Page created by Billy Gonzalez


             The rise in infrastructure M&A has brought with               Other factors can also play a significant role in
             it increasingly sophisticated financing structures.        the direction that a financing takes. For example,
             Buyers of infrastructure assets may seek to                are the teams structuring the financing at the
             utilise leverage for a variety of reasons, including       banks and advisory firms primarily acquisition
             maximising returns on equity, particularly for             or project finance practitioners, or do they have
             financial investors, freeing-up offshore currency          the flexibility to operate in both spaces? It is
             reserves for Chinese SOEs or simply raising                imperative that purchasers and their advisers
             capital, in the case of independents. Financing of         encourage flexibility from finance sources or the
             these acquisitions requires melding of traditional         financing may get held-up or derailed by an off-
             leveraged buyout (LBO) acquisition finance with            market approach in either space. Will the loan
             elements drawn from project finance structures,            be syndicated and, if so, will it be sold in the
             and brings with it a number of unique features.            leveraged finance market or the project finance
             We examine the opportunities and challenges in             market? Savvy and well advised purchasers may
             this evolving market.                                      strategically target their debt offerings to ensure
                                                                        they benefit from maximum available liquidity,
             Two distinct markets                                       beneficial pricing or other favourable terms that
             LBO finance and project finance each have well-            a particular market or markets might offer at that
             established frameworks that have developed                 time. Borrowers are also increasingly targeting
             over decades. Those frameworks involve norms               separate debt tranches at specific classes of non-
             that are well understood by their respective               bank investors who can offer bespoke financing
             market participants and form the starting point            solutions, albeit often at a higher cost and in
             for a given transaction, but must be tailored to           limited amounts.
             the unique features of the financing and the                  The two markets have distinct advantages
             sponsors’ and lenders’ commercial objectives.              and disadvantages. Acquisition financiers will
             For prospective purchasers looking to finance              be accustomed to moving quickly in line with
             a project acquisition, financings often draw               the acquisition timetable, will expect lighter
             characteristics from both paradigms. Blending              operational covenants and can perhaps access
             these two approaches into a hybrid structure can           greater liquidity for some assets (at least in the
             present opportunities and challenges.                      commercial bank market). Project financiers will
                Determining how best to blend these                     generally be better versed in understanding and
             characteristics requires a firm grasp of both              accepting technical risk, market risk and political
             approaches. The nature of the project being                risk, and will often be able to offer longer tenors.
             acquired will, of course, go some way towards              A careful balancing exercise will need to be
             informing the approach taken: an infrastructure            conducted and a clear picture of the purchaser’s
             project in Western Europe, where construction              objectives and the fundamentals of the asset
             has been completed and a successful operating              being acquired should be used to determine the
             history demonstrated, will have a financing                optimal approach or blend of approaches to take.
             package bearing many features of an LBO                       Sponsors may also wish to consider bifurcated
             financing of an equivalent credit in other                 project company and holdco level financings,
             sectors. In contrast, a mining or energy project           with the acquisition consideration financed
             in an emerging market that remains under
             construction will likely bear many more of the
             hallmarks of a traditional project financing, with
             sponsors and lenders needing to grapple with
             issues including political risk, completion risk,          Determining how best to blend these
             technical risk, market risk and environmental              characteristics requires a firm grasp of
             and social risk.                                           both approaches

                                        Reproduced from Project Finance International January 12 2022                          55
                               Traditional Project Finance         LBO Acquisition Finance            Typical Hybrid
     Recourse to sponsors        Recourse until completion if      Non-recourse                       Generally non-recourse
                                 there are sponsor completion                                         (post-completion)
                                 guarantees, otherwise non-
     Time to implement           Relatively slower                 Relatively faster (based on        Needs to meet acquisition
                                                                   acquisition timetable)             timetable
     Security                    All asset security package        Security over specified material   Security package limited to
                                 (including structured project     assets based on agreed security    actions within the control of
                                 accounts), with few negotiated    principles. Security granted at    the purchaser as a condition
                                 exceptions                        or before closing may be limited   to first drawdown, with
                                                                   to acquisition vehicle             reasonable efforts obligation
                                                                                                      to grant perfect customary
                                                                                                      project finance security
                                                                                                      package post-closing
     Operational covenants       Detailed operational and          Relatively fewer operational       Based on a project finance
                                 reporting covenants               and reporting covenants            covenant package, but can
                                                                                                      usually be adjusted to meet
                                                                                                      purchasers’ reasonable
                                                                                                      commercial objectives
     Financial covenants         Varies, but key covenant is       Varies, but rarely any financial   Varies, but key covenant
                                 Debt Service Coverage Ratio       covenants, other than a            is generally Debt Service
                                 (often on an incurrence-only      springing leverage ratio on a      Coverage Ratio (if any)
                                 basis) and sometimes Loan         revolver
                                 Life Coverage Ratio
     Tenor                       Long term debt: often 10-15       Short to medium term debt: up      Varies depending on how
                                 years                             to 7 years                         financing is positioned
     Conditions to drawdown at   Extensive, including all asset    Certain funds; conditions          Certain funds with limited
     closing/commitments         security and project/business-    limited to those that are within   conditionality
                                 related conditions                the control of the purchaser at
                                                                   closing, without reference to
                                                                   project company
     Due diligence               Detailed due diligence            More limited due diligence,        More limited due diligence,
                                 process, with independent         primarily based on sell-           primarily based on seller and
                                 lenders’ consultant reports for   side reports and (where            purchaser reports (although
                                 certain key areas                 applicable) buy-side reports.      some lenders may seek
                                                                   Well established process of        independent reports)
                                                                   disclosure and reliance

     separately from the project level debt in the LBO               • The tenor of the debt, repayment profile and
     and project finance markets respectively. For                   whether the purchaser wishes to push out the
     example, when an MMG-led Chinese consortium                     loan life; and
     acquired the Las Bambas copper project in Peru                  • The costs involved in prepaying such debt.
     from Glencore, the financing involved a US$969m                    While prepayment fees, other than break
     acquisition facility with a seven-year tenor for                fees, are unusual in bank loan facilities, certain
     the purpose of funding part of the acquisition                  export credit agency (ECA) lenders, commonly
     consideration and a US$5,988m project facility                  the financiers of greenfield development projects,
     with an 18-year tenor for the purpose of funding                require these. In addition, some ECAs require a
     on-going project costs. Both facilities were                    proportion of the margin to be paid upfront as
     provided by a group of Chinese banks.                           a premium, which may not be refundable upon
        Other highly structured financing                            prepayment. Bond financings usually have a no-
     arrangements are becoming increasingly                          call period during which the redemption of the
     common, often involving multiple tranches                       bonds would require payment of a make-whole
     of debt with different terms aimed at specific                  amount, derived from a formula based on the net
     investor classes.                                               present value of scheduled interest and principal
                                                                     payments. In any of these circumstances it may
     Existing project debt                                           be prohibitively expensive to refinance the
     Before even considering the nature of the new                   existing debt, unless an alternative arrangement
     financing in connection with an acquisition,                    can be negotiated.
     a threshold question will be whether there is                      Many project financings, in common with
     existing project-level debt in place and, if so,                many leveraged financings, include change
     whether the purchaser would like to maintain                    of control provisions or transfer restrictions,
     that debt following completion of the acquisition               particularly prior to the satisfaction of the
     or intends to refinance it. A number of factors                 completion tests, and the lenders will often have
     will play into this decision, including:                        a right to require prepayment unless either a
     • Whether better economic terms might be                        waiver can be agreed with the banks or they opt
     available in the market;                                        not to exercise their prepayment right. Early
     • Whether the terms of the existing financing                   engagement with the existing lenders will be
     afford sufficient operational flexibility given the             essential to understand the approach they will
     purchaser’s intentions for the project;                         take. Where ECAs are part of the syndicate they

56                                Reproduced from Project Finance International January 12 2022

may have less appetite for continued involvement                         will be structurally subordinated to debt at
following completion of the acquisition                                  project company level. In the US, Holdco loans
than commercial banks given their different                              are frequently used in structures designed to
objectives, especially where financing was                               take advantage of tax-equity financing that is
originally provided on an export-tied basis – ie,                        available for certain infrastructure investments
financing of goods or services from their home                           but they have become increasingly common for
country, typically procurement of the plant and                          other reasons. Bifurcation of the financing in this
construction services – and construction has been                        way may be attractive where there is a desire to
completed, or where an equity participant from                           maximise leverage, benefit from optimal terms
their home country is exiting the project, but                           or to finance acquisition consideration separately
their approach can vary.                                                 from the project level debt.
   Where existing debt is being refinanced,                                 Holdco financing models have also been used
care should be taken to ensure that the                                  in offshore wind projects in Europe and Asia,
process of refinancing is smooth, particularly                           for example in asset rotation models where the
where indemnities benefiting the existing                                developers may finance their share of capex on
lenders will survive completion. Again,                                  their balance sheet, while institutional investors
additional considerations will apply where                               acquiring an interest in the project raise non-
ECAs are involved – as governmental or quasi-                            recourse project finance on their equity share.
governmental entities these lenders control                                 Holdco financings can be utilised whether the
public funds and so often exercise a greater                             purchaser plans to maintain existing project level
degree of conservatism than commercial                                   debt or to refinance it. However, existing project
banks might. ECAs will also generally require a                          finance debt, particularly outside the traditional
lengthier internal approval process, meaning that                        infrastructure space, can present challenges and
they may not be able to respond as quickly as                            will need to be carefully analysed to determine
the purchaser and seller would like. Experience                          whether a Holdco financing can be layered on.
of dealing with these entities is a significant                             In a Holdco financing, the financiers are repaid
advantage, allowing purchasers to anticipate and                         primarily from cash distributions that are made
address potential concerns and requirements                              by the project company. Most project financings
that might otherwise cause delays. If consent to                         will include conditions to making distributions
maintain an existing project financing in place                          with a full lock-up where these are not met.
cannot be obtained prior to closing, purchasers                          For some assets, cash sweeps are common and
might consider arranging a backstop financing,                           require all or a large proportion of distributable
perhaps as a bridge facility, that can be used to                        cash to be applied to repay the project
refinance the existing project debt should that be                       finance debt on an accelerated basis in certain
required.                                                                circumstances. This can lead to insufficient cash
                                                                         being distributed to service the Holdco debt.
Holdco financings                                                           If a Holdco loan is put in place as part of a
Most LBOs involve debt being raised through                              coordinated financing effort at both project
a special purpose vehicle established to enter                           and Holdco levels, there will generally be
into the acquisition agreement (Bidco) or, less                          scope to reach agreement regarding minimum
frequently, by the target or project company                             distributions and cash-sharing arrangements for
itself – subject to prohibitions on using the assets                     the benefit of the Holdco financiers. However,
of a target company to finance the purchase                              where an existing financing is being retained
of its shares – financial assistance – in some                           it is unlikely to be possible to renegotiate the
jurisdictions.                                                           terms to achieve this prior to closing (and the
   Holdco loans, also known as mezzanine                                 sponsor will have limited leverage in negotiations
loans or back-leverage, involve finance being                            with existing lenders). In the absence of an
raised by an entity that sits above the project                          arrangement that makes a Holdco financing
company in the corporate structure and that                              bankable, it is likely that some form of limited


                            Holdco Loan

      Lenders to Holdco                                 Holdco                                  Holdco financing security package

                            Repaid from       Equity              Distributions (subject to
                            distributions                         satisfaction of conditions)

                                                 Project Company

                           Project finance                                                      Project financing security package
      Lenders to Project
         Company                                       Revenues

                            Repaid from

                                  Reproduced from Project Finance International January 12 2022                                                 57
sponsor support would be required, at least as             refined during the detailed due diligence process,
     a bridge through to a refinancing of the project           although much will depend on the nature of
     level debt on satisfactory terms.                          the asset and its stage of development. The
        Holdco financings where there is a separate             state of unease at “certain funds” provisions felt
     financing at project level do not typically benefit        by project financiers is often compounded by
     from security over the shares in the project               the more limited and expedited due diligence
     company or its rights and assets, which would              associated with an auction process. Where
     be part of the collateral package granted to               lenders might ordinarily benefit from detailed
     the project financiers, but would instead have             reports from their own advisers and several
     security over the borrower of such financing               months to consider and discuss the issues, they
     (holdco) and its bank accounts. The ability to             are often being asked to provide a commitment
     enforce this security following a default without          letter quickly and at an early stage in the process.
     giving the project financiers the ability to enforce          What is more, the SPA will usually restrict the
     their security at the project level – which could          borrower’s ability to add additional conditions
     cut off the distributions that are the sole means          later if issues are discovered by the lenders. The
     of servicing the holdco loan (absent sponsor               difficulty in obtaining firm commitments from
     support) – will be critical.                               project financiers might steer purchasers toward
        The terms of most project financings include            the LBO market, although this can sometimes
     transfer restrictions that could trigger an event          be more expensive or only be available for
     of default or mandatory prepayment if they are             insufficient tenors. Those banks that can offer a
     breached. The holdco financiers would typically            hybrid product will be sought after and benefit
     want any enforcement action that they take to              from opportunities in the space. It is interesting
     be expressly permitted under the project finance           to note that these challenges can affect the price
     terms, but that will be a matter for negotiation           that is offered by purchasers in an auction and so
     and may be contentious where significant value             reduce the consideration received by sellers that
     is attributed to the expertise of the sponsor as the       place a premium on maximising deal certainty.
     manager or operator of the project. Where there               While there is no easy answer, purchasers
     is no project level debt there will be much more           can smooth the process by engaging with the
     flexibility and an investor buying an interest in a        lender group as early as possible in the process,
     project would be able to pledge its shareholding           ensuring that consultant reports can be shared
     in the project company in favour of its lenders.           with the lender group in good time before the
        Notwithstanding the potential challenges                final commitment is made and that consultants
     where there is an existing project financing (and          are available to answer questions and resolve
     certain other issues that are beyond the scope of          issues as early as possible in the process. While
     this article), Holdco financings are a valuable tool       purchasers may understandably be reticent to
     in the toolkit of sponsors.                                spend time and money on this process before
                                                                winning the bid, this may be necessary where
     Commitments                                                a strong commitment letter is perceived as
     The majority of disposals of project assets are            important to the strength of the bid.
     the result of a competitive auction process.
     Participants competing to be the winning bidder            Due diligence
     are usually compelled to accept an obligation to           The due diligence process is required to give
     complete that is not conditional upon obtaining            the purchaser and its lenders a thorough
     financing. Sellers now generally expect a debt             understanding of the project and its risks, so
     commitment letter to form part of the bid                  that they can be evaluated, allocated and priced
     package and will analyse the conditions to the             effectively. While the scope of due diligence for
     commitment in detail. The debt commitment                  an LBO financing varies considerably depending
     is critical to deal certainty (for both seller and         on the nature of the business and transaction,
     purchaser), will affect the final selection of             it is safe to say that it is more limited than for a
     the successful bidder, and failure to ensure               typical project financing. Sell-side reports often
     that financing is available at closing can be              form the bulk of the due diligence with limited
     catastrophic.                                              buy-side due diligence and even more limited
        For this reason, purchasers typically insist that       lender due diligence.
     their banks provide a commitment to lend where                In contrast, it is customary in the project
     all the conditions are within the purchaser’s              finance market for reports to be prepared by
     control. This is known as a certain funds                  consultants engaged for the benefit of the
     commitment, sometimes referred to as SunGard               lenders. Such reports can be time-consuming and
     provisions in the US. Where this approach is               expensive to obtain and, in the case of at least
     taken, the commitment letter will provide for a
     comprehensive list of fundamental conditions to
     funding and will not restrict the borrower from
     drawing if these conditions are met.
        This requires a major shift in mind-set for
                                                                Those banks that can offer a hybrid product will
     project financiers accustomed to lengthy lists             be sought after and benefit from opportunities
     of conditions precedent that are verified and              in the space

58                              Reproduced from Project Finance International January 12 2022

the technical report, usually require a site visit. In      package will be negotiated, the starting point
an acquisition where the purchaser has obtained             tends to be the project finance blueprint (with
its own report on the project, engaging a second            the obvious exception of holdco financings).
consultant to carry out what will effectively be               In LBO financings, security over the acquisition
the same due diligence on behalf of the lenders             vehicle is typically put in place on the closing
will usually be unattractive. It would likely also          date, with a period of up to three months post-
be difficult to secure full seller cooperation              closing in which to perfect security over the
to engage with a second consultant given the                shares in material subsidiaries and other assets.
disruption and drain on time and resources for              This can be a challenge for the acquisition of
the seller’s management this can cause.                     projects. First, projects typically comprise a single
   In the context of project acquisitions, in our           main asset, eg a mine, LNG plant or wind farm,
experience most lenders are ultimately able to              with all or the vast majority of the project’s
take a pragmatic view and accept the sell-side              cashflow generated under a handful of key
and buy-side reports as the basis of their own              contracts. Lenders may be nervous about there
diligence, providing their coverage is sufficiently         being a lengthy gap in taking security over such
broad and they are given reliance upon it. We               key assets and contracts following closing.
have seen some lenders insist on separate reports              Second, project finance lenders are accustomed
prepared for their benefit, particularly in the             to all or virtually all security being granted at
case of the technical report for projects where             closing and are therefore more troubled by
the perceived technical risk is high. Purchasers            having outstanding loans that do not benefit
should consider agreeing the scope of reports at            from full security than those versed in acquisition
the initial pre-qualification stage in the process          finance. To address this, on some occasions
to avoid these issues arising later in the process.         banks have sought second-ranking security that
When engaging consultants to provide any buy-               automatically steps up to become first-ranking
side reports, it will also be important to ensure           security at closing. In our view, this approach
that these can be relied upon by the financing              could only survive a cost benefit analysis in very
sources.                                                    rare circumstances. Holdco financings would be
   Much will depend on the timetable for the                much more straightforward with no project level
acquisition and the competitiveness of the                  security granted.
sale process. A tight timetable and a highly
competitive process will require purchasers and             Alternative financing options
their lenders to accept more limited diligence if           Limited recourse financing will not be the right
they are to be successful. Every project will fall          tool in all circumstances and other options could
somewhere on the spectrum for complexity and                be more appropriate. A corporate purchaser
stage of development that will dictate the level of         may wish to raise debt on its own balance sheet
due diligence that is necessary and appropriate,            or fund the acquisition out of cash reserves.
and all parties will need to be pragmatic.                  If the purchaser is a substantial entity with a
                                                            strong credit, this debt may have lower fees and
Security                                                    margins, be unsecured and have more limited
Both LBO finance and project finance typically              covenants – although it would usually be full
involve the taking of security over the target’s            recourse to the purchaser’s business and assets
shares, assets and cashflows. In the case of project        (in contrast to project level finance where post-
finance this tends to be quite rigidly applied, with        completion recourse would be limited to the
“all-asset” security the paradigm and exclusions            project).
from the security package specifically negotiated.             Sponsors may also wish to consider bridge
For LBO financing, the security package is                  financing, with or without corporate guarantees,
generally based on a set of agreed security                 with a view to a later refinancing. One motive for
principles that reflect an overriding cost/benefit          this is that significantly faster deal execution can
analysis and as a result is much more limited –             be achieved as a result of the more limited due
although similar limitations can also apply on              diligence process and simpler negotiation of the
certain project finance deals with strong sponsors          covenant package based on the sponsor’s credit.
and a good credit story. Strong sponsors will                  It may also be possible to put in place a project
often try to limit the security package to share            bond, for example a Rule 144A/Reg S structure,
security and security over bank accounts and                to finance a project acquisition, perhaps with the
intercompany loans.                                         back-up of a bank commitment to provide more
   This tends to be a heavily negotiated area and           certainty if the bond market is not available, at
there is no one-size-fits-all approach, but in our          least on more attractive terms, at the time the
experience purchasers are typically able to secure          acquisition closes. As an alternative, deals may
bank commitments that are conditional upon                  also be structured with the intention of a prompt
security within the control of the purchaser being          refinancing of bridging bank debt in the capital
put in place at closing with a reasonable efforts           markets.
obligation to put other security including any                 Although timing issues for issuing project
direct agreements in place as soon as possible              bonds to finance acquisitions can potentially
after completion of the acquisition. While the              be dealt with through the use of closing escrow
precise nature of the post-completion security              account structures, other issues to consider, and

                            Reproduced from Project Finance International January 12 2022                                      59
if possible build into SPA financing cooperation            and new lenders in order to achieve a timely and
                 terms, will be driven by the high level of co-              frictionless closing. Lenders and their advisers
                 operation in diligence matters required from the            participating in this sector need to appreciate the
                 seller/the target, particularly in order to achieve         requirements of a bid process and be prepared
                 the required standard of financial disclosure.              to move forward on an acquisition finance
                    The level of diligence required to meet the              timetable.
                 disclosure standards required in the bond                      While the timeline for an acquisition financing
                 markets, for both legal and marketing purposes,             is generally shorter than that for a project
                 will most likely go beyond the level of diligence           financing, where banks agree to rely on the same
                 typical in an M&A process. Although the exact               due diligence reports as the purchaser there
                 disclosure package will be developed as a part of           is really no reason why this process cannot be
                 an iterative and deal-specific process, it is likely,       compressed to fit the typical acquisition finance
                 for example, that target management would need              timetable.
                 to be available to assist with the due diligence               This is not a market that all lenders will be
                 process, including preparing a description of               comfortable operating in. However, we continue
                 the business, answering due diligence questions             to see the emergence of new players on the
                 from underwriters and their counsel on the                  lender side that see good opportunities. More
                 target’s financials and operations, and potentially         nimble private credit operators are becoming
                 preparing pro forma financial statements. In                more experienced in assessing project risk and
                 addition to required financial statements (audited          are able to provide bespoke products that can be
                 and management accounts), the target’s auditors             tailored to meet the requirements of sponsors
                 would need to consent to the disclosure of audit            and investors in a way that the traditional bank
                 opinions and delivery of comfort letters in the             market in both the project and LBO spaces
                 required form, with bring-down at settlement of             cannot.
                 the project bond.                                              In our experience, where the sponsor and
                                                                             lender side parties approach deals with the
                 Conclusions                                                 right mind-set, lenders and sponsors working
                 Financing the acquisition of projects and                   constructively together can reach pragmatic
                 other infrastructure assets requires sponsors               solutions to the issues that arise. As more
                 and lenders to adopt a flexible and pragmatic               and more deals are completed, each side’s
                 approach. Sponsors should consider how best                 expectations are becoming better understood,
                 to target their financing and be prepared                   leading to a more streamlined process.
                 to include features of both the project and                    The views expressed in this article are those
                 acquisition finance markets as well as proactively          of the author and should not be attributed to
                 anticipating the requirements of both existing              Sullivan & Cromwell LLP. n

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60                                           Reproduced from Project Finance International January 12 2022
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