Page created by Darryl Maldonado
The Earthquake Commission (EQC) actively
promotes and encourages research and
education as a part of one of its functions
under the Earthquake Commission Act
“To facilitate research and education about
matters relevant to natural disaster damage,
methods of reducing or preventing natural
disaster damage, and the insurance
provided under this Act”.
Quick reference guide                   2
Introduction                            3
Aims of the Biennial Grants Programme   3
Points of note                          3
Timetable                               4
Eligibility requirements                5
Amount of grant                         5
Evaluation criteria and weighting       5
Assessment process                      6
Feedback                                6
Assessment panel                        6
Deliverables                            6
Guidelines for completing and
submitting a Preliminary Proposal       7
Guidelines for completing and submitting
a Detailed Proposal                      8
Appendix 1 – EQC’s role in
resilience research                     11
Appendix 2 – Biennial Grants Programme
research themes                        12
Appendix 3 – Vision Mātauranga          13

    Total funding available   Up to $1,000,000 (excl GST) over two years
    Project value             Projects in the range $40,000-$60,000 are preferred, up to a maximum value of
    Project length            Maximum 24 months
    Contract                  On or after 1 January 2020
    commencement date
    Contract completion       Before 31 December 2021
    Eligibility               Research must:
                              •   be within the scope of EQC’s role as defined by the Earthquake Commission
                              •   align with objectives of EQC’s role in resilience research (Appendix 1), and
                                  contribute to one or more of the programme’s research themes (Appendix 2)
                              •   contribute to EQC’s reputation for facilitating and funding high quality research
                              •   add significantly to existing knowledge (may include the development of new
                                  applications or extension of existing techniques)
                              •   deliver outcomes that are expected to significantly benefit New Zealand,
                                  locally or nationally
                              •   be primarily undertaken in New Zealand by New Zealand-based researchers
                              •   not be primarily a student project
                              •   be available for public use.
    Application               Anyone may apply, subject to the eligibility requirements above.
    Involvement in more       An applicant can be named as Principal Investigator on up to two proposals in the
    than one proposal         same Biennial Grants round.
                              Any one Associate Researcher can be named on up to four proposals.
    Submission                All proposals must be completed using the templates downloaded from
                              One file in PDF format must be emailed to BiennialResearch@eqc.govt.nz See
                              timetable on Page 4 for deadlines. Late, incomplete or ineligible applications will
                              not be accepted. Proposals should be submitted via the host institution’s research
                              office, where applicable.
    Assessment                Assessment of proposals will be undertaken by an independent Assessment Panel,
                              and funding decisions will be confirmed by EQC before results are announced at
                              the end of November 2019.
    Confidentiality            All proposals received will be treated as confidential, subject to any legal
                              requirements under the Official Information Act 1982 or any other relevant law.

INTRODUCTION                                              AIMS OF THE BIENNIAL GRANTS
Every two years, EQC’s Biennial Grants Programme
invites experienced and emerging researchers to
                                                          The Biennial Grants Programme aims to support the
submit proposals for public good research (available
                                                          advancement of disaster resilience and natural hazard
for public use).
                                                          risk reduction knowledge in New Zealand.
EQC’s mission is to reduce the impact on people and
property when natural disasters occur. EQC has three
                                                          POINTS OF NOTE
strategic intentions to support our vision and mission:
1. EQC is a leader in New Zealand on natural hazard       •   Eligible proposals will be evaluated by a multi-
   risk reduction;                                            disciplinary Assessment Panel. Proposals
                                                              therefore must be in plain English.
2. New Zealanders have access to natural disaster
   insurance and reinsurance;                             •   Proposals must be submitted electronically to EQC
3. Claims made to EQC’s insurance scheme are                  through research offices (if applicable).
   managed fairly, transparently and in a timely          •   Applicants who are invited to submit a Detailed
   manner.                                                    Proposal (Stage 2) have 10 working days
We invite research applications that align with               to respond in writing to comments made
the aims of EQC’s role in resilience research (see            by reviewers before Detailed Proposals are
Appendix 1) and contribute to one or more of the              evaluated. Reviews and responses will be
Programmes’ research themes (Appendix 2).                     appended to, and form part of, the Detailed
Proposals should be for projects that can be                  Proposal.
completed within the two years starting 1 January         •   Evaluation criteria will be weighted – 50% Impact
2020 and finishing 31 December 2021.                          and Relevance, 50% Research Excellence (see
Applying to the Biennial Grants programme is a two-           page 5 for details).
stage process.
Stage 1 Applicants are first required to submit a two
page Preliminary Proposal by 5.00pm Friday 31 May
2019. The Assessment Panel selects a shortlist to move
to the next step.
Stage 2 Shortlisted applicants will be invited
to submit a Detailed Proposal with supporting
documentation by 5.00pm Friday 16 August 2019.
Successful applicants will be notified late November
2019 and funding will be available from January 2020.

    April 2019           Application forms and guidelines available
    31 May (by 5pm)      Preliminary Proposals due to EQC
    Early June           Assessment Panel selected and published to EQC website
    Mid June             Eligible Preliminary Proposals sent to Assessment Panel for evaluation
    Mid July             Assessment Panel meet to select a shortlist
    26 July              All applicants (successful and unsuccessful) notified of results
    16 August (by 5pm)   Detailed Proposals due to EQC
    23 August            Detailed Proposals sent to peer reviewers for comment and technical
    13 September         Reviews sent to applicants for their response
    27 September         Closing date for applicant responses to reviews
    (by 5pm)
    Early October        Detailed Proposals, CVs, reviews, and responses sent to Assessment Panel
                         for evaluation
    Early/Mid November   Assessment Panel meets to select and recommend proposals for funding
    Late November        Results announced
    1 January 2020       Funding commences
    31 May 2020          Report and invoice due
    30 November 2020     Report and invoice due
    31 May 2021          Report and invoice due
    30 November 2021     Report and invoice due

Funding for research proposals is open to all
                                                          AND WEIGHTING
applicants who meet the Programme’s eligibility           The specific evaluation criteria and their weighting are:
requirements:                                             Impact and relevance (50%)
•   Research must be within the scope of EQC’s role       •   Alignment with the objectives of EQC’s role in
    as defined by the Earthquake Commission Act               resilience research (Appendix 1) and the themes
    1993 (Appendix 1).                                        (Appendix 2) of the Biennial Grants Programme.
•   Research must align with the aims of EQC’s role in    •   Value of the research relative to its costs (ability to
    resilience research (Appendix 1) and contribute to        leverage EQC funding through in-kind and other
    one or more of the Programme’s research themes            funding sources).
    (Appendix 2).
                                                          •   The contribution the research and its findings will
•   Research must contribute to EQC’s reputation for          provide to understanding natural disaster risk and
    facilitating and funding high quality research.           its mitigation.
•   Research must add significantly to existing           •   Benefit to EQC and New Zealand.
    knowledge. This may include the development
                                                          •   Relevance and potential value for the results of the
    of new applications or extension of existing
                                                              proposed research to be transferred, understood
                                                              and applied by research peers, practitioners and
•   The majority of research must be undertaken in            other end-users.
    New Zealand by New Zealand-based researchers.
                                                          •   Strength of relationships with relevant users and
•   While student involvement is encouraged, the              beneficiaries of the research.
    research cannot be primarily a student research
                                                          Research excellence (50%)
    project. Alternative funding is available for post-
    graduate research.                                    •   Quality of proposed research (originality, novelty,
                                                              insight and rigour).
•   Research must be publicly available and provided
    in a form that can be used by other researchers,      •   Potential of the research to contribute to the
    practitioners and the general public (ie, copyright       advancement of knowledge.
                                                          •   Proposal is well positioned in the domestic and
                                                              international research context.
AMOUNT OF GRANT                                           •   Credible and well managed research plan.

The budget for the Biennial Grants programme is           •   Track record of the researchers and ability to
NZD1 million.                                                 deliver proposed objectives.
Proposals in the range NZD40,000 - NZD60,000 are          •   Level of collaboration across agency and/or
preferred, up to a maximum of NZD75,000.                      discipline boundaries.
Larger projects may be considered if it is                •   Scope for “early career” researchers to be
demonstrated that they are of exceptional                     involved and mentored.
significance. In some cases, EQC may request that
several smaller proposals on similar topics become


ASSESSMENT PROCESS                                       Panel members on www.eqc.govt.nz once they are
Researchers must complete and submit a Preliminary
                                                         While recognised in their respective technical
Proposal that fits within the guidelines and format
                                                         disciplines, not all Assessment Panel members will
outlined in this brochure by 5pm, Friday, 31 May 2019.
                                                         have a technical background or knowledge of the
The Assessment Panel will assess the proposals and       disciplines in the proposals, so it is important that
a number of applicants will be invited to submit a       proposals are clear, succinct, in plain English and
Detailed Proposal by 5pm, Friday, 16 August 2019.        easily understandable.
The Detailed Proposal will be sent to reviewers
                                                         Conflicts of Interest
(nominated by applicants or appointed by EQC) by
                                                         Applicants should note any potential conflicts they
Friday, 23 August to provide comments and technical
                                                         have with any person involved in the assessment of the
expertise. Reviewer’s comments will be due by 5pm
                                                         proposal, by email to BiennialResearch@eqc.govt.nz
Friday, 13 September. Applicants must ensure that
reviewers listed in the detailed proposal are aware      A conflict of interest arises when:
of their nomination, and of this timeline. Applicants    •   A Panel member is a signatory to the proposal or
have 10 working days to respond to the reviewers’            application under consideration.
comments. Responses must be received no later than       •   A member of the Panel member’s family or
5pm on Friday 27 September 2019.                             household would benefit from the success of the
Detailed Proposals, reviewers’ comments and                  proposal.
applicants’ responses will be individually assessed by   •   A Panel member has a commercial interest in the
the Assessment Panel. The Panel will then reconvene          proposal.
to confirm their recommendation for selection.           If a Panel member is from the same institution as the
The Assessment Panel will not pre-select any             applicant, guidelines will be followed to identify if
applications before its meeting in November.             there is a conflict of interest that requires the member
Questions relating to completing or submitting a         to be excluded from assessing the proposal.
Preliminary Proposal or Detailed Proposal should
be referred to the applicant’s research office or
                                                         Six-monthly progress reports are to be submitted in
                                                         May and November of each year for the duration of
FEEDBACK                                                 the project. (Templates will be provided.)
Because of the large number of Preliminary Proposals     Invoices relating to the progress reports should also
received, specific feedback about individual             be submitted at the same time.
proposals cannot be given to applicants, except          At the completion of the project, applicants must
where the proposal does not meet the eligibility         provide a final report in electronic form, a technical
requirements outlined previously.                        abstract and a plain English abstract or “snapshot”
All applicants will receive a short commentary on the    following guidelines provided by EQC. These will be
number of proposals received, the numbers selected       published on the EQC website.
to submit a Detailed Proposal, and any relevant          The final report must document the project’s
generic feedback that is appropriate.                    methodology, results and conclusions. It must meet
                                                         standards of peer review and public dissemination.
ASSESSMENT PANEL                                         If a reviewed conference presentation or paper has
                                                         been published in a reviewed journal and meets
The Assessment Panel is appointed by EQC                 these criteria, a shorter final report referencing the
management. EQC will publish the list of Assessment      published paper/presentation will be accepted.
                                                         (Guidelines will be provided.)
Format                                                       Research themes (1)
Preliminary Proposals must be submitted using the            EQC will fund research that contributes to one or more
Preliminary Proposal form. The completed form should         of the following research themes and associated topic
be two pages or less and use the font Calibri 10 point.      areas (see Appendix 2 for more detail):
Preliminary Proposals should be submitted through            •     Improved understanding of geological hazards
the research office of the applicant’s institution
                                                             •     Enhanced assessment and modelling of New
(if applicable), and must be submitted to EQC
                                                                   Zealand’s geohazard risk
electronically in PDF format.
                                                             •     Advances in low-damage design and engineering
Contact person                                                     solutions for the built environment
The Preliminary Proposal must nominate one contact           •     Social and behavioural aspects of disaster risk
person for all correspondence with EQC and an                      reduction and improved resilience
administrative contact from the applicant’s research         •     Applications of economics, finance and public
office. Private applicants can be listed as both contacts.         policy to hazard risk management.

Title                                                        Relevance of research (2)
The title of the Preliminary Proposal must be                Explain the relevance of the proposed research to:
descriptive, in plain English, and no more than 25           •     The advancement of knowledge in New Zealand
words in length.
                                                             •     EQC’s resilience goal and research themes
Abstract                                                           (Appendix 1 & 2)
                                                             •     End users.
The abstract provides a short introduction to the
proposed research. It explains in plain English:
•   The state of the field                                       Essential documents
•   What the project proposes to do                              • Preliminary Proposal Form
•   How it will be done
•   A general expectation of the outcome.


Applicants whose Preliminary Proposals are shortlisted    While capital equipment is the responsibility of the
will be invited to submit a Detailed Proposal using the   applicant’s institution, exceptional requests for EQC
Detailed Proposal form with supporting documentation      funding for capital equipment should be explained
by 5pm Friday 16 August 2019.                             and justified in the budget.
                                                          This budget must not include conference travel and/
Statement of objectives
                                                          or attendance costs. EQC has a small fund for this
The statement of objectives needs to number the           purpose and discretionary consideration will be given
objectives and explain:                                   to supporting conference attendance if the applicant
•   How the proposed research applies, adapts or          is presenting a paper or leading a workshop on the
    complements any earlier research                      project matter being funded by EQC.
•   The relevance to New Zealand conditions               All costs are to be quoted exclusive of GST and in New
•   The need or opportunity to apply the results to the   Zealand dollars.
    New Zealand context                                   EQC will not take responsibility for any budget
•   How the research will address a gap in present        overruns unless prior written approval has been
    knowledge and practices.                              granted.
                                                          Overhead costs can be included in the budget.
Describe the science and research methodology,            However, applicants are encouraged where possible
quoting references where applicable.                      to secure co-funding through a discount or waiver of
Ethics approval                                           overhead costs.
For research proposals that involve the public,
applicants must specify the ethics assessment process     Applicants are encouraged to secure additional co-
they will use and verify that approval has been/will be   funding where possible. As mentioned above, this
obtained.                                                 can be achieved by negotiating a waiver or discount
                                                          of overheads, especially when the host institution
Vision Mātauranga                                         considers the research to be of strategic value and/
Where relevant, proposals should consider the             or where the EQC funding provides useful leverage to
relation of the research to the themes of Vision          secure other sources of funding.
Mātauranga and how the project will engage with           Where co-funding is available, the columns provided
Māori. (Appendix 3)                                       in the budget template should indicate how it is
                                                          integrated into the project.
The budget for the Detailed Proposal may vary from        Funding agreement
that submitted in the Preliminary Proposal.               If the Detailed Proposal is approved for funding, a
Proposals in the range of NZD40,000 – NZD60,000           funding agreement will be drawn up for signature
are preferred, up to a maximum value of NZD75,000.        by EQC and the successful applicant’s institution.
To inform EQC’s financial planning, indicative costs      The successful applicant will also be asked to sign
must be stated in the budget template. Projects of        an acknowledgement of the funding agreement.
more than 12 months’ duration must show the actual        Acceptance of the terms and conditions of these
or estimated expenditure split for each financial year    documents is required to obtain funding.
(1 July to 30 June).

Reviewers                                                   Research team

Applicants should name three reviewers (of which EQC        The research team must be listed and a curriculum
will approach two) who can provide technical expertise      vitae (CV) relevant to the proposed work (limited to
to the assessment panel in its evaluation. Reviewers must   two pages), provided for each team member.
have seen, or be aware of, the Detailed Proposal and be     Please identify the Principal Investigator, Associate
available to provide brief comments within two to three     Researcher(s) and the extent to which students,
weeks of being approached.                                  Postdoctoral Fellows, subcontractors or consultants
Reviewers will be asked about:                              may be involved.
•   The applicant’s capacity to complete the project        A Principal Investigator can be named on up to two
    satisfactorily                                          proposals in the same Biennial Grants round.
•   The value of the intended outcome                       Any one Associate Researcher can be named on up to
•   The quality of the research methodology.                four proposals.

Reviewers cannot be:                                        Definition of Principal Investigator
•   Members of the applicants’ organisation(s), or         Principal Investigators are researchers who lead
• Members of the Assessment Panel.                         the research, contribute the main ideas and
                                                           are responsible, with their institution, for the
EQC reserves the right to obtain additional or alternative
                                                           achievements of the objective and the management
independent reviews of proposals.
                                                           of the contract.
Research duration
Funding is from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021.
Applicants need to be realistic when specifying the
                                                             Essential documents
duration of the project. If the project is not completed
                                                             •   Detailed Proposal Form
within the agreed time, EQC may terminate funding.
                                                             •   Budget Template
                                                             •   Funding Agreement
                                                             •   Curriculum Vitae Template


EQC’s mission is to reduce the impact on people and       Our research function aligns with EQC’s overall
property when natural disasters occur. EQC has three      strategic intent, with a particular emphasis on
strategic intentions to support our vision and mission:   enabling EQC’s resilience goal, namely:

1. EQC is a leader in New Zealand on natural hazard       To inform, enable and influence the choices and
   risk reduction;                                        decisions that reduce vulnerability and the exposure
                                                          of New Zealand’s built environment to natural hazard
2. New Zealanders have access to natural disaster         events.
   insurance and reinsurance;
                                                          This will require:
3. Claims made to EQC’s insurance scheme are
                                                          •   More resilient buildings and infrastructure to
   managed fairly, transparently and in a timely
                                                              reduce damage and impacts
                                                          •   Smarter land use to avoid the worst risks
EQC has a statutory function to facilitate research       •   Sustained access to insurance markets to fund
about matters relevant to natural disaster damage,            recovery.
methods of reducing or preventing natural disaster
damage, and the insurance provided under the
Earthquake Commission Act 1993.


EQC will fund research that contributes to one or more
of the following research themes and associated topic

1. Improved understanding of geological hazards          4. Social and behavioural aspects of disaster risk
This theme contributes to a more accurate                reduction and improved resilience
understanding of the likelihood, magnitude and           This theme is about understanding:
physical impacts of geological hazards, providing the    •   How people and markets interpret and respond to
evidence basis of risk-informed decision making. We          natural hazard risk
encourage research proposals that use GeoNet data
                                                         •   How to encourage and enable disaster risk
and information.
                                                             reduction behaviours, including innovative
2.Enhanced assessment and modelling of New                   planning solutions to avoid risk, and
Zealand’s geohazard risk                                 •   How people and communities behave through the
This theme is about improved understanding of                phases of disaster recovery.
exposure and vulnerabilities to geological risk
                                                         5. Application of economics, finance and public
(including how buildings, infrastructure and land
                                                         policy to hazard risk management
perform in different natural hazard events), and
                                                         This theme is about advancing understanding of
develops the scientific basis for impact and loss
                                                         the economics, finance and public policy aspects of
forecasting and pricing of geological risk in
                                                         geohazard risk to inform the optimum approach to risk
New Zealand.
                                                         treatment across the options of avoidance, control,
3. Advances in low-damage design and                     transfer and acceptance.
engineering solutions for the built environment
This theme is about the development of new solutions
for existing and new buildings and infrastructure to
reduce physical damage from geohazards.

Vision Mātauranga is a New Zealand government            Purpose
science policy framework. Its mission is to unlock the   •    To use the science and innovation system to help
innovation potential of Māori knowledge, people and           unlock the potential of Māori knowledge, people
resources to assist New Zealanders to create a better         and resources for the benefit of New Zealand
                                                         •    To recognise Māori as important partners in
Themes relevant to disaster reduction and                     science and innovation; both as intergenerational
resilience research are:                                      guardians of significant natural resources
                                                              and indigenous knowledge, and owners and
•   Indigenous innovation. Contributing to disaster
                                                              managers of commercial assets
    resilience and risk reduction through distinctive
    research and development.                            •    To build the capability of Māori individuals,
                                                              businesses, incorporations, rūnanga, trusts, iwi,
•   Taiao/Environment: Achieving disaster resilience
                                                              hapū and marae to engage with science and
    through iwi and hapū relationships with land
    and sea.
                                                         •    To maximise the quality of the relationship
•   Hauora/Health: Improving health and social
                                                              between Māori and the Crown through science
    wellbeing aspects linked to disaster resilience.
                                                              and innovation under the Treaty of Waitangi.
•   Mātauranga: Exploring indigenous knowledge
    and science and innovation, regarding hazard risk
    management.                                              Useful documents
                                                             • Vision Mātauranga booklet [PDF 360KB]

                                              +64 4 978 6400
For general information on EQC’s Biennial Grants Programme,
                  please visit our website: eqc.govt.nz/grants

                                    Date published : 10 April 2019
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