A Year in Review 2018 - Screen Skills Ireland

Page created by Johnnie Wang
A Year in Review 2018 - Screen Skills Ireland
A Year
in Review
A Year in Review 2018 - Screen Skills Ireland
03         Screen Skills Ireland
             07         Listening to Industry
             10         Careers in Screen
             14         Key Initiatives 2018
             30         Skills Development Highlights 2018
             46         Bursary Review 2018
             48         Partnerships 2018
             52         Looking Ahead: 2019 and Beyond

1   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
A Year in Review 2018 - Screen Skills Ireland
2   Who We Are
A Year in Review 2018 - Screen Skills Ireland
Screen Skills Ireland
             Who We Are

             Screen Skills Ireland, formerly Screen Training
             Ireland, is the leading national agency with
             responsibility for investing in people and
             skills development for the screen sectors in
             Ireland. It was established in 1995 to provide
             continuing training and career development
             opportunities for all professionals working
             in the screen sectors, from new entrants to
             company leaders.

                 This year, Screen Training Ireland renamed
             and rebranded as Screen Skills Ireland. This
             new name better reflects the remit and range
             of activity of Screen Skills Ireland, while also
             aligning the organisation more closely with
             education policy in Ireland, and with its sister
             agency, Screen Ireland.

                Screen Skills Ireland works with
             recognised industry professionals, both
             nationally and internationally, to identify,
             design and deliver skills development
             programmes for Irish professionals to enhance
             their expertise in film, television, animation,
             VFX and interactive screen content.
3   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
A Year in Review 2018 - Screen Skills Ireland
Screen Skills Ireland
What We Do

Screen Skills Ireland offers skills development
opportunities in the following areas:
•   Business and enterprise courses to
    enhance expertise in management and
    strategic leadership
•   Masterclasses and specialised programmes
    to help experienced professionals avail
    of continuous professional development
•   Programmes to meet long-term development
    needs in the creative areas of writing,
    directing, acting and producing
•   Short focused programmes to meet the
    demand for upskilling and transferable skills
•   Work-based learning initiatives through
    traineeships, apprenticeships, shadowing,
    mentoring and bridging programmes
•   International Bursary Award schemes
    that enable experienced professionals
    to participate in skills development
    opportunities internationally

4   What We Do
A Year in Review 2018 - Screen Skills Ireland
•   Festival and Event funding to support
                 high level masterclasses and facilitate
                 industry networking

             Going forward, Screen Skills Ireland will
             continue to play a strategic leadership role
             in the development of skills for the screen
             industries in Ireland.

                In consultation with the Skills Sub-
             Committee established earlier this year,
             Screen Skills Ireland are developing an
             Action Plan to be published in early 2019 that
             will outline the aims and objectives for the
             organisation over the next five years.

5   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
A Year in Review 2018 - Screen Skills Ireland
2018 in Numbers

Screen Skills Ireland developed and delivered
over 47 courses in 2018 and allocated 628
places to participants. Of these training places,
58% were allocated to female participants and
42% allocated to male participants.
    Screen Skills Ireland also supported 23
masterclasses and workshops at leading Irish
film festivals and seminars in partnership with
various organisations throughout the year.
Approximately 2,434 places were provided at
these events throughout the country, and of
these, 43% were allocated to female participants
and 57% allocated to male participants.
    Through the Bursary Award Scheme, 25
Irish industry professionals availed of funding
to attend high-level skills development
programmes and workshops with
international organisations.

6   2018 in Numbers
A Year in Review 2018 - Screen Skills Ireland
Listening to Industry

In 2018, Screen Skills Ireland                  Over 120 people, representing key
committed to undertake a review of              industry and education stakeholders,
the 2017 AV Skills Strategy Report,             attended the Forum. The day began
published by the BAI and IFB (now               with three discussion panels focusing
Screen Ireland), and implement the              on international best practice for
major recommendations. This included            collaboration between industry and
a skills-gap audit across live-action,          education; the current and future skills
animation and television production.            needs of the Irish screen industry; and
                                                provision for the screen sectors in the
This year, Screen Skills Ireland’s              Irish education landscape. The event
commitment to listening to industry             culminated in round table discussions
stakeholders across the spectrum                for the participants, focusing on 4
resulted in the establishment of a Skills       key questions:
Sub-Committee, Industry Consultation
Groups that will meet with Screen               1 W
                                                   hat are the key skills gaps in the
Skills Ireland staff four times per year, a       Irish screen sectors currently?
Learning Needs Analysis survey that
                                                2 H
                                                   ow can industry stakeholders and
garnered over 1,300 responses, and the
                                                  education / training providers engage
Screen Industry Education Forum, a 1
                                                  in a better way in the future to address
day event held in November.
                                                  current and future skills gaps?
Screen Industry Education Forum                 3 W
                                                   hat collaborative industry /
At the annual Screen Industry Education           education models work best for both
Forum, Screen Skills Ireland brought              industry and education?
together screen industry stakeholders,
                                                4 How should industry / education
education / training providers and
                                                   collaborations be funded?
policy influencers to focus on the
skills development challenges and
                                                Data gathered at the Forum was shared
opportunities of the screen sectors
                                                with all attendees and used to feed into
in Ireland.
                                                Screen Skills Ireland’s activity plan for
                                                2019 and beyond.

7   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
A Year in Review 2018 - Screen Skills Ireland
A Year in Review 2018 - Screen Skills Ireland
The Breadwinner (2017): Cartoon
    Saloon are a participating company
    on the Animation and VFX
    Graduate Traineeship

Careers in Screen

In November, Screen Skills Ireland launched
Careers in Screen, a portal designed to
proactively map career paths within the
industry, the first of its kind in Ireland.
Careers in Screen is a comprehensive online
resource for new entrants and industry
professionals, providing an overview of
the screen industries, a breakdown of
departments and the key skills required for all
roles across Film, TV (drama and non-fiction),
VFX and Animation.

10   Careers in Screen
Careers in Screen is an evolving resource
                 that allows new entrants and industry
                 professionals in Ireland to see at a glance
                 the large range of roles available in the
                 screen industries, as well as map out career
                 paths and progression opportunities. In
                 collaboration with industry professionals, the
                 portal is managed and updated by Screen
                 Skills Ireland, aiming to provide a snapshot of
                 the industry as it currently stands, providing
                 new entrants and professionals with guidance
                 on where and how to best address their
                 career objectives. careersinscreen.ie

11   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
Nightflyers (2018):
     Nightflyers Production
     Training Scheme
Key Initiatives 2018

Screen Skills Ireland delivered a range
of key initiatives in 2018 aimed at
upskilling existing professionals in new
technologies; developing new entrants,
trainees and apprentices; nurturing
individual creative talents through
mentorships; and enhancing business
skills amongst company owners and

The NIGHTFLYERS Production Training          of the department heads engaged with
Scheme, in collaboration with Troy           the process of guiding the trainees
Studios Limerick, Universal Cable            through the essential skills required to
Productions and Wild Atlantic Pictures,      work in a busy production department.
was a pilot production training scheme       Trainees also participated in an industry
that offered essential on-the-job training   training event at the end of the scheme,
for 24 section 481 trainees employed on      providing them with the opportunity to
the NIGHTFLYERS production, as well          network with Heads of Departments
as an opportunity for 5 new entrants         from the production.
without previous set experience. Screen
Skills Ireland engaged directly with the       “Working in the Costume Department
production, department heads, and                of Nightflyers I was privileged to have
crew to outline key objectives for the           the opportunity to experience the
trainees. The programme provided                 operations of such a big team. Being
structured work-based learning and               a part of this programme allowed me
mentoring for the trainees in areas              to learn in depth about working in the
such as production, accounts, assistant          film industry. The Script Breakdown
directing, costume, continuity, hair and         course was very beneficial to me in
make-up, camera, model making, props,            providing an approachable learning
art department, set decoration, sound            platform in a specific area. Being able
special effects and visual effects. Each         to also work closely with costume

14   Key Initiatives 2018
“We are confident the initiative has
  had a significant impact on local job
  creation and helped establish Troy
  Studios and Limerick as a hub for
  the film and television industry.”
     – Eoin Egan, Producer, Nightflyers

      cutters, I learned a lot more about           that developed from this programme
      different approaches to pattern and           is priceless and most importantly
      stand development and I was very              the reactionary training that is due
      lucky to be able to work on toiles            to start as a result of the feedback
      and samples, right through to final           from the trainees. Troy is so delighted
      costumes. It’s been a really exciting         to hear of the fantastic experiences
      and rewarding experience.”                    from trainee filmmakers. They are the
     – Louise Lawlor, Costume Trainee               building blocks to bring the Mid-West
                                                    to the position of a fully-fledged crew
     “The training structure developed             base in the coming years.”
       with Nightflyers positively bridged         – Michelle Brassil, Troy Studios
       the education sector with practical
       experience.” – Edmund Sampson,              “Wild Atlantic Pictures were
       Production Manager, Nightflyers               very proud to be involved in the
                                                     NIGHTFLYERS Production Training
     “An invaluable training scheme that            scheme made possible by the support
       Screen Skills Ireland took a leading          of Screen Training Ireland, Screen
       role in guiding the trainees – of             Ireland, Universal Cable Productions
       which there were many – through the           and Troy Studios. We are confident
       fast-paced juggernaut that is high            the initiative has had a significant
       end television. Many of the trainees          impact on local job creation and
       were graduates of third level entities        helped establish Troy Studios and
       here in Limerick and they have                Limerick as a hub for the film and
       experienced first-hand what their             television industry.”
       studies had prepared them for. The          – Eoin Egan, Producer, Nightflyers
       level of camaraderie and networking

15     Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
Nightflyers (2018):
     Nightflyers Production
     Training Scheme
Throughout 2018, Screen Skills Ireland ​    work with the Screen Scene VFX team
partnered with Screen Producers Ireland     on current & up and coming projects,
(SPI) to host a number of seminars          including Lost in Space for Netflix /
focusing on Employee Relations topics       Legendary, Lenny Abrahamson’s The
including: fair procedures in relation to   Little Stranger & Yorgos Lanthimos’
disciplinary, grievance and dignity at      The Favourite.
work (February), legislative obligations
for employee relations (September),           “Our internships have produced
and pre-employment requirements for             a fantastic group of artists to
working with young people (November).           the company & industry over the
                                                years. It is very important to create
Screen Skills Ireland and Creative              opportunities for local talent to grow
Europe MEDIA hosted a Bursary                   into our craft. The past graduates
Information Day in January that                 of our program have become a key
focused on opportunities offered                and integral part of our development
by Creative Europe MEDIA for                    and successes. I am very happy to
documentary filmmakers that can be              confirm that this year, ourselves
accessed through the Bursary Award              and Screen Skills Ireland have been
Scheme. The information day gave                able to give an opportunity for an
an overview of European market and              equally talented group of individuals,
skills development opportunities,               continuing our tradition developing
and featured presentations from key             young talent!”
European training programmes such as          – Ed Bruce, Visual Effects Supervisor,
Eurodoc, Documentary Campus and                 Screen Scene VFX
                                              “My time on this traineeship has been
Screen Skills Ireland partnered with            an invaluable learning experience. It
Screen Scene VFX on the VFX New                 has been incredible to get started
Entrant Traineeship, introducing four           at a major VFX studio like Screen
participants to the VFX industry. The           Scene and build up my skills to an
traineeship, still ongoing, runs for a          industry standard, as well as the
35 week period. Trainee progression             invaluable training provided by
is evaluated regularly while they gain          Screen Skills Ireland. It’s inspiring
valuable studio experience and an               to be surrounded by such a fun,
introduction to the industry, training          hardworking and dedicated bunch. I
in VFX software & Screen Scene’s VFX            couldn’t be happier with the progress
Pipeline & Workflows. The program also          I’ve gained since beginning.”
provided trainees the opportunity to          – Emma Brady, VFX Trainee

18   Key Initiatives 2018
“It’s inspiring to be surrounded
  by such a fun, hardworking and
  dedicated bunch. I couldn’t be
  happier with the progress I’ve
  gained since beginning.”
     – Emma Brady, VFX Trainee

Screen Skills Ireland and Animation               of female talent in underrepresented
Skillnet were delighted to collaborate            areas. The productions ranged from high-
with Imaginism Studios on the Schoolism           end TV drama with four directors placed
Live Dublin 2018 event, which took place          on the hit History Channel show, Vikings,
on the 20th and 21st of October. The              to independent features on Deadpan
Schoolism event brought together some             Pictures’ The Last Right and Samson
of the best talent in the feature animation,      Films’ Wildfire. Participants shadowed
gaming, illustration and design                   and assisted the directors on each
industries for a weekend of workshops             production for several weeks.
and masterclasses, including Stephan
Martiniere, Megan Brain, Shannon Tindle,            “Working as Shadow Director to Cathy
Sylvain Marc, Nathan Fowkes, and The                  Brady on her debut “Wildfire” put
Black Frog. Attendees were also invited               me at an unparalleled advantage to
to a one hour evening workshop with                   learn how a project of that scale is
renowned artist Bobby Chiu followed by                realised to an excellent standard. In
an industry networking event.                         some ways the role is what you make
                                                      it, but getting to observe this calibre
Screen Skills Ireland were delighted                  of filmmaker in action is a fast track
to run three Shadow Directing                         to really valuable insight and I’m
Opportunities in 2018, with two of these              grateful for that opportunity.”
placements specifically aimed at female             – Maeve Stone, Shadow Director,
directors, to encourage the development               Wildfire

19    Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019

Vikings Season 6:
     Screen Skills Ireland
     collaborated with Vikings
     on Production Workshops
     and Shadow Directing
     Opportunities in 2018

Screen Skills Ireland, in collaboration          The Animation and VFX Graduate
with VIKINGS, ran a series of Production         Traineeship is an initiative of Screen
Workshops, delivered by industry                 Skills Ireland and Animation Skillnet, and
experts and hosted in Ashford Studios,           supported by Skillnet Ireland and the
Co. Wicklow. These workshops were                Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. Now in
aimed at new entrants and trainees               its fourth iteration, this highly successful
seeking to gain an insight on the                programme takes place over a six-month
knowledge and skills required to work            period and is targeted at developing skills
on high-end TV Drama, and gave                   and talent in the Irish animation and VFX
participants an opportunity to meet the          sectors. The programme involves a mix
various Heads of Department and senior           of on-the-job learning and mentoring
crew that work to put the production             in host studios as well as additional
together. Workshops covered a range of           specialist training delivered through
departments from Camera, Assistant               Screen Skills Ireland and Animation
Director Department, Art Department,             Skillnet. 8 participating studios and 14
Hair Design, Set Decoration &                    trainees were selected for the 2018/19
Production Buying and Costume Dept.              Graduate Traineeship Programme that
                                                 started on the 22nd October with a full
     “For me the Vikings Workshop was           week of intensive training, covering
       really helpful. As someone who had        topics such as Storytelling, Storyboarding,
       only ever worked as a Trainee/Daily       Production Management, Production
      AD on set, getting an insight into the     Pipelines, Emotional Intelligence, Personal
       work of the first and second AD during    Effectiveness, Career Management,
       pre-production was most valuable.         Teamwork, Effective Communication and
      The tutors were super helpful and the      Creative Thinking Techniques delivered
       course was so well organised that we      by industry focused tutors such as John
       were given weeks worth of information     Dawson, Patrick O’Callaghan, Stephen
       in a short period of time.”               Fagan, Paul Timpson, Fiona Flynn, Carmel
     – Kathleen Horan, AD Workshop               Morrissey and Pam Relton. The VFX and
       Participant                               Animation Graduate Traineeship has
                                                 played a significant role in addressing
     “It was great to get the opportunity to    skills gaps in Ireland over the last few
       present Vikings Art Dept. Workshop, to    years with over 90% of graduates from the
       meet all those that attended and to see   programme going on to further work in
       what a wide range of skills and talents   the industry.
       they had that will easily extend and
       transfer into our industry.”
     – Jon Beer, Art Department, VIKINGS

22    Key Initiatives 2018
“It was great to get the
  opportunity to present Vikings
  Art Dept. Workshop, to meet
  all those that attended and to
  see what a wide range of skills
  and talents they had that will
  easily extend and transfer
  into our industry.”
     – Jon Beer, Art Department, VIKINGS

     “My training has given me the               Three Irish writers were chosen to
      opportunity to work alongside                participate in the LA Writers Room
      professionals in the industry as well        Placements Programme. This week-long
      as develop my own skills within              placement, organised and facilitated by
      Animation. Getting the chance to be          Des Doyle, provided Irish writers with
      in a studio during a production has          the opportunity to experience a US TV
      helped me understand more about the          Writers Room. The selected writers were
      different roles people undertake and         award-winning writer and director for
      how they work together successfully.         stage and screen, Carmel Winters (FLOAT
      The experience gained has been               LIKE A BUTTERFLY, SNAP); Pierce Ryan,
      invaluable, I’m discovering new things       screenwriter (BLACK ’47, STANDBY);
      everyday and everyone has been               Paul Walker, Showrunner/Writer (RED
      super encouraging. I’m excited about         ROCK, Season 4), Story Producer (RIVER
      the next 4 months!” – Fraser Thomson,        CITY, RED ROCK SEASON 1). Taking place
      Trainee at Cartoon Saloon                    from October 25th to November 2nd,
                                                   the writers participated in real ongoing
                                                   writers rooms based in Los Angeles,

23     Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
Becca’s Bunch (2018): Jam
     Media are a participating
     company on the Animation and
     VFX Graduate Traineeship

attended mentorship meetings throughout          for actors, producers, directors, 1st
the week and experienced first-hand              assistant directors and DOPs working on
how US Writers Rooms – run by some of            intimate scenes. Directing and Acting
the most successful Showrunners in the           for Intimate Scenes kept the focus on
business – operate, taking a deep dive into      directors and actors, with participants
the process of storytelling for US TV, which     forming groups of three with one
can be taken and applied to their own            director and two actors per group, and
projects in the future.                          participants bringing a potential scene to
                                                 workshop during the course.
     “What an amazing experience the
       LA Writers Placement scheme was.            “The workshop opened up
       Des Doyle proved to be the perfect           conversations that should be more
       conduit to guide us through it. Your         regular and frequent. Ita gave us
       days are full on, meeting a variety          practical exercises to use that
       of people with various levels of             were invaluable.”
       experience. [...] The individuals we        – Cara Christie, Actor
       met were also amazingly open and
       insightful and so giving of their time      “I found the whole day very helpful
       [...] We are now a global village: we         because everything was discussed
       need to broaden our horizons but              very openly, showing how we can
       understand the horizons we are                start the conversation.
       looking towards. A course like this is      – Niamh Cummins, Director
       a great initiative and is essential for
       writers with experience of working        Screen Leaders, delivered by Screen
       in both the Irish and UK markets. I       Skills Ireland, is the leading strategic
       cannot recommend it highly enough.”       company development programme for
     – Paul Walker, LA Writers                   the screen industries, funded through
       Room placement                            Creative Europe. The programme is
                                                 aimed at company leaders working
In response to wider industry                    in film, television, animation, post-
developments, Screen Skills Ireland              production, VFX, sales, marketing, and
held two workshops with Intimacy                 distribution. From strategic planning and
Coordinator Ita O’Brien on navigating            implementation, to aligning company
sensitive scenes for actors and directors        culture to that strategy, the programme
alike. Intimacy Etiquette for Film               fosters innovation and builds company
and Television was a 1 day course to             value. Designed in consultation with the
provide guidance on best practice                participating companies, it is this bespoke

26    Key Initiatives 2018
“If your company is chosen
  for Screen Leaders, seize the
  moment. It opens your eyes
  up to all of your opportunities
  worldwide and we are a
  stronger company as a result.”
     – Pierce Boyce, Managing Director & Producer, Abú Media

approach which makes the programme
entirely unique. This year, Screen Leaders
took the form of one to one sessions in
Dublin and Amsterdam, and two intensive
week-long workshops in Limerick and
Budapest. Company participants on the
2018 programme included Abu Media,
Ireland; Digital Cube, Romania; Filmmore,
Netherlands; Hoferichter & Jacob,
Germany; Match & Spark, Poland; Mind
the Gap, Ireland; OffScript, Ireland; Pink
Kong, Ireland; and Recircle, Croatia.

     “The Screen Leaders mentors
       really teach you how to focus on
       your company and the business
       of producing TV and film. I can’t
       recommend highly enough.”
     – Bríd Seoighe, Producer, Abú Media

27     Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
01 Screen Industry Education
                            Forum 02 Screen Leaders        02
                            03–04 Vikings Production
                            Workshops 05 LA Writers Room
                            Placements Programme



28   Key Initiatives 2018


29    Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
Skills Development Highlights 2018:
Creativity and Creative Collaboration

In the Creativity and Creative
Collaboration skills development
area, this year focused on increasing
collaborations between actors and
directors; developing Irish writers in
a wider international context; and
structured programmes to support
development executives, script
editors and writers.

30   Skills Development Highlights 2018
On the Barbara Slade-helmed Writing                and the programme consisted of three
for Animated Television Series,                    parts between October and December,
participants continued their work from             including lectures and workshopping
2017 in intensive animation writing                individual projects, individual input and
designed to mimic a “real world”                   guidance during the rewriting process,
animation writers room process, where              and two days at the end for intensive
writers could develop an animation                 input. At the end of the programme
series based on classic material in the            each writer / team had a cohesive first or
public domain. In 2018, the writers and            second draft, or a strong outline and the
writer teams developed skills in areas             first twenty five pages.
like learning to tell a story through
action; scene structure; how to bring                “I found the programme of great
animated characters to life; career paths              support as part of preparing my
for animation writers, and received tutor              new screenplay. [...] The invaluable
feedback on their first drafts. In order               feedback from the three follow up
for participants to develop their editing              script meetings between the sessions
skills, second drafts were circulated to               also requires you to set goals and
all participants who provided each other               deadlines to work towards.”
with notes.                                          – Morgan Bushe

     “Really helpful and practical course –       Bringing together actors and directors
       weaving the crafts of story generation      was a key focus for Creativity and
       and structuring together in a highly        Creative Collaboration courses this year,
       effective way. The most useful              with Acting for Camera held in Galway
       animation or live action screenwriting      and delivered by Shimmy Marcus, as
       course I have taken, bar none.”             well as Act Like A Child, a masterclass
     – Michelle Manahan, Participant on            with Gerry Grennell in association with
       Writing for Animated Television Series      Film in Cork and Bow Street Academy.
                                                   Likewise, Ita O’Brien, as the industry’s
In The First Draft and Beyond, an                  first intimacy coordinator, offered
intensive, project-based development               her unique and extensive experience
programme aimed at screenwriters and               working on sets and with directors
creative teams behind first and second-            and actors on creating a framework
time feature films, tutors Mary Kate               for intimate scenes and how to ensure
O’Flanagan and Rachel O’Flanagan’s                 safety and respect in that process in two
approach was to help writers to find the           courses, Intimacy Etiquette for Film and
best realised versions of their stories.           Television and Directing and Acting for
Eight projects were chosen to participate          Intimate Scenes.

31     Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
“I had hoped for some knowledge             brought together some of the most
       around script development. But this is     eminent screen storytellers from across
       the entirety of what I was looking for.”   the world to work with Irish screen
     – Tricia Linnane                             professionals.

In Adaptation with Beth Serlin,                   Des Doyle’s Introduction to the US TV
Associate Professor at Loyola                     Landscape ran to great success three
Marymount University’s School of                  times in 2018 – twice in Dublin and once
Film and Television in Los Angeles,               in Galway – for producers and writers
the goal of this course was to explore            looking to deepen their understanding
the process of successfully adapting              of the US television landscape. The
pre-existing material to the big screen.          seminar focused on breaking down the
Participants analysed how a variety of            major US networks, how they tier out,
source materials – including novel, stage         their audiences, a detailed study of pilot
play, short stories and history – could           season 2018, a discussion on Peak TV
transform into a powerful cinema story.           and streaming services and the impact
                                                  on US programming and opportunities
Big Stories on the Small Screen                   they represent, and concluded with a
ran a second major initiative in 2018             breakdown of the writer’s year, pointing
to develop skills in quality long-                out where windows of opportunity exist
form screen drama. The initiative, a              for Irish writers.
partnership between Big Stories and
the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland,

“Des’s talk was fantastic
  – very practical and
  informative – and he was
  really helpful to us all.”
     – Sharon Lawless, Participant on Introduction
        to the US TV Landscape

32    Skills Development Highlights 2018
“Really helpful and practical
  course – weaving the crafts
  of story generation and
  structuring together in a
  highly effective way. The most
  useful animation or live action
  screenwriting course I have
  taken, bar none.”
     – Michelle Manahan, Participant on Writing for
        Animated Television Series

33     Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
Black ‘47 (2018): Actor Hugo
     Weaving and director Lance Daly
     delivered an actor’s masterclass
     in association with Bow Street
     Academy. Screenwriter Pierce Ryan
     was one of the writers selected for
     the LA Writers Room placement.

Skills Development Highlights 2018:
Animation, VFX, Film and TV Drama Production

Production skills development across
Animation, VFX, Film and TV Drama
for new entrants remained a priority for
Screen Skills Ireland in 2018 and took the
form of short-form courses that allowed
graduates and trainees to get an overview
of best practice and core skills.

36   Skills Development Highlights 2018
Aimed at graduates, trainees and new             Aiming to provide a comprehensive
entrants to the VFX, TV and Animation            overview of all aspects of production
industry, Introduction to Health and             accountancy, the course was delivered
Safety for New Entrants was a half-              and facilitated by Rory MacDermott
day awareness course to provide new              with guest speakers delivering some
entrants an introduction to the following:       essential elements throughout the
Irish Health & Safety Legislation;               five days. It covered basic accounting
Understanding of Hazards, Risks & Risk           structures, software, payroll, cost
Assessments; Bullying & Harassment in            reports, budgeting, cashflow, AP
the workplace; Understanding Stress &            and invoices, as well as a detailed
Stress Management; and Understanding             breakdown of Section 481, and other
Safety Culture.                                  accounting systems unique to film and
                                                 television industries.
Script Breakdown for New Entrants
was a two-day workshop, giving                     “I feel much more prepared to work in
participants an overview on how to                   the area now, as it’s demystified the
identify the most common production                  procedures and documents involved.”
elements in a script, including set                – Anne O’Donovan
dressing, props, picture vehicles,
graphic, costume, special effects, and           Whether you are looking to be a digital
VFX elements. Including a case study             modeller, sculptor, rigger or animator,
of a period film, participants were              anatomy is the backbone for creating
encouraged to take part in an in-depth           believable imagery. Aimed at VFX,
analysis of each scene to identify               animation and games professionals,
specific requirements. The workshop              Introduction to Anatomy for 3D was
also brought in essential departments as         a one day course overview of the
guest speakers from the AD Department,           importance of anatomy and how it can
Production Department, Costume                   be used to improve the participants’
Department and VFX.                              digital art. Delivered by Jahirul Amin,
                                                 the one day course attempted to
Production Accountancy for Film and              demystify how you can use anatomy to
TV was a five-day programme aimed                inform your designs and approach to
at assistant accountants seeking to              creating assets, and this introduction to
up-skill into the role of Production             the fundamentals of anatomy focused
Accountant, as well as producers, or             on areas like gesture, the skeleton,
other production grades, interested in           muscles and proportion.
moving into the accounts departments.

37   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
“Having the opportunity to
  see practical examples from
  recent Irish films and hearing
  first-hand from the crew
  members involved in their
  production has given me a
  solid grounding for pursuing
  a career in the film industry!”
     – James Dolan, Participant on Introduction to Health
        and Safety for New Entrants

38    Skills Development Highlights 2018
Skills Development Highlights 2018:
TV Non Fiction

In 2018 Screen Skills Ireland reviewed
skills requirements in TV non-fiction.
A key focus in 2019 is to provide training
opportunities for emerging industry
practitioners and upskilling for those
currently working in the area.

 TV DEVELOPMENT: Steps to                           Two courses in TV Production Research
 Creating TV Ideas That Stand Out                   Skills, aimed at emerging television
 helped participants unlock the secrets             researchers, covered areas like how to
 of how to conceive, develop, layout                spot and tell a good story; professional
 and pitch a TV idea or format. The                 TV research techniques; sources of
 two-day workshop tutored by Colin                  information, interviewing skills, editorial
 Pauser-Cowman illustrated the steps to             policy, broadcast law and copyright.
 successful TV idea development, while              The course tutored by Pam Relton
 building a deeper understanding of                 gave participants an overview of key
 the creative and development process.              production research skills.
 Teresa Smith, Executive Producer
 Factual, RTE, delivered a session which            Screen Skills Ireland partnered with RTÉ
 provided insights into how to get an idea          on a Multi-Camera Drama Directing
‘Pitch Ready’.                                      programme. The emphasis of the
                                                    programme is to train directors with
     “The course title said it all, Colin is all   drama, comedy and performance
       about creating TV ideas that ‘stand          experience in a multi-camera studio
       out’ and get commissioned. A born            environment. The programme kicked
       communicator, Colin used examples            off in December with a 12-day studio,
       from his vast experience in TV to            location and editing training programme
       teach the class how to create original,      delivered by BBC Director, Clive Arnold
       exciting, returnable TV series. He           (EASTENDERS) and will be followed by
       also dedicated time to practical work,       five weeks of shadow directing followed
       so we could apply his techniques to          by five weeks of mentored directing, in
       create series pitches for channels.”         preparation to become a regular director
     – Regina Looby                                 on RTÉ’s FAIR CITY.

39     Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
01 Decorative Paint Effects
Workshop 02–03 Doc Day at Cork
Film Festival 04–05 Hugo Weaving
& Lance Daly Masterclass
06 First Take at Cork Film Festival

              01                                04

 02                                        03

40    Skills Development Highlights 2018


41   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
Skills Development Highlights 2018:
Business and Enterprise

Skills development in the business and
enterprise area focused on updating
business skills for both producers and
creatives, as well as leadership and
strategic development in the form
of Screen Skills Ireland’s flagship
programme, Screen Leaders.

42   Skills Development Highlights 2018
In association with Filmbase, Screen              “The Business of Development course
Skills Ireland hosted a 3 day training              really focused the mind on the
programme in January focusing on                    importance of keeping distribution
Transmedia as a Marketing and                       at the core of everything you do
Distribution Strategy. The course,                  when starting development. This
designed for creative producers,                    course was very valuable in gaining
development executives and                          the knowledge and confidence
distributors, detailed how a transmedia             necessary to develop films in a way
strategy could be developed around                  that protects the producer and the
an entertainment product to create                  writer. A very insightful course, with
a fan base as well as establishing an               an abundance of experience shared.”
entertainment brand – a technique                 – Gemma O’ Shaughnessy
frequently utilised by Hollywood and top
TV and film producers and broadcasters.          Festivals are often the first route for
                                                 filmmakers to promote their work and
On The Business of Development;                  can also act as a distribution system.
Creative, Business and Legal Steps               Understanding how to create and deliver
needed to take an idea from pre-                 an effective film festival strategy is
script to screen, participants were              vital, and in 2018 Screen Skills Ireland
encouraged to bring their own ideas              ran the course Film Festival Strategy:
and projects to work on while Gabrielle          How to get the most out of festivals to
Kelly, along with guest speakers Bill            help emerging filmmakers understand
Grantham and Sharon Bowyers, detailed            the festival landscape, identify
the legal and business steps involved in         strong support materials like a press
developing ideas, covering intellectual          kit / photos / social media, and create
property (IP), optioning literary material,      memorable loglines and pitches.
and public domain properties and how
best to use them.                                 “The Film Festival Strategy course was
                                                    perfect timing for me. I am currently
                                                    going through that process for the
                                                    first time and found the whole thing
                                                    to be really beneficial in terms of
                                                    knowing which festivals to go for and
                                                    when. As always with these courses
                                                    it’s all about meeting other people
                                                    and sharing experiences. There is
                                                    always so much to be learned from
                                                    the informal chats during the breaks.”
                                                  – Ross Killeen

43   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
Full List of Courses

Creativity and Creative Collaboration        Film and TV Drama Production
Epic Stories                                 Decorative Paint Effects Workshop

The Core Principles of Storytelling          Introduction to Rhino for the
on the Screen                                Art Department

Masterclass with Justin Zackham              Introduction to Health and Safety for
                                             New Entrants
Creating a Scene
                                             Script Breakdown for New Entrants
Investigating Characters
                                             Production Accountancy for Film and TV
Intimacy Etiquette for Film and Television
                                             Prosthetic Make-Up Workshop
Adaptation – with Beth Serlin 2018
                                             Vikings Production Workshops 2018
Big Stories on The Small Screen Module 2
                                             Health & Safety Awareness for Film &
Directing and Acting for Intimate Scenes     TV Production

Introduction to the US TV Landscape          RTE Multi-camera Drama Directors
                                             Training Course
The First Draft And Beyond
                                             IMRO / RTÉ Scoring For Film Program
Shadow Directing Opportunity – Wildfire      2018/19

Shadow Directing Opportunity –
The Last Right
                                             Apprenticeships and Traineeships
Shadow Directing Opportunity – Vikings
                                             VFX New Entrant Traineeship Programme
LA Writers Room Placements
                                             Animation, VFX and Games Graduate
Acting for Camera

Creating a Scene

44   Full List of Courses
TV Non Fiction                                   Business and Enterprise
TV Production Research Skills                    Employee Relations Seminar in association
                                                 with Screen Producers Ireland
TV Development: Steps to Creating
TV Ideas That Stand Out                          Transmedia as a Marketing and
                                                 Distribution Strategy

Animation, VFX & Games                           Creative Thinking Techniques
Story and Macro Design Masterclass               Building successful teams: Collaborating
                                                 & communicating effectively
Introduction to Anatomy for 3D
                                                 The Business of Development; Creative,
Introduction to On-set Data Acquisition
                                                 Business and Legal Steps needed to take
                                                 an idea from pre-script to screen
Designing for Animation with
Ernie Gilbert AS
                                                 Film Festival Strategy: How to get the
                                                 most out of festivals
Character Performance, Acting, and
Storytelling for Animation AS

45   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
Bursary Review 2018

In 2018, bursaries were awarded to 25
applicants across the fields of creativity
and creative collaboration, production
and technical and business & enterprise.
Over €54,000 was allocated to Irish
industry practitioners to participate
in international training programmes,
enhancing their career prospects.

     “My experience on the Inside Pictures   “Thanks to a Screen Skills Ireland
       programme this year has been             (SSI) bursary I attended IDFAcademy
       truly eye opening. The course has        2018 – an intensive four-day
       afforded me the opportunity to learn     training program for international
       about areas of production I wouldn’t     documentary makers – giving me the
       experience on a day to day basis and     opportunity to expand my network of
       to hear from inspirational industry      international co-production partners,
       leaders. Screen Skills Ireland’s         gain up-to-date market knowledge of
       bursary has been a huge help in          documentary projects and develop
       making my participation in this          real contacts and context to help me
       course possible.”                        get our current slate of documentary
     – Paula Heffernan, Element Pictures,       projects onto screen.”
       Bursary Award Scheme Recipient         – Daniel Hegarty, Marmalade Films,
                                                Bursary Award Scheme Recipient

46    Bursary Review 2018
Bursary Recipients 2018

Simon Doyle                           David Keating              Alan Maher
EAVE Producers                        Directing Training         ACE Producers
Workshop                              with Judith Weston         Workshops

Linda Curtin                          Paula Heffernan            Tristan McConnell
Béla Tarr Directing                   Inside Pictures            Euro Tactical Firearms
Workshop                              Programme
                                                                 Daniel Hegarty
Loic Jourdain                         Lisa Smyth                 IDFAcademy 2018
Documentary Campus                    Pamela Smyth SFX
Masterschool                          Make Up                    Mirjam Strugalla
                                                                 Documentary Campus
Darach McGarrigle                     Brendan Culleton           Masterschool
EAVE Producers                        Sources 2 Training
Workshop                              Mentors for European       Sinead Lillis
                                      Screenwriters/Filmmakers   Script Supervisor Work
Marie-Therese Garvey                                             Program, Take 5
Structured Work                       Julie Ryan
Programme at Beti Films               Media Xchange              Jordan Coombes
                                      Showrunner Drama           Euro Tactical Firearms
Eamonn Cleary
Less is More Workshop                 Richard Boland             Bláithín Ní Chatháin
                                      EMC Entertainment          Shoot and Direct Sony FS7
Niall Kearney                         Masterclass                Camera
Graining and Marbling
Masterclass, Atelier Nadaï            Kathryn Kennedy            Jonathan Hughes
                                      FIN Partners Programme     London Screenwriters
John Keville                                                     Festival Talent Campus 5.0
Inside Pictures                       Mark C Noonan
Programme                             Jerusalem International
                                      Film Lab
Rhonwen Hayes
Graining and Marbling
Masterclass, Atelier Nadaï

47   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
Industry Partnerships

In 2018, Screen Skills Ireland collaborated
with numerous local industry partners
on a range of exciting initiatives and
partnered with festivals on workshops and
masterclasses throughout the country.

Screen Producers Ireland (SPI),
Troy Studios Limerick, Galway Film Centre,
Animation Skillnet, Bow Street Academy
for Screen Acting, Film in Cork, Filmbase,
Dublin Editors, Broadcasting Authority of
Ireland (BAI), Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ),
The Irish Music Rights Organisation (IMRO),
ACE Producers, European Audiovisual
Entrepreneurs (EAVE)

48   Industry Partnerships
List of Festival Partnerships, Masterclasses and Workshops

Bursary Information                   Fastnet Film Festival        Schoolism Live Dublin
Day for Documentary                   Masterclasses &              in collaboration with
Filmmakers                            Workshops                    Animation Skillnet

Industry Talks at                     Big Stories on the Small     Gerry Grennell – Act Like
Rathmullan Film Festival              Screen Masterclass with      A Child Masterclass with
                                      Screenwriter Paul Rutman     Film In Cork & Bow Street
Dingle Pow-Wow at Dingle                                           Academy for Screen
International Film Festival           Story and Macro Design       Acting
                                      Masterclass with Galway
Meet the Filmmakers at                Film Centre                  Fis TV Summit with
Animation Dingle                                                   Galway Film Centre
                                      Directors Masterclass with
Immersive Story                       Madeleine Olnek at the       First Take Day at Cork
Conference and Exhibition             Galway Film Fleadh           Film Festival
at the Audi Dublin Film
Festival                              Actors Masterclass with      Doc Day at Cork Film
                                      Andrew Scott at the          Festival
Mark Lee Ping-Bing                    Galway Film Fleadh
Masterclass at the East                                            Cleraun Documentary
Asia Film Festival                    Perfect Pitch at Guth Gafa   Masterclasses
                                      International Documentary
Masterclass with Director,            Festival                     Cedric Kahn masterclass
Screenwriter and Producer                                          at the IFI French Film
Justin Zackham                        Actors Masterclass with      Festival
                                      Hugo Weaving
In Conversation with
Dublin Editors David                  Directors Studio with
Burrows & Sim Evan-Jones              Rebecca Daly and Oonagh
                                      Kearney at IndieCork Film
                                      Festival 2018

49   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
A Mother Brings Her Son To Be Shot
     (2017): Sinead O’Shea’s documentary
     was the focus of one of four
     documentary masterclasses at Cleraun
     Media Conferences, supported by
     Screen Skills Ireland

52   Looking Ahead: 2019 and Beyond
Looking Ahead:
2019 and Beyond

In 2019, Screen Skills Ireland will:
•    Work closely with the Skills Sub-Committee
     to finalise, publish and begin implementing an
     Action Plan for the organisation that will cover
     the next five years.
•    Continue to engage regularly with key
     industry stakeholders in relation to the
     ongoing skills needs of the sector through
     surveys and meetings with industry
     consultation groups and the Skills Sub-
•    Update and expand the Careers in Screen
     portal to fully capture the range of roles and
     opportunities within the sector and actively
     promote screen careers through a Screen
     Careers event.
•    Host the second Screen Industry Education
     Forum to bring industry and education
     stakeholders together to further engage
     on the skills development challenges and
     opportunities of the screen sectors in Ireland.

53   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
•    Deliver a range of continuous professional
     development programmes that are
     responsive to the needs of the sector across
     business; creativity; film; TV drama; TV non-
     fiction; animation; games and VFX.
•    Work collaboratively with other
     organisations to develop more work-based
     learning opportunities through traineeships,
     apprenticeships, shadowing and
     mentoring programmes.
•    Work closely with regional partners on skills
     development initiatives in the regions.
•    Drive positive cultural change through
     delivering skills development initiatives that
     support a more diverse and inclusive industry.
•    Work closely with national and
     international industry stakeholders on
     festival masterclasses, partnership events,
     networking events and bursary opportunities
     for international skills development.
•    Engage with key policy influencers and
     relevant funding providers on the skills
     development needs of the sector.
54   Looking Ahead: 2019 and Beyond
55   Screen Skills Ireland Year in Review 2019
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