WE'RE BACK! With full day walk, multiday tramp and extended summer trips programmes - Auckland Tramping Club

Page created by Carolyn Allen
WE'RE BACK! With full day walk, multiday tramp and extended summer trips programmes - Auckland Tramping Club
Volume 95, No 6                                                                    July 2020

                     WE’RE BACK!
  With full day walk, multiday tramp and extended
              summer trips programmes

                             And our members have been
                                  out and about …

         Auckland Tramping Club Inc, PO Box 2358, Shortland St, Auckland 1140
           Website: www.aucktramping.org.nz email: secretary@aucktramping.org.nz
WE'RE BACK! With full day walk, multiday tramp and extended summer trips programmes - Auckland Tramping Club
President:                             In this issue
Tony Walton            630 2591
Secretary:                             03 President’s Column
David Holl             027 9483115
secretary@aucktramping.org.nz          04 News and Views
Michael Champion  027 225 4451
                                       10 Your ATC Diary
Trips Co-ordinator:
Andrew Murdoch  021 489 206
                                       11 Day Trips Programme
Sunday Trips:
                                       20 Multiday Trips Programme
Tony Walton            027 478 5223      20 Kaimai Forest – August
tonywalking@gmail.com                     21 Southern Pureoras – September
Weekend Trips:
Andrew Murdoch  021 489 206
                                       22 Extended Summer Trips
                                          22 Christmas Trips
Wednesday Trips:
Linda Webber           817 5111          22 Interim Trips
Transport & Equipment:                    24 Safari
Keith Ayton            630 7010
transport@aucktramping.org.nz          25 Trip Reports
Membership Admin
Liz Ware               524 7409       28 Trip Information
Colin Wright           620 6713
Wanderlust Editor:
Dennis Brown           620 0144
wanderlust@aucktramping.org.nz          The deadline for our next Wanderlust
Website:                                (August 2020) is Friday 17 July.
Tony Walton            630 2591        Please send contributions to
Social Convenor:
Chris Burnett          521 6200        with Wanderlust as the subject.
burnett@eo.net.nz                       The deadlines for contributions each
Huts Co-ordinator:                      month can be viewed on the club
Robin Houston          817 7849
huts@aucktramping.org.nz                website on the Wanderlusts page
Ngaro Te Kotare Hut:
                                        under the News menu.
Robin Houston          0274 310 010
nkhut@aucktramping.org.nz                 The deadlines for
No calls after 9.00pm please
                                          contributions each
                                          month can be viewed at:
Cover photos: What our members have been up to - see page 25.
      Auckland Tramping Club Inc, PO Boxnz 2358,   NewsSt,→Auckland 1140
          Website: www.aucktramping.org.nz email: secretary@aucktramping.org.nz
                                          Wanderlustsis issue
WE'RE BACK! With full day walk, multiday tramp and extended summer trips programmes - Auckland Tramping Club
President’s column
As we ramp up to our regular trips programme again, we
have to expect that attempted Covid-19 incursions into
NZ do get managed safely for us all.
It was great to see a keen crowd at our first post-
lockdown club night in June, with its many accounts and
photos from last summer’s trips – little did we know then!
Through July we have a full day walks programme for
both Wednesdays and Sundays, with a two day Pirongia
and Karioi walk over the weekend of July 25-26 which is
already booked out. Our weekend tramps start with a
northern Kaimai trip in August, followed by Southern
Pureoras in September and the Whanganui Forest over
Labour weekend.
Over August / September, three parties at different times
(party size limited by hut size and tide times) will be walking the Rakiura
(Stewart Island) Southern Circuit.
Our weekend tramps are justifiably popular – both in their own right, but
also as an essential training ground for the longer trips over the summer
months. We now have a busy set of trips available immediately following
Christmas and the Interim trips during February. It is essential that
anyone wanting to go on those trips prepares well by going on our
weekend tramps over the coming months. Do contact the leaders as
quickly as possible to signal your interest, and to discuss what you need
to do to attain the required fitness and understand what gear you need –
and, very importantly, don’t need.
Also underway again soon are our Kaimai work weekends (contact me to
discuss what is involved) and our kokako protection programme. We
were thrilled recently to learn that our baiting area – Tunawaea in the
NW Pureora Forest – now has 80 kokako pairs – a major increase as a
result of hard but enjoyable work by our baiting programme volunteers
over many years (see page 6).
Despite the weather, now is a great time to expand that local park
walking to a bit further field. I have been checking out a few of our lesser
known regional parks – what they lack in terms of bush cover, for now, is
compensated to some degree by great coastal views.

Tony Walton
WE'RE BACK! With full day walk, multiday tramp and extended summer trips programmes - Auckland Tramping Club
News and views

2020 Annual General Meeting
Make sure you come to our AGM on Thursday July 16.
We have a full complement of committee nominations for the coming
year, so nominations have now closed.
After the usual proceedings we will run a short presentation of highlights
found from reading the very early Wanderlust magazines – Volume 1
Number 1 was published in November 1936. So many differences
compared to now, but the same enthusiasm for getting out there and
enjoying day walks, weekend tramps, and great expeditions for longer
periods. All over a summer when the weather really did not cooperate –
but they still kept on tramping!
Location: Remuera Bowling Club, 6 Market Road, Remuera, 7pm.

The Annual Reports Booklet has now been mailed to members who
receive printed mail, and is also on our website on the ATC Documents
page. Some spare printed copies will be available at the AGM.
Before you come to the meeting, please have a read of all the
interesting reports, and the agenda for the meeting. We will be happy
to answer any questions you may have, either via phone / email before
the meeting, or at the meeting itself.

Subscriptions Ballot
Not that surprising, but for all the ballots returned (thanks), no one had
any complaint with keeping our subscriptions for the coming year the
same as the present year!
As a result, Liz Ware has been sending out subscription renewals – please
pay your subscription promptly.
You will know how wonderful the printed Wanderlust looks these days, so
before you renew, have a think about whether you want to revert to full
printed mail – or whether you just want to receive FMC’s superb
quarterly Backcountry magazine that provides so much in-depth
information about FMC’s work for us all.
WE'RE BACK! With full day walk, multiday tramp and extended summer trips programmes - Auckland Tramping Club
Club nights
Summer trip recap
An excellent turnout (despite the wintery weather) enjoyed some great
photos and commentary from the Club’s extended trips last summer – to
Arthurs Pass, Lewis Pass, Banks Peninsular, Nelson Lakes NP. It was very
clear a great time was had on all those trips.
AGM & ATC 1930s retrospective
After the usual AGM proceedings, Tony Walton will give a short
presentation of highlights found from reading our earliest Wanderlusts.
Find out what tramping was like in the 1930s and the unbridled
enthusiasm for getting out in the hills despite what today we’d see as
such huge (impossible?) challenges. Not to be missed!
The amazing journey of the bar-tailed godwit
Widely acclaimed guest speaker Adrian Reigan, an expert on the bar-tail
godwit, will tell the fascinating tale of this little bird’s incredible annual
migration to and from the arctic circle. A real treat!
Venue:     Remuera Bowling Club, 6 Market Rd, Remuera
Parking: Down driveway between 3 and 5A Dromorne Rd
Time:      7.00pm for a 7.30pm start

          New members
          The Club extends a very warm welcome to our new
               James Buckingham            Desiree McNie
               Mike Bickerdike             Claire Bickerdike
               Daniel Bickerdike           Ellen Hawke
               Kayla Kasarherou
          Please make a point of getting to know our new
          members on our trips and encourage them to join in
          our many activities.

WE'RE BACK! With full day walk, multiday tramp and extended summer trips programmes - Auckland Tramping Club
ATC really is ‘Saving the Kōkako’!
Get this: a 285% increase in the kokako population – in just 4 years. Is that
a raging success, or what!
It’s what our dedicated ATC team have achieved from their years of
endeavour in the Pureoras. Hats off, bit ups, sustained applause all round!
Chris Pooley gives some background to the project below.
The kōkako belongs to the endemic New Zealand wattle birds, an ancient
family of birds which includes the North and South Island saddle-back and
the extinct huia.
It is one of New Zealand's more endangered birds that
requires protection from predators to be able to
survive, and a multitude of locations from which to
maintain a diverse gene pool.
One of these locations is the Tunawaea Stream area in
the North West Pureora Forest where the ATC have
conducted bait distribution operations since 2011. As
a result, DOC officially classified the Tunawaea as an
area with a sustainable kōkako population.
We visit the Tunawaea on 6 weekends each year
through the spring months, to ensure that during that
crucial nesting period the rat numbers have been
reduced enough to allow new kōkako chicks to survive
those crucial first few months.
Following a track maintenance and bait packing
weekend in August, during September through
December we ensure that our 685 bait stations are
replenished with bait as needed. In the autumn we
clear out all remaining bait.
Every four years DOC schedules a "bird count" to
review the size of the current population.
At the beginning of the club's involvement in 2004, we
only had 11 pairs and a few singles. At the 2016 bird
count the Tunawaea population was stated at 28
The 2020 bird count returned a sizable increase to 80 pairs across our
500ha area of operations - a credit to all of our Club's hard working
volunteer baiters who walk the network of tracks across the valley
throughout the season.

WE'RE BACK! With full day walk, multiday tramp and extended summer trips programmes - Auckland Tramping Club
After each day out in the forest, the group return to report their
wonderful experiences of hearing and seeing kōkako, and also the variety
of other native birds that benefit from our pest control efforts.

It’s great to be appreciated …

WE'RE BACK! With full day walk, multiday tramp and extended summer trips programmes - Auckland Tramping Club
Delicious DIY Dehy Recipes
Wendy Graham has kindly supplied this month’s recipe.
Serves 4-6
800g Osso Buco (or Beef Shin)
2 Tablespoons butter
1 large onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 sticks celery, finely chopped
2 carrots, finely chopped
2 teaspoons dried oregano
3 Tablespoons tomato paste
2 anchovy fillets, finely chopped
1 cup red wine (or extra beef stock)
2 cups Beef Stock (Campbells - no added salt preferably)
1 Bay leaf
Preheat Oven to 150deg C.
1. Season beef with a little salt & pepper. Heat a dash of oil in a large
     frying pan (or large ovenproof casserole dish, saves on dishes) over a
     very high heat and sear the beef to brown all over. Set the beef aside.
2. Reduce the heat to medium-low, add the butter and another dash of
     oil to the pan and cook the onion, garlic, celery, carrot and oregano
     for about 7-10 minutes until the vegetables are soft. Add the tomato
     paste and the anchovies and cook for another few minutes.
3. Add the wine (or extra stock), turn up the heat and let it bubble for
     30 seconds. Add the stock and the bay leaf. If you pan is ovenproof,
     add the beef and it’s juices back into the pan and cover with the lid,
     or transfer everything to a covered casserole dish.
4. Bake in the oven for 3 hours, stirring a couple
     of times to ensure the beef stays mostly
     covered with liquid.
Remove the meat with tongs, and place on a clean
board. Remove and discard the bones (which
should just fall off) and pull the beef into chunks –
or for dehy purposes pull apart and keep meat
small and evenly sized.
                                                        Yours may (or may not) turn out
                                                                   like this

WE'RE BACK! With full day walk, multiday tramp and extended summer trips programmes - Auckland Tramping Club
The sauce should be reasonably thick, if not you could simmer the sauce
in a saucepan on the stovetop to reduce further (I don’t normally have to
do this).
Add meat back to sauce, season to taste.
Serve with hot pasta (pappardelle or tagliatelle) and sprinkle with
parmesan cheese & chopped parsley.
I usually make this for a family dinner and dehydrate the leftover meat
sauce. It’s better to put the meat sauce in the fridge overnight so it’s
thickened up and is easier to spread out on the dehy trays without spilling
everywhere. You can also dehy any leftover cooked pasta as well on a
separate tray.
Once dehydrated, pop meat sauce & pasta into separate small ziplock
bags. I freeze them until required.

Kiwis hit the Great Walks
DOC has been blown away with early 20/21 Great Walk booking numbers.
Bookings opened between 9 and 11 June, and a week later 75% of spaces
had been taken, with total numbers up 36% on last year.
The Heaphy and Paparoa have seen the biggest increases – of 47% each.
The Milford and Routeburn are undergoing repair works and bookings
won’t open for a few weeks yet.
Now you often hear NZers complaining that most people tramping the
Great Walks are foreigners. Yeah, nah. Last year 69% of bookings were by
Kiwis, this year that’s up to 92%.

Track             June 2018      June 2019      June 2020       Change
Abel Tasman         829            954            1418          + 38%
Kepler              945            1000           1294          + 23%
Paparoa               0            564            1062          + 47%
Heaphy              326            476            954           + 47%
Rakiura             168            385            596           + 35%
Tongariro NC        306            336            373           + 10%
Whanganui            75            137            151            + 9%

WE'RE BACK! With full day walk, multiday tramp and extended summer trips programmes - Auckland Tramping Club
Your ATC diary

July 5               Sunday tramp – Ernies Track
July 8               Wednesday tramp – Onepoto/Takapuna/Northcote
July 10-12           Kaimai Track Maintenance
July 12              Sunday tramp – Seven Volcanoes
July 16              Club night – AGM and ATC 1930s Retrospective
July 19              Sunday tramp – Kawakawa Bay
July 22              Wednesday tramp – Onehunga - Mt Roskill loop
July 25-26           2 day event – Mt Pirongia and Mt Karioi
July 31 - August 2   Kokako weekend

August 2             Sunday tramp – Mangatawhiri to Whangamarino
August 7-9           Multiday tramp – Kaimai Forest
August 12            Wednesday tramp – Titirangi Ramble
August 12-21         Multiday tramp – Rakiura Southern Circuit 1
August 15            Saturday tramp – Atiu Creek
August 20            Club night – Journey of the bar-tailed godwit
August 23            Sunday tramp – Waiotahi/Karaka tracks
August 25 - Sept 3   Multiday tramp – Rakiura Southern Circuit 2
August 28-30         Kaimai Track Maintenance
August 30            Sunday tramp – Ti Point to Goat Island

September 4-6        Kokako weekend
September 6          Sunday tramp – Wires Track
September 11-13      Multiday tramp – Southern Pureoras
September 13         Sunday tramp – North & South Piha
September 17         Club night – TBA
September 18-20      Kaimai Track Maintenance
September 20         Sunday tramp – Pukekohe Five Summits
September 27         Sunday tramp – Waiorongomai History Explorer

Day trips programme                                         To join a
                                                             standard day
Sunday 5 July – Ernies Track,                                trip
                                                             Just meet at the
Clockwise                                                    departure point - you
Medium Walk along Waterline Road to lower end of             don’t need to book.
Ernies Track. There is a bit of new boardwalk on this    BUT, if this is your first
lower part as you sidle the top end of the reservoir.    trip with the Club, please
Then cross the stream, followed by a good climb to       phone the leader
point 497 with some great views over the Hunuas          beforehand for advice.
and beyond. Continue past the end of the Upper           Pay in cash on the day.
Mangatawhiri Track, then drop down to Piggots Hut.
There are two options from here – a longer option on the Rata Ridge
Track follows above Quartz Stream followed by another good climb to
point 455, then drops to Lilburne Road and from there back to the
carpark. The shorter option goes straight down Lilburne Road from
Piggots Hut. A nice mix of open tracks and bush.
Around 5-6 hours.
Leader:        Tony Walton  630 2591, 027 478 5223
Transport: Club bus
Driver:        Suresh Nanu
Destination: End of Moumoukai Rd, Hunua
Departure: 8.00 am Club garage, 31 Sandringham Rd, Kingsland
               8:15 am Marewa Rd, Greenlane, behind Countdown
Cost:          $10 members, $15 non-members. Pay in cash on the day.

Wednesday 8 July 2020 – North Shore:
From the Domain we walk around Tuff Crater, through AUT campus,
walkway to Takapuna for lunch, return via Lake Pupuke reserve area,
Smiths Bush and back to cars.
A great walk to start off with after Lockdown. About 3.5 hours.
Leader:       Linda Webber  817 5111 Mob: 021 440711
Transport: Private
Meet:         10.00 am Onepoto Domain Northcote (car park near
              Community Hall and toilets)

Sunday 12 July – Seven Volcanoes of the Auckland
Medium Walking as many green spaces as possible, we will visit Mt
Albert, Mt Roskill, Big King, One Tree Hill, Mt St John, Mt Hobson finishing
at Mt Eden.
Enjoy seven different panoramic views of Auckland. Time approx. 7 hours.
Leader:       Christine Major  021 109 5750
Transport: Private cars or public transport. Currently the Outer Link is
              a good option for returning from the end to the start point,
              but see below.
Meet:         9.10 am Goodwins Property Management, cnr Mt Albert &
              New North Rds, Mt Albert
 NOTE: Watch for future updates re local transport.
 The Mt Eden train station will be closed by this date.

Sunday 19 July – Kawakawa Bay
Medium with some rock scrambling
Starting from the village, we walk along the coast to the end of the road
at Tuturau Bay. Then over the cliff to Tawhitokino Beach.
Continue along the coast over some tricky rock scrambling (gloves useful)
past Orere Stream to Tapapakanga Regional Park. After Orere Stream
please take care – slippery underfoot in places.
There is then the option to tramp round the park, have a swim or relax on
the beach. Remember to bring your swimming togs if you wish to swim.
Leader:        Bill Mancer  027 230 4850
Transport: Club Bus
Driver:        Chris Burnett
Destination: Kawakawa Bay
Departure: 8.30 am Club Garage, 31 Sandringham Rd, Kingsland
               8.45 am Marewa Rd, Greenlane (behind Countdown)
Low Tide:      11.55 am – this is a low tide dependent route
Cost:          $10 members, $15 non-members. Pay in cash on the day.

Wednesday 22 July 2020 – Onehunga/Royal
Oak/Three Kings/Mt Roskill
We will do a loop starting and finishing at Taumanu Reserve in Onehunga.
This includes exploring a number of parks and green areas along the way
and a cycleway near the end. About 4.5 hours.
Leader:        Linda Webber  817 5111 Mob: 021 440711
Transport: Private
Meet:          10.00 am Taumanu Reserve carpark (by toilets) Orpheus
               Drive Onehunga

Saturday/Sunday 25/26 July – Mt Pirongia and Mt
Karioi (Two Day)
This is a two day event with camping or accommodation overnight at
Raglan Holiday Park.
This trip is now fully booked – but we’ll start a waiting list. Contact Tony
for enquiries:  027 478 5223 / 09 630 2591.
Full details of the trip are published on the ATC website – access this from
Day Walks → Two Day Walk Calendar.
Long and Medium options.
 Either sleeping in the bus, camping at Raglan Holiday Park or
 book cabin accommodation for yourself phone 07 825 8283 or

And Bridal Veil Falls if time permits.
Long and Medium options.
Departure: 8:00 am Club garage, 31 Sandringham Rd, Kingsland
Transport: Club bus
Driver:       Simon Rainger
Return:       If all goes well by 7.30pm on Sunday. We will stop for a half
              hour meal break on the way home.
Cost:         For bus: $45 members, $60 non-members.
Booking:      Online booking and deposit pre-payment to the ATC bank
              account required. Balance in cash on Saturday morning.

Sunday 2 August – Te Araroa: Mangatawhiri River to
Whangamarino Redoubt
Medium We start from the roadside on SH2 at the Mangatawhiri River
bridge. A path under the bridge takes us onto a stopbank that follows the
lower Mangatawhiri River across the low lying, swampy farmland that
utilises Dutch Polder-style agriculture.
After a few kms the track turns and follows along the edge of a true
Waikato swamp managed by Fish and Game, and reaching an impressive
Archimedes Screw used for draining the farmland.
From there a short road walk takes us to a further section of the trail
alongside the Waikato River that ends at the Mercer service centre. After
any local refreshments we continue across the motorway and onto the
next TA section that goes up and down a few gullies with views of the
Waikato River at regular intervals - all the way through to the
Whangamarino Redoubt. This is
an historic site from the time of
the Maori Wars.
Time to explore the site there
and join the waiting bus for our
return back to Auckland.
A total of 18.5 kms of the Te
Araroa Trail as it transitions
from the Auckland to the
Waikato section.
Leader:         Martin Woodhead  021 397 734
Transport: Club Bus
Driver:         Marilyn Best
Destination: SH2 immediately past the Mangatawhiri River bridge
Departure: 8.30am Club garage, 31 Sandringham Rd, Kingsland
                8.45am Marewa Rd, Greenlane, behind Countdown
Cost:           $10 members, $15 non-members. Pay in cash on the day.

Sunday 9 August – No day walk today
We have our first weekend trip post-lockdown this weekend – see the
Kaimai Forest trip, page 20.

Wednesday 12 August 2020 – Titirangi Ramble
I devised this during lockdown after finding a few new paths and
walkways. Lunch at Titirangi Beach.
It’s mostly street walking in lots of lovely bush areas. We will make use of
the Zig Zag track upgraded last year. About 4 hours.
Leader:         Linda Webber  817 5111 Mob: 021 440711
Transport: Private
Meet:           10.00am Ceramco Park, 122 Glendale Rd Glen Eden – Sign
                clearly visible at road entrance and follow driveway up to
                car parking area.

  Saturday         15 August – Atiu Creek
                   This is the third largest regional park on the shores of
the Kaipara Harbour, opened in 2008, and offers great views of
Oruawharo river inlet together with some reasonable walks through
farmland and the occasional bit of bush.
Medium Follow red trail clockwise with extensions to Ti Tree Point and
Kauri Point. Time approx. 4.5 hours
Leader:        Martin Woodhead  021 397 734
Transport: Club bus
Driver:        TBA
Destination: Atiu Creek car park, off Run Rd, Wharehine
Departure: 8.00am Club garage, 31 Sandringham Rd, Kingsland
               8.15am Des Swann Drive
Cost:          $20 members; non-members $25. Pay in cash on the day.

Sunday 23 August – Waiotahi/Karaka tracks,
Thames, Coromandel
Medium Waiotahi Track climbing up to just under 600m, returning by
Karaka track. Good views.
The Karaka Track in particular is full of variety with some open sections
giving splendid views over the Coromandel mountains.
Total climb 678m, distance 12.8km, approx. time 6 hrs.
Leader:       Tony Walton  630 2591, 027 478 5223

Short Stay with the driver and walk in some of the way from both ends.
Transport: Club bus
Driver:       Marilyn Best
Destination: Waiotahi Rd
Departure: 8.00 am Club garage, 31 Sandringham Rd, Kingsland
              8:15 am Marewa Rd, Greenlane, behind Countdown
Walk start: At track start on Waiotahi Rd approx. 10.15am
Cost:         $20 members, $25 non-members. Pay in cash on the day.

Sunday 30 August – Ti Point to Goat Island
Follow beaches and a variety of coastal tracks with great views of the
Hauraki Gulf, including to Omaha, Te Hauturu / Little Barrier Island, Leigh
Harbour, and the Hen and Chicken Islands.
Medium From Ti Point Road, along track and beach to Mathesons Bay,
along beach to Leigh, Mt Pleasant Dr to Clifftop track, to Goat Island and
bus, 17 kms, but little climbing. Time 4 - 5 hrs.
Leader:        Simon Rainger  021 683 000
Transport: Club bus
Driver:        Marilyn Best
Destination: South end Ti Point Rd, off Leigh Rd past Matakana
Departure: 8.00 am Club garage, 31 Sandringham Rd, Kingsland
               8:15 am Des Swann Drive, Takapuna
Cost:          $15 members, $20 non-members. Pay in cash on the day.
Low tide:      10.40 am

Sunday 6 September – Wires Track, Coromandel
One of the best known parts of the Maratoto is the ‘Wires’ track so
named after the telegraph line diverted through it during the Waikato
Land Wars. The first Government line was erected there in 1872 and
there are still some small remnants of the telegraph poles. Starting at the
end of Wires Road we walk up the Whangamata Off Road Vehicle track to
the junction with Wires Track and on for a stop at the Tairua River.

Fit We continue on via the top section of the Whangamata Track to
Wentworth Falls – a picturesque 50m height in two steps. The trip then
returns back to the Tairua River, then down the Wires Track, with a

second waterfall diversion if time permits, to return to the bus. Good
pace, 6 hours.
Leader:        David Holl  027 948 3115
Medium After the Tairua stop, this party will return to the Wires track
junction, then follow the Wires track, including taking in a 30 minute
diversion down and back up a very steep track of sorts to view a very
pretty waterfall. At the western end of Wires we exit across farmland and
do a short walk back up the road to the club bus. More relaxed pace, 5-6
Leader:        Russell Allen  021 0480 380
Transport: Club Bus
Driver:        Suresh Nanu
Destination: End of Wires Road, off Maratoto Road, off Thames/Paeroa
Departure: 8.00 am Club garage, 31 Sandringham Rd, Kingsland,
               8.15 am Marewa Rd, Greenlane, behind Countdown
Cost:          $20 members $25 non-members. Pay in cash on the day.
Note:          Late finish today

Sunday 13 September – North Piha and South Piha
Medium Starting from the most southern end of Marine Parade South car
park (off Beach Valley Rd), take land route into Garden Rd, through track
to Marine Parade North.
Then a short road bash to Marawhara and White’s tracks to Anawhata Rd,
down Rose track and onto White’s Beach and up to Fishermans Rock for
Return to White’s Beach, then up the cliff face and out to Te Waha Point
and return down Laird Thompson track to North Piha beach. Continue
down the beach to the southern end and around onto the beach opposite
Taitomo Island. Then back over the track to Tasman Lookout and return
to the car park. Time 5 hours. Low Tide: Midday
Leader:        Linda Webber  021 440 711
Transport: Car Pooling
Destination: South end of carpark on Marine Parade South, Piha
Departure: 8.30am Club garage, 31 Sandringham Rd, Kingsland
               No second pickup.
               Approx. start time of walk 9.15am
Cost:          $10 to driver

Sunday 20 September – Pukekohe Five Summits
Easy In 2019 the Pukekohe Tramping Club led the establishment of the
Five Summits Trail to celebrate their 50th Anniversary. It provides a 21km
loop around Pukekohe that connects many parks and reserves and visits
five volcanic hill tops with some great views of the Pukekohe area and
interesting volcanic features.
Approx 4-5 hours, with time for a café stop before returning home.
There are options to make a shorter loop.
Leader:        Hazel Walton  630 2591 / 027 4119 444
Transport: Club bus
Driver:        TBA
Destination: Station Rd, Pukekohe opposite the train station entrance
Departure: 8.00 am Club garage, 31 Sandringham Rd, Kingsland
               8.15 Marewa Rd, Greenlane behind Countdown
               Walk starts approx. 9.30 am
Cost:          $10 members, non-members $15. Pay in cash on the day.

Sunday 27 September – Waiorongomai History
The Waiorongomai Valley is a maze of old mining history and relics, with
the bush having now reclaimed most of the absolute devastation of the
mining area. It was once an area of great endeavour and major
investment, but the mining results were limited, leading to many failures.
Today’s trip is an opportunity to explore some of the lesser used tracks,
find some new mines and relics, rather than our regular trips that involve
the close-by Mt Te Aroha or Pylon Peak.
Medium From the carpark follow the signs to reach the Cadman (Buck
Rock) Track that turns off the High Level Pack Track. After a while we
reach the side track / scramble, as it ascends 150m to the top of Buck
Rock, for great views out over the Waikato farmland and south down the
western edge of the Kaimai range.
Returning to the main track we continue on past the head of the Butler
incline, with its replica incline winch at the top of the impressive Butlers

We then turn off up the High Level Pack Track, passing the sites of the
Quartzville miners’ camp and the remains of Hardys Hut before reaching
the Piako County Tramway.
We continue to the end of the
tramway through a tunnel and to an
impressive bridge across Premier
On our return we take a different
route – down the New Era Branch, at
times steeply, to the Waiorongomai
Stream to pick up the Low Level Pack
Track, past the site of the old Bendigo
battery towards the carpark.
Just before we finish, we cross the stream on the Pylon Peak track to
inspect the tunnel built as part of the water race network to supply water
to the battery site that used to be near the carpark.
Bring a torch for checking out the mine entrances and tunnels. Duration
5-6 hrs, but you can take a shorter route back to the carpark to wait for
the main group’s return.
Leader:        Tony Walton  630 2591 / 027 478 5223
Transport: Club bus
Driver:        Chris Burnett
Destination: Waiorongomai road end
Departure: 8.00 am Club garage, 31 Sandringham Rd, Kingsland
               8.15 am Marewa Rd, Greenlane, behind Countdown
Cost:          $25 members, $30 non-members. Pay in cash on the day.
Note:          Late finish today

Multiday trips programme

Kaimai Forest – August 7-9                       To join a multiday trip
Saturday night accommodation for all        1. Discuss trip with leader - numbers are
parties is Waitawheta Hut – we have             limited.
booked out the hut.                         2. Register online via the trip description
                                                page. Any problems, contact the
Easy Saturday from Franklin Road end
                                                Bookings Officer: Dennis Brown 
take Dean Track, Mangakino Pack Track,          6200144, 021 1955590
Daly’s Clearing Track past Daly’s Clearing      bookings@aucktramping.org.nz
Hut to the Waitawheta River, then the
                                            3. Pay trip fee into Club account:
Tramway through the spectacular
                                                02-0100-0024675-00. Quote your
Waitawheta Gorge to Waitawheta Hut.             name, trip number and “weekend”.
6-7 hours.                                  You’re only confirmed on the trip when
Sunday return to Franklin Road via          you’re completed all 3 steps!
Waitawheta Tramway. 3-4 hours.
Leader:        Ian Roberts  021 02675675
Medium Saturday from Waiorongomai Road end take High Level, Te
Aroha Link and Waipapa Tracks to Waitawheta Hut. 6 hours.
Sunday Waitawheta Tramway, Daly’s Clearing Track, Mangakino Pack
Track and Dean Track to Franklin Road. 5 hours.
Leader:        Martin Woodhead  021 397 734
Fit Saturday from Waiorongomai Road end take the Low Level Drive
Track then a wandering route taking in a hunters track, parts of the Old
North-South Track and the Waipapa Track to Waitawheta Hut. 8-9 hours.
Sunday Waipapa Track, North-South Track and Pylon Peak Track to
Waiorongomai Road. 6 hours.
Leader:        Dennis Brown  021 1955590
Transport: Club Bus
Drivers:       TBA
Cost:          $51 members, $60 non-members (includes hut fee)
Destination: Waiorongomai Road end
Departure: Friday 7.00pm, Club Garage, 31 Sandringham Road

Southern Pureoras – September 11-13
The Southern Pureora forest is an excellent example of tall broadleaf
podocarp forest with abundant undergrowth and pretty streams. The
Hauhungaroa Track used to be on the Te Araroa Trail until that section
was regrettably supplanted by the Pureora Timber Trail.
Easy Saturday After the departure of the Fit party, the bus drives to the
Waihaha carpark near Lake Taupo. Tramp from there along the Great
Lake Trail down towards the lake, high above the Waihaha Canyon, with
views to the 37m Tieke Falls along the way. The trail continues around the
top of cliffs above the lake with extensive views. Return the same way. 4-
6 hours to suit. Stay in the bus.
Sunday Walk in to Waihaha Hut and return to the bus. Drive to the
Waihora Lagoon carpark from where there is a short walk to the lagoon -
a special place where the (sometimes) lagoon is surrounded by tall rimu
and kahikatea trees. 6 hours return.
Leader:         TBA. Contact Tony Walton tonywalking@gmail.com
Medium Saturday After the departure of the Fit party, the bus drives to
the Waihaha carpark near Lake Taupo. Check out the view to the Tieke
Falls, and then walk into Waihaha Hut for the night. There will be time to
explore upstream alongside the picturesque Waihaha River. Stay at the
Waihaha Hut, but carry a tent too. 6-7 hours.
Sunday Tramp north on the Hauhungaroa Track, turning off on the
Waihora Track. Visit the Waihora Lagoon. If the bus is not at the Lagoon
carpark, continue along Waihora Road until meeting the bus. 6-7 hours.
Leader:         Martin Woodhead  021 397 734
Fit Saturday from the end of Mangakahu Road, take the Hauhungaroa
Track up past the hut of that name through towards Waihaha Hut or
camp beside the Waihaha River before the hut is reached, 10 hours. Tents
to be carried.
Sunday Continue north from Waihaha Hut, then as per the Medium party,
6-7 hours.
Leader:         Dennis Brown 021 1955590 dennis.brown@xtra.co.nz
Transport: Club Bus
Drivers:        Chris Burnett, Keith Ayton
Cost:           $64 members, $79 non-members
Accom:          Waihaha Hut – blue $5 hut ticket or annual hut pass
Destination: Mangakahu Road end
Departure: Friday 7.00pm, Club Garage, 31 Sandringham Road

Extended summer trips

Christmas Trips
27 DECEMBER 2020 – 10 JANUARY 2021
Off to a great start with a 5 day trip into the Hodder Huts and a climb to
the top of Tapuae-O-Uenuku, the highest South Island peak outside of the
Southern Alps.
Then two options to get to know the Richmond Range – either the TA
route North to South from the Pelorus Valley through to St Arnaud, or an
east-west route following ridge lines, tracked and untracked, also ending
at St Arnaud.
These trips are graded Fit and Medium Fit.

27 DECEMBER 2020 – 7 JANUARY 2021
From the head of Lake Rotoroa the party will travel up the Sabine Valley
to Blue Lake and Lake Constance. Options from there to go over Waiau
Pass to Lake Thompson and from there down into the d’Urville, or to
short cut that by going over Moss Pass.
Then back down the d’Urville Valley to Lake Rotoroa for a resupply, then
taking in Mt Misery and Angelus / Robert Ridge through to St Arnaud.
The route as described is graded a Medium trip, alpine conditions
dependent, but there will also be options for some groups to bypass the
more significant sections and have Medium Easy options.

Interim Trips
This trip aims to not only hit some of the best parts of the Richmond
Ranges Alpine Route (used by Te Araroa), but also get to some of the
other interesting parts of the Richmond Ranges that are less frequently
visited. Expect great views from a number of open high points, as well as
enjoyable forest and streamside tramping.
The main tramping days aim to be no more than 5-6 hours, including a
number of side trips (optional). While the target on most days is to be at a
hut, they are not large huts, so tents will need to be taken.

Part 1:      Lake Chalice, Mid Goulter, Mt Patriarch (optional), Old
             Man, Little and Big Rintoul (optional), Lake Chalice. 6
             nights, then re-provision.
Part 2:      Richmond Saddle, Mt Richmond, Fell Hut, Mt Fell
             (optional). 3 nights, then re-provision.
Part 3:      Kaikoura – Mt Fyffe Hut, Mt Fyffe, Kowhai Hut, 2 nights.
Grade:       Mostly Medium. Some optional bits are Medium Fit.
Transport:   If we have drivers, Big Blue would leave Auckland on Sat
             Feb 6. Otherwise, we will hire a van from Christchurch on
             that date. If using Big Blue, people could fly to Blenheim,
             possibly requiring a night there depending on flight times.
             Fly home from Christchurch on Saturday Feb 20th.
Enquiries:   Tony Walton tonywalking@gmail.com

This Medium Fit trip will cover some marvellously scenic, sometimes
challenging country over the course of an extended week. Mostly
camping and probably the odd longish day or two ...
At this stage something along the lines of:
Sat 20/2 fly to Nelson, shuttle to Wangapeka River Road, up Chummies
Track to John Reid Hut
Sun 21/2 head north over Mt Gomorrah, sidle Mt Sodom, camp Hough
Mon 22/2 to camp below .1497 at top of Cowin Spur
Tues 23/3 past Baton Saddle to camp on western flank of .1541
Wed 24/3 sidle east of The Twins (option to climb Sth Twin en route if
conditions allow) and drop down to Ellis Basin
Thurs 25/3 up out of Ellis Basin, climb Mt Arthur, on to Flora Hut
Fri 26/3 carry on north over Lodestone & Mts McMahon & Crusader,
camp south of Hoary Head
Sat 27/3 contingency day
Sun 28/3 out to Rocky River Road, fly to Auckland
Party size limited to around 6, storm-worthy tents to be carried.
Maps: NZTopo50 BQ23 Wangapeka Saddle, BQ24 Tapawera, BP24 Takaka
Enquiries: Andrew Murdoch 021 489206, livingscapes@hotmail.com

The 2021 Safari takes in the country of the central South Island visiting
two national parks and two forest parks. Tramps include day and
overnight trips visiting the open tops, beech forests, old gold mining
areas, the wild west coast.
Safari begins in Christchurch midday on February 20th and ends at
Christchurch midday on March 7th. Transport to/from Christchurch to be
decided but use of the club bus is likely to be an option.
We will use four different ‘base camps’ where a variety of day tramps as
well as overnight tramps will be offered; final decisions on tramps will be
dependent on weather and party preferences/abilities.
• Arthurs Pass National Park based at Arthurs Pass Alpine Motel (4
• Paparoa National Park based at Punakaiki Beach Camp (4 nights)
• Victoria Forest Park and Lewis Pass based at the Old Nurses Home
   Guesthouse, Reefton (4 nights)
• Hanmer Springs based at the Hanmer Springs Top 10 Campground (3
Places on the Safari will be limited to 20. While we hope that members of
our affiliated club HTMC (Hawaiian Trail and Mountain Club) will be able
to join us again, realistically the impact of COVID 19 on international
travel for the foreseeable future makes this unlikely for the 2021 Safari.
Participants must be members of ATC (or HTMC) and experienced day
Accommodation will mainly involve shared rooms in lodges, cabins,
motel units, houses. These may be self-contained or have access to
shared facilities. Participants will need to be flexible. More information
can be found at the respective accommodation websites.
Register interest with the leaders Ian and Anna Roberts at
roberts.anna.ian@actrix.co.nz or phone Ian 021 026 75675 or Anna 021
134 7408.
See the Club website page for more information on costs and
likely/possible tramps.

Trip reports
Club members obviously did it hard during the Covid lockdown.
How do we know? Because as soon as the restrictions eased we got out
and did a whole bunch of private tramps while there were no Club trips
Here are some photos from a few of the overnight and longer trips we got
to hear about.
THE KAIMAIS – at least 3 different parties headed
into our new backyard, in addition to a similar
number of dedicated track maintenance trips.

There was a trip camping on MT PIRONGIA.

THE FAR NORTH – several members formed a party to complete the Club
trip planned for Queens Birthday weekend.

TO THE SNOW – there was a Northern Circuit in Tongariro NP, and an
assault on Rabbiters Peak from the North Temple.

It was an excellent time to do the

And a group headed in to RANGITOTO STATION.

Trip Information

This is a guide only. Weather and track         WHAT TO BRING ON A TRIP
conditions can make the trip harder.            Day Trips
Sunday trips                                     Day-pack with plastic liner
Easy: 4-5 hours tramping, suitable for           Fleece or wool jumper
beginners.                                       Parka, gloves           Torch
Medium: 4-6 hours tramping, good fitness.        Spare batteries         Lunch, snacks
Long/Fit: 6-7 hours, fast pace, high level of    Water, 1 litre min.  First-aid kit
fitness.                                         Sunscreen               Sunhat, warm hat
                                                 Toilet paper            Hand sanitizer
Weekend trips
                                                 Change of clothing and shoes, and
Easy: 4-6 hours - usually on tracks, easy
                                                plastic bag for dirty boots (can be left in the
pace.                                           bus or car).
Medium: 6-8 hours - sometimes off track,        Wear boots or stout shoes, shorts (not
experience needed.                              jeans), shirt, polyprop or wool layers
Fit: 7+ hours - experienced trampers only.      (according to weather).
                                                A waterproof parka with a hood is
                                                essential for all trips.
If you are unable to go on a trip you have
                                                Weekend trips
booked for, please notify the Booking
                                                Your own food, sleeping and cooking gear,
Officer and leader as early as possible.
                                                tent, topo map, compass and storm gear
For refund rules and application process,       (parka, over trousers, long johns, warm hat
see this page on our website.                   and gloves).
                                                Clothing, etc, should be adequate for the
                                                likely conditions.
                                                For full details see ‘Weekend Trip
Tell family or friends to ring the Search &     Information’ on our website here.
Rescue Officers for information:                Contact the leader with any concerns or
Ross Thompson                                   gear shortfalls (you may be able to share).
 636 4224 or 0274 720 463
Stephen Fowler
 534 8697 or 0274 338 912                      HUT BOOKINGS
Weekend trips or Committee Members –            Waitakere hut (Ngaro-te-Kotare)
refer inside front cover.                       Private and group bookings, contact:
                                                Robin Houston
                                                Email: ntkhut@aucktramping.org.nz
                                                 0274 310 010 (7.00pm - 9.00pm)
Weekend trips: required by 7.00pm the
Wednesday before departure.
Longer trips: a week before departure, or
as specified.
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