Acute changes in endocrine and fluid balance markers during high-intensity, steady-state, and prolonged endurance running: unexpected increases in ...
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European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 729–737 ISSN 0804-4643 CLINICAL STUDY Acute changes in endocrine and fluid balance markers during high-intensity, steady-state, and prolonged endurance running: unexpected increases in oxytocin and brain natriuretic peptide during exercise Tamara Hew-Butler, Timothy D Noakes, Steven J Soldin1 and Joseph G Verbalis1 University of Cape Town, Cape Town, 7725 South Africa and 1Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia, USA (Correspondence should be addressed to T Hew-Butler who is now at Systemic Inflammation Laboratory, Trauma Research, St Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, 350 West Thomas Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85013, USA; Email: Abstract Maintenance of fluid homeostasis during periods of heightened physical stress can be best evaluated in humans using exercise as a model. Although it is well established that arginine vasopressin (AVP), aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) are the principle hormones regulating fluid balance at rest, the potential contributions of other related endocrine factors, such as oxytocin (OT) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), have not been well described during exercise. Seven endurance-trained runners completed three separate running trials: a maximal test to exhaustion (high intensity), a 60-min treadmill run (steady state), and a 56 km ultramarathon (prolonged endurance exercise). Statistically significant pre- to post-run increases were found only following the ultramarathon in [AVP]p (1.9 vs 6.7 pg/ml; P!0.05), [OT]p (1.5 vs 3.5 pg/ml; P!0.05), [NT-proBNP]p (23.6 vs 117.9 pg/ml; P!0.01), [interleukin 6]p (4.0 vs 59.6 pg/ml; P!0.05), [cortisol]p (14.6 vs 32.6 mg/ml; P!0.01), [corticosterone]p (652.8 vs 3491.4 ng/ml; P!0.05) and [11-deoxycortisol]p (0.1 vs 0.5 mg/ml; P!0.05) while a significant post-run increase in [aldosterone]p was documented after high-intensity (4.9 vs 12.5 ng/ml; P!0.05), steady-state (6.1 vs 16.9 ng/ml; P!0.05) and prolonged endurance running (2.6 vs 19.7 ng/ml; P!0.05). Similarly, changes in fluid balance parameters were significantly different between the ultramarathon versus high-intensity and steady-state running with regard to plasma volume contraction (less % contraction), body weight loss (increased % weight loss), plasma [NaC] D (decreased from baseline), and urine osmolality D (increase from baseline). Hypothetically driven relationships between [OT]p and [AVP]p (rZ0.69; P!0.01) and between [NT- proBNP]p D and plasma [NaC] D (rZK0.79; P!0.001) – combined with the significant and unexpected pre- to post-race increases after prolonged endurance exercise – allows for possible speculation that OT and BNP may assist their better known companion hormones (AVP and ANP) in the regulation of fluid balance during conditions of extreme physical stress. European Journal of Endocrinology 159 729–737 Introduction hormones may be influenced by perturbations from other regulatory systems during rigorous physical Arginine vasopressin (AVP), aldosterone and atrial activity. natriuretic peptide (ANP) are commonly identified as Mathematical modeling pathway analyses performed the principle hormones regulating fluid balance in on a cohort of 82 runners participating in a 56 km humans (1). During exercise, however, the relationships footrace identified pre- to post-race changes in the between these hormones with markers of fluid balance plasma concentrations of oxytocin ([OT]p), brain (2) become less predictable. The dissociations that are natriuretic peptide (BNP; [NT-proBNP]p), and cortico- evident between the established steady-state relation- sterone as accounting for 47% of the variance noted in ships of AVP with plasma osmolality, aldosterone with corresponding changes in [AVP]p (4). Another statisti- plasma volume, and ANP with volume overload suggest cally significant pathway identified [interleukin 6]p, that other endocrine factors – including cytokines that [cortisol]p and [corticosterone]p as accounting for 21% have also been proposed to affect fluid regulation (3) – of the variance noted in [AVP]p and 13% of the variance may also be involved with the regulation of fluid noted in the change in plasma sodium concentration homeostasis during periods of heightened physical ([NaC]p) (4). Furthermore, a positive relationship was stress. Alternatively, these three fluid regulatory noted between [AVP]p and [OT]p as well as a curious q 2008 European Society of Endocrinology DOI: 10.1530/EJE-08-0064 Online version via Downloaded from at 12/24/2021 11:47:45AM via free access
730 T Hew-Butler and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2008) 159 wfivefold pre- to post-race increase in [NT-proBNP]p Approximately, six months after completion of the despite a w9% decrease in plasma volume. These prolonged endurance running race, all seven runners unexpected and intriguing findings – especially with presented to the laboratory twice, 1 week apart, during regard to acute changes in plasma OT and BNP the same morning hour to prevent individual diurnal concentrations – prompted our interest to compare variation between exercise tests. Each subject was asked pre- to post-run changes of the same endocrine and fluid to refrain from vigorous exercise 24 h prior to each test balance parameters under conditions of high-intensity and consume a similar diet. No food or fluid was allowed and shorter duration running. We were particularly during either laboratory treadmill running test. The interested in: 1) whether or not changes in [AVP]p and ambient temperature in the laboratory for the two trials [OT]p paralleled one another (a dual response to one was 22–23 8C; similar to the maximum temperature stimulus) in alternative exercise conditions and 2) recorded during the 56 km footrace (4). Menstrual cycle whether or not the increase in vascular hydrostatic phase was not controlled for in the two female runners: pressure from high-intensity exercise would serve as one of which was post-menopausal and the other greater stimulus (as would be expected) to NT-proBNP. oligomenorrheic. Neither female reported exogenous Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate hormone ingestion. the acute endocrine changes during high-intensity, A high-intensity (VO2 max) exercise test was steady-state, and prolonged endurance running in performed on the first visit to the laboratory. This test seven well-trained runners who participated in our was of a maximal running test to volitional exhaustion previous ultramarathon trial (4). More specifically, we on a motorized treadmill (Quinton type BA-1 treadmill, were most interested in the relationships between Bothell, WA, USA). Each athlete was allowed to warm markers of fluid balance (2) (plasma and urine [NaC], up on the treadmill at a self-selected speed for 5 min. plasma volume, and body weight) with those endocrine After the completion of the warm-up, a heart-rate factors that were known (AVP (5), aldosterone (6)) or not monitor (Polar Heart Rate Monitor, Lake Success, NY, known (OT (7), BNP (8), interleukin 6 (3), cortisol (9)) to USA) was fitted around each runner’s chest and a mask be associated with the regulation of fluid homeostasis tightly secured over the nose and mouth; in order to in humans during exercise. The exploratory and descriptive nature of this investigation served as a prevent air from escaping through the boundary of the stepping stone to launch future, more mechanistic, mask. Oxygen uptake was measured continuously using studies involving the endocrine regulation of fluid an Oxycon Alpha Analyzer (Jaeger, Bilthoven, Nether- balance during conditions of extreme physical stress. lands) with maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 maxi- mum) defined as the highest value obtained in each subject before volitional exhaustion. The exercise protocol utilized was a peak treadmill running test, Methods where each runner ran for 1 min at a speed of 7.5 km/hr. Thereafter, the speed was increased by Subjects 0.5 km/h every 30 s until the subject could no longer Seven well-trained endurance runners (five male and keep pace with the treadmill (10). The last 30 s stage two female) who participated in the Two Oceans 56 km that was completed was designated as each athlete’s ultramarathon trial (4) were recruited to participate in peak treadmill running speed. the two additional laboratory trials and signed written A steady-state treadmill test was performed in the informed consent for participation in this study, which laboratory 1 week later. Each subject ran for 60 min on was approved by both the Ethics Committee of the the treadmill at a speed that corresponded to 60% of the University of Cape Town and the Georgetown University peak treadmill running speed reached during the high- Institutional Review Board. Ten subjects (five males and intensity test. five females) were targeted, but only two females from the ultramarathon cohort volunteered for the follow-up Sample collection and measurements laboratory studies. Immediately prior to each exercise test, body weight was obtained on a calibrated Adamlab JPS electronic scale Testing protocol (Scales, Brackenfell, South Africa) in running attire and All seven runners participated in the Two Oceans without shoes after the subject voided. A urine sample 56 km ultramarathon (prolonged endurance running), was obtained from this pre-race void. Venous blood was held in Cape Town, South Africa on March 26, 2005. obtained with each subject in a seated position. Ten Baseline body weight, blood, and urine samples were milliliters of venous blood were collected into chilled obtained within 60 min of the start of the race. Post- lithium heparin tubes and immediately centrifuged for race body weight, blood, and urine samples were 10 min at 3000 r.p.m. The separated plasma was obtained immediately upon race completion. Food and immediately frozen at K80 8C until further analysis fluid intake were allowed ad libitum during the race. could be performed. 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EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2008) 159 Neuroendocrine responses to exercise 731 Within 5 min of completing each exercise test, all correction. Relationships between variables were subjects returned to the seated position and 10 ml of assessed by linear regression analyses using Pearson’s venous blood was collected into chilled lithium heparin correlation coefficient. Where applicable, data are tubes, centrifuged, separated, and frozen. Each subject presented as meansGS.E.M. Statistical significance was voided and the urine was collected. Urine samples were accepted when P!0.05. The change (D) in each immediately frozen and stored at K80 8C until further designated variable was denoted by post-run minus analysis could be performed. A post-exercise body pre-run measurements. weight was then obtained. Analytical measurements Results Changes in plasma volume were estimated by The mean age of our seven subjects was 44G4 years, comparing pre- and post-race measurements of plasma training distance 56G6 km/week, and running experi- protein using a clinical refractometer (Schuco Clinical ence 11G3 years with an average VO2 max of Refractometer 5711-2020, Japan). Plasma and urine 55G5 ml/kg per min. The mean finishing time for the sodium concentrations ([NaC]) were measured using ultramarathon was 359G13 min while the mean time ion-selective electrodes (Beckman Synchron EI-ISE, to exhaustion for the VO2 max test was 10G1 min. Fullerton, CA, USA). Both plasma volume and body weight decreased immediately following all three running conditions (Fig. 1a and b). The estimated plasma volume D was Hormone measurements largest following the VO2 max run (K11G1%) and the Plasma levels of ([AVP]P) and ([OT]P) were measured by smallest after the ultramarathon (K8G0.0%). The specific RIA following acetone–ether extraction as plasma volume change after the ultramarathon was described previously (11). The standard curve for AVP slightly but significantly less than the plasma volume is linear between 0.5 and 10.0 pg/tube with the use of a change following both high-intensity and steady-state synthetic AVP standard (PerkinElmer Life Sciences Inc., running (K9G2%). Conversely, body weight D was Boston, MA, USA). The minimum detectable concen- largest following the ultramarathon (K4G0.4%) tration of AVP in extracted plasma was 0.5 pg/ml. The compared with high-intensity (K0.3G0.1%) and AVP antiserum (R-4) displayed !1% cross-reactivity steady-state running (K2G0.2%). The change in with OT. The standard curve of the OT assay was linear body weight between all three running conditions was between 0.25 and 5.0 pg/tube with the use of a statistically significant. synthetic OT standard (PerkinElmer Life Sciences Inc.) Plasma [NaC] D increased after both the high-intensity The minimum detectable concentration of OT in (3G1 mmol/l) and steady-state (2G1 mmol/l) runs, but decreased following the ultramarathon (K4G2 mmol/l; extracted plasma was 0.25 pg/ml. The OT antiserum Fig. 1c). Conversely, urine osmolality D decreased (Pitt-Ab2) displayed !1% cross-reactivity with AVP. following the high-intensity (K43G45 mOsmol/kg The plasma concentrations of two adrenal steroid H2O) and steady-state (K12G31 mOsmol/kg H2O) hormones ([cortisol]P and [aldosterone]P), and their two runs, but increased markedly after the ultramarathon respective precursor hormones ([11-deoxycortisol]p and (224G97 mOsmol/kg H2O; Fig. 1d). The differences [corticosterone] P) were measured using a liquid between the ultramarathon with both laboratory tread- chromatography–tandem mass spectrometer, in con- mill tests were statistically significant with regard to both junction with an atmospheric pressure photoionization of these fluid balance markers. Urine [NaC] D decreased source, using methodology described previously (12). following all three running tests, with the decrease after Plasma BNP concentrations were assessed via the steady-state run (K41G13 mmol/l) lower than that measurement of the more stable cleaved inactive seen after the VO2 max test (K7G6 mmol/l; P!0.05) fragment, N-terminal pro-BNP ([NT-proBNP]P), using and the ultramarathon (K11G24 mmol/l; NS) the automated Dade RxL Dimension as previously Comparisons between the three different running described (13). Plasma interleukin 6 ([IL6]P) concen- conditions (high-intensity, steady-state, and prolonged trations were measured by chemiluminescence (Immu- endurance) are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Significantly lite 1000 Diagnostic Product Corporation, Los Angeles, higher post-race and D values for [OT]p, [NT-proBNP]P, CA, USA). [IL6]P, and [cortisol]p were noted following prolonged endurance exercise compared with the corresponding Statistical analysis post-race and D values for high-intensity and steady-state running. Significantly higher pre-race, post-race and D All data were analyzed using the STATISTICA version 7 values for [corticosterone]P and [11-deoxycortisol]p were software (Stat Soft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA). Comparisons noted for prolonged endurance exercise compared with between each exercise condition were made using a the corresponding pre-race, post-race and D values for Student’s t-test with and without plasma volume high-intensity and steady-state running. The pre-race Downloaded from at 12/24/2021 11:47:45AM via free access
732 T Hew-Butler and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2008) 159 Figure 1 (a) Plasma volume changes between high-intensity, steady-state, and prolonged endurance running. (b) Body weight changes between high-intensity, steady-state, and prolonged endurance running. (c) Plasma [NaC] changes between high-intensity, steady-state, and prolonged endurance running. (d) Changes in urine osmolality between high-intensity, steady-state, and prolonged endurance running. For a–d: *P!0.05, **P!0.01 between steady state and ultramarathon. #P!0.05, ##P!0.01 between VO2 max and ultramarathon. † P!0.01 between VO2 max and steady state. value for [AVP]P was significantly lower while [AVP]p D purposes. Furthermore, data from the entire cohort of 82 was significantly higher in prolonged endurance running runners participating in the ultramarathon trial (4) were compared with only steady-state running. The level of included; embedding the seven data points (filled circles) statistical significance for all endocrine secretions of our seven subjects into the entire cohort data. A linear measured remained identical when all post-run and D relationship (rZ0.57; P!0.0001) was observed when values were corrected for changes in plasma volume. data points from all three trials (NZ96: 82 data points Therefore, only the measured ‘uncorrected’ values are from the ultramarathon, seven from the high-intensity reported in this analysis. run and seven from the steady-state run) were combined Additional comparisons between pre- and post-run in this hypothetically driven analysis. plasma hormone concentrations for [AVP]p, [OT]p and [aldosterone]p are depicted in Fig. 2. The increase in Table 1 Comparison between high-intensity, steady-state, and plasma aldosterone concentrations from pre- to post- prolonged endurance running for plasma concentrations of run were significant after all three running conditions neurohypophyseal, cytokine, and natriuretic peptides. (Fig. 2c). However, the plasma concentrations of AVP (P!0.05), OT (P!0.05), cortisol (P!0.01), cortico- Steady sterone (P!0.05), 11-deoxycortisol (P!0.05), IL6 VO2 max state (meanG (meanG Ultramarathon (P!0.05), and NT-proBNP (P!0.01) were significantly Variable (pg/ml) S.E.M.) S.E.M.) (meanGS.E.M.) elevated from pre- versus post-race only following prolonged endurance running. Vasopressin pre-run 3.6G0.7 3.1G0.3 1.9G0.5* Exploratory linear relationships, which combined Vasopressin post-run 14.4G5.2 3.9G0.4 6.7G1.4 Vasopressin D 10.9G5.0 0.7G0.3 4.9G1.6* data points from the seven subjects participating in Oxytocin pre-run 1.3G0.2 1.1G0.3 1.5G0.2 the three separate exercise trials for hypothetical Oxytocin post-run 2.6G0.7 1.5G0.1 3.5G0.5† purposes (seven subjects multiplied by three trialsZ21 Oxytocin D 1.3G0.7 0.4G0.3 2.0G1.0* total data points) suggested associations between [OT]p NT-proBNP pre-run 26.9G8.1 18.4G4.6 23.6G7.6 NT-proBNP post-run 30.6G14.4‡ 26.6G6.2 117.9G29.0† versus [AVP]p (rZ0.69; P!0.01; Fig. 3) and between NT-proBNP D 3.7G6.6§ 8.1G3.1 94.3G22.5† [NT-proBNP] p D versus [Na C] p D (rZK0.79; IL6 pre-run 4.0G0.0 4.0G0.0 4.0G0.0 P!0.001; Fig. 4). IL6 post-run 4.3G0.3§ 4.2G0.2 59.6G9.8† The exploratory correlation between plasma post-race IL6 D 0.3G0.3§ 0.1G0.1 55.6G9.8† concentrations of OT versus vasopressin was further *P!0.05, †P!0.01 between steady state and ultramarathon. ‡P!0.05, separated by exercise condition (NZ7) for illustrative § P!0.01 between VO2 max and ultramarathon. Downloaded from at 12/24/2021 11:47:45AM via free access
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2008) 159 Neuroendocrine responses to exercise 733 Table 2 Comparison between high-intensity, steady-state, and prolonged endurance running for plasma concentrations of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid steroid hormones. Variable VO2 max (meanGS.E.M.) Steady state (meanGS.E.M.) Ultramarathon (meanGS.E.M.) Aldosterone pre-run (ng/ml) 4.9G0.5 6.1G1.9 2.6G1.2 Aldosterone post-run (ng/ml) 12.5G1.9 16.9G2.7 19.7G6.2 Aldosterone D (ng/ml) 7.6G2.3 10.8G2.5 17.1G6.1 Cortisol pre-run (mg/ml) 11.6G2.4 11.3G2.3 14.6G1.7 Cortisol post-run (mg/ml) 15.9G3.0§ 10.4G1.0 32.6G4.3† Cortisol D (mg/ml) 4.4G1.5‡ K0.9G2.3 17.6G4.5† Corticosterone pre-run (ng/ml) 170.7G68.6‡ 139.6G61.0 652.8G183.3* Corticosterone post-run (ng/ml) 518.9G187.5‡ 226.2G60.0 3491.4G978.8† Corticosterone D (ng/ml) 348.2G153.6‡ 86.6G74.0 2838.6G872.8† 11-deoxycortisol pre-run (mg/ml) 0.03G0.01‡ 0.03G0.01 0.10G0.03* 11-deoxycortisol post-run (mg/ml) 0.10G0.03‡ 0.05G0.01 0.54G0.17* 11-deoxycortisol D (mg/ml) 0.06G0.03‡ 0.02G0.01 0.44G0.16* *P!0.05, †P!0.01 between steady state and ultramarathon. ‡P!0.05, §P!0.01 between VO2 max and ultramarathon. Discussion following either w10 min of high-intensity or 60 min of steady-state running (Tables 1 and 2; Fig. 2). The added It is clear from the results of this study that w6 h of psychological stress of participating in a 56 km prolonged endurance running elicits a statistically ultramarathon can also be inferred by the elevated significant endocrine response that is not replicated pre-race plasma concentrations of cortisol, corticosterone and 11-deoxycortisol; suggestive of heightened stimu- lation of the adrenal cortex in anticipation of the competitive event only (Table 2). The pre-race elevation in plasma cortisol concentration may have also been influenced by diurnal variation, although all three testing sessions occurred during the morning hours. Conversely, pre-race plasma AVP concentrations were lower prior to the ultramarathon compared with the VO2 max and steady-state laboratory runs. This raises the possibility that the subjects were overhydrated prior to the start of the ‘competitive’ ultramarathon, as opposed to before the ‘non-competitive’ treadmill runs, perhaps as a pre-race ritual again guided by psycho- logical rather than physiological stimuli. The 0.9 mg/ml decrease in [cortisol]p following 60 min of steady-state running confirms the high level of fitness alluded to in the demographic profile for these seven runners and further accentuates the profound physiological stress incurred in well-trained athletes participating in a 56 km foot race. Figure 2 (a) Changes in plasma AVP concentrations between high-intensity, steady-state, and prolonged endurance running. (b) Changes in plasma OT concentrations between high-intensity, steady-state, and prolonged endurance running. (c) Changes Figure 3 Correlations between pre- and post-run plasma oxytocin in plasma aldosterone concentrations between high-intensity, and plasma arginine vasopressin concentrations for combined data steady-state, and prolonged endurance running. from three studies (total combined NZ96: rZ0.57; P!0.0001). Downloaded from at 12/24/2021 11:47:45AM via free access
734 T Hew-Butler and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2008) 159 fourfold pre- to post-run increase in [AVP]p was accompanied by only a w3 mmol/l increase in plasma [NaC]. Thus, the change in [AVP]p largely exceeded any predicted osmotic response (18) and may be reflective of either concomitant non-osmotic stimuli and/or an appreciably enhanced osmotic response to maximal intensity exercise. This highly variable and substantial increase in AVP, might therefore suggest the inclusion of ‘non’ or ‘high’ responders in our well-trained cohort of runners that has been reported elsewhere (19, 20). ‘High- Figure 4 Correlation between the change in plasma sodium responders’ are characterized by: 1) a resistance to concentration and the change in NT-proBNP (post- minus pre-race) glucocorticoid suppression by the administration of when all three exercise conditions are hypothetically combined for dexamethasone, 2) a higher corticotropin (ACTH) the seven subjects (NZ21). response following exercise, 3) an enhancement of AVP secretion with administration of dexamethasone, and 4) a The acute changes in the measured markers of fluid higher plasma ACTH response after AVP infusion (20). It is balance also reflect statistically significant changes hypothesized that ‘high responders’ have an enhanced following the ultramarathon compared with both hypothalamic drive to AVP secretion (20), with the wide high-intensity and steady-state running (Fig. 1). Plasma variability in the response of the hypothalamic-pituitary- volume contraction was greatest following the VO2 max adrenal (HPA)-axis primarily related to the magnitude of test and least following the ultramarathon (Fig. 1a). AVP release (18). Administration of gamma-aminobutyric This trend was reversed for % body weight loss, with the acid (GABA) agonists (sodium valproate (21) or alprazo- greatest loss in body weight occurring after the lam (22)) abolishes the AVP response to high-intensity ultramarathon with no appreciable body weight loss exercise in humans, while administration of a GABA following the VO2 max test (Fig. 1b). This opposing antagonist (DHEA) (22) increases the AVP–ACTH-cortisol trend would suggest that during exercise (non-steady response. These findings suggest that an osmotic/hypo- state), body weight loss does not reflect parallel changes volemic stimulus primarily controls AVP release during in plasma volume (2), unlike in the clinical (steady- exercise (21, 22), despite the apparent dissociation that state) scenario where body weight loss is considered occurs in some individuals at maximal exercise intensities. reflective of hypovolemia and fluid status (14). It has Alternatively, non-osmotic stimulation of AVP been previously verified that the magnitude of plasma secretion has been hypothesized to occur during volume contraction is linearly related to exercise prolonged endurance exercise from significant (w9%) intensity (15) that would help explain the decreasing plasma volume contraction perhaps combined with order of magnitude of % plasma volume contraction stimulation by other endocrine mediators released following the high-intensity, steady-state and prolonged during exercise (4). The likelihood that non-osmotic endurance runs. Conversely, the increasing magnitude stimuli override the osmotic regulation of AVP during of body weight loss following the VO2 max, steady-state, prolonged endurance running seems further evident and ultramarathon runs is more likely due to metabolic from the w5 pg/ml increase in [AVP]p despite the factors such as substrate loss and muscle breakdown w4 mmol/l decrease in [NaC]p documented in these (16) that would logically contribute to increasing body seven subjects following the ultramarathon. Therefore, weight loss – not reflective of pure fluid loss – over total it seems apparent that during both high-intensity and exercise time. prolonged endurance running, non-osmotic or Similarly, the corresponding decrease in plasma enhanced osmotic stimulation of AVP secretion may [NaC] D following the ultramarathon seemed to be likely occur with large inter-individual variation. opposed by an increase in urine osmolality D (Fig. 1c The ‘other’ posterior pituitary hormone, OT, has been and d). These mirrored relationships seen in all three shown to participate in the regulation of sodium exercise conditions seemed to logically reflect: 1) balance in animals (23), but seemingly not in humans enhanced solute conservation in dynamic response to (24). However, few studies have measured OT in decreasing plasma [NaC] during prolonged endurance humans during exercise. The only study documenting running and 2) decreased solute excretion in response an increase in plasma OT concentrations following to increasing plasma [NaC] during both high-intensity exercise studied five well-trained males running on a and steady-state exercise. The endocrine mediators treadmill for w60 min at an intensity of 80% of VO2 responsible for these expected alterations in fluid max (7). Peak levels of OT ranged between 4.5 and balance parameters, however, could not be determined 23.9 pg/ml and were elevated in three of the five by these descriptive results. runners. By contrast, OT did not change following high- Of the two posterior pituitary hormones, AVP is widely intensity exercise in male cyclists exercising for regarded as the principle regulator of body water 20–25 min until exhaustion (25), or in healthy females homeostasis (17). During high-intensity exercise, the during 20 min of graded exercise up to 90% VO2 max Downloaded from at 12/24/2021 11:47:45AM via free access
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2008) 159 Neuroendocrine responses to exercise 735 (26). These aggregated findings suggest that OT may pressure, heart rate, and cardiac output would be the not be stimulated by short-duration high-intensity highest (34)) but is increased fourfold after the exercise, but may be stimulated by continuous exercise ultramarathon (where mean arterial pressure and left activity lasting R60 min. This suggestion is partially ventricular diameter are significantly reduced (35)), it supported by our results, where plasma OT concen- appears that stimuli apart from the cardiovascular trations were significantly elevated after prolonged system may be responsible for the increase in BNP seen endurance, but not after steady-state running after prolonged endurance exercise. Whether BNP (Table 1; Fig. 2b). secretion is alternatively stimulated by inflammation The magnitude and pattern of change in [OT]P (36), decreased renal blood flow (37), lipolysis (38), or between high-intensity, steady-state, and prolonged from a yet to be determined factor under these endurance exercise did not parallel the changes noted conditions remains to be evaluated. for [AVP]P (Fig. 2a and b). These findings support an A highly speculative role for BNP in the regulation of independent secretion of both posterior pituitary fluid homeostasis during exercise is cautiously hormones in response to different exercise conditions, suggested by the exploratory and somewhat crude and infer that the regulation of [AVP]p during exercise association between [NT-proBNP]p D and [NaC]p D may be independent of [OT]p. Independent secretion of (Fig. 4). Although this relationship reflects cumulative AVP and OT has been previously recorded in humans individual data across three separate exercise trials, the after chronic dehydration and sodium loading (27), and possibility that increased plasma BNP concentrations in assessments of diurnal variation (7). Despite the may result in a corresponding decrease in plasma [NaC] apparent dissociation in mean magnitude that was seen seems plausible given the natriuretic property charac- in our subjects from pre- to post-race (Fig. 2a and b), a teristic of this particular group of peptides. Therefore, linear association was noted between post-run [AVP]P the combined preliminary disassociation between BNP and [OT]P, when data from all three exercise conditions and maximal ventricular stimulation (high-intensity were hypothetically combined (Fig. 3). A significant running to exhaustion) and possible association positive correlation between the two hormones has also between [NT-proBNP]p and [NaC]p during conditions been documented in rats, and has been shown to of extreme physical stress opens the possibility that BNP remain robust under dissimilar stimuli such as may play at least a secondary role in the maintenance of hypovolemia, hyperosmolality, hypotension, uremia, fluid homeostasis during prolonged endurance exercise. and nausea. The statistically significant increase in the secretion The physiological stimulus and potential role for OT of the mineralocorticoid hormone, [aldosterone]P, secretion in humans during prolonged endurance following all three running conditions is a well- running are unclear. Although it is well documented documented physiological response (39) (Fig. 2c). that OT causes a natriuresis under physiological These collective data suggest that aldosterone secretion concentrations in male rats (23), evidence supporting is rapid, predictable and consistent following exercise, a natriuretic effect of OT in humans is conflicting and confirms that aldosterone is associated with the (24, 28, 29). OT, like AVP, can cause an antidiuresis in regulation of fluid balance during periods of heightened humans (30) that is likely mediated by vasopressin V2 physical stress to assist with both sodium conservation receptors in the collecting duct of the kidney (31). and blood pressure maintenance (39). However, the dose of OT required to stimulate an Plasma concentrations of the precursor hormone to equivalent antidiuresis is w100-fold the amount of AVP aldosterone, corticosterone, did not reflect concomitant (28). Further, more detailed, studies are required to changes in the magnitude of aldosterone secretion elucidate the mechanisms involved in [OT]p stimulation (Table 2). Although corticosterone is not known to – which may or may not be independent of stimuli to play a significant role in any physiological process in [AVP]p – to clarify if OT is associated in any way with humans (40), the significant elevations documented fluid homeostasis in humans during exercise. before and after prolonged endurance running, The statistically significant increase in BNP following compared with high-intensity and steady-state running prolonged endurance exercise is also unexpected (Table 2), are notable. Furthermore, the fivefold (Table 1). While the role of ANP in the regulation of elevations in corticosterone before and after the fluid balance during exercise has been widely evaluated ultramarathon infer heightened stimulation of the (1), the role of BNP in fluid homeostasis has not (8). adrenal cortex by ACTH. The corresponding sevenfold BNP is considered a marker of fluid overload (32), and increase in plasma aldosterone concentrations, however, has been measured after exercise primarily as an suggest the potentiation of aldosterone synthase activity indicator of cardiac dysfunction (33). The significant in the adrenal gland to accelerate aldosterone formation increase in [NT-proBNP]P that is seen in our subjects during periods of heightened physical stress. following prolonged endurance exercise, but not high- Statistically significant elevations in both [IL6]P intensity or steady-state exercise, has been noted (Table 1) and [cortisol]P (Table 2) following the previously (33). Because [NT-proBNP]P was not signifi- ultramarathon highlights the pronounced inflam- cantly elevated after the VO2 max test (where blood matory and stress imposed by prolonged endurance Downloaded from at 12/24/2021 11:47:45AM via free access
736 T Hew-Butler and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2008) 159 running. However, a participatory role for cortisol and Funding IL6 secretion in overall fluid balance is not apparent This study was supported by a research grant from Astellas Pharma from these data. US, Inc., Deerfield, IL, USA and by Grant M01RR-023942-01 from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NCRR or NIH. Limitations The unequal number of males and females preclude a Acknowledgements more complete gender analysis between the three trials. The authors wish to thank Yoshihisa Sugimura MD, PhD and Ying However, three additional female marathon runners Tian MD, PhD for their assistance with the AVP and OT assays, and (who did not participate in the 2005 ultramarathon Jonathan Dugas PhD, Lara Dugas PhD and Ross Tucker PhD for their study) did participate in the two laboratory trials (high- assistance with the laboratory testing. Special thanks to the seven intensity and steady-state runs) and subsequent gender runners who cheerfully donated their time and bodily fluids to help progress our knowledge of fluid balance during exercise. analysis comparing the two laboratory trials for five male and five female subjects did not find any statistical difference between any of the variables measured (data unpublished). Furthermore, gender analysis within a larger cohort (82 subjects) participating in the 2005 References ultramarathon trial did not document significant pre- or 1 Grant SM, Green HJ, Phillips SM, Enns DL & Sutton JR. 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