Page created by Andre Shelton
Title of Artwork                           About the artist                          ACKNOWLEDGMENT
PROTECTED                                  LIZ NARKLE                                OF COUNTRY
“The meeting place is held to             Elizabeth (Liz) Narkle is an artist and   Ronald McDonald House
  represent the Sun, which gives life      active community leader in Western        Charities WA is honoured to serve
  through its warmth and light and         Australia. Liz works in collaboration     community on the ancestral lands
  it’s the symbol of a meeting place.      with education departments,               belonging to the Whadjuk people
  The symbols of people in red around      Government departments, shire             of the Noongar nation.
  the meeting place are the family         councils, community services, and
                                                                                     We pay respect to Elders
  and ancestors; the bloodline of the      health services to assist connecting
                                                                                     past, present and emerging.
  baby who is central to the story.        organisations to the right people
                                                                                     We recognise the unique and
  The baby is being lifted up by the       for cultural engagement. Liz is the
                                                                                     incomparable contribution the
  arms of those that love the child,       Manager and Coordinator of the
                                                                                     Whadjuk people have made, and
  knowing that their spirit should carry   children’s dance group Koolangkas
                                                                                     continue to make, to our culture,
  that child throughout life. All the      Kreate of which her two sons and
                                                                                     our workplace, and community.
  different colours in the background      two nephews/foster sons perform
  represent the colours of life, the red   in. The group have performed at
  dots are the DNA and blood of the        Ronald McDonald House Charities
  family line and heritage of the baby.    WA engaging children and
  The many different coloured lines are    families from communities across
  the journeys that the child should       the state. Liz is also a voluntary
  go on throughout life, always under      committee member of NAIDOC
  the protection of the ancestors and      Perth contributing to a number of
  family connected to them.”               events and experiences during
                                           NAIDOC Week.


                                             SUPPORTING WESTERN AUSTRALIANS       30
                                             PATRON’S MESSAGE                     31
                                             COMMUNITY SPIRIT OF THE SOUTH WEST   34
AUSTRALIAN STORY                      10    A HOME AWAY FROM HOME                35


                                             DURING DIFFICULT TIMES               38
HOUSE PROGRAM                          14
                                             PARTNER TESTIMONIALS                 40
FAMILY ROOM PROGRAM                    15
                                             PARTNERS IN SHARED PURPOSE           42
FAMILY SANCTUARIES                     16
                                             OUR PARTNERS                         44
                                             A MESSAGE FROM THE TREASURER         46
                                             STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS          47




A SNAPSHOT OF RMHC WA                 28

                                     MESSAGE FROM
                                     THE CHAIR AND
                                     THE CEO.
                                     At the heart of our
                                     purpose, Ronald
                                     McDonald House Charities
                                     WA (RMHC WA) strives to
                                     keep sick children and
                                     their families together,
                                     supported and thriving;
                                     far from home at the most
                                     difficult time of their lives.         ANDREW S ULLIVA N                        P ET ER KIN G     AS M
                                                                            C HA I R                                 CHI EF EX ECUTI V E OFFI C ER

                                     At the outset of 2020, our             of our environments. For seriously       fundraising programs, we forged
                                     organisation was poised to             ill children and their families          new ground and connection
                                     embark on new horizons for our         dependent on continued medical           across the regions with the launch
                                     service to the Western Australian      treatment, RMHC WA provided one          of our inaugural WA Giving Day.
                                     community. The RMHC WA Strategy        of the safest places for them to be.     For the first time in our state,
                                     2020-25 set a clear course for                                                  RMHC WA presented a 12-hour
                                                                            With health and safety at the
                                     the year ahead; advance our                                                     online fundraising event experience
                                                                            forefront of our COVID-19
                                     systems, structure and partnerships                                             hosted by our enthusiastic
                                                                            response, capacity to support
                                     to enable substantial growth                                                    patron, Adam Gilchrist live from
                                                                            families at the Nedlands House
                                     across facilities and programs.                                                 the Nedlands House. With the
                                                                            was reduced to 25% during the
                                     Our goal is to ensure no family                                                 support of inspirational businesses
                                                                            lockdown and restrictions period,        passionate about the well-being of
                                     who needs us is turned away
                                                                            creating numerous challenges             regional families, every donation
                                     due to limited capacity. By 2025
                                                                            for the families that needed us.         from the community was doubled.
                                     we aim to deliver supported
                                                                            True to form, our team turned
                                     accommodation and services for                                                  Recognising the heightened
                                                                            challenge into inspiration and
                                     an additional 50 families per night.                                            significance of digital in every
                                                                            innovation. In collaboration with
                                                                                                                     aspect of post pandemic life,

                                     The inevitable reach and impact        local accommodation providers,
                                                                                                                     RMHC WA elevated its strategic
                                     of the COVID-19 virus in Western       RMHC WA established satellite
                                                                                                                     focus on the advancement of digital
                                     Australia underscored a year we        accommodation options fully
                                                                                                                     engagement. In the latter part
                                     reflect upon with great pride. As a    supported by RMHC WA every day
                                                                                                                     of 2020, together with our sister
                                     not-for-profit operating to support    of their stay. In total, an additional
                                                                                                                     chapters across Australia, RMHC
                                     children and families in our health    60 families were supported
                                                                                                                     Dawn - Our Digital Transformation
                                     sector, RMHC WA encountered            statewide during April and May
                                                                                                                     Journey commenced in earnest with
                                     numerous challenges that would         ensuring ongoing access to medical
                                                                                                                     design and development of a fit-for-
                                     define our strength in agility,        treatment of their child.
                                                                                                                     purpose relationship management
                                     innovation and resilience.
                                                                            Additionally, strategic and financial    ecosystem.
                                     First and foremost, our Board,         initiatives planned for 2020 were
                                     management, staff and volunteers       rigorously re-examined in pursuit of
                                     demonstrated extraordinary resolve     optimum sustainability. While tough
                                     and effort in collective, vigilant     decisions were made to cancel or
                                     protection of the health and safety    postpone much loved community
SHIP                                                                                                                        3

 Recognising the
 heightened significance
 of digital in every aspect
 of post pandemic life,
 RMHC WA elevated its
 strategic focus on the
 advancement of digital

 In a year in which business            programs, family retreats and           Throughout the year’s challenges,
 and industries across the state        every day well-being experiences,       the camaraderie and performance
 faced uncertainty, our valued          is a testament to the impact cross-     of our people flourished beyond
 partnerships went the extra mile       sector partnerships can have            expectation. Every individual
 to support our essential service       on health and well-being in our         contribution in 2020 made
 in any way possible. Together,         community.                              us a stronger and more agile
 through adversity and in collective                                            organisation enabling our swift
                                        We pay tribute to our partners in
 community spirit, the experience       service, Perth Children’s Hospital      return to our trajectory for growth.
 of 2020 has deepened our               and King Edward Memorial                Our heartfelt thanks to all RMHC
 relationships and shared purpose       Hospital. Their leadership teams        WA people; it is a genuine privilege
 for the well-being of young regional   and inspirational frontline medical     to serve Western Australian families
 patients and their families.           staff excelled during the uncertainty   with an exceptional team.
 On behalf of our families, we          of what impact the pandemic
 thank our Mission Partner,             would have in our community. We
 McDonald’s across WA, for their        continue to thrive in collaborative
 unwavering support, passion and        ‘wrap-around’ support of young
 encouragement. Additionally,           regional patients and their families
 our friends the RMHC WA Ball           to ensure a seamless health care
 Committee for creating a very          experience for all.
 special fundraising experience in      Our reflection of an extraordinary
 the absence of our traditional Ball.   and challenging year is
                                        predominantly highlighted by
 We also gratefully acknowledge our
                                        the outstanding adaptability
 major partners Santos, IGO Limited
                                        and integrity of our Board,
 and Fortescue. Their advocacy,
                                        management, staff and volunteers.
                                                                                                                       Annual Report 2020

 participation and investment in our
                                        RMHC WA people represent
 service and programs is vital to
                                        diverse professional and cultural
 family well-being and outcomes
                                        backgrounds that is the foundation
 for young patients. The success
                                        and force behind our uniquely WA
 and regard of our supported
                                        service experience.
 accommodation, hospital family
 rooms, education and play

BOARD                                RMHC WA
                                     MEMBERS.                            ANDREW SULLIVAN
                                                                         Chair, RMHC WA
                                                                                                  JANIENE POLLOCK
                                                                                                  Vice Chairperson,
                                                                                                  RMHC WA
                                                                         Managing Director,
                                                                         GeersSullivan CPA        McDonald’s Licensee,

                                     DENISE CHEIR
                                                                         DAVID EAGLES             KIM HAMES
                                     Board Member, RMHC WA
                                                                         Board Member, RMHC WA    Board Member, RMHC WA
                                     Director Marketing & Fundraising,
                                                                         McDonald’s Licensee,     General Practitioner
                                     Perron Institute for Neurological
                                     and Translational Science

                                     ROD SINCLAIR                        BRADLEY WOODS
                                     Board Member, RMHC WA               Board Member, RMHC WA
                                     McDonald’s Licensee,                CEO, Australian Hotels
                                     McDonald’s                          Association (WA)

 STEPHEN BUSHELL             ANTE GOLEM                GLENN BAKER
 Treasurer, RMHC WA          Secretary, RMHC WA        OAM
 Managing Partner, DFK       Partner, Herbert Smith    Board Member, RMHC WA
 Gooding Partners            Freehills

LIN DA HOP                  RISHELLE HUME              JODY NUNN
Board Member, RMHC WA       Board Member, RMHC WA      Board Member, RMHC WA
Coordinator of Nursing,     Diversity & Inclusion      CEO, Reconciliation WA
Perth Children’s Hospital   Business Advisor Eurasia
                            Pacific, Chevron
                                                                                Annual Report 2020

VALUES.                                      RMHC WA

In family-centred care,                      PURPOSE
all aspects of care                          We create extraordinary experiences,
                                             environments, and programs to allow seriously
are oriented towards
                                             ill children and their families to thrive.
supporting and involving
the family with the goal
of improving quality,
psychological well-being,
clinical outcomes, and the
overall patient and family

Today, there is global consensus on the
                                             G LO BA L VISION
importance of family involvement for         A world where all children have access to medical
children requiring specialist medical care   care, and their families are fully supported and
– particularly for those far from home.      actively involved in their children’s care.

RMHC WA             VALUES

FAMILY...              EXCELLENCE...
Love it!               Do it!

INTEGRITY...            INCLUSION...
Live it!                Embrace it!

Bring it!

                                     A YEAR OF

                                     At the heart of our
                                     service, we keep
                                     families close, far from
                                                                      The inevitable reach of the
                                     home during the most             COVID-19 virus in Western Australia
                                     difficult time of their lives.   challenged RMHC WA at the core of
                                                                      its purpose. These unprecedented
                                                                      circumstances underscored one
                                                                      of the organisation’s most inspiring
                                                                      years in its 30 years of service.
                                                                      The RMHC WA COVID-19 Response          Together, the collective
                                                                      Plan was implemented on the
                                                                                                             spirit of staff, families,
                                                                      16th March, integrating State
                                                                      Government health directives           partners, and the Western
                                                                      with Ronald McDonald House             Australian community
                                                                      Charities’ global health and safety    forged a remarkable year
                                                                      protocols. Under the Plan, all RMHC
                                                                                                             of innovations, collaboration
                                                                      WA accommodation, recreation
                                                                      spaces, Family Retreats, programs      and joy.
                                                                      and events were subject to limited
                                                                      essential use or temporary closure
                                                                      with rigorous health and safety
                                                                      procedures required throughout.
                                                                                                             AGILE SERVICE SOLUTIONS
                                                                      The Plan ensured RMHC WA               In collaboration with local providers,
                                                                      could provide a safe and supported     RMHC WA established satellite
                                                                      environment for children with          accommodation options fully
                                                                      vulnerable health conditions but
                                                                                                             supported by RMHC WA every day
                                                                      created numerous challenges for
                                                                                                             of their stay. In total, an additional
                                                                      service delivery, service experience
                                                                                                             60 regional WA children could

                                                                      and sustained fundraising.
                                                                                                             access ongoing medical treatment.
                                                                      • Nedlands House accommodation
                                                                        reduced to 25% capacity.             VIGILANT HEALTH AND SAFETY
                                                                      • One parent or guardian only          Security services were introduced
                                                                        (no siblings, second parent          24/7 to manage authorised access
                                                                        or guardian).                        and health screening procedures.
                                                                      • No visitors.                         Cleaning regimes were paramount
                                                                      • Play and recreation spaces           and were conducted on a
                                                                        closed.                              continuing rotation of all high
                                                                      • Family Retreats and Family           touch surface areas.
                                                                        Rooms closed.
                                                                      • Learning Program face-to-face
                                                                        tutoring cancelled.
                                                                      • Cancellation and delay of
                                                                        signature fundraising events.

The Ronald McDonald Learning         The RMHC WA Operations team,           With the little things ‘back
Program moved all tutoring           in particular the Family Liaison       home’ often taken for granted,
services online to enable            Officers achieved seamless patient     RMHC WA prepared daily care
continued education for sick kids.   support with Perth Children’s          packages with breakfast items,
                                     Hospital. RMHC WA administration       condiments, toiletries, snacks
                                     staff adopted volunteer House          and games. For Easter 2020, the
                                     duties due to restrictions impacting   House became a favourite stop
An RMHC WA employee with
                                     RMHC WA volunteer access.              for the Easter Bunny to deliver an
Counselling qualifications and
                                                                            extravagant chocolate feast of
experience was redeployed as         EMBRACING THE NEW
                                                                            eggs from our friends at Crown.
our Wellbeing Coordinator. The       DIGITAL NORMAL
success of the redeployment          Swift IT and employee                  WESTERN AUSTRALIA
resulted in extending this support   support solutions enabled              SENDS ITS LOVE
to RMHC Victoria/Tasmania.           80% of RMHC WA to continue             A statewide campaign encouraging
Wellbeing was further supported      working productively from              Western Australians to ‘send their
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2020

by access to the Employee            home. Employees stayed                 love’ and support to kids and
Assistance Program.                  connected with office chat             their carers via social media. The
                                     software including a weekly            initiative attracted the attention
                                     online social club.                    of news media, high profile
                                                                            personalities and people from
                                                                            across the state reaching over
                                                                            134,000 people.

                                     GLENN BAKER
                                     OUR WESTERN
                                     AUSTRALIAN STORY.
                                     Thirty years ago, Glenn       Glenn Baker knows from experience     Association, Apex and private
                                                                   how important it is for families      businesses, the group raised
                                     Baker OAM pioneered the
                                                                   with seriously ill children to have   enough funds to start building a
                                     establishment of Ronald                                             12-bedroom residence on a site
                                                                   somewhere to stay while their child
                                     McDonald House Charities      is in hospital.                       donated by the hospital in Subiaco.
                                     in Western Australia. It is                                         After years of fundraising and
                                                                   In 1985, Glenn’s son Adam was
                                     more than a charity story -   diagnosed with leukaemia and          negotiating with Health Authorities,
                                     it is a family story.                                               in early 1989 The House of Life
                                                                   began intensive chemotherapy at
                                                                                                         Group approached the local
                                                                   Perth’s Princess Margaret Hospital
                                                                                                         McDonald’s Owner Operators,
                                                                   (PMH). He was aware of the
                                                                                                         (who were small in numbers as the
                                                                   pressing need for somewhere for
                                                                                                         market was in its infancy in WA), for
                                                                   families to stay – especially those
                                                                                                         their commitment and support on
                                                                   from regional WA – so they could
                                                                                                         an ongoing basis.
                                                                   be near their children during their
                                                                   often difficult treatment.            A Steering Committee was formed
                                                                                                         comprising of three McDonald’s
                                                                   Glenn and his wife Beverley           representatives (Mike Manika,
                                                                   became foundation members of          Norm Sinclair and Tatt Cork), three
                                                                   ‘The House of Life Group’ made        representatives from PMH (John
                                                                   up of parents whose children          Meyers, Ian Lacey and Len Fletcher)
                                                                   were receiving treatment in the       and three from The House of Life
                                     GLENN BAKER                   hospital’s cancer ward. With          Group (Paul Rumenos, Graham
                                     OAM                           community support from Lions and      Smith and Glenn Baker).
                                                                   Rotary clubs, Country Women’s

                                     ABOUT RONALD
                                     MCDONALD HOUSE WA

                                     Ronald McDonald       Ronald McDonald             Ronald McDonald             Ronald McDonald
                                     HOUSE                 FAMILY                      FAMILY                      LEARNING
                                     PROGRAM               ROOM                        RETREAT                     PROGRAM
                                                           PROGRAM                     PROGRAM

This group was called the Ronald         Glenn is the recipient of multiple     “The families with seriously ill
McDonald House of Life Group and         Community Awards including:            children need the services of
it was this group that secured the                                              RMHC more than they know,
                                         • Inaugural member of RMHC
licence to build and operate the first                                          and we need to provide an ever-
                                           Hall of Fame (2004)
House in Subiaco.                                                               expanding suite of support services
                                         • RMHC Heart Award – which is
                                                                                to assist them back into a normal
Ronald McDonald House of Life              RMHC’s highest honour (2008)
                                                                                way of family life.”
Perth opened in 1990 and is now          • Order of Australia Medal for his
known as Ronald McDonald House             contribution to the Charity (2020)   Glenn Baker’s contribution to
Charities Western Australia. It was                                             Ronald McDonald House Charities
                                         When asked what the highlight of       WA has been exceptional.
a bitter-sweet moment for Glenn
                                         his tenure has been over the past      Our Western Australian story as a
and his family, as some years earlier
                                         36 years, Glenn says the building of   service provider to WA families with
Adam had sadly lost his battle with
                                         the two Houses is a stand out.         seriously ill children exists because
                                         “Clearly the fundraising for two       of Glenn’s vision and dedication.
As Board Chair (2000-2014) and                                                  His retirement from the Board of
                                         Houses stands out for me, however,
Board Member of Ronald McDonald                                                 RMHC WA in 2021 will mark the
                                         being agile and accepting new
House Charities WA, Glenn’s                                                     end of an era for the Charity, but
                                         opportunities as they arose were
invaluable contribution for over                                                his legacy will serve WA families
                                         the hallmarks of my leadership.”
30 years is best measured by the                                                for years to come.
thousands of Western Australian          Looking towards the next 30
families, from every corner of the       years, Glenn says that from his
state, who rely on the care and          perspective the pursuits of the
support provided by RMHC WA              Charity should be the same – agile,
every day of the year.                   inclusive and opportunistic.

                                                                                                                        Annual Report 2020

                                     Rebecca and Russell           Russell is a Secondary Teacher
                                                                   and Rebecca is a Special Needs
                                     Pusey live in Geraldton,
                                                                   Education Assistant at local
                                     a 4.5 hour drive from         Geraldton schools.
                                     Perth, with their daughters
                                                                   In December 2019, Willow
                                     Willow, 12 and April, 16.     was diagnosed with Hodgkins
                                                                   Lymphoma. A cancer that
                                                                   accounts for 40% of lymphoma cases
                                                                   in children and more commonly in
                                                                   children aged 10 to 14 years.
                                                                   For Rebecca and Russell the news
                                                                   came as a devastating shock.
                                                                   They could never have imagined
                                                                   their bright, effervescent daughter’s   On May 20th, after 120 consecutive
                                                                   life affected by serious illness.       nights at Ronald McDonald House
                                                                   “When we found out that we had          Charities WA, Rebecca and Willow
                                                                   to be in Perth for 6 to 12 months of    returned home after receiving
                                                                   medical treatment, that’s the saddest   the ‘all clear’ that she was now in
                                                                   moment I had,” says Rebecca.            remission.

                                                                   Because of the length of stay,
                                                                   Rebecca stayed with Willow in Perth
                                                                                                              During our stay at RMHC
                                                                   for her treatment, while Russell and
                                                                                                              WA, COVID-19 hit. For Willow
                                                                   April stayed in Geraldton.
                                                                                                              and me, who had only just
                                                                   The pair had been staying at               adjusted to life away from
                                                                   a hotel near Perth Children’s              home at RMHC WA, it meant
                                                                   Hospital and was offered a place           more changes for us. We
                                                                   at Ronald McDonald House.                  were unable to have Russell
                                                                                                              and April come and visit
                                                                   Willow’s hair started falling out
                                                                                                              due to border restrictions.

                                                                   3 weeks into staying at the House.
                                                                                                              We were on our own.
                                                                   When the COVID-19 pandemic                 Resilience during this time
                                                                   hit in March, Willow was still             meant for us that we had
                                                                   undergoing treatment. Regional             to be thankful that we had
                                                                   border and Government restrictions         somewhere comfortable,
                                                                   meant April and Russell could not          caring and supportive to stay
                                                                   visit Rebecca and Willow for weeks.        while Willow completed her
                                                                   During the COVID-19 pandemic               treatment..
                                                                   RMHC WA was a home away                    Rebecca Pusey
                                                                   from home for Rebecca and
                                                                   Willow. Despite being hundreds
                                                                   of kilometres apart, Rebecca and
                                                                   Russell showed strength for each of
                                                                   their daughters during an especially
                                                                   difficult time.

Annual Report 2020

                                     A HOME AWAY FROM HOME
                                     HOUSE PROGRAM.
                                     For Western Australian        NEDLANDS HOUSE                         PERTH CHILDREN’S
                                                                   The 47-bedroom Nedlands                HOSPITAL HOUSE
                                     families with seriously ill
                                                                   House is located at the QEII           RMHC WA also provides supported
                                     children requiring medical                                           accommodation within Perth
                                                                   Medical Centre, home to Perth
                                     treatment in Perth,           Children’s Hospital. The House is      Children’s Hospital for parents
                                     RMHC WA provides them         comprised of four different types      and guardians of children in
                                     with quality supported        of rooms. These range from fully       intensive care.
                                                                   self-contained isolation units,
                                     accommodation 24/7,                                                  Working closely with the hospital’s
                                                                   rooms equipped with wheelchair-        medical team, our Family Liaison
                                     365 days a year.              accessible bathrooms, larger           Officers at our ‘PCH House’
                                                                   spaced rooms and standard rooms.       understand the difficult and
                                                                   In 2020, 1,076 new and returning       complex experience of having
                                                                   families accessed a total of           a critically ill child in indefinite
                                                                   11,580 nights of supported             treatment.
                                                                   accommodation.                         The 14 bedroom House boasts
                                                                   As a result of COVID-19 restrictions   exceptional quality in a peaceful
                                                                   and RMHC Global health and safety      environment providing ease of
                                                                   procedures, the number of families     access to their child day and night.
                                                                   supported was reduced by almost        In 2020, 472 new and returning
                                                                   45% compared with 2019.                families were provided with
                                                                   Children and families in our care      3,282 nights of supported
                                                                   stay for an average of 7 days at       accommodation. The average
                                                                   the Nedlands House.                    stay is 6 nights.


                                          14,862                   1,076
                                             nights of
                                          Accommodation            new & returning families
                                            (Nedlands              (Nedlands House)
                                              & PCH)

                                                                   new & returning families
                                        NEDLANDS HOUSE             (PCH House)
                                        PCH HOUSE

Ronald McDonald Family     Our Family Rooms are staffed by
                           our Family Liaison Officers and
Rooms offer comforting
                           volunteers to provide friendly,
sanctuaries in hospitals   compassionate support.                  P C H FA M ILY ROOM
for families to rest,                                              V IS ITS
                           RONALD MCDONALD FAMILY
reconnect and relax
during hospital visits.
                           ROOM – PERTH CHILDREN’S
                           Located on the Ground Floor of
                           Perth Children’s Hospital is the
                           Ronald McDonald Family Room,
                           proudly supported by Santos.            P EEL FAMILY ROOM
                           Since opening in 2016 this Ronald       V IS ITS
                           McDonald Family Room has
                           welcomed thousands of Western
                           Australian families into the space to
                           take a moment to regroup and relax
                           while in Perth Children’s Hospital.
                                                                   RONALD MCDONALD FAMILY
                           In 2020, we warmly welcomed             ROOM - PEEL HEALTH CAMPUS
                           23,153 visitors.
                                                                   Peel Health Campus is located
                           • Information services to assist        in Mandurah on the South West
                             families navigate the hospital.       Coast of Western Australia, about
                           • Activities for children based         72kms from Perth. Our Ronald
                             around skill development              McDonald Family Room at Peel
                             and fun.                              Health Campus is located within
                           • Change facilities and                 the Sariach Wing of the Paediatric
                             breastfeeding rooms.                  Ward.
                           • Library facilities for families to
                                                                   Opened in 2010 this Family Room
                             access and borrow.
                                                                   was purpose-built for the free and
                           KULUNGA MOORT MIA – PERTH               exclusive use of parents, carers,
                           CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL                     guardians and their families with
                           Kulunga Moort Mia, Noongar for          children undergoing treatment
                           Children’s Place, is a culturally       at Peel Health Campus. In 2020,
                           sensitive environment adjacent to       we were proud to welcome 2,966
                           the Ronald McDonald Family Room.        visitors into the Ronald McDonald
                           Incorporated as part of our Ronald      Family Room Peel Health Campus.
                           McDonald Family Room within             Visitors were able to access a range
                           PCH, Kulunga Moort Mia provides         of support and services including:
                           respite for families to connect with    • A kitchenette with a
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2020

                           the support of extended family and        microwave, tea, coffee and
                           community.                                a fridge for storing food.
                                                                   • Lounge and dining area with
                                                                     complimentary wi-fi and Foxtel.
                                                                   • Indoor and outdoor play area
                                                                     with a playground and space to
                                                                     run around outdoors.

                                     FAMILY RETREAT
                                     Our Ronald McDonald Family
                                     Retreats in Busselton and
                                     Bunbury offer a welcomed
                                     sanctuary for families
                                     to reconnect, relax and play
                                     together; an experience most
                                     of us take for granted.

                                     The demands of complex or critical medical
                                     treatment of a child can be difficult on all
                                     family members. Time together to enjoy each
                                     other is an important part of family-centred
                                     care and healing.
                                     At no charge, bereaved families or those with
                                     sick children, can book one of the retreats for
                                     a maximum of one week.

                                         We have just had the most
                                         amazing week away. We
                                         had time at the beach and
                                         Georgie had her first ever dip
                                         in the ocean. A wonderful
                                                                                       BUN BURY R ET R EAT
                                         moment for us all. It has
                                         been almost two years since
                                         we have had time away as                      FAMILIES
                                         a family and truly enjoyed
                                                                                       E N J OY E D

                                         some quality time together.
                                         Leah Allen, Kununnura                         2 17 N IGH TS
                                                                                       OF R ESP IT E

                                                                                       BUS S ELTON R ET R EAT

                                                                                       E N J OY E D
                                                                                       2 41 N IGH TS
                                                                                       OF R ESP IT E

Annual Report 2020

PLAY LEAR                            BASS FAMILY FOUNDATION
                                     LEARNING CENTRE.
                                     At Ronald McDonald            The Learning Centre at the                 BIN D I BIN D I, T EC H T I M E
                                                                   Nedlands House is an inspirational         AN D WOR K OF H EART
                                     House Charities WA,
                                                                   learning and play environment
                                     we believe in every
                                     child’s potential to thrive
                                                                   where sick kids and siblings can
                                                                   participate in curriculum-based
                                     through the adversity of      programs, make new friends and
                                                                   have some fun.
                                     illness or injury.
                                                                   Run by the Learning Centre                 presented
                                     Far from home, schools        Coordinator, activities are specifically
                                     and friends, our continued    coordinated depending on age
                                                                   groups and include Bindi Bindi             UN IQ UE C H ILD R EN
                                     education programs, play
                                                                   playgroup (0-4 years old), Tech Time       AT T EN DA N C ES
                                     and learning experiences
                                                                   (4-17 years old) and the Work of
                                     provide essential support     Heart program (4-17 years old).
                                     within WA’s health and        BINDI BINDI
                                     education sectors.            Bindi Bindi playgroup is
                                                                   designed to help develop                   TOTA L C H ILD
                                                                   young children’s fine motor skills.        AT T EN DA N C ES

                                                                   The sessions are based on activities

                                                                   that include threading, cutting,
                                                                   stacking, as well as singing
                                                                   and story time.
                                                                                                              WORK OF HEART
                                                                   TECH TIME                                  The Work of Heart Program
                                                                   Launching in 2020, Tech Time               incorporates educational play
                                                                   brought children together                  and curriculum support to assist
                                                                   virtually and enabled them to              families in our care at the Nedlands
                                                                   stay connected and learn online.           House. The Work of Heart Program
                                                                   A pivotal component of this                is an after-school program offering
                                                                   program was funding provided               a range of educational activities for
                                                                   by Fortescue which allowed us to           children. Activities are supported by
                                                                   purchase 20 iPads for the Learning
                                                                                                              volunteers called “EDHeads” who
                                                                   Centre. The iPads became a core
                                                                                                              join the Learning Centre Coordinator
                                                                   tool in Tech Time and ensured the
                                                                                                              to assist with sessions.
                                                                   children could continue learning
                                                                   whilst remaining socially distanced.

 When your child falls               The Ronald McDonald Learning          AV ER AGE S T UD EN TS
                                     Program (RMLP) aims to bridge the     P ER M ON T H ACC ES S I N G
 ill and requires complex
                                     gap for students whom often miss
 or critical medical                                                       T H E P ROGR A M
                                     out on school due to a medical
 treatment far from home,
 attending school is often
                                     From kindergarten to Year 12,
 not a possibility.                  educational support equating to
                                     40 hours of one-on-one tutoring
                                     is offered to children in need of     T UTOR IN G H OUR S
                                     assistance.                           P ROV ID ED

   I just wanted to thank you
                                     In 2020, the RMLP had an average
                                     of 153 students access the program
                                     per month.
   and the House very much
   for having Tyreece on the         The program caters to the needs
   Learning Program this year.       of each individual child to enable    AMOUN T S P EN T
   He has absolutely loved           optimum learning outcomes. Upon       ON A LLIED H EA LT H
   being on it and has come a        assessment, children can access a     S UP P ORT
   long way with tutoring, so
   thank you for making this
                                     team of professionals that include
                                     registered teachers, psychologists,
                                     occupational and speech therapists
                                     in Perth and regional Western
   At the start of the year he was   Australia.
   at level 0 for reading and now
   at the end of the year he is at
   level 10.
   Sarah-Rose, Mum to
   Tyreece (10), Boyup Brook
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2020


Each year, the Charlie Bell Scholarship
is awarded to a young adult who has
made significant accomplishments in
their education through the challenges
of chronic illness.

The scholarship is a celebration        Being chronically ill I’ve
to the legacy of McDonald’s
                                        grown up around doctors,
Charlie Bell who was a passionate
champion of continued education         nurses and other vital
for sick children.                      health care workers
In 2020 the Charlie Bell Scholarship    developing a strong
recognised the achievements             passion for becoming
of two outstanding individuals,
supported by the Ronald McDonald
                                        a health care industry
Learning Program, who exemplified       worker. I intend to study
determination, positivity, and          the Bachelor of Nursing
belief in their future. One of those
                                        and Pre-Medicine
recipients is Amber Medlock.
Amber has multiple diagnoses
including: Ehlers Danlos Syndrome,
Gastroparesis, Postural Orthostatic
Tachycardia Syndrome, Chronic           Services at McDonald’s Kwinana and
Anemia and Anxiety.                     is now progressing her Certificate 3.

Despite these medical                   “During my first 6 months of
challenges, Amber completed her         employment I was promoted
Year 12 certificate at All Saints’      to a Crew Training role and
College in Perth.                       made part of the safety squad.
                                        After I turn 18, I plan to go on
“Being chronically ill I’ve grown up    a course where I will be taught
around doctors, nurses and other        the required skills needed for
vital health care workers developing    the management position.”
a strong passion for becoming a
                                                                                Annual Report 2020

health care industry worker. I intend
to study the Bachelor of Nursing
and Pre-Medicine Certificate.”
Over the last 3 years, Amber has
also maintained a part-time job at
McDonald’s Kwinana. In 2020 Amber
completed her Certificate 2 in Retail

                                     VOLUNTEER PROGRAM
                                     A HELPING HAND FROM
                                     OUR BLUE ARMY.
                                     Home is where the heart is    In 2020, the impact of COVID-19 on       A core team of volunteers assisted
                                                                   our service meant that for a period      RMHC WA during the 2020
                                     and the heart of RMHC WA
                                                                   of time, limited support could be        lockdown. An invaluable support
                                     is its 320 volunteers. They   provided on the ground by our            to staff and families during a
                                     are university students,      volunteers. We used this time            challenging time. Their positivity and
                                     corporate professionals,      as an opportunity to deepen our          resilience never wavered taking up a
                                                                   connection with our volunteers and       rigorous cleaning regime, providing
                                     mums, dads, retirees; all
                                                                   transition training to a new live and    meals to families, supporting Family
                                     walks of life giving back.    online program.                          Liaison Officers and importantly,
                                     Our ‘Blue Army’ share a                                                sharing compassion and comfort to
                                                                   Despite the physical restrictions, we    families in our care.
                                     passion and joy for helping   continued to equip our volunteers
                                     fellow Western Australian     with key skills and learning.            Long-term volunteers, Gloria
                                                                                                            Grocott and Helen James were
                                     kids and their families       Volunteers participated in online
                                                                   EDMed and Community Champions            awarded the Medal of the Order of
                                     when they need it most.                                                Australia in the Queen’s Birthday
                                                                   workshops. Live and online
                                                                                                            Honours list.
                                                                   information sessions for new recruits
                                                                   were a success as we continued to        Gloria and Helen were awarded for
                                                                   grow our volunteer community.            their services to the community, and

                                                               FAMILY AMBASSADORS           PATHFINDERS
                                                               (NEDLANDS AND PCH)

                                                DOMESTIC GODS                                              PAW PALS

                                                AND GODDESSES

                                                 TEAM RISE                                                         MOVIE
                                                  N’ SHINE            VOLUNTEER                                    MATES

                                                      FABBIE                                                  EDHEADS

                                                                   DINNER                        FROOMIES
                                                                   SQUAD          GREEN

particularly to RMHC WA over the      2 02 0 VOLUN TEER OF THE Y EAR
last 3 decades.                       SA R A M C L A R E N- KE NNE DY
In November, our 2020 Volunteer
of the Year was announced at         20 20 VOLUN T EER S OF T H E MON T H
the Volunteer Appreciation Event:
Sara McLaren-Kennedy. Sara           JANUARY                  MAY                   SEPTEMBER
brings positivity and an abundance   Mitch & Louise           Tony Schollum         Kevin Davis
of energy to RMHC WA and since       Mitchinson
                                                              JUNE                  OCTOBER
joining our volunteer program
has helped deliver exceptional       FEBRUARY                 Katherine Stinson     Sara McLaren-
experiences to WA families with      Nicole Kloet                                   Kennedy
seriously ill children.              MARCH                                          NOVEMBER
                                                              Lindy Luck
In 2020 volunteers contributed an    Trish Holmes                                   Claire Chapman
incredible 26,863 voluntary hours
                                     APRIL                    Chris Leaman          DECEMBER
                                     Pauline Marcoux                                Nicki Alllen

                                         I am extremely passionate

127                                      about the House and
                                         thoroughly enjoy my weekly
                                         shifts. Whether it involves
                                         interacting with the families,
LOVI N ’ FROM THE                        taking visitors on tours of
OV EN G ROU PS                           the House, stacking milk in

69                                       fridges, filling the dishwasher
                                         or any other task, my time at
                                         the House gives me great joy
                                         and fulfilment.                      M EDAL OF THE ORDER
                                                                              OF AUSTRALIA AWAR D EE
B I G B REAKFAST                         I love the diversity of our          GLOR IA GROCOT T
G ROU P S                                families and have learnt

25                                       so much from them –
                                         culturally, geographically and
                                         empathetically. Watching an
                                                                                                       Annual Report 2020

                                         ailing child grow, heal and
                                         develop over the years is a
                                         joy beyond words.
                                         Sara McLaren-Kennedy
                                         2020 Volunteer of the Year

                                     WORKPLACE, PEOPLE AND CULTURE
                                     INSPIRING AND INNOVATIVE.
                                     RMHC WA proudly boasts       We lead with our values for
                                                                  attracting and retaining the best          Ronald McDonald House
                                     an exceptional team of
                                                                  talent and, nurture individual             Charities WA is filled with
                                     professionals with diverse   value and performance through              passionate and extraordinary
                                     skills, expertise and        workplace experiences, strategic           staff who are truly committed
                                     backgrounds from across      clarity, systems and support.              to helping our families. Every
                                     not-for-profit, health,      Together, we are aligned in purpose        day I am given opportunities
                                                                  to make a meaningful difference            to learn from them and make
                                     government, community
                                                                  in the lives of WA families with           a difference.

                                     and commercial sectors.
                                                                  seriously ill or injured children,         Michael Wilson
                                                                  far from home.                             Marketing Automation
                                                                  Our swift response to COVID-19             Specialist, RMHC WA
                                                                  reaching Western Australia
                                                                  highlighted the capability of our
                                                                  people and systems to sustain our
                                                                  essential service in crisis. One week   As WA emerged from lockdown,
                                                                  prior to lockdown, all roles and        we embraced critical learnings
                                                                  procedures were realigned to            to inform continued evolution
                                                                  health and safety across RMHC WA        of our workplace and systems.
                                                                  environments. The challenges and        Fit-for-purpose flexible working
                                                                  experience demonstrated the value       arrangements, future-proof
                                                                  of our people and culture, in any       skills development and digital
                                                                  circumstance, to ensure continued       transformation lead us in to 2021
                                                                  service 24/7, 365 days a year.          and beyond.

Flexible working

       RMHC WA staff
                       30.1          13         35
                       FULL-TIME     13 BOARD   35 HEADS
                       EQUIVALENTS   MEMBERS    INCL. PMI CHEFS

        90%            13TH
                                                                  Annual Report 2020

         Employee      MOST
        Net Promoter
           Score       CHARITY IN

                                     A CULTURALLY

                                     Inclusion is a core value for RMHC WA. We are
                                     committed to continually nurturing our environments
                                     as places where all people feel safe and their
                                     backgrounds and beliefs are valued and respected.

                                     We are passionate in our pursuit        LEADING FROM WITHIN                      “For younger generations, I think
                                     of a deeper understanding of            RMHC WA Family Support                   [NAIDOC Week] means being proud
                                     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander   Coordinators (FSCs) Tammy                of who we are as Aboriginal people,”
                                     history, traditions and culture.        (Malaysian-Aboriginal) and Richard       says Georgia-Rose.
                                     RMHC WA facilities operate on the       (Whadjuk, Noongar and Wongutha
                                                                                                                      NAIDOC WEEK
                                     traditional lands of the Whadjuk        descent/Aboriginal lineage),
                                     people of the Noongar nation.           provide end to-end support for           The theme for NAIDOC Week
                                                                             all our families from initial enquiry    2020, “Always Was, Always Will Be”
                                     In 2020, 27% of the families we                                                  strongly resonated with our staff,
                                                                             and across their medical treatment
                                     cared for identified as Aboriginal                                               volunteers and families. It inspired
                                                                             journey in Perth.
                                     or Torres Strait Islander from                                                   a number of opportunities to learn,
                                     communities throughout the              Tammy and Richard also provide           connect and celebrate the history
                                     state. Representing First Nations       colleagues with regular cultural
                                                                                                                      and traditions of first nations people
                                     across the state, we are fortunate      awareness training. During NAIDOC
                                                                                                                      in Western Australia.
                                     to experience and understand            Week 2020, Tammy and Richard
                                                                             provided sessions where staff learnt     • ●The week commenced with
                                     their diverse needs in child and
                                                                             about cultural history, perception          a beautiful performance at
                                     family care.
                                                                             of Indigenous peoples, cultural             the Nedlands House from the
                                                                             challenges and solutions.                   Djurpin Djindas dance group
                                                                                                                         – all descendants of Yagan,
                                                                             Georgia-Rose, is a 22-year-old,
                                         It’s a great place for families.                                                Noongar leader and warrior.
                                                                             proud Whadjuk Noongar woman
                                         Volunteers and staff have                                                    • ●RMHC WA Board Member,

                                                                             from Perth. She is one of our much-
                                         become part of our extended                                                     Rishelle Hume, a proud Noongar
                                                                             loved volunteers who donates her
                                         family.                                                                         Woman with traditional ties to the
                                                                             time, energy and compassion for
                                                                             seriously ill children and families in      Whadjuk, Ballardong and Gnaala
                                         Michelle (volunteer) is
                                                                             our care.                                   Karla Boodja peoples, shared
                                         Daisey’s favourite. Sarah,
                                                                                                                         her story on what Reconciliation
                                         Juliet, Emma and Amy                “I thought that volunteering at             means to her.
                                         (FLOs) are the bomb -               Ronald McDonald House would              • ●For our Facebook community,
                                         they are deadly. Staying here       be a really good opportunity to             Elizabeth Narkle and her two
                                         is friendly, it feels homely to     give back to my community. I am             sons, recited Elizabeth’s poem
                                         us. It means a lot to us and        very passionate about working with          “Because of Her We Can” in
                                         we’re very grateful.                families and children.”                     English and Noongar .
                                         Djari Latham, Dodnun                For Georgia-Rose, celebrating            • Cultural arts and crafts activities
                                         Community, Kimberley                NAIDOC Week is a chance to                  for children and their families.
                                         Region                              come together with family, and           • Traditional bush tucker meals
                                                                             the community to celebrate,                 provided as part of our Home for
                                                                             showcase and be proud of culture.           Dinner volunteer program.
ON                                                                                                       27

                        DR. RISHELLE HUME AM,
                        NOONGAR WOMAN, RMHC WA
                        BOARD MEMBER
                        No matter who you are, we all have      move forward you must give back
                        culture. Each person’s culture is       to others to make a difference in
                        important; it’s part of what makes us   the world.
                        who we are.
                                                                In its broadest sense ‘reconciliation’
                        I am a proud Noongar Woman              means ‘coming together’.
                        with traditional ties to the Whadjuk,   Reconciliation has elements of
                        Ballardong and Gnaala Karla Boodja      truth, justice, forgiveness, healing,
                        peoples. I am the direct descendent     reparation, and love. Supporting
BECAUSE OF HER WE CAN   and granddaughter of the highly         reconciliation means working
By Elizabeth Narkle     respected Noongar Whadjuk elders        to overcome the division (often
                        - Mr Patrick and Lorna Hume.            called “the gap”) and inequality
Noongar Language                                                between Aboriginal and non-
                        I grew up watching my
Moorditj Yorga                                                  Aboriginal people.
                        grandparents spending their
Djinda Djook            lives promoting Aboriginal rights       Reconciliation is a difficult concept,
Gnalla Kaarla           and Noongar culture within both         as there was no ‘conciliation’
Koomba Koort            government departments and the          to begin with, i.e. no treaty with
Kwobardak Bardan        wider community. It is because of       the First Nation of this country.
Moort Moorlin Djoorla   them; I too have decided to devote      However, putting that aside, I see
Gnalla Koort Djiripin   my life to the same causes. This        the Reconciliation process as
                        makes me proud to be Noongar            bringing the Aboriginal and non-
English Language        and seeing what they achieved in        Aboriginal people together, to
Awesome Woman           helping others.                         acknowledge the pain and loss of
Star Sister                                                     the Aboriginal people and do what
                        Because of their positive influence
Our Fire                                                        can be done to make up for the loss
                        on me, I have been driven to
Big Heart                                                       of language, culture, family, land
                        enhance and improve opportunities
Beautiful Spirits                                               etc., for the betterment of Aboriginal
                        for Aboriginal people in all areas
Family Back Bones                                               education and health and to raise
                        within the community.
                                                                awareness of Aboriginal issues in
Our Happy Heart
                        I do this because I strive to keep      the general community.
                        their legacy alive and to ensure
                                                                At its heart, reconciliation is about
                        Aboriginal people have a voice and
                                                                strengthening relationships
                        are heard.
                                                                between Aboriginal and Torres
                        My culture ultimately defines who       Strait Islander peoples and non-
                        I am and has been the primary           Aboriginal peoples, for the benefit
                        influence that has taken me on the      of all Australians. A reconciled
                                                                                                         Annual Report 2020

                        pathway and journey I am currently      Australia is one where our rights
                        on and I will always continue to        as First Australians are not just
                        explore opportunities for Aboriginal    respected but championed in all the
                        people to make a difference for the     places that matter.
                        better. It’s not about me but about
                        how many I can take on the journey
                        with me. I strongly believe that to

     OF RMHC WA.
     1,548 NEW & RETURNING
     NEDLANDS          PCH
     604 new           427 new                      67%                                            RETURNING
     472 returning     45 returning                                                                NEW

     NIGHTS OF                                                         RONALD
     ACCOMMODATION                                                     MCDONALD FAMILY
                                         3,282                         67 FAMILIES
             14,862                                                    enjoyed time away
                 nights of
             (Nedlands & PCH)
                                           NEDLANDS                                    NIGHTS OF
                                           PCH                                         RESPITE TIME

     LEARNING & PLAY                                             RONALD MCDONALD
                                                                 LEARNING PROGRAM
                     1,213                                                                     153

                     TOTAL LEARNING                              2,520                         average students per
                                                                                               month accessing the
                     CENTRE ATTENDANCES                          TUTORING                      Ronald McDonald
                                                                                               Learning Program
                     288                   449                   HOURS
                                           unique children                                     $52,902
                     Learning Centre
                     lessons presented     attendances
                                                                 PROVIDED                      amount spent
                                                                                               on allied health

     13         38 30.1 35                                       320 VOLUNTEERS
     RMHC WA    Employees    Full Time        Heads (including   127             69                  25
     Board                   Equivalents      PMI chefs          Home for        Lovin’ from the     Big Breakfast
     Members                                                     Dinner Groups   Oven Groups         Groups

                                                           K IMB ERLEY

D I AG N OSI S                                             13%
Auto-immune = 1%
Burns = 1%                    OTHER
Cardiac = 8%
Endocrine = 4%
                                                PILBA RA
ENT = 15%
Gastrointestinal = 8%                           10%
Infectious Diseases = 1%
Mental Illness = 3%
Neonatal/Antenatal = 5%
Neurology = 14%
Oncology/Haematology = 8%
Ophthalmology = 3%               MIDW EST
Orthopedic = 10%
Other/Unknown = 6%
Renal = 2%
Respiratory = 6%                             GOLDFIELDS
Trauma/Accident = 5%
                                        WHEATBELT           SOUTHERN
                                        6%                  8%
                            P E RTH

                            16%        SOUTHW EST


                                     FUNDRAISING FOR RMHC WA
                                     WESTERN AUSTRALIANS
                                     SUPPORTING WESTERN

            For over 20 years I have       From humble beginnings of the
                                           first House in Subiaco to our world
            been the proud Patron of
                                           class facilities and programs at QEII
            Ronald McDonald House          Medical Centre, Perth Children’s
            Charities WA.                  Hospital, Peel Health Campus and
                                           Family Retreats in Busselton and
                                           Bunbury.                                   As we navigated the
                                           The RMHC WA story is about                 uncertainty of the year
                                           Western Australians supporting
                                                                                      ahead, challenges became
                                           Western Australians.
                                                                                      the motivation to pursue
                                           WA communities and businesses
                                           understand the unique challenges
                                                                                      a deeper, innovative
                                           for families with seriously ill children   connection with the wider
                                           across our vast and remote state           community.
                                           and the crucial need for a home
                                           away from home.
                                           Our inspirational partners, donors         heart and compassion. To see our
            A DA M G I LCHRIST        AM
                                           and fundraisers are an intrinsic           families at the House experience
            PAT RO N O F RO N A L D
                                           part of our service and its future.        every moment of generosity with
            Mc D O NALD H O U SE
            C H AR I T I ES WA             Each year, RMHC WA fundraising             joy and gratitude will be a special
                                           programs and experiences provide           memory of mine for years to come.
                                           the opportunity to connect their
                                                                                      On behalf of every child and their
                                           giving to the positive outcomes in
                                                                                      family we supported throughout
                                           the lives of the families we care for.
                                                                                      2020, my sincerest thanks to our
                                           The impact of COVID-19 in 2020             RMHC WA Ball Committee, Major
                                           was a significant challenge for the        Partners, and our Adopt-A-Room
                                           organisation; as it was for many           sponsors.
                                           friends and businesses in our giving
                                                                                      You may not see the difference
                                           community. As we navigated the
                                                                                      you make, but our families feel it
                                           uncertainty of the year ahead,
                                                                                      every day.
                                           challenges became the motivation
                                           to pursue a deeper, innovative
                                           connection with the wider
                                           We emerged from lockdown to
                                           launch our inaugural WA Giving
                                           Day. A first-of-its-kind fundraising
                                                                                                                            Annual Report 2020

                                           event in the state, I had the great
                                           honour of hosting the event live and
                                           online from the Nedlands House
                                           with some of Perth’s favourite
                                           personalities. Throughout the 12-
                                           hour appeal, Western Australians
                                           from every walk of life donated with
                                     In 2020, the impact of        WA GIVING DAY                         RIDE FOR SICK KIDS WA
                                     COVID-19 saw us quickly       In a Western Australian fundraising   In its 9th year, the annual Ride for
                                                                   first, RMHC WA launched a live and    Sick Kids (RFSK) took on the great
                                     adapt and innovate to raise
                                                                   online giving event that doubled      South West over four days, 18th to
                                     crucial funds for RMHC        donations made possible by the        21st October.
                                     WA. Many of our highly        support of WA businesses.             Enthusiastic participants from all
                                     anticipated events made       Hosted by RMHC WA Patron, Adam        walks of life, including McDonald’s
                                     way for new experiences       Gilchrist live from the Nedlands      WA Licensees, came together
                                     and the generosity of the     House, the 12-hour online event       to tackle over 400km of cycling
                                                                   included an array of special guests   to raise a record amount of
                                     WA community continued
                                                                   including Nine Perth presenters       over $350,000.00 for RMHC
                                     to support Western            Scherri-Lee Biggs and Matthew         WA. Funds raised included the
                                     Australia’s sick children     Pavlich and NOVA FM Presenters        popular $2 paper bike fundraiser
                                     and their families.           Ross Wallman, Harry Fitzgerald,       in McDonald’s stores. Thank you
                                                                   and Jermaine D’Vauz.                  to our Mission Partner McDonald’s
                                                                                                         who raised significant funds for this
                                                                   The collective support of Western     event, as well as our RFSK sponsors
                                                                   Australians from every region         Aryzta, Barbagallo, GoPlay, Advance
                                                                   across the state helped raise         Visual, Albermarle, Martin Brower,
                                                                   approximately $265,000.00.            SteadyRack, CROCMEDIA, Hindley
                                                                   Thank you to our matched              and Associates, KJ Risk Metro
                                                                   giving partners NRW Holdings,         Steel Services, Smart Waste
                                                                   CBH Group, The Bass Family            Solutions, Diamond Field and
                                                                   Foundation, Technical Resources,      Tydon Construction.
                                                                   Euroz Charitable Foundation, Coca
                                                                   Cola, Crane Industry Council WA,
                                                                   Fortescue Metals Group, Masters,          As we had to delay the event
                                                                   Minderoo Foundation, Herbert              due to COVID-19, we were
                                                                   Smith Freehills, Lavan and Planning       eager to visit the South West
                                                                   Solutions.                                and begin the ride! This has

                                                                                                             become a really important
                                                                                                             event that connects regional
                                                                                                             communities with the
                                                                      The financial impact
                                                                                                             essential service that Ronald
                                                                      of COVID-19 has been
                                                                                                             McDonald House Charities
                                                                      challenging but it’s inspired
                                                                                                             WA provides.
                                                                      us to innovate how we
                                                                      can engage business and                Janiene Pollock,
                                                                      community support across               RFSK Committee Chair,
                                                                      the state. An online event             RMHC WA Board Member
                                                                      such as WA Giving Day
                                                                      enables us to connect with
                                                                      Western Australians from all
                                                                      corners of this vast state.
                                                                      Peter King, CEO, RMHC WA

    RMHC WA BALL FAMILY LUNCH                                                     This incredible feat was their tribute
    Due to COVID-19 event restrictions,        It was a privilege to attend       to the bravery and resilience of sick
    the much loved annual RMHC WA              the Ball Family Lunch and          kids throughout Western Australia.
    Gala Ball was cancelled. Determined        witness the generosity of
                                                                                  Together, the RMHC WA ‘plungers’
    to ensure ongoing support in a             so many people. Very few
                                                                                  fundraised a phenomenal total
    financially challenging year, the          charities can claim to have
                                                                                  of over $190,000.00. The top
    RMHC WA Ball Committee devised             such enduring support as
                                                                                  three corporate teams for Central
    an alternative event; the Ball Family      RMHC and it’s a tribute to
                                                                                  Park Plunge 2020 included
    Lunch. This special luncheon took          all those who work so hard
                                                                                  Mosman Dental, JLL PAM WA
    place at the Crystal Club in Crown         to present these amazing
                                                                                  and Renascent.
    Towers on 13th November.                   events.

    Attendees included our long-time           Terry Creasey
    family supporters who make a vital         MC Ball Family Lunch,
    contribution to our home away from         McDonald’s Licensee
    home. McDonald’s Licensee Terry
    Creasey was an outstanding MC,
    with Tim Gossage supporting as          CENTRAL PARK PLUNGE
    auctioneer and special guest RMHC       Central Park Plunge is Australia’s
    WA Patron, Adam Gilchrist. With         tallest urban charity abseil event.
    90 guests in attendance, the event      On 6th November, 96 adventurous
    raised approximately $434,000.00        supporters of RMHC WA abseiled
    for families cared for by RMHC WA.      220m down the Central Park
                                            building in Perth’s CBD.
    The outstanding success of
    the event is a testament to the         Amongst participants were loved
    RMHC WA Ball Committee and its          ones of children and families cared
    inspirational Chair, Carmel Leaker.     for by RMHC WA over the years.

                                     SPIRIT OF
                                     THE SOUTH

                                     SOUTH WEST ENGAGEMENT                and created their own WA Giving
                                                                                                                  The ‘Big Blue Digger’, as
                                     COMMITTEE                            Day team, raising over $2,500.00.
                                                                                                                  it has been affectionately
                                     The spirit of community and          The end of the year saw SWEC host
                                     generosity from WA’s South West      an intimate sundowner and dinner        coined, has become a blue
                                     inspired the establishment of the    event at the Bunbury Dolphin            beacon of joy in remote
                                     RMHC WA South West Engagement        Discovery Centre for Ride for Sick      Western Australia.
                                     Committee (SWEC) in 2019.            Kids participants.

                                     Comprising of 8 members and          For the riders’ half-way through
                                                                          their journey, the event provided     the Edna May Minesite – located
                                     chaired by Neema Premji, the
                                                                          poignant motivation with the          approximately halfway between
                                     Committee provides invaluable
                                     support through events and           opportunity to connect with           Perth and Kalgoorlie. Brooks Hire
                                     advocacy connecting community        RMHC WA families, supporters          identified that the remote location
                                     with the essential service           and stakeholders.                     of the site aligned with the service
                                     RMHC WA provides local families                                            that RMHC WA provides to regional
                                                                          A heartfelt thanks to all members

                                     in the region.                                                             WA families with seriously ill
                                                                          of the South West Engagement
                                                                          Committee for their leadership,       children.
                                     In 2020, SWEC celebrated
                                                                          advocacy and energy particularly      When Brooks Hire made the
                                     numerous achievements.
                                                                          through an unprecedented year.        decision to donate part of the hire
                                     The Bunbury Cup Gala Dinner
                                     which took place in March was        DIGGING DEEP FOR RMHC WA              rate of the machine to RMHC WA,
                                     a highlight, raising approximately                                         a collaborative pledge was made
                                                                          Located in the Goldfields region
                                     $32,000.00 for RMHC WA               of Western Australia is ‘Brilly’      by Brilly to equal Brooks’ donation
                                     supported accommodation,             a mine site water management          dollar for dollar.
                                     services and programs.               business. Founded in Kalgoorlie,      The ‘Big Blue Digger’, as it has been
                                     A wonderful opportunity to connect   the company is focused on             affectionately coined, has become
                                     with the South West community        servicing the Goldfields, Murchison   a blue beacon of joy in remote
                                                                          and Mid-West regions of WA.           Western Australia. We would like to
                                     presented itself to the Committee,
                                     through the inaugural WA Giving      Brilly engaged Brooks Hire for an     thank Brooks Hire for their support
                                     Day. SWEC pledged their support      excavator to conduct works at         of RMHC WA through this initiative.

Over 2,000kms away        Harper (4) and Arthur (4) are twin
                          boys who were born prematurely
from Perth in Western
                          at 24 weeks. Their premature birth
Australia’s Kimberley     resulted in a range of complications
region is the town of     which required them to be
Broome. In 2020, 13% of   hospitalised for over 5 months.
the families supported    Together, with resilience, the boys
                          have battled chronic lung disease
at RMHC WA, called
                          and infections. Arthur suffered from
Broome home. One of       a brain bleed which resulted in
those families is the     hydrocephalus (a build-up of fluid in
Biggs Family.             the cavities deep within the brain).    and financially over the years, not
                          At a very vulnerable, and young         having to pay for accommodation,
                          age, Arthur required a shunt to         as we have no family in WA (or
                          be placed inside his head to drain      anywhere in Australia).”
                          excess fluid.
                                                                  In 2020, the family had the chance
                          For the past 4 years, RMHC WA has       to enjoy a holiday together in the
                          been a home away from home for          Ronald McDonald Family Retreat
                          the whole family, with Nicola (Mum)     in Busselton. It was time away from
                          and Steven (Dad), travelling to Perth   the stress of travelling and hospital
                          with the boys for their ongoing         appointments. Nicola says it was
                          critical medical treatments.            the family’s first time in WA’s South
                                                                  West, and there were so many
                          Nicola says the boys’ have many
                          superpowers that keeps them             activities for the boys to do.
                          on their toes, calling them the         “It was our first time visiting the
                          ‘Twintastic Tornadoes’. “As the         Busselton Family Retreat – and
                          Twintastic Tornadoes Arthur and         what a holiday it was! It was the
                          Harper’s superpower is causing          perfect location right by the beach.
                          craziness, mischief, mayhem, and        We could easily cycle to the
                          mess everywhere it goes – but           foreshore, there were so many
                          looks pretty amazing!”                  activities to do with the boys in
                          Since 2016 RMHC WA has                  and around Busselton, which we
                          provided the family with supported      are so appreciative of, as it cost us
                          accommodation for over 200 nights,      nothing!”
                          across 26 separate stays. Nicola        For regional Western Australian
                          says it has become a much-loved         families, having a seriously ill child
                          second home for the family.             who requires medical treatment
                                                                                                           Annual Report 2020

                          “It’s a true home away from home,       far from home in Perth is scary and
                          a place where you can recharge          difficult. For Nicola and Steven, this
                          your batteries after full days at the   battle is doubled. The Biggs family
                          hospital, a hot meal which you don’t    inspires us with their resilience,
                          have to cook, and a safe haven for      choosing to take every day as it
                          the boys to treat it like a second      comes and enjoying fun moments
                          home. It has helped us immensely        together, as a family.

                                     GOING THE

                                     The Longbottom family and Ronald
                                     McDonald House Charities WA have
                                     shared a special bond spanning 30 years.

                                     Malcolm Longbottom and his             My motivation to support
                                     family live in Grass Patch, in
                                                                            Ronald McDonald House
                                     the Mallee Region (Goldfields-
                                     Esperance) of Western Australia.       comes from knowing
                                     From this remote town, it’s an         I am helping to support
                                     8-hour drive to Perth.                 all regional families to
                                     In 1991, Malcolm Longbottom’s          have that all-important
                                     one-year old daughter, Danielle,
                                                                            support that helped us
                                     almost drowned. Danielle’s
                                     casualty required the family to
                                                                            when in need.
                                     travel to Perth for critical medical
                                     care. It was during this time that
                                                                            Since 2017, Malcolm has
                                     the family was first supported by
                                                                            participated in Ride for Sick Kids
                                     Ronald McDonald House Charities
                                                                            WA, individually raising over
                                     Western Australia, at the original     $100,000.00 for RMHC WA.
                                     Subiaco House.
                                                                            For Malcolm, fundraising for RMHC
                                     Thankfully, Danielle recovered,        WA means that his contribution
                                     however it wasn’t the end of the       helps ensure the House continues

                                     family’s challenges. Malcolm’s son     to be a home away from home for
                                     Brodie was born with neurological      regional WA families going through
                                     complications and diagnosed            the most difficult time of their lives.
                                     with a rare chromosome disorder.
                                     Brodie’s diagnosis would require
                                     more frequent trips to Perth to
                                     receive the medical treatment he
                                     needed. Twenty years on, Brodie
                                     continues to thrive but his health
                                     remains a constant concern.

                                     Experiencing first-hand the impact
                                     of having a seriously ill child far
                                     from critical medical treatment in
                                     Perth, Malcolm became an avid
                                     fundraiser for RMHC WA.
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