2020 Predictions for the next decade and Beyond - EndFatigue

Page created by Ben Rodgers
2020 Predictions for the next decade and Beyond - EndFatigue
2020 predictions
               By Eric J. Leech

                                                                              Predictions for
                                                                              the Next Decade
                                                                              and Beyond
                                                                              Synthetic blood made from ‘plas-

                                                                                                                                                      robot woman Photo: sarah
                                                                              tic’ hemoglobin will save lives, ro-
                                                                              bots will aid surgeons in delicate
                                                                              procedures, bones will be healed
                                                                              in 24 hours thanks to protein
                                                                              building bone injections, and tam-
                                                                              pering with DNA could become the
                                                                              newest form of steroid abuse.

        From the beginning of the millennium through 2010, we saw a lot of changes. We read about
        rising pollution, rising temperatures, and the inevitable depletion of natural resources. We
        experienced a landslide of new technologies, ranging from high speed 3G wireless to the in-
        troduction of consumer-based electric vehicles. Dave Evans, the Cisco Futurist of IBSG, Cisco
        Systems Inc., reminds us that in all our technological glory, we actually only know five
        percent of what we will know in the next 50 years. “In other words,” describes Evans. “In
        50 years, 95 percent of what we will know, will have been discovered in the past 50 years.”

                                                                                                                                                      Abstract Architecture Interior Photo: urban glimpses
     Personal                     Cyber-Software
                                  & Products                  Fingerprint and iris (eye)   crime. According to Frank   we will all be given a
                                  Thanks to popular           scanning could replace       Sowa, futurist and CEO of   starring role. In addition,
                                  social networking sites,    the common wallet, but       The Xavier Group, crimi-    improved capabilities of
     According to Dave Evans,
                                  the next generation         Esther Swilley, assistant    nals in the year 2025       data storage will allow
     in terms of information
                                  of teenagers will find      professor of marketing at    may have the choice to      such captured footage to
     saved and spent, we can
                                  themselves with more        Kansas State University,     undergo emotion control     be stored indefinitely.
     expect our own personal
                                  friends (cyberfriends)      believes consumers will      chip implants to correct
     computer storage needs
                                  around the world, than      also be pushed towards       behavioral disorders.       Medical
     to escalate from today’s
                                  in their own city/school.   using wallet phones.                                     While nanotechnology
     128 gigabytes, to 130
                                  By 2020, almost every       These combination            According to Gene           has been given a bad
     terabytes by the year
                                  electronic device will      cell phone, credit card,     Stephens, author of         name by conspiracy
     2020. Also in 2020, he
                                  be capable of universal     (electronic) car keys,       Cybercrime in the year      theorists, in the medical
     believes a run of the
                                  language translation.       etc., will not warm up       2025, while our own         field it will allow drugs to
     mill, $1,000 quantum
                                  Thanks to accelerated       to consumers easily,         personal security may       be distributed to specific
     computer (harnessing
                                  3D software, we will        considering misplaced        be compromised with         areas of the body where
     the power of atoms and
                                  no longer be limited        cell phones are an all too   technology, the security    they can do the most
     molecules) will contain
                                  to web-cams and chat        common occurrence.           of businesses and gov-      good. This will decrease
     the raw processing
                                  rooms, but will use our                                  ernment will only grow      the amount of side
     potential of the human
                                  avatar’s (digital image     Security, Crime,             stronger as they discover   effects normally caused
     brain. Once these
                                  of self) to meet up with    and Privacy                  new ways to bring mass      by destructive chemo-
     systems have been fully
                                  other friend’s avatars to   Speaking of misplaced        surveillance to society.    therapy, such as Taxol.
     integrated (2050), the
                                  shop, travel the world,     phones, identity theft       Nothing we say or do        Synthetic blood made
     raw processing power
                                  and engage in romantic      and personal security        will go unseen/unheard.     from ‘plastic’ hemoglobin
     of that same $1,000
                                  dating. Such popular        will become one of the       Millions of nanodevices     will save lives, robots will
     system, will match
                                  websites as Second Life     number one threats/          will weave across tele-     aid surgeons in delicate
     the neural computing
                                  and Weopia have already     crimes in North America.     phones, IP addresses,       procedures, bones
     power of the entire
                                  opened these opportuni-     Millions of consumers        walls, and possibly         will be healed in 24
     world (which in terms
                                  ties, but such interac-     will have their checking     even our own bodies         hours thanks to protein
     of 2050, will be about 9
                                  tions will only become      and savings accounts         (implants), creating a      building bone injections,
     billion brains).
                                  more commonplace.           threatened by cyber-         center stage from which     and tampering with

64     ||   summer 2010
2020 Predictions for the next decade and Beyond - EndFatigue
DNA could become the         Global water short-          While China and India         of the world will have         Global Warming
                          newest form of steroid       ages will continue to hit    are currently the fastest     electricity, which is a 10     The MET office (UK’s na-
                          abuse.                       countries hard, due to       growing world powers,         percent improvement            tional weather service),
                                                       both drought and the         they will also become         from 1970.                     has released reports on
                          According to Frank Sowa      gradual rise in sea level.   one of the most polluted                                     the likelihood of global
                          and Forecasting Inter-       It is estimated by author    and dangerous to live in.     Over the next decade,          warming, and worst case
                          national, doctors will be    Lester R. Brown that         This is due to their rapid    the world will harness         scenario temperatures
                          able to fully regenerate     fresh water could be         industrialization, which      new energy like never          could rise as much as
                          artificial limbs in 2022,    reduced an additional        is growing faster than        before. Large propellers       4°C by 2060. This may
                          infectious diseases                                                                                                    not seem like much, but
                          will be eliminated by                                                                                                  consider an increase
                          2028, and artificial brain                                                                                             of 3°C could transform
                          implants will become a                                                                                                 Amazon rain forests into
                          reality by 2030. As far as
                          advancements in den-
                                                                                                            Experts                              desert, and 4°C could
                                                                                                                                                 melt Alpine glaciers,
                          tistry go, Sowa believes                                                          predict                              submerge low-lying
                          nanobots in toothpastes
                          could be programmed to                                                         water will                              landforms, and acceler-
                                                                                                                                                 ate drought and mass
liquid ball Photo: Serp

                          attack plaque (2020).                                                          eventually                              animal/plant extinction.
                                                                                                                                                 Some experts predict
                          Doctor/patient relation-                                                       replace oil                             scientists may look
                          ships will be forever
                          changed with the addi-                                                        as the most                              towards such short-term
                                                                                                                                                 solutions as injecting
                          tion of online consulta-
                          tions aided by web-cam.
                                                                                                             valued                              sulfur dioxide aerosols
                                                                                                                                                 into the atmosphere
                          Jacob Teitelbaum M.D.,
                          author of the iPhone
                                                                                                         commodity                               to reflect sunlight, or
                                                                                                                                                 fertilizing oceans with
                          application, Natural                                                              for the                              iron (Geritol Solution)
                          Cures, believes patients
                          will start the process at
                                                                                                               21st                              to bolster algae growth
                                                                                                                                                 (extract more CO2). Most
                          home entering all symp-
                          toms into an analysis
                                                                                                           century.                              agree, however, that the
                                                                                                                                                 hidden effects of such
                          program. “The computer                                                                                                 solutions would prove
                          will analyze (this infor-                                                                                              far worse than doing
                          mation) and determine                                                                                                  nothing.
                          the likely treatments and
                          tests needed,” explains                                                                                                Transportation
                          Dr. Teitelbaum. “Then                                                                                                  By the year 2025, most
                          it makes a complete                                                                                                    experts agree that the
                          medical record of your                                                                                                 number of vehicles in the
                          case, which your doctor      50 percent of what           safety/pollution controls     situated above highways        world will rise from their
                          has in hand when you         had been previously          are being put into place.     could collect power from       current 800 million, to
                          see them.”                   thought. Fresh water         Not only will these coun-     passing vehicles, power-       over a billion. Hydrogen
                                                       will become an increas-      tries suffer from more        ing lights and signs.          may be the fuel of choice
                                                       ingly valued commod-         acid rain, deforestation,     Architects may incor-          by 2020, considering
                          World Predictions            ity, offset slightly         and toxic pollution           porate special flooring        its ease of liquification
                          Natural Resources            by the adoption of           levels, citizens will be      in new buildings, which        and clean, nitrogen
                          vs. Conservation             desalination plants.         five times more likely to     will harness electricity       emissions, but the zero
                          The measure of natural       Experts predict water        die of pollution-related      through the vibration/         emissions of electric
                          resources and our ability    will eventually replace      pulmonary disease, than       friction of walking.           vehicles should also be a
                          to conserve them has         oil as the most valued       the average Canadian.         Nanodevices, used for          consideration. The battle
                          been a big topic over        commodity for the 21st       Ultimately we will all suf-   personal electronic            of hydrogen vs. electric
                          the past decade, and         century.                     fer from this negligence,     devices (MP3 players,          has only begun, but Chel-
                          will continue to be.                                      considering the earth’s       cell phones), may use the      sea Sexton (Who Killed
                                                                                    ozone will be depleted an     flow of our own blood to       the Electric Car) believes
                                                                                    additional three percent      recharge.                      electric will win out. “I
                                                                                    by 2017, according to                                        don’t personally believe
                                                                                    the National Center for       Solar, wind, and ocean         we will see hydrogen
                                                                                    Atmospheric Research.         current, which are             on a mass scale for
                                                                                                                  currently considered           decades,” says Sexton,
                                                                                    New Forms of Energy           ‘alternative’ forms of en-     referring to their trillion
                                                                                    Organizations today are       ergy, will become more         dollar infrastructure.
                                                                                    working harder than ever      mainstream, powering           “Hydrogen is the perfect
                                                                                    to place electricity in       30 percent of the world        example of just because
                                                                                    impoverished countries,       (as compared to today’s        you can, doesn’t mean
                                                                                    such as Uganda, which         17 percent). By 2025, as       that you should.”
                                                                                    currently has only 3.7        many as 1,000 nuclear
                                                                                    percent of its country-       power plants could be          By 2020, bio-diesel
                                                                                    side electrified. The         operational. Without           made from soybean,
                                                                                    modern day miracle of         alternatives, the world’s      wheat, corn, sugarcane,
                                                                                    light will allow many         thirst for oil will continue   and algae, will be used
                                                                                    parts of the world to         draining its dwindling         for 30 percent of all
                                                                                    work, read, and do            supply (which will have        commercial/consumer
                                                                                    homework during the           peaked by 2020) by an          vehicles, according to
                                                                                    evenings. It is estimated     additional 40 percent          global market surveys.
                                                                                    that by 2030, 83 percent      each year.                     While flying cars have

                                                                                                                                                        summer 2010    ||      65
2020 Predictions for the next decade and Beyond - EndFatigue
environment, and           worshiping Mayans—
                                                                                          politics. “This is not     occult writings or

      Nanobots                                                                            the beginning of a war
                                                                                          waged by machines
                                                                                                                     sayings of people like

      in tooth-                                                                           against men, or vice
                                                                                          versa,” says Dr. Thaler,
                                                                                                                     information encoded
                                                                                                                     in the Bible.”

      pastes                                                                              reassuringly.
                                                                                                                     According to Kling,

      could                                                                               Dr. Thaler is the father
                                                                                          of the “Creativity
                                                                                                                     there are 5 signs
                                                                                                                     before Armageddon

      be pro-                                                                             Machine,” which is an
                                                                                          A.I. program capable
                                                                                                                     will occur. One, a
                                                                                                                     declaration of Peace,

      grammed                                                                             of composing music,
                                                                                          inventing products
                                                                                                                     followed by a nuclear
                                                                                                                     attack. Two, the

      to attack                                                                           (Oral-B CrossAction
                                                                                          toothbrush), and
                                                                                                                     formation of a one
                                                                                                                     world government,

      plaque                                                                              even training robotic
                                                                                          cockroaches. But the
                                                                                                                     caused by the nuclear
                                                                                                                     disaster. Three, an
                                                                                          most interesting           end to all religion.
      (2020).                                                                             concept here is that       Four, world wide un-
                                                                                          while Dr. Thaler may       rest, and finally, a sign
                                                                                          be the mastermind          in the sky (most likely
                                                                                          behind the ‘machine’,      the comet as foretold
                                                                                          the machine has since      by Nostradamus).
     been predicted by            for territory. In addi-     creasing dominant           taken over, and is
     futurists since the          tion, if warming trends     world power over            now the mastermind         Many clairvoyants
     1960s, their weight          uncover new habitable       this next decade. The       behind its own inven-      from California
     to propulsion ratio has      areas in the Arctic,        new world powers            tions. What will they      Psychics, believe
     limited such technology      smaller countries will      to watch for are the        (computers) think of       2012 will not have any
     to only the very wealthy.    not be the only ones        Dragon (China) and          next?                      significant meaning
     This decade, with the        interested. Larger          the Tiger (India). Over                                to our lives. “It will be
     Terrafugia Transition        world powers may not        the short haul, the         The Question of            much like the scare
     and M400 Skycar              care as much about ad-      Dragon will easily          Whether or Not             of 1999,” says Joey.
     ($200,000+) leading the      ditional territory, but     dominate the first          We are Alone               There are also those
     way, personalized flight     they will be interested     half of the century,        Many scientists            that predict only a
     may one day become           in their untapped oil       building its military,      believe that with the      slight disturbance. “A
     affordable for all.          resources.                  negotiating the             rapid advancement          mass power outage
                                                              world’s remaining           of telescopes and          due to a solar flair,
     Population Trends            As far as the warfare       oil supplies, and           space missions, we         but the government
     According to Statistics      itself goes, the great-     educating their youth       will have an answer        could prevent it.”
     Canada for Canadian          est threat in the future    to prospective lead-        by the end of this         says Rondalafay.
     Heritage, by 2031, over a    will be terrorists and      ers, scientists, and        decade, as to whether      “We might have a
     quarter of the Canadian      bio-attacks. According      doctors. The Tiger’s        or not we are alone.       computer glitch—have
     population will be for-      to author, Marvin J.        democratic leanings,        There have been over       some money on hand,”
     eign born. This is nearly    Cetron, most extremist      diplomatic freedom,         300 planets discov-        warns Sherie. One
     double the proportion        terrorist groups will       and concentration on        ered; exemplifying         psychic sees a slightly
     reported by the 2006         acquire the technology      defense rather than         everything needed          larger disturbance.

                                                                                                                                                 Caduceus Medical Symbol Photo: Bob Hemphill
     Census. Vancouver and        of nuclear weapons by       military dominance,         for life, according to     “There will be a major
     Toronto will house the       2020. Bio-attack will       will offer more             Harvard astronomer,        physical catastrophe
     majority of these explod-    involve nanoparticles,      economic viability/         Dimitar Sasselov. It is    (climate change),”
     ing populations (growing     bacteria, and/or            stability over the long     likely one will offer      says Winter. “(But) it
     at 4X the rate of the rest   viruses sent undetect-      haul, making India the      the proof we’ve been       will spark more human
     of the population), which    ably through the air,       more likely dominant        looking for.               compassion and kind-
     will equate to about 60      reaching behind enemy       power for the second                                   ness.” Another psychic
     percent of both cities’      lines and/or populated      half of the century.        Armageddon:                sees very positive
     total population.            cities, killing large                                   2012                       change. “There will be
                                  amounts of people           A.I.                        A big scare over the       a significant increase
     War                          with minimal manpow-        Artificial Intelligence     next two years will        in the spiritual aware-
     Many experts believe         er. According to Frank      (A.I.) is always a hot      be ‘Armageddon’,           ness of our world,”
     the possibilities of         Sowa and Forecasting        topic, and while some       or what others are         says Riley.
     ‘Hot Wars’ could be          International, robotic      predict such technolo-      calling the prophecy
     escalated due to global      warriors may become         gy is on its way, others,   of the Mayans: 2012.       “2020—will be
     warming and diminish-        the foot soldier by the     such as Dr. Stephen         “We have uncovered         business as usual
                                                                                                                                                 Futuristic Hallway Photo: Spectral-Design

     ing resources. Accord-       year 2022. In addition,     L. Thaler, President        many prophecies            for the human race,”
     ing to a CNA (Center         ‘optical cloaking’, a       & CEO of Imagination        about the last days        says Dr. Stephen L.
     for Naval Assessment)        technology capable of       Engines, claim it is        of this world,” says       Thaler. “The battle
     report, there are two        bending light around        already here. Despite       Peter Kling, author        for gold and pleasure,
     factors which will           objects (invisibility) is   countless warnings          of Letters to Earth...     lots of new gadgets,
     increase the threat          currently under design      from futuristic movies,     You Can Survive            conflicts galore, and
     of war, crowding and         and testing.                such as Terminator and      Armageddon! “These         plenty of spin control
     competition for habit-                                   iRobot, we are moving       prophecies come            to convince us that we
     able land. As global         World                       towards a world of          from many peoples in       are in a new and won-
     warming depletes land        Domination                  artificial intelligence,    many lands and have        derful age, helping to
     and resources, smaller       According to Frank          which will one day          been the basis for         channel the gleaming
     countries will battle        Sowa, North America         control our finances,       religious beliefs of       yellow metal in the
     neighboring countries        will find itself a de-      health, education,          cultures like the sun      right directions.”

66      ||   summer 2010
2020 Predictions for the next decade and Beyond - EndFatigue 2020 Predictions for the next decade and Beyond - EndFatigue 2020 Predictions for the next decade and Beyond - EndFatigue 2020 Predictions for the next decade and Beyond - EndFatigue
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