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YEAR 2021 | ISSUE 114

                        MRS. SUSMITHA JOSHI

                        Regional Sales Manager
                        (Deputy Vice President)
                         INDUSIND BANK LTD.

In collaboration with

Dear Readers,

It gives me great pride to introduce
SAMVAD’s edition every month. Our
SAMVAD team’s efforts seem to be paying
off and our readers seem to be hooked
onto our magazine. At WeSchool we try to
acquire as much knowledge as we can and
we try and share it with everyone.             Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe
                                                   Group Director

As we begin a new journey with 2021, I sincerely hope that SAMVAD will
reach new heights with the unmatched enthusiasm and talent of the
entire team.

Here at WeSchool, we believe in the concept of AAA: Acquire Apply and
Assimilate. The knowledge that you have acquired over the last couple of
months will be applied somewhere down the line. When you carry out a
process repeatedly it becomes ingrained in you and eventually tends to
come out effortlessly. This is when you have really assimilated all the
knowledge that you have gathered.

At WeSchool, we aspire to be the best and to be unique, and we expect
nothing but the extraordinary from all those who join our college. From
the point of view of our magazine, we look forward to having more
readers and having more contributions from our new readers.

SAMVAD is a platform to share and acquire knowledge and develop
ourselves into integrative managers. It is our earnest desire to
disseminate our knowledge and experience with not only WeSchool
students but also the society at large.

Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe,
Group Director
                        ABOUT US

“To nurture thought leaders and practitioners through inventive

Breakthrough Thinking and Breakthrough Execution
Result Oriented, Process Driven Work Ethic
We Link and Care

“The illiterate of this century will not be those who cannot read and
write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” -Alvin Toffler

At WeSchool, we are deeply inspired by the words of this great
American writer and futurist. Undoubtedly, being convinced of the need
for a radical change in management education, we decided to tread the
path that leads to corporate revolution.
Emerging unarticulated needs and realities require a new approach
both in terms of thought as well as action. Cross-disciplinary learning,
discovering, scrutinizing, prototyping, learning to create and destroy the
mind’s eye needs to be nurtured and differently so.
WeSchool has chosen the ‘design thinking’ approach towards
management education. All our efforts and manifestations, as a result,
stem from the integration of design thinking into management
education. We dream to create an environment conducive to
experiential learning.

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the 114th Issue of SAMVAD!

SAMVAD is a platform for “Inspiring Futuristic Ideas” and we constantly strive
to provide articles that are thought-provoking and that add value to your
management education.

We have an audacious goal of becoming one of the most coveted business
magazines for B-school students across the country. To help this dream become
a reality we invite articles from all the domains of management giving a holistic
view and bridge the gap between industry veterans and students through our
WeChat section.

In this issue of SAMVAD, we bring to you half a dozen articles focusing on
'BFSI' with a new sections of 'WeAchievers' and 'Talk of the town'. Also, this is
the first issue in the history of Samvad when we are collaborating with the
Industry Experts through our section of 'WeCoab.' We are thankful to Finquest
Institute for their support throughout the publication of this edition.

Yes, we have often heard the term BFSI(Banking, Financial Services, and
Insurance). But, since 2020, this industry is in for a radical transformation.
With the ability to pay digitally, the rise of Neobanksand big tech has
transformed the industry. Today, we’re witnessing trends in finance and
banking, starting from AI and Blockchain-powered financial services to
omnichannel banking that are concentrating on revolutionizing the BFSI sector.
It is done by keeping the customers at the heart of both the present and future
tactics. This issue of Samvad brings out the best of writers from the BFSI
industry to throw light on new trends.

Hope you have a great time reading SAMVAD!
Let's read, share and grow with us!

Best Wishes,
        WeChat                 1

                   WeCollab            6

   Talk Of The Town            9

      Challenges in Remote Workplace 11

Recovery of Insurance Sector 14

          Rise of Digital only Banks       19

Role of Marketing in BFSI     22

          Digital Learning in BFSI     25

  WeAchievers                 30

          Call For Articles                31

 Team Samvad                  32

 Regional Sales Manager
 (Deputy Vice President)

                                                I also got the opportunity to be
1. Could you please take us through
                                                present     physically    during     the
your    journey   from    being   a
                                                committee presentations. During my
Welingkarite to date?
                                                term at ICICI Bank, I worked in
                                                Bangalore and Pune which enriched
I was placed with ICICI Bank, being
                                                my perspective of customers in
among the first set of students that
                                                different cities. Later, I got an
got placed, I was super excited and
                                                opportunity      to    work     for    a
relieved at the same time. My stint at
                                                multinational      bank,    HSBC,     in
ICICI bank was of 3.5 years where I was
                                                Bangalore. My stint was for 1.5 years in
part of the Cluster Banking Group –
                                                a similar profile. And currently, I'm
Emerging Clusters, a team that
                                                working      with    IndusInd      Bank,
focused on SME lending. My primary
                                                Bangalore, where I am in a team
responsibility      was      facilitating
                                                management role in Portfolio and
educational     institutions     through
                                                Sales to SMEs. This is my 10th year at
financing. My role included varied
                                                IndusInd Bank. My journey has been a
facets of the selling process, including
                                                rollercoaster ride with highs and lows,
customer meetings, and networking
                                                but one thing that always went higher
with consultants for referral business.
                                                was the learning through these 14+
The role involved self-lead generation
through cold calls on the list of
prospects identified from various                2. How banking and financial
sources and travel across Bangalore              services are benefitting Indian
and Karnataka. My major learnings                small-medium enterprises?
were during the initial period with
ICICI Bank- from business email                 Every bank has a specific team to
etiquette, CMA Data, improving                  cater to the requirements of small-
financial knowledge, to making                  medium enterprises, and the products
proposals and presenting cases to the           and policies are designed on the basis
approving committee comprising of               of the risk appetite of the banks. While
senior management. I was lucky to be            funding an SME, meeting with the
exposed to all this, and this was               promoter is a key requirement and if
possible    only    because     of    my        we find creditworthy promoters, the
immediate manager.                              first test is passed. Rest depends on
                                                the financials and the collateral
Funding by banks help the SMEs with           This loan is for a tenor of 48 months
expansion in terms of adding new              and has a moratorium of 12 months.
offices, moving from rental premises            After the second wave, under
to self-owned premises, venturing into        restructuring of loans, there is an
exports, working capital ease, delay in       additional 10% loan provided to the
receivables - to meet the gap, adding         SME with an extension of tenor to 60
new products which in turn help in            months and 24 months of the
improving their bottom line.                  moratorium period. Also, interest
                                              subvention is provided to SMEs into
Recently, during the pandemic, RBI            exports.
has come up with Emergency Credit
Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS). As
per the scheme, the customer is                3. What is your take on Zero MDR
eligible for 20 % of the loan                  (Merchant Discount Rate) policy?
outstanding as of 28th Feb 2020 as an          How is this policy affecting the
additional facility, which has no              banks as well as the digital
processing fees and no prepayment              payment industry?

MDR is the rate at which the banks             However,       reimbursement      was
offer the payment gateway to                   suddenly stopped and prompted
merchants. The payment financial               banks to go back to older regimes.
cycle constitutes of a merchant,               Moreover, a decision to make RuPay
acquiring bank, network, issuer and            have a Zero MDR without detailed
customer. MDR is paid by the                   consultation with the Baking Industry
merchant to the acquiring bank,                prompted banks to stop issuing RuPay
acquiring bank passes this on to the           cards.
network, and the network gives this to         The question arises, why is Zero MDR
the issuer. Once it reaches the issuer,        being promoted? One of the objectives
this income is called interchange. It is       of the government is to drive digital
the income to the issuer for his               payments.
customer     to    transact   on   that        However, when it comes to digital
merchant. The issuer usually uses this         payments, banks play a more
income for offers, discounts, etc. and,        significant role than merchants. To
the rest pockets it for expenses.              sustain the drive in digital payments,
MDR becoming zero means there is no            income is very important to banks. If
income to anyone in between. The               banks don’t have the income, they will
only one who hails is the merchant.            not spend on issuers to drive
The government may push this to                payments through cards and a good
benefit    small      merchants    who         population will then move back to
constitute a large number in the               buying from cash at local grocery
country. On the other hand, banks will         stores, electronics for cash discounts
oppose as it takes away their income.          without GST bills, etc.
Banks are opposing this for quite some
time. To find a mid-way, the                   4. With services like YONO (by SBI)
government from 2018-2020 launched             and RazorPay the concept of Neo
a scheme of MDR reimbursement for              Banking is becoming popular. Do
debit cards to banks if banks reduce           you think Neo Banking is reliable?
MDR. Banks agreed and reduced MDR.             Do you support digitized banks?

Neo banking is reliable only for certain       The pandemic has increased the
banking products. E.g., bill payments,         claims as the death rate was high
shopping, EMI, tax payments, vendor            across the globe. Yes, insurance
payments, FD-backed loans, lending             companies took protective steps to
requirements if it meets the standard          issue the term plan policies like
policy and guidelines of the bank, etc.,       mandated vaccination for age above
and not for all products like lending          45 years and also made medical tests
with deviations. In lending, human             mandatory     before      issuing    any
intervention is required as the                coverage and policies. The guidelines
requirement of each small-medium               are made more stringent, there were
enterprise or corporate varies, and            counter offers provided earlier, now
with the digital platform, this cannot         the companies do not take any
be fulfilled.                                  deviations. The sector has become
Yes, I do support digitized banks. But         more stringent for low sum assured
as mentioned, it would be helpful for          between Rs 50 lakhs to Rs 100 lakhs.
certain products and not for all the           For anybody who has been tested
products.                                      Covid positive, the waiting period to
                                               issue a term plan is made 30 days to
5. Could you elucidate the impact of           90 days from the date of diagnosis and
COVID – 19 on the insurance sector             Covid negative and chest x-ray is
and how the insurance companies                mandatory which was earlier not part
have tackled the sudden spurt of               of any medical test for these cases.
protection demand and claim
settlement?                                    6. What challenges did BFSI as a
                                               sector face during Covid 19? How
                                               did it overcome them?

Banking, being an essential sector, was
                                              7. What’s your advice for the young
working throughout the pandemic.
                                              professionals     who    would   be
The sector faced many challenges. The
                                              starting their careers soon?
first being reduced income for the
banks as the number of transactions
reduced. But the goals of the banks
                                              There is a lot of difference between
did not change. We had to increase
                                              what we learn at college and at work.
income from various streams. Banks
                                              Do not forget to apply what you have
decided various ways to increase by
                                              learned. Most of us do not apply and
giving better rates on FD, increasing
                                              work with the flow at the workplace.
the    Savings      accounts,   current
                                              People who succeed are the people
accounts (liability business)
                                              who apply what they have learned at
                                              management school.
Covid brought various loans like
                                              Be passionate about your work. Time
ECLGS and banks had to work the
                                              management is crucial and one of the
facility for every customer. Banks had
                                              most essential parts of your work is to
to speak to every customer to
                                              manage it. Prioritize your work.
understand the business health of the
                                              Build your own professional network
customer and check if they were able
                                              and develop strong relationships –
to pay their interest/EMIs on time.
                                              outside and within your organization.
Many accounts moved into stress. We
                                              This will help you in whatever you do.
had to reduce the facilities extended
                                              Respect your seniors at work and learn
of the customers wherever required;
                                              as much as possible from them.
hence we had to convert the loans to
                                              Always ask questions! Do not hold
Working Capital Term Loans (WCTL).
                                              back. All the best and I am sure you all
                                              will do well.

BFSI industry: Trends, Analytics and Careers

                                                       AMEYA ABHYANKAR
                WeCollab                                        CFA, CQF
                                                       Founder, FinQuest

Overview                                       Trends in BFSI

An economy has certain sectors that are        BFSI industry is no stranger to
considered as its centerpiece, and a           innovation. New products, approaches
large part of economic activities is           and     technologies       are   frequently
driven by these sectors. One such key          adopted by the industry to stay in sync
sector is the banking, financial services      with the market demand.Over the past
and insurance (BFSI) industry. BFSI            few years, digitization has become a key
sector finds its presence in most              driver towards shaping the vision of
activities that happen around us. For          companies. This has ushered in an era
example, if a pharmaceutical company           which is being dominated by big data
wants      to   setup    a    new     drug     and analytics which are expected to
manufacturing facility, it approaches          play a larger role in decision making for
lenders       say    banks/NBFC         etc.   organizations. Digital transformation
(banking)for funding purposes. Once the        has enabled companies to improve
funding is received it ropes in finance        both their top line and bottom-line
specialists (financial services) who help      growth      through       various    means
the company manage its finances in the         including sales strategy formulation,
best way. Further, this company would          operational transformation, efficient
want to protect itself against losses from     usage of financial and human capital
natural calamities, physical damages           etc. Companies are increasingly viewing
etc. so it buys an insurance policy from       analytics as an object to provide value
insurance providers in the market              proposition    rather      than    just   an
(insurance). Thus, from this simple            academic         initiative.      Therefore,
example, we understand how closely             companies have increased technology
intertwined the BFSI industry is with the      spending to reap the benefits of
events that happen in an economy.              digitization for fulfilling their strategic
                                               goals.    Analytics    technologies     like
In this article we discuss the latest          machine learning and neural networks
trends in the BFSI space, understand           are industry agnostic to a considerable
how analytics and technology are re-           degree which have resulted in them
defining the industry, and potential job       being widely accepted across industry
opportunities to make a career in BFSI.        domains including the BFSI.

Re-defining long-standing approaches             Machine learning techniques can be
                                                 used for achieving the above purpose.
Let’s understand a simple example to             Machine         learning       algorithms
see how analytics is re-shaping the              implementing the concept of Principal
older approaches, making them more               Component Analysis (PCA) can be used
efficient.                                       to this end. A PCA algorithm accepts all
BFSI companies use a variety of financial        of the incoming interest data as input, it
models for their business purposes. For          processes this data so that and gives an
instance, banks have a dedicated ALM             output as a smaller set of interest rate
(asset-liability management) desk to             data points which can explain close to
manage its asset-liability positions on a        99% of the interest rate sensitivity of our
daily basis. A bank’s entire business            portfolio. This is technically termed as
model is based on the logic of matching          dimensionality reduction. PCA can
assets with liabilities. As a result, interest   potentially reduce the load on the
rates are a key risk factor which ALM            system resources, as the system will use
desk has to manage. Market quotes for            only those tenor points as have been
interest rates come in for specific tenors       chosen by the PCA algorithm. This
starting overnight rates uptil say 30            enables freeing up of valuable system
years. Banks have ready systems for              resources which now can be used for
fetching this market data for further            other productive purposes. Advanced
usage. Now this data on a daily basis            Machine learning libraries enable users
that too considered over a long period           to    readily    build   algorithms      for
of time is naturally voluminous. For             implementing PCA. For instance, Python
example, a bank is attempting to                 in particular offers wide variety of
measure the interest rate sensitivity of         powerful       libraries     for      such
its portfolio, it would be in-efficient to       implementations.
use all of the available data, the reason
being not all of the available data may          Job opportunities for the future:
add value towards the goal of                    Majority of new job roles in the BFSI
measuring portfolio risk. Thus, if the           business are expected to be related to
bank can have a model to process the             technology and its application to BFSI.
incoming data and choose only those              Thus, for prospective job hunters, it
interest rate data points which                  would be a good idea to build expertise
contribute to the risk of its portfolio,         on techno-financial concepts at the
that would potentially enhance the               same time be aware of application of
overall system performance.                      math and statistics to analytics.

In a dynamic market that we are               model development/validation, product
currently living in, companies are            pricing, risk management, derivatives
looking for professionals who possess a       trading and structuring, etc. having a
blend of finance + hands-on technology        hands-on technology skill including
skills.   The      demand       for   such    knowledge      of  programming     and
professionals is only going to grow with      databases is a must have!
time.    For    professionals     targeting
exciting roles in the industry including

How FinQuest Institute can help:              Our pedagogy focuses on helping
At FinQuest Institute, we conduct             candidates get complete clarity on core
specialized training programs in the          concepts by relating all of our live
domains of Finance, Quantitative              classroom sessions with practical
Analytics,   and     Programming     for      scenarios observed in the industry. Our
financial applications. Our training          efforts are channeled to enable
programs are carefully curated after          candidates develop a transferable skill
analyzing the skill-gaps faced by the         set which can be applied to various
industry. Through a regular dialogue          business challenges that they work on
with our network in the financial             in the future.
industry, we strive to stay abreast with
the     dynamic     nature     of   skill     For more information please visit the
requirements of the industry. We aim to       below mentioned link -
deliver high quality training content by      https://www.finquestinstitute.com/
combining our core domain knowledge
with our teaching skills.


TCS Recognized as a Leader in
CX Services in BFSI

                                 TCS has a strong practice in
    Tata Consultancy
                                   CX transformation with a
   Services has been              proprietary framework for
positioned as a Leader in              customer journey
the NelsonHall NEAT for             diagnostics, technology
                                    partnership for journey
 CX Services in Banking,
                                 orchestration, and pre-built
 Financial Services and          assets by vertical with sector
       Insurance.                      implementations.

        TCS' suite                        Company's
    of proprietary BFSI              investments in agent
automation, analytics, and       augmentation, omnichannel,
                                      and contact center
   process optimization
                                 operational optimization such
platforms with subprocess
                                    as QA automation have
use cases with a dedicated
                                   helped TCS address the
store, were highlighted as
                                  developing market demand
      key strengths.               for a unified CX strategy.


PM Modi launches digital
payment solution e-RUPI

In addition to the government, he stated, if any
organisation wanted to help someone in their treatment,
education or for any other work, then they would be able
to give an eRUPI voucher instead of cash. This would
ensure that the money given by him was used for the work
for which the amount had been given.

Prime            Minister
Narendra     on Monday
launched           digital
payment solution e-
RUPI, a person and
cashless digital payment

The development of digital transactions had empowered
the poor and deprived, small businesses, farmers and
tribal population. This could be felt in the record 300 crore
UPI transactions in July, amounting to ₹6 lakh crore, he

Key challenges of Remote Workplace in the
         BFSI Sector and the Ways to Address Them

             First Prize
Shreya Bapat
PGDM 2020-22, Welingkar Institute of
Management Development and Research, Mumbai

As the world is still grappling with          employee issues to the top line of the
Covid-19 pandemic, organizations have         organizations. As we eventually move
started adopting hybrid or a remote           ahead on this unknown and risky road,
working model. The propensity to adapt        HR has been our moral compass
technology in these drastic times has         throughout this journey. Let us dive
paved the way towards implementation          deeper into the challenges faced by the
of digitization. The IT sector was capable    BFSI sector in adjusting to the unknown.
enough to go virtual from the start.
The BFSI sector however was forced            Digitization - As digitization is growing
down to walk on the digital path and          at a faster pace especially after the
make      some     substantial    changes     onset of the pandemic, one of the key
because of the pandemic.                      challenges is to upgrade employee skills
The dramatic turn of events which             to match this rapid development.
predates the year 2020 has completely         Finance sector had been averse to
shifted the way things work. The              automation and the use of IT. But now
significance of HR has increased to a         they have to adapt to it in order to stay
huge extent.                                  ahead of the curve. The mandatory
                                              digitization has forced banks to adapt to
                                              it within months which might have
                                              taken longer in absence of pandemic.
                                              The pandemic has also seen an
                                              increased shift amongst its consumers
                                              towards the use of online banking
                                              services. As more and more people shift
                                              towards the use of mobile banking, the
                                              banks need to reskill and upskill it’s
                                              employees to deal with the transaction
The PWC survey clearly shows that the         based challenges. Banks are shifting
pre-pandemic and post pandemic                from conventional systems towards
world will have huge changes. All great       expanding      their     digital   footprint,
changes are preceded by chaos and             automation       initiatives.    They    are
they are usually hard to get used to.         adopting      virtual       training    and
Implementation of changes come with           assessment to upskill their employees,
a truckload of challenges. They can           and are taught to embrace these new
have a noteworthy impact ranging from         technologies.
Provision of basic equipment                   Firms are now also adopting cloud
In order to function efficiently from          based applications to secure the client
home, there is a need to have some             data.
basic equipment. In order to help set up       Employee Benefits
the workspace - table & chair, laptop,         The greatest struggle of people who
WIFI connection ,mouse is essential.           work from home is to look after the
Certain banks have provided one time           work-life integration aspect. Many
money to buy the equipment while               employees have small kids and elderly
others have ensured that all these             people who might require attention.
things reach employees through courier         Juggling         between       adulthood
service.                                       responsibilities     and      work    life
Data Security                                  responsibilities is a challenge that
The threat of cyber attacks has                everyone is facing in the remote
increased in the pandemic. The BFSI            working mode. Some employers of the
sector remains the favourite target of         financial sector have come forward and
cyber criminals.                               tried to help their employees to manage
There are huge financial losses if a cyber     other things so that they can manage
attack occurs. The client base might also      things more effectively.
reduce. There is a threat of ransomware,       Workers can find educational caregivers
malware      infection,   data    leakage,     with the help of their employers. They
banking trojans. Banks are providing           are also providing daily childcare
training to its employees about how to         reimbursements and providing online
recognise attacks, what are certain steps      resources of learning as well. Here are
that must be taken in case you detect          some of the unique trends that are
an     attack,   anti-phishing     training    already occurring across sectors to help
programs, prevention of click baiting.         people be more productive.
They are also taking help from third           Employee well-being
party security providing organizations in      Covid-19 has accelerated the focus on
order to safeguard themselves against          the employee’s well-being.
any threats.                                   Initiatives are taken to introduce happy
Banks are providing laptops to its             hours every Friday where employees can
employees. These laptops only allow            collaborate virtually.
one to access specific websites that are       Games are also played team wise in
secure. No external device can be              order to reduce stress. Employees are
connected. Bluetooth facilities are also       encouraged to take their coffee breaks
usually disabled. Anti virus systems are       and lunch breaks just like they used to
installed and threats get monitored in         take in the office.
real time.

Employees can even join virtual exercise      With the increased workload, stress and
sessions so that they stay fit and active.    anxiety are bound to occur. In order to
Employee well-being can be divided            tackle this problem, employers have
into three parts - mental wellbeing,          taken both proactive and reactive
physical well being and financial well        measures to combat mental health
being.                                        crises. Self-care applications, webinars,
Organizations        are        positively    checking on early signs of stress are
contributing towards having special           some proactive ways. Having mental
virtual sessions taken by experts on          health counsellors and having exclusive
various topics such as diet & nutrition,      Employee assistance programs are also
sleep cycle, physical workout for both        helping employees across the globe
employees and their families. Banks           reduce their stress and boosting
have also started giving medical              productivity.
examinations      ,  enhanced      health     Covid-19 has taken an economic toll on
insurance cover and preventive health         many people. Hence, some of the
care measures.                                employers are also providing financial
With the increased workload, stress and       assistance and thus fostering financial
anxiety are bound to occur. In order to       well being of people. There are
tackle this problem, employers have           programs      on    debt    management,
taken both proactive and reactive             budgeting,      sessions    of    money
measures to combat mental health              management, pension plans and loans
crises. Self-care applications, webinars,     at low interest rates.
checking on early signs of stress are
some proactive ways. Having mental
health counsellors and having exclusive
Employee assistance programs are also
helping employees across the globe
reduce their stress and boosting

How the Insurance Sector is Accelerating
               Recovery Post the Pandemic

            Runner UP
Deep Arora and Shrishthi Kumari
MBA (2021-2023)

In India, the insurance industry protects     But insurance firms are now regaining
individuals, groups, institutions, and        ground thanks to aggressive steps taken
businesses. About 7 percent of India's        to meet the changing needs and
GDP comes from the insurance sector,          behaviors of customers, following a
which is growing at 15-20 percent. In         long-lasting recovery from the crisis.
India, there are two main types of            A government agency was responsible
insurance: Life and Non-life, which           for    supervising,    regulating,     and
cover travel, health, vehicles, household,    developing     the    Indian    insurance
crop, industry, gadgets, pets, and crop       industry. The union govt. has approved
insurance.     Globally,  the    COVID-19     capital infusion of Rs.12,450 crore in the
pandemic has a significant impact on          three Public Sector General Insurance
business, individuals, society, and the       Companies Namely Oriental Insurance
economy. The Indian financial services        Company Limited, National Insurance
industry faces its most severe challenge      Company Limited and United India
in nearly a century with the Pandemic.        Insurance Company Limited in 2020 to
However, the industry rose to the             improve their financial and solvency
challenge with efficiency and response        position.

Five main areas need to be addressed             Life insurance is now considered a
by the insurance industry:                       necessity.
   Develop innovative products.               More than 70 percent of uninsured
   Enhance       digitalization   (digital    respondents said they now feel the need
   access) and mechanisms across the          to purchase a life insurance policy in a
   entire value chain.                        survey by Benori Knowledge (more than
   Make     sure     Agile   teams   and      100 respondents).
   processes are in place.                       Product          innovation        and
   Recruit & reskill staff.                      customization are in high demand
   Complementary and value-added                 from customers.
   services are also explored (e.g., tie-     Three of the top expectations are:
   ups     with       hospitals,   online        The innovative features of the
   consultations, pharmacy discounts)            product (55%).
                                                 Benefits were enhanced (40%) and
A Shift in customer behavior after               payments were flexible (45%).
COVID-19                                         Capabilities of the insurer in terms of
A new customer behavior trend has                digital technology (30%).
slowly emerged:                               Consumers      are     driving    industry
    It is now understood that life            adoption of digital technologies. Due to
    insurance is a pure risk-based cover.     their strong focus on their health,
Many people now view insurance as a           customers are making all efforts to
necessity in the event of an unforeseen       minimize contact with agents and
event since the pandemic. As a result,        prefer    online      and    zero-contact
life insurance pull products may still        insurance channels. During the process,
help somehow but have been stabbed.           the company is also observing digital
                                              channels' conveniences.

Covid-19 has had an outsized impact on life insurance returns in the year
                                 2020 relative to the overall market.

Response of the life insurance industry to COVID-19

Insurance companies response to                      The insurance companies offer remote
COVID-19:                                            working stations and laptops for ease of
   The company is switching to 100%                  transition. and some employers also
   work from home (WFH) and is                       offer temporary cash in accounts amid
   providing staff with benefits.                    lockdown.
Most insurers have converted staff to                    To minimize bottom-line impacts,
work from home, aiming to decrease                       rationalizing costs is essential. To
the impact on customer service by                        rationalize       costs,      insurers
making the transition as seamless as                     investigated all possible options.
possible.                                                Rent and utilities, two of the biggest
                                                         expenses, were reduced as a result of
                                                         the lockdown.
Protecting the bottom line by                  A new generation of upstarts is
   shifting to digital services. As a             threatening disruption by offering
   result, insurers created digitally             innovative          schemes         like
   enabled omnichannel distribution               differentiated pricing policies and
   systems to offer primarily digital             greater customer data tracking,
   services.   It   was   possible   for          Innovative products must be quickly
   customers to complete every step of            adopted and mainstreamed by
   the sales process online, from the             incumbents.
   discovery of information to advice             Digital investments are being made
   and purchase.                                  across the value chain. Digital
   Before shifting operations to the              services are still a long way off from
   web, invest in cybersecurity tools             being commonplace in the financial
   and systems. There has been a                  industry. Companies will need to
   significant increase in cybersecurity          invest in top-of-the-line digital
   investments.                                   services as well as leverage cutting-
                                                  edge technologies like AI/ML and
The      life   insurance       industry's        blockchain.
transformation agenda in the post-
COVID-19 era                                  COVID-19        has     accelerated    the
In the post-COVID-19 era, digital services    digitization of insurance operations and
will no longer be regarded as add-on          the     creation     of    next-generation
services, but as a criterion for selecting    operating models, according to 85
policies, they must adopt e-KYC and           percent of Insurance CEOs.
robust cloud infrastructure for the entire    It has turbo-charged progress on the
stack of services. In addition to             creation of a seamless digital customer
improving service quality, digitization       experience among 78 percent of
will make operations more efficient and       respondents. And for 79 percent, they
cost-effective.                               say this has created new urgency for
A combination of artificial intelligence      creating new revenue models.
(AI) and machine learning (ML) can be             Dynamic work processes and agile
used to detect and predict customer               teams.       By     overcoming     the
behavior, and then to take proactive              inflexibility   of    a    hierarchical
measures to improve pivotal business              organizational structure, agile cross-
metrics like persistence. In an industry          functional teams with a focused
where most life insurance businesses              objective will help achieve goals
are at parity with other businesses,              faster.
advanced analytics & AI/ML tools are              Retraining of staff. There is a long-
important for enhancing a company's               standing tradition among insurance
offerings.                                        agents and other industry personnel
                                                  of    interacting     with    potential
The following five initiatives have been          customers face-to-face before a deal
outlined based on these imperatives               is closed. Now, they must learn how
for players in the life insurance sector          to navigate and close sales in a 100%
to succeed in a post-COVID-19 world:              digital environment, without any
    Innovation in products. Insurance             face-to-face customer interaction.
    has long functioned as a legacy
    industry across limited innovation.

Partnerships        that        provide      Conclusion
complementary services and value-            The course of the pandemic and its
added services. Companies should             aftermath will transform the industry
build their networks of partners to offer    landscape in a way that will affect all
complimentary      and      value-added      existing players in this field. Those who
services that differentiate them from        do not pay attention and do not adapt
their competitors. Among them are            will find themselves lagging. Insurtech
hospital tie-ups, online consultations,      helps businesses accelerate innovation.
pharmacy discounts, and telehealth           The recent crisis has hit the valuation of
services.                                    emerging companies and provides
                                             insurance companies with opportunities
                                             to acquire capabilities more cost-
                                             effectively. As a result, life insurance
                                             companies can be at the forefront of
                                             disruptive innovation.


       National Finalist
Mayur Valmik Khaire
PG Diploma in Industrial Engineering, National
Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai

The roots of Banking in India lie in the        BFSI Industry has seen some significant
Vedic Civilization. The development             changes in the last 15 years. It will be a
from institutions lending money whose           top priority focus industry for India's
evidence can be found in Vedic texts,           economic development to become a 5
Manu Smriti, to the recent digital-only         trillion-dollar economies by 2025.
banking has been a challenging journey          A digital-only bank, also called Neo
for the banking sector with many ups            banks, provides banking facilities
and downs.                                      through digital platforms, such as
But banking sector suffers a massive            mobile, laptops, and the Internet.
setback during the Covid-19 pandemic.           This bank uses a simplified user
Customers were reluctant to visit the           interface for providing all the essential
branch due to social distancing and             services by using automation, the
danger of infection of the virus. It shifted    Internet     of    Things,   and    cloud
the customer's focus toward the banks           computing. Digital-only banks have no
which provide online services. So many          physical bank branches anywhere.
banks started to move towards                   These banks have been an alternative
digitization by providing many services         option to other traditional financial
like opening a bank account online,             institutions.
money transfer, etc. So, this gives rise to     According to Zion Market Research(1),
Digital-Only Banks.                             the neo-bank sector was worth $18.6
Recently, India had moved ahead of              billion in 2018. It was projected to grow
China as Asia's top financial technology        at a CAGR (compounded annual growth
(FinTech) market. Now India has                 rate) of 46.5 % between 2019 and 2026,
become the world's second-largest               generating about $394 billion by 2026.
fintech hub (After the US). India is            Traditional banks face many problems
experiencing the 'FinTech Boom.'                due to outdated processes and difficulty
Various Fintech innovations include             in adopting recent technology. Neo
cryptocurrency      and    digital     cash,    banks do not face such issues due to
blockchain technology, and smart                being continuously updated with
contracts. It is creating an environment        technology. These innovative banks help
where a digital-only bank can capture           their customers avoid wastage of time
the marketplace. Also, it helps Banking,        when they wait in a long queue of
Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI)        traditional banks. Also, digital-only
to grow exponentially in India.                 banks expect huge responses from

urban areas and rural economies               Significant issues in front of digital-
because of various initiatives taken by       only banks are:
the government of India for digital               Security –Because of the Internet
literacy for the rural population, which          revolution, banks are becoming
constitutes 70% of the population. One            more prone to fraud and hacking of
such scheme is "Pradhan Mantri Gramin             servers. With the rise of digital-only
Digital        Saksharta         Abhiyan          banks, this risk has been increased
(PMGDISHA)" to increase digital literacy          significantly. The customers of
in rural India by covering six crore rural        digital-only banks are worried about
households.                                       various challenges, such as hacking
Given below are some of the top digital-          of passwords, phishing, and online
only banks in India for individuals as            fraud, which puts the security of
well as businesses:                               banking transactions at risk and
    InstantPay                                    hence limits the adoption of digital-
    Niyo                                          only banks.
    Open                                          No physical presence – The absence
    RazorPayX                                     of branches may generate feelings of
In a survey conducted by Infosys(2), 48%          insecurity in customer's minds and
of people responded that the superior             forcing them to reduce transactions
mobile banking experience and high                via such banks or shift to traditional
customer orientation make digital-only            banking. So, a large amount of effort
banks popular. Also, 15% of people said           is required to protect and maintain
that they would use Neo banks due to              customer relationships in digital-
the benefit of their low processing fees          only banking.
and high-speed services through online            Scalability – Digital-only banks suffer
platforms.                                        the     challenge      of    scalability
By the excellent benefits provided by             compared to traditional banks with
digital-only banks, 64% of people were            branches at various locations. It
fully confident to do transactions via            limits the offerings given to the
digital-only banks, thus popularizing it.         customer      and     hence    restricts
                                                  customer growth.
                                              There is still a dilemma among Industry
                                              analysts about the future of digital-only
                                              banking in India. Some predict that it
                                              may gain significant market share, while
                                              others expect that digital-only banks
                                              may see declined growth over time.
                                              Analysts cannot predict the success or
                                              failure of digital-only banking with a
                                              single       parameter.       Rather       a
Various traditional banks are also            multidirectional issue that depends on
providing as that of digital-only banks       each innovative bank's range of
like YONO (State Bank of India),              products, services, customer orientation,
Digibank (DBS Bank), and Kotak 811            technological        growth,      financial
(Kotak Bank).                                 resources, and targeted customers.

Even with a good strategy and sufficient
capital investment to support a highly
          user interfaceImpact       of COVID-19
                           and marketing           on MSME sector
plan, a Neobank must provide an
exceptionally well customer experience
capable of initiating and securing all
transactions. The Reserve Bank of India
still has not issued virtual banking
licenses in India. So, various digital-only
banks collaborate with conventional
banks to have mobile/web platforms
such as ICICI Bank partnered with three
neo banks: Free, Instant Pay, and Yelo.
So, with technological development in
the banking sector, digital-only banking
has a bright future in the Indian

Role of Marketing in BFSI Sectoe

      National Finalist
Tanushree Samant, Swetangee Tripathy
ITBM, Symbiosis Centre for IT

The Banking, Financial Services and            Once they have acquired Customer
Insurance industry is a vast industry          details, they follow up with the
which believes that recruiting marketers       customers so as to onboard them and
should be a top priority. Here we              make them a long-term customer by
address marketing as the use of various        building relationships which becomes a
strategies, processes and tools designed       sustained means of generating revenue.
to generate brand awareness or drive           Marketing employees call the customers
conversions for organizations in the           they acquire as they are their mapped
banking and financial industry.                customers and as per the needs or
                                               requirements of the customers, they
Marketing drives product awareness             pitch the financial products and services
which helps in cultivating long-term           to them which the customers use to
brand credibility. It is of utmost             save money for future use and which
importance to build trust among the            helps the marketing employees to
target buyers and provide value to the         generate revenue as well.
audience in the form of information,
entertainment and inspiration – all of         If a marketing employee is not able to
which can be applied to the BFSI sector.       achieve the daily target assigned to him,
This industry, like any other, is run by       they have to carry forward the target to
business mindset and the primary               the next day with the next day’s target.
objective is to earn revenue that it has to    This is how marketing employees have
acquire from the customers. This               to work hard to achieve the objectives of
business is acquired by the marketing          the business.
employees which banks hire to
generate revenue. Marketing employees
build the trust of the customers that
visit banks i.e., it can be said that their
business runs on trust.

There are      several ways marketing
employees      earn business for the
company –     visiting customer's homes,
standing in   front of companies, try to
explain the    banking products to the
Retentions of customers is their            The marketeers need          to   earn   for
responsibility which can be achieved by     themselves also, isn’t it?
building trust with the customers.
                                            The answer is yes, as they have to
The BFSI sector plays an important role     generate business for the bank and but
in the development of the economy.          they cannot generate the business by
However, in the banking industry, there     giving any wrong information about the
is 70% marketing and 30% operation          banking products.
work assigned to each and every
employee in their key responsibility        So, they should maintain honesty and
area. The marketing department is           loyalty with every customer in their bag
divided   into   different  roles   like    and probe them about the products and
Executive, Marketing Officer, Assistant     services which interests the customer.
Manager, Deputy Manager, Marketing
Sales Head and more. The executive          The marketing employees have to
employees go out and bring business to      ensure that customer’s confidential
the bank and they report to their line      information cannot be with the
manager i.e., deputy manager.               marketing employees in their kitty as it
                                            may become an audit issue. There is TAT
As we know India is trying to grow          (turnaround time) for every employee to
towards a developed economy and the         get the details of the customer logged
pandemic has already taught us as we        in the system.
should save funds to make our future
secure.                                     Thus, every marketing activity in the
                                            banking industry has to be properly
Herein comes the role of marketing          planned, organized and implemented
employees as they provide financial         to achieve success.
planning to customers by explaining the
saving plan which will help people to       Currently, we see several interesting
have a good understanding of saving         trends for marketing in the BFSI
plans and their financials and they can     industry in India – Automation and
decide on which plan to go for and          Digital Marketing being the key trends.
where to invest so as to save more          Artificial intelligence is one of the most
money for their family and a secure         powerful tools available to financial
future.                                     marketers.

                                            It is crucial for hyper-personalization
                                            and for analyzing massive amounts of
                                            data to build predictive profiles to
                                            understand customer behaviour and
                                            propose appropriate offerings.

                                            As per the Dentsu Digital Report 2021,
                                            the biggest spenders on digital media
                                            are the BFSI sector at 57%.

India AI & BFSI
                                                                           Market Size, By
                                                                          Technology, 2019
                                                                          & 2026 (USD mn)

                                                                           Distribution of
                                                                          digital advertising
                                                                           expenditure in
                                                                          the BFSI Industry
                                                                           across India in


Examples of successful marketing            There is an imperative need for a proper
campaigns were that of State Bank of        marketing strategy for Marketing
India and YES Bank in 2020. State Bank      employees' professional growth and
of India empowered users to access          organizational growth. Marketing is not
banking facilities at home with its         about forcing the customers to take the
mobile app YONO - You Only Need One,        BFSI products and services so as to meet
an integrated digital banking platform.     the target. It is all about identifying the
                                            customer's need and serving them as
With a voice-enabled mobile ad, the         per their requirement as this is primarily
bank advocated for social distancing by     is a client-based industry.
encouraging users to walk into the
world of SBI by saying “Enter”. YES Bank    Therefore, serving the customer well
engaged users with an uplifting, voice-     according to their specific needs is the
enabled mobile-led ad that prompted         first priority of marketing in the BFSI
users to say “Yes” to preparing for new     Industry.
beginnings. The campaign recorded a
click-through rate of 2.9% which is over
14 times the 0.20% industry average for
mobile banners.

The Need to Redefine Digital Learning
                      in the BFSI Sector

      National Finalist
Dr. Arpita Sen
MBA, Human Resources
NMIMS, Mumbai

Over time, the term "training" has taken       BFSI is one of the industries that has
on many different meanings. The                been impacted by the digital
approach has evolved from classroom to         revolution.      Though     consumers
computer based to e-learning, but the          benefit, the benefits do not negate
goal remains the same- to improve skill        the necessity for human interaction
sets and stay competitive in the current       on the back end as banks must finally
market. The medium of training is              handle the queries created online.
similar to the shadow effect of                To adapt to this transformation,
technology: as more people become
                                               employees must gain a better
tech-savvy,     information      sharing
                                               understanding of how technology
channels shift.
                                               works.     Banking   institutions   are
                                               embracing new technology and
Over the last two decades, the BFSI
                                               offering a wide range of digital
sector has evolved in its plethora of
offerings in the past decade, hence it is
                                               services, including mobile banking, net
time to re-skill and up-skills its learning    banking, and telebanking.
Mobile and social learning are on the          As a result, the impact on worker skill
rise to promote engagement, according          sets in this area is likely to expand
to LinkedIn Learning's 2019 Workplace          rapidly. Other than technology, soft
Learning study, and mobile learning            skills are also important in retaining a
continues to grow. BFSI employees              customer's loyalty.
must know how to go to the highest
echelons      of    their   organization's     Now the question arises are the
hierarchy through knowledge and                current digital learning solutions
upskilling. According to research, India's     adept in transferring soft skill
online learning market is anticipated to       knowledge?    Hence,   the  digital
rise to $1.96 billion in 2021. The move        learning landscape needs to be
from LMS to LXP platforms and training         redefined.
approaches like Technology enabled
Blended Learning illustrate that the           As the BFSI industry is going through
market has advanced from providing
                                               the ‘growth phase’ of its business in
"one size fits all" solutions to tailor
                                               India, it will be required to follow
effective solutions.
                                               principles of breakthrough learning.

L& D Strategy Plan

Figure 1: 6 D framework
                                             G   Defining Focus Areas, Determing
                                                 ways to measure success
✔ Define Business Outcome:
Aligning with the growth objectives,
                                                 Determining          a    person's
industries aims for the following
                                                 perceptions towards the learning
business outcomes-                           R   modules, determining conflict
a. Improvements in employer branding
and customer engagement scores;                  factors for goal attainment
Favourable reviews across social media
networks;                                        Determining possibilites of action,
b. Financial assistance for sellers;         O   brainstorming on benefits and
c. Style and substance of training               pitfalls of the options
Employee retention rate and prevention           Defining next steps,
of competitive poaching of talent;               Enlisting the support required to
d. Making relationship management in a           take the next steps
company more sustainable.
✔ Design the complete experience:            Figure 2: GROW Model of Learning Goal
Transfer climate should be prioritised,      cascading
with a focus on supporting continuum
learning by expanding learning goals         ✔ Deliver the application:
and transferring it to team performance.     To close the gap between learning and
It's imperative to focus on "What's in it    doing, certain elements can be
for me?"and how the learning modules         incorporated in instructional models
will help employees advance their            like -
careers inside the company.
Learning goal cascading is essential         a. Spaced learning: Breaking down
across organizations so that it reaches      performance   goals   into   monthly
all levels of the workforce. GROW model      objectives and incorporating learning
can be used to ensure goal cascading.        objectives.

b. Scaffolding: Withdraw instructor help        II. During Training
over time while assessing performance           Ensure that the content is timely,
and encouraging learners to become              relevant, and relevant to the difficulties
more self-reliant.                              that employees face on a daily basis, as
c. Active engagement: Businesses can            well as contributing to the attainment
create their own ‘Workspace by                  of a corporate goal. Remember that the
Facebook' to create an internal                 goal is for learners to do something
community of employees and set team-            different when they complete the
wise learning objectives.                       training, so make it easy for them to see
d. Preparation: Classroom learning is           what that is and how they may use it in
being supplanted by digital learning as         various situations.
a result of the epidemic. Students
should be prepared to use digital               III. After Training
learning resources.                             Turn current training knowledge into
e.     Reflection:    Periodic   learning       reminders, summaries, and thought-
assessments        and     comprehensive        provoking       anecdotes   using     the
interviews by superiors can aid in              chunking process outlined above. These
reflecting the training intervention's          could be given out after virtual class to
success aspects.                                assist students recall what they've
f. Self-Reference Effect: Elaborative           learned.
Rehearsal is a one-of-a-kind approach to
do this. If an employee can have some           Don't forget to inform the learners'
self-reference      with    the    clients'     managers about what's happened and
requirements and desires, he or she will        what new skills they should encourage
be better able to design solutions.             their staff to use. If necessary, provide
Digital modules should incorporate self-        job aids that serve as helpful reminders
reference activities.                           of steps and what to do when
g. Practicing with feedback: One of the         confronted with a new task learned
major difficulties in the BFSI business is      during training.
the lack of feedback in digital learning.
Employees are currently unable to grasp         ✔ Deploy performance support:
where they fall short because their             Post-training surveys and follow-up
supervisors are not available for               surveys in monthly, three-month, and
feedback.                                       six-month intervals can be conducted to
                                                determine how much knowledge the
✔ Drive learning transfer:                      learners have retained and how they are
Setting up a transfer climate is essential      applying it to improve their work
for the success of the L& D strategy. It        performance. Superiors should be given
consists of three steps:                        specific instructions on how to track
I. Before Training                              changes in behaviour, attitude toward
E-learning designers generate a great           work, and performance output after
deal of data. Consider how knowledge            training.
aspects could be split down into bite-
sized chunks and presented to learners          To encourage learning transfer, internal
prior to training to capture their interest.    awards and recognition can be given
This content can then be used to                team wise and individual wise.
reinforce what was learned in class.

Document the results

                           To what extent has learning interventions
                           have improved staff retention, increased
Alignment                  customer    engagement,   and    boosted
                           customer conversions

                           How repeatable is the concept across
                           business units, and how transferrable are a
Capabilities               manager's learning skills to his or her juniors
                           and work responsibilities in the workplace?
                           Are there any capability gaps that need to be

                           What is the extent to which employee
Organizational             involvement has increased? Has BFSI's
Health                     branding improved?

                           Apart from raw competencies, how well does
Individual                 BFSI's learning intervention enable mid and
                           lower level personnel achieve maximum
Peak                       impact in their professions while maintaining
Performance                a decent work-life balance?

 Figure 3: Considerations to be kept in mind while documenting results of e-
 learning intervention

Figure 4: ACADEMIC Framework for redefining L & D departments to digital mode

Without evaluation, which is the least          When      it    comes   to relationship
considered aspect of training, the              management, data-based decision-
learning cycle is incomplete. Finding           making       has   become  increasingly
gaps for reskilling and upskilling              important. Building a digital mentality
becomes difficult and non-scientific            should be prioritized over developing
until an individual's progress is               digital abilities.
monitored. However, evaluating a
remote workforce might be difficult at
times. Platforms like Centum LearnPro
make the evaluation process easier by
recording an employee's progress at
each step of learning and providing the
data to decision-makers so they can
make better learning decisions for their


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