2018 SONGBOOK - ON THE BEACH - Surfers Paradise

Page created by Corey Greene
2018 SONGBOOK - ON THE BEACH - Surfers Paradise
                       PROUDLY PRESENTED BY

          2018 SONGBOOK
surfersparadise.com #visitsurfersparadise #christmasinparadise
2018 SONGBOOK - ON THE BEACH - Surfers Paradise
                                                                                                  Dance Fever, under direction of Elissa Grant and Wendy Sims
                                                                                                  cover all forms of dance: ballet, jazz, hip hop, tap, contemporary,
                                                                                                  acrobatics, musical theatre and performance groups. All
                                                                                                  teachers have extensive experience in teaching and understand             Dance Fever
                                                                                                  the importance of developing relationships with students
                                                                                                  creating an environment where students feel safe, happy and
                                      ON THE BEACH                                                challenged while having fun.

            Starring an impressive line-up of carols talent, you’re invited to
          experience Christmas carols like no other under the stars and on the                                              EMILY MONSMA
           sand, at the 8th annual Surfers Paradise Carols on the Beach. In a                                               Emily is no newcomer to the stage and has been performing
          magical end to the night, watch the skies above Surfers Paradise light                                            since the age of six. She has performed in over 30 local theatre
                                                                                                                            productions. Emily is currently touring Australia playing ‘Marty’
           up with a fireworks finale as we spread the Christmas cheer to all.
                                                                                                                            in GREASE: The Arena Experience, and recently played ‘Penny
                                                                                                                            Pingleton’ in HAIRSPRAY: The Big Fat Arena Spectacular. Emily
                               BRUCE PAIGE                                                                                  loves educating young, budding performers and works as a Musical
                                                                                                                            Theatre and Vocal teacher. She is also a singer/host at Dreamworld.
                               Highly regarded television presenter Bruce Paige joined Channel
                               Nine Queensland in 1985. After 40 years in television, Bruce
                               decided to step down from the news desk in 2009 but missed
                               it so much he re-signed with the Nine Network in 2010. He now      COURTNEY MONSMA
                               presents Nine Gold Coast News. It is a pleasure to have him host   Courtney has trained with Queensland Conservatorium in the
                               Carols on the Beach again this year.                               Griffith University Bachelor of Musical Theatre program. In her
                                                                                                  final year she played ‘Maria’ in the Queensland Conservatorium
                                                                                                  production of West Side Story. Courtney appeared in Opera
                                                                                                  Queensland’s Kiss Me Kate and had her professional debut as
    LOONEY TUNES                                                                                  an Ensemble/Sophie Cover in the Australian tour of MAMMA
    Experience a Looney Tunes Christmas with a special performance                                MIA! Next year, Courtney will be performing in Disney’s touring
    from Tweety, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Sylvester from Warner                                 production of Aladdin as an ensemble member, covering
    Bros. Movie World.                                                                            Princess Jasmine.

                                                                                                                            SABRINA DURANTE
                               GEORGINA GILLINGS                                                                            Sabrina Durante is a NIDA graduate with a diverse range of talents
                               With over 30 years of experience in all avenues of the                                       including a combination of acting on stage, screen, singing and
                               entertainment industry, Georgina’s passion for her craft and                                 dancing. She has performed in ‘From Nuremberg to NIDA’ and the
                               her audiences continues to shine. Georgina has performed,                                    production ‘All That Glitters’. She has recently made her television
                               directed, produced and created many productions in Australia                                 debut on the popular television series Love Child. A star of the
                               and internationally but she always loves coming back to family                               stage, Sabrina’s currently playing the leading lady in Australian
                               entertainment and is honoured to creatively produce and                                      Outback Spectacular.
                               perform in Carols on the Beach now for her 4th year.

                                                                                                  SHANNON GRALOW & JUSTIN TAMBLYN
                                                                                                  Shannon and Justin are Toowoomba based performers and school
    Adam has dazzled audiences on the Gold Coast for many years,
                                                                                                  teachers. The couple met during the Toowoomba Empire Theatre’s
    performing the lead roles in shows such as Rent, Little Shop of
                                                                                                  production of Mary Poppins, in the respective roles of Bert and
    Horrors, Cabaret, Hair, 42nd Street, Les Misérables, Evita, Dirty
                                                                                                  Mary, and have been together ever since. They have shared the
    Rotten Scoundrels, Boy from Oz and Chicago. Adam is thrilled to
                                                                                                  stage in productions such as Into the Woods (Cinderella), Wicked,
    join the team this year for a little bit of Christmas fun at Carols on
                                                                                                  Sweeney Todd, The Last Five Years and Hello, Dolly! They are
    the Beach.
                                                                                                  excited to make their Carols On The Beach debut this year!
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2018 SONGBOOK - ON THE BEACH - Surfers Paradise
                                                                                 SUP           O
                                                                          IN                       F


    Merry Christmas                                                          PAR ADISE
                                                                             SURF LIFE
      from the G:link family

                                                         Each year more than 3 million people, from all over
                                                        the world, come to enjoy the beauty and atmosphere
                                                             of one of the busiest beaches in Australia.

                                                       Support our local volunteer surf life savers.
                                                      Make a gold coin donation in exchange for a
                                                     Christmas candle with all proceeds going to the
                                                          Surfers Paradise Surf Life Saving Club.

                                                   Surfers Paradise Surf Life Saving Club has been patrolling the iconic
                                                     Surfers Paradise Beach since 1925. Our club members account for
                                                  over two thirds of the total number of rescues performed by volunteer
                                                     lifesavers in Queensland each year. Last season we watched over
                                                    171,056 beach goers on Surfers Paradise Beach alone and returned
                                                     every one of them safely home. In its 93-year history the Club has
                                                            a perfect record of ‘No lives lost between our flags’.

                                                   SAVING LIVES, CREATING EVERYDAY HEROES SINCE 1925

                                                          @surfersparadiseslsc    Surfers Paradise Surf Life Saving Club

4     are proud sponsors of Carols on the Beach
2018 SONGBOOK - ON THE BEACH - Surfers Paradise
    31 DECEMBER 2018                                                   ON THE BEACH

        8PM & MIDNIGHT
    SURFERS PARADISE BEACH                                     SONGLIST
                                          The Greatest Time Of Year................................................................P8
                                          The First Noel........................................................................................P9
                                          Hark! The Herald Angels................................................................. P10
                                          Last Christmas.....................................................................................P11
                                          O Come All Ye Faithful.....................................................................P12
                                          All I Want For Christmas..................................................................P13
                                          Little Drummer Boy...........................................................................P15
                                          Frosty The Snowman........................................................................P16
                                          Santa Baby...........................................................................................P17
                                          Silent Night...........................................................................................P18
                                          Deck The Halls................................................................................... P20

                                          Santa Claus Is Coming To Town....................................................P21
                                          It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year..............................P22
                                          The Christmas Song.........................................................................P23
                                          Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer.............................................P25
   27 DEC 2018 - 1 JAN 2019               Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree...........................................P26
                                          Angels We Have Heard On High..................................................P27
                                          Jingle Bells .........................................................................................P28
                                          We Wish You A Merry Christmas.................................................P29
surfersparadise.com #newyearsinparadise

2018 SONGBOOK - ON THE BEACH - Surfers Paradise
                             TIME OF YEAR                                                       THE FIRST NOEL

     There’s a special kind of feeling in the air       It’s the greatest time of year                The First Noel the Angels did say
        It only happens at this time of year         And it’s here, help me celebrate it      Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay
    When everyone is filled with love and cheer             With everybody here                  In fields where they lay keeping their sheep
            ‘Cause that’s what matters              Friends so dear, let me simply state it       On a cold winter’s night that was so deep
        Pretty paper boxes tied with bows              Joy to the world and everyone                         Noel Noel Noel Noel
         Walking in the sun or in the snow          Lift up your hearts and feel the love                 Born is the King of Israel!
       We can feel the excitement growing,                  It’s our favourite way
                                                                                                        They looked up and saw a star
                      knowing                               To spend the holiday
                                                                                                     Shining in the East beyond them far
           It’s the greatest time of year               It’s the greatest time of year               And to the earth it gave great light
        And it’s here, help me celebrate it          And it’s here, help me celebrate it           And so it continued both day and night
               With everybody here                          With everybody here                              Noel Noel Noel Noel
       Friends so dear, let me simply state it      Friends so dear, let me simply state it               Born is the King of Israel!
          Joy to the world and everyone                       Joy to the world
                                                                                                        Then let us all with one accord
       Lift up your hearts and feel the love                  Joy to the world
                                                                                                      Sing praises to our heavenly Lord
               It’s our favourite way                         Joy to the world
                                                                                                 That hath made Heaven and earth of naught
               To spend the holiday                     It’s the greatest time of year
                                                                                                  And with his blood mankind hath bought
          We can get all cozy by the fire               It’s the greatest time of year                       Noel Noel Noel Noel
         Turn the music up a little higher           And it’s here, help me celebrate it                  Born is the King of Israel!
         I don’t think that I could ever tire               With everybody here
                                                                                                             Noel Noel Noel Noel
                 Of being together                  Friends so dear, let me simply state it
                                                                                                               Born is the King
         Decorate the tree, hang mistletoe             Joy to the world and everyone
                                                                                                               Born is the King
                 And stand by me                    Lift up your hearts and feel the love
                                                                                                          Born is the King of Israel!
           It’s a picture perfect moment                    It’s our favourite way
     Captured memories that we’ll have after                To spend the holiday

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2018 SONGBOOK - ON THE BEACH - Surfers Paradise

          Hark! The herald angels sing                                       CHRISTMAS
           Glory to the newborn King
         Peace on earth and mercy mild
           God and sinners reconciled
            Joyful all ye nations rise           Last Christmas, I gave you my heart            Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
          Join the triumph of the skies        But the very next day you gave it away          But the very next day you gave it away
           With angelic host proclaim              This year, to save me from tears               This year, to save me from tears
           Christ is born in Bethlehem               I’ll give it to someone special                I’ll give it to someone special
          Hark! The herald angels sing
                                                 Last Christmas, I gave you my heart            Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
           Glory to the newborn King
                                               But the very next day you gave it away          But the very next day you gave it away
        Christ by highest heaven adored            This year, to save me from tears               This year, to save me from tears
           Christ, the everlasting Lord              I’ll give it to someone special                I’ll give it to someone special
         Late in time behold He’ll come
                                                      Once bitten and twice shy               A crowded room, friends with tired eyes
          Offspring of a Virgin’s womb
                                                          I keep my distance                  I’m hiding from you, and your soul of ice
        Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
                                                      But you still catch my eye                     My god, I thought you were
             Hail the incarnate deity
                                                             Tell me, baby                               someone to rely on
       Pleased as man with man to dwell
                                                         Do you recognise me                   Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on
              Jesus, our Emmanuel
          Hark! The herald angels sing                   Well, it’s been a year                A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
           Glory to the newborn King                     It doesn’t surprise me               A man under cover but you tore me apart
                                                    (Merry Christmas!) I wrapped                  Now, I’ve found a real love you’ll
      Hail, the heaven born Prince of Peace
                                                            it up and sent it                            never fool me again
         Hail, the Son of Righteousness
                                              With a note saying, “I love you, “ I meant it
          Light and life to all He brings                                                       Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
                                                  Now, I know what a fool I’ve been
         Risen with healing in His wings                                                       But the very next day you gave it away
                                                       But if you kissed me now
            Mild He lays His glory by                                                             This year, to save me from tears
                                                      I know you’d fool me again
        Born that man no more may die                                                               I’ll give it to someone special
         Born to raise the sons of earth
         Born to give them second birth
          Hark! The herald angels sing
           Glory to the newborn King

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2018 SONGBOOK - ON THE BEACH - Surfers Paradise
                                                                                                     FOR CHRISTMAS
                        O COME ALL
                        YE FAITHFUL
                                                                                      I don’t want a lot for Christmas          ‘Cause I just want you here tonight
                                                                                       There is just one thing I need               Holding on to me so tight
                                                                                      I don’t care about the presents                  What more can I do?
           O come, all ye faithful              Sing, choirs of angels                Underneath the Christmas tree                Baby, all I want for Christmas
           Joyful and triumphant                  Sing in exultation                                                                     is you, you, baby
     O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem   Sing, all ye citizens of heav’n above          I just want you for my own

           Come and behold Him                      Glory to God                     More than you could ever know                 Oh, all the lights are shining

          Born the King of Angels!              Glory In the highest!                    Make my wish come true                       so brightly everywhere
                                                                                      All I want for Christmas is you              And the sound of children’s
          O come, let us adore Him            O come, let us adore Him                                                                 Laughter fills the air
          O come, let us adore Him            O come, let us adore Him                I don’t want a lot for Christmas

          O come, let us adore Him            O come, let us adore Him                 There is just one thing I need                And everyone is singing

              Christ the Lord                      Christ the Lord                 And I don’t care about the presents            I hear those sleigh bells ringing
                                                                                      Underneath the Christmas tree                 Santa, won’t you bring me
                                              Yea, Lord, we greet Thee,                                                                the one I really need?
                                              Born this happy morning,              I don’t need to hang my stocking
                                                                                                                              Won’t you please bring my baby to me?
                                            Jesus, to Thee be glory giv’n                There upon the fireplace

                                                 Word of the Father                 Santa Claus won’t make me happy             Oh, I don’t want a lot for Christmas

                                             Now in the flesh appearing                With a toy on Christmas Day                    This is all I’m asking for
                                                                                                                                    I just want to see my baby
                                              O come, let us adore Him                  I just want you for my own
                                                                                                                                 Standing right outside my door
                                              O come, let us adore Him               More than you could ever know
                                                                                                                                  Oh, I just want you for my own
                                              O come, let us adore Him                   Make my wish come true
                                                                                                                                 More than you could ever know
                                                   Christ the Lord               All I want for Christmas is you, you, baby
                                                                                                                                     Make my wish come true
                                              O come, let us adore Him           Oh, I won’t ask for much this Christmas           Baby, all I want for Christmas
                                                   Christ the Lord                      I won’t even wish for snow                       is you, you, baby
                                                                                   And I’m just gonna keep on waiting
                                                                                                                               All I want for Christmas is you, baby
                                                                                        Underneath the mistletoe
                                                                                                                               All I want for Christmas is you, baby
                                                                                      I won’t make a list and send it
                                                                                     to the North Pole for Saint Nick
                                                                                        I won’t even stay awake to
                                                                                     Hear those magic reindeer click

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2018 SONGBOOK - ON THE BEACH - Surfers Paradise
     COME SEE US TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE                                                                                               BOY

     Special Offers                                                                                                                   Come they told me Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum

                                                                                                                                    A new born King to see Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum

                                                                                                                                    Our finest gifts we bring Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum

                                                                                                                                     To lay before the king Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
                                                                                                                                      Rum-pum-pum-pum Rum-pum-pum-pum

                                                                                                                                       So to honour Him Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
                                                                                                                                                   When we come
                                                                                                                                          Little baby Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
                                                                                                                                      I am a poor boy too Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum

               Jet Ski Safari                    7 Day Super Pass Village                 Dreamworld ANNUAL Pass
                                                  Roadshow Theme Parks                                                               I have no gift to bring Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum

        2 ADULTS           $30*                  2 ADULTS          $129*                   2 ADULTS           $50*                 That’s fit to give our King Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
                                                                                                                                      Rum-pum-pum-pum Rum-pum-pum-pum

                                                                                                                                      Shall I play for you Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum

                                                                                                                                         Mary nodded Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
                                                                                                                                  The ox and lamb kept time Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum

                                                                                                                                   I played my drum for Him Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
                                                                                                                                   I played my best for Him Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum
                                                                                                                                      Rum-pum-pum-pum Rum-pum-pum-pum

                              PARADISE JET BOATING                              Dracula’s                                            Then He smiled at me Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum

                             2 ADULTS           $20        *
                                                                       2 ADULTS          $50*                                     Me and my drum, Me and my drum, Me and my drum

              Limited offer! Only available at the Wyndham Marquee
     on the Surfers Paradise Foreshore between Thursday 13 December and Monday 24 December 2018.
     *Terms and Conditions apply. Offers subject to availability. To receive one of these offers from Wyndham Destinations Asia
     Pacific you must meet certain qualifying criteria and complete our Vacation Ownership presentation of approximately
     90 minutes on the benefits of WorldMark South Pacific Club, where you will be made an offer to purchase the product.
     Advertised prices correct at time of printing. Service provider’s conditions and exclusions apply. Wyndham Destinations
     Asia Pacific Pty Ltd ACN 090 083 613.
14                                                                                                                                                                                    15
2018 SONGBOOK - ON THE BEACH - Surfers Paradise
           SNOWMAN                                          SANTA BABY

                 Frosty the snowman                    Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree, for me
               Was a happy, jolly soul                    I’ve been an awful good girl, Santa baby
       With a corncob pipe and a button nose                So hurry down the chimney tonight
           And two eyes made out of coal
                                                        Santa baby, a ‘54 convertible, too, light blue
                 Frosty the snowman                      Well I’ll wait up for you, dear, Santa baby
                Is a fairytale, they say                 So hurry down the chimney tonight, yeah
     He was made of snow but the children know
                                                               Think of all the fun I’ve missed
             How he came to life one day
                                                            Think of all the boys I haven’t kissed
         There must have been some magic                     Next year I could be just as good
            In that old silk hat they found                  If you check off my Christmas list
         For when they placed it on his head
                                                    Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that’s not a lot
              He began to dance around
                                                           I’ve been an angel all year, Santa baby
               Oh, Frosty the snowman                       So hurry down the chimney tonight
               Was alive as he could be
                                                           Santa, honey, there’s one more thing
     And the children say he could laugh and play
                                                                 I really do need, the deed
            Just the same as you and me
                                                             To a platinum mine, Santa honey
                   [Instrumental]                           So hurry down the chimney tonight

        He led them down the streets of town                 Come and trim my Christmas tree
               Right to the traffic cop                 With some decorations bought at Tiffany’s
        And he only paused a moment when                          I really do believe in you
              He heard him holler stop!                         Let’s see if you believe in me

                 Frosty the snowman                    Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing
               Had to hurry on his way                                     A ring
            But he waved goodbye saying                 And I don’t mean on the phone, Santa baby
     “Don’t you cry, I’ll be back again some day”           So hurry down the chimney tonight

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2018 SONGBOOK - ON THE BEACH - Surfers Paradise
                                                        ARTS FESTIVAL
                                                        INSPIRED BY SAND & SEA
          Silent night, Holy night        Free
           All is calm, all is bright
     Round yon virgin, mother and child
        Holy infant, tender and mild
          Sleep in heavenly peace,
          Sleep in heavenly peace

          Silent night, Holy night
       Shepherds quake, at the sight
     Glories stream from heaven above
       Heavenly, hosts sing Hallelujah
          Christ the Savior is born,
          Christ the Savior is born

          Silent night, Holy night
        Son of God, love’s pure light
     Radiant beams from thy holy face
     With the dawn of redeeming grace,
          Jesus, Lord at thy birth
          Jesus, Lord at thy birth

          Silent night, Holy night
           All is calm, all is bright
     Round yon virgin, mother and child
        Holy infant, tender and mild

                                                   8-24 FEBRUARY 2019
          Sleep in heavenly peace,
          Sleep in heavenly peace

                                                 surfersparadise.com #sandsafari2019

                                                                       COMING TO TOWN

                                                                        You’d better watch out, you’d better not cry
                                                                         You’d better not pout, I’m telling you why
           DECK THE HALLS                                                      Santa Claus is coming to town
                                                                               Santa Claus is coming to town
                                                                               Santa Claus is coming to town

                                                                          He’s making a list, he’s checking it twice
     Deck the halls with boughs of holly Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la    He’s gonna find out whose naughty or nice
          ‘Tis the season to be jolly Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la              Santa Claus is coming to town
        Don we now our gay apparel Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la                Santa Claus is coming to town
       Troll the ancient Yule-tide carol Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la           Santa Claus is coming to town

       See the blazing Yule before us Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la            He sees you when you’re sleeping
     Strike the harp and join the chorus Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la             He knows if you’re awake
        Follow me in merry measure Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la         He knows if you’ve been bad or good, So you’d
      While I tell of Yule-tide treasure Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la         Better be good for goodness sake
                                                                             Better be good for goodness sake
       Fast away the old year passes Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
      Hail the new year, lads and lasses Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la    You’d better watch out, you’d better not cry
         Sing we joyous, all together Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la        You’d better not pout, I’m telling you why
     Heedless of the wind and weather Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la              Santa Claus is coming to town
                                                                               Santa Claus is coming to town
                                                                               Santa Claus is coming to town

                                                                             He sees you when you’re sleeping
                                                                                 He knows if you’re awake
                                                                       He knows if you’ve been bad or good, So you’d
                                                                             Better be good for goodness sake
                                                                             Better be good for goodness sake

                                                                        You’d better watch out, you’d better not cry
                                                                         You’d better not pout, I’m telling you why
                                                                               Santa Claus is coming to town

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                                                                                                   Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
               TIME OF THE YEAR                                                                      Jack Frost nipping at your nose
                                                                                                  Yuletide carols being sung by a choir
                                                                                                   And folks dressed up like Eskimos

                                                                                             Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe
      It’s the most wonderful time of the year         And hearts will be glowing
                                                                                                  Will help to make the season bright
            With the kids jingle belling               When loved ones are near
                                                                                                 And tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
     And everyone telling you be of good cheer   It’s the most wonderful time of the year
                                                                                                    Will find it hard to sleep tonight
      It’s the most wonderful time of the year
                                                      There’ll be parties for hosting
                                                                                                   They know that Santa’s on his way
         It’s the hap-happiest season of all           Marshmallows for toasting
                                                                                            He’s loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh
       With those holiday greetings and gay           And carolling out in the snow
                                                                                                 And every mother’s child is gonna spy
                  happy meetings                     There’ll be scary ghost stories
                                                                                                To see if reindeer really know how to fly
            When friends come to call                  And tales of the glories of
         It’s the hap-happiest season of all           Christmases long, long ago                And so I’m offering this simple phrase
                                                                                                     To kids from one to ninety-two
           There’ll be parties for hosting       It’s the most wonderful time of the year
                                                                                              Though its been said many times, many ways
            Marshmallows for toasting                 There’ll be much mistletoeing
                                                                                                         Merry Christmas to you
           And carolling out in the snow               And hearts will be glowing
           There’ll be scary ghost stories             When loved ones are near                    They know that Santa’s on his way
             And tales of the glories of              It’s the most wonderful time          He’s loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh
            Christmases long, long ago                Yes the most wonderful time               And every mother’s child is going to spy
                                                      Oh the most wonderful time                To see if reindeer really know how to fly
      It’s the most wonderful time of the year
                                                               Of the year
           There’ll be much mistletoeing                                                         And so I’m offering this simple phrase
                                                                                                     To kids from one to ninety-two
                                                                                             Although its been said many times, many ways
                                                                                                            Merry Christmas,
                                                                                                            Merry Christmas
                                                                                                        Merry Christmas, to you

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            RED - NOSED REINDEER

        You know Dasher and Dancer            **Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
           and Prancer and Vixen,                          (Reindeer)
        Comet and Cupid and Donner          Had a very shiny nose (Like a light bulb)
                 and Blitzen,                   And if you ever saw it, (Saw it)
              But do you recall                  You would even say it glows,
       The most famous reindeer of all                 (Like a light bulb)
                                              All of the other reindeer (Reindeer)
      Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
                                               Used to laugh and call him names,
            Had a very shiny nose
                                                        (Like Pinocchio)
            And if you ever saw it
                                            They never let poor Rudolph (Rudolph)
         You would even say it glows
                                                  Join in any reindeer games,
           All of the other reindeer
                                                        (Like Monopoly)
      Used to laugh and call him names
                                                Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
        They never let poor Rudolph
                                                Santa came to say, (Ho,Ho,Ho)
         Join in any reindeer games
                                               Rudolph with your nose so bright,
       Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
                                              Won’t you guide my sleigh tonight
             Santa came to say,
                                             Then how all the reindeer loved him,
      Rudolph with your nose so bright,
                                                          (Loved him)
     Won’t you guide my sleigh tonight
                                            As they shouted out with glee, (Yipee)
     Then how all the reindeer loved him,
                                               Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,
       As they shouted out with glee,
      Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
                                                   You’ll go down in history
          You’ll go down in history

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ROCKIN ’ AROUND THE                                 ANGELS WE HAVE
       CHRISTMAS TREE                                     HEARD ON HIGH

             Rockin’ around the Christmas tree              Angels we have heard on high
                At the Christmas party hop                  Sweetly singing o’re the plains
             Mistletoe hung where you can see                And the mountains in reply
                 Every couple tries to stop                  Echoing their joyous strains
             Rockin’ around the Christmas tree                GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO
                Let the Christmas spirit ring
                                                             Come to Bethlehem and see
            Later we’ll have some pumpkin pie
                                                           Him whose birth the angels sing
                And we’ll do some carolling
                                                             Come adore on bended knee
      You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear     Christ the Lord the newborn King
               Voices singing, “Let’s be jolly
                                                              GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO
            Deck the halls with boughs of holly”
                                                              GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO
             Rockin’ around the Christmas tree
                                                               We will raise our voices
                   Have a happy holiday
                                                                    Deo, oh-oh-oh
                 Everyone dancin’ merrily
                                                            Join the angels’ song on high
               In the new old-fashioned way
                                                                    Deo, oh-oh-oh
             Rockin’ around the Christmas tree              We behold your beautiful light
                Let the Christmas spirit ring              Shining glory through the night
            Later we’ll have some pumpkin pie                        Deo, oh-oh
                And we’ll do some carolling
                                                            Angels we have heard on high
      You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear      Sweetly singing o’re the plains
               Voices singing, “Let’s be jolly               And the mountains in reply
            Deck the halls with boughs of holly”             Echoing their joyous strains
             Rockin’ around the Christmas tree
                                                              GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO
                   Have a happy holiday
                                                              GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO
                 Everyone dancin’ merrily
               In the new old-fashioned way

26                                                                                            27

                                                                                                 WE WISH YOU A
          Jingle bells, jingle bells          Dashing through the snow                          MERRY CHRISTMAS
             Jingle all the way                    (we are dashing)
          Oh, what fun it is to ride          In a one horse open sleigh
         In a one horse open sleigh                (one horse sleigh)
                                                 O’er the fields we go               We wish you a Merry Christmas               We wish you a Merry Christmas
          Jingle bells, jingle bells
                                             (o’er the fields we go, we go)          We wish you a Merry Christmas               We wish you a Merry Christmas
             Jingle all the way
                                           Laughing all the way (all the way)        We wish you a Merry Christmas               We wish you a Merry Christmas
          Oh, what fun it is to ride
                                                 Bells on bob tail ring                  And a happy new year                        And a happy new year
         In a one horse open sleigh
                                                 Making spirits bright
        Dashing through the snow                                                     We wish you a Merry Christmas          Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
                                            What fun it is to ride and sing a
         In a one horse open sleigh                                                  We wish you a Merry Christmas                 Good tidings for Christmas
                                                sleighing song tonight
           O’er the fields we go                                                     We wish you a Merry Christmas                   And a happy new year
                                                Jingle bells, jingle bells               And a happy new year
           Laughing all the way                                                                                                  We wish you a Merry Christmas
                                                   Jingle all the way
           Bells on bob tail ring                                               Good tidings we bring to you and your kin        We wish you a Merry Christmas
                                               Oh, what fun it is to ride
            Making spirits bright                                                      Good tidings for Christmas                We wish you a Merry Christmas
                                              In a one horse open sleigh
       What fun it is to ride and sing                                                   And a happy new year                        And a happy new year
                                                Jingle bells, jingle bells
          a sleighing song tonight
                                                   Jingle all the way                 Oh, bring us a figgy pudding          Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
         Jingle bells, j-j-jingle bells        Oh, what fun it is to ride             Oh, bring us a figgy pudding                 Good tidings for Christmas
             Jingle all the way               In a one horse open sleigh              Oh, bring us a figgy pudding                   And a happy new year
          Oh, what fun it is to ride                                                    And a cup of good cheer
                                                Jingle bells, jingle bells                                                       We wish you a Merry Christmas
         In a one horse open sleigh
                                                   Jingle all the way                We won’t go until we get some               We wish you a Merry Christmas
         Jingle bells, j-j-jingle bells        Oh, what fun it is to ride            We won’t go until we get some               We wish you a Merry Christmas
             Jingle all the way               In a one horse open sleigh             We won’t go until we get some                   And a happy new year
     Oh, what a lotta fun, what a lotta                                                  So bring some out here
                                                Jingle bells, jingle bells
     fun to ride and sing in a one horse
                                                   Jingle all the way
                 open sleigh
                                               Oh, what fun it is to ride
                                              In a one horse open sleigh

28                                                                                                                                                                      29
                           QUEENSLAND BEACH
     2019 THE STAR          VOLLEYBALL OPEN
      GOLD COAST               19 - 20 JANUARY
        MAGIC                                                         SAND SAFARI
                                1-2 FEBRUARY
                                                                     ARTS FESTIVAL
         DRAW                                                         8 - 24 FEBRUARY
                                 NEW YEAR
       8 JANUARY
                                 3 FEBRUARY

                               FESTIVAL                                               AUSTRALIAN                        GOLD
                               OF FILM,                                                  STREET                         COAST
                                MUSIC                                                ENTERTAINMENT                      MUSIC
                              AND DANCE                                                CARNIVAL
                                    6-7                                                      19 - 22
                                                                                             APRIL                       2 MAY

                                                           PARADISE                                                    SEAFIRE
                                                             LIVE                                                       31 MAY
                                                                                                                       - 1 JUNE
                                                             3 - 5 MAY

        VIVA                                                                            SURFERS
      SURFERS                                                                          PARADISE
      PARADISE                                                                         KIDS WEEK
        12 - 21                                                                       28 SEPTEMBER
         JULY                                                                          - 4 OCTOBER

                               SURFERS                                                          CHRISTMAS IN
                               PARADISE                                                       SURFERS PARADISE
                                31 OCTOBER                                                               13 - 24
                              - 2 NOVEMBER                                                             DECEMBER

                                                             CAROLS                                                   NEW YEAR’S
                                                             ON THE                                                    CARNIVAL
                                                                                                                      27 DECEMBER
                                                          22 DECEMBER                                                  - 1 JANUARY

                               Events and dates are correct at time of print but are subject to change.
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                     Please see surfersparadise.com for the latest listings. All images © Surfers Paradise Alliance
Wishing you a



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