SCHOOL DISTRICT

                                                                    600 Sixth Street, Ste 400
                                                                           Lincoln, CA 95648

COVID-19 SAFTEY                                                              www.wpusd.org


This document is subject to change in order to reflect current guidelines.
A Message of Hope
While the 2020-2021 school year proposed new challenges, hardships and
growth, our district persevered to deliver quality education to every student.
Students and staff did their very best to learn and adapt to a different way of
learning. With that, we built our character, toughened our skin and learned
many new perspectives.

As we embark on another school year shaded by a pandemic, we look forward
to the light at the end of this tunnel. We see tangible improvements as we
lessen the multitude of mitigation strategies. To begin the 2021-2022 school
year, you will see some safety protocols still in place. We understand the
struggle this can bring to many students, staff and families; however, when
looking at what we were faced with the year prior, we feel grateful to see

If we learned anything from the last year and a half, we know that change is
inevitable. We will continue to review the guidance and adapt to meet the
needs of our community as well as meet the state's requirements.

In this Road Map for WPUSD Schools, you will find:

   Safety protocols
   What the school year will look like
   Information on independent study
   Collaboration with surrounding districts, Placer County Office of Education,
   Placer County Public Health, California Department of Public Health, and

This road map is just a map, and there will be changes along the way. But the
roadmap also gives us a way forward to continue our essential duty of
educating and supporting students.

Kerry Callahan


The health and safety of our students, staff and families is
of utmost importance. To begin the 2021-2022 school year,
you will see some safety protocols still in place. We will
continue to review guidance and implement the current
safety protocols as mandated by the state.


   Two educational program options: Traditional in-person
   learning and independent study
   Daily at-home health screenings and temperature checks
   prior to arriving at school completed by parents
   Plexiglass partitions between the public and staff where
   Maximizing time spent outside as weather allows
   Heightened education on proper hygiene practices,
   including proper hand washing and covering one's
   mouth when coughing or sneezing
   Enhanced cleaning of high touch areas
   Per CDPH requirements, regardless of vaccination status,
   face coverings will be required for all students, staff,
   visitors and parents while indoors on school campuses
   Face coverings are optional for all individuals, regardless
   of vaccination status while outdoors (if you are
   unvaccinated you are encouraged to keep 6ft distance
   from others)


Education Program Options.................................................................................1
   In-person Instruction
   Independent Study
   Independent Study Details
Social-Emotional Needs & Learning Loss.......................................................4
School Day Procedures...........................................................................................5
   At Home Health Screening
   Drop Off and Pick Up
   Classroom setup
   Physical Education
   Food & Nutrition Services
General District Protocols………………………............................................................8
   Front Office
   Bus Transportation
   Volunteers, Visitors
   Extracurricular Activities, Athletics
   Community Facility Use
Health & Safety Protocols……………......................................................................10
   Face Coverings
   Hand Washing
COVID-19 PROTOCOL & NOTIFICATION……………….........................................12
   WPUSD Response Scenarios

Education Program
Quality instruction and commitment to equity for all students
continues to be a focus for the WPUSD educational programs.
We know the needs of our students and families vary, which is
why we will continue to provide two instructional options for the
2021-2022 school year.

   Traditional school environment
   Full day instruction with pre-COVID bell schedules
   Extended day Kindergarten at all elementary schools
   Enhanced intervention services
   Return of extra- and co-curricular activities
   Return of field trips
   Emphasis on social-emotional learning

                                                                    Page 1
Independent Study through
ATLAS Learning Academy
Parents and guardians of WPUSD students have the option to enroll
their child(ren) in in-person instruction or independent study for the
2021-2022 school year.

WPUSD's established independent study program is administered
through ATLAS Learning Academy and is located on the campus of
Phoenix High School. If you are interested in learning more about the
independent study program, parents and guardians may request a
pupil-parent-educator conference to ask questions before making the
decision about enrollment or disenrollment in independent study. The
conference may be conducted by telephone, videoconference or in-
person. If you wish to request a conference for your child, please
contact Adam Salinger, the lead teacher at ATLAS Learning Academy
at (916) 409-2404, or Scott Pickett, Assistant Superintendent of
Educational Services at (916) 645-6350.

To enroll in independent study for the 2021-2022 school year, there
must be a signed master agreement for each student. The student
and their parent/legal guardian/caregiver will have the opportunity to
review and ask questions about the master agreement with the
teacher before signing.

For students with exceptional needs, the student’s individualized
education program (IEP) must specifically provide for independent
study before the pupil can begin participating.

                                                                         Page 2

     Available to all WPUSD students
     Access to a personal Chromebook and hotspot upon request
     Taught by credentialed WPUSD teachers
     Grades K-12
     May participate in sports and other extracurricular activities

     Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
        Daily synchronous instruction
        Instruction delivered in person, virtually or by phone between student
        and teacher
        Majority of work completed independently
     4th - 8th Grade
        Daily live interaction
        Weekly synchronous instruction
        Instruction delivered in person, virtually or by phone
        Live interaction means interaction between the student and teacher,
        an instructional aide or other personnel, and it may include other
     9th - 12th Grade
        Weekly live interaction and synchronous instruction
        Classroom-style, small group, or one-on-one instruction delivered in
        person or by internet or phone and involves two-way communication
        between the student and teacher

     ATLAS Learning Academy Website
     California Department of Education Requirements for
     Independent Study for the 2021-2022 school year

                                                                         Page 3

     WPUSD recognizes that relationships and in-person connections
     are a critical component of social development for students.
     WPUSD will work within health and safety guidelines to provide
     meaningful connections and social opportunities for students
     Our full complement of counselors and school psychologists are
     available for students and families
     We will continue providing accessible resources for students and
     families (WPUSD Mental Health website and personnel)

     We will administer ongoing academic assessments (much like a typical
     Curriculum will be structured to ensure students are on track for the
     completion of the 2021-2022 school year
     WPUSD remains committed to continuing its high school credit recovery
     programs and to offering 5th year options to qualifying students
     AB 104, new legislation signed by Governor Newsome in July, contains
     two new initiatives. The district will assist students and families in
     implementing the following:
        Students who attended high school in the 2020-21 school year can
        request grade changes from letter grades to Pass or No Pass. These
        requests must be made within a 15-day window chosen by the district
        (our window will open mid-August). Look for more details about the
        timeline and the process for grade change requests to be sent out in
        the next week or so. Please note that these grade changes may have
        implications for college acceptance; consult with a high school
        counselor if you have questions.
        AB 104 provides additional options for graduation for students who
        were in 11th and 12th grade during the 2020-2021 school year and
        are/were not on track to graduate in four years.
        Parents with questions about their student’s placement may contact
        their child’s school

                                                                        Page 4
Prior to each school day, families, students and staff should
complete an at-home health screening, assess any flu-like
symptoms and ensure their temperature is below 100.4 degrees
fahrenheit. Students or staff experiencing any flu-like symptoms
and/or having a temperature above 100.4 degrees will not be
permitted to enter campus.

    Standard drop off pick up procedures (sites will
    communicate any specific changes)
    Face coverings are optional for all individuals while
    Face coverings are required for all individuals while indoors
    Upon arrival, each student should wash or sanitize their
    Please follow site specific traffic instructions for pick up
    and drop off

*For specific guidelines on face coverings, see page 10             Page 5
Classroom Setup
   Per state guidelines, classrooms no longer require a minimum distance
   between students
   Students may work together in groups without social distancing
   A teacher “safe zone” may still be in classrooms to support physical
   distancing between students and teachers as needed
   Outdoor learning will be encouraged as weather permits
   Snacks and water breaks will be permitted; if breaks occur indoors, face
   coverings are to be worn while not actively eating or drinking

   Social distancing is not required in hallways and common areas
   Face coverings are encouraged but not required during any outdoor
   transition/passing period
   Face coverings are encouraged but not required when congregating in any
   outdoor common areas
   Face coverings are required during any indoor passing/transition periods and
   in indoor common areas

   Students may remove face coverings during outdoor recess
   Campus supervisors may encourage students to practice social
   No restrictions on recreational items (playgrounds, equipment, etc)
   Students are strongly encouraged to wash or sanitize hands prior to
   entering classroom or day care

*For specific guidelines on face coverings, see page 10                       Page 6
Phsycial Education (PE)
   Masks must be worn at all times while indoors, even during
   activities with heavy exertion, as tolerated
   Masks may be removed during outdoor activities
   Weather permitting, staff will be encouraged to hold Physical
   Education classes outdoors to minimize use of masks
   Site specific instructions will be given by the principal and/or

Food & Nutrition Services
   Return to a mostly traditional lunch schedule, with
   appropriate safety protocols in place
   Free meals will be offered all year to all WPUSD students
   Primary school students will be able to grab meals in each of
   their cafeterias during their lunch period
   Secondary students will have multiple meal options on
   campus during their lunch period
   All students will have both hot and cold meal options
   Only meals will be offered, no other items will be for sale
   A La Carte items (chips, cookies, water) may be offered later
   in the school year at secondary sites
   If you have a student who is planning on eating with us and
   has an allergen please reach out to the Food Service
   Department. This way we can make sure our site staff can
   meet your student and we can work on accommodations
   School sites will provide daily schedules, which will include
   lunch times, etc.
   For students participating in independent study through
   ATLAS, please click HERE for information on meal
   distribution schedules

*Meal distribution dates, times, and locations are subject to

                                                                      Page 7
Front Office
  Follow site-specific protocol for front office entry (including
  required face coverings)
  Plastic shields or plexiglass will be in front office areas where
  the public interacts
  Hand sanitizer will be available to the public when entering
  the school office

Bus Transportation
  Buses will maximize outside air as much as possible as
  weather permits
  Students and drivers will be required to wear face coverings
  while on the bus
  Bus drivers will provide masks for students who do not have
  one; students will not be allowed on the bus without a face
  covering unless we have record of exemption
  Although distancing is not required, students will have
  assigned seating
  Transportation will continue to implement protocols should a
  student become symptomatic while in transport (i.e. placed
  in a designated seat, disinfect area immediately, follow
  symptomatic protocol upon arrival at school - see COVID-19
  Transportation will continue to follow current protocols for
  students who may have issues with wearing a face covering
  while on the bus or may be exempt, such as Special
  Education students due to sensory issues, etc.

                                                                      Page 8
Volunteers, Visitors & On-Campus Activities
  Schools will no longer restrict visitors, volunteers, and activities
  involving other groups
  Volunteers, visitors and outside groups will check in with the front
  office and complete a health screening before entering campus
  To align with the state’s mandate, volunteers will be required to
  show proof of vaccination in order to volunteer at a school site
  Visitors will not be required to show proof of vaccination or a
  negative COVID test
  Face coverings are required for all volunteers and visitors while
  Although face covering are only recommended while outdoors,
  volunteers and visitors may be required to wear face coverings
  outdoors while on school grounds
  Traditional on campus meetings will be permitted; however, sites
  may still provide virtual options for convenience
  Group activities will be permitted with adherence to current health
  guidelines (i.e. assemblies, in-person award ceremonies, etc.)
  Group activities will be encouraged to operate outdoors as weather

Extra Curricular, Sports & Enrichment Activities
  Athletic activity will be permitted based on the guidelines from the
  California Department of Public Health and California Interscholastic
  Federation (CIF)
  Updated guidance from CDPH on youth sports and activities is still
  pending; updates to this section will be made as guidance becomes
  Some activities may need modifications on how they will be conducted
  when there is increased risk
  Field trips will be permitted with necessary safety protocols in place -
  including required face coverings while on busses and while indoors on
  a school field trip

Community Facility Use
  Indoor and outdoor facility use by outside organizations will be
  All outside organizations must follow District safety protocols while
  using our facilities
  Additional fees for enhanced cleaning will be applied to all facility use
  The District reserves the right to cancel facility use if necessary based on
  CDPH guidelines

*For specific guidelines on face coverings, see page 10                          Page 9
Face Coverings
   In accordance with California Department of Public Health:
      All individuals must utilize face coverings:
      On campus at all times while indoors, regardless of vaccination status
      While riding the bus, regardless of vaccination status
      Face coverings are recommended for all individuals while outdoors on campus
   Face coverings will be provided to staff, students and visitors if they do not have
   one when arriving to campus
   Students who remove face coverings while indoors will be reminded of the
   requirement to wear them appropriately while not actively eating or drinking
   Administration will work closely with students and their families to ensure
   compliance with the face covering mandate
   Students who repeatedly refuse to wear a face mask may be excluded from in-
   person instruction and encouraged to participate in independent study
   Personal face coverings will be allowed in compliance with the school’s dress code
   Teachers and staff may use a transparent face shield with a drape for pedagogical
   reasons, but must wear a mask at all other times
   The following individuals are exempt from wearing a face covering:
      Persons age two years or younger
      Persons with a verified medical condition, mental health condition, or disability
      that prevents them from using a face covering. This includes persons with a
      medical condition for whom wearing a face covering could obstruct breathing
      or are otherwise unable to remove a face covering without assistance
      Persons who are hearing impaired or communicating with a person who is
      hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for
      Persons for whom wearing a face covering could create a risk to the person
      related to work/school, as determined by local, state or federal regulators or
      safety guidelines
   Students exempted from wearing a face covering due to medical condition, must
   wear a non-restrictive alternative (i.e., face shield with a drape), as long as their
   condition permits
   Gloves are not recommended for use by students and staff, with the exception of
   conducting cleaning, first aid, or food service

Face Coverings: Students with Disabilities
   Students with sensory/cognitive/behavioral needs may not be required to wear face
   coverings, but are expected to wear a non-restrictive alternative if their condition permits
   Students who are deaf/hard of hearing will not be required to wear face coverings, but are
   expected to wear a non-restrictive alternative if their condition permits
   School personnel will work closely with families of students who are immunocompromised
   regarding specific needs

Requirements are based on the California Department of Public Health - updated 8/2/2021    Page 10
Handwashing & Sanitizing
  Students should wash or sanitize hands upon arriving at school
  and when entering different classrooms/common areas
  Students should wash or sanitize hands prior to consumption of
  Continued education on proper hygiene practices, including hand
  washing for at least 20 seconds, not touching face and eyes,
  covering mouth when coughing or sneezing
  Handwashing stations will be available in addition to classroom
  sinks and student restrooms
  Classrooms will have wall mounted hand sanitizers or hand
  sanitizer dispensers

Cleaning & Disinfecting
  The district will engage in daily cleaning of high-touch surfaces
  Common classroom surfaces will be cleaned at the end of each school
  Cleaning and sanitization supplies will be made available in the event a
  teacher desires to perform additional classroom cleaning/sanitization
  Continued education on safe and correct storage and application of
  Upon request, student friendly wipes will be available for use by middle
  and high school students should they desire to disinfect their area
  between classes

   Air filtration will be enhanced and serviced in accordance
   with the manufacturer recommendations
   Maximum outside air will be introduced to the classroom
   based on technology and comfort issues where feasible
   As weather conditions allow, windows and doors may be left
   open for increased ventilation and fresh air

                                                                     Page 11
Western Placer Unified School District
    COVID-19 Response Scenarios
                           FOR THE 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR

                                    SYMPTOMS OF ILLNESS

01           SCENARIO
     A student exhibits symptoms    
                                        Send student home.
                                                                                   Letter to student families
     of COVID-19 which cannot          Consult with School Nurse.                 who were sent home
     be explained by an                Recommend testing through a                with instructions for next
     underlying chronic condition       health care provider or other              steps.
     documented by a healthcare         testing site. Testing is
     provider (e.g., allergies or       recommended for symptomatic
     asthma).                           individuals regardless of vaccination
     Symptoms consistent with          If COVID-19 test is positive, see
     COVID-19 include:                  Scenario 3. If COVID-19 test is
        Fever or chills                negative, see Scenario 4.
        Cough                         If a symptomatic student does not
        Shortness of breath or         receive confirmatory testing, but is a
         difficulty breathing           close contact of a confirmed case,
        Fatigue                        treat as a probable case using
        Muscle or body aches           Scenario 3.
         Headache                      If no test is performed, isolation
        New loss of taste or           continues for minimum of 10 days
         smell                          from symptom onset AND 24 hours
        Sore throat                    fever-free without fever-reducing
        Congestion or runny            medication AND improvement in
         nose                           symptoms.
        Nausea or vomiting

                                                                    COVID-19 Response Scenarios for WPUSD Schools
                                                                                              2021-22 School Year

02           SCENARIO
     A student has been in          
                                        Student reportinformation to
                                                                                     Letter to student
     close contact (more than           school administration.                       families. May
     15 minutes over a 24-             Consult with School Nurse.                   require additional
     hour period with 0-6 feet                                                       follow up
     indoors) with someone         IF VACCINATED:                                    communication
     who tests positive for          No quarantine needed if asymptomatic.          depending on
     COVID-19.                       Monitor symptoms for 14 days after             verification of
                                        exposure.                                    vaccination status
     See the flow chart at the       If symptoms develop, send home to              and/or surveillance
     end of this document for           isolate and get tested.                      test results.
     additional information.

     “CDPH (Technical
     Assistance) has clarified
                                   IF UNVACCINATED
     that outdoor exposures
     can follow the same           (OR UNKNOWN/UNCONFIRMED):
     protocol as they would for
     indoor exposures.”            Positive case wearing OR not wearing a mask
                                   and close contact wearing a mask:
                                     Send positive case home (see Scenario 3)
                                     Close contact eligible for modified 10-day
                                          quarantine to attend school if they meet
                                          all of the following criteria:
                                               o Remain asymptomatic (if
                                                   symptoms develop, send home to
                                                   isolate and get tested)
                                               o Continue to mask, as required
                                               o Undergo testing at least 2x per
                                                   week during 10-day quarantine
                                   If criteria for modified quarantine not met or
                                   vaccinations status cannot be verified,
                                   standard quarantine guidance below applies.

                                   Positive case and close contact not wearing a
                                     Send all parties home
                                     If close contact remains asymptomatic,
                                        quarantine may end after day 10 from
                                        last date of exposure without testing,
                                        OR after day 7 if a diagnostic specimen
                                        is collected after day 5 from the date
                                        of last exposure and tests negative
                                        (Scenario 4).
                                     If tests positive, see Scenario 3.

                                                                    COVID-19 Response Scenarios for WPUSD Schools
                                                                                              2021-22 School Year
Regardless, through day 14 following last
                                    known exposure, asymptomatic close
                                    contacts must:
                                       Continue daily self-monitoring for
                                        symptoms through day 14 from last
                                        known exposure; AND
                                       Follow all recommended non-
                                        pharmaceutical interventions (e.g.,
                                        wearing a mask when around others,
                                        hand washing, avoiding crowds).

                                    POSITIVE COVID-19 TEST

03           SCENARIO
     A student tests positive for    
                                         Consult with School Nurse.
                                                                                     Phone call and letter to
     COVID-19.                          Report information to school                students families
                                        Isolate case and exclude from school for
     *This scenario is also              minimum 10 days from symptom onset
     recommended for probable            or if asymptomatic, 10 days from test
     cases (close contacts who
     become symptomatic but
     do not receive confirmatory        Identify potential close contacts (more
     testing).                           than 15 minutes over a 24-hour period
                                         with 0-6 feet indoors) based on the last
                                         date case was present at school while
                                         infectious, and follow Scenario 2.
                                        If a facility has had a sick person with
                                         COVID-19 within the last 24 hours,
                                         clean AND disinfect the spaces occupied
                                         by that person during that time.

                                                                    COVID-19 Response Scenarios for WPUSD Schools
                                                                                              2021-22 School Year

04           SCENARIO
     A student tests negative for
                                         Consult with School Nurse.
                                                                                     No action needed. See
                                                                                     templates for Scenario 2
                                     Negative test        Negative test after
                                                                                     and 3 as needed.
                                     after symptoms,      close contact or
                                     but with no          exposure if
                                     close contact or     unvaccinated/unverifi
                                     exposure             ed vaccination status
                                     regardless of        and one or more
                                     vaccination          parties not wearing
                                     status:              mask:

                                     Student may          Quarantine may
                                     return to in-        end if
                                     person instruction   asymptomatic after
                                     when 24 hours        day 7 (compared to
                                     have passed since    day 10) if a
                                     resolution of        diagnostic
                                     fever without the
                                                          specimen was
                                     use of fever-
                                                          collected after day
                                     medications; AND     5 from the date of
                                     other symptoms       last exposure and
                                     have improved.       tests negative.
                                                          If symptomatic,
                                                          quarantine should
                                                          not be shortened.

                                                                      COVID-19 Response Scenarios for WPUSD Schools
                                                                                                2021-22 School Year
Important References:
   CA Safe Schools For All Hub

   Placer County COVID-19 Schools website

   CDPH COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools in California, 2021-22 School Year (Issued July 12, 2021)

   Guidance for Face Coverings (Issued June 15, 2021)

   Face Coverings Q&A (Issued July 28, 2021)

   Quarantine and Isolation Guidance

Quarantine vs Isolation:
*Quarantine is for people who have been exposed to COVID-19, and who could become infected
and spread the disease to others. See quarantine guidance and additional CDPH guidance.

Isolation is used for people who are currently infected and able to spread the disease and who need to stay away
from others in order to avoid infecting them. See isolation guidance.

Please note, any reference to “days” throughout this document is intended as calendar days.

                                                                                                            As of August 1, 2021

                                                                                      COVID-19 Response Scenarios for WPUSD Schools
                                                                                                                2021-22 School Year
Close Contact to Positive COVID-19 Case
                                                           Are you vaccinated for COVID-19?

                                           Yes                                                 No

           Do you have symptoms                                                      Were you wearing a mask?
           related to COVID-19?

                                                                           Yes                                          No
      No                             Yes
                                                                 Do you have symptoms                             Do you have symptoms
                                                                 related to COVID-19?                             related to COVID-19?
    No quarantine           Notify the school, get
 needed. Monitor for          tested, and contact                                         No                    Yes                     No
symptoms for 14 days       healthcare provider with
        after                    any questions                  Eligible for modified 10 day
     exposure.              regarding care. While               quarantine to attend school and      Notify the school, get      Quarantine from all
                             waiting for results of             extracurricular activities if:         tested, and contact      activities, including in
                           test, quarantine from all             Remains asymptomatic              healthcare provider with     person learning and
                            activities, including in             Continue to mask, as                    any questions         community activities.
                             person learning and                                                     regarding care. While
                                                                 Undergoes testing at least
                            community activities.                   2x per week during 10-day         waiting for results of
                                                                    quarantine                      test, quarantine from all
                                                                 If symptoms develop,               activities, including in
FOR ALL CLOSE CONTACTS:                                             notify the school, isolate,       person learning and
If quarantine discontinues before 14 days following last            get tested, and contact
                                                                                                     community activities.
known exposure,                                                     healthcare provider

   Continue daily self-monitoring for symptoms through                                             If still asymptomatic, quarantine may end:
    Day 14 from last known exposure;                                                                 After day 10 of last exposure without testing
   Follow all recommended interventions (e.g., wearing
                                                                                                     After day 7 if diagnostic specimen is
    a mask when around others, hand washing, avoiding
                                                                                                         collected after Day 5 of exposure and is
    crowds) through Day 14 from last known exposure.
You can also read