A tankful of hydrogen for the Winter Olympics 2010 with BC Transit

Page created by Angela Bates
A tankful of hydrogen for the Winter Olympics 2010 with BC Transit
2nd quarter 2008 – no. 39


                            M A G A Z I N E   O F   T H E   D I V I S I O N   O F   A D VA N C E D   T E C H N O L O G I E S

                              A tankful of hydrogen for
                              the Winter Olympics 2010
                              with BC Transit
                                                                                                                       P 4, 5

                                                                                                     Hot News
                                                                                                     Latest news
                                                                                                     from Advanced P 2, 3

                                                                                                     Innovative technologies
                                                                                                     for the launchers P 6, 7
                                                                                                     of the future

                                                                                                     Expert Comment
                                                                                                     Laurent Jezequel
                                                                                                     Testing time
                                                                                                     for satellites P 8

A tankful of hydrogen for the Winter Olympics 2010 with BC Transit
Hot News

    Interphex: the complete                            Major overhaul for the Charles-de-Gaulle
    Air Liquide offer to
                                                       The nuclear aircraft carrier Charles-de-     pilots in flight, at the ship’s hospital
    the pharmaceutical                                 Gaulle has been out of commission for        and in the dependent systems of
    industry                                           a year and a half for a major overhaul       planes on the ship. It makes sense
                                                       of all its fittings with some thousand       for us to have been asked to overhaul
    The international Show for                         people working on the site.                  such a highly specialised system”.
    pharmaceutical and cosmetic                        Air Liquide is participating in this major   The first stripping operations took
    packaging, Interphex 2008, was                     maintenance operation (Periodic              place in November 2007 and
    held in Philadelphia USA between                   Unavailability for Maintenance and           continued in April 2008 with the parts
    26 and 28 March last. Advanced                     Repair) which occurs every seven             then being sent to the Sassenage
    Technologies was one of the thousand               years. “We have fitted an oxygen             workshops for overhaul. The gas-
    or so exhibitors in attendance, with two           and nitrogen generating unit on the          generating unit is scheduled to be
    standard products tailored specifically            Charles-de-Gaulle that is unique in          remounted in two phases, in June and
    to the needs of pharmaceutical                     the world”, explains Denis Favier, the       September. Advanced Technologies
    manufacturers on show at an Air                    project Manager. “It is molecular sieve      is also playing a part in the tests
    Liquide stand. The first, VOXAL, is                and membrane type gas separation             being conducted by DCN Services
    used to treat chemical effluent and                equipment which supplies the 99.5%           Toulon next October, as a provider of
    the second, the ALASKA cooling unit,               pure oxygen and nitrogen used by             technical support and advice.
    provides accurate temperature control
    for processes.
    Advanced Technologies was not alone
    at Interphex since a number of other
    teams, from across the world, were
    also there representing Air Liquide.
    They worked together to exhibit the
    full range of Air Liquide offers to the
    pharmaceutical industry, and they
    will also be working together to follow
    up the hundred or so contacts made
    during the two days the Show lasted
    – a good example of joint dynamics in
    a large international Group. To find out
    more: www.interphex.com

    Chinese versions
    As you will know, Advanced
    Technologies now has a strong
                   presence in China (see
                   the report in Cryoscope
                                                       KSTAR: beyond expectation
                    no. 38), and to facilitate
                    business dealings                  Good news! The 9 kW 4.5 K helium             the fusion field so clearly demonstrated
                    between our Shanghai               refrigerator with a distribution             under this project will be of benefit to
                     t e a m    a n d    o u r         system launched by the Advanced              other nuclear fusion reactors, like the
                      Chinese customers,               Technologies Division on behalf              ITER (International Thermonuclear
                      t h e    t e c h n i c a l       of the South Korean civil nuclear            Experimental Reactor), currently under
                      documentation has                fusion pilot reactor KSTAR (Korean           construction at Cadarache, in the
                       been translated into            Superconducting Tokamak Advanced             Bouches-du-Rhône.”
                       C o nf u c i u s’s    v e r y   Research) is exceeding expectations in
                        ow n    t o n g u e.   B u t   terms of performance (see Cryoscope
                        watch this space, as           no. 38, p.3). “This will mean that the
                        we get established             machine can be used more flexibly,”
     in other places other languages are               stresses Jérôme Beauvisage, the
    bound to follow.                                   project Manager. “Our mastery of
    An example of technical documentation              cooling and distribution technologies in
    translated into Chinese.
A tankful of hydrogen for the Winter Olympics 2010 with BC Transit
Hot News

The American electricity grid in the age                                                    Ten years of
of superconductivity                                                                        maintenance
It’s a First! A commercial electricity transmission grid has just been connected by the
                                                                                            for the Tiger
longest and most powerful superconductor link in the world. The project, undertaken         A maintenance contract has recently
in the United States in the State of New York, by LIPA (Long Island Power Authority) and    been signed with Eurocopter to
American Superconductor, involves                                                           overhaul the OBIGGS* nitrogen
the specialist cable manufacturer                                                           generators on-board the anti-tank
Nexans, and Air Liquide’s Advanced                                                          version of the Tiger helicopter gunship.
Technologies Division.                                                                      These inerting systems are useful
Superconductor materials are capable                                                        in lowering the oxygen content in
of transmitting three to five times more                                                    helicopter fuel tanks, which could
energy than conventional cables,                                                            explode if shot at.
without dissipating energy, on account                                                      The agreement between Eurocopter
of their zero electric resistance. But                                                      and Advanced Technologies is a
if this exceptional property is to be                                                       particularly long-lasting one, being
useful, they have to be kept at a very                                                      scheduled to endure for at least ten
cold temperature and to this end, Advanced Technologies is supplying a sub-cooled           years, and is renewable.
liquid nitrogen refrigeration system.
The superconductor cable, which is 600 metres long and capable of conveying 600
MVA of power at a voltage of 138 kV – i.e. a current strength of up to 2,500 amperes,
is inaugurated on 25th June 2008. “Air Liquide is committed for the next stage of
the project to deploying a 10 km cable with second generation superconductor
materials,” says Gérard Marot, the project manager. “And with this in mind, we are
now developing an original Turbo Brayton type refrigerator technology.”

OBOGS: now christened on helicopters
The Cougar Battlefield Surveillance Helicopter (HORIZON) is an authentic
observation and communication platform which played a major role in the Gulf War            The nitrogen generators, which are
and in the conflict in Kosovo, having been given the job – inter alia – of identifying      easy to strip down, are overhauled at
fighter aircraft movements. But to fulfil its mission, this helicopter has to fly above
4,000 metres, and at this altitude, pilots need an oxygen supply to breathe. The            It covers the supply of spare parts,
                                                   Army wants to rid itself of oxygen       breakdown detection and repair,
                                                   cylinders (for reasons of logistics      throughout the operating life cycle of
                                                   and self-sufficiency) and is now         the equipment, i.e. 30 to 40 years.
                                                   thinking of using an OBOGS (1),          Repairs are to be handled at
                                                   the oxygen generator designed            Sassenage, since the nitrogen
                                                   by Advanced Technologies for the         generators are easy to strip down and
                                                   Rafale fighter aircraft.                 transport. The Advanced Technologies
                                                   “We’ve done it,” says Emmanuel           maintenance centre has been
                                                   Fantuzzi, the project leader,            organised accordingly, incorporating
                                                   “the OBOGS has completed its             DGA (General Delegation for
                                                   first flight on a helicopter. The        Ordnance) qualification requirements
                                                   trial meant we could prove the           and constraints related to short
effectiveness of our concentrator, which recovers compressed air from helicopter            attendance times.
turbines. With Eurocopter, we have pushed it to the limit, at a number of different
altitudes, by varying the aircraft engine speed and we now hope to continue the             *On Board Inert Gas Generating System.
experiment by adding regulators to the system so that six people can breathe with
the OBOGS.” This experiment opens up new perspectives, particularly in the civil
and medical fields, such as using the oxygen concentrator on helicopter rescue

(1) On Board Oxygen Generating System.
A tankful of hydrogen for the Winter Olympics 2010 with BC Transit

                                                       With the Vancouver Winter Olympics almost upon
                                                       us, British Columbia will be given the first hydrogen
                                                       bus fleet to operate under normal conditions.

                                                       Eighteen hydrogen buses will operate during the Vancouver Olympic Games.

       Vancouver Olympic Games 2010

                                                     BC Transit: a tankful of
       I  n 2003, the ICO selected Vancouver
          to play host to the winter Olympics
       of 2010 (1) . Like other organising
                                                     produced at two sites 5,000 km apart.
                                                     The first of these is at Bécancour
                                                     (Quebec) where the hydrogen will be
                                                                                                share the fuel cell bus fleet between
                                                                                                them. In Whistler, the liquid hydrogen
                                                                                                will be pumped and sent in a
       committees with environmental                 manufactured by electrolysis, with         vaporizer so that it can be converted
       criteria built into their procurement         electricity supplied by Hydro Quebec,      into gas before the tanks are filled,
       procedures, the Government of                 99.5% of it from hydroelectric dams.       while in Victoria it will be stored in
       Canada and the Province of British            This hydrogen will be transported in       gaseous form. The real technical
       Columbia are capitalizing on this             liquid form to Whistler, a site close to   difficulty of the project lies in the
       event to fund a number of projects            the Pacific Ocean where the skiing         filling capacity. As Pierre Gauthier
       to identify and adapt innovative              competitions will be held. The second      explains: “Given the number of
       technologies that can help cut                is on Vancouver Island, in Victoria,       buses involved, and BC Transit’s
       greenhouse gas emissions. Of                  where the town will be supplied with       operational requirements, it will be
       the contracts signed in 2007, one             gas through an electrolyser installed      essential to optimize refuelling times.
       involves Air Liquide Canada (2) and           on the spot and by purified hydrogen       Between 6.00 am and 9.00 am, 18
       the Advanced Technologies Division            from North Vancouver’s HTEC                vehicles will have their tanks filled
       based at Sassenage (France). The              process (4).                               using 55 kg of hydrogen per unit,
       aim of this agreement is to build a           Two distinct 350-bar stations will be      in under 10 minutes. This involves
       fleet of twenty fuel cell buses at BC         set up in the two towns which will         some heavy equipment, the largest
       Transit (3), the first such fleet to run on
       a day-to-day basis. The vehicles will
       be delivered by the end of 2009 to
       the towns of Whistler and Victoria,
       but in terms of the hydrogen supply
       – transporting it and distributing it
       on the spot – Air Liquide is already
       gearing up for action.

       Green hydrogen
       From Montreal where he is involved in
       all hydrogen energy programmes on
       North American soil, Pierre Gauthier
       stresses: “It is the determination of
       the federal and provincial authorities,
       but also that of Ron Harmer, deputy
       chairman of BC Transit, that has
       ensured the success of this project.”
       It is a project that involves some major
       logistical constraints since the “green”
       hydrogen – i.e. it is obtained without
       greenhouse gas emissions – will be
                 In the foreground of the narrow
4              collaboration between Advanced
    Technologies and Air Liquide Canada on this
       project of hydrogen bus: Pierre Gauthier.
A tankful of hydrogen for the Winter Olympics 2010 with BC Transit

Air Liquide is already eager to get on with the job of
transporting and distributing the hydrogen safely.

                           The Victoria hydrogen station will be commissioned next October.

                                                                                                 (1) The Vancouver Olympic Games will

hydrogen power
                                                                                                 be held from 12 to 28 February 2010.
                                                                                                 Whistler will host the Paralympic Games
                                                                                                 from 12 to 21 March 2010.
                                                                                                 (2) Air Liquide Canada Inc is a subsidiary
ever designed and installed up till         field,” stresses Pierre Gauthier. “This              of Air Liquide Group, founded in 1911,
now.” To do this, Air Liquide Canada        is a business that arouses curiosity                 and employs 2200 people.
has been reliant on the expertise           and stimulates investment but                        (3) BC Transit: British Columbia Transit
developed at Sassenage. From                only for demonstration projects. I                   Authority.
choice of materials to station design,      would say that we are now in a pre-                  (4) HTEC (Hydrogen Technology and
including risk assessments, systems         marketing phase. The technology is                   Energy Corporation) is a company
analyses, automata parametrisation,         still expensive and will only become                 dedicated to the production of ultra-pure
training etc., Air Liquide Advanced         accessible if the market grows. Once                 hydrogen, according to a patented process.
Technologies is making a twofold            the Vancouver Olympic Games are                      (5) At DRTC (Delaware Research
contribution to this project: Thomas        over, if it is shown that a fleet of some            Technology Center), Air Liquide’s
Charbonneau has settled in Canada           twenty vehicles can be operated                      advanced technologies centre located
for a few years, and Julie Flynn, who       on a daily basis without technical                   at Newark (Delaware): Stéphane Lessi,
hails from Quebec, on assignment            mishap, it will be a win-win situation               Shawn Bratt, Tracey Jacksier and Robert
at Advanced Technologies for H2             for everyone.”                                       Bennesh. With support from Kimberley
NRJ is BC Transit’s project Manager.        Contact:                                             Curran (AL Canada).
And we mustn’t forget the DRCT(5)           laurent.allidieres@airliquide.com
team which is taking part in the
pump output gas quality control               A much sought after fuel
                                              • In the spring of 2007, General Motors signed a contract for five new 700-bar
                                                stations. They are the first to be set up on the eastern side of the United States
A lot at stake
                                                and the New York City station has been up and running since 4 April 2008. To
Even before these two stations, Air
                                                date, GM has some hundred fuel cell vehicles on American soil.
Liquide Canada will deliver a first
                                              • After Ottawa, Prince Edward Island, Oshawa and Kapuskasing in Canada, and
mobile station in July 2008. It will
                                                 with the three forthcoming BC Transit stations, including the GM projects, not
provide support for the first bus, also          forgetting the DRTC facility in Newark… by the end of 2008, there will be a total of
delivered in July, so that a series of           thirteen Air Liquide stations in operation on North-American soil.
tests can be conducted. The Victoria          • Between June and September 2008, Nissan is organising a European demonstration
station will be commissioned in                  tour for a fuel cell vehicle. With the 350-bar station based at Sassenage already
October 2008. Tests will then be                 coming in for praise, Air Liquide Advanced Technologies has had a second mobile
conducted on all buses as they                   unit built to provide back-up for the Japanese manufacturer.
are delivered at regular intervals            • Shell Global Solution has ordered a testing resource from Advanced Technologies
throughout 2009. The Whistler                    to study hydrogen leaks at 700 bars.
station, which is more complex in             • The University of Glamorgan at Cardiff (Pontypridd) will soon be equipped with a
design because of the presence                   unit for hydrogen generation by electrolysis, compression and storage.
of a liquid hydrogen tank, will be            • During the summer 2008, a 350-bar station will be delivered to the University of
operational in autumn 2009, a few                Rome to fuel a Hydrogenics demonstration vehicle.
months before the Games start.                • On the site of Sassenage, the tank Absal designed to store liquid helium is in the
“There is a lot riding on the success            course of modification to transport liquid hydrogen. Renamed Abshyl, it will be
of the BC Transit project for all                rented to customers for occasional demands.
partners in the hydrogen energy

A tankful of hydrogen for the Winter Olympics 2010 with BC Transit
                                                  By the year 2015, the launcher market will be required
                                                  to increase their effectiveness and offer a new
                                                  service: versatility (1). And, at the request of the French
                                                  Government Space Agency (Cnes) and ahead of
                                                  European decisions to upgrade Ariane 5, Air Liquide
                                                  The forthcoming Sol macro-demonstrator seen in cross-section.

    HX Programme
                              Innovative technologies for the
    I  t’s a fact: if a payload is to be driven
       well beyond a geostationary transfer
    orbit, some space missions will one
                                                     future versatile ESC due to be up and
                                                     running by 2015, but also to prepare for
                                                     launcher upgrading in the longer-term.
                                                                                                  development team can give material
                                                                                                  form to the different technologies and
                                                                                                  concepts they have touched on under
    day require the cryogenic engine of the                                                       R & T projects in which they have
    launcher upper stage to be stopped,              An expert pairing                            been involved for many years.” The
    and then re-ignited in midcourse.                Cryospace has already implemented            technology packages being studied
    However, in a state of weightlessness            many insulation technologies as part of      by Air Liquide Advanced Technologies
    lasting several hours, the cryogenic             the design and manufacture of Ariane         are operational technologies. They
    fluid may well disperse uncontrollably,          5’s cryogenic tanks. The fact that the       relate particularly to fluid performance
    evaporate and cause the mission to fail.         Les Mureaux team is participating in         management and the use of vaporised
    It is therefore in the context of thermal        the HX project is therefore due to its       propellants. Indeed, in coasting flight(3),
    control and fluid management that                expertise in this field and its experience   residual liquid hydrogen and oxygen
    the Cnes has asked Cryospace (2) and             in operational systems development.          (between 10% and 15%) will tend to
    Air Liquide Advanced Technologies                François Peyraud, Manager of                 disperse towards the tank walls and
    to implement HX, a technological                 Cryospace Engineering, explains: “The        vaporize. If these gases are re-used
    demonstration programme. This aims               aim is to build technology packages          to control temperature and to cause
    to secure the development of Ariane 5’s          that allow us to meet high performance       small amounts of fluid to settle by
                                                     needs in coasting flight, while freeing      microgravity, these not insignificant
                                                     ourselves from using helium of which         losses can be restricted.
                                                     Ariane 5 is a major consumer, and which
                                                     leads to prohibitive implementation          Running order
                                                     costs.” Cryospace’s big idea is to use       Insulation, propellant management,
                                                     gaseous nitrogen to condition the            pressurization, fluid level gauge,
                                                     cavities that come into contact with         internal transfer line, etc., there’s no
                                                     the hydrogen tanks, while maintaining        shortage of technology packages. The
                                                     optimum thermal performance, and             aim of HX is actually to validate these
                                                     to do so, in all configurations: on the      basic technologies and then associate
                                                     ground, in atmospheric flight or in          them with a representatively-scaled
                                                     coasting flight.                             macro-demonstrator. This combined
                                                     At Sassenage, Sébastien Bianchi              implementation means that we can
                                                     – development programme Manager              go beyond an individual validation of
                                                     for future launchers – stresses: “The        each technology. Its purpose is, inter
                                                     HX programme means that the                  alia, to identify any interaction that may
                                                                                                  occur between them, and to assess
                                                   At the Sassenage high-tech centre,             the global physical and/or operational
                                                   standing in front of the HXG test rig
                                                   (from left to right): Frédéric Ribas, test     consequences. The HX project is
                                                   centre Manager; Sébastien Bianchi,             therefore twofold. Initially, until the end
                                                   development programme Manager for              of 2008, the HXT phase is dedicated to
                                                   Air Liquide Advanced Technologies’
                                                                                                  the basic demonstration. At the same
                                                   future launchers: Francois Barbier,
                                                   Air Liquide Consultant and an                  time, the HXG phase has started with
                                                   authority on HX programme design.              the preliminary study on the Sol macro-

A tankful of hydrogen for the Winter Olympics 2010 with BC Transit
Advanced Technologies and Cryospace are working
on new technologies for cryogenic upper stage
tanks that can be re-ignited in midcourse. Let us
explain further.

              At Sassenage, an operator standing in front of a thermal insulation test rig.

  launchers of the future
demonstrator. In a European context,          The results obtained will be of the              Composite tanks
there might conceivably be a third            greatest use to the ESA(4) and Astrium,
phase for a midcourse demonstration           the manufacturer responsible for                 Of the R&T (Research and Technology)
during a suborbital flight.                   producing the launcher and the upper             projects developed by Advanced
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. For     stage.                                           Technologies, there is one which
the time being, the news is all about the     It’s a promise: we will talk to you              was not accepted as part of the HX
basic tests conducted on the technology       again soon about how know-how                    project but which will undoubtedly
packages. The Cryospace laboratories          and resources are shared between                 be of concern to the Cnes by 2025,
at Les Mureaux are used to conduct            Cryospace and Air Liquide Advanced               and that is composite tanks. All
mechanical inspections and basic tests        Technologies.                                    launchers in fact use metal tanks,
up to 20 K, but, since they do not have a                                                      but using a composite material
hydrogen area, most of the activity has       (1) Versatility: an upper stage is called        would save between 25% and 50% in
to be performed at Sassenage. “For            “versatile” if it can be switched off and then   weight, thereby optimizing “payload”
the HX programme, four technicians            reignited.                                       accordingly.
and an engineer were employed on              (2) Cryospace: Economic Interest Grouping        The tests now underway at Sassenage
site” explains Frédéric Ribas, the test       comprising Air Liquide and EADS Launch           favour a clear choice of material,
centre Manager. Dynamic performance           Vehicles.                                        namely an assembly of carbon fibres
of the “super-insulation” on the ground       (3) Coasting flight: non-propelled flight.       bound together with resin, and the
and in coasting flight conditions, solar      (4) ESA: European Space Agency.                  performance of this low temperature
radiation simulation, low temperature                                                          assembly is currently being tested.
thermal characterization of foams,            Contact:                                         In fact, at cryogenic temperatures,
performance of transfer line insulating       sebastien.bianchi@airliquide.com                 resins tend to crack, causing a
material, liquid nitrogen testing in                                                           degradation of leaktightness and
respect of tank bulkhead performance,                                                          reductions in mechanical strength
catalytic combustion, etc.                                                                     etc.
                                                                                               The challenge therefore lies in
                                                                      François Peyraud,        choosing the right resin and carbon
                                                                      Manager of the
                                                                                               fibres and in deciding how the
                                                                      Cryospace engineering
                                                                      department. In the       leaktight barrier is to be formed.
                                                                      background: the          By 2010, the right balance will have
                                                                      shell of the EPCA’s      been found with the first potential
                                                                      RIE (Fitted Insulated
                                                                                               application being for small high
                                                                      Tank). On the trolley:
                                                                      the technology           pressure liquid hydrogen tanks on
                                                                      package prototype        land vehicles.
                                                                      which has been           On Ariane 5, Air Liquide Advanced
                                                                      used to validate the
                                                                      concept mechanically.    Technologies’ pressurized helium
                                                                      It is designed to        storage unit will probably be the first
                                                                      insulate the H2 tank     piece of equipment to be affected by
                                                                      against atmospheric      this technological development.

A tankful of hydrogen for the Winter Olympics 2010 with BC Transit
Expert Comment
                                                                 For about fifteen years, Advanced Technologies has partnered
                                                                 the Cannes Space Centre, a Thales Alenia Space industrial site
                                                                 specializing in satellite production.
                                                                 Laurent Jezequel, test means development Manager at
                                                                 Thales Alenia Space, reveals what goes on behind the scenes
                                                                 of a faithful collaboration… which has withstood some formidable
                                                                 technological challenges.

Satellites that can withstand vacuum,
cold and physical stress on take-off
What operations are you                                                                                                                               simulate noise stress on take-
engaged in?                                                                                                                                           off, Advanced Technologies
Laurent Jezequel: To put it                                                                                                                           designed a nitrogen vaporization
simply, Thales Alenia Space                                                                                                                           system to power sirens that can
is the foremost European                                                                                                                              emit in excess of 160 decibels!
satellite solution and a                                                                                                                              The remarkable thing is the
major player in the orbital                                                                                                                           absolute pressure stability and
infrastructure field.                                                                                                                                 the system throughput, accurate
The department I work in has                                                                                                                          to within a few Psi. We often
the job of conducting tests on                                                                                                                        offer this gas generator as an
satellites and their equipment                                                                                                                        example. It has, I believe, enabled
before they are sent into                                                                                                                             Advanced Technologies to reach
space. When you intend to                                                                                                                             some new customers…
send several million euros thousands
of kilometres from earth, there is no                                                                                                            And what about the future?
room for mistakes.                                                 a high vacuum and to maintain it.                                             L. J.: Relations between Thales Alenia
Which is why at Cannes we recreate                                 Cryogenic vacuum pumps, supplied                                              SpaceTand              S ALENI A S
                                                                                                                                                                HALEAdvanced                 PACE,
the space environment encountered                                  by Air Liquide, were used to bring            U N   A C  T  E U  R  M  A J E Ugo well beyond a simple A
                                                                                                                                                   R    D A  N  S  L E D  O M  A I N E   S P    TI AL
by satellites in space – vacuum and                                the chamber to 10 mbars. These     -7
                                                                                                                                                 between customer and supplier. This
extreme temperatures which can                                     pumps wereEn 2007,regularly
                                                                                           Thales Aleniaupgraded
                                                                                                               Space a renforcé  by son leadership
                                                                                                                                                        Européen dansisles asystèmes
                                                                                                                                                                                  true spatiaux
vary between -200°C and +150°C –,                                  Advanced         Technologies,
                                                                             remportant                             which iset d’observation
                                                                                           7 satellites de télécommunication                     Ouret en technical
                                                                                                                                                             pénétrant deproblems
                                                                                                                                                                           nouveaux marchés
                                                                             domaine des télécommunications, aux Emirats Arabes Unis, en Norvège et en Indonésie. La société a
                                                                                                                                                                                                     le their

as well as the stresses associated                                 also responsible for maintenance.
                                                                             également     signé    un   partenariat industriel  stratégique avecproblems. They know our needs and
                                                                                                                                                    la société  russe NPO-PM,    permettant   aux deux
                                                                             sociétés d’accroître leur position de leader en Russie. Thales Alenia Space a également été présent sur 13
with take-off (acoustic and vibration                              F u r t h lancements
                                                                              e r m oavec     r etout,    type
                                                                                                           A ddevlanceur.
                                                                                                                    anced                        give us support in improving many
testing). In the same spirit, we ground                            Technologies’  cryogenic technologies                                         of our processes, and we value their
test different satellite functionalities                           are usedNuméro
                                                                              to cool    1 européen des solutions par satellites et acteur majeur dans le domaine de l'infrastructure
                                                                                            the chamber. “Space”                                 expertise, which is why we have
                                                                             orbitale, Thales Alenia Space est une co-entreprise de Thales (67%) et Finmeccanica (33%) et forme avec
(communication tests etc.).                                        cold at -196°C
                                                                                                 Space Alliance.  by   thermal
                                                                                                                     Thales    Alenia Space estappointed
                                                                                                                                                   une référence Advanced
                                                                                                                                                                     mondiale dans le Technologies
                                                                             télécommunications, de la navigation, de la météorologie, de la gestion de l'environnement, de la défense et
                                                                                                                                                                                         domaine des       to
                                                                   panels (also known as “cold skins”)
                                                                             de  la sécurité,    de   l'observation  et de  la  science. Avec    change all the cold skins in our
                                                                                                                                               7200    salariés et 11 sites industriels, Thales    (espace
                                                                             Space est présent en France, en Italie, en Espagne et en Belgique.
In what areas do you collaborate                                   in which liquid nitrogen is circulating.                                      70) thermal vacuum chamber. At the
                                                                             Thales Alenia Space est à la pointe des technologies par satellites que ce soit dans le secteur civil ou
with Advanced Technologies?                                        For lower        temperatures, used for
                                                                             militaire.                                                          same time, we are planning some
L. J.: For 15 years, Air Liquide has                               exampleLa société
                                                                                           est largement impliquée dans :
                                                                                  in Lestesting              the METOP
                                                                                             projets environnementaux                            jointdeoperations
                                                                                                                              axés sur l’observation         la Terre tels queabroad,
                                                                                                                                                                               le programme   particularly
participated in many different projects.                           weather observer                  interferometer, a                           to supply thermal vacuum chambers
                                                                                       (surveillance globale pour l’environnement et la sécurité) avec la fourniture de la première Sentinelle
                                                                                       environnementale Sentinelle-1, la météorologie avec MSG (Thales Alenia Space a fourni tous les
The first was the construction of our                              cryogenic helium    satellitesmachine,
                                                                                                    Meteosat pour   designed                     anden gas
                                                                                                                       Eumetsat) et la climatologie
                                                                                       SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) ;
                                                                                                                                                             tant quegeneration
                                                                                                                                                                       maître d’œuvre desystems
                                                                                                                                                                                            la mission    for
main thermal vacuum chamber known                                  by Advanced Technologies, is fitted
                                                                                  ƒ   La  défense,      en tant que maître   d’œuvre   des      acoustic chambers.
                                                                                                                                            systèmes    de télécommunications   français  Syracuse   (I,
                                                                                       II et III) et italien Sicral et du système d’observation italien COSMO-SkyMed ; et principal partenaire
as “espace 500”. The main problem                                  to the simulation           chamber.
                                                                                       du système       de télécoms allemand (Satcom BW) et des systèmes d’observation Helios (France) et
                                                                                       SAR-Lupe (Allemagne) ;
in creating space conditions in our                                Another example:
                                                                                  ƒ La navigationwhenavec    weGalileo.
                                                                                                                   set out        to est maître
                                                                                                                           La société            Contact:
                                                                                                                                                     d’œuvre du système EGNOS - précurseur de
                                                                                       Galileo ;
simulation chambers was to achieve                                 build our new  ƒ La acoustic               chamber,
                                                                                            Science et l’Exploration      en tant toque maître cecilia.fouvry-renzi@airliquide.com
                                                                                                                                                  d’œuvre de la mission ExoMars, une des plus
                                                                                        ambitieuses missions d’exploration des années à venir, de la mission GOCE (Gravity Field and
                                                                                        Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) et des missions Herschel & Planck;
                                                                                     ƒ L’Infrastructure Orbitale avec la fourniture de 50% du volume pressurisé de la station spatiale

                                                                        Aujourd’hui, Thales Alenia Space est le premier fournisseur de solutions par satellites en Europe dans
                                                                        le domaine de la défense et de la sécurité, avec de fortes positions dans les satellites et les segments
                                                                        spatiaux etsols. En outre, la société est la référence européenne dans les services opérationnels sur site
The Cryoscope is published by the Air Liquide Advanced Technologies Division      • BP 15 • 38360 Sassenage • Tel. : +33 (0)4 76 43 62 11 • Fax : +33 (0)4 76 43 62 71 • E.
                                                                        avec de nombreux clients tels que l’Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA), le CNES, l’Agence Spatiale
mail: gcom.dta@airliquide.com • Director of Publication: Catherine Candela  • Coordination:
                                                                        Italienne               Dominique
                                                                                  (ASI), les ministères de laLecoq
                                                                                                              défense• Français,
                                                                                                                                  Publishers:    2èmeainsi
                                                                                                                                         et Allemands   Communication     - Groupe
                                                                                                                                                            que la Délégation       Publicis •
22, rue Seguin • 69286 Lyon Cedex 02 • Tel. +33 (0)4 72 41 64 84 • Photos:        Air Liquide,
                                                                        de l’Armement    (DGA). Thales    AleniaSpace
                                                                                                  Thales Alenia   Space, estRemy   Michelin
                                                                                                                             aussi très        (Eurocopter),
                                                                                                                                        impliqué              Marine
                                                                                                                                                  sur le marché  exportNationale, BC Transit,
                                                                                                                                                                        des satellites
Cryospace, Photodisc, DR • Printing: Imprimerie Lamazière • 165, avenue duaux   civil/militaire, avec
                                                                           Franklin-Roosevelt         notamment
                                                                                                   • 69153        Koreasat
                                                                                                             Décines        5 pour
                                                                                                                       • ISSN       la Corée du
                                                                                                                                 1270-4369       Sud, Star deposited
                                                                                                                                               Copyright   One pour le•Brésil
                                                                        pour les Emirats Arabes Unis.

                                                                                 Thales Alenia Space a signé un accord de coopération industrielle avec la société russe NPO-PM
A tankful of hydrogen for the Winter Olympics 2010 with BC Transit A tankful of hydrogen for the Winter Olympics 2010 with BC Transit
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