2022 Webinar Series Risk Control - Coverys

Page created by Bernice Burke
2022 Webinar Series Risk Control - Coverys
2022 Webinar Series
Risk Control

Join Coverys Workers’ Compensation Services for its timely,
engaging, and information-packed webinars designed
specifically for you. As the healthcare industry continues to
evolve, we know you understand the importance of continued
education on health and safety in the work environment. The
webinars in the 2022 series will be instructive and relevant
as well-known experts from around the country speak on the
important topics that healthcare providers encounter daily.

                        Workers’ Compensation Services
                        800.313.5888, ext. 2
2022 Webinar Series Risk Control - Coverys
2022 Webinar Series – Risk Control

Psychological Safety
February 16, 2022     l   11 a.m. to noon Eastern

Program Description
A 2019 study of 137 British clinics and hospitals found that a one-point increase            Who Should Attend?
in the medical staff's standardized openness score—the degree to which one is
                                                                                             • Department managers
receptive to new ideas and experiences—was associated with a 6.48% reduction in                and supervisors
hospital mortality rates. Our ability to learn and innovate has the power to save lives.     • Directors and assistant
Yet individual and organizational learning require courage and the willingness to              directors of nursing
embrace failure. To adapt and thrive in an environment characterized by uncertainty          • Human resource
and complexity, people and teams must feel safe to take emotional risks. In other              personnel
                                                                                             • Workers’ compensation
words, psychological safety, a group psychological phenomenon created by leadership
behaviors, must exist. In this session, we will identify the interpersonal conditions that   • Quality improvement
foster psychological safety and discuss what leaders and teams can do to create them.          team members
                                                                                             • Safety committee
Our Presenter
                                                                                             • Administrators
                             Martha Acosta, PhD, Senior Moderator, Harvard
                                                                                             Continuing Education
                             Business Publishing                                             Credit
                          Dr. Martha Acosta is a senior moderator in Harvard                 This session may be
                          Business School's Corporate Learning division and                  eligible for up to 1.0
                          has been a learning and development consultant to                  credit hour through
                                                                                             your affiliation with
                          governments and global corporations for nearly 25
                                                                                             other professional
                          years. Martha teaches, designs learning programs, and              or credentialing
                          conducts research on the cognitive and emotional aspects           organizations. Please
                          of leadership and safety. She also serves on the board             check with the governing
                          of directors of a hundred-million-dollar educational               board of these entities for
                          foundation and twin-campus liberal arts college. Martha            applicability.
                          earned a doctorate in human and organizational learning
                          from The George Washington University in Washington,
D.C., and an MBA in organizational behavior from Southern Methodist University in
Dallas, Texas. Her BA in philosophy, math, science, and literature is from St. John's
College in Annapolis, Maryland.
2022 Webinar Series Risk Control - Coverys
2022 Webinar Series – Risk Control

Compassionate Leadership: Treating Injured Employees with
Empathy – The Why, The How, & The What
April 27, 2022   l   11 a.m. to noon Eastern

Program Description
In this day and age, it's important to recognize the way employees are motivated and      Who Should Attend?
how leadership styles affect outcomes, employee behavior, production, satisfaction,       • Department managers
and output. Although each employee is motivated differently, the foundational pillars       and supervisors
of motivation must include empathy, compassion, and patience.                             • Directors and assistant
                                                                                            directors of nursing
When an employee is injured, thinking about the way to talk with them, the type of        • Human resource
communication and dialogue that needs to occur, is paramount to delivering the the          personnel
most important information they need.                                                     • Workers’ compensation
In this program, Dr. Claire Muselman will outline the why, the how, and the what          • Quality improvement
when it comes to treating injured employees with empathy and compassion.                    team members
                                                                                          • Safety committee
Our Presenter                                                                             • Administrators

                            Claire Muselman, PhD, VP of Workers'                          Continuing Education
                            Compensation, Center of Excellence at North                   Credit
                            American Risk Services, Inc.                                  This session may be
                                                                                          eligible for up to 1.0
                            Dr. Claire Muselman is the vice president of the Workers'
                                                                                          credit hour through
                            Compensation Center of Excellence at North American           your affiliation with
                            Risk Services, Inc., bringing passion-filled purpose and      other professional
                            energy with a dose of glitter and sparkles to the industry.   or credentialing
                                                                                          organizations. Please
                             Using her knowledge with over 17 years of direct             check with the governing
                             claims experience, Claire has been a thought leader          board of these entities for
                             in workers' compensation. She created the first-ever         applicability.
                             Workers' Recovery Unit; co-hosted ADJUSTED, a claims
podcast; co-founded The Transitions; and is a monthly contributor for Captive.com,
WorkersCompensation.com, as well as Just Begin Magazine, sharing her love for
innovation in the workers' compensation space. Claire also has her own column
with IN TOUCH WC where she shines light into sparkly parts of life twice per month.
In her free time, she can be found pouring into students as an adjunct professor
at Drake University with a focus in management, leadership, and public speaking.
By combining a solid technical foundation with her passion for creating a better
experience through emotional intelligence, empathy, and customer-centricity, Claire
inspires others to ultimately make good things happen for people.
2022 Webinar Series Risk Control - Coverys
2022 Webinar Series – Risk Control

Case Study in the Self-Design of a Learning Culture
June 15, 2022     l   11 a.m. to noon Eastern

Program Description
Organizations are faced with choices regarding the ways that they respond to accidents        Who Should Attend?
and incidents. These choices range from blame to understanding, each of which brings
                                                                                              • Department managers
results that can influence the culture of an organization. Traditional approaches can           and supervisors
degrade trust. This presentation illustrates how change can be initiated and sustained        • Directors and assistant
through research, dialogue, and a complete shift in the way organizations respond to            directors of nursing
accidents and incidents.                                                                      • Human resource
Key Learnings:                                                                                • Workers’ compensation
1. Assumptions that leaders have and how they can be challenged.
                                                                                              • Quality improvement
2. Processes that create second victims and restrict our ability to learn.                      team members
3. What can be done to change the approach to facilitate learning.                            • Safety committee
Our Presenter                                                                                 • Administrators

                                                                                              Continuing Education
                            Ivan Pupulidy, PhD, Professor, Advanced Safety
                            Engineering & Management, The University of
                            Alabama at Birmingham                                             This session may be
                                                                                              eligible for up to 1.0
                              Ivan Pupulidy applies his experience and research to            credit hour through
                              operations in complex systems and high-risk environments.       your affiliation with
                                                                                              other professional
                              Ivan's ability to integrate academic research with real-world
                                                                                              or credentialing
                              application comes from varied life experiences. Ivan earned     organizations. Please
                              a Master of Science degree in human factors and systems         check with the governing
                              safety at Lund University in Sweden under Professor Sidney      board of these entities for
                              Dekker. He completed his PhD in social science at Tilburg       applicability.
                              University in the Netherlands. Ivan is an international
                              speaker, consultant, and organizational coach who focuses
on topics related to human factors, organizational culture, human and organizational
performance, learning from events, organizational dialogue, and the connection between
resilience and high-reliability organizing.
2022 Webinar Series – Risk Control

Reducing Employee Injury Risk in Emergency Medical Services
September 21, 2022      l   11 a.m. to noon Eastern

Program Description
Employees work on the front line in emergency medical services (EMS), where they are       Who Should Attend?
exposed to numerous hazards that result in significant personal injury.
                                                                                           • EMS managers and
Emergency medical services, as a field, is in a state of change, benefiting from intense     those who provide
and dynamic improvement. Measures to ensure employee safety must be an integral
                                                                                           • Safe patient movement/
part of this rapid evolution. This session covers new, innovative approaches to help EMS     handling committee
personnel provide quality care for patients while reducing their own injury risk.            members
                                                                                           • Human resource
Our Presenter                                                                                personnel
                                                                                           • Workers’ compensation
                             Nadine Levick, MD, MPH, Research Director, EMS                • Quality improvement
                             Safety Foundation; CEO, Objective Safety; Director of           team members
                             Research and Innovation, Emergency Health Services,           • Safety committee
                             Assuta Medical Center                                           members
                                                                                           • Administrators
                             Nadine Nevick, MD, MPH, MBBS, FACEM, FRACGP, Israel
                             EM, is a physician, innovator, and an interdisciplinary
                             researcher. Dr. Levick is a practicing emergency medicine     Continuing Education
                             and primary care physician, boarded in family practice and    Credit
                             emergency medicine.                                           This session may be
                                                                                           eligible for up to 1.0
                             Dr. Levick is renowned for conducting the world's first       credit hour through
                             ambulance vehicle-to-vehicle safety crash testing and her     your affiliation with
leadership role internationally in ambulance safety, innovation, and design. She is        other professional
the inaugural chair of the ANB10(5) EMS Safety Subcommittee of the Transportation          or credentialing
Research Board of the National Academies for Science Medicine and Engineering in the       organizations. Please
                                                                                           check with the governing
U.S.                                                                                       board of these entities for
Dr. Levick founded the EMS Safety Foundation, an EMS safety innovation think tank and      applicability.
knowledge transfer consortium, and the www.Objectivesafety.net EMS safety information
portal. Dr. Levick is founder of the Ambulance Safety Innovation Design Module Project
www.INDEMO.info, which is focused on optimal ambulance design.
2022 Webinar Series
        Risk Control

        Coverys Workers’ Compensation clients are invited to attend the live Risk
        Control Webinars free of charge. To register, please contact your risk control
        consultant or email us at rcwebinars@coverys.com. Members with access to
        the Risk Control portal, Members Only, can also register at coverys.com/rc.

        All others are welcome to join us at $49 per session. To register, please
        contact us at 800.313.5888, ext. 2, or email us at rcwebinars@coverys.com.

        Can’t Attend the Live Webinar?
        We record many of our live webinar programs. They will be available on
        our website. Visit us on our Members Only site at coverys.com/rc, click on
        Webinars, and enjoy.

                               Workers’ Compensation Services
                               800.313.5888, ext. 2

Workers’ Compensation Services • 3100 West Road • Building 1 • East Lansing, MI 48823 • 800.313.5888
                     Insurance products issued by ProSelect® Insurance Company

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