2021 Program Overview - Sydney Child Health Program

Page created by Allen Rodgers
2021 Program Overview - Sydney Child Health Program
2021 Program Overview
2021 Program Overview - Sydney Child Health Program
2021 Program Overview - Sydney Child Health Program
             Introduction   1
 Who is this program for?   2
      Learning outcomes     3
      Program at a glance   4
        Program modules     5
        Upon completion     6
Your learning environment   7
            How to apply    8
     Module descriptions    9
             SCHP reach     10
         Connect with us    11
2021 Program Overview - Sydney Child Health Program
Excellence in
Paediatric Education
since 1992

    The Sydney Child Health Program (SCHP) is a comprehensive online education program
    for doctors, nurses and allied health professionals treating children and young people.
    The program promotes best evidence current practice to encourage a journey of
    continuous learning and access to the highest standard of paediatric care.
    The clinical expertise, advanced technology, and flexible learning model combine to make
    SCHP a leading paediatric program of choice.
    Learn directly from over 100 expert clinicians and start applying your skills immediately
    in your daily practice treating children and young people.
    Upon completion, you will gain the skills, knowledge and confidence to identify, assess and
    manage common paediatric issues. You will join over 10,000 SCHP graduates around the
    world currently helping children and young people live their healthiest lives possible.

4                                          Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
2021 Program Overview - Sydney Child Health Program
                                        of alumni
    graduates in                    would recommend
   40+ countries                      the program.*

                                      * Alumni evaluation survey of
                                            2456 alumni: 2018-19.

schp.org.au | service@schp.org.au                                 5
2021 Program Overview - Sydney Child Health Program
Who is this program for?
Designed by health professionals, for health professionals.

Every aspect of the program is designed, developed and assessed by our experienced academics and online
learning experts from the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network. Our content is taught by 100+ senior
clinicians in more than 30 paediatric sub-specialities from neonates to adolescent medicine.
With more than 25 years of delivering online paediatric education, you’ll benefit from our worldwide
presence and an extensive network of industry connections dedicated to our organisation’s vision for
Healthier Children Globally.

The program is suitable for:

               General practitioners                                            Hospital doctors
               General Practitioners, GP Registrars and                         Interns, Resident Medical Officers,
               International Medical Graduates undergoing                       Career Medical Officers and Registrars
               GP training

               Nurses                                                           Trainees
               Registered Nurses, Clinical Nurse Consultants                    Pediatric trainees, Neonatal trainees,
               and Nurse Practitioners                                          Psychiatric and Mental Health trainees,
                                                                                Emergency trainees, Surgical trainees

               Health professionals                                             Medical students
               Dental Practitioners, Occupational Therapists,                   Final year medical students
               Physiotherapists, Speech Pathologists,
               Psychologists, Dieticians, Pharmacists,
               and any other allied health professional
               treating children and young adolescents

6                                             Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
2021 Program Overview - Sydney Child Health Program
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2021 Program Overview - Sydney Child Health Program
Program at a glance
Recommended study duration                  Assessments                                 Extracurricular activities
One year (12 months)                        Four assessment tasks including:            Take part in our extracurricular
                                                                                        activities provided to help you build
                                            • two case reports,
Study mode                                                                              your skills and establish connections
                                            • one oral assessment task, and
100% online – webcasts, webinars and                                                    with the community:
                                            • one final multiple choice question exam
assessments delivered online.                                                           • Seven live webinars per year with leading
                                            Program fee                                   specialists from the Sydney Children’s
Enrolment dates                             In 2021, the standard program fee             Hospitals Network
All year round – Enrolments are open        is AU$3,950.                                • Monthly case journal review
throughout the year with a choice                                                       • Practical Paediatrics for
                                            Fees are reviewed and updated annually.
of two final exam dates – June and                                                        GPs Conference
                                            Get in touch for more information           • Three-day clinical workshop
                                            regarding scholarships, fee support         • Community health visits
                                            or instalment options                       • Study groups
Entry requirements
To be eligible to enrol, you are required
to submit:
• your AHPRA registration number
OR                                                                                         Start your 14-day free
• a certified copy of your undergraduate                                                   access today.
  degree. For international enrolments:
• An IELTS of 7 or equivalent is
                                                                                           Visit schp.org.au or
  recommended to complete this program                                                     email service@schp.org.au
  of study.

8                                            Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
2021 Program Overview - Sydney Child Health Program
Learning modules
Over 100 webcasts form the core of the program content.
The table shows nine modules and the recommended time
it takes to complete the webcasts.

Neonates and early years

              Neonates and newborns
              9 webcasts | 8 hrs

              Behaviour and development
              14 webcasts | 13 hrs

                                                                                Dr Subhasis

              Cardiology, ears, nose and throat and respiratory                 General Practitioner
    3                                                                           NSW, Australia
              13 webcasts | 10.5 hrs

              Gastroenterology and infectious diseases
              9 webcasts | 7.5 hrs

              Dermatology, nephrology, oncology, palliative                     The SCHP is an essential tool
    5         care, hematology, allergy and immunology                          in plugging in knowledge gaps
              18 webcasts | 15 hrs                                              in essential child healthcare
                                                                                provision to primary care
                                                                                setting. This has been true in
              Endocrine, genetics and metabolism                                my case too. It has immensely
              9 webcasts | 7.5 hrs                                              helped in reinforcing my
                                                                                paediatric knowledge but
                                                                                also plugged in knowledge
              Neurology and rehabilitation
    7                                                                           gaps. It has provided me
              9 webcasts | 7 hrs                                                with the tools to effectively
                                                                                see, manage and refer
                                                                                paediatric patients.
              Emergency medicine
              20 webcasts | 17 hrs

Adolescents and Young People

              Adolescent medicine
              12 webcasts | 9.5 hrs

                                            schp.org.au | service@schp.org.au                                    9
2021 Program Overview - Sydney Child Health Program
*Alumni evaluation survey
of 2456 alumni: 2018-19.

                                                                                            alumni improved their
                                                                                                knowledge in

Learning outcomes
At the end of this program, you can expect to develop skills in:

                        Assessment                                                      Investigation

             Assess a child using paediatric history                     Organise and interpret necessary investigations
            and examination techniques including a                        to assist with reaching a diagnosis in a timely
          development assesment, recognise ‘Red Flag’                    manner whilst avoiding unnecessary costly and
         presentations, and communicate your findings                                   painful procedures.
                with the child and their family.

                       Management                                                         Advocacy

        Formulate evidence-based management plants                       Implement strategies that recognise and correct
          for common acute and chronic paediatric                         for health inequities in our health system and
       conditions that can be personalised and adapted                     make a tangible difference to the health and
            to each patient’s individual outcomes.                                  wellbeing of young people.

10                                             Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
Upon completion
Gain certification from an internationally recognised program that
provides current evidence-based best practice in paediatrics, including:

   Certificate of Completion from          80 Accredited CPD points from the         130 CPD hours from the Australian
 Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network       Royal Australian College of General     College of Emergency Medicine (ACEM).
               (SCHN).                           Practitioners (RACGP).

      Use of SCHP post-nominal.           ‘Life-long’ access to webcasts and the    150 CPD hours from the Australian
                                          program materials for alumni. Content    College of Rural and Remote Medicine
                                                      updated annually.                          (ACCRM).

                                            schp.org.au | service@schp.org.au                                        11
Our assessments are designed to put your learning to the test.
Develop a solid foundation in paediatric health as you apply theory and critical reasoning to real world challenges.

12                                             Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
Health inequity case report                                         Oral assessment task (OAT)
Task: Observe a common health inequity and reflect on               Task: Scenario-based assessment designed to test your
effective strategies to address this in your every-day practice,    competency in communicating the management of common
both personally and professionally.                                 paediatric conditions with patients and parents/carers.
Learning outcome: Determine how health inequities                   Learning outcome: Communicate diagnosis and management
impact on the care for children and advocate for vulnerable         of patients and their needs to parents/carers.
paediatric patients.
                                                                    Final multiple choice question exam
Medical case report                                                 Task: Final examination comprised of 100 multiple choice
Task: Write a thorough review of a clinical case based on           questions covering all SCHP content. Questions will focus
your-day-to-day practice with appraisal of current evidence-        on applying your understanding and clinical reasoning skills
based best practice.                                                involved with clinical assessment, investigation, management,
                                                                    and advocacy of conditions in the paediatric population.
Learning outcome: Assess and manage common
paediatric presentations according to current                       Learning outcome: Apply clinical reasoning to scenarios to
evidence-based best practice.                                       assess, investigate, manage and advocate for the paediatric
                                                                    population according to current evidence-based best practice.

                                                  schp.org.au | service@schp.org.au                                                 13
Your online learning environment
Our assessments are designed to put your learning to the test. Develop a solid foundation in paediatric health as you apply theory
and critical reasoning to real world challenges.

                      Easily access course webcasts and
                      resources and save your viewing
                      progress automatically.

                             View, search and keep notes on a               Assessments:View all assessment
                             particular section of the webcast              information and grades for your
                             that interests you.                            course including quizzes, reports,
                                                                            and exam grades.

                                                                            Resources: Access all relevant
                                                                            resources shared by SCHP including
                                                                            the 2021 Handbook, Key Dates,
                                                                            Guidelines, and Case

14                                            Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
Plan your schedule with all the
Track your progress,       information you need from module           Track your progress,
announcements and          duration, to progress status displayed     announcements and
performance in one place   on the front page                          performance in one place

                                      schp.org.au | service@schp.org.au                          15
Module descriptions

 Neonates and early years                                                               Systems

 1. Neonates and newborns                   2. Behaviour and                          3. Cardiology, ears, nose and
    9 webcasts | 8 hrs                           development                                throat and respiratory
                                                 14 webcasts | 13 hrs                       13 webcasts | 10.5 hrs

 Module overview                             Module overview                            Module overview
 The Neonates and Early Years                The Behaviour and Development              The Cardiology, ENT and Respiratory
 module will introduce participants          module will provide participants with      module will cover acute presentations,
 to routine newborn care, common             the knowledge and skills to confidently    their assessment and provide a
 medical presentations, newborn and          assess normal childhood development,       structured approach to management.
 early infancy feeding issues and their      alongside the recognition and              Health promotion strategies dealing
 routine management, the Australian          evaluation of the at-risk child            with these issues will be highlighted.
 immunisation schedule, the                  and vulnerable populations.
 social determinants of early health                                                    The module provides insights into
                                             The module will highlight                  the conditions most commonly
 and highlight the latest research
                                             understanding and approaches to            encountered in paediatric clinical
 relegated to sudden infant
                                             management of common behavioural,          practice, alongside current research,
 death syndrome.
                                             developmental and child protection         guidelines and health policy.
                                             issues. Additionally, webcasts will
                                             illustrate health problems of Australian
                                             indigenous population, children with
                                             disabilities and how to better engage
                                             with young children.

 Webcast titles                              Webcast titles                             Webcast titles
 • Examination of the newborn                • Autism Spectrum Disorder                 • Cardiac disease of the newborn
 • Graduates of neonatal intensive care      • Developmental growth and assessment      • Paediatric cardiology
 • Neonatal jaundice                         • Behavioural problems in school age       • Ear, nose and throat 1 – paediatric
 • Health issues in disadvantaged children     children/infants/toddlers                  upper airway
 • Immunisation                              • Speech and communication problems        • Ear, nose and throat 2 – outer and
 • Apnoea in infants and Sudden Infant         in children                                middle ear conditions
   Death Syndrome                            • Health Issues in indigenous children     • Hearing loss and deafness in children
 • Lactation and its challenges              • Common problems in children              • Pneumonia
 • Infant nutrition and toddler feeding        with disabilities                        • Acute asthma – parts 1 and 2
 • Issues in infancy: crying, sleeping       • Child development and the GP             • Cases of asthma or not asthma
   and family                                • Failure to thrive                        • Paediatric asthma management
                                             • Role of culture in child health          • Chronic asthma
                                               and development                          • Acute upper airway obstruction
                                             • Engaging children                        • Bronchiolitis
                                             • Behaviour and attention                  • Chronic suppurative lung disease
                                             • Overview of child protection               in children
                                             • Child physical abuse
                                             • Child sexual abuse

16                                            Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
4. Gastroenterology and                   5. D
                                               ermatology, nephrology,               6. E
                                                                                          ndocrine, genetics
    infectious diseases                       oncology, palliative care,                 and metabolism
    9 webcasts | 7.5 hrs                      hematology, allergy and                    9 webcasts | 7.5 hrs
                                              18 webcasts | 15 hrs

Module overview                            Module overview                            Module overview
The Gastroenterology and Infectious        The Dermatology, Nephrology,               The Endocrine, Genetics and
Diseases module will cover acute           Oncology, Palliative Care,                 Metabolism module will cover acute
presentations, their assessment and        Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology       presentations, their assessment and
provide a structured approach to           module will cover acute presentations,     provide a structured approach to
management. Health promotion               their assessment and provide a             management. Health promotion
strategies dealing with these issues       structured approach to management.         strategies dealing with these issues will
will be highlighted.                       Health promotion strategies dealing        be highlighted.
                                           with these issues will be highlighted.
The module showcases both common                                                      Local experts share their knowledge,
and more challenging clinical cases        The module presents basic sciences         skills and experience highlighting
across the breadth of gastroenterology     and common and more challenging            relevant basic clinical science, common
and infectious diseases presentations      clinical cases across a range of           and unusual endocrine, genetic
with local experts sharing personal        paediatric sub-speciality areas with       and metabolic presentations and
experience, up-to-date research and        local expert clinicians sharing personal   offer evidence-based management
guidelines to help inform short and        experience, up-to-date research and        strategies for these conditions.
long-term management.                      guidelines informing short and long-
                                           term management.

Webcast titles                             Webcast titles                             Webcast titles
•   Chronic diarrhoea                      •   Atopic dermatitis                      • Demystifying inborn errors
•   Gastroenteritis                        •   Birthmarks                               of metabolism
•   Liver disease in children              •   Paediatric skin infections             • Genetic tests in paediatrics – choices
•   Recurrent abdominal pain in children   •   Rheumatic diseases in children           and challenges normal puberty and
•   Inflammatory bowel disease             •   Arthritis in children                    disorders of puberty
•   Antibiotics and resistance             •   Approach to childhood malignancy       • Nutritional rickets in children
•   Exanthems                              •   Paediatric pain management             • Growth disorders in children
•   Meningitis                             •   Paediatric palliative care             • Diabetes Mellitus
•   Tuberculosis in children               •   Urinary and faecal incontinence        • Paediatric endocrine emergencies
                                               in children                            • Disorders of sex development
                                           •   Haematuria and proteinuria             • Obesity
                                           •   Hypertension in children
                                           •   Urinary tract infection and vesico
                                               ureteric reflux
                                           •   Anaemia
                                           •   Bruising and bleeding in children
                                           •   Neutrophil and platelet disorders
                                           •   Allergy and allergic diseases
                                           •   Allergy and immunology
                                           •   Anaphylaxis management

                                               schp.org.au | service@schp.org.au                                                  17
Adolescents and
 Systems (continued)
                                                                                       Young People
 7. Neurology and                        8. E
                                              mergency medicine                       7. Adolescent medicine
     rehabilitation                          20 webcasts | 7 hrs                           12 webcasts | 9.5 hrs
     9 webcasts | 7 hrs

 Module overview                          Module overview                              Module overview
 The Neurology and Rehabilitation         The Emergency Medicine Module will           The Adolescent Medicine module will
 module will cover acute presentations,   inform participants of common, acute         provide participants with an informed,
 their assessment and provide a           childhood emergency presentations,           structured approach to common
 structured approach to management.       their assessment, radiological and other     adolescent issues, including mental
 Health promotion strategies dealing      investigations and escalations in care.      health. Further, participants will be
 with these issues will be highlighted.                                                confident to promote and advocate
                                          This module covers a broad range
                                                                                       for adolescent health.
 The module provides participants with    of acute medical, surgical and trauma
 insights into everyday neurological      presentation in children, is presented       The module covers a range of acute
 conditions, presented with personal      by local experts from acute care             and chronic adolescent medical
 reflections and context by local         and radiology and provides                   conditions, their presentation,
 neurology experts. The paediatric        evidence-based best practice                 assessment and highlights best practice
 rehabilitation content provides          approaches to management.                    approaches to these conditions,
 appreciation of best practice approach                                                provided by local experts.
 to children with cerebral palsy and
 brain injuries.

 Webcast titles                           Webcast titles                               Webcast titles
 • The fitting child                      •    Paediatric dentistry                    • Difficulties dealing with parents
 • Childhood epilepsy                     •    Common eye disorders in childhood       • Adolescent sexuality and sexual health:
 • Seizure mimickers in children          •    Approach to the febrile child             beyond biology
 • Approach to the child with weakness    •    Paediatric resuscitation                • Approach to adolescents
 • Headaches in children                  •    Acute abdomen                           • Chronic illness in adolescents
 • Neural tube disorders                  •    Burns                                   • Eating disorders
 • Understanding neurosurgery for         •    Common surgical problems ‘North’        • Acute mental health assessment
   general practitioners                  •    Common surgical problems ‘south’          of children
 • Brain injuries                         •    Intussusception and bowel obstruction   • Anxiety disorders in children
 • Cerebral palsy                         •    Paediatric trauma                         and adolescents
                                          •    Abdominal imaging                       • Child mental health for paediatricians
                                          •    Chest imaging                             and General practitioners
                                          •    Paediatric musculoskeletal imaging      • Mood disorders and suicide
                                          •    Nuclear medicine                        • Paediatric sports medicine
                                          •    Bone and joint infections               • Concussion
                                          •    Childhood fractures                     • Paediatric and adolescent gynaecology
                                          •    Postural problems in childhood
                                          •    The limping child
                                          •    Toxicology
                                          •    Child mortality and injury prevention

18                                            Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
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Start today
Apply directly via schp.org.au or call us on (02) 9933 8600

                            Create account and explore
                            Visit schp.org.au and register your account under the ‘Enrolment’ tab.
            1               Enjoy 14-days limited access to explore SCHP content and learning environment prior
                            to finalising your placement.

            2               A simplified online enrolment process to submit your application. You’ll be given an
                            option to continue your application or save it for later if you would like to chat with us
                            regarding any questions.

                            Get started and upskill with current best practice in paediatrics.
            3               Explore our FAQ page schp.org.au/about-us/faq/ or email service@schp.org.au
                            for more information.

20                                         Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
Dr Charlene Kembo
  GP Fellow
  QLD, Australia
  (Previously studied in Harare, Zimbabwe)

  The lectures were and continue to be up to date, relevant and practical.
  I have been hooked to SCHP since! What is exciting is being able to
  use and adapt the knowledge to our local context, refine patient care
  plans and while teaching realise that I am also learning! As a Mom of
  one energetic toddler, I now appreciate why parent education is such a
  vital part of managing children. A section that among many is covered
  particularly well throughout the program.”

schp.org.au | service@schp.org.au                                            21



                            South Africa


SCHP reach
With more than 25 years of delivering online paediatric           When you study with us, you won’t just be walking away with
education, SCHP has established a worldwide presence              a completion certificate, you’ll join our mission to improve the
and extensive network of connections dedicated to our             health and wellbeing of children and young people wherever
organisation’s vision for Healthier Children Globally.            you practice. You’ll be a part of our community of more than
                                                                  10,000 alumni benefiting from life-long learning and access to
SCHP continues to contribute to the global healthcare
                                                                  SCHP resources.
community through our International Scholarship Program
which focuses on encouraging participation from developing        … So what are you waiting for?
nations. Our work with UNICEF, Department of Foreign
Affairs, international embassies, councils, and collaborating
hospitals have seen more than 500 scholarships granted and
this continues to grow every day.

22                                             Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
Hong Kong

            Vietnam                                Solomon Islands


                                                                     Port Vila

             Dr Mariam Rizk
             Senior House Officer
             QLD, Australia

             This course was a fantastic opportunity to complement my learning
             about the management of various paediatric conditions. I was able
             to practice hands on paediatric resuscitation skills during the course
             provided this year.
             It was interesting to learn about a variety of paediatric conditions by
             going through a variety of cases while attending several GP education
             days, the 3-day conference and the workshops. The information and
             practical scenarios helped me manage common conditions and critical
             emergency paediatric scenarios during my rotations at the Queensland’s
             Children’s Hospital.

           schp.org.au | service@schp.org.au                                           23
Connect with us
Email: service@schp.org.au
Web: schp.org.au
Phone: (02) 9933 8600

Mailing address
SCHP Office
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Locked Bag 4001
Westmead NSW 2145
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