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Awareness of pandemics and the impact of COVID-19 2021 Documentos de Trabajo N.º 2123 Alejandro Buesa, Javier J. Pérez and Daniel Santabárbara
Awareness of pandemics and the impact of COVID-19
Awareness of pandemics and the impact of COVID-19 (*) Alejandro Buesa, Javier J. Pérez and Daniel Santabárbara Banco de EspaÑa (*) Corresponding author: Javier J. Pérez, javierperez@bde.es. DG Economics, Statistics and Research, Banco de España, calle de Alcalá, 48, Madrid, Spain. This is a preprint version of a refereed paper forthcoming in Economics Letters. Documentos de Trabajo. N.º 2123 May 2021
The Working Paper Series seeks to disseminate original research in economics and finance. All papers have been anonymously refereed. By publishing these papers, the Banco de España aims to contribute to economic analysis and, in particular, to knowledge of the Spanish economy and its international environment. The opinions and analyses in the Working Paper Series are the responsibility of the authors and, therefore, do not necessarily coincide with those of the Banco de España or the Eurosystem. The Banco de España disseminates its main reports and most of its publications via the Internet at the following website: http://www.bde.es. Reproduction for educational and non-commercial purposes is permitted provided that the source is acknowledged. © BANCO DE ESPAÑA, Madrid, 2021 ISSN: 1579-8666 (on line)
Abstract “Awareness” about the occurrence of viral infectious (or other) tail risks can influence their socioeconomic inter-temporal impacts. A branch of the literature finds that prior lifetime exposure to signicant shocks can affect people and societies, i.e. by changing their perceived probability about the occurrence of an extreme, negative shock in the future. In this paper we proxy “awareness” by historical exposure of a country to epidemics, and other catastrophic events. We show that in a large cross-section of more than 150 countries, more “aware” societies suffered a less intense impact of the COVID-19 disease, in terms of loss of lives and, to some extent, economic damage. Keywords: socioeconomic impact of pandemics, global health crises. JEL classification: E43, F41, N10, N30, N40.
Resumen La conciencia de los individuos y las sociedades sobre el alcance de las infecciones víricas y otros riesgos de cola puede influir en el impacto socioeconómico que estas dejan a lo largo del tiempo. La literatura muestra que la exposición a episodios negativos o extremos durante la trayectoria vital de las personas puede continuar afectándoles sustancialmente más adelante, ya que su percepción de la probabilidad de que estos eventos ocurran en el futuro se ve alterada. Este artículo utiliza la exposición histórica de un país a epidemias y otros eventos catastróficos como un instrumento de la conciencia de experiencias previas. Los resultados, utilizando una sección cruzada de más de 150 países, sugieren que en aquellas sociedades que se han mostrado «más conscientes», el COVID-19 ha tenido un menor impacto en términos de coste humano y, hasta cierto punto, también económico. Palabras clave: impacto socioeconómico de las pandemias, crisis sanitarias globales. Códigos JEL: E43, F41, N10, N30, N40.
1 Introduction The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID- 19) came as a surprise for many individuals and nations, but not for others. Some governments and individuals were more “aware” of the possibility of a pandemic outburst of this sort than others, 1 Introduction for at least two reasons. First, a big part of the scientific community had been warning for at The leastsevere acutewith a decade respiratory syndrome increasing coronavirus-2 intensity (SARS-CoV-2, about the likely theofvirus appearance that causes “disease X” (seeCOVID- WHO, 19) came 2017; as a surprise Daszah, 2020; defor Bolle, many individuals 2021). On and the nations, but not other hand, for countries some others. Some governments or regions and had been individuals were more affected more over the“aware” of theby past decades possibility infectiousof diseases a pandemic (like,outburst SARS in of 2002, this sort MERSthaninothers, 2012, for at least or Ebola in two 1 and/orFirst, 2014)reasons. other aextreme big partnatural of the events scientific community with had been of very low frequency warning for ata impacting Figure 1: World-wide biological and other natural, extreme events, 1950-2020 least acommunity given decade with(likeincreasing intensity earthquakes, about volcano the likely eruptions appearance or tsunamis). of phenomena Such “disease X”have (see become WHO, 2017; widespread more Daszah, 2020; #in derecent the of events Bolle,past 2021). (see On the 1). Figure other hand, more Societies someprone countries to the Inhabitants oroccurrence x 1000 regions had been of these 400 1.800 more ofaffected type events,over the have or that past been decades by infectious subject to them indiseases (like, SARS a not-so-distant in may past, 2002,beMERS in 2012, more prepared 350 1.600 or Ebola to new 1episode identifyina2014) and/or -or other extreme natural a recurrent wave of events with very an ongoing lowcase one (in frequency of impacting of biological events)-a 1.400 300 given in an community (like early fashion, or earthquakes, volcano eruptions might have developed or tsunamis). more resilient Such phenomena and forward-looking have policy become tools and 1.200 more institutions 250mitigate widespread to in the their recentimpact. past (see Figure 1). Societies more prone to the occurrence of these 1.000 typeThe of events, 200 or that literature have been subject has highlighted to them through some channels in a not-so-distant past, may which the degree be more prepared of “awareness” deter- 800 to identify mines a150 newand the social episode -or ainter-temporal economic recurrent waveimpact of an of ongoing one (in a pandemic. 2 case of biological In Economics, events)- Kozlowski, 600 in an earlyand Veldkamp fashion, or might have Venkateswaran developed (2020) show thatmore resilient the main and forward-looking economic policycould costs of a pandemic toolsarise and 100 400 institutions from changestoinmitigate their impact. agents’ behaviour long after the immediate health crisis is settled. 3 Indeed, Jordà, 50 200 Theand Singh literature has highlighted Taylor (2020) some channels provide empirical through evidence basedwhich the degree on a wealth of “awareness” of historical episodesdeter- that 0 0 mines the social andlong-run economic inter-temporal 2 In Economics, Kozlowski, pandemics do have 1950 1960 economic 1980 impact 1970 consequences. Inofturn, 1990 a pandemic. the epidemiological 2000 2010 literature shows Veldkamp that andHydrological individual Venkateswaran awareness (2020) (human)Meteorological is show that a relevant Geophysical the main factor Biological to economic # of account people forcosts affected/dead the by of aworldwide pandemic spreading epidemics ancould ofaxis) (right arise epidemic, from changesthe in agents’ behaviour 3 Indeed, Jordà, by stressing interplay betweenlong after the awareness immediate and health crisis disease outbreak (see,isamong settled.others, Granell et Source: EM-DAT database: https://www.emdat.be/. Singh andWu al., 2013; Taylor (2020) et al., 2012;provide Samantalempirical evidence based2014; and Chattopadhyay, on aorwealth Wang of et historical al., 2020).episodes that pandemics 1 do have Just to quote long-run the most economic prominent consequences. examples of the past 20Inyears, turn,as the epidemiological noted in WHO (2017):literature the Severeshows Acute Respiratory Against Syndrome this (SARS) appeared background, in forpaper this the first wetime in to test 2002, and extent what spread across more hemispheres “aware” in just sixsuffered societies months; that individual (human) awareness is a relevant factor to account for the spreading of an epidemic, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), identified in 2012, spread to 26 countries in three years and is still active; aby less the Ebolaimpact intense outbreak(both that erupted humanin the spring and of 2014ofspread economic) through the whole the outbreak COVID-19 diseaseregion of West spread. Africa Our aiminet isa matterstressing theto interplay of weeks; date, and in between awareness particular since 2015 and disease a total of 86 countries (see, and among territories others, have Granell reported evidence to al.,2shed 2013;some light of mosquito-transmitted Wu et al.,in2012; understanding Zika-virus infection.the striking heterogeneity among countries in the incidence Samantal and Chattopadhyay, 2014; or Wang et al., 2020). Infectious diseases, in particular those that turn into pandemics, lead to significant human and socioeconomic of 1theFor costs. pandemic and its economic costs. To test the(2018), hypothesis at ethand we take the COVID-19 following Just tohistorical quote theevidence see, among most prominent others, of examples Bloom et al. the past 20 years, as or noted Smith al. (2019). in WHO (2017):For thethe Severe Acute crisis, see Respiratory IMF (2020) Syndrome or Sapir (2020). (SARS) appeared for of theawareness, first time in using 2002, and spread across hemispheres in just six steps. 3 On First, related we construct indicators measures of historical exposure tomonths; virual the Middle Eastgrounds, Respiratory Lin Syndrome and Meissner (2020), (MERS), when studying identified in 2012, the spreadlinktobetween public 26 countries in health performance three years in and is still the early days active; the Ebola of the COVID-19 outbreak pandemic and that eruptedevents. those in the spring during the Spanish Influenza pandemic of 1918-20, find that outbreaks, experience andSARS with otheris catastrophic associated with lower Next,of we mortality 2014 spread build today, through the measures whole of countries the region ofof incidence West theAfrica COVID- in a matter of weeks; to date, and in particular since 2015 a total of in 86acountries sample ofand 33 territoriesworldwide. have reported evidence 19 pandemic, both from of mosquito-transmitted the human Zika-virus infection.and economic points of view. Finally, we estimate spatial 2 Infectious diseases, in particular those that turn into pandemics, lead to significant human and socioeconomic econometric models costs. For historical linking evidence see,both amongsets of indicators others, Bloom et al.using a or (2018), cross-section Smith et al. of about (2019). For150 the countries COVID-19 crisis, see IMF (2020) or Sapir (2020). across 3 On the world. related The Lin grounds, spatial econometric and Meissner framework (2020), allows when studying theus to between link control public for the proximity health among performance in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic and those during the Spanish Influenza pandemic of 1918-20, find that countries, a direct experience with SARSamplifier of spillovers is associated with lower from countries mortality more today, in exposed a sample of 33to the pandemic countries to the others. worldwide. We also include other geographical and socioeconomic controls, including lockdown and curfew-type BANCO DE ESPAÑA 7 DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO N.º 2123 measures adopted by governments, a key element identified in the literature (see e.g. Ferraresi et al., 2020). The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we outline the econometric method-
400 1.800 Figure 1.600 350 1: World-wide biological and other natural, extreme events, 1950-2020 Figure 1: World-wide biological and other natural, extreme events, 1950-2020 1.400 300 Figure #1:of events World-wide biological and other natural, extremeInhabitants events,x 1000 1950-2020 400 1.200 1.800 250 # of events Inhabitants x 1000 400 1.800 1.000 1.600 350 # of events Inhabitants x 1000 200 400 1.800 350 1.600 800 1.400 300 150 350 1.600 1.400 600 1.200 300 250 1.400 100 300 1.200 400 1.000 250 200 1.200 50 250 1.000 200 800 200 1.000 150 0 200 800 0 600 150 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 800 100 600 150 400 Hydrological Meteorological Geophysical Biological # of people affected/dead by epidemics worldwide (right 600axis) 100 50 400 200 100 400 50 200 0 database: https://www.emdat.be/. Source: EM-DAT 0 50 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 200 0 0 1950 1960 1970 Geophysical 1980 Biological 1990 2000 2010 worldwide (right axis) 0 Hydrological Meteorological # of people affected/dead by epidemics 0 Against this1950 1960 in this background, Hydrological 1970paper we Meteorological 1980test to1990 Geophysical what extent Biological 2000 more2010 “aware” societies # of people affected/dead by epidemics worldwide (right axis) suffered Hydrological Meteorological a less intense Source: impact EM-DAT (both database: humanGeophysical Biological and economic) https://www.emdat.be/. # of people affected/dead by epidemics worldwide (right axis) of the COVID-19 disease spread. Our aim is to Source: shed some light EM-DAT in understanding database: the striking heterogeneity among countries in the incidence https://www.emdat.be/. Source: EM-DAT database: https://www.emdat.be/. of the pandemic Against and its economic this background, in thiscosts. paper To we test to thewhat hypothesis at hand extent more we take “aware” the following societies suffered Against steps. a less First,this intense we background, construct impact in this and (bothindicators human paper we test to of awareness, economic) of what using extent more themeasures COVID-19 “aware” of historical disease societies exposure spread. tosuffered Our virual aim is Against this background, in this paper we test to what extent more “aware” societies suffered a toless shedintense outbreaks,some impact andlight (both human otherincatastrophic understanding and the economic) events. of themeasures COVID-19 Next, weheterogeneity striking build of the among disease spread. incidence countries inoftheOur the aim is COVID- incidence a less intense impact (both human and economic) of the COVID-19 disease spread. Our aim is to 19 shed of the some light pandemic, pandemic bothandin fromunderstanding its the humancosts. economic the and striking To testheterogeneity economic points the among of view. hypothesis countries at Finally, hand wewe in the the incidence estimate take spatial following to shed some light in understanding the striking heterogeneity among countries in the incidence of the First, pandemic econometric steps. modelsandlinking we construct its economic both sets indicators costs. To test using of ofawareness, indicators the hypothesis using at a cross-section measures handofweabout of historical take the countries 150 exposure following to virual of the pandemic and its economic costs. To test the hypothesis at hand we take the following steps. across First, the outbreaks, weother world. and construct indicators Thecatastrophic spatial of awareness, econometric events. we using framework Next, measures allows build of the us to control measures of historical for theexposure incidence of the to proximity virual among COVID- steps. First, we construct indicators of awareness, using measures of historical exposure to virual outbreaks, countries, 19 pandemic,aand other direct both catastrophic amplifier from the humanevents. of spillovers from and Next, we build countries economic measures more points view.oftothe exposed of theincidence pandemic Finally, ofto the we estimatetheCOVID- others. spatial outbreaks, and other catastrophic events. Next, we build measures of the incidence of the COVID- 19 pandemic, We also include econometric both otherfrom models linkingtheboth geographicalhuman andand sets economic points socioeconomic of indicators aofcross-section controls, using view. Finally, including lockdown we estimate of about and150 spatial curfew-type countries 19 pandemic, both from the human and economic points of view. Finally, we estimate spatial econometric measures across models theadopted world. bylinking The spatialboth governments, sets a key econometric of element indicators framework using allowsa us identified incross-section the literature to control of the for about (see e.g.150 countries Ferraresi proximity amonget econometric models linking both sets of indicators using a cross-section of about 150 countries across al., the aworld. 2020). countries, direct The spatial amplifier of econometric spillovers from framework countriesallows us to control more exposed to thefor the proximity pandemic among to the others. across the world. The spatial econometric framework allows us to control for the proximity among countries, We The a direct rest of the also include amplifier paper other is of spillovers organized geographical from countries andassocioeconomic follows. more 2, In Section exposed controls, we to the outline including pandemic the andtocurfew-type econometric lockdown themethod- others. countries, a direct amplifier of spillovers from countries more exposed to the pandemic to the others. We ologyalso measures include and adopted other describe bythegeographical data used. and governments, In socioeconomic Section a key element controls, 3 weidentified discuss in including the main the lockdown results literature of the (see and curfew-type paper, e.g. and et Ferraresi in We also include other geographical and socioeconomic controls, including lockdown and curfew-type measures Section 4 adopted al., 2020). we draw by some governments, a key element identified in the literature (see e.g. Ferraresi et policy implications. measures adopted by governments, a key element identified in the literature (see e.g. Ferraresi et al., The 2020). rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we outline the econometric method- al., 2020). 2 The ology restdescribe of the paper Methodology and the datais andorganized data used. In as follows. Section In Section 3 we discuss 2, thewemain outline the econometric results of the paper,method- and in The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we outline the econometric method- ology Sectionand describe 4 we the data draw some policyused. In Section 3 we discuss the main results of the paper, and in implications. ology and describe Methodology the data used. a In Section 3 we discuss the 150 main results ofanthe paper, and in Section 4 we drawWe someregress, policyfor large implications. cross-section of over countries, indicator of the Section incidence 4 we draw of the some policy pandemic (S) onimplications. an indicator of awareness (E), and a number of control variables (X), including a “spacial lag”. For country i and time unit t the model takes the form: K Si,t = θW Si,t + β0 Ei,t + φk Xk,i,t i,t (1) k=1 where θW Si,t captures the autocorrelation of the effects of the pandemic between close countries BANCO DE ESPAÑA 8 DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO N.º 2123 through the spatial weighting matrix W . For N countries, this object contains N 2 elements where the element wi1 ,i2 captures the distance from country i1 to country i2 . The main diagonal is filled
K Si,t = θW Si,t + β0 Ei,t + φk Xk,i,t i,t (1) k=1 2 Methodology and data where θW Si,t captures the autocorrelation of the effects of the pandemic between close countries through the spatial Methodology Weweighting matrix regress, for W . For a large N countries, cross-section this object of over 150 countries, N 2indicator contains an elements of where the the element incidence of w the 2 captures(S) i1 ,ipandemic theon distance from country an indicator i1 to country of awareness (E), andi2a. number The main diagonalvariables of control is filled with including (X), zeros. Accounting a “spacialfor the For lag”. proximity countryamong i and countries time unit ist the key,model given takes that the the health form: situations of closer geographies are likely to be more connected. While the concept of distance can refer to K a variety of economic, social or Si,tgeographical = θW Si,t + βattributes, E 0 i,t + we adopt φk X the latter in our analysis. We k,i,t i,t (1) respiratory diseases (such as MERS and SARS, among k=1others), and, more specifically, use two alternative approaches: (i) a more traditional contiguity approach, whereby only adjacent on SARS- where CoV-1; countries θWnumber (iii) Si,teach affect captures of the (ii)autocorrelation natural other; disastersone another of the affecting whereby moreeffects thanof0.1% spillover the pandemic ofare effects betweenpopulation. theproportional country’s close countries to the We inverse through restrict of the sample our the distancespatial weighting and between focus matrix on W the events all countries in .that For N countries, occurred sample 4 . in the this object period contains 5N 2 elements where 2000-2019. the element wi1 ,i2 captures the distance from country i1 to country i2 . The main diagonal is filled Indicators Indicators with of of incidence awareness zeros. Accounting for of We the the pandemic proxy proximity amongFirst, “awareness” as regards with countries is key, the exposure indirect given the human thatpast the to incidence, epidemic health we out- situations focus onand thenatural fatalitydisasters. rates of To COVID-19. 6 We compute the accumulated number of deaths at breaks, of closer geographies are likely to identify be morerelevant pastWhile connected. disasters the and epidemiological concept episodes of distance can refer we to a variety giventoreference aresort the date social Emergency of economic, inEvents a given country (EM-DAT, Database or geographicalasattributes, a fraction of adopt the number of inhabitants, https://www.emdat.be/), we the latter to allow in ourconstructed analysis. by We for cross-country the use Center two comparability. for Research alternative (i)We showtraditional on the Epidemiology approaches: a more results forcontiguity three of Disasters reference (CRED). Thedates: approach, 1-month database whereby logs after onlydetails the adjacenton pandemic more countries outbreak thanaffect 20,000 (proxied disasters each byanother that other; (ii) the dateone occurred atsince which 1950, whereby 10th covers thespillover and death was most effects reported), arecountries 3-months around proportional after the to the the globe. inverse same The of date, andbetween the ofcumulative thecategorization distance events number is very all countries rich, in ofconsisting the cases sampleas4 .ofof31 December natural 2020.(among disasters Looking at the which results geophysi- usingmeteorological, cal, different reference dates allows hydrological, us to account climatological, for theand biological factextra-terrestrial) that, as the pandemic developed and technological Indicators worldwide, disasters of awareness governments (among We proxy and individual which industrial “awareness” citizens accident; with accident; took social miscellaneous exposure transport distancing inmeasures the past to actions. and epidemic accident). out- An Thus, event breaks, is andour as included regards innatural the disasters. hypothesis database atToleast identify ofifpre-existing relevant one“awareness”, of pastandisasters the following criteriaand assumed epidemiological advantage are mayare met: there episodes have 100 we weakened or more resort topeople, over time. affected the Emergency more thanEvents Database 10 casualties, or(EM-DAT, the disasterhttps://www.emdat.be/), has prompted the declaration constructed of a state by of the Center in Second, emergency fora Research regarding country. on the Epidemiology economic Epidemicincidence, diseases we of Disasters arelook (CRED). at indicators grouped within based naturalThe ondatabase economic disasters logs details losses on for the (biological). moreWethan whole 20,000 ofcombine 2020. disasters This that is motivated information occurred in by the factsince EM-DAT that1950, with the and use of covers populationhigher most countries frequency statistics fromdata around the (either the globe. World monthly Bank or and The categorization quarterly) construct would the of events severely following is very reduce measures our rich, consisting sample of disaster of ofbynatural countries, awareness disasters tocountry: between and(among 40number (i) which(depending 70 countries of epidemicgeophysi- episodes cal, also meteorological, on available affecting more than hydrological, control people; climatological, 100variables, presented (ii) the biological withinlater), and extra-terrestrial) with a marked previous biasfocus measure, towards and technological on advanced outbreakseconomies. linked to disasters 4 For our(among Resorting respiratory benchmarkwhich todiseases annual(suchindustrial data allows as MERS specifications accident; us and and miscellaneous to include SARS, results, we intheour useamong accident; analysis others), contiguity some and, transport approach, 150 more accident). countries, specifically, but all An with on results using aevent SARS- the fair other measure are available upon request. is included CoV-1; (iii) in representation the numberdatabase of advanced of natural if atdisasters and least one emerging of the following market affecting thancriteria economies more ofare (see Table 0.1% met: theA1). there Moreare country’s 100 or more specifically, population. we We affected restrict people, use the following our more sample andthan measures 10economic of focus casualties, on or the eventslosses: that (i)disaster Annual occurred inhas theprompted growth ofthe declaration rate2000-2019. period GDP of Revisions in52020; (ii) a state of emergency to 2020 GDP in growth a country. Epidemic forecasts diseases by the are grouped International withinFund Monetary natural disasters (IMF) (biological). with respect to the pre- Indicators pandemic of incidence We combine information outlook, of in proxied by the the pandemic EM-DAT forecasts with First, as the population published by regards IMF the statistics direct human from the in November incidence, World 2019. WeBank we take and the focus on the construct the projections fatality IMF’srates following from measures flagship of disaster6 awareness of COVID-19. publication We compute World theOutlook. accumulated by country: Economic (i) number number of April of epidemic Specifically, the deaths at episodes 2020 aaffecting given reference vintage, morecan that date than be 100inpeople; seen a an as given country (ii) initial withinasthe estimate aoffraction previous ofmeasure, theofnumber the incidence focus the ofoninhabitants, pandemic, outbreaks based on tolimited allow linked to 4 7 for cross-country For comparability. our benchmark within-the-year specifications information, Weresults, andand the show we Novemberresults use thefor 2020 three contiguity one. reference dates: approach, but 1-month all results usingafter the the other measure are available upon request. pandemic th death was reported), 3-months after the 5 Results outbreak (proxiedconstructed for related measures by the date at which different the 10 thresholds for the affected population are available upon request and provide very similar results. In addition, if awareness is linked to preparedness, there are indices that proxy the same latter. date, One is and the cumulative the Global number Health Security Index of cases (GHS as see Index: of 31 December 2020. Looking at developed https://www.ghsindex.org/about/) the results by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and The Economist Intelligence Unit. using different The GHS Index isreference dates a quantitative allowsonushealth indicator to account security for and the factcapabilities related that, as across the pandemic developed 195 countries. Results using this index are available upon request, and show no robust link between GHS and pandemic incidence. worldwide, 6 governments and individual citizens took social distancing measures and actions. Thus, Source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/. 7 as In all case regards we hypothesis our trim the upper of and lower 5% of“awareness”, pre-existing the forecasts’ distribution an assumed to advantage prevent distortion from outliers. may have weakened BANCO DE ESPAÑA 9 DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO N.º 2123 over time. Second, regarding economic incidence, we look at indicators based on economic losses for the whole of 2020. This is motivated by the fact that the use of higher frequency data (either monthly or
focus on the fatality 6 We compute the accumulated number of deaths at Figurerates of COVID-19. 2: COVID-19 incidence (Y-axis) and “awareness” (X-axis). a given reference date in a given country as a fraction of the number of inhabitants, to allow Deaths 1-month vs. # epidemics Deaths 1-month vs. # epidemics Deaths 3-month vs. # epidemics Deaths 3-month vs. # epidemics Deaths end-2020 vs. # epidemics Deaths vs. # epidemics 15 6 for cross-country comparability. We show results for three reference dates: 1-month after the 6 4 pandemic outbreak (proxied by the date at which the 10th death was reported), 3-months after the 4 10 2 2 same date, and the cumulative number of cases as of 31 December 2020. Looking at the results 5 0 0 using different reference dates allows us to account for the fact that, as the pandemic developed -2 -2 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 worldwide, governments and individual citizens took social distancing measures and actions. Thus, Deaths 1-month vs. # disasters Deaths 1-month vs. # disasters Deaths 3-months vs. # disasters Deaths 3-month vs. # disasters Deaths end-2020 vs. # disasters Deaths vs. # disasters as regards our respiratory hypothesis diseases (such of as pre-existing MERS and “awareness”, SARS, amonganothers), assumed advantage and, may have on more specifically, weakened SARS- 15 6 6 4 over time. CoV-1; (iii) number of natural disasters affecting more than 0.1% of the country’s population. We 4 10 2 Second, regarding andeconomic focus onincidence, weoccurred look at in indicators based 5 on economic losses for the 2 restrict our sample events that the period 2000-2019. 5 0 0 whole of 2020. This is motivated by the fact that the use of higher frequency data (either monthly or -2 -2 0 Indicatorswould respiratory quarterly) of incidence diseases 0 1 severely asofMERS (suchreducethe ourpandemic and SARS, 2 sample First, amongasto 3 of countries, regards others), between the and, direct 40 more 4 human 5 countriesincidence, and 70specifically, 0 we on SARS-1 (depending 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 IMF first revision vs. # epidemics IMF rev.6 1-year vs. # epidemics GDP 2020-2019 vs. # epidemics focuson CoV-1; also on thenumber (iii) availablefatalityofrates control of COVID-19. natural disasters variables, presented We compute affecting later), more IMF revisions (ST) vs. # epidemics with than the accumulated 0.1% a marked of the bias number country’s towards ofeconomies. deathsWe population. advanced at IMF revisions (MT) vs. # epidemics GDP variation vs. # epidemics 10 0 0 arestrict given our reference date in aallows given country asoccurred a in fraction of period the number 5 tosample and focus on eventsto that ourin analysis the 150of countries, 2000-2019. inhabitants, to aallow -5 Resorting annual data us include some with fair 0 -5 -10 for cross-country comparability. We show results for three(see reference dates:More 1-month after the -10 representation of advanced and emerging market economies Table A1). specifically, we -15 -10 Indicators pandemic of outbreak incidence (proxied of the pandemic First, asth regards the direct human incidence, we of by the date at which the 10 growth death rate was ofreported), 3-months after the -20 -20 use the following measures economic losses: (i) Annual GDP in 2020; (ii) Revisions focus date, on theand fatality rates of COVID-19. 6 We compute the accumulated number of deaths at -25 -15 -30 same to 2020 GDP growth 0 the cumulative 1 forecasts bynumber 2 of cases the International 3 as Monetary of 31 December 4 0 Fund (IMF)2020. with 1 Looking respect2at the to theresults pre- 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 a given using reference different date reference in a dates given allows country us as a fraction to published account of the number of inhabitants, to allow Notes: pandemic Human incidence outlook, indicators proxied by the(in logs): “Deaths forecasts 1-month”for bythe refers theto fact the IMF that, number asCOVID-19 of the pandemic in November Wedeveloped casualties 2019. per takemillion the inhabitants in the 1st month after the 10th casualty was registered; “Deaths 3-months”, three months after the 10th casualty; for cross-country worldwide, “Deaths end-2020”, comparability. governmentsas of 31 and December We individual show results citizens 2020. Economic for tookEconomic social incidence three reference distancing indicators: dates: “IMF 1measures 1-month st revision”and refers after actions. to the the Thus, difference projections from IMF’s flagship publication World Outlook. Specifically, the April 2020 in GDP growth forecasts for 2020 between the April-2020 and October-2019 th IMF World Economic Outlook reports; “IMF pandemic as regards rev. outbreak our 1-year” (proxied hypothesis refers by of an to the forecast the date pre-existing at differences between which the “awareness”, 10 death an assumed the October-2020 was reported), advantage and October-2019 IMF WEO 3-months maybased have on reports. after weakened the As regards vintage, that can be seen as initial estimate of the incidence of the pandemic, indicators of “awareness”: “# epidemics” refers to the number of epidemic episodes suffered by a country between 2000 limited same over date, andtime. and 2019 that the cumulative affected more than 100number people; “#ofdisasters” cases as of 31 refers to theDecember 2020. Looking at the results 7 number of biological and other natural disasters within-the-year information, suffered by a country between 2000 and andthe 2019November that affected 2020 one.0.1% more that of its population. using different Second, reference regarding dates economic allows us incidence, toweaccount look atfor the indicators fact that, based asonthe pandemic economic developed losses 5 Results for related measures constructed different thresholds for the affected population are available uponfor the request worldwide, whole governments and provide very Control variables of 2020. This Toand similar results. Inindividual control is motivated addition, ifcitizens byfor awareness thefactors fact took social is linked potentially that the use ofto distancing preparedness,measures affecting higher there are and the evolution frequency of actions. dataindices the (either that proxyThus, pandemic monthly the or latter. One is the Global Health Security Index (GHS Index: see https://www.ghsindex.org/about/) developed by as the regards other Nuclear our thanwould quarterly) hypothesis Threat “awareness”, severely of include Initiative,we the pre-existing Johns reduce ourHopkins“awareness”, Center the following sample of countries,antoassumed forvariables Health Security advantage in theand between 40 The may have andEconomist analysis: urban weakened Intelligence population 70 countries Unit. (depending as The GHS Index is a quantitative indicator on health security and related capabilities across 195 countries. Results aover using also time. percentage on index of thisavailable total arecontrol population available in 2019; upon request, variables, the and show presented noaverage robust later), atemperature withlink GHSbetween betweenbias marked 1991 incidence. and pandemic towards advancedandeconomies. 2016; the 6 Source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/. 7 Second, regarding economic incidence, we look at indicators based on economic losses for the average In all household Resorting case trimsize toweannual in 2019; thedata upperallows grosstonational us 5% and lower include of income per capita, in ourdistribution the forecasts’ analysis PPP150 some to (current prevent US countries, distortion dollars). fromwith In a fair outliers. whole of 2020. addition, representation This via dummy is motivated variables, of advanced and weby the factmarket control emerging thatthe for the use of higher geographical economies frequency (seelocation ofdata Table A1). each (either More countrymonthly withinwe specifically, or a quarterly) continental would use the following severely (Africa,reduce groupmeasures our sample Oceania, of economicNorth of (i) countries, America, losses: to between rate40 South-Central Annual growth and 70in America, of GDP countries Asia, (ii)(depending 2020; Europe), and Revisions also on available distinguish to 2020 GDP control between growth variables, emerging forecasts by presented markets versuslater), with advanced the International a marked economies, Monetary bias Fundand towards small (IMF) advanced versus with largeeconomies. respect tocountries the pre- Resorting (a pandemic to annual dummyoutlook, that takes data value allows proxied theus 1 ifthe by to include population forecasts is in our above published analysis bythe IMFsome themedian all150 inofNovembercountries, countries with in the 2019. We a fair sample). take the representation projections ofwe In addition, from advanced control IMF’s and flagship emerging for the market incidence publication economies of policy World (see decisions, Economic Table A1). More as measured Outlook. specifically, by the Specifically, thewidely-used April 2020we use Non the following that canmeasures Pharmaceutical vintage, of an economic Intervention be seen as losses:(NPIs), indicator initial estimate (i)ofAnnual thethe growth of Oxford incidence rate of pandemic, COVID-19 the GDPGovernment in 2020; (ii)on based Revisions Response limited to 2020 GDP Tracker growth of Hale within-the-year et al. forecasts (2020).and information, by the The the International indicator November Monetary is available 2020 Fundset for7 a large one. (IMF) with respect of countries. Moretostringent the pre- pandemic containment 5 outlook, Results for related proxied policies measures by thestringent more forecasts (e.g. constructed published lockdowns different by theaffected or the thresholds for IMF in curfews) November entail 2019. inWe an increase population are available take the upon the index. request and provide very similar results. In addition, if awareness is linked to preparedness, there are indices that proxy the projections Ex ante, latter. One one from is themay IMF’s think Global flagship that Health publication more Security World “awareness” Index Economic might (GHS Index: Outlook. with be associated Specifically, the developed April 2020 the implementation see https://www.ghsindex.org/about/) of by the Nuclear vintage, Threat that can Initiative, be seen thean as Johns Hopkins initial Centeroffor estimate Health the Security incidence of and theThe Economist pandemic, Intelligence based on Unit. limited moreGHS The effective health Index is policies. a quantitative Nonetheless, indicator it is on health unclear security andwhether “more aware” related capabilities acrosscountries were 195 countries. more Results using this index areinformation, within-the-year available upon request, the and show no 2020 link7between GHS and pandemic incidence. robustone. prone 6 to the implementation and November of policies in the spirit of those captured by the index, or they rather Source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/. 7 5 In resorted all case Results we toforothertrim related the upperconstructed measures alternatives and lower -such as5% of thethresholds different intensive forecasts’ distribution testingfor the contact and topopulation affected prevent tracing-distortion from upon are available that allowed outliers. themrequest not and provide very similar results. In addition, if awareness is linked to preparedness, there are indices that proxy the latter. to follow Onetheis the Global Health stringent lockdown Security Index (GHS approach. WithIndex: see https://www.ghsindex.org/about/) the available developed by data we cannot test either hypothesis. the BANCO DE ESPAÑA 10 DOCUMENTO Nuclear ThreatDEInitiative, TRABAJO N.º 2123 the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and The Economist Intelligence Unit. Nevertheless, The GHS Index to is aaccount quantitative for potential endogeneity indicator on concerns health security withcapabilities and related our empirical acrossapproach we explore 195 countries. Results using this index are available upon request, and show no robust link between GHS and pandemic incidence. the6 Source: link between indicators Johns Hopkins of awareness Coronavirus Resource and the NPI Center: indicator in a very simple way, by regressing https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/. 7 In all case we trim the upper and lower 5% of the forecasts’ distribution to prevent distortion from outliers.
Figure 2: COVID-19 incidence (Y-axis) and “awareness” (X-axis). Figure 2: COVID-19 incidence (Y-axis) and “awareness” (X-axis). Figure Deaths 1-month vs. #2:epidemics COVID-19Deaths incidence (Y-axis) 3-month and “awareness” vs. # epidemics Deaths 1-month vs. # epidemics (X-axis). Deaths end-2020 vs. # epidemics Deaths 3-month vs. # epidemics Deaths vs. # epidemics Figure Deaths 1-month vs. #2:epidemics COVID-19Deaths incidence (Y-axis) 3-month and “awareness” vs. # epidemics (X-axis). Deaths end-2020 vs. # epidemics 15 6 Deaths 1-month vs. # epidemics Deaths 3-month vs. # epidemics Deaths vs. # epidemics 6 15 Deaths 1-month vs. # epidemics Deaths 3-month vs. # epidemics Deaths end-2020 vs. # epidemics 6 Deaths 1-month vs. # epidemics Deaths 3-month vs. # epidemics Deaths vs. # epidemics 6 64 15 10 15 Deaths 1-month vs. # epidemics Deaths 3-month vs. # epidemics Deaths end-2020 vs. # epidemics 6 4 Deaths 1-month Deaths 1-month vs. vs. # # epidemics epidemics Deaths 3-month Deaths 3-month vs. vs. # # epidemics epidemics Deaths vs. Deaths vs. # # epidemics epidemics 4 2 66 4 15 4 266 4 10 5 10 2 0 44 2 2 044 2 10 510 0-2 22 0 0 -222 0 0 5 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 055 00 -2 -2 00 -2 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 -2 Deaths 1-month vs. # disasters Deaths 3-months vs. # disasters4 Deaths end-2020 vs. # disasters 0 0 1 Deaths 1-month 2 vs. # disasters 3 4 0 1 Deaths 3-month 2 vs. # disasters 3 0 1 Deaths vs.2# disasters 3 4 Deaths 1-month vs. # disasters Deaths 3-months vs. # disasters4 Deaths end-2020 vs. # disasters 015 -2 -2 0 6 -2 6 -2 0 0 1 Deaths 1-month 1 2 vs. # disasters 2 3 3 4 4 0 0 1 Deaths 3-month 1 2 vs. # disasters 2 3 3 4 0 0 1 1 Deaths vs.2# disasters 2 3 3 4 4 15 Deaths 1-month vs. # disasters Deaths 3-months vs. # disasters Deaths end-2020 vs. # disasters 6 Deaths 1-month vs. # disasters Deaths 3-month vs. # disasters Deaths vs. # disasters 6 64 15 10 15 Deaths 1-month vs. # disasters Deaths 3-months vs. # disasters Deaths end-2020 vs. # disasters 6 4 Deaths 1-month Deaths 1-month vs. vs. # # disasters disasters Deaths 3-month Deaths 3-month vs. vs. # # disasters disasters Deaths vs. Deaths vs. # # disasters disasters 4 2 66 4 15 4 266 4 10 5 10 2 0 44 2 2 044 2 10 510 0-2 22 0 0 -222 0 0 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 055 00 -2 -2 00 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 -2 IMF first1 revision vs.3 # epidemics IMF rev.1 1-year vs. # epidemics GDP 2020-2019 vs. 3# epidemics 0 0 2 (ST) vs. # epidemics IMF revisions 4 5 0 2 (MT) vs. # epidemics IMF revisions 3 4 5 0 1 2 GDP variation vs. # epidemics 4 5 IMF first1 revision vs.3 # epidemics IMF rev.1 1-year vs. 3# epidemics GDP 2020-2019 vs. 3# epidemics 10 -2 -2 0 0 00 -2 -2 0 IMF revisions 2 (ST) vs. # epidemics 4 5 0 IMF revisions 2 (MT) vs. # epidemics 4 5 0 1 GDP variation 2 vs. # epidemics 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 IMF first revision vs. # epidemics IMF rev. 1-year vs. # epidemics GDP 2020-2019 vs. # epidemics 0 -5 0 IMF revisions (ST) vs. # epidemics IMF revisions (MT) vs. # epidemics GDP variation vs. # epidemics 100 IMF first IMF rev. GDP -5 0 -5-15-10-500-10 -5 0 revision IMF revisions IMF revisions (ST) vs. (ST) vs. vs. # # epidemics # epidemics epidemics 1-year IMF IMF (MT)vs. revisions (MT) revisions vs. # vs. # epidemics # epidemics epidemics 2020-2019 GDP variation GDP vs. variation vs. vs. # epidemics # epidemics # epidemics 10 0 -500 0-10 10 -5 -10 -5 -20 00-10 -5 -20-15-10 -20 -10 -5 -10 -10 -10 -25-20-15 -10 -30-10 -10 -15-10 -15 -15 -30 -20 -20 -25-20 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 -10 -15 -20 -30 -20 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 -20 -25 -15 Notes: 0 Human 1 incidence 2 indicators 3 4 (in logs): 0 “Deaths 1 1-month” 2 refers 3 to 4the number 0 of COVID-19 1 2 casualties 3 per 4 million -25 -25 -15 -30 -15 -30 inhabitants Notes: 0 0 Human in 1 the 1 1st22 month incidence 3 after the indicators 3 4 10th 4 (in casualty logs): 0 0 was “Deaths 1 1 registered; 1-month” 2 2 “Deaths refers 3 3 3-months”, to 44the number 0 0 three months of COVID-19 1 1 2 2 after the 10th casualties 3 3 4 casualty; per 4 million st revision” refers to the “Deaths Notes: end-2020”, inhabitants Human in the 1stas incidence of indicators month 31after December 10th the(in 2020. Economic casualty logs): incidence was registered; “Deaths 1-month” indicators: “Deaths refers to the “IMF 1three 3-months”, number months after of COVID-19 the 10th casualties difference per casualty; million in GDP growth forecasts of for 2020 between the Economic April-2020 and October-2019 IMF World st Economic “Deaths end-2020”, inhabitants Notes: Human in the 1stas incidencemonth 31after December indicators the 10th (in 2020. casualty logs): incidence was registered; “Deaths 1-month” indicators: “Deaths refers to the “IMF 3-months”, number 1three months Outlook revision” of COVID-19 refers after to reports; the theth 10 casualties per “IMF difference casualty; million rev.GDP in 1-year” growth refers toasthe forecasts forecast of for 2020 differences between thebetween theincidence April-2020 October-2020 forand and October-2019 October-2019 IMF World IMF st EconomicWEO reports. As regards Tracker “Deaths of Hale end-2020”, 1et al. (2020). 31 December The indicator 2020. was is Economic available a3-months”, indicators: large “IMF set months Outlook ofrevision” 1three countries. refers to reports; More theth “IMF stringent difference st st th inhabitants in the month after the 10th casualty registered; “Deaths after the 10 th casualty; indicators rev. in 1-year” GDP “Deaths of refers growth “awareness”: end-2020”, toasthe forecasts of for“# forecast 31 epidemics” 2020 differences between December refers 2020. to the thebetween April-2020 Economic number the of epidemic October-2020 and October-2019 incidence and IMF indicators: episodes 1suffered October-2019 World “IMF IMFbyWEO st Economic st revision” aOutlook country reports. refers between theAs to reports; 2000 regards “IMF difference and 2019 indicators rev. 1-year”that affected of refers “awareness”: to the more “# than forecast 100 people; epidemics” differences “#todisasters” refers the numberrefers of to theand epidemicnumber of biological episodes suffered and by other aOutlook countrynatural Asdisasters between 2000 containment in GDP growth policies forecasts (e.g. for 2020 more between thebetween stringent the April-2020 October-2020 lockdowns or and October-2019 curfews)October-2019 IMF entail World IMF an EconomicWEO increase reports. in the reports; regards index. “IMF suffered and 2019 bythat ofa refers country affected between more 2000 than andpeople; 100 2019 that affected “#todisasters” more that refers of to 0.1% theand of episodes number its population. of biological and a other natural indicators rev. 1-year” “awareness”: to the “# forecastepidemics” differencesrefers between the number the October-2020epidemic October-2019suffered IMFbyWEO country reports. Asdisasters between 2000 regards suffered and 2019bythat ofa “awareness”: country affectedbetween more“# 2000 than andpeople; 100 2019 that affected “#todisasters” more that refers of to 0.1% of episodes the number its population. of biological anda other natural disasters Ex ante, indicators suffered one may think that more epidemics” “awareness” refers the number might be epidemic associated with suffered the by implementation country between 2000of and 2019bythat a country affectedbetween more than 2000100 andpeople; 2019 that affected more “# disasters” that refers to 0.1% of its population. the number of biological and other natural disasters Control suffered by more variables effective health To a country between control 2000 and for policies. 2019 factors itpotentially that affected Nonetheless, is more that 0.1% unclear affecting whether the evolution of its population. “more of the pandemic aware” countries were more Control variables To control for factors potentially affecting the evolution of the pandemic Control other pronethanto variables “awareness”, the To we implementation control includefor the factors of policies potentially following in the spirit affecting variables of those the the incaptured evolution analysis: by theurban of the index, pandemic population or they as rather other thanvariables Control “awareness”, To we include control for the following factors variables potentially in the the affecting analysis: urban evolution population of the pandemic as other a resortedthanto“awareness”, percentage of total other we include population alternatives -such theintensive in as 2019;following the averagevariables testing and in the analysis: temperature contact tracing- urban between that population 1991allowed and 2016; themtheas not a percentage other of total population than “awareness”, we include in 2019; the average the following temperature variables between urban in the analysis: 1991 and 2016; the population as aaverage percentage to follow the of household total sizepopulation stringent in 2019; gross lockdown in 2019; approach. the national Withaverage income temperature per the availablecapita, data we between PPP cannot 1991either (current test USand 2016; the dollars). hypothesis.In average a percentagehousehold of totalsizepopulation in 2019; gross national in 2019; income per the average capita, PPP temperature (current between 1991US anddollars). 2016; the In average addition, household via dummy size in 2019; variables, gross we national control for income the per capita, geographical PPP location (current of Nevertheless, to account for potential endogeneity concerns with our empirical approach we explore each US countrydollars). within Ina addition, via dummy average household sizevariables, in 2019; we control gross for the national geographical income location per capita, PPP of each country (current withinIna US dollars). addition, continental viagroup the link between dummy variables, (Africa, indicators Oceania,we control Northand of awareness for the NPI America, the geographical indicator location South-Central veryofsimple in aAmerica, each country Asia, way, within Europe), anda by regressing continental addition, viagroup dummy (Africa, Oceania, variables, North for we control America, South-Central the geographical America, location Asia, of each Europe), country withinanda continental distinguish group between (Africa, emerging Oceania, markets North versusAmerica, advanced South-Central economies, America, and small one on the other, i.e. we compute a simple correlation coefficient. For that purpose, we calculate Asia, versus Europe), large and countriesthe distinguish continental between emerging group (Africa, marketsNorth Oceania, versusAmerica, advancedSouth-Central economies, and small versus America, Asia,large countries Europe), and distinguish (aaverage dummyvalue between that of theemerging takes value 1 ifmarkets stringency the index versus population advanced one month is above economies, and three monthsand the median of all aftersmall the versus countries large in 10th death the countries wassample). notified (a dummy that distinguish takesemerging between value 1 ifmarkets the population is above economies, versus advanced the medianand of all countries small versus in the countries large sample). (aindummy In each that takes addition, country, value weascontrol well as 1forif the the population incidence average ofisfull for the above policy the median yeardecisions, 2020. As asofmeasured shownall in countries by A2 Table in the the in sample). widely-used the Annex, In addition, (a dummy we control that takes value 1forif the incidence ofispolicy the population above decisions, the median asofmeasured by the all countries widely-used in the sample). theInPharmaceutical Non addition, we correlation control between for theindicator Intervention fatalities incidence and of policy (NPIs), stringency thedecisions, Oxford indicators as measured COVID-19 is statistically not by the widely-used Government significantlyResponse different NonInPharmaceutical addition, we control Intervention for theindicator incidence(NPIs), of policy thedecisions, Oxford COVID-19 as measured Government Response by the widely-used Non fromPharmaceutical zero for most ofIntervention the indicators indicator used. For (NPIs), the Oxford the regression COVID-19 analysis, Government we extract Response the residuals of the Non Pharmaceutical Intervention indicator (NPIs), the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response previous regressions and include them as an additional control in the human incidence variables’ specifications. These residuals capture the part of the stringency policies that are not associated to awareness. BANCO DE ESPAÑA 11 DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO N.º 2123 3 Results We provide some initial descriptive evidence in Figure 2, were we display scatterplots relating our
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