use the accuracy on a
dicts the equally likely label, which represents 67%    three-label classification task (3-Class Accuracy),
of the full dataset.                                    where we bundle impossible and less likely into a
                                                        single label representing a decrease in plausibility,
Normative Rule This heuristic corresponds to            and necessarily true and more likely into a label
the normative treatment of non-subsective modi-         representing an increase in plausibility.
fiers according to the taxonomy described in Sec-
                 Impossible 5.09%                 48               105                 1               0                                         100%
                                                2.98%             6.52%             0.06%            0.00%              800                                                                 Non-subsective modifiers
                 Less Likely 1.68%                62
                                                                                                     0.00%                                       80%                                        Subsective modifiers
True label

                                31                40               960                39               0

                                                                                                                              Percent of Class
               Equally likely 1.92%             2.48%            59.59%             2.42%            0.00%
                                                                                                                        400                      60%
                 More likely 0.06%                 5                60                36               0
                                                0.31%             3.72%             2.23%            0.00%
             Necessarily true 0.12%                1                12                 2               0                                         40%
                                                0.06%             0.74%             0.12%            0.00%

                                                                   Equally likely
                                                Less Likely

                                                                                    More likely

                                                                                                     Necessarily true

                                                                                                                                                                   e            kely                   y             kely                    e
                                                              Predicted label
                                                                                                                                                                           s Li               yLikel          e Li
                                                                                                                                                        Imp                              uall                                      rily
                                                                                                                                                                       Les             Eq                  Mor             e   ssa
Figure 2: Confusion matrix for the best model on the
5-class setting (RoBERTa), A DEPT development set.
                                                                                                                              Figure 4: Label distribution of A DEPT according to tax-
                   Less Likely      246                          173                                3                   800   onomic class of modifier.
                                   15.27%                       10.74%                            0.19%
                                                                                                                              being within a 1.6% range.
True label

                 Equally Likely       120                        918                                32
                                     7.45%                      56.98%                            1.99%                 400      In the no-context ablations where models only
                                       6                           86                               27                  200   see the noun phrase and modifier, the transformer
                   More Likely       0.37%                       5.34%                            1.68%
                                                                                                                              models performance decreases only slightly, which
                                  Less Likely             Equally Likely                    More Likely                       suggests the models might be “insensitive” to con-
                                                          Predicted label
                                                                                                                              text. In contrast, approximated human performance
                                                                                                                              decreases significantly in the no-context setting,
Figure 3: Confusion matrix for the best model on the
3-class setting (DeBERTa), A DEPT development set.                                                                            dropping e.g., from 90% to 75% accuracy for 3-
                                                                                                                              class predictions. This no-context human accuracy,
5.4                 Training                                                                                                  however, is still superior to the best performing
All models are implemented and trained using Hug-                                                                             transformer model with context.
gingFace’s Transformers library (Wolf et al., 2020).                                                                             To understand what errors the models make, we
We use grid-search for hyper-parameter tuning:                                                                                examine the confusion matrices for the best per-
learning rate {1e-5, 3e-5, 5e-5}, number of epochs                                                                            forming models on both the 3-class (Figure 2) and
{3, 4, 5, 8}, batch-size {8, 16, 32} with three dif-                                                                          5-class formulations (Figure 3). The most common
ferent random seeds. For fine-tuning, we allow for                                                                            errors appear to happen when a change in plausibil-
the fine-tuning of all parameters including those in                                                                          ity is erroneously classified as equally likely, and
the model’s hidden layers.3                                                                                                   when a modifier that does not change an event’s
                                                                                                                              plausibility is erroneously predicted to render the
6                Results                                                                                                      new sentence as less likely. Table 6 includes exam-
                                                                                                                              ple sentences along with 5-Class predictions by the
Easy for Humans, Difficult for Transformers:
                                                                                                                              best performing transformer model.
Model prediction accuracy is summarized in Ta-
ble 5, where the general trend is as follows: the                                                                             The Taxonomic Classes Just Don’t Cut it: Fig-
transformer-based models have a higher prediction                                                                             ure 4 shows the distribution of plausibility labels
accuracy than the majority prediction and norma-                                                                              in A DEPT for both subsective and non-subsective
tive rule baselines, but still fall short of human                                                                            modifiers. We see that both classes of modifiers
performance by a large margin.                                                                                                lead to a wide mix of changes in the plausibility of
   Of the transformer models, the highest 3-class                                                                             given events, corroborating Pavlick and Callison-
accuracy is achieved by DeBERTa and the highest                                                                               Burch (2016)’s findings that normative rules cannot
5-class accuracy by RoBERTa; however, the differ-                                                                             categorically describe a modifier’s behavior. This
ence in accuracy of all transformer models is small                                                                           likely also explains the poor performance of the
(and not statistically significant p-value > 0.05),                                                                           normative rule baseline on both the 5- or 3-class
             3                                                                                                                plausibility classification task formulations.
      We also evaluated models where we froze the parameters
of all the hidden layers as a probing mechanism, but found
that no model performed better than the majority baseline.
                                                                                                                              Ambiguity Makes Operationalizing Plausibility
      This is an estimate based on a subsample of the data.                                                                   Difficult: Some of our plausibility labels prove
A DEPT instance                  Annotated Change    RoBERTa Prediction        Correct?
A [professional] mathematician proves a theorem.      More Likely          More Likely              3
[Questionable] evidence proves innocence.             Less Likely          Less Likely              3
A [western] kitchen is for storing food.             Equally Likely       Equally Likely            3
[Yellow] bananas are yellow.                        Necessarily True      Equally Likely            7
You use a [strong] jack to lift your car.             More Likely         Equally Likely            7
A [dead] leg has one foot.                           Equally Likely        Impossible               7

        Table 6: Representative examples from the development set and corresponding model predictions.

ambiguous and harder to reliably assign to our           develop new models on A DEPT and transfer them
dataset instances, particularly at the extremes of       to other semantic plausibility tasks.
our plausibility scale (§4.2). Given that for the
impossible label many instances did not appear           Acknowledgements
to correctly capture changes in plausibility that        This work was supported by the Natural Sciences
render the modified event impossible, we conduct         and Engineering Research Council of Canada and
exploratory experiments with a 4-Class task formu-       by Microsoft Research. Jackie Chi Kit Cheung is
lation that excludes the impossible class. For the       supported by the Canada CIFAR AI Chair program,
best performing model (RoBERTa), we observe an           and is also a consulting researcher for Microsoft
overall improved accuracy from 70.8% to 81.2%            Research.
(compared to the 5-Class classification task).
   Better plausibility classification schemes and        Ethical Considerations
crowdsourcing protocols might help us more ef-
                                                         While our focus on examining what effects adjec-
fectively operationalize plausibility changes. How-
                                                         tives have on the plausibility of arbitrary events
ever, how to effectively separate between 1) cases
                                                         makes ascertaining the broader impact of our work
where the modifiers alter the semantic interpreta-
                                                         challenging, this work is not void of possible ad-
tion of a statement (and thus lead to a different
                                                         verse social impacts or unintended consequences.
event) or make the sentences ungrammatical versus
                                                            First, to generate our dataset of events, we use
2) cases where modifiers actually lead to changes
                                                         English Wikipedia, Common Crawl, and Concept-
in the plausibility of the original event, remains an
                                                         Net5 (based on data from e.g., Games with a Pur-
open question.
                                                         pose or DBPedia). Such data sources are how-
7   Conclusions                                          ever known to exhibit a range of biases (Olteanu
                                                         et al., 2019; Baeza-Yates, 2018)—which LMs re-
We present a new large-scale corpus and task,            produce (Solaiman et al., 2019)—being often un-
A DEPT, for assessing semantic plausibility. Our         clear what and whose content they represent. While
corpus contains over 16 thousand difficult task          our goal is to enable others to explore the effects of
instances, specifically constructed to test a sys-       modifiers and how these effect might impact var-
tem’s ability to correctly interpret and reason about    ious inference tasks, users of this dataset should
adjective-noun pairs within a given context. Our         acknowledge possible biases and should not use it
experiments suggest a persistent performance gap         to make deployment decisions or rule out failures.
between human annotators and large language rep-         To this end, our dataset release will be accompanied
resentation models, with the later exhibiting a lower    by a datasheet (Gebru et al., 2018).
sensitivity to context. Finally, our task provides          Depending on the context, determining changes
deeper insight into the effects of various classes of    in plausibility can also be ambiguous or even sub-
adjectives on event plausibility, and suggests that      jective (see §4.2). This means that in some down-
rules based solely on the adjective or its denotation    stream applications, possible plausibility inference
do not suffice in determining the correct plausibility   errors might, for instance, inadvertently elevate fac-
readings of events.                                      tually incorrect, subjective or misleading beliefs.
   In the future, we wish to investigate how A DEPT      If those inference errors happen more when events
could be used to improve performance on related          concern certain groups or activities, they might
natural language inference tasks (e.g. MNLI, SNLI        have disparate effects across stakeholders. Thus,
& SciTail (Khot et al., 2017)). We also plan to
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ity inference task requires us to think about both          cal Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages
                                                            632–642, Lisbon, Portugal. Association for Compu-
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                                                            tational Linguistics.
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