Page created by Julio Watts

ABVE 2016 Conference                                                                                        April 9-10, 2016
                                                                                                            Vancouver, BC

From Both Sides Now:
Learning From Each Other

                     e are pleased to          Pharmacology of Pain
                     release details about     Management)
                     the 2016 American         and Dr. Jason Walker
                     Board of Vocational       (The Biopsychosocial
                     Experts conference.       Model of Treating
This year’s conference will mark the 35th      Chronic Pain). Dr.
anniversary of the founding of ABVE.           Walker and Dr. Soja
The conference will be held north of           have more than
the border at the Pinnacle Renaissance         225 publications
Vancouver Harbourside April 8th to 10th        and presentations
in Vancouver, British Columbia.                between them.
   The conference is called “From Both             We are very
Sides Now: Learning from Each Other”.          pleased that Dr. Van
The titled is inspired by Joni Mitchell.       de Bittner will
Joni was born in Alberta, raised in            give a presentation titled, Vocational            • Employability Assessments for
Saskatchewan and now lives in California.      Apportionment: An Analysis                          Disabled Veterans
“Both Sides, Now” was performed at the         of Medical and Vocational Factors                 • Earnings Capacity Assessment;
2010 Winter Olympics opening ceremony          Affecting Apportionment of Employability            Methodologies & Ethical Issues
in Vancouver.                                  and Earning Capacity. Other                       • Ethical Considerations in Vocational
   The conference planning committee           presentations include:                              Testing of Adults with Autistic Spectrum
was very excited at the number and             • Best Practice When Addressing                     Disorder
strength of proposals submitted for this          Chronic Pain in Forensic Vocational            • Ethical Issues in the Practice of
year’s event. Dr. Tim Fields, Tony Choppa         Evaluation Reports                               Testifying as Vocational Experts
and Cloie Johnson will be giving a three       • Addiction and Employment                        • Vocational Motivation in Forensics
hour pre-conference presentation titled:       • Implications of Head Injuries in                • Predicting occupational outcomes from
Collateral Sources and Life Care Planning:        Employability Evaluations                        psychological and neuropsychological
Issues Related to the Life Care Planner’s      • Current issues in disability law                  assessment data
Role in the Emerging ACA Climate.              • Neuropsychological Testing: Common              • Clinical judgment and the use of
The second pre-conference will focus              Tests & Best Practices                           psychometric instruments for vocational
on pain and feature Dr. Peter J. Soja (The     • Mindful Practice Techniques for Experts           assessment.
                                                                                                                Continue reading on page 12

                                  p2 President’s Message                p5 New Rules Coming For CEU’s       p7 ABVE Participates in the RCC
                                  p3 A “Thank You” from the Board          in 2016                          p8 RCC Statement Regarding CORE/CACREP
                                  p3 A Note from ABVE’s New Executive   p6 ABVE Participates in the         p9 Call for Nominations 2016-2019
                                     Director: Stephanie Munoz             Rehabilitation Counseling           Board of Directors
                                  p5 Representing ABVE at the APA          Coalition                        p11 Call for Nomination for Awards
                                     International Symposium            p6 Annual Dues Renewal for 2016     p12 Welcome New ABVE Members!
ABVE Board of Directors
President (2015 - 2017)
Estelle Hutchinson | Providence, RI

Past President (2015 - 2017)
Communications/Tech. Chair
Cynthia Grimley | Lexington, SC

President-Elect (2015 - 2017)
IPEC Committee Chair
Scott Whitmer | Yakima, WA

Secretary (2015 - 2018)
The Vocational Expert Editor
Kourtney Layton | Sandy, UT

Treasurer (2013-2016)
Jeffrey Lucas | Cape Coral, FL
                                         President’s Message
Director-At-Large (2013–2016)
Certification Chair
                                         With this quarterly newsletter, let           available at the ABVE exhibitor’s booth
John Berg | Seattle, WA                  me bring you up to date on what is            at the IARP conference. Complete
                                         happening at ABVE.                            information about both certifications
Director-At-Large (2015-2018)               An exciting speaker line-up and            can also be found at the ABVE web site
Ethics Committee Chair
Scott Beveridge | Washington D.C.
                                         agenda are set for the ABVE Annual            (abve.net) under the Membership and
beveridg@gwu.edu                         Conference to be held April 8-10, 2016        Certification tabs.
Director-At-Large (2014-2017)
                                         in Vancouver, British Columbia. The               OnlineCE for ABVE Continuing
2016 Conference Chair                    Knowledge Enhancement Seminar and             Education is now in development
Phil Boswell | Comox, BC
                                         Certification Examination are scheduled       under the leadership of Past-President
                                         the day before the conference on              Cindy Grimley and further information
Director-At-Large (2015-2018)
Membership Committee Chair
                                         Thursday, April 7th. If you can spare the     can be found in this newsletter. This
Trevor Duncan | Yakima, WA               time, consider spending a few extra days      online program not only offers web-
                                         to explore the beautiful city we will be      based continuing education but gives
Director-At-Large (2013-2016)            visiting, as well as the surrounding areas    ABVE members a chance to design
Canadian Advisory Chair
Robert Lychenko | Mississauga, Ontario
                                         of Vancouver. Brochures will be arriving      educational offerings for colleagues
evergreenrehab@primus.com                in your mailboxes in the coming weeks,        and those who are interested in
Director-At-Large (2015-2018)
                                         and it will be posted on the ABVE             furthering their knowledge of forensic
Test Committee Chair                     website even sooner.                          evaluation and testimony.
DT North | Olympia, WA
                                            ABVE continues to field interest               Lastly, look for the newest edition
                                         in the International Psychometric             of the Journal of Forensic Vocational
Director-At-Large (2013-2016)
Publications Chair & Journal Co-Editor
                                         Evaluation Certification (IPEC).              Analysis which will be coming out in
Chrisann Schiro-Geist | Memphis, TN      The grandfathering phase is now in            late October or early November. Many
                                         process and it is an excellent time to        thanks go to Chrisann Schiro-Geist,
Director-At-Large (2014-2017)            obtain this certification. Applicants         Ph.D., Journal Editor, for her continuing
CEU Chair
Scott Stipe | Portland, OR
                                         who meet the standards to qualify             efforts to maintain a high-quality, peer-
sstipe@careerdirectionsw.com             for certification will be required to take    reviewed journal for ABVE.
Journal Co-Editor
                                         the examination at a later date but               There is much going on behind the
Chad Duncan | Ex-Officio                 the score will not have an effect on          scenes too! We need volunteers for our
                                         certification status. The exam will be        five-year Test Development Committee
Executive Director                       normed on the grandfathered group.            and for Membership/Marketing and
Stephanie Munoz | Santa Cruz, CA
                                            New brochures have been developed          Ethics Committees. Get involved!
                                         that explain the benefits of ABVE and         It is a great opportunity for professional
Account Manager                                                                        development and to collaborate
Ben Wilson | Santa Cruz, CA
                                         IPEC certification. There is a separate
ben@btfenterprises.com                   brochure for each certification and           with peers.
Managed by BTF Enterprises,
                                         each brochure explains the steps to be
an Accredited Association                taken to obtain the specific certification.   Estelle Hutchinson
Management Company
                                         These are going to print and will be          President, ABVE

2 | The vocational expert
A “Thank You” from the Board
by Scott Whitmer
A huge thank you to Jack Conway             a smart and amazingly charismatic              Thanks are also in order for
(Chrisann Schiro-Geist’s husband) for       performer, demonstrating her bowling        Robert “Bob” Lynchenko, a beloved
running the ABVE booth at the vendor        skills to APA attendees along with her      ABVE Board Member, who lives and
fair during the APA International           usual bag of tricks. She drew crowds        practices in Toronto. Not only did
Symposium this past May. Jack was the       of onlookers from all ages to the           Robert do his time at the ABVE booth,
anchor person at the booth, most of         ABVE table, delighting everyone and         but he graciously showed Chrisann,
the time, so that Chrisann and I were       increasing the number of inquiries          Jack and I the larger city of Toronto as
able to present and participate in a        about ABVE and IPEC.                        well as surrounding suburbs. Bob took
variety of APA trainings, presentations        I would also like to extend a heart-     us to a great Portuguese restaurant
and interactive opportunities.              felt thank you to Chrisann Schiro-          with an outdoor patio with fantastic
   Jack also brought his second-            Geist for inviting me to present            ambiance. What a great taste of one of
best friend, Roxie (a little black          among her esteemed colleagues at            the many unique ethnic foods found
Pomeranian), along. Roxie’s formal          the APA Symposium. It truly was an          in Toronto! Robert also packed up all
name, for those interested in spending      international effort with Norway,           of our ABVE booth belongings and
some moments watching her antics            Ireland, China, Canada and the USA          sent them back to California, ABVE
on YouTube, is “Princess Foxy Roxie         representing through the international      Headquarters.
Conway of Chickasaw”. Roxie was             evidence-based lens.                           Thank you Robert!

A Note from ABVE’s New Executive Director
Stephanie Munoz
Greetings ABVE members! I wanted            Vocational Experts, and I have finally
to take this opportunity to formally        figured out WHAT it is Vocational
introduce myself as ABVE’s newest           Experts do.
Executive Director. As many of you may         I have had the privilege of getting to
know, Glenn Zimmermann officially           know many of the ABVE members as
retired this year as your Executive         well as working closely with the board
Director, as well as the owner of BTF       as the Account Manager. During my
Enterprises. Glenn’s retirement opened      time as the Account Manager I have
the door for my business partner, Shiela    been immersed in all the aspects of
Locatelli-Wallace, and I to purchase BTF    the business of ABVE. As I move into
Enterprises. With this transition, I have   this leadership role, I hope to take
been given the wonderful opportunity to     what I have learned from my time as
step into the role of Executive Director.   the Account Manager, my experience
   My journey with BTF Enterprises          in Association Management and my
and ABVE has been life-long. I started      education in business and marketing to
working with BTF when I was just 15.        continue the great work Glenn did with      to grow the organization and find new
It was my very first job. I remember        the organization.                           ways to serve the members, and I am
going in every day after school and            I, however, will not be doing this       looking forward to working alongside
prepping ABVE Save the Date postcards       alone. Ben Wilson (who many of you          them in this new era for both ABVE and
to be mailed, filing various documents      may know from calling/e-mailing ABVE        BTF Enterprises.
in member files, and wondering what         HQ) will be stepping into the Account
EXACTLY is a Vocational Expert? I would     Manager role. Ben, along with the entire    Sincerely,
have never thought at the time that I       team at BTF Enterprises, are excited to
would someday have the opportunity          continue to help ABVE progress into the     Stephanie Munoz, CEM
to say I get to serve the community of      future. The Board is making great strides   ABVE Executive Director

                                                                                                        The vocational expert | 3
    Our small, highly respected, and established vocational and health consulting firm is seeking
 an experienced vocational expert to join our team. The desired candidate will have a M.A. or Ph.D.
degree in vocational rehabilitation or a closely related field, preferably with life care planning training,
   CRC, VE, and CLCP certification, and at least 5-10 years of courtroom testimony experience.

1.  Have an established reputation as an ethical professional who demonstrates integrity
    in all professional, business, and related activities
2. Enjoy the opportunity to develop and present independent, objective, and unbiased opinions
3. Be highly competent in all phases of the vocational evaluation process
4. Be confident, comfortable, and persuasive in presenting expert opinions in depositions and trials
    fee advance, billing, and collection practices
6. Cherish the opportunity to work on highly complex cases while developing empirically-based
    opinions that benefit all parties
7. Have excellent report writing skills combined with voice recognition skills to generate reports,          This sounds appealing
    letters, and other documents                                                                             to you, please submit
8. Enjoy the excitement of providing the highest quality services on multiple cases simultaneously               your CV to the
    under strict deadlines with results that benefit all involved parties                                      following address.
9. Relish the opportunity to join and contribute to a highly respected and successful rehabilitation firm    Also include in a cover
10.                                                                                                         letter a statement as to
    colleagues                                                                                              why you feel you would
11.                                                                                                          be the best candidate
    injury, employment law, workers’ compensation, medical malpractice, and others                              for the position.
12. Be interested in monitoring changes in state and federal laws and court decisions that impact           Please reply to address
    evaluation and testimony activities, and making necessary adjustments in evaluation                     on letterhead and/or to:
    and reporting methodologies                                                                                  s@mirfak.com
13. Have a successful track record of participating in and contributing to the profession as an
    author of published, peer-reviewed journal articles, holding leadership positions in professional
    associations, teaching, and others
14. Welcome and appreciate a long-term employment relationship with our firm
15. Enjoy the opportunity to set and manage your own schedule while completing expert witness
    activities and accommodating personal commitments
16. Enjoy personal control over your income through our compensation structure
18. Appreciate the value of confident, dedicated, and loyal rehabilitation assistants through
    all phases of an evaluation and testimony
    theaters, stores, public transportation, and freeways in the San Francisco Bay Area
20. Enjoy the challenge of completing entrance tests as part of the employment application

                                    MIRFAK.COM | (925) 296-0300
Representing ABVE at the APA International                                                 New Rules Coming
Symposium in Toronto, Ontario                                                              For CEU’s in 2016
                                                                                           The ABVE Board has recently approved
Scott A. Whitmer, M.Ed., CRC, CDMS, ABVE/D, IPEC, LMHC
                                                                                           recommended changes to ABVE’s
President-Elect ABVE
                                                                                           continuing education policy. In the past,
We had a great time in Toronto,                                                            there were limitations on the maximum
Ontario at the American Psychological                                                      number of CEU’s which could be
Association International Symposium!                                                       approved for home study/distance
We learned much about who is interested                                                    learning. Beginning in January 2016,
in ABVE and the new assessment                                                             members may submit an unlimited
credential, The International Psychometric                                                 number of hours from home study or
Evaluation Certification (IPEC). Our                                                       other distance learning programs.
goal was to present on evidence-based                                                          Although we have made this change,
assessment (EBA) in the clinical and                                                       ABVE strongly encourages attendance
forensic profession, shake hands with        for making it known to others of the          at ABVE conferences as a top priority
master’s degree-level and doctoral-level     values and core competencies we share.        for members, because we are confident
professionals interested in the forensic         Some other attendees who expressed        that conference attendance will greatly
subspecialty; as well as to learn as much    interest in ABVE/IPEC are folks from          benefit certified members’ forensic
as we could about research, publishing,      Guam, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. We             knowledge and skills. Regardless,
conferencing, assessment and industry        also spoke with individuals from Canada,      attendance at ABVE conferences is
standards that ABVE and APA both             England and Australia. In addition to         still not required in order to maintain
share and, perhaps, do not yet share.        shaking many hands and answering              certification.
   My time spent at the booth was eye        questions about what we do as Forensic            Another change in relation to CEU
opening, to say the least, both in terms     Consultants and Evaluators, we invited        policy relates to college and university
of diversity and in potential new            those who were interested to provide          level courses. Also beginning in January
members. I encountered an array of           their e-mail and phone numbers so we          2016, successful completion of college/
professionals who were represented           could get membership applications to          university courses will be awarded 15
from a broad spectrum of educational         them directly. You all can be assured we      CEU’s for each 1 semester hour or 10
attainment and social science                will be following up with everyone who        CEU’s for each quarter hour credit.
backgrounds. A growing demographic           left their information at the ABVE booth.         There will be other minor changes
in our ABVE membership is doctoral-              We do expect to gain some new             to the language in relation to CEU
level professionals who cross back and       members through this effort and, hopefully,   procedures for clarification purposes.
forth from forensic vocational evaluation    we can build long-term relationships          Watch your e-mail for more details.
and clinical-forensic psychological          with individuals in territories and               The Board strongly agrees that
assessment. We aim to serve those            countries not yet associated with ABVE.       the above changes in relation to
individuals in our membership and those          I am confident that our presence          CEU’s will greatly benefit members
who cross that line between psychologist     brought ABVE even more to the forefront       and best addresses their continuing
and forensic vocational evaluator.           of the national and international forensics   education needs.
We have traditionally had a core             stages, and I was honored to be one of            If you have any questions about the
group of psychologists in the ABVE           the members selected to represent ABVE        updated CEU policies, please contact
organization and we thank them               at the Symposium.                             ABVE Headquarters.

                                                                                                         The vocational expert | 5
ABVE Participates
in the Rehabilitation
Counseling Coalition
             he Rehabilitation Counseling        will have properly trained applicants for    on CACREP standards for clinical
             Coalition is an organization that   future jobs within their organizations.      counseling and not the standards
             has been formed to protect and      These concerns are fed, not just by the      for CORE-accredited vocational
             support graduate Vocational         merger of the educational accreditation      rehabilitation counseling programs.
             Rehabilitation Counseling           bodies, but by the advocacy of the           Therefore, if CACREP standards are
programs and the profession of Vocational        counseling professions by the American       accepted as the requirement for the
Rehabilitation Counseling. The emphasis          Counseling Association (ACA). ACA is         designation of Licensed Professional
here is on Vocational. Traditional               pushing for state licensure of counselors    Counselor, vocational rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling             that will define the scope of practice for   counselors who graduated from a
programs, which focus on vocational              counselors in a uniform manner across        CORE-accredited would not be eligible
assessment, vocational counseling,               states. Consistent state requirements        for licensure. Worse yet, VRC’s could
job analysis and job placement, have             would then facilitate license portability    be prevented from practicing as
largely been accredited by the Council           from one state to another – another          “counselors” if this term has been
on Rehabilitation Education (CORE).              major goal of the ACA.                       strictly defined under state licensure.
CORE has recently agreed to merge with              To promote both state licensing and       These are the concerns that have
CACREP, the Council for Accreditation            portability of licenses, the following       propelled ABVE to join with numerous
of Counseling & Related Educational              recommendations have been made by            other organizations to protect the
Programs. CACREP’s focus has been on             ACA and AASCB (American Association          education and practice of VRC’s.
clinical rehabilitation counseling standards     of State Counseling Boards):                    The RCC met in August 2015 at Wright
that would more closely align with mental                                                     State University in Dayton, Ohio. The
health counseling.                               • A licensure title of Licensed              statement which follows (on page 7) was
    The fear is that vocational                   Professional Counselor;                     issued at the conclusion of the meeting
rehabilitation programs, and even the            • The development of a consensus scope       for the purpose of developing an action
profession itself, could be swallowed              of practice; and                           plan to protect the careers of VRC’s.
by the larger and broader counseling             • The development of consensus               Please note the seven recommended
professions. Colleges and universities are         education requirements to recommend        actions voiced by both public and private
positioning themselves for the coming              to all state licensing boards.             vocational rehabilitation organizations.
changes, and employers of VRC’s in state
agencies, non-profit, and private-for-             It is important to note that the           Estelle Hutchinson,
profit companies are wondering if they           education requirements are based             M.S., MBA, ABVE/D

 Annual                       It is time for renewal of your
                              personal investment in ABVE
                                                                       Maintain your place among
                                                                    the best in the industry by
                                                                                                       members must acquire
                                                                                                       14 CEUs. The current CEU

                              membership for continued              renewing your ABVE                 period runs from 1/01/13
                              recognition of your experience        membership in 2015!                through 12/31/15.
                                                                                                          Certified members can

                              and confidence in your                   Reminder about the
                              practice.                             Continuing Education               view their up-to-date CEU
                                  You should have received          Requirement for Certified          status at any time. Log on

for 2016                      a renewal letter and invoice in
                              the mail. You may also go to
                              www.abve.net and login and
                                                                    Members, Certified Diplomates
                                                                    and Fellows must obtain
                                                                    42 approved CEUs by
                                                                                                       at www.abve.net as a member
                                                                                                       with username and password
                                                                                                       to view member profile.
                              pay online.                           December 31, 2015 to maintain      CEUs are located at the
                                                                    certification. Active Emeritus     bottom of the profile page.

6 | The vocational expert
Rehabilitation                                                                   CALL 937-775-4203
                                                                                 RCC Members/Organizations
Counseling                                                                       Stephen A. Wooderson, M.S.
                                                                                 Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation
                                                                                 (301) 519-8023

Coalition (RCC)
                                                                                 Tom Wilson, M.Ed., CRC
                                                                                 National Rehabilitation Counseling Association
                                                                                 (706) 498-4473

                                                                                 Robin Washington, PT, Ph.D., CRC
                                                                                 National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns

                                                                                 (708) 534-3147
                                                                                 Lynne Tracy, M.A., MFT, CRC, CDMS, ABVE/D
                                                                                 International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals

                                                                                 (818) 880-6460
                                                                                 Tarea Stout, M.S., LPC
                                                                                 National Rehabilitation Association

                                                                                 (601) 664-8683

                                                                                 Elizabeth Skyles, M.S., CRC, LPC
                                                                                 National Association of Service Providers in Private Rehabilitation
                                                                                 (217) 520-2427
             he Rehabilitation Counseling Coalition (RCC) publicly thanks Dr.    elizabethsj@hotmail.com
             Frank Lane, CORE Executive Director, and Patty Nunez, CORE          Fred Schroeder, Ph.D.
             President for choosing to attend the RCC summer meetings            National Rehabilitation Association
                                                                                 (703) 836-0850
             held at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, August             fschroeder@sks.com
             8 - 9, 2015. This was CORE’s first meeting with professional        Robert J. Paré, M.S., CRC, LRC, CDMS
organizations following the announcement of the CORE/CACREP merger.              International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals
                                                                                 (609) 531-2529
The RCC acknowledges CORE’s business decision to merge with CACREP.              rparecrr@comcast.net
During the period of merger transition that will finalize on July 1, 2017, the
                                                                                 Joseph E. Keferl, Rh.D., CRC
RCC strongly encourages CORE to continue to promote the profession of            National Association of Service Providers in Private Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and protect the careers of Vocational       (937) 775-2076
Rehabilitation Counselors through the following actions:
                                                                                 Chrisann Schiro-Geist, Ph.D., CRC, ABVE/D, LCP
    • Introduce and legitimize the RCC to CACREP
                                                                                 American Board of Vocational Evaluation
    • Publicly and in writing by both CORE and CACREP, recognize CRC             (312) 961-9665
      as the premier credential for Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors
    • Through review and revision of CORE standards, reinforce the CRC           Estelle Hutchinson, M.S., MBA, ABVE/D
                                                                                 American Board of Vocational Evaluation
      as the premier credential for Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors         (401) 383-4069
    • Facilitate the ongoing appointment of a Vocational Rehabilitation          erhutchinson@cox.net
      Counselor Representative to the CACREP Board, post July 1, 2017            Ray Feroz, Ph.D., CRC, NCC, LPC, BC-HSP
                                                                                 Rehabilitation Counselor and Educators Association
    • Promote the Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling profession
                                                                                 (814) 393-2052
      as a distinct and valued specialty of counseling                           rferoz@clarion.edu
    • CORE is asked to influence CACREP and NBCC on grandfathering               Allison Flanagan, M.R.C, CRC
      language so as to not disenfranchise current practitioners                 National Council of State Agencies for the Blind
    • CORE will assist in addressing the lack of pathways for VRCs               Allison.Flanagan@ky.gov
      in reciprocity proposals set forth by ACES, NBCC and AMHCA                 Katherine Dunlap, M.S., LCPC, CRC, CLCP, VMS
      as well as the lack of congruence with ACA’s reciprocity language.         International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals
                                                                                 (406) 222-0814
The RCC requests the above actions be carried out in order to protect            dunlaprehab@gmail.com
the public and ensure that people with disabilities have access to
                                                                                 Chad Duncan, Ph.D., CPO, CRC
qualified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors. The RCC is committed             National Council on Rehabilitation Education
to this mission and remains united with one voice toward this cause.             334-332-1886
The RCC welcomes ongoing communication, discussions, and when
                                                                                 Dennis Bunton, NCC, LPC
appropriate collaboration with CACREP and other stakeholders in the              National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns
field, regarding these important issues.                                         (618) 790-4481

Rehabilitation Counseling Coalition (RCC).
                                                                                                                   The vocational expert | 7
3121 PARK AVE., STE. C
   SOQUEL, CA 95073
831-464-4890 PHONE
      831-576-1417 FAX
Call for Nominations
   2016-2019 Board of Directors
           It is time for the 2016 elections. The three year term (2016-2019)
      for the positions listed below commence at the Board Meeting, April 7, 2016
                 at the 2016 ABVE Annual Conference in Vancouver, BC.

The positions that are open
for the 2016 elections are:
                                                        Open Positions (2016 - 2019)
  • Director-at-Large (3 Openings)                      DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE –                   TREASUER – One (1)
  • Treasurer (1 Opening)                               Three (3) Positions Open:             Position Open:

If you have a desire to work toward the advancement     The Director-At-Large shall           The Treasurer will oversee,
of the goals and mission of ABVE please consider        serve a three-year term of office.    but not manage the financial
this opportunity to be instrumentally involved in the                                         records of ABVE, and ensure
leadership of ABVE.                                     • Ensure adherence to                 that the Board regularly
                                                          ABVE’s mission.                     receives quarterly reports
Terms & Conditions for Nominations                      • Attend and actively participate     of the financial condition of
Nominees must be either a Fellow or Diplomate             in all of the Board’s meetings,     ABVE. The treasurer will also:
in good standing and be willing to attend all of the      Conference sessions and other
board meetings (up to six times per year, including       functions of the Corporation,       • Assist the Board in the
telephonic meetings and the annual conference             and notify ABVE Headquarters          development of a detail
board meeting). Nomination information may also           or Board President of                 annual budget.
be found at www.abve.net.                                 anticipated absences.               • Assist the Board to understand
    Diplomates and Fellows may nominate themselves.     • When absent from a meeting,           the annual budget before
If nominating a colleague, please obtain a letter         review minutes and results            approval.
for consent before submitting the nomination.             of the missed meeting to            • Arrange in-service programs
All nominees must complete the Candidate                  maintain awareness of issues          for the Board so that Board
Profile/Statement form located at www.abve.net.           and solutions.                        members will be better able
    The Candidate Profile/Statement form will           • Do their homework to be               to understand the financial
not be edited for spelling or grammar.                    prepared to participate fully         reporting process.
    Return Nominations and the Candidate Profile/         in Board and committee              • Chair the Finance Committee.
Statement form using one of the following methods:        meetings.                           • Ensure that the Board arranges
                                                        • Serve actively on at least            for an annual review of the
  Email to abve@abve.net                                  one committee.                        ABVE books by outside
  Fax to (831) 576-1417                                 • Act only with the full Board, not     CPA firm.
  Mail to ABVE Headquarters,                              individually unless authorized      • With the management
  3121 Park Ave., Ste. C                                  to do so by the full Board.           company, establish an
  Soquel, CA 95073                                      • Speak for the full Board only         in-person financial review by
                                                          when the full Board sanctions         a committee selected by ABVE
The Profile/Statement forms must be postmarked,           their doing so.                       Board of the ABVE books when
faxed or emailed no later than December 1, 2015,        • Be prepared to vote on all issue      a new Treasurer takes office.
the date which nominations close.                         motions unless a conflict of
                                                          interest exists and is stated
Direct any questions to: ABVE HQ at 831-464-4890          according to Board policy.
or abve@abve.net.

                                                                                                         The vocational expert | 9
10 | The vocational expert
Call for                                                       START THE YEAR OFF RIGHT BY ATTENDING
   Nomination                                                      THE 2016 ABVE CONFERENCE IN VANCOUVER!

   for Awards                                                      CERTIFIED MEMBERS
                                                                   MAY EARN UP TO
            Nominate a Colleague                                   23.25 ABVE CEUS
           for David S. Frank Award
                                                                   FOR THE 2016-2018
          or Scott A. Streater Award
                                                                   CEU CYCLE > VISIT
    Nominations are open for the David S. Frank and Scott
    E. Streater awards. Nominations must be sent to ABVE           WWW.ABVE.NET/CONTEDOVERVIEW.HTM
Headquarters by January 4, 2016. Please go to www.abve.net
 and look under About/Awards to download the award nomi-           FOR A COMPLETE
 nation form. This honor will be awarded at the ABVE Annual
 Conference in Vancouver, BC on April 9, 2016. The recipients      OVERVIEW
of these awards will be chosen by the ABVE Board of Directors      OF CONTINUING
  from a list of nominees submitted by general membership.
            David S. Frank Award                                   REQUIREMENTS.
   During the 1997 ABVE Fall Conference in Minneapolis, the
    ABVE Board of Directors established the David S. Frank
  Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is to be presented
to an ABVE member or other, who actively has participated in
 the organization, freely devoting time, energies and expertise
toward the development of ABVE or to the body of knowledge
of the vocational expert in a forensic setting. Award recipients
  will be chosen on the basis of their character, expertise, and
  professionalism as exemplified by David S. Frank, as well as
   their efforts to foster a growing knowledge of ABVE as an
             ethical, credible, and professional body.

          Scott E. Streater Award
  The Scott E. Streater Educational Award was designed in
 2006 to recognize that member of ABVE who has made a
significant contribution to the learning and educational base
  of the ABVE membership through one’s participation in:

  (1) Active research and publication of substantive issues
   and underpinnings for the forensic arena in which said
membership participates and publishes such information via

                                                                    DECEMBER 16 / 2015
 the organization’s journal, newsletter and website, and/or

                                                                    FEBRUARY 16 / 2016
(2) Activities contributing to the educational base of the ABVE
 membership through the development and coordination of
  ABVE’s annual conferences and/or continuing educational
   presentations and exchange of information and expertise            APRIL 7 / 2016*
which provide educational underpinnings for its membership.
                                                                   * At the 2016 Annual Conference in Vancouver, BC

                                                                                                The vocational expert | 11
Continued from Front Cover
                                               passport application may take up to
               iven that this year’s           eight weeks to process, so take care to
               conference will be located      apply with plenty of time to spare.
               outside the US, we would        http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/
               like to make you aware          en/passports/apply.html
               of a few things. One of            Traveler’s medical insurance is highly
the benefits of hosting the conference         recommended, even for brief visits. No
in Vancouver is the relative strength of       Canadian health care provider accepts
the US dollar compared to the loonie           U.S. domestic health insurance, and
(Canadian dollar). At the time this piece      Medicare coverage does not extend
was written. $100 US converted to              outside the United States.
$130.85 Canadian dollars.                         If you decide to travel to Vancouver
    Canadian law requires that all persons     by car, driving in Canada is similar to
entering Canada carry both proof of            driving in many parts of the United           firms will issue a Canadian insurance
citizenship and proof of identity. A valid     States. Distances and speeds, however,        card, which should be obtained and
U.S. passport, passport card, or NEXUS         are posted in kilometers per hour.            carried prior to driving into Canada.
card satisfies these requirements for          Proof of auto insurance is required.             Mark your calendars and check your
US citizens. If you have a passport, you       U.S. auto insurance is accepted as long       passports! We look forward to seeing
might want to take a quick peak to check       as an individual is a tourist in Canada.      you in Vancouver in April, eh?
its expiration date. If you don’t have a       The Canadian Automobile Association
passport, visit the hyperlink below for        (CAA) honours American Automobile             Phil Boswell
instructions on how to apply. Note: A          Association membership. U.S. insurance        Conference Chair

Welcome New ABVE Members!
        Member               First           Last
                                                            Company                                 City             State
        Type                 Name            Name

  1     IPEC                 Frederick       Fox II         Disability Evaluation Resource          Austin           Texas

                                                            Ergonomics and Rehabilitation
  2     IPEC                 Sonia           Paquette       Consulting
                                                                                                    Downingtown      Pennsylvania

  3     IPEC                 Casey           Kilduff        Strategic Consulting Services Inc.      Olympia          Washington

                                                            Foster Assessment Center
  4     IPEC                 Flores          Imelda         and Testing Service, Inc
                                                                                                    Norwalk          California

  5     IPEC                 Kenneth         Askew          Askew Rehabilitation Services           Bloomington      Minnesota

  6     Associate            Carol           McManus        Carol G. McManus Consulting, LLC        Pittsford        New York

  7     Associate            David           Couch          N/A                                     Oklahoma City    Oklahoma

                                                            Erbacher Rehabilitation
  8     Associate            Michele         Erbacher       & Consulting
                                                                                                    Lockport         New York

  9     Associate            Dennis          O'Brien        O'Brien Professional Services, LLC      Newcastle        Oklahoma

 10     Associate            Steve           Allison        Functional Capacity Experts, LLC        Bossier City     Louisiana

12 | The vocational expert
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