Page created by Robert Holt

Alongside Singapore for over 50 years
SSA Mission Statement
                                                           CONTENTS                                                                      02
                              30 Years of SSA                                                                                            04
                              President’s Report                                                                                         14
                              Council Members                                                                                            18
                              SSA Secretariat                                                                                            20
                              Organisation Chart                                                                                         22
                              Activities Report                                                                                          24
                              Administrative Committees’ Report                                                                          27
                              Operational Committees’ Report                                                                             40
                              Port & Shipping Statistics                                                                                 62
                              Membership Summary                                                                                         64
                              Fleet Statistics Summary                                                                                   69
                              Ordinary Members                                                                                           70
                              Associate Members                                                                                         128

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Special thanks to our statistics contributors, advertisers, and the following companies for granting us the permission
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This publication is published by the Singapore Shipping Association. No contents may be reproduced in part or in whole    SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
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                                                                                                                          T: +65 6305 2269 | F: +65 6222 5527
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                   AS AN                                                    FOR THE
                ASSOCIATION                                                INDUSTRY

The Association will protect and promote the           The Association will take the views of the maritime
interests of its members. It will undertake maritime   industry as a whole. It will play its role to promote
related activities which are relevant and beneficial   the maritime interests in Singapore and the rest of
to its members.                                        the world. To do so, the Association will cooperate
                                                       and actively engage other maritime stakeholders
                                                       both locally and globally.

02                                                                         SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                                                         Annual Report 2014/15


The Association will work closely with the         The Association will cooperate with governmental
government of Singapore to protect the extensive   and non-governmental organisations to promote
maritime interests of Singapore and to promote     freedom of the sea, safety at sea and to protect the
Singapore as a major hub port and premier          environment.
International Maritime Centre.

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                             03
OF SSA     Singapore Shipping Association
           commemorates 30 years of
           service to the industry
           Not many people may know this today,
           but prior to 1985, Singapore’s maritime
           landscape was fragmented, as there
           five very different shipping organisations
           representing different interests – each
           organization had its own goals and
           objectives, making discussions with
           government agencies less productive
           and more inefficient.

           The Singapore shipping community
           felt that they needed to build up a
           stronger voice, especially when raising
           issues to the government and maritime-
           related agencies.

           On 29 January 1985, the Singapore
           National Shipping Association (SNSA) was
           formed from an amalgamation of the five
           associations, namely:

              The Singapore Shipping Association
           (formed in May 1953) which acted
           primarily for shipowners in the Singapore-
           Indonesia trade;
              The Singapore Shipowners Association
           (formed in 1955) which represented the
           interests of foreign shipping companies
           involved in the Far East-Europe trade;
              The Singapore Barges and Tugs
           Association (formed in 1973) which drew
           its membership from domestic tug and
           barge operators;

                                  Annual Report 2014/15

   The Ship Agents and Shipbrokers         to develop an international maritime      members. In this all-encompassing
Association of Singapore (formed           programme to change the face of           association, academics, specialists
in 1978) championed the cause of           Singapore’s maritime industry.            and retired industry professionals
bona fide shipping agents; and                                                       may sign up as individual members,
   The Singapore National Shipowners’      In light of such policy changes,          while those who have done the
Association (formed in 1979) which         the Maritime and Port Authority of        association proud are inducted
represented shipowners and the             Singapore (MPA) was established in        as honorary members. As of
shipping trade irrespective of the types   February 1996 as a statutory board        31 March 2015, there are 277
and services.                              under the auspices of the Ministry of     Ordinary, 194 Associate, 1 Ordinary
Located in the NOL Building, the           Transport by merging the National         and 3 Honorary members in its
SNSA started with around 135               Maritime Board, Marine Department         membership.
companies in its membership and            and regulatory departments of Port
comprised mainly of shipowners,            of Singapore Authority (PSA). The         The SSA is fortunate to have
ship managers, tug and barge               MPA would take on the role as Port        dedicated and committed members
operators and shipping agents. The         Regulator, National Sea Transport         who have stepped up in growing
association was helmed by Mr Lua           Representative in the international       numbers through the years to
Cheng Eng, CEO of Neptune Orient           arena and champion Singapore’s            volunteer their expertise on its
Lines Ltd, who would remain as             aspiration to be a global hub port and    Council, Operational Committees,
the Association’s longest serving          a top International Maritime Centre.      Sub-Committees and ad hoc
President from 1985 to 2003.               Meanwhile, PSA was restructured as        Working Groups to advance the
                                           PSA Corporation Limited as a port         interests of Singapore’s shipping
Of particular note was the fact            and terminal operator.                    industry. Through their active
that the SNSA secretariat started                                                    participation, the committee
with just 3 staff, one of whom             To support these changes, and to          members have helped to streamline
was Mr Daniel Tan who served               better meet the changing needs of its     daily operations, enhance efficiency
the secretariat since day 1 of the         growing membership, the SNSA also         and establish the SSA’s position as a
SNSA till his retirement as Executive      underwent a restructuring exercise.       thought leader on a host of technical
Director in August 2014. Today, the        As a result, in 1997, the SNSA was        and operational issues, allowing it
SSA Secretariat has grown to a             renamed the “Singapore Shipping           to take a lead role in formulating a
current staff strength of 13.              Association” – this renewed and           national position on regulatory issues
                                           revamped Association would speak          and international conventions.
A Plan Comes Together                      with one voice on both domestic
Due to the severity of Singapore’s         and international issues, and expand      Over the years the various
recession of the mid-1980s, the            its membership to ancillary services      committees have been tweaked
government appointed an Economic           supporting the maritime industry, with    to respond to changing industry
Committee headed by then Minister          co-opted representation in the council.   requirements. Currently the main
of State for Defence and Trade and                                                   Operational Committees within the
Industry Mr Lee Hsien Loong, with          Today, the SSA is the most inclusive      SSA are as follows:
the task of identifying Singapore’s        shipping association in the region.
competitive strengths and                  Shipowners, operators, ship                 International Committee which
shortcomings and to propose policy         managers and shipping agents are            deals with international and
changes to reclaim Singapore’s             accepted as ordinary members, while         macroeconomic issues affecting
competitive edge. Amongst its              those in ancillary services, including      the shipping industry;
many pronged deliberations, the            P&I clubs, banks, classification            Services Committee which
Economic Committee worked with             societies, insurance companies, legal       addresses domestic issues arising
then Trade Development Board, now          firms, shipbuilders, ship repairers and     from ship operations and port
International Enterprise Singapore,        ship suppliers, can join as associate       services, cruise industry, bunkering

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                                                 05

  as well as training for shore-based
  Technical Committee which
  focuses on technical,
  environmental, maritime safety &
  security matters, mostly relating
  to developments at the
  International Maritime Organization
  (IMO) and growing concerns with
  the spike of piracy incidents;
  Legal and Insurance Committee
  reviews international legal
  and liability regimes developments
  that affect Singapore-based ship
  operators; and
  Offshore Services Committee to
  reflect the growing importance of
  the offshore sector and               groomed to take over leadership          its long-held dream of having its
  Singapore’s role in its               positions in the Council. Starting off   own premises. Located in the heart
  development; and                      as an ad hoc group, the YEG was          of the city, it is within reach for most
  Young Executives Group which          formally established in 2006 with a      members, making it a focal point for
  provides a platform for staff of      proper organizational structure, its     the SSA’s expanding membership.
  SSA member companies below            own office bearers and clear terms
  45 years of age to come together      of reference. Subsequently, it was       Manpower Development
  to organise educational,              inducted as a full SSA Committee         Initiatives
  networking and community              in 2012. In terms of activities, the     To raise the profile of the maritime
  outreach activities for               YEG has an active annual schedule –      industry, the SSA has been an
  the membership.                       volunteering to speak at educational     active participant and supporter
                                        talks, gathering to network at           of the Maritime Outreach Network
Securing the future                     cocktail events, organizing the ever     (MaritimeONE) since its inception
While the association appreciates       popular bowling tournament for           in 2007.
the value of experience, it also        the SSA membership and frequent
recognises the importance of self       outreach programs to the less            Together with the Singapore
renewal. In 2006, Mr S.S. Teo as        fortunate.                               Maritime Foundation, Maritime and
president pushed for the amendment                                               Port Authority of Singapore and
to the SSA constitution to limit the    As change is the only constant in        Association of Singapore Marine
term of the president to a maximum      this dynamic maritime industry, this     Industries, this partnership has
of three consecutive terms or 6         process of self-renewal helps to         synergised its efforts in heightening
years, thereby ensuring that there      ensure that the SSA has a sustained      awareness and publicising the
would be sustained opportunities for    pool of leaders coming forth to          myriad career opportunities of our
leadership renewal and fresh ideas.     represent Singapore’s shipping           vibrant maritime industry to the
                                        industry.                                general public, with a particular
At this same time, this Council also                                             focus on our young people.
set up the SSA Young Executives         In 2005, the Association took a          Initiatives include but are not
Group (YEG), with the intention of      bold move and purchased its own          restricted to offering scholarships,
identifying a new generation to be      premises at 59 Tras Street, fulfilling   organising career talks in schools,

06                                                                                 SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                                                                 Annual Report 2014/15

sea tours, visits to maritime-related      in Singapore Maritime Academy’s       In the Association’s efforts
establishments and producing               (SMA) diploma courses and             to promote the interests of
publications, radio and cinema             Singapore Management University       its members and to enhance
advertisements. These initiatives          students selecting to undertake the   Singapore’s competitiveness
are ever-evolving, but are always          Maritime Economics                    as an International Maritime
seeking to bump up the ‘wow factor’        Concentration route;                  Centre, the SSA maintains a close
and to attract more talent to our          Travel bursaries for needy            working relationship with various
industry.                                  students who travel to Norway for     government agencies, such as
                                           their exchange programme under        the MPA, Singapore Customs,
As a measure of the Association’s          Nanyang Technological                 the Immigration and Checkpoints
commitment towards supporting              University’s Bachelor of Science      Authority, the Republic of Singapore
education and encouragement of             (Maritime Studies) programme; and     Navy and Police Coast Guard.
local youth to join the maritime           Book vouchers for top graduands       In particular, the SSA has been
industry, these are some key               of SMA diploma courses.               very honoured to be called upon
initiatives which the SSA is                                                     by the MPA to provide industry
participating in currently:              Raising SSA’s profile in                perspectives on a multitude
                                         national and international              of projects – from providing
  Tripartite Maritime Manpower           maritime fora                           suggestions to enhance safe
  Taskforce (Seafaring) and Tripartite   Over the past decades, the              navigation in Singapore waters, to
  Maritime Manpower Taskforce            Association has nurtured and            deliberating on every aspect of the
  (Shore);                               developed close relationships with a    Maritime Labour Convention and
  MaritimeONE scholarships for           large number of stakeholders, both      other IMO conventions to organising
  polytechnic students embarking         local and foreign.                      the Singapore Maritime Week.

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                                          07

                                 Annual Report 2014/15

In our ongoing efforts to help         ASF - with the ASF membership               Some good things will
safeguard ships and our seafaring      estimated to control about 50% of           remain status quo
community, the SSA also maintains      the world merchant fleet today, it          As the SSA commemorates its
strong working relations with the      has become even more vital for the          30th year of service to the maritime
Regional Agreement on Combating        Asian voice to be heard.                    industry and ever-evolving to meet
Piracy and Armed Robbery Against                                                   our members changing needs, the
Ships in Asia (ReCAAP) Information     International Chamber of                    Association is pleased to assure its
Sharing Centre and the multi-          Shipping (ICS)                              members that it would continue to
national Information Sharing Centre                                                organise its quarterly cocktails and
(IFC) based in Singapore.              The SSA is a member of the ICS,             annual dinners, tea talks, seminars
                                       the principal international trade           and other networking events which
These regular dialogue sessions with   association for shipowners, where           the membership has been so
our local partners have been very      it has been taking an increasingly          supportive of. It will also continue to
fruitful in resolving industry-wide    active role. Mr Esben Poulsson, SSA         provide opportunities for dedicated
shipping problems and ensured a        Honorary Secretary represents the           and committed members to serve
common understanding of the needs      Association on the Board of the ICS in      on the Association’s Council,
and issues within the industry.        London and since 2012, is one of four       Operational Committees, Sub-
                                       Vice Chairmen. As he said in a press        Committees and Work Groups so
On the regional and international      statement, “The SSA is committed            that together, we can continue to
front, the SSA plays an active         to making a meaningful contribution         promote the Association’s mission
role in the Federation of ASEAN        to the working of the ICS and I hope        and goals and strive for greater
Shipowners Associations (FASA),        that through my appointment, I can          heights for our industry.
boosted by fact that its Executive     add value to this effort. Singapore has
Director also serves as FASA’s         become a major international maritime       Last but not least, sincere
Secretary General.                     centre and so it is not only important      appreciation and thanks go out to
                                       for its voice to be heard internationally   each and every individual who had
Asian Shipowners Forum (ASF)           but for Singapore to help influence         played a part in the Association’s
                                       the growth and development of world         journey thus far. Thank you for your
In 1997, on behalf of FASA, the SSA    shipping.”                                  efforts and continued support.
played host to the 6th ASF. Over 150
representatives from shipowners’       International Maritime
associations in seven Asian regions
attended the two-day meeting.
                                       Organization (IMO)
                                       The SSA does not have a permanent
In 2004, the SSA hosted the ASF’s      seat nor observer status at the IMO.
annual gathering a second time. The    However, the Association is still able

13th ASF will be remembered for        to participate actively as a member
years to come, as the heads of the     of the Singapore delegation led
ASF delegation were received by        by MPA. The MPA also organises
then Singapore Prime Minister Mr.
Goh Chok Tong while President S. R.
Nathan hosted them to dinner and a
                                       pre- and post-meeting briefings
                                       of IMO’s Marine Environment
                                       Protection Committee (MEPC) and
                                                                                     To more
garden party at the Istana.

Acting through FASA, SSA continues
                                       Maritime Safety (MSC) meetings so
                                       that members of the SSA are kept
                                       updated on the latest developments
                                                                                   good years!
to actively promote and support the    at the IMO.

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                                                09

                                                        As the industry expanded,
                                                        associate members were admitted
                                                        to the SNSA. Initially limited to           The SNSA Training Institute
                                                        a select few, the definition was            was set up to provide short
                                                        steadily broadened. Following the           development courses for
                                                        association’s restructuring in 1996,        shore-based staff. Initially
                                                        any company aligned with the                running just 2 courses in
                                                        shipping industry can join as an            shipping documentation
                                                        associate member.                           and operations, the
                                                                                                    executive development
The founding Council when the SNSA was formed           The SNSA was appointed secretariat          programme has been
from 5 existing shipping related associations on        for the Singapore Maritime                  offering 15 courses since
29 January 1985. In the same year, SNSA was             Employers’ Federation (SMEF),               2011 with MPA Maritime
admitted as a member of the Federation of ASEAN         the sole trade union representing           Cluster Fund support for
Shipowners Associations (FASA).                         maritime employers in Singapore.            eligible participants.

  1985                    1986                                    1988                                              1991

             SNSA held its 1st anniversary dinner on 2 June. Guest of Honour was Dr Lee Boon Yang, Minister
             of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry.

             In the same year (1986), SNSA established the Registry of Accredited Shipping Agents. It also
             introduced a Guide to Shipping Agency Fees (such as B/L fees) to deter price undercutting
             amongst its members. This was abolished in 2006 in light of the Singapore Competition Act which
             came into force.

10                                                                                      SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                                                                      Annual Report 2014/15

         The SNSA became the
         permanent secretariat for                 Following a major restructuring,
         FASA, the association’s first             the Singapore Shipping
         permanent home in 21 years.               Association (SSA) was formed
         With this responsibility, the             to replace the SNSA as the
         SNSA (and in later years SSA)             representative of the shipping
         Executive Director takes on               community. With the revamp,
         the role of Secretary General             the association has a new logo,
         of FASA. In the past the FASA             a new constitution and a new               There was a change of guard at
         secretariat was rotated along             committee structure, in line with          the SSA as Mr Teo Siong Seng
         with the chairmanship among               Singapore’s aspiration to be an            succeeded Mr Lua Cheng Eng as
         the member countries.                     international maritime centre.             SSA President.

1992                          1996                     1997                            2000                            2003

The Singapore Bunkering Procedure                                                        The SSA officially rejoined
(SBP) was developed jointly by the                                                       as a member of the
SNSA and the then Port of Singapore                                                      International Chamber
Authority to safeguard the interests of                                                  of Shipping (ICS), the
buyers lifting bunkers in Singapore. It                                                  principal international
became a national standard, the CP 60,                                                   trade association for
when it was adopted by the Productivity                                                  shipowners.
and Standards Board in 1996 and later
updated as SS600:2008 and SS600:2014
. Being the only national standard in the
world, it was used by the International
Organisation for Standardisation as         Also in 1992, the Asian Shipowners
a basis for the development of the          Forum was formed to bring together
ISO 13739 Petroleum Products —              shipowners in the region. SSA joined
Procedures for the Transfer of Bunker       the ASF as a member of the FASA bloc.
Fuel to Ships.

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                                                    11

                                                                The constitution was amended to expand the membership to
                                                                individuals and to limit the president’s term in office to a maximum
                                                                of three consecutive terms. In addition, amendments were
                                                                incorporated giving the SSA Council greater flexibility in forming
                                                                operational committees to address the association’s needs.

SSA hosted the 13th Asian Shipowners Forum. The
highlight for the meeting delegation was being
received by then Singapore Prime Minister Mr Goh
Chok Tong and hosted to a dinner and garden party
in the Istana by President S. R. Nathan.                        The SSA Young Executives Group (YEG) was established.

  2004                         2005                             2006                       2007

                                                                          The MaritimeONE initiative was launched drawing
                                                                          together SMF, MPA, ASMI and SSA to work towards
                                                                          collectively raising awareness of the maritime industry
                                                                          as well as to profile education and career opportunities
                                                                          to the students and committed individuals. SSA
                                                                          President Mr S. S. Teo was its founding Chairman.

        SSA realized its long-held dream of having its
        own premises when it purchased a 3,500sqft
        conservation building at Tras Street in Tanjong
        Pagar. Located in the heart of the city, it is within
        reach for most members, making it a focal point for
        the SSA’s expanding membership.

12                                                                                          SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2014/15

                                                                                   The Singapore War Risk Mutual was
                                                                                   established with the support of the SSA. SSA
                                                                                   had mooted the idea to strengthen Singapore’s
                                                                                   offerings in the marine insurance sector.

Mr Patrick Phoon, who had
been serving on the Council
                                                                                   A new logo was also unveiled in keeping
continuously since 1991, takes       SSA was lead organiser of the panel           with SSA’s forward-going direction as the
over the helm from Mr S.S. Teo.      discussion that launched the Maritime         continued active voice of the Singapore
                                     Labour Convention. Broadcasted globally       shipping industry. By being anticipative,
                                     from the bridge of ‘APL Yangshan’, Dr         leading and collaborative, SSA continues to
                                     Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, Director             serve and support the interest of its members
                                     of International Labour Organization’s        through meaningful regular dialogue with the
                                     (ILO) International Labour Standards          Singapore government and other maritime
                                     Department, led the discussion with           associations. SSA helps Singapore to
                                     representatives from MPA, SSA and             become the leading International Maritime
                                     Singapore Maritime Officers Union.            Centre by navigating the future.

2010                     2011                                  2013                       2014                       2015

                                                 The SSA celebrates            Mr Daniel Tan, Executive Director of the SSA
                                                 its 25th anniversary          retires after 29 years. Mr Michael Phoon takes
                                                 with a gala dinner            over the running of the Secretariat.
                                                 at the newly opened
                                                 Marina Bay Sands              In 2014, the SSA organisesd its largest gala
                                                 ballroom which was            dinner to date on its 29th anniversary. Graced
                                                 graced by Deputy              by Mr Lui Tuck Yew, Minister for Transport the
                                                 Prime Minister Mr             dinner was attended by over 2100 attendees.
                                                 Teo Chee Hean and
                                                 attended by over
                                                 2000 people.

As the SSA’s membership becomes more international, the SSA
constitution was amended to allow a representative, who is either
a Singaporean or a Permanent Resident, from an ordinary member
company to stand for election as president of the SSA Council.

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                                                     13


“Singapore’s shipping sector is
gathering significant attention, and
as momentum builds, it is timely that
SSA has invested in fresh talent to
take us to the next level.“

GENERAL OUTLOOK                          position as one of the world’s busiest
                                         container ports, handling more
While the prospect for the global
shipping industry remains generally      than 33.9 million TEUs in 2014, an        “ ..SSA must lead,
weak, with freight rates still
depressed, and there are still many
                                         increase of 30.9% from a low of 25.9
                                         million TEUs in 2009.                     and set the
challenges looming on the horizon,
today’s global economic climate is       The Singapore Registry of Ships
                                                                                   direction for our
very much improved compared with
the dark days of 2008 and 2009.
                                         (SRS) remains among the top ten
                                         registries in the world - besides
                                         having a young fleet, the SRS is
On the home front, I was very            well known as a quality registry          • Vision of International
pleased to note that a recent report     with high standards.                        engagement, and not just
by Norwegian consulting firm
                                         Despite a shift in focus on quality
Menon ranked Singapore as the
world’s most important maritime          over quantity in recent years, the
capital. While there remains room        bunkering industry continues to           • Crafting the cornerstones
for improvement, especially with         perform relatively well, with more          of an International
regard to maritime technology,           than 42.416 million tonnes of               Maritime Centre
maritime finance and law, the            bunkers delivered in 2014.
report named Singapore as the
most attractive and competitive
city for the maritime industry,          GROWING SINGAPORE AS
given the ease of doing business         AN IMC
here and the complete maritime           To strengthen Singapore as an IMC,
cluster. Furthermore, the Singapore      the SSA, under the guidance of
economy grew a moderate 2.6 per          the SSA Council (2013/2015), has
cent in the first three months of        identified areas among Singapore’s
2015 over the same period a year         maritime clusters that can benefit
ago, and that GDP is projected to        from additional incentives in order
grow between 2% to 4% for the            to grow. In particular, SSA has
rest of the year.                        identified the fields of ship financing
                                         and ship insurance as being in
In this regard, I am confident that      need of greater encouragement in
Singapore’s shipping industry as a       order to grow.
whole will be able to remain on an
even keel and stay the course.           To this end, I was very pleased by
                                         the launch of the first Singapore-
THE SINGAPORE SCENE                      based national mutual war risks
Collectively, Singapore’s                insurer, the new Singapore War
achievements have reinforced             Risks Mutual (SWRM) Class, in
Singapore’s role as an International     February this year.
Maritime Centre (IMC).
                                         With the establishment of this
Singapore has maintained its position    dedicated facility, Singapore
as an important global hub port          will now join the ranks of other
with vessel arrivals of just over 2.37   leading maritime nations – in
billion GT and 581.3 million tonnes      addition to benefiting from real-
of seaborne cargo carried. The Port      time advice, service and claims
of Singapore also maintained its         handling, participating Singapore

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                                            15

shipowners will also benefit from           your interests as we continue to       also entertained visits from national
flexible coverage and greater control       strive to enhance Singapore’s          organisations such as the Japanese
over their war risk insurance cover at      competitiveness as an IMC.             Shipowners’ Association, the Korea
competitive rates.                                                                 Port Tugboat Future Policy Forum
                                            A Growing Voice                        and senior executives of State-
Forming Strategic Alliances                                                        Owned enterprises and government
                                            Over the past two decades, the         officials from Guangdong, China.
The Association has continued               Association has nurtured and
to build on our critical strategic          developed close relationships with
partnerships with other industry            a large number of stakeholders,        INTERNATIONAL
stakeholders such as Ministry of            not only local but also foreign and    DEVELOPMENTS
Transport (MOT), the Maritime               international ones.                    As shipping is a global industry, the
and Port Authority of Singapore                                                    Association has had to pay close
(MPA), the Ministry of Manpower             In the spirit of ASEAN solidarity,     attention to global and regional
(MOM), the Singapore Workforce              we are active members of the           issues which may have an impact
Development Agency (WDA), the               Federation of ASEAN Shipowners’        on Singapore’s shipping industry.
Singapore Maritime Academy (SMA),           Associations (FASA). At the            In particular, the Association has
the Association of Singapore Marine         regional level, working through        been very concerned with the ever-
Industries (ASMI), the Singapore            FASA, the Association has also         present threat of piracy and armed
Chamber of Maritime Arbitration             worked tirelessly at developing        robbery against ships. We were also
(SCMA) and the Singapore Maritime           and maintaining a close working        actively engaged in discussions
Foundation (SMF).                           relationship with the members of       at the International Maritime
                                            the Asian Shipowners’ Forum (ASF),     Organization (IMO) relating to the
In particular, in the long-term interests   where SSA is the chair of the ASF      reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
of maintaining Singapore as an IMC,         Safe Navigation & Environment          emission from ships, as well as the
SSA has continued to work closely           Committee.                             implementation of the International
with its tripartite partners in ongoing                                            Convention for the Control and
efforts to actively promote the maritime    SSA is also an active and              Management of Ships’ Ballast
industry and seafaring careers as viable    enthusiastic participant on the        Water and Sediments (the Ballast
and attractive choices for Singaporean      global stage. Following the election   Water Convention).
school leavers.                             of SSA to the Board of Directors
                                            of the International Chamber of        Piracy & Armed Robbery
Also, the Association was very              Shipping (ICS) in May 2012, we
pleased to have the opportunity             have been engaged in discussions       Maritime piracy and armed
to express its support for the              at the ICS on issues of concern        robbery remains a huge threat to
Competition Commission of                   to the global shipping industry.       international shipping. Not only
Singapore’s proposed renewal of             Drawing on the considerable            does the threat of piracy and armed
the Block Exemption Order for Liner         experience and expertise of its        robbery threaten the lives and safety
Shipping Agreements.                        members, representatives from          of our seafarers, but it also increases
                                            the SSA have also been active          the risk of pollution to our marine
In addition, as part of your                members of the Singapore               environment.
Association’s commitment towards            delegation to the IMO.
promoting Singapore as an IMC, SSA                                                 Whilst we were pleased to note that
has worked very closely with MPA            I am also pleased to report that       the situation off the coasts of Africa
to produce a National Geographic            your Association has played host       appears to be under control, we
documentary, “Inside Maritime               to delegations from various foreign    have noted with great concern that
Singapore”, which will premiere on          organisations – in addition to         a number of prominent maritime
the National Geographic Channels            courtesy calls from international      organisations have made statements
tonight, 30 June 2015, at 7:00PM! By        bodies such as ICS, UK Chamber         on the situation in the Straits of
leveraging on these critical strategic      of Shipping of Shipping, IACS,         Malacca and the South China
partnerships, we actively promote           INTERTANKO and BIMCO, we have          Sea that have painted a picture of

16                                                                                   SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                                                                   Annual Report 2014/15

unchecked lawlessness and extreme          concerns over the implementation       As you may know, Mr. Michael
danger to all who sail these waters.       and enforcement of the Ballast         Phoon has taken on the role of
                                           Water Convention.                      Executive Director. In addition, the
In view of this, the Association has                                              Association also appointed a full
prepared a Technical Report with           Nonetheless, the SSA will continue     time Technical Director, Capt. Ang
detailed analysis using available public   to support the work of the             Chin Eng, who will be responsible for
data in an attempt to assess and           International Maritime Organization,   ensuring the Association maintains
judge the validity and/or justification    which has demonstrated that it         its pledge of delivering a high level
of these claims. It is to be hoped that    can take the lead in developing        of technical advice and service to its
this Technical Report will help SSA        pro-active and practical regulatory    members against a rapidly changing
members and other stakeholders             measures for global application.       international regulatory landscape.
will be better equipped to adopt a
balanced view and be more discerning
when reading reports of maritime           OUR ASSOCIATION                        CONCLUSION
piracy and armed robbery.                  Our Association’s membership has       My fellow Councillors and the
                                           continued to grow as more maritime     volunteers serving on the Association’s
Environmental Measures                     related companies set up their base    Committees and Sub-Committees
                                           in Singapore. As of 1st June 2015,     have given me tremendous support.
In the interest of ensuring a level        we have 474 Members, comprising        Without their dedication, hard work
playing field, SSA continues to            280 Ordinary Members, 194              and excellent support in promoting
stand by its position that any global      Associate Members and 2 Individual     the interests of the Association, the
environmental regulations that have        Members. The Association also has      SSA would not have been able to
been adopted must be practical,            3 Honorary Members, namely: Mrs.       accomplish its goals.
implementable and sustainable.             Lim Hwee Hua, Mr. Ong Kok Wah
Such regulations should also be            and Mr. Yeo Cheow Tong.                I would like to take this opportunity
subjected to a full and rigorous cost                                             to thank them for taking the time
- benefit analysis.                        The SSA’s Young Executives Group       away from their own careers to
In this regard, following the vote         (YEG), which just celebrated its 9th   support the efforts of the SSA.
in the European Parliament,                anniversary in May this year, now
adopting a regional EU Regulation          stands at over 1000 members. We        I would also like to thank all our
on the Monitoring, Reporting and           hope that these young maritime         members whom I am deeply
Verification (MRV) of individual ship      professionals will continue to         grateful for the continued support
emissions of CO2, the Association          make enthusiastic and positive         given to our Association.
joined the ICS, BIMCO and                  contributions to Singapore’s
Intercargo in expressing its dismay        shipping industry.                     Last but not least, I would also
of the outcome. In particular, the                                                like to thank the Secretariat for the
Association expressed its deep             This year, the SSA Newsletter          efficient discharge of their duties.
concern at the EU’s insistence             “Waves” turned 8. By drawing on
in incorporating controversial             contributions from SSA members,
elements, such as the publication          journalists and other industry
of commercially sensitive data on          experts, Waves continues to
all ships trading to the EU – an idea      ensure that provide SSA members
which had previously been rejected         with updated information on the
by the majority of IMO governments         Association and developments in the
at the 67th meeting of the IMO             shipping industry.
Marine Environment Protection
Committee in October 2014.                 Singapore’s shipping sector is
                                           gathering significant attention, and
Similarly, the Association has             as momentum builds, it is timely        Mr. Patrick Phoon
expressed concern that the IMO has         that SSA has invested in fresh          President,
yet to adequately address industry’s       talent to take us to the next level.    Singapore Shipping Association

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                                               17
04                                                                                Ms. Gina Lee-Wan
                                                                                   COUNCILLOR & CHAIRMAN
                                                                                    OF LEGAL & INSURANCE

                                                                                            Allen & Gledhill LLP

Mr. Patrick Phoon                        Ms. Lisa Teo                                            Mr. Rene Piil Pedersen
     PRESIDENT                     HONORARY TREASURER                                         COUNCILLOR & CHAIRMAN OF
Deputy Managing Director       Executive Director, Corporate Development                      INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE
Evergreen Shipping Agency          Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd                             Director, Group Public Affairs
    (Singapore) Pte Ltd                                                                               Maersk Singapore Pte Ltd

Mr. Esben Poulsson                                                           Mr. Toshio Kurashiki
HONORARY SECRETARY                                                                   COUNCILLOR
         Chairman                                                                   Managing Director
  AVRA International Pte Ltd                                               Nippon Kaiji Kyokai Singapore Pte. Ltd.

                                                           “ ...ensuring the compliance
                                                           with international standards
                                                           and beyond...”
                                                           • Realizing safer, greener,
                                                             and more efficient ships
                                                           • Bridge between Singapore
                                                             and global R&D

  18                                                                                                        SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                                                                                          Annual Report 2014/15

                          Mr. Lee Keng Mun                              Ms. Katie Men
                               COUNCILLOR                            COUNCILLOR & CHAIRMAN
                             Head of Shipping Asia                    OF YOUNG EXECUTIVES
                       HSH Nordbank AG, Singapore Branch               GROUP COMMITTEE
                                                                           Managing Director
                                                                         Iseaco Holdings Pte Ltd

                             “ ...business goes to where
                             the money goes to...”
                             • Deepening debt & equity capital
                               markets for maritime growth
                             • Implementing the pillar of
                               maritime finance

                          Mr. Tan Chin Hee                                Mr. Aloysius Seow
                               COUNCILLOR                             COUNCILLOR & CHAIRMAN OF
                               Executive Director                        SERVICES COMMITTEE
                             Pacific Carriers Limited                         Chief Operating Officer
                                                                              Ocean Tankers Pte Ltd

 “…To remain as a leading
 maritime nation, Maritime
 Singapore has to be nimble
 and adapt to changes...”
 • Bringing expertise into
   Singapore War Risk Mutual
 • Implementing the pillar of
   maritime insurance

                            Mr. Carsten Brix Ostenfeldt                                                     Mr. Neil Glenn
                            COUNCILLOR & CHAIRMAN OF                                            COUNCILLOR & CHAIRMAN OF
                              TECHNICAL COMMITTEE                                              OFFSHORE SERVICES COMMITTEE
                                     Chief Executive Officer                                                   Managing Director
                                 Thome Ship Management Pte Ltd                                     Swire Pacific Offshore Operations (Pte) Ltd
                                (resigned w.e.f. 31 December 2014)

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                                                                     19
05                               Elson Khoo
                          MANAGER (ACCOUNTS & ADMIN)

Mr. Michael Phoon                          Marianne Choo

                                                    “Honoured to be part of an
                                                    energetic, dynamic and
                                                    passionate team to shape
                                                    the future of Singapore’s
                                                    maritime industry. We
                                                    shall aspire and inspire
                                                    to ensure Maritime
                                                    Singapore continues to
                                                    grow and prosper“

     Capt. Ang Chin Eng          Quek Tsui Chiang

   “We have a
wonderful team
      at SSA”

20                                             SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                             Annual Report 2014/15

               Gena Lim                                               Lau Ying Wen
          EXECUTIVE SECRETARY                                        EXECUTIVE OFFICER

  “ The prospect of
        being in one
      of the world ‘s
    busiest industry
   is very exciting”

    Jolyn Teo Pei Shan                          Juliana Lim           Siti Noraini Zaini

                                  Marissa Enriquez                          Kunasekaran
                             ACCOUNTS & ADMIN EXECUTIVE                   ADMIN EXECUTIVE

                                     “Creativity, innovation,
                                     connected, teamwork,
                                     leadership, training
                                     provider, that’s no
                                     other than SSA...., the
                                     heart of the shipping
                                     industry in Singapore”

   Annual Report 2014/15                                                                    21

CHART                                                                Technical


 Membership         Council

                                                                      Legal &

                         Finance,                                     Committee
          General       Investment
          Affairs         & Audit


22                                           SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                           Annual Report 2014/15

                      Operations       Maritime
Environmental                                          Tanker
                      Training &       Safety &
     Sub-                                            Panel Sub-
                     Manning Sub-    Security Sub-
 Committee                                           Committee
                      Committee       Committee

 Operations &
 Port Services      Bunkering Sub-   Cruise Sub-
Sub-Committee         Committee      Committee


Development &
Education Sub-

   Annual Report 2014/15                                                          23


“Over the past two decades, the
Association has nurtured and
developed close relationships with
a large number of stakeholders,
not only local but also foreign and
international ones.“

24                                    SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                  Annual Report 2014/15


ANNUAL GENERAL                        Report ended 31 December 2014.      Mr. Patrick Phoon and Mr. Ong Kok
MEETING (AGM)                         The AGM re-appointed M/S            Wah to the SSA Board of Trustees.
The SSA 18th AGM was held on 3        Rohan Mah and partners as the
July 2014 at the Marina Mandarin      Association’s external auditors     COUNCIL
Hotel Singapore. It was attended by   and M/S Allen and Gledhill as       During the period in review,
115 Ordinary, 20 Associate Members    its honorary legal advisor for      Mr. Carsten Ostenfeldt resigned
and 1 Individual Member. The          2014/2015.The Meeting unanimously   from the Council on 31 December
Meeting adopted the SSA Annual        re-appointed Mr. Teo Siong Seng,    2014. The Council accorded votes
Report (2013/2014) and Financial      Mr. Aloysius Seow,                  of appreciation to Mr. Carsten
                                                                          Ostenfeldt who was also Chairman
                                                                          of the SSA TechnicalCommittee, for
                                                                          his past contributions and support
                                                                          and wished him well in his new

                                                                          STANDING (L-R):              SEATED (L-R):
                                                                          Mr. Tan Chin Hee,            Ms. Lisa Teo,
                                                                          Mr. Aloysius Seow,           Mr. Patrick Phoon,
                                                                          Mr. Rene Piil Pedersen,      Mr. Esben Poulsson
                                                                          Ms. Gina Lee-Wan,
                                                                          Mr. Carsten Brix Ostenfeldt,
                                                                          Ms. Katie Men,
                                                                          Mr. Neil Glenn,
                                                                          Mr. Lee Keng Mun

                                                                          Mr. Toshio Kurashiki

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                                          25

                      Currently, the composition of the SSA Council (2013/2015) is as follows:

                      President                         Mr. Patrick Phoon
                                                        Deputy Managing Director,
                                                        Evergreen Shipping Agency (Singapore) Pte Ltd

                      Honorary Secretary,               Mr. Esben Poulsson
                      Chairman of General Affairs       Chairman,
                      Committee                         AVRA International Pte Ltd

                      Honorary Treasurer and            Ms. Lisa Teo
                      Chairman of Finance,              Executive Director, Corporate Development,
                      Investment and Audit Committee    Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd

                      Chairman of International         Mr. Rene Piil Pedersen
                      Committee                         Director, Group Public Affairs,
                                                        Maersk Singapore Pte Ltd

                      Chairman of Legal and             Ms. Gina Lee-Wan
                      Insurance Committee               Partner,
                                                        Allen and Gledhill LLP

                      Chairman of Offshore              Mr. Neil Glenn
                      Services Committee                Managing Director,
                                                        Swire Pacific Offshore Operations (Pte) Ltd

                      Chairman of Services              Mr. Aloysius Seow
 The Council          Committee                         Chief Operating Officer,
                                                        Ocean Tankers Pte Ltd
 met once every
                      Chairman of Technical             Mr. Carsten Brix Ostenfeldt
 two months.          Committee                         Managing Director,
 It reviewed the                                        Thome Ship Management Pte Ltd

 reports of the two   Chairman of YEG Committee         Ms. Katie Men
                                                        Managing Director,
 administrative                                         Iseaco Holdings Pte Ltd
 committees and       Council Members                   Mr. Lee Keng Mun
 six operational                                        Head of Shipping Asia,
                                                        HSH Nordbank AG, Singapore Branch
 committees, and
 decided on all                                         Mr. Toshio Kurashiki
                                                        Managing Director,
 major policy                                           Nippon Kaiji Kyokai Singapore Pte Ltd

 decisions for the                                      Mr. Tan Chin Hee
 Association.                                           Pacific Carriers Limited

26                                                               SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                                               Annual Report 2014/15
                                                                                COMMITTEES’ REPORT


                                  GENERAL AFFAIRS
                                  The General Affairs Committee
 “..we have to build              was headed by the Honorary

 SSA credentials                  Secretary, Mr Esben Poulsson
                                  and supported by Councillor and
 with broader                     YEG Committee Chairman, Ms
                                  Katie Men. All matters relating to
 engagements...”                  the Association’s public relations,
                                  collaterals, social activities and
                                  the Secretariat’s administrative
 • International Ambassador,
                                  affairs comes under their area of
   bringing SSA into Americas,    responsibility.
   establishing SSA into Europe
 • Awareness and PR for SSA       Membership

                                  As of 1 June 2015, the Membership of the SSA stood at 474 members

                                      280                   194                 2                3
                                                            ASSOCIATE        IINDIVIDUAL       HONORARY
                                                            MEMBERS           MEMBERS          MEMBERS

                                  The 3 Honorary Members, namely:
                                  Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, Mr Ong Kok Wah and Mr Yeo Cheow Tong.

                                  The Association welcomed 21 new members into the Association since the
                                  last AGM. During the same period, 20 members had resigned.

  Mr. Esben Poulsson
  AVRA International Pte Ltd

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                                 27

SSA Secretariat                        Associations (FASA) and the Safe       available on the website.
                                       Navigation and Environment
The SSA Secretariat is supported       Committee (SNEC) of the Asian          The Association publishes a
by a staff of 13 which is headed       Shipowners’ Forum (ASF).               quarterly newsletter, “Waves” which
by its new Executive Director, Mr                                             is distributed in both electronic and
Michael Phoon who came onboard         Corporate Communications               paper formats to all SSA members
on 1 August 2014. He succeeded                                                and the maritime community at large.
Mr Daniel Tan who had retired after    The Secretariat continues to           Over the past year, members and
29 years of dedicated service to the   maintain the SSA website at http://    journalists were invited to contribute
Association.                           www.ssa.org.sg, which provides         thought provoking and informative
                                       regular updates and information on     articles on themes of ‘Ballast Water
On 15 April 2015, the SSA also         the Association’s latest activities    Management Convention’ as well as
appointed a full time Technical        such as seminars, talks, courses and   a look back over the past 30 years to
Director, Capt Ang Chin Eng who        other social events. SSA circulars     commemorate the Association’s
has over 40 years of experience        and press releases are also made       30th Anniversary in 2015.
in the maritime sector. The
Technical Director’s appointment
is testimonial of the Association’s
pledge of delivering a high level of
technical advice and service to its
members against a rapidly changing
international regulatory landscape.

Besides the SSA, the staff also
provides a range of secretarial
support to the Singapore Maritime
Employers Federation (SMEF), the
Federation of ASEAN Shipowners’

28                                                                              SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                                                              Annual Report 2014/15
                                           COMMITTEES’ REPORT

                                 SSA 29th Anniversary Gala Dinner

                                 The Association’s 29th Anniversary
                                 Gala Dinner was held on 26 September
                                 2014 at Marina Bay Sands Singapore.
                                 The Guest-of-Honour was Mr Lui Tuck
                                 Yew, Minister for Transport and Second
                                 Minister for Defence. Over 2,000
                                 members, guests and associates were
                                 in attendance.

Annual Report 2014/15                                             29

                      Members’ Networking Sessions

                         Cocktail Receptions
                      Besides the Annual Gala Dinner in
                      September, the SSA also organised
                      3 regular Cocktail Receptions
                      for its members to interact and
                      network – in July 2014 to coincide
                      with its Annual General Meeting, in
                      December 2014 to mark the year-
                      end and in February 2015 to usher in
                      the Lunar New Year.

                      These receptions were very well-
                      attended by SSA members and
                      representatives from maritime
                      stakeholders and government

                         Golf Friendly Event
                      During the year in review, the
                      Association has organised 2 Golf
                      Friendly Events - on 10 July 2014
                      and on 4 June 2015 – the latter with
                      the Singapore Maritime Employers’
                      Federation. Both events were held at
                      the Singapore Island Country Club
                      for members to pit their golfing skills
                      congenially against each other while
                      enjoying a session of networking.

                      These events were very well-
                      attended by SSA members and
                      representatives from maritime
                      stakeholders and government

                      The SSA sincerely appreciates the
                      generosity of its members who
                      had very kindly sponsored the
                      Association’s Gala dinner, cocktail
                      receptions, golf friendly and other
                      events over the past year.

                                      Annual Report 2014/15
                                                                                        COMMITTEES’ REPORT

Awards, Bursaries and Supporting Manpower Development Initiatives

    Awards and Bursaries
The SSA strongly supports and
encourages the education and
participation of young people,
especially Singaporean school
leavers, who have an interest in
joining the shipping industry.

For the academic year 2014/2015,
the SSA deliberated and agreed to
sponsor 4 scholarships of $10,000
each under the MaritimeONE
scholarship programme. SSA
Council Member Mrs Gina Lee-Wan         Science (Maritime Studies) degree     also continues to support the Tripartite
presented the scholarships at the       programme. This award helps fund      Nautical Training Award (TNTA)
MaritimeONE scholarship ceremony        their travel to the Norwegian School  initiated by the Singapore Maritime
on 14 August 2014 to:                   of Management in Oslo, Norway         Officers’ Union (SMOU), Workforce
                                        for a one-semester exchange           Development Agency (WDA), and
 1. Mr Haiqal Nawa and Mr Ng Jian       programme during their third year     the National Trades Union Congress
 Xin, exemplary graduates from the      of study. From the 2014 cohort,       (NTUC) Employment and Employability
 Institute of Technical Education       Mr Willis Ng received the award.      Institute (e2i) to train Singaporeans
 (ITE) who are enrolled in the 3 year                                         as seafaring deck officers to work
 Marine Engineering course at the           Manpower Development Initiatives onboard Singapore ships.
 Singapore Maritime Academy;            Since 2014, the SSA has been
                                        an integral member of the two         In addition, in order to help address
 2. Ms Koh Ke Hui, who is enrolled      Tripartite Maritime Manpower          the long-term manning needs
 in the 3 year Maritime Business        Taskforces – Seafaring (TF-Sea)       facing the harbour craft sector, SSA
 course at the Singapore Maritime       and Shore (TF-Shore) – in response members continued to work closely
 Academy;                               to the Government’s SkillsFuture      with MPA and other stakeholders to
                                        initiative. TF-Sea will primarily     train Singaporeans to serve aboard
 3. Mr Ong Woei Chian, who is a         address the challenges in recruiting port limit vessels under the Marine
 4th year student of the Maritime       and retaining of talent for seafaring Engineers Special Limits (MESL)
 Economics Concentration                careers via the use of training       and the Deck Officers Special Limits
 Programme at the Singapore             grants and achievement awards,        programme (DOSL), which aim to
 Management University.                 TF-Shore will develop skills-based    train Singaporeans to serve as marine
                                        career progression pathways           engineers and deck officers aboard
In 2009, the Association set up the     and competency frameworks to          vessels plying within Singapore’s
Singapore Shipping Association          equip companies involved in port      special limits.
Travel Bursary Endowment Fund           operations, vessel operations and
with the Nanyang Technological          ship broking with hiring strategies.  The Association is very appreciative
University (NTU), which presents a                                            of the SSA member companies who
$5,000 travel bursary award each        As a measure of the Association’s     have provided berths for MESL and
year to a financially needy student     commitment towards training           DOSL cadets during their sea-phase
enrolled in the NTU Bachelor of         Singaporeans as seafarers, SSA        training.

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                                          31

                         Corporate Social Responsibility
                      The Association is a strong advocate of
                      giving back to society and organises regular
                      community outreach events for its members and
                      Secretariat through the SSA Young Executives
                      Group (YEG).

                      Through the SSA YEG, members and staff
                      were giving the opportunity to interact
                      with beneficiaries of the Children’s Cancer
                      Foundation and Ju Eng Home as well as
                      lending their hand through volunteering at the
                      Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen – to prepare, pack
                      and deliver meals for the underprivileged in

                      In April 2015, Mission RASI (Row Around
                      Singapore Island) comprising of a group of 40
                      enthusiasts from the maritime and insurance
                      community in Singapore, undertook a self-
                      funded 24 hour endurance rowing challenge to
                      raise funds for the Mission to Seafarers. In light
                      of this admirable initiative, sponsors came forth
                      with their support, including the Association, who
                      pledged $10,000 towards this worthy cause.

32                                  SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                  Annual Report 2014/15
                                                                                          COMMITTEES’ REPORT


    Relations with Local Bodies           of the needs and issues within the      Close working relationships
In its efforts to promote the interests   industry, SSA is represented on         are also maintained with other
of its Members and to enhance             the board, advisory committees          maritime stakeholders such as the
Singapore’s competitiveness as            and working committees of               Association of Singapore Marine
an International Maritime Centre,         several government statutory            Industries (ASMI), the Singapore
the SSA maintains strong working          departments. Likewise, some of          Maritime Officers’ Union (SMOU),
relationships with various relevant       these government agencies are also      the Singapore Organisation of
government agencies such as the           invited to participate in several SSA   Seamen (SOS), the Singapore
Maritime and Port Authority of            Committees as observers.                National Shippers’ Council (SNSC),
Singapore (MPA), the Singapore                                                    the Singapore Maritime Academy
Customs (SC), the Immigration and         On an operational level, the            (SMA) and the Singapore Maritime
Checkpoints Authority (ICA), the          Association continues to work           Foundation (SMF).
Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN),         closely with other maritime
and the Police Coast Guard (PCG).         stakeholders and government             The SSA is also a member of the
                                          agencies to help streamline             Singapore Business Federation
In addition to conducting regular         operations, address technical           (SBF) and the Singapore Chinese
dialogue sessions to resolve              concerns and rationalise costs,         Chamber of Commerce & Industry
industry-wide shipping problems and       with a view towards maintaining         (SCCCI).
to ensure a common understanding          Singapore’s competitive edge.

Annual Report 2014/15                                                                                           33

                         Relations with Foreign Bodies
                      The SSA is an active participant and member in regional and
                      international fora.

                      The SSA participated in the 40th FASA Annual General Meeting
                      in Manila, Philippines on 1 December 2014 and the 47th FASA
                      Executive Committee Meeting on 18 May 2015. The 47th FASA
                      Executive Committee Meeting was held concurrently with the 24th
                      Asian Shipowners’ Forum (ASF), which was held on 18 to 20 May
                      2015 in Jeju, Korea.

                      As a member of FASA, the SSA President Mr Patrick Phoon holds
                      the Chairmanship of the ASF Safe Navigation and Environment
                      Committee (SNEC). The SSA hosted the 28th Interim Meeting
                      of the SNEC in Singapore on 23 March 2015. The SSA also
                      participated in the ASF’s Shipping Economics Review Committee,
                      the Seafarers Committee and the Ship Insurance and Liability
                      Committee meetings held during the past year.

                      Internationally, the SSA is an active member of the International
                      Chamber of Shipping (ICS). Mr Esben Poulsson, Honorary
                      Secretary of the SSA is also one of the four Vice Chairmen of
                      the ICS. In these capacities, he has been flying the Singapore
                      flag high by speaking at numerous conferences and meetings
                      over the past year: the Multiport Ship Agencies Network Annual
                      General Meeting 13 October 2014 in Singapore; European
                      Shipping Week 3-5 March 2015 in Brussels, Belgium; Connecticut
                      Maritime Association Shipping Conference held on 23-25 March
                      2015, in Stamford, Connecticut, USA, just to name a few.

                      SSA also continues to nurture good working relationships with
                      various international organisations such as the International
                      Maritime Organisation (IMO), the International Association of
                      Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO), the Baltic and
                      International Maritime Council (BIMCO), International Association
                      of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO), the International
                      Group (IG) of P & I Clubs and the International Association of
                      Classification Societies (IACS).

                      In its ongoing efforts to help safeguard ships and seafarers,
                      the SSA also maintains strong working relationships with the
                      Regional Agreement on Combating Piracy & Armed Robbery
                      Against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP) Information Sharing Centre (ISC)
                      and the multi-national Information Fusion Centre (IFC) based in

34                                                  SINGAPORE SHIPPING ASSOCIATION
                                                                  Annual Report 2014/15
                                  COMMITTEES’ REPORT

The SSA and its other maritime
partners, the MPA, SMF and
ASMI, play an active role under
the MaritimeONE initiative
since its launch in April 2007.
The MaritimeONE partnership
activities include industry
awareness talks, scholarship
offers, student outreach events
and regular networking events
for employers and tertiary

From 2013 – 2015, the SSA
spearheaded the Maritime Open
House (or Maritime Experiential
Programme) project for upper
secondary school students.

The Maritime Experiential
Programme was held on 26
May 2015 for 198 students.
The students participated in a
sea tour and also received a
guided tour of the PSA Port,
Jurong Port, Keppel shipyard,
Singapore Maritime Gallery and
PSA Marine.

Annual Report 2014/15                             35
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