Page created by Walter Park
          [ 2018 EDITION ]
                                                 IN PROVENCE-ALPES-CÔTE D’AZUR
                                                              [ 2018 EDITION ]

With sun-filled destinations, cooled by                About the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Regional Tourism Board
the winds coming off the Mediterranean,                The number one tourist destination in France after            partner and consultant, helping all the tourist
the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region                  Paris, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur welcomes                    institutions and professionals with support through
                                                       30 million visitors each year, with 6 million of them         promotional activities in the press, with tour operators
is always innovating to enchant visitors
                                                       from overseas. The tourist economy generates 18 billion       and the general public. Our strategy for promotion
looking for the dolce vita, the avant-garde            euros in the region – 13% of regional GDP – and               and communication is mainly built around
and strong emotions.                                   provides140,000 jobs. The Provence-Alpes-Côte                 3 “world-brand” destinations – Provence, the Alps
In 2018, with major events, outstanding chefs,         d’Azur Regional Tourism Board takes care of                   and the French Riviera – on the European and
                                                       promoting the region to visitors. We are a supporting         international markets.
prestigious or discreet restaurants,
locavore shopping and special guests,
accommodation beside the sea or close to                KEY FIGURES FOR TOURISM IN PROVENCE-ALPES-CÔTE D’AZUR
                                                        • 30 million visitors to Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, with 6 million from overseas.
the stars, a stay in the region of lights
                                                        • At its annual peak (around 15 August) an estimated 2.6 million visitors.
is an even fuller experience. So, at the
                                                        • Average amount spent per day and per person: €64 (€53 for French visitors, €114 for the overseas clientele).
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Regional                     • 207 million overnight stays (with 44 % of visitors in paid accommodation).
Tourism Board we hope that                              • 18 billion euros in annual revenues linked to visitor spending. 13% of regional GDP.
everyone will add their own discoveries!                • 35 million euros in revenues for towns through the tourist tax.
                                                        • 25,000 companies and over 140,000 jobs – almost 10% of salaried employment in the region.
                                                        • Over 2,000 hotels, 700 campsites, 420 tourist residences.


                                                                                                          Regional Tourism    Tourism Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                                                           Committee  Committee Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                                                                                            d'Azur     d'Azur
                                                                                                                                           information@crt-paca.fr   1           1

                       WHAT’S NEW?
                       IN PROVENCE-ALPES-CÔTE D’AZUR
                                   [ 2018 EDITION ]

                      EW SLEEPING          12 | F EASTS        16 | P
   & HERITAGE        SPOTS                        FOR THE EYES          & BOTANY

18 | S
      HOPPING     21 | A
                         BREATH            24 | P
                                                  ASS SPORT     27 | WHAT’S ON
    & CRAFTS          OF FRESH AIR

                                                                 Regional Tourism    Tourism Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                  Committee  Committee Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                                                   d'Azur     d'Azur
                                                                                                  information@crt-paca.fr   2           2
        & HERITAGE
It’s a pure coincidence, but Brigitte Bardot and the Marquis de Sade are
both in the news in Provence. Recently reopened, the Château of the de
Sade family in Saumane introduces us to a scandalous family, while the
statue of “BB” has taken form on the road into Saint-Tropez. Also new is
the reconquest of city centres by art and artists, such as in Toulon, which
has become an open-air gallery, the reopening of Montmajour Abbey, the
resting place of the Counts of Provence, and a new immersive visit to the
Palais des Papes in Avignon. In Arles, meanwhile, they are keeping up
with progress on the renovations to the long-awaited Fondation Luma
and the tower designed by Franck Gehry.


                                Regional Tourism    Tourism Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                 Committee  Committee Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                  d'Azur     d'Azur
                                                                 information@crt-paca.fr   3           3

TEN YEARS OF THE UNESCO LABEL                                THE SECRET OF THE ABBEY                                     THE LUMA EVENT IN ARLES:                                    MUSAMA, TO THE GLORY OF THE ONE
IN MONT-DAUPHIN AND BRIANÇON                                 MONTMAJOUR AGAIN ACCESSIBLE                                 ROLL ON 2019...                                             AND ONLY REAL MARSEILLE SOAP
                                                             TO VISITORS
In 2018, the Fortifications of Briançon and                                                                              A project that is unique in Europe, the creation of the     In the 18th century, soap was Marseille’s main export,
Mont-Dauphin will be celebrating their 10th anniversary      A gem of pre-Romanesque architecture that is unique in      Luma Foundation to promote contemporary                     and made the large port famous all over the world. But
as UNESCO World Heritage sites. The fortifications           western Europe, the Saint-Pierre hermitage constitutes      art is without doubt the project of the century in          not just any old soap. The square, aromatic “EXTRA
by Vauban, a “major contribution to universal military       the oldest architectural trace of Montmajour Abbey.         Arles-Camargue. For Maja Hoffmann, a Swiss art              PURE 72% FATTY ACID” soap was developed after a
architecture”, were added to this international list of      This troglodyte building, partly built into the rock at     collector and patron who launched the project, this         real alchemic quest, filled with unforeseen developments.
masterpieces in 2008. To celebrate the event,                the south of the mountain, had become inaccessible:         vast cultural complex begun in 2004 aims to “take           This is the rich story to be told from April 2018 at the
a commemorative 10th anniversary medal by the                the National Monuments Centre has just renovated the        up the challenges faced by the world of art”, while         MuSaMa, the Marseille Soap Museum, immersing the
Monnaie de Paris, as well as a board game about the          outer walls and interior areas. What’s more, the lower      becoming part of “the artistic, intellectual, ecological,   visitor in the world of soap-making in Marseille. Records
major sites built by Vauban, will be available. While we     part of the monument is now accessible and the interior     social and economic fabric of Arles and the region.” The    of the first official Marseille soap-maker, Crescas Davin,
are waiting for the many events scheduled this summer,       spaces of the caves are now visible and enhanced.           iconic 56-metre-high tower, designed by the famous          date from 1371. Master soap-makers then handed
the Mont-Dauphin site will be hosting special “snowshoe”     Four km away from Arles, Montmajour Abbey stands on         architect Frank Gehry, is inspired by the brushwork of      down their secret “magic formula” from father to son.
visits every Wednesday from 1 January to 31 March.           a rocky peak, overlooking the La Crau Plain. Originally,    Van Gogh. The 6-hectare site is a former railway area       The ingredients of Marseille soap were officially
Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban (1633-1707), Louis            this was a mortuary site: the Mont Majour rock,             running alongside Les Alyscamps and renamed Parc            regulated in the 17th century under King Louis XIV, but
XIV’s military architect, built twelve groups of fortified   encircled by pools of water, welcomed the deceased          des Ateliers. Five former workshops, which are now          despite the discoveries of Leblanc, Chevreul
buildings and constructions in France. Alongside new         and the hermits who chose solitude and meditation to        exhibition spaces, are being renovated by Annabelle         and Gay-Lussac, soap-makers still speak about a
towns begun from scratch, citadels, city walls, bastion      watch over them. The first group of hermits grew, giving    Selldorf’s New York agency. The Belgian Bas Smets,          certain “mystery” taking place in the manufacturing
forts, mountain and coastal forts, a mountain battery        rise, before 1000 A.D., to a powerful Benedictine abbey     a landscape architect, has unearthed a green ring that      process. On the old “Via Romana”, in a Haussmann-style
and two communications structures in the mountains,          with, at the summit of the rock, an impressive abbatial     will be the town’s biggest park. The organisation of the    building near the Old Port and opposite the Marseille
the the fortifications in Briançon and Mont-Dauphin          church consecrated to the Virgin Mary. The Counts of        project site has made it possible to open some spaces       History Museum, the MuSaMa recalls how Marseille
(Hautes-Alpes) are witnesses to the high point of            Provence were buried in the cloister, while the crypt,      in the Parc des Ateliers for exhibitions organised by the   soap was used and its impact. The highlight of the
bastion forts in the classic era.                            uniquely in Provence, is a church built beneath the         Fondation Luma and by the International Photography         visit: after being hired by one of the great Marseille
www.sites-vauban.org                                         abbatial church. The Saint-Pierre hermitage is situated     Festival, “Les Rencontres d’Arles”. The Renovations         soap-makers, you will become a soap-maker yourself…
                                                             in the southern rock, with a few capitals from the early    House and the Project House are a chance for the            and take home your own soap!” The architecture of
                                                             Romanesque age as a witness to Saint-Pierre’s               public to visit the Luma Arles architectural and cultural   the site is the work of the Richard and Anne-Claude
                                                             monastery (10th to 15th centuries), the first building on   project. Guided visits to the site to see the developing    Carta agency. Interestingly, the architect is the author
                                                             the site. Inside, the rooms are partly built in the caves   project are organised. Visitors just need to sign up on     of a novel featuring a master soap-maker: Le Jour du
                                                             towards the north and made from plastered rubble            the website or at the ticket office in the Grande Halle.    Safran by Richard Carta.
                                                             stone and cut stone in the north.                           www.luma-arles.org                                          www.musama.fr
                                                             Montmajour Abbey, Pays d’Arles


                                                                                                                                                                 Regional Tourism    Tourism Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                                                                                                                  Committee  Committee Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   d'Azur     d'Azur
                                                                                                                                                                                                  information@crt-paca.fr   4             4

MUCEM: VISIT THE RESERVE                                        IN TOULON, THE RENAISSANCE                                  BRIGITTE BARDOT TAKES                                       WELCOME TO THE MARQUIS DE SADE’S
WITHOUT RESERVE!                                                OF MONT FARON                                               SHAPE IN SAINT-TROPEZ                                       HOUSE IN SAUMANE
The MUCEM has got together with Google Arts &                   Mont Faron looks down on Toulon with its impressive         A statue of Brigitte Bardot now stands on the road into     The Château de Saumane, near L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue,
Culture for an interactive visit to its reserves. With          silhouette from a height of 530 m. Its Landing and          Saint-Tropez. This bronze statue weighs 700 kg and is       is a gem of Provençal heritage and was the home of
a magic click, you can - virtually - enter at any time          Liberation in Provence Memorial, inaugurated by             2.5 metres high, and was given to the star for her 83rd     the De Sade family. It has now reopened its doors to
in some of the most secrets places in the great                 General de Gaulle on 15 August 1964 was re-opened           birthday. It is inspired by a watercolour by the Italian    the public. For over four centuries, until 1868, it was
Marseille museum, with collections ranging from                 in 2017 after two years of renovations. The aim was         erotic cartoon master Milo Manara. The statue stands        the property of the De Sade family, and the castle was
Antiquity to today.                                             to give a livelier, more interactive and educational        opposite the Gendarmerie Museum and the cinema,             renovated several times in line with the periods and the
www.mucem.org                                                   approach to the history of the soldiers from France,        opened in 2016, where several rooms are devoted to          wishes of its owners. Its labyrinthine architecture combines
                                                                overseas territories and the colonies who took part in      films shot in St Tropez, as well as to Brigitte Bardot,     the charm of the Renaissance and the fantasy of the
      See the vidéo
                                                                the liberation of France and Europe in August 1944. The     whose sensual curves thrilled spectators of the film And    17th century. Filled with hidden passages and dungeons, it
                                                                memorial is housed in a 19th century fort and enjoys a      God Created Woman (1956).                                   must have fired the imagination of the young Donatien,
THE VILLA NOAILLES NAMED AN ART                                 wonderful panorama over the sea and the city. Access        www.saint-tropez.fr                                         the controversial author in the making... The young
CENTRE OF NATIONAL INTEREST                                     to Mount Faron, which also houses the zoo and                                                                           Marquis de Sade lived here from the age of 5 to 10,
                                                                Notre-Dame-du-Faron chapel built in a former gunpowder      AT THE PALAIS DES PAPES IN AVIGNON, A                       with his uncle, the Abbé de Sade, another colourful
On 18 March, the Villa Noailles in Hyères (Var) was             magazine, is by cable car or along the cliff road.          TACTILE IMMERSION IN THE PAPAL ERA...                       figure. Seductive, learned and a libertine, the friend of
named an Art Centre of National Interest. This                  http://toulontourisme.com                                                                                               Voltaire and Emilie du Châtelet, the Abbé de Sade had
distinction given for the first time to an institution linked                                                               The Histopad, a free touchscreen tablet (with the price     a great many affairs. He was the author of a book about
to the plastic arts, adds to the other labels awarded           IN TOULON, RUE PIERRE SEMARD                                included in admission) is given to each visitor to the      Petrarch, the lover of Laura de Noves, the wife of the
to the building designed in 1923 by Robert Mallet               BECOMES RUE DES ARTS                                        Palais des Papes, immersing them in the splendour           Abbé’s ancestor, Hugues de Sade. The Marquis de
Stevens (1886-1945): Historic Monument, 20th Century                                                                        of the pontifical court in the 14th century. You enter      Sade’s father, the Count de Sade, the lord of Saumane,
Heritage, House of the Illustrious and Remarkable               To revive activity, dynamism and youth - this is the        nine rooms in the biggest Gothic palace in the world        was also a famous libertine. Visiting the château is a
Garden. A sign that the site is still at the cutting edge       challenge for all city centres, a challenge that is going   as if you were a canon or a peasant of the time. A film     chance to come closer to a family that is exceptional
of ideas about fashion, design, architecture and                in the right direction in the historic heart of Toulon,     recounts its construction, and zooms and panoramic          in every way...
photography.                                                    where major changes are afoot. Shops dedicated to           views at 360° reveal the fragile painted decors. And to     http://oti-delasorgue.fr/tourisme/le-chateau-desaumane
Villa Noailles                                                  lifestyle and decoration, and arts and craft workshops      delight the youngest visitors, a coin stamped with the
www.villanoailles-hyeres.com                                    have taken up residence in the shops of Rue Pierre          effigy of the popes is hidden in each room... But finding
                                                                Sémard, near Place de l’Equerre. An active policy           the Popes’ treasure calls for effort!
                                                                undertaken by the City with the help of ANPUR has led       www.palais-des-papes.com/fr/content/histopad-
                                                                to some 30 ground-floor premises being bought and           pour-tous
                                                                offered without key money to individuals with projects
                                                                based around culture and lifestyle. Enjoy a stroll and
                                                                look out for the subtle and permanent photo display
                                                                designed for the site.


                                                                                                                                                                    Regional Tourism    Tourism Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                                                                                                                     Committee  Committee Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      d'Azur     d'Azur
                                                                                                                                                                                                     information@crt-paca.fr   5               5

THE NEW INGUIMBERTINE                                        OPENING OF THE CNR HYDROELECTRIC                              WHEN HISTORY AND TRADITION GIVE
IN CARPENTRAS                                                INTO THE ENERGY OF THE RHONE!
                                                                                                                           Perfume and soap shops, ceramics and santon
After two years of renovations, the first part of the        Majestically bridging a canal running parallel to the River   makers, cheesemongers, beekeepers, confectioners,
Inguimbertine has been opened to the public at               Rhone, the Bollène hydroelectric power station, which         wine and olive oil producers… over 150 companies in
Hôtel-Dieu. It combines two symbols: the Inguimbertine       is opening to the public in 2018, was nicknamed the           Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur open their doors each
Library, a unique library-museum in France, and the          “French Suez” at its inauguration in 1952. The canal          year to the public, introducing them to all the magic
Hôtel-Dieu, the most impressive hospital of the capital      lock opening the way to the boats under the arches, is the    and the secrets of their skills and their products, the
of the Comtat Venaissin. Lacking space in its former site,   highest in France, with 23 m of height difference upstream    symbols of Provence, the Alps and the French Riviera.
the library-museum, named after Joseph-Dominique             and downstream. This remarkable historic monument             www.entrepriseetdecouverte.fr/find-a-place-to-visit
d’Inguimbert, known as Dom Malachie, the Bishop of           provides 13 % of the hydro-electric production of the
Carpentras, has gone from 120 m2 to over 1,800 m2            Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (CNR, a subsidiary
by joining up with the Hôtel-Dieu, built in the mid-18th     of the Suez group), equal to the annual consumption
century and listed as a historic monument. It has kept       of the city of Lyon. The new visit includes information
its unusual character and includes both books and            about the history of the Donzère-Mondragon dam (its
pictures. Using digital technology, 60,000 documents         other name), about the CNR and navigation on the
have been brought together with some 40 paintings            Rhone, as well as explaining how electricity is produced
and a hundred objects. Video games have their place,         and where it comes from. This is a practical demonstration,
too, and the sites have eight dedicated computers and        since the CNR added a wind farm and two
four consoles for the younger school of “game design”.       photovoltaic farms to the site in the 2000s. Guided visits
Video games are even combined with truffles in season,       from Monday to Saturday on reservation, duration
since one of the biggest markets in France is held in        1 hr 30 mins.
the main courtyard...                                        lescircuitsdelenergie@cnr.tm.fr


                                                                                                                                                                  Regional Tourism    Tourism Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                                                                                                                   Committee  Committee Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    d'Azur     d'Azur
                                                                                                                                                                                                   information@crt-paca.fr   6           6
A suite in a convent, a bubble at the top of the ski slopes, an equipped
Cadillac, a barrel on a wine estate – fans of original nights will have plenty
to choose from. Your hosts have great imagination! 2017-2018 has seen
the birth or rebirth of refined spots next to the water, such as Les Roches
Blanches (Cassis), Les Roches Rouges (Saint-Raphaël), Les Sablettes
(La-Seyne-sur-Mer) or La Villa Douce (Rayol-Canadel). The wealth of
guesthouses, gîtes and residences at affordable prices consolidates the
welcoming reputation of people from the South. And the opening in the
Aix countryside of two prestigious sites, the Domaine de Fonscolombes,
with its listed 10-hectare park, and the Villa La Coste with its masterpieces
of contemporary art, show that hosting and sharing are as one.


                                 Regional Tourism    Tourism Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                  Committee  Committee Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                   d'Azur     d'Azur
                                                                  information@crt-paca.fr   7           7

  Luxury, upscale                                              Roy René, promoting the Coteaux d’Aix-en-Provence.            1920s, the period when it was built, a Hispano-Suiza            suites open onto the sea. The two swimming pools,
& top-of-the-range                                             Red, white and rosé wines from the estate are all certified   takes centre stage in the entrance. The 36 rooms, with          including “the iconic” sea water pool carved out of
                                                               as Organic. Rooms from €195 a night.                          four suites, the patio and the swimming pool overlook           the rocks, are an invitation to work on your tan. The
                                                               Château de Fonscolombe*****, near Aix-en-Provence             Cap Canaille, which plunges down into the sea from a            Esthederm spa and its sun-treatment programme round
CHATEAU DE FONSCOLOMBE:                                        https://fonscolombe.fr                                        height of 363 m. This independent 4-star hotel aims to          off the relaxing experience. A wide range of activities
THE QUINTESSENTIAL ART OF LIVING                                                                                             be original, chic but accessible, like the restaurant with      are scheduled, including a boat trip with a fisherman, a
IN PROVENCE                                                    VILLA LA COSTE: ENCHANTMENT FOR                               its vast patio. Rooms from €290 a night.                        “pétanque” lesson with the local French boules club and
                                                               ALL THE SENSES IN PROVENCE                                    Les Roches Blanches****, Cassis, Calanques                      open-air cinema. Rooms from €160 a night, reopening
With three centuries of rich history, the Château de                                                                         www.roches-blanches-cassis.com                                  in early May.
Fonscolombe welcomed its first guests in June 2017.            Opened in 2017, the Villa La Coste is in perfect affinity                                                                     Hotel Les Roches Rouges, Saint-Raphaël
Near Aix-en-Provence, this residence and park are              with the artistic world of the estate, which in just a few    LE SAINT-REMY:                                                  www.hotellesrochesrouges.com
listed as Historic Monuments and have been radiating           years has become a landmark in contemporary art,              A NEWCOMER TO THE COURS
history, wit and festivities since the 18th century. Built     gastronomy and wine. Visitors come from all over                                                                              GRAND HOTEL DES SABLETTES:
in quattrocento style, the château belonged to the             the world to admire the wine cellar designed by Jean          In the little capital of Les Alpilles, we are all looking       A PET-FRIENDLY HILTON COMES TO
Marquis de Saporta et de Fonscolombe. The members              Nouvel, and the prestigious visit with 30 works by artists    forward to the inauguration of this new five-star hotel - the   TOWN WITH THE TRAVELLER SPIRIT
of this great family humanists were illustrious in the         such as Louise Bourgeois, Alexander Calder, Andy              third - with a surface area of 2,500m2 on Boulevard
sciences and in warfare, and above all in medicine             Goldsworthy, Franck Gehry and Tadao Ando. They                Victor Hugo (which is usually known as “Le Cours”). It          In June 2017, the Grand Hotel des Sablettes in
and botany. The vast residence was bought in 2014              can now relax in 28 spacious suites, with light-coloured      will have 32 rooms and suites from 30 to 60 m² and              La- Seyne-sur-Mer cracked open the Champagne:
by Hélène Martel-Massignac, CEO of the Caravelle               wood, marble and rough stone, in a simple style, although     a 5-bedroom independent villa. The decoration will              totally renovated, the hotel became the first Curio
group, and has been totally rejuvenated. Craftsmen             decorated with pictures and sculptures. The Spa, the          blend tasteful colours in Bohemian Gypsy style with             Collection by Hilton hotel in Provence-Alpes-Côte
have restored the 18th century Genoa leather and               bar and the library foster relaxation, the sky is reflected   very natural touches - abundant vegetation, stone, old          d’Azur. The white 19th century building overlooks the
Chinese wallpapers, the plasterwork and wooden                 in the swimming pools, and the view over Luberon,             wood, wood floors... Plus, the “Côté Jardin” restaurant         Sablettes beach and provides a wonderful view over
furnishings, chandeliers and door frames. Noble materials,     between the oak, pine and vineyards delight all lovers        with organic food at great prices, a lounge bar and             Toulon Harbour. In the lobby, a collection of trunks and
precious fabrics, art works and photos decorate the            of beauty. Rooms from €600 a night.                           a rooftop bar in the evening, a spa and indoor and              suitcases pays homage to travel. Each of the
50 rooms and suites. A spa gives visitors a chance to          Villa La Coste near Aix en Provence                           outdoor swimming pools.                                         75 rooms and suites, with open bathrooms and padded
relax. The new Orangerie restaurant has a capacity             www.villalacoste.com                                          Le Saint-Rémy***** Opening in May 2018.                         headboards, has a telescope to look out at the rock of
for up to 120 diners. Encircled by vast vineyards, the         www.chateau-la-coste.com                                                                                                      the Deux Frères or the boats. The hotel has three
Château extends for over 10 hectares in a listed park,                                                                       LES ROCHES ROUGES,                                              restaurants, a ballroom for 350 guests, three meeting rooms
with fountains of spring water and a circular pool with        LES ROCHES BLANCHES,                                          BESIDE THE BLUE WATERS                                          with a capacity of up to 600 people, two swimming pools
four dolphins, a reference to the four Aix Dauphins.           THE ENTRANCE TO THE CALANQUES                                                                                                 and a Nuxe spa. What’s more, the hotel is pet-friendly
Enhanced by the famous botanist from the Gaston de                                                                           One of the great successes of the past year! The Hotel          with toys for dogs and a kennel on hand. As well as the
Saporta family, the park is today a rich arboretum in          At the entrance point to the calanques and a 15-minute        Les Roches Rouges adopted a modernist architecture              private beach below, guests can dive into the history of
the region, listed as a Historic Monument. The queen           walk from Cassis, the Bestouan district is ideal both         in a special location: a beach in Var facing the small Or       Toulon 10 km away or sail off to the Port-Cros National
of England stayed here and planted a tree, in the shade        to enjoy a swim and a view over the little port. After        Island, immortalised by Hergé in “The Black Island”.            Park. Rooms from €110 a night.
of which you can still sit. As for the wine estate, it dates   a year of renovation work, Les Roches Blanches, the           Charlotte de Tonnac and Hugo Sauzay have kept the               Grand Hotel des Sablettes,
back to the Roman period, and we owe to Louis de               area’s flagship hotel and one of the few villas next to the   relaxed, almost naive atmosphere of holidays in the late        La Seyne-Sur-Mer near Toulon
Saporta the creation of the Confrerie des Echansons du         water, will be reopening in the spring. With a nod to the     1950s. Here you can go barefoot. The 50 rooms and               ghsplage.fr


                                                                                                                                                                        Regional Tourism    Tourism Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                                                                                                                         Committee  Committee Provence-Alpes-Côte
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          d'Azur     d'Azur
                                                                                                                                                                                                         information@crt-paca.fr   8               8

THE VILLA DOUCE,                                                refinement, and in the view over the village of Roussillon   a wide choice of local design, fashion and creation, a           owner, overlook a terrace in the shade of century-old
THE COCOON IN RAYOL-CANADEL                                     perched on a hill. At the new “Café de la Fontaine” you      Rose&Marius showroom (that can be used for seminars)             plane [new sleeping spots] trees. The water laps in the
                                                                can enjoy a meal of grilled meat with a glass of rosé.       and a “wellness and beauty room” (yes, that’s its name!)         fountain, and the Blue Lake nearby is ideal for jogging.
At the Villa Douce, people live outside, like the villa’s       This unique dry-stone farmhouse was rebuilt on the           with a power plate, a coach and hairdresser. Plus, a             The chef, Nicolas Herbé, has created a much appreciated
symbol the butterflies fluttering in the decoration, in the     remains of a site owned by the Knights from the Order        restaurant with very accessible prices for healthy menus         “bistronomic” menu, and due to its success a private
logo and the fabrics by Christian Lacroix. Gentleness is        of Malta. From €196 a night.                                 and “market-fresh” meals to enjoy in the quiet of the            room is being created. Car park, wifi and free turn-down
present in the soothing sea as far as the eye can see           Le Phèbus, Joucas, Luberon                                   converted stucco lounges or in the peace of the garden,          service on request to set up the bed. Rooms from €90
and the hills speckled with stone pines or mimosas - the        lephebus.com                                                 between bamboo and horse chestnut trees. In winter, a            to €130, breakfast €13.
hotel is open all the year round. Caroline Thetiot, the                                                                      heated tent is set up there. From €80 for a double room          Hôtel Victor, Cabriès near Aix-en-Provence
manager, seeks to take good care of her guests in the                                                                        and €104 for a quadruple room for accommodation                  www.hotelvictor.fr
31 rooms. Organic breakfast and cakes at teatime (both
                                                                   For family, business and art                              only with reservation 20 days beforehand.
included in the price of the rooms) can be enjoyed at                                                                        Maison Montgrand*** Vieux Port 13006 Marseille                   HOTEL ARLATAN IN ARLES
the Club Papillon, where tapas or meals on a tray are           HOTEL ROC BLANC 4*                                           www.hotel-maison-montgrand.com
also served, made by the chef Anthony Lopez. A shuttle          IN SERRE-CHEVALIER                                                                                                            Like Le Cloître, redesigned by India Mahdavi, the Arlatan
service runs to the five beaches in Rayol-Canadel below.                                                                     TOYOKO INN: JAPAN IN MARSEILLE                                   which has been bought by Maja Hoffmann, is undergoing
Electric bikes are available to rent to visit the nearby wine   With a patio and a 180° view over the ski slopes of                                                                           major renovation. Reopening in the spring.
estates or the wonderful Mediterranean gardens at the           Monêtier-les-Bains, this 4-star hotel will enjoy the         An impressive white parallelepiped has been built in             www.hotel-arlatan.fr
Domaine du Rayol. The hotel also has three seminar              luxury of space. An area of 1,300 m2 with 21 rooms           the Euroméditerranée to house the first French hotel
rooms, if the meeting room at the Villa Douce, with a           are planned with patios and balconies facing south in        opened by the Toyoko Inn brand. This 3-star hotel with
capacity for 12 people, is not enough. From €150 to 500 per     the spirit of a charming mountain hotel, as well as a        267 rooms near Saint-Charles Station is particularly             LA REINE JANE, AN ARTISTIC MEETING
room, breakfast and “tea-time” included.                        wellness area and a 300 m2 restaurant.                       easy to access by public transport. Another distinctive          PLACE IN HYERES
La Villa Douce**** Rayol-Canadel-sur-Mer                        Hotel Roc Blanc****, Serre-Chevalier,                        feature of the chain is that the manager, Akiko
near Saint-Tropez                                               Hautes-Alpes Opening late 2018                               Busnel-Ryuzaki, is backed by a friendly team who                 On the pretty port of L’Ayguade, five minutes from
www.lavilladouce.com                                                                                                         know the city well and can give guests the tips they             Hyères airport, this small, atypical hotel looks out on
                                                                MAISON MONTGRAND VIEUX-PORT                                  need. The most recent arrival at Toyoko Inn, which               the Îles d’Or. Its owners have entrusted each of the
A NEW HAUTE COUTURE VILLA                                       MARSEILLE, MY LITTLE CITY GARDEN                             has 250 hotels in Japan and some 30 elsewhere, is                14 rooms to a designer or design studio that had taken
AT PHEBUS&SPA                                                                                                                due to open in April 2018.                                       part in the Design Parade at the Villa Noailles. Each
                                                                Brimming with dynamism, the Puget district, the former                                                                        had a free hand to design the room, from 15 to 17 m2.
Xavier Mathieu, the chef and owner of the Relais &              quarter of noteworthy people between the Old Port            HOTEL VICTOR, THE SECRET ADDRESS                                 Eight rooms open onto the sea with a patio or balcony.
Châteaux Le Phébus, has opened a private Provençal-style        and the Prefecture, is now the home of showrooms             FOR TRAVELLERS, CLOSE BY THE                                     Some guests will prefer the number 6 with cork resin
villa, the Villa des Anges, with a park. Four rooms and a       and galleries. This 2-star hotel shares three worlds         AIX-EN-PROVENCE TGV STATION                                      by the Dutch design agency Odd Matter, others the
suite with eggshell colours and Provençal contemporary          on either side of Rue Montgrand, but its heart is a                                                                           white room by Jean-Baptiste Fastrez. Here you’ll find
furniture share a fresh water swimming pool (with               delicious garden, an oasis of peace in the city centre.      Business travellers whisper the address. Just a kilometre        a room for the budding artist inside you! While we are
ultra-violet treatment). The renovation work undertaken         The simple rooms are refined and equipped with “My           away from the Aix-en-Provence TGV station and a few              waiting for the seafood bistro and the rooftop terrace,
by the Michelin-starred chef included adding dry stone          Bed” bedding, with some for families, in the two 18th        minutes by car from Marseille- Provence international            a seafood brunch in on offer on Sundays. From €120
to the dining room in the main building; it runs                and 19th century buildings. On the other side of the         airport or the activity zones of Les Milles or Vitrolles, they   to €220 per room, €35 for brunch.
lengthways, like an elegant gallery. The spectacle is           street, the main building, a private residence dating        can now choose between working or having a nap...                La Reine Jane, Hyères
both on the plate, with surprising flavours, colours and        from the 17th century, includes a concept store with         The 12 rooms in the Hotel Victor, renovated by the new           https://lareinejane.fr/


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THE BEST WESTERN PLUS HYERES                                  MARSEILLE, BELLE DE MAI THE FIRST                                LODGES IN DOMAINE MÉJAN                                       LA FABRIQUE IN MOUSTIERS-SAINTE-
COTE-D’AZUR: “BLEISURE”                                       URBAN VILLAGE CLUB IN FRANCE                                     (ORIGINAL: A SUITE IN A CONTAINER!)                           MARIE, VERDON GORGES
                                                              A place where many Marseille babies were born between            Beneath the limestone crest of Les Baux, among the            This former faïence workshop beside the river and
The neologism “bleisure”, a contraction of business and       1920 and 1996, including the footballer Zinedine Zidane,         pine and juniper, a suite has been set up in a real           below a belvedere, has been a five-room guesthouse
leisure, is a feature of hotels designed both for work and    the former maternity hospital in the Belle de Mai district       shipping container opening onto a wooden patio. Its           since June 2017. The owners, Christian and Florence
holidays. Among the most recent hotels in the chain with      has been reborn and has been welcoming visitors since            neighbours (at a reasonable distance) are four lodges         Allègre, have preserved the vast spaces and industrial
300 hotels in France, the Best Western Plus Hyères            2017 to the first Urban Holiday Village in France. Backed        with eco-friendly wooden structures and cladding. Each        atmosphere, with sliding steel doors and unvarnished
Côte-d’Azur is included in this segment: 10 minutes’          by the Villages Club du Soleil brand, it has 124 residential     one has its own character: an opening above the bed           materials. Room from €98 for two to €135 for four.
walk from the historic centre of Hyères and the station,      rooms, an outdoor pool (heated from April to November)           for the modern lodge, a private jacuzzi for the wellness      La Fabrique, Moustiers-Sainte-Marie,
56 rooms with a contemporary Provençal design, a              a restaurant, a wellness area and gym, and a 2-hectare           lodge. The 13mx4m heated pool is fitted into a large          Verdon Gorges
swimming pool, a Mediterranean garden, a lounge-bar           tree-lined park. A children’s club welcomes the under 6s         deck. The Domaine also has a room for 100 people and          www.moustiers.eu/?La-Fabrique
and a restaurant. Adjoining rooms for families, seminar       all the year round and teenagers up to the age of 17 in the      a wooden patio. From €130 a night for the container,
room for companies, the perfect “bleisure” combination,       school holidays. Special shuttle buses run to the village. The   €165 for the lodge.                                           CIMES, A GUESTHOUSE AT THE SUMMIT
as we now say!                                                cherry on the cake is the all-inclusive packages including       Domaine Méjean, Paradou in Les Alpilles                       LES ORRES HAUTES-ALPES
Best Western Plus Hyères Côte d’Azur                          a Marseille City-Pass to visit Notre-Dame- de-la-Garde           near Baux-de-Provence
www.bestwestern.fr                                            in a little sightseeing train, the Château d’If or a boat trip   http://domaine-mejan.com/fr/                                  Sandrine and Xavier Lecharny have transformed a former
                                                              to the Frioul islands... One week from €369 per adult,                                                                         gîte in the old village of Les Orres into a guesthouse with
   Urban or rural residences                                  €332 per child aged 13-17, €258 per child aged 2-13,                Guesthouses                                                enchanting warmth. Four of the five rooms, decorated
                                                              €148 per child under 2.                                                                                                        with linen and contemporary furniture, look out from
LA BASTIDE DU ROY RENE                                        www.villageclub-marseille.com                                    VILLA SAINT-MARC IN FORCALQUIER                               the balcony or patio southwards over the surrounding
                                                                                                                               ABOVE THE CITADEL                                             mountains: Touzenc, the Boussolenc, the Col de l’Ane.
Built in 1472 by King René of Anjou and Queen Jeanne          IN MARSEILLE, NINE SUITES                                                                                                      But it’s in the dining room, with “table d’hôte” meals
de Laval, the Bastide of King René became their country       IN A CONVENT                                                     The inhabitants of Forcalquier expectantly awaited the        three times a week, and restaurant service on Friday
residence. It was later extended to welcome patients                                                                           new avatar of Villa Saint-Marc. This 18th century bastide     and Saturday evenings, that Les Cîmes reveals its secret
and took on impressive dimensions, and is today a pleasant,   At Le Panier, near Place de Lenche, this 17th century            rises on Saint-Marc hill, providing a wonderful view over     weapon: the food! A qualified cook, who has worked
historic site with 65 studio flats and kitchenettes. Ten      building was a royal foundry before belonging to the             Notre-Dame-de-Provence Cathedral and the citadel of           alongside Guy Savoy and Éric Menchon, Xavier gives
minutes away by bus from the historic centre of               Jesuit order. After the French Revolution it became part         Forcalquier, with Luberon in the distance. After five years   pride of place to good, local and organic food. His wife
Aix-en-Provence, on the banks of the Arc, it will also        of the patrimony of the city of Marseille. The nine modern,      of restoration work, the house, which was in turns the        Sandrine seeks out organic wines. And to digest your
delight sports fans, since it is now part of a municipal      spacious suites designed for minimum stays of two                residence of politicians and a restaurant, has been reborn    meal, the Serre-Ponçon lake is 10 kilometres away
swimming pool and sports complex, with tennis, running        nights have kitchens and well-designed bathrooms.                as charming 4-star furnished tourist accommodation. It        and the ski slopes are even closer! From €110 to €130
and French boules all available. A chance to meet the         Suites from €130 to €160 a night.                                includes two gîtes - including a “cottage” in 4,500 m2        per double room with breakfast / €32 for the day’s
new king and queen of the Bastide, the friendly young         Le Couvent, 13002 Marseille                                      of land – and a handful of guest rooms with windows           special menu.
couple, Félicia & Barnabé! From €77 for a studio flat for     www.fonderievieille.com                                          wide open onto an exceptional panorama. The presiding         Maison Cimes, Les Orres, Hautes-Alpes
two to €119 for a studio flat for four                                                                                         spirit of the house, Cristiana, takes care of breakfast and   www.maisoncimes.com
Bastide du Roy René, Aix-en-Provence                                                                                           brings a subtle hint of Italy… Rooms from €80 for two,
http://aixbastide.com/                                                                                                         breakfast included.
                                                                                                                               Villa Saint-Marc, Forcalquier,


                                                                                                                                                                         Regional Tourism    Tourism Provence-Alpes-Côte
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MAISON ABEIL IN L’ARGENTIERE-LA-                                 Deville from 1968, and has been painstakingly restored            Open air                                                  HUTTOPIA CAMPSITE IN FONTVIEILLE
BESSEE, ECRINS NATIONAL PARK                                     and transformed into a cosy bed, and is parked in a 40 m2
                                                                 suite with jacuzzi, near Lorgues in the Var region. For an     THE LAST REFUGE: CHEZ POLYTE                                 In Les Baux valley, since 2017, you can camp as you
At the heart of the mountains of the Écrins National Park,       original night-time journey. 219 € a night and breakfast.      IN LA GRAVE (MASSIF DE L’OISANS)                             wish at Huttopia Fontvieille with your tent, caravan or
this family home has been renovated by fans of design,           Atelier de Cupidon, Villecroze, near Lorgues, Var                                                                           campervan on well-separated pitches, in Toile&Bois
photography and well-being. Arielle teaches Hatha Yoga           www.atelierdecupidon.com                                       The latest French refuge, in the Pic du Mas de La Grave,     tents for a comfy night under canvas or in a wooden
in a converted barn with an aroma of larch. The vaulted                                                                         was inaugurated in August 2017 by Denis and Victor           chalet! Camping Huttopia, Fontvieille, Alpilles
breakfast room opens onto the patio, and in the four             LA DIVINE COMEDIE IN AVIGNON                                   Lavenant. Both enamoured of the Emparis plateau, a           https://europe.huttopia.com/site/camping-font-
bedrooms, art works are blended with antique furniture.                                                                         magnificent listed site, and the terrace on the Massif des   vieille-provence
The GR 54 trail runs in front of the large residence encircled   This private residence standing beside the papal city          Écrins, they thought it a pity no one could stay there.
with meadows and orchards, and the legendary cols of             ramparts under the guiding hand of the interior decorator      So, they restored a former mountain-pasture house            FLOATING CABINS IN THE VINEYARDS
the Alps are close by, whether you are walking, cycling,         Gilles Jauffet has become the residence of collector           known as “Chez Polyte”. Leaving from Grenoble, 1 hr          OF CHATEAUNEUF-DU-PAPE
on a motor bike or even in a kayak. From €80 per room.           guests. The lounges, library, monumental staircase             15 min by bus and six kilometres on from the village
Maison Abeil, Argentière-La-Bessée                               and five suites are decorated with countless objects:          of Le Chazelet (La Grave) bring visitors to this haven of    The Domaine des Grands Cépages now has floating
Ecrins National Park                                             animal sculptures, faïence and paintings from the 17th         peace, 1,950 m above sea level and facing the Meije.         cabins, some with a Nordic bath, on the Lionne lake,
maisonabeil.fr                                                   to the 20th centuries. A long, heated swimming pool            Self-sufficient in energy, well located for exploring the    between Châteauneuf-du- Pape and Avignon. This area
                                                                 stretches out in the shelter of a hedge in the biggest         Massif de l’Oisans and near the GR 54 trail (Tour des        of original accommodation was set up in partnership
LES VARIETES: SECRET ROOMS                                       private garden in Avignon, planted with centuries-old          Ecrins), it has 32 comfortable beds in rooms for four or     with the town of Sorgues and the Vaucluse Fishing
IN SAINT-REMY-DE-PROVENCE                                        plane trees. A wellness area is nestling in a pavilion.        small dormitories. When the refuge is not staffed (from      Federation. It joins the three other domains created
                                                                 The suites are an invitation to travel, with souvenirs from    6 February to the end of March) six beds are available       by the young entrepreneurs Gaspard de Moustier and
Above a restaurant of the same name, in a converted              Venice, Naples or the Far East... Rooms from €250 a            for €10 per person. In summer, it will be open from          Emmanuel de la Bédoyère.
cinema on Le Cours, two prestigious suites and three             night with breakfast.                                          15 June to 15 September €48 for adults (half-board),         Cabanes Domaine Des Grands Cépages,
rooms have been tastefully decorated. Mini-bar, flat             La Divine Comédie, Avignon                                     and €24/€18/€12 per night, depending on age.                 Châteauneuf-du-Pape
screen TV, rain shower: everything is on hand so you             www.la-divine-comedie.com                                      Refuge Chez Polyte, La Grave, Hautes-Alpes                   www.cabanesdesgrandscepages.com
can enjoy a stay with your loved one without leaving                                                                            http://refugedupicdumasdelagrave.fr
the premises. Meals can be served in your room. Two
suites and three rooms from €110 a night.                        AN EXHILIRATING BARREL                                         A BUBBLE 1900 M UP
Les Variétés                                                     IN BEAUMES-DE-VENISE
Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in Les Alpilles                                                                                          This half-bubble on the slopes at an altitude of 1900 m,
http://brasserielesvarietes.com/                                 On a 10-hectares estate producing red and Muscat               is one of the nine rooms in the Chalet Hôtel de Serre
                                                                 Beaumes-de-Venise wines for four generations, Corinne          Ratier in Serre-Chevalier. This comfortable chalet outside
SLEEP IN A CADILLAC!                                             and Jean-Luc Bernard have set up an inhabitable barrel         time is accessible by cable car in winter and by a forest
                                                                 between the olive trees and the oaks trees. The view over      track in summer. The “bubble dwellers” will enjoy the
Spend the night in the country in a beautiful red Cadillac       the Dentelles de Montmirail is intoxicating! This completely   restaurant, its large patio and jacuzzi, before they look
from the 1960s! This is the new challenge met by Margot          circular guestroom can accommodate 2 to 3 people.              up under the transparent vault to see a million stars,
and Murielle, handywomen of happiness and the                    Night for two people: €90 or €115 breakfast included. A        nice and warm beside a pellet stove! €240 for 2 people,
founders of the Attrap Rêves Bubbles in Provence                 week for two people: €630 or €700 breakfast included.          half-board.
(www.attrap-reves.com). The Cadillac is a convertible            www.evajade.fr                                                 Bulle Chalet-Hôtel de Serre Ratier, Chantemerle
                                                                                                                                Serre Chevalier, Hautes-Alpes


                                                                                                                                                                         Regional Tourism    Tourism Provence-Alpes-Côte
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                                                                                                                                                                                                          information@crt-paca.fr  11           11
                THE EYES
              Stylish gastronomic and local restaurants light up the region, with
              newcomers arriving and culinary concepts created. Here, the landscapes
              supply meat, fish and vegetables, and the day’s menu is decided at the
              tempting markets. With olive oil as the presiding spirit, a Provençal diet
              is today inseparable from the tomato, which arrived relatively recently in
La Camargue   Marseille, however, from America. From Moustiers-Sainte-Marie to Arles,
              the countryside has also kept a taste for chick peas, spelt, honey and
              goat’s cheese that once had pride of place. For 2600 years, the grapevine
              has worked its way all over Provence and moved north, and the major
              wine estates give us a lesson in the art of living and sometimes in art, too.


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                                                                                       +33 (0)4 www.tourismepaca.fr
                                                                                                91 56 47 00

FROM STAR WARS TO                                             RHONE WINE TOURISM, THE LIKEABLE APP                              Shower of stars, talents...                                 GERALD PASSEDAT, FRANCIS
CHATEAU MARGUÏ…                                                                                                                                                                             MALLMANN: A FRANCO-ARGENTINE
                                                              Downloaded on www.vins-rhone.com, the application              THE HIGHEST STAR IN EUROPE                                     DUO AT CHATEAU LA COSTE
In August 2017, the great US film director, George            presents an off-the-wall visit to Avignon, the capital of
Lucas, bought Château Marguï in Châteauvert, in the           Côtes du Rhône, as well as routes based on destinations        In Saint-Véran, a town reckoned to be the highest              Gérald Passedat, the starfish
Var region, with 115 hectares producing certified             with the “Vineyards and Discoveries” label - among             in Europe, the tradition says that “the hens peck the          As an art lover, Gérald Passédat was attracted by
organic grapes. Around the 18th century chateau and its       others “Around the Dentelles de Monmirail”. You will           stars”. And now a new star, a particularly brilliant one, is   the Domaine La Coste and “works in total freedom,
Romanesque chapel, the estate has 15 hectares of              also find the programme of events in the wine region.          ready for their beaks. “Le Roc Alto”, with its 31-year-old     matching the landscapes painted by Cézanne”. In his
vineyards and produces wine in the three colours, with the    An essential application for all wine lovers...                chef, Alexandre Lechêne, has been awarded his first            gastronomic restaurant, Louison, standing on piles
appellation coteaux-varois-en-provence. The acquisition       www.vins-rhone.com                                             Michelin star. The award will come as no surprise to           in the pavilion designed by Tadao Ando, the 3-star
is still discreet, although on the estate’s website can be                                                                   anyone lucky enough to have tasted his Molines lamb in         Michelin chef from Marseille also provides food “art
seen “a member of Skywalker Vineyards” in reference           LA CAVALE WINE CELLAR TAKES                                    a hay crust, asparagus and sweet clover or his matured         works” that celebrate the sea. So, the duck foie gras
to the hero of the film saga… The wine-tasting cellar is      A GIANT LEAP MADE BY WILMOTTE                                  rump steak with carrots in larch. A consecration for           is plunged in a seaweed stock, the lobster matched
open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.                                                                         the prestigious Alta Peyra Hotel, perched at an altitude       with black sausage and the fish of the day are served
www.chateaumargui.com                                         The new wine-tasting cellar at La Cavale is housed             of 2040 m.                                                     with a distillation of black olive and a brandade sauce.
                                                              behind a dry-stone wall, 80 metres long and cutting            Le Roc Alto Restaurant, Alta Peyra Hotel,                      Gérald Passédat also watches over the other restaurant
AVIGNON, A WINE SCHOOL                                        across the green horizon of the vineyards. Near the            Saint-Véran, Hautes-Alpes                                      areas, the room-service, the lounge and the ballroom.
FOR THE INQUISITIVE PALATE                                    unspoilt village of Cucuron, this architectural work           www.hotel-altapeyra.com                                        www.villalacoste.com/restaurant-gastronomique-
                                                              by Jean-Michel Wilmotte shows the ambition of Paul                                                                            provence/
A wine school has just opened in the centre of Avignon,       Dubrule for the wines of his estate, but also for the                                                                         Francis Mallmann, the master of fire
the capital of Côtes du Rhône, in a former Banque             appellation Luberon, still little known. After seven years     FANNY FROM SAINT-REMY “FEMALE                                  Recognised all over the world for “cooking with seven
de France building. It joins the Carré du Palais, the wine    of work, the “finest wine cellar in Luberon” (according        CHEF OF THE YEAR”                                              fires”, the Argentine chef learned respect for ingredients
bar and wine cellar inaugurated in June in this prestigious   to the founder of the Accor group) strives to be both                                                                         and cooking time alongside great chefs in France, as he
building, between Place de l’Horloge and the Palais           an effective technical tool and a great place to taste         2017 was a wonderful year for Fanny Rey, decorated             says. A specially designed wood-fired oven and a fire
des Papes. The Suze La Rousse Wine University                 and buy wine. With a tastefully designed tasting area,         in October by the Michelin guide as the “Woman                 dome mean he can cook using seven different utensils
supervises the programme of courses ranging from              small groups for tastings, a shop with wines from the          Chef of the Year 2017”, after receiving her first star in      and techniques, but always keeping it slow and gentle
relaxed beginners’ lessons to expert level. Because           estate as well as from all over the world and local fine       February 2017 - the only female newcomer. Settled in           for the delicate textures and a light smoked flavour. On
knowing how to taste a wine must be learned, tasting          foods – the site really stands out. Picnic baskets available   Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, this thirty-something always           the menu, there is meat, of course, but also fish, fruit,
workshops, food and wine matching sessions are                for an elegant picnic on the patio or the rooftop.             praises her team and her partner Jonathan Wahid, a             vegetables, including potatoes - “one of the best things
scheduled on Fridays and Saturdays. A gastronomic             La Cavale Vignobles Paul Dubrule, Cucuron                      remarkable Pastry Chef, voted Champion of France               South America has ever given the world”. Meals are
restaurant and a shop dedicated to other products             www.domaine-lacavale.com                                       for Desserts. With the Maître Restaurateur label, their        served in a black and white lounge with Astier de Villatte
produced by fermentation, such as cheese and bread,                                                                          restaurant invites diners to share the effervescence           porcelain and bowls filled with lemons.
will round off the project. Courses from €39 to €150.                                                                        of the kitchen team in an open kitchen. The poetic             https://chateau-la-coste.com/restaurant-mallmann/
In French and English (on request).                                                                                          menu gives pride of place to local, seasonal produce.          An extra chance to visit the exceptional contemporary
Carré du Palais, Avignon                                                                                                     Auberge La Reine Jeanne, Saint-Rémy-de-Provence                art on offer at the Château La Coste, between the
www.carredupalais.fr                                                                                                         www.aubergesaintremy.com                                       vineyards and the olive trees. Amazing!
                                                                                                                                                                                            Château La Coste, near Aix-en-Provence


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                         d'Azur     d'Azur
                                                                                                                                                                                                        information@crt-paca.fr  13              13

                                                                                                                                                                                            THE STARS OF THE STARS
MICKAEL FEVAL IN AIX-EN-PROVENCE                              IN CASSIS, DIMITRI’S                                          NEW CHEF, STEPHAN PAROCHE
                                                              WONDERFUL BRASSERIE                                           AT LE HAMEAU DES BAUX                                           The time is long gone when people spoke
Learning his trade with such great names as Bernard                                                                                                                                         condescendingly about hotel restaurants. Five of 2017’s
Loiseau, Antoine Westermann or Bruno Oger, Mickaël            On the first floor of the gastronomic restaurant La Villa     “I like to add some pep, some freshness to the plate.           six new Michelin-starred restaurants in the region are in
Féval saw his first restaurant in his own name given a        Madie, Le Corton brasserie looks down on the small bay        The region of Les Alpilles is ideal for all fans of the ‘land   exceptional hotels… Here you will find comprehensible,
Michelin star in 2017. Mickaël excels in fish, and his wife   of the same name. Dimitri Droisneau, with two Michelin        and sea’ like me. The sea spray from the Mediterranean          sensitive and precise cuisine with the chance to explore
Olivia takes care of welcoming diners with panache.           stars oversees the menu, and you can dine on a terrace        brings a salty flavour to the meat,” says the chef, who         new things, sometimes with an organic vegetable garden,
At the heart of old Aix, on the delightful Place des          caressed by the pine trees or in a light-filled dining room   has recently begun working at the Hameau des Baux.              and giving even more taste to our great experience in
Tanneurs, the menu here is accessible and served in           with curved designs, specialities and recipes that are        In this site blending art, culture and five hectares of         the region! You’ll be hearing all about them! Benjamin
four and six courses. A waltz for the pleasure of the         often reinvented. The selection of wines from the Cassis      nature, the chef supervises two areas: the Table du             Collombat is doing great things at the Château de
taste buds...                                                 region matches the local fish, the Marseille sausage          Hameau, with its terrace looking out on the La Crau             Berne in Lorgues, Le Jardin de Benjamin.
Mickael Féval Restaurant, Aix-en-Provence                     with fennel, and the day’s specials for a sunny lunch.        plain, and the Camion Bleu, opening for business from           www.chateauberne.com/fr/gastronomie-provence/
www.mickaelfeval.fr                                           Menu: €32.                                                    1 June. Lunchtime menu: €35                                     jardin-de-benjamin.html
                                                              Brasserie le Corton, Cassis                                   Le Hameau des Baux, Restaurant la Table,                        Philippe Colinet has made the Bastide even more
POINTE NOIRE, THE NEW WORK                                    www.lavillamadie.com                                          Paradou Alpilles                                                attractive in Saint-Tropez
BY THE MAZZIA BROTHERS IN AIX                                                                                               www.hameaudesbaux.com                                           www.bastide-saint-tropez.com/restaurants
                                                              MATTHIEU DUPUIS-BAUMAL AND GLENN                                                                                              Jimmy Coutel lights up the Château-Valmer, La
After AM in Marseille, Alexandre Mazzia has opened            VIEL: TWO OF TOMORROW’S GREAT                                 A DISH BAR BY AM ON THE OLD PORT                                Palmeraie in La Croix-Valmer
a second restaurant, Pointe Noire, with his brother in        NAMES IN BAUX-DE-PROVENCE                                                                                                     www.chateauvalmer.com/fr/restaurant/la-palmeraie/
Aix-en-Provence. They have everyone talking about                                                                           Alexandre Mazzia is one of the chefs who are                    restaurant-gastronomique-saint-tropez
this “Dish Bar” offering “dishes” that are “bigger than       In November 2017, the chef at the Domaine de                  revolutionising the Marseille gastronomic landscape. The        Jérome Faure will surprise your taste buds at the
tapas and smaller than main courses” on the pretty            Manville, Matthieu Dupuis-Baumal, was awarded the             success of Pointe Noire, the “Dish Bar” he opened with          Domaine de Fontenille, Le Champ des Lunes
Place des Tanneurs. From the day’s dish at €21, to the        title of “Great Name of Tomorrow” by Gault & Millau and       his brother Jean-Laurent Mazzia in Aix-en-Provence,             www.domainedefontenille.com
five-dish menu at €59, we loved the “preserved beef           joined the circle of talented chefs one needs to follow       encouraged him to launch the Marseille version. The             Pierre Reboul has retrieved his star at the Domaine
cheek, lentils with Cinco Jotas ham and buckwheat”            closely. In a former farm in the Baux Valley, the Domaine     inauguration is scheduled for early in the year on the Old      de la Pioline, Pierre Reboul Restaurant, Château de
or the Lemon curry in homage to Laurent Jeannin. A            de Manville became a 5-star “rural palace” with a golf        Port, opposite the City Hall and next to the legendary bar      La Pioline
“giant” pomme dauphine to share, with a béarnaise             course in 2014. His neighbour, Glenn Viel at L’Oustaou        La Marine. A real adventurer underneath his placid              www.chateaudelapioline.com
sauce and seaweed, or panisses in Espelette pepper            de Baumanière was also recognised as a Young Talent           exterior, Alexandre Mazzia has multiplied the experiments
with warm, spicy yoghurt - even the names of the side         and awarded 4 Toques. Other prize-winners included            since 2014 in the AM restaurant in Rue Paradis. There, in
dishes are mouth-watering.                                    Paul Langlère (Sépia, Marseille), while Guillaume Godin,      a decor without extravagance and limited to 24 places,
Pointe Noire Restaurant, Aix-en-Provence                      the pastry chef at La Vague d’Or by Arnaud Donckele in        before his customers’ eyes and in a kitchen open onto
www.pointenoire.fr                                            Saint-Tropez, was given the Young Pastry Chef award.          the dining room, he combines flowers, leaves and fruits
                                                              Domaine de Manville, Les Baux de Provence                     with fish eggs, oysters, red mullet or chocolate... Lunch
                                                              www.domainedemanville.fr                                      from €35 to €52. Dinner from €89 to €110. On Saturday
                                                                                                                            evening, pure creativity with two unique menus at €115
                                                                                                                            and €140. Alexandre Mazzia has also opened “Art et
                                                                                                                            Création” a bimonthly event with a chef taking inspiration
                                                                                                                            from a texture or an ingredient.
                                                                                                                            AM Restaurant by Alexandre Mazzia, Marseille


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