Your COMPLETE GUIDE to - FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS for TRAVEL Brought to you by: Sojern

Page created by Carolyn Boyd
             2018 Edition
                            Brought to you by:
The purpose of this guide is to give travel marketers
a 360-degree understanding of Facebook’s
“Dynamic Ads for Travel” (DAT) solution. Essentially,
DAT lets you automatically show ads across Facebook,
Instagram, and Audience Network to people who are
likely to travel.

Since Facebook launched Dynamic Ads for Travel, we have been dedicated to
helping travel brands successfully adopt the solution. Along the way, we have
accumulated learnings about the challenges and opportunities that the solution
offers.Travel marketers can tap into Facebook’s full suite of travel products to
move travelers through the complete path to purchase—including Broad
Audiences and Trip Consideration.

In this guide, we focus on how travel marketers can drive performance with
Dynamic Ads for Travel by sharing best practices, success stories, and tips
for how your marketing team can optimize and scale your retargeting efforts.

Note: Whenever we refer to ads or users on Facebook, Instagram and the
Facebook Audience Network are also included by default.

                               YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   1
01: INTRODUCTION                           3    03: PRE CAMPAIGN SETUPS                    15          Step 3: Creative                                      41
  Facebook as an advertising medium        4      Create your travel catalog               16             Dynamic Ad Template                                41
  Facebook Dynamic Ads                     5         Different feed types                   16                 DAT for Hotels                                 41
                                                        The Hotel Catalog                  17                 DAT for Destinations                           43
                                                        The Flight Catalog                 18                 DAT for Flights                                44
                                                        The Destination Catalog            18             Creative Designer                                  45

02: OVERVIEW OF DYNAMIC                              Typical challenges                    19          Step 4: Budget                           47
ADS FOR TRAVEL                             7      Facebook pixel and event tracking        21          Quick tips for healthy campaign creation 48
  What are Dynamic Ads for Travel?         8         Events to track                       22
  Motivation for launch                    9         Connect the pixel to your catalog     23
  The Power of Dynamic Ads for Travel     10
  Benefits of Dynamic Ads for Travel        11                                                      05: OPTIMIZE YOUR DYNAMIC ADS
    Multiple offers in one ad, thanks to                                                            FOR TRAVEL CAMPAIGN                                       50
    product sets                           11   04: CREATE YOUR DYNAMIC ADS                            General rules to follow                               52
    Dynamic price and availability         11   FOR TRAVEL CAMPAIGN                        24          Optimize campaign performance
    Track travel-related searches         12                                                           with Marvin                                           58
                                                  Step 1: Information                      26
    Guide the traveler through their
    booking funnel                        12
                                                  Step 2: Ad Sets                          27
                                                     Promoted Product Set                  28
    Focused targeting                     12
                                                        Promoted Hotel Set                 28
    Cross-sell                            13
                                                        Promoted Destination Set           30      06: YOUR PARTNER IN DYNAMIC ADS
    Upsell                                13
                                                        Promoted Flight Set                32      FOR TRAVEL                     68
    Manage and increase ROI               14
                                                     Promoted Travel Audience              34          Managed Service and Self Service                      69
    Recommend alternatives                14
                                                     Standard Facebook targeting options   38          About Adphorus and Sojern                             74
                                                     Facebook’s Recommendations            39

                                                                                                YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |    2

Facebook is not only king of social
but queen of business too.
It is no secret that Facebook reigns over the social media
world. What’s more interesting is to see its evolution towards
becoming an increasingly prominent player in the field of
advertising. As travelers spend 5x more time on Facebook
than on travel-related apps, sites, and searches, it’s no surprise
that a considerable 5 million businesses are advertising on
Facebook each month. Once used solely by individuals,
the social media channel reported that 60 million businesses
have a Facebook page.

Facebook offers an extensive array of advertising possibilities
for marketers to reach their audience on the social platform.
Each option serves a different objective, such as lead
generation, website clicks, page likes, video views, and so on.
Depending on your objective, you have a variety of ad formats,
ad placements, and targeting options to help you maximize results.   5 MILLION
                                                                     businesses advertise
Facebook’s most successful ad format is undoubtedly
“Dynamic Ads”.
                                                                        on Facebook
                                                                         each month

                                                                           YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   4

Facebook’s Dynamic Ads
were originally called
“Dynamic Product Ads,” as
they were designed to help
online retailers and brands
reach one clear objective:
product catalog sales.
The ad format allows merchants to promote
their entire product catalog automatically
and seamlessly across any device. Based
on their previous searches on the merchant’s
website, only the most relevant products
are displayed to the right consumer at the
right time.

Dynamic Ads have proven to be one of the
most successful retargeting formats for
ecommerce businesses. Likewise, some of
the world’s leading travel advertisers have
made it work for driving bookings, including
Kayak and others.

                                               YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   5
There is no doubt that Dynamic
                                                                Ads have driven success for
Successes:                                                      travel and non-travel brands
                                                                alike, but there was greater
                                                                demand for verticalized solutions.
                                                                When Facebook renamed
                                                                the format “Dynamic
                                                                Ads” (removing “Product”
             287%               19%                             from the name), it hinted
             more conversions   lower CPA
                                                                the solution to better serve

                                                                The original Dynamic Ads
                                                                continue to work best for online
                                                                brands and retailers. (Think:
                                                                “Dynamic Ads for retail”).
               2.5X               3X                            However in May of 2016,
             increase in ROAS   more orders                     Facebook launched “Dynamic
                                                                Ads for Travel” (DAT),
                                                                introducing a whole new range
                                                                of possibilities for advertisers in
                                                                the travel industry.

                                              YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   6

Dynamic Ads for Travel (DAT) are an extension of Dynamic Ads
that have been specifically built for the travel industry.
In other words, DAT is an advertising format that enables travel advertisers to automatically
retarget Facebook users who have shown interest in a trip. It captures user activity on your
website, so that you can promote relevant offers on Facebook. For example, when a user
searches for a hotel or a flight but does not book, Dynamic Ads for Travel allow you to target
them with ads based on their specific dates, destination, or other trip details.

Dynamic Ads for Travel encourage advertisers to use relevant information to reconnect with
users who have visited their website. It is built to engage with travelers lower in the funnel to
ultimately drive bookings with highly personalized ads and creatives.

Since the launch of Dynamic Ads for Travel, Facebook has expanded its suite of travel-specific
products. DAT for Broad Audiences and Trip Consideration are upper funnel solutions that reach
users with travel intent who have not yet visited your website. Travel brands should take advantage
of all three Facebook travel solutions in order to drive optimal performance across the conversion funnel.

In this guide, we will be focusing on the original Dynamic Ads for Travel
retargeting solution because we recommend that advertisers start with DAT, and then
expand into Broad Audiences and Trip Consideration as they build expertise.

                                                                                                    YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   8

The introduction of DAT has brought new targeting                                               $483
options which have been tailored to meet the unique                                                    $450
needs of travel advertisers.
Before the launch of DAT, it was (and still is) possible for travel advertisers to run                        $660
retargeting ads on Facebook using the original Dynamic Ads format. However, despite
major successes, the setup of Dynamic Ads was not optimal for travel advertisers.

  The travel sector is made up of widely different business types.
 In order to make the most of Facebook’s powerful Dynamic Ads solution,
 travel advertisers needed a customized ad format that was more suited to
 the individual business models.
     Cruise Lines
     Online Travel Agencies
     Meta-search Engines

  Travel fluctuates much more than retail.
  Prices are heavily
  seasons, and availability. Offers

Customized for travel, Dynamic Ads for Travel are
                                                    The DAT ad format is very scalable, allowing you to
scalable, efficient, and effective.                    automatically retarget custom ads for your entire
                                                    product range. With Dynamic Ads for Travel, you no
                                                    longer need to create an ad for each of your products
                                                    (hotels, destinations, etc.) separately. Just set up your
                                                    campaign once, and you’re ready to go live with the right
                                                    ad to the right traveler at the right time. Hello, hospitality.

                                                    Dynamic Ads for Travel are defined as “always-on”, such
                                                    that they are automatically triggered to reach travelers with
                                                    relevant ads based on actions they take on your website
                                                    or app.

                                                    Does the term cross-device targeting ring a bell? By
                                                    definition, it allows you to reach users on any device from
                                                    which they access Facebook mobile, desktop, or tablet.
                                                    For example, a traveler may browse for budget hotels in
                                                    Berlin from a desktop and then later come across an ad for
                                                    “Easyhotel Berlin” while checking their Instagram feed on
                                                    their phone. Since Facebook requires a login, the user is
                                                    identified on all of their devices. Regardless of which device
                                                    they used to perform a search, the data is aggregated to
                                                    provide a more complete picture of the user’s search
                                                    history, interests, and booking intent.

                                                           YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   10

DAT has made
it possible for
marketers to be
much more creative,
customized, and
relevant with                                                                                          DYNAMIC PRICE
their ads.                                                                                             AND AVAILABILITY
                                                                                                       Price and room availability
                                                                                                       are much more variable in the
Here’s what makes                                                                                      travel industry. DAT introduced
them great:                                                                                            additional, dedicated data feeds
                                                                                                       that help travel advertisers
                                                                                                       manage and regularly update the
                      MULTIPLE OFFERS IN ONE AD,
                      THANKS TO PRODUCT SETS                                                           These extra data feeds are sent
                                                                                                       to Facebook far more frequently
                      Facebook’s “Travel Catalog” contains industry-relevant variables                 than static hotel information.
                      that allow you to group products in ways that make sense for your                Facebook’s algorithm will
                      business. These so-called “product sets” may, for example, contain a             automatically display the most
                      group of hotels with a similar price, location, or star rating. By grouping      relevant price that matches a
                      similar offers, you’re informing Facebook of offers that can be promoted
                      together in the same multi-image ad. Thus, increasing relevancy and              only do this for rooms that are
                      options for the user, all while helping you bid more effectively.                actually available.

                                                                                     YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   11

                                                              RESEARCH &

                                                               BOOKING &


TRACK TRAVEL RELATED                          GUIDE THE TRAVELER                                 FOCUSED TARGETING
SEARCHES                                      THROUGH THE
                                                                                                 By syncing the individual’s travel plans with
                                              BOOKING FUNNEL                                     your availability and pricing variables, you
Through DAT, advertisers can track travel-
related searches on their website, and then                                                      can target travelers with ads that are suited
                                              The refined tracking allows advertisers to         to their exact needs and interests. Your
use this data to retarget travelers on
                                              determine at which stage of the booking            audience set can be extremely granular,
Facebook. Not only does this inform the ad
                                              funnel a traveler is and hence their level of      targeting right down to a family of five that
content displayed, but it also enables
                                              intent. Are they merely exploring ideas for        has viewed a specific hotel three times in the
marketers to redirect the user to a
                                              their next holiday idea? Have they looked at       last 14 days but has not yet booked. Or, you
customized landing page. On this page,
                                              your hotel? What dates are they interested         can target the international business traveler
search inputs are pre-filled according to
                                              in? Answers to such questions will help            who is heading to China next week.
user-specific travel preferences. The
                                              determine whether you first promote a
convenience, coupled with a higher level of
                                              certain destination to them, or jump right to
personalization, has already shown to be
                                              an offer for a business class upgrade or a
very effective for travel advertisers.
                                              double room over Valentine’s weekend at
                                              your seaside hotel.

                                                                                              YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   12
CROSS SELL                                                         UPSELL
DAT provides better opportunities to increase your ROAS via        Alternatively, you can also upsell. For example, if someone books
cross-selling. For instance, you can target users who have         a room for two nights over Mother’s Day weekend, you can upsell
recently booked a flight through your website or mobile app        by showing them ads for an upgrade to a room with a view of the
with ads for hotels in the same destination. Cross-selling is,     sea and a jacuzzi tub.
however, capable of getting much more specific than that.
Let’s say that a user has just purchased a flight for two people   For flight campaigns, you could show ads with business class
to Paris for New Year’s Eve. In this case, you could retarget      upgrade offers to users who have purchased economy tickets.
them with a special offer for a suite at your hotel.
                                                                   Similarly, you could encourage users to purchase additional
                                                                   services on their flight like meals, extra baggage, or seat selection(s).

                                                                                          YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   13
MANAGE AND INCREASE ROI                                                    RECOMMEND ALTERNATIVES
One of the greatest benefits with DAT is that travel advertisers can       Should a hotel become fully booked and unavailable for the user,
now make sure their ads are only shown to users leading up to their        Facebook’s recommendation engine will look at the specific hotel
specified departure or check-in date. Additionally, users who have         variables such as location or star rating and automatically recommend
already made a booking can be excluded. This not only avoids               suitable alternatives from within your portfolio. In the case that someone
unnecessary ad spend but also avoids annoying the traveler with            has seen your ad a number of times but never clicked on it, the
irrelevant ads. With a clearer definition of your more valuable targets,
                                                                           recommendation engine will stop again. Should no other hotel match
you can adjust your bid accordingly, which will ultimately help improve
                                                                           the retargeted solution, the engine can also display popular hotels
your ROI.
                                                                           (in the same destination) instead.

                                                                           The above-mentioned features and benefits of DAT help you
                                                                           zero in on your target market, get more creative with your ads
                                                                           and offers, and ultimately exceed your marketing objectives
                                                                           and boost ROI with Facebook advertising.

                                                                                                  YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   14

Behind any Dynamic Ads campaign lies                                  DIFFERENT FEED TYPES
a bit of preparation. Facebook may be                                 The travel catalog is a little more complex than the product catalog
dynamically inserting content into an                                 because it consists of more than one feed type.

ad template in order to serve the right                               There are currently three feed categories available. Which one you use
o er to the right user, but it needs a                                depends on the nature of your business and your advertising goal.
reliable source from where it can fetch
the information.                                                                                      TRAVEL

their individual attributes and variables, is called a product data
feed. The items listed can be tangible or service-based offers.
Technically, only once the data feed has been uploaded to your
Facebook ad account does Facebook call it a catalog rather
than feed. Sound confusing? Don’t worry, catalog and feed are
essentially the same thing and the words are interchangeable.
                                                                           HOTEL                      FLIGHT                     DESTINATION
When dealing with Dynamic Ads, Facebook requires you to                   CATALOG                    CATALOG                      CATALOG
create a product catalog. In the case of Dynamic Ads for
Travel, however, you’ll work with the travel catalog.

                                                                          Hotel feed                 Room & Pricing feeds
                                                                          (main feed)             (supporting feeds - optional)

                                                                                            YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   16
Your Hotel Catalog itself is also comprised of different feeds:

                                                  Hotel Room and Pricing feeds (optional)
                                                These are optional feeds that support the
                                                hotel feed with details about the selection
                                                of room types and their prices. Prices and

                                                often and rely heavily on the time and
                                                duration of travel.

                                                   The “Room Type Feed” lists the available
                                                   room types for your properties (e.g. single,
                                                   double or en-suite).
   Hotel Feed
                                                   The “Pricing Feed” lists the pricing              Why use room and pricing feeds?
The inventory items in your hotel feed are
                                                   options for different travel scenarios.           Although these feeds are optional, room and
your different hotels. Here you provide
“static” hotel information, which does not                                                           pricing feeds offer great potential for travel
                                                These supporting feeds need to be managed            advertisers. The more detailed and accurate
need to be updated often (e.g. hotel name,
                                                closely and updated much more frequently             information Facebook has about your hotels,
location, starting price, and images).
                                                than the hotel feed. You can choose to               the more precise it will be when creating
                                                supply this extra information in two separate        relevant ads that are customized to the user’s
You can list all your hotels in the same feed
                                                feeds or together in the same feed. When room        previously recorded travel intent.
or submit separate feeds for certain hotel
                                                type information is available, you can also
groups (e.g. all hotels in one country or
                                                specify pricing variables for each room type.
under the same brand).

                                                                                                  YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   17
THE FLIGHT CATALOG                                                           THE DESTINATION CATALOG
                                                                             The destination catalog contains a list of all the locations where you
                                                                             would like to entice travelers to visit on their next journey.

                                                                             Here, your inventory items are the different destinations (e.g. Rome,

                                                                             You can either list all your destinations in a single feed, or create
                                                                             separate feeds to categorize your destinations (e.g. by country).

This flight data is provided in the flight feed. An inventory item in this
case is each individual flight route displayed on your website or            For each destination, you supply the lowest starting price. This price
mobile app. Again, you can either submit one feed for all your flights       could be a package that includes flights and accommodations or just
or upload multiple smaller feeds. The most important piece of                your base hotel price. It does not include hotel names as the intention
information here is the departure and arrival airport details. You can       here is to first hook the user with the destination. Should they wish to
also include ticket prices, but this may not always be preferable as         explore the destination further and browse for hotels or flights, you
prices tend to fluctuate quite frequently.                                   would then target them with more specific accommodation options.

                                                                                                    YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   18
Most travel advertisers already have the necessary data to create their travel catalog. However, for some it has proven to be quite complex
to convert it to a format that is compatible with Facebook DAT. The reality is, this does take some time. However, with the right tools you can
streamline the process.

Some of the typical challenges that travel advertisers face when creating their travel catalog are:

MISSING IMAGES                                     IMAGE FORMATTING                                   COORDINATES
Advertisers don’t always have individual           Even if you have images for all of your            Most often advertisers only have the
images for each of their destinations or hotels.   products, each one still needs to be               address of the location, not the coordinates.
                                                   formatted to match Facebook’s unique               Advertising with DAT requires the coordinates
                                                   aspect ratios.                                     of each product.

              The more images you have in                        Sojern and Adphorus work                              With the right product data
              your catalog, the higher your                      with you to seamlessly resize                         management technology,
              chances of a particular offer                       all the images in your feed,                          you can easily bypass this.
      TIP     being sold. Adphorus has a                 TIP     saving you time, and getting                 TIP
              Travel Media Library with over                     you started as quickly as
              3,000 images for hundreds of                       possible.
              destinations. Advertisers can
              populate and diversify their
              catalog with images from the
              Adphorus Media Library and
              use Creative Designer to
              customize these images.
                                                                                                   YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   19

BASE PRICE                                          LANDING PAGE URL                                  HIGHLY COMPLEX FEED
This attribute is a generic problem                 Often, advertisers direct users to a generic      Some businesses spend too much time
(particularly for airlines) as the starting price   landing page, which offsets the relevance of      uploading and updating their product
fluctuates so often that the change is constant.    the initial dynamic ad.                           catalog on Facebook, either because of the
                                                                                                      sheer size of the feed or because their data
                                                                                                      changes frequently.

              Typically this is solved by                        The second step to delivering
                                                                                                                       Facebook allows advertisers
              providing the cheapest                             dynamic ads is making sure
                                                                                                                       to use their Graph API to
                                                                 the experience remains
              price of the route within a                                                                              import a large number of
      TIP                                                        relevant after travelers click
              time interval of 0 - 90 days.               TIP                                                 TIP      products very quickly instead
                                                                 on the ad. This means
                                                                                                                       of uploading feeds. Sojern
                                                                 creating customized landing
                                                                                                                       and Adphorus take care of
                                                                 pages that reflect information
                                                                                                                       this entire process for
                                                                 in which the traveler has
                                                                                                                       advertisers so that they can
                                                                 demonstrated interest. Sojern
                                                                                                                       run Dynamic Ads for Travel as
                                                                 and Adphorus work with you
                                                                                                                       seamlessly as possible.
                                                                 to set up landing page URLs
                                                                 for each destination, route, or
                                                                 hotel that you have shown
                                                                 an ad for.

                                                                                                   YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   20

Without the correct tracking in place, your
ads will not work. Dynamic Ads for Travel
require that you set up a Facebook pixel
on your website and SDK on your mobile app.
The Facebook pixel is a snippet of code that allows you to anonymously
track a visitor’s actions and conversions on your website. When a
predetermined action or conversion happens, the pixel is fired and
Facebook automatically gets information about the user. This is what
ultimately drives DAT. It allows you to identify visitor actions, interests,
and intent, so that you can retarget them with appropriate offers.

You will need to track the following events:

   Search (to track interest)
   ViewContent (to track products viewed)
   InitiateCheckout (to track booking intent)
   Purchase (to track bookings)

                                                                               YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   | 21
Take                                                                                 VTFGVMJOGPSNBUJPO
     a look at an example of the parameters that you would need to provide for a hotel feed:

                   PARAMETER            DESCRIPTION
Required           3")#$)#&#45$         5IJTTIPVMECFTFUUPIPUFM




Optional            )/+&*(/%#1          /VNCFSPGBEVMUTUIBUXJMMCFTUBZJOH FH
                   )/+&3!'%(0$)         /VNCFSPGDIJMESFOUIBUXJMMCFTUBZJOH FH



                                                                                                                 YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   | 22
After you’ve added your pixel and events,
you need to assign them to your travel
catalog. If your setup includes multiple
catalogs and pixels, be sure to properly
connect the right pieces together.

You can match the pixels with the
corresponding travel catalog through
Facebook Business Manager:

1. In the assets menu, click on ‘product catalogs’

2. Select your catalog

3. Click on ‘catalog settings’ in the top menu                                              
4. At event sources, click on ‘edit’

5. Assign pixels and apps to your catalog

                                                     YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   23
While the process is the same, the screenshots you
Let’s go step-by-step through the DAT campaign
creation process. The steps for creating your target        recommend using Adphorus to create and manage
audiences and ad creatives will be slightly di erent        your Facebook campaigns more effectively and achieve
                                                            optimal performance. In the next section, we will explain
depending on whether you want to run a DAT                  in greater detail what Adphorus offers, how you can
campaign for Flights, Destinations, or Hotels. So,
                                                            you can get started.
we will look at the details for each type separately.

  STEP 1: INFORMATION        STEP 2: AD SETS            STEP 3: CREATIVE                        STEP 4: BUDGET
   CAMPAIGN SETTINGS                                          ADS

                                                                     YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   25


The first step of the
campaign creation
process is specifying your
campaign objective.

campaign and determines subsequent
custom preferences. In the case of DAT,
your objective is Product Catalog Sales.
After setting your objective, you should

to use. Just as a reminder, your product
catalog is the comprehensive inventory of

On Adphorus, you can quickly select the
Promoted Catalog that you want to use by
simply specifying your Catalog Type (i.e.       the campaign creation process, you will
Flights, Destinations, Hotels).

You should also set the remaining campaign
settings like name, ad account, source pixel,
source application, and conversion event in
a way that meets your needs and structure.

                                                                             YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   | 26
                             AD SETS

                             Selecting your target audience is
          VISITED            one of the most important steps
         WEBSITE IN          in creating a DAT campaign.
        LAST 30 DAYS
                             DAT o ers detailed options for
                             behavioral targeting (i.e. on-site user
                             activity) in addition to Facebook’s
                             default demographic, interest, and
                             connection targeting options.
                             A. Promoted Product Set:

                             would like to display to your target audience.

                             B. Promoted Travel Audience: These are users who
                             demonstrate the on-site behavior that you specify (i.e.
                             users who performed an action on your website within a

                             be targeted in your DAT campaign. Here, you can also
                             customize your target audience further by selecting a
                             custom combination of behaviors.

                                      YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   27

HOTELS         Promoted Hotel Set is where you decide
               which hotels will be promoted to the Promoted

               under the current ad set.

               Categorizing your properties by creating
               different Promoted Hotel Sets allows you to:
                 Determine the best performing hotel groups
                                                               $5                        $4                           $1
                 by creating more granular Hotel Sets
                 Optimize more effectively by creating
                 value-based Hotel Sets, and setting bid
                 and budget accordingly

                                                               $5                        $4                           $1
                                                                    YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   28

Once you click on the “+” button next to the Product Set dropdown

catalog according to:
   Brand Name                            City
   Base Price                            Country
   Currency                              Star Rating

While creating different hotel sets increases the performance of your
ads, avoid creating very small Promoted Hotel Sets as this may result
in under-delivery.

Hotel Set rule. In this example, there are 42 hotels with 3+ stars in our
sample Hotel Catalog.

                                                                            YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   29

  DAT FOR        Promoted Destination Set is where you
DESTINATIONS     decide which destinations will be promoted
                 to the Promoted Travel Audience. You should

                 would like to promote under the current ad set.

                 Categorizing your properties by creating
                 different Promoted Destination Sets
                 allows you to:
                    Determine the best performing
                    destinations by testing different
                    Destination Sets
                    Optimize more effectively by creating
                    value-based destination sets and setting
                    bid and budget accordingly

                                                                   YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   30

When adding a Product Set to promote, you will see a         While creating different destination sets increases the performance of your ads, avoid
                                                             creating very small Promoted Destination Sets as this may result in under-delivery.

destinations in your catalog according to:
  Price                                                      higher than 500 USD.


                    Destination: USA
                     Price: 500 USD

                                                            Destination Set rule. In this example, there are 490 destinations that match the
                                                            price rule in our sample destination catalog.

                                                                                                YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   31

FLIGHTS        Promoted Flight Set
               will be promoted to the Promoted Travel Audience. You

               like to promote under the current ad set.

               Promoted Flight Sets allows you to:

                 creating more granular Flight Sets
                 Optimize more effectively by creating destination-

                 budget accordingly

                                                                       YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   | 32

When adding a Product Set to promote, you will see a
                                                             creating very small Promoted Flight Sets as this may result in under-delivery.

your catalog according to:                                                                                                        departing from Los
  Origin Airport                                             Angeles International Airport (LAX).

  Destination Airport


                                                                                                YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   33
PROMOTED TRAVEL                          EVENT NAME                                               FREQUENCY
AUDIENCE:                                Name of the action performed                             The number of times that a user is
                                         on site (or in app); Search,
WHO YOUR ADS                             ViewContent, InitiateCheckout, or                        event in order to satisfy the
SHOULD TARGET                            Purchase.                                                audience rule (e.g. you can display
                                                                                                  your ads to users who performed

                                         MINIMUM RETENTION DAY                                    MINIMUM CHECK IN WINDOW
                                         The time lapse between when                              Relative to today, the minimum
                                         users perform the event on site or                       number of days until a user’s
                                         in app and when they are shown                           intended check-in date (e.g. if you
Once you have created your Promoted
                                         the ads (e.g. if you select “0 days”,                    select “0 days”, users who have
                                         the user will start seeing the ads                       searched bookings for past dates
Promoted Travel Audience to specify
                                         immediately after they performed                         will not be shown ads).
who you want your ads to be shown
                                         an action on your website).
set of retargeting rules, matching the
action(s) performed on your site or
app. Travel Audience rules can be set    MAXIMUM RETENTION DAY                                    MAXIMUM CHECK IN WINDOW
                                         The time lapse between when users                        Relative to today, the maximum
                                         perform the event on site or in app                      number of days until a user’s
                                         and when they stop seeing the ads                        intended check-in date (e.g. if you
                                         (e.g. if you select “30 days”, the                       select “90 days”, users who have
                                         user will stop seeing the ads 30
                                         days after they visit your website).                     for 100 days from now will not be
                                                                                                  shown ads).

                                                                         A PERFORMANCE  COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   34
                  WHO YOUR ADS SHOULD TARGET                               CONTINUED

                  This Sample Travel Audience includes users who searched
                  for a 3+ star hotel at least 2 times in the last 30 days. The
                  rule also guarantees to show the ads to users who have
                  check-in dates within the next 90 days.

                  You also have the option to exclude users who have
                  performed certain events. In the exclusion section of the
                  Promoted Travel Audience, excluded users who booked
                  a hotel in the last 30 days have been excluded, in order
                  to avoid targeting an irrelevant audience who has already
3+ stars hotels   performed the targeted action.

                  The Hotel Set ID by default has been filtered for 3+ star
                  hotels. Since we are running a DAT for Hotels campaign,
                  this section was prefilled as we had previously set this rule
                  when defining the Promoted Hotel Set. The Promoted
                  Travel Audience will encompass all users whose on-site
                  behavior matches the above rules for hotels with a
                  3+ star rating.

                  Furthermore, you can also group users by their length of
                  stay, number of weekends during their travel, and number
                  of travelers. This will allow you to group the audience by
                  their potential value and adjust your bids accordingly.

                  The various rules for Promoted Sets and Travel Audiences
                  are quite powerful. They give you, as an advertiser, the

                  sets with customized call-to-actions, messaging, and

                                                              First, you create a Hotel Set including all your hotels in Berlin
As previously mentioned in this guide, cross-sell and

cross-sell and upsell campaigns with DAT adds an extra
layer to your dynamic retargeting ads on Facebook. They
extend the reach of your DAT campaigns and increase
your likelihood to reach users with relevant ads.

Cross-sell functionality allows advertisers to target users

complementary offer.

    Let’s say you want to show ads for hotels in Berlin

                                                                                      YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   36
Upselling is generally used to increase the basket value
of a user by encouraging the user to buy a product with
a higher margin, higher price point, or higher conversion
                                                            First, create a Hotel Set including all 5-star hotels with a base
                                                                               price of $200-$300.

     You want to show ads for more expensive 5-star
       hotels to users who viewed or searched for
         cheaper hotels in the same destination.

                                                            Then, create a Promoted Travel Audience of users who
                                                                  looked at hotels with a base price of $150-$200.

                                                                                            150-200USD Hotel Viewers

                                                                                     YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL     37
                                                                                                                                              | 56

and product sets, you can incorporate
Facebook’s standard demographic, interest,
and connection targeting options. Specifying
your target location is the only mandatory
step here, but you may choose to include
other options depending on your campaign
and objective.

             Depending on your website
             or app tra c, combining
             demographic and interest
      TIP    options with behavioral
             targeting may reduce your
             reach and result in under-
             delivery of your ads. Our
             recommended audience
             size per ad set is at least
             30K after all Promoted
             Hotel Set and Promoted
             Travel Audience rules have
             been applied and target
             country has been selected.

                                               YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   | 38

      When you are just getting started with Dynamic Ads,                 Increase your potential audience size and reach more
      you should start with a broader audience. For example,              users by changing your retention window to include
      you can target users who have viewed or searched for                users who took action on your website up to 90 days ago.
      a product in the past 10 days but haven’t purchased                 Consider creating staggered retention windows like 0-7
      it. We recommend that you do not add any additional                 days, 7-14 days, 14-30 days, and 30-90 days.
      targeting to start. Instead, make adjustments as the
      campaign progresses.

      2. EXCLUDE PURCHASERS                                                Don’t assume someone has lost interest in a product if
      Exclude users who already converted (e.g. who have made              they don’t purchase it within a short retention window.
      a booking) in order to avoid wasting money and annoying              Instead, separate your target audience into smaller
      your customers with ads for a product or service that they           audiences divided by retention window length. You
      have already purchased.                                              can then create ad sets targeting each audience with
                                                                           di erent retention windows. Bid higher for the ones with
                                                                           short retention windows (ex: 0-15 days) and lower for the
                                                                           ones with longer retention windows (ex: 60-90 days).
      A target audience that is too narrow could lead to under-
      delivery. When your product and ad creative are relevant,
                                                                           Don’t make your retention windows (and, by
      it’s best to keep your target audience broad. Remove any
                                                                           extension, their respective target audiences) too
      core targeting. Rely on the information you get from your
                                                                           small, or Facebook will have trouble delivering your
      Facebook pixel instead. If people are already shopping
                                                                           ads and achieving the results you want.
      on your website, assume they’re interested. Don’t add
      any restrictions.

                                                                                   YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   39

      5. CONSIDER FRAGMENTED                                   7. TARGET ALL DEVICES
      TARGETING OF EVENTS                                      Make sure you are not running separate ad sets
      It’s safe to assume that users who initiated checkout    targeting different placements. Doing so limits the ability
      demonstrate more intent than users who only              of Facebook algorithms to optimize across devices to
      viewed your products. Consider creating separate         reach users that are most likely to convert. Use cross-
      target audiences and bids for ViewContent and            device reporting to better understand the value of
      InitiateCheckout. For example, split your targeting      cross-device conversions.
      into “Viewed but hasn’t Initiated Checkout” and
      “Initiated Checkout but not Purchased.” Then, set a
      higher bid for “Initiated Checkout but not Purchased.”
                                                               8. EXTEND YOUR REACH OFF FACEBOOK
                                                               WITH AUDIENCE NETWORK AND
                                                               INSTAGRAM PLACEMENTS
                                                               The Audience Network extends beyond Facebook
      6. ENSURE YOU HAVE ADDED ALL                             to include people on mobile apps, mobile websites
      EVENTS TO YOUR WEBSITE, MOBILE                           and videos. On average, dynamic ads placed on
      WEBSITE, AND MOBILE APPS                                 the Audience Network increase reach by 14%, while
      Don’t forget to add pixel events and relevant
                                                               maintaining similar conversion rates as those not
      parameters to your website and App Events to your
                                                               placed on the extended network. This means the overall
      mobile app. Doing so allows Facebook to show ads
                                                               number of conversions is set to increase. Keep in mind
      and track conversions across devices.
                                                               that you can also utilize Instagram placement for your
                                                               DAT campaigns.

                                                                        YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   40


 After setting up your ad sets, you will create an ad template that defines the kind of content
 that you are going to use to reach targeted users. DAT has a number of dynamic fields
 available. Based on your template settings, images and product catalog details will be
 dynamically inserted into the creatives.

 DYNAMIC AD TEMPLATE                                                              INCREASE CONVERSIONS WITH A CUSTOMIZED
                                                                                  LANDING PAGE

                                                                                  your landing page. For example, you can append check-
              and room feeds on your creatives:                                   in and check-out dates to the destination URL of the ad.
                Hotel Name                           Hotel Country
                                                                                  the destination URL, you will be able to direct users to a
                Hotel Description                    Hotel Link
                                                                                  more relevant page, providing them with an even more
                Hotel Chain Name                     Hotel Base Price             seamless user experience.
DAT FOR         Hotel City
                Hotel Total Price (Total price a user has to pay for the entire
                stay, including tax & fees. It is drawn from the room &                         Redirecting users to a customized hotel
                pricing feed.)                                                                  search results page with their particular
                Hotel Price (Average dynamic price per night, including                         check-in and check-out dates (previous
                tax & fees. If you do not provide dynamic pricing, the hotel            TIP     search details) results in a significant
                base price per night will be used by default.)                                  increase on the conversion rate.

                                                                                           YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   41

Take a look at the Creative settings of a sample DAT campaign.
                                                                                                     Check out the ad we created

As shown above, we used hotel description, name, and city parameters by utilizing the drag
also been customized with dynamic check-in and check-out dates so that it matches the URL
structure of the promoted website.

                                                                                             YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   | 42

                Feeds on your creatives :
                                                                                                    Check out the ad we created
                  Travel Start Date                   Destination City
                  Travel End Date                     Destination Country
                  Destination Name                    Destination Price
                  Destination Description

                Below is a sample of the ad creative settings in a “DAT for
                Destinations” campaign.


                As shown above, we used destination city, price, and name parameters
                customized the template URL (destination URL of the ad) with dynamic
                parameters so that it matches the URL structure of the promoted website.

                                                                                           YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   43

              your creatives:
                                                                                                Check out the ad we created
                Destination Airport                 Flight Description
                Destination City                    Flight Price
                Origin Airport                      Departure Date
                Origin City                         Returning Date

              Below is a sample of the ad creative settings in a
              “DAT for Flights” campaign.


                                                                                                           Have you tried Facebook’s
                                                                                                           Creative Hub? It’s a great
                                                                                                           tool that lets you create
                                                                                                  TIP      mockups of di erent ad
                                                                                                           formats and see how these
                                                                                                           will be displayed to your
                                                                                                           audience. You can even
                                                                                                           have your mockup sent
                                                               ,                ters                       to your mobile phone!
              customized the template URL (destination URL of the ad) with dynamic
              airport codes so that it matches the URL structure of the promoted website.

                                                                                       YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   44


Creative Designer is an intuitive design tool that bakes your creative efforts right into the Adphorus platform.

Creative Designer has been built for
campaign managers and does not
require any advanced design skills
or expertise. It offers you a much
wider range of options to easily
customize hundreds of images and
create more engaging ads for both
your static and dynamic campaigns.
By creating multiple alternatives of
your ads, you can diversify the creatives
in your campaigns, customize them
based on product specifics, and A/B
test various assets. For example, on a
DAT for Hotels campaign, you may create
2 image alternatives — one that features
the dynamic price and one that doesn’t.
You can then test how including the price
affects the performance of the campaign
and promote the better-performing alternative.

                                                                         YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   45

Because travel products are prone to seasonality, you probably do not want to illustrate every product in your
feed in the same way. Likewise, you probably do not know the state of each of your products on a day-to-day
basis. This is where asset customizations come into play. We’ve made it possible to set rules for the assets
that you wish to display on your creatives. A common use case for DAT is hotel ratings. You can choose to
only show the rating when the hotel has a rating above 3 and hide it on the creatives for products with a rating
below 3.

Creative Designer gives advertisers flexibility,
saving time and effort. You have the option to
design creatives from scratch or load existing
templates and make changes. You can then
directly apply your creatives or save them as
templates to later apply to different feeds.
But, in none of these cases do you need to worry
about affecting other users on your account or
campaigns that are using existing templates.
Creative Designer ensures that creatives assigned
to ad sets within your campaigns continue to run

In order to further automate the process, you
can also choose from our ready-to-use default
templates, customized for each travel vertical
and ad type. These templates feature best-
practice applications for travel, which you
can then edit and modify right on the template.

                                                                                          YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   46

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, are the
settings for budget allocation and bid optimization.                                         Make sure to bid your true conversion
                                                                                             value in order to maintain healthy
Your budget settings include your daily budget                                               delivery of your campaigns. Keep in
for each ad set and the lifetime budget cap for                                    TIP       mind that Facebook will bring a cost
                                                                                             less than the amount of your bidding.
the campaign. You will also set your bids and
optimization preferences.

                                                                                    YOUR FIRST DAT
                                                                                   CAMPAIGN IS NOW
                                                                                   READY TO GO LIVE!

Note: On Facebook, you will set the total daily budget at the Campaign level and
allocate a budget for each of your target groups at the Ad Set level.

                                                                                   YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   47

Whether you are transitioning from Dynamic          BE CAREFUL TO CORRECTLY SPLIT THE
Ads or just getting started with dynamic            RETENTION WINDOW
retargeting on Facebook, a planned process
is key. Otherwise, you risk facing loss in          The retention window on Facebook works a little differently than other publishers:
performance and/or volume in your existing
campaigns. We recommend starting with an
A/B test using the Facebook split API. The
                                                    On other advertising platforms, if you wanted to target users who performed an
split API lets you compare the performance
                                                    action 15 days ago in 2 different ad sets, you would divide the audience with
(based on any metric) of two campaigns by
randomly splitting the audience in half. We         retention windows of 0-3 days and 4-15 days. On Facebook, however, this split
work with clients to gradually test and roll        ignores users who performed an action 4 days ago. Therefore, we need make
out to each market.                                 sure that we include actions that happened 4 days ago by setting up the 2nd ad
                                                    set with a retention window of 3-15 days. So, an example of a correct setup that
                                                    targets users who performed the ViewContent action is as follows:
Once DAT is running in all markets, we take
our clients through a series of additional A/B
tests to optimize audience segmentation.                             1:                                            2:
We advise clients to change one segmentation                     T                                             T
                                                              SE                                            SE
option at a time and measure the uplift. If there        AD                                            AD
is an uplift, they proceed to adopting that
segmentation and testing the next option
until further segmentation no longer proves                               0 3 DAYS                                      3 15 DAYS
to be beneficial.                                                           VIEW                                           VIEW
                                                                          CONTENT                                       CONTENT

                                                                                       YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   |   48
                      When setting up DAT campaigns, there are some mistakes advertisers
                      make which may result in overlapping or missed audiences. Below are
                      two examples of the most common mistakes we have seen.


            1:                                2:                  In Ad Set 2, only users who
        T                                 T
     SE                                SE                         have performed the Purchase
AD                                AD
                                                                  action in the past 3-7 days are
                                                                  excluded. This means users in
             Include 0-3 days                  Include 3-7 days
              View Content /                     View Content /   your audience who have made
               Exclude 0-3                        Exclude 3-7     a purchase in the past 3 days
              days Purchase                     days Purchase
                                                                  are still included. To avoid this,
                                                                  you need to make sure that
                                                                  you exclude users who made a
                                                                  purchase in the past 0-7 days.


             :                                :
       T1                                T2
     SE                                SE
AD                                AD
                                                                  In this case, both ad sets are
                Booking                          Booking          overlapping for users who
              Window 0-15                      Window 0-180
                                                                  have a booking window of 0-15
             days / Retention                 days / Retention
              Window 0-15                      Window 0-15        days. In order to avoid this the
                   days                             days          booking window in Ad Set 2
                                                                  should be set as 15-180 days.
Wouldn’t it be great if there were specific
steps you could take to reach a higher ROI
on Facebook advertising?

That’s exactly what we have for you in
this section!

campaigns, closely tracking and optimizing each campaign becomes
infeasible. This is where an FMP with algorithmic optimization can
save you time and outperform manual campaign management.

for maintaining healthy delivery of your campaigns and achieving
higher ROI.



LET’S START WITH THE BASICS                        Furthermore, you should keep in mind that            Keep in mind that if you are using Facebook’s
It is important to keep in mind that your bid      users who are likely to convert are also             “Average Cost Bidding” option, the cost of an
amount is not your target cost per conversion.     targeted by your competitors. Therefore,             individual result may be more or less than your
It is the amount that you are willing to pay for   winning more expensive impressions does              set average. However, Facebook will aim to hit
your optimization goal. Bidding too low when       not necessarily mean that you will have              your average cost target as you accumulate
you are trying to increase your ROI may result     higher cost per conversion.                          results over time.
in two undesirable outcomes:
   Lower number of conversions                     FACEBOOK AUCTION MECHANISM
   Reaching users less likely to convert           All ads on Facebook compete to receive
                                                   impressions in Facebook’s Ad Auction.
                                                   Facebook ultimately rewards impressions
WOULD YOU BE HAPPY WITH A                          based on how it expects the ads will perform.
LOWER COST IF YOU HAD LOW                          In determining which ads will be displayed,
VOLUME?                                            Facebook considers bid amount, probability
For performance advertisers, the goal              that users will take action on the ad, and                                 LESSON:
of Facebook optimization is to increase            quality score.                                          When you are setting your bid, do not start
conversions while maintaining a positive                                                                      with an amount below or equal to your
ROI. However, when your bid is too low, your       If you’d like to make your ad more competitive            target CPA. Instead enter the maximum
campaign spend decreases. You may be able          in the auction, you may want to raise your bid.            bid amount that you can sustain. Your
to reduce the cost, but you will reach a low       Facebook will only charge you the amount                campaign will start generating conversions
volume of conversions.                             necessary to win the auction. The amount you             for Facebook to estimate the conversion
                                                   are charged may actually be lower than the
                                                   maximum bid you’ve set for your ads. So, we               allowing it to decrease the actual CPA in
                                                   recommend entering your true maximum bid                                  the long run.
                                                   for each ad set.

                                                                                                     YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   | 52
                              OF YOUR AD SETS

              ROI             Facebook recommends that your ad set budget
                              yields at least 50 conversions per week.                                       LESSON:
                                                                                                   Your ad set budget should
                              First of all, the more data Facebook has about your
                              ad set’s target audience, the more effectively it will                 50 conversions per week.
 BOOK               Reach
                              be able to optimize your campaign. Facebook needs                      This will allow Facebook
                              to know what kind of users in your target group are                     to quickly learn how to

Conversions                   more likely to convert in order to decide who your ads
                              will be shown to. If the daily budget is sufficiently high              to convert and hence
                              for each of your ad sets, Facebook’s optimization                      increase the number of
                              algorithm will accumulate more information about                      your conversions as your
                Impressions                                                                          campaign progresses.
                              your target audiences. Thus, you are likely to reach
                              more relevant users users who will complete your
                              targeted actions within each ad set.

                              Finally, a larger daily budget tends to lead to more
                              impressions, greater reach, more conversions and
                              hence increased revenue.

                                                                            YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   | 53
                                                           If you have a single large target group, then you are treating
                                                           every user in that group as equally likely to convert.

                                                           In practice, that large target audience contains smaller
      Female,                              Female,         groups of users who will have different reactions to your
     Performed                            Performed        campaign. Therefore, you should split your audiences
“ViewContent” event                    “Purchase” event    into smaller target groups. By doing so, you will be able
       350k                                  200k          to monitor the performance of each of your target groups
                                                           individually, and assign customized bids and budgets
                                                           to maximize the return from your campaign.

                                                           When splitting your audiences, it is important that you
                                                           monitor continuous delivery of your campaign. If your
                                                           target audiences end up being too small, Facebook’s
                                                           algorithm may not have sufficient data to serve your ads.

                                                           Note: Due to recent changes, advertisers are no longer
                                                           able to see the potential reach of their website custom
             25 - 45, living in the U.S.,                  audiences on Facebook.
                frequent travelers

                                                                 Consider website traffic when deciding on
                                                                splitting your audiences. As a rule of thumb,
     Male,                                  Male,               make sure that the size of each of your target
                                          Performed              groups is at least 30K. If you do not have
                                     “ViewContent” event           estimates for your website audiences,
“Purchase” event
                                            300k                  activate the campaign without splitting,
      250k                                                      and then optimize based on the campaign’s
                                                                  reach. If any of your target groups have
                                                               low potential reach, consider combining them
                                                              to satisfy the minimum required potential reach.

                                                                           YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   | 54
 When someone has made a
   travel-related search
                                     OPTIMIZE AD DELIVERY FOR
                                     THE MOST APPROPRIATE EVENT
                                     When choosing what to optimize your campaigns
      VIEW CONTENT                   for, the ideal scenario is choosing the stage in your
 When someone has viewed             conversion funnel that matters to you most. Then,
details of a specific travel entity   you should set a daily ad set budget that will achieve
                                     at least 50 conversions per week at that stage. This will
                                     allow Facebook’s optimization algorithm to maximize the
                                     performance of your campaign (as mentioned in
  INITIATE CHECKOUT                  Rule #2 above).
When someone has begun the
      booking process
                                     In some cases, either you may not have enough
                                     budget or a large enough audience to reach at least
                                     50 conversions for each ad set per week. In this case,
         PURCHASE                    you should consider optimizing for an event higher
        When someone
        has completed
                                     up in the conversion funnel.
          their travel

                                                           YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   | 55

  For example, let’s say you are an OTA company with the conversion funnel shown on the previous
  page. Your main objective is driving purchases (bookings) for Website Conversions campaigns.

  The ideal campaign settings are shown below.                                                                                     LESSON:
                                                                                                                              If you either have a
                                                                                                                          limited budget or a narrow
   Conversion Event: Purchase
                                                                                                                            audience hindering you
                                                                                                                           from reaching at least 50
                                                                                                                            conversions for each ad
   Optimize Ad Delivery For: Off-site Conversions
                                                                                                                             set per week, target the
   Pay Per: 1000 Impressions
                                                                                                                           conversion event that will
                                                                                                                         feed Facebook with enough
  If you do not receive 50 ‘Purchase’ conversions for each ad set per week, you can move one step                          data for optimization. You
  up in the funnel and change your Conversion Event to ‘InitiateCheckout’. The underlying logic is that                   may even consider setting
  there is a greater number of ‘InitiateCheckout’ events relative to the number of ‘Purchase’ events.                      Optimize Ad Delivery for
                                                                                                                                   ‘link clicks’.
  If you still do not reach 50 conversions from the ‘InitiateCheckoutt’ event, then you may try selecting
  “ViewContent” as your conversion event. Ultimately, we suggest that you continue moving one level
  higher up in the funnel until you reach at least 50 conversions.

                                                                                                  YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS FOR TRAVEL   | 56
You can also read