2019-2020 Student Handbook And Family Guide

Page created by Warren Hall
2019-2020 Student Handbook And Family Guide
E.T. Richardson Middle School
    Springfield, Pennsylvania 19064

                Student Handbook
                And Family Guide

 The mission of the E.T. Richardson Middle School Community is
 to provide a safe, academically challenging, and diverse learning
 environment that encourages all students to develop as
           life-long learners and responsible citizens.

Letter from the Principal .................................................................................................. 5
Statement on Human Concerns ........................................................................................ 5
ETR Vision Statement...................................................................................................... 6
Academic Terms .............................................................................................................. 7
Bell Schedule.................................................................................................................... 7
  Daily Bell Schedule...................................................................................................... 7
  2 Hour Delay ................................................................................................................ 7
  Day 6 Schedule ............................................................................................................ 8
Springfield School District Personnel .............................................................................. 9
  Springfield School District Board of School Directors ............................................... 9
  Springfield School District Administration ................................................................. 9
  E.T. Richardson Middle School Administration.......................................................... 9
  E.T. Richardson Middle School Faculty and Support Staff ...................................... 10
  E.T. Richardson Middle School Guidance Department ............................................ 12
  E.T. Richardson Middle School Office Staff ............................................................. 12
  E.T. Richardson Middle School Custodial and Maintenance Personnel ................... 12
  E.T. Richardson Middle School Cafeteria Personnel ................................................ 12
General Information ....................................................................................................... 13
  Respect, Responsibility, and Safety ........................................................................... 13
  Telephone Numbers ................................................................................................... 13
  Emergency Opening/Closing ..................................................................................... 13
Academics ...................................................................................................................... 13
  Academic Achievement ............................................................................................. 13
  Academic Honesty ..................................................................................................... 14
  Academic Themes ...................................................................................................... 14
  Extra Help .................................................................................................................. 15
Arrival / Dismissal Procedures ...................................................................................... 15
  Arrival ........................................................................................................................ 15
  Dismissal .................................................................................................................... 16
  Early Dismissal .......................................................................................................... 17
Assembly Programs ....................................................................................................... 17
Assessments and Grading .............................................................................................. 17
Athletics, Intramurals and School Activities ................................................................. 17
  Clubs........................................................................................................................... 18
  Sports .......................................................................................................................... 19
  Intramural Sports ........................................................................................................ 19
  Inter-scholastic Sports ................................................................................................ 19
STUDENT ATTENDANCE.......................................................................................... 21
ABSENCE NOTIFICATION: New Email Procedures for Reporting Student
  Absence ...................................................................................................................... 21
  EXCUSED ABSENCES ............................................................................................ 22
  UNEXCUSED ABSENCES ...................................................................................... 23
  PA Act 138 Unexcused Absence Thresholds and Outcomes .................................... 24
  Missed Work Due to Unexcused Absence................................................................. 24
  ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................. 24
  Early Dismissal .......................................................................................................... 25
  Extended Absences .................................................................................................... 25
  Perfect Attendance: .................................................................................................... 26
  Make Up Work ........................................................................................................... 26
  Missed Work Due to Unexcused Absence................................................................. 26
  LATE ARRIVAL TO SCHOOL ............................................................................... 26
  ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS ............................................................................... 27
  Excused Late Arrivals: ............................................................................................... 27
  Unexcused Late Arrivals:........................................................................................... 28
  Absences and Tardies as Related to Extra-Curricular Activities ............................... 28
  Transfers or Withdrawals ........................................................................................... 28
  Attendance Forms ...................................................................................................... 28
Building Security............................................................................................................ 28
Bus Transportation ......................................................................................................... 29
Cafeteria ......................................................................................................................... 29
Cell Phones/Telephones ................................................................................................. 29
Communication .............................................................................................................. 30
Computer Usage ............................................................................................................. 30
Conferences .................................................................................................................... 30
Dances/Fun Nights ......................................................................................................... 30
District Policies and Regulations ................................................................................... 31
Early Dismissal .............................................................................................................. 31
Emergency Cards ........................................................................................................... 31
Emergency Evacuation Procedures ................................................................................ 31
FERPA Rights ................................................................................................................ 32
  Access to Records ...................................................................................................... 32
  Challenge of Records ................................................................................................. 32
  Disclosure ................................................................................................................... 32
  Directory Information ................................................................................................ 32
  Complaints ................................................................................................................. 32
Field Trips ...................................................................................................................... 32

Student Dress.............................................................................................................. 33
  Refunds....................................................................................................................... 33
  Overnight Trips .......................................................................................................... 33
Guests and Visitors ........................................................................................................ 33
Guidance Department..................................................................................................... 33
Hall Passes...................................................................................................................... 34
Hallway Courtesy ........................................................................................................... 34
Health Services............................................................................................................... 34
  Health Room Procedures............................................................................................ 34
  Elevator Use ............................................................................................................... 34
  The Pennsylvania Code Relating To Immunizations................................................. 34
  Screenings .................................................................................................................. 35
  Student Medication Distribution Procedures ............................................................. 35
  Student Physical Examinations .................................................................................. 35
Home Access Center (HAC) .......................................................................................... 35
Homework Guidelines ................................................................................................... 36
Learning Materials Center (LMC) ................................................................................. 37
Make-Up Work .............................................................................................................. 38
  Absence Due to Illness ............................................................................................... 38
  Approved Educational Trips ...................................................................................... 38
  Unexcused Absences.................................................................................................. 38
Personal Property ........................................................................................................... 38
Physical Education and Health Classes ......................................................................... 39
School Calendar ............................................................................................................. 39
Student Assistance Team (STAT).................................................................................. 39
Student Dress.................................................................................................................. 39
Student Insurance ........................................................................................................... 41
Student Locks and Lockers ............................................................................................ 41
     General Procedures ................................................................................................ 41
Student Planner .............................................................................................................. 42
Team Teaching ............................................................................................................... 42
Textbooks ....................................................................................................................... 42
Student Discipline Code ................................................................................................. 43
  Anti-Bullying Policy .................................................................................................. 43
  Discipline Referrals .................................................................................................... 43
  ETR Discipline Procedures ........................................................................................ 44
  Sample Excuse Note Form ......................................................................................... 48

Letter from the Principal
 Welcome to E.T. Richardson Middle School and the 2019-2020 school year. This year promises
to be an exciting year of learning and growth for all our students and staff. We have planned a
schedule for this year designed to provide additional academic time while still emphasizing the total
development of the child through the middle level years.

       The purpose of this handbook is to acquaint you and your parents with essential information
regarding important school policies and procedures. Please take the time to review and discuss this
information as a family. The data contained in this handbook can serve for some interesting family
dialogue. Should you have any questions about this information, please to not hesitate to call the
E.T. Richardson Middle School office (610-938-6300; FAX 610-938-6305).

       E.T. Richardson Middle School is a place to grow, discover, and learn. During this year I
strongly urge all students to take advantage of the many academic, athletic, and social activities that
our school has to offer. Our students’ success in these areas is very important to everyone in the
E.T. Richardson family. The faculty and staff of E.T.R. trust that the school year will provide many
rewarding experiences for both our students and their families.

                                                                                         -- Dan Tracy

                           Statement on Human Concerns
The E.T. Richardson Middle School does not discriminate against any student on the basis of race,
creed, or gender. If there are any concerns regarding such matters, they should be referred to the
student’s teacher or guidance counselor. If the concern cannot be resolved at this level, the building
administration can be asked to participate in resolving the problem. In line with the school district
organization, the superintendent can be involved in any matter not resolved at the building level.

ETR Vision Statement
We will provide a challenging program, grounded in literacy, to meet the academic, social,
emotional, and developmental needs of each child to reach his/her highest potential in high
school and beyond.

                                   Mission Statement
The mission of the E.T. Richardson Middle School Community is to provide a safe, academically
challenging and diverse learning environment that encourages all students to develop as life-long
learners and responsible citizens.

                                       Belief Statements
We believe that

   1. All students should understand the relationship between the choices they make and the
      immediate and long-term consequences for themselves and others.
   2. Respect for self and others and the celebration of diversity strengthens the overall
      environment of our school.
   3. Our school should provide a secure and healthy environment where students can grow
      emotionally, physically, and academically.
   4. The middle level academic program should be standards-based and should challenge each
      student to achieve at his/her highest cognitive level.
   5. We should provide academically and developmentally appropriate experiences so that every
      student can learn.
   6. A clear, consistent, and appropriately enforced discipline policy will promote the structure
      that is essential to learning.
   7. Our school should provide opportunities for students to participate in both co-curricular and
      extra-curricular activities, and to develop social responsiveness.
   8. Our school should be committed to a collaborative approach to problem solving.
   9. Our school should provide students and staff with the tools and opportunities necessary for
      continued growth and development.

                                           Core Values
       We place a high importance on our time to work together focusing on the needs of students
       and improving student success.
       We are responsible for the success of our students, our commitment to each other, and our
       relationships with families.
       Honest and open communication is the foundation for our professional relationships. We
       respect, support, and value each member of our school family.
       We enjoy our work with early adolescent students and model our love for education by
       making learning fun.

Academic Terms
               Trimester 1       Trimester 2             Trimester 3
Begins               9/3/19         12/9/19                3/23/20
Ends                12/6/19         3/20/20                6/16/20

                                   Bell Schedule
Daily Bell Schedule
            6th                          7th                                8th
 Advisory    7:55 - 8:20      Advisory    7:55 - 8:20            Advisory    7:55 - 8:20
 1           8:23 - 9:22      1*          8:23 - 9:08            1           8:23 - 9:23
 2           9:25 - 10:24     2*          9:11 – 9:56            2           9:26 - 10:26
 Lunch      10:27 – 10:57     3          9:59- 10:59             3          10:29 - 11:29
 3*         11:02 - 11:47     4          11:02 - 12:03           Lunch      11:32 – 12:02
 4*         11:50 - 12:35     Lunch      12:06 - 12:36           4          12:07- 1:07
 5          12:38 - 1:37      5          12:41 - 1:40            5*          1:10 - 1:55
 6           1:40 - 2:39      6           1:43 - 2:45            6*          1:58 - 2:45
 base         2:40 - 2:45

2 Hour Delay
          6th                            7th                             8th
Advisory  9:55 – 10:05        Advisory    9:55 - 10:05          Advisory 9:55 - 10:05
1         10:08 – 10:45       1*         10:08 - 10:38          1        10:08 - 10:47
2         10:48 – 11:25       2*         10:41 - 11:11          2        10:50 - 11:31
6         11:28 – 12:05       3          11:14 - 11:54          Lunch    11:34 - 12:04
Lunch     12:07 – 12:37       4          11:57 - 12:37          3        12:07 - 12:48
3*        12:40 – 1:05        Lunch      12:40 - 1:10           4        12:51 - 1:32
4         1:08 – 1:33         5           1:13 - 1:56           5*        1:35 - 2:06
5         1:36 – 2:40         6           1:59 - 2:45           6*        2:09 - 2:45
Home base 2:41 – 2:45
* = cycle classes

Day 6 Schedule
           6th                         7th                       8th
Advisory   7:55 – 8:05      Advisory     7:55 - 8:05    Advisory 7:55 – 8:05
Rem/Acc    8:08 – 9:03      Rem/Acc      8:08- 9:03     Rem/Acc 8:08 – 9:03
1          9:06 – 9:57      1            9:06 – 9:46    1           9:06 – 9:58
2          10:00 – 10:51    2            9:49 – 10:29   2        10:01 – 10:53
Lunch      10:54 – 11:29    3          10:32 – 11:26    3        10:56 – 11:48
3*         11:34 – 12:11    4          11:29 – 12:23    Lunch    11:51 - 12:24
4          12:14 – 12:51    Lunch       12:26 - 12:56   4         12:27 - 1:21
5          12:54 – 1:46     5           12:58- 1:50     5          1:24 - 2:03
6          1:49 - 2:41      6           1:53 – 2:45     6          2:06 - 2:45
*Rem/Acc = Remediation/Acceleration

Springfield School District Personnel
Springfield School District Board of School Directors
     Frank Agovino, Treasurer            Christopher DeSantis
     Jennifer H. Lofland, Vice President       Kevin Keenen
     Domenic Bentivegna, Secretary             Bruce E. Lord, Jr., President
     Jennifer Flynn                            Joseph Sillo
     Mark Sereni, Solicitor                    Margret G. Rovinski

Springfield School District Administration
     Dr. Anthony Barber                   Superintendent
     Mr. Don Mooney                            Executive Director of Operations
     Mrs. Cynthia Mattei                       Director of Teaching & Learning Elementary
     Dr. Jeffrey Zweiback                      Director of Teaching &Learning Secondary
     Ms. Linda Bellace                         Director of Human Resources
     Dr. Melissa Butler                        Director of Technology
     Mrs. Nicole Damon                         Information Technology
     Mr. Brandon Lang                          Food Services
     Mr. Glenn Mallon                          District Coordinator of Athletics
     Ms. Mary McManus                          Purchasing
     Mrs. Marne Lorah                          Special Education Supervisor
     Dr. Kristen Nash                          Director of Special Education
     Mr. Peter Olsen                           Facilities Director
     Dr. David Soslau                          L.A. Curriculum & Instruction Specialist
     Mrs. Debbie Mosloskie                     Manager of Financial Reporting

E.T. Richardson Middle School Administration
     Dr. Daniel Tracy           Principal                       X-6350 Daniel.Tracy@ssdcougars.org
     Mr. Walter Hartshorn              Assistant Principal      X-6375 Walter.Hartshorn@ssdcougars.org
     Mrs. Megan Scelfo                 Assistant Principal      X-6325 Megan.Scelfo@ssdcougars.org

E.T. Richardson Middle School Faculty and Support Staff

Teacher             Room      Grade    Subject          Team              EMAIL
Mr. J. Lebano         18       6       ELA              PRIDE              Jason.Lebano@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. J. Gilrain                        ASL                                 Jennifer.Gilrain@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. M. Walsh         19       6       Math             GOLDEN RAMS        Maeve.Walsh@ssdcougars.org

Ms. K. Dun          137        8       SCI              GOLDEN RAMS        Katie. Dun@.ssdcougars.org

Mrs. M. Rizzio            5    6       ELA              GOLDEN RAMS        Meg.Rizzio@ssdcougars.org

Mr. T. Odgers          22       6      Math          KNIGHTS              Todd.Odgers@ssdcougars.org
Mr. K. Broome          20       6      SCI           GOLDEN RAMS          Keith.Broome@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. D. Moluf           1       6      ELA           KNIGHTS              Debbie.Moluf@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. D. McDade          3       6      Science       KNIGHTS              Diane.McDade@ssdcougars.org
Ms. L. Epperson         6       6      ELA           PRIDE                Lorie.Epperson@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. J. Ennis          21       6      ELA           PRIDE                Jennifer.Ennis@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. M. McCarry         2       6      SCI           PRIDE                Mary.McCarry@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. T. Johnson         3       6      LST           KNIGHTS              Tiffany.Johnson@ssdcougars.org
Mr. C. Johnson        116       6      Math/Workshop                      Christo.Johnson@ssdcougars.org
Ms. S. Griffin        103       7      Science       EXPLORERS            Suzanne.Griffin@ssdcougars.org
Ms. C. Ishak          139       8      Math          QUAKERS              Christine.Ishak@ssdcougars.org
Mr. M. Marinelli      169       7      SS            EXPLORERS            Erica.Polsky@ssdcougars.org
Mr. T. Reynolds       121       8      ELA           QUAKERS              Trey.Reynolds@ssdcougars.org
Ms. J. Merrill        120      7       Science       HAWKS                Jeffrey.Merrill@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. A. Smith         101      7       ELA           HAWKS                Amanda.Smith@ssdcougars.org
Ms. M. Weary          119      7       SS             HAWKS               Madison.Weary@ssdcougars.org
Mr. D. White        105        7      Math         HAWKS              Daniel.White@ssdcougars.org
Mr. K. Bennett      113        7      Math         WILDCATS           Keith.Bennett@ssdcougars.org
Ms. M. McLaughlin   104        7      Science      DRAGONS            Megan.McLaughlin@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. S. Pierce      117        7      ELA          WILDCATS           Stephanie.Pierce@ssdcougars.org
Mr. K. Steinke       118       7      SS          WILDCATS            Kevin.Steinke@ssdcougars.org
Ms. L.Wiseley       138        8      ELA          DRAGONS            LaurenWiseley@ssdcougars.org
Mr. P. Kerrigan     LMC        7      Admin Tech                      Paul.Kerrigan@ssdcougars.org
Mr. J. Pizzica      102        7      Math         EXPLORERS          Joseph.Pizzica@ssdcougars.org
Mr. R. Duffey       133        8      Math         OWLS               Rich.Duffey@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. M. Mancini     132        8      ELA          OWLS               Cynthia.Armitage@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. S. Pizzica     134        8      SS           OWLS               Sarah.Pizzica@ssdcougars.org
Mr. B. Tanen        130        8      Science       QUAKER            Brian.Tanen@ssdcougars.org
Ms. N. Murphy       140        8      Math        DRAGONS             Nicole.DiGregorio@ssdcougars.org
Mr. C. Balaban       116              Math/Workshop                   Corey.Balaban@ssdcougars.org
Mr. M. Stewart      135        8      Challenge                    Matthew.Stewart@ssdcougars.org
Ms. P. Keller       154       7       Spec. Ed     E/Support       Pam.Keller@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. DiBlasi        131        8       Spec. Ed        Owls       Lauren.DiBlasi@ssdcougars.org
Mr. Guille          119       8        Spec. Ed        WILDCATS       Micheal.Guille@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. C. Latessa                        LA                         Carol.Latessa@ssdcougars.org

Teacher              Room   Subject               EMAIL
Mr. C. Chinnici      128    Art                   Curt.Chinnici@ssdcougars.org
Ms. A. Fafalios      127    Art                   Argie.Fafalios@ssdcougars.org
Mr. M. Stewart       153    Challenge             Matthew.Stewart@ssdcougars.org
Ms. Christiansen     135    Science               Lauren.Christiansen@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. I. Hartman      155    Computer Specialist   Ida.Hartman@ssdcougars.org
 Mrs. A. Parsons      4     Math                  Amy.Parsons@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. M. Graff        L13    FCS                   Michelle.Graff@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. D. Blair        Gym    Health and PE         Dawn.Blair@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. P. Corcoran     Gym    Health and PE         Pam.Corcoran@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. M. Kirshner     152    World Language        Mary.Kirshner@ssdcougars.org
Mr. M. Heath         Gym    Health and PE         Mike.Heath@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. K. Boyer        160    Instrumental Music    Kathleen.Boyer@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. S. Staats       17     ELA                   Sarah.Staats@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. J. Pizzi        150    LA Resources          Jenna.Pizzi@ssdcougars.org
Ms. C. Aiken         167    Life Skills           Carol.Aiken@ssdcougars.org
Ms. L. Tocci         100    Math Resource         Laura.Tocci@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. S. Pellak       115    FCS                   Stephanie.Pellak@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. T. Missar       124    Nurse                 Terri.Missar@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. M. Booth        116    Reading Workshop      Melissa.Booth@ssdcougars.org
Mr. A. Humes         116    Math Workshop         Albert.Humes@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. E. Turturici    129    Reading Workshop      Erin.Turturici@ssdcougars.org
Ms. L. Walker        123    School Psychologist   Lauren.Walker@ssdcougars.org
Mr. D. Bradley       106    ELA- Explorers        Donald. Bradley@ssdcougars.org
Ms. G. Boggs/S.
                     170    Special Education     Genna.Boggs@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. J. Ruskowski            Spec. Ed. PRIDE      Jen.Ruskowski@ssdcougars.org
Mr. J. Conlin        168     S.T.E.M.             James.Conlin@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. K. Stewart      7       Technology           Katie.Stewart@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. C. Williams             Spec. Ed RAMS        Cherie.Williams@ssdcougars.org
Ms. P.Oppenheimer    162     Vocal Music          Pamela.Oppenheimer@ssdcougars.org
Ms. E. Finestone     121     Spec. Ed. Quakers    Erica.Finestone@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. L. Pusztay         7    World Language       Lori.Pusztay@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. C. Schwartz      152    World Language       Christyann.Schwartz@ssdcougars.org
Mr. B. Atwell                LA                   William.Atwell@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. DiStephano             LA                    Sharon.DiStephano@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. E. Booth               LA                    Erin.Booth@ssdcougars.org
Ms. S. Braxton              LA                    Shonnte. Braxton@ssdcougars.org
Ms. DuVernois               LA                    Helen DuVernois@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. J. Moore               LA                    Joann.Moore@ssdcougars.org
Mr. N. Nelson               LA                    Norm.Nelson@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. D. Pierangeli          LA                    Dianne.Pierangeli@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. K. McCann              LA                    Katie.McCann@ssdcougars.org
Mrs. M. Tomasura            LA                    MaryLynn.Tomasure@ssdcougars.org

E.T. Richardson Middle School Guidance Department
     Mr. D. Spiropoulos        Grade 6     X-6335    Demetrius.Spiropoulos@ssdcougars.org
     Ms. Kristen Sokalski      Grade 7     X-6336    Kristen.Sokalski@ssdcougars.org
     Mrs. Maramei Beatty       Grade 8     X-6334    Maramei.Beatty@ssdcougars.org

E.T. Richardson Middle School Office Staff
      Mrs. B. Garling           Main Office   X-6302   Barbara.Garling @ssdcougars.org
      Mrs. S. Crockarell        Main Office   X-6300   Susan.Crockarell@ssdcougars.org
      Mrs. P. Pellak            Guidance      X-6330   Pat.Pellak@ssdcougars.org
      Mrs. S. Heller            LMC           X-6320   Susan.Heller@ssdcougars.org
      Ms. C. Marciano           Copy/LMC      X-6368   Conchetta.Marciano@ssdcougars.org

E.T. Richardson Middle School Custodial and Maintenance Personnel
      Mr. M. Adams             Head Custodian
      Mr. C. Buchan            Custodian
      Mr. P. Murphy            Custodian
      Mr. J. Phelan            Custodian
      Mr. J. Hilley            Custodian
      Mr. N. Romano            Custodian
      Mr. J. Stinger           Custodian

E.T. Richardson Middle School Cafeteria Personnel
      Mrs. M. Rushlow          Manager
      Mrs. E. Bier             Food Service Worker
      Mrs. L. Correnti         Food Service Worker
      Mrs. J. Guy               Food Service Worker
      Mrs. A. Lupica            Food Service Worker
      Mrs. C. Padilla           Food Service Worker
      Mrs. L. Robinson          Food Service Worker
      Mrs. J. Wright            Food Service Worker

General Information
Respect, Responsibility, and Safety
Respect, responsibility, and safety are the guiding principles at ETR. Our goal is to be mindful of these
principles every day to help our students recognize and accept differences in others, reach their own academic
potential, act with dignity and respect, contribute to our school community, and conduct themselves in a safe
and responsible manner. To successfully achieve these goals, students should
        • attend school regularly and on time;
        • exert maximum effort in all classes;
        • participate in extra-curricular activities;
        • become familiar with and follow the school rules.

Telephone Numbers
Main Office       610-938-6300
Attendance Office 610-938-6310
Guidance Office   610-938-6330
Nurse             610-938-6315

Emergency Opening/Closing
When the situation requires that school open late, close early, or the regular school schedule is altered, the
information will be announced via Global Connect telephone call to the student’s home number, as well as on
Channel 11, the District website (www.ssdcougars.org), and over local radio stations.

Our school number is 526. Please do not call the school for closing/late opening/early dismissal information.

Academic Achievement
     Distinguished Honor Roll
     Each marking period, students maintaining an “A” average in all academic and special area classes are
     recognized by being named to the ETR Distinguished Honor Roll. The names of the students
     achieving Distinguished Honor Roll status will have their names listed in the Springfield Press and
     posted in a display case in the main hallway of ETR.

        Honor Roll
        Each marking period, students maintaining a “B” average in all academic and special area classes are
        recognized by being named to the ETR Honor Roll. The names of the students achieving Honor Roll
        status will have their names listed in the Springfield Press and posted in a display case in the main
        hallway of ETR.

Academic Honesty
Plagiarism and cheating are not acceptable at ETR. Plagiarism involves an attempt by a student to present
another’s work as his or her own. This applies to class work, homework, projects, and/or tests.

Plagiarism and cheating include but are not limited to:
    • Copying or giving an assignment to a student to be copied unless specifically directed to do so by the
    • Submitting another student’s work as one’s own.
    • Using the exact words or a close paraphrase from another person’s writing without the correct citation.
    • Submitting any work that is not the student’s original work.
    • Using textbooks, notes, calculators, or computer programs during a test or quiz unless specifically
      directed to do so by the teacher.
    • Unauthorized access to an exam or the answers to an exam.

1st Incident:           Student receives an “F/0” for the assignment and an Administrative Detention
                        Teacher completes a behavior referral and notifies the student, parent, and counselor.
Repeated Incidents:     Student receives an “F/0” for the assignment.
                        Teacher completes a behavior referral and notifies the student, parent, and counselor.
                        Conference is held with the student, parent(s), teacher, counselor, and principal.
                        Consequences may include, but are not limited to, suspension and/or a loss of

Academic Themes
Academic themes are the guiding ideas that are utilized by our faculty to establish a focal point for creating inter-
disciplinary units. Each quarter, these themes serve as a basis for answering the question, “Why is this
information important for me to know?” Themes guide our planning and allow us to explore real-world
connections to our curriculums while simultaneously encouraging departments and teams to work collaboratively.

            1st Trimester                            2nd Trimester                           3rd Trimester

           IDENTITY                                 COMMUNITY                                   INQUIRY
 “We know what we are, but not what          “Alone we can do so little, but      “As one may bring himself to believe
           we may be.”                       together we can do so much”            almost anything he is inclined to
                                                                                   believe, it makes all the difference
                                                                                   whether we begin or end with the
                                                                                        inquiry, 'What is truth?'”

Extra Help
Teachers are typically available for extra help from 2:45 to 3:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday. It is
advisable to plan ahead with teachers. Students should make arrangement for transportation home when
staying for extra help. Before school and lunchtime help sessions may also be scheduled with the teachers.
Teachers will provide students with a pass in advance of these sessions so that the staff monitoring students
will permit them to leave their grade areas to go to that teacher’s classroom.

                             Arrival / Dismissal Procedures
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures:
In order to make the process as efficient as possible, we need the help of everyone. The following tips
should help the process go as fast as possible:
    • The best time to drop off students is before the buses arrive between 7:25 and 7:35.
       Students should only exit and enter cars at the designated zone.
    • When exiting or entering a car, students should only use the sidewalk side of the zone;
       please do not allow students to enter on roadside.
    • Go all the way to the end of the drop off/pick up zone before allowing students to exit or
    • After dropping off or picking up students, exit the zone by immediately pulling into the car
       lane on the left so other cars can enter the drop off/pick up zone.

Students should arrive at school by 7:45 each day. Homeroom starts promptly at 7:55 a.m. Students are
expected to be seated in their homerooms at this time. Students arriving prior to 7:45 a.m. should go directly
to their grade level areas:

        Grade 6 School Cafeteria
        Grade 7 Tech Ed and Band Hallways (Auditorium)
        Grade 8 Gym

ETR Staff will be in these areas at 7:25 a.m. to monitor the students as they arrive. At 7:45 a.m. students will
be released to go to their lockers and homerooms. Locker locations and assignments are by homeroom.
Homeroom teachers will provide locker assignments.

ETR Staff are usually on duty to direct traffic and to direct students safely across the zebra crosswalks in front
of the building both before and after school.

    For their safety,
    • Walkers should always use the sidewalks upon entering the school grounds.
    • Students arriving by car should exit the car at the designated Parent Drop Off/ Pick Up Zone in front of
       ETR and should cross the bus lane at the zebra cross walk.

•   Bus students will exit the buses in the designated areas in front of ETR and should use the sidewalks as
        they enter the building.

Students who do not have any after school obligations or activities are released at 2:45 p.m.

Bus Students
Bus students assigned to early buses will report immediately to their buses, which routinely line up in the bus
lane closest to the cafeteria end of the building. Students taking late buses must wait in the Auditorium
under the direction of ETR Staff until their bus is called.

Non-Bus students
Students who walk, ride a bike, or are picked up by car should exit the building and school grounds at 2:45
unless they are attending a scheduled meeting, event, or plan to work in the LMC. Walkers should obey
crossing guards. If a bicycle is ridden to school, it should be locked in the bicycle racks located near the
cafeteria end of the building. Bicycles should not be locked to sidewalk railings. For everyone’s safety,
skateboards and roller blades are not permitted to be used on school grounds.

When students are picked up by car after school, drivers must obey all parking signs and markings. (See map
below.) Drivers must not park in yellow-lined areas. Drivers should drive into the upper parking area from
the main entrance; form a single line of parked vehicles, and pull up to the Parent Drop Off/ Pick Up Zone
when space permits. Drivers must not block the bus and fire lanes. Administrators and school staff monitor
students and facilitate traffic flow at dismissal. Please adhere to their directions.

Early Dismissal
If a student must leave the building during the school day, a note from a parent or guardian requesting an
early dismissal should be presented to the main office during homeroom on the day of the early
dismissal. The office staff will give the student a pass, which should be presented to the teacher whose class
the student will be leaving.
**For each early dismissal, a parent or guardian must present identification to sign the student out in
the main office.

Students remaining in the building after school hours should be under the direct supervision of ETR Staff.
Prior arrangements should be made with parent or guardian for transportation home if the student is not a
walker. Calls to parents may be made from the classroom phone of the teacher monitoring the student after
                                      Assembly Programs
Assembly periods are held in our school on a regular basis. Previous assemblies have included outside
speakers and shows from the community and other schools as well as presentations by professional theater
companies. Assembly programs are held by grade. Students usually attend these programs in advisory groups
monitored by their advisors. Groups going to and returning from an assembly are expected to move in a quiet,
orderly fashion. These programs are planned as enjoyable events for our students. Polite appreciation of the
persons presenting the program should be expressed in the form of appropriate applause. Conduct disturbing
to the performers or other members of the audience is never permitted and will be subject to the student
discipline code.

                                 Assessments and Grading
All academic and enrichment/cycle classes at ETR are graded classes. Letter grades of A, B, C, D, and F are
assigned as measures of student achievement in his/her classes. Individual teachers may use a variety of
assessment rubrics to determine the marking period grade. When points are assigned to individual
assignments, tests, and quizzes, a percentage or mathematical system is used to calculate the letter grade as
follows: 90 – 100 A; 80 – 89 B; 70 – 79 C; 60 – 69 D; below 60 F. Final exams are given in all academic
subjects and are departmental in nature. Final exam grades count as one major exam grade in the 4th marking
period. Teachers use a computerized gradebook program which has an internet parent viewer. You may access
your child’s grades at any time online. Login information will be sent home and you may access the site via
the district website (www.ssdcougars.org) to view grades or tutorial videos.

                 Athletics, Intramurals and School Activities
ETR offers a variety of activities geared toward student interests and abilities. Sign-ups and informational
meetings are set up by the advisor or coach. It is the responsibility of the student to listen to announcements
regarding any after school activities. After school activities, unless otherwise specified, occur between 3:00
p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Students must arrange for a ride home after the activity. No bus transportation is available.
After school activities are optional and participation may be suspended if disciplinary or academic
expectations are not met.

Transportation from Away Games to ETR:                   Our preference is for students to return to ETR
on the district provided transportation; however, we understand this is not always possible. In order to
ensure the safe return of students from away games and have manageable system for the coaches, we are
requesting parents provide us with at least 24 hours’ notice for each occurrence a student will need a
ride with another adult from an away game. The request can be made via email to the coach and

The following clubs have been offered in previous years. Clubs are run based upon the interest of students and
the availability of adult volunteer sponsors.

Chess Club – Chess Club meets weekly in the LMC. Students learn strategy and play the game. Mr. White is
the faculty advisor.

Drama Club – Students in ETR’s Drama Club present a short play in the spring. Ms. Oppenheimer and Mrs.
Wiseley are the faculty advisors.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) – FBLA is an organization that will do the following for
members: develop self-confidence; provide workshops for personal development, career planning and
leadership training; allow for involvement in charitable activities; create opportunities to participate in field
trips in order to learn more about a variety of occupations and industries; and provide an opportunity to
develop new friendships. Students in grades 6 through 8 may join. Mrs. Stewart is the faculty advisor.

Geography Bee – The winner of ETR’s annual Geography Bee is eligible to compete in the next level of The
National Geographic Bee, an annual geography contest sponsored by the National Geographic Society. Mr.
Marinelli is the faculty advisor.

Homework Club – ETR’s Homework Club is held Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays (2:45 – 3:45). Room
assignments will be made once permission slips are returned. A teacher will facilitate each session. Students
are expected to come to homework club fully prepared (planner, pen/pencil, books, assignments).

Math Counts – Math Counts is the largest and most difficult mathematics competition for middle school
students in the country. Its founding sponsors include the CNA Foundation, the National Society of
Professional Engineers, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Paw Print – ETR’s student newspaper publishes four issues each year. The staff includes all grade levels. The
Paw Print has a variety of sections: school news, school sports, opinions, interviews, student reads (creative
writing), a fun page (cartoons, games, trivia), and pictures. The group meets regularly to plan issues, work on
submissions, set-up, and distribute the newspaper to students. (TBD) is the faculty advisor.

Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) -Student participants in the PJAS program are encouraged
to follow the scientific method to select a project, research the background, formulate a hypothesis, develop an
experiment to prove or disprove the hypothesis, and to collect and analyze data from their experiment. The
students then prepare an oral presentation with visuals (transparencies). Students present their findings to
judges in early March at a Regional Meeting. Students that receive a first award at the regional meeting will
be able to present their findings at the State Meeting in May. Mr. Conlin is the faculty advisor.

Reading Olympics – The goal of the Reading Olympics is to increase students' reading for enjoyment and
increase reading skills. Students collaborate with their teammates to read 40 - 50 books that have been
selected by a committee of librarians, reading specialists and classroom teachers. These professionals read the
books and write questions which teams of students answer during the competition. The Olympics are

primarily a celebration of reading rather than a contest. All participants are awarded ribbons. Since the teams
generate much excitement about this event, the experience is rewarding for everyone involved. Mrs.Finestone
is the faculty advisor.

Spelling Bee -- This school-wide contest takes place in February. Toward the end of January, Language Arts
teachers with either nominate students or select students from their classes who have expressed interest in
participating in the bee. A preliminary round will be held, and the highest scorers will be the contestants in the
actual Spelling Bee. The winner of the bee will continue to compete in the county-wide spelling bee which
takes place in March. Mrs. Booth is the faculty coordinator.

Stage Crew – The students who participate in Stage Crew assist in setting up audio and visual equipment for
assemblies and other special events during the school day and occasionally in the evening. Mr. Conlin is the
faculty advisor.

Student Council – Student Council facilitates many ETR student events. Amy Parsons the faculty advisor.
Yearbook -- ETR’s Yearbook is designed and created by 8th grade students who work as writers, photographers,
artists, layout designers, typesetters and editors. The staff meets from September to April to compile the
yearbook, which is distributed in June each year. Mrs. Stewart are the faculty advisors.

Mr. Broome is the ETR Athletic Director, and can be contacted at Keith.Broome@ssdcougars.org

Intramural Sports
Students in Grade 6 may participate in intramural sports held in the Fall and Winter seasons. These are
informal programs designed to foster teamwork and fun. The sports available each season are announced prior
to the season, parental permission slips are distributed prior to the first meeting of each sport.

Fall                                               Winter
Grade 6 Touch Football       Coach Broome          Grade 6 Girls’ Basketball            Coach Broome
Grade 6 Indoor Soccer        Coach Broome          Grade 6 Boys’ Basketball             Coach Broome

Inter-scholastic Sports
Students in Grade 7 and 8 are eligible to try out for inter-scholastic team sports held in the Fall, Winter and
Spring seasons. Practices are after school Monday through Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. All athletes are required to
have a completed PIAA physical. Physicals are offered at ETR the first week of June for the following school
year at a cost of $20, cash, or they may be completed by the student’s personal physician. Physical forms are
available in the main office, the nurses’ office, and on the district web site. Athletes must meet ETR’s eligibility
requirements, namely, they may not be failing any two core subjects on a weekly basis. All athletic events are
held after school and the schedule is available on the district website: http://www.ssdcougars.org/athletics.cfm

Fall Sports

Girls’ Soccer                    7th Grade: Coach Lebano            8th Grade: Coach Pierangeli
Boys’ Soccer                     7 Grade: Coach Merrill
                                                                    8th Grade: Coach Horgouslou
Soccer is a fast paced game requiring a lot of running. It is played on a field between two teams of 11 players,
each with the objective of trying to kick or head a ball into the opponent’s goal without the use of their hands.
The teams play two 30 minute halves. Equipment: Shin guards and cleats required at all times. This is a
competitive travel team competing against other middle schools. Try outs are required. Coaches teach basic
concepts of teamwork, skills and tactics of the game.

Girls’ Field Hockey                8th Grade: Coach Moluf          7th Grade: Coach Broome
Playing field hockey can be a fun and exciting way to improve your fitness, enjoy friendly competition, make
new friends, and be a part of a team. Although goals occur more frequently than in soccer (a game to which
hockey is sometimes compared: 'soccer with sticks'), field hockey is usually relatively low scoring. The game
is played by two teams of 11 players - 10 players and 1 goaltender. Although there are set positions (forwards,
backs, wings etc.) the composition of any team is at the discretion of the coach (what positions players play at).
The object of the game is to have scored more goals than your opponents by the game's end, with one point
being awarded for each goal scored as in most games of this nature.

Volleyball                        7th Grade: Coach Pizzica          8th Grade: Coach Ennis
ETR offers volleyball during the fall season. Tryouts are held immediately upon the students return to school
in September. The team practices Monday-Friday from 3:00-5:00 in the gymnasium. Experience is not
required but is definitely an advantage. All players are required to attend all practices and games. The team
competes against schools throughout Delaware County and is scheduled to play 12-14 matches during the
months of September, October and concludes the first week of November. The goal of the program is to
improve the player’s current skills while introducing more advanced skills as the season progresses. All
players are expected to display positive sportsmanship.

Unlimited Football                Head Coach TBA / Assistant Coach TBA
115-Pound Football                Head Coach White / Assistant Coach Balaban
ETR offers two football programs during the fall season. The Unlimited squad has no weight limit for their
respective athletes, while the 115-Pound team is for athletes not weighing more than this weight. The program
starts immediately upon the athletes return to school in September. The team practices Monday through Friday
from 3:00-5:30 p.m., at Springfield High School. Home games take place at the high school Stadium Field. All
athletes are welcome to participate as there are no cuts. All equipment is provided by Springfield School
District and must be returned at the end of the season. The team typically plays 7 to 9 games against opponents
from throughout Delaware County. The goal of the program is to teach middle school athletes the skills
necessary to compete in games. All players are expected to attend every practice and game, and are required to
demonstrate positive sportsmanship.

Winter Sports

7th and 8th Grade Wrestling Head Coach D’Ortone / Assistant Coach Bennett
The wrestling team at ETR is a growing experience for every level wrestler to advance themselves in the sport.
From beginner to advanced, coaches teach the wrestlers the basics and fundamentals for success on the mat.
Wrestle-offs determines who is the top wrestler in each of the 18 weight classes. Every wrestler is given the
opportunity to compete for any spot in the line-up when they make the necessary weight.

Girls’ Basketball                 8th Grade: Coach Pierangeli                7th Grade: Coach Broome
Boys’ Basketball                  8th Grade: Coach Guille                    7th Grade: Coach Nelson
Basketball is an indoor court game between two teams of five players each advancing a ball up and down the
court by dribbling or passing trying to score a basket by tossing the ball through a hoop. The game is played in
four quarters consisting of six minutes each. Equipment: Good pair of basketball sneakers. This is a
competitive travel team competing against other middle schools. Try-outs are required. Coaches teach basic
concepts of teamwork, skills and game tactics.

Spring Sports

Baseball                         8th Grade: Coach Pizzica          7th Grade: Coach Guille
ETR offers baseball in the spring season. Tryouts are held approximately the second week of March, weather
permitting. The team practices Monday- Friday from 3:00-5:00 on the baseball field located in front of the
school. Experience is not required but is definitely an advantage. All players are required to attend all practices
and games. The team competes against schools throughout Delaware County and is scheduled to play 12-14
games during the months of April and May. The goal of the program is to successfully build on existing skills
while learning new skills and rules of the game as well as to display positive sportsmanship.

Softball                           8th Grade: Coach Merrill         7th Grade: Coach Spiropoulos
ETR offers girls’ softball in the spring season. Tryouts are held the second week of March, weather permitting.
The team practices Monday-Friday from 3:00-5:00 on the softball field located at Scenic Hills Elementary
School. Experience is not required but is definitely an advantage. All players are required to attend practices
and games. The team is scheduled to play approximately 12 games per season against league schools located in
Delaware County. The goal of the program is to successfully build on existing skills while introducing more
advanced skills and situations in the game.

Boys’ Lacrosse                     8th Grade: Coach Lebano           7th Grade: Lacrosse Coach Murray
Girls’ Lacrosse                    8 Grade: Coach Booth
                                                                     7th Grade: Coach Pierangeli
Tryouts will be held for the ETR lacrosse teams in the spring. These interscholastic teams practice Monday
through Friday and play approximately 15 games during the season. Experience is not required but is
definitely an advantage. The goal of this team is to successfully build on existing skills and learn new skills
and rules of the game as well as to display good sportsmanship at all times. All players are expected to attend
all practices and games. Good effort, attitude, and cooperation as well as having fun are expected.
Track and Field                    Boys’ Head Coach Nelson / Assistant Coach Turturici
                                   Girls’ Coach Byrne and Coach Moluf
This team sport allows students in seventh and eighth grade to learn about the many events associated with
classic track and field. It is open to boys and girls in seventh and eighth grade only. The teams compete
against neighboring schools throughout Delaware County. The events can be broken down into several
categories: sprints, distance runs, relays and field events. In sprints the participants are broken up into weight
groups (90 lbs., 100 lbs., and 115 lbs.) for the 70 meters but all are included in the 100 meter, 200 meter and
400 meter races. The distance events are for 800 meters and 1600 meters. Other running events include the
hurdles and relays. For field events, athletes participate in high jump, long jump, and shot put.

                                STUDENT ATTENDANCE
Policy No. 204 Administrative Regulations
    ABSENCE NOTIFICATION: New Email Procedures for Reporting Student Absence

The following procedures will be adhered to in administering the Springfield School District’s attendance
procedures regarding absences. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in the absence being
coded as unexcused (see below for more details) and Pennsylvania Laws governing attendance will be applied
accordingly (please see below).

Absences to inform the school that the student will not be in attendance are preferably received via email and
must be sent on the day of absence. The attendance hotline email address is: etrattendance@ssdcougars.org.

The email must include: the name and phone number of the parent or guardian reporting the absence, the
student’s name, grade, date of absence(s) and the reason. This email will serve as the written note confirming
the student’s absence in accordance with PA Attendance Laws and in lieu of the ETR Absence Card. Once
received, an automated response confirming the receipt of the email will be returned to the sender’s email

Absences can also be phoned into the Attendance Hotline (610) 938-6310 to inform the school that the student
will not be in attendance. In addition, and in accordance with PA Attendance Laws, a signed written note is
required for each phoned in absence(s). An approved SHS Absence Card must be submitted within 3 days of
return from an absence.

If a student is absent five (5) consecutive days, parents/guardians must secure a note from a doctor or medical
professional for the absences to be excused. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the absences
being coded as unexcused (see below for more details) and Pennsylvania Laws governing attendance shall be
applied accordingly (please see below).

Students who accumulate 10 absences must submit a doctor’s note for subsequent absences to excuse the
absences. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the absence being coded as unexcused (see
below for more details) and Pennsylvania Laws governing attendance shall be applied accordingly (please see

In cases where the school administration believes that absences due to illness are chronic or irregular, the
school administration may request a physician’s statement certifying that such absences are medically justified.
Absences for a portion of the school day will be treated as cumulative and translated into equivalent days.

NOTE: Parents/guardians will be notified in writing of if/when a student’s attendance record becomes
concerning or reaches the level of non-compliance with compulsory attendance codes


State law establishes conditions under which any child may be excused from attendance at school. In keeping
with these statutes and recommendations of the State Department of Education, students in the Springfield
Schools may be excused temporarily from school attendance for the following reasons:

       Sickness
       Quarantine
       Death in the immediate family
       Inclement weather that would endanger the health of the child or make roads impassable
       For observance of a major religious holiday - In instances of requests to be excused from school
        attendance for observance of a religious holiday, the school administration shall excuse absences
        only for those days on the list of major religious holidays published by the State Department of
       Student educational workshop/seminar/visit (college visit, student presentation, etc.) with the
        approval of Administration:
            o Failure to receive prior approval for such trip may result in the absence from school being
                 regarded as unexcused.
            o Advanced approval required.
            o Student must be in good academic standing and attendance.

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