A new wave of information from the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation - First Decade of ERF Freshwater to Marine Continuum History of ...
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CERF’s Up! Volume 47 • Number 2 • June 2021 A new wave First Decade of ERF of information from the Coastal Freshwater to Marine Continuum and Estuarine History of Biogeochemistry Research Federation
CERF’s Up! Volume 47 • Number 2 • June 2021 Table of Contents President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Searchers: A Short History of the Estuarine Research Federation During Its First Ten Years of Existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Expanding CERF’s Horizon: Synthesizing Human and Climatic Drivers of Change Along the Freshwater to Marine Continuum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Origins of Biogeochemistry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 An ERF Trip to the People’s Republic of China 1983. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2021–2023 Governing Board Election Slate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CERF 2021 Keynote Speaker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Inclusion Event. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Career Networking Event. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Conference Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Silent Auction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Estuaries and Coasts Now a Transformative Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Estuaries and Coasts Editor’s Choice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 January and March Coastal and Estuarine Science News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Coastal Society/CERF Event Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Laboratories: Coastal and Estuarine Studies Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Affiliate News: CAERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Afterthoughts: In Five Decades of Marine Benthic Ecology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 CERF 2019–2021 Governing Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Editors’ Note: This issue continues the celebration of the 50th anniversary with a look at the first decade of ERF (Wil- liams), two more reflective articles on estuarine disciplines (Paerl, Bianchi), and a 1983 ERF trip to the People’s Republic of China (Weis). Thanks to: (1) the Long Island Sound Study for their photo from the waterbody closest to Plainview, Long Island, site of the first ERF meeting in 1971; (2) Merryl Alber for photos from the University of Georgia’s Marine Institute in the 1950s; (3) Kent Mountford for the photo from the mid-Atlantic coast in the 1970; and (4) the Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Front cover: Sunrise over Long Island Sound, nearest water body to Plainview, Long Island, site of first ERF meeting in 1971 Photo: Courtesy of Long Island Sound Study Back cover: Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York Photo: Courtesy of Oyster Bay Nationaol Wildlife Refuge CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021
President’s Message Increasing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in CERF and Our Disciplines Jim Fourqurean Over the last year, very public exam- our Rising TIDES (Toward an Inclu- programs in the CERF 2021 meeting ples of the lack of social justice, sive, Diverse, and Enriched Society) (conference.cerf.science) this 1–4 equity, and inclusion have illuminated Conference Program (conference. and 8–11 November. structural inequities and systemic rac- cerf.science/rising-tides-confer- In 2019 CERF partnered with insti- ism. Organizations of all kinds, CERF ence-program). The goal of Rising tutions from the US Virgin Islands, included, rushed to make statements TIDES, funded by CERF and NSF, Puerto Rico, Guam, and other US-af- against these pernicious elements of is to broaden participation of groups filiated islands to form the SEAS society and in support of the Black underrepresented in our discipline Island Alliance (seasislandsalliance. Lives Matter movement. But state- (e.g., Black or African American, org), funded by the NSF’s Inclusion ments alone do not provide solutions Hispanic or Latino, Asian, Indigenous across the Nation of Communities of to the problems facing us. I’d like to peoples, LGBTQIA+, women, people Learners of Underrepresented Dis- share with you the concrete actions with disadvantaged socioeconomic coverers in Engineering and Science CERF is taking to help build a more backgrounds, people with disabili- program (NSF-INCLUDES). Island diverse, just, and equitable Federa- ties). The Rising TIDES CERF 2021 communities are strongly linked to tion and discipline. participants—our third cohort—will the oceans that surround them and Building a broad, diverse, and inclu- be funded to attend CERF 2021 and are populated by culturally diverse sive membership in CERF is a key an Affiliate Society meeting in 2022. communities. The Alliance’s goal is element of the Federation’s current CERF will provide them with mentors to broaden participation in science, strategic plan, “Visions IV: A Strategic and professional development activ- technology, engineering, and math Plan for the Coastal and Estuarine ities to encourage them to continue (STEM) education by benefiting Research Federation (2017-2022)” in the coastal and estuarine sciences from the expertise from US-affiliated [https://www.cerf.science/assets/ and, we hope, remain members of islands. The Alliance supports stu- docs/2017/CERF_Visions_IV_Bro- CERF. dents from groups underrepresented chure_Web.pdf]. In 2017, the CERF While Rising TIDES is a critical ele- in environmental and ocean sciences, Governing Board created the Broad- ment of our conference experience, through illuminating a full career ening Participation Council (BPC) to the CERF 2021 team has worked to pathway and increasing a sense of examine all aspects of CERF’s activ- integrate a vision of a just, equita- belonging in STEM by connecting ities through a lens of diversity and ble, inclusive, and diverse meeting students to each other and to STEM inclusion. The BPC was tasked to throughout its planning process for professionals and mentors, across explore ways to make the Federation many more elements of the confer- island hubs. SEAS Islands Alliance welcoming and supportive to all and ence program. These include repre- students will be participating in CERF to ensure that the Federation’s mem- sentation in keynotes and plenaries, 2021. bership and leadership is reflective of special session and workshop topics, This year, CERF joined forces with the diversity of the estuarine science the inclusion event, and resources Virginia Sea Grant, Georgia Sea and management community. focused to broaden participation. I am Grant, and Oregon Sea Grant on CERF is particularly proud of one sure you will be impressed by these Coastal, Ocean, and Marine Enter- of the flagship activities of the BPC, efforts as you participate in all of the prise Inclusion and Network-building CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021 1
(COME IN), an NSF-INCLUDES plan- of this issue, the CERF Governing sions with minority-led organizations ning grant. The project will address Board created the new Diversity, of coastal and estuarine scientists challenges of broadening partici- Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Award, about collaborative ways to provide pation across the coastal, ocean, which will be made for the first time at opportunities for members of such and marine science workforce. The CERF 2021. This award recognizes groups to benefit from our programs. project will bring together scientists, the significant contributions of an We also want to establish more open stakeholders, and partners from var- individual who has worked for these dialog about how these organizations ious coastal science fields to under- goals in estuarine and coastal sci- and CERF can work together to reach stand the dynamic needs of students ence, management, education, and/ our shared goals. from groups underrepresented in our or stewardship. It honors a person CERF is taking concrete actions to discipline and under-resourced com- who demonstrates exceptional long- live up to our commitment to diversity, munities; establish a collaborative term or emerging leadership and equity, inclusion, and justice in our infrastructure required to enhance commitment to positive change. We society. We are assessing progress and expand internship programs for hope that our recognition of excel- towards our goal of creating a more underrepresented groups; and esti- lence in this facet of our profession diverse and equitable discipline—but mate resource needs to successfully alongside our recognition of excel- we know there is much more work to form new and expanded frameworks lence in scientific achievement and be done. The Governing Board and that will ensure the persistence and environmental stewardship will further I are here to listen to our members success of students underrepre- encourage our members to work for feedback and ideas. And we can sented in our discipline. towards justice and equity. do more when our members take an Many CERF members have made CERF is looking to form partnerships active part to help us achieve our lasting contributions towards increas- with other groups that share our aspirations! ing the diversity, equity, and justice in vision of a more inclusive and diverse our field. To recognize the importance field. Most recently we began discus- 2 CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021
The Searchers: A Short History of the Estuarine Research Federation During Its First Ten Years of Existence Jerome Williams Annapolis, Maryland, USA August 1981 This is an abridged version of the original report, which can be viewed in full on the CERF website https://cerf. memberclicks.net/cerf-s-up--47-2--bulletin---additional-materials with more details on Shakers and Movers, Meetings, and Other Activities.—Ed. Genesis Research Federation (ERF) was held. ies, to conduct biennial meetings, and In the beginning (1947), there was the (See the Alan Young article in the pre- to be available as a source of advice Atlantic Estuarine Research Society vious issue –Ed.). The Atlantic Estu- in matters concerning estuaries and (AERS), a group of estuarine scien- arine Research Society and the New the coastal zone.” tists residing in the central portion of England Estuarine Research Society With these ‘high falutin’ purposes in the U.S. Atlantic coast. They gathered cooperated in sponsoring a joint hand, the Board of Governors initiated together semi-annually for purposes meeting November 4-6, 1971. Due to a request for nonprofit status from of sharing estuarine information and the Spanish motif of the logo appear- the Federal Government on April 3, the need for informality during the ing on the program cover, this meet- 1973. After a new constitution was sharing process. These two objec- ing was termed to be an international formally adopted by the Federation tives occupied a day and a half (plus conference. On Saturday, November on October 8, 1975, on November 13, an evening) twice a year for over 20 6, 1971, at the combined business 1975, ERF was granted tax exempt years. meeting of AERS and NEERS, a slate status. Following this, on April 6, of officers for the new federation was In the late ‘60’s the Atlantic Estuarine 1976, the Estuarine Research Federa- selected and the Estuarine Research Research Society had grown to such tion was officially incorporated in the Federation was born. a size that the informality was start- state of South Carolina. At formation time AERS had 349 ing to disappear. A disgruntled group members and NEERS had 134, giving Meetings from the north, in order to correct Themes of subsequent meetings this situation, broke off and formed a a grand total of 483 charter members after the founding meeting in 1971 new society, the New England Estu- of the Federation. ERF grew rapidly, were: arine Research Society (NEERS), in and on October 17, 1973, a new soci- ety, the Gulf Estuarine Research Soci- 1973: Recent Advances in Estuarine December of 1969. The objective was ety (GERS), was admitted. On May Research, Myrtle Beach, South Caro- to increase meeting informality by 21, 1974, the South Eastern Estuarine lina decreasing the size of the group. Research Society (SEERS) gained 1975: Recent Advances in Estuarine It was not too long, however, before entrance, and on July 25, 1978, east Research: Estuarine Processes, Gal- the child missed the parent and the and west coasts joined hands as the veston, Texas time came to renew old acquain- Pacific Estuarine Research Society 1977: Recent Advances in Estuarine tances. Talks were instituted and (PERS) became a constituent society Research: Estuarine Interactions, Mt. the concept of a federation loosely of the Federation. From this small Pocono, Pennsylvania joining the two societies generated a nucleus of 483 members in 1971, ERF great deal of interest. A small steer- 1979: Estuarine Perspectives, Jekyll grew to the point where its total mem- ing committee, consisting of Michael Island, Georgia bership was 1,754 by mid-1981. Castagna, Richard Whaley, and 1981: Estuarine Comparisons, Jerome Williams drafted a constitu- The Infrastructure Gleneden Beach, Oregon tion which was circulated among the The purposes of the organization as set down in the initial constitu- Publications members of both AERS and NEERS. In March 1975, Armando de la Cruz This constitution, with a few changes, tion have remained in the forefront through the first decade: was appointed the first editor of was approved by a mail vote in Sep- the Estuarine Research Federation tember of 1971. “The objectives shall be to promote Newsletter. This was designed to be Later in 1971, at Plainview, on Long research in estuarine and coastal published somewhere around four Island in the state of New York, waters, to promote communication times a year to keep the membership the first meeting of the Estuarine between members of affiliated societ- (continued page 6) CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021 3
Expanding CERF’s Horizon: Synthesizing Human and Climatic Drivers of Change along the Freshwater to Marine Continuum Hans W. Paerl1 and Joseph R. Crosswell2 1 Institute of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Morehead City, North Carolina, USA; 2 CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia hans_paerl@unc.edu Anthropogenic and climatic pres- matter loads and higher freshwater California’s San Francisco Bay Delta sures on estuarine and coastal eco- discharge synergistically provides the is experiencing the “flip side,” where systems are increasing at a dizzying “fuel” for vertical salinity stratification protracted droughts and increased rate1,2 and the scales linking these and expansion of coastal hypoxia upstream freshwater withdrawal to pressures to biogeochemical and worldwide.2,10 support agricultural and urban growth ecological responses must encom- are creating low-flow, long residence Impacts of advanced eutrophication pass the entire freshwater to marine time, and nutrient-enriched conditions can be displaced from the freshwater continuum.2-4 While emerging con- that support proliferating CyanoHABs to coastal components of the contin- cepts, such as “critical zone science,” (threatening safe water supplies), uum due to combined man-induced are progressing an integrated and food web integrity, and fish and shell- and climatic pressures, and these interdisciplinary approach to studying fish habitat.13 spatial shifts are becoming more evi- complex environments, these more holistic concepts have yet to explicitly dent and problematic (Fig. 1). Exam- Feedbacks ples include the encroachment of Combined human-climatic induced consider human impacts in coastal nutrient-enhanced floodwater-driven biogeochemical and trophic changes systems.5 harmful cyanobacterial blooms are often linked back to environmen- Connectivity (CyanoHABs) from the Atchafalaya tal drivers through complex feed- We face multiple climatic stressors River, Louisiana, into bayous and backs that may not be intuitive. For that not only impact estuarine and coastal embayments of the North- example, tropical cyclones and fires coastal (jointly termed “coastal”) ern Gulf of Mexico11 and the tropical can rapidly release CO2 and other ecosystems directly, but are syner- cyclone-driven overflow of nutrient- greenhouse gases from coastal sys- gistically and antagonistically inter- and CyanoHAB-laden freshwater from tems while simultaneously priming acting with human drivers, including Lake Okeechobee into Atlantic and more terrestrial carbon for export nutrient (nitrogen [N], phosphorus [P], Gulf of Mexico estuaries via the Calo- through the aquatic continuum (Fig. trace elements) and organic mat- osahatchee River system in Florida.12 1).6,14,15 However, these episodic emis- ter enrichment, sedimentation, and discharge of xenobiotics including industrial, agricultural, and domestic chemicals. More frequent “flashy” intense rainfall events are increasing mobilization and delivery of these substances from coastal (and further inland) watersheds (Fig. 1).6,7 This enhanced mobility, combined with warming trends and more protracted droughts, increases the potentials for harmful algal blooms to proliferate in receiving waters.8 Blooms, combined with elevated colored organic matter and sediment loads, increase light attenuation and negatively affect submersed aquatic vegetation, with cascading impacts on critical faunal habitats they provide.1,9 Increased planktonic primary production Fig. 1. Conceptual diagram of connectivity along the freshwater to marine continuum combined with elevated organic and interactions with climatic feedbacks at regional and global scales 4 CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021
sions may be offset to some degree N and P reduction strategy is often in scales. over longer timescales or larger order for stemming eutrophication, Acknowledgements: The authors spatial scales, e.g., by vegetation HABs, and their biogeochemical (e.g., thank Kate Hodge for constructing the regrowth, transformation of biogenic hypoxia) and trophic (e.g., food web figure. We appreciate support from US carbon to more recalcitrant pyrogenic disruptions) impacts on the contin- NSF projects OCE 1840715 and DEB carbon, or enhanced export of terres- uum scale (Fig. 1). 1831096, the US National Institutes of trial carbon to more stable oceanic On the temporal scale, a broader Health project P01ES028939, and the reservoirs.6,15 scope will be required to understand Australian Commonwealth Scientific Another product of human interven- how episodic events combine with and Industrial Research Organisation. tion in the carbon and nutrient cycles cumulative change in diverse coastal References: and resultant warming is global sea settings. Observation and modeling 1. Kennish, M. J. 2017. Anthropogenic level rise. In addition to inundating efforts resolving hourly to annual impacts on estuaries. C. W. Finkl and and altering low-lying coastal, estu- scales will be essential to determine C. Makowski (eds.), In: Encyclopedia of Coastal Sciences, 2nd ed. Dordrecht: arine, and shoreline habitats and mechanisms of self-limitation for Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-48657- enhancing erosion (Fig. 1),2,7 rising negative feedbacks and thresholds 4_140-2. sea levels alter salinity regimes, at which positive feedbacks exceed 2. Elliott, M., J.W. Day, R. Ramachandran, thereby impacting salinity stratifica- recovery potential and lead to per- et al. 2019. Chapter 1 – A synthesis: What is the future for coasts, estuaries, deltas, tion, and consequently the potential manent environmental shifts. This and the transitional habitats in 2050 and for hypoxia and anoxia formation and challenge becomes ever greater as beyond? Pp. 1-28, E. Wolanski, J. W. Day, M. persistence.16 Additional feedbacks extreme events become more intense Elliott, et al. (eds.), Coasts and Estuaries. linked to sea level include increased and frequent. As a salient example, Oxford: Elsevier. generation of greenhouse gases, Australia’s unprecedented 2019–2020 3. Gunderson, A. R., E.J. Armstrong, and J.H. Stillman. 2016. Multiple stressors in a altered nutrient cycling and regen- fire season was ultimately ended by changing world: The need for an improved eration, nutrient availability, primary an extratropical cyclone that brought perspective on physiological responses to production and harmful algal bloom some of the most intense regional the dynamic marine environment. Annual (HAB) potentials, and altered benthic rainfall on record.14 The ensuing wide- Review of Marine Science 8: 357-378. 4. Wurtsbaugh, W.A., H.W. Paerl, and W.K. and planktonic habitats for both ses- spread flooding rapidly exported pyro- Dodds. 2019. Nutrients, eutrophication and sile and motile biota. genic material through the aquatic harmful algal blooms along the freshwa- continuum, precluding efforts to quan- ter to marine continuum. WIREs Water 6: Future challenges tify biogeochemical fluxes associated e1373. https://doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1373 The next challenge in coastal science 5. Liu, M., L. Hou, Y. Yang, et al. 2020. The with these extreme events. case for a critical zone science approach to is recognizing the intricate connec- tivity and feedbacks that modulate These linkages and feedbacks point research on estuarine and coastal wetlands in the Anthropocene. Estuaries and Coasts the coastal zone. On the spatial-con- to the need to consider the continuum https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-020- tinuum scale, impacts on upland as one integrated, physical-chemi- 00851-9. streams and watersheds can have cal-biotic unit, in which drivers and 6. Paerl, H. W., J.R. Crosswell, B. Van consequential ramifications down- responses are functionally and struc- Dam, et al. 2018. Two decades of tropical cyclone impacts on North Carolina’s estu- stream. In managing eutrophication, turally connected over multiple times- arine carbon, nutrient, and phytoplankton productivity of upland stream, riverine, cales. This is highly relevant from dynamics: Implications for biogeochemical and lacustrine waters has traditionally the standpoint of water and habitat cycling and water quality in a stormier been considered to be P limited, while quality as well as fisheries, extraction, world. Biogeochemistry 141: 307-332. 7. Ward, N.D., J.P. Megonigal, B. Bond-Lam- downstream estuarine and coastal recreation, residential management, berty, et al. 2020. Representing the function waters are frequently N limited.17 and their socio-economic ramifica- and sensitivity of coastal interfaces in Consequently, point- and non-point tions. The benefits of protecting and Earth system models. Nature Communica- source P input controls are typically preserving estuarine and coastal tions 11(1): 1-14. 8. Paerl, H. W., T.G. Otten, and R. Kudela. prescribed for stemming eutrophica- “health” resources and resiliency 2018. Mitigating the expansion of harm- tion of inland waters, while N inputs clearly go beyond the local horizon, ful algal blooms across the freshwa- are the focus for controlling estuarine and extend to the watershed/airshed, ter-to-marine continuum. Environmental and coastal eutrophication. How- regional, national, and ultimately Science & Technology 52(10): 5519-5529, ever, reducing only P upstream while global scales. The next generation doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b05950. 9. Orth, R. J., R.J.B. Carruthers, W.C. Denni- potentially alleviating eutrophication of coastal researchers, managers, son, et al. 2006. A global crisis for seagrass there, also will reduce the primary and decision makers must be trained ecosystems. BioScience 56: 987-996. producer “filter” for N; as a result, N and gain experiential perspectives on 10. Breitburg, D., L.A. Levin, A. Oschlies,, enrichment may enhance eutrophica- at least the aquatic continuum and et al. 2018. Declining oxygen in the global ocean and coastal waters. Science 359, tion downstream.8 Therefore, a dual ultimately broader regional and global 6371. doi: 10.1126/science.aam7240. CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021 5
11. Bargu, S., D. Justic, J. Whiteet al. 2019. 2013. Long-term trends and causal factors carbon for riverine export to the global Mississippi River diversions and phyto- associated with Microcystis abundance oceans. Nature Communications 11(1): 1-8. plankton dynamics in deltaic Gulf of Mex- and toxicity in San Francisco Estuary and 16. Fennel, K., and J.M. Testa. 2019. Bio- ico estuaries: a review. Estuarine, Coastal implications for climate change impacts. geochemical controls on coastal hypoxia. and Shelf Science 221: 39-52 Hydrobiologia 718: 141–158. https://doi. Annual Review of Marine Science 11: 105- 12. Rosen, B.H., K.A. Loftin, J.L. Graham, org/10.1007/s10750-013-1612-8 130. et al. 2018. Understanding the effect of 14. Bowman, D.M., G.J. Williamson, O.F. 17. Smith, V.H. 2003. Eutrophication of salinity tolerance on cyanobacteria asso- Price, et al. 2020. Australian forests, freshwater and coastal marine ecosys- ciated with a harmful algal bloom in Lake megafires and the risk of dwindling carbon tems: a global problem. Environmental Sci- Okeechobee, Florida: US Geological Survey stocks. Plant, Cell & Environment. https:// ence and Pollution Research International Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5092, doi.org/10.1111/pce.13916 10(2): 126-139. 32 p. 15. Jones, M.W., A.I. Coppola, C. Santín, 13. Lehman, P.W., K. Marr, G.L. Boyer, et al. et al. 2020. Fires prime terrestrial organic Share the full text of any Estuaries and Coasts article with SharedIt! Share the full text of any Estuaries and Coasts article with SharedIt! Did you know that authors and subscribers can share a view-only, full-text Did you of version know any that authors Estuaries and and subscribers Coasts article can share using a view-only, Springer Nature’sfull-text new version of any “SharedIt” Estuaries and Coasts article using Springer Nature’s new feature? “SharedIt” feature? Select the “Share article” button on the article webpage for a shareable link. Select the “Share article” button on the article webpage for a shareable link. Help us share the full-text versions of the high-quality, peer-reviewed journal Help us in articles share the full-text Estuaries versions and Coasts by of the the using high-quality, SharedIt peer-reviewed links! journal articles in Estuaries and Coasts by using the SharedIt links! For more information, please visit http://www.springernature.com/sharedit. For more information, please visit http://www.springernature.com/sharedit. A Short History… (continued) informed of any events of interest. sponsoring a journal. In the early Research Federation. The first issue In March 1977 Robert Reimold took years most of the membership under the new name appeared in over. He was replaced in March 1978 seemed to believe that their needs March 1978, with Martin Wiley as by Robert Radulski. Quinton White were being met by other journals, and the editor. He had been editor of took over in June 1979 and served as the expense of sponsoring their own Chesapeake Science for 9 years, ERF Newsletter editor through 1981. would be too great. Consequently, and it seemed only natural for him to it was not until 1976 that serious continue during this transition period. The ERF Newsletter has served as thought was given to the possibility Subscriptions for Volume I (1978) a valuable instrument of Federation of acquiring a journal, Chesapeake totaled 1050, Volume II (1979) 1042, communication during this period, Science, published by the University and Volume III (1980) 1069. both as an organ for the Board to of Maryland in conjunction with the communicate policy to the member- In November 1980, the University Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. ship, and as a response mechanism of Maryland no longer desired the for the membership to communicate In October 1977, a contract was responsibility of publication, and a their feelings back to their governing signed with the University of Mary- contract was signed with the Belle board. land for them to publish the jour- W. Baruch Institute for Estuarine and nal Chesapeake Science (with its Coastal Studies in South Carolina. From the beginning, there had been name changed to Estuaries) under Harold Stevenson was appointed as talk among the Estuarine Research the sponsorship of the Estuarine the new editor. Federation’s founders of someday 6 CERF’s CERF’s Up! Up! •• Vol. Vol. 47 47 •• No. No. 22 •• June June 2021 2021
The Origins of Biogeochemistry Thomas S. Bianchi Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA bianchi@ufl.edu Estuarine science, and its elder Boussingault (1801– “sister” disciplines, oceanography 1887). This work and limnology, are deeply rooted in allowed Jean-Baptiste interdisciplinary origins. Biogeochem- Dumas (1800–1884) istry, one of the many sub-disciplines and Boussingault to of the natural/earth sciences, has make new connections emerged as a key unifying discipline between carbon and in the 21st century. While much has nitrogen. The focus been written on future directions in on chemistry in under- biogeochemistry, little attention has standing soil fertility been given to its disparate origins. for agricultural pur- One rare and notable review on the poses continued with history of biogeochemistry was writ- the examination—in ten by Eville Gorham,1 the grandfather large part by Bouss- of acid rain, who passed away in ingalt, Sir John Bennet Fig. 1. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky in his office in Petro- 2020 at the age of 94. I thought revis- Lawes (1814–1900), grad (1921)2,3 Alfred Forbes (1815–1854), and iting this topic in the 21st century Justus von Liebig (1803–1873), and Thomas Henry Huxley (1825–1895) seemed timely in part as a tribute to Phillip Carl Sprengel (1787–1859)—of set the stage for this development of Eville, it being 30 years since his pub- phosphorus and nitrogen for crops in ecology. As agriculture and industry lication in the journal Biogeochemis- a period emphasizing stoichiometry. continue to expand, we also begin try, and with plans for a special issue These are some of the key founda- to see concerns about the impact celebrating the 34th anniversary of tions in early stoichiometric thinking. of humans on Earth, with notable the journal, where it was published.2 Remarkably, this leads to the first writings from the American diplomat examples of nitrogen amendments and philologist George Perkins Marsh Here, I begin with the post-phlo- dating as back far as 1856. (1801–1882). giston period in the 19th century, where vital connections were being The next important stage was estab- Geochemist/mineralogist and made between weathering, atmo- lishing how microbes “fit” with what founder of biogeochemistry Vladimir spheric chemistry, carbon cycling, was known about the stoichiometry Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863–1945) and climate change by notable of soils and plants. Sergei Nikolaiev- (Fig. 1)2,3 begins the 20th century with scientists like Svante Arrhenius ich Winogradsky (1856–1953) “steals his idea about the biosphere and con- (1859–1927), Gustav Bischof the show” with his discoveries of tinues with the noosphere (the sphere (1792–1870), Thomas Chrowder chemolithotrophy and mechanisms of human consciousness) as con- Chamberlin (1843–1928), and John of nitrification. Another important cerns grow about an Anthropocene. Tyndall (1820–1893). In particular, development comes, oddly enough, The field of biogeochemistry now French chemist Jacques-Joseph from the work of Charles Robert formally emerges with Vernadsky and Ebelmen (1814–1852) proposed that Darwin (1809–1882) on vegetable George Evelyn Hutchinson (1903– dissolved salts and bicarbonate can mold and worms, which for the first 1991) leading the way. New develop- be formed from the weathering of time explored the role of multicellu- ment of disciplines of geochemistry rocks—launching us into the modern lar organisms in soil fertility. These and organic geochemistry, led by Vic- carbon cycle. Work by Sir Humphry studies linking weathering, elemental tor Moritz Goldschmidt (1888–1947) Davy (1778–1829) on weathering cycling, microbes, and beyond, sets and Alfred E. Treibs (1899–1983), and the importance of organisms the stage for the founding of ecology respectively, allowed for biogeochem- in the exchange of carbon dioxide by Danish botanist Eugenius Warm- ical linkages to be made between the between the rocks and the atmo- ing (1841–1924). Linkages between short and long-term carbon cycles. sphere provided the foundation evolution and biogeography from This also allowed for new bridges for new analytical approaches by earlier critical works by Darwin, Alex- to be formed whereby chemical Jean-Baptiste Joseph Dieudonné ander von Humboldt (1769–1859), proxies can be used to understand CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021 7
biogeochemical shifts in Earth’s 4-bil- mental decay. Unfortunately, Ver- approaches with genetic markers lion-year history. Ecology continues nadsky’s noosphere had come into allow for advances in biogeography to develop with greater linkages to full swing and it was Rachel Carson and evolution that require ecological abiotic processes and works on pop- (1907–1964), who famously sounded principles (e.g., population dynam- ulation cycles and trophic webs by the warning alarm heard around the ics plant succession) to understand Charles Elton (1900–1991) and ener- world. organismal distribution, particularly getic approaches in systems ecology as range expansion begins to occur In the 21st century, biogeochemistry by Howard T. Odum (1924–2002) in a warming climate. These new becomes more entrained in Earth and Eugene P. Odum (1913–2000). connections with ecological/evolu- system science with greater focus We see Theodosius Grygorovych tional genetics are just a few of the on global reservoirs and fluxes.4 The Dobzhansky (1900–1975) usher us many exciting developments in the advent of long-term and large-scale into the world of evolutionary genet- ever-changing field of biogeochemis- experiments begins to help contain ics, which will prove vital in the next try in the 21st century. the complexity of non-linearity and century of biochemistry. regional differences in fluxes and References: In the early 1930s, Alfred C. Red- rates in biogeochemical work. This 1. Gorham, E. 1991. Biogeochemistry: its field (1890–1983) emerges with leads to more synergy that requires origins and development. Biogeochemistry 13:199–239. new ideas on molecular-organismal multidisciplinary approaches, begin- 2. Bianchi, T.S. 2020. The evolution of relationships that sparked a revolu- ning more formally ca. 1960s–1970s, biogeochemistry, revisited. Biogeochemis- tion in stoichiometric-based biogeo- which allows biogeochemistry to try. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-020- chemistry in the 20th century. These blossom in the 20th century. This 00708-0 3. Edmunds, W.M., and A.A. Bogush. 2012. new approaches proved particularly begins a new age of combining Geochemistry of natural waters—The useful in light of the Green Revolution, molecular approaches (e.g., omics) legacy of V.I. Vernadsky and his students. related to issues concerning human with large-scale satellite, monitoring, Applied Geochemistry 27:1871–1876. population growth, fertilizer produc- survey, and observatory approaches 4. Jacobson, M., R.J. Charlson, H. Rodhe, tion, eutrophication, just to name a that ultimately are combined in Earth et al. 2000. Earth system science: from biogeochemical cycles to global changes. few, which led to widespread environ- system models. New molecular Academic Press, New York. John Teal (left) and Alfred C. Redfield (right) at the first international salt marsh conference in 1958, which brought together 55 scien- tists from all over the world. (H.T. Odum is the person just behind them.) The conference was held at the University of Georgia Marine Institute on Sapelo Island Photo: Courtesy of Merryl Alber 8 CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021
An ERF Trip to the People’s Republic of China 1983 Judith S. Weis1, Roger Rulifson2, Kenneth Beal3, Charles Simenstad4, and Quinton White5 1 Rutgers University; 2East Carolina University; 3NOAA; 4University of Washington; 5Jacksonville University jweis@newark.rutgers.edu settled into my win- from the trip! dow seat and soon On the streets of the cities, we saw two people joined thousands of bikes and very few me. I couldn’t help but cars; the reverse of the situation overhear their con- today, which produces much more air versation; they were pollution. We also saw people doing discussing marine sci- tai chi, which was much less familiar ence and China! I inter- back then. People would often come rupted to inquire if they up to us and engage us in conversa- were on the ERF trip, tion since they were learning English and of course, they At the train station. From left: Virginia Carter, Mark Bundy, Janet and enjoyed the chance to practice it were. They were Judy Ebaugh, Quinton White, Guide, Judy Weis Photo: Si Simenstad with us. Those were interesting “peo- Stout (my roommate ple to people” interactions. The goals of the “People to People” for the trip) and Will 3-week trip were to have professional Schroeder from South Alabama. What Attendees: exchanges between American and unusual luck to get to know them Leaders: Jerry Williams, US Naval Chinese estuarine scientists, with a ahead of time! I had some unusual Academy (and Lee Williams) secondary hope of establishing some bad luck on the later flight from Neal Armstrong, University of Texas collaborative efforts, and for us Amer- Japan to Beijing, when for some rea- Ken Beal, NOAA icans to have time for sight-seeing. son they had one fewer seat reserved Mark Bundy, Maryland DNR There were about 20 scientists in the than the number of our group. After Tony Calabrese, NOAA ERF delegation, with a few spouses going through all the names, it turned Virginia Carter, USGS coming along. We visited labs in out my name was missing. What to David Correll, Smithsonian Beijing, Dalian, Hangzhou, and Quang- do??? Jerry’s leadership skills came Environmental Research Center zhou. Here are the recollections of to the fore and he said he would stay (and Margaret Correll) the five of us (Judy Weis below; oth- behind (my hero!) to straighten things Janet Ebaugh, ers will be in subsequent issues—Ed.). out. They eventually found a (first University of Washington class!) seat on the flight for me and Judy Weis we all arrived together. Curtis Ebbesmeyer, Evans- When I got the invitation, I didn’t think Hamilton Inc. I would be able to go—it seemed very My impression of the meetings with Tom Hopkins, Maryland DEP expensive and how could I miss three scientists at the universities and lab- Mike McCormick, Montclair State weeks of classes?? I mentioned that oratories we visited was that the bio- University to my colleague in the office next logical estuarine research being done Winston Menzel, Florida State door who said “When will you ever was primarily collecting and iden- University (and Margaret Menzel) have an opportunity like that again? tifying the animals. We saw lots of Sammy Ray, Texas A&M You can find people to take your preserved specimens and little about (and Charlotte Ray) classes and find the money. Do it!” So experimental lab studies or field stud- Roger Rulifson, Unity College I did. I “passed the hat” to the depart- ies. There seemed to be more empha- sis on physical oceanography. All the Will Schroeder, University of Alabama ment head, the Dean of the College, professional meetings were held with Al Sherk, USFWS and the Provost of the campus, and a translator, so speaking slowly was Si Simenstad, University of managed to scrape up some money essential. We each brought some Washington to help with the costs. Department slides with us to explain some of our Judy Stout, University of Southern members and grad students filled in studies, so the visuals probably were Alabama for me in the classes. especially important. Judy Weis, Rutgers University First memory—after changing planes Barbara Welsh, University of in Dallas or Houston I boarded the The food was amazing and wonder- ful, and the banquets impressive. I Connecticut (and Bob Welsh) plane to Seattle, our meeting place, Quinton White, Jacksonville University forget how many pounds I gained CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021 9 CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021
2021–2023 CERF Governing Board Election We invite you to make your voice heard in the future of the Federation. Voting is now open for the 2021–2023 CERF Governing Board elections for our next President-elect, Secretary, Member-at- large, International Member-at-large, and Student Member-at-large. Only one individual will be selected for each position. The candidates for office are listed below; their full bios and statements are available online at cerf.science/2021-2023-governing-board-slate. An online voting form was sent to all eligible voting members. Please remember to submit your vote by 8 July 2021. Our thanks go to the Nominating Committee: Hilary Neckles (chair), Anna Armitage, Justin Camp- bell, Silvia Newell, and John Rybczyk. On behalf of the current and future Governing Board members, thank you for participating in this important election. President-Elect Secretary Linda Blum Alice Besterman Research Associate Professor, Postdoctoral Fellow, Buzzards University of Virginia Bay Coalition and Woodwell Climate Research Center Linda Walters Ryan Davis Pegasus Professor of Biology, University of Central Florida Principal Scientist, Anchor QEA Antonietta Quigg Senior Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies and Regents Professor in Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston 10 CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021
Member-at-large International Member-at-large Ayesha Gray Carles Ibáñez Director, Grand Bay National Senior Researcher and Head Estuarine Research Reserve of the Department of Climate Change, EURECAT Treda Grayson Catherine Lovelock NRDA Program Manager, U.S. Professor, University of Environmental Protection Queensland Agency Office of Water Sydney Nick Interdisciplinary Geographer/ Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey Student Member-at-large Kailani Acosta PhD student, Columbia University Sommer Starr PhD student, Florida State University Chesapeake Bay Foundation staff in 1978 at the cabin on Meredith Creek, Maryland. Photo: Courtesy of Kent Mountford CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021 11
CERF 2021 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson Katharine Wilkinson, she co-edited The fish trap she invented to reduce the anthology All We Can Save, and bycatch won the first Rare/National co-founded The All We Can Save Geographic Solution Search. Project. Recently, Dr. Johnson co-au- Her op-eds have been published in thored the Blue New Deal, a roadmap The New York Times, Washington for including the ocean in climate Post, Los Angeles Times, and Time, policy. Previously, as executive and she blogs on Scientific Ameri- director of the Waitt Institute, she can. She was named one of Elle’s 27 co-founded the Blue Halo Initiative Women Leading on Climate. Outside and led the Caribbean’s first success- Magazine called her “the most influ- ful island-wide ocean zoning effort. ential marine biologist of our time.” She also developed ocean policy at the EPA and NOAA, and was a leader Dr. Johnson serves on the board of of the March for Science. directors for the Billion Oyster Proj- Photo: Marcus Branch ect, GreenWave, World Surf League’s Dr. Johnson earned a BA from PURE, on the advisory boards of Envi- Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson is a Harvard University in environmen- ronmental Voter Project, Oceanic, marine biologist, policy expert, writer, tal science and public policy, and and Scientific American, and as a and Brooklyn native. She is founder a Ph.D. from Scripps Institution of fellow at The Explorers Club. Her mis- of Urban Ocean Lab, a think tank for Oceanography in marine biology, sion is to build community around coastal cities, and is co-creator and with a dissertation on the ecology, solutions for our climate crisis. Find co-host of the Spotify/Gimlet pod- socio-economics, and policy of her @ayanaeliza. cast How to Save a Planet. With Dr. sustainably managing coral reefs. Inclusion Event Our CERF 2021 planning committee invites you to this year’s Inclusion Event. Join our speakers, Nancy Raba- lais and Johnny Quispe, in discussing careers in coastal and estuarine science and celebrating the 50th anniver- FILM FESTIVAL sary of CERF. The theme of this year’s event is “Celebrat- ing Our Past, Charting Our Future.” The Inclusion Event is welcome to any and all CERF members. A new CERF event showcasing As we reach this major milestone, we are taking a short films made by CERF members moment to consider the evolution of our organization, including both progress and challenges. During this Enter your own work and view other reflection, we also invite you to bring a piece of yourself member-made films during the Film and embrace your own evolution. Moving into the next 50 years, we will examine how CERF can continue to Festival event at CERF 2021! A panel of change and develop a more inclusive environment for judges will award the best film in each all members. For new CERF members, you will have a category. chance to learn about different career paths and opportu- nities for your own future. Together, we will map the next 50 years of the CERF community. Learn more at https://conference.cerf. Look for more details about CERF 2021’s Inclusion Event science/film-festival on social media, on the website, and in upcoming emails. 12 CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021
Career Networking Event Join us for this popular networking event! Photo: Sandra Huynh Are you a student, recent graduate, or just looking to istration for the conference online. Be sure to prepare explore different careers? Have you established yourself some questions! Stay tuned for a list of Featured Speak- in the field and want to share your story with other CERF ers in attendance. attendees? Do you have a job opportunity you would like Featured Speakers (established-career individuals): share? Please consider signing up to be a Featured Speaker at If the answer is “Yes!”, or even a tentative “Maybe???”, this event when you register for the conference. Share please join the Career Networking Event at CERF 2021. your knowledge of careers, agencies, and institutions We are looking for Featured Speakers (folks willing to with tomorrow’s leaders of the coastal and estuarine share their careers with an audience) and Guests (stu- science and management community. Whether it is just dents or professionals looking to learn about different for the evening of the function or for the duration of the careers). conference, we encourage you to adopt the CERF tradi- tion of volunteerism and commitment to education. Who We have reinvented this popular event to be fully virtual. knows, you may end up meeting a future collaborator in Each Feature will be stationed in a small breakout-style the process! room. Guests will have the opportunity to chat with Featured Speakers from various coastal and estuarine If you have any questions about being a Guest or a Fea- science and management positions. Then, after a set ture, drop us an email at cerf.cne@gmail.com. amount of time, Guests will switch rooms to interact with Students, early career individuals, and established indi- a new Featured Speaker. This will allow Guests to have viduals from a range of career disciplines who would like conversations with several people from the varied career to participate in the Career Networking Event, please indi- paths in estuarine science, as well as interactions with cate your interest when registering for CERF 2021. If you peers! have already registered and did not sign up for the event, Guests (students and those looking to change careers): please send your name, institution, and career level to Please sign up to attend when you complete your reg- cerf.cne@gmail.com. CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021 13
Workshops Are you looking for a way to further enhance your CERF • Use R to Manipulate and Visualize Environmental Data I 2021 experience? Consider signing up for a workshop! (Introductory Level) We will be offering a diverse program of 16 workshops • Job/Fellowship Application Development for Early throughout the conference. These workshops represent Career Professional an opportunity to receive valuable training in topics • Connecting Land, Sea and Sky: A Virtual Birding Work- ranging from effective communications to technical web- shop based software. • Marine Spatial Data Mapping and Modelling in R • Addressing Implicit Bias to Promote Equity in CERF • Benthic Biophysics in Coastal Ocean Models Science Disciplines • Increasing Collecting Impact: Bridging Coastal Net- • How to Use Field Sketchbooks to Realistically Record works and Enhancing Collaborative Science Scientific Observations • Exploring Emerging Technologies through the SAV • Brainwaves - Engaging Stakeholders to Co-Design Community of Practice Waterway Health Report Cards • Open Science: Core Concepts for Impactful Research • Flow-Through Microscopy (FlowCam®) for Estuarine and Resource Management Research and HAB Monitoring • Monitoring Changing Shores: Methods, Management, • Use R to Manipulate and Visualize Environmental Data and Data for the Future II (Intermediate Level) • Stories and Science: Blending Complementary Ways of • The Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Stan- Knowing Enhances Results dard: A Technological Approach CERF 2021 Conference Art Elizabeth Lacey1 and Emily Boone2 1 Stockton University, Galloway, New Jersey, USA; 2University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia, USA Elizabeth.Lacey@stockton.edu The CERF 2021 conference will feature work by conference artist Alice McEnerney Cook. Each CERF’s Up! bulletin leading up to the virtual conference is featuring estuaries from Alice’s collection with perspective from CERF members as they reflect on the estuary’s past and its chart towards the future. The Charleston Harbor watershed along the coast of South Carolina encompasses 3,626 km2 (1,400 mi2) of coastal plain habitat that includes 21 unique habitats, species, and species aggregations. Bordering the James Island Creek just before it joins the Ashley River and across from the historic Charleston waterfront, the marsh on James Island is one of a complex series of tidal marshes in this watershed. While the marsh itself is part of a public trust managed by the state, the surrounding land is private. Numerous piers jutting out across the marsh provide recreational access to its meander- Sunset James Island, 2002, oil on linen, 12”x16”, James Island, ing waterways and make this area a touchstone of the James South Carolina. Painted by CERF 2021 Conference Artist Alice Island community. James Island, like many of the sea islands McEnerney Cook. http://mcenerneycook.com/ in this region, has a long and rich history that continues to influence this estuary. Land once altered to control the flow of water on plantations where slaves hauled marsh mud to use as fertilizer for cotton crops has continued to be filled with soil and sand, compacting the marsh edge above flood elevation to meet the needs of intense development pressure. The marsh system is boxed in with no space to migrate upland as sea level rises. Moreover, the Port of Charleston plans to deepen its harbor, increasing the threat of flooding. While this tidal creek has consistently failed to meet water quality standards, recent prioritization under the state’s clean water act hints at a promise of solutions to come. 14 CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021
Silent Auction/Artist Store/Affiliate Swag Photo: Sandra Huynh The CERF 2021 Silent Auction is Donation form and return to Casson- How do I collect my winning bid? virtual this year and will raise funds dra Armstrong (pastpresident@seers. All payments will be collected through for the CERF Odum/Nixon Fund to org) or Jessica Reichmuth (presiden- our BiddingOwl silent auction web- support CERF student participation telect@seers.org). Completed forms site. Winners will be notified by email as well as professional development are due by Wednesday, 27 October and/or text by BiddingOwl at the end activities. A variety of items will be on 2021. Donation forms: https://forms. of the auction. All payments must be virtual display through our BiddingOwl gle/yVf8GVsUfEZKHZpc8 received by 5:00 PM on Thursday, 11 auction site. A variety of items will be November. If payment is not received Other important donation information: available for bidding including original at that time, items will automatically Shipping prices should be included in artwork, books, scientific instrumen- be awarded to the next highest bidder, the suggested bid amount since the tation, crafted sea creatures, pottery, who will be immediately contacted. donor will be shipping the item to the home decor, and CERF memorabilia winning bidder Artist Store donated by members. Join us for a good cause and great deals on highly Please provide up to three pictures Thanks to our CERF 2021 artist, Alice prized items! of the donated item as well as a brief McEnerney Cook, original art will description of the item so we can be available to purchase. She has How can I donate an item for the travelled to a few estuaries along the post this on our auction site (there is silent auction? Atlantic seaboard to capture what a place for this on the form) If you will be donating an item for the we as scientists see every day in the silent auction, indicate so on your When will the auction take place? field. conference registration form. If it’s The auction will open at noon Sunday, after you have completed your online 31 October and close at 8:00 PM on Affiliate Swag (tentative) registration, contact the CERF office Wednesday, 10 November. All bids Purchase Affiliate gear this year at for assistance in adding your item for must be placed prior to the close of CERF and represent your group at donation. the auction. Bids will take place using the next face-to-face meeting. a third-party site, BiddingOwl. More You may also download and com- info is forthcoming! plete the CERF 2021 Silent Auction CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021 15
Estuaries and Coasts Now a Transformative Journal Paul A. Montagna, Co-Editor in Chief, Estuaries and Coasts Janet Slobodien, Executive Editor, Springer Nature Paul.Montagna@tamucc.edu The publishing industry is going pricing, performance, and metrics. been like 2019, and fit well with the through another major transformation This change is very important to increasing trend over time. Assuming to manage open access (OA) (Ogden ESCO, and if you look at the journal this trend continues, ESCO can safely 2020). Some of you may remember description https://www.springer. be designated a transformative jour- the first transformation: moving com/journal/12237, you will see that nal. Importantly, Springer Nature, the from print to electronic distribution. Springer Nature has labeled ESCO a publisher of ESCO since 2008, has Estuaries and Coasts (ESCO) first “Hybrid (Transformative Journal).” included ESCO as one of its Trans- went online in 1999. Starting with the This means that Springer Nature and formative Journals, and thus ESCO is 2007 issue, ESCO offered authors an ESCO continue to offer a publish- Plan S-compliant under option 2. immediate OA option for an article ing choice, but proactively promote The current APC for ESCO is $3,280 processing charge (APC) (Threkeld the benefits of OA to authors, and (€ 2,590 or £2,180) per article. 2007). The initial OA fees were $285/ commit to increasing OA uptake and However, Springer Nature also has page for non-society members and ultimately transitioning to full OA for a generous self-archiving policy, the $95/page for full society members. primary research articles (SN 2021a). SharedIt service can be used at any If the fee was not paid, then articles In this way, the ultimate transition to point, and posting preprints is also became available to all viewers for open access is supported while also acceptable. See the access policy free after a 5-year embargo period. protecting the hybrid/subscription at https://www.springer.com/gp/ Today, ESCO is still using a hybrid publishing model for those unable to open-access/publication-policies/ approach, where authors choose to pay APCs. self-archiving-policy. The current APC publish via the subscription model So, what is the recent OA uptake rate is less than the original 2007 fee of (for free) or via Gold OA (with an in ESCO? It appears the OA uptake $3,990 for a 14-page article (which APC). No author is prevented from rate has been increasing over the is the average paper length in ESCO publishing due to an inability to pay last 5 years (Figure 1). The year 2018 from 2014 to 2020). the APC. was high because an entire special There are certainly benefits to Then came Plan S, which is an ini- issue, “Impacts of Coastal Land Use authors choosing OA. OA promotes tiative by cOAlition S to promote OA and Shoreline Armoring on Estuarine diversifying readership because publishing (https://www.coalition-s. Ecosystems” (41:S1), was OA. If that access is granted to scientists with org/). Plan S requires that research special issue were removed, then only limited resources (Ozaygen et al. funded by its members must be 10% of articles would have been pub- 2020). On average, OA books have 10 published in OA journals. cOAlition lished as OA, and 2018 would have times more downloads and 2.4 times S consists primarily of European more citations than non-OA books. funding agencies, but includes pri- For articles, there is a lot of variability vate foundations in the US, such as in the magnitude of the OA citation the Hughes and Gates foundations. advantage based on the discipline Plan S went into effect on 1 January and subfield, but an advantage does 2021, and any researcher with coali- exist (Tennant et al. 2016), and tion funding could no longer publish Springer Nature reports that there in ESCO as a hybrid journal. are 4 times more downloads and 1.6 Recently, however, the cOAlition S times more citations than non-OA consortium has created an oppor- articles across all subjects. tunity to cover OA for hybrid jour- New publishing models are likely to nals through 2024 if they agree to arise in the future. Many university be “transformative” (Else 2019). A libraries believe that OA fees are sim- transformative journal is one that ply a double-billing if they subscribe is committed to transition to OA on to the journal. They already have a defined timescale, while actively Fig 1. Percent of open access articles pub- lished in Estuaries and Coasts. Data label is access via their subscription fee, so promoting the benefits of OA and total number of articles published each year. why should they also pay an OA APC providing greater transparency with 16 CERF’s Up! • Vol. 47 • No. 2 • June 2021
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