2020 Regulatory Framework for Quality Assurance - Toi-Ohomai

Page created by Dan Garrett
2020 Regulatory Framework for Quality Assurance - Toi-Ohomai
2020 Regulatory
   Framework for
Quality Assurance
2020 Regulatory Framework for Quality Assurance - Toi-Ohomai
2020 Regulatory Framework
for Quality Assurance
Encompassing the institution’s Academic Statute,
Academic Regulations, Quality Management System
and staff and student Codes of Conduct.

Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology Council.
2020 Regulatory Framework for Quality Assurance - Toi-Ohomai
Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology           Part 4 – Student Code Of Conduct       38
Regulatory Framework                   2        Purpose                             38
  Introduction                         2        Scope                               38
  Scope                                4        Expectations of Students            38
                                                Academic Misconduct                 40
Part 1 - Academic Statute              6        Conduct in Examinations and Tests   41
  1.0 Organising Principles            6        Conduct in Relation to
  2.0 Governance and Management        8        Computers and ICT                   42
  3.0 Academic Strategy               10
  4.0 Qualifications and Programmes          Part 5 – Student Code Of Rights        44
  of Study                            10
  5.0 Admission and Enrolment          13
                                             Part 6 – Staff Code Of Conduct         46
  6.0 Conferring Awards                15
                                                Purpose                             46
                                                Scope                               46
Part 2 – Quality Management System     17
                                                Principles                          46
  1.0 QMS – Academic                   17
  2.0 QMS - Business                  20
                                             Part 7 – Glossary Of Terms             48
Part 3 – Academic Regulations         21
  1.0 Scope                            21    Appendix One – Approved Grading
                                             Schemes And Grade Keys For
  2.0 Programme Regulations                  Programmes Approved By Toi Ohomai
  and Course Information               21    Institute Of Technology           57
  3.0 Academic Entry, Admission                 Grades for course assessments       57
  and Enrolment                        21
                                                Course results and grades           59
  4.0 Attendance, Student
  Conduct, Academic/Professional
  Requirements and Satisfactory              Appendix Two – Extract From
  Progress                            29     Strategic Framework                    62
  5.0 Assessment Matters               31
  6.0 Graduation                      36
  7.0 Academic or Other Misconduct    36
  8.0 Concerns and Complaints         37

2020 Regulatory Framework for Quality Assurance - Toi-Ohomai
Statute Issue Date: September 2016. Updated September
2017, Updated May 2018, Updated February 2019, Updated
October 2019

This Regulatory Framework encompassing the Academic Statute (hereafter
called the Statute) is made by Council pursuant to section 194 of the
Education Act 1989. It sets out the rules, regulations, and policies by which
the Institution assures its compliance with its legislative requirements. The
Regulatory Framework aligns with the Toi Ohomaitanga (Values)

    •   Whanaungatanga – We build and nurture relationships and connections
    •   Manaakitanga – We uphold and strengthen the mana of others and our
    •   Kotahitanga – We are united in our shared purpose
    •   Toitūtanga – We are courageous and humble in
        our pursuit of excellence
        Toi Ohomaitanga are manifested in a set of behaviours detailed in
        Appendix 2.

2020 Regulatory Framework for Quality Assurance - Toi-Ohomai
Interpretation                                    policies for the maintenance
In this Regulatory Framework:                     of academic integrity of
                                                  the institution, compliance
a. Defined terms are set out in                   with the Education Act and
   Part 6 of this document;                       other relevant legislation,
                                                  and with NZQA requirements;
b. Any reference to any gender                    and policies covering
   includes all genders and a                     the institution’s business
   reference to the singular includes             processes and compliance
   the plural and vice versa;                     with relevant New Zealand
c. Any reference to specific                      legislation.
   organisational units and/or roles          •   Part 3 sets out the Academic
   is superseded by organisational                Regulations—covering
   changes that result in changed                 enrolment, attendance,
   structures/titles, where the                   academic progression,
   functions remain;                              assessment, academic
d. Unless the context otherwise                   misconduct, results,
   requires, references to sections               certification and graduation.
   and schedules are references to            •   Part 4 sets out the Student
   sections and schedules of this                 Code of Conduct covering
   document; and                                  expected student behaviours
e. Except where defined in this                   and discipline and academic
   Regulatory Framework or where                  appeals procedures.
   it is inconsistent with the context,       •   Part 5 sets out the Student
   words used shall bear the                      Code of Rights covering the
   meaning set out in section 159 of              rights students may expect
   the Education Act 1989.                        while a student at Toi Ohomai.

Structure of the Regulatory                   •   Part 6 covers the Staff Code
Framework                                         of Conduct.
The Regulatory Framework is laid out          •   Part 7 sets out the definitions
in seven parts:                                   and terms used within the
   •   Part 1, the Statute, establishes
       the Academic and
       Organisational Governance
       Structures of the Institution.
   •   Part 2 sets out the
       specification for the Quality
       Management System (QMS)
       which comprises academic

Scope                                    c. Any such amendments that
                                            affect students and/or the
                                            delivery of academic activities
Purpose                                     shall either be incorporated in
The purpose of this Regulatory              published information about
Framework is to formally establish          programmes/qualifications and
the regulations, principles and             courses or be notified in writing
systems by which the academic               to all students affected by the
and organisational governance,              variation. The latest approved
management, quality assurance and           electronic version of this
business processes of the Institution       Regulatory Framework shall be
operates. It assures compliance             the authoritative version and
with the legislative environment            will be available on the
and describes expectations for staff        Institution’s website.
and student conduct at Toi Ohomai        d. Amendments to this Regulatory
Institute of Technology.                    Framework impacting on
                                            staff shall be notified on the
Application                                 Institution’s intranet.

a. The scope of this Regulatory          e. Programme regulations or
   Framework extends to all                 regulations set by a professional
   business, support, learning,             body with oversight of a
   teaching and research activities         programme of study will have
   delivered by, and on behalf of,          authority over regulations set out
   Toi Ohomai and applies to all            in this Statute.
   students, staff, adjunct faculty
   and contractors of the Institute      Reference Documents
   as well as the operations and         1. Education Act 1989 and
   processes required to maintain           amendments.
   the quality and sustainability of
   the Institution’s business.           2. Council Appointment Statute.

b. This Regulatory Framework will        3. Toi Ohomai Council
   have ongoing effect, and may             Standing Orders.
   be amended at any time by             4. Toi Ohomai Academic
   Council after requesting the             Committee Handbook.
   advice of the Academic Board
   and the Leadership Team, and          5. NZQA Requirements for Approval
   considering any advice given             and Accreditation of Programmes
   by the Academic Board and the            and Qualifications.
   Leadership Team.                      6. Education (Pastoral Care of
                                            International Students) Code of
                                            Practice 2016.
Document Details
Version: 3.1

Issue Date (this Version): 01 January 2020

Approved by: Toi Ohomai Council

Date of Approval: 23 October 2019 - AB19/93

Document Owner: Toi Ohomai Academic Board

Document Sponsor: Executive Dean – Academic Development,
Innovation and Research

Date of Next Review: September 2020

Date first version issued: September 2016

Reason for Revision:
Creation of new institution (Version 1.0)
2017 Annual Review (Version 2.0)
2018 Minor revisions (Version 2.1)
2018 Minor revisions (Version 2.2)
2019 Major revisions (Version 3.0)
2020 Minor revisions (Version 3.1)


1.0 Organising                                i.     When there is a change in
                                                     legislation or regulatory policy
Principles                                    ii.    When there has been an
                                                     increase in accidents or
Academic quality and institutional                   incidents of legislative non-
integrity will be managed in                         compliance
accordance with external regulatory
                                              iii.   When several staff require
standards and relevant statutory                     clarification on the same
requirements.                                        matter
                                              iv.    When there is confusion
1.1 Quality Management                               amongst staff
System (QMS)                                  v.     When there is inconsistency in
The Institution will establish a
Quality Management System (QMS).              vi.    When there is an increase
Academic policies are approved                       in student/stakeholder
by the Academic Board to ensure
that there are comprehensive,                 vii. Where it is deemed a policy
empowering and coherent policies                   would support the institute in
                                                   its core business, or
in place to enable effective
governance and management of                  viii. Where a policy would assist
all operational aspects that impact                 the institute to operate more
teaching, student learning, staff
and student research, conferral or       b. All policies within the QMS will
awards and academic services.               be developed with appropriate
                                            representation and active
Business policies are approved              participation of stakeholders, for
by the Leadership Team to ensure            the purposes of:
that there are comprehensive
                                              i.     Determining the degree to
and coherent policies that enable
                                                     which stakeholder needs are
effective management of all aspects                  identified and met
of business operations.
                                              ii.    Considering the views and
                                                     interests of all affected
1.2 Requirements of Policies                         stakeholders

a. Policies govern the specific               iii.   Responding to trends and
                                                     developments in the wider
   operation of an organisation.
                                                     community, and
   A policy may not be required
   when there is existing legislation         iv.    Reflecting Toi Ohomai values.
   governing operations. A policy
   may be required:
c. All policies will:                         1.3.1    Academic Quality Outcomes
      i.     be developed through             a. Students who successfully
             meaningful consultation
                                                 complete their studies, and
             with relevant staff, students
                                                 achieve qualifications relevant to
             and other stakeholders as
             appropriate                         their career aspirations.
      ii.    be written in plain English      b. Students who are socially
      iii.   establish ownership                 engaged and able to work
             and accountability for              with proficiency in culturally
             implementation                      complex environments and in
      iv.    be current and subject to           a global context.
             periodic review
                                              c. Students who gain employment
      v.     be supported by                     relevant to the qualification
             comprehensive procedures.           they studied and/or who are
d. Policy and procedures included                successful in future study.
   in the QMS will reflect need               d. Industry relevant qualifications
   and good policy practice,                     that maintain currency.
   and regard for the following
   underpinning values:                       e. Programmes of study that are
      i.     Kotahitanga – we are united in
                                                 academically robust, applied
             our shared purpose                  and practical, sustainable,
                                                 and technically, professionally,
      ii.    Whanaungatanga – we build
             and nurture relationships           bi-culturally, nationally and
             and connections                     internationally relevant.
      iii.   Manaakitanga – we uphold and     f.   Applied research that adds
             strengthen the mana of others         value to the Institution and/or
             and our communities                   its stakeholders.
      iv.    Toitūtanga – we are
             courageous and humble in
                                              g. Rigorous evidence-based self-
             our pursuit of excellence           assessment that is used to inform
                                                 institutional development and
                                                 quality enhancement.
1.3 Intended Outcomes
The outcomes intended to be                   1.3.2 Institutional Outcomes
achieved through the establishment
                                              a. Legislative compliance.
of the principles and systems in
this Regulatory Framework are set             b. Cultural responsiveness –
out below.                                       establishing and maintaining
                                                 valued and empowering

relationships with students, iwi                     iv.    Act in good faith and not
     and all other Institute partners.                           pursue his or her own interests
                                                                 at the expense of the Council’s
c. Financial sustainability.                                     interests and
d. Staff competence, performance                          v.     Exercise the care, diligence,
   and wellbeing.                                                and skill that a reasonable
                                                                 person would exercise in the
e. Organisational health and safety.                             same circumstances, taking
                                                                 into account the nature of the
f.   Risk management.
                                                                 Council and their position.
g. Reputation.
                                                  2.1.1         Accountability
h. Responsiveness to the Tertiary
   Education Strategy (TES) and                   Under Section 222AI, the Council
   Statement of Tertiary Education                members are accountable to
   Priorities (STEP).                             the Minister of Education with
                                                  respect to fulfilling their statutory
i.   Strategic alignment with the                 responsibilities.
     needs of the wider Bay of Plenty
     and Aotearoa–New Zealand.                    2.1.2         Responsibility
                                                  Toi Ohomai Council is responsible
2.0 Governance and                                for ensuring the Institution operates
                                                  within legislative requirements
Management                                        including, but not limited to, those
                                                  imposed by: the Education Act 1989;
2.1 Council                                       the Employment Relations Act 2000;
                                                  the State Sector Act 1988; the
a. Toi Ohomai is governed by a
                                                  Public Finance Act 1989; the Health
   Council with membership as
                                                  and Safety at Work Act 2015; and
   established under Section 222AD
                                                  any amendments to these acts; the
   of the Education (Polytechnics)
                                                  requirements of the Auditor General
   Amendment Act 2009.
                                                  and the rules of NZQA.
b. In accordance with Section
   222AH of the same Act, members                 The Council membership, terms of
   of the Council must:                           reference, appointment procedures
                                                  and code of conduct are set out in
       i.      Act with honesty and integrity
                                                  the Council Standing Orders.
       ii.     Act in the interests of the
               Institute as a whole and
       iii.    Act in a manner that promotes
               the performance and function
               of the Institute, and the duties
               of the Council and

2.1.3 Delegations                                 iv.   the establishment of boards and
                                                        committees in section 2.2 e.
As outlined in Toi Ohomai’s
Delegations Manual, the Council                   v.    establishing regulations for the
delegates the implementation of the                     granting of qualifications
Statute, its underpinning Academic                vi.   the introduction of new
Regulations, Quality Management                         programmes and deletion of
System, and the management of                           programmes
the operational, planning, academic               vii. performance evaluation against
and administrative functions of the                    stated educational goals
Institution to the Chief Executive                viii. such other matters as are
and the Institution’s Executive                         assigned by the Chief
Leadership Team.                                        Executive.

                                            c. The Chairperson of the
2.2 Academic Board                             Academic Board will be the
                                               Executive Dean Teaching and
a. Council has an Academic
                                               Learning who will have the right
   Board responsible for ensuring
                                               to appoint members, determine
   appropriate systems are
                                               periods of membership and set
   established, implemented
                                               procedures for the operation of
   and monitored to manage the
                                               the Academic Board as outlined
   programme portfolio, the integrity
                                               in the Academic Committees
   of awards and qualifications,
   and the academic quality and
   processes at Toi Ohomai.                 d. Membership of the Academic
                                               Board will be approved by the
b. The powers and functions of
                                               Chairperson on an annual basis
   the Academic Board are to
                                               and will comprise representatives
   advise Council on matters
                                               of key stakeholders, including
   relating to programmes of study
                                               staff and students. Members
   or training, qualifications, and
                                               will be appointed with respect
   other academic matters, and to
                                               for ensuring that appropriate
   exercise the following powers
                                               knowledge informs and adds
   hereby delegated by Council, in
                                               value to decision-making.
   particular to:
                                               Additional members may be
     i.     the development and periodic       co-opted by the Board as
            review of the Academic
                                               necessary for a defined period
                                               or specific purpose.
     ii.    the development, conduct and
            quality standards of research
     iii.   the development of
            appropriate operating
            procedures related to
            academic matters

3.0 Academic                               4.0 Qualifications and
Strategy                                   Programmes of Study
Council will establish the Institution’s
strategic direction with respect to:       4.1 Portfolio Management
                                           a. The qualifications and/or
a. Programme portfolio                        programmes of study will be
   development                                approved by the Academic Board
b. Overarching teaching and                   under delegated authority from
   learning philosophy                        the Council.

c. Use of technology                       b. All changes to the programme
                                              portfolio will be supported by a
d. Treaty obligations                         business case/needs analysis
e. Equity and Māori success                   with evidence of equity of
                                              and demand, and the impact
f.   Regional and national                    and strategic alignment with
     responsiveness                           institutional priorities and
g. Indigenous knowledge                       regional/national needs.
   and practice                            c. Where addition of a qualification/
h. Internationalisation/globalisation         programme of study is in an
                                              entirely new strategic direction
i.   Working with iwi and Treaty              for the Institution, it will be
     partnership, and                         approved by Council.
j.   Sustainable development.              d. Removal of qualifications/
                                              programmes of study from the
                                              academic programme portfolio
                                              that do not change the strategic
                                              direction of the Institute will be
                                              approved by Academic Board.
                                           e. Where removal of qualifications/
                                              programmes of study results
                                              in a change of the Institution’s
                                              strategic direction, Council
                                              approval will be required.

4.2 Qualifications/                          4.2.1    Formal Awards
Programmes of Study                          Toi Ohomai offers the following
                                             formal awards (as defined under
a. Programmes and qualifications
                                             NZQA rules):
   offered by Toi Ohomai will comply
   with NZQA rules, regulations and              •   Master’s Degree
   standards and, where required,                •   Postgraduate Diploma
   be approved by NZQA and listed
   in the NZQF.                                  •   Postgraduate Certificate

b. Qualifications will be defined by:            •   Graduate Diploma

   •   Qualification/award type                  •   Graduate Certificate

   •   Level                                     •   Bachelor’s Degree

   •   Credits                                   •   Diploma, and

   •   Strategic outcome statement               •   Certificate.
       including employment and/or
       academic pathway                      a. All formal qualifications awarded
                                                by Toi Ohomai and delivered in
   •   Links to other qualifications,           New Zealand will be approved by
       and                                      NZQA and listed on the NZQF.
   •   A programme of study that             b. All formal qualifications shall
       sets out what a student must             be awarded on successful
       do and achieve to gain the               completion of an approved
       qualification/award.                     programme and completion of
                                                any other specified criteria that
c. Qualification, programme and
                                                must be met for award of the
   course credits will be allocated
   to courses on the basis of one
   credit for each notional 10 hours         c. Where a qualification or
   of student learning or 1/120 of              programme is not quality assured
   a notional equivalent full-time              by NZQA, no reference to NZQA
   student (EFTS) as per the NZQF.              may be used on any programme
                                                documentation, programme
d. All courses and programmes shall
                                                promotion, academic record or
   be classified at levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
                                                parchment issued.
   6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 according to the
   NZQF and be classified against            d. Parchments for formal awards
   the NZSCED.                                  issued by Toi Ohomai shall bear
                                                the Council’s seal.
e. Awards of Toi Ohomai may be
   formal or non-formal.

e. Where completion of the               c. Micro-credentials - small parcels
   programme leads to an award by           of learning developed to maintain
   another authority, the regulations       the currency of skills throughout
   of that authority will apply.            a learner’s working life.

4.2.2 Non formal awards                  4.2.4 Non-assessed, non-formal
                                         awards include short adult and
a. Toi Ohomai offers a mix of
                                         community education programme
   assessed and non-assessed
                                         of study.
   programmes that lead to the
   issuance of non-formal awards
   on successful completion.             4.2.5 Micro-Credentials
b. Non-formal awards will be issued      Toi Ohomai offers Micro-
   on successful completion of the       Credentials that:
   programme/Training Scheme
                                         a. are developed as Training
   associated with the award.
                                            Schemes of 5–40 credits in size
c. Non-formal awards will be issued
                                         b. have strong evidence of need
   on a standard template approved
                                            from employers, industry
   by Academic Board but will not
                                            and/or community
   carry the Council seal.
                                         c. do not duplicate current
4.2.3 Assessed Non-formal                   quality assured learning
awards include:                             approved by NZQA
a. Certificates of Proficiency           d. are reviewed annually to confirm
   (CoP) - an award given for a             they continue to meet their
   programme of study designed to           intended purpose.
   meet the needs of an individual
   learner, consisting of one or
   more assessed courses from an
   already approved programme
   and approved by Academic
   Board or their delegate.
b. Training schemes are approved
   programmes of study or training
   that lead to an award that does
   not of itself lead to an award of a
   qualification listed on the NZQF

5.0 Admission                                     form as appropriate in full
                                                  and provide all documentation
and Enrolment                                     required.
                                               e. The Institute may refuse
5.1 Admission                                     admission to a person whose
a. Once a qualification and/or                    disability is such that special
   programme has been approved                    facilities and services cannot
   for development, it may be                     be reasonably made available
   promoted to prospective                        to support the student in their
   students and applications for                  course/programme, or where the
   admission may be provisionally                 student’s disability may pose a
   accepted providing intending                   hazard to themselves or to others
   students are informed that                     in carrying out the requirements
   approval of the programme by                   of the programme*.
   Academic Board and NZQA
   (where this is required) is                 5.2 Enrolment
   pending. If approval is not gained          a. Students who are admitted into a
   from NZQA, students’ provisional               programme will be able to enrol
   admission must be withdrawn.                   in courses within that programme
b. The admission requirements,                    on a semester/trimester by
   setting out what students must                 semester/trimester basis. Fees
   demonstrate to gain admission                  will be calculated on the study
   for a specific programme,                      load associated with the courses
   must be available to intending                 a student enrols in.
   students and must not constitute            b. Students may be enrolled
   an unreasonable barrier to entry.              into a programme through
   Refusal of admission must                      credit recognition and transfer
   be justifiable.                                with cross credits,(due to
c. Persons seeking admission in                   undertaking similar study), and/
   programme(s) provided jointly                  or Recognition of Prior Learning
   by Toi Ohomai and another                      (RPL) / Recognition of Current
   institution/organisation must                  Competency (RCC).
   also satisfy the admission                  c. No person shall be enrolled if
   requirements of that other                     they have outstanding fees/debt
   institution/organisation.                      owing at the Institution, unless
d. All intending students must                    a suitable arrangement has
   complete the Toi Ohomai                        been made to clear the
   enrolment and/or application                   outstanding amount.

*Ref Section 60 of the Human Rights Act 1993

5.3 Limitation on                        5.4 Fees
enrolment numbers                        a. The Council of the Institution
Where the Associate Dean                    will set the framework for all
responsible for a programme is              programme and course fees on
satisfied that it is necessary to do        an annual basis as it sees fit and
so, they may determine the maximum          in accordance with the Annual
number of students who may be               Maximum Fee Movement.
enrolled in a particular course or
                                         b. Council may also set fees for
programme in a particular year
                                            services provided to students
or semester/trimester. In such
                                            such as administration fees,
cases, approved selection criteria
                                            assessment fees or student
that reflect equitable admission
                                            services levies.
outcomes will be used to determine
how students gaining a place in the      c. Refund of fees will be given in
course/programme.                           line with the Fee Refund Policy.
                                            The Fee Refund Policy will be
                                            available on the institution’s

                                         5.5 Withdrawals
                                         A student may withdraw from a
                                         course or programme at any time
                                         by giving notice to the relevant
                                         Academic Leader.

6.0 Conferring Awards                    c. Degrees will be awarded with
                                            merit or distinction in accordance
                                            with programme regulations,
6.1 Powers of Council                       where applicable.
a. The Institution’s Council has
   the power to confer all               6.3 Conferral of Honorary
   Toi Ohomai degrees, graduate
   and postgraduate awards, and
   award all diploma and certificate     The Council of Toi Ohomai may
   qualifications approved and           admit persons honoris causa to
   accredited by NZQA.                   such degrees as are specified in
                                         the rules made by Council for the
b. The Institution’s seal will           purpose of this clause.
   be affixed to the approved
   parchments for all formal
   qualifications awarded by
                                         6.4 Graduation
   Toi Ohomai.                           Students meeting the requirements
                                         for award of a certificate, diploma,
                                         Bachelor’s degree, graduate or
6.2 Awarding of Qualifications
                                         postgraduate certificate or diploma,
a. All graduates of programmes           or Master’s degree will be eligible
   leading to formal awards must be      to receive their parchment at a
   approved by Academic Board.           graduation ceremony.
b. In giving their approval to
   graduate a student, Academic          6.5 Academic Dress
   Board must be satisfied that          a. The academic dress worn by
   the student has accumulated              students who have had their
   the number and level of credits          degrees or diplomas conferred
   required for completion of the           or awarded by Toi Ohomai shall
   qualification, and has fulfilled         conform in respect of shape,
   all other requirements of the            material and colour to the
   qualification, as stated in the          standard and specifications
   programme regulations. To                determined by Council and
   be awarded a Toi Ohomai                  described below.
   qualification, students must
   have completed a minimum of           b. Graduands of the Institution
   33% or one third of their credits        will appear for graduation
   through study with Toi Ohomai            ceremonies in the academic
   unless otherwise stated in the           dress approved for the
   programme regulations. Credits           qualification.
   gained through cross credits or       c. The gown for a first degree shall
   RPL are not counted as ‘credits          be a Cambridge gown.
   completed through study’.
d. The headgear for a first degree
   shall be a black mortar board
   with black tassel.
e. A kakahu/korowai Māori may be
   worn over the gown.
f.     The colour of the hoods shall be:

     Certificate                         No gown

     Diploma                             Black undergraduate gown. Turquoise or Burnished
                                         gold coloured stole.

     Bachelor of Applied Hospitality     Black undergraduate gown. Gold hood.
     and Tourism Management

     Bachelor of Applied Information     Black undergraduate gown. Coral hood.

     Bachelor of Applied Management      Black undergraduate gown. Burgundy hood.

     Bachelor of Applied                 Black undergraduate gown. Purple hood.
     Social Science

     Bachelor of Community Health        Black undergraduate gown. Emerald green hood.

     Bachelor of Computing,              Black undergraduate gown. Coral hood.
     Communications and Technology

     Bachelor of Creative Industries     Black undergraduate gown. Magenta hood.

     Bachelor of Creative Technologies   Black undergraduate gown. Fushia pink hood.

     Bachelor of Nursing                 Black undergraduate gown. Jade hood.

     Bachelor of Social Work             Black undergraduate gown. Purple hood.

     Bachelor of Sport and Recreation    Black undergraduate gown. Mid blue hood.

     Bachelor of Teaching Early          Black undergraduate gown. Cobalt blue hood with
     Childhood Education                 a paua shell trim.

     Bachelor of Tourism Management      Black undergraduate gown. Gold hood.

     Graduate Certificate or Diploma     Black undergraduate gown. Grey stole.

     Post Graduate Certificate           Black undergraduate gown. Grey hood with light
     or Diploma                          blue trim.

     Master’s                            Black Master’s gown. Grey hood with dark blue trim.


1.0 QMS – Academic                             •   Ensure transparency and
                                                   accuracy of internal and
a. The academic policies                           external reporting
   and procedures within the
                                               •   Align with institutional
   Quality Management System                       commitments to cultural
   (QMS) govern the academic                       responsiveness and those
   matters of the Institution to                   in the Institution’s Strategic
   ensure students and institutional               Intent and Investment Plan
   outcomes are met.
                                               •   Include student participation
b. The QMS ensures that                            in decision-making
   Toi Ohomai is compliant with
   legislative requirements, and               •   Address the diverse needs
   meets obligations and national                  and circumstances of the
   standards required by key                       student population, and
   stakeholders particularly NZQA,             •   Acknowledge the Treaty
   MoE and TEC.                                    of Waitangi.
c. Policies and procedures set out
   in the QMS – Academic will:             1.1 Academic Quality
   •   Facilitate the design and           Outcomes
       development of curricula,
                                           1.1.1 Student Outcomes
       and teaching and assessment
       resources that support applied Student Achievement
       learning and achievement of         a. Student achievement includes
       intended outcomes                      facilitating achievement
   •   Enable the smooth                      of applied, technical and
       progression through the                professional qualifications that
       student lifecycle                      enable graduates to:

   •   Ensure quality, relevance               •   Gain employment
       and viability of programmes             •   Be digitally competent
                                               •   Progress to further study
   •   Ensure validity, reliability and
       fairness of assessment
                                               •   Be socially engaged and
                                                   responsible citizens/or
   •   Ensure legislative requirements             become active citizens
       and compliance are met

•   Be culturally responsive and Student Support
         able to work with people from
                                            a. QMS policy and procedures
         a range of cultures, and
                                               will ensure the availability
     •   Apply sustainability principles.      of accessible, effective and
                                               culturally-appropriate information
b. The QMS will contain policy                 relevant to students’ study,
   and procedures that support                 academic material and required
   implementation of measures of               study and pastoral assistance to
   success including:                          support academic achievement.
     •   Students completing courses        b. QMS policies and procedures will
         and qualifications                    ensure mechanisms are in place
     •   Students satisfied with their         to enable students to advocate
         learning experience, and              for their rights and have access
                                               for advocacy support when
     •   Students gaining employment           required.
         and/or success in their further
         study.                             c. QMS policies and procedures will
                                               ensure compliance with NZQA Teaching and Learning                  requirements and requirements
QMS policy and procedures will                 of the Education (Pastoral Care
ensure learning and teaching                   of International Students) Code
activities, including those associated         of Practice 2016.
with research and advanced
scholarship, are designed in                1.1.2 Institutional Outcomes
accordance with relevant policies  Institutional Success
and processes to:                           The QMS will contain policy
     •   Support educational                and procedures that support
         achievement                        implementation of institutional
                                            success measures including:
     •   Foster student engagement
                                               •   Achievement of the highest
     •   Prepare students for                      level of recognition of
         employment and/or                         academic quality in terms of
         educational pathways, and                 EER rating
     •   Ensure staff have appropriate
                                               •   Strong community
         sets of skills and knowledge to           engagement by staff
         facilitate and support student            and students
         learning and acknowledge the
         Treaty of Waitangi.                   •   Employer satisfaction
                                                   with graduates and
                                                   programmes offered

•   Iwi and stakeholder                c. Reports of self-assessment and
       satisfaction with institutional       evaluative activity will be received
       relationships, and                    and considered by the Academic
                                             Board and/or its subcommittees
   •   Research programme aligned
                                             who will be responsible for
       to industry, professional and
                                             ensuring recommendations for
       regional needs.
                                             improvements in resourcing or Stakeholder Engagement               practice are implemented.
The QMS will contain policies
and procedures requiring all              1.2 Framework for Academic
organisational units and teaching         Policies in the QMS
teams to engage with stakeholders,        The Quality Management System
to obtain feedback and/or advice          encompasses a number of strategic
to inform decisions relating to           and academic focus areas as
academic developments and                 outlined below, for which relevant
experiences as appropriate.               policies and procedures have been Ethical Practice in Research      developed and approved by
                                          Toi Ohomai’s Academic Board:
The QMS will establish policies
and procedures to ensure research             • Qualification/programme
                                                portfolio planning and
conducted by staff and students                 development
is valid, culturally safe, ethical,
approved and managed.                         •   Qualification/programme
                                                  approval, design, development Self-assessment                           and review

a. The QMS will ensure policy                 •   Programme delivery, teaching
                                                  and assessment
   and procedures are in place to
   support self-assessment using              •   Student admission,
   evidence- based evaluation.                    enrolment, information,
   These systems will extend to                   guidance and support
   the validation and moderation              •   Recognition of student
   of assessment and assessment                   achievement
   outcomes.                                  •   Student and staff research
b. Self-assessment and evaluation             •   Community relationships,
   will be evidence-based and                     partnerships and
   will use agreed performance                    collaborations, and
   measures. Processes used will              •   Continuous Quality
   include stakeholder feedback                   Improvement.
   and evaluative input from those
   involved in the development and
   delivery of the initiative.

2.0 QMS - Business                           2.1 Framework for Business
                                             Policies and Procedures in
a. The Business policies                     the QMS
   and procedures in the QMS
                                             The Leadership Team will be
   govern the business matters
                                             responsible for approving business
   of the Institution.
                                             policies contained in the QMS to
b. Policies and procedures set out           enable effective management of
   in the QMS- Business will enable          all aspects of business operations
   the Institution to be:                    including:
     •   financially sustainable                •   Strategic, investment and
                                                    business planning
     •   a good employer
     •   fiscally responsible                   •   Budgeting and Financial
     •   able to actively pursue
         principles of sustainable              •   Records Management,
                                                    intellectual property and
         practice, and
     •   compliant with relevant
         legislation including legislation      •   Human Resources
         covering health and safety,            •   Information Systems
         public finance, privacy,
         copyright and intellectual
                                                •   Facilities and Asset
                                                •   Health and Safety, and
                                                •   Assessment and management
                                                    of risk.

1.0 Scope                                b. Programme regulations and
                                            course information must be
a. These Academic Regulations               made available and accessible
   apply to all staff and students          to students at the start of
   enrolled at Toi Ohomai Institute         their study.
   of Technology and cover               c. Students must ensure they are
   programmes for which (formal             aware of any regulation relating
   and non-formal) awards may               to their programme of study.
   be granted.                              Ignorance of any regulation
b. Where there is a conflict between        is not a valid excuse for non-
   the Academic Regulations                 compliance.
   and specific programme
   regulations, the programme
   regulations will prevail. Breaches    3.0 Academic Entry,
   of the Academic Regulations,          Admission and
   programme regulations or any
   associated academic policies          Enrolment
   will be dealt with using the
   Discipline and Academic               3.1 Admission
   Appeals Procedures.
                                         a. Admission, entry, selection and
                                            enrolment into programmes
2.0 Programme                               will be in accordance with the
                                            Academic Regulations and/
Regulations and                             or, where approved, specific
                                            programme regulations.
Course Information
                                         b. Students must provide evidence
a. Every programme leading to a             that entry criteria have been met
   Toi Ohomai or a New Zealand              and all documentary evidence
   qualification or a Toi Ohomai            required for admission, including
   formal or non-formal award               academic records, must be either
   must be supported by a written           an original, a certified copy or a
   programme document approved              certified translation.
   by the Academic Board, and /or
                                            Note: Original IELTS records
   delegated subcommittee, and,             are required.
   where required, NZQA, detailing
   the formal requirements for the       c. Students may be admitted and
   completion of the programme              enter their programme at an
   and its constituent courses.

appropriate point through the              ii.     Admission to Postgraduate
     granting of academic credit, or                    Certificates and Postgraduate
     as a result of the recognition                     Diplomas (Level 8)
     of prior learning (RPL) process,
                                                All students (domestic and
     unless expressly prohibited in
                                                international) must:
     the programme regulations, and
     on payment of a fee approved               •      have completed a Graduate
     by Council.                                       Certificate, Graduate Diploma
                                                       or a Bachelor’s degree in a
3.1.1 General Admission                                cognate subject recognised
      Requirements                                     by Toi Ohomai; or
Where no separate programme                     •      be able to demonstrate at
regulations have been approved                         least five years’ equivalent
for a programme, the academic                          relevant practical and/or
admission requirements will be:                        professional experience and
     i.    Admission to Master’s
                                                •      provide evidence of ability
           Degrees (Level 9)
                                                       to complete academic and
     All students (domestic and                        other requirements (special
     international) must:                              admission requirements).

     •    have completed a Bachelor’s           iii.    Admission to Bachelor’s
          degree, Bachelor’s degree with                Degrees (Level 7)
          Honours, or a Postgraduate
                                                Domestic students under 20 and
          Diploma in a cognate subject
                                                all international students must:
          recognised by Toi Ohomai; or
                                                •      meet the University Entrance
     •    be able to demonstrate at                    criteria as specified by
          least five years’ equivalent                 NZQA or have education
          relevant practical and/or                    achievement at least
          professional experience; and                 equivalent to NZQA University
     •    provide evidence of ability                  Entrance. Where an applicant
          to complete academic and                     did not attend schooling in
          other requirements (special                  New Zealand, the relevant
          admission requirements).                     equivalent to University
                                                       Entrance will be considered on
                                                       a case-by-case basis; and
                                                •      meet all programme entry
                                                       requirements; or
                                                •      provide evidence of ability
                                                       to complete academic and
                                                       other requirements (special
                                                       admission requirements).
Domestic students over 20:                  v.     Admission to Certificate and
                                                   Diplomas (Levels 5-7)
•     students who do not hold
      a University Entrance                  For certificate and diploma
      qualification or equivalent may        programmes at Levels 5, 6
      be eligible for admission to a         and 7, domestic students under
      Bachelor’s degree programme            20 and all international students
      subject to any entry and               must have:
      selection requirements
      specified in the respective            •    NCEA Level 2 with passes
                                                  in English/Te Reo Māori or
      programme regulations, and
                                                  education achievement at
      have evidence of ability
                                                  least equivalent to NCEA Level
      to complete academic
                                                  2, and a minimum of 42 credits
                                                  at Level 3; or
iv.    Admission to Graduate
       Certificates and Graduate             •    evidence of ability to
       Diplomas (Level 7)                         complete academic
                                                  requirements for the
All students (domestic and                        programme.
international) must:
                                            vi.    Admission to Certificates
•     have completed an                            (Levels 4)
      undergraduate degree in
      any discipline; or                     For programmes at Level 4,
                                             domestic and international
•     have completed a minimum of
                                             students will normally be required
      a two-year diploma equivalent
                                             to have:
      to NZQA Level 7 or higher in a
      related discipline; or                 •    NCEA Level 2 with passes
                                                  in English/Te Reo Māori or
•     be able to demonstrate at
      least three years’ equivalent               education achievement at
      relevant practical and/or                   least equivalent to NCEA
      professional experience                     Level 2; or
      (a curriculum vitae must               •    evidence of ability to complete
      be submitted detailing                      academic and any other
      relevant work experience and                programme requirements.
      professional achievements).

vii. Admission to Certificates                           •     Be over 18 years of age
          (Levels 1-3)                                              (applicants between the ages
                                                                    of 14 and 18 years will only be
     For programmes at Levels 1-3,
                                                                    accepted after an assessment
     domestic and international
                                                                    of the student’s support
     students will be required to:
                                                                    systems has been made)*
     • provide evidence of ability                     b. International students must
         to complete academic
                                                          demonstrate ability to meet the
                                                          English language requirements
                                                          of the programme in which they
3.1.2     Additional requirements for
                                                          enrol including any professional
          International students
                                                          requirements for English
a. In addition to meeting the                             capability.
   programme entry requirements,
                                                       c. Unless otherwise specified in
   international students must:
                                                          the Programme Regulations the
     •   Have evidence of receipt of an                   English language requirements
         appropriate visa; and                            for students who come from non-
                                                          English speaking backgrounds
                                                          are those equivalent to:

 Qualification   L3             L4             L5                 L6             L7             L8 and
 Level                                                                                          Above

 IELTS           General or     General or     Academic           Academic       Academic       Academic
                 Academic       Academic       score of 5.5       score of 6     score of 6     score of 6.5
                 score of 5     score of 5.5   with no band       with no band   with no band   with no band
                 with no band   with no band   score lower        score lower    score lower    score lower
                 score lower    score lower    than 5.            than 5.5.      than 5.5.      than 6.
                 than 5.        than 5.

*Ref. Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2016 and amendments 2019

d. Other approved English                               c. No domestic student under the
   language tests may be used to                           age of 16 years may be admitted
   demonstrate that the English                            for any programme unless
   standard is met. See the NZQA                           permission has been granted
   website – Rule 18 Appendix                              by the Principal of the school at
                                                           which the student is enrolled or
e. Exemptions from proof of English                        the student has been exempted
   language proficiency criteria will                      from attending school by a
   comply with NZQA Rule 18 - see                          designated officer of the Ministry
   NZQA website.                                           of Education*. Any such student
                                                           must also demonstrate ability to
f.     Toi Ohomai reserves the right
                                                           be able to achieve at the level of
       to test students for English
                                                           tertiary study they plan to study.
       language proficiency at any time
       during their enrolment.
       Test results will be used to                     3.2 Enrolment
       determine additional support                     a. Students meeting entry
       requirements, where it is                           requirements and admitted into
       identified that students need                       a programme will be enrolled
       additional support.                                 in scheduled courses, on a
                                                           semester/trimester by semester/
3.1.3       Special Admission                              trimester basis and may complete
                                                           up to 1.5 EFTS study load in a
a. Where applicants do not meet                            12 month period. Students
   all entry requirements, they                            wishing to study more than
   may gain special admission                              1.5 EFTS study load in a 12 month
   if Toi Ohomai is satisfied the                          period will require Academic
   applicant is capable of meeting                         Board approval. Students
   the academic requirements and                           enrolling in less than a
   where literacy and numeracy                             0.8 EFTS study load in one
   skills are sufficient to meet health                    or more semesters/trimesters will
   and safety requirements.                                be classed as part-time.
b. Any person who has attained                          b. All information and documentation
   the age of 20 years and has not                         required to confirm an enrolment
   attained the minimum academic                           must be provided for an
   entry qualifications required                           enrolment to be completed.
   for admission to a particular                        c. Any student who submits an
   programme may be eligible to                            enrolment form or completes
   be enrolled as a student under                          enrolment formalities after
   special admission. Relevant prior                       the stipulated closing date for
   learning experiences will be taken                      enrolment may be liable for a late
   into account in any application                         payment penalty fee.
   for special admission.
    Ref. Sections 21 and 26 of the Education Act 1989

d. Students enrolling more than             correct the error and the student
   two weeks after the start date of        is liable to pay the corrected fee.
   the course/programme will not
                                         c. All fees must be paid in full prior
   be accepted other than with the
                                            to the start of the programme
   approval of the Academic Leader
                                            unless alternative arrangements
   responsible for the programme.
                                            have been agreed in writing.
                                            Students who have not
3.3 Limitations on                          paid all fees or have agreed
Student Numbers                             arrangements in place to pay
                                            fees by the due date:
a. Where a limitation is set on
   student numbers in any course            •   May be referred to
   or programme, selection                      debt collectors;
   criteria approved in programme           •   May be denied admission
   regulations will be applied to               to classes and access to
   determine who will be offered                facilities including library and
   a place.                                     computing; and
b. If no selection criteria are             •   Will not be able to graduate
   approved, then preference will be            until all approved fees
   given to students in the order in            are paid.
   which applications were received.
c. Selection criteria must be            3.5 Cancelling Programmes
   notified to students prior to         or Courses
   or at the time of application
   for admission.                        a. Only the Executive Dean has the
                                            authority to cancel a programme
                                            prior to its commencement.
3.4 Fees                                    In such cases, admitted and
a. Fees for domestic and                    enrolled students will be notified
   international students will              immediately and all fees will be
   be published on the                      refunded in full.
   Institution’s website.                b. Where it appears to the
b. Prior to the formal publication of       Associate Dean that two weeks
   fees, students may be advised of         prior to the start of a particular
   an ‘estimated fee’ to assist their       course the number of students
   financial planning. The student is       accepted is insufficient to
   liable to pay the published fee. If      justify its running they may
   an administrative error results in       seek approval to cancel the
   an incorrect fee being published         course offering. If the course
   or quoted to a student, the              is a core compulsory course
   institution reserves the right to        that is required by students

to enable them to complete                academic penalty by notifying
   their programme in a particular           the institution of the intention
   semester/trimester, the                   to withdraw.
   course may be offered as an
                                         b. Where a student is enrolled but
   independent study option.
                                            does not participate in any of the
c. The Institution has the right to         scheduled learning activities of
   cancel, postpone or reschedule           a particular course or courses
   classes without notice, or               during the first 10% or first month
   otherwise breach the enrolment           of the delivery period (whichever
   contract, if the breach is caused        is lesser), they may be withdrawn
   by a reason beyond its control           from the course(s) as a ‘no show’.
   including, but not limited to,           In such cases, the student will
   prevention from or hindrance in          have no academic record for
   obtaining materials or supplies,         the course(s).
   labour disputes of whatever
                                         c. Where a student is enrolled on a
   nature, act of God, fire, act of
                                            course, has begun to participate
   Government or state, social or
                                            in their scheduled learning
   political unrest or war.
                                            activities and then stops, but has
                                            not initiated a formal withdrawal
3.6 Changes to Enrolment                    process, and has not responded
in Programmes                               to communications, Toi Ohomai
                                            may withdraw the student from
3.6.1   Transfer of Enrolment
                                            the course.
a. A student may make changes
                                         d. Where a student withdraws from
   to their enrolment contract prior
                                            a course or programme after
   to starting the programme/
                                            10% or one month of the delivery
   course or within the first 10%
                                            period (whichever is lesser),
   of the delivery period with no
                                            their academic record will be
   academic penalty.
                                            amended to reflect this.
b. No transfers are available
                                         e. Any refunds of fees resulting
   for programmes leading to
                                            from withdrawal fees will be in
   non-formal awards.
                                            line with refund policy.
3.6.2   Withdrawal from
                                         3.6.3   Withdrawal from a
        (Domestic Students)
                                                 (International Students)
a. A student may withdraw from a
                                         a. International students who have
   course (or programme) anytime
                                            accepted a place and have
   in the first 10% or one month of
                                            approval in principle for a visa
   the delivery period (whichever
                                            which is subsequently declined
   is lesser) of the course with no
by Immigration New Zealand will       instance, no part of the international
     be entitled to a full refund of       fee for that year is refundable.
     fees paid, less the international
     administration fee.                   3.7 Credit Recognition
b. International students who have         and Transfer
   accepted a place; paid fees;
                                           a. Applications for the credit
   been issued with a visa; but then
                                              recognition and transfer
   withdraw during the month prior
                                              (including through cross credits
   to the course start date may be
                                              or exemptions) and/or RPL will
   entitled to a refund of fees as
                                              normally consider the credit or
   determined by the Toi Ohomai
                                              experience gained within the five
   Enrolment/Fee Refund Policy
                                              years prior to the application (or
   (see website).
                                              for a period as specified in the
c. International students who                 programme regulations). This
   withdraw after the course has              ensures currency of knowledge
   commenced will not be entitled             and skills.
   to a refund of fees paid except
                                           b. The maximum credit that can
   in extenuating circumstances.
                                              be granted through recognition
   Determination of such refunds
                                              of credit, where no articulation
   will be at Toi Ohomai’s discretion.
                                              agreement or programme
                                              regulations are in place, is normally:
3.6.4    Changes to an International
         Student’s Residency Status           • two-thirds (66%) of the credit
                                                 value of the qualification being
An international student who gains               sought (where the credit was
permanent residency is entitled to               gained at another New Zealand
be treated as a domestic student.                tertiary institution, or where
They will not receive a refund of fees           RPL or RCC is being used to
for the semester/trimester during                recognise achievement); or
which the permanent residency
                                              •   one-half (50%) of the credit
is granted. However, the student                  value of the qualification
will be entitled to pay domestic                  being sought (where the credit
fees for subsequent semesters/                    was gained at an overseas
trimesters that start after permanent             tertiary institution), unless a
residency was granted, and will be                formal articulation agreement is
refunded any difference between                   in place.
domestic and international fees for        Variations to this may be considered
those semesters/trimesters. For            on a case by case basis and
non-semester/trimester courses,            approved by Academic Board.
international fees are payable for the
full year. If permanent residency is
granted during the year in this later

4.0 Attendance,                         4.2 Student Conduct
Student Conduct,                        a. All students must comply
                                           with the Toi Ohomai
Academic/Professional                      Student Code of Conduct and
                                           all New Zealand laws while on
Requirements and                           campus or engaged in any
Satisfactory Progress                      learning activity that is part of
                                           their programme of study or
4.1 Attendance                             Learning Contract. Students not
                                           complying with the Student Code
a. The attendance/participation            of Conduct may be asked to
   requirements for all courses will       leave their class or the premises
   be set out in the programme/            and may be subject to the
   course information provided             disciplinary procedures set out
   to students at the start of their       in the Student Code of Conduct.
   course. All students are expected       Any immediate removal of a
   to attend/participate at the            student for Health and Safety
   commencement of their course            reasons must then be reported to
   unless they have been given             the Academic Leader and Health
   permission to start later.              and Safety.
b. Where attendance/participation       b. Students must not bring or
   is specified as a requirement           consume alcohol or illicit drugs
   as part of a student visa, or           on any campus or workplace
   enrolment contract, students            used for learning activities or
   must provide notification of            during work experience.
   any absence from or non-
   participation in a course.           c. Toi Ohomai reserves the right to
                                           drug test students where there is
c. Any student who does not meet           reasonable cause or where it is
   the attendance/participation            considered there is a health and
   requirements of their course            safety risk.
   (including attending practicum
   or workplace experience) will be     d. Where a student is taking
   considered to be in breach of           prescription drugs that may
   their enrolment contract and may        impair their performance in a
   be suspended or withdrawn from          practical task and any such
   their course/programme.                 impairment increases the risk of
                                           injury to themselves or others,
                                           the student must notify their
                                           tutor/lecturer that they are taking
                                           such medications.

4.3 Practical/Professional               4.4 Satisfactory Progress
Requirements                             a. Satisfactory progress means a
a. Any student who fails to meet            student passing at least half of
   the prerequisite requirements            the courses in which they were
   in preparation for professional,         enrolled in any year.
   practical or work experience that     b. Normally, a student who does not
   is part of a course/ programme           pass at least half of the courses
   will not be allowed to engage in         in which they were enrolled in any
   the professional, practical or work      year, or has enrolled in the same
   experience component and will            course on two occasions and
   not be awarded credits for that          has not passed that course,
   component. Such requirements             will be considered to have made
   may include completing an alcohol        unsatisfactory academic progress.
   or drug test.
                                         c. Any student who has made
b. If a student’s performance or            unsatisfactory academic progress
   participation in any practical           will have their study and enrolment
   activity, professional practice or       history reviewed, and may have
   work experience is judged as             their programme enrolment
   unsatisfactory for whatever reason,      terminated.
   the Academic Leader responsible
   for the programme may                 d. Any student who has been excluded
   temporarily suspend that student’s       or had their enrolment from a
   attendance in the practical              programme/course terminated and
   activity, professional practice          who wishes to re-enrol, must gain
   or work experience, until the            permission from the Associate Dean
   Associate Dean responsible for the       responsible for the programme at
   programme examines the situation         least one month before the start of
   and recommends an appropriate            the semester/trimester.
   course of action to resolve the       e. When applying for re-enrolment,
   unsatisfactory performance.              the student will need to satisfy
c. Where a course has a component           the Associate Dean that, as a
   requiring a student to meet              result of study or other activity in
   requirements set by a professional       the intervening period, there is a
   body prior to their participation,       reasonable chance of success in
   assessment of the student’s              subsequent study.
   ‘fitness to practice’ will be         f.   A student who enrolled in the
   undertaken in compliance with              same course on two occasions
   those requirements. Students               and has not passed, will not be
   not meeting those requirements             enrolled again in that course
   will not be allowed to proceed             except with the permission of the
   until those and any institutional          academic committee responsible
   requirements are met.                      for managing student matters.
5.0 Assessment                                 by the Faculty Dean. Normally
                                               such extensions will be limited
Matters                                        to no more than three months
                                               post the course end date.
5.1 General                                    Extensions beyond three months
                                               of the course end date must
a. The nature of assessments                   be approved by the Executive
   and their due dates will be                 Dean- Academic Development,
   made available in the course                Innovation and Research.
   information/timetable and given
   to students at the beginning           f.   Permission to sit a test, practical
   of their course. Students are               assessment or examination at
   expected to comply with all                 a time or place other than that
   assessment requirements                     designated must be obtained
   and conditions.                             from the relevant Academic
                                               Leader at least two weeks
b. No changes to assessment                    prior to the scheduled test/
   requirements may be made                    assessment/examination
   during the course unless                    date. Such permission will be
   approved by the appropriate                 granted where an appropriate
   academic committee and notified             environment and adequate
   in writing to all students.                 supervision can be arranged.
c. Students must reasonably               g. Unless otherwise specified in
   attempt and/or submit all                 programme regulations, students
   summative assessment items                are entitled to have each piece
   as required, in the requisite             of marked written work (or a copy
   format/mode and within the                thereof) returned within ten (10)
   timeframe, due date and/or at the         working days of the final date
   place stipulated in the course            for submission.
   information/timetable provided
   unless a valid extension has           h. Students will be given access to
   been granted.                             information on the criteria used
                                             to allocate marks.
d. Students who anticipate
   having difficulty in submitting        i.   All marked student assessments
   assessments by the due time and             and assessment materials must
   date, may request an extension              be retained for one year post the
   providing this is received by the           end of the programme.
   tutor at least one week prior to       j.   Final course results will be
   the assessment due date.                    provided to students within
e. Extensions for assessments                  fifteen (15) working days of the
   that fall outside of the course             end date of the course.
   end date can only be approved

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