Town meeting rejects extra funding for police station; turns down article for a baler needed to recycle paper - Tuftonboro NH

Page created by Jared Conner
Vol XXIV, No. 2                    A Quarterly Newsletter Published by the Tuftonboro Association                                                            Spring 2022

 Town meeting rejects extra funding for police station;
 turns down article for a baler needed to recycle paper
January of this year found the Board of Selectmen
deep into the budget season and working on warrant
      Meetings with the construction manager for
the new police facility revealed the need for another
$468,000 to complete construction. Consequently, a
warrant article was drafted. Other articles included, but
were not limited to, $287,500 for the refurbishment of
Union Wharf, $25,000 to purchase a baler and storage
trailer for recycling paper, a new paving article,
“Neighborhood Roads,” to be used specifically for
roads with no outlets, and an expendable trust fund
of $80,000 to facilitate the purchase of a new police
cruiser or repairs to existing vehicles if a new one is
unavailable.                                                  The Tuftonboro Transfer Station on Sargent Way will be unable implement the
      Victor Drouin of The Friends of Pop Whalen              article passed by voters in 2021 to recycle mixed paper.
Arena came in to ask if the town would be interested
in contributing to the rehab of the Pop Whalen facility.      school for the town election and town meeting. As             point the selectboard is exploring every avenue to
As the town warrant had already been sent to the New          many know, masking was the sticking point. Fortune            get the police facility built with the existing funds
Hampshire Department of Revenue, the board asked              favored us, and the school district lifted its restrictions   including grants of which it was recently made aware.
him to come in at the start of the next budget season.        allowing everything to go on normally.                             Last, but certainly not least, we welcome newly
      The board worked with the Conservation                       The town received word very late from the state          elected Bob Murray to the selectboard. Bob should be
Commission to purchase land to add to the Great               that town properties were under-valued. This required         an invaluable asset to our town.
Meadow project, as approved by town meeting last              an amendment from the floor at town meeting to                                     Tuftonboro Board of Selectmen
May. This should take place soon as the legal obstacles       facilitate a total reassessment.                                                             Chip Albee, Chairman
have been cleared.                                                 The baler/trailer article to facilitate paper                                                        Guy Pike
      The board met several times with Moderator              recycling and the additional funding for the police                                                    Bob Murray
Dan Barnard concerning the use of the elementary              facility failed to pass at Town Meeting. Also at this

Transfer Station supervisor offers recycling suggestions
Welcome back to spring, frost heaves, maple syrup,            any material out of the municipal solid waste stream.         of materials, free of charge. Specific locations will be
daylight savings, and black flies.                                 Island Day will be July 15 and will be at 19 Mile        published as the dates get closer.
     The majority at town meeting spoke on March              Bay. The hours of operation will be from 8:00 a.m.                 National Drug Take-back Day will be held this
9 and voted to not recycle paper this year. This              until 12:00 p.m. This collection is for island residents      year at the Transfer Station on April 30 from 10:00
doesn’t mean that residents and businesses cannot             with bulky items, construction debris, appliances,            a.m. until 2:00 p.m.The Tuftonboro Police Department
recycle more on their own. Things like egg cartons            mattresses, and the like.                                     will be on site to assuist.
and newspaper make great packing material. This is a               Hazardous waste collection will be held this                                                  Christopher Ruel
good way to re-use these items and not just throw them        year at various locations on July 30 and August 6,                                      Transfer Station Supervisor
in the land fill. We at the transfer station appreciate the   from 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. On those two dates
continued efforts of our residents to recycle and pull        Tuftonboro residents can dispose of up to 10 gallons
Police advise National Drug Take-back Day is April 30
A couple of things are coming up this spring. The            •     Dog owners 65 or older, for the first dog only     year-round in Wolfeboro and Moultonborough.
first is a reminder that New Hampshire law requires                - $2.50                                                 Remember we all must share the roads and safety
all dogs to be licensed by April 30. To get a license,            Please plan accordingly as penalties and fines      is the responsibility of everyone. There are laws
the dog’s owner must produce a valid rabies certificate      will accrue if deadlines are missed.                     that apply to vehicles, motorcyclists, bicyclist, and
for the dog and, if applicable, a spaying/neutering               The Tuftonboro Police Department will               pedestrians. The police wish everyone a safe spring
certificate. Annual license fees are:                        participate in National Prescription Drug Takeback       and summer.
•      Spayed or neutered dogs or puppies three to           Day at the Tuftonboro Transfer Station on April 30,                                 Chief Andrew Shagoury
       seven months old - $7.00                              2022, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Needles or                              Tuftonboro Police Department
•      Male or female dogs - NOT neutered or spayed          aerosols cannot be accepted. If unable to make the
       - $10.00                                              local event, there are drug takeback boxes available

Fire and Rescue Department urges water safety for all
Hopefully, by the time you are reading this, Tuftonboro
will be enjoying the warmth of spring. With the shift
in climate, it seems that seasons are blurring together.
This past winter saw temperatures in the 50s one day
and in the teens the next. With that roller coaster, the
region saw more ice buildup and less snowpack. This
made navigation around the yard a real challenge, and
the area roads took a beating with the rain and cold
temps. The frost heaves and a few of the potholes had
their own zip code!
      It’s important for drivers to “slow your roll” and
drive with caution. Frost heaves and potholes are way
of life here and are part of the normal cycle of life like
the black flies and mud. Not only are these hard on
your vehicle, but when you suddenly avoid a hazard
and jump into the other lane, the oncoming driver may        Tuftonboro Fire Rescue Boat 1 getting under way. “The pride of the Fleet”. Boat 1
not be expecting it and might be a little surprised.         is the largest of three boats the department uses to access area lakes and ponds.
      The area has seen a large influx of new people.        family or a friend.                                      average of over 800 children under the age of 15
I would like to welcome them all to the area. Please                                  Swimmers!                       drown each year. Thousands of others are treated
learn the surroundings and heed the road signs that               Most drowning victims had no intention of being in hospitals for submersion accidents. These are
alert you to the speed limit and the need to stop at         in water, and most people drown within 10-30 feet of accidents which leave children with permanent brain
intersections. The Fire and Rescue Department has            safety. It is important that you and your family learn damage and respiratory health problems.
seen numerous accidents when people failed to stop at        to swim. Never rely on toys such as inner tubes and           Remember, it only takes a few seconds for a
stop signs or did not yield to oncoming traffic.             water wings to stay afloat. Don’t take chances by small child to wander away. Children have a natural
      Also, it would be a good idea to drive around          overestimating your swimming skills.                     curiosity and attraction to water.
our beautiful community to learn the side roads in                Swim only in designated swimming areas. Never                         Alcohol- The Fun Killer?
the event the road you normally drive is closed for          swim alone.                                                   It’s a fact; alcohol and water do not mix! More
an accident or storm event. It will save you time                 According to the Center for Disease Control, than half of all the people that are injured in a boating
and aggravation if you need to detour to get to your         each year over 3,400 people drown in the United accident had consumed alcohol prior to their accident.
destination.                                                 States. Drowning is the second leading cause of Twenty percent of them don’t live to talk about it.
      The area lakes and ponds are opening and look          accidental deaths for persons 1-14 years of age and Being intoxicated is not necessary for alcohol to be
very inviting for boating, but the water is very cold.       the sixth leading cause for all ages. What is surprising a threat to your safety. Just one beer will impair your
If you suddenly fall in, the shock may render you            is that two-thirds of the people who drown never had balance, vision, judgment, and reaction time.
helpless. The following are a few water safety tips for      any intention of being in the water.                          Research shows that four hours of boating,
the upcoming boating season:                                                            Divers!                       with its exposure to noise, vibration, sun, glare, and
                           Boaters!                                Never dive into lakes and rivers...the results wind produces fatigue that makes you act as if you
      Take a safe boating course. Check your boat for        can be tragic. Every year, diving accidents result in were legally intoxicated. If you combine alcohol
all required safety equipment. DON’T OVERLOAD                thousands of people suffering paralyzing spinal cord consumption with this boating fatigue condition,
THE BOAT! If you will be in a power boat, check              injuries, and many of them die before they reach the it intensifies the effects of both and increases your
your electrical system and fuel system for gas               hospital. Hidden dangers lurk beneath the surface of accident risk.
fumes. Follow manufacturers’ suggested procedures            the water, even in shallow water, including currents,         So, don’t include alcohol in your outing if you’re
BEFORE starting up the engine. Wear your life jacket         rocks, and debris.                                       planning to have fun in, on, or near the water.
– don’t just carry one on board.
                                                                            Watch Small Children!                     Continued on page 10
      Leave alcohol behind. Check the weather
                                                                 Center for Disease Control statistics show an
forecast. File a float plan with a member of your
Spring brings renewal and the Great Meadow awakens
Most of the Great Meadow lies dormant over the winter       and the wetlands, with limitless water supply and full         any of this activity if you had a good vantage point
waiting for spring, and, at last, spring is arriving. The   sunlight, do it quicker than anywhere else.                    and could sit quietly and wait. A good vantage point is
year-round residents such as deer, squirrels, brook              Deer and bear will nibble at emerging growth              what the Conservation Commission intends to provide
trout, and voles have used up their fat reserves and        along the meadow’s edge. Deer prefer the young buds            as the next phase of the Great Meadow Trail. The trail
have had ever-decreasing food choices during the            of shrubs and trees while the bear consume the shoots          currently provides easy access with board walks and
winter. Others such as black bears, chipmunks, turtles,     of grass and sedge. Bear also dine on the tender new           bridges to a great location on the edge of the meadow.
snakes, frogs, and newts have hibernated in special         shoots of skunk cabbage, which emerge earlier than             Construction of an observation platform will begin in
places waiting for better conditions. Also, the migrants    other plants. It is named for the odor it gives off if you     late spring. It will be something like the observation
who moved south for the winter are beginning to             break its leaves, but early in the spring it is tasty. Frogs   platform at Copps Pond only higher and with more
return. The Great Meadow will have something for all        and salamanders wake up with their food reserves               capacity.
of them as spring blossoms.                                 intact, immediately head for the water, and begin to                If you would like to help with the construction,
     The days are longer and the sun, in a higher           mate. They provide a ready source of food to herons,           you can call and leave a message at 569- 4539, x24 or
position, provides the power for nature to reset itself     racoons, snakes, and fish. As spring progresses,               send an e-mail to You
for another productive year. The power of light and         insects hatch from eggs or emerge from the water or            can also make a financial donation to help with the
the green of chlorophyll in plant cells begin to process    awaken from winter sleep to pollinate flowers and              cost of materials through the Tuftonboro Association.,
water and carbon dioxide into sugars while releasing        feed songbirds returning from the south.                       publisher of the Tuftonboro Times, at P.O. Box 121,
oxygen, and the sugars feed everyone. Photosynthesis             Bald eagles soar over the meadow looking for fish         Melvin Village, NH 03850. Be sure and note that your
is said to be the greatest consumer of carbon in the        in the Melvin River or they may take a duck who was            donation is for the Great Meadow project.
world. All around the meadow tender green shoots and        resting on its way north. Beaver ply the river looking                               Steve Wingate, Vice-Chairman
swelling buds feed the entire base of the ecosystem,        for new territory to flood and occupy. You might see                         Tuftonboro Conservation Commission

A Connecticut Yankee visits King Hunter’s sap house
Hunter’s Sap House in Tuftonboro on route 171               continues until the sap collector is full. A sap collecting    above the top level, the syrup is too dense, and it must
reached a 100-year-old milestone in 2022. Brad              run usually takes about one to one and a half hours,           be thinned with slightly less dense syrup. A line too
Swain had always wanted to experience the whole             and three to four runs can be done in a day. It takes          low means that the batch must be thickened.
maple syrup making process and asked Jackie Hunter          sap runs over two to three days to collect from the            Continued on Page 10
Rollins if he could help this spring. When the timing       1,500 sap buckets. It’s important for all sap collectors
was right, Jackie called Brad and said, “Are you            to have boots on as the woods are snow covered and
ready?”. Of course, he was, and off to the sap house        muddy. Most everyone also wears gloves. During the
he went.                                                    sap runs in which Brad participated, Steve Hunter and
     Under the roof at the Hunter’s Sap House was the       Matt Rollins shared tractor driving duty. Additional
usual pile of pine slabs with which to heat the fire box    sap gatherers included Matt’s wife Amy, Asa Hunter
and the large sap evaporator. All was ready.                and sister Tamsen, Steve Johnson, Scott Bridges, and
     Jeff Hunter was there along with several other         several Hunter family grandchildren.
family members and friends. All the wood (about 20               When full, the sap collector is driven back to the
cords that would be needed for this year’s maple syrup      sap house where it is parked and unloaded into a sap
season) had been cut and stacked offsite during the         holding tank that feeds the sap evaporator.
previous summer. An initial sap gathering had already            It takes 40 gallons of sap to be boiled down
been done, and Jeff lit the first fire.                     into 1 gallon of pure maple syrup. That’s a lot of
     Jeff and brother Steve are the primary “maple          evaporating! The sap is boiled, and its temperature is
syrup makers,” but many members of the extended             monitored with a thermometer dipped into the bottom
Hunter family participate in various ways. Brother          of the evaporator. Water boils off at 212 degrees
Paul keeps the wood pile stocked for feeding the fire       Fahrenheit. Finished maple syrup boils at 219 degrees
box.                                                        Fahrenheit. There’s also a four- to five-inch-wide                     The Tuftonboro Times,
     The sap gathering process is very interesting.         stainless steel “shovel” with wooden handle that sits               the Voice of the Community,
About 1,500 sap gathering buckets had been hung on          in the evaporator. When the temperature is “about                       is published quarterly
sugar maple trees in early spring. A tractor hauls a        right,” the shovel is lifted from the evaporator, and the
                                                                                                                               by the Tuftonboro Association
platformed trailer containing a 10-barrel sap collector     boiling sap drips from it. When the sap eventually
(32.5 gallons per barrel) around the Hunter property        drips off in small sized sheets, referred to as an
where the sap buckets are hung. Usually, three to six       “apron”, the finished maple syrup is ready for drawing                  Editor: Dan Barnard
sap gatherers ride on the trailer, each with one or two     off into a strainer for final processing. The strainer                 Production: Phil Martin
five-gallon plastic pails, to gather the sap. The tractor   has 2 filter layers that are changed several times daily. 
periodically stops, everyone jumps off and proceeds              Before bottling, maple syrup must be density
                                                                                                                                         Printed by
to the sap buckets. The sap buckets are removed from        tested. A special hydrometer is inserted into a batch
the trees and dumped into the gathering pails before        of hot syrup. The hydrometer has a bulb with a red                       Great Bay Graphics
being rehung. When the gathering pails are full, they       line in it to indicate the correct density. The red line                   Rochester, NH
are dumped into the large sap collector. This process       must sit right at the top level of the syrup. If the line is
Selectmen begin exploring local broadband possibilites
Tuftonboro’s town leaders are beginning to think            passed by Congress a year ago a year ago, and more          towns. The Co-op board recently approved a project
about the best way to get every resident connected to       than another $100 million from the Infrastructure           to build a fiber network serving 16,500 members in
the world at 21st-century speeds.                           Investment and Jobs Act enacted last November. Both         32 Grafton County towns over the coming 18 months.
      The town’s three Selectmen signed a letter on         laws were passed with bipartisan support. The Sununu             “We’re planning our next projects beyond
March 28 to the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative          Administration will distribute the funds according to       Grafton County,” Dwyer said. “And certainly, we’ll
(NHEC), asking “to enter into discussion of a               federal guidelines.                                         take Tuftonboro’s interest into account.”
partnership…for the installation and operation of                According to Chip Albee the town will be asking             Albee said the selectboard knows Tuftonboro
broadband internet services.”                               the Co-op for an estimated cost of a fiber-optic            may not be at the top of the Co-op’s broadband
      Selectboard chairman Chip Albee says the next         network that will reach all Tuftonboro residents,           priority list. “We understand there’s a queue, but we’ll
step is “to have a meeting with the Co-op so they can       including those not now served by Spectrum, the             get in the queue and contribute whatever grant money
tell us what the process looks like and then to start the   cable brand of Charter Communications. Its service is       we get,” he said.
ball rolling to make an agreement.”                         not available in Canaan Valley, Hidden Valley, and the           “We’re not going to jump at the first deal,” Albee
      The idea is to partner with the Co-op in applying     town’s 17 islands.                                          added. “If we’ve waited this long, we can afford to
for newly available federal grants to build high-speed           Leo Dwyer of Sandwich, a Co-op board member            wait another year or two. My feeling is if we can just
internet networks in rural areas. The Selectmen’s letter    who leads New Hampshire Broadband (the utility’s            get in line, ultimately, we could get broadband for
notes that Tuftonboro “is almost exclusively served         new broadband subsidiary) welcomed Tuftonboro’s             everybody and some reasonable competition for the
by New Hampshire Electric Co-op for its electricity         overture.                                                   cable company.”
needs.”                                                          “We’re excited to hear about Tuftonboro’s                                                       Richard Knox
      New Hampshire is guaranteed to get $121               interest,” Dwyer said, adding that NH Broadband is                                     NH Broadband Advocates
million from the Federal American Rescue Plan Act,          “having conversations” with other Carroll County

Conservation Commission developing town forest plans
Recently, after the town acquired some forested             that permit forest management activities. All four          forest products is also an important tool in combating
properties around the Great Meadow, members of              properties have recreation trails. The forest plans         climate change. Carbon is the principal element in
the Planning Board asked if these properties could          identify the natural resources present and recommend        wood. When we make durable products out of wood
be managed to produce income to offset the loss of          forest or wildlife management practices possible in         and wood fiber, we sequester that carbon for many
taxes after the land was put into conservation. The         the future. These draft plans are available to the public   years and the replacement trees that grow in the space
Conservation Commission replied that the previous           for review at the town website. Just go to Boards and       of the harvested tree, take carbon from the atmosphere,
landowner of these lots had harvested most of the           Committees, select Conservation Commission, and             and lock it up in the wood structure. When wood is
trees prior to the sale of the land to the town and that    look for the plans under “Additional Links.”                burned for heat and energy, carbon is released back to
there was little opportunity to harvest forest products           The Conservation Commission will offer a field        the atmosphere but in the end, this is balanced by new
in the foreseeable future.                                  review of each plan later this spring. The forester will    forest growth, taking that carbon back and storing it
     There are, however, other management activities        conduct a tour of each area, describe the management        in the new, fast-growing trees. If managed properly,
that could be applied to foster future forests, wildlife    activities he recommends, and answer questions.             wood is a renewable resource unlike gas, oil and coal
habitat improvement and recreation opportunities.           The tour is primarily for the Selectmen who would           that take millions of years to reform and when burned,
There are also other forested town properties that may      be deciding if and when these plans would be                leave their byproducts (pollution) in the atmosphere
have viable timber management opportunities. The            implemented, plus the Conservation Commission,              causing a list of problems including climate change.
commission said that it hoped to develop forest plans       Planning Board, and the Recreation Committee.                     Not every forest property needs to be managed
for these properties in the future but had not had the      However, abutting landowners and interested citizens        for timber products. Sometimes special places are
time or funds required to get started.                      are also encouraged to attend. Dates, times, and            more valuable for other purposes like our scenic
     Matt Young, Chairman of the Planning Board,            meeting locations will be announced on the town web         national parks or unique environments for rare and
offered to donate the needed funds to get the ball          site and through a press release.                           endangered wildlife. Forest management can also be
rolling. The Conservation Commission, acting for the              Good forest plans provide long-range strategies       modified to benefit wildlife or recreational interests.
Selectmen, contracted with NH Licensed Forester, Dan        to accomplish goals sustainably. Goals can range            All these principles are considered and a part of a well
Stepanauskas, to complete forest plans for four town        from revenue from the harvest of forest products, to        written forest plan.
properties that have timber management potential.           developing and maintaining habitats for wildlife, to              If you find this subject interesting, try to attend
These include 150 acres lying between the Great             improve and or enhance recreation opportunities, to         the field tours this spring. A lot of the information will
Meadow and the transfer station, 45 acres opposite          protect endangered species, and to control invasive         have educational value and the consideration of other
Twenty Mile Bay and the base of the Chandler Trail,         species. The plan is kind of a blueprint for the future     ideas can always strengthen the worth of a well-made
about 30 acres behind the parking area opposite the         with written guidelines. A good plan is also flexible       plan.
town beach, and about 70 acres of the “Gould Lot”           and can be adjusted to meet the objectives of the                                  Steve Wingate, Vice-Chairman
behind the fire station and the picnic area. The first      owners, or in our case, the citizens of the town.                          Tuftonboro Conservation Commission
three properties are under conservation easements                 Forest management for the sustained yield of

Update on the rebuilding of the farm at 70 Middle Road
Avery and I want to let the residents of Tuftonboro         the ell. Currently there is no basement or crawl space.
know about our future renovation plans at 70 Middle               We will be adding heat and plumbing to the ell, a
Road, the old Cheney Farm, that will be happening this      kitchen, and bathrooms.
spring into summer. We spent many hours designing                 Currently the entire second floor of the ell is
plans over the winter for renovating the farmhouse          unfinished attic. We are planning to finish that space
and connected ell. The plans have been presented            and add a bathroom and studio. The existing post
and approved by the Tuftonboro Selectmen, and the           and beam construction is not sufficient to support a
Tuftonboro Conservation Commission as specified by          modern build out.
the Conservation Easement by which we are bound.                  After we met with Jack Parsons, the Building
       As most of the town knows, we have been              Inspector, we discussed different ways to deal with           Avery and Elizabeth Woodworth have
working on repairing the 1790 post and beam barn at         the repair of the barn gable end, failing support of the      embarked on a multi-year project to
the farm for the last two years as of May 1. We are         ell, and how to best tackle it all in conjunction with        restore their property at 70 Middle
at the point where to complete the renovation of the        our future building plans. Because of current building        Road, a.k.a. the Cheney Farm.
barn we need to address the north gable end frame.          codes, along with ease and cost of renovation, we
                                                                                                                         framing. In places the porch has pulled away from
Because of the unique building style of the farmhouse       concluded the best way forward would be to ask
                                                                                                                         the house due to water damage. The porch floor needs
being connected to the barn, years of moisture has          the town to allow us to demolish the current ell and
                                                                                                                         to be replaced. Rotted trim will be replicated and
caused a large amount of rot to the north-facing gable      rebuild it in the same footprint and dimensions as
                                                                                                                         replaced. When finished, the porch will be visually the
end of the barn’s post and beam frame. (The word            before. The existing old wooden windows will be
                                                                                                                         same as before, just repaired, repainted, and reroofed
ell is a term used for the smaller additions built to       used in the new structure . Where there are vinyl
                                                                                                                         with a standing-seam metal roof.
the main house that often also connected the house          replacement windows currently, we will replace those
                                                                                                                              This coming phase of renovations is large and
to a barn). Until this point, we have been able to do       with historically appropriate windows matching the
                                                                                                                         time consuming. We continue to work on the farm
extensive repairs to the frame throughout the rest of       original windows. The siding will be cedar, pre-
                                                                                                                         in all our available free time. Mostly it is just Avery
the barn. However, due to the location of the corner        primed and painted clapboards. As we make progress
                                                                                                                         and I doing it all; occasionally we are gratefully joined
post and gable rafter of the barn’s gable end, which is     rebuilding the farm, we will be reroofing all the
                                                                                                                         by various family members who help. We love doing
attached to the house ell‘s frame, we can’t get to the      buildings with standing-seam metal roofing.
                                                                                                                         the work but recognize the enormity of the job being
rot to do repairs.                                                We will also be adding two A-line dormers to the
                                                                                                                         completed by just a few middle-aged people may not
     After much thought, discussions, and calculations,     ell roof facing south. That will allow us to better use
                                                                                                                         be attainable. This next phase hopefully will include
we have determined the best route forward would be          the space in the attic of the ell at the same time keeping
                                                                                                                         a few more professional people being involved,
to separate the ell from the barn to make the barn          with a traditional farmhouse look. Many older houses
                                                                                                                         but, with the scarcity of contractors the work is not
gable end repairs. At the same time, we need to also        added dormers in their second-floor attics as available
                                                                                                                         guaranteed to move in a fast way. Be assured no
repair the ell. For the ell to be renovated the following   spaces were adapted to accommodate larger families
                                                                                                                         matter what you see from the road, we are making
issues had to be thought through.                           and changing needs as time went on. We too are
                                                                                                                         progress, slowly but surely. You can be confident that
     There is only a 12-foot section of rock foundation     designing our restoration to make the most of the
                                                                                                                         the future farm will be an even lovelier sight than the
of the total 36-foot length under the ell. That has         space we have all without changing the historic look
                                                                                                                         beauty it is right now!
caused the ell to sag significantly and the floor joists    of the house.
                                                                                                                                              Elizabeth Woodworth, Co-owner
to rot.                                                           On the main house we need to repair the porch
                                                                                                                                   70 Middle Road (a.k.a. the Cheney Farm)
     We would like to build a full foundation under         structure. We will be taking off the old metal roof
the ell to house the different systems needed to service    and making any needed repairs to the wooden roof

Abenaki Tower prepares for 100th birthday celebration
                                                    Tuftonboro, across from Wawbeek Road?                                stories, anecdotes, and photos about the Abenaki
                                                         In preparation for this event, the Abenakai                     Tower and memorable events or experiences
                                                    Tower and Trail Association (AT&T), the non-profit                   (marriages, wildlife sightings, etc.) that occurred on
                                                    association that cares for the tower, is busy with a                 the Tower grounds over the generations. Do you have
                                                    several projects:                                                    such a story? Please share it with the Association.
                                                         An application has been made to the New                              To contact the AT&T and share your ideas,
                                                    Hampshire Division of Historical Resources for an                    volunteer to help plan centennial activities, or donate
                                                    historic roadside marker--one of those green signs                   to the Abenaki Tower rebuild fund, please visit the
                                                    located at points of interest through out the state. It              website: You can reach our
                                                    will be a fitting acknowledgement of this local site and             event coordinator Karen Burnett-Kurie by emailing
                                                    the indigenous Abenaki people.                                       to her at: There are
                                                         Summer activities are being planned in                          plenty of opportunities to get involved with this nearly
 Aerial view of 100-year-old Abenaki                conjunction with Tuftonboro’s Old Home Days                          100-year-old association. The mailing address is
 Tower, Melvin Bay and the Ossipees.                celebration. The Association is seeking ideas and help               P.O. Box 222, Melvin Village, NH 03850.
                                                    from the community to make the 100th Anniversary of                                            Gary D. Burnett, Secretary
 Did you know that 2024 marks the 100th anniversary the tower a truly memorable one.                                                   Abenaki Tower and Trail Association
 of the Abenaki Tower, located on route 109 in           Toward that end, the Association is seeking

National programs researching bumble bee pollinators
You may have heard about a serious decline in the         find it here:          and the east coast to West Virginia. Other states may
native pollinator and honeybee populations. The           Turn-Bees-39358062.                                       be included in the survey, but the results from the
following is an excerpt from an article by Diana               There are several projects underway to help          primary area will be totaled first.
Carpinone and Fawn Gaudet in the Concord Monitor,         identify pollinator populations. Two projects are               Individuals who would like to get involved in the
3/14/2021                                                 trying to collect data on bumble bees:                    “Ask a Bumble Bee” program should email Jenan at
     New Hampshire is a beautiful state and as                 Bumble Bee Watch: This is a national program She will sign you up
residents we are incredibly blessed to live here and      that includes information about bumble bees and           and answer any detailed questions.
have the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty that     provide ways in which you can record data on your               When do things start? Once the first bumble
attracts tourists and supports our economy.               encounters with bumble bees.                              bee appears, of course. Of particular interest is what
     Despite the bucolic appearance of our landscape,          Ask a Bumble Bee: This project is created and        flowers the emerging queens use. The poor things have
upon close investigation we find an ecosystem in          run by Sam Droege and Jenan El-Hifnawi with the US        been sitting underground all winter and are vulnerable
trouble. New Hampshire’s biodiversity is threatened       Geological Survey/Fish and Wildlife Service Native        to starvation if there are no plants on which to feed.
by a variety of factors including habitat loss, climate   Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab.                         No queens mean no bumble bees. So, it is important
change, pollution, invasive species, and harmful               The “Ask a Bumble Bee” program is requesting         to figure out what good queen food is.
pesticides.                                               help in surveying Bumble Bees and their habitats this           There are four documents for the Ask a Bumble
     New Hampshire’s native pollinators and domestic      summer in the Northeast. It has developed a simple        Bee project which will be available for download
honeybees are responsible for one in three bites          Plant/Bumble Bee Survey that permits anyone to            on the Tuftonboro Agricultural Commission (TAC)
of food that we eat. University of New Hampshire          survey what plants bumble bees use anywhere there         webpage (
scientists have found a drastic decline in three of       are bumble bees. The goal is to quantify which plants     commission). Printed versions will be available in the
our native bumble bees and a significant decline in a     bumble bees use, rank them by that use, and identify      town office. They are:
fourth type of bumble bee. Of those, the rusty patched    which ones they don’t use.                                •      Instructions on How to do a Bumble Bee/
bumble bee is thought to be locally extinct. The Bee           To participate, one doesn’t need to be able to              Carpenter Bee Floral Survey
Informed Partnership reports 2019/20 total winter all     identify bumble bee species. Only a cellphone is          •      Form to be used if you can identify bumble bee
colony losses of 47.73% in New Hampshire, higher          needed (for taking pictures of plants), and a pencil             species
than our neighboring states of Vermont, Maine,            and paper. Any location where bumble bees occur           •      Form to be used if you cannot identify bumble
and Massachusetts and the second highest losses of        can be surveyed. Gardens, arboretums, parks,                     bee species
all states surveyed. Summer losses reached record         plantings, natural areas, refuges, urban, suburban,       •      Maya’s Bumble Bee Survey: a short story,
highs nationwide in 2020. Various environmental           farm, wilderness, roadsides, and weedy patches are all           diagram, and field sheet
stressors affect pollinators, including disease and       places the program would like to survey. A richer plant         Hopefully you’ll find time to take some walks
parasites. Exposure to pesticides like the widely used    diversity means more plants are competing for bumble      this year and participate in one or both studies.
neonicotinoid class, causes both lethal and sub-lethal    bees, and the bee’s preferences will become clearer.                                          Sue Wingate, Chair
effects, and makes bees more vulnerable to parasites      One site can be surveyed repeatedly throughout the                        Tuftonboro Agricultural Commission
and disease.                                              year.
     If you wish to read the complete article, you can         The target regions are the New England states

Library again offering passes to patrons for local events
Spring is here. A season of rebirth and renewal. An       the Clouds, the Libby Museum, the NH Boat Museum,         to identifying the local flora and fauna, rocks and
opportunity for fresh starts and new beginnings. Time     Squam Lakes Science Center, and the Wright museum         minerals, and stars in the night sky. The Orion
to put the winter gear away, and haul out the toys!       - offer the user free or discounted admission and are     StarBlast 4.5” reflector telescope is still available to
     And here at the Tuftonboro Free Library, that is     available on a first come, first served basis. Call the   borrow, and now - thanks to the generosity of the
the literal truth. The snowshoes may be heading back      library or visit our website for more information.        Friends of the Library - two new items are available
into storage, but the toys have returned to the play           Also back after an extended break is in-person       to take along on your next adventure: Binoculars
area. From puzzles, puppets, and robots, to magnets,      Storytime! This long-running program has finally          and metal detectors! These latest acquisitions are an
circuits, and gears. (And LEGOs… Lots and lots of         returned from the virtual world (it had been held via     exciting addition to the collection and offers patrons a
LEGOs!) All the toys that were unavailable this past      ZOOM) and resumed its regular day and time. Join us       fun and novel way to explore.
winter - and during the pandemic - have found their       Friday mornings at 10:30 a.m. for read aloud stories,          TWhank you Friends!
way back to the children’s area, and are waiting to be    simple crafts, and lots of fun! Friday Storytime will          And thank you to all our devoted readers who
enjoyed!                                                  continue until the Summer Reading Program (SRP)           visit the library. Not just in the spring, but all year
     But wait, that’s just the beginning…                 begins on Friday, June 24, and resume after Summer        round. Whether it is winter or summer, warm or cold.
     While the cross-country ski passes probably          Reading concludes on August 5. SRP programs               The library is always the perfect place to renew your
won’t get used again this season, there are four other    will also be in-person events, and feature live           love of reading…
passes now available that were unavailable during         entertainment and performers. Schedule TBA.                                                 Dennis R. Guilmette
the pandemic. Patrons can again visit the Canterbury           In keeping with the spirit of the season, renew                                           Library Director
Shaker Village, the Children’s Museum of New              your connection to nature by getting out and examining                                 Tuftonboro Free Library
Hampshire, the Currier Museum of Art, and the New         the world around us. Numerous guidebooks and field
Hampshire Historical Society. These passes - along        guides are available to borrow that will aid you in
with our other in-season favorites including Castle in    almost any outing, from hiking, biking, and camping,

Hikers contribute with many activities, but do not hike
When I meet someone and invite them to a Hikers           Hikers held Guest Night with Celtic music supplied
meeting, they often thank me and say, “I don’t hike.” I   by the Brian Hastings trio. It was an uplifting night
respond, “Neither do we”.                                 that had us tapping our feet, and we were able to fill
     The Hikers was started in the 1920s by a group       our sweet tooth with cake, ice cream, and homemade
of ladies that wanted to get together periodically.       chocolate sauce!
In those days, they hiked to each other’s home.                For the remainder of this year there are several
That group of caring ladies ministered to each other      community events planned, highlighted by our
and their families and other townsfolk. Today, the        Traditional Easter Breakfast. Please join us (after a
Hikers should be classified as a service organization,    two-year hiatus) at the Willing Workers Hall on Easter
providing various types of support to the local           Sunday April 17, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. for a
                                                                                                                      The Brian Hastings Trio performs
community. One of its primary goals is to support         full breakfast.
                                                                                                                      Celtic music at the Hikers’ guest night.
Tuftonboro students (and children of Hiker members)            In May the Hikers will welcome new members
with college scholarships.                                with a tea, followed in June by the Annual Business        members, and the group has reached out to the
     Hikers take pride in their fellowship and outreach   meeting.                                                   community at large. If you are interested in becoming
activities. They have ramped up their programs since           It has been a fruitful year for the Hikers. There     a Hiker, please contact Eileen Gil at (603) 318-9393.
“emerging” from COVID restrictions. In March the          have been varied and interesting programs for the                                          Eileen Gil, President
                                                                                                                                                                The Hikers

Historical Society upgrades museum, plans programs
Since last fall, Rick Drew has shingled the porch         Office. Greg will present the history of the building
roof at the Historical Society Museum building. This      and other early post offices and stores in New                 Weeks at (603) 520-0395 for more information.
spring Bubba’s Plumbing will be putting in a new          Hampshire. The program will begin at 7:00 p.m.                       Wednesday, July 27, will feature a program
water line from the well to the Museum, and Mike               Did you know that the current Hunter’s Sugar              by David Warren, whose hobby is Winnipesaukee
Haeger is going to build a shelter outside the building   House was built in 1922 by Ernest Hunter and is still          Steamboat History and Model Making. He will talk
for the water pump to get it out of the kitchen.          in use? It is currently being operated by the seventh          about the Steam Ship Mount Washington and World
     During this past winter, the Historical Society      generation of the Hunter family. And the eighth and            War II. The talk will focus on the calamities of the
organized cribbage every Tuesday evening at the           ninth generations are close by. A previous sap house           steam ship that occurred during World War II.
Tuftonboro Free Library from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.       was across the road (Route 171) in the field. There will             The Museum opens for the season on Saturday,
Open to all. There were new players from Tuftonboro       be a “show and tell” and history of those 100 years            July 2, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The summer
and Wolfeboro with about 18 participants--an average      on Wednesday June 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the Historical            hours are Wednesday and Friday from 2:00 p.m. to
of 10 to 12 per week. The program is still at the         Society Museum.                                                4:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
library, but beginning July 12, cribbage will be in the        On June 25 there will be a “Market/Barn Sale”             It is time for people to visit so they don’t have to say,
barn at the Museum.                                       in the barn from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tables                “I have never been inside.” The Museum is FREE!
     This season’s programs will start on Wednesday,      can be rented to sell your wares, whether antiques,                                          Jackie Rollins, President
May 25, at the Museum with a talk by Greg Heppe,          crafts, food, or collectibles. The society also accepts                                Tuftonboro Historical Society
former owner of the Tuftonboro Center Store and Post      donations to help with fund raising. Contact Sue

Country, Bluegrass, and Gospel Jam returns on May 3
                                                          After more than a two-year hiatus, the Tuftonboro          fans of country, bluegrass, and gospel music. There
                                                          Country, Bluegrass, and Gospel Jam will resume the         is no admission charge, but a $2 minimum donation is
                                                          weekly old-fashion jam session at the historic Old         requested. To ensure everyone’s health and safety all
                                                          White Church of Center Tuftonboro. Jam sessions            in attendance should be fully vaccinated for Covid 19
                                                          will resume Tuesday, May 3 and continue through the        or wear a mask.
                                                          month of December.                                              The Old White Church is located on Route 109A,
                                                               Musicians and listeners will gather every             just across from the Tuftonboro General Store. Along
                                                          Tuesday, evening from 6:30 until 9:30 pm. to play,         with music, cookies, coffee, and cold drinks will be
Foot stomping is back in style at the old                 sing, and share their music with others. The jam           available. Everyone is invited to enjoy the fun!
white church in Center Tuftonboro.                        sessions are open to instrumentalists, singers, and                                                Joe W. Ewing

Tuftonboro Grange resumes monthly meeting schedule
Tuftonboro Grange is coming out of its winter hiatus.     public is welcome at the Potluck Suppers at 5:00 p.m.,     Morrissey’s Porch & Pub. A good time was had by all.
It is planning for two penny sales this year (July 23     followed by the meeting at 6:00 PM.                            Please contact Joy Perkins, Secretary (603-569-
and October 22). The meetings are open to the public           In September, there will be a “Mystery Ride”.         1887) or Florence Perkins, Master (603-569-2041) for
and are on the 2nd Friday of the months of May, June,     Come and join for surprises and good fun. Last             more information.
July, September, and October. The Grange meets at         September members took a ride on Molly Trolley,                                         Joy Perkins, Secretary
the Tuftonboro Grange Hall, 157 Middle Road.The           learning about the history of the area. Lunch was at                                  Tuftonboro Grange #142

Dennis Zilembo releases Parks & Rec spring programs
The Tuftonboro Parks & Recreation Commission is           July 14—Brian Hastings and Sky Road; July 21—              set up at Davis Field in Tuftonboro, the Parks &
now accepting registration for the Spring Cornhole        The Big Picture Band featuring Terrie Collins; July        Recreation Commission will have open volleyball
League that begins on May 10, 2022. The league            28—Rick & the Giants; August 4—The Echotones;              sessions every Wednesday night beginning June 1,
takes place every Tuesday evening at 6:00 PM at 19        August 11—The Carolyn Ramsay Band; August                  2022, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The program is free
Mile Beach in Tuftonboro. There will be six weeks         18—The Raging Rockaholics; and August 25—Idol              to all adults and high school students. The goal is to
of regular season matches and two weeks of playoffs.      Hands. Patrons are urged to bring their own chairs or      progress into a league format. For more information,
Teams must decide in which division to participate.       blankets and to enjoy the sunset, the beach, the great     contact Dennis Zilembo at parksandrec@tuftonboro.
Division A is for the more experienced players, and       food from concessions, and of course the great music!      org or call the Town Offices at (603) 569-4539 x25.
Division B for beginners! The cost of the team entry            “Paws in the Park” Dog Festival will take place                           HELP WANTED!
is $50. Teams are made up of two players, and to          in Tuftonboro on Saturday, June 25, 2022, from 10:00            The call is out from the Parks and Recreation
register, teams must email parksandrec@tuftonboro.        a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at Davis Field in Tuftonboro.         Office to hire a person to help with the daily clean-up
org and list a team name, players’ names, with their      The event is being run by the Tuftonboro Parks &           of 19 Mile Beach. In conjunction with our Parks &
cell phone numbers and email addresses. The league        Recreation Commission, along with the Buddies, and         Recreation Director, the person who is hired will work
is limited, so early sign up is encouraged.               Live and Let Live Farm rescue. The event will include      a flexible schedule to ensure the safety and cleanup of
      The Tuftonboro Parks & Recreation Commission        many vendors with dog related items, music, raffles,       the beach area. The job would be perfect for a local
has released the schedule of concerts to be held this     food trucks and dog demonstrations. The admission          retiree who could provide a great service to the Town
Summer at 19 Mile Beach in Tuftonboro. All concerts       is $5.00 for adults with children 12 and under for free.   and make a salary also. Contact Dennis Zilembo,
are free to everyone and take place every Thursday             Businesses or people interested in becoming a         Director at or call the
evening from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. beginning July        vendor are asked to contact Dennis Zilembo, Parks &        Town Offices at (603) 569-4539 x25.
7 and ending on August 25. Because of the increased       Recreation Director at                                      Dennis Zilembo, Director
attendance and popularity, the program now has            or call the Town Offices at 603-569-4539 Extension                Tuftonboro Parks & Recreation Commission
expanded from six concerts to eight. The following        25.
are the scheduled concerts: July 7—Granite Planet;             With the addition of a professional volleyball

Health benefits of woods and water hailed by doctors
                                                          have borrowed the concept of “green mind” created          nature allowing workers to leave their work stations
                                                          in forests from something coined by marine biologist       and go for replenishing walks. As an excellent
                                                          Wallace Nichols, in his study of “blue mind.” Blue         antidote to excessive screen time, children can benefit
                                                          mind describes the mildly meditative experience we         enormously from time in nature. One prominent 2019
                                                          have when near, in, on, or under water. Our aquatic        study suggests 120 minutes a week in nature is the
                                                          origins create a deep connection biologically, and         minimum amount of time for a health boost. A 2021
                                                          science indicates merely hearing or seeing a body          Wall Street Journal article touts time in nature as the
                                                          of water increases blood flow to the brain, inducing       new 10,000 steps for better health.
Mt. Shaw looks out over Mirror Lake.                      relaxation. This pleasurable flood of neurochemicals            With spring here and summer on the horizon,
                                                          begins whenever we are near water; increases when          we have the perfect opportunity to walk in the
Doctors’ orders are moving from “take two aspirin         we are on water; and is greatest when we are in water.     woods along Mirror Lake, stroll at Great Meadows,
and call me in the morning” to “take a long walk in            Those who visit or live on Mirror Lake can attest     and wander other lovely areas in Tuftonboro. “Park
the woods.” Decades of research make it abundantly        to this powerful experience if one takes a moment to       Prescription Day,” an international event, is April
clear that time spent in nature, especially near water,   notice what is happening as we get closer to the lake,     26, 2022. The National Parks System is encouraging
has tremendous health benefits. As Americans are          step onto a kayak, canoe, or boat. And the feeling         everyone to get out into nature and is offering free
known to spend 87% of their time indoors with             becomes strongest when immersed during a swim.             passes to US National Parks on that day. The day can
an additional 6% in vehicles, a mere 7% of time is             Physicians are taking nature therapy seriously        be celebrated in Tuftonboro (and on Mirror Lake!)
typically spent outdoors. But scientists can now prove    and are interested in the effects of blue mind and         more easily than in many urban areas. For best results,
that time spent outdoors is an effective treatment        green mind. Some doctors are writing prescriptions         put your phone away; block interruptions; forget your
for high blood pressure, fast heart rate, low immune      for walks and exposure to nature as part of “Park Rx       to-do list; clear your mind; and simply enjoy your
defense, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and        America.” The government in the United Kingdom has         surroundings. If you want to make the walk even more
some psychiatric conditions. Time in nature releases      invested $5.2 million in a pilot encouraging doctors to    beneficial, look at books such as Amos Clifford’s
feel-good hormones. It’s time to get into the woods!      experiment with Green Prescriptions (orders to spend       Your Guide to Forest Bathing; Florence Williams’
     Forest bathing, known in Japan as shinrin-yoku,      time in nature walking, jogging, or gardening) as a        The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier,
dates to the 1980s as a mindfulness practice involving    way to improve physical and mental health.                 Healthier, and More Creative; or view any of the free
time spent among trees. Forest bathing does not                The relaxation response in nature causes the “rest    forest bathing guides online. But you don’t really need
actually involve removing clothing or jumping into        and digest” reaction, the opposite of “fight or flight.”   anything but yourself and a mere two hours per week
water, rather, it is an immersion of all senses in the    Nature prescriptions are recognized in Scandinavian        in the woods to gain benefits for your physical and
peaceful ambiance offered by trees, plants, bushes,       countries, Canada, and scattered European nations          mental well-being.
and wildlife.                                             as part of their health care systems. In fact, Canadian                          Kathleen Sciarappa, President
     Those promoting the benefits of time in nature       physicians have been writing prescriptions for time in                      Mirror Lake Protective Association
New owners at a historic general store and post office
Old General Stores that retain their original character                                                                   journey was ending. The two Dauphinais knew they
and operate in their community are very few. The                                                                          wanted to move further north, and Erin was ready for
Center Tuftonboro Store, circa 1822, stands out as                                                                        something new. Viola! They purchased the property
accomplishing this feat. It is the oldest continuously                                                                    from her parents, and Erin began the next phase of
operated General Store in NH.                                                                                             her life.
       Early in 2022, Erin Dauphinais and her husband                                                                           An interesting sidelight is that while in high
David bought the General Store property from her                                                                          school Erin was friends with the daughter of
parents, Greg and Teri Heppe. But first a bit of history.                                                                 former Tuftonboro Store owners, the Clements, and
       The 1790’s federal-style home with attached                                                                        sometimes visited overnight. Erin never dreamed that
barn and outbuildings was originally owned by                                                                             she and her family would once live in the same house.
Charles Pinkham. In 1822 he sold the property to                                                                          Sometimes, life comes full circle.
Daniel Pickering, who hired Deacon Leathers to                                                                                  New owners come with new ideas and changes
build a two-story store. This corner would now have            The Tuftonboro General Store at                            begin to happen. Two of the first changes were painting
two stores, a church, and a blacksmith shop. Most              Mackeral Corners.                                          all the buildings on the property one historical color.
villagers would get their news at the store, exchange          fishermen looking for licenses, hooks, and lines. And      The second change was a pellet stove instead of the
pleasantries, discuss events of the day and buy their          then the year tops off with returning “summer people”      wood stove. Erin has been working with the Postal
daily needs of staples, etc. Space was rented out to           and tourists into the fall.                                Department to keep the post office as a part of the
a shoe manufacturing business, employing about a                    When Greg and Teri bought the Center Tuftonboro       store. New red benches are on the porch. The penny
dozen people, on the second floor. The store still has         property in 1999 it was the house that intrigued           candy jars are back. The newest addition is a restored
a salesman’s sample that predates right and left shoes:        them. Built in the 1790s, it had all the character and     and enlarged old photo, possibly of Abel Haley, who
it fits either foot. In other times, the building housed a     originality that they wanted. The store was a bonus,       owned the store from 1841 to 1851.
public library, a boys’ club, and a public phone.              but one which they enjoyed operating. And they do                Do visit this historic landmark, meet Erin, and
       A Post Office is a natural fit for any general store,   have stories to tell - especially about the entry door     observe all the original artifacts plus original beams,
and in 1851 one was established, briefly as Mackerel           and latches. In Greg’s words, “To be a storekeeper you     flooring, and decorative working cash register. Of
Corner, and later as Center Tuftonboro. Mail arrived           need a bit of the bartender personality. A willingness     note is the kerosene pump that was attached to its tank
once or twice a week by train and horse and buggy.             to talk with anyone”. When the Heppes decided it           below the floor. You can still buy cheddar cheese from
With the advent of the automobile a gas pump was               was time to sell the property, they waited for the right   the wheel, enjoy a pickle from the barrel and sit on the
installed in front of the store. Penny candy was               buyer to come along. When that didn’t happen, they         porch and watch the world go by.
as popular then as it is now, and as essential as the          approached their children, Erin and her brother. But             Erin has put together a wonderful scrapbook that
40-pound round of cheddar cheese and the pickle                that was a no go. Then came Covid 19 and change            details the long history of the establishment, which
barrel.                                                        happened.                                                  is well worth browsing. And Erin certainly has the
       Store life still flows with the seasons: fall brings         Erin’s husband David worked from home during          “bartender personality” that her father described.
hunters requiring licenses and the weighing of deer            Covid. When it became apparent that he could work                                                 Joan Magrauth
(or a moose or a bear) along with “leaf peepers.”              from home effectively, they re-evaluated their lives.                                      A Former Shopkeeper
Winter brings skiers, and snowmobilers; spring brings          The timing was right as their children’s educational

Annual roadside cleanup day is scheduled for April 23
For the past 22 years, a significant number of                       Safety vests, for those who desire them, as well     throughout the year. It is also hoped that interested
volunteers from our community have participated                as trash bags will be available at the parking lot of      individuals will join in educating the public about the
in cleaning up our town roads. This activity is                the town office. This year, filled trash bags should       effect of littering on our society.
coordinated by the Tuftonboro Association and                  be taken directly to the Transfer Station. For those            Sign-up sheets are available in the lobby of the
supported by the Tuftonboro Board of Selectmen.                who find this inconvenient, bring the bags back to         Tuftonboro Town Offices. For those who took their
     This year the clean-up day will be on Saturday            the town office parking lot. The Association has           vests home last year, please bring them this year. If
April 23rd. By then all the “goodies’ that those who           been particularly pleased with the participation of        you have any questions, please call the town office at
don’t think (or don’t care) will be discoverable. The          individuals and families. Again, all who value the         (603) 569-4539.
work will start at 8:00 a.m. and continue until 12:00          natural beauty of the wonderful community in which                          Heather Brown, Project Coordinator
noon, although a section of the road chosen may take           we live are encouraged to participate.                                               The Tuftonboro Association
less than four hours to complete. If the weather is                  An opportunity to adopt a specified portion of one
poor, or a volunteer wishes to participate on a different      of our roads will be given to individuals and groups.
day, that is acceptable.                                       It is hoped that this commitment will be maintained

Saturday, July 9, is the Melvin Village Church Fair day
Melvin Village Community Church: “To provide the               welcomes all to join the congregation on Sunday            journey. Services are Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
best environment for young and old together to grow            mornings for an authentic gathering of young and old       or they may be viewed online at
and experience the richness and generosity of Christ.”         to experience and share in music, fellowship, and a        church-life. The church strives to not only serve the
     The Melvin Village Community Church                       positive, encouraging message to inspire their faith                             Continued on next page

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