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          UG CLAT
           MOCK TEST
            15 SAMPLE
           FOR 2021 EXAM
              PAPERS Strictly as per the latest exam pattern
                issued by the Consortium of NLUs for 2021 Exam
                                with 150 Questions

    Latest                                                        Smart Answer
Solved Paper
                                                                    Key with

               Tips & Tricks     Hybrid Edition      NLUs 2018,
                  to crack                          2019 & 2020
                                 Print + Online
               CLAT Exam in                           Cut-offs
               first attempt         Support


English Language

   In this section of the UG-CLAT 2021, you will be provided passages of about 450 words each. These
   passages will be derived from contemporary or historically significant fiction and non-fiction writing,
   and would be of a standard that a 12th standard student may be able to read in about 5-7 minutes.
   Each passage will be followed by a series of questions that will require you to demonstrate your
   comprehension and language skills, including your abilities to:
   Read and comprehend the main point discussed in the passage, as well as any arguments and
   viewpoints discussed or set out in the passage;
   Ø   Draw inferences and conclusions based on the passage;
   Ø   Summarise the passage;
   Ø   Compare and contrast the different arguments or viewpoints set out in the passage; and
   Ø   Understand the meaning of various words and phrases used in the passage

Current Affairs Including General Knowledge

   In this section, you will be provided passages of up to 450 words each. The passages will be derived from
   news, journalistic sources and other non-fiction writing. The questions may include an examination
   of legal information or knowledge discussed in or related to the passage, but would not require any
   additional knowledge of the law beyond the passage.
   Each passage will be followed by a series of questions that will require you to demonstrate your
   awareness of various aspects of current affairs and general knowledge, including:
   Ø Contemporary events of significance from India and the world;
   Ø Arts and culture;
   Ø International affairs; and
   Ø Historical events of continuing significance.

Legal Reasoning

   In this section, you will be expected to read passages of around 450 words each. The passages may
   relate to fact situations or scenarios involving legal matters, public policy questions or moral philo-
   sophical enquiries. You will not require any prior knowledge of law. You will benefit from a general
   awareness of contemporary legal and moral issues to better apply general principles or propositions to
   the given fact scenarios.
   Each passage would be followed by a series of questions that will require you to:
   Ø Identify and infer the rules and principles set out in the passage;
   Ø Apply such rules and principles to various fact situations; and
   Ø Understand how changes to the rules or principles may alter their application to various fact

Logical Reasoning

   The Logical Reasoning section of the UG-CLAT 2021 will include a series of short passages of about 300
   words each. Each passage will be followed by one or more questions that will require you to:
   Ø Recognize an argument, its premises and conclusions;
   Ø Read and identify the arguments set out in the passage;

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   Ø Critically analyse patterns of reasoning, and assess how conclusions may depend on particular
     premises or evidence;
   Ø Infer what follows from the passage and apply these inferences to new situations;
   Ø Draw relationships and analogies, identify contradictions and equivalence, and assess the
     effectiveness of arguments.

Quantitative Techniques

   The Quantitative Techniques section of the UG-CLAT 2021 will include short sets of facts or proposi-
   tions, graphs, or other textual, pictorial or diagrammatic representations of numerical information, fol-
   lowed by a series of questions. You will be required to derive information from such passages, graphs,
   or other representations, and apply mathematical operations on such information.
   The questions will require you to:
   Ø Derive, infer, manipulate numerical information set out in such passages, graphs or other
   Ø Apply various 10th standard mathematical operations on such information including from areas
     such as ratios and proportions, basic algebra, mensuration and statistical estimation.

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     1.    There will be no upper age limit for UG Programme in CLAT 2021.
  2.       As regards minimum percentage of marks in the qualifying examination (i.e., 10+2 or an equivalent
		         examination), the candidates must have secured:
		(i) Forty five percent (45%) marks or its equivalent grade in case of candidates belonging to
			   General / OBC / PWD / NRI / PIO / OCI categories
		(ii) Forty Percent (40%) marks or equivalent in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST categories.
      3. Candidates who are appearing in the qualifying examination in March/April, 2021 are also eligi-
ble to appear in CLAT 2021 examination. However, they shall be required to produce an evidence of their
passing the qualifying examination at the time of admission, failing which they shall lose their right to be
considered for admission.
     4. The result of the qualifying examination (i.e., 10+2) shall be submitted by the candidate at the
time of admission failing which the candidate shall be ineligible for admission to the Course.
     5.    In case of equal marks, the break of tie shall be by the following procedure and order as under:
			(i) Higher marks in the component / section on legal aptitude in the CLAT 2021 exam;
			(ii) Higher age;
			(iii) Computerised draw of lots.

                                       CLAT 2021 HIGHLIGHTS

                             Exam Name                       Common Law Admission Test
                           Exam Frequency                 Once a year
                             Exam Mode                    Offline
                            Exam Duration                 2 hours
                              Test Takers                 Approx. 59,000
                          Accepting Colleges              120 colleges
                           Official Website     

                                               Exam Calender

                             Events                                         Dates
          Online registrations begin                     January 1, 2021
          Last date of fee payment and form              March 31, 2021
          submission (registered candidates only)        All registered candidates must pay the
                                                         application fee in online mode using Debit
                                                         Card/ Credit Card/ Net Banking and in
                                                         offline mode Bank Challan
          Last date of application                       March 31, 2021
          Release of admit cards                         By the first or second week of April 2021
          CLAT Exam Date                                 June 13, 2021
          CLAT result announcement                       will be intimated on the website

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                                      CLAT Exam Pattern 2021

                     Features                                         Details
     Exam mode                                  Pen & Paper
     Exam duration                              120 minutes
     Test language                              English
     Type of questions                          Multiple choices based questions
     Subjects                                   Five subjects
     Total Questions                            150 questions.
     Are there any subjective questions ? Only the question paper of the LLB course will have
                                          descriptive questions. There will be no descriptive
                                          questions for CLAT UG paper.
     Total marks                                150 marks

                                  CLAT 2021 Sectional Weightage

                                                                  Questions per    Percentage
                                Subject Areas
                                                                    section        Weightage
          English including Comprehension                          28-32 MCQs         20%
          Current Affairs including General Knowledge              35-39 MCQs         25%
          Legal Reasoning                                          35-39 MCQs         25%
          Logical Reasoning                                        28-32 MCQs         20%
          Quantitative Techniques (Elementary                      13-17 MCQs         10%
          mathematics up to class 10th standard)
          Total Questions                                           150 MCQs       150 marks

                                    CLAT 2021 Marking Scheme

      Unlike the exam pattern, the marking scheme of CLAT will remain the same as earlier, i.e.
      • For every correct answer, candidates are awarded one mark.
      • However, for every wrong attempt, 0.25 marks are deducted from their total score.
      • No marks will be awarded or deducted for questions not attempted.


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NLU's-2018, 2019 & 2020 CUT OFF
                                  NLU's 2018 CUT OFF

         COLLEGE              CLAT 2018 : FIRST CUT OFF   CLAT 2018: CLOSING CUT OFF
      NLSIU Bangalore                   135.5                          135.5
     NALSAR, Hyderabad                 128.25                           128
        NUJS, Kolkata                    120                           118.75
       NLUJ, Jodhpur                    122.5                           122
        HNLU, Raipur                    116.5                           112
     GNLU, Gandhinagar                   118                           117.25
      RMNLU, Lucknow                   115.25                          112.5
       RGNLU, Patiala                    113                            110
        NUALS, Kochi                     111                            108
        CNLU, Patna                      111                           104.5
   DSNLU, Vishakhapatnam                 108                            92
       NLUO, cuttack                    110.5                          104.5
       NUSRL, Ranchi                    110.5                           97
      NLUJAA, Guwahati                  110.5                           92
     TNNLS, Tiruchupalli                110.5                           92
       MNLU, Mumbai                    116.25                          110.5
       MNLU, Nagpur                      108                            90
     MNLU, Aurangabad                  107.75                           90

                                  NLU's 2019 CUT OFF
                                                 Opening Rank    Closing Rank
           NLSIU Bangalore                      1               54
           NALSAR Hyderabad                     50              120
           NLIU Bhopal                          148             380
           WBNUJS Kolkata                       82              203
           NLU Jodhpur                          76              294
           HNLU Raipur                          329             549
           GNLU Gandhinagar                     124             468
           RMLNU Lucknow                        324             694
           RGNLU Patiala                        442             805
           CNLU Patna                           623             949
           NUALS Kochi                          474             880
           NLU Odisha Cuttack                   465             879
           NUSRL Ranchi                         688             966
           TNNLS Tiruchirappali                 436             1186
           DSNLU Vishakhapatnam                 830             1080
           MNLU Mumbai                          383             462

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              MNLU Nagpur                        589                1073
              MNLU Aurangabad                    710                1161
              NLUJAA Guwahati                    968                1104
              HPNLU Shimla                       622                1225
              DNLU Jabapur                       991                1263

                                  NLU's 2020 CUT OFF 1, 2, 3

                                  Round 1               Round 2                   Round 3
    NLU’s Name          Opening        Closing   Opening    Closing        Opening    Closing
                        Rank           Rank      Rank       Rank           Rank       Rank
NLSIU, Bengaluru        1              97        -          -              98         -
NALSAR, Hyderabad       40             887       176        176            177        -
NLIU, Bhopal            137            526       527        527            421        532
NUJS, Kolkata           6              67        226        226            227        227
NLU, Jodhpur            162            312       313        317            318        323
HNLU, Raipur            472            2408      706        757            764        772
GNLU, Gandhinagar       259            3102      458        461            462        3238
RAMNLU, Lucknow         462            705       712        2192           724        742
RGNUL, Patiala          307            943       825        988            990        1012
CNLU, Patna             432            1142      1147       1224           1229       1256
NUALS, Kochi            472            1297      1029       1377           -          -
NLUO, Cuttack           478            3283      986        1037           1039       1052
NUSRL, Ranchi           934            1189      1203       1272           1287       1290
NLUJA, Guwahati         1005           2828      1383       1569           1571       1584
DSNLU, Vizag            986            1362      1372       1489           1490       1518
TNNLS, Tiruchirappalli 1124            3890      1566       1756           1759       1799
MNLU, Mumbai            4              941       505        1155           557        -
MNLU, Nagpur            543            1312      1314       1538           1539       1575
MNLU, Aurangabad        1211           2074      1359       2120           1874       2403
HPNLU, Shimla           585            9149      1657       10786          1923       10934
DNLU, Jabalpur          1022           5921      1656       6147           1942       6760
NLU, Sonepat            580            2168      1876       2301           2004       2315

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Here is the list of NLUs in India with National Institute Ranking Framework 2019, 2020 and Seat Intake:

                                             NIRF RANKING        NIRF RANKING
                  NAME                                                                    SEATS
                                                  2020                2019
 National law school of India University,            1                   1                  120
 National Law University, New Delhi                  2                   2                   80
 NALSAR, University of law, Hyderabad                3                   3                  105
 The West Bengal National University of              5                   6                  127
 Law, Hyderabad
 National Law Institute University, Bhopal          11                   17                  80
 National Law University, Jodhpur                    6                   5                  104
 Hidayatullah National Law University,              12                   --                 187
 Gujarat National Law University, Gandhi-            9                   7                  187
 Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law                 14                   11                 178
 University, Lucknow
 Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law,           10                   10                 196

 Chanakya National Law University, Patna            --                   --                 140
 National University of Advanced legal              --                   --                  68
 Studies, Kochi
 National Law University Odisha, Cuttack            17                   --                 180
 National University of Study and Re-               --                   --                 140
 search in Law, Ranchi
 National Law University and Judicial               --                   16                  60
 Academy, Assam
 Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law                  --                   --                 120
 University, Vishakhapatnam
  Tamil Nadu National Law School, Tiruchi-          --                   --                 120
 Maharashtra National Law University,               --                   --                 122
 Maharashtra National Law University,               --                   --                 120
 Maharashtra National Law University,               --                   --                  60
 Himachal Pradesh National Law Univer-              --                   --                 148
 sity, Shimla
 Dharmashastra National Law University,             29                   --                 120
 Dr. B.R Ambedkar National Law Universi-            --                   --                 120
 ty, Sonepat, Haryana
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English Language
    •   This section will test candidate’s proficiency in grammar and comprehension.
    •   Candidate should get into the habit of regular reading of a newspaper and any magazine which
        covers the contemporary events well. This will help in building a good vocabulary and also help
        with the General Knowledge section.
    •   Brush up the basics of grammar to tackle the error detection questions and sentence correction.
    •   Identify the words you are not familiar with and try to understand their meaning and usage.
    •   Listen to speeches or watch movies and/or documentaries with subtitles. This increases knowledge
        of spoken English and comes in handy while attempting questions on sentence completion.
    •   Candidates should talk to people in English. They may feel sluggish and shy at first and will make
        lots of mistakes but soon they will discover that with more talking, their confidence, as well as their
        accuracy, is increasing.

Current Affairs Including General Knowledge
    •   This section is scoring in CLAT for the candidates who have interest in being aware about the latest
        happenings and events.
    •   Read Newspaper daily (The Hindu, Times of India, Hindustan Times, Economic Times etc.) and
        watch news (ET Now, NDTV 24*7, ABP News etc.) for at least 30 mins to have the best idea of what
        is happening around in order to get through General Knowledge.
    •   Lucent’s General Knowledge book is enough for candidates to prepare well for this section.

Legal Reasoning
    •   Do not assume anything on your own and apply the facts.
    •   Choose the option which comes closest to the given legal principle and elimination method can be
    •   Read a newspaper daily and try to learn new topics/ facts from it.
    •   Solve as many sample papers/mock tests/ previous year question papers as possible.
    •   Focus more on Legal GK section.

Logical Reasoning
    • This section test candidate ability to identify patterns and understanding of logical links.
    • Spend some seconds over a question and study each question carefully.
    • Consider only the information given in each reading passage when choosing among the alternative
    • Read both the factual passage and the sentence completion instruction carefully. Both must be con-
      sidered in making your choice.
    • Candidate should solve questions regularly to get a good grip of it as ample practice should be
    • Candidate can solve most of these questions by following certain tricks and shortcut methods.
      Therefore, a practice of previous year papers and chapter wise questions is important.

Quantitative Techniques
    •   Candidate should brush up the basics to get a grip on the fundamental topics.
    •   Practice is the key to Mathematics, so candidates must practice as many mock tests as possible.


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