2018 Provincial Election Survey of Major Parties: Results - AMAPCEO

2018 Provincial Election Survey of Major Parties: Results
Explanatory Note:

This policy survey consists of questions we know to be of critical concern to our membership, and that require
legislative leadership to resolve.

We sent the survey to the three major political parties on Monday, April 30. All three parties confirmed receipt and two
parties have responded. Despite numerous attempts to seek a response, one party failed to reply at all.

The tables in this document contain the complete answers received from the two parties who responded, and are pre-
sented in the order in which they responded.

Use of consultants throughout the OPS, and especially in I&IT
IT programs and projects demonstrate that there is better value and outcomes when they are delivered in-house using
public servants. The use of external consultants also leads to costly knowledge gaps when it comes to maintenance and
future enhancements on these projects.

             Will your party reverse the trend of using external consultants for major I & IT projects?
                                                                                       progressive conservative
             ontario ndp                          ontario liberal party
                                                                                           party of ontario
The unnecessary use of private ex-        Our province has a strong track record No reply.
ternal consultants for major I & IT       when it comes to reducing the number
projects have had costly—and in some      of consultants across government, in-
cases devastating—results for the peo-    cluding IT consultants. We have imple-
ple of Ontario.                           mented a series of recommendations
                                          put forth by Gartner in their 2015 I&IT
We only have to look at the crisis
                                          Baseline Benchmark review.
created by SAMS (the software system
that cost Ontario millions and dis-       This includes reducing our reliance on
rupted the lives of thousands of social   fee-for-service resources by convert-
assistance recipients while causing       ing external consultants to full-time
months of extra work for casework-        OPS employees.
ers) to see the risks of such outsourc-
                                          Since September 2016, we have suc-

Will your party reverse the trend of using external consultants for major I & IT projects?
                                                                       progressive conservative
ontario ndp                       ontario liberal party
                                                                           party of ontario
                          cessfully converted 197 external con-
                          sultants to permanent OPS IT posi-
                          tions. We have also created a central-
                          ized mobile I&IT staff group, which
                          will reduce the need for external

                          Going forward, we are committed to
                          reviewing consulting costs to ensure
                          that we’re minimizing spending on ex-
                          ternal consultants and maximizing the
                          expertise of the professional public

The federal government proactively discloses contracts valued at over $10,000. These contracts are searchable online.

         Will your party commit to full transparency in the use of contractors on I & IT projects/products,
                            in line with the rules currently in place at Federal level?
                                                                                       progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                        ontario liberal party
                                                                                           party of ontario
The NDP believes that the people of      Currently, where Ministries have used   No reply.
Ontario should be at the heart of all    a competitive procurement process
decisions. Both Kathleen Wynne and       for goods valued at $25,000 or more
Doug Ford have a history of making       and services valued at $100,000 or
closed-door deals that make life hard-   more, Ministries must post contract
er for people. We are fully committed    award notification within 72 days of
to accountable and transparent gov-      the award decision.
                                         As part of the Liberal Party’s com-
                                         mitment to transparency, we would
                                         commit to reviewing this policy.

Sunshine List
When the Sunshine List was first introduced in 1996, $100,000 was a figure which captured only senior managers in the
OPS. It had just 984 OPS names—approximately 1.4% of the whole OPS staff complement.

       In keeping with the Sunshine’s list original intent, will your party peg the sunshine list to inflation,
                     from the time of its inception, bringing the 2018 threshold to $146,000?
                                                                                      progressive conservative
             ontario ndp                        ontario liberal party
                                                                                          party of ontario
(Checked the ‘no’ checkbox.)            The Public Sector Salary Disclosure  No reply.
                                        Act makes Ontario’s public sector
                                        more open and accountable to taxpay-

                                        The act requires organizations that
                                        receive public funding from the
                                        Province of Ontario to make public,
                                        by March 31 each year, the names,
                                        positions, salaries and total taxable
                                        benefits of employees paid $100,000 or
                                        more in the previous calendar year.

                                        We have no plans to change the scope
                                        of the act.

Will your party protect employees’ privacy rights by committing to making the list anonymous,
                     and cease putting employees, particularly women, at personal risk?
                                                                                     progressive conservative
            ontario ndp                        ontario liberal party
                                                                                         party of ontario
New Democrats are committed to         The safety of all workers in Ontario is No reply.
working with experts and organiza-     of the utmost importance. We would
tions such as AMAPCEO to ensure that   welcome working with our bargaining
employees, particularly women, are     partners to explore ways to ensure the
able to work safely without personal   safety of OPS employees is protected.

Privatization initiatives and use of P3s
The recent debacle with Carillion is a cautionary tale about the perils of privatizing public services. The resulting Audi-
tor General’s report on Winter Highway Maintenance laid bare what AMAPCEO’s members already knew to be true: that
private contractors cut corners in a variety of ways that have resulted in deterioration of service and service failures.

     Will your government bring the provision of highway maintenance services back into the public sector?
                                                                                         progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                          ontario liberal party
                                                                                             party of ontario
Good things happen when our streets        We will bring the provision of north-   No reply.
and communities are safer—our              ern highway maintenance services
neighbourhoods are more vibrant,           back into public hands as existing
people are happier and businesses are      contracts expire.
more prosperous. Safety is one of the
provincial government’s most import-
ant responsibilities. Andrea Horwath
and the NDP will bring winter road
maintenance and inspections back to
the public sector as each contract ex-
pires. The provincial auditorhas found
private operators cut corners by using
too few plows, skimping on salt and

Will your government bring the provision of highway maintenance services back into the public sector?
                                                                                        progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                           ontario liberal party
                                                                                            party of ontario
de-icer, and sometimes even keeping
the plows inside to save money and
boost profits. It’s time that ended. We
will end the government’s practice of
putting drivers at risk by failing to en-
force contracts and collect fines. With
long-term contracts, we will publish
infractions and fines, and collect on
them. Bad contractors will have their
contracts terminated.

                    Will your government look for opportunities to bring public service delivery
                                     back in-house across all its ministries?
                                                                                        progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                           ontario liberal party
                                                                                            party of ontario
Public services make life better for all    We will work hard to protect the      No reply.
Ontarians. They help families stay on       strong public services that exist.
track. They help communities grow.
                                            Universal access to health care and
And they help businesses succeed. A

Will your government look for opportunities to bring public service delivery
                                    back in-house across all its ministries?
                                                                                    progressive conservative
             ontario ndp                          ontario liberal party
                                                                                        party of ontario
strong network of public services has     a commitment to health equity are
allowed Ontario to lead the country       fundamental values underpinning our
for decades. But Liberal and Conserva-    health care system. Ontario Liberals
tive governments have eroded those        believe in a universal publicly-funded
services with cuts, with privatization,   health care system. Its preservation is
or by failing to keep up with demand      essential for the health of Ontarians
or inflation. We are committed to         now and in the future. We’re increas-
restoring and strengthening public        ing our health care spending by 5%, to
service delivery across Ontario.          reduce wait times and increase access
                                          across the entire healthcare system.
                                          So that everyone in Ontario can re-
                                          ceive the care they rely on, where and
                                          when they need it. We are investing in
                                          care for the people of Ontario, because
                                          it means a better quality of life for
                                          everyone living in this province.

                                          Further, we believe that a strong edu-
                                          cation system is key to ensuring that
                                          every Ontarian has the opportunity to
                                          succeed in life. That’s why we put caps

Will your government look for opportunities to bring public service delivery
                      back in-house across all its ministries?
                                                                    progressive conservative
ontario ndp                     ontario liberal party
                                                                        party of ontario
                        on primary class size and in 2017-18
                        we made new investments to cap our
                        full-day kindergarten classes at 30
                        students, and are lowering the cap to
                        29 students next year. For grade 4-8
                        students, we reduced the average class
                        size from 26 to 24 and are investing in
                        hundreds of new teachers to bring the
                        funded average class size below 23 by

Ending professional exclusions
Certain types of workers, including architects, pharmacists, and IT workers, and those working in certain regulated pro-
fessions, are exempt from protections under the Ontario Labour Relations Act. Over the past fifteen years the Supreme
Court of Canada has made it increasingly clearthat the ability of workers to engage in collective bargaining is fundamen-
tal and protected by the Charter.

    Will your party agree to amend the relevant sections of the OLRA to include these categories of workers?
                                                                                          progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                         ontario liberal party
                                                                                              party of ontario
For many Ontarians, work is low-paid,     Immediately following the passage of      No reply.
Part-time and insecure, offering no       Bill 148, we started the first phase of
benefits and little opportunity to plan   reviews into the current exemptions,
for the future. Precarious, unstable      exclusions and special rules under
employment is on the rise, and more       both the Employment Standards Act
and more people are holding down          and the Labour Relations Act. The ex-
multiple jobs to make ends meet. One      clusion of architects and other catego-
way we can turn that around, and re-      ries of workers from coverage under
spect the work people do, is by allow-    the Labour Relations Act will be part
ing more working people to organize       of this review process. (Similarly, the
in unions. Union membership lets          exclusions of any category of worker
them bargain collectively for better      from the protections of the Employ-
pay, benefits and working conditions.     ment Standards Act are also being

Will your party agree to amend the relevant sections of the OLRA to include these categories of workers?
                                                                                    progressive conservative
             ontario ndp                       ontario liberal party
                                                                                        party of ontario
                                       reviewed. The special rules applicable
                                       to I&IT workers are part of the first
                                       reviews under way right now).

Community Benefits Framework
Community Benefits Agreements are a formal mechanisms to incorporate public benefit into infrastructure develop-
ment, with a particular focus on community economic development and apprenticeship opportunities for historically
disadvantaged and equity-seeking groups.

  Will your party commit to making meaningful, measurable, and enforceable community benefits agreements
 mandatory (in consultation with impacted local communities) in all major, provincially funded infrastructure
                   development projects, starting with the Queen’s Park Reconstruction Project?
                                                                                    progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                       ontario liberal party
                                                                                        party of ontario
Andrea Horwath will expand Com-        A Liberal government will build on     No reply.
munity Benefits Agreements, making     progress already being made on the
them integral to all infrastructure    Eglinton Crosstown LRT and commit
projects. These agreements give expe- to have all major public infrastructure
rience to Ontario apprentices and give projects comply with a community

Will your party commit to making meaningful, measurable, and enforceable community benefits agreements
 mandatory (in consultation with impacted local communities) in all major, provincially funded infrastructure
                   development projects, starting with the Queen’s Park Reconstruction Project?
                                                                                  progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                         ontario liberal party
                                                                                      party of ontario
growing companies a chance to supply benefits framework by 2020.
projects with their goods and services,
                                        To help us get there, we’re moving for-
while setting standards for efficiency
                                        ward with five new community bene-
and climate-resilient construction. We
                                        fit projects, which will employ a range
will focus on bringing more women
                                        of options designed to bolster local
and equity-seeking groups into skilled
                                        communities during the development
                                        of major new public infrastructure,
                                        including employment and training
                                        opportunities, environmental protec-
                                        tions, poverty reduction measures and
                                        small business supports. The projects

                                     •   Finch West LRT, a new light rail
                                         transit line in Toronto
                                     •   West Park Healthcare Centre, a
                                         hospital providing specialized
                                         rehabilitation and complex-con-
                                         tinuing care

Will your party commit to making meaningful, measurable, and enforceable community benefits agreements
mandatory (in consultation with impacted local communities) in all major, provincially funded infrastructure
                development projects, starting with the Queen’s Park Reconstruction Project?
                                                                               progressive conservative
           ontario ndp                       ontario liberal party
                                                                                   party of ontario
                                   • Halton Region Consolidated Court-
                                       house, a new 21-courtroom facility
                                   • Macdonald Block, a reconstruction
                                       of a government complex in Toron-
                                   • Thunder Bay Correctional Com-
                                       plex, to replace the city’s existing
                                       jail and correctional centre.

Commitment to working with bargaining agents to address public sector workforce challenges and
Years of wage freezes and cuts have put public services at risk. Many of our members report staffing levels simply too
low to meet government objectives and manage effective program delivery. Many of our members also experience de-
bilitating workloads as a result of the high numbers of positions remaining vacant in their respective Ministries/depart-
ments, while workloads remains constant or continues to rise.

   Will your party commit to working collaboratively with bargaining agents to develop a plan—with sufficient
   resources attached—that will invest in the people that make Ontario work: public servants? Will you freeze
    layoffs; fill vacancies; rebuild skills; and recruit, train, and retain the next generation of public servants?

                                                                                         progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                         ontario liberal party
                                                                                             party of ontario
There’s a growing sense that our           We are committed to working with all No reply.
province is falling behind—that we’re      partners, including bargaining agents,
not the prosperous economic giant we       to ensure that the Ontario Public Ser-
used to be. Liberal and Conservative       vice continues to grow and thrive. We
shortsighted policies, lack of planning,   will ensure that the OPS can continue
corporate tax breaks, privatization        to recruit and retain the best public
and attacks on public services have        servants, to ensure a strong and effec-
sped along a race to the bottom and        tive public service.

Will your party commit to working collaboratively with bargaining agents to develop a plan—with sufficient
  resources attached—that will invest in the people that make Ontario work: public servants? Will you freeze
   layoffs; fill vacancies; rebuild skills; and recruit, train, and retain the next generation of public servants?

                                                                                    progressive conservative
             ontario ndp                       ontario liberal party
                                                                                        party of ontario
created an economy that isn’t working
for Ontario families. We can change
the way things work in Ontario. We
can have a good government that
work for people, that doesn’t just
stand by and watch. We can have a
government that is proactive, plans
for the future, makes sure that eco-
nomic changes don’t leave people
behind, and that improves public
services so that everyone benefits
from prosperity. That’s why the NDP is
committed to restoring our public ser-
vices with a focus on improving and
increasing front-line staff and service
providers. We will do this in consulta-
tion with those already on the front-
lines, so that staff feel supported in
providing the services that the people
of Ontario deserve.
Card-check certification
Higher rates of unionization bring with them lower levels of poverty and precarious work, better jobs and workplace

Yet Ontario currently requires workers to prove not once but twice that they want to form a union. It is both unfair, and
a significant barrier to organizing.

  Will your party commit to bringing back card-check certification to all Ontarians, as exists in Manitoba, New
             Brunswick, PEI, Quebec, Alberta, all three territories and in the federal public sector?
                                                                                        progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                         ontario liberal party
                                                                                            party of ontario
Andrea Horwath and the NDP will           Through Bill 148, we established card- No reply.
protect the right to join a union by      based union certification for indus-
making sure any workplace can             tries with particularly vulnerable and
unionize when 55% of workers sign         disparate workforces: the temporary
a union card. And we will introduce       help agency sector, the home care and
first contract arbitration legislation    community industry and the building
that will prevent long, tactical delays   services industry. This builds on the
by employers.                             return to card based certification in
                                          the construction sector done at the be-
                                          ginning of the Liberal mandate. The
                                          threshold for these card based certifi-
                                          cation regime is 55 percent, rather

Will your party commit to bringing back card-check certification to all Ontarians, as exists in Manitoba, New
           Brunswick, PEI, Quebec, Alberta, all three territories and in the federal public sector?
                                                                                progressive conservative
          ontario ndp                       ontario liberal party
                                                                                    party of ontario
                                    than the higher threshold of 65 per-
                                    cent used in the Alberta model.

Keeping Bill 148 gains
Bill 148 brought in major gains for all workers, including improving minimum wage, fairer scheduling, better leave
provisions for families and victims of gender based violence, improved vacation minimums and better enforcement, im-
proved organizing rights, improvements to sectoral bargaining, successor rights, and improvements to the right to strike.

            Will your party commit to upholding the gains made by and for working people in Ontario
               by upholding Bill 148, and commit the necessary resources for its implementation?
                                                                                        progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                        ontario liberal party
                                                                                            party of ontario
The recent gains achieved by workers     Yes, absolutely. We are committed to   No reply.
are the result of years of advocacy      the creation of more opportunity and
and action - and New Democrats have      security for workers, which is why
proudly supported these efforts from     we introduced the changes in Bill 148
the very beginning. We were the first    that increased the minimum wage;
party to call for the minimum wage       mandates equal pay for part time,
increase, fairer scheduling, better      temporary, casual and seasonal work-
leave provisions, improved enforce-      ers doing the same job as full time
ment and improved organizing rights.     employees; expands personal emer-
We know that our economy relies on       gency leave to 10 days per year, two
the hard work of Ontarians. And that     of which are paid; makes employee
work deserves to be recognized and       scheduling fairer; provides 17 weeks,
respected. Andrea Horwath and the        including 5 paid days, of domestic and

Will your party commit to upholding the gains made by and for working people in Ontario
              by upholding Bill 148, and commit the necessary resources for its implementation?
                                                                                   progressive conservative
             ontario ndp                         ontario liberal party
                                                                                       party of ontario
NDP continue to be the leading party     sexual violence leave; among other
when it comes to respecting Ontario’s    initiatives.
workers. Our platform includes fur-
                                         We are also committed to seeing the
ther commitments to expanding the
                                         full plan realised. The multi-year
minimum wage for everyone, indexed
                                         growth in employment standards
to inflation, we are committed to
                                         enforcement and the crucial review of
improving leave and organizing rights
                                         current exclusions under the Employ-
and we will improve workplace safe-
                                         ment Standards Act and the Labour
ty standards and enforcement. Our
                                         Relations Act enforcement plan are
respect for workers goes beyond leg-
                                         just two of the key pieces that we will
islative changes, we will also ensure
                                         be proceeding with in the next year.
the resources are there to support and
enforce the laws that workers have
fought for.

Allowing collective bargaining for managerial employees
The Ontario Labour Relations Act currently prevents employees who work in in managerial or labour relations capacity
from belonging to a union. The notion that membership in a trade union subverts the loyalty and integrity of managers
and confidential employees is outdated and antiquated. It also prohibits these workers from exercising their freedom of

                        Will your party commit to amending the act to allow managerial
                 and other currently excluded staff to seek representation of a bargaining agent?
                                                                                             progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                           ontario liberal party
                                                                                                 party of ontario
Our economy relies on the hard work         Immediately following the passage of       No reply.
of Ontarians. And that work deserves        Bill 148, we started the first phase of
to be recognized and respected. One         reviews into the current exclusions
way we can do this, and respect the         under both the Employment Stan-
work people do, is by allowing more         dards Act and the Labour Relations
working people to organize in unions.       Act. The exclusion of managerial and
Union membership lets them bargain          other staff from the Labour Relations
collectively for better pay, benefits and   Act will be part of this review process.
working conditions. Andrea Horwath
and the NDP will protect the right to
join a union by making sure any work-
place can unionize when 55% of

Will your party commit to amending the act to allow managerial
                  and other currently excluded staff to seek representation of a bargaining agent?
                                                                                   progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                      ontario liberal party
                                                                                       party of ontario
workers sign a union card. And we
will introduce first contract arbitra-
tion legislation that will prevent long,
tactical delays by employers.

Per-capita program spending
Ten years of austerity has given Ontario the dubious honour of having the lowest per capita spending on programs any-
where in the country—even after the latest provincial budget. Combined with the cuts and concessions that AMAPCEO
and other public sector workers have been forced to make—balancing budgets on the backs of employees—this has had
a profoundly negative impact on the planning and provision of the important public services that Ontarians rely on.

                     Will your party commit to substantial reinvestment in program spending
                                to restore the standard of living for all Ontarians?
                                                                                           progressive conservative
             ontario ndp                          ontario liberal party
                                                                                               party of ontario
New Democrats see our public ser-         Ontario Liberals believe firmly that       No reply.
vices as more than just bricks and        government has a role to play in
budgets. They are at the heart of         providing care and opportunity for
our communities whether we live           everyone.
in big cities, small towns or rural or
                                          That is why we introduced programs
northern Ontario. Yet years of cuts
                                          like full-day kindergarten, free college
and freezes by consecutive Liberal
                                          or university tuition, free prescription
and Conservative governments have
                                          medication for eligible children and
left our most vital services feeling
                                          youth under the age of 25, and a $15
squeezed, even as demand has grown.
                                          per hour minimum wage.
We are committed to restoring and
improving public programs across          Our current plan will invest more in
Ontario so that everybody can expe-       hospitals, mental health, long-term
rience the standard of living that they   care and child care to help people get
Will your party commit to substantial reinvestment in program spending
                 to restore the standard of living for all Ontarians?
                                                                 progressive conservative
ontario ndp                    ontario liberal party
                                                                     party of ontario
                       ahead today and prepare for tomor-
                       row. This includes:
                       • Increasing investments in health
                          care by more than $5 billion over
                          three years;
                       • Providing $822 million in 2018–19
                          in additional hospital funding;
                       • Making over 2.8 million more
                          hours of personal support care
                          available, with more caregiver
                          respite, over 284,000 more nurs-
                          ing visits and 58,000 more therapy
                       • Making an additional investment
                          of $2.1 billion over four years to
                          improve access to mental health
                          care and addictions services for
                          more people, bringing the total

Will your party commit to substantial reinvestment in program spending
                 to restore the standard of living for all Ontarians?
                                                                 progressive conservative
ontario ndp                    ontario liberal party
                                                                     party of ontario
                           funding to $17 billion over four
                       •   Extending OHIP+ by providing the
                           people of Ontario age 65 and over
                           with free prescription medication;
                       •   Introducing free preschool for
                           children aged two-and-a-half until
                           eligible for kindergarten, begin-
                           ning in September 2020;
                       •   Reducing financial barriers for
                           students from low- and middle-in-
                           come families so that they can
                           pursue postsecondary education
                           through the newly transformed
                           OSAP program;
                       •   Strengthening services for approx-
                           imately 47,000 adults with devel-
                           opmental disabilities to enable
                           choice, independence and inclu-
                           sion; and

Will your party commit to substantial reinvestment in program spending
                 to restore the standard of living for all Ontarians?
                                                                 progressive conservative
ontario ndp                    ontario liberal party
                                                                     party of ontario
                       •   Reforming the social assistance
                           system to focus on people rather
                           than on rules and regulations,
                           improve incomes, and simplify the
                           system to better support those who
                           need it.

                       These investments will ensure that so-
                       cial services receive the funding they
                       need now and into the future.

New, progressive revenue tools
Ontario has a revenue problem, not a spending problem. How else can we explain the fact that deficits are continually
being posted in a jurisdiction that brags of having the country’s lowest cost government on a per capita basis?

          Will your party commit to moving Ontario away from austerity and the sale of valuable assets
           and towards a more sensible approach that puts meaningful revenue boosts—in the form of
                                     new or increased taxes—on the table?
                                                                                         progressive conservative
              ontario ndp                           ontario liberal party
                                                                                             party of ontario
Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals let         In 2014, we were elected to build      No reply.
Ontarians down badly. They certainly        Ontario up. Since then, we have been
didn’t run in the last election on a plan   implementing a plan that is about
to sell off Hydro One, privatize the        investing in people, creating jobs and
electrical grid and sell off a valuable     growing the economy. At the same
public asset. But that’s exactly what       time, we worked toward balancing the
Kathleen Wynne did as soon as she           budget.
was elected, ignoring warnings from
                                            This year we delivered on that prom-
independent experts and protests
                                            ise. We balanced the budget and ex-
from Ontarians. Kathleen Wynne’s
                                            pect to post a $600 million surplus for
Liberals got us here, and Ontarians
                                            the 2017–2018 year.
can’t count on the Conservatives to get
us out; they’re the province’s biggest      We did it without cutting services and
privatization fans. We need a govern-       jobs. We did it by investing in people,
ment that’s truly committed to              creating economic growth and

Will your party commit to moving Ontario away from austerity and the sale of valuable assets
          and towards a more sensible approach that puts meaningful revenue boosts—in the form of
                                    new or increased taxes—on the table?
                                                                                   progressive conservative
             ontario ndp                         ontario liberal party
                                                                                       party of ontario
maintaining and improving Ontario’s      carefully managing spending.
public assets. Furthermore, we are the
                                         As a result, Ontario’s economy has
only party who creating a more fair
                                         growing faster than Canada and is
tax system by making sure that Ontar-
                                         leading the world’s strongest eco-
io’s wealthiest corporations and indi-
                                         nomic powers, including the US and
viduals pay their fair share.
                                         Europe. We created over 800,000 net
                                         new jobs since the recession, and our
                                         unemployment rate is at a 17-year

                                         But while our economy is doing well,
                                         not everyone is feeling the benefits
                                         of it equally. It’s getting harder and
                                         harder for people in our province to
                                         get ahead.

                                         That’s why Ontario Liberals have
                                         made the deliberate choice to invest in
                                         the services and supports families in
                                         Ontario need right now. The

Will your party commit to moving Ontario away from austerity and the sale of valuable assets
 and towards a more sensible approach that puts meaningful revenue boosts—in the form of
                           new or increased taxes—on the table?
                                                                       progressive conservative
   ontario ndp                      ontario liberal party
                                                                           party of ontario
                            deliberate choice to invest in the ser-
                            vices and supports families in Ontario
                            need right now. The deliberate choice
                            to invest in mental health care, health
                            care, home care, child care and more.
                            As a result, we have chosen to run a
                            small deficit of less than one per cent
                            of GDP and have charted a responsible
                            path back to balance.

                            Ontario continues to be the leanest
                            government in Canada; our per-capita
                            program spending the lowest in the
                            country. Our interest-paid-on-debt
                            expense is now eight cents on every
                            dollar of revenue — almost half of
                            what it was in 2000, meaning we’re
                            able to borrow at the lowest rates in
                            25 years.

Will your party commit to moving Ontario away from austerity and the sale of valuable assets
 and towards a more sensible approach that puts meaningful revenue boosts—in the form of
                           new or increased taxes—on the table?
                                                                       progressive conservative
   ontario ndp                      ontario liberal party
                                                                           party of ontario
                            With Ontario back on a solid fiscal
                            track and families still struggling to
                            make ends meet, we cannot afford to
                            pull back. We have to decide if govern-
                            ment is going to help people with the
                            challenges they are facing — or look
                            only at its own balance sheet as the
                            marker of how people are doing.

                            Our fiscal plan lays out a responsible
                            path back to balance, while we invest
                            in the care people in Ontario need.

New, universal public programs
One important remedy to help close the growing gap and reduce inequality in Ontario is through investment in new
and/or enhanced social programs such as universal pharmacare, dental care for all not currently covered by their work-
place or other plans, and universal childcare.

Publicly funded, universally available programs make a greater social and economic impact than those that are narrow-
ly targeted at certain ages or income brackets.

                   Will your party commit to creating and investing in universal pharmacare,
               dental coverage for all who lack it, and universally accessible, affordable childcare?

                                                                                       progressive conservative
             ontario ndp                         ontario liberal party
                                                                                           party of ontario
Andrea Horwath and the NDP under-        Universal access to health care and     No reply.
stand the difference that quality pub-   a commitment to health equity are
lic services can make. That’s why we     fundamental values underpinning our
aren’t just going to undo the damage     health care system. Ontario Liberals
of 20 years of cuts and neglect. We’re   believe in a universal publicly-funded
going to move Ontario forward with       health care system. Its preservation is
bold new universal programs that         essential for the health of Ontarians
meet the needs of a changing, modern     now and in the future.
province: dental care, prescription
                                         Ontario Liberals are leading the way
drug care and affordable child care.
                                         in national pharmacare by expanding
                                         OHIP+ to seniors. Similar to the lead-
                                         ership role the Premier played in

Will your party commit to creating and investing in universal pharmacare,
 dental coverage for all who lack it, and universally accessible, affordable childcare?

                                                                      progressive conservative
ontario ndp                      ontario liberal party
                                                                          party of ontario
                         enhancing the Canada Pension Plan
                         (CPP) Ontario Liberals continue to
                         work collaboratively with its federal,
                         provincial and territorial partners
                         and will advocate for a national phar-
                         macare program to make prescription
                         drugs accessible for all Canadians.
                         No one should ever have to choose to
                         between paying for their prescription
                         or putting food on the table.

                         Ontario Liberals will continue to fight
                         for historic programs like OHIP + and
                         the services that all Ontarians need
                         and deserve.

                         And that is exactly what we’ve done
                         with our new dental program -- $700
                         per year for a family of dental costs
                         now covered. That is going to cover

Will your party commit to creating and investing in universal pharmacare,
 dental coverage for all who lack it, and universally accessible, affordable childcare?

                                                                      progressive conservative
ontario ndp                       ontario liberal party
                                                                          party of ontario
                         4 exams for a low or middle income
                         family without coverage with enough
                         left over to pay for fillings or addition-
                         al cleaning if needed. It’s going to en-
                         sure those children know the value of
                         growing up with good oral health, that
                         years down the road they have the
                         confidence of a good smile. This $700
                         isn’t just a savings for the family, it is
                         an opportunity to for those children to
                         have the confidence to grow up with
                         good oral health.

                         Building an affordable, accessible and
                         high-quality child care system is also
                         a top priority for the Ontario Liberal
                         Party. We have begun expanding ac-
                         cess to child care through our commit-
                         ment to create 100,000 new spaces for
                         children aged 0 to 4. This

Will your party commit to creating and investing in universal pharmacare,
 dental coverage for all who lack it, and universally accessible, affordable childcare?

                                                                      progressive conservative
ontario ndp                      ontario liberal party
                                                                          party of ontario
                         expansion is supported by $1.6-billion
                         in capital funding to support the cre-
                         ation of 45,000 new spaces in schools
                         and community locations.

                         We have also committed $248 million
                         in operating funding to support the
                         first two years of expansion through
                         child care fee subsidies, expanded ac-
                         cess to affordable licensed child care
                         spaces, and reduced waitlists to help
                         parents access quality child care for
                         children aged 0 to 4.

                         These investments will improve access
                         for young children, and support the
                         implementation of free preschool
                         child care in September of 2020. Our
                         plan will save families an estimated
                         $17,000 per child, allowing parents to

Will your party commit to creating and investing in universal pharmacare,
 dental coverage for all who lack it, and universally accessible, affordable childcare?

                                                                      progressive conservative
ontario ndp                       ontario liberal party
                                                                          party of ontario
                         go back to work when they choose and
                         help give children the best start in life.

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