Page created by Warren Fischer
India and Afghanistan have a strong relationship
based on historical and cultural links. India has
been, and continues to be, a steadfast partner in the
reconstruction and development efforts in Afghanistan.
The principal focus of India’s development assistance
has been to build capacities and capabilities of Afghan
nationals and its institutions for governance and
delivery of public service, develop socio-economic
infrastructure, secure lives and promote livelihood.

India and Afghanistan have also agreed to identify
products and measures to enhance bilateral trade;
reaffirming the importance of connectivity and free
and unfettered transport and transit access for

India’s support is guided by the needs and priorities
of the Government and the people of Afghanistan;
activities are undertaken in partnership with the
Afghan government; and projects are spread across
Afghanistan in wide range of areas. Both sides are
on the pathway of an ambitious and forward looking
next generation ‘New Development Partnership’. In
September 2017, India hosted the India-Afghanistan
Trade and Investment Show in New Delhi. A high            “A billion of ties bind us through thousands of years of history but
level of participation from the Indian corporate sector   our partnership is based on vision of the future. A vision where our
resulted in business propositions being signed             central challenge is poverty and inequality and insecurity, not at
between the respective private enterprises of the                    the sub-national level but at the regional level.”
countries worth more than US$200 million.                                       — President Ashraf Ghani
country, greater access to             Project involves construction of
                                                                           markets in India, and will allow       two terminals, one multi-purpose
                                                                           Afghan businessmen to leverage         terminal (600 metres long)
                                                                           India’s economic growth and            and another general container
                                                                           trade networks for its benefit. It     terminal (640 metres long).
                                                                           would enable Afghan farmers            A Trilateral Transit and Transport
                                                                           quick and direct access to             arrangement between India-
                                                                           the Indian markets for their           Afghanistan-Iran is envisaged
                                                                           perishable produce.                    to create a reliable legal
                                                                                                                  framework to ensure smooth
                                                                           Chabahar Port                          flow of goods and vehicles
                                                                           Chabahar Port, located in the          between Chabahar port and
                                                                           Sistan-Baluchistan province in         Afghanistan through Iran.
                                                                           Iran, is an important infrastructure
                                                                           development project being              First shipment of
                                                                           currently undertaken by both           wheat from India to
                                                                           India and Iran for enhancing           Afghanistan
India and Afghanistan                   India was taken in the meeting
                                                                           sea-land connectivity with             On 29 October 2017, External
established a Direct Air                between Prime Minister Narendra
                                                                           Afghanistan and Central Asian          Affairs Minister of India and
Freight Corridor                        Modi and Afghan President
                                        Ghani in September 2016            Region. The Chabahar Port              Foreign Minister of Afghanistan
India and Afghanistan established
a direct air freight corridor with      during the Afghan President’s
the arrival of the first cargo flight   visit to India. The connectivity
carrying 60 tonnes of cargo             established through the Air
from Kabul to Delhi on 19 June          Freight Corridor and now
2017. The inaugural flight was          expanded to Kandahar-New
flagged off in Kabul by President       Delhi sector also, will provide
of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani and         Afghanistan, a landlocked
received in New Delhi by the
External Affairs Minister Sushma
Swaraj in the presence of
Civil Aviation Minister Ashok
Gajapathi Raju and Minister of
State for External Affairs
M.J. Akbar. The decision to
establish an Air Freight Corridor
between Afghanistan and
for Afghanistan. It will open up
                                    new opportunities for trade and
                                    transit from and to Afghanistan
                                    and enhance trade and
                                    commerce between the three
                                    countries and the wider region.
                                    Six more wheat shipments
                                    are planned to be sent to
                                    Afghanistan over the next
                                    few months.

                                    Road from
                                    Zaranj to Delaram
                                    Construction of a 218 km road
                                    from Zaranj to Delaram for
                                    facilitating movement of goods       Afghanistan                         the Parliament building, service
                                    and services to the Iranian border   Parliament Building                 block cum parking and reception
                                    was completed in 2010. The           Spread over 86 acres and built      office. The Afghan Parliament
                                    highway will connect Iran with       over 28,370 sq m area, the          was inaugurated by the Prime
                                    the Garland Highway, which links     Afghan Parliament is India’s gift   Minister of India jointly with
through a joint video conference,   Kabul, Kandahar, Mazar-e-Sharif      to the people of Afghanistan. The   President of Afghanistan on 25
flagged off the first shipment of   Herat and Kunduz.                    project included construction of    December 2015. The sessions
wheat from India to Afghanistan                                                                              of both Upper House (Meshrano
that would be transhipped                                                                                    Jirga) and Lower House (Wolesi
through the Chabahar port                                                                                    Jirga) are now being held in the
in Iran. The shipment is part                                                                                new building.
of commitment made by the
Government of India to supply
1.1 million tonnes of wheat for
the people of Afghanistan on
grant basis. The shipment of
wheat is a landmark moment
as it will pave the way for
operationalisation of the
Chabahar port as an alternate,
reliable and robust connectivity
Friendship Dam (AIFD). The         Afghanistan on 4 June 2016. The
  “When Afghanistan becomes a        Afghan India
                                     Friendship Dam                  project implementation faced       Dam has an installed capacity
haven of peace and a hub for the
                                     The most important symbol       several challenges, including      of 42 MW and supplies water
 flow of ideas,commerce, energy
and investments in the region, we    of India’s assistance in the    logistical and security aspects.   for irrigating 75,000 hectares of
     will all prosper together.”     reconstruction of Afghanistan   The project was inaugurated        land. Since then, the project has
    — Prime Minister Narendra Modi   has been the construction of    jointly by the Prime Minister      been generating electricity and
                                     the multipurpose Afghan India   of India with the President of     releasing water for irrigation.
India-Afghanistan:                    • Construction of Shahtoot dam
                                     New Development                         and drinking water project
                                     Partnership                             for Kabul, that would also
                                     Under the rubric of India-              facilitate irrigation.
                                     Afghanistan New Development
                                                                           • Low cost housing project for
                                     Partnership, the following
                                                                             returning Afghans refugees
                                     assistance programmes have
                                                                             in Nangarhar Province to
                                     been initiated:
                                                                             promote resettlement.
                                     • 116 new ‘High Impact
                                                                           • Road connectivity to Band-e-
                                       Community Development
                                                                             Amir in Bamyan Province that
                                       Projects’ in 31 provinces of                                              and will run till the 500 slots
                                                                             would promote tourism to the
                                       Afghanistan, including in the                                             are exhausted.
                                                                             national park and economic
                                       areas of education, health,
Small Development                                                            development.
                                                                                                               • Training, including to Afghan
                                       agriculture, irrigation, drinking
Project                                                                    • Water supply network for            civil servants, defence and
                                       water, renewable energy, flood
• A Memorandum of                                                            Charikar city in Parwan             police personnel in Indian
                                       control, micro-hydropower,
  Understanding (MoU) between                                                Province.                           institutions.
                                       sports infrastructure,
  India and Afghanistan was
                                       administrative infrastructure.      • Establishment of Gypsum
  signed on 28 August 2005                                                                                     India-Afghanistan
                                                                             board manufacturing plant in
  in the areas of Agriculture,                                                                                 Scholarships
                                                                             Kabul to promote value added      Programme
  Education, Labour, Rural
                                                                             industry.                         Human resource development
  Development and Public
  Health. The projects are being                                           • Construction of a polyclinic in   and capacity building initiatives,
  implemented through local                                                  Mazar-e-Sharif.                   which constitute an important
  bodies, non-Governmental                                                                                     segment of India’s assistance
                                                                           • Assistance to Afghanistan
  organizations, charitable                                                                                    portfolio in Afghanistan, include:
                                                                             in use of remote sensing
  trusts and education and
                                                                             technology, including in          • Following the reconstruction
  vocational institutes. The Small
                                                                             agriculture and resource            and renovation of Habibia
  Development Projects were
                                                                             management.                         School in Kabul, India is
  implemented in three phases
                                                                                                                 extending assistance for
  –first in July 2006 comprising                                           • Scholarship Scheme for 500
                                                                                                                 training and maintenance of
  50 proposals; the second in                                                Children/ Dependents of
                                                                                                                 the school.
  June 2008 comprising 51                                                    Afghan National Defence &
  proposals and the third in                                                 Security Forces (ANDSF) to        • A Special Scholarship Scheme
  November 2012 comprising of                                                be implemented by ICCR from         of 1000 scholarships per
  303 project proposals.                                                     academic year 2018-2019             annum to Afghan Nationals
• The Afghanistan National              in the field of agriculture
                                                                  Agricultural Sciences and             through the Indian Council of
                                                                  Technology University                 Agricultural Research (ICAR)
                                                                  (ANASTU) set up with                  scholarships.
                                                                  Government of India
                                                                  assistance is contributing to       Restoration
                                                                  capacity building in agricultural   of Stor Palace
                                                                  sciences. The Indian                The historic 100 year old Stor
                                                                  Agriculture Research Institute      Palace located in Afghan Foreign
                                                                  (IARI) is involved in training,     Office premises in Kabul was
                                                                  equipping and establishing the      restored to its previous splendour
  (administered by ICCR) has    need to strengthen its
                                                                  university.                         with India’s assistance in 2016.
  been very successful with     administration and governance
                                                                                                      The Stor palace was inaugurated
  100% utilization.             at national, provincial and     • In the area of skill
                                                                                                      by the Prime Minister of India and
                                district levels, including        development, the Government
• India offers 500 Indian                                                                             the President of Afghanistan on
                                through sharing experiences       of India has been providing
  Technical and Economic                                                                              22 August 2016.
                                and technical assistance in       education to Afghan nationals
  Cooperation (ITEC) slots to
                                building capacities of civil
  Afghanistan annually. The
                                administration and project
  ITEC training is expected
  to address Afghanistan’s
approximately 3 lakh children
                                    (2.5 lakh OPD and 50,000 IPD)
                                    get treated at IGICH. It was set
                                    up with Indian assistance in
                                    the 1970s.

                                    A diagnostic centre has been
                                    set up at IGICH with financial
                                    & technical assistance from
                                    the Government of India,
                                    which includes supply and
Doshi Charikar
                                    installation of all the equipment
                                    for the diagnostic centre — CT
At the Afghan Government’s
                                    Scan machine, HVAC & Gas
request, two additional power
                                    Manifold Systems, Digital X-ray
sub-stations at Doshi and
                                    machines, ICU equipment, OT
Charikar were taken up to service
                                    Equipment, Imaging equipment,
the 220kV Transmission Line
                                    Ophthalmology equipment
from Pul-e-Khumri to Kabul built
                                    Hospital Furniture, Central Sterile
by India earlier. The transformer
                                    and Supplies Department (CSSD)
capacity at Doshi was
                                    Equipment and EPABX.
enhanced to meet the additional
                                    H.E. Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chief
requirements of Doshi town and
                                    Executive Officer of the Islamic
an additional bay was agreed
                                    Republic of Afghanistan and
for a 3rd 16 MVA transformer at
                                    the then Ambassador of India in
Charikar sub-station. Both sub-
                                    Kabul inaugurated the diagnostic
stations have been completed
                                    centre on 17 September 2015.
and commissioned in 2016.

Indira Gandhi Institute
of Child Health
The Indira Gandhi Institute of
Child Health IGICH - a 400-bed
hospital is the main hospital in
Afghanistan that caters to the
well-being of children from all
across Afghanistan. Annually
“Our ties are as ancient as history.
    Over the mighty Hindu Kush and
 through the forbidding ‘Khyber pass,
monk’, merchants and monarchs have
linked us through knowledge, culture,
  religion, commerce and kingdoms.”
      — Prime Minister Narendra Modi
                                                                                  SAR-E-POL                                             TAKHAR
                                                                                                                                                                        Construction of
                                                                                  Construction of one                                   Construction of                 one Comprehensive
                                                                                  Comprehensive                                         44 Bore wells with              Health Clinic,
                                                                                  Health Clinic,                                        hand pumps, 32 m                2 Basic Health
                                                                                  Primary School, 2                                     RCC Girder Bridge               Clinics, 578.65 km
                                                                                  Bridges, Orphanage                                    and Drilling of 89              Long wall,
                                                                                  Dormitory, Library                                    Bore wells                      20 m Long footpath
                                                                                  and 8 Class rooms                                                                     RCC bridge,
                                                                                                             SAMANGAN                                                   8 Class rooms and
                                                                                                                                        BAGHLAN                         16 Classromms
                                                                                  JAWZJAN                    Construction of                                            for Accounting
                                                                                                                                        Construction of Haji
                                                                                                             Orphanage                  Saber bridge, 14                & Management
                                                                                  Construction of 8                                                                     Institute
                                                                                  public toilets                                        Class rooms, 25 m
                                                                                                             BAMIYAN                    Long RCC bridge,
                                                                                                                                        5.209 km Long                   BADAKHSHAN                          Doshi Substation
                                                                                  DAIKUNDI                   Construction of            road with 9 culverts
                                                                                                             24 Class rooms,            and 26 m long RCC               Construction of
                                                                                  Construction of                                       girder bridge                   40 m Girder Bridge,
                                                                                                             15m long RCC
                                                                                  5 Comprehensive                                                                       High School and
                                                                                                             Dahan-e- tagab
                                                                                  Health Clinic,                                                                        Health Clinic
                                                                                                             Bridge, 20.4 km            KUNDUZ
                                                                                  Higher Education
                                                                                                             road and 200m long
                                                       FARYAB                     Institute Teaching
                                                                                                             Retaining wall             Drilling of 57 wells
                                                                                  building, 42 m long
                                                       Construction of            RCC Girder bridge                                     for drinking water,
                                                       Intake and Irrigation      and 132 m long             BALKH                      21 units of Bore
                                                       canal and 8 class          retaining wall and a                                  wells and 40 Class
  Afghan India Friendship Dam                                                                                Construction of            rooms                                                               Charikar Substation
                                                       rooms                      hostel
                                                                                                             2 Health Clinics

           HERAT                     BADGISH
           Establishment             Construction of
           of Computer &             64 Class rooms and
           Language Institute        Veterinary Clinic                               JAWZJAN                                            KUNDUZ                                     BADAKHSHAN
           for Women and
           Vocational Training                                                                                 BALKH                                    TAKHAR
           Institute (Carpet

                                                                                                                    SAMANGAN                                                                                   NOORISTAN
                                                                    FARYAB                                                                  BAGHLAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Setting up of 2
                                                                                         SAR-E-POL                                                                                                             Basic Health Clinics,
                                                                                                                                                       PANJSHER                    NOORISTAN                   3 Primary Schools
                                             BADGHIS                                                                                                                                                           and One Senior

                                                                                                                                          PARWAN                                                               Secondary School

                                                                                                               BAMYAN                                                                    KUNAR
                                                                                                                                WARDAK                                                                 Setting up of a
                                                                                                                                                                                   NANGARHAR           demonstrative
                                                                  GHOR                                                                           LOGAR                                                 nursery, 2 Basic
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Health Clinic,
                                                                                          DAIKUNDI                                                                                                     Construction of 10
                                                                                                                                                    PAKTIA                                             Primary School and
                                                                                                                                                                    KHOST                              2,807 m long pipe

                                                                                                                                                                                                 NANGARHAR                  KABUL
                             FARAH                                                                                                                                  KHOST                        Setting up of              Construction of a
                                                                                                                                                                                                 2 demonstrative            Boundary wall and
                                                                                                           ZABUL                                                    Setting up of a              nursery, Com-              Landscape Works of
                                                                                                                                                                    demonstrative                prehensive Health          Directorate Office,
                                                                                                                                                                    nursery, a Basic             Centre, 147 water          Financial support
                                                                                                                                                                    Health Clinic,               points (Bore wells),       to operationalize
                                                                                                                                                                    Islamic & basic              7 Primary Schools,         the Afghan-India
                                                                                                                                                                    education School,            3 Secondary                Vocational Training
                                                                                                                                                                    Establishment of             Schools and                Center, Transfer
                                                                                                                                     PAKTIKA                        Veterinary clinics           Maulana Abulkalam          of Profissional
                                                                                                                                                                    and providing                Azad Block Hindi &         Engineering Skills to
                                                                                                                                     Construction of                equipments and               English Language           Enhineering Staff
                                             HELMAND                          KANDAHAR                                               3 primary Schools,
                   NIMROZ                                                                                                                                           Setting up of 2              Departments
                                                                                                         GHAZNI                      Setting up of                  Comprehensive
                                                                                                                                     2 Basic Health                 Health Centres
                                                                                                         Construction of             Clinics, 2 Secondary
                                                                                                         3 Comprehensive             Schools, 3 High
                                                                                                         Health Clinics,             Schools, 20 Class              KAPISA
                                                                                                         Pushte Chooob high          rooms, 94 Water
                                                                                                         School and 18 Class         Points (Bore wells)            Construction of
                                                                                                         rooms                       and Setting up of              one Midwifery
                                                                                                                                     basic Health Clinics           center and Nursing
                                                                                                                                                                    dormitory, 550 m
                                                       GHOR                      KANDAHAR                                                                           long Retaining
                 FARAH                                                                                                                                              Wall, 24 Class
                                                                                                                                     LOGAR                          rooms, Drilling of                Restoration of Stor Palace
                                                       Construction of           Construction of
                 Construction of                                                                                                                                    100 m deep well,
                                                       30 Class rooms,           a Criket Stadium,                                   Construction of
                 422 m projection                                                                                                                                   water tank and
                                                       Walkway and               30 Beds Hospital                                    Logar Higher
                 wall                                                                                                                                               landscaping works
                                                       Grassing of football      a Basic Health                                      Education Institute
                                                       ground, Sport             Clinics, Setting up                                 Teaching building,
  NIMROOZ                   HELMAND                    stadium, 2 x 11m          of Comprehensive                                    4 storey Dormitory/            LAGHMAN
                                                       Canal intake and          Health Centre and                                   Hostel building for
  Setting up of 3           Construction of            40 m long RCC             Establishment of                                                                   Construction of
  Basic Health Clinics      4 Comprehensive                                                                                          institute and 16
                                                       bridge                    Veterinary clinics                                  Class rooms                    2 Basic Health
  and Construction of       Health Clinics and                                   and providing                                                                      Centers, Kitchen
  1 primary School          16 Class rooms                                       equipments                                                                         and dining Hall in
  and 8 Class rooms,                                                                                                                 WARDAK                         laghman University                Habibia High School
  4 Comprehensive                                                                                                                                                   and Cement
  Health Clinic and                                                               URUZGAN                                            Construction of a              Concrete Road
  Rehabilitation of                                                                                                                  complex Institute of
                                                                                  Construction of                                    Administration and
  irrigation canals
                                                                                  2 Comprehensive                                    accounting and 30              PAKTIA
                                                                                  Health Clinics and                                 Beds Hospital
                                                                                  16 Class rooms                                                                    Setting up of
                                                                                  and Green House                                                                   104 water points
                                                                                  establishment/                ZABUL                                               (Bore wells),
                                                                                  installation                                                                      2 Health Basic
                                                                                                                Construction of }                                   Clinics, Construction
                                                                                                                41 water points                                     of 46 Water Points                Afghan Parliament
                                                                                                                (Bore wells) and                                    (Bore wells), One
                                                                                                                Setting up of 35                                    High School and
                                                                                                                water points (Bore                                  20 Class rooms
Road from Zaranj to Delaram
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