2017 State of the EU ETS Report - Andrei Marcu, Emilie Alberola, Jean-Yves Caneill, Matteo Mazzoni, Stefan Schleicher, Wijnand Stoefs and ...
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2017 State of the EU ETS Report Andrei Marcu, Emilie Alberola, Jean-Yves Caneill, Matteo Mazzoni, Stefan Schleicher, Wijnand Stoefs and Charlotte Vailles
ii ERCST, Wegener Center, Nomisma Energia, I4CE & ICTSD Disclaimer The views expressed in this Paper are attributable only to the authors in a personal capacity, and not to any institution, which they are associated with, or to the funders or supporters of the Paper. This Paper has been the subject of stakeholder consultations, including a workshop convened by the authors with stakeholders including NGOs, think tanks, academia, policy makers, market participants and representatives of industry. A grant was provided from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to disseminate this paper through a number of workshops in EU Member State capitals. Copyright © ICTSD, 2017. Readers are encouraged to quote and reproduce this material for educational and non-profit purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivates 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ ISSN 2225-6679 Image on the front page is credited to British History Online (http://www.british-history.ac.uk/ old-new-london/vol1/pp473-494) The European Roundtable on Climate and Sustainable Transition (ERCST) is a Brussels based initiative under the umbrella of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), and is intended to provide a neutral space where policy-makers and regulators can meet stakeholders, and discuss climate change policy and a sustainable transition to a low GHG economy. While focused on European climate policy, this initiative intends to fully recognize, and incorporate in its activities and thinking, the global dimension of climate change policy. Established in 1996, ICTSD is a non-partisan, non-profit, Geneva- based international organization, registered as an association in accordance with article 60 of the Swiss Civil Code. The Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change is an interdisciplinary, internationally oriented institute of the University of Graz, which serves as a core research center for pooling the competences of the University in the areas climate change and the related issues in climate physics, meteorology, and economics. An evidence based approach to the transformation of energy systems, innovative analytical modeling concepts, and the design of energy and climate policies are focal points of current research activities. Nomisma Energia is an independent research company that deals with energy and environmental issues, committed to understand energy markets and their short and long- term trends. Nomisma Energia covers all issues concerning energy markets and environmental policies, which extend from fossil fuels markets to renewable energies, from industrial and market regulation to development of new technologies, from international politics to local energy planning. Thanks to its independency, Nomisma Energia is able to provide objective and reliable know-how for an in-depth comprehension of the energy sector. I4CE is an initiative of Caisse des Dépôts and Agence Française de Développement. The Think Tank provides independent expertise and analysis when assessing economic issues relating to climate & energy policies in France and throughout the world. I4CE aims at helping public and private decision-makers to improve the way in which they understand, anticipate, and encourage the use of economic and financial resources aimed at promoting the transition to a low-carbon economy I4CE benefits from a large network of partners.
2017 State of the EU ETS Report iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 1. BACKGROUND 2 2. A EU ETS “FIT FOR PURPOSE” 3 3. ENVIRONMENTAL DELIVERY 4 3.1 Delivery Against the Trading Period Target 4 3.2 Delivery Against EU Long-Term Domestic Environmental Commitments 5 3.3 Delivery Against International Commitments 6 3.4 Lessons Learned and Issues to Understand Better 7 4. ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY 9 4.1 Current Situation 9 4.2 Lessons Learned & Areas That Require Further Examination 16 4.3 Carbon Leakage 17 5. MARKET FUNCTIONING 29 5.1 Current Situation 29 5.2 Lessons Learned and Areas that Require Further Examination 31 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY 32
iv ERCST, Wegener Center, Nomisma Energia, I4CE & ICTSD LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BMUB German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety CDP Carbon Disclosure Project CHP Combined Heat and Power CEER Council of European Energy Regulators CER Certified Emission Reduction CO2 Carbon Dioxide COP Conference of the Parties CSCF Cross-Sectoral Correction Factor DG Directorate General EC European Commission EE Energy Efficiency EEA European Environmental Agency EEX European Energy Exchange ERCST European Roundtable on Climate and Sustainable Transition ERU Emission Reduction Unit EU European Union EUCO European Council Conclusion EU TL European Union Transaction Log EUA European Union Allowance EU ETS European Union Emission Trading Scheme GHG Greenhouse Gas I4CE Institute for Climate Economics IA Impact Assessment ICAP International Carbon Action Partnership ICE Intercontinental Exchange ICTSD International Centre on Trade and Sustainable Development INDC Intended National Determined Contribution IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change LRF Linear Reduction Factor MSR Market Stability Reserve MWh Mega Watt hour NDC National Determined Contribution NE Nomisma Energia NGO Non-Governmental Organizations P2 Phase 2 PA Paris Agreement p.a. per annum RES Renewable Energy Sources UK United Kingdom
2017 State of the EU ETS Report 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Andrei Marcu, Emilie Alberola, Jean-Yves Caneill, Matteo Mazzoni, Stefan Schleicher, Wijnand Stoefs and Charlotte Vailles* The EU Emissions Trading System is important through its role as the “cornerstone” of EU climate change policy as well as a “role mode”, and “pioneer” for carbon markets. It is important that, in addition to the regulatory requirements, it be subjected to a thorough and independent review, to discover if it delivers on explicit, as well as what have become “expected” objectives, as well as discover any issues that need to be better understood. While a significant amount of ETS data is accessible, and it is understood that there are strict confidentiality provisions for commercial data, the issue of availability of public data has been identified as an issue, especially that of aligning reporting of EU ETS and NACE data. The governance of the EU ETS, defined as to “who makes decisions” and “how decisions are made” in order to ensure a stable and predictable regulatory framework, resulting in long-term price signal for investment, is critical. Yet, it is hardly discussed, and little understood. The EU ETS can be seen as being expected to deliver in a number of different areas: environmental targets in different timeframes, de-carbonization in an economically efficient way, protection against the risk of carbon leakage, and good market functioning and price discovery. There is no doubt that the EU ETS is delivering on short-term environmental targets. For the mid-to- long term, it does not seem to be on the pathway outlined in the Paris Agreement and the EU 2050 Roadmap. The expected post-2020 LRF, 2.2%, is not putting the EU on a trajectory to reach -90% in ETS sectors by 2050. In addition, EU ETS governance does not, so far, contain governance provisions to align it with the review process of the Paris Agreement. So far, the EU ETS has not played a major role in driving decarbonisation through its price signal alone. The false expectation was created that the EU ETS price would be able to act alone. EUA prices are making a certain level of contribution to decarbonisation, depending on the level of EUA prices, which are driven, to some degree, by the link between short-term pricing, and long-term scarcity. Regulatory uncertainty permeates the EU ETS, and includes the expectation of future regulatory developments, which may again change the long-term scarcity, and deprive the EU ETS price of its role of driving decarbonisation. There is no question that policies other than EU ETS are needed, and will be introduced. The issue is how do we provide for, and address, policy overlaps. Measures to address these overlaps have been created, but have yet to become operational. The impact of the current system of ex-ante, fixed free allocation, can be seen in lack of evidence of carbon leakage, but also in its legacy of a now structural surplus of EUAs. It has levelled the playing field in the EU, with the exception of provisions for indirect costs. Given that free allocation, due to the declining number of free EUAs available, is likely to be a mid- term viable solution, what are the other solutions that should be examined? As a market, the EU ETS has largely worked well in terms measures of good market functioning such as liquidity, spreads between bid and asked, and auction participation. Market function and good price discovery should not be confused with reaching price levels that may be expected by different stakeholders. The exit of many liquidity providers has not yet caused problems, but it is an issue that should continue to be monitored closely, even if data is hard to come by. * Andrei Marcu is the Director of the ERCST, Emilie Alberola is a Program Director at I4CE, Jean-Yves Caneill is Senior Advisor to ERCST, Matteo Mazzoni is a Market Analyst at NE Nomisma Energia, Stefan Schleicher is Professor of Economics at the Wegener Center on Climate and Global Change, Wijnand Stoefs is Researcher at ERCST, and Charlotte Vailles is a Project Manager at I4CE.
2 ERCST, Wegener Center, Nomisma Energia, I4CE & ICTSD 1. BACKGROUND The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) has It must also be remembered that the EU passed its 10th anniversary, and is on its way ETS operates in a highly interconnected to becoming a teenager, which for parents environment and is affected by climate can be a challenging time. As any other change, and other, polices at different levels: undertaking, it requires, periodically, an global, EU and EU Member State. It has to live assessment regarding its well-functioning, and with that reality, and respond to it. the delivery of its objectives. In this respect the EU ETS is not different, and should not The prolonged economic slump that it has been be treated differently from any other activity. subjected to, together with other factors, has Article 10(5) of the EU ETS Directive provides created a systemic surplus, which is a reality. In for such a yearly assessment. addition, the EU ETS was also created lacking the mechanism to mimic reduced supply as a The “State of the EU ETS” Report is not intended result of reduced demand. Both these issues to duplicate or replace existing authoritative are being addressed, but the solutions will only work. It aims to be an independent contribution become operational in the future. to the policy debate, which is needed to ensure that the EU ETS is “fit for purpose”. This report Meanwhile, the EU ETS has to continue intends to discuss the current state of play in to internalize new developments that are the EU ETS. While the temptation will always relevant. This includes Brexit, and the be there, as a rule, it will try to abstain from outcome of the US election. COP21 in Paris providing solutions. has brought the Paris Agreement and the framework for an ever-increasing level of While the EU ETS is a complex instrument, and ambition, as well as an upcoming IPCC special for some a world in itself, it does not exist in report on 1.5°C. Finally, the EU is not the only a vacuum. For all its faults, the EU ETS should jurisdiction pricing carbon anymore, it is now not be compared to an ideal world, but the part of a growing movement towards carbon real options that would be available to address pricing. Some jurisdictions may even have climate change. prices higher that the EU ETS.
2017 State of the EU ETS Report 3 2. A EU ETS “FIT FOR PURPOSE” In order to assess whether the EU ETS is “fit In addition, two other deliverables could be for purpose”, we first need to identify the seen as being implicit: parameters which measure the success of the EU ETS. Simply put, “what do we expect the EU 3. Does it function well as a market? It is ETS to deliver?”. In many cases there are no clear worth having a market only if it functions quantitative indicators for what the EU ETS may well and leads to good price delivery be expected to deliver. Some of the assessments will have a level of subjectivity and political 4. Does it provide effective, and proportional, judgement attached to them. In other cases, protection against the risk of carbon objective, quantitative indicators may emerge leakage? gradually, as experience is gained with these Right or wrong, other “deliverables” have mechanisms, both in the EU, but also around the come to be “expected. The good functioning world. Finally, in some cases experience with of the EU ETS has come to be equated, other markets may provide benchmarks. wrongfully, with the delivery of a “right price” In this context we always need to remind to incentivize certain technologies or actions. ourselves that Article 1 of the EU ETS Directive One additional delivery is in the role that the outlines its broad objectives: EU ETS has in being a pioneer and promoting “This Directive establishes a scheme for carbon markets as a tool for addressing greenhouse gas emission allowance trading climate change. There have been many within the Community in order to promote studies, including the ICAP Annual Report, reductions of greenhouse gas emissions in which shows how carbon pricing has spread, a cost-effective and economically efficient with carbon markets playing a prominent role. manner. This Directive also provides for the In a little more than 10 years, the coverage reductions of greenhouse gas emissions to be of carbon prices has tripled, with China increased so as to contribute to the levels of soon to have a nationwide carbon market. reductions that are considered scientifically While this is not a domestic EU delivery, it is necessary to avoid dangerous climate change.” nevertheless critical, given the importance of having other operational carbon markets, and Some objectives are clearly enunciated and the ability to deliver on EU ETS objectives, identified, while some stakeholder may see without jeopardizing the competitiveness of other objectives as implicit. As also mentioned EU industry. in the 2016 State of the EU ETS report (Marcu et al, 2016), the direct deliverables include: In examining these areas of delivery, the report will focus on: 1. Environmental delivery. Does it deliver against absolute environmental targets as a) What are the quantitative and qualitative expressed in the EU ETS Directive? results for the EU ETS, put in the broader context of interaction with the EU and 2. Cost effectiveness and economic effi- international policies with which it ciency. This reference in Article 1 of the interacts? EU ETS Directive could be interpreted as b) What are the lessons learned, and issues, referring to macro-economic efficiency and which emerge? cost effectiveness for compliance. Alterna- tively, economic efficiency can be seen as c) Areas that require further examination. being dynamic while cost effectiveness as a more snap shot view.
4 ERCST, Wegener Center, Nomisma Energia, I4CE & ICTSD 3. ENVIRONMENTAL DELIVERY If the EU ETS is to be considered successful, when compared to 2005 (EEA, 2016). As EEA environmental delivery is key. However, official 2016 data is not available, preliminary this delivery must be seen as being multi- 2016 data from DG Climate Action shows that faceted, in that it needs to be examined for EU ETS emissions from stationary installations direct achievement, as well as in ensuring were nearly 26% lower in 2016 compared to that it achieves the long term climate change 2005 (EU TL, 2017). Verified emissions have objectives to which the EU has subscribed. been under the target path since the start of This later condition is not explicitly expressed, Phase 2 (P2) of EU ETS. It is expected that and can be seen as being a political decision in the projected emissions will not rise over the terms of the timing (milestones) of the effort target path until 2030, under the scenario of a to reach the long-term EU de-carbonization 2% annual GDP growth after 2015 (see section goals. 4.3 on Carbon Leakage). 3.1 Delivery Against the The market has been short only since 2014 Trading Period Target (demand exceeded the supply of all compliance instruments), when back loading came into In this case the issue is simple: does the EU effect and international credits became a deliver against its trading period for 2020 of decreasing option for compliance. For long -20% vs. 1990 emissions? periods of time the influx of international credits has ensured short-term length in the The EU ETS target for 2020 (-21% for ETS sectors market. Their perceived negative contribution when compared to 2005) is being reached, in this context needs to be balanced against ahead of time. The European Environment the international role that EU ETS has had in Agency (EEA) figures showed that by the promoting market approaches and making end of 2015, emissions from EU ETS covered carbon pricing one of the tools that countries installations had already decreased by 24% must have in their toolbox. Figure 1: Verified emissions, target path and projected emissions 2 500 2 084 2 000 1 784 Target path Million tons 1 500 1 372 2% GDP Projected 1% GDP 1 000 emissions 0% GDP 500 0 2005 2008 2010 2013 2016 2020 2025 2030 Verified emissions scope corrected Source: Wegener center elaborations on EEA, 2017 and EU TL, 2017 Note: data for 2016 are based on the EUTL of April 3 missing gaps are estimated by Wegener Center
2017 State of the EU ETS Report 5 Figure 2: Total supply of allowances and verified emissions 3000 2500 Million tons 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2005 2007 2008 2012 2013 2016 Freely allocated EUAs solid. Auctioned or sold EUAs CERs and ERUs Verified emissions solid. Source: Wegener center elaborations on EEA, 2017 and EU TL, 2017 Note: data for 2016 are based on the EUTL of April 3 missing gaps are estimated by Wegener Center How much of this result is due to a decrease and is difficult to verify. Intensity data, even in CO2 intensity, and how much it is due to a directionally, if based on value added, may decrease in the level of economic activity, is show different trends, which may be attributed an important issue. According to the “2050 to market fluctuations. Roadmap” the EU wants all sectors to contribute and decarbonize. Data from different sectors The issue of data availability was raised in the (e.g. electricity, cement, pulp and paper, “2016 State of the EU ETS” report, and was also chemicals) seem to indicate a decrease in repeatedly raised the during the discussions for carbon intensity. In the case of the electricity the Phase 4 EU ETS review (Marcu et al, 2016). industry, the increasing role of renewable Especially complex are the issues of separating energy plays a critical role. The proportion of combustion and production emissions at renewable electricity has continued to increase energy intensive installations, and separating on average by 1.4% between 2005 and 2014, free allocation for Combined Heat and Power and the EEA estimated that in 2015 more than plants between their clients. One of the major 28% of total electricity consumed was derived benefits that the EU ETS is seen as bringing from renewable energy sources (EEA, 2016). is that of transparency. This lack of data may negate some of that benefit, making it difficult In absolute terms, the impact on emissions not only for researchers, but also for market during the recession is clear. However, most actors, to have confidence in using the EU ETS energy sectors show an increase in emissions as a hedging instrument for carbon compliance towards pre-crisis levels. Cement seems to be obligations. the exception, will levels that continue to be in 2016 well below pre-crisis levels. 3.2 Delivery Against EU Long-Term Domestic Environmental Commitments All these conclusions need to be tempered by the availability of data for independent To what extent does the trading period target research. Most of the data regarding carbon lead the EU to deliver on its longer terms goals intensity comes from business associations and commitments? This is also relevant to the
6 ERCST, Wegener Center, Nomisma Energia, I4CE & ICTSD economic efficiency of the delivery of the EU’s below 2°C” (EC, 2014b), and translated this long-term climate change objective. into GHG reduction targets for 2030 of 40% compared to 1990. As discussed in Marcu et al (2016a), EU domestic climate change targets are expressed through a • The October 2014 EUCO Conclusions number of documents. (European Council, 2014). It refers to the well-known targets of “at least 40% • The “2050 Roadmap for moving to a com- domestic reduction in [GHG] emissions by petitive low-carbon economy” mentioned 2030 compared to 1990” and the Linear a number of intermediate GHG reduction Reduction Factor (LRF) of 2.2%. It also refers targets (40% by 2030, 60% by 2040, and 80% to the possibility that EUCO “will revert to by 2050) (EC, 2011). this issue [contributions/targets to UNFCCC] after the Paris Conference”. The EU has • The 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy subsequently decided in March 2016 that Policies (EC, 2014c) has a temperature there will be no revision of the EU INDC, target to “limit global temperature rise to and decided to keep the same targets. Figure 3: EU emission pathway and the long-term objectives MtCO2 eq 6.000 2020 2030 2050 -20% 5.000 -40% 4.000 -24.4% -40% 3.000 -45% 205 0R oad 2.000 ma pr ang ea lign ed -80% to 0 1.000 2C -95% 0 Source: ENEL (based on EEA 2016 and EC 2011) While the Impact Assessment (IA) of the 2030 As an illustration, at first glance, one could Framework notes that a 2.2 LRF is necessary argue that the Paris Agreement (PA) success for reaching the 40% GHG reduction target, could have generated an increase in ETS short it must be highlighted that it also notes that and medium term prices, and point to higher a 2.2% LRF would not be sufficient for a 90% prices in the long-term. However, this did not reduction compared to 2005 (in ETS sectors), happen: leading to COP 21 there was price as this would require a LRF of 2.4%. It would increase, followed by a drop off of almost three therefore seem that the 2.2% LRF is not putting euros at the start of 2016. This drop can be the EU on a trajectory for reaching - 90% in ETS attributed to short-term changes in commodity sectors by 2050 (EC, 2014c). prices, and expectations for higher demand that did not materialize due to a mild winter 3.3 Delivery Against International period. Commitments The market had already internalized a “success” Impact of Paris Agreement as the 2030 EU ETS target had already been The impact of the Paris Agreement on EU ETS decided by the EU Council well ahead of COP price behavior is a legitimate question, to 21. Similarly, events after the Copenhagen COP the extent that the international process, and show no significant drop in EUA prices after decisions, affects the behavior of EU ETS prices. failing to reach an agreement.
2017 State of the EU ETS Report 7 The latter observations suggest that ETS the conclusions of the 5th IPCC report (working spot and forward prices respond to short- group III) on the need for “negative emissions”. term variations in demand, hedging needs, and changes in the prices of other energy Nevertheless, it is unlikely that the report will commodities. Long-term price expectation have a direct impact on EU ETS prices when it will respond to domestic policies change will be published in 2018. This is similar to the (announcement of changes in long-term target). conclusion reached in the section concerning Consequently, for an international decision to the impact of the Paris Agreement. impact these expectations, it is necessary that Should EU domestic policies be aligned the latter be translated as soon as possible into with international developments through an domestic policies. effective adjustment of EU ETS targets, then, This is suggested in the paper by S. Andresen together with a solid 2050 roadmap, they may et al. (2016): “We have therefore focused have a significant impact on the EU ETS. on the potential impact of the PA—on the 3.4 Lessons Learned and Issues EU and carbon markets. We concluded that to Understand Better the dynamic structure of the agreement may trigger a follow-up process in the EU that could The EU ETS is delivering against its trading lead to greater ambitions beyond 2030”. period target. While the economic recession has made a contribution, emissions have been In the case of the Paris Agreement, there was under the target path since 2009, and also no subsequent impact on EU ETS targets at under the available supply between 2009 and the March 2016 EU Council, and therefore no 2013. The distance between verified emissions impact on prices. and the pathway decreased between 2014 Impact of “IPCC 1,5°C” special report and 2015 (234 million to 211 million tons), but remained approximately constant up to 2016 At COP 21 the COP requested the IPCC to (212 million tons). This figure could however produce a special report on the impacts of still change when final verified emissions for global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial. 2016 are reported by the EEA. This is intended to help Parties clarify the way to take on board practically the Article 2 of The rate of decarbonisation of important the PA: emitting industrial sectors is an important element, but not well understood. There is little “To hold increase in global average temperature doubt that electricity is decarbonizing at a rate to well below 2°C and pursue efforts to limit higher than the current LRF, with the emissions increase to 1.5°C and to aim to reach a global from electricity generation decreasing on peaking of emissions “as soon as possible” average 2,51% between 2005 and 2014, largely due to decreased use of lignite and hard coal The impact of the IPCC Special Report on (EEA, 2016). However, doing an independent the EU ETS, if any, is something that is not assessment on GHG intensity of electricity yet understood. The recently agreed outline generation is necessary in order to analyze the covers five chapters, which consider not only roles of fuel switching and decreased supply. appropriate mitigation pathways to reach This is complex due to lack of available and 1,5°C but also their impacts on natural and recent data and this needs to be addressed. human systems, together with describing ways to strengthen and implement the global The EU ETS is not the only carbon pricing system response to the threat of climate change, while in existence anymore. How its environmental addressing sustainable development, poverty delivery compares with that in other jurisdictions eradication, and reduction of inequalities. is important, especially as it will impact the There is no doubt that this report will reinforce level of effort and impact on competitiveness.
8 ERCST, Wegener Center, Nomisma Energia, I4CE & ICTSD Translating the PA into domestic policies is The existence of predictable and stable the way to impact the carbon market. After governance, to adapt and align the EU Paris, the there was no adjustment in EU or ETS to the changes in its environment, be EU ETS targets. There was no concrete market they changes in the EU NDC as a result of signal to respond to, and, as such, no bullish international developments, is essential and response. yet not currently present.
2017 State of the EU ETS Report 9 4. ENVIRONMENTAL DELIVERY 4.1 Current Situation Monetary impact of EU ETS The EU ETS has been, and continues to be Looking at the yearly net monetary position, presented, as the main EU climate change calculated as the product of the yearly shortfall/ policy, and its mission as to “promote reductions surplus of allowances for different sectors, and of greenhouse gas emissions in a cost-effective the EUAs yearly average spot price, Figure 4 and economically efficient manner”. This shows a market divided between the combustion creates the expectation that the EUA prices of fuels, a large part of which is represented by will drive decarbonisation, and ensure that electricity generation plants, and the industrial it is done in the most economically efficient sector. The former has always exhibited an overall way. This chapter looks at whether the EU ETS deficit in allowances, thus a cost, while the latter delivers in this respect, as well as in other has overall benefitted from over allocation, areas such as innovation. An important part of resulting, so far, in a direct subsidy for many the discussion is how the EU ETS interacts with sectors. As in other chapters, the strong caveat other EU policies, and how this interaction is of the lack of detailed emission data along the managed. lines of industrial sectors needs to be repeated. Figure 4: Yearly net monetary position for combustion of fuels plants (top) and industrial plants (bottom), mln € 50 Net supply of free allowances Combustion of fuels (Percent of emissions) 25 0 -25 -50 -75 -100 2005 2007 2008 2012 2013 2016 50 Net supply of free allowances Industrial sectors (Percent of emissions) 25 0 -25 -50 -75 -100 2005 2007 2008 2012 2013 2016 Source: Elaboration on EEA data
10 ERCST, Wegener Center, Nomisma Energia, I4CE & ICTSD Looking at the EU ETS as a whole, the overall bear a cost. The switch from grandfathering to net monetary position of the economic sectors auctioning for a great part of the power sector market was positive in almost all the years of in Phase 3, and the introduction of back-loading, Phase 1 and Phase 2, with 2007 and 2008 being turned the overall impact negative, with the the only years when EU ETS operators had to overall cost rising to 7 billion € in 2015. Figure 5: Yearly net monetary position for the EU ETS Billions € 3 2 1 0 2011 2013 2005 2015 2012 2009 2006 2008 2016 2010 2014 2007 ‐1 ‐2 ‐3 ‐4 ‐5 ‐6 ‐7 ‐8 Source: Elaboration on EEA and ICE data This dynamic has provided limited incentives of the EU ETS, the number of patents for industries to invest in low carbon grew exponentially, with the highest share technologies and innovation. In this respect, registered by EU-ETS firms. This trend then it is useful to analyze the dynamic of low reached a peak in 2012, then falling constantly carbon technologies patents registered in in the course of the last 4 years, following the Europe. Data shows that after the introduction dynamic of carbon prices. Figure 6: ETS and low carbon technology patents Share of low carbon patents by companies falling under the ETS and companies not falling under the ETS (start of the ETS: 2005) 5 EU ETS Share of patents (in %) 4 3 non-EU ETS firms 2 EU ETS firms 1 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year
2017 State of the EU ETS Report 11 Figure 6: Continued Nr. of low-carbon technology patents vs EUA 12,000 30 10,000 25 Nr of patents 8,000 20 Nr Patents €/ton 6,000 15 EUA €/ton 4,000 10 2,000 5 0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Source: Calel and Dechezleprêtre (2012) and NE elaborations on Espacenet and ICE data It must be stressed that we cannot find a provides incentives for the deployment of direct correlation between the price of EUAs different low carbon technologies, as shown and the number of low carbon technology by comparing the cost of allowances, and patents, as the number of patents is also the marginal abatement costs of different dependent on several other factors, such as technologies. These numbers change, and we incentives for renewable energy and energy are aware that there is a time-dimension to it. efficiency. However, considering a delay in They need to be regarded as directional, and patent registration, which is connected to the this is a dynamic that needs to be treated with time lag of technology development, a degree caution, as other elements, and incentives, play of correlation between the recent low EUA a role in the decision to deploy technologies. In prices, and the decrease in the number of this respect, we could also conclude that the EU patents, could be assumed. ETS, and EUA prices, do make a contribution to the deployment of certain technologies, but that Another element in the role of the EU ETS as that contribution is not sufficient on its own. a driver for change, is the degree to which it Nevertheless, it is an important contribution. Figure 7: Estimates for Marginal Abatement Cost for different technologies (€/ton) Fuel Switch* (NatGas) 16 EUA Avg 2016 EE – Alternative fuel substitution 25 EE – Compressed air 25 EUA Avg 2008–16 Wind Onshore 37 EE – HE Motors 40 EE – Heat Recovery System 55 EE – White Certificates 80 Hydro 109 CCS 110 PV 115 Wind Offshore 174 0 50 100 150 200 Marginal Abatement cost are calculated on the basis of an average EU wholesale price for electricity of 40 €/MWh (130 €/MWh retail price for industries) and an average EU carbon emission factor of fossil generation of 700 gCO2/kWh Source: NE elaborations on ICE, IEA, IRENA, Platts and surveys
12 ERCST, Wegener Center, Nomisma Energia, I4CE & ICTSD The costs for reducing a ton of CO2 currently One significant conclusion is that that the ranges from an average 16 €/tCO2 for switching price of EUAs only came close to the coal to electricity generation from coal to natural gas, gas switching point in 2008 and 2010. The to an average 174 €/tCO2 for offshore wind combination of low carbon prices, low coal power plants. Comparing these costs to the prices and relatively high natural gas prices 2016 average price of EUAs, or the 2008-2016 generated a perverse effect, making highly average price, we conclude that the EU ETS is carbon-intensive coal generation, more not able to drive innovation on its own. profitable than gas natural generation. Figure 8: Price switch, €/ton 70 60 50 Price €/ton 40 Switch EU 30 EUA (€)/ton 20 10 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Source: NE elaboration on ICE and Platts data Credibility CO2 prices to trade in the future. These expectations are enshrined in the futures The long-term price signal is an essential element contracts traded on the different exchanges. in creating the credibility that will lead to low Currently Dec EUA contracts traded on the carbon innovation and investment. In 2008 the ICE, the most liquid exchange for EUAs, show EUA was trading at a level above € 20/ton. It has the price of CO2 increasing only marginally in dropped since, and has now stabilized between the next nine years. Currently Dec 25, which 4.5 and 6.5, a level insufficient to drive, by has no open interest, shows a value of € 5.6/ itself, neither innovation, nor a fuel switch. ton. The scarcity operators currently perceive The long-term credibility is reflected through changes only marginally from the present, the forward curve; the price operators expect which is not in line with what models show.
2017 State of the EU ETS Report 13 Figure 9: Dec EUA forward curve, €/ton 5.8 5.7 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.3 €/ton 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.8 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 Source: ICE This shows two things. Firstly, that given the The second element, the stability of the current price and expected scarcity in 2025, regulatory framework, is also reflected in the as well as the discount factor, there is a clear price dynamic of the market. Market volatility is misalignment between short-term and long- one indication of uncertainty: a high volatility is term prices. Secondly, there is also a strong related to a higher uncertainty surrounding the misalignment between what the market market, while a lower volatility is expression of expects and what companies are using in their more stable market conditions. We must however investment decisions. The shadow prices used distinguish between day-to-day volatility and by several companies in their investment plans volatility triggered by specific events, such as are significantly higher that what the market is regulatory events. The latter is more concerning as it influences investment decisions. currently pricing. During the period 2010-2013 the day-to-day As highlighted by CDP (2016) the number of volatility of the carbon market has been much companies adopting internal carbon prices has higher than that of other energy commodities. been growing over the last years, and Europe However, it decreased after the introduction of is the region with the majority of companies back loading, and then of the MSR. doing so, with respectively 38% in 2015 and 47% in 2016 of total companies that disclosed It is also important to underline that industry adopting internal carbon prices. Furthermore, and power utilities react differently to price European companies have higher shadow prices volatility. Industry is generally less prone to than companies with headquarters in other manage volatility and hedge forward, and this regions. However, as the CDP reporting builds is especially true for small industries. Managing on a voluntary sample, it is difficult to arrive at volatility is far more common for utilities as a definitive judgment. they hedge their price risk.
14 ERCST, Wegener Center, Nomisma Energia, I4CE & ICTSD Figure 10: Day-to-day volatility of: CO2, Crude oil, Coal, Natural Gas, Electricity 6% For great part of the period, EU ETS day-to-day volatility has been constantly higher than that of other energy commodities (almost 3-time 5% higher than the Brent volatility) 4% EUA Dec Brent FM 3% CIF ARA Cal 2% TTF Cal EEX Cal 1% EU ETS Day-to-day volatility 0% decreased in correspondence of the double overhaul (backloading + MSR) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 while the other energy commodities experienced an opposite trend. Source: NE elaborations on ICE, Platts and EEX data Interaction with national measures measures, in the form of incentives for renewable energy sources (RES), have been the main reason The power sector has so far been the main for these reductions. Energy efficiency policies contributor to the reduction of CO2 emissions. also played a role in reducing CO2, while the However, so far, the EU ETS has only contributed missed opportunity for switching fuels from coal partially to the decrease in emissions. National to natural gas has resulted in higher emissions. Figure 11: Reduction of emissions due to other measures 100 Mton 50 0 increase due to higher coal reduction due to EE -50 reduction due to RES -100 -150 -200 -250 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source: NE elaborations on Eurostat and EEA data
2017 State of the EU ETS Report 15 The introduction of other environmental objectives beyond carbon reductions, including policies, such as renewable energy and energy security as well as other environmental energy efficiency incentive schemes in many and health co-benefits. EU Member States has, to a certain degree, contributed to the limited impact of the EU ETS. In this context, it is useful to compare the Another important contributor was the EU ETS economic efficiency of the EU ETS with national Linking Directive, which provided for the use of incentive for RES incentives put in place in international credits for EU ETS compliance. the last decade. It must be stated that this comparison only takes the cost of CO2 reduction ETS, RES incentives and energy efficiency into account, and not the other benefits from measures are considered “overlapping RES and EE. The cost of CO2 reduction from EU measures” in that they all contribute to ETS was compared to the cost of reductions reducing carbon emissions. It must be noted induced by RES incentive schemes put in place that RES and EE have helped meet other EU in 5 European countries. Figure 12: National measures: average RES incentives expressed in €/MWh (left axis) and €/ton (right axis) €/M Wh €/ton 300 600 250 500 Avg RES 200 400 incentive 150 300 EUA (right) Avg EU RES 100 200 incentive in ton (right)€ 50 100 0 0 France Germany Italy UK Spain Source: CEER, 2017 The level of support varies across countries, the low level of EUAs price. This includes the from a maximum of € 180/MWh in Italy, UK carbon floor, which was adopted in 2013. followed by France and Germany. By using The carbon floor was to have an ascending the EU average carbon intensity in the power trajectory, with prices reaching £ 30 /ton (€ sector, the unit price per energy is converted 38 /ton) by 2020. Despite the fact that there into unit price per ton of CO2 abated. The range has been no increase in the last 2 years, the of values obtained varies from roughly € 550 / UK experienced a steep decrease in the use ton in Italy, to a minimum of € 230/ton in UK. of coal for electricity generation and has, in These values are significantly higher than the 2016, reached the lowest level of coal use, EUA prices in 2015, which was € 7.7/ton. and resulting emissions, since the start of the industrial revolution (Carbon Brief, 2017). Other national policies also contributed to the decrease of CO2 emissions, and therefore
16 ERCST, Wegener Center, Nomisma Energia, I4CE & ICTSD Figure 13: EU ETS vs UK Carbon Floor (top graph), UK electricity generation mix (bottom graph) EU ETS vs UK Carbon Floor €/ton 35 30 25 20 UK FP 15 EUA 10 5 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Electricity Generation Mix UK, 2005-2015 100% Net import 90% Other 80% Solar 70% Wind 60% Bioenergy 50% Hydro 40% Nuclear 30% Gas 20% Oil 10% Coal 0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source: NE elaborations on Eurostat, BEIS, ICE 4.2 Lessons Learned & Areas that factor to other primary drivers, primarily Require Further Examination national incentives for RES. More than a decade after the introduction of the There is no question that policies other than EU EU ETS, the picture that emerges with respect ETS are needed, and will be introduced. The to its contribution to the decarbonisation of inefficiencies in decarbonisation introduced by the EU, and the economic efficiency of this these policies are a political decision, the result effort, shows that, so far, the EU ETS has not of priorities other than decarbonisation, as well played a major role in driving decarbonisation as market failures that need to be addressed. through its price signal alone. The issue is not whether these policies will be introduced, but rather the trade-off between While the EU ETS price could, in principle, economic efficiency and political priorities, drive de-carbonization in a cost-effective and more importantly, how do we provide for, and economically efficient way, other and address, these policy overlaps. policies that were introduced, together with design deficiencies, and an off-the-scale With the scaling down of RES incentives, the economic recession, have prevented that from pace of innovation seems to have slowed down. happening. For the power sector, we can say Through the current price level, and the lack of that carbon price worked as a complementary connection between the short-term prices and
2017 State of the EU ETS Report 17 long-term scarcity, the EU ETS cannot provide changes, such as coal shut down, or changes an incentive to drive innovation and long-term in Industrial Emission Directive standards. investment. The EU ETS may have helped some sectors to minimize the impact of the economic In order to cope with these uncertainties, and crisis. What needs to be carefully monitored is set the most effective ETS mechanism for the the risk that low EUA prices may provide the next trading phase, it is necessary to better wrong incentives and lead to the lock-in of understand several issues. carbon intensive technology and processes. First and foremost, we should include all If this was the whole truth, and it is unfortunately costs in the calculation of the comparison of becoming the generally accepted view, it would different approaches. That is why the cost and be rather harsh in terms of lessons learned and benefits derived from other policies ought to judgment of the EU ETS contribution. But this be calculated. is not a complete, and accurate reflection, of Secondly, it is important to quantify the new the EU ETS contribution. In fact, the EU ETS measures that will be put in place to reach retains a key role. This key role stems from the the 2030 targets and their impact on the provision of a baseline price-signal and from carbon market. Will the MSR, on its own, the observation that all reforms are moving in under the current parameters, be sufficient to the direction of tighter scarcity, which shows a coordinate the effect of further overlapping degree of political commitment. policies? Or will it be able to address only The false expectation was created that the EU those policies that are foreseen, but not ETS would be able to act alone. But rarely a abrupt changes? decision is made, in business, and elsewhere, Thirdly, we need to understand how the on one factor only. It must be accepted that allocation surplus has been used, or may the price of EUAs is just one driver, and factor, be used. Was it banked, used for economic in making economic decisions. A number survival purposes, used for decarbonisation of other inputs will drive and contribute to efforts? Innovation happens when funds are decarbonisation in the real world. EUA prices available and correctly used. are making a certain level of contribution, depending, on the level of EUA prices, driven, Fourthly, we need to understand what is the to some degree, by the link between short- impact of events with long-term implications, term pricing, and long-term scarcity. and how to increase awareness of long-term price signals and scarcity among market This is mainly due to the regulatory uncertainty operators. The relationship between short- that permeates the EU ETS, and what seems term prices and long-term regulatory scarcity like the expectation that future regulatory is critical to understand. The power sector developments will again deprive the EU ETS has showed a higher degree of adaptability price of that role. The existence of predictable to changing conditions, while industry, which and stable governance, to adapt and align the faces higher external competition, may suffer EU ETS to the changes in its environment, from higher CO2 prices. Will industries be including the impact of overlapping policies, is able to cope with higher prices? What will the essential, and yet not currently present. impact of higher be? The introduction of the MSR is expected to 4.3 Carbon Leakage cope with the current surplus, and address many of these problems. Although the MSR Providing protection against the risk of carbon will add a useful flexibility to the supply side leakage, and implicitly addressing competitive of the market, it is questionable whether issues for EU industry exposed to international it will always be able to deal with flows of competition, is an area where EU ETS must allowances that may originate from sudden deliver.
18 ERCST, Wegener Center, Nomisma Energia, I4CE & ICTSD The potential for relocation of production and also trying to rectify the lack of flexibility in investment from countries with climate change free allocation, which is one of the causes of policies to countries with less stringent, or the current surplus in the EU ETS. Current no climate change policies, is a continuing provisions, as well as on-going discussions for concern for the energy-intensive industries, the post-2020 period, focus on free allocation which currently account for about a quarter of as the solution. emissions in the EU ETS. While carbon leakage should refer to environmental concerns, in The discussion on protection against carbon EU ETS day-to-day parlance it is now mostly leakage focuses on the amount of EUAs that interpreted as addressing competitiveness installations may have to purchase, and concerns. consequently around the volume of free allowances they will receive. A substantive The evidence is not definitive at this point, discussion requires a comprehensive analysis of but there is limited evidence that carbon cost effects, the impact on value added, and leakage has happened in the EU. This can be the operating surplus, of installations. attributed to a number of things, including the effectiveness of the carbon leakage Figure 14 indicates that these costs impacts protection measures that that EU has put in result from complex interactions, which need place to 2020, as well as the severe economic to consider, besides free allocation, the price recession. The discussions that are now on- of EUAs, and direct costs, as well as indirect going focus on the post-2020 period, with a costs, and the ability to pass-through costs. number of provisions being considered. They From a long-run perspective, even the costs of try to address the concerns of industry, while abatement would need to be added. Figure 14: Cost impacts relevant to carbon leakage Emissions Direct Carbon carbon price price Indirect Free Effective carbon costs carbon allowances costs Value added Source: Wegener Center
2017 State of the EU ETS Report 19 4.3.1 The current evidence Table 1 and Figure 15 show the share of free allocations by sectors. There is a The share of free allowances in relation to significant difference between combustion emissions for the EU ETS covered installations, installations (which account for 71 percent provides evidence of the protection that the EU of total emissions), and the industry sectors. industrial sector received from the asymmetry Combustion includes electricity and heat in the global climate change regime. The (and combined heat and power - CHP), but current systems of fixed ex-ante free allocation also industrial combustion installations with had a strong counter-cyclical effect, and a rated thermal input of more than 20 MW. reduced costs in times of recession, based on Combustion installations were short during all resulting lower EUA prices. trading periods. Table 1: Share of free allowances in emissions Verified emissions (mt CO 2) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2015 2016 All stationary installations 2.120 1.880 1.939 1.904 1.867 1.908 1.814 1.800 1.763 Share of free allowances 92% 105% 103% 106% 110% 53% 52% 48% 42% All combustion of fueld 1.511 1.380 1.415 1.385 1.372 1.332 1.237 1.225 1.020 Share of free allowances 83% 91% 90% 94% 97% 28% 27% 23% 16% All industrial sectors 609 500 524 520 495 576 576 575 574 Share of free allowances 116% 143% 137% 138% 146% 110% 105% 102% 101% All refining of mineral oil 145 135 133 133 127 130 127 130 130 Share of free allowances 98% 106% 111% 111% 118% 83% 83% 79% 77% All production of pig iron or 122 84 105 104 100 107 108 106 107 steel Share of free allowances 143% 209% 167% 167% 174% 139% 135% 132% 132% All production of cement 157 126 124 122 114 111 116 114 114 clinker Share of free allowances 111% 139% 142% 144% 155% 125% 109% 110% 109% Production of bulk chemicals 31 28 29 28 27 35 35 35 35 Share of free allowances 118% 135% 129% 135% 141% 121% 121% 117% 113% All production of paper or 28 24 26 25 24 23 22 22 22 cardboard Share of free allowances 120% 140% 132% 138% 150% 121% 123% 119% 113% All manufacture of ceramics 18 13 13 13 12 16 15 16 16 Share of free allowances 128% 181% 182% 175% 192% 114% 105% 100% 95% Other activities 108 90 94 96 91 154 153 153 151 Share of free allowances 144% 177% 169% 169% 179% 116% 111% 108% 89% Source: Wegener Center elaboration on EEA 2017
20 ERCST, Wegener Center, Nomisma Energia, I4CE & ICTSD Figure 15: Free allocations for combustion and industrial sectors Net supply of free allowances 50 Combustion of fuels 25 (Percent of emissions) 0 -25 -50 -75 -100 2013 2005 2012 2016 2008 2007 50 Industrial sectors 25 Net supply of free allowances (Percent of emissions) 0 -25 -50 Deficit Surplus -75 -100 2013 2005 2012 2016 2008 2007 Source: Wegener Center elaboration on EEA 2017 Currently data availability makes extremely since 2016. The cement industry shows an challenging to assess how the surplus of each accumulation, in particular during Period 2, sector is split between industrial emissions, of large surpluses of free allowances - almost and on-site combustion emissions and/or CHP 300 million EUAs. The surpluses for paper and plants. As such, this data needs to be seen as cardboard installations are over double their directional. It is important to note that this annual emissions. analysis is based on sectors as defined in the EU Transaction Log, which means that a facility The particular high surpluses of free allowances could be split into one or more combustion for ceramics installations in P2 have accumulated installations, and industrial installations. to three times of its annual emissions. Note that this sectoral picture could change dramatically Based on the data discussed above, refinery if it was possible to allocate the emissions (and installations balanced their Phase 3 deficits surplus/deficit) from combustion installations to with Phase 2 surpluses, but have been short the various industry sectors.
2017 State of the EU ETS Report 21 Installations in the ‘Pig iron and steel’ category of a few eurocents per ton of product for have accumulated more than 500 million EUAs, various sectors and installation sizes (Source: which continues to increase. However, these Egenhofer et al, 2014, Renda et al, 2013a and assessments are based on publically available Renda et al, 2014b). data from EEA and the EU TL. As expressed throughout the paper, there are concerns Indirect costs – the cost of compliance related to the availability and quality of data. for electricity generators passed on to As an illustration, data from Eurofer indicates a their customers in electricity bills – are, very different picture. Their assessment of the however, far more relevant, especially for total number of allowances allocated to, and the electricity intensive industries. Based surrendered by, the steel industry (including on the current EU approach, only partial and both industrial installations and combustion regressive compensation is available and it is of fuels) indicates that the cumulative surplus left at the discretion of Member States. This for the entire steel industry peaked in 2012 is an unpredictable model, and creates the at nearly 250 million EUAs, but has since then potential for significant, and uneven costs for decreased significantly, reaching an estimated best performers. 180 million EUAs by 2016 (Ecofys, 2016). Table 2 gives an overview of estimates for Bulk chemicals have an accumulated surplus indirect costs from a study on energy prices of EUAs that is close to twice of its annual for energy intensive industries. emissions when using EU TL sectoral data. Estimating indirect costs is an imprecise CEFIC indicates that only half of bulk chemical science at best, and depends on how emissions and allocations are covered by the electricity producers will pass costs through, sectoral activity codes presented in EU TL. and the estimates for the carbon intensity of These differences in results are problematic as electricity generation. The estimates below should be considered conservative and are it shows that it is currently challenging to do an likely to be an overestimation of indirect independent assessment of this issue. costs. However, it is apparent that indirect The previous paragraphs dealt with direct ETS costs are not significant for non-electricity costs – the cost of buying allowances at auction, intensive sectors, for example bricks and roof or in the secondary market, to cover emissions. tiles. More electricity intensive sectors, such For installations under the EU ETS two other as primary aluminum, are however impacted cost categories need to be considered: indirect by high indirect costs, and it can be in a and administrative costs. material way. Around 3% -14% (depending of EUA prices) of total production costs for the Studies of EU ETS costs indicate that admini- primary aluminum sector can be attributed to strative costs are relatively small, in the order indirect costs.
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