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Page created by Ted Watkins
WPC - Westminster Presbyterian ...

                    WESTMINSTER NEWS
                                  THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF
                               WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

    Under the directions of Elder Becky Hill the Poinsettias that you ordered to decorate the
 Sanctuary for Christmas were delivered to either you or to a shut-in if so directed. A BIG
 Thank You! Margaret Smith called last night to thank whoever she got a Poinsettia from.
 Stated it made her day and the Holiday Season for her. The one Shelia Westerfield delivered
 to Barb Bowman was delivered with flair! Just as she got to Heritage Woods there was the
 gathering of a group of about 12 vehicles to wish them a Merry Christmas -- 2 police cars, a
 fire engine, a truck that had the Grinch in the back, another police car followed by a truck
 with Santa and a Christmas tree, a snow plow, ending with another police car with lights and
 horns going through the Yorkville area. What a sight for all the residents!
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                             The beautiful poinsettias have been given to the glory of God…

                            In honor of my fabulous grand-darlings and their parents who are
                                              surviving at-home-teaching
                                                  - From Gran Kerry

                                               In memory Maggie Ayers
                                    - From The Elders and Deacons of Westminster

                                    In honor of Karen Meyer who keeps us on our toes!
                                                 - From Kerry and Sue

                                        In honor of my children and grandchildren
                                                  - From Sue Ludwigs

                             In memory of Roe and Howard Bromann, Delores and Art Fischer
                                                - From Ken and Julie

                                          In memory of Harry and Minnie Crowl
                                                - From Doris Kirhofer

                                  In memory of Ruth Heeg, Carol Kraus and Donald Berg
                                            - From David and Susan Heeg

                              In memory of Phyllis Jacobs, wife of 54 years and son, Matthew
                                                   - From Lou Jacobs

                                In honor of our great-granddaughter due in January 2021
                                         - From Grandpa and Grandma Michels

                            In loving memory of our parents, niece, nephew, and other loved
                                                 ones friends and family
                             In honor of our loving children, granddaughters and grandson
                                           - From Roger & Gayle Copenhaver

                                              In memory of Karen Towers
                                                  - From the Family

                            In memory of Dian’s aunt Lorrain Dysard and Ernie’s sister Janice
                                          - From Ernie and Dian Poochigian

                                              In memory of Robert Schultz
                                                 - From Amber Schultz

                                              In memory of loved ones lost
                                                  - From Jeff Fechner

                               In memory of Max and Lois VnKlaveren and Walt Kirhofer
                                             In honor of Doris Kirhofer
                                     - From Doug, Kim, Brett, and Brian Kirhofer

                               In honor of my church family. Thank you for your kindness
                                                 - From Marcie Martin

                             In memory of Jim and Mary Kay Edwards, David and Ann Proud
                                                 - From Tim and Peg

                                             In memory of Marilyn Spurgin
                                                    - From Roger
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BOOK CLUB                                          BLOOD DRIVE
Our January WPC Book                                  Giving the Gift of Life. WPC will be the
Club will meet on Tuesday,                         host site again for the West Aurora High
Jan 19th at 1:30 PM in our                         School Blood Drive in our Family Life
West Conference Room.                              Center on Thursday, January 14, 2021.
A Thousand Acres by
                                                   The Blood Drive will be from 2:00 to 6:00
Jane Smiley will be our
                                                   PM. If you are interested in becoming a
book of discussion.
                                                   donor, watch the Prayer Line for this
You may pick up a copy
to read ahead of time in the Church Office.

"Aging Larry Cook announces his intention to
turn over his 1,000-acre farm--one of the
largest in Zebulon County, Iowa--to his three
daughters, Caroline, Ginny, and Rose. A man of
harsh sensibilities, he carves Caroline out of
the deal because she has the nerve to be less
than enthusiastic about her father's generosity.
While Larry Cook deteriorates into a pathetic
drunk, his daughters are left to cope with the
often grim realities of life on a family farm--
from battering husbands to cutthroat lenders.
In this winner of the 1992 Pulitzer Prize for
Fiction, Smiley captures the essence of such a
life with stark, painful detail." (Synopsis from
book jacket)

                                              JANUARY BIRTHDAYS
                             4    Copenhaver, Roger         13    Nohl, Dan
                             8    Gissing, Eliza            14    Spurgin, Roger
                             8    Schoppe, Herb             15    Halla, John
                             11    McMillen, Patrick        22    Ashina, Erline
                             11    Pepper, Alan             22    Austin, Susan
                             11    Schroeder, Marty         29    Cromer, Marcia
                             12    Hendricks, Margaret
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        January 31st
   following the Church
    Service - details to
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   January 2021 is our next "5th SUNDAY
                                               Pocket Prayer
MONTH" which is designated for giving
to the Benevolence Fund. This fund is for       IT’S STILL FLOATING THROUGH MY HEAD LORD,
church family and friends who could use                   CHRISTMAS MUSIC, THAT IS.
                                              I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC AND THE CELEBRATION
some financial help. Benevolence Fund
                                                      OF THE BIRTH OF THE CHRIST CHILD.
Forms can be requested from Trish in the
                                                 BUT JUST A WEEK LATER THE MUSIC IS GONE,
church office. Four members on this team           WE’RE TAKING DOWN THE DECORATIONS,
share the responsibility of deciding                    AND SINGING IN THE NEW YEAR.
whether the person(s) qualify for help and    LIFE CHANGES BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS BEFORE,
how much they will receive after filling        ALMOST AS THOUGH NOTHING EVER HAPPENED.
out the "Benevolence Form" and                              IT MAKES ME SAD LORD.
returning it to the church. Money can be            I WANT CHRISTMAS TO LAST FOREVER.
donated to this fund at any time by                  PLEASE LET IT REMAIN IN MY HEART
indicating "Benevolence Fund" on the                UNTIL WE CELEBRATE IT AGAIN IN 2021.
                                                      UNTIL THEN, MAY WE BE WELL AND
memo line of the check. Our Benevolent
                                                       RID OF THE COVID AND THE MASKS
Team appreciates the generosity of our
                                             SO THAT WE CAN SHAKE HANDS OR HUG EACH OTHER
church members and friends. THANK            AND WORSHIP TOGETHER IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD.
YOU! This team includes Susan Heeg,                                 AMEN
Donna Bredlau, Lois Sherpitis, Audrey                                   -DIANE POOCHIGIAN
Fechner (Deacon).

                                                   VIRTUAL GIVING TREE
                                                   Thank you to our members who
                                                   participated in this year's Virtual
                                                   Giving Tree. We collected a total of
                                                   $870.00 for charitable
                                                   organizations who provide for
                                                   those in need locally and globaly. As
                                                            a church we donated
                                                         $435.00 to the Heifer Project,
                                                   $125.00 to Covenant Christian
                                                   School, $155.00 to Wayside Cross,
                                                   $25.00 to Hessed House, and
                                                   $130.00 to Habitat for Humanity.
                                                   Thank you to everyone who made a
                                                     contribution to our Virtual
                                                   Giving Tree.
WPC - Westminster Presbyterian ...
AURORA, IL 60506

Main Office

Pastor Jeff Gissing X20
Transitional Pastor
                                  Watch Facebook and
                                  our Website to join
Shelia Westerfield X205
Pastoral Care Director            us every Sunday at

Tom Westerfield X213
Tech Director

Carolyn Hansen
Music Ministry Coordinator

Trisha Warren X201

Amy Ervin X232
Staff Accountant

Jason/Jenny Drury
Youth Ministry

Ken Perrin X207
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