ADB Green Bond - Luxembourg Stock Exchange

Page created by Jesus Parks
ADB Green Bond - Luxembourg Stock Exchange
       Green Bond
       Issue No. 3

In this issue:         CHALLENGES                     ADB’S ROLE              GREEN BONDS                    CASE STUDY


   The Asia and Pacific region has the largest number of         Right policies and right projects, high-level technology, and
   climate-vulnerable people worldwide. While the region has     innovative financing are needed to put Asia and the Pacific
   made substantial gains in reducing income poverty in recent   on a low-carbon and climate-resilient development path.
   decades, some 400 million people still live in extreme
   income poverty.                                               The Asian Development Bank (ADB) flagship study on
                                                                 infrastructure financing estimates that developing Asia will
   The region experiences average daily losses of $200 million   need to invest $26 trillion from 2016 to 2030 to maintain
   because of disasters, and climate change is increasingly      growth, eradicate poverty, and respond to climate change.
   contributing to rising losses. Impacts of climate change      This is $1.7 trillion per year. The region will need to spend
   are occurring with increasing severity and frequency.         around $200 billion per year specifically for climate change
   Expected future climate change impacts threaten recent        mitigation, and $41 billion more for climate-proofing
   development gains and progress. Without aggressive            infrastructure that are at risk. With these estimates, the
   efforts to decarbonize, emissions are set to increase as we   financing challenge is daunting.
   become more urban, our consumption patterns change,
   and we expand our fossil fuel-based energy generation
   and transport.

                                                        ADB’s roLe

   ADB plays an important role in leading the region to a        In 2017, ADB approved its Climate Change Operational
   green growth path through financing and innovative            Framework 2017–2030. This new framework supports
   technologies. Its long-term corporate strategy has placed     the implementation of each nationally determined
   environmentally sustainable growth as one of the three        contributions across the region. It also provides broad
   strategic pillars, and the new Strategy 2030 will be framed   direction and guidance in enhancing resilience and
   by the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris            strengthening climate actions in ADB operations and
   Agreement on Climate Change.                                  business processes. It positions ADB to facilitate,

ADB Green Bond - Luxembourg Stock Exchange
electricity demand will grow to*

                                              % in                                                                             by
                                                                                                                                        billion tons of COGreen BonD
                                                                                                                                             which equals
                                   The PRC and India will make up

                                                 % THE
                                                   of Asia’s power
                                                          CLIMATE CHANGE OPERATIONAL
                                                                                % of the world’s share
                                                    FRAMEWORK 2017-2030 (CCOF2030)
                                             The Climate Change Operational Framework 2017–2030
                                  *projection under New Policies scenario

                      Impacts will be costly
                                                                                                                                     Climate change will
                  of the                                      million EnhancedVISION                                                 hike food prices, thus

            nations most                           Bangladeshis    greenhouse
                                                                                actions for low
                                                                              gas region’s
                                                                          of the  emissionspopulation
                                                                                            and                                              million
              ADB INSTITUTIONALwill be displaced byclimate-resilienta              development                                                    ACTIONS
                                                                                                                                     Asians will be pushed intoTOpoverty
                        MEASURES                                          work  in  sectors most
                                                                                                                                     for every SUPPORT       DMCs
            weather events are in                          meter rise     at-risk from climate                                                   % rise in food prices

            Asia  and the Pacific
              • Mainstreaming    climate           in sea level by        change impacts                                                     • Supporting institutional
                considerations into strategies,                          OUTCOME                                                               development and policy
                policies, plans, and projects                                                                                                  frameworks conducive to ambitious
                                                                                1                                                              climate action in DMCs
              • Assessing the role of concessional
                  finance in enhancing climate action                           ADB as a leading development                                 • Facilitating access to public and
                • Delineating roles and
                                                                                     partner of DMCs                                           private, domestic and international
                                                                                                                                               climate finance
                  responsibilities of operations and                                              2
                  non-operations departments                                                                                                 • Promoting use of climate

                                                                                  Strengthened ADB climate                                     technologies in operations
                • Optimizing staff capacity and skills                                                                                          In inland areas, the number
                • Improving internal cooperation,                                         operations                                         • Developing
                                                                                                                                                 of peopleknowledge
                                                                                                                                                              at risksolutions
                                                                                                                                                                      will rise to
                                                                                         estimated number of Asian urban                       and capacity development support
                  coordination, and knowledge
                  sharing                                                            dwellers at risk of coastal flooding by                             million
                                                                                                                                             • Strengthening partnershipsby

          For the past   years Asia and the Pacific has experienced over    earthquakes >      on the Richter scale
                            million people, causing total damages of over $   billion, and the deaths of over
                   thousand people                          PRINCIPLES
                                                                 • Supporting ambitious climate objectives articulated in nationallyIn the
                                                                                                                                         Pacific, sea level rises
                                                                  determined contributions and other climate plans
                                                                 • Accelerating low greenhouse gas emissions development               faster than the global average.
                                                                 • Promoting climate change adaptation                          By 2100, sea level rise may reach
                                                                                                                                more than 1 meter
                                                                 • Integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk management
                                                                 • Linking climate actions to wider sustainable development agenda

            ADB = Asian Development Bank, DMC = developing member country.
            ADB = Asian Development Bank, DMC = developing member country.
            Source: ADB.

         Massive    investments are required
          Source: ADB.

collaboratively and proactively, a regional shift toward                                       billion
                                                                                  finance rise to nearly one-third of allamount              billion
                                                                                                                                ADB financing.
                                                               budget required annually                by Multilateral Development  Banks,  with
a low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient                              Of the $6 billion spent tackling climate change each year,
development path.
                                                               to help Asia and the Pacific                   billion    earmarked for ADB
                                                                                  $4 billion will be dedicated to mitigation projects,
                                                               adapt to climate change
                                   billion*                                       with advanced technologies for renewable energy,
Given the region’sannual
                              damage to      the impacts
                                         caused  by         of climateto $ energy    billion
                                                                                           efficiency, As
                                                                                                       andan sustainable     transport,
                                                                                                             implementing entity           while $2 billion
                                                                                                                                   of the Green
                   disasters in Asia and the Pacific
change, ADB has committed             to  doubling
                   *This is the average over a -year its climate                  will be for
                                                               needed incremental investments adaptation    through
                                                                                                       Climate Fund,    more
                                                                                                                       ADB has resilient
                                                                                                                               access  to  infrastructure,

financing from its own
                    period resources
                            (           ) to $6 billion perper     year
                                                                year by for mitigation
                                                               developing countries
                                                                                  climate-smart        $
                                                                                                   agriculture,  billion
                                                                                                                   and   better   preparation
                                                                                                                              in funding         for
2020. This will see the proportion of ADB’s climate change                        climate-related disasters.

                                                                                                                                                climate change will rise to
                  ADB will double its
          annual climate financing to                                        billion
                                                                                                  by                                            around
                                                                                                                                                of ADB’s overall financing by

        Out of the $6 billion:

                                                                                                                           will be for adaptation through sustainable
                             will be dedicated to mitigation through
                                                                                                                           urban development, resilient infrastructure,
                             scaling up support for renewable energy,
            billion                                                                                        billion         climate-smart agriculture, and better
                                                                                                                           preparation for climate-related disasters.

       Source:   ADB. Bank
       • Asian Development
       • S. Bose.      . Sea-level rise and population displacement in Bangladesh: Impact on India.
         Journal of National Maritime Foundation of India.     )
       • Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters – CRED. Emergency Events Database.                                                                        2
       • Global Carbon Project. Global Carbon Atlas.
ADB Green Bond - Luxembourg Stock Exchange
ADB Green BonD

                                                           Green BonDs

In August 2017, the ADB launched a dual tranche 5- and                     Mitigation projects include those that fall under the
10-year green bond, raising $1.25 billion across both tenors.              following sectors:
This is ADB’s third benchmark issuance (following the                         (i) renewable energy,
inaugural 10-year bond in 2015 and the dual tranche 3- and                    (ii) energy efficiency, and
10-year bond in 2016), and the first in the 5-year tenor.                     (iii) sustainable transport (excluding roads).

In May 2017, ADB also issued its first green bond in the                   Climate change adaptation projects include those that fall
offshore Indian rupee linker market raising ₹3 billion                     under the following sectors:
($47 million equivalent) with maturity in February                            (i) energy,
2021. The issue was tapped for an additional ₹2 billion                       (ii) water and other urban infrastructure and services,
($31 million equivalent) in August 2017.                                            and
                                                                              (iii) transport.
Since being launched in 2015, ADB’s green bond program
has raised $3.3 billion. ADB’s inclusion criteria for eligible             Eligible green bond projects are identified by ADB’s energy,
investments have been independently verified by the                        transport, climate change, and environmental specialists
Center for International Climate and Environmental                         on a continuous basis. This is done by using the joint
Research-Oslo (CICERO).                                                    multilateral development bank approach for tracking
                                                                           and reporting climate change mitigation and adaptation
ADB intends to maintain a regular presence in the green                    finance,1 and additional selection criteria for “green”
bond market consistent with its commitment to scaling up                   projects as defined by ADB’s Green Bond Framework that
climate financing.                                                         deliver environmentally sustainable growth.2

Eligible Project Selection Criteria                                        Use of Proceeds
Green bonds have proven to be an effective tool to                         Green bond net proceeds are allocated within ADB’s
promote ADB’s climate change strategy, which identifies                    treasury to a special subportfolio that is linked to ADB’s
five priority areas:                                                       lending operations to eligible projects. So long as the green
   (i) expanding the use of clean energy;                                  bonds are outstanding, the balance of the subportfolio will
   (ii) encouraging sustainable transport and urban                        be reduced at the end of each quarter in respect of eligible
          development;                                                     projects. Pending such disbursements, the subportfolio will
   (iii) managing land use and forests for carbon                          be invested in liquid instruments, consistent with ADB’s
          sequestration;                                                   liquidity policy.
   (iv) promoting climate-resilient development; and
   (v) strengthening policies, governance, and capacities.

    ADB Green Bond Framework.

ADB Green Bond - Luxembourg Stock Exchange
ADB Green BonD

         Green Bond Commitment by Country                                  Green Bond Commitment by Sector
                       (%)                                                              (%)

                                 Others                                                      RE and EE
                        Sri Lanka 5.3                                                   EE      3
                          3.5                                                           5
                                                 China, People's
     Indonesia                                    Republic of
         5.6                                          25.1

         Viet Nam                                    India
            12.1                                     19.8


Source: Treasury Department, ADB.                                  RE= renewable energy, EE= energy efficiency.
                                                                   Source: Treasury Department, ADB.

                                   Outstanding Green Bond Issuances as of 31 December 2017

            Format                              Issue Date            Maturity Date                        Issue Size

            Global                             19 March 2015          19 March 2025                      $500,000,000
            Global                            16 August 2016          16 August 2019                     $800,000,000
            Global                            16 August 2016          14 August 2026                     $500,000,000
            Private Placement                 30 March 2017           30 March 2027                       $50,000,000
            Private Placement                  25 May 2017                26 May 2022                    A$43,200,000
            Private Placement                  25 May 2017                26 May 2022                     $10,200,000
            Private Placement                  25 May 2017                26 May 2021                    TL105,200,000
            Public Offering                    24 May 2017           24 February 2021                    ₹3,000,000,000
            Global                            10 August 2017          10 August 2022                     $750,000,000
            Global                            10 August 2017          10 August 2027                     $500,000,000
            Public Offering                  1 September 2017        24 February 2021                    ₹2,000,000,000
            Private Placement                15 November 2017       15 November 2027                     A$25,000,000

ADB Green Bond - Luxembourg Stock Exchange
ADB Green BonD

                                                      CAse stuDy

Sri Lanka: Rooftop Solar Power Generation Project
ADB Loan Package: $50 million

                                                                                                  Solar panels. A project
                                                                                                  to install solar panels
                                                                                                  on roofs in Sri Lanka is
                                                                                                  expected to boost access
                                                                                                  to clean and reliable
                                                                                                  power in the country.
                                                                                                  (Photo credit: ADB)

ADB’s Rooftop Solar Power Generation Project will boost                (PFIs) for handling debt funding of commercial
access to clean and reliable power in Sri Lanka. The project           and domestic sector rooftop solar systems;
will finance rooftop solar power subprojects equivalent                (b) development of a pipeline of bankable
to an additional capacity of 50 megawatts (MW), while                  subprojects with a total of 50 MW of capacity;
building the capacity and awareness of relevant authorities,           and (c) establishment of project technical
private sector partners, and customers.                                guidelines and standards to be followed by
                                                                       borrowers, vendors, and accredited engineers.
It will also develop a market infrastructure and a bankable    (iii)   Capacity and awareness of stakeholders,
pipeline of subprojects for the solar power systems through            including the Ministry of Finance and Mass Media
greater cooperation with private financial institutions and            (MOFMM), PFIs, commercial and domestic sector
the establishment of technical guidelines and standards for            customers, increased. This includes (a) capacity
the system.                                                            training and workshops to the MOFMM, PFIs,
Specifically, the project will have the following outputs:             and developers, including at least 80 workshop
                                                                       participants (30% of them women), to improve
  (i)    Debt funding for the rooftop solar power                      their knowledge on rooftop solar systems;
         generation increased. This includes financing                 (b) awareness campaigns for stakeholders,
         of rooftop solar subprojects equivalent to                    including the MOFMM, PFIs, developers,
         an additional 50 MW of capacity, utilizing a                  and potential customers; and (c) establishing
         $50 million loan and $9.8 million leverage from               and maintaining a comprehensive database
         the private sector that would result in 55,600 tons           of all installations, including online technical
         of carbon dioxide emissions avoided per year.                 performance information of selected rooftop solar
  (ii)   Rooftop solar market infrastructure and bankable              photovoltaic systems by a project implementation
         subproject pipeline developed. This includes                  unit to be established under the associated
         (a) selection of private financial institutions               technical assistance.

ADB Green Bond - Luxembourg Stock Exchange
ADB Green BonD

     About the Asian Development Bank

     ADB’s vision is an Asia and Pacific region free of poverty. Its mission is to help its developing member countries
     reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people. Despite the region’s many successes, it remains
     home to a large share of the world’s poor. ADB is committed to reducing poverty through inclusive economic
     growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration.

     Based in Manila, ADB is owned by 67 members, including 48 from the region. Its main instruments for helping
     its developing member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and technical

Investor relations contact
Investor Website
Bloomberg                ADB 
Tel. No.                 +63 2 683 1204
Fax No.                  +63 2 632 4120

Note: In this publication, “$” refers to United States dollars.

Cover photo: Solar panels installed at the Rarotonga airport solar power project site. The Renewable
Energy Project aims to increased energy security in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Source: ADB Photo Library.

                    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO)
© 2018 ADB. The CC license does not apply to non-ADB copyright materials in this publication.
Publication Stock No. ARM189351                                                                           Printed on recycled paper

ADB Green Bond - Luxembourg Stock Exchange
List of ADB Green Bond Eligible Projects by Sector
                                                                   Target Impacts and Committed and Allocated Amounts
                                                                               A. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
                                                                                       as of 31 December 2017
                                                                                           Annual     Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                             Eligibility
                                   Project Name                                 Project    Energy     Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                     Loan       for Green    Allocated
       Link to More          (number/year loan approved,                  RE or  Life     Savings    Produced  Added     (tons of                                                  Approval       Bonds      Amount
#      Information                and description)                 A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b     (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                  Target Resultsb                 ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
1   Indonesia: Java–Bali Electricity         M      EE        40    400,000          na        na    330,000    • Deferral of new distribution network          50.00         16.70          16.70
    projects/40061-013/   Distribution Performance                                                                                    investment by $100 million
    main?page-2=1         Improvement (2619/FY2010):                                                                                  • Overall distribution loss reduced to 7%
                          Reduce distribution system losses                                                                           from 8.4% in 2008
                          and, with an energy-efficient lighting                                                                      • System average interruption frequency
                          program, reduce demand side                                                                                 index reduced to 3.0 times per year per
                          energy consumption.                                                                                         customer from 6.8 in 2008
                                                                                                                                      • Fully disbursed
2   China, People’s Republic of:             M      RE         15     27,222     92,000        --   1,000,000   • About 90% of wastes of subproject             66.08        60.06          29.99
    projects/40682-013/   Integrated Renewable Biomass                                                                                farms is collected and treated via the
    main?page-3=1         Energy Development Sector (2632/                                                                            project biogas plant
                          FY2010): Improve performance                                                                                • About 70 million cubic meters of
                          of biogas subsector through the                                                                             biogas produced every year for rural
                          demonstration of integrated                                                                                 energy use.
                          renewable biomass energy system                                                                             • About 41,000 households, including
                          in poor rural areas of Heilongjiang,                                                                        8,000 poor households, benefit from
                          Henan, Jiangxi, and Shandong                                                                                improved access to clean energy
                          provinces in the People’s Republic                                                                          • About 27,000 farmers increased their
                          of China.                                                                                                   incomes through expanded contract
                                                                                                                                      • About 9,000 poor households benefit
                                                                                                                                      from the use of organic fertilizer and
                                                                                                                                      sales of organic products.
                                                                                                                                      • GHG reduced by about 1 million tons
                                                                                                                                      of carbon dioxide equivalent.
3   Papua New Guinea: Town                   M      RE        30         na      35,600         6     35,000 • Installation of six additional small             40.90         37.90         26.30
    projects/41504-023/   Electrification Investment Program,                                                                      hydropower plants in target provincial
    main?page-            Tranche 1 (2713/FY2010): Increase                                                                        areas by end 2016
    2=1&page-3=1          generation and use of renewable                                                                          • Reduced power outages by 20% in
                          energy in provincial areas.                                                                              target provincial urban areas by end
                                                                                                                                   • Reduced fuel costs for PNG Power
                                                                                                                                   Limited power generation by 60% in
                                                                                                                                   target provincial areas by end 2016

                                                                                            Annual     Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                             Eligibility
                                    Project Name                                 Project    Energy     Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                     Loan       for Green    Allocated
       Link to More           (number/year loan approved,                  RE or  Life     Savings    Produced  Added     (tons of                                                  Approval       Bonds      Amount
#      Information                 and description)                 A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b     (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                   Target Resultsb                ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
4   China, People’s Republic of:              M      EE         --     49,410         na        na     43,649    • Spring wheat yield increased from             60.00         45.32         27.08
    projects/42016-013/   Qinghai Rural Water Resources                                                                                4.6 t/ha in 2009 to 5.7 t/ha by 2016,
    main?page-            Management (2738/FY2011):                                                                                    and winter wheat yield increased from
    2=1&page-3=1          Increase water use efficiency,                                                                               5.8 t/ha in 2009 to 7.2 t/ha by 2016
                          convert existing lift irrigation                                                                             • High-value crops diversified on
                          to gravity irrigation, improve                                                                               additional 3,000 ha by 2016
                          agricultural extension services, and                                                                         Irrigation water use efficiency increased
                          empower farmer associations for                                                                              from 35% in 2009 to 56% by 2016.
                          irrigated agricultural service and                                                                           • Gravity irrigation cover increased from
                          management.                                                                                                  26% to 89% of the irrigated areas in
                                                                                                                                       project countries
                                                                                                                                       • Average operation and maintenance
                                                                                                                                       cost, including electricity, reduced
                                                                                                                                       from CNY0.168/m3 for lift irrigation to
                                                                                                                                       CNY0.033/m3 for gravity irrigation

5   India: Gujarat Solar Power                M      RE        40         na          na        na         na    • Up to 500 MW of power could be               100.00        68.00           49.14
    projects/44431-013/   Transmission (2778/FY2011):                                                                                  evacuated from the Charanka solar park
    main?page-            Develop the transmission                                                                                     over the transmission link to the Gujarat
    2=1&page-3=1          infrastructure to evacuate power                                                                             and national grid commencing in 2014
                          from the solar power generation                                                                              (2010 baseline: 0 MW)
                          plants to be located in the
                          2,500-hectare Charanka solar park
                          in Patan district of Gujarat; the solar
                          park will host over 500 MW of both
                          solar photovoltaic and concentrated
                          solar power plants.
6   China, People’s Republic of:              M      RE        40         na     496,000        84    255,200 • 70% of MSW in the People’s Republic             100.00        80.00          80.00
    projects/46906-014/   Everbright Environmental Energy                                                                           of China is properly treated, with 30%
    main                  Limited (Municipal Waste to Energy                                                                        incinerated in cities, by 2020
                          Project) (7368/2899/2900/FY2012):                                                                         (2010 baseline: 63.5% of MSW properly
                          Increase power generation from                                                                            treated, with 14.7% incinerated in cities)
                          municipal solid waste, a form of                                                                          • Total installed capacity of municipal
                          renewable energy resource.                                                                                WTE plants in the People’s Republic
                                                                                                                                    of China reaches 3 GW by 2020 (2010
                                                                                                                                    baseline: about 500 MW)
                                                                                                                                    • Approximately an additional 7,300 tons
                                                                                                                                    per day of waste is treated by 2018.
                                                                                                                                    • Fully disbursed

                                                                                            Annual     Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                             Eligibility
                                     Project Name                                Project    Energy     Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                     Loan       for Green    Allocated
        Link to More           (number/year loan approved,                 RE or  Life     Savings    Produced  Added     (tons of                                                  Approval       Bonds      Amount
#       Information                 and description)                A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b     (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                   Target Resultsb                ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
7   Regional: Southeast Asia Energy         M      EE        20     150,000         na        na     90,000    • The project achieves annual energy            20.00        20.00           8.60
     projects/46914-014/    Efficiency Project (Cofely Southeast                                                                       savings of at least 150,000 megawatt-
     main#project-pds       Asia Pte) (7371/2919/FY2012):                                                                              hour equivalent from energy efficiency
                            Support the investment program                                                                             projects by 2019.
                            to expand and upgrade energy                                                                               • The project results in average annual
                            efficiency services in Cambodia,                                                                           avoidance of 90,000 tons of carbon
                            Indonesia, the Lao People’s                                                                                emissions by 2019.
                            Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the                                                                         • Average annual net savings of
                            Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam                                                                        $10 million from energy efficiency
                            by removing financial constraints                                                                          projects by 2019
                            and information barriers that inhibit
                            the development of the energy
                            efficiency market.
8    China, People’s Republic of:            M      RE        40         na     610,000       120    450,000    • 2.8 million tons of MSW is treated per       100.00       100.00           67.81
     projects/46930-014/    Dynagreen Waste-to-Energy                                                                                  annum on average by 2018
     main?page-2=1          Project(7377/2960/FY2012):                                                                                 • About 610 gigawatt-hours of clean
                            Increase power generation from                                                                             energy is produced annually by WTE
                            MSW, a form of renewable energy                                                                            plants by 2018
                            resource.                                                                                                  • CO2 emissions are reduced by
                                                                                                                                       approximately 450,000 tons per annum
                                                                                                                                       by 2018.
                                                                                                                                       • Up to 700 local workers employed by
                                                                                                                                       nine WTE plants during operation
                                                                                                                                       • CNY45 million of local goods and
                                                                                                                                       services procured during operations on
                                                                                                                                       average per annum starting 2018–2019
9    India: Rajasthan Renewable Energy       M      RE        40         na          na        na         na    • Bulk renewable energy-dedicated               62.00        62.00          45.24
     projects/45224-003/    Transmission Investment Program,                                                                           power transmission system expanded
     main?page-2=1          Tranche 1(3052/FY2013): Support                                                                            • Institutional capacity for renewable
                            transmission facilities to evacuate                                                                        energy parks and transmission system
                            renewable energy from renewable                                                                            developed
                            energy park to the state and national
10    China, People’s Republic of: Qinghai    M      RE        25         na     197,000        50     154,446   • 50 MW Qinghai Delingha plant                 150.00       150.00          80.54
     projects/46058-002/    Delingha Concentrated Solar                                                                                operates reliably, delivering designed
     main?page-2=1          Power Thermal Project (3075/                                                                               output
                            FY2013): Increase solar power                                                                              (baseline: 0 MW in 2013)
                            generation using concentrated solar                                                                        • 197 gigawatt-hours of clean electricity
                            power technology; increase share                                                                           generated annually, thereby avoiding
                            of renewable energy in the total                                                                           154,446 tons of CO2 per year by 2017
                            primary energy consumption.                                                                                (2013 baseline: 0 gigawatt-hours)

                                                                                         Annual    Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                             Eligibility
                                    Project Name                              Project    Energy    Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                     Loan       for Green    Allocated
        Link to More          (number/year loan approved,               RE or  Life     Savings   Produced  Added     (tons of                                                  Approval       Bonds      Amount
#       Information                and description)              A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b    (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                   Target Resultsb                ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
11   Indonesia: Sarulla Geothermal         M      RE        30         na   2,529,000      320   1,300,000   • Annual electricity production of 2,529       250.00       250.00         220.50
     projects/42916-014/   Power Development Project                                                                               GWh from 2018 onwards
     main?page-2=1         (7397/3089/FY2013): increase use                                                                        • Net reduction of 1.3 million tons of
                           of geothermal resources for power                                                                       CO2 equivalent emissions per year from
                           generation.                                                                                             2018 onwards
                                                                                                                                   • Annual corporate tax paid averages at
                                                                                                                                   least $20 million per annum
                                                                                                                                   • Employment equivalent to 100 full-
                                                                                                                                   time skilled or semiskilled jobs provided
                                                                                                                                   during operations by 2020
                                                                                                                                   • Women comprise at least 20%
                                                                                                                                   of the technical or laboratory and
                                                                                                                                   administrative positions during
                                                                                                                                   operations by 2020
                                                                                                                                   • Indigenous peoples comprise 20% of
                                                                                                                                   the semiskilled labor from the affected
                                                                                                                                   area (Pahae Jae and Pahae Julu) and
                                                                                                                                   the North Tapanuli Regency during
                                                                                                                                   operations by 2020

12   India: ACME-EDF Solar Power           M      RE        25         na     38,000        20      35,340 • 38,000 MWh generated annually from                9.79         9.79           9.28
     projects/48209-001/   (3175/FY2014): Increase solar power                                                                   2018 onward
     main?page-2=1         generation capacity by 20 MW.                                                                         • 35,340 tons of CO2 avoided annually
                                                                                                                                 from 2018 onward
                                                                                                                                 • FTE employment of 14 people for
                                                                                                                                 operation and maintenance services
                                                                                                                                 from 2018 onward

13   India: ACME-EDF Solar Power           M      RE        25         na     38,000        20      35,340 • 38,000 megawatt-hours generated                   9.81         9.81           9.39
     projects/48209-001/   (3176/FY2014): Increase solar power                                                                   annually from 2018 onwards
     main?page-2=1         generation capacity by 20 MW.                                                                         • 35,340 tons of CO2 avoided annually
                                                                                                                                 from 2018 onwards
                                                                                                                                 • FTE employment of 14 people for
                                                                                                                                 operation and maintenance services
                                                                                                                                 from 2018 onwards

14   India: ACME-EDF Solar Power           M      RE        25         na     38,000        20      35,340 • 38,000 megawatt-hours generated                   9.79         9.79           9.28
     projects/48209-001/   (3177/FY2014): Increase solar power                                                                   annually from 2018 onward
     main?page-2=1         generation capacity by 20 MW.                                                                         • 35,340 tons of CO2 avoided annually
                                                                                                                                 from 2018 onward
                                                                                                                                 • FTE employment of 14 people for
                                                                                                                                 operation and maintenance services
                                                                                                                                 from 2018 onward

                                                                                         Annual    Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                              Eligibility
                                    Project Name                              Project    Energy    Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                      Loan       for Green    Allocated
        Link to More          (number/year loan approved,               RE or  Life     Savings   Produced  Added     (tons of                                                   Approval       Bonds      Amount
#       Information                and description)              A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b    (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                   Target Resultsb                 ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
15   India: ACME-EDF Solar Power           M      RE        25         na     38,000        20      35,340 • 38,000 megawatt-hours generated                    9.81         9.81           9.39
     projects/48209-001/   (3178/FY2014): Increase solar power                                                                   annually from 2018 onward
     main?page-2=1         generation capacity by 20 MW.                                                                         • 35,340 tons of CO2 avoided annually
                                                                                                                                 from 2018 onward
                                                                                                                                 • FTE employment of 14 people for
                                                                                                                                 operation and maintenance services
                                                                                                                                 from 2018 onward

16   India: ACME-EDF Solar Power           M      RE        25         na     38,000        20      35,340 • 38,000 megawatt-hours generated                   10.79        10.79          10.37
     projects/48209-001/   (3179/FY2014): Increase solar power                                                                   annually from 2018 onward
     main?page-2=1         generation capacity by 20 MW.                                                                         • 35,340 tons of CO2 avoided annually
                                                                                                                                 from 2018 onward
                                                                                                                                 • FTE employment of 14 people for
                                                                                                                                 operation and maintenance services
                                                                                                                                 from 2018 onward

17   India: ACME-EDF Solar Power           M      RE        25         na    190,000       100     176,700   • 190,000 megawatt-hours generated               50.00        50.00               -
     projects/48209-001/   (3180/FY2014): Increase solar power                                                                     annually from 2018 onward
     main?page-2=1         generation capacity by 100 MW.                                                                          • 176,700 tons of CO2 avoided annually
                                                                                                                                   from 2018 onward
                                                                                                                                   • FTE employment of 70 people for
                                                                                                                                   operation and maintenance services
                                                                                                                                   from 2018 onwards

18   Cook Islands: Renewable Energy        M      RE        25         na      4,870         3       2,930   • By end of 2016: Solar photovoltaic               11.19        11.19          4.23
     projects/46453-002/   Sector Project (3193/FY2014):                                                                           power system of core subprojects (with
     main?page-2=1         Increase solar power generation                                                                         780 kW of installed capacity) connected
                           capacity by 3 MWp.                                                                                      to the existing power grid on Mangaia,
                                                                                                                                   Mauke, and Mitiaro islands (2012
                                                                                                                                   baseline: 0%)
                                                                                                                                   • By end of 2017: Solar photovoltaic
                                                                                                                                   power system of noncore subprojects
                                                                                                                                   (2,400 kW) connected to the existing
                                                                                                                                   power grid on Atiu, Aitutaki, and
                                                                                                                                   Rarotonga islands (2012 baseline: 0%)
                                                                                                                                   • By end of 2017: Energy efficiency policy
                                                                                                                                   implementation plan is developed (2012
                                                                                                                                   baseline: 0%)
                                                                                                                                   • Capacity of Office of the Energy
                                                                                                                                   Commissioner and Renewable Energy
                                                                                                                                   Development Division (10 staff in
                                                                                                                                   total) for renewable energy technology
                                                                                                                                   assessments and tariff setting in private
                                                                                                                                   sector-funded projects developed (2012
                                                                                                                                   baseline: 0%)

                                                                                        Annual    Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                               Eligibility
                                    Project Name                             Project    Energy    Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                       Loan       for Green    Allocated
        Link to More          (number/year loan approved,              RE or  Life     Savings   Produced  Added     (tons of                                                    Approval       Bonds      Amount
#       Information                and description)             A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b    (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                    Target Resultsb                 ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
                                                                                                                                   • The updated Cook Islands Renewable
                                                                                                                                   Energy Chart Implementation Plan,
                                                                                                                                   which incorporates load demand
                                                                                                                                   update, viable renewable technology
                                                                                                                                   choice, and least-cost investment plan,
                                                                                                                                   developed (2012 baseline: 0%)
                                                                                                                                   • Project management support for
                                                                                                                                   Renewable Energy Development
                                                                                                                                   Division and Te Aponga Uira (Rarotonga
                                                                                                                                   Power Authority) to implement core
                                                                                                                                   and noncore subprojects (six in total)
                                                                                                                                   completed (2012 baseline: 0%)
19   Thailand: Chaiyaphum Wind            M      RE        20         na     128,950       81     65,000     • At least 120,000 MW-hours of wind              53.00        53.00           51.82
     projects/48233-001/   Farm Company Limited (Subyai                                                                            power delivered to the offtaker per
     main                  Wind Power Project) (7435/3219/                                                                         annum (2016–2026)
                           FY2014): Increase wind power                                                                            • At least 65,000 tons of carbon dioxide
                           generation capacity by 81 MW.                                                                           equivalent emissions avoided per annum
                                                                                                                                   • 81 MW wind power capacity
                                                                                                                                   commissioned by the first quarter of 2016
                                                                                                                                   • More than 250 people (45 full-
                                                                                                                                   time equivalent) employed during
                                                                                                                                   • Local purchase of goods and
                                                                                                                                   services amounting to over B1 billion
                                                                                                                                   ($29.5 million) during construction
20   Philippines: 150-MW Burgos Wind      M      RE        20         na    370,000       150   160,113.70   • Approximately 370 GWh of wind                  20.00        20.00          19.60
     projects/48325-001/   Farm Project (7442/3246/ FY2015):                                                                       power delivered to the grid per year,
     main                  Increase wind power generation                                                                          on average, from 2015 (2012 baseline:
                           capacity by 150 MW.                                                                                     75 GWh per year)
                                                                                                                                   • 150 MW wind power capacity
                                                                                                                                   commissioned by the first quarter of
21   Philippines: Tiwi and Makban         M      RE        na         na         na        na          na    • Full subscription of up to P10.7 billion       40.64        40.64          38.47
     projects/48423-001/   Geothermal Power Green Bonds                                                                            peso-denominated Tiwi–MakBan green
     main                  Project (7551/3266/ FY2015):                                                                            project bonds in the third quarter of
                           Involves refinancing of capital                                                                         2015 (2015 baseline: N/A)
                           expenditure (including acquisition                                                                      • Climate bond certificate application
                           and plant rehabilitation) and                                                                           issued by the fourth quarter 2015 (2015
                           ongoing operation and maintenance                                                                       baseline: N/A)
                           in Tiwi and Makban, two major                                                                           • ADB public knowledge product
                           geothermal power generation                                                                             disseminated by 2016 (2015 baseline:
                           complexes in Luzon.                                                                                     N/A)
                                                                                                                                   • Implement risk-sharing agreement
                                                                                                                                   with at least one coguarantor by third
                                                                                                                                   quarter of 2015 (2015 baseline: N/A)

                                                                                            Annual    Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                              Eligibility
                                     Project Name                                Project    Energy    Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                      Loan       for Green    Allocated
        Link to More           (number/year loan approved,                 RE or  Life     Savings   Produced  Added     (tons of                                                   Approval       Bonds      Amount
#       Information                 and description)                A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b    (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                    Target Resultsb                ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
22    Thailand: Northeastern Thailand         M      RE        20         na     411,000      260    222,000     • Wind power facilities (including              157.50       157.50              -
     projects/49263-001/    Wind Power Project (7462/3366/                                                                             transmission line and substation) with
     main                   FY2015): Increase wind power                                                                               260 MW of capacity commissioned by
                            generation and diversify electricity                                                                       the second quarter of 2018
                            generation mix.                                                                                            • Employment for more than 250 people
                                                                                                                                       generated during construction by 2018
                                                                                                                                       • Local purchase of goods and services
                                                                                                                                       amounts to more than B3,000 million
                                                                                                                                       ($82 million) during construction

23   India: Mytrah Energy (India)            M      RE      wind         na   1,200,000     576.2   1,185,165   • 241 MW wind farm project                     175.00       175.00           95.31
     projects/49241-001/    Limited (Mytrah Wind and                               (20)/                                               commissioned by 2016
     main                   Solar Development Project)                             solar                                               • 234 MW of additional wind capacity
                            (7474–7479/3379–84/FY2016):                             (25)                                               commissioned by 2017
                            The transaction being financed                                                                             • 100 MW of solar capacity
                            comprises 476 MW of wind projects                                                                          commissioned by 2016
                            in four SPVs in Rajasthan, Madhya                                                                          • 1,200 GWh generated annually
                            Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and                                                                               • 1,185,165 tons of CO2 avoided annually
                            Karnataka; and 100 MW of solar                                                                             • At least 64 full-time equivalent local
                            projects in two SPVs in Telangana                                                                          jobs and 415 contractual jobs are created
                            and Punjab.                                                                                                for operations
                                                                                                                                       • Direct contribution (corporate tax)
                                                                                                                                       to government revenues amounts to
                                                                                                                                       an average of ₹890 million ($13 million
                                                                                                                                       equivalent) annually
24   Thailand: Stumpf Energy Solutions       M      RE        25         na    120,000       100     73,200     • Rollout and operation of multiple solar       47.00        47.00               -
     projects/49366-001/    (Thailand) and Stumpf Energy                                                                               photovoltaic installations on rooftops
     main                   Tranche B (Distributed Commercial                                                                          or elsewhere on the premises of
                            Solar Power) (7483/3412/FY2016):                                                                           commercial and/or industrial buildings,
                            The project involves the rollout                                                                           with a total capacity of up to 100 MW.
                            of multiple solar photovoltaic                                                                             • 73,200 tons of CO2 avoided annually
                            installations, each with a capacity
                            ranging from 400 kWp to 5 MWp,
                            on rooftops or elsewhere on the
                            premises of commercial and/or
                            industrial buildings owned or leased
                            by host companies in Thailand up
                            to an aggregate capacity of 100 MW
                            and will be installed with no upfront
                            cost to the host companies.

                                                                                            Annual      Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                              Eligibility
                                     Project Name                               Project     Energy      Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                      Loan       for Green    Allocated
        Link to More           (number/year loan approved,                RE or  Life      Savings     Produced  Added     (tons of                                                   Approval       Bonds      Amount
#       Information                 and description)               A/Ma    EE (years)b     (MWh)b      (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                   Target Resultsb                 ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
25   India: Demand-Side Energy              M      EE      LED      3,800,000         na        na   3,000,000   • Efficiency of street lighting in one or       200.00       200.00          15.00
     projects/48224-002/    Efficiency Sector Project (3436/                     (11 ) /                                                more municipalities in eligible states
     main                   FY2016): ADB will provide a loan to                 pumps                                                   (including Goa, Maharashtra, Rajasthan,
                            Energy Efficiency Services Limited                    (10)                                                  and Telangana) enhanced; 1.5 million
                            to support demand-side energy                                                                               streetlights replaced with LED lamps
                            efficiency investments in several                                                                           • Efficiency of bulbs, tube lights,
                            Indian states. ADB’s loan will cover                                                                        and electric fans in households and
                            high-priority areas under Energy                                                                            institutions in utility service areas
                            Efficiency Services Limiteds energy                                                                         in eligible states (including Andhra
                            services company through the use                                                                            Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and
                            of (i) more efficient LED municipal                                                                         Uttar Pradesh) enhanced; 42 million
                            street lighting equipped with remote                                                                        LED lamps, ceiling fans, and LED tube
                            operating technology, (ii) more                                                                             lights installed
                            efficient domestic lighting through                                                                         • Efficiency of agricultural water
                            replacement of incandescent lights                                                                          pumps in utility service areas in eligible
                            with LEDs, and (iii) more energy                                                                            states (including Andhra Pradesh,
                            efficient agricultural water pumps.                                                                         Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan)
                                                                                                                                        improved;225,000 inefficient agricultural
                                                                                                                                        water pumps replaced with more
                                                                                                                                        efficient models
                                                                                                                                        • Electricity consumption in subproject
                                                                                                                                        areas reduced by 3,800 GWh per annum
                                                                                                                                        • Additional aggregate greenhouse gas
                                                                                                                                        emissions reduced by 3 million tCO2eq
                                                                                                                                        per year

26   Pakistan: Triconboston Consulting      M      RE         20          na     520,000       150    380,000    • 150 MW of wind capacity                        75.00        75.00          38.44
     projects/50200-001/    Corporation (Private) Limited                                                                               commissioned
     main                   (Triconboston Wind Power)                                                                                   • 520 gigawatt-hours generated annually
                            (7487/3448/FY2016): The                                                                                     • 380,000 tons of carbon dioxide
                            project involves the construction,                                                                          avoided annually
                            commissioning, and operation of                                                                             • At least 35 full-time equivalent local
                            three 50 MW wind power projects                                                                             jobs created during operations
                            located in Thatta District, Sindh
                            Province, in the south of Pakistan.

                                                                                             Annual    Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                            Eligibility
                                     Project Name                                 Project    Energy    Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                    Loan       for Green    Allocated
        Link to More           (number/year loan approved,                  RE or  Life     Savings   Produced  Added     (tons of                                                 Approval       Bonds      Amount
#       Information                 and description)                 A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b    (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                   Target Resultsb               ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
27   Pakistan: Access to Clean Energy         M      RE &      25         na    149,300       182     74,800    • By 2021, power generation capacity          325.00       247.00           37.23
     projects/49056-002/    Investment Program (3476/                       EE                                                         from clean energy sources is increased
     main                   FY2016): The project involves                                                                              by 182 MW
                            (i) expanding access to renewable                                                                          • By 2021, at least 26,587 sites have
                            energy, notably micro hydropower                                                                           renewable energy-based power plants
                            plants in rural off-grid areas of ,                                                                        installed.
                            and decentralized solar plants for                                                                         • By 2021, girls’ schools account for at
                            education and primary health care                                                                          least 30% of schools with solar plant
                            facilities in Khyber PakhtunKhwa                                                                           installed.
                            and Punjab; (ii) providing                                                                                 • By 2021, households headed by
                            women and girls with increased                                                                             women account for at least 7% of target
                            opportunities to obtain energy                                                                             households that are newly connected to
                            services and benefits; (iii) enhancing                                                                     electricity.
                            institutional capacity to foster                                                                           • By 2021, 500 primary health care
                            sustainability; and (iv) promoting                                                                         facility used by women for delivery or
                            public sector energy efficiency in                                                                         antenatal care are equipped with solar
                            Punjab.                                                                                                    plants.
                                                                                                                                       • By 2021, 3,000 women are trained to
                                                                                                                                       equip them in using energy benefits.
                                                                                                                                       • By 2019, energy audits are conducted
                                                                                                                                       on 100% of identified public sector
                                                                                                                                       buildings and a model net-zero energy
                                                                                                                                       building is constructed.
28   Indonesia: PT Supreme Energy             M      RE        30         na    630,000        80     471,240   • Total installed electricity-generation       70.00        70.00          33.90
     projects/50156-001/    Muara Laboh (Muara Laboh                                                                                   capacity of project increased to 80 MW
     main                   Geothermal Power) (3487/FY2016):                                                                           • Electricity generated and delivered to
                            The project will develop geothermal                                                                        offtaker increased to 630 gigawatthours
                            steam resources through production                                                                         per year
                            and injection facilities in the Liki                                                                       • Annual emission reductions achieved
                            Pinangawan Muaralaboh concession                                                                           amount to 471,240 metric tons of carbon
                            area and construct, operate, and                                                                           dioxide equivalent
                            maintain a single power generation                                                                         • Number of jobs provided during
                            unit with a total capacity of                                                                              operation amount to at least 190
                            approximately 80 MW.
29   Thailand: Thai-Sunseap Asset             M      RE        25         na    120,000       100     61,056    • 100 MW of solar panels installed              43.56        43.56              -
     projects/49087-001/    company Limited (Grid Parity                                                                               • More than 120,000 MWh of solar
     main                   Rooftop Solar) (7494/3490/                                                                                 power generated annually
                            FY2016): The project involves the                                                                          • 61,056 tons of carbon dioxide
                            rollout of multiple solar photovoltaic                                                                     emissions avoided annually
                            installations, each with a capacity                                                                        • 15 full-time equivalent local jobs
                            ranging from 400 kWp to 10 MWp,                                                                            created during operation
                            on rooftops or elsewhere on the
                            premises of commercial and/or
                            industrial buildings owned or leased
                            by host companies in Thailand up
                            to an aggregate capacity of 100 MW,
                            and will be installed with no upfront
                            cost to the host companies.

                                                                                             Annual    Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                             Eligibility
                                      Project Name                                Project    Energy    Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                     Loan       for Green    Allocated
        Link to More            (number/year loan approved,                 RE or  Life     Savings   Produced  Added     (tons of                                                  Approval       Bonds      Amount
#       Information                  and description)                A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b    (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                   Target Resultsb                ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
30   Cambodia: Sunseap Asset                  M      RE        25         na     14,000        10      9,500 • 10 MW of solar power capacity                      3.60         3.60           3.25
     projects/50248-001/    (Cambodia) Co. Ltd. (Cambodia                                                                           commissioned by July 2017
     main                   Solar Power) (7498/3495/FY2016):                                                                        • 5.5 km transmission line connecting
                            The project is the first utility-scale                                                                  the plant to the substation completed
                            solar power plant in Cambodia, and                                                                      by June 2017
                            the first competitively tendered                                                                        • More than 14 gigawatt-hours of power
                            renewable energy independent                                                                            dispatched to Electricité du Cambodge
                            power producer project in the                                                                           per annum by 2018
                            country. It is a build–own–operate,                                                                     • Annual amount of emissions
                            public–private partnership                                                                              reductions achieved 9,500 metric tons
                            transaction for a 10 MW solar power                                                                     of carbon dioxide equivalent on average
                            plant to be located in Bavet city                                                                       during the first 10 years of operation
                            in Svay Rieng Province, about 150                                                                       • Number of full-time equivalent
                            kilometers (km) from the capital                                                                        jobs provided during operation phase
                            Phnom Penh.                                                                                             amount to at least 10 by 2018
                                                                                                                                    • Direct contribution (corporate tax)
                                                                                                                                    to government revenues amounts to at
                                                                                                                                    least $25,000 equivalent per annum by
31   India: ReNew Power Ventures              M      RE      wind         na   1,400,000      709   1,200,000   • 398 MW of solar capacity                     194.60       194.60           48.33
     projects/50195-001/    Private Limited (ReNew Clean                            (20)/                                              commissioned by 2018
     main                   Energy Project) (7495/3488,7504-                        solar                                              • 311 MW of wind capacity
                            09/3514-3519/FY2016): ADB will                           (25)                                              commissioned by 2017
                            provide funding to seven SPVs                                                                              • 1,400 GWh generated annually
                            established by ReNew for the                                                                               • 1.2 million tons of CO2 avoided
                            purposes of developing 709 MW                                                                              annually
                            of solar and wind projects in the                                                                          • Number of jobs provided during
                            states of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,                                                                         operation amount to at least 200
                            Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya                                                                               • Direct contribution (corporate tax) to
                            Pradesh, and Telangana.                                                                                    government revenues amounts to an
                                                                                                                                       average of $11.6 million per year, during
                                                                                                                                       project life

                                                                                               Annual     Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                            Eligibility
                                      Project Name                                  Project    Energy     Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                    Loan       for Green    Allocated
        Link to More            (number/year loan approved,                   RE or  Life     Savings    Produced  Added     (tons of                                                 Approval       Bonds      Amount
#       Information                  and description)                  A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b     (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                  Target Resultsb                ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
32   India: Solar Transmission Sector           M      RE        40          --         --        --          --   • 201 km of transmission systems (765         175.00       175.00            5.20
     projects/49214-002/    Project(3521/FY2017): Develop                                                                                 kV and 400 kV) constructed to help
     main                   high-voltage transmission systems                                                                             evacuate 2,500 MW of power from solar
                            to evacuate electricity generated                                                                             parks in Bhadla, Rajasthan
                            by new mega solar parks to the                                                                                • 95 km of transmission systems (400
                            interstate grid, and improve the                                                                              kV) constructed to help evacuate
                            reliability of the national grid system.                                                                      700 MW of power from solar parks in
                                                                                                                                          Banaskantha, Gujarat
                                                                                                                                          • 195 km of transmission systems (400
                                                                                                                                          kV) constructed to help evacuate
                                                                                                                                          1,000 MW of power from solar parks in
                                                                                                                                          Tumkur, Karnataka
                                                                                                                                          • HVDC terminals (500 kV) between
                                                                                                                                          Rihand and Dadri rehabilitated to
                                                                                                                                          provide an efficient power supply with a
                                                                                                                                          capacity of 1,500 MW
                                                                                                                                          • POWERGRID’s Environment and
                                                                                                                                          Social Policy and Procedures adopted
                                                                                                                                          by ADB, and additional actions
                                                                                                                                          implemented by POWERGRID from
                                                                                                                                          2016 onward
                                                                                                                                          • POWERGRID’s Works and
                                                                                                                                          Procurement Policy and Procedures
                                                                                                                                          adopted by ADB, and additional actions
                                                                                                                                          implemented by POWERGRID from
                                                                                                                                          2017 onward
33   Armenia: Electric Networks                 M      EE        40      26,500         na        na      11,400   • 400 km of distribution lines upgraded        80.00        80.00          35.00
     projects/50146-001/    of Armenia Distribution                                                                                       to 10/0.4 kV overhead lines
     main                   Network(7514/3540/FY2017):                                                                                    • 900 10/0.4 kV transformers upgraded
                            Improve the quality of the                                                                                    • 550 substations upgraded
                            distribution network and services                                                                             • 250,000 automatic metering devices
                            of Electric Networks of Armenias                                                                              for end consumers installed
                            multisite operations across the
                            country; reduce electricity losses
                            and operational expenses; improve
                            technical maintenance and safety
                            conditions; modernize the metering
                            system; rehabilitate, reinforce, and
                            augment the distribution network;
                            connect new customers; and
                            introduce international standards
                            of management and an automated
                            control system.

                                                                                               Annual    Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                               Eligibility
                                      Project Name                                  Project    Energy    Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                       Loan       for Green    Allocated
        Link to More            (number/year loan approved,                   RE or  Life     Savings   Produced  Added     (tons of                                                    Approval       Bonds      Amount
#       Information                  and description)                  A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b    (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                   Target Resultsb                  ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
34   Papua New Guinea: Town                     M      RE        25         na     84,000         3     70,000    • PNG Power Limited rehabilitates three           55.90        55.90           0.02
     projects/41504-025/    Electrification Investment Program -                                                                         aging hydropower plants to bring them
     main                   Tranche 2 (3544/FY2017): Rehabilitate                                                                        back to their rated capacity of 28.0 MW.
                            two hydropower plants: (i) Yonki Toe                                                                         • PNG Power Limited constructs
                            of Dam hydropower plant, and (ii)                                                                            and connects to the grid 3.0 MW of
                            Warangoi hydropower plant, which                                                                             hydropower capacity.
                            are currently operating below their full                                                                     • Capacity building undertaken for
                            capacities; Construct Ramazon run-                                                                           implementing agency and project
                            of-river small hydropower plant with a                                                                       beneficiaries.
                            capacity of 3 MW.                                                                                            • The program management unit renders
                                                                                                                                         efficient project management services.
35   Samoa: Jarcon PTY Limited and Sun          M      RE        25         na      5,500         4       1,644   • A 4-MW solar power system                        2.00         2.00           2.00
     projects/49339-001/    Pacific Energy Limited (Solar Power                                                                          commissioned by the end of 2017
     main                   Development-Samoa)(7515/3553/                                                                                • Up to 20 construction jobs and 5
                            FY2017): Increase supply of clean,                                                                           permanent jobs for operation and
                            carbon-negative solar energy                                                                                 maintenace of the project created
                            generated through an independent
                            power producer.
36   Sri Lanka: Solar Rooftop Power             M      RE        25         na     75,600        50     55,600    • About 6,400 rooftop solar subprojects           50.00        50.00               -
     projects/50373-002/    Generation Project(3571/FY2017):                                                                             financed utilizing a $50.0 million loan and
     main                   Installs rooftop solar power                                                                                 $9.8 million leveraged from private sector
                            generation systems, develop rooftop                                                                          • 10 PFIs for handling debt funding of
                            solar market infrastructure and                                                                              rooftop solar systems by commercial and
                            a bankable subproject pipeline,                                                                              domestic sectors selected
                            and build capacity and increase                                                                              • Pipeline of bankable subprojects for
                            awareness of stakeholders in                                                                                 50 megawatts of capacity developed
                            Sri Lanka.                                                                                                   • Project technical guidelines and
                                                                                                                                         standards to be followed by borrowers,
                                                                                                                                         vendors, and accredited engineers
                                                                                                                                         • Technical verification during
                                                                                                                                         preinstallation and postinstallation
                                                                                                                                         • An analytical report on identified
                                                                                                                                         technical shortcomings and failures
                                                                                                                                         • At least 80 workshop participants (30%
                                                                                                                                         of them women) from the MOFMM,
                                                                                                                                         PFIs, and developers reported improved
                                                                                                                                         knowledge on rooftop solar systems.
                                                                                                                                         • A comprehensive database of all
                                                                                                                                         installations, including online technical
                                                                                                                                         performance information of selected
                                                                                                                                         rooftop solar photovoltaic systems
                                                                                                                                         established and maintained
                                                                                                                                         • At least 150 representatives from the
                                                                                                                                         MOFMM, PFIs, and developers attended
                                                                                                                                         awareness campaigns.

                                                                                          Annual    Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                             Eligibility
                                     Project Name                              Project    Energy    Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                     Loan       for Green    Allocated
        Link to More           (number/year loan approved,               RE or  Life     Savings   Produced  Added     (tons of                                                  Approval       Bonds      Amount
#       Information                 and description)              A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b    (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                   Target Resultsb                ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
37   Thailand: Chana Green Company         M      RE        40         na    166,000        25      72,874   • Total installed renewable electricity         33.60        33.60               -
     projects/49067-001/    Limited (Southern Thailand Waste-                                                                       generation capacity of 25 MW
     main#project-pds       to Energy Project) (7524/3581/                                                                          • 300 jobs generated during
                            FY2017): Entails the construction                                                                       construction
                            and operation of 25-MW biomass
                            WTE power project located
                            in Chana, Songhla province,
                            Southern Thailand. It will convert
                            approximately 825 tons per day of
                            agricultural waste into renewable
                            electricity generation.
38   Sri Lanka: Wind Power Generation      A&M    RE        20         na    345,600       100    265,700    • 100 MW wind power park constructed           200.00       200.00               -
     projects/49345-002/    Project(3585/FY2017):                                                                                   • Wind park internal infrastructure,
     main                   Includes wind power generation                                                                          including 31 km of 33 kV underground
                            (i) development—consisting                                                                              cables and access roads, developed
                            of construction of (a) 100 MW                                                                           • Renewable energy dispatch control
                            wind farm; (b) wind park internal                                                                       center to forecast, control, and manage
                            infrastructure, internal cabling,                                                                       intermittent 100 megawatt wind power
                            and access roads and other                                                                              generation established
                            arrangements; and (c) a renewable                                                                       • 100 megavolt-ampere reactive reactors
                            energy dispatch control center to                                                                       at Anuradhapura grid substation (North
                            forecast, control, and manage                                                                           Central Province) installed
                            intermittent wind power generation;                                                                     • 50 megavolt-ampere reactive reactor
                            (ii) improvement of power system                                                                        at Mannar grid substation (Northern
                            reactive power management; and                                                                          Province) installed
                            (iii) project engineering design                                                                        • Engineering oversight of wind turbine
                            review and supervision support                                                                          installation, commissioning and testing,
                            in Mannar Island of the Northern                                                                        and technical certification over the
                            Province.                                                                                               construction period delivered

39   Pakistan: Zorlu Solar Pakistan        M      RE         --        na     163,100      100    100,000    • Solar power generation capacity               20.00        20.00               -
     projects/50174-001/    (Private) Limited (Zorlu Solar                                                                          increased by 100 MW
     main                   Power)(7530/3596/FY2017):                                                                               • Number of jobs provided during
                            Involves design, construction, and                                                                      construction is at least 400
                            operation and maintenance of a                                                                          • Total payment to government provided
                            100-MW solar power plant and its                                                                        during construction and early operation
                            associated infrastructure.                                                                              at least $0.20 million
                                                                                                                                    • Total domestic purchases during
                                                                                                                                    construction and early operation at least
                                                                                                                                    $20 million

                                                                                              Annual    Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                             Eligibility
                                      Project Name                                 Project    Energy    Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                     Loan       for Green    Allocated
        Link to More            (number/year loan approved,                  RE or  Life     Savings   Produced  Added     (tons of                                                  Approval       Bonds      Amount
#       Information                  and description)                 A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b    (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                  Target Resultsb                 ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
40   Indonesia: PT Energi Bayu                 M      RE        20         na    234,000        72    159,000    • Installed project’s wind capacity              56.35        56.35         49.00
     projects/51209-001/    Jeneponto (Eastern Indonesia                                                                                reached 72 MW
     main                   Renewable Energy - Phase 1)                                                                                 • At least 500 jobs provided during
                            (7533/3606/FY2017): Involves                                                                                construction phase
                            the construction, operation, and                                                                            • At least 50 jobs provided for women
                            maintenance of a portfolio of                                                                               during construction phase
                            renewable energy projects by the                                                                            • Payments to the Government of
                            Equis group of East Indonesia. Phase                                                                        Indonesia during construction and early
                            1 is a 72 MW wind power plant in                                                                            operation reach $4 million
                            Jeneponto (South Sulawesi).                                                                                 • Domestic purchases during
                                                                                                                                        construction and early operation reach
                                                                                                                                        $41 million

41   Viet Nam: China Everbright                M      RE        40         na    790,000       110    787,300    • 110-MW installed power capacity from         100.00       100.00               -
     projects/50371-001/    International Limited (Municipal                                                                            municipal WTE plants commissioned
     main                   Waste-to-Energy Project)                                                                                    by 2022
                            (7534/3607/FY2017): Supports the                                                                            • 7,500 tons per day of MSW treatment
                            construction and operation of a                                                                             capacity from municipal WTE plants
                            series of WTE plants with advanced                                                                          commissioned by 2022
                            clean technologies, including                                                                               • $250 million of local purchase of goods
                            flue gas emission control to meet                                                                           and services during construction by
                            European Union standards, in                                                                                2022
                            multiple municipalities. Each plant                                                                         • 1,500 jobs provided during
                            incinerates MSW, recovers waste                                                                             construction phase by 2022
                            heat for power generation, and                                                                              • Number of jobs provided to women
                            supplies electricity to the local grid.                                                                     during construction amounts to at least
42   India: Ostro Kutch Wind Private           M      RE        20         na    762,000       250    669,036    • 250 MW wind power capacity installed         100.00       100.00               -
     projects/51210-001/    Limited (Kutch Wind Project)                                                                                • Electricity generated and delivered to
     main                   (7539/3622/FY2017): Involves the                                                                            offtaker increased to 762 GWh per year
                            installation of 125 V-110 Vestas                                                                            • Contribution to government revenue
                            turbines of 2 MW of wind capacity                                                                           amounts to an annual average of ₹50
                            each. Ostro Kutch Wind Power                                                                                million, increasing to ₹250 million by
                            Limited has signed four power                                                                               2032
                            purchase agreements with PTC                                                                                • Local purchase of goods and services
                            India Limited for the sale of 250 MW                                                                        amounts to $271.1 million during
                            wind power produced by the                                                                                  construction
                            project. Facilitating the delivery of
                            the country’s first wind auctioned
                            project, the project demonstrates
                            the commercial viability of
                            competitively bid wind projects
                            and encourages long-term private
                            sector financing in this sector. The
                            project will also help reduce the
                            country’s dependence on fossil fuels
                            and promote renewable energy

                                                                                                  Annual     Annual Renewable Gas Emission                                                                  Eligibility
                                          Project Name                                 Project    Energy     Energy  Capacity   Avoided                                                          Loan       for Green    Allocated
            Link to More            (number/year loan approved,                  RE or  Life     Savings    Produced  Added     (tons of                                                       Approval       Bonds      Amount
    #       Information                  and description)                 A/Ma    EE (years)b    (MWh)b     (MWh)b    (MW)b     CO2eq)b                         Target Resultsb               ($ million)c ($ million)d ($ million)e
    43   China, People’s Republic of:              M      RE        30      14,293           --           --   7,000,000    • At least 20 municipalities or counties      200.00       200.00               -
         projects/51186-001/    Sinopec Green Energy Geothermal                                                                                    are connected by Sinopec Green Energy
         main#project-pds       Development (Geothermal                                                                                            to geothermal-based district heating
                                District Heating) (7540/3638/                                                                                      by 2021
                                FY2017): Supports the construction,                                                                                • At least CNY7.9 billion spent
                                acquisition, rehabilitation, and                                                                                   domestically during construction by
                                operation of a series of urban district                                                                            2021
                                heating system based on geothermal                                                                                 • At 2,000 jobs provided during
                                energy.                                                                                                            construction phase by 2021
                                                                                                                                                   Total eligibility for green bonds and                   3,400.92        1,176.42
                                                                                                                                                   allocated for renewable energy and
                                                                                                                                                   energy efficiency

ADB = Asian Development Bank, CO2 = carbon dioxide, EE = energy efficiency, FY = fiscal year, FTE = full-time employment, GHG = greenhouse gas, GW = gigawatt, ha = lecture, km = kilometer, kW = kilowatt, kWp = kilowatt
peak, kV = kilovolt, LED = light emitting diode, m3 = cubic meter, MOMM = Ministry of Finance and Mass Media, MSW = municipal solid waste, MW = megawatt, MWh = megawatt-hour, MWp = megawatt peak,
PFI = private financial institutions, RE = renewable energy, SPV = special purpose vehicle, t/ha = ton/hectare, WTE = waste to energy .

    Column indicates whether the project aims to mitigate climate change (M) or adapt to climate change (A).
  	“--” means not measured or not reported for this project, “na” means not applicable and N/A = not applicable. Expected impacts or results are based on ex-ante estimates. GHG emission reductions presented in this report
    use the multilateral development banks’ harmonized approach to GHG accounting.
    This is the share of the total project cost that is financed by ADB and funded by regular ordinary capital resources.
    Adjusted for any cancellation.
    This represents the amount of green bond proceeds that has been allocated to disbursements to the project.
    “-” means no disbursements as of 31 December 2017.
Source: Asian Development Bank.

B. Sustainable Transport
                                                                                              as of 31 December 2017

                                                                                                                                                                                          Eligibility for    Allocated
                                                Project Name                                                                                                              Loan Approval   Green Bonds        Amount
#   Link to More Information     (number/year loan approved and description)           A/Ma                                  Target Resultsb                               ($ million)c    ($ million)d     ($ million)e
1        Turkmenistan: North–South Railway (2737/                 M       • Total national transit tonnage increased to 6 million tons (2008            125.00            44.33           44.43
    projects/43441-013/        FY2011): Increase in accessibility, and regional                 baseline: 3 million tons)
    main?page-2=1              trade, contribute to economic growth, and the                    • About 1.6 million tons of minerals transported on the project railway
                               development of an integrated and efficient railway               in 2015
                               system in the region.                                            • Performance tracking system developed for periodic inspection,
                                                                                                supervision, and testing
                                                                                                • CO2 emissions reduced to 26,800 tons by 2020 (2008 baseline:
                                                                                                estimated at 37,000 tons)
                                                                                                • Fully disbursed
2        Viet Nam: Ha Noi Metro Rail System (Line 3:              M       • Peak loading of 785,000 passenger-km per day and 5,800 passengers          293.00           293.00            26.24
    projects/40080-013/        Nhon-Ha Noi Station Section) (2741/FY2011):                      per hour per direction on line 3 by 2020
    main?page-2=1&page-3=1     Facilitate public transport connectivity, greatly                • Weighted average travel time per passenger along the project corridor
                               enhance access in five districts of Ha Noi, and be               reduced by 25% from 2011 baseline level of 52 minutes by 2020
                               an important integral part of an improved public
                               transport system, which aims to achieve increased
                               public modal share through low-carbon transport
                               that reduces GHG emissions.
3        China, People’s Republic of: Railway Energy              M       • Energy efficiency, environmental protection, and safety enhancement        250.00           250.00          228.22
    projects/43332-043/main    Efficiency and Safety Enhancement Investment                     equipment installed
                               Program - Tranche 3 (2765/FY2011): Improve                       • Safety audit of a nominated railway administration completed
                               energy efficiency, environmental protection, and                 • Capacity building provided
                               safety in railways in the People’s Republic of China.
4        India: Railway Sector Investment Program-                M       • Expanded physical infrastructure and enhanced efficiency of                 150.00          150.00           105.48
    projects/36330-023/        Tranche 1 (2793/FY2011): Improve transport                       infrastructure use
    main?page-3=1              system and greater mobility through an efficient,                • Improved operational efficiency
                               safe, reliable, and environment-friendly railway                 • Implementation support provided to the Ministry of Railways for
                               system.                                                          mitigation and carbon credit activities
5        Bangladesh: Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban              M       • Project saves average 40,000 tCO2 equivalent/year (versus without-         100.00           100.00            16.28
    projects/42169-013/        Transport Project (2862/FY2012): Provide a                       project scenario)
    main?page-3=1&page-4=1     holistic solution for integrated urban mobility                  • Air pollutants (PM10) annual level decreases by 20% (2006 baseline:
                               through an energy-efficient sustainable urban                    76.72 μg/m3 )
                               transport system in Gazipur City Corporation,                    • Gazipur City Corporation walkability index rating improves from 39
                               which forms part of north Greater Dhaka.                         (2010 baseline) to 60 out of 100
                                                                                                • Residents’ positive perception of public transport and urban life
                                                                                                quality improves by 50% from 2012 baseline
                                                                                                • BRT achieves 100,000 passengers/day ridership (at least 30% women)
                                                                                                in first year of operation
                                                                                                • Modal share of public transport increases from 40% (2011 baseline) to
6        Mongolia: Urban Transport Development                    M       By 2020:                                                                       29.70           29.70             0.10
    projects/39256-024/main    Investment Program-Tranche 1 (2934/FY2012):                      • Bus travel time in BRT corridors is decreased by 30% during peak
                               Increase use of BRT system that reduces traffic                  hours in the central business district compared to 2011.
                               congestion, travel time, fuel use, and excessive                 • Traffic delay is decreased by 30% during peak hours at major road
                               vehicle emissions, including GHG.                                intersections in BRT corridors compared to 2011.
                                                                                                • Traffic accidents and casualties are reduced by 15% compared to 176
                                                                                                fatalities and 515 injuries in 2010.

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