Page created by Jimmie Hammond

                       2020 provided investors with a challenging roadmap which required
                       both agility and conviction to navigate.

                       An already slowing economy combined with a reluctantly accom-
                       modative Federal Reserve early in the year left investors facing
                       elevated valuations against a weakening earnings backdrop even
                       before the global pandemic fully took hold. The cautious stance we
                       adopted in January and February paid off, allowing UBP managed
                       portfolios to contain the damage wreaked by the shortest, sharpest
                       sell-off in equity market history.

                       With fiscal policy-makers joining central banks in the largest globally
Michaël Lok            coordinated easing ever, we were able to swiftly align our portfolios’
Group CIO and Co-CEO   positioning with that reflationary stance in the spring. Recognising that
Asset Management       the effects of the ‘corona crisis’ and low yields were set to last led
                       to a large-scale adjustment of both our bond and equity allocations
                       as we offloaded the traditional ballast of multi-asset portfolios.

                       Similarly, amid the deepest recession since the Great Depression,
                       a focus on balance sheet strength and corporate quality helped
                       us navigate the early days of the crisis. Anticipating a wholesale
                       transformation of the structure of the global economy, we have
                       favoured transformation themes in healthcare and technology to
                       drive our equity allocations through much of 2020. Those secular
                       trends should continue to spread as economies seek to pick up in
                       the new year. The development of 21st-century infrastructure to
                       address climate change and a new digital landscape should take
                       centre-stage in this transition.

                       In 2021, a move from monetary-led to fiscal-led policy means shifting
                       political landscapes in the US, the UK, Europe and China will create
                       both opportunities and risks for investors. For bond investors, a
                       risk-managed approach will be prudent in the new year as defaults
                       resulting from the health crisis continue to materialise. Meanwhile
                       central banks are expected to be active, leading to a continuing US
                       dollar bear market and a gold bull market.

                       With low-risk government bonds no longer offering the same protection
                       as in previous recessions, investors will need to adopt a dynamic
                       risk management approach. Options, futures, and structured product
                       strategies remain an active part of the UBP arsenal in addition to hedge
                       fund, precious metal and forex strategies, to maintain our commitment
                       to preserving and growing our clients’ wealth in challenging market

                          INVE ST ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1                                     | 3

                                                                         THE US DOLLAR BEAR
 ACTIVISM                                                                MARKET CONTINUES

 Macroeconomic Outlook                                                   Currencies

                         page 6                                                        page 10

                                  WHERE TO NOW
                                  FOR FIXED INCOME

                                  Fixed Income
                                                               page 12

                                                                         THE RISE OF CHINA

                     page 14                                                           page 16

4 |                               INVES T ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1
                          PRECIOUS METALS:
                          VARYING TINTS


                                                      page 18

                                                                   EQUIPPED FOR
UNITED STATES                                                      THE WEATHER

US Elections                                                       Responsible Investment

                page 20                                                                 page 22

                          STAYING ACTIVE IN
                          RISK MANAGEMENT

                          Alternative Risk Management

                                                      page 23

                            INVE ST ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1                             | 5
1                    MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK

                     THE RISE OF FISCAL
          Global growth should recover in 2021, with China, the US and Germany being the
          main drivers. Monetary and fiscal policies are coming together to support a sustained
          recovery; fiscal activism is likely to dominate with public spending driving efforts to
          kick-start the economy.

       ccording to our scenario, all      EUR 750 billion or 5% of European                In China, medium-term economic
       countries should see renewed       GDP – will result in effective support           development targets will clarify the
       growth in 2021. Economies          for struggling countries and industries.         country’s new policy direction in 2021.
have seen a gradual upturn since
summer 2020, although the                                                                     China, Germany and the US are
resurgence of Covid-19 cases                                                                  likely to see growth driven more by
and new local restrictions are                                                                investment and global trade. The
hampering the recovery at the end                                                             recovery from recession has been
of the year. After a deep recession,
all countries should bounce back in
                                              New fiscal                                      driven by firm consumer spending
                                                                                              and buoyant real-estate markets.
2021, and we expect global growth
of around 5% after a contraction           stimulus plans                                     The gradual fall in unemployment
                                                                                              in 2021 should keep consumer
of 3.2% in 2020.
                                          will be required                                    spending on a positive trend.

                                           to support the
However, not all countries will                                                               The growth outlook depends on
recover to the same extent. China                                                             how well the pandemic is kept

                                          recovery in 2021.
(+2% in 2020 and +7.5% forecast                                                               under control and on the early
for 2021), the United States (-4.2%                                                           arrival of a vaccine, which would
in 2020 and +4.2% in 2021) and                                                                improve visibility on the economic
Germany (-5% in 2020 and +5%                                                                  cycle and prompt a reassessment
in 2021) have already rebounded                                                               of the economic scenario.
more quickly than other countries,
allowing them to make a larger
                                                                            W O RL D G D P G RO W T H
contribution to the recovery. In the
rest of the world, economies are more      8    %                     U S & C H I N A C O N T RI BU T I O N
fragile – with a contraction of 4.7%
expected in 2020 outside the three         6
aforementioned countries, followed
                                                                                      World GDP growth
by growth of 4.3% in 2021 – and the
resources to underpin the upturn are
more limited.
The political landscape should be
more settled in 2021 after the final       0
result of the US presidential election
is established, giving us renewed
clarity on the direction of US economic   -2
policy and the global economic
cycle. In Europe, the vote in favour             US
of the Recovery Fund – amounting to              Other advanced
                                                 Other emerging
                                               2006       2008       2010       2012       2014       2016    2018        2020

                                                                                                                     Sources: IMF, UBP

6 |                                            INVES T ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1
GOVER NM ENT DEB T                                                 output, so governments increased
                                                                                                 their support, extended their plans (to
                                                                                                 more than 12% of GDP in total) and
      as % of GDP    WWI          WWII                                      as % of GDP
140                                                                                       140    offered state guarantees for certain
                                                                                                 business loans (almost 10% of GDP
                                                                                                 in developed countries).
120                                                                                       120

                                                                                                 As we approach the end of the
100                                                                                       100    year, monetary and fiscal policies
                                                                                                 are co-ordinated, with the adoption
                                            Developed countries
 80                                                                                       80     of common goals. Efforts to boost
                                                                                                 economies now involve expansionary
 60                                                                                       60     fiscal policies, which will be partly
                                                                                                 monetised by central banks until
                                                                                                 there is a return to full employment
 40                                                                                       40
                                                                                                 or until inflation rises above 2%. As
                                                                             lockdown            a result, there has been a major shift
 20                                                                                       20     in economic policy, which is likely to
                                            Emerging countries        Financial
                                                                        crisis                   remain in place until 2025.
  0                                                                                       0
   1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020                    Long-term growth prospects
                                                     Sources: IMF, Maddison Database Project
                                                                                                 The pace of the recovery and the
                                                                                                 duration of the growth phase are
However, growth remains fragile,             financial assets and extended the list              therefore likely to be determined
uneven between countries and                 of assets they can buy. There has                   by fiscal decisions taken in 2021.
between manufacturing and services,          been aggressive monetary stimulus,                  Following on from emergency
and still needs to be carefully nurtured     avoiding a financial crisis by
by economic policy. Sustained growth         ensuring access to credit
in the global economy requires further       and the normal operation of
fiscal support, especially in developed      financial markets.

A new era of economic policy
                                             Fiscal policy then picked up
                                             the baton, with plans intended                          Fiscal
                                             to support public health, jobs
In 2020, central banks cut their policy      and struggling industries.

                                                                                                   has been
interest rates to zero or pushed them        However, those measures
further into negative territory, injected    appeared insufficient to

                                                                                                postponed until
liquidity, increased their purchases of      address the slump in global

                                                                                                  after 2024.

                                                 INVE ST ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1                                                | 7
m e a s u re s , w e e x p e c t u p c o m i n g    maintain support for furloughing plans           expected in China and in Japan, and
initiatives to focus on structural                  and certain sectors. EU countries will           in the United Kingdom to accompany
spending that will have a knock-on                  present new stimulus plans in order              its departure from the European
effect on medium-term growth.                       to access money from the European                Union. Fiscal consolidation has been
                                                    Commission’s Recovery Fund: France               postponed until after 2021–2024 in the
In practical terms, governments could               has already put forward a EUR 100                major countries, including Germany.
allocate less money to providing direct,            billion plan, Germany is proposing
short-term support to households                    more than EUR 90 billion of new debt,            In 2021, we expect a shift towards
and certain sectors, and more to                    and Spain is preparing an EUR 80                 structural programmes within public
stimulating investment. Public-sector               billion programme. Other measures are            spending, with a focus on investment
deficits should be lower next                                                                        in infrastructure, new technologies,
year (6% in 2021 after 12% in                                                                        environmental and climate protection,
2020 in developed countries)                                                                         and public–private partnerships. These
as certain exceptional aid                                                                           priorities feature in the European
plans come to an end, but                                                                            stimulus plan, the Biden programme
fiscal efforts will continue,
easing the fears of the IMF
                                              Public debt levels                                     and also, to a lesser extent, the
                                                                                                     Trump programme, which retains a
and central banks regarding a
sudden withdrawal of support.
                                                are bearable                                         commitment to new infrastructure
                                                                                                     projects from his first term.

In the US, each candidate is                     because of                                          Efforts to restore growth are vital

proposing additional spending                                                                        to counteract the fall in potential
(potentially a net USD 2 trillion                                                                    growth that has taken place since

with Biden and USD 1.0–                                                                              the 2008 crisis. As we emerge from
1.5 trillion with Trump) and                                                                         the current crisis, public spending
reforms if elected president.                                                                        will spearhead a sustained recovery
In Europe, several countries                                                                         because of its knock-on effects on
have announced that they will                                                                        output, private-sector investment,
                                                                                                     jobs and productivity. Government
                                                                                                     stimulus is therefore shaping a new
                  MULTI P LIER EFFECTS OF P UB LI C IN V E ST ME N T                                 post-Covid global economy, speeding
                                if inc re a s e d b y 1% of G D P                                    up shifts that were taking place before
      % deviation from
                                                                                                     the pandemic hit.
                                                                                                     This new phase of fiscal stimulus
10                                                                                                   will keep budget deficits high for the
                                                                                                     foreseeable future, with public debt
                                                                                                     levels remaining well above 100% of
  8                                                                                                  GDP in all developed countries. Such
                                                                                                     debt burdens are bearable since
                                                                                                     monetary policy will finance part of the
                                                                                                     debt through purchases of government
                                                                                                     bonds, as well as keeping interest
  4                                                                                                  rates low, beneath the rate of growth.
                   2.7                                                                               As a result, debt servicing will not be a
                                                                                                     problem if investor trust is maintained,
                                                                                 1.2                 accepting low yields in return for the
                                                                                                     hope of a stronger recovery in the
                                                                                                     medium term, while waiting for a
                 Output                   Private investment                 Employment
                                                                                                     vaccine to become available.

                                                                                       Source: IMF

8 |                                                       INVES T ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1

    nflation has been very volatile in      1.3% in 2021. The United States is          0.25% on average this year to 0.6%
    2020. It fell significantly in the      expected to see an increase from 1.2%       next, still well below the ECB’s target.
    second quarter due to lower             to 1.8% on average, with variations
commodity prices and the economic           between an expected low of 1.1% and         In emerging countries, aggregate
shutdown, before rebounding in all          a high of more than 2.5%, providing         inflation is likely to average 3% in
countries as lockdowns were eased           retrospective justification for the Fed’s   2020 and 2.5% in 2021. It should
and oil prices stabilised. Transport,       decision to focus on average inflation.     stay moderate after some currencies
security and health-related costs rose      If large-scale fiscal stimulus measures     (e.g. the Turkish lira and some Latin
sharply because of the pandemic.            are adopted, the upturn in US inflation     American currencies) saw significant
There was also firm demand for certain      could be sharper than expected.             depreciation in 2020. In China, it is
consumer goods such as sport, leisure                                                   likely to average around 2% after
and vehicles. At the end of the year,       In the United Kingdom, inflation is         jumping sharply because of higher
VAT cuts in Germany and the United          expected to average 0.9% in 2020 and        pork prices.
Kingdom have added to the volatility        1.6% in 2021, but the likely increase in
in inflation indices by pushing prices      transport prices and trade tariffs due      In 2021, inflation will be volatile,
temporarily lower. Disinflation risk        to Brexit could push it up more than        showing an upward trend in developed
lingers because demand remains              anticipated.                                countries as the year goes on. In
fragile, and central banks are still wary                                               a d d i t i o n , t h e e ff e c t o f c u r re n c y
of this risk.                               In the eurozone, inflation has moved        movements on imported inflation
                                            into negative territory in late 2020        could amplify differences between
Our outlook for 2021 includes a             because of lockdown measures, VAT           geographical zones.
gradual rise in inflation in developed      cuts and the strong euro. It is expected
countries in aggregate from 0.7% to         to recover slowly in 2021, rising from

                                               INVE ST ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1                                                      | 9
2                          CURRENCIES

                           THE US DOLLAR BEAR
                           MARKET CONTINUES
             We believe that the US dollar bear market, which started in March this year, is set to
             continue into 2021 and even to accelerate. In particular, we expect the currency to
             drop against the euro, Swiss franc, Chinese yuan and Japanese yen. Gold will benefit
             from continuing dollar weakness, although emerging-market currencies are unlikely
             to see any major appreciation against the dollar.

    n March, the US Federal Reserve                  further, such as explicit yield curve                      rapid deterioration in the US current
    cut its Fed funds target range to                c o n t ro l . T h i s s t r a t e g y, c u r re n t l y   account. The deficit is close to 3% of
    0.00–0.25%, from 1.50–1.75%                      pursued by the Bank of Japan,                              US GDP, and is likely to widen rapidly
at the beginning of the year. The                    would suppress bond yields within                          during 2021. Because the US budget
Fed also adopted a new quantitative                  tight ranges across the yield curve,                       deficit is set to remain large, close
easing programme, although there                     preventing them from rising as a result                    to the current 13% of GDP, further
are significant differences relative                 of increasing inflation expectations,                      economic recovery is likely to cause
t o p re v i o u s p ro g r a m m e s , s i n c e    and so weaken the dollar even further.                     the current-account deficit to increase
the current one is open-ended and                    In the absence of a political agreement                    sharply. Since the dollar is fully valued
includes purchases of corporate                      on fiscal stimulus, the Fed may also                       according to most measures, it could
b o n d s . C r u c i a l l y, t h e F e d a l s o   activate its private loan facilities, which                easily weaken materially in the next 12
opened foreign exchange swap lines                   may turn into a guarantee programme                        months. In the past, similar scenarios
with both advanced-economy and                       for consumers and small businesses,                        have seen it fall by between 20% and
emerging-market central banks to                     like the one in the UK: this could                         30% on a trade-weighted basis over
improve liquidity conditions outside                 further expand its balance sheet, also                     subsequent years.
the United States. Over the following                causing the dollar to depreciate.
months, the dollar lost ground against                                                                          Indeed, when US growth is moderate
most G10 currencies – with those                     One of the main reasons for dollar                         and global growth is resurgent – the
showing higher interest-rate profiles                weakness in the year ahead will be a                       scenario that is most applicable to
outperforming – while its performance
against emerging-market currencies
was more mixed.
                                                                        T H E U SD W E AK E N S F O L L O W I N G U S RE C E SSI O N S

Coming into 2021, we anticipate that
the dollar may continue to suffer from               130                                                    US recession                                    1

Fed policies announced in late 2020.
Not only does the Fed intend to keep                 120
rates on hold until at least 2023, it
has now adopted average inflation
targeting. Even before the pandemic,                 110
the US was one of the few economies                                                                              DXY Index (LHS)
producing inflation. If it continues to              100
do so after the pandemic, but without
a policy response from the Fed, the
resulting periods of inflation overshoot               90
will reduce the US dollar’s purchasing
power and it is likely to weaken

The Fed also has additional tools it                   70                                                                                                   0
can deploy to ease financial conditions                     2000                  2005                   2010               2015                2020

                                                                                                                   Sources: UBP, Bloomberg Finance L.P., NY Fed

10 |                                                       INVES T ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1
A worsening US
        current account
      deficit and political
       forces will weigh
         on the dollar.

                                                                                 U SD / J PY FAI R VAL U E I S BE L O W 1 0 0

2021 – the dollar has historically                     135                                                                                            6
been weak. The risk of the dollar
appreciating could emerge in two                                                   USD–JPY real yield diff. (RHS)
scenarios. The first is when the                       125
US enjoys a large growth premium
over the rest of the world. With the
Chinese economy already transitioning                  115
from recovery to expansion and co-                                                                                                                    2
ordinated fiscal stimulus set to emerge
in Europe in early 2021, this scenario
appears unlikely.                                                                                                                                     0
The second scenario for dollar
appreciation is when risk aversion rises
to extreme levels, as in the 2008–09                    85
global financial crisis and the initial                                                                      USD/JPY (LHS)
stages of the Covid-19 pandemic
(January–March 2020). Given the                         75                                                                                            -4
                                                             2004               2008                2012               2016                 2020
proactive nature of global fiscal and
monetary policymakers, this risk is                                                                                  Sources: UBP, Bloomberg Finance L.P.
likely to be modest and transient.

There are also substantial political
f a c t o r s w e i g h i n g o n t h e d o l l a r.   to global growth. The likes of the                  Unlike in the period following the
Politicians and monetary authorities                   Australian, New Zealand and Canadian                global financial crisis, we do not
will use all of their clout to keep the                dollars, as well as the Swedish krona               expect significant dollar weakness
dollar down, since stronger USD                        and the euro, will fare well in this                against emerging-market currencies,
exchange rates tend to be deflationary                 scenario.                                           which are demonstrating limited carry
and there is a close correlation                                                                           this time around in both nominal and
between an excessively strong US                       However, if global growth proves                    relative terms. Indeed, many of them,
dollar and emerging-market debt                        weaker than anticipated, safe-haven                 including the Brazilian real, the Turkish
defaults. A stronger dollar would also                 currencies should outperform. Even if it            lira and the South African rand, are
further widen the US trade deficit,                    does not, the Swiss franc and Japanese              showing substantially negative real
which is already considerable even                     yen will strengthen against the US                  interest rates. Because the Fed will
after oil imports are stripped out. In a               dollar due to dollar weakness, but                  keep rates low for at least the next
demand-deficient world, no-one wins                    any deterioration in risk sentiment will            two years, emerging countries’ central
from stronger USD exchange rates.                      accelerate the dollar’s decline against             banks will be reluctant to raise rates
                                                       these currencies. We see USD/CHF                    given weak global demand. In our view,
Global manufacturing PMI figures bode                  dropping to near 0.81 by the end of                 therefore, their currencies will struggle
well for currencies highly exposed                     2021, and USD/JPY to close to 101.00.               to appreciate against the dollar in 2021.

                                                             INVE ST ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1                                                   | 11
3                    FIXED INCOME

                    WHERE TO NOW FOR
                    FIXED INCOME INVESTORS?
          With the approaching end of the bond bull market that began in the early 1980s as the
          battle with the ‘Great Inflation’ of the 1970s was won, investors should be cautious:
          the transition into an outright bond bear market will likely be fraught with volatility
          as the global economy is pulled between post-lockdown deflationary pressures and
          fiscal and monetary reflationary efforts.

       he high gover nment and                                                                                          Near 1.5% should be an adequate
       private debt levels that                                                                                         inflation assumption even if an
       have culminated in the                                                                                           extended tug of war between
unprecedented fiscal spending of
2020 will serve to contain the rise
                                             An approach                                                                deflationary forces and inflationary
                                                                                                                        policies lies ahead.
in risk-free 10-year yields even
if growth returns as expected in         focused on quality                                                            With negative inflation-adjusted
2021. Negative inflation-adjusted
yield curves, we expect, will be             credit should                                                             yields expected and a rebound
                                                                                                                       in inflation well priced into low-

                                            secure modest
a policy objective to assist in the                                                                                    risk gover nment bonds, fixed
deleveraging process just as the                                                                                       income investors will need to look

                                           returns in 2021.
Federal Reserve did in the 1940s                                                                                       further afield for returns. Already
as the US entered World War II.                                                                                        in recovery and the early stage of
                                                                                                                       expansion, the Chinese economy
This should leave US 10-year                                                                                           has seen domestic government
Treasury yields capped near 1%,                                                                                        yields rising from the March 2020
at least until inflation accelerates                                                                                   all-time lows. At 3–3.5%, Chinese
beyond the Fed’s 2% target. At           away from past disinflationary                                                gover nment bond yields offer
the same time, should a renewed          decades, we suggest caution. Post-                                        near historic pick-ups versus US and
demand shock materialise, we suspect     lockdown demand scares should                                             German yields in a currency that, in
American policy-makers will apply the    offer opportunities to build positions                                    particular against the US dollar, should
lessons learned from Japan: they will    when inflation becomes underpriced.                                       strengthen in the year ahead.
seek to maintain a positively sloping
yield curve and keep the benchmark
US bond yield anchored above 0.5%                                                             L O O K T O E U RO PE AN H YBRI D SE C U RI T I E S
in support of the US banking system                                                               I N ST E AD O F U S H I G H -YI E L D C RE D I T
and financial markets.                                                       100

Benchmark German yields should
follow a similar pattern though                                                50
anchored below the zero bound that
has been in place since early 2019.
                                         US high yield ex energy OAS (bps)

With the benefits of negative rates                                             0
                                               Global CoCo OAS less

apparently largely exhausted and with
the US central bank adamant that it                                           -50
will not pursue a negative nominal
interest rate policy, German yields
even lower than the -0.8% low seen                                           -100
in March 2020 should underlie euro
area yields in 2021.
Though inflation-linked bonds might
be attractive as the world transitions
                                                                                    2014   2015       2016       2017        2018         2019         2020

                                                                                                                  Sources: Barclays, Bloomberg Finance L.P. and UBP

12 |                                                                INVES T ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1
Credit investors, though, should be         spreads relative to US credit. USD-
increasingly selective in 2021 as the       referenced investors can similarly look
default cycle that typically follows        to European banks’ hybrid securities
a global recession has not played           which offer premium yields to high-
out fully, having been extended             yielding securities despite an implied
by gover nment intervention. This           backstop from the European Central
should favour active credit selection       Bank. Once again, active credit
rather than the passive investment          selection will be critical in both of these
approaches that have worked well over       arenas in the year ahead.
the past decade. A focus on quality
while looking through what will likely      On balance, an approach focused on
be near-term volatility to hold quality     quality credit should allow investors
credits to maturity should be valuable      to look beyond a further pick-up in
during this transition phase.               corporate defaults and the attendant
                                            near-term volatility to secure modest
Like in government bonds, investors         returns in 2021. Alternatively, long/
can find respite by looking outside the     short credit or equity market-neutral
US and Europe, we expect. Despite           strategies may offer approaches to
being further along in the recovery         generating return that are less correlated
cycle, Asian investment-grade credit        to the vagaries of a fixed-income market
still offers investors cyclically wide      in the midst of a long-cycle transition.


        hina government bonds offer         interest rate-driven policies in contrast
        fixed-income and multi-asset        to the quantitative easing strategies
        investors an ability to invest as   now at the forefront of policy in the
they had prior to the zero interest-rate    US, the euro area, Japan and the UK.
regimes proliferating around the world.     For investors, this means that, should        Moreover, should the more durable
They provide both high nominal and          another negative shock occur and              Chinese economic expansion we
positive inflation-adjusted yields in an    threaten China’s economic growth,             expect materialise, this historically
economy that is still running relatively    government bond investors can still           wide gap between China and US 10-
traditional monetary policy.                benefit from the prospect of falling yields   year yields should allow investors
                                            to drive potential capital gains.             in local currency to benefit from an
At more than 3%, 10-year local-                                                           appreciating currency to augment their
currency gover nment yields have            Admittedly, with the Chinese economy          local currency income. This, combined
rebounded following their lockdown-         transitioning from the recovery phase         with ongoing opening up of local bond
induced declines to levels last seen        of recent quarters into broader-              markets to foreign investors, should
in early January 2020, nearly 130 bps       based expansion, investors do face            support the Chinese currency.
above China’s recent consumer price         the prospect of a further rise in
inflation trends as well as its 5-year      China’s benchmark yields. However,            Thus, just as the global and eurozone
average. This is in marked contrast         much as US yields were anchored by            financial crises pushed conservative
to the near- or below-zero nominal          European investors fleeing negative           investors further down the credit
and inflation-adjusted yields offered       yields following the eurozone financial       spectrum to generate positive returns,
by major economies’ sovereign bonds         crisis, we suspect the historically           fixed-income and multi-asset investors
in North America and Europe.                wide spreads between China and                should now look further afield to China
                                            US/European government yields may             government bonds to serve the same
China’s central bank, the People’s Bank     serve to prevent Chinese yields from          purpose, in the shadow of the 2020
of China, continues to run traditional,     rising too quickly.                           coronavirus crisis.

                                                INVE ST ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1                                         | 13
4                           EQUITIES

                           INVESTING IN
             The months since the start of the global pandemic have spurred changes to the global
             economy that, even with a vaccine and a return to ‘normal’, will likely not reverse.
             Themes like fintech, green tech, and China’s economic transition, in addition to biotech
             and online services, will be key for investors in 2021.

                                                                      G RE E N E N E RG Y F O L L O W I N G RE TAI L’ S PAT T E RN
       he extent to which transformative                                              BU T W I T H V O L AT I L I T Y
       growth themes have outpaced
       m o re t r a d i t i o n a l e c o n o m i c    2500
segments in the 2020 equity market
rally has understandably left investors
cautious about its sustainability.                     2000
However, they should not overlook
the cyclical and structural collapse                                 Amazon.com rel. to Wal-Mart stores (indexed)
in earnings (chart) that has resulted                  1500
from pronounced sales declines
among sectors being left behind in the
transformation of the global economy.                  1000

Much like the internet and mobile
computing served as transformative                      500                                                       NASDAQ Green Energy Index
growth themes amidst the volatility of                                                                            rel. to MSCI World Energy Index
the technology bubble at the turn of                                                                              (lagged 5 years)
the century, we expect a number of                        0
long-cycle themes will be integral parts                      2005                 2010                    2015                     2020
in this cycle’s global, post-pandemic
                                                                                                Sources: NASDAQ, MSCI, Bloomberg Finance L.P. and UBP
economic reshaping.

In retrospect, the collapse of the                    other aspects of day-to-day life are still       In the West, the penetration of fintech
technology bubble in 2001 provided                    at a comparatively early stage of their          at the expense of traditional banking
only a temporary, though painful,                     online transition, much like shopping and        relationships remains in its infancy and
detour from the secular trends at                     entertainment were in the early 2000s.           provides investors with a pivot from
the time, including the transition                                                                         more mature transformation stories.
from desktop to mobile computing                                                                           Similarly, while opportunities remain
and from offline to online activity.                                                                       in biotech, the pandemic has also
We expect a number of trends in                                                                            accelerated the need for alternative
the current era will likewise have                                                                         service delivery options in the

                                                       Investors should
staying power.                                                                                             medical arena, including telehealth
                                                                                                           and remote, robotic surgery.
Though consumer-oriented tech-
nology and the biotech sectors
have been at the forefront of
                                                         broaden their                                     T h e g re e n t r a n s f o r m a t i o n o f
                                                                                                           the global economy also offers
investors’ minds amidst the work-
from-home pandemic economy of
                                                          scope to key                                     opportunities spurred on not only
                                                                                                           by the broader environmental
2020, investors should broaden
their scope to other key themes                       themes reshaping                                     movement, but now increasingly by
                                                                                                           government funding and regulation
that will be integral to reshaping the
world in the decade ahead. While                           the world.                                      to accelerate this process (see
                                                                                                           page 22).
online shopping and entertainment
will likely continue gaining share                                                                         China is once again in transformation
from offline consumer activities,                                                                          mode, shifting its focus from

14 |                                                     INVES T ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1
exports to improving the quality,
sustainability, and independence                 RISE EVEN HIGHER?
of its domestic growth profile. The

transformation of China’s domestic
capital markets will likely be an                           ith equity valuations globally,   Looking ahead to 2021, this
important story for the coming decade,                      and particularly in the US, at    distinction is important, since
creating investment opportunities in its                    levels last seen in the midst     investors are potentially facing a
burgeoning domestic equity and bond              of the 1999–2000 technology bubble,          different landscape from the one
markets (see page 16).                           the rise in valuations behind much of        they saw back then. While valuations
                                                 the rally from the 2020 market lows          are at similar levels, the earnings
Undoubtedly, as the global economy               no longer appears to be a likely driver      cycle, instead of peaking, appears
recovers, boosted by the prospect                of returns in the years ahead.               to have bottomed out in the second
of rising fiscal policy dominance                                                             quarter of this year; in the second
(see page 6), periodic bouts of                  That said, it is worth recalling that the    half, earnings have begun to recover
outperformance may be provided                   historic crash following the technology      steadily from the damage caused by
by a cyclical turn in sales growth               bubble at the turn of the century,           the global pandemic, in particular the
momentum combined with the greater               during which global equities fell by         lockdowns that took place early this
leverage to global recovery that some            half, came after nearly two and a half       year and that have resumed in some
of these traditional sectors offer.              years in which valuations remained           parts of the world in late 2020.
                                                 above 22x forward earnings, where
Here, though, investors should focus             markets sit today.                           With earnings still contracting year-
on quality cyclical companies that                                                            on-year in this second half, investors
have substantially completed their               Indeed, the collapse in valuations           are likely still in the early stages of
transformations and restructurings.              from an ultimate peak of 27x earnings        this rebound in earnings. Of course,
Strong balance sheets are a good                 to a trough of 14x earnings did not          an economic upturn will be important
starting point. However, sectors                 begin until October 2000, shortly            for the next phase of the earnings
which, pre-pandemic, were already                after the US Federal Reserve’s final         recovery. However, as highlighted
in prolonged downturns that forced               rate hike. However, a more important         in our discussion on the economic
deleveraging, consolidation and                  factor behind the subsequent decline         outlook for 2021, expected fiscal
underinvestment may offer attractive             was the turn in earnings momentum            activism should help provide the
cyclical opportunities as these                  – where growing earnings became              catalyst for that next phase in the
reversals occur. Select industrial               falling ear nings – that began in            coming year.
s e g m e n t s s h a re s o m e o f t h e s e   earnest in 2001.
characteristics, as does mining around                                                        Undoubtedly, the upcoming earnings
the world (see page 19).                         As a result, while the 2001–02               recovery will be patchy, as some
                                                 experience highlights the fact that          sectors may see permanent damage in
With equity valuations high as we enter          high valuations can limit returns,           the decade ahead from the new world
2021, like in 2000, risk management              events in 1999–2000 show that                that is taking shape. However, this
will be key. A quality-biased, risk-             valuations can remain high for an            probably means that active, thematic
m a n a g e d a p p ro a c h f o c u s e d o n   extended period, leaving earnings            and stock selection-focused investors
sustainable earnings momentum in the             growth as the key driver for total           will continue to hold the key to returns,
context of traditional long-only or even         returns even in the context of a wider       instead of the passive, index-oriented
long/short strategies in particularly            bubble in equity market valuations.          approach seen in the last decade.
volatile sectors should provide a good

                                                 INVE ST ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1                                           | 15
5                      CHINA

                       THE RISE OF CHINA
           2021 represents not only the transition from recovery to expansion in the post-
           lockdown Chinese economy, but more importantly for investors, the final runway as
           China approaches the symbolic 100th anniversary of the establishment of the People’s
           Republic of China in 1949.

     ince introducing economic
     reforms that began in 1978 to
     open its economy up to the
world, with its ultimate ascension to
the World Trade Organization in 2001,
China has been seen as an export
engine to the world.

Looking to the last couple of decades of
the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC)
first century, investors should expect
this outward focus on growth to turn
increasingly inwards, towards quality
and sustainable domestic growth, with
a number of important implications.

The first is a shift in foreign exchange
policy. After its devaluation shock in
2015 and its trade war with the US in                                                           China is
2018–19, assuming US–China tensions
remain contained, the prospect has                                                            increasingly
                                                                                           turning inwards,
emerged of a strengthening yuan as
a tool for China to manage potential

                                                                                            towards quality
domestic inflationary pressures (chart).      With China set to unveil its 14th
                                              five-year plan, investors should
The second implication is a further           continue the tried and tested
opening up of the previously restricted
domestic capital markets to foreign
                                              approach of aligning themselves
                                              with the objectives of the ruling
                                                                                            and sustainable
investors. The still substantially positive
nominal interest rates, in a currency
                                              party as it seeks to strengthen the
                                              foundation of its economy.
                                                                                           domestic growth.
that is expected to strengthen, offers
sovereign bond investors a haven from         Technology is one key theme, as
the low returns across the global fixed       China’s recent announcement of
income segment.                               its ambitious target of carbon neutrality    five-year plan. The accelerating take-
                                              by 2060, along with its efforts in 5G as     up of online education, healthcare
Thirdly, the domestic focus will likely       well as artificial intelligence, highlight   and other services due to lockdowns
also come with the need to contend            its pursuit of leadership in key 21st-       should deepen the penetration of the
with past credit excesses. Defaults,          century technologies. This includes the      virtual economy in China.
though non-systemic in nature, should         digital payments segment where China
become more commonplace as the                looks set to be the first major nation to    These ambitious aspirations are not
clean-up of the financial system once         launch a central bank digital currency.      completely without risks, admittedly.
again picks up pace. Combining select                                                      C y c l i c a l l y, e q u i t y v a l u a t i o n s a re
credits with Chinese gover nment              Stemming rising income inequality            elevated though earnings expectations
bonds will offer investors a balanced         and a focus on the quality of domestic       a re l i k e l y t o f a i l t o c a p t u re t h e
risk–return profile in a shifting Chinese     economic growth should take                  economic recovery that lies ahead.
fixed income arena.                           increasing focus as well in the coming       In fixed income, recovery suggests

16 |                                             INVES T ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1
                                                                         D O ME ST I C RE F O RM PO L I C I E S

                                             300                                                                                       5.6

                                             250                                                                                       5.8
                                                           China 10-yr yield less US 10-yr yield (bps; fwd 6 mos)
                                             200                                                                                       6.0
cyclically rising yields but we expect
the anchor of low rates in the US and        150                                                                                       6.2
Europe to slow this rise. As a result, we
believe thematic and stock-selection         100                                                                                       6.4
approaches are preferable to passive,
index-oriented strategies within China.       50                                                                                       6.6

Beyond these cyclical challenges,              0                                                                                       6.8
modest efforts to reform and
                                             -50                         USD/CNY (RHS, inverted)                                       7.0
restructure China’s domestic financial
system have been derailed by                 -100                                                                                      7.2
economic shocks in the past, leaving                                                                           US–China
policy-makers once again to resort to        -150                                                              trade war               7.4
traditional debt-focused infrastructure             2008      2010      2012       2014      2016      2018         2020     2022
spending to stabilise the economy.
                                                                                                    Sources: Bloomberg Finance L.P. and UBP
Moreover, with continuing tensions with
Taiwan and recent forays on its border
with India and in the South and East        shift in the geopolitical status quo in          a portion of Chinese exposure via high-
China Sea, it appears clear that the        these theatres could be even more                quality long/short equity hedge fund
PRC is seeking to clarify its territorial   destabilising for the global economy.            strategies allowing investors to remain
claims. Thus, while the recent US–                                                           engaged in long-term transformation
China trade war upended the WTO-led         Given these geopolitical struggles               themes while maintaining active risk
world trade order, a more pronounced        and the risk of escalation, we prefer            management (see page 23).


      he pandemic and the shutdown          According to a recent study 1, China’s           Moving production back to developed
      of the global economy have hit        share of US manufacturing imports fell           countries is also no simple task:
      trade and revealed weaknesses         in 2018 and 2019, and the decline has            studies show that this tends to
in production chains: industrialised        continued in 2020 due to the general             involve heavy use of robot process
countries have been shown to be             slowdown in trade, with companies                automation, which requires highly
highly dependent on products made           moving some of their Chinese                     qualified staff. The need to access the
in emerging countries, including            production to other Asian countries              right technology and highly specialised
medicines, medical equipment,               and Mexico. High-profile companies               labour, and to rebuild a network of
automotive components, food, rare           like Google, Omnidex, Microsoft,                 subcontractors, may slow down the
earths and technological hardware.          Apple and GoPro have left China.                 reshoring process.
                                            However, they have remained close
This has prompted certain Western           to both China and the US – two key               While waiting for greater clarity about
gover nments to resume policies             markets – by choosing countries that             US trade policy, large corporations
seeking to entice production back           have signed trade deals with them.               are likely to continue diversifying
onto their own shores with the aid of                                                        production, securing their supply
subsidies. Is this combination of events    In fact, production had already started          chains and seeking opportunities
resulting in significant reshoring?         to shift away from China before trade            in various countries. As a result,
                                            tensions increased, because of rising            the reindustrialisation of developed
In 2018, the escalation of the trade        Chinese wages: Vietnamese wages are              countries may prove partial, with only
war between China and the US started        half as high, while Mexican ones are             a limited withdrawal of international
to slow the growth in trade. Facing         30% lower. In addition, leaving China            companies from China.
the return of certain constraints and       is not easy for companies that want               1
                                                                                                “Trade war spurs sharp reversal in 2019
tariff barriers, international companies    exposure to the market growth driven
                                                                                             Reshoring Index, foreshadowing COVID-19
started to relocate their production.       by the rise of the Chinese middle class.         test of supply chain resilience”, Kearney 2020
                                                                                             Reshoring index

                                               INVE ST ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1                                                   | 17
6                          COMMODITIES

                        PRECIOUS METALS:
                        VARYING TINTS
              Prevailing trends look set to continue in 2021, with gold benefiting from the usual
              factors like geopolitical tensions and silver boosted by the recovery in industrial
              manufacturing, while platinum falls out of favour as demand shifts and technologies
              evolve, particularly in the auto sector.

Gold – Continuing upside
                                                 Investors are
                                                                                                      because of its safe-haven status.

                                                                                                      Even if economies reopen following
    n 2021, gold will continue to                                                                     the introduction of a Covid-19
    benefit from many of the same
    factors which drove it to new
                                                  maintaining                                         vaccine, we expect gold to benefit
                                                                                                      from the revival in consumer
all-time highs in 2020, reaching
USD 2,200 or more by year-end.                   sizeable long                                        demand, particularly in Asia.

This is consistent with future                  gold positions                                        The risk to our gold price forecast
                                                                                                      is on the upside. Investors are

                                               but will continue
growth in US M2 money supply,                                                                         maintaining sizeable long gold
and monetary policy should remain                                                                     positions, but as in 2020, they will

                                                  to prioritise
supportive: central banks around                                                                      continue to prioritise physical gold
the world are now effectively                                                                         over financial gold, meaning that
running policies involving negative                                                                   we can expect strong underlying
real interest rates, and intend
to keep them that way over the
                                                physical gold.                                        demand.

coming years. In addition, the                                                                        Silver – Higher beta to global
prospect of further quantitative              Geopolitical tensions, particularly                     growth
easing, negative deposit rates and            between the US and China, are now
negative-rate tenders is increasing           a feature of the new global landscape               For silver, we see little chance of a
the upside for gold.                          and are working in gold’s favour                    material price decline in 2021, instead
                                                                                                  expecting a rise towards USD 32 per
                                                                                                  ounce by the end of the year, with risks
               NEGATIVE R EA L Y I ELDS W ILL DR I VE G O L D H I G H E R                         firmly to the upside. Silver should be
                                                                                                  underpinned by a gradual recovery in
2200                                                                                       -2.5   the global economy, the proliferation
                                                                                                  o f g re e n p o l i c i e s a c ro s s m a j o r
                                                                                                  economies, and the same monetary
2000                                                                                       -1.5
                     US real yield (RHS, inverted)                                                factors as those supporting gold.

1800                                                                                       -0.5   Improving industrial demand since
                                                                                                  M a y, c o m b i n e d w i t h t h e f i s c a l
                                                                                                  stimulus we anticipate in early 2021,
1600                                                                                       0.5    point to a steady recovery in global
                                                                                                  manufacturing. This is positive for
                                                                                                  silver, which is used in a large number
1400                                                                                       1.5    of industrial processes.

              Gold (LHS)
                                                                                                  We expect stimulus measures to have
1200                                                                                       2.5
                                                                                                  a substantial green bias (see page 22),
                                                                                                  providing a medium-term tailwind for
1000                                                                                       3.5    silver, which is a key component in
       2010                 2013                2016                     2019                     solar panels. Moreover, with the gold–
                                                                                                  silver price ratio still above its 30-year
                                                          Sources: UBP, Bloomberg Finance L.P.

18 |                                                 INVES T ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1
average, silver remains undervalued                    more than 120,000 ounces above its        from diesel is likely to remain a drag
relative to gold.                                      previous estimate. While supply is        on the platinum price, since around
                                                       down modestly in 2020 due to Covid-       40% of demand has come from diesel
Platinum – Underperformance                            related shutdowns, demand has fallen      vehicles in recent years. Over the long
despite industrial recovery                            more.                                     term, the promise of hydrogen fuel-cell
                                                                                                 technology is positive, but for the short
In 2020, platinum was one of the                       In terms of demand from the auto          term, this is unlikely to fill the gap left
worst-performing precious/industrial                   sector, the secular transition away       by weak auto demand.
metals, failing to match the rally
seen by the likes of gold, silver
a n d p a l l a d i u m . P l a t i n u m ’s p o o r
performance is explained by a large
decline in jewellery demand, the auto
sector slowdown and significant
excess supply. Together with a shift
away from diesel vehicles, these same
factors mean that platinum is unlikely
to see any material rally in 2021.

T h e Wo r l d P l a t i n u m I n v e s t m e n t
Council now anticipates a 2020
surplus of around 247,000 ounces,


       h e c o r re c t i o n i n p re c i o u s       in late July and August should see        destroyed value for shareholders, an
       metals prices since the third                   volumes return to match the cyclically    active, quality-biased stock selection
       quarter of 2020 has provided                    high margins in the sector and drive      approach is prudent in the gold
investors with an opportunity not                      the next leg of earnings growth in        mining sector.
only to continue building positions                    2021.
in physical metals, but also to refocus                                                          Royalty companies can offer a
on the gold mining sector, which                       Indeed, despite the near all-time high    comparatively lower risk entry
should see multiple drivers beyond                     in physical gold prices, sales per        point into the sector. They provide
rising metals prices in 2021.                          share among leading gold miners still     producers with upfront financing
                                                       sit near levels last seen in 2008–09      in exchange for a share of gold
Unlike in typical gold bull markets,                   when physical gold prices were below      production or revenue generated
low energy prices and falling local                    USD 1,000 per ounce, compared with        from specific projects, leaving them
currency production costs mean that                    the USD 1,800–1,900 currently.            less exposed to operational risks than
gold miners will see their costs fall                                                            direct producers.
by as much as 13% to close to USD                      Even without this rebound in
900 per ounce, or more than 50%                        sales, high margins have allowed          On the whole, large, well-run,
below current spot gold prices. This                   leading producers to initiate or          diversified producers offer investors
expansion in profitability has been                    raise existing dividends as free          greater leverage to rising gold prices
key to the gold bull market from the                   cash flow grows within the sector,        with their diversification and long-
March 2020 lows.                                       potentially enhancing total returns       term track record providing protection
                                                       to shareholders.                          against poor capital allocation
Beyond this, with mine capacity                                                                  decisions seen among newer entrants
having shut down for much of the                       For conservative investors in a sector    into the sector.
second quarter of 2020, reopenings                     that has historically, in aggregate,

                                                          INVE ST ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1                                         | 19
7                      US ELECTIONS

                     A BRAVE NEW
                     UNITED STATES
          The unexpectedly close race for United States president presages an accelerating
          shift in the geopolitical landscape that poses greater risks for investors. Active risk
          management is increasingly important while a pivot towards transformational local
          rather than global trends is key to preserving and building wealth in this new regime.

T                                                                                      Americans voting
       he world has sighed with relief     foundations have at a minimum been
       now that, after several days of     challenged and, at least in the eyes of
       vote-counting, it appears that      America’s key allies, may have been           for Trump
Democrat Joe Biden will take over in       irreparably broken.
the White House and, above all, that
the Trump administration will come         Indeed, the four years of Donald
                                                                                       2016                     2020
to an end on 20 January 2021. Yet          Trump’s presidency have already
the tightness of the race and the          challenged bilateral relationships in      63 mn                    72.4 mn
lingering uncertainty as to which party    Europe and Asia in particular. Even
will control the Senate speak to how       a return to a more moderate 46th
                                                                                                       Source: Associated Press
heavily the change in the US will affect   president in the form of Joe Biden
the world and investors.                   may not be sufficient to dampen the
                                           distrust and restore belief in the US
Remember that the election of the
45th President of the United States
                                           as a ‘reliable partner’ 1.
                                                                                         Polling error
in 2016 came amidst a populist wave        Undoubtedly, a Biden administration          underestimating
that included the UK’s vote to leave the   will seek to reverse many measures
European Union, the rise of the Five       taken by its predecessor domestically          Trump vote
Star Movement in Italy, and victories      and internationally, including perhaps
by populist candidates to high office      returning to the Paris Climate Accords,
in Austria and the Philippines. Thus,      the Iran Nuclear Deal, and the World       2016                       2020
investors cannot be faulted for thinking   Health Organization. However, the          1.1%                       5.0%
that the US had simply been caught         narrowness of the rebuke of America’s
up temporarily in a global populist        45th president will likely leave concern
movement that began to fade with           among international allies that the US’            Sources: Associated Press and UBP
the closely watched defeat of one of       dalliance with populism was something
its proponents, right-wing Marine Le       other than fleeting.
Pen, in France in 2017 and with only
modest gains in the elections for the      Indeed, across the key US–China and         Who will be more
European Parliament in 2019.               US–Europe axes, this doubt built up
                                           over the past four years has already       powerful coming out
However, the 2020 US presidential
election largely dispels this notion.
                                           prompted countries to take steps
                                           to protect themselves. China, the
                                                                                         of the crisis?
Instead, the very fact that the race       most populous nation in the world,
went down to the wire, that polling        appears to have already chosen a path
errors arguably occurred more than in      towards self-sufficiency judging by the
the contentious 2016 election which        early drafts of its upcoming five-year
brought President Trump to power,          plan. With Biden likely to eschew the      China         US            Europe
and that more Americans voted for          belligerent policies of outright bans on   37%           6%             5%
Donald Trump in 2020 than in 2016          technology sales or even on access
suggests that America’s centrist           to US capital markets that President                           Source: Lowy Institute

20 |                                          INVES T ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1
Tr u m p a p p e a re d t o b e m o v i n g             will likely have to evolve as well,        US ‘put option’ that has served to
towards, China will have a chance to                    with markets increasingly driven by        protect investors from such policy
patch up the vulnerabilities exposed                    domestic rather than US-centric fiscal     errors in decades past. Moreover,
by the damaging US–China trade war                      policies and political priorities. This,   while the globalisation of the world
of 2018–19.                                             combined with the zero interest-rate       economy has moved investors away
                                                        regimes prevalent across Western           from their natural home bias, this new
For Europe, it has come in the form                     economies, means the prospect and          world will require them to become
of a dialogue to drive the next rounds                  consequences of local policy errors        increasingly local again. This is how
of reform in the long-running “Ever                     are substantially higher than they have    they can capitalise on the trends which
Closer Union” experiment, much like                     been in previous cycles.                   began to reshape global economic
the global pandemic has set the stage                                                              and geopolitical relationships under
for the early steps towards shared                      Indeed, the narrow victory by not only     President Trump and are likely to
f i s c a l p o l i c y. H o w e v e r, E u ro p e ’s   the incoming President but also in         accelerate under President-elect
comparatively protracted decision-                      the US Senate raises the risk that the     Biden.
making process and reliance on global                   US will follow in the footsteps of its     1
                                                                                                     Angela Merkel stated after a G7 summit in May
trade may make it more difficult for                    European counterparts and go back
                                                                                                   2017, “Recent days have shown me that the
it to follow the same path as China                     to an era of fiscal paralysis like the     times when we could rely completely on others
at a comparable pace. Instead,                          post-Global Financial Crisis period.       are over to a certain extent.”
Europe will likely gradually transition                 However, this time, with more limited
its relationship with the US, forged                    Federal Reserve capabilities, more
on the battlefields of World War II,                    e x t re m e m o n e t a r y p o l i c y
to one that is more balanced and                        choices may need to be
independent from the US as it begins                    made alongside fiscal action,

                                                                                                     The fact that
to build up its own continent-wide                      though only in response to a
policy agendas. Undoubtedly, China                      new crisis facing the global

                                                                                                    the race went
will seek to influence this pivot with                  economy, like that in March
both incentives and deterrents aligned                  2020.
to its own interests.

Though monetary policy strategies
                                                        Thus, an increasingly active
                                                        risk management regime is
                                                                                                  down to the wire
in the developed world have been
converging, the traditional lens
                                                        needed in this new, multi-
                                                        polar world (see page 23) in                suggests that
through which we look at the world                      the absence of the implicit
                                                                                                  America’s centrist
                                                                                                  foundations have
                                                                                                  been challenged.

                                                           INVE ST ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1                                              | 21
8                       RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT

                       EQUIPPED FOR
                       THE WEATHER
           2021 should see climate change move centre-stage as China – the world’s largest
           carbon emitter – and Europe look to implement meaningful policies to address this
           growing challenge for the global economy, while progress could also happen in the
           US, which ranks second behind China in terms of carbon emissions.

        he European Commission’s               retail transitions, which show that         chain are already changing the farming
        proposals aim to reduce EU-            such interludes should be viewed as         landscape. Climate-related themes,
        wide net greenhouse gas                opportunities to build positions further.   such as biodiversity, scarce materials,
emissions by at least 55% by 2030.                                                         healthy ecosystems, sustainable
China is seeking to become carbon-             Experience tells us that companies and      communities and basic needs should
neutral by 2060 with ambitious targets         industries that are slow to adapt will at   also present long-cycle opportunities
likely to feature in its five-year plan, set   best be challenged and may end up           for investors.
to be finalised in March 2021.                 being sidelined, while those that adjust
                                               rapidly will present opportunities for      Generating investment returns and
While the US has yet to match either           investors. This now applies to carbon-      adding social value do not have to
Europe’s or China’s ambition, progress         intensive industries such as power          be mutually exclusive. Investing in
may still come following Joe Biden’s           generation, heavy manufacturing and         companies that facilitate the transition
election victory and in the event of           transportation: stock-picking will be       to a resilient, net-zero emissions
Democrats taking control of the US             key in these legacy segments.               society by 2050 could make everyone
Senate in the January run-off elections                                                    a winner.
in Georgia.                                    The obvious beneficiaries are wind,
                                               solar, hydro and other alternative
The world appears on the cusp of a             energies, along with transportation
long-cycle transition from fossil-fuel         options like electric vehicles. However,
dependency towards a future that               many other opportunities are also
relies on renewables. The European             emerging. New agricultural practices
Union’s sustainable finance taxonomy           and increasing demand for a reduced
and the upcoming frameworks created            carbon footprint across the food value
by China’s five-year plan are providing
the catalyst for the current wave of

Just as computing has transitioned
from desktop to mobile and retail from
                                                          The world is
in-person to online shopping in the
21st century, investors should expect
                                                          on the cusp
a multi-decade shift from fossil fuels
to renewables. However, as with those
                                                         of a transition
transitions in computing and retail,
this climate-change transition is set                   from fossil-fuel
to come in waves.

The rally in green energy stocks in 2020
suggests that markets have priced in

a faster transition. While moves by
Europe, China and potentially the US
do indeed suggest an accelerating
timetable, investors should anticipate
occasional pauses in long-term
outperformance. This has been seen
in the aforementioned computing and

22 |                                              INVES T ME N T O U T L O O K 2 0 2 1

                  STAYING ACTIVE IN
                  RISK MANAGEMENT
       As in 2020, active risk management will be crucial for investors in 2021, especially as
       US and European government bonds no longer offer the protection they did in previous
       cycles. The experience of euro-based investors after risk-free German Bund yields fell
       below 1% – just as US Treasury yields have done in 2020 – is instructive.

          hen German Bund yields were
          above 1%, they helped offset
          as much as 25–30% of equity
market declines of 10% or more. When
they fell below 1% and even before
they turned negative, they could no
longer be relied upon to offset equity
market volatility in any meaningful way.
The same is true of US Treasuries now
that they yield less than 1%, as shown
during the September correction in
global equity markets.

Investors should therefore increase
exposure to alter native assets
such as hedge funds, structured
products, options and futures to           By mitigating risks
add some asymmetry to traditional
equity and fixed income, long-only-           we can exploit
biased investment portfolios .

                                              themes as they
We use hedge funds to reshape
the risk–return profiles of these
traditional asset classes where
they may otherwise be skewed
against investors. For instance,
                                           emerge in this new                           portfolios against downside risks
                                                                                        while retaining upside exposure in
some corporate bond issuers
have proven vulnerable in the
                                             global economy.                            a risk-managed way.

current pandemic. This has created                                                       Looking ahead to 2021, investors
substantial opportunities for long/                                                      still face risks. The financial
short credit hedge funds able to                                                         markets remain uncertain, with
capitalise on the resulting dispersion.    market movements. The use of these        extreme measures being taken on the
                                           products has been highly beneficial,      monetary and fiscal front, and several
Similarly, within equities, long/short     especially in 2020 as they have           political and pandemic-related tail risks
emerging equity managers can provide       substantially cushioned sharp market      looming. Our active risk management
exposure to the long-cycle Asian           declines.                                 approach allows us to contain some of
consumer theme, while shielding                                                      these risks, especially in the context of
investors from the volatility typically    We have used futures and options          the capital-preservation preference of
associated with this asset class.          strategies periodically in 2020,          many of our clients. More importantly,
                                           and they have been critical during        by mitigating these risks we can
Structured products allow us to            challenging periods. In particular, put   increase our ability to capitalise on
express views on underlying assets         option strategies have been vital in      the opportunities that markets present
while reducing downside risks on           shielding portfolios during the testing   during periods of volatility, and exploit
those assets, delivering an asymmetric     conditions seen so far in 2020. They      longer-term transformational themes
performance outcome to portfolios,         have been an effective and efficient      as they emerge in this new global
particularly in the event of adverse       way for us to hedge underlying            economy.

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