Western High School parent orientation - 2020-2021 Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character. Service

Page created by Wayne Brown
Western High School parent orientation - 2020-2021 Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character. Service
Western High School
                parent orientation


Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character. Service
Western High School parent orientation - 2020-2021 Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character. Service
Staff Introductions

   175 Years of Light: A legacy of
Western High School parent orientation - 2020-2021 Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character. Service
Guidance Counselors
   9th & 10th Grade - Ms. Goodlett
        11th Grade - Mr. Griffin
       12th Grade - Ms. Duncan
Western High School parent orientation - 2020-2021 Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character. Service
Framing the Meeting
The focus of today is to review the TOOLS and PRACTICES needed for
families to have a successful school year.

Class activities and school events will be discussed in our back to
school meetings in September.
Western High School parent orientation - 2020-2021 Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character. Service
• Introductions
• Who We Are
• Preparing for the 2020-2021 school year
   • Safety Protocols
   • Infinite Campus Tutorial and Online Registration Link
   • Naviance
• Virtual Learning
   •   Google Classroom Tutorial
   •   Expectations and Grading
   •   Attendance
   •   Student Schedules
   •   Student Supports
Western High School parent orientation - 2020-2021 Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character. Service
Family Information Survey
Please take a moment to complete this survey

Western High School parent orientation - 2020-2021 Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character. Service
Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character.
We believe that all Western Students:
   Deserve an education that promotes academic excellence through engagement in rigorous
   curricula to foster academic risk-taking.

   Lead through engagement in extracurricular opportunities that develop their gifts and
   talents and foster social-emotional learning.

   Thrive in an environment that acknowledges the unique needs of female learners and the
   contributions they make to enrich our world.

   Engage in sustained hard work and constant reflection to grow resilience and a greater
   appreciation of others.

   Demonstrate an awareness of their impact on community by engaging in civic
Western High School parent orientation - 2020-2021 Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character. Service

D- Dignified                         D- Dress Code
O- Optimistic                        O- On time
V- Vibrant                           V- Visible Electronics
E- Elite                             E- Eating
S- Sisters                           S- Swearing

                175 Years of Light: A legacy of
Western High School parent orientation - 2020-2021 Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character. Service
Western High School parent orientation - 2020-2021 Scholarship. Leadership. Sisterhood. Character. Service
Infinite Campus

Campus Portal (Infinite Campus) gives you 24 hour access to your
child’s grades, attendance, schedule, and much more.
It is updated regularly by teachers and we recommend that you
check it at least once a week.
Troubleshooting Infinite Campus
  If you are unable to log in or need a password reset
  you will need to access the Western Cares and
  Concerns page to submit your request for support.

               Western Cares & Concern
Baltimore City Public Schools 2020-21
Acceleration Plan:
• Engage with core grade level content starting at the beginning of the
  year; scope and sequence pacing guides adapted to prioritize grade-
  appropriate content.
• Put in place appropriate scaffolds to make the work accessible and
  support “just in time”, unfinished learning needed for success to
  master grade level standards​
• Support identified gaps in foundational skills and knowledge through
  differentiated instruction​
• Leverage digital learning platform for students to engage
  independently in a personalized learning path to recover, refresh, and
  extend learning​
Virtual Learning
All Classes will be 100% virtual at this time.
Students will participate in a combination of synchronous and asynchronous
Synchronous instruction means the teacher is teaching to a group of students
live. Synchronous learning occurs when teacher and students are working
together at the same time. In other words, the instruction by the teacher and
the learning by the student occur simultaneously

Asynchronous instruction is a general term used to describe forms of
education, instruction, and learning that do not occur in the same place or at
the same time. Some examples pre-recorded webinars, discussion boards,
assignments in google classroom, a paper and pencil assignment, videos to
watch, etc
Google Classroom
●   Each student will have a classroom for each of their classes
●   Assignments, syllabi, meeting links, and other course information will be here
●   Parents and students must use their City Schools’ username (Student ID
●   Zoom links for synchronous classes will be in each classroom. Students will not
    need special passwords

Expectations for Students
• Participate in all synchronous and asynchronous
• Have a dedicated learning space with minimal
• Wear Western uniform shirt with black bottoms
• Complete and submit all assignments on time
• Create an organization system
  See Student Handbook for complete list of student expectations
Expectations for Parents

● Support your daughter in creating a quiet, dedicated learning space for
  synchronous and asynchronous work. The learning space should
  contain a flat surface (desk, table, or floor), comfortable chair, internet
  access, device (laptop, tablet), optional headphones and adequate

● Ensure that the home schedule honors the school day and does not
  distract from learning time. Students should not be asked to do chores
  or other household responsibilities during the school day.
Parent Expectations Continued
● Parents/guardians may request to observe a class by contacting the teacher
  via email at least 24 hours prior to the desired day.

● Parents/guardians are not permitted to photograph, record, post, or stream
  teacher recorded lessons on social media or any other platform at any time.

  We understand that each family is unique. If your family has needs that require your daughter to
  undertake responsibilities that interfere with a successful and productive school day, please
  complete the Western Cares & Concerns form. Your information will be kept private as we work
  to accommodate your needs.
Privacy Policy
   Under Maryland’s Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act, it is
  unlawful to tape record a conversation without the permission of all the
parties. Additionally, recording with criminal or tortious purposes is illegal,
                 regardless of consent. Md. Code Ann., Cts.

Parents/guardians and students are prohibited from photographing, streaming, or recording any
portion of the virtual learning experience, teachers will record synchronous sessions and post them in
the Google Classroom.
Parents/guardians and students are not permitted to photograph, record, post, or stream teacher
recorded lessons on social media or any other platform at any time.
Attendance matters
• Each student is expected to be in attendance no less than
  94% of the school year.
• In order to achieve 94% attendance, students should miss
  no more than 2.5 days per quarter or 10 days per year
• Attendance is calculated by period,
• Attendance will be taken during all class sessions and
  entered into Infinite Campus
• Attendance will be monitored regularly by administrators
  and the SEL team

Send absence notices to documents.whs407@gmail.com
2020-2021 Virtual Learning Schedule
Time          Monday, Thursday Wednesday       Tuesday, Friday
8:30-9:50     Class 1         Intervention 1   Class 4
9:55-11:15    Class 2         Intervention 2   Class 5
11:20-12:05   Lunch            Lunch           Lunch
12:10-1:30    Class 3         Intervention 3   Class 6
*1:30-3:30    Coach Class     Intervention 4   Coach Class
Student View

                Class 1

                Class 2

                 Class 3

               Class 4
                Class 5

                 Class 6
What happens on Wednesdays?
Intervention is formative practice to improve student skills, close gaps,
reteach standards, and promote learning growth. It is targeted based
on student’s performance data in the courses.

Students will engage in small group instruction, independent
asynchronous practice, and teacher coaching.

Students will also have the opportunity for SEL, college and career, and
other targeted activities.
Students will participate in training on how to sign up for sessions. All
students are expected to participate on Wednesdays
Grading Policy
Assessments 70% (50% formative, 20% summative)
Classwork 15% (Encompasses all graded work products)
Participation 15% (Quantifiable, objective measure of
student engagement, including discussion threads,
polls, surveys, chats in the asynchronous and
synchronous environment)
      Total 100 %
Resources and Supports
Mental Health Services Including:
●   Individual and Group support
●   Mental Health Screening
●   Grief/Bereavement Support Groups
●   Teen Moms/Expectant Moms
●   ESOL Welcome Group
●   Anxiety/Stress Management

Mental Health Team
Mrs. Powell, School Social Worker
202-505-3893 or SSPowell@bcps.k12.md.us
Mrs. Hayes, School Social Worker
443-461-4596 or KMHayes@bcps.k12.md.us
Mrs. Casey, School Psychologist
410-635-1246 or SLCasey@bcps.k12.md.us
Thank You!
Happy New School Year
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