A review of global gridded cropping system data products
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TOPICAL REVIEW • OPEN ACCESS A review of global gridded cropping system data products To cite this article: Kwang-Hyung Kim et al 2021 Environ. Res. Lett. 16 093005 View the article online for updates and enhancements. This content was downloaded from IP address on 18/10/2021 at 20:56
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 093005 https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac20f4 TOPICAL REVIEW A review of global gridded cropping system data products OPEN ACCESS Kwang-Hyung Kim1, Yasuhiro Doi2, Navin Ramankutty3 and Toshichika Iizumi2,∗ RECEIVED 1 9 June 2021 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea 2 Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8604, Japan REVISED 3 10 August 2021 School of Public Policy and Global Affairs | Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION ∗ Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed. 25 August 2021 PUBLISHED E-mail: iizumit@affrc.go.jp 10 September 2021 Keywords: adaptation, area harvested, climate change, cropping intensity, extreme weather, food security, yield Original content from this work may be used Supplementary material for this article is available online under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Any further distribution Abstract of this work must maintain attribution to Agricultural monitoring, seasonal crop forecasting and climate change adaptation planning all the author(s) and the title require identifying where, when, how and which crops are grown. Global gridded cropping system of the work, journal citation and DOI. data products offer useful information for these applications. However, not only the main sources of information (satellites, censuses, surveys and models) but also the spatial and temporal resolutions of these data products are quite distant from each other because of different user requirements. This is a barrier to strengthening collaborations among the research communities working to increase the capacity of societies to manage climate risks for global food systems, from extreme weather disasters to climate change. A first step is to improve cropping system data products so they can be used more seamlessly across various applications than they are currently. Toward this goal, this article reviews global gridded data products of crop variables (area, yield, cropping intensity, etc) using systematic literature survey, identifies their current limitations, and suggests directions for future research. We found that cropland or crop type mapping and yield or production estimation/prediction together accounted for half of the research objectives of the reviewed studies. Satellite-based data products are dominant at the finer resolution in space and time (55 km and ⩾decadal). Census-based data products are seen at intermediate resolutions (10–55 km and annual to decadal). The suggested directions for future research include the hybridization of multiple sources of information, improvements to temporal coverage and resolution, the enrichment of management variables, the exploration of new sources of information, and comprehensiveness within a single data product. Abbreviations MIRCA Monthly Irrigated and Rainfed Crop Areas around the year 2000 AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution MODIS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spec- Radiometer troradiometer ChinaCrop 1 km gridded annual crop phenology PCAM Probabilistic Cropland Allocation Phen1km dataset for China Model GAEZ Global Agro-Ecological Zoning PSHW potential sowing and harvesting win- GDHY global dataset of historical yields of dows of major crops major crops RiceAtlas spatial database of global rice calen- GFSAD1K Global Food Security Support Ana- dars and production lysis Data at 1 km SAGE crop calendar dataset developed at GGCM Global Gridded Crop Model the Center for Sustainability and the GGCMI Global Gridded Crop Model Inter- Global Environment, University of comparison Wisconsin-Madison M3Crops harvested area and yields of 175 crops SPAM Spatial Production Allocation Model © 2021 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 093005 K-H Kim et al 1. Introduction Operational agricultural monitoring and fore- casting have tight timelines of a few weeks to regularly Food supply disruptions, price rises and increases release information for their users during the growing in food insecurity in 2020 under the ongoing pan- season. Project-based climate change risk assessments demic represent risks for this interconnected world designed to inform national governments for adapta- (World Bank 2020). Given the globalized food sup- tion planning span a few years. Assessments aiming to ply chain, extreme weather disasters under climate provide recommendations so that policymakers and change would put additional pressure on our food other players can prepare interventions may fall in system (Mbow et al 2019). To seamlessly address the middle of these two timelines, depending on the the risks emerging from extreme weather due to cli- urgency of the necessary responses and their prior- mate change, research communities working on agri- ity in the agenda (Mann et al 2019). Consequently, cultural monitoring, seasonal crop forecasting and these application types and associated data products climate change adaptation need to strengthen their are rather independent of each other at present. mutual collaboration. There are few review articles on global gridded Global gridded cropping system data products cropping system data products compared to those serve as a basis to address questions regarding sus- on techniques specific to certain application types, tainable development in terms of food security, biod- such as satellite remote sensing for agricultural mon- iversity conservation and climate mitigation—more itoring (Rembold et al 2013, Dong and Xiao 2016) specifically, questions related to the goals and tar- and process-based crop modeling for climate change gets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development impact assessments (White et al 2011, Jones et al (United Nations 2015). Global data products of cro- 2017). The literature that partly discusses gaps in pland areas and their historical changes (Ramankutty existing data products is specific to different applic- and Foley 1998, 1999, Klein Goldewijk 2001) have ation types: agricultural monitoring (Atzberger 2013, widely been used since their release in the late 1990s Fritz et al 2019), seasonal crop forecasting (Delincé and early 2000s. Then, crop-specific harvested area 2017, Iizumi and Kim 2019), food security assess- maps and yield datasets (Leff et al 2004, Monfreda ments (Brown 2016) and land-use change models et al 2008, You et al 2009) were released in the (Hertel et al 2019). For all of these application types, 2000s. Harvested area, yield and cropping intens- it is imperative to identify where, when, how and ity (number of harvests per year) are the compon- which crops are grown. Therefore, this article reviews ents of production (Iizumi and Ramankutty 2015), global gridded cropping system data products across and production is a linchpin in national food bal- application types, identifies the current limitations, ance analyses. Compared to harvested areas, yields and discusses possible future improvements to these fluctuate year by year due to weather conditions data products. and have also increased dramatically over the last century. Yield growth, rather than harvested area 2. Methods growth, has contributed predominantly to increased production over the last half century (Blomqv- 2.1. Systematic search ist et al 2020) and will remain important in the We conducted a systematic search for peer-reviewed coming decades for feeding increasing populations articles, data papers and reviews published between while reducing pressure on the environment result- 2000 and 2020 (as of 29 October) in ISI Web of Sci- ing from land-use changes. Reflecting this import- ence v.5.35. We adopted a Boolean search key4 to ance, two historical yield data products covering filter nonagricultural studies from those focused on the last decades, one based on censuses (Ray et al cropping system data products. This search identified 2012) and the other largely based on satellite data 243 papers, which were successively screened based (Iizumi et al 2014), became available in the early on their titles, keywords and abstracts, in accord- 2010s. ance with the Preferred Reporting Items for System- Although satellite observations have formed key atic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) approach inputs for cropping system data products, the value (Page et al 2021). One paper was likely a misregistered of satellite data depends on crop variables and the application type. The cropping intensity (or crop cal- 4 TS = ((‘global’ OR ‘global pattern’ OR ‘global distribution’ OR endar) can be analyzed using time series of satellite ‘geographic pattern’ OR ‘geographic distribution’) AND (‘area’ vegetation indices (e.g. Whitcraft et al 2015). How- OR ‘yield’ OR ‘production’ OR ‘intensity’ OR ‘calendar’ OR ‘rotation’ OR ‘sequence’) AND (‘agricultur∗ ’ OR ‘crop’) AND ever, crop modelers generally utilize census-based (‘data∗ ’ OR ‘product’) AND (‘statistic∗ ’ OR ‘census’ OR ‘model’ crop calendars as inputs (Elliott et al 2015). This dif- OR ‘remote sensing’ OR ‘satellite’ OR ‘earth observation’ OR ference in the selection of the source of information ‘hybrid’ OR ‘fusion’) AND (‘spatial’ OR ‘downscal∗ ’ OR ‘grid’ depends on the user requirements of each application OR ‘mesh’) AND (‘management’ OR ‘fertilizer’ OR ‘irrigation’ OR ‘cultivar’ OR ‘variety’) NOT (‘field’) NOT (‘burn’ OR ‘wild’) NOT type regarding the timeliness, availability of crop- (‘UAV’) NOT (‘basin’) NOT (‘insurance’) NOT (‘rainfall’ OR ‘radi- specific information, spatial and temporal resolutions ation’ OR ‘soil moisture’) NOT (‘scenario’) NOT (‘invasion’) NOT and accuracy of the data products. (‘cyberinfrastructure’)). 2
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 093005 K-H Kim et al Figure 1. The PRISMA flow diagram of the presented systematic review. record in the database and had not yet been pub- into harvested area and yield, we counted both area lished at the timing of our search. While global and yield variables when production was the target data products were our primary interest, we did not crop variable of a paper. Even when a paper con- exclude local or regional data products. In addition sidered area and yield separately and did not expli- to the systematic search output, we also included 19 citly present production, we categorized it as a paper papers of importance from historical perspective that analyzing production. were not included in the systematic search but were Four sources of information—satellite, census, identified by checking the title of the references of survey and model—were considered here. Censuses recent papers. Eighteen papers were excluded since include the statistics of crop variables for a given they did not present any analysis focusing on crop administrative unit, whereas surveys are more (these papers only analyze vegetation indices without local information collected by field measurements distinction of cropland from other land cover and or household questionnaires. Many gridded data land use), and therefore fell outside the scope of this products were, in reality, hybrids of multiple sources review. Twenty-two papers presenting crop-related of information (e.g. census and satellite). However, but non-spatial analysis were also excluded. As a res- the degree of hybridization ranged from simple to ult, 221 papers were used in our quantitative analysis complex and was difficult to evaluate objectively. For (figure 1). We further included what we consider key this reason, we did not set up any ‘hybrid’ category papers to provide recent examples and a historical for the source of information. Instead, for instance, perspective on the data product compilation or that we considered hybrid data products under both the complement our discussion; these papers were col- census and satellite categories. lected from outside the target period of the system- Moreover, we noticed issues such as a single paper atic search and were thus not used in the quantitative containing multiple crop variables and data products. analysis. We focused only on crop variables if multiple vari- ables (yield, weather, soil and management) were 2.2. Quantitative analysis analyzed together. If multiple spatial resolutions of a We collected the spatial and temporal resolutions and crop variable were studied, all resolution values were sources of information on the main crop variables collected. If yield was studied, the annual resolution as well as the research objectives of the 221 studied was assigned even if the crop models computed the papers. The crop variables collected here include the yield at a daily time step. Similarly, the assigned res- planted and harvested areas, yield, production, date olution was annual if satellite images obtained at a few of phenological events, area under specific agronomic time points during the season were used to estimate practice, etc. Since production can be decomposed the crop acreage for a specific year. 3
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 093005 K-H Kim et al Using the collected samples, we drew histograms of the research objective, spatial resolution, temporal resolution by the different sources of information. The effective sample sizes were 205, 205 and 197, respectively (supplementary data available online at stacks.iop.org/ERL/16/093005/mmedia). To this end, the research objective samples were categorized into (a) yield or production prediction/estimation; (b) cropland or crop type mapping; (c) crop calendar or crop phenology estimation; (d) agronomic man- agement mapping; (e) assessment of damages from natural disasters, pest and disease outbreaks; and (f) others. These were the major research themes found in agricultural monitoring, seasonal crop fore- casting and adaptation planning studies. If a paper had multiple objectives, the corresponding categor- ies were all counted. The first category of the research Figure 2. The research objectives of the studies reviewed herein (n = 205). objective (yield or production prediction/estimation) was further divided into production versus yield only and into seasonal estimations/predictions at the tim- ing of preharvest and postharvest versus long-term crop calendar estimation (15%) and disaster damage projections at the decadal scale (e.g. climate change assessment (12%). Relatively few studies (9%) aimed impacts). The second category of the research object- to assess management. Others (11%) included studies ive (cropland or crop type mapping) was separated estimating greenhouse gases or pollutant emissions into crop-specific analyses versus noncrop-specific from croplands, risk assessments of human health or analyses. malnutrition, etc. Satellite-based data products were widely used 3. Results across many objective categories, particularly in crop calendar estimation and cropland and crop type map- In the following sections, we present an overview ping but were rarely used in management map- of the research objectives of the papers reviewed ping (figure 2). Instead, model- or census-based data here and describe the spatial and temporal resol- products were utilized for management mapping; this utions of the data products used therein. Satellite- reflects the fact that satellite data are useful to char- based data products accounted for 42% of the effect- acterize land cover (the physical land type) but find it ive samples, followed by model-based data products challenging to map land use (how people are using the (29%) and census-based data products (20%). The land). In yield or production estimation/prediction, representation of survey-based data products was model-, satellite- and census-based data products all as small as 9%. The high share of satellite-based contributed to the research objective, with moderate data products was consistent with the result that variations in their shares. Survey-based data products ‘specific crop is not identified’ appeared most fre- (derived from household surveys) were predomin- quently, followed by major crops (wheat, maize, soy- antly used in disaster damage assessment. bean and rice) as the crop or crop group studied in Out of the 55 papers studying cropland or the reviewed papers (figure S1). Although we counted crop type mapping, 71% conducted crop-specific multiple times when a single paper deals with mul- analyses (table 2). The remaining 29% studied tiple research objectives, spatial resolutions or tem- noncrop-specific cropland areas and their changes. poral resolutions, multiple counts accounted for only Census-, survey- and model-based data products 12.2% (32 papers), 8.4% (22 papers) and 3.1% (8 were primarily used for crop-specific analyses and papers) of the reviewed papers for research objective, rarely for noncrop-specific analyses. In contrast, spatial resolution and temporal resolution, respect- satellite-based data products were used for both crop- ively. Therefore, the risk that multiple counting inap- specific and noncrop-specific analyses. This again sig- propriately skewed the results in figure 2 and table nifies the limitations of satellite data in identifying S1 is small. Although not an exhaustive list, some key details beyond land cover and the additional value data products are highlighted in table 1 to give readers of census, survey- and model-based information for examples. characterizing land use and management. Over 60% of the 54 papers that aimed to pre- 3.1. Research objectives dict/estimate yield or production dealt with only yield Cropland or crop type mapping (27%) and yield or irrespective of the sources of information or time- production estimation/prediction (26%) accounted frames (46% of estimation/prediction plus 17% of for a majority of the samples (figure 2), followed by projection; table 2). Notably, a paper was coded as 4
Table 1. Examples of gridded cropping system data products for the area, yield and crop calendar. Data product name Temporal coverage and Spatial coverage and (source) Variable(s) and related notes Crop coverage resolution resolution Reference M3Crops (census) Area harvested and No distinction among seasons/systems 175 crops Circa 2000 (1997–2003 or Global; 0.083◦ (10 km; Monfreda et al (2008) yield 1990–1996) national or subnational) MIRCA (census) Area harvested Rainfed and irrigated seasons/systems 26 crops Monthly, circa 2000 Global; 0.083◦ (10 km; Portmann et al (2010) and planting and are distinguishable (1998–2002) national or subnational) harvesting months Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 093005 SPAM (hybrid: census, Area harvested and Irrigated, rainfed high-input, rainfed 42 crops Circa 2010 (2009–2011). Global; 0.083◦ (10 km) Yu et al (2020) satellite and model) yield low-input and rainfed-subsistence No time continuity is systems are distinguishable but no guaranteed with its pre- distinction among seasons decessors SPAM 2000 (You et al 2014) and 2005 (Wood-Sichra et al 2016) 5 GAEZ (hybrid: census Area harvested, Rainfed and irrigated seasons/systems 23 crops Circa 2010 (2009–2011) Global; 0.083◦ (10 km) Fischer et al (2021) and model) yield and produc- are distinguishable; crop suitability tion; crop suitability includes distinctions between single and agro-ecological and multiple cropping attainable yield Ray2012 (census) Area harvested and No distinction among seasons/systems 4 crops (maize, rice, 1961–2008 and annual. Global; 0.083◦ (10 km; Ray et al (2012) yield wheat and soybean) Three 5 yr averages, national or subnational) 1995 (1993–1997), 2000 (1998–2002), and 2005 (2003–2007), are publicly available. RiceAtlas (census) Area harvested; No distinction between rainfed and Rice Circa 2010 (2010–2012) Global; 2725 spatial units Laborte et al (2017) production; and irrigated systems, but seasons are (national or subnational) planting and har- distinguishable vesting dates PCAM (model) Likelihood of No distinction among seasons/systems 17 crops 1961–2014; annual Global; 0.5◦ (55 km) Jackson et al (2019) the existence of a harvested area GFSAD1K (hybrid: Crop dominance and Irrigated and rainfed systems are Aggregated (wheat, Circa 2010 (2007–2012) Global; 0.0083◦ (1 km) Thenkabail et al (2016) satellite and census) crop mask distinguishable, but no distinction rice, maize, barley exists between seasons and soybean) (Continued.) K-H Kim et al
Table 1. (Continued.) Data product name Temporal coverage and Spatial coverage and (source) Variable(s) and related notes Crop coverage resolution resolution Reference GDHY (hybrid: census, Yield No distinction between rainfed and 4 crops 1982–2016; seasonal Global (some locations Iizumi and Sakai (2020) Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 093005 satellite and model) irrigated systems, but seasons are dis- have no data); 0.5◦ (55 km) tinguishable (major/second for maize and rice; winter/spring for wheat; and major only for soybean) GGCMI phase 1 Yield (and other crop Irrigated and rainfed systems are 19 crops 1901–2012; annual Global (all ice-free land Müller et al (2019) (model) variables, such as distinguishable; only main season is surface irrespective of cur- 6 days from plant- available even when multiseason of a rent cropland distribu- ing to anthesis and crop exist. tion); 0.5◦ (55 km) maturity) SAGE (census) Planting and harvest- No distinction between rainfed and 19 crops 1990s or early 2000s Global (some locations Sacks et al (2010) ing dates irrigated systems, but seasons are have no data); 0.083◦ distinguishable (10 km; national or sub- national) PSHW (model) Likelihood of occur- Rainfed and irrigated seasons/systems 4 crops Circa 2000 (1996–2005); Global (all ice-free land Iizumi et al (2019) rence of planting and are distinguishable daily surface irrespective of cur- harvesting rent cropland distribu- tion); 0.5◦ (55 km) ChinaCropPhen1km Dates of heading No distinction between rainfed and 3 crops (rice, wheat 2000–2015; daily Mainland China; 0.0083◦ Luo et al (2020) (hybrid: satellite and and maturity; green- irrigated systems, but seasons are dis- and maize) (1 km) survey) up and emergence tinguishable (winter and spring wheat, (wheat only); trans- spring and summer maize, and single planting (rice only); and double rice) and early vegetative stage V3 (maize only) K-H Kim et al
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 093005 K-H Kim et al Table 2. The research objective subcategories for yield or production estimate/prediction and cropland and crop type mapping. Research objective Share (%) subcategories Satellite Census Survey Model Subtotala Yield or production estimation/prediction (n = 54) Production estimation/prediction (n = 9) 6 11 0 0 17 Production projection (n = 4) 0 2 0 6 8 Yield estimation/prediction (n = 26) 17 6 6 17 46 Yield projection (n = 9) 0 2 0 15 17 Others (n = 6) 4 4 0 4 12 Cropland or crop type mapping (n = 55) Crop-specific (n = 39) 34 15 4 18 71 Non-crop-specific (n = 16) 22 2 0 5 29 a The sum of the values does not equal to 100 because of rounding. ‘yield’ only if it did not also present the harvested area; a paper presenting both the yield and harvested area fell into the ‘production’ category even if it did not explicitly describe production in the paper. Only 25% of the analyzed studies discussed production (17% of estimation/prediction studies plus 8% of projec- tion studies). Others (12%) included, for instance, yield gap estimation. All four sources of information contributed to yield estimation/prediction, whereas model-based data products were predominantly used for long-term projection (specifically climate change impact assessments using process-based crop mod- els). When projections were conducted based on census-based data products, simple linear extrapola- tions of past trends were used. Figure 3. Spatial resolutions organized by source of information (n = 205). 3.2. Spatial resolutions The spatial resolutions of the data products mostly ranged from 0.03 km to 200 km, with a peak precision agriculture, makes yield data available for a at 1–10 km (figure 3). The spatial resolution of few hundred hectares of area at an extremely fine spa- the utilized data product was closely related to the tial resolution of a few meters (Robinson et al 2009). source of information. Satellite-based data products In many cases, the high spatial resolution of satellite- were dominant for the relatively fine-resolution data based data products was obtained in exchange for products in the 1–10 km (mostly due to the use not distinguishing specific crop type (table 2; figure of AVHRR imageries), 0.25–1 km (MODIS), 0.03– S1). Crop-specific analyses using satellite-based data 0.25 km (Landsat) and
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 093005 K-H Kim et al and twice-a-month-to-annual resolutions, as satellite vegetation indices (interpolated to daily time series) are used to capture crop phenology characteristics over a season. Census-based data products (represen- ted by M3Crops, MIRCA and SPAM) dominated the annual-to-multiyear and multiyear-to-decadal resol- utions, as they represent averages over a few years (table 1). Model-based data products (represented by GGCM outputs) were dominant when assess- ing yield impacts from weather extremes (annual-to- multiyear timescales) and climate change (⩾decadal). The number of crops studied in a paper was espe- cially high at the decadal-scale analysis since census- based data products were used for such analysis in conjunction with model-based data products (table S1). However, at finer temporal resolutions where satellite-based data products were dominant, only a limited number of major crop types (wheat, maize, Figure 4. Temporal resolutions organized by source of soybean and rice) were selected as the target crops. information (n = 197). Neither satellite-, model- or census-based data products provide complete information for analyz- ing cropping intensity or multicropping patterns. Satellite-based data products are powerful in detect- the exploration of new sources of information, and ing the average annual number of vegetation activity comprehensiveness within a single data product. peaks over several years (that is, as an indicator of the These topics were derived from the following cropping intensity), but determining the crop type of interpretations of our analysis results. Among other each peak without prior local knowledge is still chal- research objectives reviewed in this study, manage- lenging (Becker-Reshef et al 2018). SPAM uses crop- ment mapping and associated data products are most ping intensities that are determined based on national under-studied. The difficulties of satellite remote statistics and expert judgment as inputs in the spatial sensing in identifying cropland area under specific disaggregation model (Yu et al 2020). The coarse tem- crop type and management despite its high share in poral resolution of census-based data products makes the studies reviewed here emphasize the necessity of deriving the annual number of harvests impossible. hybridizing satellite data and other sources of inform- Studies deriving the cropping intensity from census- ation. Therefore, the potential of models and sur- based data products adopt indirect indicators, such veys that have hitherto been rarely used in hybridiza- as the sum of the harvested area of crops divided tion compared to censuses is worth discussing. The by total cropland area (Ray and Foley 2013) or the limitation of satellite data also leads to the lack of fraction of the year in which the cropland is covered crop-specific data products at higher temporal resol- with crops (Siebert et al 2010). Although it does not utions hindering estimates of the impacts on season- represent actual multicropping patterns, the global by-season production from extreme weather events. map of dominant crop belts presented by Leff et al Furthermore, the comprehensiveness of data product (2004) contained information that could be useful needs to be improved so that one can analyze the risks in inferring those patterns. To the best of our know- from extreme weather disasters to climate change ledge, Frolking et al (2002), (2006) presented pioneer- seamlessly. ing work mapping the actual patterns and associated cropping intensities in China and India. Waha et al 4.1. Hybridization of multiple sources of (2020) presented recent progress in mapping multi- information cropping patterns at the global scale. In hybridization, different sources of information are combined using a theoretical model. Almost all gridded data products are based on some sort of 4. Discussion hybridization. However, the degree of hybridization has a wide spectrum. For instance, spatially disaggreg- Having reviewed the existing global data products ating census data at an administrative unit level to of cropping systems, we next suggest directions for grid cells using satellite cropland maps is one example future research to improve the utility of these data of hybridization. However, M3Crops, using a simple products for various applications. These include proportional allocation method with a small num- the hybridization of multiple sources of inform- ber of assumptions, is considered a census-based data ation, improvements to temporal coverage and product rather than a hybrid data product (table 1). resolution, the enrichment of management variables, In contrast, SPAM could be considered a hybrid data 8
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 093005 K-H Kim et al product (table 1) because, in this product, many more method for developing global crop calendar data assumptions based on economic theory and inputs products. (crop prices, market accessibility, land suitability, etc) are used together in an optimization framework to 4.2. Improvements to temporal coverage and conduct spatial disaggregation. resolution Hybrid data products are expected to have more Most existing data products are not time series but complete spatial and temporal coverages as well as represent the average conditions at specific time more uniform representativeness in space and time points, such as in 2000, 2005 and 2010. This is a than non-hybrid products due to their use of spa- major limitation in characterizing annual variations tial data as inputs in theoretical models. While this and trends in yields, production totals, and other is a reasonable expectation, substantial discrepancies aspects of farming systems. Continuing efforts have exist among data products (Anderson et al 2015, See been made to overcome this limitation for cropland et al 2015, Adhikari and De Beurs 2016, Iizumi et al maps (Ramankutty and Foley 1999, Klein Goldewijk 2018). Second, data products derived using complex et al 2017). However, annual time-series crop-specific hybridization methods are not necessarily more reli- harvested area data products, such as Ray2012 and able than those based on simple methods, suggesting PCAM (table 1), are currently rare. Global annual that this expectation has not been well founded, as land cover maps covering historical periods have explained using an example below. only recently become available (Defourny et al 2017, A simple hybridization of censuses and satellite Winkler et al 2021). land cover maps was used to develop global cro- In addition to extending the temporal cover- pland extent maps (Ramankutty and Foley 1998, ages of data products, there is also room to improve Ramankutty et al 2008, Lu et al 2020). Then, the temporal resolutions of existing data products. crop-specific harvested area (and yield) maps were GDHY can distinguish seasonal yield; the yields of developed by disaggregating census data by propor- winter and spring wheat are separately available, for tionally allocating the data onto geospatial cropland instance. Distinguishing among the different seasons maps (Leff et al 2004, Monfreda et al 2008). More of a given crop is important for precisely associating complex hybridization methods have emerged, and seasonal weather conditions with variations in yields. some of these methods consider economic factors This importance is further emphasized by the fact that (You et al 2014, Song et al 2018, Joglekar et al 2019, management practices differ by season. For example, Yu et al 2020). However, complex methods have monsoonal rainfall strongly affects rice cropping pat- not yet matured. As alerted by Yu et al (2020), it terns in Asia; consequently, rainfed conditions dom- is inappropriate to directly compare the harvested inate during the wet season, and irrigated conditions areas and yields of SPAM2010 with those of its pre- accompany the dry season. The average yields differ decessors SPAM2000 and SPAM2005 to analyze his- among the seasons as a result. Moreover, rice harvest- torical changes; the lack of temporal continuity in the ing in the tropics occurs nearly every month due to major inputs to the spatial allocation model and the multiple rice cropping and long planting windows per high sensitivity of the model to these inputs are the season. Data products comprising yields with resolu- reasons for this deficiency. tions of twice a month or monthly resolutions enable Hybridization methods are promising for devel- the dynamic patterns of multicropping to be cap- oping crop calendar products. Existing crop calendar tured and may be informative for agricultural monit- data products are based on either census data or satel- oring and forecasting. Process-based models used for lite data, and these two sources of information are adaptation planning also gain value from such higher- quite distant from each other in terms of their data temporal-resolution data products through the in- product compilation methods and user communities. depth validation of models. This point is also applic- SAGE and MIRCA (table 1) represent the former case. able for harvested areas; RiceAtlas (table 1) represents The latter case can be found in Kotsuki and Tanaka an improvement in this direction. (2015) and Sakti and Takeuchi (2020); these data- sets were developed in hydrological modeling com- 4.3. Enriching management variables munities but have rarely been used for crop modeling Global gridded data products of some management because, in these products, crop types are not distin- variables have rapidly improved in recent years. guishable. Although it is not a global data product, Fertilizer use and irrigation are prime examples. ChinaCropPhen1km (table 1) combined satellite leaf Data products comprising nitrogen (N) and phos- area index values, national cropland maps and crop phorus (P) applications and manure production phenology observations to derive the key phenolo- circa 2000 were developed by Potter et al (2010). gical dates (heading, maturity, etc) of maize, rice and Then, N, P and potassium (K) application rates wheat over China on an annual basis from 2000 to for specific crops became available in Mueller et al 2015 at a 1 km resolution. ChinaCropPhen1km rep- (2012). Annual manure N production and applica- resents a notable improvement, offering a replicable tion data products covering the period from 1860 to 9
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 093005 K-H Kim et al 2014 were developed afterwards (Zhang et al 2017). future data product compilations, although caution is Irrigation-related data products include the average required for users to avoid circularity. If model out- yields in 2000 under irrigated and rainfed conditions puts become data products, then those data products (Siebert and Döll 2010), the annual irrigated land cannot be used for causal inference without much area from 1900 to 2005 (Siebert et al 2015) and high- care as to whether the dependent crop variable and resolution (1 km) irrigated areas circa 2005 (the aver- explanatory variables are truly independent of each age of 1999–2012; Meier et al 2018) in addition to other. GGCM historical simulations (Müller et al MIRCA. These new data products enable simulations 2019) are beginning to be used to investigate the rela- of the impacts of agricultural intensification on the tionships among climate, management and yield in Earth system (Lombardozzi et al 2020) and identi- the real world as a proxy of actual yields (Heino et al fications of rainfed cropland areas where sustainable 2020). However, crop models are primarily used for irrigation expansion is possible (Rosa et al 2020a, adaptation planning and have rarely been used for 2020b). The farm field sizes in approximately 2005 agricultural monitoring, seasonal crop forecasting or (Fritz et al 2015) and pesticide use from 2015 to 2025 data product compilation, with some exceptions (for (Maggi et al 2019) represent recently added variables. instance, crop models are intensively used for sea- However, much-needed management data sonal crop forecasting in Europe; van der Velde and products, including variables related to tillage prac- Nisini 2019). Emerging research (Lobell et al 2015, Jin tice, are still scarce. A lack of information on the et al 2017, Deines et al 2021) has combined site-level varieties (or cultivars) adopted by producers per- crop model simulations with satellite imagery and sists, although data on the performance of varieties weather observations to estimate yields over multiple and producer adoption rates are occasionally found states of the United States at 30 m resolution without (DeBruin et al 2017, Kobayashi et al 2018, Nalley the need for model calibration. This approach is, in et al 2018). This shortfall should be addressed in principle, applicable globally (Azzari et al 2017) and future research, given the claim that improved vari- may play a role in developing a very-fine-resolution eties explain one-fourth to half of the historical yield yield data product. growth and the rest is attributed to improved man- While numerous studies have estimated crop agement (the increased use of synthetic fertilizers, phenology solely based on satellite data, crop phen- irrigation, chemicals and machinery, and improved ology models, a key component of crop models, are input-use efficiency) (Herdt and Capule 1983, Jones accurate in estimating the dates of key phenological 2013). events when the planting date and daily temperat- As noted earlier, it is imperative to identify where, ure are given. As global daily meteorological data when, how and what crops are grown. SPAM has products are available (Skakun et al 2017, Toreti et al added valuable information about who is growing 2019), the key limitation is information on plant- crops. In SPAM, harvested areas and yields are separ- ing date. Therefore, combining model-based planting ately available for four farming types: irrigated, rain- dates such as those in PSHW (table 1) with satellite fed high-input, rainfed low-input and rainfed subsist- data has the potential to improve crop calendar data ence farming. This is a remarkable improvement since products. the work of Dixon et al (2001) and is expected to be Dense crop observations are becoming increas- useful when assessing the progress of the Sustainable ingly available primarily through precision- Developmental Goal 2 (zero hunger), in which small- agriculture applications (e.g. Robinson et al 2009, scale food producers are the target of policy. Deines et al 2021). Although it is not available every- Some further ideas for future management data where, such information is valuable for developing product compilations are described herein. Replacing new data products at unprecedently fine spatial res- the market access information used in the develop- olutions if confidentiality can be ensured. ment of SPAM with a more plausible data product (Verburg et al 2011) or a global road and railway 4.5. Comprehensiveness within a single data infrastructure data product (Koks et al 2019) that product can be used as a proxy of market access is worth Finally, future data product compilations should con- considering. Hybridizing census-based estimates of sider the comprehensiveness within a single data small-scale farmers’ contributions to total produc- product. Season-by-season harvested area and yield, tion and crop diversity (Ricciardi et al 2018) with in addition to cropping intensity, are required to satellite farm field size maps (Fritz et al 2015) may compute production at an increased temporal res- provide further insights beyond the findings of recent olution. Currently, most census-based data products efforts based on national-level data (Herrero et al record annual harvested areas that aggregate multiple 2017, Mehrabi et al 2021). seasons. These products are useful when computing production on an annual or multiyear average basis 4.4. Exploiting new sources of information but are insufficient when analyzing production at The outputs of process-based crop models, both monthly to seasonal resolutions in the face of extreme at the site and global scales, may play a role in weather events. Production shocks have more direct 10
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 093005 K-H Kim et al relevance for commodity markets and food insecurity Data availability statement than fluctuations of any single component of produc- tion. This can be understood if one imagines that an All data that support the findings of this study are increase in area compensates for a decrease in yield, included within the article (and any supplementary leading to unchanged production. Another example files). is that doubling the cropping intensity increases pro- duction without changing either the planted area or yield. Studies addressing some elements of these Acknowledgments issues are beginning to emerge (Cohn et al 2016, Lesk et al 2016, Rezaei et al 2021). We therefore emphas- K-H K was supported by the FAO Regional Office ize the importance of covering all production com- for Asia and the Pacific. T I was partly supported ponents with a single data product so that users by the Environment Research and Technology Devel- can perform complete and consistent analyses. GAEZ opment Fund (JPMEERF20202005) of the Envir- provides complete information on area, yield and onmental Restoration and Conservation Agency; multi-cropping pattern . However, although GAEZ the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science is useful when analyzing production impacts from and Technology (MEXT) Coordination Funds for changes in mean climate condition, further informa- Promoting AeroSpace Utilization (JPJ000959); and tion about changes in area, yield and crop failure at Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (18H02317 and time scales shorter than a month is required when 20K06267) from the Japan Society for the Promotion analyzing production shocks from extreme weather of Science. N R was supported by an NSERC Discov- events. RiceAtlas contains crop calendar, harvested ery Grant (RGPIN-2017-04648). area and production information for up to three sea- sons. Such data products are valuable for solving the ORCID iDs ambiguity of current data products in studying mul- ticropping, which is an important measure of agricul- Navin Ramankutty https://orcid.org/0000-0002- tural intensification and adaptation (Waha et al 2020) 3737-5717 and is currently understudied because of its elusive- Toshichika Iizumi https://orcid.org/0000-0002- ness and complexity (Bégué et al 2018). However, this 0611-4637 advantage of RiceAtlas is traded off against the num- ber of crop types covered since RiceAtlas only covers References one single crop, while other data products containing both area and yield at annual resolution (M3Crops, Adhikari P and De Beurs K M 2016 An evaluation of multiple SPAM and GAEZ) cover many more (23–175) crops landcover data sets to estimate cropland area in West Africa or crop groups (table 1). Int. J. Remote Sens. 37 5344–64 Anderson W, You L, Wood S, Wood Sichra U and Wu W 2015 A comparative analysis of global cropping systems models Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 24 180–91 5. Conclusions Atzberger C 2013 Advances in remote sensing of agriculture: context description, existing operational monitoring systems and major information needs Remote Sens. 5 949–81 Many global gridded cropping system data products Azzari G, Jain M and Lobell D B 2017 Towards fine resolution have become available during the last two decades. global maps of crop yields: testing multiple methods and These products serve as a basis for many research and satellites in three countries Remote Sens. Environ. 202 129–41 applications related to agricultural monitoring, sea- Becker-Reshef I, Franch B, Barker B, Murphy E, Santamaria-Artigas A, Humber M, Skakun S and Vermote E sonal crop forecasting and adaptation planning. 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Lett. 15 0940b6 Boryan C, Yang Z, Mueller R and Craig M 2011 Monitoring US contribute to increasing the capability of societies to agriculture: the US Department of Agriculture, National manage climate risks seamlessly in the globalized food Agricultural Statistics Service, Cropland Data Layer system. Toward this goal, we emphasize the import- Program Geocarto Int. 26 341–58 ance of improving global gridded cropping sys- Brown M E 2016 Remote sensing technology and land use analysis in food security assessment J. Land Use Sci. 11 623–41 tem data products so they become more commonly Cohn A S, VanWey L K, Spera S A and Mustard J F 2016 Cropping used across various application types than they are frequency and area response to climate variability can currently. exceed yield response Nat. Clim. Change 6 601–4 11
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