A Bounded Measure for Estimating the Benefit of Visualization: Case Studies and Empirical Evaluation - arXiv
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arXiv Report 2021 Volume 0 (1981), Number 0 A Bounded Measure for Estimating the Benefit of Visualization: Case Studies and Empirical Evaluation Min Chen1 , Alfie Abdul-Rahman2 , Deborah Silver3 , and Mateu Sbert4 arXiv:2103.02502v1 [cs.HC] 3 Mar 2021 1 University of Oxford, UK, 2 King’s College London, UK, 3 Rutgers University, USA, and 4 University of Girona, Spain Figure 1: The London underground map (right) is a deformed map. In comparison with a relatively more faithful map (left), there is a significant amount of information loss in the deformed map, which omits some detailed variations among different connection routes between pairs of stations (e.g., distance and geometry). One common rationale is that the deformed map was designed for certain visualization tasks, which likely excluded the task for estimating the walking time between a pair of stations indicated by a pair of red or blue arrows. In one of our experiments, when asked to perform such tasks using the deformed map, some participants did rather well. Can information theory explain this phenomenon? Can we quantitatively measure some relevant factors in this visualization process? Abstract Many visual representations, such as volume-rendered images and metro maps, feature a noticeable amount of information loss. At a glance, there seem to be numerous opportunities for viewers to misinterpret the data being visualized, hence undermining the benefits of these visual representations. In practice, there is little doubt that these visual representations are useful. The recently-proposed information-theoretic measure for analyzing the cost-benefit ratio of visualization processes can explain such usefulness experienced in practice, and postulate that the viewers’ knowledge can reduce the potential distortion (e.g., misinterpretation) due to information loss. This suggests that viewers’ knowledge can be estimated by comparing the potential distortion without any knowledge and the actual distortion with some knowledge. In this paper, we describe several case studies for collecting instances that can (i) support the evaluation of several candidate measures for estimating the potential distortion distortion in visualization, and (ii) demonstrate their applicability in practical scenarios. Because the theoretical discourse on choosing an appropriate bounded measure for estimating the potential distortion is yet conclusive, it is the real world data about visualization further informs the selection of a bounded measure, providing practical evidence to aid a theoretical conclusion. Meanwhile, once we can measure the potential distortion in a bounded manner, we can interpret the numerical values characterizing the benefit of visualization more intuitively. 1. Introduction and technological advancements, but also encountered some seri- ous contentions due to instrumental, operational, and social con- This paper is concerned with the measurement of the benefit of ventions [Kle12]. While the development of measurement systems, visualization and viewers’ knowledge used in visualization. The methods, and standards for visualization may take decades of re- history of measurement science shows that the development of search, one can easily imagine their impact to visualization as a measurements in different fields has not only stimulated scientific scientific and technological subject. © 2021 The Author(s) with LATEX template from Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Min Chen et al. / A Bounded Measure for Estimating the Benefit of Visualization: Case Studies and Empirical Evaluation “Measurement ... is defined as the assignment of numerals to ob- 2. Related Work jects or events according to rules” [Ste46]. Rules may be defined based on physical laws (e.g., absolute zero temperature), observa- This paper and its preceding paper (in the supplementary materials) tional instances (e.g., the freezing and boiling points of water), or are concerned with information-theoretic measures for quantifying social traditions (e.g., seven days per week). Without exception, aspects of visualization, such as benefit, knowledge, and potential measurement development in visualization aims to discover and misinterpretation. The preceding paper focuses its review on previ- define rules that will enable us to use mathematics in describing, ous information-theoretic work in visualization. In this section, we differentiating, and explaining phenomena in visualization, as well focus our review on previous measurement work in visualization. as predicting the impact of a design decision, diagnosing shortcom- Measurement Science. There is currently no standard method ings in visual analytics workflows, and formulating solutions for for measuring the benefit of visualization, levels of visual abstrac- improvement. tion, the human knowledge used in visualization, or the potential In a separate and related paper (see the supplementary materi- to misinterpret visual abstraction. While these are considered to be als), Chen and Sbert examined a number of candidate measures for complex undertakings, many scientists in the history of measure- assigning numerals to the notion of potential distortion, which is ment science would have encountered similar challenges [Kle12]. one of the three components in the information-theoretic measure In their book [BW08], Boslaugh and Watters describe measure- for quantifying the cost-benefit of visualization [CG16]. They used ment as “the process of systematically assigning numbers to objects several “conceptual rules” to evaluate these candidates, narrowing and their properties, to facilitate the use of mathematics in study- them down to five candidates. In this work, we focus on the remain- ing and describing objects and their relationships.” They empha- ing five candidate measures and evaluate them based on empirical size in particular measurement is not limited to physical qualities evidence. We use two synthetic case studies and two experimental such as height and weight, but also abstract properties such as in- case studies to instantiate values that may be returned by the candi- telligence and aptitude. Pedhazur and Schmelkin [PS91] assert the dates. The main “observational rules” used in this work include: necessity of an integrated approach for measurement development, involving data collection, mathematical reasoning, technology in- a. Does the numerical ordering of observed instances match with novation, and device engineering. Tal [Tal20] points out that mea- the intuitively-expected ordering? surement is often not totally “real”, involves the representation of b. Does the gap between positive and negative values indicate a ideal systems, and reflects conceptual, metaphysical, semantic, and meaningful critical point (i.e., zero benefit in our case)? epistemological understandings. Schlaudt [Sch20] goes one step Although one might consider observational rules are subjective and further, referring measurement as a cultural technique. thus undesirable, we can appreciate their roles in the development This work is particularly inspired by the historical develop- of many measurement systems used today (e.g., number of months ment of temperature scales and seismic magnitude. The former at- per year, and sign of temperature in Celsius). It would be hasty to tracted the attention of many well-known scientists, benefited from dismiss such rules, especially at this early stage of measurement both experimental observations (e.g., by Celsius, Delisle, Fahren- development in visualization. heit, Newton, etc.) and theoretical discoveries (e.g., by Boltzmann, In addition, we use the data collected in two visualization case Thomson (Kelvin), etc.). The latter started not long ago as the studies to explore the relationship between the benefit of visualiza- Richter scale was outlined in 1935, and since then there have tion and the viewers’ knowledge used in visualization. As shown in been many schemes proposed relating different physical properties. Figure 1, in one case study, we asked participants to perform tasks Many scales in both applications are related to some logarithmic for estimating the walking time (in minutes) between two under- transformations one way or another. ground stations indicated by a pair of red or blue arrows. Although Metrics Development in Visualization. Behrisch et al. the deformed London underground map was not designed to per- [BBK∗ 18] presented an extensive survey of quality metrics for in- form visualization tasks, many participants performed rather well, formation visualization. Bertini et al. [BTK11] described a sys- including those that had very limited experience of using the Lon- temic approach of using quality metrics for evaluating visualiza- don underground. We use different candidate measures to estimate tion in high-dimensional data visualization focusing on scatter plots the supposed potential distortion. When the captured data shows and parallel coordinates plots. A variety of quality metrics have that the amount of actual distortion is lower than the supposed dis- been proposed to measure many different attributes, such as ab- tortion, this indicate that the viewers’ knowledge has been used in straction quality [Tuf86, CYWR06, JC08], quality of scatter plots the visualization process to alleviate the potential distortion. While [FT74, TT85, BS04, WAG05, SNLH09, TAE∗ 09, TBB∗ 10], quality we use the experiments to collect practical instances to evaluate the of parallel coordinates plots [DK10], cluttering [PWR04, RLN07, candidate measures empirically, they also demonstrate that we are YSZ14], aesthetics [FB09], visual saliency [JC10], and color map- getting closer to be able to estimate the “benefit” and “potential ping [BSM∗ 15, MJSK15, MK15, GLS17]. In particular, Jänicke et distortion” of practical visualization processes. al. [JC10] first considered a metric for estimating the amount of Readers are encouraged to consult the preceding paper in the original data that is depicted by visualization and may be recon- supplementary materials for information about the mathematical structed by viewers. Chen and Golan [CG16] used the abstract form background, the formulation of some new candidate measures, and of this idea in defining their cost-benefit ratio. While the work by the conceptual evaluation of the candidate measures. Nevertheless, Jänicke et al. [JC10] relied computer vision techniques to recon- this paper is written in a self-contained manner. struction, this work focused on collecting and analysing empirical © 2021 The Author(s) with LATEX template from Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Min Chen et al. / A Bounded Measure for Estimating the Benefit of Visualization: Case Studies and Empirical Evaluation data because human knowledge has a major role to play in infor- a1 Rules mation reconstruction. Measurement in Empirical Experiments. Almost all empiri- cal studies in visualization involve measuring participants’ perfor- mance in visualization processes. Such measured data allow us to b1 b2 b3 assess the benefit of visualization or potential misinterpretation, typically in terms of accuracy and response time. Many uncon- trolled empirical studies also collect participants’ experience and opinions qualitatively. The empirical studies related to the key com- ponents are those on the topics of visual abstraction and human knowledge in visualization. Isenberg [Ise13] presented a survey of c1 c2 c3 evaluation techniques on non-photorealistic and illustrative render- ing. Isenberg et al. [INC∗ 06] reported an observational study com- paring hand-drawn and computer-generated non-photorealistic ren- dering. Cole et al. [CSD∗ 09] performed a study evaluating the ef- fectiveness of line drawing in representing shape. Mandryk et al. c4 c5 c6 c7 [MML11] evaluated the emotional responses to non-photorealistic generated images. Liu and Li [LL16] presented an eye-tracking study examining the effectiveness and efficiency of schematic de- sign of 30◦ and 60◦ directions in underground maps. Hong et al. [HYC∗ 18] evaluated the usefulness of distance cartograms map “in c8 c9 c10 c11 the wild”. These studies confirmed that visualization users can deal with significant information loss due to visual abstraction in many situations. Tam et al. [TKC17] reported an observational study, and discov- ered that machine learning developers entered a huge amount of c12 c13 c14 c15 knowledge (measured in bits) into a visualization-assisted model development process. Kijmongkolchai et al. [KARC17] reported a study design for detecting and measuring human knowledge used in visualization, and translated the traditional accuracy values to information-theoretic measures. They encountered some undesir- Figure 2: Three alphabets illustrate possible metro maps (letters) able properties of the Kullback-Leibler divergence in their cal- in different grid resolutions. culations. In this work, we collect empirical data to evaluate the mathematical solutions proposed to address the issue encountered in [KARC17]. version is: Benefit Alphabet Compression − Potential Distortion = (1) 3. Overview, Notations, and Problem Statement Cost Cost Brief Overview. Whilst hardly anyone in the visualization com- Appendix A provides more detailed explanation of this measure, munity would support any practice intended to deceive viewers, while Appendix B explains in detail how tasks and users are con- there have been many visualization techniques that inherently cause sidered by this measure in abstract. distortion to the original data. The deformed London underground Mathematical Notations. Consider a simple metro map consists map in Figure 1 shows such an example. The distortion in this ex- of only two stations in Figure 2. We consider three different grid ample is largely caused by many-to-one mappings. A group of lines resolutions, with 1 × 1 cell, 2 × 2 cells, and 4 × 4 cells respectively. that would be shown in different lengths in a faithful map are now The following set of rules determine whether a potential path is shown with the same length. Another group of lines that would be allowed or not: shown with different geometric shapes are now shown as the same straight line. In terms of information theory, when the faithful map • The positions of the two stations are fixed on each of the three is transformed to the deformed, a good portion of information has grids and there is only one path between the red station and the been lost because of these many-to-one mappings. blue station; • As shown on the top-right of Figure 2, only horizontal, and di- The common phrase that “the appropriateness of information agonal path-lines are allowed; loss depends on tasks” is not an invalid explanation. Partly by a • When one path-line joins another, it can rotate by up to ±45◦ ; similar conundrum in economics “what is the most appropriate res- • All joints of path-lines can only be placed on grid points; olution of time series for an economist”, Chen and Golan proposed an information-theoretic cost-benefit ratio for measuring various For the first grid with 1 × 1 cell, there is only one possible path. factors involved in visualization processes [CG16]. Its qualitative We define an alphabet A to contain this option as its only letter a1 , © 2021 The Author(s) with LATEX template from Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Min Chen et al. / A Bounded Measure for Estimating the Benefit of Visualization: Case Studies and Empirical Evaluation i.e., A = {a1 }. For the second grid with 2 × 2 cells, we have an has the PMF Qu , we have DKL (P||Qu ) ≈ 1.562 bits; and (ii) if the alphabet B = {b1 , b2 , b3 }, consisting of three optional paths. For original design alphabet B has the PMF Qv , we have DKL (P||Qv ) ≈ the third grid with 4 × 4 cells, there are 15 optional paths, which 0.138 bits. There is more divergence in the case (i) than case (ii). are letters of alphabet C = {c1 , c2 , . . . , c15 }. When the resolution of Intuitively we can guess this as P appears to be similar to Qv . the grid increases, the alphabet of options becomes bigger quickly. Recall the qualitative formula in Eq. 1. In [CG16], the benefit of We can imagine it gradually allows the designer to create a more a visual analytics process is defined as: faithful map. To ensure the calculation below is easy to follow, we consider only the first two grids below. Benefit = AC − PD = H (Zi ) − H (Zi+1 ) − DKL (Z0i ||Zi ) (2) To a designer of the underground map, at the 1 × 1 resolution, where Zi is the input alphabet to the process and Zi+1 is the output there is only one choice regardless how much the designer would alphabet. Z0i is an alphabet reconstructed based on Zi+1 . Z0i has the like to draw the path to reflect the actual geographical path of the same set of letters as Zi but likely a different PMF. metro line between these two stations. At the 4 × 4 resolution, the designer has many options. Hence there is more uncertainty associ- In terms of Eq. 2, we have Zi = B with PMF Qu or Qv , Zi+1 = A ated with the third grid. This uncertainty can be measured by Shan- with PMF Q, and Z0i = B0 with PMF P. We can thus calculate the non entropy, which is defined as: benefit in the two cases as: n n Benefit of case (i) = H (B) − H (A) − DKL (B0 ||B) H (Z) = − ∑ pi log2 pi where pi ∈ [0, 1], ∑ pi = 1 i=1 i=1 = H (Qu ) − H (Q) − DKL (P||Qu ) where Z is an alphabet, and can be replaced with A, B, or C. To ≈ 1.585 − 0 − 1.562 = 0.023bits calculate Shannon entropy, the alphabet Z needs to be accompanied by a probability mass function (PMF), which is written as P(Z). Benefit of case (ii) = H (Qv ) − H (Q) − DKL (P||Qv ) Each letter zi ∈ Z is thus associated with a probability value pi ∈ P. ≈ 0.569 − 0 − 0.138 = 0.431bits Note: In this paper, to simplify the notations in different contexts, for an information-theoretic measure, we use an alphabet Z and its In the case (ii), because the viewers’ expectation is closer to the PMF P interchangeably, e.g., H (P(Z)) = H (P) = H (Z). Ap- original PMF Qv , there is more benefit in the visualization process pendix C provides more mathematical background about informa- than the case (i) though the case (ii) has less AC than case (i). tion theory, which may be helpful to some readers. However, DKL has an undesirable mathematical property. If we Let first consider the single-letter alphabet A and its PMF Q. consider a third case, (iii), where the original PMF Qw is strongly Because n = 1 and q1 = 1, we have H (A) = 0 bits. The alphabet in favour of b2 , such as q1 = ε, q2 = 1 − ε, q3 = ε, where 0 < ε < 1 is 100% certain, reflecting the fact that the designer has no choice. is a small positive value. If ε = 0.001, DKL (P||Qw ) = 9.933 bits. If ε → 0, DKL (P||Qw ) → ∞. Since the maximum entropy (uncer- The alphabet B has three design options b1 , b2 , and b3 . If they tainty) for B is only about 1.585, it is difficult to interpret that view- have an equal chance to be selected by the designer, we have a ers’ divergence can be more than that maximum, not mentioning PMF Qu with q1 = q2 = q3 = 1/3, and thus H (Qu (B)) ≈ 1.585 the infinity. bits. When we examine the three options in Figure 2, it is not un- reasonable to consider a second scenario that the choice may be in Problem Statement. When using DKL in Eq. 1 in a relative or favour of the straight line option b1 in designing a metro map ac- qualitative context (e.g., [CGJM19, CE19]), the unboundedness of cording to the real geographical data. If a different PMF Qv is given the KL-divergence does not pose an issue. However, this does be- as q1 = 0.9, q2 = q3 = 0.05, we have H (Qv (B)) ≈ 0.569 bits. The come an issue when the KL-divergence is used to measure PD in second scenario features less entropy and is thus of more certainty. an absolute and quantitative context. Consider that the designer is given a metro map designed using In the preceding paper (see the supplementary materials), Chen alphabet B, and is asked to produce a more abstract map using al- and Sbert showed that conceptually, it is the unboundedness is phabet A. To the designer, it is a straightforward task, since there is not consistent with a conceptual interpretation of KL-divergence only one option in A. When a group of viewers are visualizing the for measuring the inefficiency of a code (alphabet) that has a fi- final design a1 , we could give these viewers a task to guess what nite number of codewords (letters). They propose to find a suitable may be the original map designed with B. If most viewers have bounded divergence measure to replace the DKL term. They exam- no knowledge about the possible options b2 and b3 , and almost all ined eight candidate measures, analysed their mathematical prop- choose b1 as the original design, we can describe their decisions erties with the aid of visualization, and narrowed down to five mea- using a PMF P such that p1 = 0.998, p2 = p3 = 0.001. Since P is sures using multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) [IN13]. The not the same as either Qu or Qv , the viewers’ decisions diverge from upper half of Table 1 shows their conceptual evaluation based on the actual PMF associated with B. This divergence can be measured five criteria. In this work, we continue their MCDA process by in- using KL-divergence: troducing criteria based on the analysis of instances obtained when n n using the remaining five candidate measures in different case stud- pi DKL (P(Z)||Q(Z)) = ∑ pi (log2 pi − log2 qi ) = ∑ pi log2 qi ies, which correspond to criteria 6 – 9 respectively in Table 1. i=1 i=1 For self-containment, we give the mathematical definition of Using DKL , we can calculate (i) if the original design alphabet B the five candidate measures below. In this paper, we treat them as © 2021 The Author(s) with LATEX template from Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Min Chen et al. / A Bounded Measure for Estimating the Benefit of Visualization: Case Studies and Empirical Evaluation Table 1: A summary of multi-criteria analysis. Each measure is scored against a criterion using an integer in [0, 5] with 5 being the best. Criteria Importance 0.3DKL DJS H (P|Q) Dnew k=1 Dnew k=2 Dncm k=1 Dncm k=2 Dk=2 M Dk=200 M 1. Boundedness critical 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 I 0.3DKL is eliminated but used below only for comparison. The other scores are carried forward. 2. Number of PMFs important 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 3. Entropic measures important 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 4. Curve shapes helpful 5 5 1 2 4 2 4 3 3 5. Curve shapes helpful 5 4 1 3 5 3 5 2 3 I Eliminate H (P|Q), DM 2 , D 200 based on criteria 1-5 M sum: 24 14 20 24 20 24 14 15 6. Scenario: good and bad (Figure 3) helpful − 3 − 5 4 5 4 − − 7. Scenario: A, B, C, D (Figure 4) helpful − 4 − 5 3 2 1 − − 8. Case Study 1 (Section 5.1) important − 5 − 1 5 5 5 − − 9. Case Study 2: (Section 5.2) important − 3 − 1 5 3 3 − − I Dnew k=2 has the highest score based on criteria 6-9 (1-9) sum: 15(39) 12(32) 17(41) 15(35) 13(37) black-box functions, since they have already undergone the concep- which captures the non-commutative property of DKL . tual evaluation in the preceding paper. For more detailed concep- As DJS , Dnew k , and D k ncm are bounded by [0, 1], if any of them is tual and mathematical discourse on these five candidate measures, selected to replace DKL , Eq. 2 can be rewritten as please consult the preceding paper in the supplementary materials. Benefit = H (Zi ) − H (Zi+1 ) − Hmax (Zi )D(Z0i ||Zi ) (6) The first candidate measure is Jensen-Shannon divergence [Lin91]. The conceptual evaluation yield a promising score of 24 where Hmax denotes maximum entropy, while D is a placeholder in Table 1. It is defined as: for DJS , Dnew k , or D k . ncm 1 DJS (P||Q) = DKL (P||M) + DKL (Q||M) = DJS (Q||P) 2 (3) 4. Synthetic Case Studies 1 n 2pi 2qi = ∑ pi log2 + qi log2 2 i=1 pi + qi pi + qi The work in this section and the next section is inspired by the historical development of temperature scales, in which many pio- where P and Q are two PMFs associated with the same alphabet Z neering scientists collected observational data to help reason about and M is the average distribution of P and Q. Each letter zi ∈ Z is the candidate scales. We first consider two synthetic case studies, associated with a probability value pi ∈ P and another qi ∈ Q. With which allow us to define idealized situations, from which collected the base 2 logarithm as in Eq. 3, DJS (P||Q) is bounded by 0 and 1. data do not contain any noise. We use these case studies to see if The second and third candidate measures are two instances of a the values returned by different divergence measures make sense. new measure Dnewk proposed by Chen and Sbert in the preceding In many ways, this is similar to testing a piece of software using work. The two instances are Dnewk (k = 1) and D k (k = 2). They pre-defined test cases. Nevertheless, these test cases feature more new received scores of 20 and 24 respectively in the conceptual evalua- complex alphabets than those considered by the conceptual evalu- tion. Dnew k is defined as follows: ation reported in the preceding paper. In our analysis, we followed the best-worst method of MCDA [Rez15]. Our main “observational 1 n rules” are: Dnew k (pi + qi ) log2 |pi − qi |k + 1 (P||Q) = ∑ (4) 2 i=1 a. Does the numerical ordering of observed instances match with where k > 0. Because 0 ≤ |pi − qi ≤ 1, we have|k the intuitively-expected ordering? b. Does the gap between positive and negative values indicate a 1 n 1 n ∑ (pi +qi ) log2 (0+1) ≤ Dnew k (P||Q) ≤ ∑ (pi +qi ) log2 (1+1) meaningful critical point (i.e., zero benefit in our case)? 2 i=1 2 i=1 Criterion 6. Let Z be an alphabet with two letters, good and Since log2 1 = 0, log2 2 = 1, ∑ pi = 1, ∑ qi = 1, Dnew k (P||Q) is thus bad, for describing a scenario (e.g., an object or an event), which bounded by 0 and 1. has the probability of good is p1 = 0.8, and that of bad is p2 = 0.2. In other words, P = {0.8, 0.2}. Imagine that a biased process (e.g., The fourth and five candidate measures are two instances of a a distorted visualization, an incorrect algorithm, or a misleading non-commutative version of Dnew k . It is denoted as D k , and the ncm communication) conveys the information about the scenario always two instances are Dncm k (k = 1) and D k (k = 2). They also received ncm bad, i.e., a PMF Rbiased = {0, 1}. Users at the receiving end of the scores of 20 and 24 respectively in the conceptual evaluation. Dncm k process may have different knowledge about the actual scenario, is defined as follows: and they will make a decision after receiving the output of the pro- n cess. For example, there are five users and we have obtained the Dncm k |pi − qi |k + 1 (P||Q) = ∑ pi log2 (5) i=1 probability of their decisions as follows: © 2021 The Author(s) with LATEX template from Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Min Chen et al. / A Bounded Measure for Estimating the Benefit of Visualization: Case Studies and Empirical Evaluation 1.0 ground truth distribution P Divergence Contributions to the divergence from different letters misleading Rbiased 0.9 reconstructed Q Good Bad 0.8 LD: a little 0.7 doubt 0.6 FD: a fair amount 0.5 of doubt 0.4 RG: random 0.3 guess 0.2 UC: under- 0.1 correction 0.0 LD DF RG UC OC LD DF RG UC OC LD DF RG UC OC LD DF RG UC OC LD DF RG UC OC OC: over- correction DJS Dncm (k=1) Dncm (k=2) Dnew (k=1) Dnew (k=2) Figure 3: An example scenario with two states good and bad has a ground truth PMF P = {0.8, 0.2}. From the output of a biased process that always informs users that the situation is bad. Five users, LD, DF, RG, UC, and OC, have different knowledge, and thus different divergence. The five candidate measures return different values of divergence. We would like to see which set of values are more intuitive. The illustration on the right shows two transformations of the alphabets and their PMFs, one by the misleading communication and the other by the reconstruction. 0.4 ground truth distribution P Divergence Contributions to the divergence from different letters correct/biased R A B C D reconstructed Q CG: correct 0.3 pr. & guess CU: correct pr. & useful knowledge 0.2 CB: correct pr. & biased reasoning BG: biased 0.1 pr. & guess BS: biased pr. & small correction 0.0 BM: biased CG CU CB BG BS BM CG CU CB BG BS BM CG CU CB BG BS BM CG CU CB BG BS BM CG CU CB BG BS BM pr. & major DJS Dncm (k=1) Dncm (k=2) Dnew (k=1) Dnew (k=2) correction Figure 4: An example scenario with four data values: A, B, C, and D. Two processes (one correct and one biased) aggregated them to two values AB and CD. Users CG, CU, CB attempt to reconstruct [A, B, C, D] from the output [AB, CD] of the correct process, while BG, BS, and BM attempt to do so with the output from the biased processes. The bar chart shows divergence values of the six users computed using the five candidate measures. The illustration on the right shows two transformations of the alphabets and their PMFs, one by the correct or biased process (pr.) and the other by the reconstruction. • LD — The user has a little doubt about the output of the process, slightly more divergence than UC (0.014 vs. 0.010). DJS returns and decides bad 90% of the time, and good 10% of the time, i.e., relatively low values than other measures. For UC and OC, DJS , with PMF Q = {0.1, 0.9}. Dncm k=1 , and D k=2 return small values (< 0.02), which are a bit dif- new • FD — The user has a fair amount of doubt, with Q = {0.3, 0.7}. ficult to estimate. • RG — The user makes a random guess, with Q = {0.5, 0.5}. Dncm k=1 and D k=2 show strong asymmetric patterns between good ncm • UC — The user has adequate knowledge about P, but under- and bad, reflecting the probability values in Q. In other words, compensate it slightly, with Q = {0.7, 0.3}. the more decisions on good, the more good-related divergence. • OC — The user has adequate knowledge about P, but over- This asymmetric pattern is not in anyway incorrect, as the KL- compensate it slightly, with Q = {0.9, 0.1}. divergence is also non-commutative and would also produce much stronger asymmetric patterns. An argument for supporting commu- We can use different candidate measures to compute the diver- tative measures would point out that the higher probability of good gence between P and Q. Figure 3 shows different divergence val- in P should also influence the balance between the good-related ues returned by these measures, while the transformations from P to divergence. Rbiased and then to Q are illustrated on the right margin of the figure. Each value is decomposed into two parts, one for good and one for We decide to score DJS 3 because of its lower valuation and its bad. All these measures can order these five users reasonably well. non-equal comparison of OU and OC. We score Dncm k=1 and D k=1 new The users UC (under-compensate) and OC (over-compensate) have 5; and Dncm and Dnew 4 as the values returned by Dncm k=2 k=2 k=1 and D k=1 new the same values with Dnewk and D k , while D considers OC has ncm JS are slightly more intuitive. © 2021 The Author(s) with LATEX template from Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Min Chen et al. / A Bounded Measure for Estimating the Benefit of Visualization: Case Studies and Empirical Evaluation Criterion 7. We now consider a slightly more complicated sce- Question 5: The image on the right depicts a computed tomography dataset (arteries) that was rendered using a nario with four pieces of data, A, B, C, and D, which can be de- maximum intensity projection (MIP) algorithm. Consider the section of the image inside the red circle (also in the inset of a zoomed-in view). Which of the following fined as an alphabet Z with four letters. The ground truth PMF is illustrations would be the closest to the real surface of P = {0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.3}. Consider two processes that combine these this part of the artery? into two classes AB and CD. These typify clustering algorithms, downsampling processes, discretization in visual mapping, and so A B Curved, Curved, on. One process is considered to be correct, which has a PMF for rather smooth with wrinkles and bumps AB and CD as Rcorrect = {0.5, 0.5}, and another biased process with Rbiased = {0, 1}. Let CG, CU, and CH be three users at the C D receiving end of the correct process, and BG, BS, and BM be three Flat, rather smooth Flat, with wrinkles and bumps other users at the receiving end of the biased process. The users with different knowledge exhibit different abilities to reconstruct Figure 5: A volume dataset was rendered using the MIP method. A the original scenario featuring A, B, C, D from aggregated infor- question about a “flat area” in the image can be used to tease out Image by Min Chen, 2008 mation about AB and CD. Similar to the good-bad scenario, such a viewer’s knowledge that is useful in a visualization process. abilities can be captured by a PMF Q. For example, we have: • CG makes random guess, Q = {0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25}. compression. Some major algorithmic functions in volume visual- • CU has useful knowledge, Q = {0.1, 0.4, 0.1, 0.4}. ization, e.g., iso-surfacing, transfer function, and rendering integral, • CB is highly biased, Q = {0.4, 0.1, 0.4, 0.1}. all facilitate alphabet compression, hence information loss. • BG makes guess based on Rbiased , Q = {0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5}. • BS makes a small adjustment, Q = {0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4}. In terms of rendering integral, maximum intensity projection • BM makes a major adjustment, Q = {0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3}. (MIP) incurs a huge amount of information loss in comparison with Figure 4 compares the divergence values returned by the candi- the commonly-used emission-and-absorption integral [MC10]. As date measures for these six users, while the transformations from shown in Figure 5, the surface of arteries are depicted more or less P to Rcorrect or Rbiased , and then to Q are illustrated on the right. in the same color. The accompanying question intends to tease out We can observe that Dncm k and Dnew k=2 return values < 0.1, which two pieces of knowledge, “curved surface” and “with wrinkles and seem to be less intuitive. Meanwhile DJS shows a large portion bumps”. Among the ten surveyees, one selected the correct answer of divergence from the AB category, while Dncm k=1 and D k=2 show B, eight selected the relatively plausible answer A, and one selected ncm more divergence in the BC category. In particular, for user BG, the doubtful answer D. Dncm k=1 and D k=2 do not show any divergence in relation to A and B, ncm Let alphabet Z = {A, B, C, D} contain the four optional answers. though BG clearly has reasoned A and B rather incorrectly. Dnew k=1 One may assume a ground truth PMF Q = {0.1, 0.878, 0.002, 0.02} and Dnew show a relatively balanced account of divergence associ- k=2 since there might still be a small probability for a section of ated with A, B, C, and D. On balance, we give scores 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 artery to be flat or smooth. The rendered image depicts a mis- to Dnew k=1 , D , D k=2 , D k=1 , and D k=2 respectively. JS new ncm ncm leading impression, implying that answer C is correct or a false PMF F = {0, 0, 1, 0}. The amount of alphabet compression is thus 5. Experimental Case Studies H (Q) − H (F) = 0.225. To complement the synthetic case studies in Section 4, we con- When a surveyee gives an answer to the question, it can also be ducted two surveys to collect some realistic examples that feature considered as a PMF P. With PMF Q = {0.1, 0.878, 0.002, 0.02}, the use of knowledge in visualization. In addition to providing in- different answers thus lead to different values of divergence as fol- stances of criteria 8 and 9 for selecting a bounded measure, the lows: surveys were also designed to demonstrate that one could use a few Divergence for: DJS Dnew k=1 Dnew k=2 Dncm k=1 Dncm k=2 simple questions to estimate the cost-benefit of visualization in re- lation to individual users. A (Pa = {1, 0, 0, 0}, Q): 0.758 0.9087 0.833 0.926 0.856 B (Pb = {0, 1, 0, 0}, Q): 0.064 0.1631 0.021 0.166 0.021 C (Pc = {0, 0, 1, 0}, Q): 0.990 0.9066 0.985 0.999 0.997 5.1. Volume Visualization (Criterion 8) D (Pd = {0, 0, 0, 1}, Q): 0.929 0.9086 0.858 0.986 0.971 This survey, which involved ten surveyees, was designed to collect some real-world data that reflects the use of knowledge in view- Without any knowledge, a surveyee would select answer C, lead- ing volume visualization images. The full set of questions were ing to the highest value of divergence in terms of any of the three presented to surveyees in the form of slides, which are included measures. Based PMF Q, we expect to have divergence values in in the supplementary materials. The full set of survey results is the order of C > D > A B. DJS , Dnew k=2 , D k=1 , and D k=2 have ncm ncm given in Appendix C. The featured volume datasets were from produced values in that order, while Dnew k=1 indicates an order of A “The Volume Library” [Roe19], and visualization images were ei- > D > C B. This order cannot be interpreted easily, indicating ther rendered by the authors or from one of the four publications a weakness of Dnew k=1 . [NSW02, CSC06, WQ07, Jun19]. Together with the alphabet compression H (Q) − H (F) = The transformation from a volumetric dataset to a volume- 0.225 and the Hmax of 2 bits, we can also calculate the informative rendered image typically features a noticeable amount of alphabet benefit using Eq. 6. For surveyees with different answers, the lossy © 2021 The Author(s) with LATEX template from Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Min Chen et al. / A Bounded Measure for Estimating the Benefit of Visualization: Case Studies and Empirical Evaluation Benefit for: DJS Dnew k=1 Dnew k=2 Dncm k=1 Dncm k=2 Meanwhile, the voxels for soft tissue and muscle are not depicted at A (Pa = {1, 0, 0, 0}, Q): −0.889 −1.190 −1.038 −1.224 −1.084 all, which can also been regarded as using a hollow visual channel. B (Pb = {0, 1, 0, 0}, Q): 0.500 0.302 0.586 0.296 0.585 The visual representation has been widely used, and the viewers C (Pc = {0, 0, 1, 0}, Q): −1.351 −1.185 −1.097 −1.369 −1.366 are expected to use their knowledge to infer the 3D relationships D (Pd = {0, 0, 0, 1}, Q): −1.230 −1.189 −1.088 −1.343 −1.314 between the two iso-surfaces as well as the missing information Question 3: The image on the right depicts a computed about soft tissue and muscle. The question that accompanies the tomography dataset (head) that was rendered using a ray casting algorithm. Consider the section of the image figure is for estimating such knowledge. inside the orange circle. Which of the following illustrations would be the closest to the real cross section of this part of the facial structure? Although the survey offers only four options, it could in fact of- fer many other configurations as optional answers. Let us consider four color-coded segments similar to the configurations in answers A B C and D. Each segment could be one of four types: bone, skin, soft tissue and muscle, or background. There are a total of 44 = 256 con- figurations. If one had to consider the variation of segment thick- C D ness, there would be many more options. Because it would not be appropriate to ask a surveyee to select an answer from 256 options, a typical assumption is that the selected four options are represen- background bone skin soft tissue and muscle tative. In other words, considering that the 256 options are letters Figure 6: Two iso-surfaces of a volume dataset wereImage by Min Chen, 1999 rendered us- of an alphabet, any unselected letter has a probability similar to one ing the ray casting method. A question about the tissue configura- of the four selected options. tion in the orange circle can tease out a viewer’s knowledge about For example, we can estimate a ground truth PMF Q such that the translucent depiction and the missing information. among the 256 letters, • Answer A and four other letters have a probability 0.01, depiction of the surface of arteries brought about different amounts • Answer B and 64 other letters have a probability 0.0002, of benefit: • Answer C and 184 other letters have a probability 0.0001, All five sets of values indicate that only those surveyees who • Answer D has a probability 0.9185. gave answer C would benefit from such lossy depiction produced by MIP, signifying the importance of user knowledge in visualiza- We have the entropy of this alphabet H (Q) = 0.85. Similar to the tion. However, the values returned for A, C, and D by Dnew k=1 are previous example, we can estimate the values of divergence as: almost indistinguishable and in an undesirable order. Divergence for: DJS Dnew k=1 Dnew k=2 Dncm k=1 Dncm k=2 One may also consider the scenarios where flat or smooth sur- .... .... .... A: P = {1, 4 , 0, 64 , 0, 184 , 0} 0.960 0.933 0.903 0.993 0.986 faces are more probable. For example, if the ground truth PMF were .... .... .... B: P = {0, 4 , 1, 64 , 0, 184 , 0} 0.999 0.932 0.905 1.000 1.000 Q0 = {0.30, 0.57, 0.03, 0.10} and H (Q0 ) = 1.467, the amounts of .... .... .... C: P = {0, 4 , 0, 64 , 1, 184 , 0} 0.999 0.932 0.905 1.000 1.000 benefit would become: .... .... .... D: P = {0, 4 , 0, 64 , 0, 184 , 1} 0.042 0.109 0.009 0.113 0.010 Benefit for: DJS Dnew k=1 D k=2 new Dncm k=1 Dncm k=2 A (Pa = {1, 0, 0, 0}, Q0 ): 0.480 0.086 0.487 −0.064 0.317 where .... n denotes n zeros. DJS , Dnew , Dncm and Dncm returned k=2 k=1 k=2 B (Pb = {0, 1, 0, 0}, Q0 ): 0.951 0.529 1.044 0.435 0.978 values indicating the same order of divergence, i.e., C ∼ B > A C (Pc = {0, 0, 1, 0}, Q0 ): −0.337 −0.038 0.212 −0.489 −0.446 D, which is consistent with PMF Q0 . Only Dnew k=1 returns an order D (Pd = {0, 0, 0, 1}, Q0 ): −0.049 −0.037 0.257 −0.385 −0.245 A > B ∼ C D. This reinforces the observation by the previous example (i.e., Figure 5) about the characteristics of ordering of the Because the ground truth PMF Q0 would be less certain, the knowl- five measures. edge of “curved surface” and “with wrinkles and bumps” would For both examples (Figs. 5 and 6), because both DJS , Dnew k=2 , become more useful. Further, because the probability of flat and Dncm k=1 and Dncm have consistently returned sensible values, we give k=2 smooth surfaces would have increased, an answer C would not be a score of 5 to each of them in Table 1. Dnew k=1 appears to be often as bad as when it is with the original PMF Q. Among the five mea- incompatible with other measures in terms of ordering, we score sures, DJS , Dnew k=2 , D k=1 , and D k=2 returned values indicating the ncm ncm Dnew k=1 1. same order of benefit, i.e., B > A > D > C, which is consistent with PMF Q0 . Only Dnewk=1 orders C and D differently. We can also observe that these measures occupy different ranges 5.2. London Underground Map (Criterion 9) of real values. Dnew k=2 appears to be more generous in valuing the This survey was designed to collect some real-world data that re- benefit of visualization, while Dncm k=1 is less generous. We will ex- flects the use of knowledge in viewing different London under- amine this phenomenon with a more compelling example in Sec- ground maps. It involved sixteen surveyees, twelve at King’s Col- tion 5.2. lege London (KCL) and four at University of Oxford. Surveyees Figure 6 shows another volume-rendered image used in the sur- were interviewed individually in a setup as shown in Figure 7. vey. Two iso-surfaces of a head dataset are depicted with translu- Each surveyee was asked to answer 12 questions using either a cent occlusion, which is a type of visual multiplexing [CWB∗ 14]. geographically-faithful map or a deformed map, followed by two © 2021 The Author(s) with LATEX template from Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Min Chen et al. / A Bounded Measure for Estimating the Benefit of Visualization: Case Studies and Empirical Evaluation Figure 7: A survey for collecting data that reflects the use of some knowledge in viewing two types of London underground maps. further questions about their familiarity of a metro system and Lon- approximate the PMF as Q = {qi | 1 ≤ i ≤ 256}, where don. A £5 Amazon voucher was offered to each surveyee as an ap- preciation of their effort and time. The survey sheets and the full 0.01/236 if 1 ≤ i ≤ ξ − 8 (wild guess) 0.026 if ξ − 7 ≤ i ≤ ξ − 3 (close) set of survey results are given in Appendix D. qi = 0.12 if ξ − 2 ≤ i ≤ ξ + 2 (spot on) 0.026 if ξ + 3 ≤ i ≤ ξ + 12 (close) Harry Beck first introduced geographically-deformed design of 0.01/236 if ξ + 13 ≤ i ≤ 256 (wild guess) the London underground maps in 1931. Today almost all metro maps around the world adopt this design concept. Information- Using the same way in the previous case study, we can estimate the theoretically, the transformation of a geographically-faithful map divergence and the benefit of visualization for an answer in each to such a geographically-deformed map causes a significant loss of range. Recall our observation of the phenomenon in Section 5.1 information. Naturally, this affects some tasks more than others. that the measurements by DJS, Dnew k=1 , D k=2 , D k=1 and D k=2 oc- new ncm ncm cupy different ranges of values, with Dnew k=2 be the most generous in measuring the benefit of visualization. With the entropy of the For example, the distances between stations on a deformed map alphabet as H (Q) ≈ 3.6 bits and the maximum entropy being 8 are not as useful as in a faithful map. The first four questions in the bits, the benefit values obtained for this example exhibit a similar survey asked surveyees to estimate how long it would take to walk but more compelling pattern: (i) from Charing Cross to Oxford Circus, (ii) from Temple and Le- icester Square, (iii) from Stanmore to Edgware, and (iv) from South Benefit for: DJS Dnew k=1 Dnew k=2 Dncm k=1 Dncm k=2 Rulslip to South Harrow. On the deformed map, the distances be- spot on −1.765 −0.418 0.287 −3.252 −2.585 tween the four pairs of the stations are all about 50mm. On the close −3.266 −0.439 0.033 −3.815 −3.666 faithful map, the distances are (i) 21mm, (ii) 14mm, (iii) 31mm, wild guess −3.963 −0.416 −0.017 −3.966 −3.965 and (iv) 53mm respectively. According to the Google map, the es- timated walk distance and time are (i) 0.9 miles, 20 minutes; (ii) 0.8 Only Dnew k=2 has returned positive benefit values for spot on and miles, 17 minutes; (iii) 1.6 miles, 32 minutes; and (iv) 2.2 miles, 45 close answers. Since it is not intuitive to say that those surveyees minutes respectively. who gave good answers benefited from visualization negatively, clearly only the measurements returned by Dnew k=2 are intuitive. In addition, the ordering resulting from Dnew k=1 is again inconsistent The average range of the estimations about the walk time by the with others. 12 surveyees at KCL are: (i) 19.25 [8, 30], (ii) 19.67 [5, 30], (iii) For instance, surveyee P9, who has lived in a city with a metro 46.25 [10, 240], and (iv) 59.17 [20, 120] minutes. The estimations system for a period of 1-5 years and lived in London for several by the four surveyees at Oxford are: (i) 16.25 [15, 20], (ii) 10 [5, months, made similarly good estimations about the walking time 15], (iii) 37.25 [25, 60], and (iv) 33.75 [20, 60] minutes. The values with both types of underground maps. With one spot on answer correlate better to the Google estimations than what would be im- and one close answer under each condition, the estimated benefit plied by the similar distances on the deformed map. Clearly some on average is 0.160 bits if one uses Dnew k=2 and is negative if one surveyees were using some knowledge to make better inference. uses any of the other four measures. Meanwhile, surveyee P3, who has lived in a city with a metro system for two months, provided all four answers in the wild guess category, leading to negative benefit Let Z be an alphabet of integers between 1 and 256. The range values by all five measures. is chosen partly to cover the range of the answers in the survey, and partly to round up the maximum entropy Z to 8 bits. For each pair Similarly, among the first set of four questions in the survey, of stations, we can define a PMF using a skew normal distribution Questions 1 and 2 are about stations near KCL, and Questions 3 peaked at the Google estimation ξ . As an illustration, we coarsely and 4 are about stations more than 10 miles away from KCL. The © 2021 The Author(s) with LATEX template from Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Min Chen et al. / A Bounded Measure for Estimating the Benefit of Visualization: Case Studies and Empirical Evaluation local knowledge of the surveyees from KCL clearly helped their This cost-benefit measure was developed in the field of visual- answers. Among the answers given by the twelve surveyees from ization, for optimizing visualization processes and visual analytics KCL, workflows. Its broad interpretation may include data intelligence workflows in other contexts [Che20]. The measure has now been • For Question 1, four spot on, five close, and three wild guess — improved by using visual analysis and with the survey data col- the average benefit is −2.940 with DJS or 0.105 with Dnewk=2 . lected in the context of visualization applications. • For Question 2, two spot on, nine close, and one wild guess — the average benefit is −3.074 with DJS or 0.071 with Dnewk=2 . The history of measurement science [Kle12] informs us that pro- • For Question 3, three close, and nine wild guess — the average posals for metrics, measures, and scales will continue to emerge in benefit is −3.789 with DJS or −0.005 with Dnew k=2 . visualization, typically following the arrival of new theoretical un- • For Question 4, two spot on, one close, and nine wild guess — derstanding, new observational data, new measurement technology, the average benefit is with −3.539 DJS or 0.038 with Dnewk=2 . and so on. As measurement is one of the driving forces in science and technology. We shall welcome such new measurement devel- The average benefit values returned by Dnewk=1 , D k=1 , and D k=2 ncm ncm opment in visualization. are all negative for these four questions. Hence, unless Dnew k=2 is used, all other measures would semantically imply that both types The work presented in this paper and the preceding paper does of the London underground maps would have negative benefit. We not indicate a closed chapter, but an early effort to be improved therefore give Dnew k=2 a 5 score and D , D k=1 , and D k=2 a 3 score JS ncm ncm frequently in the future. For example, future work may discover each in Table 1. We score Dnewk=1 1 as it also exhibits an ordering measures that have better mathematical properties than Dnewk and issue. DJS , or future experimental observation may evidence that DJS of- fer more intuitive explanations than Dnew k in other case studies. In When we consider answering each of Questions 1∼4 as perform- particular, we would like to continue our theoretical investigation ing a visualization task, we can estimate the cost-benefit ratio of into the mathematical properties of Dnew k . each process. As the survey also collected the time used by each surveyee in answering each question, the cost in Eq. 1 can be ap- “Measurement is not an end but a means in the process of de- proximated with the mean response time. 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