2022LS - Auto Catalog Archive

Page created by Allan Beck
2022LS - Auto Catalog Archive
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2022LS - Auto Catalog Archive
Can a vehicle give you
       a glimpse of the future?

  Can something that’s existed for
 millions of years suddenly feel new?

Can the shape of a seat cushion make
  conversations more enjoyable?

2022LS - Auto Catalog Archive
To craft the most amazing
machines, you don’t start
with machines at all.
You start with people.

The 2022 Lexus LS

LS 500                                                                 L S 5 0 0 h AW D                                                          L S 5 0 0 F S P O RT
From its elevated interior with a pinch-and-zoom touchscreen           The original multistage hybrid prestige luxury sedan delivers a           Featuring performance-inspired instrumentation, bolstered
display to its bold front fascia, headlamps and taillamps, the LS is   new Lexus-first milestone for 2022: Lexus Teammate™ 2,3—our               front sport seats, F SPORT 20-inch wheels with a Dark Vapor
extraordinary inside and out. Built upon the platform of the high-     revolutionary, advanced driving assistance technology. The                Chrome finish, larger brakes, aluminum pedals and our most
performance LC coupe, it’s powered by a twin-turbocharged              LS Hybrid pairs a potent 3.5-liter V6 engine with powerful electric       advanced available vehicle dynamics control system yet, the LS
416-hp1 V6 engine paired with a thrilling 10-speed automatic           motors and a lightweight lithium-ion battery, delivering seamless         F SPORT delivers the most engaging LS driving experience ever.
transmission and delivers a ride that’s exhilarating as well as        acceleration and torque without requiring a charge. Providing you         And the exclusive Dynamic Handling Package with Active Rear
refined. Rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive.                          the direct, instinctive feel of a 10-speed automatic transmission, this   Steering and active stabilizers pushes the intensity even higher.
                                                                       is where efficiency and luxury meet unprecedented convenience.            Rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive.                                LS shown in Manganese Luster4 (left), LSh shown in Caviar (middle),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           LS F SPORT shown in Atomic Silver (right)

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3
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LS shown in Manganese Luster4

4                               5
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LS F SPORT shown in Ultra White 4

6                                   7
2022LS - Auto Catalog Archive
LS shown in Manganese Luster4 with Palomino leather and Artwood Organic Gloss interior trim

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2022LS - Auto Catalog Archive
                                                                                Available Lexus-first driver-assistance
                                                                                technology, and an interior that offers

                                                                                world-class audio and a convenient
                                                                                12.3-inch touchscreen. This is our most
                                                                                advanced LS ever.

                                                                                With a relentless focus on crafting vehicles that put people first, the 2022 LS offers
                                                                                a glimpse into the future of driver-inspired technology. For added visibility, it
                                                                                offers an expansive 24-inch Head-Up Display that not only projects key information
                                                                                such as speed, current gear and rpm onto the windshield, it’s also one of the first
                                                                                displays to offer the ability to warn you about the possibility of pedestrians5 or cross-
                                                                                traffic ahead.6 The driver-centric cabin also boasts one of the most sophisticated
                                                                                3D audio experiences available in an automobile: the world’s first Mark Levinson®7
                                                                                Quantum Logic Immersion. And for added convenience and connectivity, it
                                                                                features Android Auto™ 8 compatibility and an intuitively placed pinch- and zoom-
                                                                                enabled 12.3-inch touchscreen multimedia display.

LS shown with Black leather, Gray Sapele wood, and Kiriko Glass interior trim

10                                                                                                                                                                          11

Experience the next level of driver convenience
and the next leap forward for Lexus vehicles.

When a global team of engineers share the singular goal of creating industry-
leading advanced driver-assistance functionality, the result is nothing short
of extraordinary. Introducing Lexus Teammate 2,3—a technology so revolutionary,
it will change how you think about driving. Debuting on the 2022 LS Hybrid,
Lexus Teammate is an intuitive Lexus-first technology comprising two systems.
Advanced Drive2 partners with the driver for added convenience and peace of
mind when driving along supported controlled-access highways by monitoring
surrounding conditions and automatically controlling the vehicle’s steering,
acceleration, braking and more. Under certain conditions, it can also offer hands-
free capabilities. And when driving to a programmed destination, it can even
plan actions miles in advance. While Advanced Park3 makes parallel parking
and backing into tight spaces as effortless as pressing a button. With the ability
to automatically receive over-the-air software updates, Lexus Teammate has
the potential to become smarter over time, unlocking a new future of mobility.

                                                             H E A D - U P D I S P L AY                   P ROAC T I V E A S S I S TA N C E           E M E RG E N CY D R I V I N G S TO P             H A N D S - FR E E PA R K I N G              S M A RT E R OV E R T I M E
                                                             I N T EG R AT I O N
                                                             The large Head-Up Display within the         Helping you maintain adequate               If the system2 detects the driver is no longer   Facilitating hands-free parking, whether     Should new software updates become
                                                             windshield shows preceding vehicles,         spacing on both sides of the vehicle, the   actively in command of the vehicle—such          parallel parking or backing into a space,    available, the system and vehicle can
                                                             upcoming curves in the road, the vehicle’s   Advanced Drive system2 can preemptively     as in a medical emergency—the vehicle can,       the Advanced Park system3 is designed        automatically be updated remotely,
                                                             course and its programmed route, helping     slow the vehicle down when merging.         in some cases, help automatically steer to       to control steering, acceleration, braking   helping ensure you have access to any
                                                             you stay focused on the road ahead.                                                      the shoulder and come to a complete stop         and gear changes when parking.               new enhancements.
                                                                                                                                                      if it is safe to do so.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             LSh shown in Atomic Silver

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   13


With Apple CarPlay®9 integration, you can access the same familiar
interface from your iPhone® through the vehicle’s touchscreen
multimedia display. Simply connect your iPhone to get directions,
make calls, send and receive messages via Siri,®10 and get access to
your favorite apps like Waze,™ Spotify® and Apple Audiobooks.™ 11

Bring all the convenience of Alexa12 on the road with the Lexus app.
Using only your voice, you can easily access thousands of the same
functions you get with Alexa at home. Listen to audiobooks, stream
Amazon Music, make lists, check the weather, get news briefings and
much more. You can also use it to control compatible smart-home
devices13 such as lighting, thermostat and security systems. Offering
added in-vehicle convenience, Alexa can even sync to your
Navigation System.14

With Android Auto,™ 8 you can now seamlessly cast your device’s
interface onto the vehicle’s multimedia display. Play your music via
your favorite apps such as Spotify and Pandora,® send messages
through a range of commonly used apps like WhatsApp,®15 navigate
with Google Maps,16 and request information—all with your voice.
Just say “Hey Google” to get started. For added convenience,
Android Auto can also help shorten your commute by automatically
finding alternate routes if it detects heavy traffic.

To help you get the most out of these and other features in your new
Lexus, a Vehicle Delivery Specialist will walk you through nearly
every setting and function you desire. And to answer questions
that arise after delivery, a Vehicle Technology Specialist can offer
expert guidance in person or without you ever leaving the driveway
via camera-enabled apps like FaceTime.® Learn more about these
complimentary services at lexus.com/specialists.
                                                                        LS shown with Apple CarPlay integration and Black leather and Artwood Organic Gloss interior trim

14                                                                                                                                                                     15

                                                                    EVERY EL EMENT
                                                                    CR A FT ED A RO U N D YO U

                                                                    Inspired by omotenashi, the Japanese concept of hospitality, our
                                                                    vision is to anticipate the driver’s needs and form a relationship that
                                                                    is seamless and intuitive. That’s why we partnered with Mark Levinson
                                                                    to create a world’s-first audio system that delivers a totally unique,
                                                                    totally immersive listening experience. Featuring 23 speakers
                                                                    (including four in the ceiling), it creates one of the largest soundstages in
                                                                    the industry while creating a closer connection between the occupants
                                                                    and every note. And with Quantum Logic Immersion, it also offers
                                                                    one of the most sophisticated, purest 3D audio technologies available
                                                                    in an automobile. To further envelop you in the inviting interior, the LS
LS shown with White leather and Laser Special Black interior trim
                                                                    features four customizable temperature zones throughout the cabin,
                                                                    available 28-way adjustable front seats, and a seat-cushion extender
                                                                    on the front-seat edge that can extend to fully support your thighs.
16                                                                                                                                                            17

Presenting Lexus Safety System+ 2.5, an integrated suite
of class-leading standard active safety equipment.                                    17,18

P R E - CO L L I S I O N S YS T E M                 L A N E T R AC I N G A S S I S T                  L A N E D E PA RT U R E A L E RT                     ROA D S I G N A S S I S T                            A L L -S P E E D DY N A M I C                      INTELLIGENT HIGH BEAMS
W IT H P E D E S T R I A N D E T EC T I O N                                                           W IT H S T E E R I N G A S S I S T                                                                        R A DA R C RU I S E CO N T RO L
By enhancing the radar and camera capabilities,     When All-Speed Dynamic Radar Cruise               This system22 utilizes a camera to monitor visible   This system23 uses a built-in camera to help         This system20 helps detect an upcoming curve       To help provide greater visibility for you as
it’s possible for the system19 to help detect not   Control20 is enabled, this hands-on system21      lane markings. If an inadvertent lane departure is   provide road sign information in the instrument      and may lower your speed accordingly. It           well as other drivers, Intelligent High Beams24
only the vehicle ahead, but also a preceding        monitors visible lane markings and can            detected at speeds above 32 mph, the system          panel or even on the available Head-Up Display.      also helps you maintain a preset speed and         offer added illumination to help keep you
bicyclist in daytime and even a preceding           recognize vehicles ahead. To help the driver      is designed to warn you so that you can steer        In addition to displaying speed limit information,   following distance from the vehicle ahead.         focused on the road. When the road ahead is
pedestrian in daytime and low-light conditions.     keep their vehicle centered in the lane, it can   back into the lane, and can even take slight         the system can alert you of certain detected         Whether at highway speeds or in stop-and-go        clear, the system defaults to high-beam mode,
Should it detect a potential frontal collision,     provide steering assistance. Designed for         corrective measures to help keep you within          signs you otherwise might have missed.               traffic, the system is designed to detect if you   then temporarily switches to low beams when
it can help automatically brake to help mitigate    convenience, the system can even be used in       your visibly marked lane.                                                                                 get closer than the preset distance and can        it detects the headlamps or taillamps of
or avoid a collision.                               traffic and on highways with gradual curves.                                                                                                                automatically slow your vehicle—even to a          vehicles ahead.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                complete stop.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     LS shown in Atomic Silver

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               19


Honed on one of the most complex highway systems in the world, the Tokyo Metropolitan
Expressway, Lexus Safety System+ A25 is the most advanced safety system available on
a Lexus. It features Intersection Support6 to help you detect a pedestrian or vehicle when
you’re making a right or left turn. And includes innovative lane assistance technologies,21,22
as well as a way for the LS to scan the road ahead and alert you if a pedestrian is on a
trajectory to make an impact with the vehicle.5 This highly intelligent system helps you manage
your speed around curves to handle turns with added confidence. It can also help brake
or steer away if it detects an impending collision,26 while still remaining in its lane. And
with Lane Change Assist,27 the LS is even designed to help automatically change lanes for
you when it’s safe to do so. For added visibility, it offers an expansive 24-inch Head-Up
Display that not only projects key information such as speed, current gear and rpm onto the
windshield, it’s also one of the first displays to warn you about the possibility of pedestrians5
or cross traffic ahead.6 This leading-edge technology brings us one step closer to realizing
our vision of an accident-free world.

                                                                                                    LS shown in Atomic Silver

20                                                                                                                         21

                                     With a distinctive design
                                     and unconventional
                                     craftsmanship, the 2022 LS
                                     doesn’t just set the standard,
                                     it exceeds it.

                                                                      Countless steps in the search for one pure
                                                                      emotion. That’s the design philosophy behind
                                                                      our most evocative LS yet. First, it captures your
                                                                      attention with its coupe-like profile, striking
                                                                      headlamps and taillamps, and a daring front
                                                                      fascia. Then, it draws you even closer with
     LS shown in Manganese Luster4
                                                                      available Artwood trims like a herringbone design
                                                                      that demands the same handcrafted process used
                                                                      to craft top-quality musical instruments.
22                                                                                                                         23


Omotenashi is the Japanese concept of hospitality, and the artfully crafted
interior of the LS is the ultimate expression of it. To help ensure that your
enjoyment of conversation and music isn’t compromised by unwanted
noise, even the seat cushions were altered to reduce vibration. Available
outboard seat-cushion side supports automatically adjust to facilitate
an easy entry and exit. And merging performance with convenience, the
available electronically controlled Adaptive Variable Air Suspension
system not only helps to maintain the vehicle’s low center of gravity while
driving, it can also automatically raise the vehicle to make it even easier to
step into or out of the LS.

                                                                                 LS shown with Palomino leather and Artwood Organic Gloss interior trim

24                                                                                                                                                  25

                                                                         WORL D-CL ASS
                                                                         CR A FTSMA N SHI P

                                                                         A RT WO O D O RGA N I C G LO S S
                                                                         When you approach craftsmanship through the driver’s eyes, even
                                                                         something that’s existed for centuries can be made to feel new.
                                                                         Sustainably and responsibly sourced from the Agathis tree, available
                                                                         Artwood Organic Gloss trim features a vibrant grain pattern
                                                                         reminiscent of flickering flames. Like nothing you’ve seen in an
                                                                         automobile, or in nature itself, it’s created by a takumi craftsman slicing
                                                                         multiple sheets of wood across the grain and applying a natural gloss
                                                                         to enhance the vibrancy.

                                                                         AMBIENT LIGHTING
                                                                         Inspired by the warm glow of traditional Japanese andon lanterns
                                                                         and the welcoming spirit of omotenashi, soft LED illumination warmly
                                                                         invites the driver and passengers into the cabin. And light sources
                                                                         behind the armrest and door trim give the impression that the armrest
                                                                         is elegantly floating, adding to the serene atmosphere.

                                                                         PO L I S H E D MAG N E S I U M D E TA I L S
                                                                         With fluid, delicate lines reminiscent of the traditional Japanese harp
                                                                         (koto), the dash accents of the LS are made of magnesium because of
                                                                         its unique tactile qualities. The manufacturing process requires several
                                                                         layers of surface treatment in order to create the distinct feel and
                                                                         dynamic appearance.

                                                                         KI R I KO CU T G L A S S
                                                                         With its delicately etched pattern and luminous glow, available Kiriko
                                                                         glass is designed by hand to catch the light and the eye. Then a laser-
                                                                         scanning technique creates data from ten thousand different cuts in order
                                                                         to capture the uniqueness of this human touch. Each piece of glass
                                                                         requires up to 147 points of polishing, which can take hours to complete.

                                                                         H A N D - PL E AT E D TR I M
                                                                         Created from a single piece of cloth, the available hand-pleated
                                                                         interior trim is a tribute to the art of origami. Simple yet painstakingly
                                                                         crafted, this masterful trim started as true origami and took four years
                                                                         to develop. The final expression is so complex and precise that it can
                                                                         only be folded by human hands.

LS shown with Palomino leather and Artwood Organic Gloss interior trim

26                                                                                                                                                27

                                                                         FIRST-CL ASS LUXURY:
                                                                         T HE EXECU T IV E PACK AGE

                                                                         To achieve the finest passenger experience we’ve ever created, the
                                                                         Executive Package provides exceptional refinement. In addition to
                                                                         generous rear legroom and rear-seat butterfly headrests, it offers a
                                                                         class-exclusive Lexus Climate Concierge17 that uses 16 infrared sensors
                                                                         placed throughout the cabin to continually measure and respond to
                                                                         each occupant’s unique temperature. It also features an extendable
                                                                         right-rear ottoman,28 an impressive rear-seat reclining angle, and heated
                                                                         and ventilated rear seats with a massager. This luxurious package
                                                                         even offers the remarkable style of Kiriko glass and hand-pleated trim.
                                                                         To help you make the most of every indulgence, the rear-seat passenger
                                                                         control panel enables you to manage the finest details—from individual
                                                                         climate zones to seven different massage settings.

     LS shown with White leather and Laser Special Black interior trim

28                                                                                                                                                        29
                                                                                   STYL I N G

                                                                                   The F SPORT is a passionate expression of pure performance, both
                                                                                   inside and out. In addition to its bold F SPORT 20-inch wheels
                                                                                   with a Dark Vapor Chrome finish, it includes a host of exclusive
                                                                                   exterior styling features such as a dynamic front fascia and mesh grille,
                                                                                   exterior badging, darkened chrome lower trim, and large six-piston
                                                                                   front and four-piston rear brakes.29 On the inside, F SPORT bolstered
                                                                                   28-way power front seats feature an exclusive perforated L-motif
                                                                                   pattern. And aluminum pedals, a perforated leather–trimmed shift knob
                                                                                   and steering wheel, performance-inspired sliding instrumentation,
                                                                                   and an Ultrasuede®30-trimmed headliner are just a few indicators of the
                                                                                   passion that lies under the hood.

     LS F SPORT shown with Circuit Red leather and Naguri Aluminum interior trim

30                                                                                                                                                             31
                                    PERFO RMA N CE

                                    The razor-sharp handling of the Lexus high-performance
                                    line meets aggressive, track-inspired design with the
                                    LS F SPORT. Sharing a platform with the intense LC
                                    coupe and DNA with the LFA, it includes a specially
                                    tuned suspension system engineered by the same team
                                    behind the iconic supercar. Beyond larger brakes,
                                    optimized brake pads29 and deeply bolstered front sport
                                    seats, you can take the exhilarating drive even further
                                    with the LS Dynamic Handling Package. Boasting
                                    Variable Gear-Ratio Steering, Active Rear Steering and
                                    active stabilizers, it also features our most advanced
                                    vehicle dynamics control system—the first to control all
                                    six forms of vehicle movement.

LS F SPORT shown in Atomic Silver

32                                                                                             33

                                         From seamless
                                         acceleration to a specially
                                         tuned suspension system,
                                         the 2022 LS offers a
                                         refined driving experience
                                         like no other.

                                                                       The seamless acceleration and all-wheel drive
                                                                       capability of the LS 500h AWD with Lexus
                                                                       Teammate.2,3 The refined ride of the LS 500.
                                                                       The advanced vehicle dynamics of the daring
                                                                       LS F SPORT. The 2022 Lexus LS line evolves
                                                                       the definition of a Lexus flagship sedan. When
                                                                       it came to crafting the 2022 LS, no detail
                                                                       was overlooked. In addition to an enhanced
                                                                       available electronically controlled Adaptive
                                                                       Variable Air Suspension system, everything
                                                                       from the engine components to the composition
                                                                       of the tires was finessed to achieve further
     LS F SPORT shown in Ultra White 4
                                                                       sound dampening within the cabin. The
                                                                       2022 LS proves that only unconventional
                                                                       engineering can create unparalleled results.
34                                                                                                                      35

                                 TWIN-TURBO P OWER.
                                 PERFO RMA N CE EL E VATE D.

                                 Connecting with the driver in unprecedented ways demands
                                 engineering that’s just as extraordinary. Consider the twin-turbo
                                 engine in the LS 500. Lexus researched, tested and crafted the
                                 turbochargers in the LS 500 in-house—something almost unheard
                                 of in the industry. This powerful 416-hp1 V6 engine is paired
                                 with an equally exhilarating, class-exclusive 10-speed Direct-Shift
                                 automatic transmission.17 It delivers the optimal gear for a wide
                                 variety of driving conditions and one of the fastest shift times among
                                 conventional automatic transmissions. Adding a level of refinement
                                 to its dynamic performance, the engineers behind the LS tirelessly
                                 reevaluated everything from engine components to tire composition
                                 in order to reduce cabin noise. The result? A flagship vehicle that
                                 evokes a visceral response—long after the drive is over.

LS shown in Manganese Luster 4

36                                                                                                           37


The LS 500h AWD is the first multistage hybrid prestige luxury sedan, and, with
the instinctive feel of a 10-speed automatic transmission, the most responsive
and fastest LS Hybrid we’ve ever created. Built on an advanced powertrain, it
boasts a combined 354-hp,1 24-valve gas engine, powerful yet compact electric
motors, and our lightest, most compact lithium-ion battery. With these impressive
performance metrics, all-wheel drive capability, and new next-generation
driver-assistance technology, the LS 500h AWD with Lexus Teammate2,3 is the
breakthrough that recasts the entire concept of excellence in the category.

                                                                                    LSh shown in Atomic Silver

38                                                                                                         39


Never sacrifice style for capability with all-wheel drive,
available on all LS models. Full-time all-wheel drive
delivers engine power to all four wheels, and a Torsen®31
limited-slip center differential efficiently distributes it
between the front and rear axles, helping optimize traction,
handling and control in a variety of driving conditions.

LS AWD shown in Manganese Luster 4

40                                                                        41
L S STYL E S                                                                                                                                  PACK AGES

                                                                                                                                                 I N T E R I O R U P G R A D E PAC K AG E ( L S 5 0 0 )             DY N A M I C H A N D L I N G PAC K AG E
                                                                                                                                                 Quilted-stitch perforated semi-aniline leather interior trim       ( L S 5 0 0 F S P O RT RW D )
                                                                                                                                                 28-way power-adjustable driver’s seat with multifunction           Includes LS 500 F SPORT features, and adds or replaces:
                                                                                                                                                 massage and cushion extender                                       Variable Gear-Ratio Steering
                                                                                                                                                 Ultrasuede-trimmed headliner and sun visors                        Active Rear Steering
                                                                                                                                                 Power front seatbelt buckles                                       Active stabilizers
   LS 500                                                                 LS 500h AWD with Lexus Teammate™                                       Wood- and semi-aniline leather–trimmed center console              Panoramic View Monitor52
                                                                                                                                                 Semi-aniline leather–trimmed door armrests                         F SPORT–tuned Adaptive Variable Air Suspension with rapid
  Available in RWD or AWD                                                 Includes LS 500 features and Luxury Package, and                       Heated rear seats                                                  height function
  Standard features:                                                      adds or replaces:                                                      Leather-wrapped heated steering wheel with premium
  416-hp1 3.5L twin-turbo V6 with 10-speed transmission                   354-total-system-horsepower1 3.5L V6 with Lexus Multistage             wood trim                                                          L E XU S S A FE T Y S YS T E M + A25
                                                                          Hybrid Drive                                                           Premium wood trim
  Adaptive Variable Suspension                                                                                                                                                                                      Enhanced All-Speed Dynamic Radar Cruise Control20 and
                                                                          EV drive mode51                                                        19-in split-10-spoke alloy noise-reduction wheels with             Lane Change Assist27
  Drive Mode Select with Sport S+ and Custom modes
                                                                          Lexus Teammate: Advanced Drive2                                        high-gloss finish or 20-in split-10-spoke alloy noise-reduction    Pre-Collision System with Intersection Support6 and Head-Up
  Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management32
                                                                          Lexus Teammate: Advanced Park3                                         wheels with Vapor Chrome finish                                    Display integration
  Lexus Enform Safety Connect33 and Service Connect.34
  Included for the first three and 10 years of ownership, respectively.   24-in Head-Up Display integration                                                                                                         Pedestrian Alert5
                                                                          20-in split-10-spoke alloy noise-reduction wheels with                LUXU RY PAC K AG E                                                  Front Cross-Traffic Alert6
  Lexus Enform Wi-Fi.35 4GB/three-month trial is included.
                                                                          Vapor Chrome finish                                                   Includes Interior Upgrade Package, and adds or replaces:
  Lexus Enform Dynamic Navigation.36 Included for
  the first three years of ownership.                                                                                                           28-way power-adjustable passenger seat with multifunction
                                                                                                                                                massage and cushion extender
  Lexus Enform Destination Assist.37 Included for
  the first three years of ownership.                                                                                                           Remote adjustment for passenger seat
  Lexus Enform Remote.38 Included for                                                                                                         B 18-way power-reclining outboard rear seats with memory
  the first three years of ownership.                                                                                                           Power side-window sunshades
  Lexus app (Enform Remote38 engine start, service scheduling,                                                                                  Semi-aniline leather–trimmed rear armrest with 7.0-in
  Vehicle Health Reports/Alerts, and more)                                                                                                      touchscreen controller
  Dynamic Voice Command36 with Bluetooth®39 and USB40                                                                                           Rear-seat knee airbags49
  smartphone connectivity. Included for the first 10 years                                                                                      Adaptive Variable Air Suspension with rapid height function
  of ownership.                                                                                                                                 Panoramic View Monitor52
  Navigation System14 with 12.3-in color LCD touchscreen
  multimedia display and Remote Touchpad41                                LS 500 F SPORT                                                         E X ECU T I V E PAC K AG E ( L S 5 0 0 )
  Lexus 12-speaker Premium Audio System                                                                                                          Includes Luxury Package, and adds or replaces:
  Alexa12 compatibility                                                   Available in RWD or AWD
                                                                                                                                                 Power-retractable butterfly front headrests
  Apple CarPlay®9 integration                                             Includes LS 500 features, and adds or replaces:
                                                                                                                                                 22-way power-adjustable rear seats with butterfly headrests,
  Android Auto™8 compatibility                                            F SPORT exterior styling including front bumper, upper and lower       memory and multifunction massage with heat
  Active Sound Control and Active Noise Cancellation                      grille inserts, rear diffuser and lower door trim
                                                                                                                                                 Right-rear power recliner with sliding ottoman28                                                                                 A
  Heated leather-trimmed steering wheel with paddle shifters              20-in split-five-spoke alloy wheels with Dark Vapor Chrome finish
                                                                                                                                                 20-in split-10-spoke forged alloy noise-reduction wheels with
  16-way power-adjustable heated and ventilated front seats               Six-piston front brake calipers29 with 15.7-in ventilated discs        Black and machined finish
  Power-adjustable front headrests                                        Four-piston rear brake calipers29 with 14.1-in ventilated discs        Mark Levinson 23-speaker, 2,400-watt Reference Surround
  Electrochromic (auto-dimming) inside and outside mirrors                F SPORT–tuned Adaptive Variable Suspension                             Sound with Quantum Logic Immersion
  with puddle lamps                                                       Performance-inspired instrumentation with sliding bezel
  Dual-zone climate control                                               F SPORT perforated leather–trimmed interior with                       E X ECU T I V E PAC K AG E W I T H K I R I KO G L A S S
  Power rear sunshade and power moonroof                                  Ultrasuede-trimmed headliner                                           (L S 50 0)
  Hands-free power open/close trunk                                       F SPORT perforated leather–trimmed shift knob and                      Includes Executive Package, and adds or replaces:
                                                                          heated steering wheel                                                  Kiriko Glass interior door trim
  Auto door closer
                                                                          F SPORT 28-way power-adjustable front seats with                       Hand-pleated interior door trim
  SmartAccess42,43 with push-button Start/Stop                            enhanced bolsters, perforations and embossed headrests
  Premium Triple-Beam LED headlamps with Adaptive                         Passenger-seat power cushion extender
  Front Lighting System44                                                                                                                        CO L D -W E AT H E R PAC K AG E
                                                                          Aluminum pedals and interior trim                                      ( S TA N DA R D W IT H AW D )
A LED taillamps and turn signals
  Lexus Safety System+ 2.518                                                                                                                     Windshield wiper de-icer
  Blind Spot Monitor45 with Rear Cross-Traffic Alert46                                                                                           Headlamp washers
  Intuitive Parking Assist with Auto Braking47                                                                                                   Enhanced interior heater for faster heat output in cold weather
  Backup camera48                                                                                                                                Four-zone Climate Concierge with climate-comfort front
  10 airbags49                                                                                                                                   and outboard rear seats, infrared sensors and air purifier (with
                                                                                                                                                 Luxury or Executive Package)                                                                                                     B
  Complimentary scheduled maintenance services.50 (Please refer to
  the Warranty and Services Guide for details.)
   42                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 43
O PTION S                                                             LS 500 /
                                                                         LS 500 F SPORT
                                                                                                                LS 500 AWD /
                                                                                                                LS 500 F SPORT AWD
                                                                                                                                                   LS 500h AWD

A Artwood Organic Gloss, Artwood Herringbone and Laser
  Special Black premium wood trims
   Heated wood- and leather-trimmed steering wheel

B Panorama glass roof (LS 500)
C Panoramic View Monitor52
   Adaptive Variable Air Suspension with rapid height function           V6
                                                                         T W I N -T U R B O
                                                                                                                T W I N -T U R B O
                                                                                                                                                   ENGINE +
   Mark Levinson 23-speaker, 2,400-watt Reference Surround
                                                                         ENGINE                                 ENGINE                             L E XU S M U LT I S TAG E
   Sound with Quantum Logic Immersion                                A                                                                             HYBRID DRIVE
   24-in Head-Up Display
   Digital Rearview Mirror
   19-in split-10-spoke alloy noise-reduction wheels with
                                                                         S P E E D D I R E C T- S H I F T
                                                                                                                S P E E D D I R E C T- S H I F T
                                                                                                                                                   E C V T + AU TO M AT I C
   high-gloss finish                                                     AU TO M AT I C                         AU TO M AT I C                     TR ANSMISSION
   20-in split-10-spoke alloy noise-reduction wheels with                TR ANSMISSION                          TR ANSMISSION
   Vapor Chrome finish
   20-in split-10-spoke alloy noise-reduction wheels with
   Gloss Black and machined finish
   Four-zone Climate Concierge with climate-control front and
   outboard rear seats, infrared sensors and air purifier (LS 500)
   Haku interior door trim
                                                                         0 – 6 0 M P H ( S E C ) 1,53
                                                                                                                0 – 6 0 M P H ( S E C ) 1,53
                                                                                                                                                   0 – 6 0 M P H ( S E C ) 1,53
   Power lift-up buckle

                                                                         H O R S E P OW E R    1
                                                                                                                H O R S E P OW E R    1
                                                                                                                                                   TOTA L S YS T E M H P 1

                                                                         S TA N DA R D
                                                                                                                S TA N DA R D
                                                                                                                                                   S TA N DA R D

                                                                         18/29 /22
                                                                         CTY / HWY / CMB
                                                                                                                CTY / HWY / CMB
                                                                                                                                                   22 /29/25
                                                                                                                                                   CTY / HWY / CMB
                                                                         E PA - E S T I M AT E D M P G 54       E PA - E S T I M AT E D M P G 54   E PA - E S T I M AT E D M P G 54

                                                                         OVERALL LENGTH 206.1 IN / WHEELBASE 123.0 IN / WIDTH 74.8 IN (MIRRORS FOLDED) /
                                                                         HEIGHT 57.1 IN ( RWD), 57.5 IN (AWD)
   44                                                                                                                                                                                 45

19-in                                         19-in
Split-10-spoke alloy noise-reduction wheels   Split-10-spoke alloy noise-reduction wheels
with Dark Silver and machined finish          with high-gloss finish
STANDARD LS                                   AVAILABLE LS, LSh

20-in                                         20-in
Split-10-spoke alloy noise-reduction wheels   Split-10-spoke forged alloy noise-reduction wheels
with Vapor Chrome finish                      with Gloss Black and machined finish
STANDARD LSh                                  AVAILABLE LS, LSh

Split-five-spoke alloy wheels
with Dark Vapor Chrome finish
                                                                                                   LS shown in Nightfall Mica

46                                                                                                                        47
                                                                                                                                                       WHITE LEATHER

                                                                                                                                       WHITE LEATHER

                                                                                 BL ACK LEATHER
                                                                                                                     CHATEAU LEATHER
                                                                                                  PALOMINO LEATHER
                                                                                                                                                       CHATEAU LEATHER

                                                           CIRCUIT RED LEATHER
                                                                                                                                                       PALOMINO LEATHER
                                                                                                                                                                                I NT ER I O R & TR IM

                                                                                                                                                       BLACK LEATHER

                                                                                                                                                       CIRCUIT RED LEATHER

                                                                                                                                                       KIRIKO GLASS
                                                                                                                                                                                                        CO LO R, M ATERIAL & F IN I SH

                                                                                                                                                       LASER SPECIAL BLACK

                                                                                                                                                       ARTWOOD ORGANIC GLOSS

                                                                                                                                                       ARTWOOD HERRINGBONE

                                                                                                                                                       OPEN-PORE BROWN WALNUT

                                                                                                                                                       OPEN-PORE BLACK

                                                                                                                                                       NAGURI ALUMINUM


                                                                                                                                                       ULTRA WHITE*

                                                                                                                                                       EMINENT WHITE PEARL*
                                                                                                                                                                                E XT E RI OR


                                                                                                                                                       ATOMIC SILVER

                                                                                                                                                       MANGANESE LUSTER*

                                                                                                                                                       MATADOR RED MICA

                                                                                                                                                       NIGHTFALL MICA


     For configuration details, visit lexus.com/LSbuild
                                      *Additional charge
ACC ESSO R IE S                                                                                                                                DISCLOSU RES
                                                                                                                                                    WARRANTY Four-year/50,000-mile Lexus Limited Warranty. Six-year/70,000-mile Powertrain Warranty. Six-year/unlimited-mileage Corrosion Perforation Warranty. Eight-year/100,000-mile Hybrid System Warranty. Eight-
                                                                                                                                                    year/150,000-mile Hybrid Battery Warranty. All warranties with zero deductible. See the LS Warranty and Services Guide at your Lexus dealer for details.
                                                                                                                                                    1. Ratings achieved using the required premium unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 91 or higher. If premium fuel is not used, performance will decrease. 2. Advanced Drive is not an automated driving system. The driver is
                                                                                                                                                    responsible for safe driving and must not overly rely on the system. Always pay attention to your surroundings and be prepared to take full control at all times. Use this system in accordance with applicable laws. Before operating, refer
     The Lexus accessory line55 is as elegant and well-crafted as your exquisitely designed Lexus vehicle.                                          to Owner’s Manual for additional instructions and limitations. 3. Do not overly rely on Advanced Park. Always pay attention to the vehicle’s surroundings while operating the system and only use it in accordance with applicable laws.
                                                                                                                                                    Before operating, refer to Owner’s Manual for additional instructions and limitations. 4. Manganese Luster and Ultra White available for an additional charge. 5. Pedestrian Alert is a part of LSS+ A and is designed to warn the driver if
     And ours are the only Lexus accessories that are warranted for up to 48 months/50,000 miles56 and                                              a pedestrian is detected in front of the vehicle. System effectiveness is dependent on many factors, such as speed, size and position of pedestrian, driver input, weather, lighting and road conditions. See Owner’s Manual for additional
                                                                                                                                                    limitations and details. 6. Do not overly rely on the Intuitive Intersection Support/Front Cross-Traffic Alert system. Always visually confirm that it is safe to proceed. There are limitations to the function, detection and range of the system.
     honored at every Lexus dealership in the nation. For more, please visit lexus.com/accessories.                                                 See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 7. Mark Levinson is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Inc. 8. To use Android Auto on your audio display, you’ll need an Android Auto–compatible
                                                                                                                                                    vehicle and Android phone. For phone compatibility visit: https://www.android.com/auto/. Vehicle user interface is a product of Google and its terms and privacy statement apply. Requires compatible smartphone connected with an
                                                                                                                                                    approved data cable into the USB media port and data plan rates apply. Apps and services vary by phone carrier and are subject to change at any time without notice. Android and Android Auto are trademarks of Google LLC. 9. Apps
                                                                                                                 All-weather floor liners57         and services are subject to change at any time without notice. Data charges may apply. Apple CarPlay® functionality requires a compatible iPhone® connected with an approved data cable into the USB media port. Apple CarPlay and
                                                                                                                                                    iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. 10. Always focus on the road while driving. Siri is available on select iPhone/iPad models and requires Internet access. Siri is not available in all languages or all areas and features vary by
                                                                                                             A   All-weather trunk tray             area. Some Siri functionality and commands are not accessible in the vehicle. See Apple.com and phone carrier for details. Data charges may apply. Siri is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. 11. Apple Audiobooks is a trademark of
                                                                                                                                                    Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Spotify is a registered trademark of Spotify Technology Holding. Always drive safely and obey traffic laws. Apps, prices and services vary by phone carrier and are subject to change at any time without
                                                                                                                                                    notice. Subject to smartphone connectivity and capability. Data charges may apply. 12. Amazon, Alexa, Amazon Music and all related marks are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Certain functions require adequate signal
                                                                                                             B   Alloy wheel locks                  strength and/or smartphone technology/connectivity. Not all Amazon Alexa functionality is available for in-vehicle use. See applicable app for details. Download of the Lexus app and Lexus+Alexa app are both required to begin in-vehicle
                                                                                                                                                    use of Alexa. Data charges may apply for certain functions. Apps and services subject to change at any time without notice. To learn more, go to https://www.lexus.com/enform. To learn more about Lexus Enform’s data collection, use,
                                                                                                                                                    sharing and retention practices, please visit https://www.lexus.com/privacyvts/. 13. Certain Alexa functionality is dependent on smart home technology. Skills and services subject to change at any time without notice. 14. Be sure to
                                                                                                             C   Cargo net58                        obey traffic regulations and maintain awareness of road and traffic conditions at all times. Functionality, availability and accuracy of information provided by the system depend on many factors, and service may not be available in every
                                                                                                                                                    location. Use common sense when relying on information provided. Services and programming subject to change. Updates may be available from your dealer at an additional cost. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and
                                                                                                                 Carpet floor mats57                details. 15. WhatsApp is a registered trademark of WhatsApp Inc. 16. Google and Google Maps are trademarks of Google LLC. Always drive safely and obey traffic laws. Functionality depends on many factors outside of Lexus’ control.
                                                                                                                                                    Actions and services subject to change at any time without notice. To learn more, go to lexus.com/enform. To learn more about Lexus’ data collection, use, sharing and retention practices, please visit https://www.lexus.com/privacyvts/.
                                                                                                                                                    17. 2022 LS vs. 2021/2022 competitors. Information from manufacturers’ websites as of 6/24/21. 18. Lexus Safety System+ 2.5 effectiveness is dependent on many factors including road, weather and vehicle conditions. Drivers are
                                                                                                                 Carpet trunk mat                   responsible for their own safe driving. Always pay attention to your surroundings and drive safely. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 19. The Pre-Collision System (PCS) with Pedestrian Detection (PD) is designed
                                                                                                                                                    to determine if impact is imminent and help reduce impact speed and damage in certain frontal collisions involving a vehicle, a pedestrian or a bicyclist. PCS w/PD is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving. System effectiveness
                                                  A                                                   B          Coin holder/ashtray cup            depends on many factors, such as speed, size and position of pedestrian, and weather, light and road conditions. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 20. Dynamic Radar Cruise Control is designed to assist the
                                                                                                                                                    driver and is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving practices. System effectiveness is dependent on many factors, including road, weather and traffic conditions. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 21. Lane
                                                                                                                                                    Tracing Assist (LTA) is designed to read visible lane markers and detect other vehicles under certain conditions. It is only operational when DRCC is engaged. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 22. Lane Departure
                                                                                                             D   Door edge film by 3M™59            Alert with Steering Assist is designed to read visible lane markers under certain conditions. It provides a visual and audible alert and slight steering force when lane departure is detected. It is not a collision-avoidance system or a substitute
                                                                                                                                                    for safe and attentive driving. Effectiveness is dependent on many factors including road, weather and vehicle conditions. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 23. Do not rely exclusively on Road Sign Assist (RSA).
                                                                                                                 Door edge guards                   RSA is a driver support system that utilizes the vehicle’s forward-facing camera and Navigation System (when data is available) to recognize certain road signs and provide information to the driver via the multi-information display and/
                                                                                                                                                    or Head-Up Display. Effectiveness is dependent on road, weather, vehicle and sign conditions. Use common sense when using RSA and do not drive distracted. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 24. Intelligent
                                                                                                                                                    High Beams operate at speeds above 21 mph. Factors such as a dirty windshield, weather, lighting and terrain limit effectiveness, requiring the driver to manually operate the high beams. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations
                                                                                                             E   Emergency assistance kit           and details. 25. Lexus Safety System+ A effectiveness is dependent on many factors including road, weather and vehicle conditions. Drivers are responsible for their own safe driving. Always pay attention to your surroundings and drive
                                                                                                                                                    safely. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 26. The Pre-Collision System with Active Steering Assist is designed to help avoid or reduce the crash speed and damage in certain frontal collisions only. It is not a
                                                                                                                 First aid kit                      substitute for safe and attentive driving. System effectiveness is dependent on many factors including road, weather and vehicle conditions. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 27. Lane Change Assist operates
                                                                                                                                                    only when Dynamic Radar Cruise Control (DRCC) and Lane Tracing Assist (LTA) are activated. Do not overly rely on this system. The driver must still make sure that the lane is clear. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and
                                                                                                                                                    details. 28. Do not use the ottoman feature when the vehicle is in motion. Only use when the vehicle is stationary. If the ottoman feature is in use during an accident, the lap belt may slide past the hips. This could result in restraint forces
                                                                                                                 Glass breakage sensor              being applied directly to the abdomen, or your neck may contact the shoulder belt, increasing the risk of death or serious injury. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 29. High-friction brakes may require additional
                                                                                                                                                    maintenance, be louder and have a shorter life than conventional brakes, depending on driving conditions. See the Warranty and Services Guide for more information. 30. Ultrasuede is a registered trademark of Toray Industries, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                    31. Torsen® is a registered trademark of JTEKT Torsen, Inc. 32. Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management (VDIM) is an electronic system designed to help the driver maintain vehicle control under adverse conditions. It is not a substitute
                                                                                                             F   Illuminated door sills             for safe and attentive driving practices. Factors including speed, road conditions, weather and driver steering input can all affect whether VDIM will be effective in preventing a loss of control. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations
                                                                                                                                                    and details. 33. Safety Connect depends on factors outside of Lexus’ control, including an operative telematics device, a cellular connection, GPS signal, and the availability of a compatible wireless network, without which system
                                                                                                             G   Key gloves with Lexus logo         functionality and availability may be limited or precluded, including access to response center and emergency support. Stolen vehicle police report required to use Stolen Vehicle Locator. Some features may require the Lexus app.
                                                                                                                                                    Registration required. Service subject to change at any time without notice. Terms of Use apply. Service may vary by vehicle and region. See usage precautions and service limitations in Owner’s Manual and lexus.com/enform for
                                                                                                                                                    additional details. To learn about Lexus’ connected services data collection, use, sharing and retention practices, please visit https://www.lexus.com/privacyvts/. The Safety Connect trial period is at no extra cost and begins on the original
                                                                                                                 Paint protection film by 3M™60     date of purchase or lease of a new vehicle. Paid subscription required after trial to access the service. 34. Information provided is based on the last time data was collected from the vehicle and is not real-time data. Service Connect
                                                                                                                                                    depends on factors outside of Lexus’ control, including an operative telematics device, a cellular connection, GPS signal, and the availability of a compatible wireless network, without which system functionality and availability may be
                                                                                                                 Rear bumper appliqué               limited or precluded. Service may vary by vehicle or region. Registration required. Service subject to change at any time without notice. Terms of Use apply. Data charges may apply. See usage precautions and service limitations in
                                                                                                                                                    Owner’s Manual and lexus.com/enform for additional details. To learn about Lexus’ connected services data collection, use, sharing and retention practices, please visit https://www.lexus.com/privacyvts/. The Service Connect trial
                                                                                                                                                    period is at no extra cost and begins on the original date of purchase or lease of a new vehicle. Subscription required after trial. Service Connect renewal will be included when Safety Connect, Remote Connect, or Destination Assist
                                                                                                                                                    connected service renewal is selected. Service Connect is not renewable as a stand-alone service. 35. Eligible vehicle and wireless service required. Enform Wi-Fi depends on factors ouside of Lexus’ control, including an operative
                                                                                                                                                    telematics device, a cellular connection, GPS signal, and the availability of a compatible wireless network, without which system functionality and availability may be limited or precluded. Enform Wi-Fi coverage and service not available
                                                                                                                 F SPORT ACCESSORIES                everywhere. Valid in the contiguous U.S. and Alaska. Do not drive distracted. Go to att.com/lexus for terms and conditions. Data usage and charges apply. Up to 5 devices can be supported using in-vehicle connectivity. Apps and
                                                                                                                                                    services subject to change at any time without notice. The Enform Wi-Fi trial begins at the time of activation and expires when 4GB of data is used or when the 3-month period ends. Subscription required after trial. Terms and conditions
                                                                                                                                                    apply. 36. Dynamic Navigation and Dynamic Voice Command are dependent on factors outside of Lexus’ control, including an operative telematics device, a cellular connection, GPS signal, and the availability of a compatible wireless
                                                                                                                 Carpet floor mats57                network, without which system functionality and availability may be limited or precluded. Services not available in every city or roadway. Use common sense when relying on information provided. Service may vary by vehicle and region.
                                                                                                                                                    Registration is required. Terms of Use apply. Data charges may apply. See Owner’s Manual and lexus.com/enform for additional limitations and details. To learn about Lexus’ connected services data collection, use, sharing and retention
                                                                                                                 Key gloves with F logo             practices, please visit https://www.lexus.com/privacyvts/. The Dynamic Navigation trial period is at no extra cost and begins on the original date of purchase or lease of a new vehicle. Paid subscription required after trial to access the
                                                                                                                                                    service. 37. Destination Assist depends on factors outside of Lexus’ control, including an operative telematics device, a cellular connection, GPS signal, and the availability of a compatible wireless network, without which system
                                                                                                                                                    functionality and availability may be limited or precluded. Use common sense when relying on this information. Service may vary by vehicle and region. Registration required. Services subject to change at any time without notice. Terms
                                                                                                      C          Rear bumper appliqué               of Use apply. Data charges may apply. See Owner’s Manual and lexus.com/enform for additional limitations and details. To learn about Lexus’ connected services data collection, use, sharing and retention practices, please visit
                                                                                                                                                    https://www.lexus.com/privacyvts/. The Destination Assist trial period is at no extra cost and begins on the original date of purchase or lease of a new vehicle. Paid subscription required after trial to access the service. 38. Use only if
                                                                                                                                                    aware of circumstances surrounding vehicle and it is legal and safe to do so (e.g., do not remotely start engine if vehicle is in an enclosed space or vehicle is occupied by a child). Lexus Enform Remote depends on factors outside of Lexus’
                                                                                                                                                    control, including an operative telematics device, a cellular connection, GPS signal, and the availability of a compatible wireless network, without which system functionality and availability may be limited or precluded. Service may vary
                                                                                                                                                    by vehicle and region. Registration and Lexus app download required. Terms of Use apply. Data charges may apply. Services subject to change at any time without notice. See usage precautions and service limitations in Owner’s Manual
                                                                                                                                                    and lexus.com/enform for additional details. To learn about Lexus’ connected services data collection, use, sharing and retention practices, please visit https://www.lexus.com/privacyvts/. The Lexus Enform Remote trial period is at no
                                                                                                                                                    extra cost and begins on the original date of purchase or lease of a new vehicle. Paid subscription required after trial to access the service. Terms of Use apply. 39. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned
                                                                                                                                                    by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Lexus is under license. A compatible Bluetooth-enabled phone must first be paired. Phone performance depends on software, coverage and carrier. 40. May not be compatible with
                                                                                                                                                    all mobile phones, MP3/WMA players and like models. 41. Be sure to obey traffic regulations and maintain awareness of road and traffic conditions at all times. 42. The SmartAccess system may interfere with some pacemakers or
                                                                                                                                                    cardiac defibrillators. If you have one of these medical devices, please talk to your doctor to see if you should deactivate this system. 43. The engine immobilizer is a state-of-the-art anti-theft system that is initiated when you insert your
                                                                                                                                                    key into the ignition switch or bring a SmartAccess fob into the vehicle. The engine will only start if the code in the transponder chip inside the key/fob matches the code in the vehicle’s immobilizer. The transponder chip is embedded in
                                                                                                                                                    the key/fob and can be costly to replace. If you lose a key or fob, your Lexus dealer can help or you can go to www.aloa.org to find a qualified locksmith in your area who can perform high-security key service. 44. The Adaptive Front
                                                                                                                                                    Lighting System helps improve night vision. Situations such as a dirty windshield, rapidly changing light conditions or hilly terrain will limit effectiveness, requiring the driver to manually turn off the system. See Owner’s Manual for additional
                                                                                                                                                    limitations and details. 45. Do not rely exclusively on the Blind Spot Monitor. Always look over your shoulder and use your turn signal. There are limitations to the function, detection and range of the monitor. See Owner’s Manual for
                                                                                                                                                    additional limitations and details. 46. Do not rely exclusively on the Rear Cross-Traffic Alert system. Always look over your shoulder and use your mirrors to confirm rear clearance. There are limitations to the function, detection and
                                                                                                                                                    range of the system. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 47. Intuitive Parking Assist with Auto Brake is designed to assist drivers in avoiding potential collisions at speeds of 9 mph or less. Certain vehicle and
                                                                                                                                                    environmental factors, including an object’s speed, shape, and size may affect the system’s effectiveness. Always look around outside the vehicle and use mirrors to confirm clearance. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and
                                                                                                                                                    details. 48. The backup camera does not provide a comprehensive view of the rear area of the vehicle and you should also look around the vehicle, using mirrors to confirm rearward clearance. Environmental conditions may limit
                                                                                                                                                    effectiveness and view may become obscured. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 49. Airbag systems are Supplemental Restraint Systems and are designed to inflate only under certain conditions and in certain
                                                                                                                                                    types of severe collisions. To decrease the risk of injury from an inflating airbag, always wear seatbelts and sit upright in the middle of the seat as far back as possible. Do not put objects in front of an airbag or around the seatback. Do not
                                                 D                                                    E                                             use a rearward-facing child seat in any front passenger seat. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 50. Lexus provides complimentary maintenance for your first two scheduled visits at the earlier of 6 months/5,000
                                                                                                                                                    miles and 12 months/10,000 miles. To schedule these services, contact your Lexus dealership. Please refer to your vehicle’s Warranty and Services Guide for service details. These services apply to Lexus vehicles registered and normally
                                                                                                                                                    operated in the continental United States, U.S. territories and Canada. 51. EV Mode lets you operate solely on battery power at low speeds for short distances and in limited circumstances, such as in a parking garage. Different conditions
                                                                                                                                                    may prevent or limit usage. See your Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 52. The Panoramic View Monitor does not provide a comprehensive view of the area surrounding the vehicle. You should also look around
                                                                                                                                                    outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm surrounding clearance. Environmental conditions may limit effectiveness and view may become obscured. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details. 53. Performance
                                                                                                                                                    figures are for comparison only and were obtained with prototype vehicles by professional drivers. 54. Projected EPA-estimated MPG ratings determined by manufacturer. EPA estimates not available at time of publishing. Use for
                                                                                                                                                    comparison purposes only. Your mileage will vary for many reasons, including your vehicle’s condition and how/where you drive. See www.fueleconomy.gov. 55. Accessories may vary by model year, not be available in all regions of the
                                                                                                                                                    country, and/or require placement of a special order. Please see your dealer for accessory availability for your particular vehicle. 56. All Accessories (Genuine Lexus and F SPORT) installed at the time of retail vehicle delivery are
                                                                                                                                                    warranted for the same time as the new-vehicle warranty (48 months/50,000 miles). Accessories purchased after retail vehicle delivery and installed by an authorized Lexus dealer are warranted for 12 months from date of purchase
                                                                                                                                                    or installation, regardless of mileage, or the remainder of any applicable new-vehicle limited warranty, whichever is greater. Accessories purchased over the counter are covered for 12 months from the date of purchase. For all Accessories,
                                                                                                                                                    refer to your accessory limited warranty or documentation that accompanies accessory purchase for coverage and conditions. Warranty honored at all Lexus dealerships nationwide excluding Hawaii. 57. This floor liner or floor mat
                                                                                                                                                    was designed specifically for use in your model and model year vehicle and SHOULD NOT be used in any other vehicle. To avoid potential interference with pedal operation, each liner or mat must be secured with its fasteners. Do not
                                                                                                                                                    install a floor liner or mat on top of an existing floor liner or mat. 58. Cargo and load capacity limited by weight and distribution. Always properly secure cargo and cargo area. 59. Lexus Genuine Accessory Warranty will only apply
                                                                                                                                                    when the installation is performed by a trained Lexus-approved installer. See Lexus dealer for details. 60. Genuine Lexus Paint Protection Film by 3MTM is designed for specific sections of the vehicle most prone to chipping and may
                                                                                                                                                    vary depending on vehicle model. Select applications may require an additional charge. Lexus Genuine Accessory Warranty only applies when installation is performed by a trained Lexus-approved installer. See Lexus dealer for details.
                                                                                                                                                    Lexus strives to build vehicles to match customer interest, and thus they typically are built with popular options and option packages. Not all options/packages are available separately, and some may not be available in all regions
                                                                                                                                                    of the country. See lexus.com for information about options/packages commonly available in your area. If you would prefer a vehicle without any or with different options, contact your dealer to check for current availability or
                                                                                                                                                    the possibility of placing a special order. Specifications, features, equipment, technical data, performance figures, options, and color and trim are based upon information available at time of publishing, are subject to change
                                                                                                                                                    without notice, and are for mainland U.S.A. vehicles only. Vehicles shown may be prototypes, shown using visual effects and/or shown with options. Actual models may vary. Colors depicted may vary based on multiple factors,
                                                  F                                                   G                                             including ambient lighting and the format in which they are being viewed (e.g., computer, mobile device, or print). See your Lexus dealer for details. Lexus reminds you to wear seatbelts, secure children in rear seat, obey all traffic
                                                                                                                                 2020 model shown   laws and drive responsibly. For more information, call 800-USA-LEXUS (872-5398) or visit lexus.com. To learn more about your financing options, contact your Lexus dealer or call Lexus Financial Services at 800-874-7050.

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