Page created by Gerald Neal

                    ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   1
WELCOME                                                        02 Welcome

                                                                   04 Why study at a conservatoire?

    Thank you for your interest in the Royal College of Music.     06 What is a BMus(Hons) degree?
    We have written this guide to help you with the next steps     11 Useful dates
    in applying to study here, and to direct you to other useful
                                                                   12 Understanding application vocabulary
    information you may need.
                                                                   14 Things you should know about the RCM

                                                                   18 Before you apply

                                                                   22 Applying

                                                                   24 Auditions

                                                                   26 Next steps checklist

                                                                   27 How to keep in touch

                                                                   Top institution for
                                                                   performing arts in the UK
                                                                   for six consecutive years
                                                                   QS World University Rankings 2016–2021

2   UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS’ GUIDE                                                           ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   3
     At a conservatoire you can study performance and
     composition programmes at undergraduate and
     postgraduate level.

    Your principal study is at the heart of your       The RCM’s BMus(Hons) qualification is a fully
    learning experience, and informs the structure     accredited and internationally recognised
    of your programme. You will receive one-to-        undergraduate degree. It is designed to be
    one lessons throughout the year along with a       flexible, enabling you to shape your studies
    variety of performance opportunities.              around your own skills and interests.

    Successful applicants will usually have achieved   There is a strong emphasis on independent
    a high standard in performance or composition      learning and we believe that the more you put
    at the time of assessment.                         into your studies at the Royal College of Music,
                                                       the more you will get out of your time here.
    Our Bachelor of Music BMus(Hons) programme         There are plenty of opportunities to make the
    blends tradition, creativity and innovation. It    most of your time studying, such as taking part
    focuses on performance training or composition     in projects, attending masterclasses and using
    alongside modules in contextual subjects and       our wonderful resources and facilities.
    professional skills.

4   UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS’ GUIDE                                                                       ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   5
WHAT IS A                                                                                                       Of the RCM alumni who graduated in

    BMUS(HONS) DEGREE?                                                                                              2018, 94% of survey respondents were
                                                                                                                    employed or engaged in further study
                                                                                                                    15 months after graduating.
    The BMus(Hons) is a four-year undergraduate degree
                                                                                                                    Higher Education Statistics Agency Survey (2020)
    designed to give you a high level of performance or
    composition training, alongside studies relevant to your
    aspirations as a musician.

    Teaching at the Royal College of Music is made           globe and our graduates go on to work in a wide
    up of one-to-one tuition, performance classes,           range of careers at some of the most prestigious
    workshops, masterclasses, lessons from visiting          ensembles, venues, educational institutions and
    professors, ensemble activities, seminars and            opera companies in the world.
    lectures, including online learning and teaching.
                                                             One of the most common career paths for our
    Our world-class professors offer students not
                                                             graduates is to be a self-employed musician,
    only first-rate teaching, but also mentorship and
                                                             which usually includes performing and teaching
    networking opportunities.
                                                             on a freelance basis. Graduates also work as
    Alongside your principal study, the first two years of   orchestral musicians, musicians in the armed forces,
    the programme have core modules in aural, history,       composers, conductors, music administrators and
    musicianship and professional skills, including          librarians, to name a few.
    health and wellbeing for musicians, and career
                                                             Graduates who decide to progress to further study
    management. Years three and four are designed
                                                             do so both in London and abroad, with around half
    to be flexible so that you can tailor your studies to
                                                             deciding to return to the RCM. The most popular
    meet your own interests and aspirations. Throughout
                                                             courses are Master of Music (MMus), Master of
    your studies you will develop your skills further in
                                                             Performance (MPerf) and Master of Composition
    ensemble and solo performance, and develop an
                                                             (MComp). RCM graduates also go on to study for
    understanding of music in different contexts.
                                                             other postgraduate courses and qualifications, as
    Modules on offer currently include Conducting,           well as conducting their own private study.
    Musician in the Digital Age, Innovation and
                                                             In addition to the career management and
    Enterprise, Psychology of Performance, Sound
                                                             professional elements of the course, our Creative
    Recording and Production, Music and Words,
                                                             Careers Centre offers bespoke advice and
    Alexander Technique, Instrumental and Vocal
                                                             guidance throughout your studies and for five years
    Teaching, Orchestration and Arrangement and
                                                             after graduating. It offers resources, workshops
    many others. You can find a full list of modules on
                                                             and presentations by industry specialists, plus a
    our website at www.rcm.ac.uk/courses
                                                             broad range of professional opportunities including
    WHAT CAN I DO WITH A                                     performances and teaching work. For orchestral
    BMUS(HONS) QUALIFICATION?                                musicians we also provide side-by-side ‘sit-in’
                                                             schemes with several major orchestras. For many
    Our priority is supporting you to reach your full        students, the Creative Careers Centre helps pave
    potential as a musician, ensuring you have the           the way to a successful lifelong career in music.
    resources you need to succeed in the profession of
    your choice.
    Your studies here will allow you to follow a diverse
    array of career paths. RCM students and graduates
    enjoy success in major competitions around the                                 FIND OUT MORE

6   UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                           ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   7
                                         EXPERIENCE AT
                                         THE RCM WAS
                                         GREAT. THE STAFF
                                         ON MY AUDITION
                                         PANELS WERE

                                      RIANNA HENRIQUES
                                      Bachelor of Music (Hons)

                                      I have always wanted to study music and had been set
                                      on the Royal College of Music as music performance
                                      really stood out to me. Attending the RCM’s Junior
                                      Department for four years really helped me to confirm my
                                      decision that the RCM was the place for me.
                                      My audition experience at the RCM was great. The staff
                                      on my audition panels were extremely welcoming.

8   UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS’ GUIDE                                                              ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   9
                                       The deadlines for applying to study at a conservatoire
                                       are slightly earlier than those for universities. Below is a
                                       table of the main dates you should be aware of when
                                       applying to the Royal College of Music.


                                       15 July 2021                    Applications open on UCAS Conservatoires

                                       1 October 2021                  Application deadline for candidates auditioning in London or by video

                                       1 October 2021                  Application and portfolio submission deadline for composers

                                       29 October 2021                 Video audition submission deadline

                                       Mid November –                                                               ­­  
                                                                       Auditions in London
                                       mid December 2021

                                       December 2021                   Audition results published for London audition and video audition candidates

                                       1 February 2022                 Deadline for responding to offers received by 3 January 2022

                                       As well as our London auditions, the Royal College of Music regularly holds auditions in New York,
                                       Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing and Shanghai. The latest information on
                                       audition venues can be found at www.rcm.ac.uk/auditionlocations

                                       *Audition dates and venues correct at time of publication but may be
                                       subject to change due to latest guidance on the coronavirus outbreak.                   FIND OUT MORE
                                       See www.rcm.ac.uk/auditions for latest information.                                     www.rcm.ac.uk/apply

10   UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS’ GUIDE                                                                                              ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   11
UNDERSTANDING                                                                                                                  UNCONDITIONAL OFFER                                   LIVING COSTS

                                                                                                                                    An unconditional offer means you are                  Your living costs will cover your accommodation,
                                                                                                                                    guaranteed a place on the course, as you have         travel, food and lifestyle whilst studying. We
                                                                                                                                    already met the entry requirements.                   cannot say exactly how much money you will

                                                                                                                                                                                          need while studying at the RCM, as different
                                                                                                                                    CONDITIONAL OFFER                                     students have different needs, preferences and
                                                                                                                                    If you receive a conditional offer it means that      lifestyles. We have broken down the indicative
                                                                                                                                    we are guaranteed to accept you if you meet all       living costs you may need to budget for at
                                                                                                                                    of the entry requirements. For example, you will      www.rcm.ac.uk/livingcosts
                                                                                                                                    receive a conditional offer if you are waiting for
     UCAS CONSERVATOIRES                                                    PRINCIPAL STUDY                                                                                               SCHOLARSHIPS
                                                                                                                                    your A Level results.
     UCAS Conservatoires is the application service                         Your principal study is the main specialism that                                                              Any student who auditions in person or by video
     for courses at conservatoires in the UK, through                       you will pursue during your course, such as             TUITION FEES                                          for a place on a performance or composition
     which you apply for the RCM’s BMus(Hons)                               violin or composition. Students may want to                                                                   programme beginning in September 2022 will
                                                                                                                                    All students of UK Higher Education institutions
     course. It is part of UCAS, which is used for                          take up an additional related or second study                                                                 automatically be considered for a scholarship
                                                                                                                                    are required to make a payment to their institution
     most Higher Education applications in the UK.                          alongside their principal study, but this is not                                                              or study award. Scholarships are offered on
                                                                                                                                    to cover the cost of their studies. Studying at a
                                                                            a requirement.                                                                                                the merits of your performance at audition or
     You can use UCAS Conservatoires Track to                                                                                       world-class conservatoire can be expensive,
     follow the stages of your application, find                                                                                    but we provide financial support to our most          interview. Scholarship amounts vary from student
                                                                            JOINT PRINCIPAL STUDY                                                                                         to student, from a contribution towards your tuition
     out when your audition is, see your results                                                                                    talented students through an array of awards and
     and confirm your decision. Find out more at                            Students with an equally high level of ability          scholarships. For up-to-date information on fees      fees right up to full fees. For more information
     www.ucas.com/conservatoires                                            in two areas may undertake joint principal              and funding see www.rcm.ac.uk/fees                    please visit www.rcm.ac.uk/scholarships
                                                                            study, in which their two specialisms are
     ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                     taught and assessed with equal weight. This
                                                                            is a demanding option, requiring a very high
     You must be able to meet the minimum
                                                                            level of practical skill. Due to the large number
     qualifications in order for your application to
                                                                            of scheduled classes, it is not possible for
     be considered by the Royal College of Music.
                                                                            singers or percussionists to undertake joint
     This varies depending on the country you are
                                                                            principal study.
     applying from. For full details visit
     www.rcm.ac.uk/bmus                                                     RELATED STUDY

     FACULTIES                                                              Related study allows instrumentalists to receive
                                                                            tuition on an instrument closely related to their
     Faculties are the different departments that
                                                                            principal study, such as oboe and cor anglais,
     make up our core teaching and learning
                                                                            or flute and piccolo.
     at the Royal College of Music. These are:
     Brass, Composition, Conducting*, Historical                            SECOND STUDY
     Performance, Keyboard, Percussion, Strings,
     Vocal & Opera and Woodwind. For                                        Second study allows students to receive tuition
     more information about our faculties see                               in a second specialism in an area that does not
     www.rcm.ac.uk/faculties                                                qualify for related study. Second study is taught
                                                                            and assessed at a lower intensity than principal
                                                                            study. Examples include piano with violin, or
                                                                            trumpet with composition.

     *Conducting is only available as a principal study specialism at postgraduate level. Second study conducting is available to
     postgraduates and final year undergraduates who meet the requirements.

12   UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                                                                                     ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   13
     The Royal College of Music has been ranked the top
     institution for performing arts in the UK for six consecutive
     years (QS World University Rankings 2016–2021)
     and no.1 in Europe in 2020 and 2021, training
     gifted musicians from all over the globe for a range of
     international careers. If you’re interested in studying at
     one of the world’s greatest conservatoires, here are a few
     things we think you should know about us…

     PERFORMANCE AND EVENTS                                ACCOMMODATION                                        STUDENT SUPPORT                                         STUDENTS’ UNION

     The RCM aims to give students as much                 Our hall of residence, Prince Consort Village,       The College takes pride in being an inclusive           The RCM Students’ Union is here to help you
     performance experience as possible in venues          provides high-quality accommodation for music        place to study and we support equality and              make the most of your time in London. It offers
     across London and further afield. Find out more       students, featuring acoustically treated bedrooms    diversity within our community. We promote a            student socials, health and wellbeing services,
     at www.rcm.ac.uk/performance                          and practice spaces. It is located in leafy south-   range of teaching, activities and resources to          student feedback, pastoral care and supports
                                                           west London and within easy travelling distance      support student health and wellbeing during their       student-led music, as well as hosting a variety
     OUTSTANDING TEACHING                                  of the RCM. For more details on accommodation,       studies. Our experienced and supportive Student         of societies and events throughout the year. Find
     Our exceptional teaching staff are often joined by    visit www.rcm.ac.uk/accommodation                    Services Team offers a confidential and impartial       out more at www.rcm.ac.uk/rcmsu
     visiting professors from across the music industry.                                                        advice service to all students, dealing with a range
                                                           INSPIRING LOCATION                                   of issues including financial concerns, private         CREATIVE CAREERS CENTRE
     Explore our professors for each faculty at
     www.rcm.ac.uk/faculties                               London is a fantastic student city with a host       accommodation, musicians’ injuries, personal            The RCM is a world-leader in career
                                                           of opportunities to explore. The Royal College       matters and more, in person and online. For more        development for musicians. We emphasise the
     EXCELLENT FACILITIES                                  of Music sits in the heart of South Kensington.      information visit www.rcm.ac.uk/studentsupport          need for students to be confident and versatile
     Our main building, the Blomfield Building, sits       We stand proudly opposite the Royal Albert                                                                   communicators, not just in their professional
                                                                                                                DISABILITIES                                            engagements but in everything they do. Our
     on Prince Consort Road opposite the Royal             Hall and enjoy fruitful partnerships with our
     Albert Hall, and is home to performance spaces,       neighbours, such as the Victoria and Albert          We welcome and encourage the participation              Creative Careers Centre enables our musicians
     classrooms, rehearsal and practice facilities and     Museum and Royal College of Art. Students            of students with disabilities in all aspects of life    to discover their professional identity, gain new
     the RCM Students’ Union. We have recently             can also enjoy the relaxing expanse of Hyde          at the RCM, and we have particular experience           skills and more. For more details see page 6 or
     opened two new performance spaces; the                Park, less than five minutes’ walk away.             in supporting students with dyslexia and                go to www.rcm.ac.uk/creativecareers
     Performance Hall which has variable acoustics         Find out more about our inspiring location at        visual impairment.
                                                           www.rcm.ac.uk/location                                                                                       SUPPORT FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS
     and a retractable stage suitable for a range of                                                            Our Student Services are designed to support you
     performance and the smaller Performance Studio,                                                            in a way that enables you to be an independent          The RCM welcomes students from all over
     ideal for solo and chamber performance.                                                                    member of our student community. If you find that       the world. About half of our students come
                                                                                                                you need some extra support while you are               from outside of the UK which makes the
     The new Royal College of Music Museum                                                                                                                              RCM an exciting and diverse hub of music
     opens in 2021 and will showcase our                                                                        studying at the RCM the Student Services team
                                                                                                                can help you. Each student who discloses a              making. Our friendly International Team can
     extensive collection of historical instruments,                                                                                                                    assist you if you have any questions about
     art works and manuscripts. Find out more at                                                                disability or support need will be offered a tailored
                                                                                                                learning agreement. To find out more visit              applying to the RCM. For more information visit
     www.rcm.ac.uk/facilities                                                                                                                                           www.rcm.ac.uk/international

14   UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                                                                  ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   15
                                          AUDITION, MAKE
                                          SURE YOU KNOW
                                          YOUR PIECES
                                          INSIDE OUT, AND
                                          CHOOSE REPERTOIRE
                                          THAT YOU’RE

                                       DAFYDD JONES
                                       Bachelor of Music (Hons)

                                       I studied two subjects at my secondary school in Wales,
                                       but travelled to a neighbouring school to study music.
                                       Although I discovered a love of music at a young age,
                                       I really began to take singing seriously during A levels.
                                       I fell in love with the RCM at audition. The facilities,
                                       students and staff made me feel at ease. Before your
                                       audition, make sure you know your pieces inside out,
                                       and choose repertoire that you’re comfortable with.

16   UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS’ GUIDE                                                               ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   17
     If you haven’t already, we recommend that            Successful applicants to the Royal College of
     you read the RCM prospectus, which contains          Music will usually have already achieved a high
     further information on our facilities, performance   standard of performance or composition at the time
     opportunities, student life, faculties and           of audition. Competition is high and we always
     much more. You can request or download a             have more applicants than places available. We
     prospectus at www.rcm.ac.uk/prospectus               don’t use ABRSM or other graded exams as a
                                                          pre-requisite for our BMus(Hons) course. Successful
                                                          applicants tend to be at a standard equivalent to
                                                          distinction at ABRSM grade 8 and those who have
     Our Open Days take place each spring and are         developed much further.
     designed to give prospective students, parents
     and teachers the chance to explore what the          You can see performances from our students from
     College has to offer. For more information visit     across different year groups and faculties on our
     www.rcm.ac.uk/openday                                YouTube channel www.youtube.com/RCMLondon
     You can also watch our campus tour video at

18   UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS’ GUIDE                                                                            ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   19
            OUT OF PLACE
            SINCE I MOVED
            HERE, THANKS
            TO MY FELLOW
            STUDENTS AND THE
            LARGE POOL OF
            STUDENTS AT THE

       Bachelor of Music (Hons)

       Moving away from your home country to study is a pretty
       daunting prospect, but I’ve never felt out of place since I
       moved here, thanks to my fellow students and the large
       pool of international students at the College. Even though
       I was nervous about studying abroad I haven’t regretted
       my decision once, and I doubt I ever will.

20   UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS’ GUIDE                                 ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   21
APPLYING                                                                                                     STUDY OPTIONS
                                                                                                                  If you want to apply to study more than one
                                                                                                                                                                      Currently more than 50% of full-time students
                                                                                                                  instrument or specialism, there are                 receive some financial support thanks to the
                                                                                                                  a variety of options you can consider:              generosity of individuals, legators, companies
                                                                                                                                                                      and charitable trusts. Scholarships are offered
     UCAS CONSERVATOIRES                                     APPLICATION                                          • If you feel you have a high level of ability in   on the merits of your performance at audition or
     Applications to the RCM are made via UCAS               Your UCAS Conservatoires application will              two areas you can apply for joint principal       interview. Scholarship amounts vary from student
     Conservatoires. The conservatoire recruitment           include your personal information, details of your     study. You will need to select this option in     to student, from a contribution towards your
     cycle is different to universities and you will         previous education and a personal statement,           your application. You will be auditioned in       tuition fees right up to full fees.
     need to apply by 1 October 2021 for entry               which is your opportunity to tell us more about        both specialisms and may be offered a place       You don’t have to apply for a scholarship – any
     in September 2022. Applications open in July            your musical experience and achievements.              to study both at equal intensity. Depending       student who auditions or interviews for a place
     2021, see page 11 for specific dates. There                                                                    on your performance at audition, the RCM          in person or by video for September 2022
                                                             You must also provide two references, the
     is a useful guide to completing your application                                                               may decide to offer a place on only one of        entry is automatically considered. If you are
                                                             practical reference should be written by
     on the UCAS Conservatoires website:                                                                            the two principal studies.                        offered a scholarship or study award you will
                                                             your current principal study teacher, and the
     www.ucas.com/conservatoires                                                                                                                                      receive a confirmation letter following your offer
                                                             academic reference should be from someone            • You can pursue a second study which you
     We recognise that the audition process can seem         who can comment on your academic ability.                                                                of a place.
                                                                                                                    will audition for when you commence your
     stressful and expensive. To avoid putting yourself      You will be asked to enter your referees’              studies in September. Or you can choose
     under too much pressure we recommend that you           contact details into the application form, and         to take a related study, this is subject to the
     research your options carefully and consider only       an automated request for a reference will be           approval of the relevant Head of Faculty
     preparing auditions for three or four conservatoires.   sent to them. If it is not possible to obtain your     when you start your course. You don’t need to
                                                             references by the application deadline, you can
     The RCM offers audition fee waivers to UK                                                                      indicate an interest in second or related study
                                                             ask your referees to send them directly to the
     BMus(Hons) applicants from low income                                                                          in your application.
                                                             RCM. However, you should aim to submit them
     households. For more information on eligibility
                                                             to UCAS by the deadline if possible.                 For more information about our different study                                   FIND OUT MORE
     and how to request a fee waiver please visit
     www.rcm.ac.uk/bmus                                                                                           options see page 12.

22   UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                                                                 ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   23
AUDITIONS                                                                                                  COMPOSERS
                                                                                                                Composers are primarily assessed on the
                                                                                                                                                                           AUDITION ADVICE
                                                                                                                                                                           Audition nerves are completely normal. Our
                                                                                                                basis of their portfolios, and only those                  best advice is to make sure you have prepared
                                                                                                                whose portfolios demonstrate potential will be             your repertoire thoroughly. Make sure that you
                                                                                                                invited to attend an interview. A portfolio of             leave enough time for your journey to the RCM
     In addition to our main auditions in London, we       PERFORMERS                                           between two and five contrasting examples                  and arrive in plenty of time to get to your warm
     also hold auditions in the USA and at a number        The format of your audition will vary depending      of your work should be submitted by the                    up room. It may also be useful to think of a few
     of venues in Asia. You can find out more at           on your principal study. It will generally last      application deadline. Portfolios should include            questions to ask the panel, as they will be happy
     www.rcm.ac.uk/auditionlocations                       approximately 15–20 minutes and you will need        scores, and you may also submit recordings                 to answer any queries you may have. Most of all,
     If you declare a disability in your application the   to prepare pieces in advance. There will also        if they are available. If you are invited for              try to relax, breathe and enjoy your experience of
     RCM will contact you to discuss confidentially        be a short sight reading exercise and interview,     interview, your interview will last around                 auditioning at the Royal College of Music.
     whether you need any reasonable adjustments to        to allow the panel to get to know you and            15 minutes. You do not have to perform
                                                           answer any questions you may have. For some          but there will be a short aural test. For more             YOUR AUDITION OUTCOME
     enable you to audition.
                                                           principal studies there may be a second audition     information on submitting your portfolio visit             All applicants auditioning during our November–
     YOUR AUDITION DATE                                    or workshop which will happen on the same            www.rcm.ac.uk/comprequirements                             December auditions will be notified of the result
                                                           day. All those auditioning will be given 15–20                                                                  before Christmas. This will be communicated to you
     Once the application deadline has passed                                                                   PRE-SCREENING
                                                           minutes to warm up before their audition. There is                                                              via your UCAS Conservatoires Track account along
     we collate all the applications and make our
                                                           no theory test.                                      For our auditions in London we do not                      with conditions of your offer, so make sure you
     schedule for auditions and interviews. All
     applicants who are auditioning in London will                                                              pre-screen applications for the BMus(Hons)                 check your account regularly.
                                                           You can check the audition requirements for your
                                                                                                                course. If you apply on time you will be
     be notified of their audition date and time by        principal study at www.rcm.ac.uk/auditions
                                                                                                                guaranteed an assessment, so please                        CHOOSING YOUR PRINCIPAL
     the end of October.
                                                           If auditioning at an overseas venue information      ensure that your application is submitted by               STUDY PROFESSOR
     Please do your best to attend the audition            can be found at www.rcm.ac.uk/                       the deadline.                                              Some students will have an idea of who they
     date given to you as this is a highly complex         auditionlocations                                                                                               want to study with by the time they audition. Once
     schedule organised alongside the other UK                                                                  For several of our overseas venues we do
                                                                                                                pre-screen due to the volume of applications.              you are offered a place on the programme you
     conservatoires to try to avoid clashes. If there                                                                                                                      will have until May 2022 to submit up to three
     are mitigating circumstances we may be able                                                                Check the requirements for your preferred
                                                                                                                venue at www.rcm.ac.uk/auditionlocations                   choices for your principal study professor. If you
     to be flexible but in most cases we ask that                                                                                                                          are unsure about who you want to study with,
     you attend at your assigned time.                                                                          Pre-screening videos must be submitted by                  you can organise consultation lessons with any of
     If you have any specific needs during the                                                                  the application deadline for the relevant                  your choices prior to making this decision. All this
     audition and interview process, please let                                                                 audition venue.                                            information will be given to you with your offer.
     us know. Your enquiries will be dealt
                                                                                                                ACCOMPANISTS                                               FURTHER SUPPORT
     with confidentially.
                                                                                                                If you are auditioning in London, an accompanist           If you are successful in your application and
                                                                                                                will be provided for your audition, although you           decide to accept a place at the RCM, you are
                                                                                                                are welcome to bring your own if you prefer. You           welcome to discuss any support needs you may
                                                                                                                do not need to request this service or send us your        have with the Student Services Manager, for
                                                                                                                music ahead of time, unless you are auditioning            example if you have a disability, are estranged
                                                                                                                for percussion.                                            from your family or have caring responsibilities.
                                                                                                                If you are using an RCM accompanist make sure              You may want to visit the College to assess
                                                                                                                you bring a hard copy of music for them. For most          whether there are any needs you have which you
                                                                                                                other audition venues you will need to bring your          might not have thought of already. Arrangements
                                                                                                                own accompanist.                                           can then be made in advance of your arrival on
                                                                                                                                                                           your course.

                                                                                                                *Audition information correct at time of publication but
                                                                                                                may be subject to change due to latest guidance on the
                                                                                                                coronavirus outbreak. See www.rcm.ac.uk/auditions for                                    FIND OUT MORE
                                                                                                                latest information.                                                                      www.rcm.ac.uk/study

24   UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                                                                       ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC   25
NEXT STEPS                                                           HOW TO
     CHECKLIST                                                            KEEP IN TOUCH
      Make sure you follow our handy next steps                           If you would like to talk to someone about applying to
      checklist, and tick them off as you make                            the Royal College of Music, our audition process or
      your way through the application process.                           expected standards, feel free to contact our friendly
      Good luck and we hope to see you soon!                              Admissions team who will be happy to advise you.

                                                                          Full details about applying to the Royal College     SOCIAL MEDIA
                                                                          of Music can be found on our website at              To find out more about life at the RCM, our
                                                                          www.rcm.ac.uk/apply                                  students, alumni and events, follow us on
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                                                                                                                           Her Majesty The Queen

                                                                                                                           His Royal Highness The
                                                                                                                           Prince of Wales

                                                                                                                           Lord Black of Brentwood

                                                                                                                           Professor Colin Lawson
                                                                                                                           CBE, MA (Oxon), MA, PhD,
                                                                                                                           DMus, FRCM, FRNCM,
                                                                                                                           FLCM, HonRAM

                                                                                                                           Photo Credits

                                                                                                                           Phil Rowley:
                                                                                                                           2-3, 4-5, 7, 8,
                                                                                                                           10, 13, 15, 16, 21, 24, 27

                                                                                                                           Chris Christodoulou:
                                                                                                                           Cover, 18-19, 26

                                                                                                                           Adam Ferguson:

                                                                                                                           The Royal College of Music
                                                                                                                           is a registered charity.
                                                                                                                           No 309268

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information here is fair and accurate at the time of publication. Information on
programmes, fees and services contained within this publication are subject to occasional changes, and no guarantee can be given
that these will not be made following publication. For the most up-to-date information on our programmes visit www.rcm.ac.uk
Any complaints concerning the fairness or accuracy of this publication should be addressed to prospectus@rcm.ac.uk
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