Page created by Perry Sanders
T h e N AT I O N A L E L E C T R O N I C M A S S M E D I A C O U N C I L

A C T I V I T Y                            R E V I E W
2      NEPLP activities     16   Summary of         28    New sector
      in figures                 major events and         strategy in
                                 decisions                development
3     The functions,
      mission, activities   23   The new            30    Allocating and
      of the Council             composition              controlling
                                 of the Public            the funding of
                                 Advisory Council         public media
Members of the
NEPLP for 2017
                            24   A new NEPLP        32    Contact
                                 initiative -             information
                                 discussions              of NEPLP
                                 about the media
4     Dace Ķezbere

8     Ivars Āboliņš

10    Ieva Beitika

12    Gunta Līdaka

14    Patriks Grīva

                                                         NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017   1
Statistics                                                                                                  Functions, mission,
about NEPLP
activities in 2017
                                                                            Number of tenders
                                                                         announced for vacant radio
                                                                                                            activities of the
                                                                                                            The National Electronic Mass Media Council (NEPLP) is an independent, fully-

                                                                                                            fledged autonomous institution representing the public interest in the field of
                                                                                                            electronic mass media (EPL), monitors that their activities are in compliance
                                                                                                            with the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, the Law on Electronic Mass

                                                                                                            media and other laws. The Council is a derived public person. The NEPLP is an
                                                                     Number of tenders announced            independent regulator in the context of EU Directive 2013/10/EU. The NEPLP
                                                                      for expansion into available          ensures programme policies in line with national interests, functions as the sector
                                                                           radio frequencies                regulator in accordance with the power conferred to it by the law and regulations,

                                                                                                            exercises supervisory functions within the meaning of the Law on Information
            Broadcasting                                                                                    Society Services, fulfils the functions of the shareholder and member meeting
        authorisations issued                                                                               participant of public broadcasting organizations - Latvijas Televīzija and Latvijas
                                                                                                            Radio and ensures the development of the public service remit for public and
                                                                                                            commercial media.
                                                                                                            The mission of the NEPLP is to develop and supervise the electronic mass media
                                  Number of tenders                  Number of administrative sanctions     sector in Latvia, ensuring the EPL, a diversity of services and opinions in accordance
                                    announced for                        on infringements found             with the interests and needs of various groups, to facilitate competition in the
                                                                                                            market and the creation, preservation and accessibility of important and high-
                                  the preparation of

                                   municipal news                              15 fines,                    quality content.

                                                                               7 warnings,
                                                                     5 proceedings terminated               NEPLP values
      Rebroadcasting                                                                                        • Independence - we function as an independent regulator,
    authorisations issued                                                                                     subject to laws and rights.
                                                   In 2017 the following were registered
                                         (issued broadcast permission) and functioning in Latvia:           • Professionalism -the performance of our duties is based
                                                                                                              on knowledge, experience, evidence and research.
                                                        TV                             RADIO                • Responsibility - for the sustainability, management and
                                                                                                              resources of the information space in Latvia
                                        2      public television
                                               channels                    6      public radio stations

                                                                                                            • Openness - we are open to cooperation and ideas,
         Amount of analysed             5      local television
                                               channels                    33     local radio stations
                                                                                                              we cooperate with the industry, society, institutions,
          broadcast hours                                                                                     international organizations and experts and we are open to
                                               regional television

                6665                    22     channels                    9      regional radio stations     creative innovations and initiatives.

      in television programmes                 national television
                                                                                                            • Justice - we are fair in the application of laws, procedures,
                                        5      channels                    7      national radio stations
                                                                                                              decisions and communication.
                4858                           cross-border television            cross-border radio
         in radio programmes            24     channels                    1      station
2    NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017                                                                                                                                                                      NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017   3
think that the energetic start of activi-   Many of our decisions were misunder-
                                                                                                                          ty by the new council has allowed us        stood, interpreted differently, widely
                                                                                                                          to stabilize its reputation, and even       discussed in the media. Therefore, the
                                                                                                                          though it later suffered from disputes      reputation of the NEPLP, as an inde-
                                                                                                                          with some of the media under our            pendent media supervisor, was greatly       I still consider strengthening
                                                                                                                          responsibility, as a whole, the year        damaged. This was a good lesson for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  our reputation an important
                                                                                                                          allowed us to attain a new quality in       the council as well, as it required us
                                                                                                                          the relationship of the NEPLP with the      to more thoroughly reflect on how to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  task, because the ability of
                                                                                                                          media sector and decision makers. I still   explain our decisions to a team and to      the NEPLP to represent the
                                                                                                                          consider strengthening our reputation       society. However, I believe that all the    interests of the media sector
                                                                                                                          an important task, because the ability      steps we took were justified, and will      (for example, fighting for
                                                                                                                          of the NEPLP to represent the interests     benefit LR in the long term.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  more funding, following
                                                                                                                          of the media industry (for example,
                                                                                                                          fighting for more funding, following        I would like to highlight the allocation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  new regulations and poorly
                                                                                                                          new regulations and poorly thought          of additional funding to both public        thought out amendments to
                                                                                                                          out amendments to laws relating to the      media as one of the most significant        the law relating to the media)
                                                                                                                          media) is directly dependent on how         achievements of the NEPLP, with lasting     is directly dependent on how
                                                                                                                          persuasive and trustworthy the voice of     consequences in the long-term. There
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  persuasive and trustworthy
                                                                                                                          the NEPLP is.                               were difficult discussions with members
                                                                                                                                                                      of the parliament, the government and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the voice of the NEPLP is.
                                                                                                                          One of the biggest challenges of the year   the Ministry of Finance. Together with
                                                                                                                          were the complications at Latvijas Radio    the Ministry of Culture, we were able

        A Time for sowing
                                                                                                                          (LR), which, in the context of NEPLP        to convince them to increase the base
                                                                             responsibility (we have agreed on the        responsibility, is not only an important    budget of LR and Latvijas Televīzija
                                                                             responsibilities for each member of the      media (possessing the largest audience      by 2.6 million euros, as well as receive
                                                                             council). This period of changes allowed     in Latvia) with a very important social     additional funding for the salaries of
                                                                             us to create a more efficient NEPLP          and educational mission, but also a         employees. In previous years action
                                 Dace Ķezbere, Chairperson of the
                                                                             secretariat model, which, as of last year,   company whose shares are owned by           grants were allotted within the frame-
                                 NEPL Council
                                                                             has been divided into two major areas        the NEPLP. There have been no major         work of a new policy initiative, for
                                                                             of activity with a department for each       issues with the content produced by         example, for activities,
                                 2017 began with significant changes
                                                                             one of them: one activity is the strate-     LR, but it had been struggling with the     creation of LTV analytical and children’s
                                 for the National Electronic Mass Media
                                                                             gic development and monitoring of            business management dimension for           programmes and to commercial media
                                 Council (NEPLP) - four of the five coun-
                                 cil members changed in February, and
                                                                             the NEPLP; the other - communication         quite a while. I still remember having      for the production of municipality          I would like to highlight
                                 I, as the only person from the previous
                                                                             and administrative management. I am          long discussions in the old council         news, but the inclusion of the action       the allocation of additional
                                                                             pleased that the management of each          regarding the management of LR.             grants in the base budget means that        funding to both public media
                                 composition (the Saeima appointed
                                                                             of these activities has been under-          Unfortunately no decisions were ever        media can count on this money in the
                                 me later), had to take responsibility for
                                                                             taken by very strong professionals in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  as one of the most significant
                                 the continuity of the work of the NEPLP                                                  made. In the spring it was clear - if we    long term. The widely criticized NEPLP
                                                                             their fields - Uldis Lielpēters and Kalvis   do not take radical measures, it will       decision on LR5 as a platform for play-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  achievements of the NEPLP,
                                 during the transition period. In addi-
                                 tion, several employees of the NEPLP
                                                                             Gavars. Furthermore, the biggest differ-     hurt the LR itself, as the previous Board   ing and promoting music produced            with lasting consequences in
                                 secretariat had also chosen to under-
                                                                             ence in today’s NEPLP is the united and      members of LR did not even communi-         in Latvia for youth audiences, must be      the long-term.
                                                                             friendly team, where everyone knows          cate among themselves. This delayed         viewed in the context of the allocation
                                 take new professional challenges. So
                                                                             their field of responsibility well and is    the implementation of many import-          of base funding for the public service
                                 for a while we were left without expe-
                                                                             open to helping their colleagues. The        ant processes, it threatened the public     remit.
                                 rienced colleagues in both layers of the
                                                                             current NEPLP is characterized well by       service remit and the granting of fund-
                                 council - the bureau and the council
                                                                             our group photo - we do not divide           ing. Examining the situation at LR and      A very valuable initiative, which raises
                                 itself. It was a considerable challenge
                                                                             ourselves into workers and supervisors.      negotiating with its management and         the problems in the media sector and
                                 for both myself and those secretariat
                                                                             We all work together in the name of          team, the council unanimously decided       creates a feedback loop, are the public
                                 colleagues that continued to work with
                                                                             developing the media industry.               that two of the three Board members         discussions held by the NEPLP. Three
                                 double the amount of work.
                                                                             I remember how one of my goals, when         of LR had to be relieved of their duties.   discussions took place in 2017: about
                                                                             I was taking over the management of          Later we understood that the burden         coverage of the municipal elections,
                                 Fortunately, the new members of the
                                                                             the NEPLP, was to strengthen its repu-       of duties were also too great for the       about advertising and product place-
                                 council were motivated to start work-
                                                                             tation. For too long the NEPLP’s name        third Board member to bear, so the          ment in electronic media and about the
                                 ing at full capacity as soon as possible,
                                                                             had been ravaged by the media, the           entire management team of LR was            quality of journalism in programmes for
                                 and within a few months were able
                                                                             Saeima and the Cabinet of Ministers. I       replaced throughout the previous year.      children and young people.
                                 to master their respective areas of

4   NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017                                                                                                                                                                                            NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017   5
I believe that this is a valuable format   service remit development. The new
                                   that should be developed, which            regulatory framework directly affects
                                   allows both parties - the media and        the functions and tasks of the NEPLP,
                                   their supervisor - to talk constructive-   which need to be included in the indus-                                                          NEPLP
                                   ly, analytically, without taking offense   try strategy document.                                                       The National Electronic Mass Media Council
                                   and, most importantly, identify prob-
I hope that the circumstances      lems and think of better solutions for     Looking back at 2017, it could be figura-
will be sufficiently favourable    our future work.                           tively said that it was a time for sowing.
and our initiative will bear                                                  Several encouraging and valuable proj-
                                                                                                                            Chairperson of          Council Member /               Council                    Council                 Council
                                   One of the major tasks of the council      ects have been initiated - starting with
fruit for the entire society                                                                                                 the Council           Deputy Chairperson              Member                     Member                  Member
                                   is adopting a new electronic media         the transformation of the council itself,                               of the Council
of Latvia, creating a more         industry strategy. The NEPLP worked        to public discussions, a new approach         DACE ĶEZBERE            IVARS ĀBOLIŅŠ             GUNTA LĪDAKA                 IEVA BEITIKA           PATRIKS GRĪVA
varied, higher quality, fit-for-   on this document for essentially the       to evaluating the public service remit
national-interests content         entire previous year, including consult-   and a sector-comprehensive strategy.
in the electronic media and        ing with the industry and the strategy     I hope that the circumstances will be
                                   was ready at the beginning of 2018. We     sufficiently favourable and our initia-
industry rules that facilitate
                                   had hoped to also take into account        tive will bear fruit for the entire society
development and are fair and       the new version of the Audiovisual         of Latvia, creating a more varied, higher        Financier
                                                                                                                                                          Head of the Strategy Development                                  Head of the Communication
                                                                                                                                                             and Monitoring Department                                     and Administrative Department
understandable by all.             Media Services Directive, but its adop-    quality,         fit-for-national-interests
                                   tion has been delayed. Last year the       content in the electronic media and           ILZE RORBAHA                         ULDIS LIELPĒTERS                                                KALVIS GAVARS
                                   Parliament began debates on the new        industry rules that facilitate develop-
                                   Public Media Law, which would lay          ment and are fair and understandable            Accountant
                                   down regulations on their manage-          by all.
                                                                                                                             GUNTA APSE
                                   ment, supervision, financing and public                                                                                                            Head of the                Bureau
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bureau administrator
                                                                                                                                                                                  information centre           administrator
                                                                                                                                                                                  AGNESE BERGA                AIJA KROLLE            OUT-SOURCING

                                   As of 2018 an additional EUR 2.6 million
                                   has been allocated to the public media
                                   base budget, which until now was an
                                   action grant.
                                   Additional funding was granted for:
                                   •   continuing the production of additional news and current                              Head of the Legal division                                                 Head of the Monitoring division
                                       information broadcasts in Russian on radio programmes;                                    GITA KEISTERE                                                            KRISTERS PĻEŠAKOVS
                                   •   educating the population and promoting civic awareness of
                                       political, economic, cultural, legal, environmental, security and
                                       social issues, ensuring their systematic coverage on Latvijas
                                   •   objective, independent and thematically balanced news,
                                       analysis and commentary on events in Latvia, the European
                                                                                                                                                          Legal advisor       Senior expert               Senior expert                   Expert
                                       Union and the world on Latvijas Televīzija;
                                                                                                                                                     DITA CIEMIŅA         ZIGMĀRS VALGAČS              KĀRLIS LITAUNIEKS          ASTRĪDA PORIĶE
                                   •   continuing the production of additional news and current
                                       information broadcasts in Russian on Latvijas Televīzija;
                                   •   providing information, educational, cultural and entertainment
                                       resources appropriate for children and young people on
                                       Latvijas Televīzija;
                                   •   operation of Latvijas Radio 4 - Dome Square;                                          Legal advisor                Legal advisor

                                   •   operation of Latvijas Radio 5;                                                       SANDA IRBE                    IVETA PELŠE

                                   •   producing municipal news by commercial television.

6   NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017                                                                                                                                                                                            NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017   7
budget of the LR in the history of the      without requesting additional funds.
                                                                                                                          company.                                    We will continue to make structural
                                                                                                                          LR has undergone and will continue          changes by reorganizing the Sales and
                                                                                                                          to undergo significant changes. For         Marketing, and Public Relations units,
                                                                                                                          the first time the LR budget has been       redistributing functions respectively
                                                                                                                          planned based on different principles.      and separating marketing from sales.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   LR has undergone and
                                                                                                                          I.e., content will no longer be funded by   In real life this will mean more effective
                                                                                                                          own resources (income from advertis-        advertising sales and, consequently,         will continue to undergo
                                                                                                                          ing), as funding is already provided for    more money in the budget of the LR.          significant changes. For the
                                                                                                                          by the public service remit. Therefore                                                   first time the LR budget
                                                                                                                          the company will finally have obtained      Last year, the Code of Conduct and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   has been planned based
                                                                                                                          resources for development and               Ethics of the LR was renewed, merg-
                                                                                                                          modernisation. A fundamental change         ing both documents into one, and             on different principles. I.e.,
                                                                                                                          is the sorting out of the issues of coop-   extending it to all employees of the         content will no longer be
                                                                                                                          eration with third parties. Previously      LR, not just journalists. The procedure      funded by own resources
                                                                                                                          these issues were managed by LR             for concluding royalty agreements was
                                                                                                                                                                      also reviewed. LR5 has also experienced
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (income from advertising), as
                                                                                                                          channel directors without supervision,
                                                                                                                          which created a very discriminatory         considerable changes. As of 1 January        funding is already provided for
                                                                                                                          attitude towards partners and raised        the music section has a 65% quota for        by the public service remit.
                                                                                                                          many questions about who is the             music created in Latvia, which makes
                                                                                                                          biggest beneficiary from such a system      LR5 a special platform for popularizing
                                                                                                                          - LR or someone else?                       music produced in Latvia. Seven new
                                                                                                                                                                      programmes have also appeared on
                                                                                                                          At present, a transparent system has        the station and includes the Latvian
                                                                                                                          been created, each such transaction is      Music Top-list.
                                                                                                                          accounted for and, most importantly,
                                                                                                                          is takes place under equal principles.      Among the goals set out for 2018 for

Extensive changes                                                            Which was why the problems had to
                                                                             be resolved immediately, and one of
                                                                             our first tasks was to change the lead-
                                                                             ership of the LR. In 2017, the NEPLP
                                                                                                                          There is a minimum amount that can
                                                                                                                          be co-funded, thus eliminating the
                                                                                                                          absurd situation that some cooperation
                                                                                                                          partners could have access to exclu-
                                                                                                                                                                      the Board of LR, the main task should
                                                                                                                                                                      be to develop and submit to the NEPLP
                                                                                                                                                                      a medium-term operational strategy
                                                                                                                                                                      for a five-year period, including a long-

       initiated in                                                          appointed a new Board for the LR: Una
                                                                             Klapkalne, Mārīte Tukiša and Sanita
                                                                             Dika-Bokmeldere (took up office later-
                                                                                                                          sive opportunities that are inaccessible
                                                                                                                          to others and to sponsor LR programs
                                                                                                                          for a mere 14.22 euros. As of 1 January,
                                                                                                                                                                      term development and investment
                                                                                                                                                                      plan, as well as identifying the resourc-
                                                                                                                                                                      es needed for the implementation of

       Latvijas Radio
                                                                                       at the beginning of 2018). Last    contracts concluded by former board         the plans and linking the plans with the
                                                                                       year we managed to stabilize       member Sigita Roķe, were no longer          principles of budget planning. Taking
                                                                                       the management of LR, and          continued. The contracts had raised         into account the conclusions and
                                                                                       this was a key prerequisite        doubts and suspicions about the sale        recommendations made earlier in the
                                 Ivars Āboliņš, NEPL Council Member /        for the further development of this          of content in the programmes of the         audit work of the LR, the LR manage-
                                 Deputy Chairperson of the Council           important Latvian media.                     LR. An institution created by the LR -      ment has been instructed to take the
                                                                                                                          the exchange transaction commission         necessary steps for the establishment
                                 Since our first working day at the          Changes in LR management were                - could decide on a very wide range         of a new LR framework and to imple-
                                 National Electronic Media Council           followed by several other activities.        of issues, including finances, without      ment it as of 1 January 2019.
                                 (NEPLP), the development of Latvijas        In the last months of 2017, carrying         involving the Board. After reorganiz-
                                 Radio (LR) became the most urgent           out a task assigned by the NEPLP to          ing it, a commission for cooperation        During 2017 the communication
                                 and acute issue for us. The leadership      establish a fair and transparent remu-       with partners has been created, which       between the NEPLP and the LR was
                                 of LR had not been able to cope with        neration system, the leadership of the       also includes a representative of the LR    quite tense, because changes usually
                                 its responsibilities for a long time; the   LR worked intensively on a new remu-         Board.                                      bring with them emotions, and we did
                                 situation was made even more turbu-         neration model that will be introduced                                                   not always have the chance to hear each
                                 lent by the growing gap between the         from 1 March 2018. This will allow us to     As of the autumn, the LR has reviewed       other. Understanding and evaluating
                                 LR team and management, as well             increase salaries for the lower paid LR      advertising pricing, which had not          the special role of the LR in shaping the
                                 as uncertainties about its finances.        employees. In order to increase salaries     changed since 2014, and is now in           Latvian information space, the NEPLP
                                 The problems had been thoroughly            and strengthen the capacity of the LR,       line with the market situation. After       believes it is very important to continue
                                 neglected, thus the fulfilment of the       last year the NEPLP battled to receive       a many year interruption, the Human         modernizing the LR in order to jointly
                                 public service remit and the operation      an additional action grant of 0.4 million    Resources Unit is once again fully          create a modern LR that could fit into
                                 of the LR as a whole was threatened.        euros. This is the largest increase in the   operational in the LR and was created       the new, united public media.

8   NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017                                                                                                                                                                                             NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017   9
the regulator, the implementation             culture, knowledge, creativity, coopera-      Latvian society in a qualitative way. To
                                                                              of a strategic and transparent public         tion. The developed approach is to an         date this has been done inadequate-
                                                                              service remit, the establishment of an        extent a test version.                        ly and fragmentarily, and we plan to
                                                                              ombudsman institution, the withdraw-          This year we will improve on it in order      change that. We must study and anal-
                                                                              al of public media from the advertising       to adopt guidelines that will serve as        yse who the population and citizens of
                                                                              market, defining their special role in the    the basis for defining the objectives and     Latvia are. We must create a compre-         A highlight in 2017, a priority
                                                                              Latvian information and culture space.        tasks of a public service remit for a three   hensive map of Latvian social identities,    this year - Latvijas Televīzija, a
                                                                              Currently it is planned that public           year period instead of the one year           which would help us to understand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       model for the development
                                                                              media may withdraw from the advertis-         previously. The content and financial         who we are and what matters to us.
                                                                              ing market in 2021. It is important that      reporting system will also be improved,       Media and information usage habits of        and evaluation of public
                                                                              the issue of establishing an indepen-         as well as the public benefit test.           the population, and changes in those         service remit.
                                                                              dent and sustainable financing model,                                                       habits, must also be studied.
                                                                              which is not included in the current          Taking into account the development
                                                                              version of the law, is also resolved. This    trends of the global media environ-           An important challenge for LTV’s work is
                                                                              is an important decision for the country      ment, the development of digital              the aging of the audience and the abil-
                                                                              to strategically strengthen its informa-      technologies and the wide range of            ity to reach children and young people.
                                                                              tion space by developing modern,              content offered and with the chang-           One of the objectives of the LTV Board
                                                                              high-quality and reliable media.              ing media habits of the population,           this year is to review the medium-term
                                                                                                                            the NEPLP pays particular attention of        development strategy and its devel-
                                                                                                                            the need to ensure the availability and       opment for the next three years. It will

                      Creating public benefit
                                                                                                                            distribution of content on relevant plat-     also include a digital strategy, which is
                                                                                                                            forms used by the population. Children        a particularly important task to ensure
                                                                                                                            and young people are a group that             that the content generated is accessi-

                                   for Latvia
                                                                                                                            needs to be given special attention and       ble to the widest audience, given that
                                                                                                                            has also been identified as a key priority    currently the basic audience in linear
                                Dr. Ieva Beitika,                                                                           for the public media in 2018.                 broadcasting is 55+. Public media
                                NEPL Council Member                                                                                                                       are on the way to a dialogue with the
                                                                              It should be noted that it was possible       There is also the increased risk of receiv-   public on the platforms that it uses. The
                                Previous experience in the media,             to get additional financial resources         ing unconfirmed, false or deliberate          growing popularity of the portal
                                non-governmental organization and             this year to increase LTV remuneration,       misinformation in the internet age.           is positive. Next year LTV will contin-
                                business environment, as well as              which is an historic event - an addition-     The fake news phenomena should be             ue to develop an internet platform for
                                academic work studying the media              al 360,577 euros were allocated from          considered a threat to the existence          children, ensuring the
                                environment and the development of            the state budget. When starting work,         of a democratic society. However, we          availability of safe and child-friendly
                                social media in Latvia, gave hope that        this was one of the first issues raised by    understand that a defensive strategy          content on the Internet. We also need to
                                I would be able to contribute to the          public media employees. The improved          of supervising media activity is only         continue to develop the internet chan-
                                development of the media environ-             remuneration system has to be imple-          one aspect, and is not effective by itself.   nel Visiem, where it is possible to
                                ment and Latvian society as a whole.          mented transparently this year.               To protect our information space, all         watch LTV1 and LTV7 original content
                                When I started work at the council, I                                                       involved parties, including the NEPLP         and archived content anywhere in the
                                was aware of the systemic challenges          Last year the NEPLP developed a new           and the public media, must work to            world, especially to reach the Latvian
                                that hinder the development of the            approach for the development of a             prevent risks. One of the main activi-        diaspora. According to the data of the
                                media environment and public media            public service remit plan for LR, LTV and     ties is to help the populace learn how        European Latvian Association, around
                                in Latvia. I was also aware that NEPLP,       the united news portal, antic-         to understand and use this stream of          370 000 Latvian citizens live or stay
                                as an independent institution serv-           ipating a strategic implementation            information, and how to consciously           outside of Latvia.
                                ing the people of Latvia, will have to        approach aimed at generating public           make decisions. That is education. One
                                work hard to regain trust in the public       benefit. It consists of two tiers of goals,   of the content priorities of the public       The NEPLP must continue to devel-
                                space. Throughout the year good initia-       which have correspondingly defined            media this year is also media and infor-      op a media environment that creates
                                tives were started and changes were           tasks for developing and implementing         mation literacy. They also have the task      a level playing field for its members.
                                achieved. The work has to continue.           the public service remit: (1) planning of     of themselves explaining what media           We strategically support the creation
                                                                              content in accordance with the public         are.                                          of high-quality local content in the
                                It is significant that during the past year   benefit objectives and ensuring its                                                         interests of the Latvian public, thus
                                the parliament started work on the            availability; (2) public service remit        Regular sociological and market               strengthening the national information
                                development of a new Public Media             management with a view to ensuring            research is required for the NEPLP to         space. Shaping the information and
                                Law. It is intended to address systemic       the quality of the performance of the         perform its functions - making data-          cultural space in Latvia is our common
                                problems in public media activity and         public service remit. In general, six         based decisions and ensuring that the         task in the global information age. The
                                development such as independent               goals for the creation of public benefit      public media can plan and execute the         development of public media in the
                                management, which is separate from            have been defined: society, democracy,        public service remit in the interests of      digital era is a high priority.

10 NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                   NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017 11
Radio was chosen and appointed in an        A little more than a million euros were
                                                                             open competition. Substantial chang-        allocated to provide free terrestrial
                                                                             es in the electronic media environment      broadcasts (television Re: TV, Riga TV24
                                                                             were introduced by the sale of MTG to       and TV) and 200 thou-
                                                                             the international asset management          sand euros for projects strengthening
                                                                             company Providence Equity Partners.         the Latvian cultural space.
                                                                             The media company All Media Baltics,        A significant result has been achieved
                                                                             which emerged as a result of the deal,      by the closer involvement of the new
                                                                             means an escalation of competition,         PAC members in the work of the NEPLP,
                                                                             not only in the shrinking TV market,        providing guidance on the awarding
                                                                             but also poses new challenges in            and evaluation of the public service
                                                                             the telecommunications and mobile           remit, and the fight against piracy
                                                                             communications market.                      and the observance of copyrights in
                                                                                                                         media enterprises. Taking into account
                                                                             One of the most significant projects        that last year the NEPLP signed a
                                                                             launched last year was the creation of      memorandum of cooperation with
                                                                             a new version of the Electronic Media       the association On Legal Content, the
                                                                             Law (EPLL) and the National Strategy        Latvian Internet Association, the Public
                                                                             for Electronic Media. The law super-        Utilities Commission and the State
                                                                                                                                                                     In 2017, out of 29 TV channels partic-     The changes in TV viewership over a five year
                                                                             vising electronic media, as well as         Revenue Service, coordinated and
                                                                                                                                                                     ipating in the Latvian advertising         period in various age categories.
                                                                             the second “umbrella document” of           intensive work has begun on identi-
                                                                                                                                                                     market, only 12 channels produce           Data: TNS
                                                                             the industry - the industry’s develop-      fying illegal TV service providers and
                                                                                                                                                                     their content in Latvia, and their share
                                                                             ment strategy - are outdated due to         limiting illegal content.
                                                                                                                                                                     of the total viewing time (Share, %)
                                                                             the rapid development of technolo-                                                      was 50.2%. In comparison - in 2016
                                                                             gies and changes in the availability of     The withdrawal of the public media
                                                                                                                         from the advertising market is and will     the total time of viewing the Latvian
                                                                             media content, creating ever newer                                                      channels was 52.5%, and in 2012 - 61%.
                                                                             platforms for reaching the audience.        be a topical issue for both the media
                                                                                                                         themselves and politicians. In October      Over the last five years, consump-
                                                                                                                         of last year the Saeima conceptually        tion of TV programs created in Latvia
                                                                              Being aware of the influence of the                                                    has decreased by 17.7%. Advertising
                                                                             global market on the possibilities of       supported the new Public Electronic

     We will become a                                                                                                    Media Law project, which provides for       money is gradually flowing to both
                                                                             Latvian media to compete, the NEPLP                                                     foreign channels represented on the
                                                                             plays a major role in strengthening the     a number of important reforms: the
                                                                                                                         withdrawal of public media from the         Latvian market and international digital
                                                                             local informational space and ensur-                                                    players: Facebook, Google, YouTube. This
                                                                                                                         advertising market (discussions on

      trusted partner
                                                                             ing a diversity of opinions, not only                                                   is money not currently included in the
                                                                                                                         deadlines and funding conditions are
                                                                             in public, but also in the commercial                                                   statistics, but experts of the industry
                                                                                                                         still to come), separate public media
                                                                             media. In total, 1.8 million euros were                                                 estimate the amount to be 30-40% of
                                                                                                                         monitoring bodies, the creation of the
                                                                             allocated for this purpose from the state                                               the total amount of digital advertising
                                                                                                                         Public Electronic Media Council, as

                                for the community
                                                                                                      budget in 2017.                                                (approximately 4.5-6 million euros).
                                                                                                                         well as making changes to the existing
                                                                                                      During the year,
                                                                                                                         public media management model. The
                                                                                                      962 hours of                                                   The aforementioned trends force the
                                                                                                                         proposed changes should be viewed
                                                                                                      media content

                                and the media
                                                                                                                         in the context of increased funding for     owners and managers of electronic
                                                                                                      was produced                                                   media to pay even more attention to
                                                                                                                         the public media and efficient use of
                                                                                                      and      broad-                                                producing quality content, its market-
                                                                                                                         finances (planning) as well as the trans-
                                                                                                      cast in Latvia.                                                ing and the diversification of media
                                                                                                                         fer of a part of the public service remit
                                                                                                      205 thousand                                                   platforms to make this content easily
                                                                                                                         to commercial media.
                                Gunta Līdaka,                                euros were provided for the coverage                                                    accessible. These global challeng-
                                NEPL Council Member                          of municipal elections in the regions                                                   es concern Latvian media as well.
                                                                                                                         One of the biggest challenges for public
                                                                             and Riga and for 244 thousand euros                                                     Therefore, the NEPLP will be a reliable
                                                                                                                         and commercial media is the change
                                Looking back at 2017 in the field of elec-   - regional media covered events in the      in media content consumption, which         partner to media in the fight for the
                                tronic mass media, it can be described       regions of Latvia. 23 thousand euros        particularly affects television. Over the   attention of their listeners and view-
                                as a year of transformation and change.      were planned for the diaspora subject,      last five years television has lost from    ers, and will represent the interests of
                                A new NEPLP council was elected,             but 71 thousand euros were allocated        5% to 20% of its audience (depend-          Latvian society for varied and truthful
                                the Public Advisory Council (PAC) was        to Latgale for the strengthening of the     ing on age group), and this trend is        information.
                                re-elected, a new Board for Latvijas         national identity and state language.       continuing.

12 NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017 13
out the reasons for such statements. In       continues to be dominated by the large          the summer of 2017 I was able to partic-       The additional financing
                                                                              order to responsibly defend the need          radio groups, which consist of several          ipate in a study trip, organized by the
                                                                              for additional funding, it was necessary      radio stations: Radio Skonto Group, Radio       LVRTC, to the eastern border of Latvia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           acquired by the NEPLP for LR
                                                                              to get a detailed assessment of the use       SWH Group, EHR Media Group, and others.         to assess the current technical quality        for 2018 is an important basis
                                                                              of financing by the LR and evaluate the       As a result of the frequency tenders orga-      of the provision of radio and TV services      for the future activities of the
                                                                              results achieved and the effectiveness of     nized by the NEPLP in 2017, Radio Tev,          and the media consumption habits of            LR. To ensure meaningful
                                                                              the activities of the LR. This work turned    which is part of the Skonto Group, has          locals. It must be admitted that even at
                                                                              out to be a unique experience, which I        expanded by obtaining a new frequency           the most remote and technically most           development, starting this
                                                                              had not encountered in my twenty years        in Kurzeme. Broadcasting rights in new          difficult to reach points, the LVRTC is        year several significant
                                                                              of work in radio and TV. Many emotions,       frequencies were also obtained by Radio         able to provide a continuous public            changes in the organizational
                                                                              someone feels hurt, someone feels             SWH Rock of the SWH Group. Taking               radio and television signal. In some
                                                                                                                            into account the effectively exhausted          places reception is flawless or good, in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           structure, financial planning
                                                                              threatened... Even conflict situations,
                                                                              which could have been solved construc-        resource of FM frequencies, the large           others - satisfactory. But the choice of       and programme positioning
                                                                              tively and rationally, arose. Nearly a year   market players seeking to expand are            media consumption for border residents         development, for which
                                                                              passed before we arrived at a function-       interested in acquiring the smaller radio       is primarily based on the economic value       my colleagues and I had
                                                                              ing, development-oriented, prospective        stations which have become unprof-              of the offer and only after that - on the
                                                                              LR Board.                                     itable. In 2017 the Retro FM network            content. We concluded that Latvijas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           been advocating, have been
                                                                                                                            developed ambitiously in Latvia. A              Radio programmes reach more residents          introduced. It is a pleasant
                                                                              The additional financing acquired by          list of the company’s most significant          than those of Latvijas Televīzija, because     feeling that part of the
                                                                              the NEPLP for LR for 2018 is an import-       purchases includes the former Autoradio         a TV receiver needs a decoder. In gener-       important work has been
                                                                              ant basis for the future activities of the    network, as well as 1. Biznesa Radio, and       al, the majority of TV viewing time is
                                                                              LR. To ensure meaningful development,         also creating a new radio station XO FM.        taken by Russian-language programs             completed, but the road
                                                                              starting this year several significant        Changes have also occurred in the Mix           distributed by the neighbouring coun-          ahead is still long. My wish for

                         My First year
                                                                              changes in the organizational struc-          FM Group, where the Mix FM Dance radio          tries - Belarus and Russia - since their       the newly elected Board of LR
                                                                              ture, financial planning and programme        station has been replaced by Lounge FM          reception is much cheaper than Latvian
                                                                                                                            since the end of last year.                     programmes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           is to continue what they have
                                                                              positioning development, for which my
                                                                              colleagues and I had been advocating,         In 2017 tests of DAB+, i.e. digital radio,                                                     started, so that this year - the

                                  at the NEPLP                                have been introduced. It is a pleasant
                                                                              feeling that part of the important work
                                                                              has been completed, but the road
                                                                                                                            which could eventually replace FM trans-
                                                                                                                            mitters and receivers, performed by the
                                                                                                                            Latvian State Radio and Television Centre
                                                                                                                                                                            The digital age also has a tangible influ-
                                                                                                                                                                            ence on the work of radio stations.
                                                                                                                                                                            Currently the leading radio stations have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           year of Latvia’s centenary -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           becomes a springboard for a
                                Patriks Grīva,                                ahead is still long. My wish for the newly    (LVRTC), were completed. The technical          begun competing for the time of their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           modern and powerful Latvijas
                                NEPL Council Member                           elected Board of LR is to continue what       results were convincingly positive, but         listeners, not only online via the PC, but     Radio!
                                                                              they have started, so that this year - the    NEPLP rejected the introduction of DAB+         also on other digital platforms, creating
                                In the National Electronic Mass media         year of Latvia’s centenary - becomes a        technology in Latvia as it would require        mobile and tablet applications for their
                                Council (NEPLP) I oversee the commer-         springboard for a modern and powerful         millions of euros of taxpayer money and         radio organizations. Internet streaming
                                cial radio sector and am co-responsible       Latvijas Radio!                               also impose an obligation on residents          is well developed in Latvia, which is a
                                for the development of Latvijas Radio                                                       to replace their radio receivers. In Latvia     stable basis for ensuring flawless sound
                                (LR). Looking back at what has been           One of my areas of responsibility in the      it is already possible to listen to the radio   quality. It allows, for example, consum-
                                achieved, I have to emphasize sever-          framework of the development of the           digitally online. Latvia has to introduce       ers to listen to any of the offered local or
                                al radio tenders in the commercial            commercial radio industry is to exam-         broadband internet by 2020, mobile              global programmes in their car by using
                                sector, legal changes in the activities of    ine whether the rules for the placement       operators are already getting ready to          Bluetooth systems. The most advanced
                                commercial radio stations, inspections,       of paid commercial content outside of         introduce 5G.                                   radio stations in Latvia use mobile phone
                                as well as the noting of new programmes       advertising blocks are observed. That’s                                                       applications for broadcasting several
                                due to changes in ownership. However,         why I have begun, and will continue,          DAB, and its improved version DAB+, is          thematic channels, which can only be
                                in my first year I have dedicated the         to regularly meet with industry repre-        not a new technology in the world. For          received via the Internet. I predict that
                                most time to working with LR.                 sentatives, listening to the opinions of      example, in the UK, since the introduc-         within a few years high-quality, all-en-
                                                                              radio station heads and involving them        tion of the DAB technology twenty years         compassing mobile applications will be
                                When starting work at the NEPLP, the          in discussions about the development          ago, only half of the radio stations have       a necessity for any radio station wishing
                                new composition of the council was            of the industry. The commercial radio         been broadcasting DAB+, while also              to compete in the Latvian market. This
                                immediately met with public state-            market has become especially saturat-         maintaining FM broadcasting. Norway,            will create ever expanding new choices
                                ments by LR employees regarding               ed in recent years - there are 51 radio       a considerably wealthier country than           for listeners. Of course, the competition
                                possible industrial actions due to low        stations registered in Latvia. At the same    Latvia, is the first to fully transition to     with different audio streaming provid-
                                pay. Taking into account that the NEPLP       time, the total radio advertising market      DAB+ radio broadcasting. But that is            ers on the Internet will also increase, so
                                is the shareholder of the public broad-       remains largely unchanged, reaching           based on their peculiar terrain, which          radio stations will have to focus more on
                                casting organizations and is directly         only 10.2 million euros in 2017. This is      prevents FM transmitters from having            creating local content to compete with
                                responsible for their funding, we imme-       insufficient to fully support such a large    stable reception. Latvia has no such            global market players.
                                diately took stock of the situation to find   amount of participants. The market            disruptions to the functioning of FM. In

14 NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                      NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017 15
Major events
                                                                                                                                        Council Member), Ivars Āboliņš (co-responsible Council Member);
                                                                                                                                    •   Monitoring of the commercial television industry - Gunta Līdaka (responsi-
                                                                                                                                        ble Council Member), Ieva Beitika (co-responsible Council Member);
                                                                                                                                    •   Monitoring of the cable television industry - Dace Ķezbere (responsible

                                                 in 2017                                                                            •
                                                                                                                                        Council Member), Gunta Līdaka (co-responsible Council Member);
                                                                                                                                        interinstitutional cooperation and the legislative process - Gunta Līdaka
                                                                                                                                        (responsible Council Member) and all other Council Members in accor-
                                                                                                                                        dance with their areas of responsibility;
                                                                                                                                    •   international cooperation in the electronic mass media industry - Ieva
                                                                                                                                        Beitika (responsible Council Member) and all other Council Members in
                                                                                                                                        accordance with their areas of responsibility;
                                                                                                                                    •   the four NEPL Council Members who are responsible for public media, are
                                                                                                                                        responsible for the pubic media portal LSM.LV

                                                                                                                                    Instructions of the State Audit
                                                                                                                                    Office have been implemented
                                                                                                                                    In 2017 the NEPLP was able to implement all the recommendations from the
                 New members of the NEPL
              Council Ieva Beitika (third from   The NEPLP begins work in a new                                                     State Audit Office (VK) which had been received the previous year. The VK
                                                                                                                                    letter acknowledges that the NEPLP has implemented all the recommenda-
                   the left) and Ivars Āboliņš
              (fourth from the left) meet the    composition                                                                        tions provided by the VK after the audits of the NEPLP in 2015 and 2016. Taking
                                                                                                                                    into account the recommendations of the VK, the NEPLP has approved a list of
                      previous NEPL Council.                                                                                        staff positions and defined the occupational codes, family, salary group, level
                                                 1 February 2017 was the last day of work for four previous members of the          and a monthly salary, which does not exceed the maximum allowable month-
                                                 NEPL Council: Aija Dulevska, Dainis Mjartāns, Ainārs Dimants and Ivars Zviedris.   ly wage; the internal control processes of the use of the allocated grants for
                                                 Dace Ķezbere, the current council chairman, continues her work for the NEPLP       Latvijas Radio, Latvijas Televīzija and commercial television have been substan-
                                                 from the previous composition because she was approved by the Saeima in            tially improved (they are regularly carried out by special audit commissions,
                                                 this capacity later than the other members of the previous council - in 2015.      which report to the NEPLP), other NEPLP activities have been improved, which
                                                 “The Council needs a continuity of experience and knowledge the most. Taking       promote the effective work of the council and effective electronic media
                                                 into account that I have been working at the Council since July 2015, I can be     supervising.
                                                 a useful “bridge” between the previous and the new Council” emphasized D.
                                                 Ķezbere after the appointment of new colleagues.
                                                                                                                                    The Latgale
                                                                                                                                    At the beginning of the year, the
                                                                                                                                    NEPLP approved the results of tenders
                                                                                                                                    for the production of programmes in the Latgale regional and local mass
          New members of the NEPL Council.
                                                                                                                                    media, which broadcast television and radio programmes. In the tender for
                                                                                                                                    producing a radio programme, the offer by the producer group Lietišķā Latgale
                                                 The newly elected members of the NEPLP agreed on the following distribution
                                                                                                                                    Ltd. to continue the series “Pi myusim Latgolā” was recognized as the winner.
                                                 of roles:
                                                 • Monitoring of VSIA Latvijas Televīzija - Ieva Beitika (responsible Council
                                                                                                                                    In the tender for the production of TV programmes, the independent
                                                     Member), Dace Ķezbere (co-responsible Council Member);
                                                                                                                                    production group Studija 3KM Ltd.’s offer to create the educational programmes
                                                 • Monitoring of VSIA Latvijas Radio - Ivars Āboliņš (responsible Council
                                                                                                                                    “Sajūti Latgali”, was declared the winner The funding for each contest is 35 571
                                                     Member), Patriks Grīva (co-responsible Council Member);
                                                                                                                                    euros. The public tender was intended for regional and local electronic mass
                                                 • Monitoring of the commercial radio industry - Patriks Grīva (responsible
                                                                                                                                    media and producer groups in the Latgale region.

16 NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017                                                                                                                                                                                          NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017 17
Producing Pre-election debate
                                                                                                                                 In two tenders for the production of pre-election debate programmes, the NEPLP
                                                                                                                                 selected the best offers in the regions and large cities of Latvia. The broadcasting
                                                                                                                                 of pre-election debates in Riga and the big cities was entrusted to LNT and Riga
                                                                                                                                 TV24, while four regional televisions gained the rights to produce programmes in
                                                                                                                                 Latgale (Dautkom TV), Kurzeme (Skrunda Television), Vidzeme (Vidzeme Television)
                                                                                                                                 and Zemgale (Ģimenes TV).

                                                                                                                                 Cooperation to limit illegal
               The first meeting of the new
                                              A New LTV and LR strategy for
                   NEPLP - 6 February 2017.
                                              2019 was adopted                                                                   At the beginning of the year the NEPLP signed a memorandum of cooperation
                                              At the beginning of the year the NEPLP (still in the previous configuration)       with the association For Legal Content, the Latvian Internet Association, the Public
                                              approved the medium-term strategy for Latvijas Televīzija (LTV) for 2017-2019.     Utilities Commission and the State Revenue Service, which provides for joint
                                              LTV’s overall strategic goal is to become the most sought after media (TV          action to restrict providers of illegal television services. Within the framework of
                                              and web) in the industry, the leader in terms of the audience reached and the      this memorandum of cooperation, the NEPLP ensures regular monitoring of cable
                                              standard of quality in the field of broadcast content. LTV has a vision that it    operators, including inspection raids and listening to complaints from citizens,
                                              is a responsible, independent and excellent company that inspires, informs,        copyright holders and other industry representatives about alleged violations;
                                              educates and entertains society. The strategy identifies the financial and         publicly disclose the results of these inspections; cooperate with competent
                                              non-financial objectives of LTV, as well as the company’s control and evaluation   persons of other national regulatory authorities on limiting illegal television
                                              system. Among the content development goals of the LTV is an increase in the       services; gather information on providers of TV services in the jurisdiction of Latvia
                                              volume and quality of original content on the LTV1 channel, the development        (the rebroadcasters of television programmes) and on-demand service providers.
                                              of a new positioning for the LTV7 channel, the development of a multimedia
                                              content platform for young people, the creation of an Internet channel for
                                              compatriots abroad, etc.
                                                                                                                                 Cable network inspections
                                              VSIA Latvijas Radio (LR) medium term strategy for 2017-2019 states that, in the
                                              long run, the LR intends to preserve and strengthen its role as the informa-       In 2017 the NEPLP visited 13 cities in Latvia in four visits, and in total, inspections
                                              tion leader in the Latvian information space, as well as to establish the LR as    were carried out on 20 different cable television network connection headends
                                              a well-managed organization that uses the latest technological solutions in        (covering 50% of all cable TV service providers registered at the council, covering
                                              its work, is able to react promptly to changes in the media environment and        90-95% of cable TV subscribers). The infringements found were largely related to
                                              media content usage habits and rationally and efficiently uses the available       rebroadcasting of programmes not included in the list of programmes for retrans-
                                              resources.                                                                         mission of the cable service in question.

                                                                                                                                 The following cable operators were inspected in 2017: Arts Ltd., PLC Balticom,
                                              Changes in the management of                                                       Baltcom Ltd., Bradis Ltd., Eikatik Ltd., Elektrons Ltd., Elektrons&K Ltd., Elektrons S Ltd.,
                                                                                                                                 Infonet sistēmas Ltd., Kopideja Ltd., Lattelecom RR-2 Ltd., Lattelecom DR-32 Ltd., LMT
                                              Latvijas Radio                                                                     Ltd., Namsaimnieks Ltd., Nova Ltd., Ostkom Ltd., Pirmais Baltijas Kanāls Ltd., SkaTVis
                                                                                                                                 Ltd., Telepark IPTV Ltd., Valkas elektrons Ltd..
                                              In 2017 the Latvijas Radio (LR) Board was replaced after an open competition.
                                              The NEPLP appointed Una Klapkalne as the LR Chairperson of the Board for five
                                              years and Mārīte Tukiša was appointed as a Member of the Board for financial
                                              management issues, also for five years. A few months later the third Member of
                                              the Board was selected. This member is responsible for the development of the
                                              LR programme. The NEPLP appointed Sanita Dika-Bokmeldere for this post. All
                                              nominees for positions on the Management Board of the LR were evaluated by
                                              a specially created nomination commission.

18 NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                   NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017 19
at the beginning of the year. As of 1 January 2017 the NEPLP began to register
                                                                                                                          programmes that were rebroadcast on cable TV in an electronic registration
                                                                                                                          system. The new system includes all programmes that the NEPLP authorized for
                                                                                                                          rebroadcast in Latvia.
                                                                                                                          The electronic system contains information both about electronic mass media
                                                                                                                          (name, registration number, address, contact information, etc.) and programmes
                                                                                                                          rebroadcast in Latvia (name, language of the program, thematic guidance, infor-
                                                                                                                          mation about the license). When issuing a rebroadcast authorization, the NEPLP
                                                                                                                          assigns a password to the appropriate cable operator for access the registry.
                                                                                                                          Changes with regard to the programmes that have received NEPLP permission for

                                Tender on the diaspora and                                                                rebroadcast can be performed by the cable operator itself. To add a new program
                                                                                                                          to the list of rebroadcastable programmes, the cable operator must obtain a permit

                                remigration theme                                                                         from the NEPLP.

                                In evaluating the applications received in the tender for the production of televi-
                                sion shows and broadcasts on diaspora and remigration, NEPLP recognized IMLO
                                Lat-Ireland Ltd and its programme “Piektais novads” as the most suitable tenderer.
                                                                                                                          Digital radio broadcast testing
                                It is being produced with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and 23
                                thousand euros have been allocated to create it.
                                                                                                                          After evaluating the results of digital radio (digital audio broadcasting, aka DAB+)
                                This tender has been organized for several years now. Its aim is to support the           broadcasts, the NEPLP decided not to support the introduction of the digital sound
                                development of Latvian diasporas and the production of stories and programmes             broadcasting DAB+ standard in Latvia, taking into account the long-term effective-
                                about the diasporas, as well as to make these broadcasts available to the diaspora        ness of the broadcasting standard, the benefits to society versus the introduction
                                and Latvian society in the Latvian public and commercial electronic media and on          costs, as well as the potential impact on Latvian broadcasters and the advertising
                                the internet.                                                                             market. Since November 2016, digital radio broadcasting tests have been carried
                                                                                                                          out by the Latvia State Radio and Television Centre.

                                Discussing the principles of public
                                media financing                                                                           Tender for the production of
                                In July the NEPLP invited the representatives of Latvijas Televīzija and Latvijas Radio
                                                                                                                          regional TV news stories
                                to discuss the principles of attracting public funding for public media. The purpose      At the end of 2017 the NEPLP concluded the tender “On the creation of munici-
                                of the open discussion was to promote transparency in the attraction of finance to        pal news in 2018”. The winner of the tender was acknowledged to be Valmieras
                                the public media and to increase public confidence.                                       TV Ltd. (the only participant of the tender). The contract concluded as a result
                                                                                                                          of the tender stipulates that Valmieras TV Ltd., together with cooperation
                                “Public media need regulation on cooperation with third parties, attracting fund-         partners - ten regional televisions, produces up-to-date, diverse and compre-
                                ing for content creation in order to ensure the transparency, independence and            hensive stories on developments in the regions.
                                credibility of public media. The public media must develop systemic criteria. It is
                                positive that Latvijas Televīzija has begun work on the development of such basic         The tender dossier stipulates that Valmieras TV Ltd. will prepare a regional news
                                principles,” said Ieva Beitika, a member of the NEPLP. She believes that coopera-         program every day in 2018, as well as provide stories that are ordered by LTV.
                                tion and sponsorship agreements with third parties include risk factors to editorial      The aim of the tender was to prepare news stories from Latvian regions for
                                independence, which the media must eliminate.                                             the implementation of the public service remit on LTV and national commer-
                                                                                                                          cial television networks, which ensure the distribution of free television
                                                                                                                          programmes with terrestrial transmitters, thus facilitating access to information

                                Electronic registration of cable                                                          about processes in the regions of Latvia and strengthening the media space in
                                                                                                                          Latvia. The regional news stories should include information about 110 Latvian

                                networks begins                                                                           regions, cities of republic significance, not counting Riga, and topical issues of
                                                                                                                          the Latvian diaspora, including promoting the use of the Latgalian language in
                                                                                                                          the stories created in Latgale. The funding for the tender is 244,259 euros.
                                A new procedure for issuing rebroadcast permits and the rights of electron-
                                ic media to rebroadcast audio and audiovisual programmes entered into force

20 NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017                                                                                                                                                                                    NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017 21
The Public Advisory Council
                                                                                                                                 begins work in a new composition
                                                                                                                                 On 11 May the NEPLP approved a new composition of the Public Advisory Council
                                                                                                                                 (PAC). At the application deadline, applications from 29 public and non-govern-
                                                                                                                                 mental organizations had been received and they had nominated a total of 27

                                                                                                                                 Dace Kotzeva, previous chairperson of the For Legal Content association, was
                                                                                                                                 appointed chairman of the PAC. Andris Ķēniņš, executive director of the Latvian
                                                                                                                                 Broadcaster Association, was appointed as deputy chairman.
                    During the meeting
                     of the Baltic media                                                                                         The PAC is the advisory body of the NEPLP, whose task is to ensure public partic-
                    regulators in Tallinn.                                                                                       ipation in the public service remit and in the development of a national strategy

                                             The Meeting of Baltic regulators                                                    for the Electronic mass media industry. Members of the PAC must abstain from
                                                                                                                                 discussing and making decisions when the issues raised create or can create a
                                                                                                                                 conflict of interest.
                                             The annual meeting of the Baltic Electronic Media Regulators took place in
                                             October, in which media representatives from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania
                                             discussed current developments in the electronic media market. This year’s meet-    PAC composition
                                             ing was held in Tallinn and its members discussed issues related to TV licensing,
                                             rebroadcasting of TV programmes in internet media, commercial notices in TV          Name, surname            Societies, foundations, professional institutions, other organizations
                                             programmes, and TV broadcasting issues. Latvia was represented at the meeting
                                             of the Regulators by NEPL Council members Gunta Līdaka and Ieva Beitika, as well     Dace Kotzeva             PAC Chairperson, association For Legal Content
                                             as staff from the NEPLP Secretariat.                                                 Andris Ķēniņš            Latvian Broadcaster Association
                                                                                                                                  Ingrīda Brigita Stroda   Association Riga Active Senior Alliance
                      The State subsidy                                                                                           Valdis Labinskis         Association of Latvian catholic students and academics “Dzintars”

                      for public media.                                                                                           Dārija Juškeviča         Ita Kozakeviča’s Association of Latvian National Culture Associations

                           in 2017                                                      1,045,812 euros                           Olga Fokina              The Latvian Electronic Communication Association
                                                                                    three TV channels, that have free
                                                                                     terrestrial broadcasting (Re:TV,
                                                                                                                                  Ivars Balodis            Union of People with Disabilities and Their Friends “Apeirons”
                                                                           and Riga TV 24)              Oksana Žabko             Latvian sociological association
          LTV                                                                                                                     Ingrīda Veikša           Association Media Institute

15,885,622 euros                                       The total granted to
                                                                                                  71,144 euros
                                                                                                                                  Dainis Mjartāns          Association of Regional Televisions
(including 826,217 euros for                         Commercial EPL* in 2017                                                                               Latvian Press Publishers Association,
                                                                                                 for local and regional           Edgars Kots
     emergency needs)                                                                                                                                      Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
                                                   1,789,215 euros
                                                                                               EPL and producer groups
                                                                                                registered in Latgale to          Elīna Pinto              European Latvian Association
           LR                                                                                 support the production of
                                                                                                                                  Sarma Freiberga          Nāc līdzās! foundation
7,970,847 euros                                                                               EPL content in the Latvian
                                                                                               and Latgalian languages.           Dzintra Geka-Vaska       Latvian Association of the Politically Repressed Persons
                                                                                                                                  Kirils Solovjovs         Latvian Student Association
                                   200,000 euros                                                                                  Imants Liepiņš           Labour union Union of Latvian Journalists
                                   for TV channels (Re:TV,
                                         Rīga TV24)
                                                                                                  23,000 euros                    Toms Meisītis            Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association
                                                              205,000 euros               for commercial EPL which function       Aija Simsone             Latvian Press Publishers Association
          244,259 euros                                        for commercial EPL           in the countries of the diaspora,
                                                                                                                                  Vita Tērauda             Association Providus
       for regional and local EPL to                           to ensure coverage           to ensure production of content
       ensure LTV “Regional news”                                of the municipal           relating to the Latvian diaspora      Jānis Buholcs            Association of Latvian Journalists
                                                                elections in 2017           and its broadcast both to the
                                                                                            diaspora and Latvian society
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017 23
member Ingrīda Brigita Strode, lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the         The experts shared their
                                                                                                                         University of Latvia Rolands Tjarve, head of the Public Relations Division of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  vision regarding the quality
                                                                                                                         State Police Sigita Pildava, assistant professor at Vidzeme University Jānis Buholcs,
                                                                                                                         Head of the Children’s Rights Division of the Ombudsman Laila Grāvere,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the stories that were
                                                                                                                         chief editor Marta Cerava, executive director of the Baltic Media Excellence Centre      produced in the framework
                                                                                                                         Rita Ruduša.                                                                             of the public service remit
                                                                                                                         The experts shared their vision regarding the quality of the stories that were           and were a source of radically
                                                                                                                         produced in the framework of the public service remit and were a source of radical-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  different assessments or even
                                                                                                                         ly different assessments or even complaints. R. Ruduša emphasized that balanced
                                                                                                                         and fact-based information is needed in news stories. Guntis Bojārs, a Latvijas
                                                                                                                         Televīzija journalist, believes that the emotions of content producers should not
                                                                                                                         prevail over the facts. In turn, L.Gravere, the Head of the Children’s Rights Division
                                                                                                                         of the Ombudsman and S. Pildava,the Head of the Public Relations Department of
                                                                                                                         the State Police, emphasized the importance of media responsibility in reflecting
                                                                                                                         sensitive issues, especially those affecting children’s rights. R. Tjarve pointed out
                                                                                                                         that the main responsibility rests not on the journalists, but on the editors.

  The NEPLP launches a discussion
          cycle for the development
               of the media industry
The first three discussions      In 2017 the NEPLP launched a new initiative - public debates on important
                                 issues for the media industry. The first three discussions focused on the quali-
focused on the quality
                                 ty of journalism and the responsibility of media professionals; coverage of the
of journalism and the
responsibility of media
                                 election in the electronic media; advertisement placement regulations and
                                 improvements to it.                                                                     Media coverage of the municipal                                                          Representatives of the media,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  political scientists, sociologists
professionals; coverage of       A media ombudsman is scheduled to be created, according to the Latvian Media
the election in the electronic   Policy Guidelines 2016-2020, and the NEPLP strongly supports this commit-               elections                                                                                and other experts discussed
media; advertisement             ment. As we move towards the establishment of the ombudsman, the NEPLP                                                                                                           the coverage of the elections
placement regulations and
                                 will continue to organize discussions, raising issues on journalistic challenges in     The role of traditional media in shaping public opinion is constantly diminishing,       in the media and the role of
                                 the electronic media.                                                                   social networks and social media are taking their place, and the media litera-
improvements to it.                                                                                                                                                                                               the media in the democratic
                                                                                                                         cy of the society itself is critically important - such were the main findings of
                                                                                                                         the experts at the NEPLP discussion “The 3 Vectors of the elections”, which took         process, identifying the
                                                                                                                         place 12 July in the House of the European Union. Representatives of the media,          necessary changes, including
                                 Strengthening the quality of                                                            political scientists, sociologists and other experts discussed the coverage of           in preparation for the 2018
                                                                                                                         the elections in the media and the role of the media in the democratic process,          Saeima elections.
                                 journalism                                                                              identifying the necessary changes, including in preparation for the 2018 Saeima
                                 The discussion cycle organized by the NEPLP began on 24 May with a discussion on        Opening the discussion, Gunta Līdaka, a member of the NEPLP, highlighted
                                 the quality of Latvian journalism and media literacy issues. The first discussion was   the most important issues in the pre-election period - they mainly relate to the
                                 attended by members of the Public Advisory Council (PAC), media representatives,        submission of pre-election lists, the attitude of politicians towards the debates
                                 industry professionals and representatives of various institutions who, together        in the media, the so-called “black PR” campaigns, as well as the use of language.
                                 with the invited experts, analysed the information coverage in public media and         After the 2017 municipal elections, 18 complaints were received by the NEPLP on
                                 media positioning.                                                                      alleged violations of pre-election campaign regulations.
                                 During the discussion the following experts took the floor: media expert and PAC        Inga Jaunskunga, Head of the Department for Financing Control of Political

24 NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017                                                                                                                                                                                              NEPLP ACTIVITY REVIEW 2017 25
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