St. Gabriel the Archangel Junior/Senior High School Student Handbook

Page created by Rick Alvarez
St. Gabriel the Archangel Junior/Senior High School Student Handbook
Updated August 18, 2017

St. Gabriel the Archangel
Junior/Senior High School
    Student Handbook

       Principal: Mr. Rob Miller
Vice Principal: Mrs. Sandra O’Flaherty

     197 Invermere Drive T1X 1M7
         Chestermere, Alberta
             (403) 500-2110

St. Gabriel the Archangel Junior/Senior High School Student Handbook
Updated August 18, 2017

             Welcome                                          Student Responsibilities (cont.):

T    3
             Principal Welcome
             To the parents and students
                                                              Personally Owned Devices
                                                              Harassment and Bullying
                                                              Student Groups/Human Sexuality Topics

A    5-6

             School Calendar 2017-2018

             Bell Times
                                                              Racial/Sexual Comments/Harassment
                                                              School Watch
                                                              Fire Alarms, Evacuations and Lock Downs

B     8
             School Information:
             School Profile
                                                              CCSD ‘No Smoking Policy’
                                                              Alcohol and Drugs

L     8
             School Philosophy
             Religious Participation
             Parent Volunteer Program
                                                              Student Services:
                                                              Textbook Rental Program
                                                              Guidance Counsellor

E     9
             School Council
             Visitors to the School
             Visitor Parking and Parking Lot Safety
                                                              Career Practitioner
                                                              School Resource Team
                                                              Library/Learning Commons
     10      Newsletters/ Website/ Twitter            26      Health Services
     10      SchoolConnects                           26      Ambulance Calls
     11      Student Agenda                           26      School Resource Officer
     11      Noon Lunch / Lunch Fees

of   11      Good Neighbour Policy

             School Facilities:
                                                              Student Recognition:
                                                              Academic Awards
                                                              Honour Roll Recognition
     12      School Phone Use                         27      Scholarships
     12      Lockers
           Academics / School Work:                   28      Graduation and Commencement

     13    Homerooms/Teacher Advisors                         Requirements
     13    Course Expectations                        29      Alberta High School Diploma
     13    Homework Policy                                    Requirements

     14    Reporting Periods
     14    Academic Integrity                                 Special Programs
     14-15 Plagiarism                                 30      Knowledge and Employability Courses

     15    Evaluation Assessment                      30      Work Experience
     16    Course Marks Appeal                        30      Registered Apprenticeship Program
     16    Course Withdrawal

     16    Brightspace /D2L                                   Athletics & Activities:
     17    Progress Reports-Interviews                31      Interschool Athletics
     17    Formal Examinations                        31      Athletic Code of Conduct

                                                      32      Athletic Eligibility
             Student Responsibilities:                32      Student Game Travel
     18      Student Conduct                          32      Athletic Awards

     18-19   Progressive Discipline                   32      Accident Insurance
     19      Attendance                               32      Student Leadership Team
     19-20   Habitual Lates and Absences
     20      Visual Identification                    33      Student Expectations Sign-Off Form

T    20-21
             Student Dress Code
             Visiting Students
     21      Personal Items

S    21      Air Rifles/Guns                     2
Updated August 18, 2017


Welcome to St. Gabriel the Archangel School. It is our sincere hope that you will discover
the warm, Christian atmosphere within the school. We believe that when children feel
safe and are treated with dignity and extraordinary respect they can be expected to
achieve success in any venture they undertake.

We are all partners in your child's education. As parents, you are the primary educators        E
of your children. We take our responsibility as educators seriously and constantly strive

to be the best teachers we can be. We are counting on your support so that together we
can offer a quality Catholic education for your child.

It is with a great deal of anticipation and enthusiasm that the Administration and Staff
welcome you to St. Gabriel. We hope you will have a successful and enjoyable year with
us. Two of the main goals of this school community are to work in close partnership with        C
you and your children and to create the best possible learning environment for the


St. Gabriel takes great pride in establishing and nurturing an environment where
Catholicity is permeated among students, staff and parents. We create a learning
community which empowers staff and students to problem solve in a creative, critical and
flexible manner. We continue to enhance the quality of teaching and learning to promote
academic excellence and pride in all our school achievements. Our staff strive to foster
effective, open lines of communication while organising the trifocal partnership between
home, school and parish. We continually improve classroom instructional programs
through a process of program review, student achievement analysis and teacher
supervision and evaluation. We support a positive, collaborative school environment and
a clear sense of community. We look forward to your continued interest, support, and
involvement in the education of your child.

Updated August 18, 2017

Parents, you are an integral component of St. Gabriel the Archangel School. As the primary educator it is
critical, you work in partnership with the school in the education process. You can help your children by
asking them to share their school day, ask questions, encourage their endeavours and nurture a love and
interest in learning. The importance placed on school and learning by parents is reflected in the student

The education of children is a shared responsibility and one that requires a supportive and co-operative
relationship between the home and the school. This is the primary ingredient needed for a successful
schooling experience and the instructional team at St. Gabriel the Archangel welcomes active parental
involvement in the education of the child. A parent survey is conducted each spring, and parental input is
used in formulating a School Plan for the following year.

Please review this handbook with your child. It will be an important reference during this school year. It is
meant to be used by students to keep track of their homework, assignments, home reading, and school

activities; by parents as a communication tool with their child’s teacher(s); and by teachers to communicate
with parents about the day to day events within our school.

Understanding the guidelines, programs and procedures that are outlined will support open communication,

active cooperation and positive learning. We believe that with your help, we can create an atmosphere of
mutual respect and participation for everyone.

School Act – Section 16.2 (Parental Duties)
A parent of a student has the responsibility;
       (a) to take an active role in the student’s educational success, including assisting the student in
            complying with section 12,
       (b) to ensure the parent’s conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning
       (c) to co-operate and collaborate with school staff to support the delivery of specialised supports
            and services to the student,
       (d) to encourage, foster and advance collaborative, positive and respectful relationships with
            teachers, principals, other school staff and professionals providing supports and services in the
            school, and
       (e) to engage in the student’s school community.                                                            E

Please read this handbook carefully. The responsibility for knowing and observing the rules and guidelines
of our school rests with you, the student. For this reason you are expected to become familiar with the
information in this handbook. Not only does this handbook outline the rules of conduct, but also, equally
important, it provides other information relative to curriculum and extracurricular activities. All students are
encouraged to celebrate their gifts and talents and participate in developing our school community through
developing leadership. You have the responsibility to apply yourself and do your personal best. You have
the opportunity to make your school experience meaningful, enjoyable and productive. Make it great!

School Act - Section 12 (Student Conduct)
A student shall conduct himself or herself so as to reasonably comply with the following code of
       (a) be diligent in pursuing the student’s studies;
       (b) attend school regularly and punctually;
       (c) co-operate fully with everyone authorised by the board to provide education programs and
           other services.
       (d) comply with the rules of the school;
       (e) account to the student’s teachers for the student’s conduct;
       (f) respect the rights of others.
Updated August 18, 2017

St. Gabriel the Archangel School Calendar 2017-2018

Updated August 18, 2017

St. Gabriel the Archangel School Calendar 2017-2018

Updated August 18, 2017

                    St. Gabriel the Archangel Bell Times

Junior High                                    Senior High
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday                        Monday/Tuesday/Thursday

8:45          Welcome Bell                     8:45           Welcome Bell
8:52-9:33     Period 1                         8:52-10:16     Block 1
9:35-10:16    Period 2                         10:18-10:33    T.A. Period
10:18-10:33   T.A. Period                      10:35-11:59    Block 2
10:35-11:16   Period 3
11:18-11:59   Period 4                         11:59-12:37    LUNCH

11:59-12:37   LUNCH                            12:37          Welcome Bell
                                               12:44-2:08     Block 3
12:37         Welcome Bell                     2:10 -3:34     Block 4
12:44-1:25    Period 5                         3:34           DISMISSAL
1:27-2:08     Period 6
2:10-2:51     Period 7
2:53-3:34     Period 8
3:34          DISMISSAL

Wednesday                                      Flex Wednesday

8:45          Welcome Bell                     8:45           Welcome Bell
8:52-9:28     Period 1
                                               8:52-10:05     Block 1
9:30-10:05    Period 2
10:07-11:07   Period X - T.A./Assemblies       10:07-11:07    Flex Period
11:09-11:45   Period 3                         11:09-12:22    Block 2
11:47-12:22   Period 4
                                               12:22-12:59    LUNCH
12:12-12:59   LUNCH
                                               12:59          Welcome Bell
12:59         Welcome Bell                     1:06-2:19      Block 3
1:06-1:42     Period 5                         2:12-3:34      Block 4
1:44-2:19     Period 6                         3:34           Dismissal
2:21-2:56     Period 7
2:58-3:34     Period 8
3:34          Dismissal

Friday                                         Friday
8:45          Welcome Bell                     8:45           Welcome Bell
8:52-9:27     Period 1                         8:52-10:04     Block 1
9:29-10:04    Period 2                         10:06-11:18    Block 2
10:06-10:41   Period 3
10:43-11:18   Period 4                         11:18-11:41    LUNCH

11:18-11:41   LUNCH                            11:41          Welcome Bell
                                               11:48-1:00     Block 3
11:41         Welcome Bell                     1:02-2:14      Block 4
11:48-12:23   Period 5                         2:14           DISMISSAL
12:25-1:00    Period 6
1:02-1:37     Period 7
1:39-2:14     Period 8
2:14          DISMISSAL
Updated August 18, 2017

S   St. Gabriel the Archangel School Profile

    St. Gabriel the Archangel School is one of over 100 schools under the umbrella of the
    Calgary Separate School District. As such, it avails itself of numerous support services
    found in larger school boards. The school opened in September of 2002 with
    approximately 240 students. Today we are a vibrant Grade 7 to Grade 12 school with
H   over 530 students. St. Gabriel the Archangel School is a Catholic institution that serves
    the educational needs of Catholic families in and around Chestermere. Many of our
    students are bused in from outlying rural areas. This brings together a unique blend of

O   both rural and urban views and lifestyles in our student population.

    School Philosophy
O   The philosophy of education at St. Gabriel, the Archangel School, is to provide

    opportunities for every child to develop to the maximum of his or her potential. These
    learning opportunities will try and make each child feel successful.

    The school is built on the foundation of “Extraordinary Respect”. Extraordinary Respect
    is defined by three traits:

I         I.
               Treat people better than you want to be treated,
               Do the right thing for the right reason

        III.   With integrity, we all need to be accountable.

    The staff of St. Gabriel the Archangel work together with parents, clergy and the broader

F   school community to meet the needs of all of our stakeholders. We believe in open,
    honest communication with all partners in the St. Gabriel the Archangel School

O   St. Gabriel the Archangel is proud to be a “Catholic Community of Caring
    School”. This is a district initiative that enhances our school’s commitment
R   to the following virtues. Our school strives to promote: extraordinary
    respect, family, trust, responsibility, caring and faith. The Catholic

    community of Caring philosophy is exciting because it permeates every aspect of our
    school. The six core values are incorporated into classroom learning, liturgies.

    Religious Participation
T   As a Catholic school, religious education is an integral part of our school day. All students

    are expected to participate in our Religious Education program, daily prayer and many
    prayer services and liturgies over the course of the school year. This participation brings
    us together as a community of faith.

O   All HS students are required to complete nine credits in Religious Studies (15, 25, 35)
    to participate in Graduation and Commencement activities at St. Gabriel the

Updated August 18, 2017

S   Parent Volunteer Program
    Parents are encouraged to volunteer at St. Gabriel the Archangel. Research indicates
C   that parental involvement in the educational process impacts positively on the attitude
    and conduct of children in the school. Please note that before volunteering in the
    school during school hours or helping supervise a field trip, parents must attend a

H   “Volunteer Orientation”. The orientation must be updated each year. Dates and
    times for the orientation will be announced at a later date.
    The volunteer orientation and the volunteer program, in general, are facilitated by the

O   school administration. All parent volunteers at the school are asked to report to the main
    office to obtain volunteer identification tags.

O   Periodically parents may be needed to transport students to interschool activities or field
    trips. School Board policy requires that all volunteer drivers fill out a “Volunteer Driver

    Authorization” form before transporting students. This document requires volunteer
    drivers to submit a copy of their insurance policy. These forms are available at the office.
    Principal approval is required before any parent is accepted as a volunteer.

    School Council

    Each year parents are asked to volunteer to serve on a School Council. A yearly
    schedule for the St. Gabriel the Archangel School Council meetings will be developed
    once a Council is elected. Parents are encouraged and welcome to become involved in

    the numerous projects that the school and council undertake. Information will be coming
    home at the start of the school year. Get involved as active parents are informed
    and engaged. Parent involvement in school translates to their children

F   becoming more successful in school.

    Visitors to the School
O   Parents and visitors must first report to the school office located by the Main Entrance.

    All parents and visitors are required to wear Visitor/Volunteer Identification tags
    provided by the office. This procedure enables us to minimise disruptions to our
    programs and ensures a degree of safety for our students.

M   Visitor Parking and Parking Lot Safety

A   Our main parking lot is not available for visitor parking during the school day. Visitors
    are asked to park on the street. We share this parking lot with Prairie Waters School.

    It is not a drop off zone. Also, please do not park in front of the school doors as it is a

I   It is important that all visitors to our school obey the parking lot rules. All vehicles must
    enter in the far entrance. The parking lot loop only allows for one way traffic. This is
    especially important during our peak congestion times from 8:15 to 8:50 AM and from

O   3:30 to 4:00 PM. Parents and community members are advised to follow all parking
    and drop off regulations. RCMP will be present to regularly observe and ticket traffic
    violators. NOTE: It is also important that we respect our neighbours near the school

N   by not parking in front of driveways.
Updated August 18, 2017

S   Newsletters / Website / Twitter

    Communication is very important in the success of any school. Our school website at
C is updated on a regular basis and
    contains the most up-to-date information. Please make a habit of checking it on a regular

H   A school newsletter will be issued at the beginning of each month to inform parents of
    school activities and other important information. These newsletters will be distributed to

O   parents via “e-mail” and published on the school website. Please provide the office with
    your current e-mail address. If parents do not have access to e-mail, copies will be
    available in the office. The newsletter will also include a detailed calendar listing special

O   events, holidays, professional days and celebrations. Additional information sheets are
    sent home throughout the year as required. We also encourage you to follow our athletic
    teams on Twitter @SGASport_CCSD as well as our general school Twitter account
L   @stgabriel_cssd


I   At St. Gabriel the Archangel we use a subscription to SchoolConnects an Automated
    Notification Service. SchoolConnects can quickly deliver a wide variety of messages
N   by phone, email and SMS text to parents and our staff. It will enhance communication
    within our school community and improve our emergency preparedness.

F   We believe that good attendance is important to the academic success of students.
    We will be using SchoolConnects to notify you by phone whenever your child is absent

O   from class.     These phone calls are made to your home/cell phone in the
    morning/afternoon. We will also be using SchoolConnects to send announcements
    and emergency messages as required. These messages may go out at any time.
R   Please make sure your contact phone numbers and email addresses are up to

M   When you receive calls from the system, Call Display shows the phone number from
    the school or the Calgary Catholic school district. When SchoolConnects reaches an

    answering machine, it plays the message twice in case the beginning is cut off.

    We are excited about using SchoolConnects to enhance communication and improve

T   the quality of education for your child.

N                                          10
Updated August 18, 2017

    Student Agenda

C   For the 2017-2018 school year, electronic agendas will be online through the
    (Brightspace/D2L) web portal for Grade 7 – 12 students.

    Noon Lunch / Fees

    A yearly lunchroom fee is levied to pay for lunch hour supervisors. All families of

O   Grade 7 – 9 students are asked to pay this fee. This fee covers supervision for the
    lunchroom and playground.

L   All Grade 7 – 9 students must eat their lunch and stay on school property throughout the
    lunch hour unless they are going home to a parent for lunch and have submitted a signed
    Closed Campus Form authorising leaving school property.

    All students must eat their lunch in their designated eating areas. After lunch, students are

    expected to be outside, weather permitting. Students are to remain outside before school
    and during noon hours unless the temperature falls below –17 ° C. The school library is
    also open on most school days for students who wish to read or complete work.

F   Good Neighbour Policy

    Students are ambassadors of St. Gabriel each time they leave the school. All students
    are expected to show their respect and maturity to all of our neighbours, both residential
    and commercial, and to conduct themselves in a manner that maintains a positive

R   relationship with our community.

N                                          11
Updated August 18, 2017

School Phone Use                                                                                  S
Students will be allowed to use school telephones in case of emergencies and illness.
Phones in the office should not be used for trivial reasons. Parents who have emergencies         C
or need to contact their child are asked to call the school directly. Cell phone use within the
classroom for receiving or making calls is not permitted.

It is suggested that all arrangements for appointments or rides be made before your child
comes to school. Please ensure that the bus company is informed if your child will not be
taking the bus that day. If contact with your child is necessary, you may phone and leave a
message. Please be aware that students are only contacted at the dismissal bell to come
to the office for a message to minimise the disruption to instructional time.                     O

Grade 7 – 12 students are assigned a locker. Each locker is to be secured by a school
combination lock, which will be purchased from the school. Students are entirely responsible
for the security of their locks and combinations. Locker clean outs will be held on a regular
              Locker combinations should be kept private.
              Lock combinations must be provided to the teacher advisors.                         C
              Students are not to leave open food in lockers as it attracts unwanted pests.
              Lockers are the property of the school; they are provided as a service to
              students and will be inspected on a regular basis.
PLEASE NOTE: Valuables should not be left in the gymnasium areas, gym offices, or
school desks. The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
Abuse of lockers will result in the privilege being removed from the student for a

period of time determined by Administration.

                                                  12                                              S
Updated August 18, 2017

    Homerooms / Teacher Advisors

    Students in grade 7, 8, and 9 have been assigned a homeroom / TA. The homeroom
    teacher or T.A. (teacher advisor) will monitor academic progress and will be an
    important link in the school-home communication chain. Homeroom teachers will be
    the adults in the school who come to know each student best. They are there to
    provide support for students in the transition years between elementary and junior
    high school.

    Much care and thought is given to the placement of students into classrooms and
    homerooms. The following are taken into consideration when assigning students to
    particular classes:

A         •
              Teacher recommendations
              Progress Report marks
              Work Habits (i.e. citizenship, course work, organisation & engagement) such
              as independence/work skills, self-starter, problem-solving abilities)
          •   Group relationships and interpersonal factors (self-discipline/social activities)

A         •   Past school experiences

    The school’s primary concern is to place students into classes that afford them the
D   best instructional program, given the school’s resources.

    Students will take all core subjects with their homeroom class. In option and physical
    education classes, students will be intermingled with other students at the same grade

M   Course Expectations

I   At the beginning of the year, each teacher provides students with an outline of their
    course expectations and evaluation procedures.

C   High School students are assigned to grade level Teacher Advisors. TA’s have the role
    of supporting students in all aspects of their high school education.

S   Homework Policy

    Homework is any task assigned by teachers that students complete during non-school
    hours. The Calgary Catholic School District recognises that well-planned homework in
    Grades 7 -12 can be a meaningful part of a student’s learning. Time spent on homework
    may vary from one student to the next. Parents who have concerns with homework
    expectations should contact their child’s teacher or the school principal to discuss the
    situation and the options available. The Calgary Catholic School District finalised a
    homework regulation in consultation with its community. You can find more information
    about the District’s homework regulation at

Updated August 18, 2017

    Reporting Periods

    There are four progress reporting periods in high school and three in junior high in each
    academic year. Parent/Teacher interview dates are noted in the calendar. Appointments
    are set up online through the school’s online Conference Management Program: At any time, progress can be monitored through
    Brightspace /D2L.

    Academic Integrity

    Students are expected to be rigorously honest in the pursuit of their education. A
    student is academically dishonest when he/she engages in any illegal or improper

A   activity for the purpose of improving a grade or test score. These include, but are not
    limited to cheating and plagiarizing the work of others or allowing one’s work to be
    copied or plagiarized. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and will be dealt with
C   severely on a case by case basis. Consequences may include suspension, and a failing
    grade on the assignment.

A   Plagiarism

    Plagiarism means presenting work done (in whole or part) by someone else as if it were
    one’s own. Related dishonest practices include faking or falsification of data, cheating,
    or the uttering of false statements by a student to obtain unjustified concessions.

E   Plagiarism is deliberate dishonesty and entails, but is not limited to, the following
M      Exams and Tests

I      ❖ Impersonation of a candidate in an exam or test.
       ❖ Copying from another student, or making information available to other

C        students knowing that this is to be submitted as the borrower’s work.
       ❖ Giving students information about the content of a test they have not yet
         written, knowing they will use it to their advantage.
S      ❖ No cell phones allowed during any exams.

       Use of unauthorised material

       ❖ Submission of an assignment or essay written by someone else.


        ❖   Copying a laboratory report, or allowing someone else to copy one’s report.
        ❖   Using another student’s data unless specifically allowed by the teacher.
        ❖   Allowing someone else to do the laboratory work.
        ❖   Faking laboratory data.

Updated August 18, 2017

       Essays and Assignments

        ❖ Submission of an essay written in whole or in part by someone else as one’s
        ❖ Preparing an essay or assignment for submission by another student.
        ❖ Copying an essay or assignment, or allowing one’s essay or assignment to be
          copied by someone else.
        ❖ Using direct quotations or large sections of paraphrased material without
        ❖ The buying or selling or essays or assignments.

    Individual teachers or departments will point out areas of specific concern not covered

    above. Plagiarism should be distinguished from co-operation and collaboration.
    Often, students may be permitted or expected to work on assignments collectively
    and to present the results either collectively or separately. It must be understood, if

C   another person’s work is being presented, or cited (by way of formal
    acknowledgement). Teachers should inform students what constitutes acceptable
    workmanship, the proper form of citation and use of sources.
A   Penalties for Plagiarism or Cheating

D   The penalty for plagiarism or cheating on a test, exam, final exam or another assignment
    may be a reduction of the grade, grade of zero on the assignment, test or examination;

E   reduction of the final grade; failure of the course; or, such penalty as the teacher or school
    administration may reasonably deem appropriate. In some circumstances, plagiarism
    could result in a formal school suspension. A student who allows work to be copied

M   will be subject to the same penalties.

    Electronic Plagiarism
I   The Internet provides an extraordinary amount of information to students, which

    requires students to be both selective and careful in its application. When using
    information from Internet sites, textbooks or other materials, it is extremely critical that
    students properly reference each source. Subject teachers will be able to provide

S   students with appropriate referencing formats to ensure that credit is given to source
    materials. Acts of copying materials or ideas directly from another source with
    referencing are considered plagiarism and will result in severe penalties.

    Evaluation Assessment

    Evaluation of academic achievement measures progress in learning. It is not an end
    in itself – grades should not be held up as the sole reason for learning. Academic
    achievement does not measure the worth of a student as a person, and a student’s
    self-worth should not rest solely on his or her grades at school.

    Student academic performance varies throughout the school year. This is particularly
    true at the junior high level when students are often undergoing rapid physical and
    psychological growth.
Updated August 18, 2017

    Student achievement in every subject will be evaluated through a diversity of methods
    in every reporting period. The results of the evaluation process will be communicated
    to parents in a formal progress report. Teachers may contact parents throughout the
    year and advise them of their child’s progress. We encourage parents and student to
    access Brightspace/D2L online to check on student’s progress and monitor what has
    or has not been handed in for evaluation

    Students write formal exams at the end of the school year in junior high and the end
    of each semester in high school.

    Students are expected to be responsible for their studying timelines and to prepare
    themselves on an ongoing basis for all subject evaluations.

A   Student grades will be reported on Brightspace /D2L and reflect the year-to-date
    student’s grade. Grades will be calculated cumulatively as opposed to grades being
C   averaged per term. This means that student marks reflect achievement on a variety
    of assessments from the beginning of the course to the current date. Final grades

    include the year-long cumulative assessments and a final exam.

    A student achievement grade will be reported as a percentage. The mark is

    composed of a balanced set of assessment directly linked to the Alberta Program of
    Studies. The mark is not based upon behaviour or effort, as this is reported
    separately in a Work Habits mark in junior high.

E   Course Marks Appeal

    All high schools have provisions for final course mark appeals. Within a week of final
    exams the school principal should be informed in writing, stating the reasons for the

I   Course Withdrawal HS Students

C   Students in Grade 10 and 11 are not permitted to withdraw from their courses without
    completing a course transition form which involves consultation with student, parent,
    counsellor and subject and / or administration. Grade 12 students may only withdraw
S   from courses that do not affect graduation outcomes. Please consult with our
    counselling department for course withdrawal forms.


    Brightspace /D2L is an online Learning Management System used to enhance our
    Grade 7 – 12 students’ education. The platform contains a wide variety of tools, such
    as an online grade book, as well as a content tool where teachers have the
    opportunity to post course outlines, interactive course materials, grades, assignments,
    etc. These tools provide students and parents with a valuable communication tool
    that supports student learning and the opportunity for students to take responsibility
    for their learning which leads to greater success. By logging on to Brightspace/D2L,
    students and parents can review progress and grades, missed assignments, etc. in all

Updated August 18, 2017

    courses. To access Brightspace/D2L go to the school website at and follow the Brightspace /D2L link.

    Progress Reports - Interviews

    Grade 7 - 9: St. Gabriel the Archangel School has 3 reporting periods during the school
    year. The first is an oral progress report where the student, parent and TA (teacher
    advisor) meet early in the school year. The intent of this reporting period is to discuss
    program expectations and listen to parent concerns.

    The following three reporting periods have formal progress reports. Progress reports
    are sent home in November, March-April and June. The November and March-April

A   reporting periods will have parent- teacher-student interview sessions. Parents are
    encouraged to continually monitor their child’s progress on Brightspace/D2L and contact
    their child's specific subject teacher any time they have a concern.
C   Senior High: Classes are semestered. Semester 1 runs from September through

    January. Semester 2 begins January 30 and ends in June. Progress reports are
    distributed at the half way point of each semester as well as at the end of each semester.
    Brightspace/D2L should be continually checked to follow student progress. Be sure to

D   have your child’s password. Students play an active role in their assessment and should
    be aware of their progress on a continual basis.

E   Formal Examinations

    Grade 9 students are required to write Provincial Achievement Tests (PAT) in June in
M   Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Results from the PATs will be
    available to parents in October of the following school year. Grade 8 students will also

I   write District Religious Studies Achievement Exams. Grade 7 and 8 students write
    school based finals. The dates correspond to grade 9 provincial achievement tests.

C   Please note JH students are dismissed after exams at approximately 11:00 to prepare
    for their next exam.

S   Senior High Diploma Examinations are scheduled by the province and will take
    place at the end of each semester in January and June. Alberta Education provides
    the exact dates at the start of each school year. Students writing diploma exams must
    write on the schedule dates. Alberta education also offers opportunities for students to
    re-write diploma exams. These dates are set by the province. The school sets dates
    for grade 10 and grade 11 exams during semester breaks in January and June. It is
    important parents understand exams must be written on the assigned dates. Parents
    should refrain from booking holidays during semester breaks until exam dates are

Updated August 18, 2017
Student Conduct

  We will work closely with all of the stakeholders to build a culture and climate which is
 conducive to learning. We believe in the dignity and worth of all students, and it will be
                        our mission to acknowledge the positive.

                   St. Gabriel, the school of Extra-ordinary Respect
Children grow and mature in a supportive environment, and therefore our guidelines for
conduct are designed to support, not restrict students. Students at St. Gabriel the
Archangel School have rights and responsibilities. It is the obligation of the school to       N
protect these rights and insist that students uphold the rights of others. Students are
expected to exhibit a high degree of self-discipline and accountability. Students shall        T
conform to the rules and regulations of the school, the Calgary Catholic School District,
and the School Act of the Province of Alberta.

It is the expectation that St. Gabriel the Archangel School students will:                     R
      Behave in a Christian and courteous manner that reflects an attitude which
       respects and values others.
       Be diligent in pursuing the student’s studies.
       Attend school regularly and punctually.
      Respect the rights of others to learn and study in a safe and disciplined
       environment.                                                                            P
       Respect the right to study in a clean and attractive work environment.
       Avoid the use of profane, foul or abusive language.                                     O
       Adhere to the rules of the school.
      Co-operate fully with everyone authorised by the School District to provide
       education programs and other services
      Be accountable to the administration, teachers and support staff for their conduct
       on the school premises, on field trips and in the neighbourhood.
      Be mindful of the physical appearance of the building and intolerant of vandalism.      I
Progressive Discipline
Each discipline issue will be evaluated as to the seriousness of what has occurred. This
may then result in moving immediately to the final steps of the Progressive Discipline         I
Policy. Progressive Discipline may involve the following:
       reprimand and apology
      supervised time-out
      community service
       completion of a written report or presentation
       lost privileges in the school
       detainment after school and at lunch
       parent/guardian will be informed
       meet with the school counsellor and administration
       in-school suspension                                                                    E
Updated August 18, 2017

      out-of-school suspension                                                                 S
      parent/guardian school administration meeting
      investigation/meeting with Police
       recommended counselling at an outside agency
      behaviour plan review meetings
      expulsion

The School Act states that students must be punctual in their attendance at school.             E
In the event of an absence, parents are requested to contact the school by phone before
8:52 a.m. to indicate the reason for the absence. The school answering machine is switched      N
on 24 hours a day. In the case of a medical or dental appointment, a note or phone call
should be sent in advance so the student can be released from class. An excused late slip
will be given to the student upon return that day. A parent or guardian of a Grade 7 – 9
student must come into the school and sign a student out if they are leaving the school.
When students are absent without prior notice, an automated phone call through
SchoolConnects is made notifying the parent of the absence. The call is made after both
morning and afternoon attendance for Grade 7-9 students and after Block 1 and at the end
of the day for Grade 10-12 students. This procedure is undertaken to ensure the safety of
our students. A “Parent Portal” is available on the school website which provides easy,         E
up-to-date access to daily attendance records and it is recommended that it be checked
on an ongoing basis. Office hours are from 8:15 am to 4:15 pm Monday to Friday. The             S
school telephone number is (403) 500-2110.

Habitual Lates and Absences

Administration and the guidance counsellor will meet with students who are habitually late.
Students who are repeatedly late or absent without a reasonable excuse will be viewed as
committing a serious violation of the School Act and will be handled accordingly. Students      N
with multiple unexcused lates or absences will be referred to administration. Following this,
an Attendance Contract will be implemented. Parents are encouraged to schedule dental,          S
doctor or other necessary appointments outside of school hours. Professional days are an
ideal opportunity to book those appointments without disruptions to the instructional

Prolonged absence or irregular attendance results in a lack of program continuity that is
detrimental to learning and is not supported by the school. As a result, students who are
repeatedly late or absent without a reasonable excuse are considered to be in violation
of the School Act.
   ❖ Each homeroom teacher/teacher advisor will call the parent/guardian after five full
     days are missed, whether they are excused or unexcused absences. The call is
     to discover whether there is something happening here at school that we can assist
     with. The importance of regular attendance by every child is paramount to
     receiving the very best possible education. With regular attendance, students will
     avoid becoming overwhelmed due to missed lessons and having extra homework
     as they attempt to get caught up.
Updated August 18, 2017

   ❖ If the student continues to miss (10 days), the counsellor will send a letter home
     requiring parents to come in and meet with the teacher, counsellor and
     administrator to address the concerns and complete an Attendance Improvement              T
   ❖ If the student continues to be absent, an irregular attendance referral may be made       U
     to our district attendance officer.

Choosing to take your child on vacation during the school year is ultimately a parental
choice. Please be aware that homework will not be supplied. School work is not all paper
and pencil work. Much is learned through discussion, group work and dynamic interaction,
which cannot be replicated outside of school. The decision to take your child out of school
does have an impact on their learning.
Planning effective instruction for the class is also impacted when different students are      T
away at different times. To provide optimal learning conditions for all children, we
respectfully ask that families consider limiting vacations to school holidays whenever


Visual Identification (VID)

All students are issued a school visual identification card and a standard lanyard. VID’s      E
are a District expectation to ensure that we can quickly and easily identify students who
might not belong in our building. Should students lose or destroy their VID, they will be      S
expected to purchase a new one through the business office. Students are expected to
have their visual identification (VID) with them at ALL TIMES while on school


Student Dress Code

If it is appropriate for the professional workplace, it is appropriate for school. Students
are expected to support standards of dress and grooming reflecting the school’s
purpose as a place of learning and as a place of work. Students should be sensitive to
the values and expectations of our Catholic community. The following guidelines will be
observed:                                                                                      I
      Cleanliness and neatness — all clothes should be clean and in good repair.              B
       Safety and health — shoes must be worn at all times. Outdoor clothing should not
       be worn in class and must remain in the student’s locker.
      Clothes must not display slogans or advertising which is controversial, gang

       related, obscene and depicting drugs or alcohol.
       Briefs, beach-style or revealing clothing is inappropriate — Clothing that reveals
       bare backs, bare shoulders (including spaghetti straps), bare midriffs and plunging
       necklines, tank tops, muscle shirts, fish-net tops, sheer clothing or clothing that
       reveals undergarments are prohibited.
       Moderation — dress and grooming should be such as to avoid drawing attention
       to oneself. Shorts and skirts must be hemmed, in good repair, and of appropriate
       length.                                                                                 I
      Hats are not to be worn and are to be stored in the student’s locker.
Updated August 18, 2017

Students whose dress is inappropriate will be expected to change their clothing before
returning to class or be sent home by the administration to change. Students who
repeatedly violate the dress code on a given day or over a period of time may face                 T
suspension for continued defiance.
School personnel reserve the right to make any required judgements in the above areas.

Visiting Students

St. Gabriel the Archangel School is a closed campus. Students from other schools are not
to be invited to St. Gabriel the Archangel during the school day. Trespassers will be asked
to leave immediately and could be charged. St. Gabriel the Archangel students are not to
visit other school campuses during the school day. Visitors are required to wear VID cards
and register their vehicles at the Main Office.
Personal Items

Students are encouraged not to bring personal items such as expensive jewellery,                   R
skateboards, and iPods or mp3 players to school if they are not directly related to their school
work. Students will NOT be allowed to listen to these devices during instructional time. In
addition to being a possible distraction and hazard, the security of these items cannot be
guaranteed. Our school follows the District belief that “responsible use of technology” is
essential. Students are also discouraged from bringing large sums of money to the school.
Students may not bring any weapon, imitation weapon or anything that is potentially
unsafe to school.
Air Rifles / Guns:
The district prohibits students from possessing weapons or engaging in violent or
threatening acts on school property, and at school-sponsored functions and                         S
activities. "Weapon" means any object, device, or instrument designed or through its use
is capable of threatening or producing bodily harm to oneself or others. By this definition,
air rifles/guns are therefore considered weapons. As it is challenging to visually identify
these weapons as air rifles/guns, school staff, RCMP will likely respond in the same
manner as they would an actual rifle/gun. For the safety of all students, staff and visitors
in the school, these items are not allowed on school property or at school-related activities
under any circumstance.
Personally Owned Devices (POD’s) – cell phones, iPad, tablets, etc.                                L
The presence of Personally Owned Devices (POD’s) in the lives of students is self-                 I
evident. Personally Owned Devices refers to any technology device purchased by the
individual and not issued by the Calgary Catholic School District. They can be a                   T
valuable learning tool when used appropriately, but they also present a distraction to
learning if abused. Personally Owned Devices are permitted during instruction only                 I
under the direction of the teacher. Each teacher will indicate how the devices will be
Updated August 18, 2017

used in the classroom ensuring ‘digital citizenship’. This includes supporting students            S
to develop the skills and abilities necessary for them to be responsible, discerning users
of electronic devices including awareness of how students may be victimized through

the inappropriate use of technology. Students who refuse to comply with those
guidelines will have their technology privileges taken away for a suitable time period

determined by the administration. The security of any of these items cannot be
guaranteed, and the school will take no responsibility for their safekeeping.

These devices should NEVER be brought into or left in the change rooms. More
information regarding the use of Personally Owned Devices will be sent home in the

early fall.

All electronic devices used inappropriately and not responsibly will be confiscated
and given to Administration for the duration of the day. Subsequent violations will
result in progressive consequences. Students will be encouraged to bring Personally
Owned Devices (POD’S) to school to support their technology needs. Computers are also
available in the library and computer lab. A mobile cart with iPads is available for
classroom and library use to support student learning. Wireless connection is available
throughout the school.
All student and parents are expected to read, review and sign our Network
User/Electronic Devices Agreement. It will be sent home in our opening day package.
Harassment and Bullying
Harassment and bullying are any behaviour, verbal, non-verbal or sexual, that causes
another to feel intimidated, offended, embarrassed and humiliated. Harassment denies               O
the dignity and respect of individuals. It hampers efforts to create a caring Christian
Catholic community and interferes with a student’s right to feel safe and secure within the
school environment. The Calgary Catholic School District’s policy states “Any form of
personal harassment which is intended to, or does, diminish the personal dignity and self-
worth of any individual is prohibited.”
The most effective way to eliminate unprovoked behaviours such as harassment, bullying,
teasing, taunting, etc. is to REPORT ALL INCIDENTS TO A TEACHER OR ADULT.
Each report of harassment will be investigated thoroughly.
What to do if harassment occurs to you. Tell school staff, tell friends, parents or
siblings.                                                                                          L
What to do if you witness harassment. Help the victim: if you don’t, you share the
responsibility. Do not join in. Tell those that may be able to help — staff, friends or parents.
Educate the bully when appropriate.                                                                T
Please meet with your teacher, the guidance counsellor or school administration if you are
concerned about harassment and bullying.
                                                   22                                              E
Updated August 18, 2017

Student Groups and Human Sexuality Topics                                                        T
Over the year, our school may establish a student group, which engages in discussion             U
and activities related to diversity and justice issues, including support for students
belonging to sexual minorities. In particular, within our Religious Education and Family
Life Catholic Community of Caring program, students may provide leadership and
receive support to continue to build inclusive communities, aligned with our Catholic
social teachings. If you wish further information, please contact the principal.
Racial and Sexual Comments/Harassment                                                            N
One of the pillars of extraordinary respect is, “Treat others better than you want to be
treated”. Students must treat others with respect, tolerance and understanding. Harassment,
bullying, comments or statements of a racial or sexual connotation will not be tolerated. This
includes spoken, written and electronic (e-mail) communication.

School Watch
Students are encouraged to take responsibility and become actively involved in creating
a safer environment for living and learning. If you see something that should not be going
on in your school such as strangers trespassing, locker break-ins or acts of intimidation,       S
talk to a St. Gabriel the Archangel Staff member. You can also phone the school after
hours and leave a message on the school’s answering machine. All tips are anonymous.             P
Fire Alarms, Evacuations and “Lock Downs.”                                                       O
There are situations which require that the building is secured or evacuated. For the
safety of all in the building, students must be extremely cooperative during these
situations. In the event of an alarm, students and teachers will follow evacuation and
lockdown instructions as posted in each room and mandated by CSSD. All staff, students
and visitors must adhere to all procedures and move quickly and quietly to designated
areas in these exceptional circumstances. In the event of an actual emergency, parents
or guardians will be notified by police and the media for updates.
To ensure the safety of students and staff, an Emergency Response Plan has been
developed for our school. St. Gabriel the Archangel students and staff will regularly            I
practice fire drills and lockdown procedures in preparation for any critical incident.
Appropriate behaviour is expected during lock-downs.

Calgary Catholic School District ‘No Smoking’ Policy                                             I
The use of tobacco, E-Cigarettes and Vapes is prohibited in schools, on school grounds,
in and on any District property or buildings at all times. As well, the provincial “Youth
Tobacco Act” states that it is unlawful for youth under the age of eighteen to be in
possession of or otherwise consume tobacco products.
Updated August 18, 2017

Students who are reported or suspected of having tobacco products on their person may         S
face having their possessions, locker and clothing searched by the school administration.
Any discovered contraband will be confiscated and disposed of by school administration.
Students who smell of tobacco smoke may have to work in an alternative learning
environment. In some instances, the student will be sent home to change.                      U
Parents and the R.C.M.P. will be contacted by school administration if a student smokes on
or near school property. Students who continue to flout provincial law and School Board
policy may face suspension.
Alcohol and Drugs
Students who sell or represent they are selling, dispense or represent they are dispensing,
possess drugs or drug paraphernalia, use, abuse or who are under the influence of alcohol     T
or other substances on District property or at school sponsored events will face serious
disciplinary action. Provincial and Federal Laws (Criminal Code) will be enforced.

Students who are in the company of others who are using alcohol/drugs or under the
influence of alcohol/drugs will also face serious disciplinary action.
Disciplinary Action is as follows:
      parents and the R.C.M.P. will be contacted
      students will have their possessions, locker and clothing searched by the school       P

      discovered contraband will be confiscated and disposed of by the R.C.M.P.

      students may face suspension and expulsion from the school
Students who noticeably smell of drugs or alcohol will be immediately removed from the        S
classroom, parents will be contacted and the student will be sent home to change.
Updated August 18, 2017

    Textbook Rental Program

    Books are provided for the Sr. and Jr. High students at no cost. All junior high and high
    school textbooks are to be returned to textbook rental.

    Students are responsible for replacement of damaged or lost textbooks.

    Guidance Counsellor

H   St. Gabriel the Archangel school has one trained teacher-counsellor on staff, who act as
    a resource for students, parents, and faculty. The guidance and counselling program is of
O   a developmental and preventative nature, but also includes situational and crisis
    intervention referrals. Individual counselling focuses on personal, academic and career

    pathways. Parents are encouraged to call the Guidance Counsellor if they have any
    questions or concerns

L   The counselling department places a high priority on helping students plan their
    educational futures. They help you make an informed decision about high school that
    best meets your long-term goals. They assist students and parents by providing
    information and programs that help bridge the transition students make when moving
    from high school to post-secondary studies and the world of work.

S   Career Practitioner

    A Career Practitioner is also available a few days during the month to allow students to
    schedule appointments to discuss future career directions. A schedule is posted outside
    of the guidance offices.
R   School Resource Team (SRT)

V   Our school resource team is comprised of school administration, the diverse learner
    coordinating teacher, counsellor and subject teachers who collaborate in developing

    strategies and shared responsibilities to help students meet their needs.

    Library / Learning Commons
C   Students will be able to access our main library to sign out books and resources. The
    library houses a bank of 22 computers for student use and will be open from 8:30 a.m. to
E   4:00 p.m. The Learning Commons will have staff available at specific times to assist

Updated August 18, 2017

    Health Services

    A Public Health nurse is assigned to St. Gabriel the Archangel and available upon
    request. A regular program of immunisation and general health services are provided
    to the school. The nurse will provide counselling and assistance wherever necessary

S   to all parents and students. Parents will always be contacted before an ill or injured
    student is permitted to leave the building.

    Ambulance Calls
H   Parents are advised that EMS will be called when a student’s health is at risk (injury,

O   illness, etc.) and the Principal (or designate) determines this is an appropriate step.

    Although the District has Accident Insurance coverage, it does not cover
O   situations that are non-accidental. Parents are required to submit the ambulance
    bill to the Insurance Company on the proper form.

L   All efforts will be made to contact Parents / Guardians / Emergency Contacts, but
    parents/guardians are responsible for the cost of EMS services (whether or not the
    patient is transported) in all cases. Claims for coverage under the Accident Insurance
    policy are made directly by the parent/guardian.

E   Our school works closely with the RCMP. The RCMP are often in the school as a
    visible presence for our students. Their goal and our goal is to develop a positive
R   rapport between students and the service. The RCMP is available to help students
    and administration regarding legal matters.
Updated August 18, 2017

Academic Awards
Academic awards, plaques and trophies, and scholarships are presented at our annual
award ceremonies. These ceremonies are held in June.
Honour Roll Recognition
Junior High:                                                                                                                           D
    Honour Roll with Distinction
              Overall average of 90%
              no mark below 75%                                                                                                        E
         -    all subjects included
         -    Work Habits: all subjects must have nothing less than a 3
   Honour Roll
        - Overall average of 80%
        - no mark below 70%                                                                                                            T
        - all subjects included
        - Work Habits: all subjects must have nothing less than a 3
   Principal’s List Award: Term 2, 3, 4
   Any student who could not meet the academic criteria for Honour Roll but should be

   recognised for excellent effort based on the Junior High Work Habits Rubric within their
   Individual programming (i.e. ELL, IPP’s, or regular students). Student’s making the Principal
   list should have at least five work habits that score 4s. The remaining work habits scores
   can be 3s.
See attached work habit rubric for criteria.                                                                                           E
                                                                                                            Experiencing difficultly
                                  behaviour                 behaviour                   behaviour                 behaviour
     Course Work                 Consistently                 Often                   Inconsistently        Experiencing difficultly
      Completion                demonstrates               demonstrates               demonstrates             demonstrating
                                  behaviour                 behaviour                   behaviour                 behaviour
     Organization                Consistently
                                                                                                            Experiencing difficultly
      Engagement                 Consistently                 Often                   Inconsistently        Experiencing difficultly
                                demonstrates               demonstrates               demonstrates             demonstrating
                                  behaviour                 behaviour                   behaviour                 behaviour
 Key Terms:

 Citizenship    - respects the rights of others by demonstrating a positive attitude, collaboration and appropriate behaviour
 Course Work - completes all assigned work with care and attention within the required timelines
 Organisation - comes to class with required materials; collects and manages information; makes appropriate use of time
 Engagement - demonstrates initiative and responsibility for learning; is attentive and contributes to class activities
 The above terms include, but are not limited to, the explanations provided.
Senior High: Honour Roll recognition will occur at the end of each semester and includes
all subjects on a weighted basis.
Scholarship information and counselling are available in Student Services. You can also
check the St. Gabriel the Archangel website, .
Scholarships are awarded at the June Awards ceremony.                                                                                  N
You can also read