AAOMS Store Product Catalog | 2021-22 - Compliance Management

Page created by Adam Taylor
AAOMS Store Product Catalog | 2021-22 - Compliance Management
AAOMS Store                             Product Catalog | 2021-22

Cirugía de implantes
              G U Í A D E L PAC I E N T E

            Cirujanos orales y maxilofaciales:
  expertos en cirguía de la cara, la boca y los maxilares®

 Patient                                                       Practice       Practice    Clinical
Education                                                     Compliance    Management   Resources
AAOMS Store Product Catalog | 2021-22 - Compliance Management

   3-5                                      6                          7-8                                   9-11

Patient                                Practice                      Practice                              Clinical
Education                              Compliance                    Management                            Resources
Increase patient understanding,        Fulfill legal requirements,   Maximize financial gains,             Earn Continuing Education
expand referral base to grow a         implement effective plans     understand best practices and         credits, encourage training for
practice and extend the visibility     and maintain safety:          plan for continued success:           surgical assistants and develop
of OMS expertise:                                                                                          comprehensive anesthesia
                                       Model Medical Practice OSHA   Office Design and Construction        programs:
Patient Information                    Exposure Control Compliance   for the Oral and Maxillofacial
Pamphlets 3                            Plan and Training 6           Surgeon 7                             SASS 1: Basics of Office
                                                                                                           Surgical Assisting 9
Patient Information                    OSHA Exposure Control         Selling Your Oral and Maxillofacial
Pamphlet Kit 3                         Training Module USB Drive 6   Surgery Practice 7                    SASS 2: Dental Implant
                                                                                                           Assisting 9
Patient Education                      Complete HIPAA Compliance     Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Guides 4                               Plan and Guide 6              Buy-Ins and Pay-Outs 7                Parameters of Care: AAOMS
                                                                                                           Clinical Practice Guidelines for
                                       Model Medical Practice        Retirement Planning for the Oral      Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Pamphlet Display Racks 4
                                       Personnel Policy Manual       and Maxillofacial Surgeon 7           (AAOMS ParCare) 10
Patient Education                      and Workplace Harassment
Guide Kits 4                           Training Compliance Plan 6    New Edition Coming Soon!              Alveolar Split Bone Augmentation
                                                                     Practice Management Manual:           Surgical Update Reprint 10
                                                                     A Guide to Managing
                                                                     the OMS Office,                       Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
                                                                     3rd Edition 8                         Surgery Slipcases 10

                                                                                                           New Edition Coming Soon!
   12                                                                Professional Courtesy Policy
                                                                     Template USB Drive 8                  OMS Reference Guide 10

                                                                     Insurance Manual:                     Office Anesthesia Evaluation
Specialty Items                                                      Comprehensive Billing
                                                                     and Reimbursement Guide
                                                                                                           Manual, 9th Edition Print
                                                                                                           Manual, e-Book, Bundle and
Enjoy additional AAOMS-specific                                      for the OMS 8                         Online 11
products to recognize the specialty:
                                                                     Insurance Manual:
AAOMS-branded Socks – 12                                             Comprehensive Billing
                                                                     and Reimbursement Guide
AAOMS History Book – 12                                              for the OMS e-Book 8

     AAOMS is here for you
     The goal is to provide you with high-quality products and services. Please contact AAOMS with your comments
     and ideas for new products. Email aaomsstore@aaoms.org.

     2021-22 AAOMS Store Product Catalog
AAOMS Store Product Catalog | 2021-22 - Compliance Management
Patient Education                                              3

                                                                                                Email aaomsstore@aaoms.org
Patient Information Pamphlets                                                                   for complimentary samples
These concise, patient-friendly pamphlets cover popular oral and maxillofacial surgery topics. Space is available on the back of each
pamphlet for you to imprint your name and office information – ideal for waiting rooms, referrals or community presentations. ©2018

Sold in packs of 100.
Member: $50 / 100       | Non-member: $150 / 100

                                                                                                                   WHEN SHOULD I HAVE
                                                                                                                   MY WISDOM TEETH REMOVED?
                                                                                                                   It isn’t always wise to wait until your wisdom
                                                                                                                   teeth start to bother you before having them

Anesthesia               Corrective Jaw     Dental Implant          Facial Cosmetic     MRONJ                     A young adult’s wisdom teethObstructive
                                                                                                          Nutrition                            have

Code: PIP07              Surgery            Surgery                 Surgery                                                                   Sleep
                                                                                                                  incomplete root systems, making
                                                                                                          Code: PIP12
                                                                                                                                                  the surgery
                                                                                        Code: PIP11                to remove the teeth less complicated and the
                         Code: PIP04        Code: PIP01             Code: PIP05                                    healing process quicker.    Code: PIP09

                                                                                                                          12 years                    14 years

The Oral and             Oral, Head and     TMJ Treatment           Treatment of        Wisdom Teeth
Maxillofacial Surgeon    Neck Cancer        and Surgery             Facial Injury       Management
                                                                                                                           17 years                   25 years

Code: PIP08              Code: PIP10        Code: PIP03             Code: PIP06         Code: PIP02
                                                                                                                   Wisdom Teeth Growth by Age
                                                                                                                   Whether impacted (as shown here) or fully erupted,
                                                                                                                   wisdom teeth are easier to remove when the patient
                                                                                                                   is younger because the roots are not completely
                                                                                                                   formed, the surrounding bone is softer and there
                                                                                                                   is less chance of damaging nearby nerves or other
                                                                                                                   structures. Removal of wisdom teeth at a later
                                                                                                                   age becomes more complicated as the roots have

Available in Spanish                                 Patient Information Pamphlet Kit
                                                                                                                   fully developed and may involve the nerve, and the

                                                                                                                   jawbone is denser.

                                                                                                                                                st Valu
Administración de Anestesia                          This kit includes 100 each of the six best-                                              Be
(Administration of Anesthesia)                       selling pamphlets and a 6-slot display rack.
Code: SPIP07                                         Pamphlets include:
Cáncer de la boca, la cabeza y el cuelo              • Dental Implant Surgery
(Oral, Head and Neck Cancer)                         • The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Code: SPIP10                                         • Oral, Head and Neck Cancer
CirugÍa de implantes dentales                        • TMJ Treatment and Surgery
(Dental Implant Surgery)                             • Treatment of Facial Injury
Code: SPIP01                                         • Wisdom Teeth Management
Cuidado de las muelas del juicio                     Member: $300     | Non-member: $900
(Wisdom Teeth Management)
                                                     Code: PIPSET
Code: SPIP02
Tratamiento de lesions faciales
(Treatment of Facial Injury)
Code: SPIP06

AAOMS Store Product Catalog | 2021-22 - Compliance Management
4           Patient Education

Patient Education Guides
These guides offer expanded topic descriptions and detailed
illustrations. The larger-size guides cover popular oral and
maxillofacial surgery topics to help patients review key points
discussed during consultation. Space is available on the back of
each guide for you to imprint your name and office information.

Sold in packs of 25.
Each pack contains 25 guides. Please specify number of packs when ordering.
                                                                               Corrective Jaw          Dental Implant         Facial Cosmetic
 Packs                1-4             5-9            10-24           25+       Surgery                 Surgery                Surgery
 Brochure Qty.      (25-100)       (125-225)       (250-600)        (625+)     Code: PEG04             Code: PEG01            Code: PEG05

 Member                  $50          $45            $40             $35
                                   (Save 10%)     (Save 20%)      (Save 30%)

 Non-member              $150         $135           $120            $105
                                   (Save 10%)     (Save 20%)      (Save 30%)

Prices shown per pack.

                                                                                                       TMJ Treatment          Wisdom Teeth
                                                                                                       and Surgery            Management
                                                                                                       Code: PEG03            Code: PEG02

Pamphlet Display Racks                                                            Patient Education Guide Kits
Display your patient education materials in modern fashion.                       Set A includes 50 copies of             Great for Expanding
Convenient, sturdy, clear acrylic racks with the AAOMS logo                       each title below plus a 4-slot          Practices
professionally display your Patient Information Pamphlets and                     display rack:
Patient Education Guides. Each slot holds up to 30 pamphlets.                     • Corrective Jaw Surgery
Racks can be placed on a counter or mounted to your waiting                       • Dental Implant Surgery
room wall.                                                                        • TMJ Treatment and Surgery
                                                                                  • Wisdom Teeth Management
Patient Information Pamphlet 6-Slot Display Rack
                                                                                  Set B includes 50 copies of
Member: $70 | Non-member: $210                                                    each title below plus a 4-slot
Code: PIPRACK                                                                     display rack:
                                                                                  • Facial Cosmetic Surgery
Patient Education Guide 4-Slot Display Rack                                       • Dental Implant Surgery
                                                                                  • TMJ Treatment and Surgery
Member: $70 | Non-member: $210                                                    • Wisdom Teeth Management

                                                                                  Member: $400     | Non-member: $1,200
                                                                                  Codes: S
                                                                                          et A: PEGSETA
                                                                                         Set B: PEGSETB

2021-22 AAOMS Store Product Catalog
AAOMS Store Product Catalog | 2021-22 - Compliance Management
Patient Education          5

Promote your practice and educate
 patients with the resources of the
 AAOMS Informational Campaign
               Complimentary resources available
               to members include:
               • 60 videos, including new patient testimonials,
                  promotional, educational, public service
                  announcement and animated explainer videos
               • 18 infographics, now available in Spanish
               • MyOMS.org web graphic
               • AAOMS member web graphic
               • AAOMS Social Media Guide

               Download informational materials at
AAOMS Store Product Catalog | 2021-22 - Compliance Management
6         Practice Compliance

Model Medical Practice OSHA Exposure                               Complete HIPAA Compliance Plan and Guide
Control Compliance Plan and Training                               Implement an effective HIPAA compliance
The federal Occupational Safety and                      p dates   plan in your practice. The comprehensive
                                                    0  U           guide covers:
Health Administration (OSHA)                    202                • Penalty provisions
regulations require each practice location
to have a written plan detailing:                                  • Business associate rules and requirements
• Respirator fit-testing guidance                                  • Breach notifications
   (updated May 2020).                                             • PHI disclosure requirements for privacy
• Job titles and duties that may expose                              and security
   employees to infection.                                         The complete plan includes a USB drive containing guide
• Work routines to minimize exposure.                              templates in three different formats and narrated PowerPoint
• How the Hepatitis B vaccination may                              presentations. Modules include:
   be obtained from the employer.                                  • Privacy/security training complete with staff training sessions.
• Required follow-ups of incidents                                 • Compliance instructions and breach definitions plus
   and exposure.                                                     notification requirements.
• Steps to alert employees of biohazards.                          ©2013
• Recordkeeping requirements.
• Bloodborne pathogen exposure control.                            Member: $431   | Non-member: $1,293
This publication – which includes a print manual and a             Code: HIPAA
USB drive containing a video presentation – provides a
comprehensive guide to meeting annual OSHA requirements in
the OMS practice. It is a must-have resource for training your
staff and meeting your annual and new employee education
requirements. ©2020
Member: $302    | Non-member: $906
Code: OSHA
                                                                   Model Medical Practice Personnel Policy
                                                                   Manual and Workplace Harassment
OSHA Exposure Control Training                           p dates
                                                   0   U           Training Compliance Plan
Module USB Drive                                202
The perfect resource for satellite locations.                      Create a personnel policy manual
The OSHA USB Drive provides a video                                tailored to your practice’s unique needs.
presentation and OSHA training module                              The manual provides a comprehensive
for staff in a convenient, electronic format.                      template covering the issues you should
©2020                                                              address while creating or updating your
                                                                   practice’s manual. Resources include:
Member: $91| Non-member: $273                                      • Sample personnel forms and documents
                                                                   • Guidelines for social media policies
                                                                   • A staff training module covering how to
                                                                      recognize and deal with workplace harassment
                                                                   • Instructions for managers on handling complaints
                                                                      and investigations
                                                                   Member: $267   | Non-member: $801
                                                                   Code: MPP

2021-22 AAOMS Store Product Catalog
AAOMS Store Product Catalog | 2021-22 - Compliance Management
Practice Management                         7

 ffice Design and Construction for the Oral
O                                                 Oral and Maxillofacial
and Maxillofacial Surgeon, 3rd Edition            Surgery Buy-Ins and Pay-Outs
Eight image-filled case studies will guide you    This manual offers a step-by-step guide
through building, designing or retrofitting       through the legal and financial aspects of
your office. The latest edition of Office         entry and exit within an OMS practice.
Design and Construction for the Oral and          Recent updates include:
Maxillofacial Surgeon will help you define        • Negotiation of partnership tracks
your project, manage schedules and budgets,         for new surgeons
and comply with green building standards.         • Goodwill valuations and the importance
©2016                                               of building referral bases
                                                  • Financial and legal considerations relative
Member: $189    | Non-member: $567                  to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Code: ODC03                                       • Clarifications on the restrictive covenant law
                                                  • An analysis of buy-out trends
                                                  Appendices include sample language for shareholders’
                                                  agreements, employment agreements and stock option letters.
                                                  Member: $135   | Non-member: $405
                                                  Code: BUYPAY

Selling Your Oral and                             Retirement Planning for the
Maxillofacial Surgery Practice                    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
This instructive manual provides in-depth         Have you planned for your financial security
reviews of the many legal and financial           when you decide to retire or phase down your
factors involved when considering the sale of     practice? This manual can help you develop
your practice – including the initial question    the best strategy for your situation. The
of whether you should sell the practice at all.   comprehensive manual addresses:
Learn all the steps involved in selling your      • Retirement, estate and pension plans
practice, from finding potential buyers and       • Buy-ins and pay-outs
determining basic sale terms to securing the      • Ethical issues of practice closure
right professional assistance. Legal aspects      Also includes sample letters to announce:
explored include:                                 • New partnership
• Restrictive covenants                           • Doctor’s retirement
• Post-sale employment terms                      • Notification of a doctor’s death
• Security interests                              • Discontinuation of practice
• Maximizing tax advantages                       ©2017
                                                  Member: $112   | Non-member: $336
Member: $131    | Non-member: $393
                                                  Code: RETR
Code: SELL

AAOMS Store Product Catalog | 2021-22 - Compliance Management
8        Practice Management

Practice Management Manual:                                    on!   Insurance Manual: Comprehensive Billing
A Guide to Managing the                               ing            and Reimbursement Guide for the OMS
OMS Office, 3rd Edition                                              The must-have reference for your coding
Our comprehensive Practice Management                                and billing policies offers specialty-specific
Manual includes information about business                           guidance to help navigate claims processes.
startup and organization, revenue cycle,                             Navigate complex healthcare reimbursement
management, strategic planning, retirement,                          systems by gaining a strong understanding
human resources management, risk                                     of:
management, practice marketing and other                             • Coding compliance to streamline
essential resources for all OMS practices.                             medical and dental claims
                                                                     • Useful fee schedule methods for
Code: PMM03                                                            maximum reimbursement
                                                                     • Successful resolution of claim denials
                                                                     • Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) and policies
                                                                     Resources include:
Professional Courtesy Policy                                         • Pertinent Medicare policies
Template USB Drive                                                   • HIPAA regulations
                                                                     • Examples of fraud and abuse cases
Under Stark regulations, medical practices                           • Sample appeal letters
may only provide professional courtesy                               • Denial-specific flow charts
in accordance with a bullet point list of                            • Affordable Care Act checklist
rules. To comply, the courtesy policy also                           • Unethical coding practices guide
must be in writing and approved by the                               ©2018
practice’s governing body. This template,
provided on a USB drive, furnishes a                                 Member: $232       | Non-member: $696
complete set of Stark-compliant policies for the various types       Code: BILLING
of practices (corporations, LLCs, sole proprietorships, etc.)
and appropriate adopting resolutions. ©2015
Member: $104   | Non-member: $312
                                                                     Insurance Manual: Comprehensive Billing and
Code: PCPT
                                                                     Reimbursement Guide for the OMS e-Book
                                                                     The e-Book contains the same valuable information
                                                                     as the print edition, formatted for easy reading on
                                                                     your computer or electronic device.* ©2018
                                                                     Member: $222  | Non-member: $666
                                                                     Code: BILLINGE

                                                                     Available online only at AAOMSstore.com.
                                                                     *See AAOMSstore.com for system requirements and details.

          Find monthly product
         specials and promotions
        online at AAOMSstore.com

2021-22 AAOMS Store Product Catalog
AAOMS Store Product Catalog | 2021-22 - Compliance Management
Clinical Resources                 9

Surgical Assisting Skills Series (SASS)
SASS 1: Basics of Office Surgical Assisting,         SASS 2: Dental Implant Assisting,
4th Edition                                          4th Edition
Perfect for the new assistant on your                SASS 2 covers the basic science of
surgical team or the seasoned assistant              implantology, types of implants,
looking for reference material, SASS 1               surgical techniques, complication and
provides an understanding of:                        postoperative care. The new edition
• CDC infection control guidelines                   includes information on:
• Commonly used instruments and                      • Bone/implant application
  materials                                          • Complications and postop
• Patient evaluations and preparations                 considerations
• Office protocols for various procedures            • Hard- and soft-tissue grafting
The 4th Edition includes expanded                    • Patient evaluation
imagery to demonstrate injection techniques,         • Patient prep/operatory setup
updated medication references, prophylaxis           • Resorbable membranes
recommendations and local anesthetic tables. ©2017   • Sinus augmentation and nerve repositioning
                                                     • The team approach
Member and Professional Staff: $75                   • Treatment planning
Non-member: $225                                     • Types of implants
Code: SASS1                                          The latest edition includes updated medication references,
                                                     expanded emphasis on endosteal implant procedures and cone-
                                                     beam computed tomography (CBCT) considerations. ©2017
                                                     Member and Professional Staff: $75
                                                     Non-member: $225
                                                     Code: SASS2

AAOMS Store Product Catalog | 2021-22 - Compliance Management
10         Clinical Resources

Parameters of Care: AAOMS Clinical Practice                              Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
Guidelines for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery                            Surgery Slipcases
(AAOMS ParCare), Sixth Edition                                           Organize your journals using these sturdy
AAOMS ParCare 2017 reflects the                                          slipcases. Each holds one year’s worth of
contributions of many OMS opinion                                        issues of the Journal of Oral and
leaders and includes guidelines for treatment                            Maxillofacial Surgery.
and outcome expectations for 11 designated                               Member: $40 | Non-member: $120
areas of oral and maxillofacial surgery:
                                                                         Code: JOMSSLIP
• Anesthesia in outpatient facilities
• Cleft and craniofacial surgery                                         Complimentary slipcase labels available. See AAOMSstore.com for details.
• Dental and craniomaxillofacial implant
• Dentoalveolar surgery
• Diagnosis and management of pathological conditions                    OMS Reference Guide,                                                        on!
• Facial cosmetic surgery                                                5th Edition                                                        ing
• Patient assessment                                                                                                                 Com
• Reconstructive surgery                                                 Prepared by the Resident Organization of
• Surgical correction of maxillofacial skeletal deformities              AAOMS (ROAAOMS), this pocket-sized
• Temporomandibular joint surgery                                        guide is filled with essential information
• Trauma surgery                                                         on basic patient care and is a valuable tool
©2017                                                                    for quickly obtaining answers to questions
                                                                         that arise during treatment. It also serves
Member: $115    | Non-member: $345                                       as an organized resource for review of
Code: PARCAR06                                                           material required for board certification
                                                                         and OMS practice.
                                                                         Member: $75

Alveolar Split Bone Augmentation                                         Non-member: $225
                                                                         Code: OMSRG05
Surgical Update Reprint
Written for the professional dental and
medical audience, AAOMS Surgical Updates
are peer-reviewed, informative publications
for the oral and maxillofacial surgeon, general
dentist, office assistant and medical specialist.

 Quantity       1-24     25-49        50-99     100-199       200+

 Member:       $1.25     $1.13        $1.00      $0.87        $0.75
                       (Save 10%)   (Save 20%) (Save 30%)   (Save 40%)

 Non-member: $3.75       $3.37        $3.00      $2.63        $2.25
                       (Save 10%)   (Save 20%) (Save 30%)   (Save 40%)
Code: SU59

2021-22 AAOMS Store Product Catalog
Clinical Resources                     11

Office Anesthesia Evaluation Manual, 9th Edition
The popular anesthesia reference has been                             Office Anesthesia Evaluation Manual e-Book
completely updated to reflect revisions
                                                                      The OAE Manual e-Book contains the same
made to the AAOMS Office Anesthesia
                                                                      information available in the printed manual,
Evaluation (OAE) requirements. The 9th
                                                                      formatted for reading on electronic devices.*
Edition features:
• Increased focus on managing                                         e-Book*
   the pediatric patient.
                                                                      Member: $105 | Non-member: $315
• Expanded emergency protocols with
   added mock drills.                                                 Code: OAE09E
• Newly added OMS-specific flowcharts for perioperative
                                                                      *See AAOMSstore.com for system requirements and details.
   and intra-operative airway problems.
• Patient selection tools to identify patients with increased risk.
• Standards for evaluator preparation to ensure consistent               Save when you purchase
   evaluations nationwide.                                               the print and e-Book bundle
To address the growing aging population in the United States,
the OAE manual includes a chapter focused on the
geriatric patient.                                                    Office Anesthesia Evaluation Manual: Print and
The comprehensive guide offers select algorithms from the             e-Book Bundle
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), the American
                                                                      Buy the print edition and e-Book
Heart Association’s Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and
                                                                      together at one value price.
AAOMS Parameters of Care.
Anesthesia assistants studying for the Dental Anesthesia Assistant    Print and e-Book Bundle*
National Certification Examination (DAANCE) also will benefit         Member: $185 | Non-member: $555
from this manual. While not required for certification, the OAE
                                                                      Code: OAE09BNDL
is intended to supplement exam preparation. ©2018
Print Edition                                                         *See AAOMSstore.com for system requirements and details.

Member: $115 | Non-member: $345
Code: OAE09

Office Anesthesia Evaluation Manual Online
The OAE Manual Online web-based program supplements the essential office anesthesia                                        n 20
                                                                                                                    ed i
manual with nearly a full hour of video for a comprehensive demonstration of anesthesia
                                                                                                            Up   dat
emergency scenarios. Video segments demonstrate:
• Proper facilities and equipment.
• Considerations in administering anesthesia to obese and medically compromised patients.
• Administration of anesthesia to pediatric patients.
• Treatment of anesthesia emergencies including syncope, drug allergy, airway management,
  laryngospasm, bronchospasm, emesis and aspiration hypotension, hypertension, myocardial
  infarction, malignant hypothermia and others.
A PDF manual and MP4 video files are available for download directly to your computer,
making OAE Manual Online the most convenient way for your office to stay compliant with
AAOMS membership requirements and state dental board regulations or for anesthesia assistants
to study for the DAANCE. ©2019                                                                                OAE Manual Online includes
                                                                                                              demonstration videos
Member: $220| Non-member: $660

Available online only at AAOMSstore.com.
12           Specialty Items

AAOMS-branded Socks                                                  AAOMS History Book
Display your love for the OMS specialty with these unique
AAOMS-branded socks. These socks make a perfect gift for
                                                                     AAOMS: A Century of Progress
a mentor, mentee, colleague, assistant or yourself.                  The History of the Organization and
AAOMS-branded socks are designed in three distinct patterns          the Contributions of its Members
                                                                                                                                on                                        !
                                                                                                                           g So
and 75 percent cotton, 21 percent nylon and 4 percent lycra.         Own a record of AAOMS’s rich legacy
                                                                     in this collective work that includes:            i n
One size fits most, up to women's size 13 and men's size 12.
                                                                     • A 100-year timeline capturing
Member/Non-member: $18                                                 important AAOMS milestones,
Skull pattern Code:   Striped pattern Code:   Argyle pattern Code:     events and discoveries in oral
SOCKS01               SOCKS02                 SOCKS03                  and maxillofacial surgery.
                                                                     • Hundreds of photos from the past            A AO M S: A Centur y Of Progress

                                                                       century involving the Annual Meetings                The History of the Organization

                                                                       and other notable events, featuring
                                                                                                                            and the Contributions of its Members

                                                                       members of AAOMS and                              1918-2018
                                                                       allied organizations.
                                                                                                                                             Daniel M. Laskin, DDS, MS, Editor
                                                                                                                                              Jolene Kremer, Associate Editor

                                                                     • Listings of Past Presidents, Annual
                                                                       Meeting sites and dedications,
                                                                       as well as various award winners.
                                                                     • Chapters on the history of ABOMS, OMS Foundation,
                                                                       OMSPAC and OMSNIC.
                                                                     • A look forward from leadership into the future and
                                                                       what the next century could hold for oral and
                                                                       maxillofacial surgery.
                                                                     Member: $75   | Non-member: $225
                                                                     Code: HB

Earning CE credit has never
been more convenient
Preview the comprehensive resource
at AAOMS.org/CEonline

2021-22 AAOMS Store Product Catalog
Expedite your order. Order online at AAOMSstore.com!                                                                      Order Form

                            Order online                                    Order by fax                                                                        2021-22
                            AAOMSstore.com                                  847-678-6279
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                                                                            AAOMS Publications
                                                                            9700 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.
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   Order      $1,500 - $1,999.99   $2,000 - 2,999.99   $3,000 - $4,499.99   $4,500 and over
   Cost           $439.95               $624.95            $949.95		Must call 847-678-6200 or 800-822-6637
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If you require expedited delivery, please call 847-678-6200 or 800-822-6637.                                          Canadian residents add 5% sales tax.

Order Form                                      Expedite your order. Order online at AAOMSstore.com!

Membership status
n AAOMS Fellow/Member
                                                   AAOMS Member Name                                               AAOMS Member ID

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                                                   AAOMS Member Name                                               AAOMS Member ID

n Professional staff of an AAOMS member
n Non-member

Shipping details
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Credit Card Billing Address

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Ordering information
The products in this catalog are available through                        Payment information
AAOMS Store and can be ordered as follows:                                All orders must be prepaid. Payment can be made by American Express,
                                                                          Discover, MasterCard, Visa or check payable in U.S. dollars to AAOMS.
AAOMSstore.com                                                            Refund policy
                                                                          Refunds will be granted for products returned within 30 days of purchase,
By fax                                                                    if returned in the original packaging and with all components intact.
847-678-6279                                                              Price changes
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9700 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.                                                    E-Books are not available for purchase by fax, mail or phone. Order only
Rosemont, IL 60018-5701                                                   at AAOMSstore.com

2021-22 AAOMS Store Product Catalog                                                                                                          Source Code D
Access additional resources
  online at AAOMS.org

                          AAOMS Conference Recordings
Take the meeting home with you! An extensive collection of audio and video recordings of AAOMS
     conferences is available for purchase. Visit AAOMS.org/Recordings for more information.

               Complimentary Practice Management Resources
     AAOMS offers members downloadable coding, advocacy and position papers as well as
   Informational Campaign videos. Visit AAOMS.org/Practice-Resources for more information.

                                     CE on Demand
     AAOMS offers a variety of online self-study programs, courses, webinars and articles
        to help you earn continuing education credits where and when you decide.
                  Visit AAOMS.org/CEonDemand for more information.

Visit AAOMSstore.com for monthly product specials and promotions.

  Featured Products

                                           A AO M S: A Centur y Of Progress

                                                    The History of the Organization
                                                    and the Contributions of its Members

                                                                     Daniel M. Laskin, DDS, MS, Editor
                                                                      Jolene Kremer, Associate Editor

    Practice Management                AAOMS History Book                                                OMS Reference Guide,         Patient Information
     Manual, 3rd Edition                                                                                     5th Edition                   Pamphlets

  Visit the AAOMS Store Booth
  Whether you're interested in education, regulatory compliance or a new marketing effort, the AAOMS Store
  and Membership Services booth has a hands-on display of the latest materials for the busy OMS practice.
  Find the AAOMS Store booth at the next Dental Implant Conference and the next Annual Meeting!

  103rd AAOMS Annual Meeting,                                             2021 Dental Implant Conference                        104th AAOMS Annual Meeting,
  Scientific Sessions and Exhibition                                      Dec. 2 to 4, 2021                                     Scientific Sessions and Exhibition
  Sept. 27 to Oct. 2, 2021                                                Chicago, Ill.                                         Sept. 12 to 17, 2022
  Nashville, Tenn.                                                        Offered in-person and online!                         New Orleans, La.
  Offered in-person and online!                                                                                                 Offered in-person and online!

                                                                                                                                   9700 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.
                                                                                                                                   Rosemont, IL 60018-5701
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