Using a breathing simulator to improve simulation-based education for noninvasive ventilation - Breathe-ERS

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Using a breathing simulator to improve simulation-based education for noninvasive ventilation - Breathe-ERS
Daniel Turner, Graham Picton, Elizabeth Harrod, Michele Bossy

Using a breathing simulator
to improve simulation-based
education for noninvasive
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is a well-recognised     Educational aims                                        Cite as: Turner D, Picton G,
                                                                                                               Harrod E, et al. Using a
management strategy for acute hypercapnic
respiratory failure. Lack of appropriate training                                                              breathing simulator to improve
                                                       ●●   To discuss how the use of a breathing simulator    simulation-based education
can reduce the efficacy of this therapy, which may          can enhance training in NIV.                       for noninvasive ventilation.
impact on patient safety. Simulation is already used        To provide practical considerations for setting
                                                       ●●                                                      Breathe 2021; 17: 200285.
as a training tool in the management of patients            up and delivering an optimal NIV simulation
requiring NIV. Novel technologies such as breathing         scenario using this novel technology.
simulators have the potential to revolutionise
how we train healthcare professionals to manage
patients who require treatment with ventilatory
support.                                               Background
   Over the past year, the Medisim team at the Royal
Surrey Hospital Simulation Centre has explored         Acute hypercapnic respiratory failure frequently
using the Active Servo Lung (ASL) 5000 breathing       necessitates the application and use of NIV. NIV
simulator (IngMar Medical, Pittsburgh, PA, USA).       is a potentially life-saving therapy, which refers to
This breathing simulator allows the manikin to         the provision of respiratory support to the patient’s
generate airflow through the upper airways. A          upper airways using a well-fitting mask and a
range of respiratory conditions can be realistically   specialist ventilator. Lack of appropriate training
simulated by minutely adjusting the breathing          has been shown to reduce the efficacy of NIV in
simulator’s resistance, compliance and effort          the management of acute respiratory failure [1].
settings. Furthermore, the breathing simulator’s           There is now good quality research evidence
generated airflow accurately interacts with an         demonstrating that simulation-based education is
attached ventilator. This innovation has enabled       highly effective and may result in improved patient
us to develop high fidelity NIV-based scenarios,       care and clinical outcomes [2]. Simulation-based
massively enhancing the training delivered. We         medical education is already used as a training
discuss some of the simulation scenarios we have       tool in the management of patients requiring
developed and provide a supplementary video            NIV [3]. However, the technical capabilities of any
demonstrating how we have made use of this novel       simulation manikin used may limit the efficacy of
technology.                                            training and hinder learning opportunities.

   Simulation-based medical education is recognised as a highly effective training tool. Novel
   technologies such as breathing simulators have the potential to revolutionise how we train
   healthcare professionals to manage patients requiring NIV. | 2021 | Volume 17 | No 2                                                                    1
Using a breathing simulator to improve simulation-based education for noninvasive ventilation - Breathe-ERS
Using a breathing simulator in simulation-based education for NIV

                                       Novel technologies such as breathing simulators        of the simulated lung increases the resistance to a
                                   have the potential to revolutionise how we train           high value, set pressure support on the ventilator
                                   healthcare professionals to manage patients                may become inadequate and tidal volumes will
                                   requiring NIV. Breathing simulators can realistically      subsequently reduce. The ventilator will detect and
                                   replicate a vast number of disease states, which           display reduced tidal volumes, respiratory support
                                   can be used for educational purposes as well as            may be insufficient and emergency alarms will be
                                   the testing of ventilators and other respiratory           triggered, appropriately alerting the candidates as
                                   equipment. Realism, or how close the simulation is         it would in reality. The operation of the ASL 5000
                                   to reality, is a highly important concept in simulation-   breathing simulator using the LLEAP platform and
                                   based medical education. A true perception of              the impact of changing lung resistance, effort and
                                   realism by the learner maximises interaction,              compliance is demonstrated in the supplementary
                                   engagement, motivation and learning [4]. Hyper-            video.
                                   realistic, immersive simulation may increase                   We have developed a number of simulated
                                   candidate stress levels, but effective pre-briefing        scenarios across our medicine and intensive
                                   can mitigate this.                                         care simulation programmes using this novel
                                                                                              technology. These focus on the initiation,
                                                                                              optimisation and escalation of patients who require
                                   Discussion                                                 NIV. These scenarios use a combination of the
                                                                                              breathing simulator connected to SimMan 3G and
                                   The ASL breathing simulator allows SimMan 3G               a noninvasive ventilator in current clinical use in our
                                   (Laerdal, Orpington, UK) to “breathe”, i.e. generate a     Trust (Phillips V60; Philips Respironics, Eindhoven,
                                   flow of air through the upper airways of the manikin       the Netherlands).
                                   (figure 1). If you feel closely over SimMan’s mouth,           One such scenario focuses on the initiation of
                                   one can physically detect air movement, and this           NIV support to a patient. The patient is initially
                                   feature can be used to add realism to any simulation       short of breath with a high respiratory rate and
                                   scenario.                                                  an oxygen requirement. This clinical scenario was
                                       In contrast to the use of SimMan without the           simulated by setting the breathing simulator to
                                   breathing simulator, this technology allows the            achieve an effort sufficient to trigger ventilator
                                   operator to generate enough airflow to trigger             delivered support breaths with resistance set
                                   an external ventilator to deliver a support breath         relatively low. Arterial blood gas analysis shows
                                   to a manikin. It also facilitates the control of the       a respiratory acidosis indicative of hypercapnic
                                   resistance and compliance of the simulated                 respiratory failure. The patient continues to
                                   lung in order to control the amount of pressure            deteriorate and become more clinically unwell
                                   support required to achieve a set tidal volume.            until the candidate initiates NIV. The candidate
                                   Control of resistance and compliance of the                will need to consider appropriate mask sizing and
                                   simulated lung is minutely adjustable “on the              fitting, initial ventilator settings, mask adjustment
                                   fly” by the individual remotely operating the ASL          to avoid excessive leak, etc.
                                   5000 breathing simulator via the Laerdal Learning              Once the patient is successfully established
                                   Application (LLEAP) computer platform. This allows         on NIV the scenario progresses and the patient
                                   the instructor to guide the simulation scenario            develops a tension pneumothorax on one side.
                                   in various desired pathways dependent on the               To simulate this complication, the breathing
                                   candidate’s learning requirements. If the operator         simulator operator rapidly increases the lung

                                      a)                                                                  b)

                                   Figure 1 a) SimMan 3G receiving NIV. b) The ASL 5000 breathing simulator.

2   Breathe | 2021 | Volume 17 | No 2
Using a breathing simulator in simulation-based education for NIV

resistance, in order to drop the tidal volumes
achieved. There will be reduced expansion and               Self-assessment questions
decreased breath sounds on auscultation of the
affected lung. In addition to this, the patient
                                                            1. The ASL 5000 breathing simulator can be used to realistically simulate:
decompensates from a cardiovascular perspective,
                                                               a) Increased lung resistance seen in severe asthma/COPD
becoming hypotensive and tachycardic. The
scenario ends when the candidate decompresses                  b) A tension pneumothorax
the pneumothorax.                                              c) Ventilator dyssynchrony
    Our second scenario, developed for use in                  d) Air trapping
our intensive care in situ simulation programme,               e) All of the above
focuses on NIV optimisation for a patient with an           2. Simulation-based learning in NIV has not been demonstrated to:
exacerbation of COPD. This scenario begins with the            a) Improve knowledge
NIV already in place, and the effort of the breathing          b) Improve confidence
simulator set to ensure adequate triggering of the             c) Improve skills acquisition
ventilator. The ventilator is set to deliver bilevel           d) Improve patient outcomes
positive airway pressure with relatively low support
                                                               e) Improve understanding
(inspiratory positive airway pressure 10 cmH2O,
                                                            3. Which of the following is true with regards simulation-based
expiratory positive airway pressure 4 cmH2O).
The resistance is set to achieve the desired tidal             education in NIV:
volume of ventilation (e.g. 350 mL–1). As the                  a) Lack of appropriate training reduces the efficacy of NIV in the
scenario progresses, increasing the resistance                    treatment of hypercapnic respiratory failure
settings on the breathing simulator will result in a           b) All medical and nursing staff feel confident to deliver NIV according
fall in the tidal volume on the ventilator. Inadequate            to guidelines
ventilation can be reinforced by provision of an               c) Conferences and lectures are as effective in terms of changing
arterial blood gas result, which shows a rising                   clinical practice
partial pressure of carbon dioxide unless the                  d) Debriefing is of little importance
candidate has appropriately increased the level of             e) Computer-based simulation is as effective as face-to-face manikin-
support delivered by the ventilator. The candidate
                                                                  based simulation
must increase the inspiratory positive airway
                                                            4. Which of the following are not cited as challenges in the
pressure applied by the ventilator and consider
intubating the patient to allow invasive ventilation.          administration of simulation-based education:
Alternatively, the patient may begin to tire, which            a) Social distancing requirements
can be simulated by decreasing the effort setting on           b) Cost
the breathing simulator, resulting in the failure to           c) Weak evidence base
trigger support breaths and forcing the machine to             d) Large number of candidates
deliver “back up” breaths. The scenario ends when              e) Adequately trained faculty
the candidate has successfully managed to intubate          5. Breathing simulators can be used to:
the patient.                                                   a) Improve realism in simulation-based education
    The final scenario we describe here explores the           b) Replicate a vast number of disease states
consideration of palliation of a patient receiving
                                                               c) Teach both noninvasive and mechanical ventilation to
NIV. This scenario was aimed for medical doctors
                                                                  multidisciplinary staff
about to step up to the registrar tier. The scenario
involves a frail patient with a history of frequent            d) Test ventilators, drug delivery and other respiratory equipment
admissions for exacerbations of COPD, who is                   e) All of the above
deteriorating despite increasing NIV requirements           6. Enhanced realism in simulation may not improve:
and is not a candidate for intubation. As the                  a) Candidate engagement
patient deteriorates the effort created by the lung            b) Candidate motivation
is progressively reduced by the operator, which will           c) Candidate learning outcomes
eventually stop the patient triggering the ventilator.         d) Candidate performance
Again, the candidate should recognise this, as the             e) Candidate stress levels
ventilator will show that “back up” breaths have
been initiated. As the patient is not suitable for
intubation, the candidate must consider palliation.
The focus of this scenario is how the candidate          from ventilatory support. The ASL 5000 breathing
handles discussion with the patient and relative         simulator can also be effectively used to familiarise
and then sensitively develops an on-going plan for       intensive care staff with the practicalities of
the NIV and end-of-life care.                            managing different models of ventilator and the
    Other highly realistic scenarios can be              multitude of ventilatory modes they provide.
developed using breathing simulator technology.          This has been of particular importance during
We have also created scenarios for use in intensive      the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
care, simulating issues such as patient–ventilator       pandemic, where many staff previously unfamiliar
dyssynchrony, air trapping and difficulty weaning        with critical care equipment have needed to be

                                                                                                       Breathe | 2021 | Volume 17 | No 2         3
Using a breathing simulator in simulation-based education for NIV

                                   promptly trained to use ventilators they are                   Unfortunately, delivering simulation-based
                                   inexperienced with.                                         education can be an expensive, timely and labour-
                                       This breathing simulator and the scenarios              intensive resource. The administration of effective
                                   described can be robustly used to assess user’s             simulation-based education has become even more
                                   understanding of the requirements for NIV, ability          challenging in a world where face-to-face teaching
                                   to initiate therapy, competence in establishing             may be restricted due to the social distancing
                                   ventilator settings and ability to respond to the           requirements of the COVID-19 pandemic. Online,
                                   effect of the ventilator on patient pathophysiology.        computer-based systems can also be used for
                                   These simulation models are run twice a year as part        training in NIV, with the benefit of reduced cost,
                                   of a “Registrar Ready” training course for doctors          social distancing and increased reach of content [6].
                                   before they enter higher training. The scenarios are        However, conferences, lectures and distanced
                                   also run monthly on the intensive care unit for the in      learning often have little impact in changing clinical
                                   situ training of all multidisciplinary team members.        practice when compared with practical hands-on
                                   The ability to use the breathing simulator in the           training [3]. In a recent randomised control trial
                                   hospital setting allows staff to train in their real        comparing computer-based and manikin-based
                                   working environment. In situ simulation further             approaches for training in mechanical ventilation,
                                   enhances realism, is an excellent way to uncover            those taught using the manikin scored significantly
                                   latent system errors and has been shown to improve          higher in a final assessment [7]. The immersive,
                                   patient outcomes [5].                                       engaging, experiential learning that face-to-face
                                       As has been demonstrated with similar                   simulation-based education affords is proposed to
                                   simulation-based NIV courses [3], all “Registrar            instil longer lasting behavioural change, knowledge
                                   Ready” candidates have historically reported                retention and skills acquisition.
                                   significantly improved self-assessed knowledge,
                                   skills and competence levels after completing
                                   training. The duration and number of simulation             Conclusion
                                   sessions required for any given individual to gain
                                   accreditation in using NIV will depend on the               In conclusion, we have found the addition of the
                                   candidate’s prior experience. Further research              ASL breathing simulator to SimMan 3G a great
                                   is required to determine for how long training              benefit for creating intricate and realistic scenarios
                                   gains are retained and when re-training would be            that establish training opportunities that would
                                   required.                                                   otherwise be a challenge to find. Further work should
                                       In order to maximise the benefits of our                look at how candidates feel this improves their
                                   scenarios, post-simulation debriefing plays a key           learning and if such training translates to improved
                                   role. Effective post-simulation debriefing is key for       management of NIV on the ward. While this may
                                   experiential learning in simulation-based medical           provide a starting point for use of the ASL breathing
                                   education. Active participation, discussion and             simulator with SimMan 3G, there are a multitude of
                                   facilitated reflection of participant’s thoughts and        scenarios in which this technology could be used to
                                   actions promotes learning outcomes and enhances             improve learning and we would encourage you to
                                   future clinical performance.                                experiment to find what best works for you.


                                   Daniel Turner, Graham Picton, Elizabeth Harrod, Michele Bossy
                                   Medisim, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust, Guildford, Surrey, UK.

                                   Supplementary material

                                   This article has supplementary material available from

                                   Authors’ contributions

                                   D. Turner and G. Picton wrote the initial manuscript draft. D. Turner and E. Harrod designed, filmed and edited the
                                   additional movie file. E. Harrod and M. Bossy contributed to manuscript revisions. All authors read and approved
                                   the final manuscript.

                                   Conflict of interest

                                   None declared.

4   Breathe | 2021 | Volume 17 | No 2
Using a breathing simulator in simulation-based education for NIV

References                                                                                                                               Suggested
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