Trump Indictment: A Guide for Advocates - Update: Friday, March 31st

Trump Indictment: A Guide for Advocates - Update: Friday, March 31st
Friday, March 31st

Trump Indictment: A
Guide for Advocates
  Nationwide surveys of registered voters; Each wave represents approximately 1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
  Latest wave conducted March 23-March 27, 2023. For more info, visit
• Two in three are hearing about a potential indictment of Donald Trump as
    nearly three in five think he has committed a crime.

  • Out of a range of actions for which Trump is being investigated or has
    been investigated, at least half call each a crime, and a majority support
    an indictment over the alleged hush money payments to Stormy Daniels.

  • The most effective messaging about a potential indictment emphasizes
    that no one should be above the law and that if prosecutors have
    evidence Trump has committed a crime, they should follow the facts.

Nationwide surveys of registered voters; Each wave represents approximately 1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
Latest wave conducted March 23-March 27, 2023. For more info, visit
Three in Five Say Trump Has Committed a Crime
  Majorities of Democrats (87% yes) and independents (53%), along with majorities of every racial group including white Americans (53%),
  say Trump has committed a crime.
  • More than six in ten Republicans (63%) disagree, though about one in four (27%) say he has committed a crime.

  Do you think Donald Trump has committed a crime?

                                      Yes                                                                              Not sure                      No   Net Yes
                        Overall 58                                                                                            9                      33    +25

                   Democrats 87                                                                                                                  4   9     +78
              Independents 53                                                                                                 20                     27    +26
                 Republicans 27                                                  10                                                                  63     -36

                           Black 77                                                                                                          9       14    +63
                      Hispanic 62                                                                                                   11               27    +35
                          White 53                                                                                    8                              39    +14
                            AAPI 70                                                                                                      9           21    +49

Nationwide survey
            surveysofof1,000  registered
                        registered       voters
                                    voters; Eachconducted  March approximately
                                                 wave represents 23-March 27, 2023.
                                                                               1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
For more
Latest   info,
       wave    visit
            conducted    March 23-March 27, 2023. For more info, visit
Two in Three Report Hearing About the Potential Criminal
 Indictment of Trump, and Half Broadly Support It
 Democrats (71% “a lot”/”some”) and Republicans (66%) are hearing more about the potential criminal indictment than independents (48%).
 • A majority of Democrats (83%) and a plurality of independents (40%) support an indictment, along with one in five Republicans (18%).
 Over the past few days, how much have you seen, read, or heard                                                           Do you support or oppose Donald Trump being criminally
 about a potential criminal indictment of former President Donald                                                         indicted?
                                                                                                   Total A
                    A lot                          Some                A little/Nothing           Lot/Some                Support           Not sure              Oppose   Net Support
       Overall       33                               33                                 34            66                  51                      9                  40      +11

   Democrats         36                                   35                             29            71                  83                                     6   11      +72
Independents         21                    27                                            52            48                  40                 22                      38       +2
 Republicans         33                                34                                33            66                  18           8                             74       -56

          Black      31                              33                                  36            64                  70                                11       19      +51
      Hispanic       35                                33                                33            68                  57                          11             32      +25
         White       33                               34                                 34            66                  46                 8                       46       0
          AAPI       35                                 34                               31            69                  60                           10            30      +30
Nationwide survey
            surveysofof1,000  registered
                        registered       voters
                                    voters; Eachconducted  March approximately
                                                 wave represents 23-March 27, 2023.
                                                                               1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
For more
Latest   info,
       wave    visit
            conducted    March 23-March 27, 2023. For more info, visit
Support For a Trump Indictment Grows to Three in Five On
  Grounds of Illegally Using Campaign Funds
  A majority of Democrats (87% support) and just over half of independents (51%) support a criminal indictment of Trump for allegedly paying
  hush money to Stormy Daniels and then lying about it.
  • One in four Republicans (25%) also support indicting the former president.
  As you may or may not know, Donald Trump is expected to be criminally indicted for illegally using campaign funds for personal expenses – a hush money
  payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels – and then lying about it. Knowing this, would you support or oppose Donald Trump being criminally indicted?

                                      Support                                                                        Not sure                        Oppose   Net Support
                        Overall 57                                                                                           8                           35       +22

                   Democrats 87                                                                                                                      7   6       +81
              Independents 51                                                                                           14                               35      +16
                 Republicans 25                                               8                                                                          67       -42

                           Black 74                                                                                                              9       17      +57
                      Hispanic 66                                                                                                       6                28      +38
                          White 52                                                                                  8                                    40      +12
                            AAPI 67                                                                                                         10           23      +44
Nationwide survey
            surveysofof1,000  registered
                        registered       voters
                                    voters; Eachconducted  March approximately
                                                 wave represents 23-March 27, 2023.
                                                                               1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
For more
Latest   info,
       wave    visit
            conducted    March 23-March 27, 2023. For more info, visit
Seven in Ten Americans Describe a Range of Trump’s Alleged
  Actions as Criminal or Wrong
  Roughly four in five Democrats and half of independents say each action was a crime.
  • Independents are most likely to say Trump using campaign funds for personal expenses (52%) and obstructing the counting of
     electoral votes, defrauding the United States, and conspiring to make false statements (52%) are crimes.
  For each of the following, please indicate whether you think Donald Trump committed a crime, committed wrongdoing but not a crime, or did not do
  anything wrong.
                                                                                                                                Total Crime
  Donald Trump allegedly…                                           Crime         Wrongdoing, no crime   Nothing wrong    Dem       Ind      Rep
           …illegally used campaign funds for personal expenses and then
                                                            lied about it
                                                                          53                                                             20   26   84   52   20

…used campaign funds for personal expenses – a hush money payment
         to adult film actress Stormy Daniels – and then lied about it 53                                                                23   24   83   50   21

         …obstructed the January 6th, 2021 counting of electoral votes by
          Congress, defrauded the United States, and conspired to make 53                                                               17    30   85   52   17
                                                         false statements
      …pressured Georgia election officials to illegally throw out enough
       ballots cast for Biden to erase Biden's victory in the state in 2020
                                                                            52                                                           21   27   82   48   19

                    …assisted and aided in the insurrection at the Capitol on
                                                            January 6th, 2021 50                                                        20    30   82   46   16

       …took classified documents, including several containing sensitive
    information related to nuclear weapons, from the White House to his 50                                                              26    25   79   49   17
                                                    home at Mar-a-Lago
Nationwide survey
            surveysofof1,000  registered
                        registered       voters
                                    voters; Eachconducted  March approximately
                                                 wave represents 23-March 27, 2023.
                                                                               1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
For more
Latest   info,
       wave    visit
            conducted    March 23-March 27, 2023. For more info, visit
Strongest Messaging on the Indictment Emphasizes That Trump
  Is Not Above the Law
  A message that “no one is above the law, not even a former President” is effective against a message that “this potential indictment
  of Trump is just another politically motivated witch hunt” (net +22 more convincing); a message that “if prosecutors have evidence
  Trump has committed a crime, they should follow the facts to get to the truth” and he “should face a jury of his peers just like anyone
  else would” is also compelling (net +16 convincing).
  Even if you don't agree with either side completely, who do you find more convincing:
   Statement 1: Those who say this potential indictment of Trump is just another politically motivated witch hunt: this case has been ongoing for years and
   Democrats just can't let it go.

   Statement 2: Those who say no one is                    Statement 3: Those who say if                          Statement 4: Those who say it is      Statement 5: Those who say
   above the law, not even a former                        prosecutors have evidence Trump                        important that former President       Republicans are covering up for
   President. When someone breaks the                      has committed a crime, they should                     Trump is held accountable for any     President Trump: they only care
   law, they should face repercussions.                    follow the facts to get to the truth,                  crimes he has committed: he has       about protecting the leader of their
   There shouldn’t be one justice system                   and Trump should face a jury of his                    spent his entire life in shady        party, like they always have. They're
   for everyday Americans and another                      peers just like anyone else would.                     business deals and this crime is      putting their party ahead of the
   for the rich and powerful where they                                                                           really just the tip of the iceberg.   country.
   pay no consequences for their crimes.

             Statement 1:             39%                          Statement 1:             42%                           Statement 1:       43%             Statement 1:         46%
             Statement 2:             61%                          Statement 3:             58%                           Statement 4:       57%             Statement 5:         54%
          Net Statement 2:            +22                       Net Statement 3:            +16                        Net Statement 4:      +14           Net Statement 5:        +8

Nationwide survey
            surveysofof1,000  registered
                        registered       voters
                                    voters; Eachconducted  March approximately
                                                 wave represents 23-March 27, 2023.
                                                                               1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
For more
Latest   info,
       wave    visit
            conducted    March 23-March 27, 2023. For more info, visit
Half of Americans Have Heard of Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg:
  Views Are Split by Party and Media Consumption
  A plurality of Democrats (41%) hold favorable views of Bragg, while a plurality of Republicans (42%) view him unfavorably.
  • Media consumption among Republicans drives negative views: a majority of Fox News-watching Republicans (56%) view Bragg
     unfavorably, compared to just three in ten (29%) non-Fox Republicans.
  Please indicate how favorable or unfavorable you are to: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

                                      Favorable                                                     Don’t know                                      Unfavorable   Net Favorable
                        Overall 25                                                                          51                                              24         +1

                   Democrats 41                                                                                                   50                         9        +32
              Independents 12                                                                         69                                                    19         -7
                 Republicans 10                                                     48                                                                      42         -32

          Fox News GOP* 8                                                36                                                                                 56         -48
    Non-Fox News GOP 12                                                                        59                                                           29         -17
            CNN viewers** 41                                                                                                41                              18        +23
       MSNBC viewers** 41                                                                                                  40                               19        +22
*”Fox  News surveys
Nationwide   GOP” are    those who voters;
                      of registered identifyEach
                                             as Republicans and say
                                                 wave represents     Fox News is 1,000
                                                                  approximately   one ofinterviews
                                                                                         their “main sources
                                                                                                   taken overof news
                                                                                                              the priorabout politics
                                                                                                                        three-five    and current
events in theconducted
Latest wave   U.S.” on a March
                           separate question.
                                 23-March  27,**“CNN   viewers”
                                               2023. For        and visit
                                                          more info, “MSNBC    viewers” are those who report that they watch CNN and MSNBC a
few times a month or more on a separate question. Nationwide survey of 1,000 registered voters conducted March 23-March 27, 2023.
For more info, visit
Bringing Down Prescription Costs, Closing Tax Loopholes, Taxing
  the Rich Most Popular Medicare Solvency Solutions
  Allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices (net +75 support), closing tax loopholes (net +60), and raising taxes on
  corporations and those who make over $400,000 a year to extend the longevity of Medicare (net +54) are the most popular reforms tested.
  • Seniors are even more supportive of these potential reforms, while more than nine in ten oppose cuts to Medicare benefits.
  Below is a list of potential reforms to Medicare. Please indicate whether you support or oppose each one.
                                                                                                                                                                          Net Support
                                                                             */** Split sample    Support                          Not sure Oppose         Overall Dem   Ind   Rep   18-44 45-64   65+
       Giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices
                            which will bring down the overall cost of Medicare
                                                                                                   84                                             7   9    +75    +84    +59   +70   +64   +82     +84
  Closing tax loopholes that high-income business owners use to avoid paying
                                       into Medicare to help fund the program
                                                                                                   75                                        10       15   +60    +76 +44 +47 +46 +64 +77
    **Raising taxes on corporations and those who make over $400,000 a year
                                  in order to extend the longevity of Medicare
                                                                                                   73                                     8           19   +54    +80 +46 +29 +57 +50 +56
     *Raising taxes on corporations and those who make over $400,000 a year
                                                     to help fund the program
                                                                                                   70                                    9            21   +49    +76    +51   +17   +41   +53     +56

           **Privatizing Medicare, ending the guarantee that it exists for seniors                 23             12                                  65    -42   -42    -50   -41   -20    -50    -66

                                            **Raising the retirement age from 65 to 70             22            8                                    70    -48   -52    -48   -45   -42    -67    -35

                                                              *Raising the retirement age          22             9                                   69    -47   -47    -46   -48   -46    -54    -37

                                       **Cutting Medicare benefits for future retirees             12     7                                           81    -69   -70    -65   -68   -52    -72    -89

                                                               *Cutting Medicare benefits          10 7                                               83    -73   -71    -68   -75   -56    -80    -90
Nationwide survey
            surveysofof1,000  registered
                        registered       voters
                                    voters; Eachconducted  March approximately
                                                 wave represents 23-March 27, 2023.
                                                                               1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
For more
Latest   info,
       wave    visit
            conducted    March 23-March 27, 2023. For more info, visit
About Navigator                                                                                                                           For Press inquiries contact:
In a world where the news cycle is the length of a tweet, our leaders often lack the real-time public-sentiment                 
analysis to shape the best approaches to talking about the issues that matter the most. Navigator is designed to
act as a consistent, flexible, responsive tool to inform policy debates by conducting research and reliable
guidance to inform allies, elected leaders, and the press. Navigator is a project led by pollsters from Global                            To learn more about Navigator:
Strategy Group and GBAO along with an advisory committee, including: Jessica Floyd, The Hub Project;
Christina Reynolds, EMILY’s List; Mike Podhorzer, AFL-CIO; Jesse Ferguson, progressive strategist; Navin Nayak,                 
Center for American Progress Action Fund; Stephanie Valencia, EquisLabs; and Melanie Newman, Planned
Parenthood Action Fund.                                                                                                                   @NavigatorSurvey on Twitter

About the Study
Global Strategy Group conducted public opinion surveys among a sample of 1,000 registered voters from March
23-March 27, 2023. 100 additional interviews were conducted among Hispanic voters. 80 additional interviews
were conducted among Asian American and Pacific Islander voters. 100 additional interviews were conducted
among African American voters. 102 additional interviews were conducted among independent voters. The
survey was conducted online, recruiting respondents from an opt-in online panel vendor. Respondents were
     Nationwide surveys of registered voters; Each wave represents approximately 1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
verified against
     Latest        a voterMarch
            wave conducted   file and   special
                                   23-March        careForwas
                                              27, 2023.       taken
                                                           more         to
                                                                info, visit ensure the demographic composition of our sample
matched that of the national registered voter population across a variety of demographic variables.
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